
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia #sexist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Race-mixing and homosexuality have reached the size and intensity of religion.

Those of us who oppose them stand as heretics today. For it is we who oppose them that they most vehemently want to burn at the stake.

( @Stewartsville )
@Nature_and_Race How has a small minority of faggot race traitors been able to manipulate the narrative by pushing this disgusting behavior on the majority of Whites, I'll tell you how, if it stinks & rots your core values it must be the jews every single time.

( @Haemish )
Society at large dictates you have to be pro gay and pro miscegenation but not opposed or indifferent. It never occurs to the midwits that this is intentionally targeting heterosexual White people - because that’s only who it wants to burn at the stake

( @Dave_Gab )
@Nature_and_Race I wouldn't be surprised if it's a CIA psyops program. This kind of degeneracy doesnt just come along organically.

( @Grahamelambda )
@Nature_and_Race ttoo right brah the women who are singlemoms mudsharking without care or shame and in hunt of a beta provider simp to feed adn pay for tyrones mudlings...discusting

CantEscapeYourFate #sexist incels.is

If you still want a girlfriend, you're not truly blackpilled.

It confuses me to the highest order how someone can take the black pill and still cry about not being able to get a girlfriend.

A girlfriend can only offer you sex or female validation, so if you want a girlfriend you either want one of those things or both of them.

If any of you want sex, just pay a prostitute.

Otherwise, you're just chasing female validation, which is absolutely retarded for two reasons:

1. No foid will ever love you. Even if you're a Chad, foids won't value the man himself, only his looks. If he loses his looks, she immediately takes back all the validation she gave him. So why would you give a shit about validation from foids when it depends on stuff that you can't control? It's absolutely retarded. It's like receiving credit for an assignment you didn't even do. You get nothing out of it because you didn't do anything to deserve it.
2. Females are: weaker than us, less intelligent than us, and less attractive than us if you remove makeup and male hormones from the equation. So why the FUCK would you give a single shit about validation from the gender that's inferior to you in every way? That's like a homo sapien wanting validation from a homo erectus. It's backwards and makes no sense.

This forum should be DISGUSTED by on the idea of relationships, female validation, and the idea of "ascending", yet all I see in here is bluepilled cucks crying about not having a girlfriend. It's retarded bluepill faggotry, and I thought we were supposed to be past this nonsense after taking the black pill.

Hire a prostitute and fuck that whore if you have sexual urges, but other than that you shouldn't need a foid for ANYTHING else, and you DEFINITELY don't need a girlfriend.

Rant over. I'm gonna start blocking you bluepilled cucks whenever I see you from now on.

Various Incels #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

Tiktok AI Genderbend trend deludes women into roasting their looksmatch

There's a popular trend on tiktok currently where people use a Genderbend filter (turns men into women and vice versa) to see what they would "look like as the other gender".

Surprisingly it works incredibly well and produces insanely accurate looksmatches, so if you wanna see your looksmatch try it out.

Now, women have also caught onto this trend, but while men get amazed how "good" their looksmatch looks, women can't accept it.

at all.

This is a perfect 1/1 looksmatch. Both are 4/4s. Most clear example.
Yet the comments are locked, and she wonders why "it doesn't work well on her"
of course she gets a ton of support

on the other hand we also have women coping about the fact that they're not that attractive by virtue signalling

not a single smart thought went through their shitheads in their entire life.

Also note that every genderswap boy gets heavily insulted in the comments for being ugly, which should hurt the women who made the video, but it doesn't because they're not smart enough to realise an insult to their looksmatch is an insult to them.

Mods should pin this lmao. Perfectly shows that the vast majority of woman would be posting on incel forums if born a fucking man.

Daily reminder your female looksmatch is having the best life with little to no effort.

interesting concept, goes to show hypergamy in effect. Femoids are horrified to see what their looksmatches TRULY are, they think they are entitled to a partner +3 SMV

Prussian Society of America #racist #fundie #sexist #wingnut prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "4 Positive Developments, In Light Of All This Darkness"]

As you are keenly aware, we are often the most cynical, and least optimistic of all people on the planet. We are also hesitant to take note of anything peculiar until it gives us enough reasonable confidence that there is good solid traction at play

Nevertheless, I do wish to state that we have been actively tracking many global developments that are taking place, which occasionally, ARE absolutely in favor and absolutely beneficial to us during these hopeless times
1)Intra-Racial Tensions between various Ethnic groups in America and Europe are increasing** due to Economic issues, State Laws and Policies which are also fragmenting certain classes of these Immigrant groups, including other tensions and competition between Illegal and Legal Immigrants (even if both are scum)[…]
2)More Women are becoming Economically Disenfranchised and being Dismissed from their Jobs, for a whole host of reasons, but also because Women are even finding more clever ways to Embezzle Funds with the companies they work for. The entire Trans-Atlantic Tech Community is firing a lot of Females[…]
3)More and More people in Europe and all around the world, are actually beginning to catch on to just how disturbing, horrific and messed up the United States and the United Kingdom are as Nations. France, also is included on this list with the US and UK[…]We do respect the right of people even Barbarians to exist in their own lands[…]
4)Faith and Belief in Christianity is rapidly collapsing anywhere, along with the notions of using “Prayer” or “Peaceful Resistance”[…]
**Our organization is involved in many activities we do not disclose to the public. Nevertheless, we also actively are engaged with trying to promote Intra-Racial Tensions, and we encourage that you self-reflect and discover your own creative ways to furthering these tensions

woodchip #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy descentbb.net

Far far away. I remember the Feminists being loud and in your face, but no more. Back in the 60's they were burning their bras and going bra-less. Even way before that they were demanding the right to vote. Today they are more than willing to acquiesce to male dominance, lay back and say ★■◆● me. Not a peep out of them when transgenders with male physiology compete against females and utterly dominate them. Considering that there is money to be made like endorsements, I sometimes wonder if these transgenders are really male athletes who failed competing against other males and decided to go where they can win...woman's sports. While I don't have a problem with tranny's, they should really only be allowed to compete against each other.

Tell Us How You Really Feel Award

hrdeviantart #sexist #homophobia deviantart.com

I will NOT apologize you. You are a fucking effeminate Luz Noceda cocksucker, you are a disgust to true men and you should be bullied by true men because TOH, Amphibia, SVTFOE, MLP FiM/EQG and Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, or other any show with female lead character is for girls only.

I hate femboys, male feminists, gays, male fans of any girly-lead-character media or franchises and I prefer you be DEAD.

If you want to be a true man, stop watching those shows and start watching Sanjay and Craig, Pickle or Peanut, Billy Dilley, Ren and Stimpy (including Adult Party Cartoon) or any TV show who is male-lead-characters or sexual female degradation characters. Also please, play GTA 5 (including the strip club minigame), No More Heroes franchise, God of War greek mythology saga (including the sex minigame) or any male-character or sexual female degradation videogame.

Elvis Dunderhoff #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "12-Year-Old Florida Girl Steals Dad’s Car to Meet Man for Sex"]

Oh the slut stole the car to go get FUCKED????

I’m a conservative, now let me tell you how she is actually the victim somehow!

I don’t know how she is the victim right now. Let me think about how she is the victim, and then I will get back to you!

But we know for sure that she is the victim, and the only issue right now is coming up with a convoluted explanation as to how she is the victim and this is the fault of men somehow

Please stand by while we put together that narrative for you

New York Post

A 12-year-old Florida girl stole her father’s car and picked up her 14-year-old friend to meet an online predator in Louisiana, officials said this weekend

Baby-faced Jade Gregory, of Union County, was reported missing last week after she hopped behind the wheel of her parent’s Ford Taurus, went to meet her pal Khloe Larson, then drove out of state[…]

We still haven’t figured out the full story of how this is men’s fault. We will be getting back to you shortly

But so far we have:
•Abused the innocence
•She didn’t understand
•She didn’t know what a penis is
•Mind control
•Secret words to manipulate the subconscious mind

Stay tuned and we will have a very clear story about how this girl’s choices were not actually her own choices, and were in fact, somehow, the fault of men

Candace Owens #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Can you name one objective thing that has gotten better in American society since women were given the right to vote? (Please contain your emotions and answer the question. I’m working on an episode and want to read aloud some of the answers).

im-tired_smh #psycho #sexist reddit.com

"sO pArEnTs dOnT gEt tO pArTiCiPaTe iN sOciEtY?" yes. correct. you have no identity as an individual anymore, you are literally only the caretaker of a shitty, noisy, subhuman grub. that is all you are and all anyone will ever see until your pet sperm finds independence in ~20 years, and maybe not even then. seethe, cope, and stay the fuck home until your crawling cumshot can travel without shrieking bloody fucking murder the whole time.

alternatively: be prepared to get some nasty looks and hold your tongue about it, because expecting grace when you've fully intentionally made everyone around you miserable is clown behavior.

Linda Kimball #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

Out of one side of their lying mouths, antichrist new pagan Global Darwinists and their fellow travelers tell us to believe that the Biblical God is dead, and with His death, so are Reality, immutable Truth, universal morality, original sin, man as God’s spiritual image bearer, the two created sexes, and Nature’s Law, for these point to eternal verities:

Yet out of the other side of their lying mouths, it’s common for them to brazenly proclaim that in ‘reality,’ evidence supporting mythological Darwinism is overwhelming. Some go so far as to claim that the myth of evolution is an established fact.

Both fact and evi)dence point back to unchanging Truth and Reality. Truth is accordance with that which is, has been, or shall be. History, as it unfolds, is a record of truth and reality: of what works and what does not work; of what is right and true and of what is not. The long-term collective memory of this unfolding historic knowledge is common sense.
Darwinism denies the existence of God the Father, and the transcendent Permanent Things that, grounded in eternally existing Reality (I AM WHO I AM), comprise this nation’s founding worldview and give rise to our inalienable individual rights and enduring principles of liberty: our living, personal Creator, Nature’s Law, immutable Truth, universal moral law, virtue, the two created sexes male and female, and the individual thinker and ‘choice-maker’ made in the spiritual image of God.

New pagan Progressive evolutionism tells us to believe that everything came into being by chance — accidentally, without meaning, purpose, or design — from matter. Thus, since man is an accidental emergence from ‘nothing,’ then he is in the image of ‘nothing.’ ‘Nothing’ has no soul, mind, or conscience. ‘Nothing’ owns nothing and has no Constitutional rights. And since ‘nothing’ is neither male nor female, then neither should man be, rather man ought to be ‘gender fluid,’ a term for polymorphously perverse androgyne or transgender.

Padraig Martin #wingnut #transphobia #fundie #racist #sexist #elitist identitydixie.com

[From "Our Ungodly American Constitution"]

Transgenderism was always equality’s final battlefield[…]The idea that the sexes are mutable was an inevitability once we – as a society – subscribed to the ungodly notion that we are all “equal”[…]
The greatest fault of the Constitution is the following: through the amendment and legislative process, the Constitution is grounded in nothing but the collective whims of the majority[…]
God did not make us equals[…]Galatians 3:28[…]verse was referring to equality under the law – specifically the laws of God[…]Those who are not Christians do not enjoy the benefit of this new relationship between God and Christians[…]
Even if it was not the original intention of the majority Christian Founding Fathers[…]Constitution codified equality of good (Christianity) and bad[…]
The next great failure of the Constitution was its lack of codified racial distinctions. The Constitution was written by White Christian men (some Deists) in a time when Europe was the dominant continent[…]The idea of Asian, African, or Indian equality was never considered by the authors[…]
God created physical nations. God intended those nations to remain distinct[…]
Until the 14th Amendment, the Constitution and the Bible largely complemented one another[…]
When the greatest threat to one’s survival is a swift cheetah, God created people who are not sitting around dwelling upon esoteric concepts in a subdued state getting sun burned all day[…]
Jim Crow Laws in the South tried to reconcile the federal Constitution’s “equality under the law” with the God given genetic reality[…]
God given genetic construct of black people makes it more difficult for them to function under White systems of government[…]
Constitutional Republic completely unravels on the altar of equality when it is sacrificed to the emotional appeal and dictates of women

JonFreeman #wingnut #sexist deviantart.com

Remember: feminist writers kill off "toxic male" heroes and attempt to replace them with Mary Sue protags (heman, terminator, 1st draft indy 5)


Just like how they wish they could murder men in real life. Or how they destroy the careers of male rivals and usurp their positions.


Because damn those evil men.


Totally trustworthy those women are

Sha'i ben-Tekoa #wingnut #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie americanthinker.com

If the Nobel Prize Committee had the category of Most Influential Invention of the Last Century, one candidate might be the Pill, the contraceptive that came into widespread use in the 1960s and triggered a chain reaction of one tectonic, societal earthquake after another. I was a college student at the time and watched it happen.

If you want to know the origin of today’s sexual madness—”What’s your pronoun?” Little boys get castrated; pubescent girls undergo double mastectomies, and drag queens entertain American kindergarten kids.—it all began with the Pill that re-configured the relationship between men and women as never before since the Garden of Eden.

The Pill’s advent ignited a tsunami of fornication, a.k.a. premarital sex and adultery, that led to a further tsunami of millions of couples divorcing, the invention of no-fault divorce, millions of tears, and millions of broken families.

The Pill produced “Women’s Lib” and women like Hillary “Lady Macbeth” Clinton, who sneered at motherhood and wanted a “career” just like a man.
The Pill has produced a society that is dizzy with the fantasy that there is such a thing as “gender” (outside of grammar), let alone transgender, which is nothing but the old transvestism explicitly forbidden in the Jewish Bible right alongside male-to-male sodomy. The divine genius of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is that this is how societies die, via sexual abandon and sexual perversion, a couplet no longer permissible in the politically correct generation of the “woke.”
There is also a connection between the loss of a sense of right and wrong in matters of sex, and right and wrong in other activities, such as the FBI. In that institution, we’ve learned that the agents protecting the sexual perversity of the son of the President of the United States and the first family’s influence-peddling among the communists, have also allegedly led to hundreds of intramural sex harassment cases amongst agency employees.

Erston_0utway #sexist #racist reddit.com

From a thread titled ”Muh RE4 remake is woke”

imaginee being that person who complains about game being woke because you can't oversexualise women.

Imagine being that person who thinks a skirt and sweater is oversexualised. I couldn't give 2 fucks about the outfit as a busty woman I'm more tired tired of seeing cupsizes cut in half for no reason other then "Waaaa people like boobs so bad"

In original you were able look up her skirt which was wrong. Also she not there to have her boobs to be starred at. She trying to survive a horrible situation. Women shouldn't be In games just to please the male gaze. It's not right. We are more than our bodies. I know busty women exist. I'm just don't like women being over sexualised.
Also my main complaint was being able look up her skirt which I'm happy they changed.

If you don’t like that then don’t do it you loopy broad. Gotta love that liberal fascism! Protecting digital women everywhere while defending Asian and Islamic culture(who actually DO sexually abuse and harass women and mutilate them)!

“If you don’t like that then don’t do it you loopy broad.”
The developers took your advice and didnt put it in the game cuz they didnt like it

Hurrah for censorship! Let’s put the women in the next game in hijabs too!

Creative decisions != censorship

Jesse Lee Peterson #sexist youtube.com

Men must be born again of the Father. They must return to the Father because until they return to the Father, the woman will rule. Every time you listen to a woman, you’re gonna suffer. A man has no business listening to a woman, unless he’s listening to her about evil. Women, their nature being evil…they can pick up evil all the time, so a man can hear, “Oh, you’d better watch out for that woman.” Other than that, a man should never take advice from a woman, because he will always suffer.

Black Liam #dunning-kruger #elitist #sexist twitter.com

I don’t think pregnancy is easy, I just think it’s not as hard as women make it out… Cause like your whole body by design was made to do that shit, just like knives were made to cut it’s not hard for them to do that… It’d be hard for a spoon to cut something, but not a knife

All I’m saying is, if basic life skills like cooking and cleaning are difficult to you, of course pregnancy is gonna be hard… But if you’re not a simple sally you should be just fine… Like I said, knives were made to cut.

Larry Tomczak #transphobia #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist charismanews.com

Malevolent forces in our culture work through radical progressives, Hollywood, the music industry and social media to lure impressionable, peer-dependent youth.

Gender dysphoria (confusion/discomfort with one's biological sex) has always existed, but now the problem is exploding as Satan exploits it to destroy our precious young people. I've advised parents to watch a documentary on the life of famous singer Karen Carpenter. She was praised by her peers as possessing the purest voice of her generation (36 million record sales) yet she deceived herself at 90 lbs. that she was fat and starved herself to death at 32.

4 Steps to Stop Seduction

1. Spiritual warfare. As parents and pastors, we must remain steadfast in intercessory prayer on behalf of our young people. We have power over the evil one who is a defeated foe! We must exercise our authority, resist the devil and "cast out demons" in Jesus Name.

March CM Cover2. Stand guard. We must be "watchmen on the wall" safeguarding our families from ungodly influences. We must "give no opportunity to the devil" to work through computers, iPhones, cable, TV, music, books, magazines and friends who don't share a clear-cut biblical worldview. "He who walks with the wise will be wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." (Prov. 13:20).

3. Stop deception. In school and church settings, survey and stop any unbiblical teaching about sexuality and gender selection. God is our Creator and He made us "male and female" and that's not left up to us to decide!

4. Showcase masculinity and femininity. Contrary to what our culture puts forth, God designed men and women with different traits and roles that our children need to see so they can emulate. Learn what scripture teaches about men and women, and then live your life to the fullest according to God's magnificent design.

Vic Biorseth #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

The only truly oppressed classes in America and perhaps in the world today, are the

law abiders,

Everything else is celebrated; everything wrong is touted to be right; everything false is held to be true; whosoever is natural, unpretentious and God-fearing is oppressed by everyone else. That's what all the political Nazi-movements are all about: the elimination of normalcy, correctness and truth. It begins with the one true Church falling into syncretism and it ends with the outright denial of God.
The Cultural Marxism and Marxocrat Party driven HIV=AIDS=DEATH purely political pandemic hoax panicked the world population into embracing "safe" fornication, "protected" sodomy and "responsible" promiscuity in formal education, to be added into all already needlessly existing yet government-mandated formal "sex education" in all public schools. The minute the false link between HIV and AIDS was established in the news, Cultural Marxism, and the already Culturally Marxist Marxocrat Party jumped on it like monkeys on a banana, and they have never and will never let it go.

We are now coming into Holy Week. Do you think the Marxocrat Party, which is clearly the Party of Sodom, knows or cares about that? They fully intend to impose the mores of ancient Sodom on all Americans, against their will.
The new Sodom must be condemned and cut off from America if America is to survive. Can you name a current politician other than Trump would would even consider doing such a thing, and what their political party would have to say about that, or even if any of them would have the guts to stand up for and with Jesus Christ against the return of Sodom?

There's nothing easy about picking up our daily crosses and following Him, but that is precisely what we are all called to do, even at the sacrifice of self.

Isabella Riley Moody #sexist youtube.com

One of the worst things to ever happen for America was women getting the right to vote in 1920. The 19th Amendment was a horrible thing because women overwhelmingly vote for Democrats. [We] are emotional thinkers, and the Left knows how to tug on the emotional heartstrings of women, which is how they get their votes. I’m sorry, but men just know better. Yes, there are stupid liberal men who are pretty much women, but America would be way more conservative if it weren’t for women getting the right to vote.

ADHD_cel #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist incels.is

Curries and Slavs are at the bottom of the barrel because they have nothing to offer in terms of beauty

Because they’re basically debased white men: Both curries and slavs have Caucasian skulls, just with ethnicity-specific variations (shit skin + protruding eyes for curries and wider flatter face for Slavs) which make them deviate from the beauty standard based on Northwestern European phenos.

That’s why blacks and Asians smv-mog Indians and EE men: If foids want a white man they can just seek out the one with the best phenotype, if they want something “exotic” then why not just go full black or rice? Curries and Slavs are just ugly Caucasians that have nothing exotic to offer, kek

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@10KZCelly - It's called being superior"]



That’s great and as you are an individual and you know what’s best for you. I know lots of scientists/engineers in biomed fields & space industry that would be great on tv but the reality is that they don’t want to be. There is no correlation there with underrepresentation

83 cents says otherwise in the USA; it’s worse the higher that women climb the ladder. Men simply make more in every profession no matter the experience, years of service, etc. many believe it starts when private companies don’t advertise pay when hiring
3:39 AM·Dec 7, 2022

They still keep bitching and lying about pay equity. It's the same thing chicks do about pretty much everything in life, from whether or not they spent too much money at the mall to how the car accident really happened. So it's really not surprising when it comes to their income versus their value to an employer they bitch and lie about that too

Hey, maybe that's why we don't pay you as much

Of course, the whole 83% thing has been disproven so badly so many times that the only reason these sluts keep bringing it up is because they are actively evil and not just retarded. There's the mathematical approach, the cultural approach [pdf], the economics approach, and my personal favourite: the "here you go you dumb slut, here's your extra money and whoops you accidentally got a metal pipe through your skull" approach

This was recently in the news again when FakePresident Biden got a supposed letter from a child complaining about the (fake) pay gap. Little Charlotte was very sad that "men are getting more money than girls". In addition to being guided by the feminist lie about the pay gap, one of the striking things that nobody seems to ever want to ask is why they are, and whether or not this should be celebrated

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

On my wall, I have a picture of a Muslim woman shrouded in a burka.

Beside it is a picture of an American beauty contestant, wearing nothing but a bikini.

One woman is totally hidden from the public; the other is totally exposed. These two extremes say a great deal about the clash of so-called "civilizations."

The role of woman is at the heart of any culture. Apart from stealing Arab oil, the turmoil in the Middle East is about stripping Muslims of their religion and culture, exchanging the burka for a bikini.

I am not an expert on the condition of Muslim women and I love feminine beauty too much to advocate the burka here. But I am defending some of the values that the burka represents for me.

For me, the burka represents a woman's consecration to her husband and family. Only they see her. It affirms the privacy, exclusivity and importance of the domestic sphere.
The feminine personality is founded on the emotional relationship between mother and baby. It is based on nurturing and self-sacrifice.

Masculinity is founded on the relationship between hunter and prey. It is based on aggression and reason.

Feminism deceives women to believe femininity has resulted in "oppression" and they should adopt male behavior instead.

The result: a confused and aggressive woman with a large chip on her shoulder, unfit to become a wife or mother.

This is the goal of the NWO social engineers: undermine sexual identity and destroy the family, create social and personal dysfunction, and reduce the population. In the "brave new world," women are not supposed to be mothers and progenitors of the race. They are meant to be autonomous sex objects.
Feminism is another cruel New World Order hoax that has debauched American women and despoiled Western civilization. It has ruined millions of lives and represents a lethal threat to Islam.

The burka and the bikini represent two extremes. The answer lies somewhere in the middle.

Darren Mays #sexist #dunning-kruger twitter.com

They need to discuss with parents. Parents will usually want them to use pads or tissue paper until they are married and no longer virgins.

(Ana Filipe: ”You mean to tell me the issue with not providing girls TAMPONS is to safe-keep their virginity? 🤦🏽‍♀️. Most teen girls decide what they feel comfortable using & it’s 4 each family to discuss not a group of Republican men. Tissue paper? Nahh🙄”)

Yes, but teachers are giving them tampons instead of pads and making that decision for them. We're going to have a whole generation of women that are worn out before they even give birth. Save something for marriage. Just one thing.

Jim Caviezel #fundie #sexist #wingnut lifesitenews.com

He was asked by the publication Sembrar, “in your judgment, what is the greatest moral defect of the western world?”

“Abortion, without any doubt,” answered Caviezel. “As Mother Theresa said, ‘abortion will end up bringing the world to nuclear war’. When a man kills a man in a war situation, it is bad, very sad.  Attila [the Hun] went further.  He said ‘not only am I going to kill men, but also women and children.’  He raised the bar to another level.”

However, added Caviezel, “abortion goes much further: when the mother herself kills her son she goes against her own nature, against her own instinct.  People talk about ‘choice’, but when a woman does that, when she destroys the life of her unborn child, then we have arrived at the limit.  The level cannot go higher regarding evil.”

Iamnothere000 #sexist #psycho incels.is

[LifeFuel] Based 17 yo sandcel student enriches 55yo foid teacher in deadly knife attack.

The boy’s name is supposedly “Sinan”. Other teachers describe his as “typical loudmouth”.

I can’t blame him tho, older foid teachers are salty because of fading looks and take this frustration out on the students (if they are not fucking them).

Also, teachers are a rather left leaning folk so they deserve everything that is done to them by those precious migrants.

!!!Allahu Akbar!!!

[ABC News - “Teen held in German teacher's death had 'problems at school'”]

Julianna_Pena #conspiracy #sexist #dunning-kruger lichess.org

So women got their own division despite chess not being a physical contest, yet now they refuse to compete. Meanwhile the US and its allies have used Ukraine as a money laundering scheme, black market, bio weapons labs, and sacrificed the country to be a proxy to engage Russia in warfare, yet you blame Russia. I thought chess masters were beyond brainwashing, but apparently the IQ is relegated to 64 squares.

Jim #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy blog.reaction.la

[From "Yandex"]

We have received two huge benefits from the Ukraine war. One is that when Putin intervened in the Ukraine conflict, the Global American Empire everywhere overnight stopped enforcing worship of the awesome and mighty covid demon. The public announcements that masking and jabs were compulsory continued for a while, but everyone ignored them, and gradually they are stopping. Kind of like everyone started ignoring female emancipation when they tossed it in the lead up to World War II, even though it officially remained in force

Putin cured Covid

And the other big benefit is Yandex search

Type a thought crime into a search engine, any search engine in your browser’s list. For example “gay needs to be suppressed”

You will likely get slim pickings. Similarly, search for information on the war in the Ukraine, or the jab

Type it into Yandex.com, you get a reasonably balanced collection of links from both sides of the debate

Replacing your default browser search with yandex is likely to be difficult. You will have to find some little used and obscure ui for adding unlisted search engines, and will have to supply the search url, which for yandex is https://yandex.com/search/?text=%s&lr=10619 (Your browser will replace %s with the actual search string

Next up, I hope for a Russian reply to GPT3

I had hoped for SWIFT replacement, but nothing good yet that I know of. El Salvador is fighting the good fight there. Meanwhile the Afghans continue to cheerfully demonstrate how easily and smoothly one can erase female emancipation

Heartless (“ᛋᛋProud Americelᛋᛋ 卐Racist卐Misogynist卐Degenerate卐”) #racist #sexist #ableist #elitist #psycho incels.is

(In response to ”[LifeFuel] 12 year old foid raped and murdered.”)

Why do news articles always censor the picture:
imageLook at her, those shark teeth, jewess nose, and fetal alcohol syndrome face.... Who the fuck is going to risk their life to rape this. How fucking stupid. I empathize and understand when its someone hot who gets raped, because all men can understand that, but for some foid this ugly to get targeted... Just eww.

barcacel #elitist #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

being white-passing is better than being fully white

in this other thread i talked about my plan to become fully white because i'm only white-passing:


but i just realized that maybe being only white-passing is better than being fully white

for example iran

we white-passing are more violent than fully whites, i believe that we keep the same creativity and intelligence of whites IF we have light skin like i do

thanks to only being white-passing we are not cucks like fully white men, fully white men will let millions of immigrants enter their country to ruin it and take their women, we white-passing men wouldn't allow that

Nick Fuentes #sexist #dunning-kruger rumble.com

I’m not surprised why women don’t support me. Women are irrational and insensitive. My whole life, I was always the class clown, I was always bullying women. Women have always been simultaneously charmed but also like, “Oh, stop it, you’re so annoying.” You know what I mean, that kind of thing. That’s how women are with my kind of personality type, where you’re like a rascal, you’re like a bastard. Because I’m like a rule breaker and stuff, women are intrigued by that, but have to pretend that they’re not.

A lot of women want to be raped. It sounds bad when I say it like that, but a lot of women really want a guy to beat the shit out of them, but part of it is that they have to pretend that they don’t.

lunchlunch #sexist doomer.boards.net

The advent of dating apps. Every single girl has been programmed from birth to believe they deserve a Prince Charming so women will all only swipe on the top 5-10% of men. Women just have too many options now, not just guys from class or work or friend groups, but the entire world, so why not try and get with a handsome millionaire? Because these men have all of the options, they'll never commit to a woman, just hump n dump, so women are left feeling used and unsatisfied, yet they don't change their behavior. The other 90% of men are also left unsatisfied as we get very few matches and the ones we do get will generally ghost us.

I don't literally think the government should assign mates to citizens, but modern romance is dead and broken. Men and women have never been more antagonistic towards one another in history, thanks most likely to fourth wave feminism, which has resulted in the "all men are oppressors/trash/rapists" type of discourse. The average millennial man has not been laid in the last year according to a semi-recent study. So men are lonely, spend more time online, and gradually develop mysogynistic attitudes.

#MeToo has also led women to not trust men (harassment, rape) and men to not trust women (false accusations). People are scared to interact. I don't even try to flirt with anyone anymore lest it be construed as sexual harassment. People are so broken they can't connect IRL and are forced to try and keep using dating apps. An example of this zeitgeist was a mainstream horror film coming out a year or two ago about a couple meeting in a grocery store instead of an app and the dude turns out to be a serial killer (fucking thanks, Hollywood).

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #wingnut #fundie dailystormer.name

[From "Shock: That Mopey Whore They Put in Charge of Italy has Tripled Migrant Arrivals"]

Every stupid cuckservative in America was celebrating this dumb whore taking over Italy. These worthless faggots and kikesuckers like Matt Walsh were saying this was a triumph for the global movement of post-Trump populism

They were ignoring the fact that this greaseball hound doggy was standing with the Ukraine like any stupid slut you’d meet gorging herself on 1,200 calorie sandwiches at Starbucks[…]
Conversely, I was like “the only thing you can trust a slut to do is give blowjobs to strangers and have sex with the blacks – if you think she’s going to save your country, you’re a gay retard”

Since she was elected, we haven’t heard much about her following her initial “honeymoon” era statements about cleaning up the streets

It turns out, migrant arrivals have TRIPLED under this bitch’s regime

Great job, retards


Italian authorities brought 1,650 predominantly African and Middle Eastern migrants ashore before dawn on Saturday[…]

The penalty is: when she sucks them off, she’s going to spit instead of swallow[…]
If Meloni is doing “stiff penalties” instead of stroking stiffies, she could really start by arresting people[…]
Yeah, she won’t put the smugglers in jail. She definitely won’t sink the boats. She won’t even arrest and deport the migrants, who are continuing an endless wave of killings[…]
We cannot have these women

They are utterly worthless

It is pure moronism, to claim to be “conservative” and then push feminism. Firstly, feminism is not “conservative.” Secondly, this simply does not work. Even if your sights are as low as stopping millions of Africans from pouring into your country, they cannot get this done[…]
We have to go back to Christianity. That is the only solution

separatismor #sexist #fundie tumblr.com

I actually do think there are some broad inherent behavioral differences in female and male humans I just don't think those behaviors are femininity and masculinity

more like "pro-social behavior" and "parasitism"

Sometimes I wonder if men genuinely are just soulless mimics performing humanity and are incapable of apparent civilization under circumstances where they can't leech directly off of women

Prussian Society of America #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Viewing Women In College as Equivalent To Women Who Are Single Mothers"]

It is imperative that Men view Women who are in College as tantamount to Single Mothers, as worthless liabilities who are wasted up and discarded refuse in society

Even once the girl has matriculated into her University Education, she is already sold in and damaged[…]
You would be taking someone on who is a walking “bad deal”, being trained everyday that Men are evil and scum of the earth and being reared to serve Corporate Interests and Agendas

It is like buying a Car that has an oil leak and is a guaranteed money pit and machine that will get run into the ground

When a girl tells you that she is in college, that should immediately be a turn-off in a Man’s mind, and it should also be an immediate indicator that her Father was a pussy and a poor figure in her life, lazy and not attentive because he did not train her in things in life that real matter, namely a Man and raising a family

I have no respect for such fathers or parents in general, and neither should you

Women in general, are bad investments, and they are an investment whether or not you like to view them as that. They are objects, and at most times, there is “nobody at home” in them

The only Women who have actual value are ones who do have somebody at home, but almost none of them are that way, so they are just bodies and baby creation machines

All Women who become college educated become bad at sex and also are mentally sterile human beings[…]
It’s all about ego, and getting paid scholarships, and trying to pursue one’s own selfish ambitions, especially in competition against Men, since most Women who enter College already hate Men to begin with anyway

Men should make no hesitation also, in letting a girl who is in college know how unattractive she has become[…]
Women should be shamed for attending University, even if their parents forced them

missdelein2, lyrical_monica and Der_von_Romberg #transphobia #sexist #pratt twitter.com

Lisa Paus (Germany’s family minister, Green):
A woman is a person who identifies herself as a woman.

You can play all your stupid word games you want, Ms @lisapaus. Language does not create reality.
A man can never be a woman, no matter how much your language dehumanises women.

Who can according to this statement “identify as a woman”? Women? No. Why would they? They are after all already women. So? Correct: Men! Ergo: @lisapaus works for the cementing of patriarchy! This regression demands resignation! #ResignationPaus

Von Romberg@Der_von_Romberg
There is of course no patriarchy. So the blathering is nonsense. Otherwise: full agreement! Trannies just aren’t women! They are and remain: Men!

Original GermanSie können alle dummen Sprachspiele spielen die Sie wollen Frau @lisapaus
. Sprache erschafft keine Realität.
Ein Mann kann niemals eine Frau sein, egal wie sehr sie Frauen durch Ihre Sprache entmenschlichen.

Wer kann sich nach dieser Aussage als “Frau identifizieren”? Frauen? Nein. Wozu? Sie sind ja schon Frauen. Also? Richtig: Männer! Ergo: @lisapaus arbeitet für die Zementierung des Patriarchats! Dieser Rückschritt schreit nach Rücktritt!!! #RücktrittPaus
Es gibt natürlich kein Patriarchat. Das Gerede ist also Blödsinn. Ansonsten: volle Zustimmung! Transen sind halt keine Frauen! Sie sind und bleiben: Männer!

Josie Glabach #sexist youtube.com

I think we should abolish the 19th Amendment. I think it was a mistake. I could write an entire harlequin romance novel on all the reasons it was a mistake.
Women are emotional. We’re trainwrecks. Why would you want us deciding anything? Women are supposed to be emotional trainwrecks. We’re meant to bring balance to relationships with our nurturing and our intuition, and the Founders kind of saw it as “one family, one vote”. They just decided that men will think logically and broadly about abstract ideas and deduce a suitable conclusion, where women might not be able to. We can look and see evidence of this in the 2016 election. They did an exit poll, and if only women voted, there would have been 458 electoral votes for Hillary Clinton. That is insane. This shows that we cannot be trusted.

Linda Harvey #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut missionamerica.com

America’s kids should be happy, healthy, wholesome, brave, virtuous, respectful and grateful. Instead, many are tormented and traveling down treacherous roads that will lead to further instability, physical risk and long-term unhappiness. And spiritual darkness is consuming many of them.
The Centers for Disease Control just released a report of its latest Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) with a summary of results for the last ten years. The trends are horrifying.

Some problems can be attributed to the COVID shutdowns but the truth is, the pandemic merely revealed the instability of America’s populace, and our kids suffer as a result of mom/dad/family disorder.

The YRBS samples a representative segment of 9th to 12th graders every two years in public, private and some Catholic schools.

In 2021 (the latest year for which results are available), 10% of female high school students attempted suicide and 42% of high schoolers reported being so sad and hopeless for two weeks in a row that they stopped doing their usual activities.

Girls report a higher incidence of mental health issues. You would think with the laser focus on the rights of women that girls would feel more hopeful than ever. Perhaps feminism is not the answer after all. Of course, any faithful believer could tell us that. Feminism brings more discontent because it suppresses the best of womanhood (the authentic, biological kind).
The CDC report assumes the “LGBQ” identifiers in the YRBS are a separate biological group, referring to them as a “sexual minority,” perpetuating the false narrative that people are born this way. This “public health” agency fails to address that elephant in the room: no one is born homosexual, bisexual, “non-binary” or born in the wrong sex body. There is no evidence supporting this claim and a wealth of evidence disputing the inborn narrative but revealing developed desires, which can (and should) be undeveloped, for optimal health and well-being.

mara@räumtauf #sexist #transphobia twitter.com

I am for the abolition of the
#World’s Women’s Day
No one needs it, also, we now have these trannies that want to prescribe that this their day as well. All I can do now is vomit.

(Original German)
Ich bin für die Abschaffung des
Braucht kein Mensch, zudem uns jetzt diese Transen auch noch vorschreiben wollen, dass das auch ihr Tag ist. Ich kann nur noch kotzen

EMPRESS #moonbat #sexist #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy #elitist nfomation.net

I fully stand with J.K.Rowling as countless women who did, because most men are just dying out of jealousy of us and want to take a piece of the cake too. Even if it comes out corrupted, broken and completely ruined. And this is something only "REAL WOMEN" would understand, because we women are the ones that is getting damaged & stolen from, so we are hurt the most by it.

Aa a result of the rise of this new WOKE movement, society now made every man today is always either a sissy bitch or misogynistic motherfucker, nothing in-between.

"THE WOKE SYSTEM" of today runs with and "claims" that it mainly wants "fairness, justice, equality and total freedom". But then ... when someone with views against trans and tries to express themselves today, they are treated as GARBAGE and fired/banned from wherever they are, is a clear sign of huge "Contradiction".

This is neither equality nor freedom. This is SLAVERY because you are "FORCING" ideas and thoughts on people or else they are ATTACKED & SILENCED.

This "Freedom" is just 1 sided and those BITCHES have taken the "Actual" freedom out of all normal people away, and is forcing everyone to either forcefully accept this NONSENSE, or just swallow their thoughts and keep shut regardless.


J.K.Rowling spoke about this publicly and thus got hated for it. The funniest thing is that the fact most of the bitches whom are hating is just following the "HATE TRAIN". They absolutely have no fucking idea "What" they are actually defending, what it means, and if it's right or wrong whatsoever. You are all just following the hordes like PIGS. You REALLY thought by adding "phobic" at the end of your fuckery is going to turn it into some of "Weapon"?

NO BITCH, it just turns YOU into a FAG! (laughing)

You are all mostly "sissy men" who just couldn't accept being inferior to women, so you went into a trip to realize that **in the end** there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you can do about it. And NOW you are neither a man nor a woman, you have completely lost your identity, and now you are just a "unidentifiable freak" that is fucking disgusting. Good job, FAGGOTS.

... Fag, Faggotry, Faggots! ... oh god, I love english <3

Sheogorath #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #sexist incels.is

we should ban all uncircumcised guys from this site, they can't be involuntarily celibate because foreskin is a built-in pussy 4 men 2 ascend with

Seriously, the only guys who understand TRUE sexual frustration are circumcised guys like me with thousands of sensitive nerve cells amputated from birth with insensitive glans with keratinized skin who barely feel anything.

You guys with your mobile sheaths intact literally have a vagina attached to your cock already and when you fap you're basically fucking a built-in vagina.

When I fap it's just uncomfortable. There's nothing to move around. It's just like tightness and scar tissue.

Jews, specifically the rabbinists, created inceldom. Inceldom never existed until the Rabbinists invented circumcision in 600AD.

Prior to this 100% of men had their foreskins and never pined to ascend with women as they do today since foreskin sheaths are built-in onahole vaginas you fuck whenever you fap.

If they ever hand out free wives, the circumcised men should get the first wives and the uncircumcised men should only get some if there are extras. Also you should get the wives with the loosest pussies since you didn't lose girth by having your penis flayed.

an intact guy fapping is basically equivalent to an amputated guy fucking a pussy

whereas if you are intact and fucking a pussy it's like you're fucking TWO pussies, you get exponential pussy amplification action this way

intact guys ascending is the true bliss which amputated guys will never experience, so we can never truly ascend even if we do fuck a pussy

circumcised guys are 100% truecels even if they fuck a thousand pussies because they never get that double pussy action

Mike Stone #racist #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

For every (Conservative. black) Jesse Lee Peterson, there are 100 "youths" looting a local Walgreens store or Amazon truck. The ones that aren't looting are getting high, playing the Knockout Game, and voting for Democrats to give them more free stuff.

For every Chaya Raichik (Libs of Tik Tok) or Alice Fluegel, there are 100 pink-haired communists pushing degeneracy in their classrooms and poisoning the minds of children. The ones that aren't grooming children are reading romance novels, salivating over celebrities, and sleeping with the enemy.

By a show of numbers alone, white men are all that's left. And while we welcome and embrace everyone who is on the same side as we are, the sad fact remains that we will have to bear the brunt of the work alone. The struggles and sacrifices required to save the nation are on our shoulders, because no one else is up to the task. No one else is going to do it.
Step one is to unplug from a corrupt society. That means disassociating oneself from every person, place, or thing that has contributed to the downfall and moral rot of the country. It means cancelling movies, music, television, sports, junk food, fast food, all of it. It means pulling your children out of school and homeschooling them. It means saying no to pornography, dating sites, Las Vegas, and all of the trash and degeneracy that has descended upon our once great nation.
If you're a white man who's not up to the task; that's not willing to kill your television, eliminate all processed food from your diet, and purge pornography from your life, that's okay. Not everyone is cut out to be a hero. Only get out of the way of those who are. Stuff your face with pizza, watch your football and porn, and let the men do the fighting. You can stay behind with the women and babies, and jerk off while watching the Super Bowl.
What do you say, white man?

Are you up to it?

The fate of America rests in your hands.

Daily Stormer #sexist #dunning-kruger dailystormer.name

In a newly discovered essay on the threat of the age of consent entitled “On the Social Dangers of a Minimum Age for Marriage,” Aristotle argues against the establishment of an age of consent

In the society of my time, there is no established minimum age for marriage[…]I have heard of proposals from certain factions of society advocating for the establishment of a minimum age for marriage, and I must warn against the social dangers of such a concept

Firstly, let us consider the matter of promiscuity[…]If they are not allowed to do so in the context of marriage, they may turn to promiscuity and other immoral behaviors. This is especially true for young women[…]
Moreover, if a minimum age for marriage were to be established, it would only serve to undermine the institution of the family[…]If young men and women are denied the right to marry when they feel ready, then they will be denied the opportunity to start their own families[…]
Furthermore, the establishment of a minimum age for marriage would be a violation of the natural order of things. Human beings are naturally inclined towards procreation[…]If young men and women are denied the opportunity to marry and procreate when they feel ready, then they will be forced to go against their natural inclinations[…]
If a minimum age for marriage were to be established, then this could be used as a pretext for denying young men and women the right to marry, even if they are ready and willing to do so

In addition, the establishment of a minimum age for marriage would only serve the interests of a select few[…]They may be misandric women who view men as oppressors, or men with bizarre and unhealthy relationships with their mothers[…]
It is therefore in the best interest of society to reject this policy and to reaffirm the importance of marriage as a fundamental building block of a healthy and prosperous society

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

We Americans now have a who-knows-how-fraudulently duly elected phony-baloney American government and lots of phony-baloney state and local governments. We are being educated by phony-baloney academics and teachers. We are being illegally "regulated" by unconstitutional phony-baloney bureaucrats, paid by us and protected by unconstitutionally existing gigantic super-expensive phony-baloney bureaucracies. We are being "herded" by phony-baloney corporatist, (i.e., Fascist) powers, crony capitalists, oligarchs and plutocrats.
So now, shortly after we all learn that Kamala Harris, our oh so racially and misogynistically hated, downtrodden, disenfranchised, discriminated-against and under-privileged Vice President of the USA, actually is,

1) a descendant of Caribean slave driving plantation owners, and,
2) not even an African-American,
It turns out that being a phony-baloney oh so racially and misogynistically hated, downtrodden, disenfranchised, discriminated-against and under-privileged person in America, whether here legally or illegally, is now a job-requirement let alone a resume-enhancement, along with being any kind of sexual deviate or pervert, for all of the upper ranks of academia, corporate America and American politics.

The sole reason Karine Jean-Pierre was selected to be the Presidential Press Secretary is that she is an oh so racially and misogynistically hated, downtrodden, disenfranchised, and under-privileged black female homosexual.
Go down the list. The whole sole reason Pete Buttigieg is our totally incompetent secretary of transportation is that he is a sodomite, who, along with her husband, had to take maternity leave for six months while the world's supply chain was in crisis, because she had to nurse her new twin girls, who are now being raised by a couple of sick, twisted sodomite perverts who wouldn't be allowed to be around any children at all, if America were still a decent nation, which it is not.

Arin #psycho #sexist youtube.com

[Context: they are talking about the case of Haley Anderson, who was murdered by a man after she told him she didn’t want to commit to a relationship with him.]

Haley put herself in that situation. I don't think she didn't realize that Orlando is a odd human being. But she continued to satisfy her lust with him and that caused her end

he killed her. But why did she go to his house in the first place ? To have physical relationship with him. The issue is not that. The issue is she did that despite knowing he is very odd human being. Like who does that ? An addict does that. She had Zero self control. The moment her family realised that she has started going out with Orlando despite his odd behaviour, they should have strongly insisted her to go on therapy for her sex addiction.

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