
Bloodthirsty, psychopathic and serial-killer-esque quotes

WikkiWikki420 #wingnut #psycho patriots.win

Funnily enough... On April 20th this year, china virus having disrupted the country with large shutdowns, I knew something big was coming. I decided then and there to get my shit in order by starting a diet. I chose keto. Since then I have gone from 236 lbs to a cool 176 lbs. With that diet in mind, I have had energy of a raging pissed off alpha lion and been exercising and working out since. I grew up as a grappler, with many years of training there really isn't much that worries or scares me in confrontation. Though I will admit that submission style fighting isn't going to win wars... I will say that I feel 1000x more confident now in holding my own against 2 or even 3 commie faggots than if this were to happen at the beginning of the year.

As we all should be aware, there are the occasional commie faggot that may be in shape and may even know a thing or two about fighting, we simply can't let our guard down and we must be prepared at all times to counter any commie faggot attack. Fortunately 98% or more of them all either skinny lanky sticks because communism is shit or they are blubbering obese sacks of shit because communism is shit. The one thing we know is they do not come in singles, because they are commies and can't fight their own fight. That alone gives me hope for the Proud Boys in infiltration, but also makes me worry for them.

Either way, Pedes, the point is.... staying in shape is a whole lot easier than getting so far gone that you have to prepare for the better part of a year to get back into tip top fighting condition. And if you are out of shape or do not exercise or workout, now is the time to start... not tomorrow, but now!!!

On January 6th, the sun will shine bright and part the skies for all Pedes and will guide us to victory. Stay strong, keep the faith and never ever surrender this great land of ours to the evils of globalism and commie faggots. WE ALREADY WON!!!

Hardlyhabitual #ableist #psycho reddit.com

Not to be offense but why do we still not consider mercy killing people with extremely severe retardation?
I was sitting in an office at a local school and I witnessed a staff member spend 30 minutes trying to move a spitting smelly staggering adult who couldn't walk. He couldn't talk either, just screamed Disney VHS quotes. Why is he accommodated so well into society that we support him completely from when he is born until he dies, never havin contributed once to society?

SubhumanAbomination #psycho #sexist incels.is

It's Over Anyone still can't believe that this is life?

When i was a child, i would have never thought the world and humanity would be THAT disgusting, it's almost as if everything is unreal. I mean, it can't be real, right? A world like this can't possibly exist, right? I've been into fantasy to cope and seen thousands of different worlds, but no world is as disgusting, dull and full of despair as this one. It's almost like a suffering and degeneracy simulator.

I really can't take this shit anymore.

This is unfortunately the real world. It is rotten to its core. Only a fool would want to live forever.

I'm too full of rage to die tbh, i want to see humanity suffering. Hopefully i will witness WW3 and civil wars during my lifetime (very likely).

How old are you? If you still in your teens, the suffering hasnt even begun to start. It isnt fair and I hope to God He saves your mental health (mine too)

21, suffering since birth

Deputy Jason Meade #fundie #psycho friendlyatheist.patheos.com

A recording of Meade’s remarks, delivered at a 2018 convention of the Ohio State Association of Free Will Baptists, has brought religion to the forefront of a controversial police killing with opposing interpretations of the Gospel squaring off on Sunday mornings here in central Ohio. During those remarks, the SWAT officer described violence in the line of duty as a “righteous release.”

“I work for the sheriff’s office…. I hunt people — it’s a great job, I love it,” Meade told those in attendance. “I worked this job 14 years, you know I ain’t never been hit clean in the face one time? It’s a fact. It ain’t ’cause I’m so good… You know why? I learned long ago I gotta throw the first punch. And I learned long ago why I’m justified in throwing the first punch. Don’t look up here like, ‘Oh, police brutality.’ People I hit you wish you could hit, trust me.”

various incels #psycho incels.is

[Serious] How much do you hate humanity?

I hate humanity so, so much that i'm a self loathing human. I hate myself for being human more than anything else, it's like self hating ethnics but more general and potent.

If i could, i would probably become the biggest hero in the history of humanity. You can't believe the amount of hatred i harbor for humanity for being evil incarnation.

I hate all forms of life, but especially humans, because they don't try to consciously destroy life despite their intelligence.

Don't forget that inceldom is present also in other animal species. Humans like to think that evil started with humanity, but the truth is that life itself is evil.

Humans created me, so i hate them with a burning fire that blazes more intensely than a thousand suns

Humans are subhuman. The meaning of life is create more life, our brains and life are hardwired through years of biological adaption to self-propogate, so much so that its worth more our own lives. Our genes are a virus that perpetuates misery. Death is the natural state of existence as described by the ultimate villain in this rpg I played. But I believe with enough friends and respect from people and complete seperatism from women and normies one can attain a state of (VERY) fragile enlightenment and continue breathing as a incel on automode. But its a cope

Introvert #racist #crackpot #psycho incels.is

[Blackpill] Racism is natural & anti-racism is inherently cucked

It is natural to like those who are genetically similar to yourself and hate those who are genetically different from yourself, and this is something good.

The evolutionary purpose of life is to spread your own genes as much as possible and to remove the genes of your enemies. In prehistorical times; of two enemy tribes, the stronger tribe would kill all men and rape all women of the weaker tribe, thus leading to the stronger genes conquering the weaker genes.

All races have antagonistic genetic interests. Life is a genetic competition. Therefore I want myself and people similar to myself to succeed as much as possible, because the more similar other humans are to me, the better the world is. I want people different from myself to die, because they are a plague. After I die, I want to reincarnate as a human similar to myself and not as my enemy.

Thus, it is natural for me to support the success of my own race at the expense of other races. I do not care whether my race has rejected me (all races have). I do not seek validation from my race. I seek power over it, as a tool to promote my own genetic interests. I do not simp for white females. I want to enslave them.

As for race mixing, this is also why it is only bad when it is done by females.

When race mixing is done by a man, it is colonization. By reproducing with a female of another race, you contribute to the genocide of her race, which is in line with your own genetic interest. It is also fun to cuck other men, and by fucking a female of another race, you cuck all men of her race.

When race mixing is done by a female, it is race treason though. A race traitor whore sides with your enemy and supports the genocide of your own race. Therefore you need to torture all race traitor whores to death, along with the men who cucked you.

In conclusion: Whites hate ethnics, and ethnics hate whites. All races hate each other. There will never be peace, and that is neither desirable. Only one race, the most superior one, can ultimately have all the power. Which race it will be, will be determined by the race war. Might makes right.

This forum is just a temporary coalition between men of different races based on our shared hatred of females and our involuntary celibacy. It is not a brotherhood. If you have ever had this delusion, you are a naive bluepilled idiot who knows nothing about human nature.

Introvert (“Free Nathan Larson”) #wingnut #quack #conspiracy#racist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] Why you should NOT wear a mask, even if you are ugly, NOR take the vaccine

I have seen some incels saying “I like that everyone wears a mask, because then I can hide my ugly face”. This submissive mindset has to stop though.

Being ugly is not unacceptable. You have the right to exist. It is only females and cucks who want you to suffer, because they are sadists towards ugly men. They are the ones who do not want to see your face, and by then wearing a mask, you basically fulfill the desires of your oppressors. It is cucked.

Wearing a mask for protection, is foolish for three reasons:

1) Covid-19 is not real.
2) Even if Covid-19 was real, masks would still be useless. You still breathe, and this includes breathing in and out potential viruses. Wearing a mask instead only makes the air you breathe in contain a higher amout of carbon dioxide.
3) Even if masks worked, why would you want to protect other people from getting sick? Females would deserve to get sick for not giving me sex, and other men too, for being unhealthy cucks (healthy masculine men have a superior immune system).

Also, do not take the (((vaccine))). Not only because it is Jewish poison which gives recipients countless of “side effects”. I have also seen females saying: “I hope everyone takes the vaccine so I can go out and party again, teehee”. Taking the vaccine, is therefore cucked.

Instead of being hysterical sheeple, be healthy. My natural immune system is superior and would destroy any virus instantly. I do not need any vaccine. And to the people who want to force me to wear I mask, I say, like George Floyd, #ICantBreathe.

Andrew Anglin #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "Convicting Soldiers of “War Crimes” is Not a Valid Concept, And Anyone Convicted of That Should be Pardoned"]

“War crimes” is an absurd concept. It’s not a real thing. Soldiers should never be charged with crimes for doing what they think is necessary in the heat of battle.

If we do not want people to die in wars, we should not start wars. The wars are not started by soldiers, they are started by Jews.


Donald Trump’s decision to pardon four Blackwater contractors involved in the 2007 slaughter of Iraqi civilians was met with a tsunami of anger and resentment online from people calling it a travesty of justice.[…]

Bizarrely, it is the same Jews that start all these wars that then go out there and attack the soldiers. Normal white people – or normal people of any race, really – understand that soldiers are trained to kill, and punishing them for “killing people too hard” is idiotic. The people who make the decisions should be held responsible. We should NOT be Monday morning quarterbacking the battlefield.

George Bush and Dick Cheney should have been the ones convicted of crimes. The Jews should have been charged with espionage, promoting these hoax wars in the Middle East for the benefit of their home country. This whole situation was lunacy, and it simply furthers the lunacy to punish the soldiers, who are themselves victims of the Jews who sent them to fight these wars.

All of these people who went to these wars are really messed up now. It totally messed with their heads, to be in this kind of lunatic war, where you’re a world superpower engaged in combat with primitive cave people as part of an extended occupation.

Everyone was whining about this pardon.

Randall Yaeger #wingnut #psycho rawstory.com

Michigan state Rep. Laurie Pohutsky (D) on Tuesday called out a supporter of President Donald Trump who sent a threatening email to lawmakers.

"This was sent to my office this evening from Randall Yaeger, who chose to send it from his work email at Yaeger Construction. This email has already been sent to the authorities," Pohutsky said in a Facebook post.

Yaeger's email repeated debunked claims of massive voter fraud and warned that "American voters will now be forced to change our government officials with bullets instead of ballots."

The threatening email also "predicts" that the "mass execution" of public officials will begin "very soon" unless Trump is given a second term as president.

According to Fox 2 Detroit, Yaeger could face up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine for the threat if he is really the person who sent the email.
Pohutsky said that lawmakers in Michigan have been getting threats "every single day." The situation became particularly worse after a hearing with Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani, she added.

bbbarbican & Radicalwhirl #moonbat #psycho #sexist #racist saidit.net

I give zero fucks about so-called "oppressed males": they're rapist, sadistic and violent like all males. In my experience, way more than white men who, let's remember, aren't the majority of males on this planet. Women who insist white men are the worst are self-centered and clearly haven't travelled at all. Or haven't thought about things very deeply. Why would men be any different outside of the US? (the default country per usual)

Go to any non-western country and see how men behave. You'll change your mind FAST. More likely, the cognitive dissonance will be too big, they'll decide to stay blind.

I agree about the race bullshit but I don't see women as sisters either. Most women are complicit. Especially heterosexual women who hate lesbians and who suck men's dick at every turn. Why on earth should I consider them sisters when the reason we still live in a patriarchy is because they keep fucking men and birthing boys? Fuck them. Don't care about the color of their skin: they will always side with their men instead of other women.

Being an asian woman, I can totally confirm that most brown men are entitled creeps who view women as nothing more than sex objects and birthing machines. Mainstream feminism is a joke nowadays. Libfems rant about how pregnancy and childbirth are what makes women powerful. Blatant ignorance, imo. Had women not been burdened with tearing apart their bodies to let this fucked up species continue, oppression and submissiveness would plummet.

Sturmbrigade 44 #wingnut #psycho dw.com

Germany has banned the extreme-right group known as Sturmbrigade 44 or Wolfsbrigade 44. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer accused the organization of aiming to "rebuild the former Nazi state."

Sturmbrigade 44, Wolfsbrigade 44: The names sound militaristic — like war and aggression, like the name of an uncompromisingly fierce unit.

Members of the group wear its insignia in large white old-style German script lettered on their shirts and jackets. It is a look, a menacing style, that they wear with pride at militant gatherings. They see it as a statement, a philosophy.

For outsiders, it is certainly a threatening sight — even though many people may not be aware of the group's intent.
Dirlewanger, who later received the SS honor the Knight's Cross, is revered by the now-banned Sturmbrigade 44. The number 4 stands for the fourth letter of the alphabet, D, so the 44 means "Division Dirlewanger."
Despite all the well-meaning rhetoric, there still appear to be plenty of places around Germany where far-right hatred and incitement are rife. And the reverence devoted to the mass murderer SS officer is all perfectly legal under the initials "SKD," German for "Special Commando Dirlewanger." There are also plenty of right-rock bands and festivals, where the Aryan Brotherhood of prominent neo-Nazi Thorsten Heise and his followers provide security. Their emblem? Two crossed hand grenades: the symbol of the SS's Dirlewanger Brigade.

Mainländer #crackpot #psycho #racist incels.is

Blackpill Foids want abuse, foids want forced sex, foids want domination, foids want male authority

Till gynocentric cucks accept those truths, the world will continue to be this dysfunctional mess. Foids are not meant to be taken seriously, you grab them, marry them, fuck them and if they bitch too much or disrespect you, you hit them in Minecraft, period. Fuck what they say they want. It's not important and if followed, everyone ends up miserable. Men are the ones supposed to call the shots. Stop being such pussies, fucking simp normies.

However soceity does not allow me to do it. As soon as touching one of their hairs I go to jail.

Exactly. So only low IQ thugs with no impulse control are able to offer foids what they want/need, and dysgenics happen. Foids are gonna get abused either way. It's better that such abuse comes from their loving committed husband than from some random psychopathic thug.

indeed, friend, indeed I would not marry but I would get a long term relationship. And they will have to pay for all the damage donne. Is as natural as them doing damage you know?

I wouldn't marry in this cucked clown world, but I would in a sane society where married was done the correct way and I had full authority over my wife.

Yeah, foids have to pay. People who think they have no agency and thus don't deserve punishment are cucks. We punish children and even pets for their misbehavior. Why not foids? They have less agency than men (cucks deserve nothing less than death in Minecraft, this is a no-brainer), but they have more agency than young children and animals.

BududubNow #psycho #sexist incels.is

LifeFuel I love looking at miserable women with kids

Nowadays all young women with kids look miserable as fuck and I think I know why. They thought they would settle with Alpha Chad and have his kids and he would "change" as in he wouldn't be aggressive and bossy but the reality is that Chads either left them after making a baby with them or stayed with them and didn't change or actually god worse and treat the foids like slave (not just inside the bed), most likely fucking younger, better looking girls on the side instead of their widened pussies.

So they are miserable and probably wish they found a beta to be there for them and do everything + pay for their bastard children but of course without giving them any sex. I love it when I see a miserable foid like this. Most of the time they have this begging puppy look that puppies have when they are beaten. Life fuel. This is why I respect MGTOWs, they come to right realization but not for the right reasons. At least they are not willing to betabucks for these whores.

The Donald #psycho patriots.win

[Submitter’s note: this is a reaction to Trump pardoning twenty individuals, including two corrupt ex-GOP representatives, George Papadopoulos, ICE guards who covered up executing civilians, and four Blackwater Guards who murdered Iraqi children]

Anthonysaxetogrind: Pardon anyone who's fucked up a democrat!

LookFatty: Fucking MSNBC article makes me want to puke. Fucking "other one term presidents". GO FUCK YOURSELVES. SHOULD BE A 5 TERM PRESIDENT. STEELING MY FUCKING COUNTRY ASSHOLE'S. FUCKING SHOULD BE EXECUTED

ImpeachedDeplorable: Clinton and Obama pardoned Puerto Rican FALN terrorists and bombers, and a variety of US born domestic terrorists. You can tell where an administration's sympathies lie--POTUS with our soldiers and sailors, Obama and Clinton with our enemies.

MooseKnukle3: next pardon joe exotic

Various Incels #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL How the average w*man loses her virginity in 2020


for example my first time wasn't with a boyfriend (well he was a boyfriend, just not mine)

And they get offended if you call them whores

ITcels dropping unintentional blackpills as always

Fucking whores, I saw that thread too on IT.

mmm, not sure about this one, it is kinda worrying if boys and girls are having their first times with people they don't even love. Screw whoever you want, but your first time should at least be a bit special if you can help it, imo.

Just when you think one of them starts to make a good point, they start saying "screw whoever you want" fucking sick. Almost got fooled.

They are so open and proud about it as well.

”WhY dO iNcElS hAtE wYmYn”

call me crazy but maybe we shouldn't give voting rights to creatures who seem unable to do anything except act on the most base instincts insects are more advanced that normies

This is the entire point of democracy, so people can be given the illusion of freedom and choice while they do their own stuff and pursue easy pleasure. This is also why a lot of normies are easily fooled by the "conspiracy theory" smear, they cannot believe that a group of people would ever plan something and not just pursue base instinct.

jfl, this is why so few people understand why jews need to be eradicated, they can't fathom it.

Note how careful they are with their words, as if they're walking on thin ice stating basic obvious human morality.

Nine of Spades #psycho #wingnut christianforums.com

If Donald Trump declares martial law and installs himself as Supreme Leader of the United States for life, it will mean the end of democracy in America. Indeed, our constitution won’t have any meaning anymore. But ask yourself this question: is that really such a bad thing?

Frankly, I’d rather have Donald Trump as dictator than have our country suffer through 4 to 8 years of a Biden presidency, which would surely be far worse for America than a Trump coup d’etat. Come to think of it, I can’t think of anything that could go wrong in such a scenario.

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

RageFuel My mother threaneted to divorce my dad,made a giant mess,insulted his family,me and my sister.

Now she is pissed bcs ı called her a ''Future tinder single mom'' Fuckin bitch,she does this every weekend,ı cant bare to be in the same house as her during weekends. She is pissed bcs my father doesnt buy her a car and comes home late from his own workplace (He earns a decent amount of money),thinks that he should get a proper job instead (Yeah a 40 something year old HS graduated man in current economy can definitly find a job.) Im currently staying in my room,door closed with pepper spray and a bat in my hand to stop her from wrecking my PC and killing my bird. In case she kills my birb and makes me go ER,ı just wanna say that ı love all of you.


hahaha my mum smashed up my old monitor and keyboard back in 2015, fucking women can get away with anything.

That's the power of having a hole. Everyone wants to fuck you and so they put you on a pedestal no matter how undeserving you are.

We need a Giga Chad Beta Male Uprising to save this planet earth . We are all going to absolute shit and doom and only the blackpilled beta male can relate and make changes . Normies and chads are dooming us all along side with modern foids. A beta uprising is the key.

We also need to close the borders to stop mixing. End feminism lgbt and degenerates.

i have autismmaxxed in the presence of my mother and sister. Now they act carefully around me .fearing that they might trigger me and I'll actually hurt them or even kill them.

tockthewatchdog #sexist #psycho tockthewatchdog.tumblr.com

I really love how men act like men committing suicide is a massive pressing problem that the rest of us have to solve. Like women are like “I have no generational wealth, i have to do 95% of the housework and childcare while also working a job, my health problems are dismissed or misdiagnosed, you rape and murder and abuse me” and men are like “Oh yeah? WELL I KILL MYSELF!” Stop killing yourself then you fucking mental midget. How am i supposed to stop you from killing yourself? As if I even care to begin with

StormTrumpers plotting a coup #psycho patriots.win

mesothelioma: Bring guns. It's now or never.

Isolated_Patriot: Might as well erase the second amendment if we aren't willing to stand up now.

BoatingAccident: They'll all be warm and toasty at home voting by ZOOM. We need to assemble PEACEFULLY outside their homes to ensure they do the right thing for the Republic.

WildRiot: This guy gets it. Would be a shame if there was no House of Congress to return to should the vote go wrong.

NuclearOption: You mean a house and congress that we take over and hold daily sessions to actually start taking back this country from those fucks

Epyintheshell: If they're doing that Pence may as well just scrap all of the electoral votes in contested states and shrug his shoulders.

The_banned: If he can go through counting votes for Biden, then he can also move to China where he'll be safe from us for a little bit.

plaguejester #homophobia #psycho deviantart.com

Now you're in the streets,
you fill from side to side.
You've got your signs up in the air,
with your "99% pride."

You've made some people late,
they lost an hour of pay.
In Oakland you closed the port,
There they lost a day!

You're noisey and obnoxious,
you're pooping in the park!
Your grievances are reasonable,
but your bite isn't half of your bark.

Now I'm up on the roof,
I've had it up to 'here.'
I'm sick of your civil-disobedience,
time for you to disappear.

I've got cans full of grease,
with little homemade fuses.
Enough of your anarcho-communism,
and of your "freedom to protest" abuses.

I light the first wick,
and send my can a-sailin'.
Gonna splatter you with flaming grease,
and like bacon you'll be smellin'.

I light a few more,
and over they go
Your screams are a symphony,
"look out down below!"

Most of you have scattered,
like the noisy bugs you are,
but some of you have found me,
you've come to get this saboteur.

Now you're on the roof,
it's a dozen to one.
But to me it matters not,
'cause I've had my fun.

You scoop me up on your shoulders,
I feel like a hero.
You send me to follow my cans,
I drop like an arrow.

You may have gotten me,
and sent me to my death.
But I have maimed dozens,
And I laugh with my last breath.

There is the street,
it's coming up quite fast.
But your victory is pyrrhic,
so you can kiss my ass.

Phil Defer #psycho #racist amren.com

What’s It Like to Work for the Border Patrol?

Do illegals ever make a racial/national appeal to Hispanic agents to get preferential treatment or outright release?

Obviously, they never made that sort of appeal to me except in reverse — I got called racist more than a few times. For the Hispanic agents, they did get appeals that they were all part of the same raza, so why are you arresting me?

Are there any differences in the way agents of different races do their jobs?

No doubt about it that the most corrupt are the Hispanic agents. There are more of them, and they are closer to their ancestral homeland, being asked to stop people who look like them, speak like them, eat the same foods, and listen to the same music. Now, you would think that white Americans would be the best agents, but it seemed like the more obviously racially conscious a white agent was, the worse he was at the job. They seemed to retreat and bitch about the job but rarely make any arrests.

How could the Border Patrol be more effective?

A Biden administration would be devastating. I don’t think agents would have any incentive to go out and catch aliens just to watch them walk out the door again.

What did you like best about working for Border Patrol?

I loved hearing about how an agent defied our supervisors and got into a high-speed pursuit and made a bust despite them. I miss running down aliens after they scattered from a bust. I hated it when they got away, but it was so rewarding to grab them and ruin their stay. We had stickers that read “Border Patrol: Crushing Dreams” pasted around the office.

Nathan Larson #psycho apple.news

A 12-year-old California girl has been rescued after authorities said she was abducted by a Virginia man, an admitted pedophile who went to prison for more than a year for threatening to kill either President George W. Bush or President Obama.

Nathan Larson, 40, of Catlett, is facing charges of kidnapping, child abduction, solicting child pornography from a minor and meeting a child for the intention of sex, Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims told a news conference Saturday. The girl wasn't harmed.
Mims said Larson met the girl online in October and then groomed her over the next two months.

After flying to Fresno, Larson took a ride-share to the girl's house, persuaded her to sneak away at 2 a.m. Monday and go with him to the airport, the sheriff said.

BlkPillPres #crackpot #sexist #kinkshaming #psycho incels.is

Blackpill The Cultural & Political Importance Of "Deep Fake" Porn In This Modern Gynocratic Society

Some woman runs to be president next time, someone creates a high quality deepfake porn of her from getting gangbanged and releases it. Its goes viral and she loses the election, because "IT BREAKS THE FUCKING MATRIX"

As a society we all like to pretend like "women are people like men" but deep down we know full well they aren't (and even women know it). Every "professional" "high class" woman who we see in some business suit, later is going to be on her knees submissively choking on dick and being debased in every way possible. This is why having a female boss feels so weird to many men, you know she is submissive, you know her existence is undignified, but due to the mental gymnastics rules of modern society, you have to ignore and push those thoughts to the back of your mind and play along.

You can show me the most high ranking "powerful" feminist screaming in front of a crowd of thousands. Now imagine a high quality deepfake of her getting anal gaped gets blasted right behind her on a big screen that was just spelling out "Woman Power". She's just been fucking neutralized and will scream and even cry: BECAUSE THE ILLUSION WAS BROKEN THE LIES SHE WAS TELLING HERSELF WERE REVEALED SHE KNOWS IT, AND EVERYONE WHO SEES IT KNOWS IT.

EVERYBODY WHO SAW THAT VIDEO WAS JUST BITCH SLAPPED AND TOLD: "No this is women's worth, stop coping, she's going to be doing this later tonight, how is this empowering?. A woman's existence is inherently about submission and debasement, they should never lead anything or have a say in anything of importance"

JosefMengelecel & BummerDrummer #homophobia #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.is


Only when staring down the barrel of his gun do they finally feel remorse, and it's not even for him, it's for their own sake jfl. These kids are just expected to endure their torture from these psychopaths they go to school with. How could they expect the victim to be complacent and not snap eventually?

They don’t understand the capabilities of a man who no longer has anything to lose. The only way for them to feel or remorse or humiliation is when the barrel of the gun is placed against their head. They may not feel remorse for you but atleast they will be humiliated and will beg for their lives like bitches right before their brain gets pierced by a bullet

It's either a lack of empathy on their end or simply their inability to understand causes and consequences. They legit think they can get away with making every second of your life miserable and it shouldn't blow up in their face, you should just carry on and take the torture every single day.

Probably a combination of both. They can’t understand that people will want revenge if you wrong them.

At my school nobody gave a shit if you got bullied unless you were a “marginalized group” I.e if you were black, gay, tranny Jewish or hispanic/immigrant. Usually it was these people who were the bullies which is the ironic thing (trannies getting people expelled for homophobia, black women and mixed race males getting people expelled for racism, etc.) Any retaliation to them though and you’d get the whole school system right up your ass. One of my biggest redpills was when a flamboyant faggot/sissy kid said “I’ve gotten 11 kids expelled for homophobia” to me in high school.

Unknown Femcel #psycho #sexist imgur.com

Being a blackpilled woman starter pack

Accepting that a class of sociopathic, violent people who are completely ruled by their genitals are able to dominate and control the entire planet for no other reason than the fact that evolution gave them more upper body strength.

Knowing that the vast majority of women will never give up men and never stop giving birth to smeglets no matter what. Women would die before they stopped worshipping males

Accepting that women will never be violent or sociopathic enough to win in any kind of "war" with men. You being willing to fight to the death if males tried to take away your rights makes you an extreme outlier. The majority of women would immediately lay down and accept it.

Knowing that males will always see us as inferior subhuman fuckholes because they evolved to see us this way. Feminism and "socialization" will never change this.

Knowing feminism will never prevail and the vast majority of women/girls around the world will never be free as long as men exist.

Your only consolation is knowing you're going to die one day and you aren't leaving any kids to live in this shithole world.

Anna🇺🇸🇮🇱 and Michelle Waters #conspiracy #wingnut #psycho twitter.com

Even Gitmo is too nice a place for the criminals involved in stealing & subverting our election and the Republic!

(Michelle Waters)
They are traitors. Literally. They have betrayed our nation. They have besmirched the integrity of their positions of public trust. They have intentionally subverted the process by which the voices of WTP are heard.


58isbad #psycho #sexist incels.is

RageFuel Why should i have any morals or care for anyone ?

Being an incel means to be a dead man while youre still a live. So why should I care about other people's well being I don't give a fuck about a single family member of mine :feelsjuice: not my angry mother(hates that I Ldar), not my incel tier father (this manlet is why Im an incel in the first place), nor my siblings (there are all incel tier except for my youngest sister)

Understandable tbh It really is. They pretend to welcome you when they need something from you and then drop you after they no longer need you and remind you of your low status and subpar looks

:lul: happened to me many times. Normies are so nice when they need something from you, once they are done with u, ur very presence annoys them

Sometimes I feel the only reason I treat anyone with respect anymore is in case they mistreat me I can justify resenting them because they are an awful person. If treated them well and they returned by treating me like dog shit then I can justify hating them. The hate keeps me going when nothing else does.

I don't need to justify hate I'm based af I will hate people for no reason

There is no reason unless you're passing your genes down. Morals are there to help the community. If you are not part of the community, there is no reason to be moral with it.


Mainländer #crackpot #psycho #sexist incels.is

I was reading some posts both on Nathan's site and on IT, it's clear how much women like being forced. They just hate liking it. Some girl on Nathan's site was talking about how much she hates being a woman and wanted to be a man instead, but she was actually high IQ enough to come to the obvious conclusion she'd just become a weak, short, punny male, so she'd better embrace her femininity and be a little bitch in bed instead. She only forgot to add that it should be only with her loving husband.

Also, before someone says something, yes, there are real women on Nathan's site. I also thought it was all LARPers but there are women writting the name of the site with lipstick on their bodies.

They love being degraded in bed by Chad only. The husband they end up marrying in the end is the betabuxx for whom they have no physical attraction, ie dead bedroom. Unless she married Chad of course.

If an ugly man degraded them forcefully, they'd feel arousal. IT foids even admitted it. Also, most women orgasm during rape. They just hate feeling that arousal for ugly men because they're disgusted by us.

Mainländer #crackpot #psycho #sexist #transphobia incels.is

Theory Women hate being women

Women are indeed kinda like moral pedophiles who don't want to feel the type of sexual desires they feel. They don't want to crave abuse, rape, force, pain, submission, humiliation, etc, but these are what they crave.

Even though women have it WAY better than men, they are much frailer and more chaotic, anything can randomly make them cry, feel like shit, etc. Why do you think some women "transition" to men, even though it makes 0 logical sense, since men have it much, much, much, harder, especially in the sexual market but also pretty much in all fields of life? It's a desperate attempt to become stronger and get rid of that feminine weakness and cravings they hate. Feminism also has a lot to do with it, as well as looking more masculine through ugly body modifications, tattoos, super short hair and stuff like that.

Women will never be men though. They should just give up and embrace the femininity. It's ok to like being degraded in bed like they enjoy if it's with their loving husbands only. It's ok to be weak cause daddy/hubby will protect you.

Alex Jones #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy independent.co.uk

Far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones has told a Trump rally that president-elect Joe Biden will be removed "one way or the other" leading to calls for the Secret Service or FBI to investigate him for attempting to incite violence.
“The system is publicly stealing this election from the biggest landslide and the biggest political realignment since 1776,” Mr Jones said during a speech.
He said: "We will never back down to the Satanic paedophile, globalist New World Order and their walking-dead reanimated corpse Joe Biden, and we will never recognize him".

He then turned his attention to the FBI investigation of the Trump campaign's contacts with Russia, before referencing a recently-revealed Department of Justice probe into Hunter Biden's taxes.

"President Trump had zero connection to Russians. No proof. Four years of investigation. With the Bidens, it's open and shut," Mr Jones said.

"So I don't know who's going to the White House in 38 days but I sure know this - Joe Biden is a globalist and Joe Biden will be removed one way or another."
Violence erupted on the streets of DC following the rally. Four people were taken to hospital with stab wounds, DC fire spokesman, Doug Buchanan, said.

BlackCel62 #psycho #sexist incels.is

Based Finally gonna accept the fact that I'm a misogynist. I hate women and I wish nothing but the worst upon them.

inb4 "See?! Tis y u inkwell!"

But seriously, I care nothing about foids, I don't care about their intellect (or lack thereof), their so called oppression, their fake rape stories, nothing about them. The only thing I care about is sticking my johnson in their holes. If I'm not doing that, then there's no need for us to even interact with each other.

Foids can talk about how much they hate men all day long and they will even get support from a bunch of other foids and even :bluepill: soytards. But when men say they hate women, everyone is ready to nail that dude to a stake. So at this point, fuck women and the soytards that enable their fuckery. I wish nothing on them but pain and misery.

”5'5 Black Fugly Turbosperg - Cooming to Lolis”

tryhard nickname, tryhard signature, tryhard post


Any man who isn't a misogynist in todays day and age is a complete retard. If you aren't an above average male, short, ugly, or human, remember that women hate you and wish for you to die. Not returning that hatred is the most soy thing you can do

We are looked at as the scum of the earth, nice or not. Nothing we can do as below average men will ever be enough. May as well give them a taste of their own medicine.

RogueSchwartzll #wingnut #psycho patriots.win

Dear Mr. President - We support you invoking the Insurrection Act. Please deploy the military. Initiate mass arrests. This is the option that solves all of the issues. Defeat the Deep State all at once. We support a short period of Military rule. Give us back our Republic.

BlackCel62 #psycho #sexist incels.is

Based I'd rather go to jail for raping a thot than spend the rest of my life a KHHV and die without experiencing the warm, pleasurable feeling that is sex.

I personally see rape as a mans last resort to passing on his genes that women simply refuse to willingly pass on for him. And to finally have sex with a woman so he will no longer be a virgin and be denied something that is owed to him as a human being. Any kind of sex is good sex, even rape. It's simply encoded in a man's DNA to pass on his genes before he passes onto the next life. Even if that means forcibly fucking a woman against her will.

If I were to ever reach that point, I'd rope before the police would ever catch me. Why does the foid deserve "Justice" for having the honor to raise another life that she's bringing into the world? In a ideal world, she would be happy for bringing another life into the world. Also in a ideal world, women would be sentenced to lethal injection for getting an abortion or killing her own flesh and blood.

Also, why is it called rape when a thot is getting fucked while passed out drunk? She doesn't know that it's happening and more than likely isn't even feeling whats happening. I've seen foids passed out drunk all the time at my university and sometimes I feel tempted to go to town with them while shes black out drunk. And leave before anyone sees anything or before she wakes up.

Various Incels #crackpot #fundie #magick #psycho #sexist incels.is

Theory The only thing that's preventing a massive suicide wave of men is the fear of hell

Imagine if tomorrow scientists were able to proof without any doubt that hell doesn't exist. The planet would lose at least three quarters of the male population. But women? They'd be perfectly fine, maybe a bit sad cause many of them would lose their source of income but pretty much none of them would commit suicide. Only men have the mental capability to reflect about what might be beyond the shadows of death and it's that fear of the unknown what's stopping billions of subhumans from swallowing a bullet. Maybe hell doesn't exist after all. Maybe it's all a great conspiracy to keep men from roping. What do you think?

Not hell but I won't rope because I believe in reincarnation/isekai. But 99% of these are non-suicide-related, so I gotta die naturally to get my dream.

what if you found out there is no reincarnation either?

Google children talking about when they were big, check out consciousness studies where they detected observable data that proves you know when you are being watched even through a camera thousands of miles away. Reincarnation is real. Extradimensional consciousness is real.

I'm saying what would you do if you found out it wasn't? It's a what if question dude.

Become a full-blown fucking criminal until I get gun down by copcels.

(Fat Link)
If that many men roped plenty of women would rope too. Not because the women care about the men’s tragic lives causing them to seek suicide as a way out of course, but rather because whose going to be the willing pay pigs for all the only fans sluts when daddy beta bux is gone?

Wanderken, GlobalismIsEvil, [deleted], bassline17 #racist #sexist #psycho reddit.com


Native "leaders" blame just about everyone else for Tina Fontaine's death except themselves, who did nothing personally to help her

GlobalismIsEvil:"This is a common thread among almost every MMIWI story I read about. These women are abandoned by their families and tribes, who only seem to start caring after they're dead."

[deleted]:" Why can Natives of all people not understand: The world is a dangerous place, you need to protect yourself and protect your children and your communities.

If you swim in crocodile-infested waters and get bitten it's not the crocodile's fault it's their nature. There ARE psychos out there and maniacs. People need to avoid them and not put themselves in circumstances where they're vulnerable to harm.

ie: passing out in strangers' homes, being in gangs, doing drugs with strangers

It's weird on one hand they call Canada a racist dangerous place,. but then expect their women and children should make no effort to keep themselves safe

I'm a 35-year old man I'm not going to hitchhike and stumble around drunk with strangers in Winnipeg, because I'd fear for my safety doing so"

Diversity is our greatest strength

Chopblock #psycho #wingnut patriots.win

- Declare a national state of emergency
- Issue a Presidential Finding of foreign election interference
- Federally deputize ALL willing CITIZENS.
- Unmask and Declassify relevant intelligence and NSA intercepted data
- Declare collaborators and treason plotters as enemy combatants.
- Seize the airwaves and stop all propaganda and censorship.
- Deploy military to protect borders and seas. Send Pentagon Staff to Gitmo HQ
- Federalize National Guard and order them to support Citizen Federal Officers
- Order arrests and detention of suspected enemy combatants and foreign agents
- Order tribunals to decide military hearings or civilian investigations & trials on a per-case basis
- Offer leniency to those who assist investigations and admit their crimes
- Break up big tech, media conglomerates, party apparatuses, and corrupt enterprises
- Divide assets among new non-state enterprises who assist in recovery

PRESIDENT TRUMP has the authorities to command a patriot army millions strong, who only await his legal orders. Bureaucrats will not solve this, but Federal citizen militias and the military can and must.

Fascists on The Donald #wingnut #psycho patriots.win

KGB82: Face it, win or stole, what has been needed since Nov 4th is a Declaration 2.0. The reality is WE have the mandate to take the reigns of America. The drive to defend America is actually beyond the Constitution. The Bill of Rights speaks of far more than government protections or limits... it speaks of our unalienable rights as equally created people. The power of God is not contained in a piece of parchment. You really need to look at it, if you haven't already, from the specific angle that the democrats are obstructing justice that we have already concluded is God ordained. They have come out against legitimate Freedom of Speech, Religion, Property, Self-Defense. If you think you can claim these rights apart from God, you're very wrong. The government will crumple you up and put you in a box. You have to be fighting for more than yourselves. But for your sacred honor, as it were.

Wraithking: The 2A was written for a reason Tyranny won't unfuck itself

Hehrhehrhrv: But it's not government tyranny.. It's actual American citizens that are Nazis and Communists.. And voting against America first president's because they want to see America faill. At least a first step should be a new constitution with some restrictions on the press.. fake news should not be allowed. There's no good argument for it.. the job of the media is to inform the American people.. If it's not doing that and it has no purpose even existing..

memechallenger33: You have it exactly backward. There should be no law against fake news. The current problems are all due to censorship, which is where one group of people determines what is “real” and what is “fake”.

lurkwellmyfriends: I agree - no restrictions - however, removing censorship does not go far enough. For-profit, global media corporations that are intrinsically tied to the bureaus and intel agencies literally run the country. Something has to be done about this. That's why it's media first when the shooting starts. In Minecraft.

Various Chechen Officials And Villagers #fundie #psycho nypost.com

Teen Who Beheaded French Teacher Reportedly Given Hero’s Funeral in Chechnya

An 18-year-old man who was killed by police after beheading a teacher in Paris has received a hero’s funeral attended by hundreds of people in his native Chechnya, according to reports.

Abdullakh Anzorov decapitated Samuel Paty, 47, in the Paris suburb of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine in October after the teacher showed his students cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad as a way of demonstrating freedom of speech in a class discussion.

Security personnel closed the village except to local residents, while more than 60 law enforcement officers were on duty at the funeral, which was attended by friends and relatives, the outlet reported.

“There are still traffic jams in neighboring villages because of the large number of people who want to attend the funeral,” a Telegram channel said late Sunday.

“He is a hero for the whole Islamic world,” the head of the Shalazhi administration was quoted as saying. “It was a normal funeral. I was certainly there, and expressed my condolences to his relatives. That is my duty.”

While Paty’s murder shocked France, prominent voices in Chechnya, including strongman Ramzan Kadyrov, have cast blame on the country’s secularism and President Emmanuel Macron for allowing images of Muhammad as “provocations and attacks on the faith,” the Guardian reported.

Selwyn Duke #wingnut #psycho #fundie americanthinker.com

It’s reasonable to assume that mentioning right now the futility of reasoning with the Left is motivated by the election. It’s also, in my case, untrue. I’ve for decades recognized that devout leftists, emotion-driven and vice-ridden, operate by occultist Aleister Crowley’s “principle,” “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” But now, with the Left stealing an election after have stolen our whole culture and increasingly achieving its ends through violence, more people may accept this message.
In a saner world, people could talk things out, seeking that ethereal common ground called Truth. But morally nihilistic leftists scoff at absolutes and have thus turned themselves into glorified animals, driven by their base instincts and consuming freedom, virtue and goodness like demonic locusts. And our leftists are ensuring that we cannot talk things out.

The reality is that if the United States were a marriage, there would have been a divorce long ago. Leftists are as alien to more traditional people as a race of aggressive, invasive extraterrestrials, and they’ve made coexistence impossible.

So what does this mean from a practical standpoint? How should we proceed? First, conservatives must stop being “conservative” (as in defensive) and realize that you can’t follow Queensberry rules when the adversary fights no-holds-barred. As an example, leftists can govern contrary to the Constitution, sure — and we act contrary to their governance.

To this end, traditionalist states/counties/cities should employ nullification, that ignoring of governmental enjoinments that Thomas Jefferson called the “rightful” remedy for all unconstitutional directives.

Various Commenters #psycho #sexist reddit.com

NOTE: Those are comments on an almost certainly made-up story about a man refusing to pay for his grandchildren’s college education because his daughter refused to be walked down the aisle by him at her wedding, insulted him, and called herself an “independent woman”

OP's sister wanted to be independent, THAT INCLUDES FINANCIAL MATTERS TOO, RIGHT? OP's sister shouldn't be a hypocritical person and excluding financial independence from her wish of being independent. If you wanted to be independent, be 100% independent, even with the money.


NTA, but are you and your brother going stay be quiet about your father being an asshole? He’s punishing his grandchildren over something so petty. I imagine it’s not the only time he’s been incredibly petty, either.

But the dad is kind of an AH for treating his grandchildren so differently just because he didn't get to walk one daughter down the aisle at her wedding.

Kids sometimes suffer the consequences of their parents' decisions. Life isn't always fair.

But she's a strong independent woman and he is respecting that by letting her independently finance the kids education on her own.

the dad is acting super super petty but he kinda has a point. Does she want to perform wokeness or live it? I'd def give a y t a rating to the dad if she was not comfortably employed in a traditionally well paying job tho.


He has to be prepared for his grandkids to hate him, though. I would.


Disagree. I would place blame where blame is due- on the daughter/mom who insisted upon her independence.

She isn’t being emotionally abused. She is being shown what it means to be an independent grown-ass woman. Independent grown-ass women don’t need their daddies to buy them a house or put money into their kids college funds. If she wants to flex being an “independent woman” then she can be independent.

Analogy Backfire Award

Timothy Koets #psycho #ableist news.yahoo.com

HUDSONVILLE, Mich. (AP) — The father of a severely autistic 16-year-old Michigan boy who drowned in a family pool has pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

Prosecutors accused Tim Koets of failing to supervise his son whose hands were bound while he stood in the pool in March 2019. Koets said he had left for work at a college and was assured that others were keeping an eye on Sam at their home near Hudsonville.
“It sends a strong signal to our community that all children matter, all children have worth, life is important," Ottawa County assistant prosecutor Paul Kraus said.

Defense attorney David Kallman said he'll ask the judge to sentence Koets to 19 months in prison, the low end of the guidelines. The next court hearing is Jan. 18.

“They were under a lot of stress in their family. It led to some unfortunate choices,” Kallman said Wednesday. “My client didn’t set out to have his son drown."

Koets has said he woke his wife before leaving for work that day so she could watch Sam. Michelle Koets, who had worked an overnight shift as a registered nurse, confirmed that he did alert her before heading out.

Tim Koets was aware that the teenager had walked into the icy pool based on text messages from a daughter, police said.

Authorities said the parents sometimes restrained the boy’s arms to prevent him from harming himself or others.

Randy Nettles #crackpot #quack #psycho #conspiracy #wingnut raptureforums.com

On July 31, 2019, at the end of the Democratic primary debate, Joe Biden (former senator and vice-president of the U.S.) told viewers to “go to Joe 30330 and help me in this fight”. Most viewers assumed this was a website name, but it turned out that wasn’t the case. Joe was just doing what Joe does best, he misspoke. He evidently meant to tell the audience to text 30330 to get involved in his campaign. This was just another gaff among dozens in the career of the former senator from Delaware.

I started thinking about the number 30330 and why Joe Biden and his campaign advisors picked that particular number. You know good and well Old Joe didn’t think that up for himself, as he doesn’t think very clearly these days. I believe he takes the advice of someone, either person or principality; that tells him he should put his faith in the United Nations and world government, instead of God, to bring about “change”. As with Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, Satan knows he can control, enslave, and kill people more effectively if he can do his ungodly work through just one government or man, instead of hundreds.

As for the number 30330, I can only speculate on why it was chosen. I believe the “30” at the start and finish of this five digit number represents the U.N.’s Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, which most progressive Democrats believe in. Agenda 2030 for S.D. has 17 goals for curing all of the world’s problems under the leadership of the unelected officials of the United Nations by the year 2030.

The next two digits in the number 30330 make up a very special number. “33” is a very significant number in religion, numerology, and the occult.

However, for Bible believing Christians, the numbers 30 and 33 represent something entirely different than it does for the new age guru’s and new world order radicals. The number 30 is a special number in four ways according to the Bible.

Henry Makow, PhD/Dr. Igor Shepherd #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #fundie #psycho henrymakow.com

This is not traditional Communism but 'Technocratic Communism', where universal surveillance and control are maintained in real time using Artificial Intelligence. "My message to you is urgent... All small businesses will be gone, completely gone, under Communism... It's ugly. It's Luciferian...

In the US in 2021, 2022, vaccines will become annual, semi-annual events. Mandatory for all... [Everyone will be] under the umbrella of the Baal system... [sucked] into the darkness of the Baal system. And the Baal system has no mercy."

As each annual vaccine is given, our genomes will turn further and further from the genome that God gave us. At some point you will not be human. "Make your peace with God."


Communism conquers nations by crushing all opposition. It creates a police state where no opposing views can flourish. Where it can't invade from without, it seeks first to corrupt from within. Then, when its target is weakened sufficiently, it moves in militarily. Russia can't do this alone. Neither can China. Neither can the traitors operating within the United States, the treasonous deceivers who opened the gates to the enemy. But all three working together are likely to succeed.
Americans will be refugees in their own country, that they will be herded like animals into squalid prison-type camps, that armed guards will watch over them, that living conditions will be primitive, that families will be broken up, that physical and emotional abuse will be widespread, that the level of psychological stress for many will be intolerable, and that at some point the 'virus' will enter the camp and kill everyone.

Mr_Wsh #fundie #psycho reddit.com

[in a discussion about Muslims being supposed to kill apostates]

Mr_Wsh: Yes, This is the result when you leave the RIGHT religion

I don't see anything wrong with that.

You don't see anything wrong with killing people based on their beliefs?

Mr_Wsh: Just in case they left the right one.


TesticleCooker: The right one isn't islam, do I now have the right to kill you?

Obvious sarcasm to point out the double standard

Mr_Wsh: If it's not, then you have the right, iam serious here lol

But islam is the right one soo..

If you disobeyed your creator then you should be killed.

But actually, islam dont kill non-muslim without a reason, but those who exit Islam must die for sure.

Why? because they are not ignorant anymore, they tried the truth and rejected it.

Various Incels #psycho #sexist incels.is

How many sex slaves should a man be allowed to own in an ideal society?
0, women should have equal rights Votes: 6 19.4%
0, foids should be housewives with few rights rather than slaves Votes: 5 16.1%
1 Votes: 6 19.4%
2-4 Votes: 6 19.4%
5-10 Votes: 1 3.2%
As many as he can afford Votes: 7 22.6%
Total voters 31

I think 2-4 would be an ideal balance, low enough to be affordable for most men but not high enough to cause severe sex slave ownership inequality.

First, sex ratio must be fixed, if one man will have 4 foids, others will have 0

The first would be ideal initially. But after sex slave businesses kick off and start mass producing foids they'd become more affordable for all men.

0, foids need to be exterminated

That's sounds gay

Bots or nothing. Females have proven to be defective enough times.


This site gets monitored, and the site owners will have to give your ip dress if asked... be careful about what you post here

There's nothing illegal about saying men should own women. It's a fact through history

andinocel & JosefMengelecel #psycho #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL (Old incel story) Incel made a foid fail physics midterm by not giving her a calculator

In college I was a white knight dumbass, and foids would sometimes make friends with me and become study partners. The foids would simply sit next to me during exams and copy my answers. White knight idiot that I was, I let them. In statistics class, another foid had registered but for the following semester; she asked if she could borrow the textbook. I agreed. Both foid and textbook disappeared, never to be seen again. I always hated having foids in math & physics, because all they would do is complain. In math, you are either right or wrong, no fancy words can pull you out of your fuck-up; foids find this unfair. It's the reason why so many of them prefer to major in biology. If true, the guy in the physics class is based, and he did the right thing. It was her responsibility to bring a fucking calculator. If you think this is heartless, remember that your classmates are your future job competitors, and if the competitor is female, she already has a huge advantage. The bitch may have failed physics but remember that the west is a gynocracy ---- she'll be alright.

He did the right thing. It isn’t even because she is a foid although that is a damn good reason to do it. I personally would have done the same thing even if it was a guy. Your classmates are just competition so you should do what you can to make them fail. Them failing means you have a better chance. The world is one huge battle royale and you should always take the opportunity to sabotage other people to get them out of the competition

metabuxx #sexist #psycho #wingnut #dunning-kruger incels.is

RageFuel "You're not entitled to sex, sweaty"

If we go by this logic men shouldn't be entitled to anything.
Imagine working hard and wageslaving all month and in the end your manager says "Sure you worked hard but you are not entitled to my money, sweaty".
Or imagine paying for health insurance every month and one day you get shot and go to your doctor who says "You are not entitled to my medicines sweaty"
Or imagine studying really hard just to hear your teacher say after the exam "You are not entitled to good grades sweaty"

This is what is happening to us right now. We work hard, wageslave, earn money and except to get a foid who loves us and gives us sex but their response is "You are not entitled to sex sweaty"
For normies its even worse, they go on dates, pay for dinner, spend thousands of dollars just to hear the foid say "You are entitled to my body sweaty".

If a manager refuses to pay his employees or if a doctor refuses to give his patients medicine, it is termed as violation of human rights. Same with sex, if foids refuse to have sex with us, IT SHOULD COME UNDER VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.

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