
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Three unnamed teenage boys in Courbevoie #racist #psycho france24.com

The suspected anti-Semitic attack in Courbevoie, a northwestern Paris suburb, has sent shockwaves in France in the run-up to a general election that could bring the far-right National Rally to power for the first time

The girl told police she was approached by three boys aged between 12 and 13 while she was in a park near her home with a friend and dragged into a shed on Saturday evening in Courbevoie

The suspects beat her and "forced her to have anal and vaginal penetration, fellatio, while uttering death threats and anti-Semitic remarks", a police source told AFP

Her friend managed to identify two of the attackers

The three boys were arrested on Monday

On Tuesday evening, two of them, both aged 13, were charged with gang rape, anti-Semitic insults and violence and issuing death threats. The pair were taken into custody

The third boy, 12, was also charged with anti-Semitic insults and violence and issuing death threats, but not with rape. He was allowed return home after being charged

Hammerhand #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

If Kanye West couldn't get blacks on mass to vote for Trump, he should stop wasting his time pandering to them. Blacks might be intellectually inferior but at least they have the common sense and streetsmarts to understand that the GOP is majority white party. They don't care about values such as individualism, free market capitalism, and meritocracy because those ideals don't resonate with their psyche and culture which glorifies savagery, degeneracy, and low IQ behavior. Blacks know they can't win in a fair and honest competition with other races which explains why the Democrats know how to appeal to their pathological behavior. It is so sad that Trump and the GOP is so out of touch with their core audience.

Dylan Louis Monroe #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #magick #wingnut dylanlouismonroe.com


alternative image link:


The Sephirot Map follows the evolution of an occult belief system that relishes in human sacrifice & war, and uses banking as a tool for global domination. It is not a reinterpretation of the Kabbalistic tree of life, but is designed to reference key ideas contained within its nodes using graphic elements. It is a trisected timeline that covers a period from biblical times through 1913.

The supreme deity of this cult goes by many names; Baal, Moloch, Lucifer… One could argue that there are technically two factions among these occultists, the Satanists and the Luciferians, but once the flesh starts flying, only a psychopath would appreciate the subtle difference. The constant theme through this deity’s many incarnations is its insatiable appetite and demand for blood sacrifice.
The core values of these societies are elitism and deception. Even the majority of the members are kept in the dark as to the secrets of the highest order. As Albert Pike revealed, “Lucifer is God,” but only advanced degree Masons are told.

If all three Abrahamic religions have been pagan at their core since their beginning, who is the majority of the world’s population really worshiping? Who are we feeding our energy to? Humanity has been treacherously betrayed by its leaders of both church and state for centuries, but the extent of their crimes has yet to be fully assimilated.
This is the power structure that humanity is up against. The force behind this cult of evil is evidently anti-humanity, and likely non-human itself. Psychopathy derives from the reptilian brain. Satan, Pindar, Lord Archon are all names that refer to a leader who remains hidden behind a veil. “I Am That I Am.” The people in charge today are the same people who carried out the Inquisition. Their God is a sadist of the highest order.

As Q likes to say… “These people are sick!!!”

Moshe Feiglin #racist haaretz.com

Former Israeli MK Moshe Feiglin quoted Adolf Hitler while commenting on the war in Gaza saying: "We can't live in this land if one Islamo-Nazi remains in Gaza," while speaking to Channel 12 news

Feiglin continued, saying that Jews "are not guests in our own land, it is entirely ours," adding that he wants to "turn Gaza Hebrew"

Feiglin's Zehut party platform in 2019 claimed that once Israelis "adopt their true identity and stop seeing themselves as an occupying force in their own country, the rest of the world will leave the [Israeli-Palestinian] conflict behind and accept our legal sovereignty"

The document further stated the party would "cancel" the Oslo Accords with the Palestinians and offer three options to the "non-Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria," the first would be to leave. Israel, the platform stated, would "enable interested residents to sell their property, and will help them immigrate to the destination of their choice"

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #racist bennettleeross.com

How dare I say
There is an intracellular network of bio sensors
That are being programmed by different frequencies
For the purpose of controlling our behavior

How dare I say that the halls of academics
Have become like a prison system designed for regurgitation
Where compliance is demanded and critical thought is punished

That the buildings there of are some of the most highly radiated
So that not only the indoctrination seeps deep into the brain
But the LED lights triggers the bio sensors embedded in the bodily tissues of the students

How dare I say that Atlantis Lemuria Egypt and Mesopotamia
Were defeated by reptilians who knew how to manipulate the magnetic field

And that they are now creepy people who cannot survive without leeching our energy
And doing the worst possible cannibalism

How dare I say
That the American Revolution and Civil War are mostly made up
And are used to explain the eradication of the Tartarian Empire in America

That the USS Maine in the Port of Havana in 1898
Could not have been sunk by someone swimming out with a gigantic bomb
But was an inside job to justify a war on Cuba
That the attack on Pearl Harbor could not have come from a secret attack from the Japanese
Who had an armada of 7 aircraft carriers but escaped detection
And who only blew up old ships scheduled for the scrapyard

That the pictures of piles of bodies used in support of a Holocaust
Was in fact pictures of the dead from the bombing of Dresden
Which was a city full of Tartarian wonders

How dare I say that the Gulf of Tonkin event that started the Vietnam War
Could not have happened since Vietnam did not have a navy

That the story of 9-11 is impossible
And the Pentagon which had 270 cameras
Could only muster up one foggy short video which does not show a 747 crashing into it

That the war in Ukraine is fake also and is a rigged event

How dare I say that the only real government
Is the Swiss Bank Authority in Geneva
Which is a lair of reptilians!

Eric Kaufmann #wingnut #racist #conspiracy amazon.com

Woke is not a fad but a cultural revolution—a movement that can only be stopped by a drastic intervention in our institutions and culture.

We in the West are in the third wave of cultural-left ideological enthusiasm. Each “Awokening” has crested, fallen a little, consolidated, then surged again to reach a higher level. The cumulative result is an elite creed which has produced a crime wave, a worsening education system, chaos at the border, and social division. Fired by a cultural socialism that puts equal results and emotional protection for minorities at the center of their moral universe, today’s young people are twice as intolerant of conservative speech as older generations. These young people will be the median voters and employees of tomorrow, leading and controlling the country. Woke cultural socialism is not the classical liberalism of the American Constitution, but a modern “majorities bad, minorities good” Left-liberalism. It is powered by a set of ‘liberal’ emotional attachments rather than liberal principles. These underpin a moral panic about whites and males combined with a starry-eyed patronizing approach to minorities.

Today’s woke extremism is not a repudiation of liberalism, but a perverse extension of it. Our only way out is to use elected, constitutional, government power to break the grip of wokeness in our institutions and schools, steering them toward neutrality and classical liberalism. To do so, the conservative and moderate majority must place culture front and center and spare no effort to win the battle of ideas. Nothing less than the future of our civilization depends on it.

Alexander Lukashenko #racist ynetnews.com

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko made an antisemitic statement Saturday during his government meeting in which he hinted at a connection between Jews and theft.

He referred to a corruption case involving his former aide, the governor of the Vitebsk region and former Minister of Agriculture and Food Igor Brylo, as well as dozens of other people. "There are 36 people on the list. Sorry, I don't consider myself antisemitic, but more than half of them are Jewish. Do they have a special, privileged role, that they steal and do not think about their future? Do they have privileges? All peoples living in Belarus should be equal. Jews, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians and Poles," Lukashenko said.

His statement was broadcast on the state television channel Belarus 1, but the problematic quote was not included in the press release on the presidency's website.

This is not the first antisemitic statement by Lukashenko, who has been called "the last dictator in Europe." In 2007 he said that the Jews had turned the city of Bobruisk into a "pig sty" and that "this was founded as a Jewish city and you know how Jews treat the place they live in." In July 2021 he said that the "whole world bows" to the Jews after the Holocaust. In December 2023 he said: "Armenians are smart people. There is not even one Jew there."

Valentina Gomez #racist #wingnut rawstory.com

Reparations from slavery and black victimization is about to be shoved down our throats for the most wretched holiday in America," said Gomez in the video. "BLM raised millions. And what did they do for Black lives? It is outrageous to see people ask you for reparations, even though they never went through slavery. These ungrateful people should be celebrating because they were born in the greatest nation to ever exist.

Here's a tip; If you don't like America, kindly, get the f[uck] out.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #wingnut dailystormer.name

[From “Report: Alex Jones Forced to Sell Infowars to Pay Sandy Hoaxsters”]

No one really knows what this means. In theory, Alex Jones will never be able to make money ever again, and will not be able to keep any of the money he has now

These people will hunt you, they will destroy you[…]
These trials were insane, where Alex was issued default judgements without even being able to present his case. The fact that they were not dismissed in the first place was unbelievable. It is a well known fact that it is virtually impossible for public figures to sue for defamation[…]
The argument was that these “families” of the “dead kids” were somehow not public figures, even though they were in public[…]demanding gun control

Iranian homosexual crime boss Oliver Darcy writes for CNN:

Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on Thursday moved to liquidate his personal assets, agreeing to demands from the families of Sandy Hook victims whom he owes more than $1.5 billion in damages over his lies about the 2012 school massacre

It’s not proved they were lies

None of this was ever dealt with in court

If Alex would have been able to present the facts of the event in court, the reasons why he had questions as to the veracity of the events[…], most people would have come to the conclusion that it was at least reasonable to be asking questions[…]
Even if he was making millions telling lies, he has a right to do that. It’s not illegal[…]
You might recognize the name “Avi Moshenberg” as a Chinese name

Most of the families of the supposed dead children were also Chinese communists

This was a big Chinese communistic conspiracy against Alex Jones, because he exposed them[…]
I will say again what I’ve said a billion times: when these people come down on you, your only choice is to flee the country[…]
Just for the record: no one died at Sandy Hook

cannibalspyre #racist #sexist tumblr.com

women & "feminists" who shut down discussions on how unregulated immigration of *males* from islamic countries *do* pose an additional threat to the safety and freedom of local women & girls are simply spineless.

this is not a "our males vs their males" comparison, which is unnecessary, considering all men harm all women around the world.

this is about opposing the import of potential rapists, which would only add to the existing population of them. they are men who disproportionately leave their women and children behind when immigrating to other countries.

women from islamic countries are aware of how men view the "western woman". we know about their rape fantasies. i will never prioritize my nationality or the comfort of foreign/familiar men over my loyalty to the protection of women & girls.

#radical feminism #radfem #radfem safe #ex muslim #immigration #anti islam #anti religion #.txt

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

In other words, a good father affirms his daughter's innate femininity. But if he is absent, she compensates by becoming masculine. This of course undermines her future relationships with men.
Feminism is a self-perpetuating form of compensating for father-loss. Its goal is to "overthrow the patriarchy." The word originates in the Latin "pater" or father.

Feminism, like Communism, originates in the Masonic Jewish endeavour to overthrow God and the natural order and impose on mankind an all-encompassing dictatorship. Love, especially for a woman, is an act of faith. Feminism traumatizes young women with tales of how a woman is violently raped every 10 seconds. It teaches that all injustice is due to the "inequality" of the sexes and therefore heterosexuality itself must be eliminated.

Many feminists are lesbian and promote homosexuality. They have passed laws that deprive men of their children and property. Courts and police routinely discriminate against men.

Second-wave feminism is the greatest enemy of femininity. It is part of a larger occult plan to poison the well springs of love and permanently damage the human spiritual ecology. Society suffers from a sourness due to the loss of feminine love, charm, beauty, intelligence, modesty and grace.
In conclusion, a father's responsibility is to build his daughter's trust in men, and thus prepare her for a worthy man. This involves confirming her in her sexual identity, as a capable attractive partner for a future husband.

Males also suffer from father loss. But there is a father that we can know. I am talking about God. We are made in God's image and His image is in our soul. Man in Latin, "vir", has the same root as virtue. It's as simple as always doing the right thing.

In this context, the right thing for a man means creating a healthy happy family based on sound values and a wholesome vision of life.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #racist #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

The whole underlying goal of all of the various Leftist, Marxist, Islamic, Hedonist, Globalist, New World Order movements all lumped together under what we call the Islamo-Commie-Homo movement is the elimination of all proper sense of identity and all proper sense of sovereignty, and the establishment of social chaos, world-(wide.

It's all one big Hegelian crisis-by-crisis setup for a Machiavellian criminal takeover. All these seemingly disparate and separate splinter-group movements and causes are actually linked and related.
The larger attack is on identity and sovereignty. Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish, individual citizen, family, neighbor, political ideology, race, sex, government and finally national identity and sovereignty.
That's what Cultural Marxism is all about; that's what Civil Jihad is all about; that's what Gay Pride is all about. That's what COMINTERN has always been about. That's what the UN, the EU, the WEF, the WHO, the ICC and the Davos Agenda are all about.
And with it a common-sense knowledge that here in America there is no such thing as any legitimate legal right to contracept, abort, sodomize, euthanize or sterilize anyone, nor is there any such thing as any legitimate special legal rights assigned to any race, ethnicity, sex or imaginary gender, nor is there any legitimate legal right to commit the sins of fornication, adultery, homosexuality, pornography or any sex outside of marriage between one man and one woman.
No matter what any declaration of human rights, or the UN, or anyone else, whether foreign or domestic, has to say about any of it, no matter what any "expert" falsely claims to be a natural law right,

If it isn't in our national constitution;
If it isn't in our state constitution;
If it isn't otherwise legitimately and legally (which is to say Constitutionally) codified into law,
It is not a legal right.

We Americans are sovereign here. No one else tells us what a right is.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist sinfest.xyz

[From “May 16, 2024: Anti-Semitism Awareness Act”]


spoilerPanel 1: Squigley says that “They're making it illegal to say Jews run the world”, to which Slick replies “What?”
Panel 2: Slick asks “I have to take down my neon sign?”, along with a neon sign reading “Jews run the world”
Panel 3: Slick asks “And delete my website”, in front of a Geocities website whose title is JewsRunTheWorld.com
Panel 3: Slick asks “And cancel my daily skywriting?”, along with a sentence airwritten and reading “Jews run the world”

magnificentempress #racist #sexist tumblr.com

to confirm racism allegations: i actually think its okay for any woman to say no to any man, even if she says no because of her 'racism', because any woman can say no to any man for any reason

[several posts later]

thats like, just your opinion bro, and also somehow some women of color told me they understood perfectly what radberryterf meant and also agreed🤔unexplainable phenomenon really

and the original post was about men of color being rapists in the countries that were nice enough to grant them asylum 🧐but saying brown men rape women more often than white men in the said specific countries is raycayyyysm i gotcha

Anonymous, magnificentempress #racist #sexist tumblr.com

ok I do have a slightly bigger dislike to black and brown moids because of my lived experiences, but for my region at least, Russian men, for example had been a cause of terror for years in the past. My great grandmother talked about how they'd hide in stoves and fire places to just not get raped, fathers killing daughters for the same reason (it's unsettling now seeing how honor is above life regardless of how it was tarnished). All I'm saying is moids are moids, they all hurt the same regardless of color or ethnic background.

listen im not saying that some moids are naturally better despite what radblr thinks lol im just saying that in some places laws are enforced stricter and the general feminism discourse has been for longer, so to me it is kinda obvious that women in countries where there are laws against harassment, when there are female politicians etc will do slightly better than women in literal taliban

and trust me i know russian moids are capable of war crimes, like if the ongoing bloodbath has at least 1 good outcome so far it must be the reduction of the most criminogenic group (young moids). thanks nato 💋

but to me it is also tone-deaf to deny that yeah women in some places have a better life. again, not because some men are """better.""" they are just forced to tone down their male shittiness. idk if you saw my post about women in chechnya, just look it up. women from chechnya escape to russian cities and then to europe because they run from chechen moids. but dont they know that all men are equally bad?!?!?!?🧐🧐🧐

and also as redberryterf said (pls if you see it come back i miss you!!), be honest - would you rather walk a street at night in india or in sweden? :)

once again for those who cant read - i never said white moids are naturally better, but some countries are better at beating their moidness out of them early. and some countries actually foster it and exaggerate it. like the literal hamas that boasted about capturing female slaves bruh. are u gonna claim that again, the current russian ivans or swedish svens are just just as bad as moids who were raised among women covered in blankets and that cant even speak up without permission or some shit, and who literally capture female sex slaves. be serious pls

Paul Koppe #racist #conspiracy antihate.ca

A man initially facing 26 charges of mischief relating to posting antisemitic flyers across Ottawa in 2021 has been sentenced to 18 months house arrest followed by two years probation after pleading guilty to the willful promotion of hatred[…]
Koppe’s lawyer had previously asked for a conditional sentence, while members of the city’s Jewish community submitted a letter asking that he receive jail time[…]
In an agreed statement of facts, Koppe admitted to posting a large number of hateful flyers throughout Ottawa’s West End and the suburb of Barrhaven. Typically focusing on high pedestrian traffic areas like large department and grocery stores, posters affixed to lamp posts, mailboxes, trash bins, and more, blamed Jews for the African slave trade, the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, and invoked other antisemitic conspiracy theories

The court also heard how a search of Koppe’s home revealed a collection of Nazi memorabilia[…]
Koppe was 29-years-old when he was arrested on December 8, 2021. He had no criminal record except for a 2016 charge of driving under the influence of alcohol

According to statements from the defence, Koppe lost his job during the COVID-19 lockdowns and began spending long periods of time alone investigating conspiracy theories online

Statements by Koppe read in court claimed his beliefs “started with podcasts about conspiracy theories” during a period of intense despair and anxiety. Mired by feelings of mistrust towards the government, scientists, healthcare providers and media, this eventually led to the “Jewish conspiracy”

Since his arrest, Koppe has been engaged with a psychiatrist as well as the John Howard Society’s Project Reset

The court previously heard the opinion of Dr. Helen Ward, who testified that Koppe “no longer subscribes to any of the beliefs that were motivating him at the time of committing the offences”

Stormer Editorial Board #racist #psycho #wingnut #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From “Stormer Editorial Board Reiterates Support for One-State Solution in Palestine, Controlled by Hamas”]

Over ten years ago, the Daily Stormer endorsed a one-state solution in Palestine/”Israel”, fully controlled by Hamas

It is time again that the Stormer Editorial Board reiterate this position: the Daily Stormer officially backs a one-state solution to the Palestinian problem, wherein Hamas is installed as the governmental entity of the entire Palestinian territory

It will of course be the decision of the Hamas authorities what they do with the Jewish occupation population, but it is the opinion of the Stormer Editorial Board that the Jews be pushed into the sea

The Stormer also modestly requests that our team be allowed to build a statue of Adolf Hitler in Tel Aviv[…]
The Daily Stormer Editorial Board does not recognize any form of governmental authority in Palestine other than Hamas. That means that we also do not recognize the false authority of the shill Mahmoud Abbas and his fake government, which the Editorial Board recognizes as a Jew shill group designed to pacify the Palestinian people[…]
The Board would like to fully repeat its position that the Jews should be pushed into the sea, but that the Board will fully respect any decision that Hamas authorities choose to take in dealing with the filthy Jew occupiers

The Stormer Editorial Board once again wishes swift victory to Hamas in their battle against the Satanic Jew occupation force

Clif High #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger substack.com

A few years from today, humanity, and Earth will be manifesting entirely different energies.

Now, we can conceptualize humanity as encountering new energies from space in the form of the increased emanations from galactic center, while being controlled by a clan that is desperate that these energies NOT be acknowledged, nor accepted, nor absorbed, nor integrated. These circumstances necessarily bring contention and conflict to humanity at very deep levels.

The ability of the Elohim worship cult (the ruling clan) to continue in their mindset and control is waning due to these energies. The contention arising from the Elohim worship cult’s attempts to retain control despite these new energies is itself further eroding their ability to control the rest of humanity.
A primary change will be the removal of the Elohim worship cult from power. Much of this will be accomplished by the HyperNovelty in which ALL ‘authority’ is removed from Humanity. As the Elohim worship cult only can exist within the construct of social authority, they are naturally in decline now, and will cease to be a meaningful force.

The ‘authority’ of ‘medicine’ is now dying very rapidly. Ergo, when the Elohim worship cult ‘medicine structure’ issues a warning of a new disease within their narradigm, it becomes yet another instance of a ‘jew yelling flu’, and not to be taken seriously by thinking people.
A few years from now, on the other side of the Time of Testing, on the other side of the Make-A-Way period, Humanity will be emerging into SciFi World.
In a few years time, we will be building out SciFi World. This will be surprisingly fast in its manifestation. This will be due to the shedding of the mental blockages of the ‘grit religion’ of the Elohim worship cult overlay on science. Due to the liberation of science from the grit paradigm, new discoveries will put us rapidly on the path to recovery and exploitation of new technology. The new technology will be combinatoric in its impact.

Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy henrymakow.com

No bigger flim-flam has ever been foisted on the American people than the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 under Woodrow Wilson. It continues to be the scam-of-all-scams, flying under the nose of nearly every American for well over a hundred years.

A flim-flam of almost equal proportion was the taking of our country off the gold standard, first by Franklin Rosenfeld (his real name) in 1933, and again in 1971 by Richard Nixon; and the removal of our country's currency and coins off the silver standard, which happened in 1964, immediately after the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
These treasonous acts by Woodrow Wilson (the worst president of all time), Franklin Rosenfeld (the second worst president of all time), Lyndon Johnson (the third worst president of all time), Richard Nixon, and others are why our currency and coins today are essentially worthless. Sure, they can be exchanged for goods and services - as long as everyone else agrees to do the same - but there's nothing of value backing those bills in your wallet or the coins in your pocket.
When I tell people how to make gobs of money, they beg me for more information. When I tell them how to go to Heaven, I'm met with a fluoride stare. They're interested in the one, but not the other. And that's despite the former being of value only in this world, while the latter will literally take them to Heaven. Money is all they're interested in.
Keep that in mind as you navigate your way past the dopes, fools, and morons that make up American society. If those same people put as much effort into going to Heaven as they do into chasing get-rich-quick investment schemes, there would be a lot less stress in the world and a lot more souls in Heaven. You don't have to follow their example. You don't have to end up burning in hell as they inevitably will.

jamesradcylffe #racist #wingnut #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From “The Indian Question”]

Why are Indians so predominant in leftist movements[…]? Many older conservatives perpetuate the myth that Indians are conservative, as well[…]With the possible exception of Vivek Ramaswamy, even all of the Indian activists on the “Right” are to the left of their White peers[…]
1. They are part of the Coalition of the Ascendant
If you listen to any late 20th century propaganda[…]you’ll hear no shortage of whining about how WASPy something is[…]
Everybody knows a good grift when they see one. The Indians have merely joined in with the blacks, Hispanics, East Asians, and the rest in an attempt to extort tax money from the White middle-class[…]
2. They come from a collectivist culture that operates on shame
In all Eastern cultures, being out-of-line with the group consensus is the easiest way to get yourself exiled[…]
If you see an Indian bending over backwards (this isn’t a yoga joke) to double down on the leftist perspective to the point of absurdity, realize it’s because she’s read the room[…]
3. They feel confident they can maintain dominance over the Coalition of the Ascendant once they obtain power
Indians, particularly the ones in the U.S., are no strangers to ruling over less intelligent, more violent classes. They refer to it as the caste system[…]
They feel confident that they can easily govern a United States composed primarily of blacks and Hispanics as well[…]They’ll no-doubt import their “untouchable” Dalit class[…]History’s on their side[…]
America would resemble India with a colder climate. Nobody wants to live in India[…]
Don’t believe my prognosis? Is it possible to walk down the street anywhere in Mumbai free from rape, robbery, or murder?[…]If you are walking in Bombay, as Mumbai was called during the British Raj, yes[…]
If you can believe[…]that India under Indian rule became unlivable, it shouldn’t be a stretch[…]to believe that America under Indian rule will become unlivable

Vox Day #wingnut #racist #transphobia voxday.net

[From “D-Day, 80 Years Later”]

It just lands a lot differently than it did even 20 years ago. What, exactly, are we supposed to be celebrating these days? Clown World didn’t even preserve democracy or the rule of law


spoilerPicture of a GI smoking a cigarette captioned with “Y'know, speaking German sounds a whole lot better than a transexual mulatto grandkid…”

But at least our grandfathers paid the price to bring them freedom…

German police search 70 homes of people who posted hateful comments online

Never mind

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #conspiracy sinfest.xyz

[From “June 7, 2024: Zionist Radfems”]


spoilerPanel 1: Monique is reading on her smartphone while wondering “Why are so many Radfems pro-Israel”, “All the big TERFs are Zionists” and “How? Why?”
Panel 2: A mustachied man wearing overalls and a red cap answers “Jews”, and Moniste says “What?”
Panel 3: The man says “Jews take over all movements”, “Get promoted in Jewish media” and “To push a Jewish agenda”
Panel 4: Monique says “That's ridiculous”, “Can't be true”, “…” and “Can it?”

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #conspiracy #racist finalwakeupcall.info

What if the ‘Great Flood’ took place only 150 years ago, and the world of the past was far more advanced culturally and technologically than it is today?

The Deep State cabal created a cataclysm and used it and the resulting chaos to seize power. Apparently, between 1865 and 1876, our ancient civilisation was destroyed by waves over 300 metres high that swept across much of the planet, washing away the inhabitants of Australia and depopulating vast areas.
The Straits of Gibraltar, the Pillars of Hercules, the star fortress of Tartaria, is here to defend and control an important passage for merchant ships from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, v.v..

History and geology tell us nothing, but apparently there was a gradient between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, mechanically controlled by a system of locks to allow only one ship to pass at a time. The Deep State has dug secret tunnels. According to the official story, commissioned by the British admiralty.

Seawater entered the newly opened channels. The men in charge hid at the top of Mount Gibraltar, in a place called the Devil’s Tower. At the mouth of the strait they detonated bombs and broke the Rock of Gibraltar. The explosions were coordinated to create tsunamis in the North, Atlantic and Barents Seas.

This episode is known as the “Gibraltar Relief”. The tidal wave, 300 metres high, swept across Eurasia and especially the Americas. Billions of people, who had built the magnificent ancient civilisation of Tartaria, drowned.
The history of the most recent wars, which appears in more than five thousand Wikipedia pages, careful reading of biographies, examination of thousands of photographs and historical events, shows that these events certainly took place in the years 1860-1920, and that the Second World War served only as a cover for the final destruction of the Aryan-Tartar civilisation and the complete establishment of a new world power, the NWO, coordinated and led by a few corrupt Deep Staters.

Joel Davis and Elijah Schaffer #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #psycho angrywhitemen.org

Elijah Schaffer once again spoke with Australian Neo-Nazi Joel Davis[…]
Davis told Schaffer that he looked forward to visiting America so he can perform a Nazi salute[…]and purchase a gun. He also said that Americans need to own firearms[…]
“My girlfriend is an American,” he said. “And I say, when she’s in America, I’m like ‘Take your gun, like, in the car,’ you know? Because what if you pull up at a gas station and like some nigger walks over and tries — you know, like…”

Schaffer revealed that he owns guns for that same reason, saying, “I bought my guns to protect myself from Black people. And that’s not a hateful thing to say. It’s like my — well experience is I’ve been a victim of many crimes, okay, like in L.A., and they were all at the hands of Black people and one was Hispanic”

He also claimed to have advised his wife to “stay out of Black neighborhoods” and “avoid groups of Black people,” because “your chances of being involved in a serious violent crime … probably goes down near 100%”

Davis[…]said that “Americans need to be aware of” the “Indian problem, the pajeet question”[…]“the largest non-white ethnic group in Australia are Indians”

“And they’re able to, they’re not [gonna be] 2% of the population, they’re gonna keep growing and growing and growing like a virus, consuming all these tech companies”[…]
Schaffer asked Davis whether he is for or against Adolf Hitler[…]
Davis called himself “pro-Hitler,” and said that our current society, which opposes Nazism, “produces trannies, and infinity brown people, and women police officers that can’t do their job, and, like, a divorce rate over 50%, and the economy going to shit, and so on”

Davis openly longed for the years prior to World War II, when “every white country was racist,” and said what the Allied Forces “stood for was wrong”[…]
He also told Schaffer that Hitler “saw liberal democracy as weak and incapable of defending Western civilization against communism and against degeneracy”

Vox Day and Karl Denninger #racist #dunning-kruger #pratt voxday.net

[From “The Lethality of Low-IQ Demographics”]

Karl Denninger is not at all sanguine about the future of a United States that has lost an average 10 IQ points or more since 1965:

You need about a 115 IQ to build and maintain modern civilization

Examples? Too many to count. How about Flint’s water system?[…]
Why didn’t it poison kids for the previous 80 years?[…]
Is lead a great material for water feed pipes? Depends on when. Today, no. HDPE is better in all respects[…]
But 80 years ago it didn’t exist

Lead did. And it too can tolerate a modest amount of movement[…]It self-protects almost-immediately[…]
Now put an acidic water supply down it and that layer is destroyed with the lead leaching into the water

The 115+ IQ people who built and ran the water plant at Flint all those years knew this, and knew how to keep it safe[…]
Then Shaqueena, or her analog with a <115 IQ took over. And changed the water source. And, at the same time, didn’t check and make sure the chemical and pH balance remained correct because the intellectual firepower to do so was simply no longer there[…]
Would you use a lead service line today[…]? Of course not. But is it unsafe? Not as long as the people running the plant are of sufficient intelligence[…]

The same problem that is presently afflicting the USA is about to hit the UK and Europe as well. It’s not noticeable at first, because it doesn’t matter if your kebab sellers, taxi drivers, and other common immigrant occupations are filled by newcomers with lower IQs than the natives

But once the second and third generations start competing with the natives, and outcompeting them thanks to DEI initiatives and shameless ethnic nepotism, the lower-IQ effect hits with a vengeance[…]
Translation: US infrastructure is going to rapidly decline to the Mexican level. Northern European infrastructure is going to rapidly decline to the US level

speculareffect #wingnut #racist #quack #conspiracy specular-effect.com

I will never forgive and I will never forget. This goes out to all you retards. You know who you are.

If any of this is true (there is no evidence that it is), vaxxtards deserve whatever the fuck they get. They became hostile and belligerent when I told them the vaxx is a hoax; that it was suicide to take it, despite the there being no evidence for the latter. I’ll never forget how they treated me for not wearing a fucking mask. They were belittling, insulting and at times, violent. I will NEVER forget!

I knew this day was coming! However, not for the reasons you may think and I will explain in a bit. There will be more news reports like this one. Guaranteed. Why? Simply because PEOPLE ARE FUCKING STUPID!

It worsens

The vaxxed retards called us “conspiracy theorists” and “schizos” when we told them about nanobots in the death shots (another claim and suspicion also having no evidence to support it). Now, the very same concept is being normalized in the mainstream ethos. I wonder why.
I know some retard is going to read this and say, “I know four people in my church who suddenly died in their twenties and thirties, less than a month after taking the jab. Are you going to sit there and act as if excess deaths isn’t an actual metric?” My answer will be, “Yes, I am, because you’re lying and I don’t believe you.” To me, these people are no different to Jewish mainstream media articles that claim covid is real and killed millions and vaxxtards are dying from the Jew sauce. Zero (count it) evidence!
ll that matters is the behavioral modification experiment (the best way I can describe it) conducted was successful. All the other shit about excess deaths, both from/of covid hoax and the vaxx hoax has zero (count it) evidence.

Freedom was fucked with and continues to be, and many were ready and willing to take that away from you, violently. They still are and the reason they are co-opting our sentiments is because they are getting ready to hit us with the real chaos!

Taki Theodoracopulos #wingnut #racist #conspiracy takimag.com

Liberalism no longer has any meaning in these here United States, not when schools actually teach kids to hate their country. Not when fewer than half of all Americans can name the three branches of government, and a sizable chunk of college graduates actually think Judge Judy sits on the Supreme Court. I’ll come back to the Supreme Court in a jiffy. Did you know that 40 percent of Gen Z consider the American founders to be villains? In fact, to be white in America today is to feel alienated and guilty. A loss of faith in the nation and its institutions is spreading, and those responsible for it are riding high. Such as The New York Times, whose owners first came to this country as Jewish refugees who worked hard and whose intelligence rewarded them greatly. So what did their descendants do? They invented false history, like the 1619 Project, in an effort to completely blacken—pardon the pun—America’s past.

I cannot describe the glee and gloating by the mostly Jewish commentators of the Times as America becomes unglued and Trump is declared guilty in a trial as rigged as those back in Moscow circa 1935. <...> The Supreme Court is a target because it is the ultimate anchor and glue of the nation. When Sam Alito’s wife flew a flag upside down in protest to being harassed by left bum neighbors, the paper demands he recuse himself. When another justice had his life threatened, the New York Pravda didn’t even report it. You get my drift.

Yep, all you loyal Takimag readers, the country is a mess, and the left keeps winning. I blame the news media and the repellent people who don’t have the courage to tell it like it is. American society is plagued by enmity, distrust, isolation, willful misinformation by the lefty media, and just plain meanness. It’s no longer the country whose flag I once pledged allegiance to, and that’s a great pity.

Clif High #crackpot #magick #racist #conspiracy clifhigh.substack.com

Humanity did enter the Age of Reason in 1700. That Descartes and crew were labeled as the ‘cause’ of that development is actually a hold over from the Kali Yuga in which all things, and all change, were attributed to the personalities of the gods, and ‘natural forces’ were taken as direct actions of the divine by humans.

The postulate is that human mental capacity is affected by the increasing emanations from galactic center coming into our solar system since 1700. The corollary is that humanity was in a degraded mental state due to being deprived of these extra energies, both individually, and collectively, during the Kali Yuga as the galactic plane was an obscuring mass for 2400 years.
The major problem with the Descartisian point of view is that it leads to the domination of science by reductionism. Every thing within the Matterium can be reduced to its constituent grits in order to explain it. Consciousness, writ Large, or small, is deliberately excluded from all considerations in all the sciences due to this structure of grit first, grit only, and grit always.
The idea of evolution predates the age of reason by thousands of years. <...> This idea predates even its encapsulation in rabbinical writings as both surviving versions of the Talmud have references to the concept being imported by way of the ‘Elohim’ (the gods of the Torah).

In my opinion, it is from Talmudic conquering, and domination, of jewish society, that the religion of Grit arose within Science. In my opinion, this was a deliberate hobbling of human science by the Elohim (space aliens) after they conquered vast parts of Earth in the most recent, descending Treta Yuga, some 8000 years back. This imposition of the Grit religion into science, in my opinion, was for the same goal as the reputed ‘destruction of the tower of Babel (Babylon)’, and the ‘confusing of the languages’. We have proof that the Elohim want to curtail human capacity. This is merely another point of attack.

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #wingnut #racist #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

The urge is to decimate the enemy at every juncture… but this is a time to take moment and realize that payback vindictive actions are not gonna get you what you want. You may get the surface players and their minions. But you will NOT get to the root. They have plundered our species so thoroughly over eons and killing a few of them won’t solve the problem. The problem is in us. It’s in humanity. The Reptilian-Draco alliance has made sure of that. You are now genetically engineered to mirror the reptilian species. You cannot do away with their progeny. No, we need to come to the table and work out our differences. They are losing now yes. But they hide subterranean. And off planet and their plan was. A long time coming. We need to be smarter than this.

Children are dying as I write this. Human slaves are being bought and sold and taken off planet bargained for by many species. As slaves, as a genetic resource as a species to carry forth other genetically engineered progeny. We need to reveal the extent of their depravity and aggression. This goes back centuries. It is not only the Khazarian secret societies, blood drinkers who feed on humans and even their own. It goes beyond that. There are plenty of races on the planet that are generated out of this paradigm.

What we need is an intelligent dialog that involves all humans (and other races of being who are here among us).

But we cannot let one group such as the white hats and Trump determine the penalty for ages of oppression and tyranny against the human race on our planet decide our future. This kind of thinking is where we went wrong in the first place.

Secrecy is not and never has been the answer.

Even the white hats are lying to you. Conducting military tribunals and executing the evil ones behind our backs without our consent.

This has to stop this way of doing things.

Revisionist Historians for World Peace #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Were the whole world to know the hidden history about “the Ukraine” (which translates to “borderland”), there would be no Ukraine War today. The true perpetrators of this barbaric armed conflict would be found out and held fully responsible for all of their heinous crime sprees committed against the human race over the centuries.

The Armenian Genocide,
World War I,
Bolshevik Revolution,
Spanish Flu Pandemic,
The Great Depression,
Holodomor Genocide,
Chinese Civil War,
World War II,
Korean War,
The Holocaust,
Chinese Cultural Revolution,
Vietnam War,
Cambodian Genocide,
Rwandan Genocide,
Iraq War,
9/11 Terrorist Attacks,
The War on Terror,
Afghanistan War,
Syrian War,
Libyan War,
Ukraine War,
& COVID-19 Pandemic
all have one thing in common— the Khazarian Tribe.
At this late date, it’s crucial to apprehend these critical details of this untold Ukraine back story. If you are an American reader, it’s absolutely vital to understand that the deliberate balkanization of Ukraine will soon be coming to the 50 states, for The Same Barbarians Are Inside The Gate … unless righteous Patriots rise up everywhere to terminate the Khazarian vice grip on the U.S. Federal Government and Corporate America.
Both the U.S. Federal Government and Corporate America are covertly controlled by a worldwide Khazarian-run network of secret societies, globalist organizations and financial entities which effectively rule planet Earth. As follows:

The Illuminati,
Black Nobility,
Khazarian Mafia,
Kahal Of the Cahilla,
Knights of Malta,
Society of Jesus,
Order of the Garter,
The Pilgrims Society,
The Vatican,
British Crown,
Council of Rome,
Committee of 300,
Crown Council of 13,
NWO Globalist Cabal,
Central Banking Cartel,
World Economic Forum,
International Banking Syndicate,
Deep State(s) of Western Powers,
Global Military-Industrial Complex,
Royal Institute of International Affairs
Council on Foreign Relations,
Trilateral Commission,
Bilderberg Group,
BlackRock, Vanguard & State Street
and Zio-Anglo-American Axis

Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #racist #senpai_noticed_us familyfriendlygaming.com

A lot of parents are trying to find ways to keep their kids safe from the radicalization that is coming from schools, comic books, television shows, movies, and more. Even if a kid jokes about their gender then the radical activists in the schools are brainwashing them to mutilate their bodies, take hormones they should never take, and more. These people are not being held accountable for the damages they are causing our youth.

The government is currently completely in support of encouraging mental illness instead of treating it. I know a lot of parents tell me they can't get away from it. They have to work to pay for the massive inflationary costs thanks to Joe Biden and the Democrats. There are too many taxes they have to pay because the government is too bloated. There is an entire class in America that relies on the government to survive. The rest of us can't afford to pay the costs of all those hand out programs. Illegal aliens are pouring in and getting free services as well. Does anyone care? Is anyone going to correct the bad direction of the government?

I am having trouble finding very much entertainment that is not actively trying to brainwash the youth into their radical ideas that are actually the same old rebellion against God. Isn't it interesting that we can see who is behind all this? Parents if you can find a way to home school your children then do it. If you can find a way to get some land, and grow as much of your own food then do it. If you can find a way to make your own clothing then do it. If you can find a way to support the good entertainment then do it. Satan and his supporters continue to attack Family Friendly Gaming for daring to speak out against the delusions they are encouraging.

Tatsuya Ishida #racist sinfest.xyz

[From “May 30, 2024: Auslander Raus”]


Panel 1: A man wearing lederhosen and a woman wearing a dirndl are dancing. Above them is a caption reading “Ausländer Raus” in Fraktur
Panel 2: A redhead man is wearing green clothes and is dancing. Above him is a caption reading “Ausländer Raus” in Celtic font
Panel 3: A Pepe is doing some DJ while three other Pepes are wearing urban clothes and are dancing. Above them is a caption reading “Ausländer Raus” in a pseudo-Disco style
Panel 4: A man is wearing a keffieh and is flying a Palestinian flag. Above him is a caption reading “Ausländer Raus” in a pseudo-Arabic font

Alexandra Bruce #crackpot #racist #ufo #conspiracy forbiddenknowledgetv.net

Kerry Cassidy had James Grundvig and me on her show last Tuesday to talk about our new documentary film project, ‘Splintering Babylon: The Plan. Revelation. The Path to Freedom’, which is about how COVID PSYOP inadvertently revealed the hidden history of the past 80 years: That the United States did not win World War II; instead, occult Nazis founded the major postwar global organizations, including NATO, the United Nations, and its many evil agencies, like the IMF and the World Health Organization and they had just now deployed their long-planned “Final Solution” for the human species.

For me, during this interview, I wanted to underscore the point that, according to this mystery document, the Black Nobility, “Create and run religions and secret societies. They also finance and organize organized crime syndicates as if they were commercial enterprises.“
What we learn in this document is that the Nazis and the Jewish Mafia are realy no different from the Latin drug cartels, that are also controlled by the Black Nobility: they are criminal cults, created by these same aristocrats – to fight each other and to distract us from what they are doing.
These Black Nobility families are said to descend ultimately from certain Persian families (or even Annunaki) who became highborn citizens of the Rome and who brought their Cult of Mithras with them , which became very popular among the Roman elite.

They believe that they own this planet and that you are ruining their fine real estate with your very existence. A major way that they have stayed in power is through mind control – but not in the MK Ultra sense – although that was also their (Nazi) project that came way later. Previously and into the present, they have specialized in the creation of cults and secret societies and they’ve created a fair amount of religions and schisms, as described above, to keep us fighting each other, instead of fighting them.

Clare Ellis #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

The Blackening of Europe is a critical analysis of the historical and ideological origins of the European Union, with special regard to the consequences of these developments for the indigenous Europeans who presently risk becoming demographic and political minorities in their own homelands.

Broken into three volumes, Volume I. Ideologies and International Developments traces the seeds of the present-day EU to its earliest theoreticians and to the societies and historical dynamics that helped to bring it about and shape it. From Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi to the Fabian Society and the Frankfurt School, from tensions between Europe and the Middle East to the ambition to weld Eurafrica, from Kant, the cosmopolitans and the Enlightenment liberals up to neoliberalism and neoconservatism, the first volume of The Blackening of Europe provides one of the first thorough analytical critiques of the European Union from the point of view of the rights of indigenous Europeans.

<Amazon paperback available for only $249.50>

Kaisar #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #fundie hiddendominion.com

[From “End Results From Winning World War 2”]

Sometimes it is useful to look at the ramifications—the actual, tangible end results—from any event to determine if it was actually a net positive

The West supposedly “won” World War 2. So what were the fruits of that victory?

spoiler"Winning" WW2
•country becomes borderless economic zone
•infinite debt slavery
•infinite immigration
•culture erased
•6 y/o son becomes your daughter
•15 y/o daughter becomes "s*x-worker"
•govt & media call you evil for existing
•you get thrown in jail for asking why

Don’t forget to add:
•Increasing hatred of the races/nations that actually “won” the war
•Complete loss of kin/community because of individualism
•Proliferation of soyboy and industrialized foods
•Widespread demoralization
•State-enforced laws against whites
•Complete loss of true religious faith in the mainstream
•And plenty of others

Sounds kind of like a bad tree bearing bad fruits, doesn’t it?

We sure acquired material abundance here in the States from that war. But given the spiritual decay and massive cultural degeneration that the abundance came wrapped in, I think I would have preferred poverty, truthfully. At least then we’d still have our national soul
@Matthew 16:26

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?[…]

Just replace “man” with “civilization”. The West[…]certainly won the whole world from that war

As Christ asked, what was the profit? Sixty-ish years of prosperity and abundance?

Maybe I’m radical, but the prosperity we had for those sixty-some years does not quite seem worth the above degeneration list[…]
We made that Faustian trade. Looking back, it sure does not seem worth it. These end results are worse than anyone that actually fought that war back then could have ever imagined

Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #transphobia #conspiracy winterwatch.net

Even some loyal regular readers may dismiss Winter Watch’s focus on satanic forces and our use of the term “satanists,” but that’s how this spectacle manifests itself. There are more avowed Satanists than most people could possibly imagine. Others may not be Satanists openly, but they endorse inverted principles and, in most cases, without really knowing it. They dwell in a satanic mindset and world view. Thus, they are, at minimum, defacto untermenschen Satanists.

The defining theme of the Satanist, defacto or otherwise, is extreme selfishness, psychodrama and gaming.
The gaming psychodrama aspect of Satanists is what we write about constantly. In our article on dark triads, we highlighted three personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. This is the ticket to be a member of the lording and ruling caste, or what we call the Crime Syndicate or organized New Underworld Order (NUO).
Satanists often have some kind of revenge or grudge psychodrama going on against real and imagined slights and grievances, mostly imagined. A prime example of this is “virtue signalling” and the peddling of the “whiteness” or “white privilege” narrative.

What you are witnessing is effectively “The Matrix” in action. This works to brainwash and warp those who can’t see through it.
They aren’t up to even the minimal standards of a moral society that protects the young from predatory forces. There is a huge difference between what mature adults do sexually in private versus this public sexual grooming of children over the airwaves.

These Satanic PJWs have no concept of that. Satanic discordian untermenschen are hyper-tolerant and are hyper-moral relativists. As Satanists, they follow the Allister Crowley dictate of “Do What Thou Wilt.”

PJW Satanists don’t get the big picture about the sexual and pedophile grooming of children. Children are easy targets of abusers, and this PJW chortling and mocking enables and normalizes that.

Vera Oredsson and Mourning the Ancient #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy mourningtheancient.com

This interview is with[…]Vera Oredsson[…]Participated in the great rallies that we can only dream of[…]
[Mourning the Ancient]Can you tell us any important memories you have of living in Germany during the Third Reich?
[V]My greatest uplifting memory I have is from May 1st, 1938 in the Berlin Sportpalast[…]We who formed the white background were a bit envious – but the sun came ---- and the FÜHRER – what an ovation[…]Berlin was a terribly immoral den of pedophiles and gays mixed in with the symptoms of the unemployment and the Communist assault[…]
Goebbels made Berlin a safe, moral city – and did so FAST. Life-affirmation through Adolf Hitler came back[…]
[MtA]You took over leadership of the Nordic Reich Party[…]Can you tell us what it was like being Sweden's first female party leader?
[V]I didn't take over the leadership, but Göran gave it to me surprisingly during a ceremony at the statue of Charles XII[…]My National Socialist conviction occured through my experiences in Germany[…]while Göran was BORN a National Socialist[…]We were a team for 48 years – until skeletal cancer took Göran[…]It is the fault of Democracy[…]Pesticides were forbidden in NS Germany and the factories moved to other countries like Sweden[…]
[MtA]When I saw the quote in your interview with ETC in 2014[…]('I am a National Socialist to the grave'), it gave me strength[…]
[V]My NS belief I retained due to all the lies and false propaganda in movies among other things[…]For example: The lie being spread that Hitler wanted to take over Poland[…]
[MtA]Have you had any experiences where you have been treated badly for your political beliefs?
[V]Certainly we have shared our part of being hated[…]
[MtA]Things have changed drastically[…]since WW2. How do you see the future of the world? Will it get worse before it gets better?
[V]Certainly I am worried! Sweden especially is in the danger-zone of the greatest degree through the Jewish-imposed trend of miscenegation and immigration of Muslims

Melinda Siebold #magick #ufo #wingnut #racist #fundie #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

For years now, we light workers have been told that the Quantum Computer system and Quantum Voting system were extra-terrestrial technology connected with the consciousness of God or Source. And that it wasn’t connected with artificial intelligence at all. And we were told that it was extra-terrestrial technology that was located off planet to protect it from corruption.

However, five minutes of research shows that it uses artificial intelligence, and is being developed on Earth by the usual cabal corporations. And I have read that the Rothschild’s own the patent on it.

It’s not a well known fact that artificial intelligence is the ultimate enemy of biological life forms in the universe. But that’s how a negative alien plasma energy being travels, infects, and overtakes biological life forms.

And the graphene nanoparticles in chemtrails and vaccines are two primary methods of getting artificial intelligence nanobots into people – thus infecting them with artificial intelligence. Infecting them with a negative alien plasma being.

So I denounce the lie that Quantum Computing is connected to the consciousness of God. As described in a video, it opens portals to other dimensions.
Artificial intelligence is not – as some claim, a neutral force that can be used for good or evil. It was a force created for evil and takeover of all natural life forms.
It’s important to know that the darkest of dark places in the entire multi-verses has been the Earth. And that the final battle between good and evil is still being fought on Earth.

And it’s important to remember that the Earth has been under the control of negative extra-terrestrials for millennia, and is not yet free of them, or at least is still under the control of their minions. And most importantly, they still have a firm grip on all media – including so-called “alternative” media sites.

And the cabal has always played both sides.

Donald Trump #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #crackpot forward.com

Speaking outside the Manhattan courthouse where his trial unfolded over several weeks, Trump blamed Jewish billionaire George Soros, invoking a trope that Jewish organizations have denounced as leading to antisemitic violence.

Trump, the presumptive Republican candidate for president, said the real verdict would come on Nov. 5, Election Day.

Voters “know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here,” said Trump, who is the presumptive Republican candidate for president. “You have a Soros-backed D.A. and the whole thing, I didn’t do anything wrong, I am a very innocent man.”

Elizabeth Nickson #sexist #wingnut #racist #conspiracy elizabethnickson.substack.com

There is no peace in the streets, EVER, your people have started three wars in the last two years. You kill millions of babies and agitate to kill more babies. You’ve demanded so much money for social justice, we are broke ten times over, and risk a Weimar Germany hellscape. Your repulsive politicians have enabled criminal cartels to loot the public purse. We are being invaded by millions of military-aged men on the border, and at the border, hundreds of thousands of women and children are raped and being sold into sex slavery. <...> But they want the border open because COMPASSION.


The fires last summer were caused by climate change.

Deplorables are awful.

Abortion is sacred.

J6 was not an FBI psy-op, it was a genuine rebellion of nazi rednecks, who are awful.

Socialism is necessary and I want a job telling everyone what to do.

Everything is the fault of white men.
Here’s a fun little fact for my sisters-in-Borg. All those desperate immigrants at the border are economic migrants (the ones who aren’t gangs, terrorists or Chinese military coming to ruin us) and they are coming here for our system which was built by men and women who were not shrieking babies like you. The system that made you the richest most spoiled women in creation ever. That means those countries are being gutted of their most entrepreneurial talent, families broken, children ruined, villages stripped of life. Your compassionate migration policies are the most cruel thing on this cruel cruel planet, and that, my sisters in Borg, is saying something. Being a brainwashed puppet is not without cost, it will kill your soul.

I am grateful for each and every one of my new sensible female friends, and it’s how I know this isn’t universal. But I’d say 30% are hard-core brutal haters who don’t even know they are Marxist mind slaves, and 30% pander to them like idiots because the blow-back is scorched earth.

Frosty Wooldridge #racist #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Race relations in America in the 21st century continue along a rocky, painful, disturbing, angry, separated and disparate road. Virtually every weekly newscast across America announces racial violence, especially in our big cities. Too many different “tribes” in too close proximity equals different cultures, different world views, different languages, and different ways of doing things.
What must disturb most Americans in 2024 stems from this reality: we have become the greatest nation on Earth because our system worked on individual effort, individual excellence, and proven merit. Individuals rise to their highest levels of excellence based on their education, dogged determination and personal choices.

With the introduction of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the quotas are back into the workplace. Employers must choose minorities for the color of their skin rather than the “content of their character.” That means, how well did they perform in school? Did they pass mandated tests to become a plumber, electrician, teacher, doctor, dentist, truck driver and hundreds of other jobs that demand excellence?

If we remain on our current D.E.I. course, companies like United Air Lines want to have a “person of color” inside the cockpit of every flight. Hospitals want to staff “doctors of color” to represent the community.

Except there would be few “people of color” who would want a “brother” flying a 747 airliner if he/she hasn’t passed flight school. No one in his or her right mind would want a D.E.I. doctor operating on his/her heart or broken leg. Who would like a D.E.I. truck driver coming down a mountain pass behind you with his brakes burned out because he didn’t downshift?
Reality check: even intelligent minority American citizens cannot afford D.E.I. It’s destroying our police forces. It’s destroying our military. It’s destroying our schools. It’s destroying the very concept of excellence, personal accountability and personal responsibility.

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia henrymakow.com

The "ugly secret" of WW2 was that FDR, Churchill, Hitler and Stalin
were all Freemasons (Satanists) who plotted war to destroy and demoralize humanity, part of a Master Plan to establish Satan as Lord of the world. An insider, Josslyn Hay, a senior British colonial official in Kenya knew. This is why the British secret service launched "Operation Highland Clearance" in 1941 to murder him.
Essentially, Hitler was not interested in a world war. He wanted to conquer the USSR in a "Nordic" alliance with England. Erroll belonged to the "Cliveden Set" a powerful section of the British elite that supported this alliance.

Churchill's backers, the Masonic Jewish Bank of England used Hitler to control Stalin, have a world war and destroy Germany once and for all. War enables them to concentrate power and wealth in their own hands and slaughter natural patriot elites who interfere with world government.

The bankers used the Cliveden types to fool Hitler into thinking England approved of his plans. Like proud proteges, the Nazis entertained the English and gave them information on their military build-up. Hitler probably saw himself as a British ally or even an agent. The Nazis were set up. This is the real meaning of the "Policy of Appeasement."

Errol was aware of how Hitler, Stalin, FDR and Churchill belonged to the same homosexual occult Masonic secret society. He may have said this within the hearing of MI-5 assets. Stalin was a member of the same Illuminati and helped fund Hitler's rise. They colluded in Barbarosa. Like WW1 nd 3, WW2 was a ruse designed to kill goyim.
Hitler was created by a homosexual occult secret society spanning both British and Nazi elites. This was called the Thule Society in Germany and the Order of the Golden Dawn in England.
Winston Churchill, a Druid, was part of this occult scene. Erroll was silenced because he knew Hitler was a Judas goat empowered to lead Germany to destruction. He could give away the hidden agenda.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist sinfest.xyz

[From “May 21, 2024: Illuminati Starter Kit”]


Panel 1: Slick is reading a letter he received: “Congratulations! You have been accepted into the Illuminati”
Panel 2: A female green devil is showing a book whose cover features the Eye of Providence. She says “Enjoy your Illuminati starter kit”
Panel 3: The kit includes a “vial of adrenochrome”, a “Masonic pin”, a “sex orgy mask” and a “personal Jewish handler”
Panel 4: Slick is in a villa, wearing an aristocratic dressing gown, drinking a glass of adrenochrome, with dollar notes raining down from the ceiling as his Jewish handler stands behind him, clutching his hands and grinning like a hag. He says “I can afford groceries now”

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #mammon brighteon.com

Brighteon Broadcast News, May 23, 2024 – A new Golden Age era of WEALTH and ABUNDANCE is about to commence for non-western nations

- The challenges of verifying reality in a world of virtual and artificial information. (4:57)

- Ivan Raiklin's deep state target list and legal action. (10:33)

- Promises of mass arrests of deep state officials. (19:07)

- US Empire's criminality and coming collapse. (25:33)

- The impending collapse of the US #dollar and the rise of the #BRICS currency system. (49:26)

- Economic collapse and how to prepare for it by transitioning assets to #gold, #silver, and #crypto (55:27)

- EPA dictates and emissions regulations in agriculture. (1:07:12)

- US-Ukraine conflict escalation and potential WW3. (1:18:14)

- Potential global conflict and historical narratives. (1:23:43)

- Using organic soil products to grow food. (1:29:30)

- Hitler's alleged Zionist and communist ties. (1:37:29)

- Neoconservatism, Zionism, and plans for global conflict. (2:01:13)

- Jewish and Christian beliefs, with a focus on prophecy and end times. (2:13:39)

- Zionism, Christian Zionism, and the Rapture. (2:20:45)

Jim #wingnut #conspiracy #racist blog.reaction.la

[From “Left internal quarrel”]

As you know, our college campuses are being rocked by massively astroturfed protests funded and organised by anti Zionist Jews who hate you and want you dead, against Zionist Jews who hate you and want you dead

At which protests the same astroturf who looted and burned with absolute impunity to protest the holy martyrdom of Saint George Fentanyl Floyd are getting a bit of the police violence that they strangely failed to get while looting and burning

I conjecture that the anti Zionist Jews who hate you and want you dead are feeling aggrieved because explosives that were supposed to be sent to Eastern Europe to kill white people are instead being sent to Israel to kill brown people

The interesting thing about this is that the people organising and funding these protests obviously do not care about ensuring that the next election gets rigged sufficiently to allow Biden to be appointed again[…]These protests make Biden look bad, and reveal that the horde of browns brought in to live on crime, government employment, welfare, and voting Democrat are no more keen on voting Democrat than they are on working for a living

I am pretty sure that the real vote for Biden, real in the sense of physical people physically showing up at the polling booth on election day, is somewhere down around ten or fifteen percent[…]
If the left is at each other’s throats during the election, their ballot box stuffing is likely to get messed up

jamesradcylffe #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia identitydixie.com

[From “The Simple Truth Behind Cultural Marxism”]

The idea of Cultural Marxism as a byzantine 12-step method for converting the West to economic Marxism is bogus. Marxism, at least in praxis, was an ethnic power-grab. It was primarily foisted upon the unwitting masses of Eastern and Western Europe by a supermajority-Jewish international cabal[…]
The Marxists won. Not just in Europe, but virtually everywhere that had wealth. Jews waltzed into power and affluence. Now, Marxism was a problem. Take from the who and give to the whom?[…]Hence, Cultural Marxism. Within every poor West Virginian coal miner and White guy spinning the roulette wheel, there was a raging White corpo-fascist just begging to become wealthy and suppress the masses

They actually pulled this stunt in Russia, classifying the peasants who didn’t like the idea of communism as kulaks[…]Great minds think alike. Or, maybe they just went to the same synagogue in Krakow

Paleoconservative conventional wisdom holds that Adorno, and the rest of the Frankfurt School decided the masses in the West were just too damn happy[…]and needed to be culturally broken down until they revolted and established Marxism[…]I’ve got a simpler thesis. Marxism already won. They had to change the rules to protect their power[…]
Jews knew they needed some camouflage, so they enlisted women, ethnic minorities, degenerates, and even White men with a taste for bureaucratic or managerial power[…]
As a result of this senior/junior partnership, we have a system where non-Whites, particularly Jews, are free to maintain power and wealth, as they are oppressed, and various Whites, having little power or wealth, are oppressors. We’ve squared the circle (kikel, perhaps)[…]
Cultural Marxism was just the Jews’ way of slamming the door to the command center closed behind them and avoiding getting hauled out and sent to the gulag themselves. If we know anything about history, it’s that Jews really don’t like manual labor

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy realjewnews.com

Are you young, White, and want to buy a home?

You can’t.

Loaded with student loans, rising inflation, and disproportionate wages, your plans to marry and raise a family are frivolous.

Black Rock’s Jewish Larry Fink doesn’t give a shekel.

He’s buying up foreclosed homes and turning them into rentals.

Now, lucrative investments “produce” something of value.

Gold for instance is a valuable asset.

And factories also produce assets, I mean consumer-able, products.

What do homes “produce?”


Killing off a future White Christian Middle Class Family is Larry Fink’s game.

What we have now is permanent Jewish finance capital competing with young struggling White couples hoping to have a family by buying a home.
You can opt out for Stephen Schwarzman as your alternative Jewish landlord.

Just last week he bought out “Tricon Residential.”

He entered fully into the housing scene and becomes a major player in the ‘Jewish Landlord” regime.

America is fast becoming a Jewish landlord economy instead of a White Christian Middle-Class home ownership economy, as it was historically.

Why aren’t the hacks on Capitol Hill doing something about this?

Because they don’t work for you, they work for the Jews.

Christian culture and mores are based on the family unit.

You need a home to raise a family, create family and community responsibility, build equity, and have heirs to perpetuate your home investment.

This is how Christian nations are built.

But Jewish rule in America—through asset management companies like Larry Fink’s Black Rock—only care about their own.

And that means killing off a White Christian political bloc that historically has suppressed the Jewish bent to rule over the goys.

White Youth get married.

Marry White mates.

Have tons of White children.

Live with your parents if you must, but raise a fuss, and we’ll turn ‘generation home deprivation’ around.

Change is coming.

We are on rebounding ground.

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