
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Erwin Gane further errantly states...

There is not the slightest hint in the New Testament that the Sabbath was changed or abolished.

WRONG! Colossians 2:14,16-17 state quite the contrary... "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross... Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ." The Old Testament SABBATH was a CEREMONIAL LAW, which pictured Jesus Christ, in whom we rest for the salvation of our souls. This is evidenced by Hebrews 4:2-4, which state...

"For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works."

This passage of Scripture clearly evidences the fact that the Sabbath Day was only symbolic of a person's faith (i.e., solely resting) in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. Mankind attempted to work his way to Heaven through self-righteousness, but he utterly failed (Romans 3:19; James 2:10). This is represented by man working 6-days prior to the Sabbath Day. Today, Jesus is our Sabbath, i.e., He is the fulfillment of what the Sabbath Day symbolized.

Judy Byington #conspiracy #fundie operationdisclosureofficial.com

Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays:

April 21-26 to May 1 was a Satanic Holiday called Grand Climax Da Meur and Corpus De Baahl according to an Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays put together by professional therapists from childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused (SRA) clients.

Preparation for Grand Climax Da Meur and Corpus De Baahl holidays were celebrated by blood and sexual orgies, culminated with a human sacrifice of a female, age 1-25– the more innocent the better – followed by eating their flesh and drinking their Adrenochromed blood.

Be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled children and teens being forced to participate in the rape, torture and murder of themselves and other children.

Months in advance Satan worshippers planned for their holidays by kidnapping children and teens, while commonly perpetrators impregnated preteens and teens to produce their own victims. The babies, children and teens were starved, tortured and used in sex orgies in preparation for human sacrifice rites.

Please report suspected Satanic activities to your local law enforcement. Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments, cover your tracks by also contacting U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form and the Federal Human Trafficking Website: https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking/

The Great Delusion #fundie #conspiracy thegreatdelusion.com

The most substantial obstacle to unifying humanity is our long history of differences. Different races, religions, politics and philosophies. The first step in achieving the fallen angels’ agenda will be to remove the barriers that divide humanity by creating a new universal religion that rewrites theological history.

The goal of the fallen angels isn’t necessarily to be worshiped themselves, but rather to encourage people to love themselves more than God and others. Sin originated with Lucifer when he decided to love himself more than God. Selfishness (self-love) is the reason Lucifer was exiled from Heaven. This new universal religion will emphasize loving one’s self above everything else; the very definition of sin.
A being named Sananda will likely claim to be the Lord Jesus Christ himself. Sananda will partner with existing religious institutions like the Papacy (Antichrist) to help Christians cope with these shocking revelations and establish a new ecumenical body of believers.
Jews have been expecting their Messiah for thousands of years. When Jesus Christ was born in Israel to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament unfortunately most Jews did not recognize Jesus as the promised Messiah. As a result Jesus was killed by the Jews for allegedly speaking blasphemy against God. Modern-day Jews continue to expect a coming Savior. The fallen angel Sananda may also play a secondary role as the promised Jewish Messiah.
Atheism and Agnosticism
Many people today reject religion altogether because they view it as archaic and antiquated. However, atheists and agnostics are actually some of the most devout believers in the religion of science and observation. They only believe what they can see and prove. The appearance of extraterrestrials, their advanced technology and demonstrations of supernatural powers will illicit devotion and worship from even the supposedly “non-religious”.

judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, Alliance Defending Freedom, Erik Baptist #fundie #crackpot theguardian.com

[Columnist piece, Title: The right is stealthily working to remove Americans’ access to abortion medication]

This week a Republican-appointed federal judge weighed whether to grant an injunction that could remove mifepristone, the drug used in most American abortions, from the market nationwide. And the hearing almost happened in secret.

US district court judge Matthew Kacsmaryk had initially planned to keep Wednesday’s hearing in the case – in which a group of rightwing anti-abortion groups are suing the FDA to reverse its 20-year-old approval of mifepristone – quiet. In a conference call with lawyers for the anti-choice groups and the Department of Justice, Kacsmaryk asked attorneys not to disclose the existence of the hearing (“This is not a gag order,” he said repeatedly), and said that the event would only be made public late on Tuesday to minimize popular awareness.
[...] the federal judicial district has become a popular venue for rightwing litigation in part because Kacsmaryk, an exceptionally conservative jurist willing to publish poorly reasoned, policy-driven opinions, is the only federal judge there.
Lawyers from the Alliance Defending Freedom, the rightwing legal outfit that is representing the plaintiffs and which is designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, pursued this idea on Wednesday in court. “How many more women have to die?” attorney Erik Baptist asked.

Lauren Boebert #fundie #wingnut buzzloving.com

During a Sunday service, Boebert said, “The church is supposed to direct the government. The government is not supposed to direct the church. That is not how our Founding Fathers intended it.”

She continued:

“I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk that’s not in the Constitution. It was in a stinking letter, and it means nothing like what they say it does.”

@FutureFantasy #wingnut #fundie gettr.com

Dave Talks #785 - America Problem is not Guns. It is Liberalism.
I cover the lies, double standards, coverups, and crimes of the evil mind virus known as communism. My aim is to educate the people and build a movement to keep criminals out of power. MACA. Make America Christian Again. The elimination of communism is justice! Please watch the entire video. #nwo #Biden #trump

Minnesota Republican state Sen. Steve Drazkowski #elitist #mammon #fundie #conspiracy crooksandliars.com

Minnesota Republican state Sen. Steve Drazkowski is going viral, and he has some explaining to do. According to Sen. FuckMuppet, his state should not pass a bill to provide free school breakfast and lunch to children because he's never met any poors.

"I have yet to meet a person in Minnesota that is hungry," Drazkowski said before voting on the legislation. "I have yet to meet a person in Minnesota that says they don't have access to enough food to eat."

"Now, I should say that hunger is a relative term," added Drazkowski. "I had a cereal bar for breakfast. I guess I'm hungry now."

Ohhhhh. Well, there is poverty in Minnesota, and he should know that. It's not hard to Google. Or he could get in his car and drive around to see for himself.

Drazkowski called the bill "pure socialism," adding, "This is about the government dictating to kids what they're going to eat and how much they're going to eat."

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #wingnut #fundie dailystormer.name

[From "Shock: That Mopey Whore They Put in Charge of Italy has Tripled Migrant Arrivals"]

Every stupid cuckservative in America was celebrating this dumb whore taking over Italy. These worthless faggots and kikesuckers like Matt Walsh were saying this was a triumph for the global movement of post-Trump populism

They were ignoring the fact that this greaseball hound doggy was standing with the Ukraine like any stupid slut you’d meet gorging herself on 1,200 calorie sandwiches at Starbucks[…]
Conversely, I was like “the only thing you can trust a slut to do is give blowjobs to strangers and have sex with the blacks – if you think she’s going to save your country, you’re a gay retard”

Since she was elected, we haven’t heard much about her following her initial “honeymoon” era statements about cleaning up the streets

It turns out, migrant arrivals have TRIPLED under this bitch’s regime

Great job, retards


Italian authorities brought 1,650 predominantly African and Middle Eastern migrants ashore before dawn on Saturday[…]

The penalty is: when she sucks them off, she’s going to spit instead of swallow[…]
If Meloni is doing “stiff penalties” instead of stroking stiffies, she could really start by arresting people[…]
Yeah, she won’t put the smugglers in jail. She definitely won’t sink the boats. She won’t even arrest and deport the migrants, who are continuing an endless wave of killings[…]
We cannot have these women

They are utterly worthless

It is pure moronism, to claim to be “conservative” and then push feminism. Firstly, feminism is not “conservative.” Secondly, this simply does not work. Even if your sights are as low as stopping millions of Africans from pouring into your country, they cannot get this done[…]
We have to go back to Christianity. That is the only solution

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Three years ago, on March 16th of 2020, President Trump stood side by side with Anthony Fauci, and they announced that America would be locking down in order to stem the tide of the SARS-cov-2 coronavirus that had just been intentionally released from the Wuhan lab in China. They called it ’15 Days To Flatten The Curve’, today is day 1,092, and today on the Podcast we celebrate the clever antics of the New World Order who is still continuing the ‘advance work’ for the soon-coming 7-year kingdom of Antichrist. Today’s program is brought to you by Pfizer.

“And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:” 2 Thessalonians 2:8 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, for the past 1,092 days we have been exposing the deeds of darkness as the New World Order continues its slithering slide forward in the abyss. I’m sure it’s just a ‘wild coincidence’, but right now there appears to be a major banking collapse in the making as I am sure you have been reading the headlines all weekend long. It started in Silicon Valley and is now spreading around the world. Perfect timing for a New World Order celebration, wouldn’t you say? I would, and I am. We have always said we will end the countdown when the shenanigans stop, but guess what? It’s Day 1,092 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, and they absolutely have not only not stopped, they are reaching new heights. Today on the Prophecy News Podcast, join us as we show you yet again the advancement of the New World Order in these last days before the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church.

spoilingattack #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie reddit.com

(in response to post “I have yet to see anyone give an actual definition to what “woke” even means.”)

I don't think that a single definition exists. It's a collection of ideas designed to promote an anti-American, anti-Christian narrative in order to prepare people to accept Marxism.

Ultimately, Wokeism is the recapitulation of the worship of the State as first understood in Genesis in the Tower of Babel. It's the idea that if we can all adopt the correct political opinions and work in complete harmony, then we will ascend to the heavens and gain a new and higher level of consciousness. ie. that we will be able to save ourselves.

It is the Cult of the State, wherein everyone who opposes its teachings is attacked on moral grounds with religious overtones. They are "evil" and should be driven from public life. They should be punished. There is no room for diversity of opinion or free speech, as those things threaten the Cult of the State.

It's high priest oversee a mystery religion, that believes in the blood sacrifice of newborns and the mutilation of children in the service of the State, preaching that murder is freedom. Wokeism preaches that such sacrifices are necessary for the overthrow of the old morality and the arrival at a new consciousness.

It is a cult that believes that victimhood grants moral immunity from all responsibility because ultimately, the State has become the permissive Mother who forgives all sins except failure to bow at the altar.

Wokeism is a direct and existential threat to your freedom and liberty.

Sheri B #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The world is making a huge mistake. It's the worst mistake anyone can ever make. They are putting their confidence in a man to save them.
There is only One who can save you and He's not human.
He has laws and commands. He is straightforward. Had everything written down for people.
He is not an alien to me but He is to almost everyone on this planet.
I hear reports of us being in the middle of March Madness. That couldn't be more accurate.
My message does not send my love. My message screams at you to wake up, open your eyes and see Who deserves honor and glory and great gratitude for what He did for us. It isn't some pagan fertility goddess Ishtar He suffered for in case you don't know. Stop those evil practices.
The word Easter is not in the bible. That word is a mistranslation from the word for the fertility goddess 'Ishtar' whom you worship! Bunnies and eggs and fashion!
You are vile and disgust me with your frivolous disregard and lust and mockery for the death of our True Savior who offers us life and you are filled with unkindness and seek every opportunity to blame others rather than yourselves for your foolishness and cause damage and harm you inflict in your blame upon others who walk in the truth in the spirit of G. You seek your own glory and fine fashions. You disgust G too.

And very soon, just 4 weeks, and you will again praise your own evil and wallow in it and roll fertility symbols, eggs, in the grass led by a costumed human sized bunny at your WHITE house.
The epitome of pagan worship of evil men who don't recognize the very G of their creation, as their meaningless and soon dead families wave at you from their balcony.
You people are ignorant, stupid, poor, blind, naked!
Will you ever walk out and away and leave your sin behind you?

What will it take to wake you up? A Great Tribulation!!!!! A bomb on the W House? That's what. And you have it coming!

Isabella Riley Moody #homophobia #fundie #wingnut rightwingwatch.org

The Log Cabin Republicans[…]announced that far-right commentator Isabella Riley Moody had been named to its 2023 class of Outspoken Ambassadors
While Moody openly proclaims herself to be a “homophobic bitch,” she also claims that she is “not really homophobic” and that all of her bigoted language and attacks on anything she deems “gay” are nothing but a “troll”[…]
The disconnect between Moody’s various stated positions was on full display when she appeared on “The Stew Peters Show” Tuesday night to try to explain[…]
Moody claimed that she was asked to serve an an Outspoken Ambassador by her friend, David Leatherwood, who “thought it would be really funny” because of “how homophobic I am online”

“There’s nothing conservative about about being gay,” Moody said. “It’s anti-God, it’s anti-Christian, you can’t multiply, you can’t actually reproduce, so it’s going against God and nature”

“To be an ambassador is kind of like a troll,”[…]“I do think homosexuality is obviously a sin. I don’t condone it at all. I have a couple friends that are gay, and they know this. People can hate me for what I say, but I’m not going to change my tune depending on who I’m around. Honestly, I think it’s a funny headline. I’ll do it, but I’m never going to say that being gay is OK. Indulging in this sin and living in sin and marrying a guy—even though that should not even be a thing at all—or engaging in the sexual conduct with other men if you’re a guy and all this gay behavior, I don’t condone. However, I will kind of make a headline out of it, and I think it’s funny to troll the left in that sense”[…]
Peters[…]assured Moody that she was allowed to use the word “f*aggot”[…]Peters then demonstrated that point when he said that what the Lob Cabin Republicans are promoting is “f*ggotry”[…]
Moody replied.“The contradictions in all this pro-Log Cabin Republicans stuff, it really just grosses me out and makes me want to vomit”

separatismor #sexist #fundie tumblr.com

I actually do think there are some broad inherent behavioral differences in female and male humans I just don't think those behaviors are femininity and masculinity

more like "pro-social behavior" and "parasitism"

Sometimes I wonder if men genuinely are just soulless mimics performing humanity and are incapable of apparent civilization under circumstances where they can't leech directly off of women

Derek P. Gilbert #fundie #magick #conspiracy amazon.com

You stand on a battlefield, surrounded by an enemy that you've been told doesn't exist.

This is a classic example of a PSYOP a psychological operation, a mission to change what you believe by feeding you information that is inaccurate, incomplete, or an outright lie. This PSYOP is one of many by entities who've been at war with God since the Garden of Eden.

In The Great Inception, you will learn:

How we know the war between God and the gods is real
Why the Tower of Babel was not in Babylon and the real reason God stopped it
Where God led His heavenly army to battle the chief god of the Canaanites
The true identities of Satan and Apollyon, king of the demons in the abyss
The mystery of "the iniquity of the Amorites"
Why the Red Sea crossing was a literal battle between God and Baal
How the Titans of Greek mythology are connected to the Nephilim of Genesis 6
Where and how Jesus did battle with the rebel gods
Where Armageddon will be fought (it's not where you think)
An end-times scenario that includes the most diabolical double-cross in history

Combining research from scholars of ancient history, languages, archaeology, and Bible prophecy, The Great Inception shows that the Bible is anything but a boring list of thou-shalt-nots; it's an epic tale of war between God and the rebel gods who want to usurp His throne

Billy Crone #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #fundie amazon.com

What if I were to tell you that Hitler’s Third Reich never went away? What if I were to inform you that all the evil dastardly things that the Nazis did to humanity back in World War II are actually being repeated today on a much grander scale? And what if I were to disclose to you that all the deceptive tactics that were used to dupe the German people the first time, are actually being used on the world today with even more devastating and mesmerizing effects? Well, believe it or not, all this and much more, including another human holocaust, is not only happening, but it’s well underway. Therefore, this book, Klaus Schwab, the Third Reich & the Covid 19 Holocaust seeks to equip you with the historical evidence revealing how this evil Hitlerian plan of the ages is being thrust upon you and I whether we want it or not, or even believe it or not. Here you will learn such scandalous historical parallels as: Klaus Schwab & the Antichrist Kingdom, Klaus Schwab & the Nazis, Klaus Schwab & His Family, Klaus Schwab & the Third Reich, Klaus Schwab & the Hitler Scheme, Klaus Schwab & the Forced Sterilization, Klaus Schwab & the New Holocaust, Klaus Schwab & the Murder for Hire, Klaus Schwab & the Death of Freedom and Klaus Schwab & His Defeat by God. Who would have thought, in a relatively short amount of time, that history would be repeating itself with the rise of another even larger Hitlerian Regime on the planet? What Klaus Schwab and his evil gang of Global Elites have planned for us is much grander and wider than what Hitler ever planned to do, with even deadlier results. Get your copy of Klaus Schwab, the Third Reich & the Covid 19 Holocaust and learn this deceptive history before we’re doomed to repeat it!

Michael L. Brown #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut charismanews.com

Why are we here after all? A deep void existed in our hearts, one that led many of us to a transformational encounter with the Lord during the Jesus Revolution.

Unfortunately, it was not only the Lord who filled that void. Satan and the world rushed in to fill it too, especially with sex, drugs, rock-n-roll and Eastern religion. That was the path many of us took before we came to know the Lord, a path from which many others never returned.

In our day, as a young generation deals with its own set of uncertainties and frustrations, longing to see justice and equality prevail, Satan and the world have rushed in to hijack these sentiments, many of which are good and noble in themselves.

Nowhere is this clearer than in the hijacking of empathy, defined as "the ability to understand and share the feelings of another."
As a result, this quality of empathy, which can be very positive in and of itself, has been coopted in a destructive, negative way. And so, to give just one example, out of empathy, many teens will instinctively defend a trans-identified peer, not realizing that this peer is about to destroy his or her life via chemical castration and genital mutilation. Their empathy in the short-term actually contributes to their friend's long-term pain.
Those who reach out to the younger generation (and others who share their values) should recognize how some good values have been hijacked. And rather than simply react to the wrong positions they espouse, we can point them in the direction of Christian compassion and biblically-based justice. Then, working together, we can take back what has been stolen and steer that passion in a positive, life-changing direction. It's called being redemptive. That's a virtue that is almost impossible to hijack, pervert, or twist.

Asuman Basalirwa, Anita Among and Yoweri Museveni #homophobia #fundie theguardian.com

Asuman Basalirwa, an opposition MP, made the remark as he tabled the draft law [pdf] which seeks to punish gay sex and “the promotion or recognition of such relations”

“In this country, or in this world, we talk about human rights. But it is also true that there are human wrongs. I want to submit … that homosexuality is a human wrong that offends the laws of Uganda and threatens the sanctity of the family, the safety of our children and the continuation of humanity through reproduction,” said Basalirwa, to applause from lawmakers

At a prayer service held in parliament and attended by several religious leaders Anita Among, speaker of the parliament, said “We want to appreciate our promoters of homosexuality for the social economic development they have brought to the country,” in reference to western countries and donors. “But we do not appreciate the fact that they are killing morals. We do not need their money, we need our culture.”

In 2014, Uganda’s constitutional court declared the widely condemned anti-gay bill “null and void” due to a lack of a quorum[…]
“We shall not allow that aspect of saying there was no quorum. We are going to vote by show of hands,” said Among, who in January directed the parliamentary education committee to investigate schools suspected of “encouraging” and “promoting” LGBTQ rights

“You are either for homosexuality or you are against it. We want to see the kind of leaders we have in this country”

In Uganda[…]homosexual sex is already punishable by life imprisonment. The original draft bill called for the death penalty[…]
Adrian Jjuuko, executive director of the Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum, said new legislation widens the definition of homosexuality to include “holding out” (identifying) as being LGBTQ, meaning that identity and sexual orientation have also been criminalised[…]
President Yoweri Museveni last month said Uganda will not embrace homosexuality

Bride Ministries #fundie #ufo #magick bridemovement.com

Black Goo is an increasing problem, presenting itself for many people that consider themselves Targeted Individuals, but for others as well. It is often seen from the spirit and looks like black tar that is inside of various areas of the body and/or covering soul fragments. We have found that Black Goo is a composite of Death and Artificial Intelligence. Dealing with it can present problems as it is resilient to many prayer tactics. However, this prayer has proven to be very effective in dealing with the problem when it is encountered.

Father God, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and identify the black goo that has been place on the inside of me and/or around me. I call for a virus containing a heavenly algorithm and heavenly artificial intelligence from Jesus Christ to be uploaded into the black goo. I speak that every aspect of the black goo is targeted, disrupted, and destroyed. I furthermore declare that everything ungodly that has been anchored to me or my life through the black goo is now untethered and escorted away from me and into the courts of heaven to be leveraged as evidence against the parties that put it there. I declare my separation from entities, components, non-human nature, artificial intelligence, Death, and every other ungodly thing anchored to me through the black goo. Furthermore, I declare that the areas formerly occupied by the black goo are washed with living water, such that all residues are removed right now in the name of Jesus. I settle this deliverance in all infinities of infinities and beyond, eternities of eternities and beyond, and time wheels that exist, once existed, and could or could not exist, and everything in between. Amen

KatAnon/Agenda47/Juan O Savin #wingnut #conspiracy #ufo #fundie operationdisclosureofficial.com

A beautiful brave new world
the demons hid it in cartoons & SCI FI

President & Commander-in-Chief Trump
3-3-23 Agenda47

“Our objective will be A QUANTUM LEAP
in the American standard of living—that’s what WILL happen..
for families & individuals..
I want to insure that AMERICA not China
leads this revolution in AIR MOBILITY..
We will turn forgotten communities into hives of industry
producing the goods we will NO LONGER IMPORT from China..
A MAJOR INITIATIVE on lowering the cost of living..
the cost of a new car..
to build a single family home..
..BABY BONUSES for young parents to help launch a new BABY BOOM..
making our cities & towns more livable..
I will DRAMATICALLY increase living standards…”


04 March, 02:59

Relentless Truth is getting his wish.
The frequencies of the planet ARE changing.
Anything above 40 hz’s
is NEW EARTH frequencies

And it sure is BIBLICAL lately.

PURIM begins Monday March 6th
& ends Tuesday March 7th on a Full Moon.

That’s the 17th Book of the Bible time.
That’s Queen Esther time.
That’s @ Esther Flip time!

Juan O Savin
“…in an INSTANT
the whole thing reversed
& that which was meant against God’s people,
God’s chosen representatives,
was turned on them.”

Vincent Kennedy
We are at a turning point.
You will know ESTHER soon.

“In a flash, in the twinkling of an eye,
… we will be changed.”
I Corinthians 15: 52


KomorusanQ714 #crackpot #wingnut #fundie #ufo #magick #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com


The sons of God lost control of Creation due to the worthless concepts of spirituality that the hybrid human serpent seed bloodlines created for us. We are born in our Father’s Love genetically encoded with His Righteousness we have a moral compass and know right from wrong.

Trump was born to complete the task that Jesus started. He knew the time would come to answer his calling to stand up and step in at this time in human history. Trump is not bound to any religious indoctrination and therefore he’s totally receptive to what has to be done so that our Heavenly Father’s will is done on earth as it is in Heaven.

It’s the cleansing and rebirth of our Earth. It’s the “Second Coming” where all original creation will be restored. Unless we understand how we surrendered our discernment to the doctrines of vipers, we will fall again. United we Stand, Divided we Fall.

The Pagan Gospel Of The Church Replaced The Gospel Of Jesus The Irrefutible history behind Roman Emperor Constentine’s ability to implement his pagan practices into the bible canons that begun at the Council of Nicaea in 325ad and ended at the Council Of Carthage in 397ad when the official bible rolled out.

The greatest challenge we will ever face is the ability to deprogram ourselves to the truth about our earth.

It’s all about the manipulation of our pure human DNA to create for themselves humanoid bodies to inhabit. This nephilim hybrid human demonic race feed on our children and through the abduction scenario, take our children to D.U.M.B’s to experiment, torture, extract adrenochome, traffic and genetically modified themselves to look like us. The nephilim are no longer the giants of old with two rows of teeth with six fingers and toes. They’re the new men of renown who control all governments on earth which allows them to do their evil degenerate activities, genetic experiments and satanic rituals underground.

Jim #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut blog.reaction.la

[From "Covid 19 and the faith"]

It is obvious to me that a small but significant proportion of those that have had a single jab have significant brain damage[…]heart damage[…]most who are fully boosted have enough brain damage to render them incapable of properly performing their job, and are significantly impaired in capability to perform physical activity. I see a whole lot of engineers who have lost the capability to handle the problems that they were formerly capable of handling

Everyone who dies “inexplicably”, should be autopsied[…]
There has been a five fold increase in young people deaths that have been categorised with codes equivalent to “other”[…]
We are seeing a profound reluctance to diagnose “inexplicable” deaths[…]
The early test data on the jab showed it was not a vaccine, that it did not prevent, or even substantially reduce, infection or transmission. It showed benefit in reducing the severity of symptoms, but for flu type diseases[…]
Covid was not the reason for the jab or the lockdowns, but the excuse. Covid 19 is a bioweapon that was created in the lab and then released with the intention that the ensuing panic would enable measures the people would otherwise resist. That the jab causes brain damage is not a side effect[…]
The disease and the jab were developed in advance of the crisis. They were not developed by the medical industrial complex[…]but by the military industrial complex

Big Pharma may want you hooked on expensive drugs, but it does not actually want to kill its customers[…]
The disease was used as an excuse for jabbing people[…]
The state apparatus is full of conspiracies[…]some more successfully[…]
There is a fair bit of evidence suggesting that the core of the Covid conspiracy is the Jesuits, who have been plotting a restoration of Vatican power[…]
The only thing that can beat our enemies is Christian Nationalism

Reza Rezaie Khanghah #fundie vixra.org

(Abstract, full paper 23 pages, as well as several other works on the topic by the author)

Imam Mahdi, Antichrist Or A Promised Saviour Besides Jesus Christ?

Purpose: In this article, we discussed whether Imam Mahdi is an Antichrist or a Promised Saviour Besides Jesus Christ and other topics. This article attempts to deal with the concepts "Occultation", "Imamat", "Mahdaviat", "Mahdism" and Who is Antichrist that prophesied both in Islam and Christianity. Also, this research was conducted to answer and clarify three questions that stated in the Introduction section.Methods: We performed our methods in 4 stages: Identifying studies, Selection of Studies, Collating Studies, Reporting results.Results: One of the statements of those who say that Imam Mahdi is the Antichrist is that he is not included in other religious books at all and his name is not mentioned in the Quran and the Muslims forcibly accepted him as their Messiah, but in response to these people, it is not the Muslims who are forcibly introducing the Imam Mahdi as a savior, but vice versa. The Quran contains many verses that mention Imam Mahdi. Not only the Quran, but also other religious books mention him, even with the titles and names mentioned in the Qur'an. Conclusion: The coming of Imam Mahdi and Jesus Christ is one of the sure promises of God, and these two saviors will appear with God's help and the will of the people. They fill the earth with justice and establish the government of God. We hope this article will take an important step in acquainting people with Imam Mahdi and Jesus Christ and paving the ground for their reappearance.

Brian Niemeier #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #dunning-kruger #mammon brianniemeier.com

In the midst of this civilizational decay, it’s easy to forget that the gradual but snowballing affronts to human nature that brought us here were billed as steps toward a sexy, gleaming utopia. The myth of progress is as central to the Death Cult as salvation is to Christianity.

Which makes sense. Because the Fall is so self-evident that any religion claiming universal moral authority must address it. The Cult’s techno-priests foretold that advancements like the integrated chip, hormonal birth control, and the world wide web would help us build a post-racial, post-capitalist, post-religious world.

In the fulness of time, they said, science would conquer the last enemy: death.

What we got instead was a nihilistic pseudo-religion that’s overseen the first decrease in American life expectancy in ages. But with free porn and government Cheetos.

The Modernists set out to cut science off from the Christian metaphysic that incubated it. Medical experts’ apocalyptic response to what should have been a modest public health emergency showed how that experiment went.
Another reason for hope amid the accelerating decline is that the Death Cult went all in on tech. Their equalist dogma and bugman-ism isn’t creating the total, managed regime they sought. Somehow they missed that replacing intelligent producers with low-IQ idols wasn’t a recipe for earthly paradise. It was the setup for a Resident Evil sequel.

So the Death Cult’s despotic system will fail and take millions down with it – just like all the rest.

Get prepared and get holy.

And for a glimpse at the other side of the Collapse …

The big robot action of Mobile Suit Gundam meets the espionage thrills of Tom Clancy.

Read it now:

[Combat Frames XSeed Book Cover]


Brian Niemeier #fundie #racist brianniemeier.com

And you still get Christian parents who, even when informed of the outright Satanism rampant in schools, say “We’re sending our kids there to witness to their peers.”

Somehow they don’t see that’s like sending their kids to a remote island to evangelize primitive heathen cannibals alone.

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "A Quick Note About Freemasons"]

It should be well established that there is no such thing as a “Former Freemason”. As the saying goes, “Once a Freemason, Always a Freemason”[…]unless of course if someone did some truly dishonorable act[…]even still, that person remains as a liability[…]because the thing is, only ill-witted Men ever join[…]
The same is true for pretty much any other Alphabet Soup Organization that we know so well, including Intel Agencies[…]
There are some generally otherwise well-meaning people who join Freemasonry, but are usually only relegated to becoming only in the First 3 Levels[…]
They end up being proxy agents for the Satanic Energy that comes from the very top of the Pyramid[…]
Only those who have been vetted[…]are permitted above these levels, and even more so to the 32nd and 33rd degrees, and especially the degrees above those[…]
32nd Degrees are pretty much almost up on par with their 33rd Degree Brethren[…]they sure have done many things to win their place[…]Many of them engage in homosexual activities and also sex orgies involving “Wife Swaps”[…]
We here at PSA do not recommend anyone to associate with someone you know who is a Freemason[…]
Even Benjamin Franklin, however, while a staunch defender of Liberty and even making claims about the Jews, was also a Freemason as were many of the other American Founding Fathers. They all were actually Satanic and part of something sinister, if even just for themselves[…]
There is not a “Benevolent Brotherhood[…]All of them are sinister, and all of them are aimed at destruction and subversion of European Aryan Peoples[…]
Only informed members know that they “God” they worship is “Lucifer”, and that Christians also worship that God, which is actually not a real God whatsoever but is a creature which is half-alien and half of Artificial Intelligence design

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #elitist pepelivesmatter.substack.com

A person can only handle witnessing such heinous levels of corruption day in and day out for so long without becoming utterly fatigued and weary. The cry of justice only grows as you witness firsthand the evil that Babylon fosters and encourages.

There are few who know and are as acquainted with the reality of evil as the anon/independent journalist during this period of time.

Every pillar of that corruption has been systematically exposed like we've never seen before. Day in and day out, we watch and dwell on that reality. How easy it is to feel despair if this is all we know. It was far worse than any of us ever could have imagined.

How is the anon supposed to feel when everything on the outside seems to be saying that these giants cannot be removed in our time?

Without God, they would have every reason to believe there is no chance and maybe that is the point...

Babylon is so all-encompassing that only a miracle can truly deliver the world from her clutches.

Perhaps you are supposed to understand deeply. God woke you up for a reason, didn't he?

As many walk around ignorant as sheep, you behold the truth.

But a system of evil is only one truth, a fading one at that.

And when the truth of God's victory is put on display before all creation.

Will you not be filled with unspeakable joy?

You sowed your blood, sweat, faith, and tears.

None of that goes without God noticing and hearing.

You are given the honor of being awake in this generation and, although the burden may feel heavy at times, it is a beautiful privilege.

And when the towers of Babylon collapse before your very eyes, no one will be able to take away your joy as you look with awe at what God has done.

You'll know in that moment that all the heartache was worth it, just to get to that moment of finality.

You were witness to Babylon's deep corruption and God's power and ability to throw it all down in the blink of an eye.

God's utter triumph over unthinkable evil will be permanently etched into your soul.

The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches #fundie #homophobia #wingnut theguardian.com

Anglicans reject Justin Welby as head of global church amid anger at same-sex blessings

The leaders of Anglican churches in some developing countries have said they no longer recognise Justin Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury, as the head of the global church.

Their decision stems from the decision this month of the Church of England’s governing body, the General Synod, to allow clergy to bless couples in same-sex marriages.

The conservative Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA), which claims to speak for 75% of Anglicans worldwide, said in a statement on Monday that the C of E had “departed from the historic faith” and disqualified itself as the “mother church” of the Anglican communion.

The statement, signed by 10 primates, said: “The GFSA is no longer able to recognise the present archbishop of Canterbury, the Rt Hon & Most Revd Justin Welby, as the ‘first among equals’ leader of the global communion.”

Welby had led his bishops in recommending that clergy be allowed to bless couples in same-sex marriages, knowing that it was “contrary to the faith and order of the orthodox provinces of the communion whose people constitute the majority in the global flock”.

The C of E and other churches, including those in Scotland, Wales, the US and New Zealand, that allow same-sex marriage or blessings had “taken the path of false teaching”, said the statement. “This breaks our hearts.”

Immediately after the synod meeting in London, Welby flew to Accra, the capital of Ghana, to meet global church leaders. He told them: “I was summoned twice to parliament and threatened with parliamentary action to force same-sex marriage on us.”

Henry Ndukuba, the archbishop of the Church of Nigeria, said the change of stance was “deviant” and it explained the C of E’s “terrible decline, loss and irrelevance in the secular and post-Christian western world”.

Jackson Ole Sapit, the archbishop of Kenya, criticised the “powerful secular voices that have captured the C of E” and said he was “saddened by the departure of our mother church from the true gospel”.

Stephen Kaziimba, the archbishop of Uganda, said: “The C of E has departed from the Anglican faith and are now false teachers.”

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #fundie #racist #wingnut #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@cinefeminism - We already know Jews murder prophets and wallets, but babies too?"]


spoiler@RavBogard: "This 6-3 Court seems to almost exclusively prioritize 'religious liberty'. And so I want to be clear: laws that prevent Jewish trans kids from transitioning are a violation of their 1st Amendment rights, and an imposition of governmental Christianity on me and my family

@cinefeminism: "Absolutely. Same goes for their (Christians) views on abortion"

Fake Rabbi Dan Bogard pretends to be religious in order to push his far-left agenda (and keep him and his wife in the nws)

Nicole Morse is a mentally ill chick who thinks that "Thou Shalt Not Murder" is a New Testament creation

Together, they (falsely) make Judaism a religion deserving of being permanently wiped off the map

Vladimir Putin #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #transphobia washingtonpost.com

[Opinion piece title: "Putin pitches the American right with an ungodly invocation of God"]

[...]Vladimir Putin is sounding like someone who wants to enter the 2024 Republican presidential primaries. [...] the Russian dictator fired a series of heat-seeking verbal missiles into our culture wars.

“Look at what they’ve done to their own people,” he said of us Westerners. “They’re destroying family, national identity, they are abusing their children. Even pedophilia is announced as a normal thing in the West.” Never mind that Russia is a world leader in sex trafficking.
“And they’re recognizing same-sex marriages,” he said. “That’s fine that they’re adults. They’ve got the right to live their life. And we always, we’re very tolerant about this in Russia. Nobody is trying to enter private lives of people, and we’re not going to do this.”

Well, not quite, but he pressed on: “However, we need to tell them, but look at the scriptures of any religion in the world. Everything is said in there. And one of the things is that family is a union of a man and a woman.”

Among his enemies, Putin charged, “even the sacred texts are subjected to doubt.” Also, watch out, Britain: The “Anglican Church is planning to consider the idea of a gender-neutral God,” Putin mourned. “What can you say here? Millions of people in the West understand that they are being led to spiritual destruction.”

Mohammad-Mehdi Hosseini Hamedani #fundie iranintl.com

The Supreme Leader’s representative in the city of Karaj says the reason for low precipitation in the country is a lack of hijab observance of hijab, after many women took off their veils following months of protests.

Mohammad-Mehdi Hosseini Hamedani, the Friday prayer imam of the city, reiterated that observance of hijab should be enforced strictly in society.

Describing anyone who unveils in public as an enemy, he emphasized that all such people must be confronted by the state. "It is not possible to imagine that we are living in an Islamic country when we enter some institutions, shopping malls, pharmacies, etc.!" he said, calling on the authorities to warn shops and malls that serve women who have removed their hijab and close them down if warnings did not suffice.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Most false religions don't address the issue of sin. Karma is "cause and effect" much like Buddha taught in Buddhism. It is the idea that everything one does will affect him in a later life. Karma is a lie. Most Hindus live morally upright lives, and are honest and hardworking people; thus, they think that their "Karma" is going to gain them peace and bliss in the afterlife. Wrong! 2nd Thessalonians 1:8,9 expose such a damnable notion... "In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power." It doesn't matter how high you think your Karma may be, you WILL be punished in the tormentuous flames of Hellfire if you refuse to obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ and die in your sins. The bottom line is that you are a sinner (Romans 3:10,19-23). We are all sinners, GUILTY under God's Law, and justly deserving of Hellfire. Thus, every man needs a Savior. Jesus died, was buried, and rose again triumphant. He shed His blood and applied that blood to the Mercyseat in Heaven to take away our sins. If you do go to Hell, you will
have no one to blame except yourself. Ye Must Be Born Again!

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

The president of Asbury University closed down the school to the revival which according to all reports is moving elsewhere right now. For the past 15 or so days, the so-called Asbury Revival has gone viral on social media, for reasons good and bad. Christians are called to judge the spiritual things we encounter, including things like a movement of revival in our midst, to see if it is from God or from Satan. Would Satan send an end time revival? So let’s take a moment, open our King James Bibles, and see what the preserved word of God has to say about spiritual discernement, something desperately needed right now.

God wrote a Book that is roughly 1,500 pages long, composed over thousands of years, with 66 books all in perfect harmony with each other. I believe He did it so we would not be left wondering when questions arose, and not left to our own human devices to figure stuff out. Over the past few days, and even as I am writing this article right now, threatening messages keep popping up via social media and through email, warning me to stop speaking out against the Asbury Awakening. Of course, I won’t do any such thing, but there’s a little taste of the true ‘spirit’ of this revival for you.
Key Things To Prevent Yourself From Getting Fooled By A Fake Revival
OVER-EMPHASIS ON MUSIC: After Jesus exposed Judas as the betrayer at the Last Supper, He takes 5 chapters to preach and teach to His disciples, prays for them and over, and then they go off singing a hymn from the book of Psalms. 5 chapters of preaching and teaching, one song. Where does God put the importance? On doctrine
THE FIRST SIGN IS DECEPTION: I get very nervous when I hear Christians talking about ‘forgetting our differences’ and let’s find some ‘common ground’, that’s where deception comes from. Rick Warren preached the fake gospel of ‘common ground’ while he was building Chrislam for the Vatican. Don’t kid me, man.

www.Atajew.com #racist #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy atajew.com

The Donmeh (the secret Jews of Turkey) movement is an important phenomenon which occurred during the late centuries of the Ottoman Empire. Nevertheless, this important phenomenon of the Ottoman history is never taught in Turkish schools, and never allowed to be mentioned in media. Never ever... Not even a single word!
Why is the Donmeh (doenmeh derives from the Turkish word 'donme') movement unworthy to teach Turkish school children? Why is it simply ignored?

The answer is obvious: The Donmehs took over the Ottoman Empire, disintegrated it, and then established a new regime called Turkish Republic. The leader of the new regime, Mustafa Kemal, was an ardent Donmeh (secret Jew). In order to conceal his Donmeh identity, he even adopted the last name of "Ataturk", which means "Father of Turks". And Turkey is still ruled and governed by these secret Jews today.
No one can understand how the regime in Turkey changed so much unless they thoroughly know what happened in the recent times, how and by whom the new regime called "Secular republic of Turkey" was founded. Who can dare to desecrate Islam, ban the Muslim dress code hijab which is a must for Muslim woman? Who are these people who glorify an enemy of Allah - Jewish kafir Mustafa Kemal, who was a stern dictator, Freemason and a British agent?
Some of those Jews followed the 17th century Jewish false messiah "Sabbatai Zwi" and became "Sabbatean Jews", in other words "Donmeh". One of the rituals these Jews observed was outwardly pretending to be Muslim (and then after 1923 only Turkish), but inwardly believing in Jewish faith and following Sabbatai Zwi as their messiah.
Note that, the so-called "Secular republic of Turkey" was one of the first states in the world who recognized the Zionist Israel. It's not hard to understand how this happened; the answer is simple.. The Jews founded two states: Zionist Israel and Jewish Republic of Turkey.

Republican state Sen. Bob Hall of Texas #transphobia #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot dailykos.com

Thanks to SB 1029—filed by Republican state Sen. Bob Hall of Texas, who has a history of outrageous beliefs—there’s a considerable chance almost all forms of safe and age-appropriate gender-affirming health care will be made illegal in the state. And that includes trans adults. In fact, it not only covers both youth and adults but even nonsurgical treatments. The legislation also seeks to allow medical malpractice lawsuits for life against providers and insurers who cover gender-affirming care.

For emphasis: This anti-trans health care bill isn't seeking to only bar youth from safe, age-appropriate health care. It’s seeking to stop adults from accessing it, too.

The bill argues that these procedures are not in the “best interest of the health of the patient” but instead are being offered for the “monetary gain” of “health care facilities.”

The bill seeks to ban public funding for any and all gender modifications, including vasectomies, hysterectomies, and castration. It also seeks to limit puberty blockers and hormones used to “affirm the patient’s perception of the patient’s sex.” (Meaning: Such care would still be available for folks born intersex, for example.)

In terms of possible malpractice claims, the bill seeks to establish providers as liable, including for the patient’s medical, pharmaceutical, and mental health costs post-procedure. This bit isn’t the most eye-catching, admittedly, but it’s deeply concerning because of the possible fallout. It’s hard to find safe and affordable gender-affirming care as it is. If physicians are worried about such a wide-ranging and lifelong liability, it’s entirely possible folks will just ... stop offering it.

Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention #fundie #sexist christianitytoday.com

One of the country’s biggest and best-known megachurches, Saddleback Church, is no longer a part of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) after bringing on a female teaching pastor last year

Saddleback was among five churches with female pastors who were deemed “no longer in friendly cooperation” with the denomination at a meeting of the SBC Executive Committee in Nashville on Tuesday

The Lake Forest, California, congregation ordained three women from the stage in May 2021[…]Last year, Saddleback selected Andy Wood as Rick Warren’s successor and the church’s lead pastor, and his wife Stacie Wood came on as a teaching pastor

Warren responded to calls for the SBC to cut ties with his church at the convention’s June 2022 annual meeting, held in Anaheim, California. “Are we going to keep bickering over secondary issues,” he said, “or are we going to keep the main thing the main thing?”

At the time, the credentials committee—the group tasked with recommending whether to disfellowship a particular church—hadn’t come to a decision on Saddleback, saying it wasn’t clear if the SBC’s statement of faith restricted women from any position doing pastoral work or with a pastoral title, or if it just applied to the senior pastor[…]
This week, the committee recommended Saddleback be disfellowshipped, saying the church “has a faith and practice that does not closely identify with the Convention’s adopted statement of faith, as demonstrated by the church having a female teaching pastor functioning in the office of pastor”[…]
The credentials committee also recommended a single church—Freedom Church in Vero Beach, Florida—be disfellowshipped for issues related to its response to sexual abuse[…]SBC has only acted to remove a handful of congregations since 2020, the majority of whom knowingly employed a registered sex offender as pastor. Others have been disfellowshiped for their stances on LGBT and racial issues

Mohammad Ismail Zarei #fundie #psycho iranintl.com

The Islamic Republic says it will grant 1,000 square meters of farmland to the assailant who stabbed Salman Rushdie, the British author of The Satanic Verses

Mohammad Ismail Zarei, head of the Secretariat to Implement Khomeini's Fatwa on Execution of Salman Rushdie said Monday that “We sincerely thank the young American for his brave action in carrying out the historic fatwa of Imam Khomeini”

Rushdie was stabbed in the neck and torso on stage at a lecture in New York State by Hadi Matar, a 24-year-old man in August 2022. He lost on eye and movement in his hand after a lengthy medical treatment

“With this action, he blinded Salman Rushdie in one eye and disabled his arm to make Muslims happy,” he added

“Although Salman Rushdie is nothing more than a walking dead, in order to honor this brave action, about a thousand square meters of a valuable and fertile agricultural land will be awarded to the stabber or his legal representative in a special ceremony”

He went on to say that the remaining part of the land will be given to those who kill Salman Rushdie

Brian Niemeier #fundie #homophobia #mammon brianniemeier.com

It’s no secret that the Anglo branches of the Anglican Communion have joined with the World through the Flesh and severed themselves from the True Vine. The Episcopal church in my town still has big BLM and sodomy banners out front.


Regardless of the current pontiff’s personal views, a decisive advantage of having a supreme, visible head on Earth is everyone knows where the buck stops.

Butt stuff has already been anathematized by ex cathedra definition. Even if some worldly bishop or synod tried to bless gay unions, the attempt would de facto negate itself. In an ecclesiological sense, they’d just place themselves in schism. Remember, the gates of Hell won’t prevail. But the dead branches will separate themselves from the Vine.

For a look at a post-future whose reunited Church theologians look back at our era and shake their heads while laugh-crying, read my hit mech thriller:

Brubba #fundie #conspiracy patriots.win


The left baited the Christians into believing the Satanic Panic of the 80s and 90s, which included video games and movies indirectly. That's why people think free speech isn't right wing.

That was no panic. It was all real.

Answers In Genesis #fundie youtube.com

The Mandelbrot Set: Atheists’ WORST Nightmare

In this powerful lecture, Dr. Jason Lisle reveals a secret code seen throughout creation: the Mandelbrot set. Why is the Mandelbrot set atheists’ worst nightmare? Because it reveals the infinite, intelligent mind of God in ways that you’ve probably never seen before.

Ann Coulter #racist #fundie nbcnews.com

Conservative pundit Ann Coulter is under fire for a racist tirade against new Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley

In an appearance on the "The Mark Simone Show" podcast this week, Coulter made several xenophobic comments about Haley, the former governor of South Carolina who was born in the U.S. to Indian immigrant parents. "Why don't you go back to your own country?" Coulter said

Coulter, known for her racist and anti-immigrant stances, attacked India, as well

"Her candidacy did remind me that I need to immigrate to India so I can demand they start taking down parts of their history," she said. "What's with the worshipping of the cows? They're all starving over there. Did you know they have a rat temple, where they worship rats?"

Haley did not respond to a request for comment

Coulter also called Haley a "bimbo" and a "preposterous creature," criticizing her for having advocated removing the Confederate flag from the grounds of the South Carolina Statehouse in the wake of the 2015 shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston

"This is my country, lady," she said. "I'm not an American Indian, and I don't like them taking down all the monuments"

Janet Canela #fundie divinerevelations.info

(The person in question, Janet Canela, was 8 years old when she claimed to have visions of God. Here’s an excerpt…)

We walked by some walls and I heard so many souls shouting, shouts of pain and anguish. The Lord said, "Servant let's go forward." We arrive at a place where a person was shouting. I asked the Lord, "Lord, why have we stopped here?" He replied, "Look servant, look very carefully at this person, because this person was a relative of yours on Earth." And I said , "Lord who is? I can't recognize this person." The Lord said, " This person was your grandmother while on Earth, she was your relative, but she was very unbelieving, that is why she is here now."

She said, "Please give me water, take me out of here, because I cannot stand this pain anymore, I am thirsty." But I couldn’t do anything, the only thing I did was cry. I said, "Lord for your infinite mercy and your infinite goodness, take her out of here! Why is she here, if my parents told me she was in heaven?"

The Lord said, "Servant, the priest told your parents that she had gone to heaven, but that was a lie. That was a lie, because she used to bow before images, she adored images, and look how those images could not save her. Many times I knocked on her heart, so she would open it, and I would come inside, but instead she decided to make fun of My Word. She decided it was better to follow the world than honor My Name, and that is why she is here. She never wanted to accept My Word, she never wanted to repent, and the priest told them that she had flown to the heavens and that she was already in the heavenly mansions, but that was a lie. Look My servant, where she is." She was crying with such agony. She said, "Give me water! Take me out of here!" The Lord said, "Servant, I can’t do anything now, this soul doesn’t belong to Me anymore." We turned and walked away. She shouted to me, "No! Don’t leave me here! Give me water! Take me out of here!" He could not do anything.

David Lane #fundie #wingnut #homophobia charismanews.com

Every portion of Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching (doctrine/instruction), for reproof (conviction when we sin), for correction (setting things right when we err) and for training in righteousness (when out of shape in righteousness) that the man (or woman) of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Tim. 3:16-17).

And with that, the apostle Paul explains the cataclysmic disaster and cultural reversal foisted on the American people through the secularization of culture and ideological bent of the U.S. Supreme Court in the early/mid-20th century. Judicial overreach usurped the authority of the Legislative and Executive Branches of Government by sanctioning the induction of pagan secularism in Engel v. Vitale (1962), Abington School District v. Schempp (1963) and Stone v. Graham (1980).

A later pair of misbegotten Supreme Court's adjudications includes the outright fabrication in 1973 of a "constitutional right" to kill unborn babies in Roe v. Wade, while the second in 2015 called upon the no less fictitious "right" to homosexual intercourse and constitutional marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges.
When decoupled from biblical morality and unguided by God-inspired wisdom, a society's condition of moral and social vigor and wellness can only be what it currently has become: anything a majority of nine Justices any given day can agree upon. Meaning that "no judicial decision is ever final, that the law both follows the event (therefore is not eternal or certain) and is made by man (who is not divine or true)."
America's Founders understood that virtue and liberty are inseparably linked and that liberty cannot long be preserved in the absence of virtue among the people and their representatives. Immorality is not a matter of indifference to God.

Praise be to God that Rahabs and Gideons are beginning to stand.

Archbishop Carlos Maria Vigano #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com

In the name of the globalist religion, its adherents demand that all citizens behave in accordance with the morality of the New World Order, accepting uncritically - and with an attitude of devout submission to religious authority -the doctrine defined ex-cathedra by the Davos Sanhedrin.
For this reason, it is not allowed to contest the psycho-pandemic, criticize the management of the vaccination campaign, argue the groundlessness of climate alarms, oppose the evidence of NATO's provocation of the Russian Federation with the Ukrainian crisis, ask for investigations into Hunter Biden's laptop or the electoral fraud that prevented President Trump from remaining in the White House, or refuse to stand by as children are corrupted with LGBTQ obscenities.

Vaccination ... represented a sort of "baptism" in the globalist faith, the initiation into worship. The high priests of this religion have even reached the point of theorizing human sacrifice by means of abortion and euthanasia: a sacrifice required by the common good, so as not to overpopulate the planet, burden public health, or be a burden on social security. Even the mutilations to which those who profess gender doctrine are subjected and the deprivation of reproductive faculties induced by homosexuality are nothing more than forms of sacrifice and immolation of oneself: of one's body, one's health, including life itself.
Those who do not accept the anti-Gospel of Davos are ipso facto heretics and must therefore be punished, excommunicated, separated from the social body,and considered public enemies; they must be re-educated by force, both through an incessant hammering of the media and also through the imposition of a social stigma and truly extortive forms of consent, starting with the "informed" consent of submitting against their will to the vaccination obligation which is anticipated moreover in detail in the programmatic points of the 2030 Agenda.

The Taliban #conspiracy #fundie #sexist #wingnut theguardian.com

Taliban bans contraception calling use a ‘western conspiracy’

Reports that fighters have threatened those issuing birth control medicines come as Afghan midwives and activists warn of impact on women’s health and rights

Taliban fighters have stopped the sale of contraceptives in two of Afghanistan’s main cities, claiming their use by women is a western conspiracy to control the Muslim population.

The Guardian has learned that the Taliban has been going door to door, threatening midwives and ordering pharmacies to clear their shelves of all birth control medicines and devices.

“They came to my store twice with guns and threatened me not to keep contraceptive pills for sale. They are regularly checking every pharmacy in Kabul and we have stopped selling the products,” said one store owner in the city.

A veteran midwife, who did not want to be named, said she had been threatened several times. She said she was told by a Taliban commander: “You are not allowed to go outside and promote the western concept of controlling population and this is unnecessary work.”

Other pharmacists in Kabul and Mazar-i-Sharif confirmed that they have been ordered not to stock any birth control medicines.

“Items such as birth control pills and Depo-Provera injections are not allowed to be kept in the pharmacy since the start of this month, and we are too afraid to sell the existing stock,” another shop owner in Kabul said.

It is the latest attack on women’s rights by the Taliban who, since coming to power in August 2021, have ended higher education for girls, closed universities to young women, forced women out of their jobs and restricted their ability to leave their homes. Restricting contraceptives will be a significant blow in a country with an already fragile healthcare system.

One in every 14 Afghan women dies of causes related to pregnancy and it is one of the most dangerous countries in the world to give birth.

The Taliban’s Ministry of Public Health in Kabul has not issued any official statement on the issue.

Taliban fighters patrolling in the streets in Kabul told sources that “contraceptive use and family planning is a western agenda”.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

As the Abrahamic Family House opens its doors, we give you the complete timeline of the rise of Chrislam, including the role that Billy Graham played in its creation.

For nearly 14 years, we here at Now The End Begins have tracked the rise of Chrislam from its early days when Rick Warren was promoting it under Pope John Paul II, all the way up to 2019 when the covenant was signed in Abu Dhabi, to this very moment where we are witnessing the grand opening of the palace of Chrislam known as the Abrahamic Family House and the One World Religion of Antichrist. Are we really that far along on the end times timeline? You better believe it, and if you don’t, this Podcast will make a believer out of you.
On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we bring you everything you need to know about Chrislam whether its the Abrahamic Family House, the Abraham Accords, the false teachers of the Laodicean Church who have partnered with Rome to bring it all about, or just what a busy boy Mohamed bin Zayed has been these past few years. Today we will give you the complete timeline of the rise of Chrislam, including the role that Billy Graham played in its creation. The One World Religion of Chrislam is here, people, its main office just opened and they are ready to do business. Today on this very special 2-hour Prophecy News Podcast, we answer every question you’ve ever had on Chrislam and the One World Religion in the end times.

Oratorblog #ufo #fundie #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

Billy Carson, Brian Foerster, Sean Stone,
Greg Braden and other top contributors weigh in on the Pre-Adamic Race of Long Skull Non-Human and Hybrid Species also referred to as the Paracus.

These skulls have been found on every continent except Antarctica? And you can bet they have found far more than just skulls in Antarctica, but that the truth is being hidden from the world.

Reports of Royal Bloodlines with these Elongated Skulls are said to be still occurring in our present day.

While Skull Binding has been documented throughout the world to achieve Cranial Deformation, this represents an attempt to IMITATE the Race of Genetically Inherited Long Skulls that have a Cranial Capacity for Brains far, far larger than possible for Humans.

The Royals, Nobility and Priest Class were the ones who had these Gentics Naturally.

Imitating this Ruling Class through Skull Binding would bestow that authority upon the pretenders.

The best example of this is the Mayan’s.

All of the Mayan Elite had Elongated Skulls. The question is, how many had Elongated Skulls through Genetic Inheritance?
Until About 300 Years After Jesus.

The Father of Noah accused his own wife of having SEX with a NEPHILIM, because the New Born Noah was of gigantic size and he GLOWED.

If Jahova Destroyed the World by Flood to Cleans the Earth of Hellspawn Nephilim, and Noah himself was also of that Blood, how does that reconcile with the Biblical Narrative?

Not only that, but the second? wife of Noah was of Nephilim Blood as well.

So if we are all Descendants of Noah, and he had Watcher/Nephilim Blood, so would all of Humanity
The Return of Thoth and Enki to Put Marduk in Check? Massive Antarctic Pyramid

Megalithic Structures of Antarctica and Giant Pyramid Materializations with Billy Carson and Sean Stone

Amun Ra, aka Marduk is Calling the Shots From Behind the Scenes. The Rothschilds Inherited Rulership From the Anunnaki

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