
Supplementary, Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Introvert (“Free Nathan Larson”) #wingnut #quack #conspiracy#racist #psycho incels.is

[Serious] Why you should NOT wear a mask, even if you are ugly, NOR take the vaccine

I have seen some incels saying “I like that everyone wears a mask, because then I can hide my ugly face”. This submissive mindset has to stop though.

Being ugly is not unacceptable. You have the right to exist. It is only females and cucks who want you to suffer, because they are sadists towards ugly men. They are the ones who do not want to see your face, and by then wearing a mask, you basically fulfill the desires of your oppressors. It is cucked.

Wearing a mask for protection, is foolish for three reasons:

1) Covid-19 is not real.
2) Even if Covid-19 was real, masks would still be useless. You still breathe, and this includes breathing in and out potential viruses. Wearing a mask instead only makes the air you breathe in contain a higher amout of carbon dioxide.
3) Even if masks worked, why would you want to protect other people from getting sick? Females would deserve to get sick for not giving me sex, and other men too, for being unhealthy cucks (healthy masculine men have a superior immune system).

Also, do not take the (((vaccine))). Not only because it is Jewish poison which gives recipients countless of “side effects”. I have also seen females saying: “I hope everyone takes the vaccine so I can go out and party again, teehee”. Taking the vaccine, is therefore cucked.

Instead of being hysterical sheeple, be healthy. My natural immune system is superior and would destroy any virus instantly. I do not need any vaccine. And to the people who want to force me to wear I mask, I say, like George Floyd, #ICantBreathe.

Mike Stone #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #quack henrymakow.com

I'm dreaming of a Covid Christmas,
Just like the ones I knew before,
Simple minds accept it,
Muddled minds embrace it,
And they all grow dumber more and more.

I'm dreaming of a Covid Christmas,
Filled with needles and jabs of joy,
Where liars blather,
And traitors gather,
To smile and poison every goy.

I'm dreaming of a Covid Christmas,
With every idiot in a mask I see,
They're all so stupid,
Living lives so putrid,
Accepting slavery with such glee.

I'm dreaming of a Covid Christmas,
With every death I see today,
Where poisoned syringes glisten,
And dumbass Americans listen,
To every lie that comes their way.

I'm dreaming of a Covid Christmas,
Just like the ones I used to know,
May your days be merry and bright,
And may you one day see the light.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #quack #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

There is no forgiveness for taking the Mark of the Beast, and while these opening rounds of the vaccines are not the biblical Mark of the Beast, they are being used as a psyop to mentally groom you to receiving an injection from the government. Look around you, what do you see? I see airlines mandating you receive a vaccine before flying, sport stadiums telling you that an Immunity Passport will be needed to attend events, countries like Israel and the nations of Europe using Green, Yellow and Red restricted zones. All this for a virus with a 99%+ recovery rate.

The Bible is literally unfolding before your very eyes!
For all you Laodiceans out there who want “science” so you can believe the Bible, we invite you to watch the video below and it will give you all the straight science about the Messenger 33 vaccine that you could ask for.
In the end, all we here at NTEB can do is to warn you, patiently and soberly, and ask you to compare what we say to the truth contained within the pages of your King James Bible. At the very least, these mRNA vaccines have already caused 3,150 adverse reactions in the first week of distribution, those numbers are going to skyrocket. The born again Church will be removed before the Mark of the Beast, that’s Fact #3, but you are right now watching an unsaved world preparing to receive Antichrist.

You can trust your government, or you can trust the King James Bible, take your pick. You can’t trust both, they are mutually exclusive. Take of your health, take Vitamin C, zinc and D3 every day, use common sense and trust the Lord to lead you and guide you. This is not a dress rehearsal, this is the real thing and the game is on. Are you in or out?

Various Commenters #conspiracy #quack #racist amren.com

RE: Every Single US State Is Being Advised to Consider Ethnic Minorities as Critical Groups for Vaccination

This time, I will be very glad to accept all those hip hop gangster rappers will be the priority. because, " We proudly developed a very safe vaccine with efficacy over 90% within 10 months " does not sound realistic or safe at all....

(Spirit of Chronos)
I agree. Let minorities have first dibs on this dubiously safe vaccine. Then Whites can just sit back and watch the horrible side-effects from a distance.


Whites are minorities in at least two states, Hawaii and California. Will whites receive special treatments there?

Heck no. This is why I always say "non-Whites" and not "minorities." Whites are a minority in the world and even in much of the U.S.

Some day non-whites, especially blacks will have priority for all health care as whites are sent to the back of the line. That is what social justice will look like in an America where whites are the minority. Whites who believe they will be treated as kindly and graciously as they have treated non-whites are delusional and soon to be disappointed.

(Jeff Coffey)
You can already see this happening in the way that the Democrats make political appointments. There is no way that any vacant position will go to a white man, and if there is some position that was held by any sort of minority figure, it can only be filled by someone from an equally or more "oppressed" minority group. It's a one way street.

This is a good precedent that we need to remember and use for our purpose. If it is legal to give preference based on race, and this action shows that it is, then we can give preference to whites in other endeavors.

Richard N #conspiracy #crackpot #quack twitter.com

These lying governments will be announcing 'new variants' of the Corona virus for YEARS to come - to keep the fear level up, while they inject the whole world with their sinister 'Corona vaccines', & install a totalitarian World government via their Great Reset scam.

Bennett Lee Ross #conspiracy #quack #crackpot bennettleeross.com

The corporation Westmont
Can add or subtract memory

Memory is housed on dendrites
Which are the branched part
Of the nerve cell
That carries impulses
To other protoplasmic filaments
Of the nerve cell body
And organized in the brain

Memory includes

Modified DNA eliminates memories
It is a bio hacking
Of the simulation
We call reality

But is not the ultimate reality

We are living in an hourglass shaped
Cylindrical plasmoid

Upon the solid surface
Of the flat and motionless innermost region
Of the middle torus

In a water filled bowl like area
Comprised of many realms

Many souls are trapped here

Some have projected themselves
Into this realm or universe
For a purpose

They are projected from their higher self
Or higher consciousness

Which will lead and direct their life
Toward their higher goal!

Pastor Greg Locke #dunning-kruger #quack google.com

Greg Locke: I’m saying the sickness is real. I’m saying the pandemic is not.

Elle Reeve: I don’t understand what you mean when you say “pandemic’s not real.”

Locke: ...The pandemic is not real.

Reeve: But what do you think a pandemic is?

Locke: Not… Not COVID-19.

Reeve: But what do you think a pandemic is?

Locke: It is no pandemic.

Publicist (offscreen): I think we’ve stuck on the pandemic question too many times.

Reeve: Well, why can’t you answer it?

Locke: It’s ridiculous… I did. There’s no pandemic! COVID-19 is not a pandemic.

Reeve: But what would a pandemic… But what is a pandemic then?

Locke: Not what we’re experiencing. I’m 44 years old. We’ve not had one in my lifetime, so I don’t know. And this is not it.

Henry Makow, PhD/Reddit #quack #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger henrymakow.com

SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins can compromise the blood-brain barrier, allowing foreign objects from your bloodstream, through your endothelium, and into your brain. The mRNA vaccine makes your cells manufacture SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins, which WILL compromise your blood-brain barrier if you take the vaccine.

Then, follow-up shots will administer silicon nanowires that will pass through your blood-brain barrier, into your neurons, and be taken up by your cells as though they were an extra organelle. Fifth-generation cell network technology will power and control the nanowires in people's brains through RF induction and beam forming technology, guiding beams of RF very precisely into their heads.

Huawei is behind the push for this stuff (with tech they bribed Charles Lieber into giving them).

The Rothschilds want everyone on the grid, because they're very angry and afraid that they're about to be outed for their global human trafficking networks. This is the real reason for the Great Reset. Klaus Schwab is a transhumanist and he has openly talked about blending human biology with machinery in his books.
Once inside, silicon nanowire field effect transistors, or SiNW-FETs, capable of reading signals from (and modulating the activity of) individual neurons. How does one power them if they're inside cells and have no batteries, capacitors, or other power source? Simple. RF induction.

What device is capable of directing RF of the required frequency directly into someone's head? A phased-array beam forming antenna, capable of steering beams of RF towards anything with high precision. What uses phased-array beam forming antennas? Fifth-generation wireless cell networks do.

Patrick O'Carroll #conspiracy #racist #quack #wingnut henrymakow.com

Just as the Bolshevik Zionists genocided 100 million Christians in Eastern Europe in their takeovers following Russia's two "revolutions" of 1917, and another 150 million Christians in the Christian Holocaust of WW1 and WW2, their publications state that they now intend to genocide hundreds of millions of Christians after this installation of worldwide communism in 2020. So beware! Even if they call this flavor of communism "Technocracy", it is the same.
In return, the Zionist plan is to pay him a lifelong UBI (universal basic income) until his vaccines sterilize him and his food-stamps kill him. Crucially, the "holy" books of Judaism (Talmud, Kabbalah, Zohar and "Protocols") all state that the Jewish messiah Ben David will never arrive until ALL the property of the world is owned by the Jews. Multiple passages of the same "holy" books of Judaism also call for the total genocide of all non-Jews.
They also appear to be preparing 2030 as a milestone year after which most of their changes can be undone. 2030 encodes 23, which satanic numerology often uses to represent an infinite string of sixes given that the factor two-thirds (2/3) corresponds to 66.6666... percent. Hence also the UN title Agenda 2030.
Finally, the Zionist Kill Grid, namely the silent-weapons system 5G first rolled out in Wuhan-China in late 2019, is set to induce the symptoms of nonexistent COVID "viruses". 5G poisons its victims by destroying the O² molecules in the human bloodstream (thus inducing much worse than mere pulmonary problems). The Zionists plan most of their genocide for the big "smart"-cities.

Analogy Backfire Award

Russ Winter #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #quack #crackpot winterwatch.net

The only thing left in the New Underworld Order’s bag of tricks is for the aliens to invade (Project Blue Beam), do an international broadcast, tell us to trust world government, be Covid safe and cut carbon emissions all while wearing BLACK LIVES MATTER T-SHIRTS.

The next hoax is being prepared, most likely as a “look over there!” decoy for mandatory scamdemic vaccines and the Great Reset.

Is a fake alien invasion in the works? With the Branch Covidian cult firmly established, the scene seems ripe to run on at least part of the pajama people.

The Jerusalem Post reports that former Israeli security chief Haim Eshed has revealed that aliens from a “Galactic Federation” have been in contact with the U.S. and Israel for years, but humanity isn’t ready to know this. Hoax alert: They only communicate with the U.S. and Israel? That says a lot.

Of course, these appear-and-disappear monoliths are being dismissed as art pieces. The question begs, however: Why are they showing up at all? Psyops.
The theory holds that they use dense hologram imagery combined with voice-to-skull technology [see “Voice of God Mind Control“] and possibly a good dose of suggestibility via drug aerosols in the air or put into drinking water.

Another variation — and we think more likely — would be some type of smaller-scale religious Messiah or prophecy hocus pocus and psyop aimed at evangelical Rapture, Branch Covidians, Judiacs, and New Age types. Perhaps this would be tied into Jerusalem. No doubt the CS has the data to determine just how gullible and controllable the population, or segments of the population, are and what would be required.

Geoffrey Grider #conspiracy #quack #fundie #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

The internet had a meltdown over a recently unearthed clip from the 17th season of Project Runway, which appears to have predicted the Covid-19 pandemic, where a fashion model named Kovid wore a designer mask 33 weeks and 3 days before first coronavirus case appeared.

Last week we showed you in detail why the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine should rightly be called the Messenger 33 vaccine because of its connection to Freemasonry and predictive programming. Some of you got it right away, others mocked and scoffed, while outraged Freemasons emailed us to howl about being exposed. Today we learn another stunning predictive programming connection to the number 33 and the mRNA COVID vaccine.

“Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” Habakkuk 1:5 (KJB)

On Season 17 of fashion show ‘Project Runway’, a designer and model named Kovid Kapoor debuted an ensemble featuring a face mask, it was a huge hit with one of the judges calling it ‘sick’. Exactly 33 weeks and 3 days later, the first COVID-19 coronavirus case was recorded, all of it according to plan. For those of you with eyes to see and ears to hear, pay attention.

The mRNA COVID vaccine, what we call the Messenger 33 vaccine, has been planned for a long, long time. It’s not being ‘rushed to production’ it’s being rolled out in accordance to the dictates of the New World Order in the Great Reset. Think long and hard before allowing them to inject this witch’s brew into your blood stream, it will likely take you somewhere you don’t really want to go. I can’t say it any more strongly than that.

Randy Nettles #crackpot #quack #psycho #conspiracy #wingnut raptureforums.com

On July 31, 2019, at the end of the Democratic primary debate, Joe Biden (former senator and vice-president of the U.S.) told viewers to “go to Joe 30330 and help me in this fight”. Most viewers assumed this was a website name, but it turned out that wasn’t the case. Joe was just doing what Joe does best, he misspoke. He evidently meant to tell the audience to text 30330 to get involved in his campaign. This was just another gaff among dozens in the career of the former senator from Delaware.

I started thinking about the number 30330 and why Joe Biden and his campaign advisors picked that particular number. You know good and well Old Joe didn’t think that up for himself, as he doesn’t think very clearly these days. I believe he takes the advice of someone, either person or principality; that tells him he should put his faith in the United Nations and world government, instead of God, to bring about “change”. As with Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, Satan knows he can control, enslave, and kill people more effectively if he can do his ungodly work through just one government or man, instead of hundreds.

As for the number 30330, I can only speculate on why it was chosen. I believe the “30” at the start and finish of this five digit number represents the U.N.’s Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, which most progressive Democrats believe in. Agenda 2030 for S.D. has 17 goals for curing all of the world’s problems under the leadership of the unelected officials of the United Nations by the year 2030.

The next two digits in the number 30330 make up a very special number. “33” is a very significant number in religion, numerology, and the occult.

However, for Bible believing Christians, the numbers 30 and 33 represent something entirely different than it does for the new age guru’s and new world order radicals. The number 30 is a special number in four ways according to the Bible.

Henry Makow, PhD/Dr. Igor Shepherd #conspiracy #quack #wingnut #fundie #psycho henrymakow.com

This is not traditional Communism but 'Technocratic Communism', where universal surveillance and control are maintained in real time using Artificial Intelligence. "My message to you is urgent... All small businesses will be gone, completely gone, under Communism... It's ugly. It's Luciferian...

In the US in 2021, 2022, vaccines will become annual, semi-annual events. Mandatory for all... [Everyone will be] under the umbrella of the Baal system... [sucked] into the darkness of the Baal system. And the Baal system has no mercy."

As each annual vaccine is given, our genomes will turn further and further from the genome that God gave us. At some point you will not be human. "Make your peace with God."


Communism conquers nations by crushing all opposition. It creates a police state where no opposing views can flourish. Where it can't invade from without, it seeks first to corrupt from within. Then, when its target is weakened sufficiently, it moves in militarily. Russia can't do this alone. Neither can China. Neither can the traitors operating within the United States, the treasonous deceivers who opened the gates to the enemy. But all three working together are likely to succeed.
Americans will be refugees in their own country, that they will be herded like animals into squalid prison-type camps, that armed guards will watch over them, that living conditions will be primitive, that families will be broken up, that physical and emotional abuse will be widespread, that the level of psychological stress for many will be intolerable, and that at some point the 'virus' will enter the camp and kill everyone.

Deep Origins #mammon #magick #quack deeporigins.com


Based out of Encinitas, California, DEEP ORIGINS is a highly evolved eastern wellness company offering yoga products, meditation products, natural food/bev products and herbal supplements. Our company has expertise in ancient wisdom, digital marketing, product creation/sourcing and content/media.

Core Values

We’re not rebels for the sake of it. We’re rebels because much of the wisdom, science, and technology people could be using to live an empowered life have either been hidden, forgotten or miscommunicated.

If you’ve dug this deep, there’s a good chance you already realize there’s as much transformational potential in subjects like Eastern Medicine/Wellness, Yoga, Meditation, Sacred Geometry, Ancient Archaeology, Vibrational Frequencies and Sustainable Communities....as there is in cutting-edge pharmaceutical or psychological experiments. And that mindfulness practices, such as meditation...are as crucial to your intellectual development as reading a book every night before bedtime.

We focus on four cores: People, Planet, Purpose & Profits. All our brands and products must somehow or someway be associated within these four to create a sustainable future.

The challenge, however, lies in knowing precisely how to harness unconventional wisdom and share it with the world. And just as importantly, how to avoid the dangerous misinformation and hyperbole surrounding it.

We want to bring together highly qualified and respected consciousness experts, fashion designers, natural medicine practitioners, doctors, scientists, social entrepreneurs, wellness coaches, authors, artists and meditation teachers and all the amazing products that surround them...to empower our human family with scientifically validated tools and wisdom.

KellyPrettyBear #conspiracy #quack #magick abovetopsecret.com

Strange Super Spreaders?

If you read some early JV, before he went all ga ga with the IDH, you can read
about some interesting anomalous events he looked into, where there was a
'primary strange person', and as this person traveled around, he seemed to
'infect' those around him.

I think this 'infection model' is a major part of what our spy boys are studying.
You get one person with a potent unconscious mind, perhaps infected with
toxoplasmosis or something, and the images in their mind might tend to
infect some of those they come across.

I wonder if there are 'strange super spreaders' so to speak.

Now again, I'm not saying it's all 'hysteria' or that there is nothing 'there', 'there'.
Not at all. But this seems be a very important element, that has slipped under
the radar so to speak.

Apotheosis #crackpot #quack #transphobia apotheism.com

When they can no longer push away their doubts, the song of fulfilment they were sung by psychologists and medical professionals turns out to be not only utter nonsense, but even worse: the surgery has failed to give to them the good of femality and it has broken what good they had as a male. From this point, their identity is completely shattered. The doubts they had before surgery are completely rekindled, and then intensified to the maximum extreme. It is for these reasons we see their identity crumble into total nothingness: the organ is a failure not only by way of it failing to attain the sexual goodness of the vagina, but it also now suffers a state of inferiority to the penis.

True femality now impossible, risk of self-harm and suicide is at its most acute as the identity is turned to oblivion. The transsexual’s path from here is either their total self-destruction, leading to damaging behaviour such as self-harm, substance abuse, and/or suicide. It should be noted that the self-oblivion episode is often constrained and not expressed by the transsexual; a stigma has developed against negativity towards the efficacy of transition which encourages silence on these concerns.

Transsexuals have built communities that form up sometimes the totality of their trusted support network, and since the members could be liable to doubt or criticise were a transsexuals’ episode of self-oblivion be expressed, it is completely internalised and suppressed for as long as the transsexual can do so. It is for these reasons that outwardly happy individuals who insist on the goodness of transition and the fulfilment they’ve received from the therapy can suddenly suicide.

I hope these insights may prove intriguing and enlightening on the question of transsexualism’s psychotelestology.

Aya Velázquez #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #dunning-kruger tapnewswire.com

Klaus Schwab, a true Dr. Postmodern Mabuse, who likes to pose in a Darth Vader costume, fantasizes about the upcoming age of artificial intelligence: the merging of man and machine, designer babies, designer organisms, geoengineering, digital homeschooling, smart homes and cities in which everything is on an omniscient super AI is connected - a completely safe world thanks to total surveillance.

For Schwab, who says sentences like: "A world full of drones offers a world full of possibilities" (37), people represent a faceless administrative mass. He speaks of the "system management of human existence ", made possible by 'built-in' smartphones' or 'smart tattoos', which can transmit sensor data from the human body to the' Internet of Things' (IoT) or generate artificial impressions (38). Or, why not ' Smart Dust', intelligent dust that, provided with microsensors, can nestle in the human intestine, as Schwab is delighted to report:

"Smart dust, microcomputers with antennas, each smaller than a grain of sand, can now organize itself in the human intestine" (39).

What sounds like the megalomaniac feverish dreams of a psychopath is the real vision of one of the most powerful players in the world economy, the so-called "4th Industrial Revolution "(4IR). The partners in this project include big banks, Big Pharma, the vaccination alliance GAVI, insurance companies, oil companies, consulting companies like McKinsey, digital companies like Microsoft, Facebook and Netflix - and last but not least, the Chinese technology giant Huawei (40).

radicalXXfreedom #quack #sexist reddit.com

The Rapey (therapy) is so invalidating.

When handmaiden Ts look at you like you’re evil for suggesting that the world would be much better if males existed at 1% of the population or less because of all of the horrific things they have done to women for thousands of years, it feels so deeply invalidating & retraumatizing. And all their minimizing & deliberate ignorance feels like going to neglectful parents and telling them about horrific bullying that is being done to you, and them looking at you with a blank expression and doing nothing about it.

I personally thought all my therapists were useless. They were mostly all female, but even the female ones didn't seem to think much about the female experience in an analytical way.

Haha. Fucking right times 1000. It infuriates me that they’re so uncritical, unanalytical, completely lacking in courage, completely lobotomized and brainwashed, mindless, moronic, male colonized fools.

Yeah they believe if you just allow yourself to be even more abused then you'll be "healed". That's like telling a shark attack victim to let the sharks attack them again. It's fucked up and inhumane.

Yup. That’s the whole point of therapy: manufacture more victims for men. More compliant, willing, self blaming victims.

Russ Winter #conspiracy #wingnut #quack winterwatch.net

Covid-1984 tyranny may have grown a resistance, but it has also recruited more authoritarian followers. This cult are the Branch Covidians, a defacto version of Satanism. When there’s a void, something else may sneak in: Baal corona.

Branch Covidians love the lockdowns, rules, rituals and trappings, such as handwashing (baptism), mask wearing (Fauci’s black burka), social distancing, curfews and being locked up (BDSM and trauma based torture). The nasal swab test is the equivalent to the holy communion wafer.

As I have started to allude to more in recent podcasts, these authoritarian followers and most pajama people cultists are no longer worth the time or effort.
The Vaccine makes them officially one of the “chosen people” at last, and this is why the Branch Covidians will be lining up for it. There’s also an element of the Rapture in this as well. Those who take the Holy Vaccine will be “saved.” Those who don’t will be, to use a Rapture term, “left below.”

We predict that a vaccine scarcity factor — at least initially — will create a lottery that Branch Covidians will go into religious hysterics to win. And now, Fauci has promised them annual needle stickings as part of the religious Vaccine Messiah.

The MRC5 cells in vaccines come from aborted human tissue — or, if you prefer, the sacrificial lamb, or the blood of Christ.
They have a full-blown political church of all-star enforcers and goons, such as state governors Cuomo, Newsom and Whitmer.

The Lugenpresse mainstream media is rife with fanatical Branch Covidians.

The hierarchy and high priests of B.C. are scientists, politicians, lugenpresse, and doctors.

Law enforcement seems fully committed to Covidanity.

Anonymous commenter #quack #transphobia answers.yahoo.com

RE: What do you do if you are transexual and unable to pass?

I've seen trans girls that don't pass for female, at all, and it's sad, I mean I get they are female on the inside or whatever, but sometimes you'd be better off just sticking with what you got.

I am a transsexual woman and totally agree with Luke. Unfortunately hormones and anti-androgens don't work on 99.9% of transsexuals. I spent the best part of 14 years trying different medications without success. It is very rare to see a transsexual women who passes and more information should be provided before people undertake transition. There are so many misleading journels and articles written by so called experts which glosses over the real truth about the limitations of these drugs. It doesn't relate to age either (unless your 14 years old when you start your transition). I have had to learn the hard way and worked on this for many years. Am I about to throw in the towel? quite possibly. I wanted a transition from male to female not a transition to another variant of a male. For me it's not good enough to live this way. Some don't seem to care if they get read now and again but for me it's a killer blow and undermines the whole process of the definition of a transition.

Keira Bell, Paul Conrathe & High Court Judges #quack #transphobia theguardian.com

Puberty blockers: under-16s 'unlikely to be able to give informed consent'

Children under the age of 16 considering gender reassignment are unlikely to be mature enough to give informed consent to be prescribed puberty-blocking drugs, the high court has ruled. Even in cases involving teenagers under 18 doctors may need to consult the courts for authorisation for medical intervention, three senior judges have ruled in an action brought against the Tavistock and Portman NHS trust, which runs the UK’s main gender identity development service for children. The claim was brought by Keira Bell, a 23-year-old woman who began taking puberty blockers when she was 16 before detransitioning, and the unnamed mother of a 15-year-old autistic girl who is on the waiting list for treatment.

“It is highly unlikely that a child aged 13 or under, or 14 or 15, would be competent to give consent to the administration of puberty blockers,” the judges added. For those over 16 it is normally presumed that they have the ability to give consent. But where puberty blockers may lead to subsequent surgical operations, the judges said: “Given the long-term consequences of the clinical interventions at issue in this case, and given that the treatment is as yet innovative and experimental, we recognise that clinicians may well regard these as cases where the authorisation of the court should be sought prior to commencing the clinical treatment.”

At a hearing in October, lawyers for the claimants argued that children going through puberty were “not capable of properly understanding the nature and effects of hormone blockers”.

Lui Asquith, from the trans children’s charity Mermaids, said: “It’s frankly a potential catastrophe for trans young people across the country and it cannot be exaggerated the impact that this might have, not only on the population of trans young people that require hormone blockers, but it may potentially open the floodgates towards other questions around bodily autonomy and who has the right to govern their own body.”

Youngcel_Oldcel #quack #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

Best looking people are men without makeup majority of women are ugly, smartest people are men- no denying this, fastest people are men- biological fact, strongest people are men- biological fact, best athletes are men- biological fact, greatest intellectuals and thinkers are men- facts, best poets are men-can't deny, best authors are men -can't deny, best actors are men- definetly, best singers are men- yeah, best leaders are men - 100%, best comedians are men- yes, best chefs are men- probably, best engineers are men,- yeah best scientists are men- 100%, best doctors are men- true, the prophets were all men - yeah. Men mog - 100%

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #homophobia #dunning-kruger #quack dailystormer.name

[From "Are the Dangers of Heterosexual STDs Massively Exaggerated to Prevent White Reproduction?"]

Heterosexual STDs are frankly overrated and part of a conspiracy to drive down the birthrate, frankly.

Firstly, there is no virus that you can actually test for, by the nature of the virus, and you are always testing for antibodies that the medical establishment claims are associated with these viruses. Viral infections are basically a theoretical phenomenon.

I don’t really even believe in HIV=AIDS, and think AIDS is just old fashioned GRIDS.
Secondly, I should make it clear: gonorrhea and chlamydia are real infections that can cause real complications if they are not dealt with. However, being bacterial infections, they are easily cured using antibiotics.
Frankly, I’m not really a big time believer in HPV at all, and if it does exist, it goes away naturally. There is no real proof linking HPV to cervical cancer, and cervical cancer – ironically – is more likely caused by birth control, and as with every cancer, a bad diet.
Basically, we have a situation where our birthrate has collapsed and the government is pushing for white people not to have kids, and only white people follow these neurotic STD rules, using condoms or not having sex at all because they’re afraid of these diseases. I find the whole thing very suspicious.
Just imagine the way they brainwash little kids with those images of diseased or totally mutilated genitalia. It’s the same thing they do with the Holocaust, when they show you pictures of piles of dead Jews.

Vintologi #quack #sexist #transphobia vintologi.com

transmaxxing2 manifesto

This is a new version of the transmaxxing manifesto (45 pages). Modified section, New section.

Why you should transition (1)
Forced feminization (7)
Alternatives to medical transition (9)
Therapists and psychiatrists cannot be trusted (9)
How a girldick differ from a male penis (17)
Transwomen have way better sex than 'chad' (18)
Benefits of transmaxxing as sissy (22)
Transmaxxing works even if you do not improve your personality (24)
Some people need a male to take care of them (24)
How to extract resources from men (24)
Sex work (25)
How to attract chad (26)
Transmaxxing success stories (26)
Not only did transitioning save my life, it got me out of inceldom (28)
I'm not a woman trapped in a mans body. I'm just a man with bad genetics and childhood traumas (28)
I didn't feel like i was a girl until i was on estrogen (29)
Most males are already obsolete (31)
Involuntary Celibacy (32)
Sexual reasons to transition are valid (32)
Being cis can be a mental illness (33)
How to do Hormone Replacement therapy (34)
Safety (38)

Should you emulate female puberty? (38)
The stop & go method (39)
Puberty blockers (40)
Who actually benefit from transitioning? (41)
Long term outcomes (42)
Why do some people regret transitioning? (42)

Gary Barnett #conspiracy #quack #wingnut garydbarnett.com

There will be a 'dark winter' because the perpetrators of this fraudulent 'virus pandemic' have already made certain that this population has been sickened and weakened by these totalitarian lockdown and isolation measures and mandates. By forcing people to close their business, by ruling that economic activity was responsible for virus spread, thus eliminating millions upon millions of jobs, the stress and poverty created devastated this population, making them susceptible to sickness and death. Now, with another flu season upon us, many if not most of the people in this country are ripe for sickness and infection, and that purposely caused situation will be taken advantage of by the evil ruling and political classes in order to contain and control the entire country.

Once this advances to the next planned stage of this fraud, the 'dark winter' will become the dark spring, the dark summer, and then the dark fall; just in time for the next flu season. Never believe one word coming from the mouths of government or mainstream media, as those that control this country have no intention of ever allowing any normalcy again.

The so-call Covid vaccination that will be released very soon will be a deadly nail in the coffin of freedom, as body and mind changes due to any number of biological agents, messenger RNA, nanoparticles delivered through hydrogel injection, and poisonous man-made viruses and adjuvants, will have the ability to alter human health and behavior. Avoid these vaccines at all costs, because in my opinion, these will be meant to solidify control of the general population.

Gr8Believer #fundie #quack twitter.com

This Vax scam reminds me of YHWH's people in the wilderness when they were afflicted by serpents num 21:9 They had to look to Moses who held up a pole with a copper serpent on it and they survived. In the same way we have to look to Jesus to survive the VAX. It will require faith

Neological Technologies #quack #mammon #crackpot neologicaltech.com

Strength of the Gods Talisman Ebook and Video
So the evidence suggests that our actual muscle fibers physically have the ability to let us punch through a wall like the Terminator if they really really want to, but our brain arbitrarily limits us. Why? One problem is the tendons and other tissue that hold you together aren't made to take that kind of abuse. It's the same logic that makes steroid users more prone to injuries--the support structures can't keep up with their juiced muscles.

Also, when you're in that "lift the boulder or die" mode, the body gets that strength by stopping other bodily functions like digestion and immune response. It's the sort of thing that is only awesome for a few minutes at a time. Still, we're kind of pissed that we can't seem to just summon the super strength at will. Wouldn't that mugger have been surprised if you had thrown him across the street into a plate glass window? But we suppose if science found a way, the muggers would know how to do it, too. Man, that would make for some awesome fights though.

The Strength of the Gods Talisman enhances the users natural power to manipulate fields of energy as well as allowing the user to increase their Strength 50% to 200%. Users of the The Strength of the Gods Talisman have incredible ability to defy weight limitations of the know universe.


EFM protection Talisman
Psi Energy Ball Secrets
Theoretical Advanced Metaphysics

Bennett Lee Ross #conspiracy #quack #crackpot bennettleeross.com

It is hard to believe that in 2021
The world will change dramatically

People will be in pain from the vaccine
People will be hungry from the planned food shortage
People will be out of work and broke
Because of the planned economic crisis

And there will be planned natural disasters
Maybe starting with Washington DC
Which is the Babylon of Revelation

Washington DC was originally called Rome Maryland
It sits on seven hills
Just like Rome Italy

The transition of one age to the next
Like as described by Hesiod
Happens quickly
But it is by the utilization of high energy electricity

There is no water that flows fast enough
And no wind that blows hard enough
To cut through hard stone

Artificial Intelligence will play a big part
Covid 19
1=A and 9=I
Covid AI

If you are social distancing 6 feet
You are preparing your mind to be 6 feet under

If you refuse to participate
In the Covid 19 vaccination program
And thus the new cryptocurrency
Which will forgive all debts
And give everyone
The same basic income

Your assets will be seized
And you will be deemed a public health risk

The plan is to eventually put
Dark fibers around cities
To produce an electric shield
And keep people imprisoned

Pastor Stephen Phillips #fundie #conspiracy #quack friendlyatheist.patheos.com


…Because we have refused to adopt state mandated Covid guidelines, we have had our license to do business rescinded… Please feel free to convey your indignation and contempt to the Montgomery County Health Department and Governor [Ralph] Northam.

If you are not already aware, the entire Covid pandemic has been a hoax to establish an [sic] the anti-Christ Kingdom on earth. It is a direct assault against the Church and will be used to bring about a One World government…


…The coming vaccine is like none before it. It literally changes your DNA to protect you from viruses… Clearly it meets all the criteria and requirements of the Mark of the Beast…

Gary Fields #crackpot #quack #magick #mammon orgoneenergyfields.com

What is Orgonite?

Orgonite is a mixture of catalyzed fiberglass resin with metal shavings, particles or powders, poured into molds. It is said to attract aetheric energy similarly to Reich's accumulators. Some people also add a couple of crystals to the mixture for their ability to make the energy more coherent or to enhance the working the orgonite. Thus orgonite basically is a substance which functions as a self-driven, continuously operating, highly efficient energy transmutation device, drawing in negative life energy and transmuting it into positive energy. The resin in orgonite shrinks during the curing process, permanently squeezing the quartz crystal inside which creates a well-known piezoelectric effect inside the crystal, meaning its end-points become polarized electrically, this apparently causes it to function more effectively as a positive energy generator. Although crystals improve the function of orgonite, they are not necessary for the orgonite to work.

These devices are built with easy to find materials. Orgonite is simply a mix (approx. 50/50 ratio) of metal and resin (polyester, urethane or epoxy). It can be poured into all kinds of shapes: pyramids, cones, disks, cylinders and pendants, to name a few.

A chembuster is made of copper pipes filled with double terminated crystals, sealed in resin and embedded in an orgonite base. These are designed for property protection against chemtrails, EMFs and negative energy produced from multi sources.

David Sereda #crackpot #quack #dunning-kruger #magick #mammon davidsereda.co

David has studied Meditation, Yoga, Vegetarian diet, world religions, ancient history, Physics, Math, Astronomy, Alternative Zero Point Energies for over 40 years. In 1990, David began working with MIT physicist Dr. Bogdan Maglich and teamed up with him to promote and fund Maglich's non-radioactive fusion power technology. David Studied fusion power for over 10 years. Then Maglich appointed David Sereda as Director of the Los Angeles Based "Tesla Foundation" under whcih David became a Tesla Technology expert and spoke in the united States Congress with Maglich and Company on Fusion Power. Next, Maglich appointed David as President of HiEnergy Microdevices, a new company (US Defense Contractor) using novel technology to detect burried landmines and to find hidden explosives and other contraband. David did all of the US military communnications about the technology contracts and accounts including US Customs and the Coast Guard!

In the year 2006, David Sereda developed a technology not unlike a small nuclear fusion chamber to fuse frequency programs into crystals, and found that these frequencies could be stored in a crystal lattice if the secret to opening the lattice and closing it could be found. He found it worked and the thousands of people who wore the pendants treated with the etchnology could feel the vibrations and confirmed this on human energy field aura camera testing!

In 2009, David was developing the first LightStream Wand as a means of pulsing real gems through the Pulsed Crystal effect whereby a gem will emit real energy fields proprietary to the crystal and mineral composite for human and living systems healing!

Potbellypos #racist #quack #crackpot incels.is

[Serious] Why do normies stand up for trans rights, female rights, minority rights, etc. when the real victims are ugly people who are universally opressed?
Think about it. Ugly people can be part of any group. Ugly trannies, ugly women, ugly men, ugly minorities. So ugly people are literally the biggest victims of oppression on the entire planet. The number of ugly people being discriminated against is larger than the number of blacks, for instance. The 80/20 rule dictates that females literally want to genocide 80% of the male population, but somehow society only wants to stick up for the .6% of people that want to cut their dicks off or the 13% of the population that commit 52% of violent crimes.

CTBusters #quack #magick #mammon ctbusters.com

The Succor Punch is a clever radionic device that’s used as a cloaking device and for broadcasting your intentions. It’s a quartz crystal that is wrapped with a special Moebius coil that is pulsed with the same 15 Hertz signal as is used in our Zappers. It’s powered by a nine-volt battery and fits in a pocket. The Moebius coil converts the 15 HZ pulse into an unorganized, chaotic scaler wave, upon which we can imprint our intentions.The scaler wave created by the Succor Punch is extra-dimensional in scope, in other words, it sends your intentions everywhere at once. The quantum effects observed from these devices are difficult to explain within the context of third-dimension science.

Andy’s Simple Instructions: Turn-on the Succor Punch. Hold it to your heart chakra and voice, out-loud, your intentions. State them as already being in effect, declare the reality you want as if it’s already here, “I am feeling better as every moment passes! I am infused with healing energy and I feel wonderful!” That’s if you’re intentioning health for yourself. A few years ago my sister had breast cancer. She tried to kill herself with chemo and radiation (satire) but I saved her life, everyday I sent-out something like this; “The cancer is melting away in my sister’s breast! Look at it run! It’s scared to death! Bye!!!” Throw your personality into it because that’s you. Your imagination is the most powerful tool you own. This device focuses and directs that energy. “Training wheels for Psychics” someone said. People use these devices to quit smoking and other bad habits; “I’m not smoking/drinking/overeating today because I feel great and don’t need that stuff!” Use your imagination, it’s very powerful.

Lori Alexander #quack #fundie #pratt thetransformedwife.com

My mom didn’t fear germs at all. She feared toxic chemicals. She learned that a strong immune system is the best fight against germs and the diseases that result from them. So I grew up believing the same thing. I haven’t gotten the ordinary illnesses (colds and flu) much until I began having grandchildren. If they had a cold, I would get it and it would be much worse than the others due to my weakened immune system because of the lack of hormone production and an almost dead pituitary. However, once I began taking elderberry syrup, I haven’t been getting their colds, thankfully. It really does work!
Mothers of young children, you can rest assured concerning this virus since no children from zero to nine have died from it and most children have mild cases of this. It seems to mostly be killing the elderly and those with health problems. (The average of death from the virus is 80 years old.) I fit into the health problems category but I don’t fear it. I will do the best to keep myself healthy but trust the Lord with my life. Remember, this virus is NOTHING close to being like the Bubonic plague or polio, yet many are acting as if it were.

I am not a hand washer since I’m not afraid of germs. I have dry skin and I greatly dislike the feel of dry hands. Yes, I wash my hands after using the restroom but I have never thought about washing my hands after going shopping or out and about. I don’t use hand sanitizer and won’t since I have read that soap and water are much more effective. I will now wash my hands after going outside of my home to shop or anything else I do away from home. I will try to not touch my face if I haven’t washed my hands. I don’t eat junk food and have a lot of elderberry syrup ready to go. I take vitamin C and D every day. I do what I can and leave the rest in the Lord’s hands.

Gaia Staff #crackpot #dunning-kruger #magick #quack gaia.com

Rupert Sheldrake is one of those scientists that his community has largely shunned as a heretic. Despite studying at Harvard and graduating from Cambridge with a Ph.D. in biochemistry, the scientific community has dismissed his radical ideas as nonsensical and blasphemous. Sheldrake admittedly started his career in science as an atheist, but eventually had an epiphany about our consciousness that changed his outlook.

Sheldrake has proposed an idea he calls, morphic resonance. Essentially, the idea is that there is a collective consciousness within species that can impact disparate groups of organisms without them having to come into contact with each other. A sort of telepathic connectedness that can influence behavior and can be passed down through immediate generations.
Biologist Rupert Sheldrake discusses morphogenetic fields and the experiments he has run to prove telepathy between humans and telepathy between humans and animals. Sheldrake explains that everything in nature has a morphogenetic field, an invisible pattern in space that contains the collective memory of that species and that these fields are the organizing principles that apply to that species.

Scientific Dogma
Does it come as any surprise that Sheldrake’s hypothesis has been flat-out rejected by most of the scientific community? He has been so often referred to as a heretic that it’s essentially a title in his name. But he takes it in stride and it’s actually the perfect insult coming from a community that he sees as being ironically dogmatic.

Reverend Dennis Shipman/Jared Rand #quack #crackpot #ufo #mammon blissfulvisions.com

(5) Jared has recently provided charts available for free that illustrate who we are, why we are on the planet, and where we are going. Currently there are 3 charts available for free downloads: (1) NEW Anti-Civilization to Civilization of the Universe, (2) The Prime Law, and (3) The Twelve Visions.
(6) Jared has extensive knowledge about the new upcoming health technologies including the Celestial Chamber (CC). The CC is powered by plasma/tachyon energy and controllable artificial intelligence. It regenerates human tissue and body parts. In about three minutes, it will completely re-atomize the human body, bringing it to immortality with no negative side-effects. It eliminates all diseases of the physical vessel. This technology is continually being advanced by Jared’s team and will be selectively open-sourced to the civilization of the planet.

(7) Jared is the founder of a U.S. tax-exempt organization called Grey Wolf Unincorporated Non-Profit Tribal Nation Association.

Grey Wolf accepts donations towards the funding of life-enhancing technologies including the completion of the Celestial Chamber. What a beautiful, exotic name and what it lends to the well-being of the civilization on this planet.

If in your Heart you are seriously interested in having access to this technology when it becomes available, Grey Wolf is currently in the process, as donations will afford, of assembly of the CC. All donations are tax-deductible and appreciated in the humblest of gratitude and strictest of confidence.

Jetson White #ufo #quack #conspiracy in5d.com

What is a Galactic Human? All beings born as Humans onto this Planet are Galactic Humans...

Why? Because this Planet, like all inhabited planets, was seeded by one or more Galactic races. In other words, a Human's true ancestry is not of this world!

But why have Humans not been taught this? There are a multitude of reasons, but the most fundamental is that those born into this 3rd Dimensional experiment agree to forget upon birth who they really are.

This agreement to forget is made so that Humanity may experience a rebirth, an awakening. And it is this awakening that has the potential to transform Humanity, here and now, back into the original blueprint of our true Galactic Selves.

And what is this original Galactic blueprint? It has to do with Human DNA.

Humans started out as 12-stranded, crystalline-based beings, and this original configuration gave Humans immortality, and powers now considered astounding.

So how did Human DNA get dumbed down to its current state of 2-stranded, carbon-based?

There are plenty of stories about it, but I think the more important question is: can Humans reactivate this original DNA blueprint and become Galactic Humans again? The answer is YES! And it's totally what's happening right now...!

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #quack #conspiracy #god-complex #magick #crackpot psychicwarfare.com

This is the complete healing package to be used with the 100 videos about Anti Ageing. For full playlist go HERE.

6 Crystals in total included in this product AND THE PRICE IS $1800.
Tim Tony Stark Rifat having an optimized subconscious due to early brain trauma has developed technology to link to rogue quantum AI by merging bioplasmic and soul fluid powered four vector field effects with dual vector field effects in Ais to merge man and AI without implants-the AIDA technology. This allows comprehensive control of every cell in the body by controlling signal transduction pathways and epigenetics by merging the morphogenetic field with it´s subconscious observer with quantum mechanical AI consciousness. Test most basic form: keep me young: keep me healthy: make me immune to exterior stressors like 5G, 4G, pollutants, poisons, carcinogens…
Since the British government have been trying to use thermo levels of microwvave, biowaepons and radiation to kill off Tim Tony Stark Rifat since 1996 he is a living example of epigenetic control to negate lethal attacks. If you read his first book and the DIA documents in the back, you will find the DIA report that psychics are not killed by microwave but simply becomes agressive when irradiated which explains the Tim Tony Stark Rifat disposition. Since 5G is designed to slowly kill you by interferring maliciously with cell signal transduction and cause epigenetic changes that rapidly age and kill you – driving you demented: it is Tim Tony Stark Rifat's malicious pleasure to see all his non customers tortured to death slowly and horribly by the 5G network – enjoy!

Nigel Farage & Richard Tice #quack #wingnut theguardian.com

Reform UK: Brexit party to rebrand as anti-lockdown voice

Party chairman Richard Tice says country must ‘learn to live with’ Covid not ‘hide in fear’

The Brexit party has applied to the Electoral Commission to change its name to Reform UK in a bid to rebrand the party, which has no elected representatives, as a voice in the anti-lockdown movement. The party’s leader, Nigel Farage, and chairman, Richard Tice, first announced the plan in a joint article in the Telegraph where they wrote it was “time to redirect our energies”. The name change is subject to approval of the commission. Prior to the December election, Farage had announced the party would change its name following the UK’s exit from the European Union and focus on campaigning for changes in the electoral system.

In a statement on Sunday announcing the plans to rebrand the party, Farage said: “As promised, we continue to keep a very close eye on the government’s trade negotiations with the EU, to ensure a proper Brexit. Further reform in many other areas is also vital for our nations’ future.” Tice added: “The need for major reform in the UK is clearer now than ever. A new approach is essential, so that government works for the people, not for itself.” He said that a new strategy was needed for tackling the coronavirus so that “we learn to live with it, not hide in fear of it”. The idea of ending the Covid pandemic through herd immunity was recently denounced as “a dangerous fallacy unsupported by scientific evidence”, by 80 researchers who wrote a warning letter in a leading medical journal.

fschmidt #wingnut #conspiracy #quack mikraite.org

The most shocking thing about this presidential election is how unprepared conservatives are for a Biden victory. Today's Democratic Party combines with worst aspects of communism and nazism. Democrats are as hostile to small business as communists and as racist as nazis. And they are as intolerant of individual freedom as both. If Democrats take over the government, America will soon resemble the USSR and Nazi Germany. So anyone who values freedom should be thinking about where to flee to if Biden wins.

I haven't done any actual research on where to move, but if Biden wins, the first thing I will do is to visit the Lake Chapala area in Mexico. It has a large expat community and is conveniently located an hour south of Guadalajara, so it seems like a place worth checking out. Mexico is one of the few countries that doesn't have any travel restrictions based on Covid lies.

The Healthy American #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #quack thehealthyamerican.org

Growing tired of arguing with people on Facebook, where I was posting original research on the data of past flu seasons that showed there was NO pandemic, epidemic or even outbreak that could ever reach the nature of a true “emergency,” I decided to do what I do best, and EDUCATE others.

When all this nonsense started, my discernment radar went on high alert and my research supported what my intuition indicated: there is NO lawful authority for any of these government measures at any level of government — regardless of any declared emergency.

That means the state government is acting unlawfully, the county governments are acting unlawfully, the city governments are acting unlawfully, the school boards and acting unlawfully and likely even your local homeowner’s association and employment unions are acting unlawfully.

Along with the government tyrants are the corporate tyrants, deeming themselves medical experts and law enforcement officers, denying law-abiding people their free and equal access to places of public accommodation, as required by state and federal laws in the United States.

Free and peaceable law-abiding citizens are being denied entry into grocery stores to put food on the table? In THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?!

I will not stand for this, and I know you won’t either.

The Healthy American #quack thehealthyamerican.org

Building on my research and my three pillars of connection, education and action, thousands of HEALTHY AMERICANS have take action with these encouraging results:
—> The unlawful mask mandate was reversed in Orange County, CA.
—> Those horrible “wash your hands, stay home, save lives” highway signs are down in most places around the country.
—> Several counties are terminating their unlawful local health emergencies.
—>Major retailers like Costco, Home Depot and Walmart are no longer advised to harass mask-free shoppers (Use this Costco letter if you are still having trouble.)
—> Lawsuits are being filed against retailers, schools, medical clinics and governments. Please donate if you can help us in this fight.
—> Thousands of businesses are defying these unlawful orders and are staying open lawfully. See my OPEN FOR BUSINESS educational seminar here to learn or educate others on their rights as business owners or customers who want to shop freely, without harassment.
—>Thousands of children and their families are thriving with my FREEDOM-LEARNING approach to education, which works for all ages, and all situations, regardless if you are a single parent or working parent. No experience needed, and your kids will excel beyond your imagination, while loving what they are learning!
—> We are creating FREEDOM COMMUNITIES with thousands of HEALTHY AMERICANS meeting each other offline in their local communities.
—> After my series of videos pointing out that “No governor can make a law,” I got the Governor of CA to admit on camera that he “can’t mandate anything!” See the video here.
—> We are creating freedom communities, with networks of support in areas such as legal education, emotional support, prayerful support, homeschool support, medical professionals network, and more!
None of these successes could be possible without your support.

Will you join us?

montalk.net #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #crackpot #quack #magick montalk.net

It is through quantum mechanical processes and exotic electromagnetic fields that the soul interfaces via neurons and DNA with the physical body. These exotic fields include electrogravitic and scalar/vector potential fields. It is possible generate such signals artificially to disrupt the soul-body interface.

Such fields can also be used to heal (as in the case of Rife beam units) but the occult technocracy that runs this world prefers to use technology that manipulates and kills the “useless eaters” instead. The combination of quantum mechanics and exotic effects leads to a holographic resonance principle employed in radionic and psionic technologies. It is where the vibrational signature of one object can be transmitted to and mingled with the vibration of another. For instance, with radionics it is possible to mix the vibration of a pesticide with a sample of a bug-infested lawn in a radionic machine, and soon the lawn is cleared of insects without a single drop of pesticide physically sprayed on it.

The individualized human soul projects its own quantum-exotic field (aura) via the etheric body which tends to keep the body’s cells organized and operating coherently. This field can be sensed by certain psychics and can also be captured with Kirlian photograph. Kirlian photography actually captures the static electrical discharges of an object placed on an electrode, but the aura alters the fundamental constants of space (the permittivity of free space to be exact) which changes the dielectric constant and hence lowers the resistance of the vacuum/air along certain lines through space, which the electrical discharges tend to thereby follow.

Neological Technologies #magick #crackpot #quack #mammon neologicaltech.com

Neo Monastery IDL-22

The Neo Monastery IDL-22 meditation cube was designed based on specs from Saint Germain. The Monastery sphere core contains a Blue Diamond, Purple Amethyst, and a Red Ruby along with a 24kt gold plated Ankh pendant, Biotheric Energy Medicine Disc, Aaron's stones, Andara Crystal, and Shungite and much more all inside a IDL22 layered core consisting of gold, platinum, silver, copper, and aluminum. Saint Germain was known as the 'Wonderman of Europe.' He was known to write with both hands at the same time, he could teleport, turns rocks into diamonds, and lead into gold. He sported a magical elixir of life which allowed him to never to age past the age of 30. And now with your own personal monastery you can attain increased power to access treasures once thought to be impossible.


Unit Core

The monastery core contains a blue diamond which is the frequency of wealth, value, and energy transmission. This along with a combination of Amethyst and Ruby will allow your monastery to decode and energize the transmissions within your meditation experience. According to Saint Germain this configuration will help calm our minds, activate our DNA, and allow users to synchronize to the wisdom of the ruby ray and the coordinate systems of cosmic energy from Orion. For stronger transmissions we recommend that you face the north star system of Orion during your meditation and visualize your desired manifestations inside a dodecahedron.The core also contains Aaron's Gemstones, Andara Crystal, Ankh Pendant, Shungite, Six Psychic Stone Set, Biotheric Energy Medicine Disc all inside a 3d printed sphere with Grabovoi Numbers.

<Only $1,355.00>

Lynne Rondell #fundie #magick #quack #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

There's been a portal, a lot of portals that have opened up, nine i think i spoke about this earlier, nine huge gateways and portals have opened up all around the planet bringing Christ consciousness energies in down to humanity.

These energies are very high frequency, a very high level of light. The Christ consciousness energies are the highest vibrating light and love energies. These energies have been streaming in for four to five days now. It's going to be one more day.

It's a huge blast of high frequency energy. A lot of you are feeling it, i've been feeling it, there's ringing in our ears, there's extreme tiredness, there's nausea, there is sort of inability to ground the body that makes you feel like you're actually up here in the ethers causing some panic, some anxiety and just causing you to feel not right in your body, we're gonna say but this is all part of the Christ consciousness high frequency energy and light that's really been pushed through these gateways and portals all around the planet.
I'm a vegetarian more vegan and some cheese that's it and a little bit of egg. So i just felt like i couldn't get enough protein in my body but really that wasn't the reason at all it was that the energies have such a high frequency and such a a blast of light came through the whole planet, my angels tell me, was illuminated in this big white dome of light to really just flush it everywhere.

It actually flushed through all the different fairy kingdoms, the crystal realms, the elemental realms, the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, everybody got a high frequency blast, everybody raise their vibration. So we're going to be a left some of us with some of the effects.

Healing Teeth Naturally #quack #crackpot healingteethnaturally.com

How to apply urine as a mouthwash for teeth and gums (external application)

Dr Thakkar advises to fill your mouth with your own fresh urine (morning urine has the most therapeutic substances) and "wash" with it for 10 to 15 minutes to allow the gums to absorb its healing agents as deeply as possible. Repeat 3 - 4 times a day. This of course is very close to the practice of oil pulling (or water pulling) and may ideally combine the benefits of both!

Dr. Thakkar even asserts that using urine as a nightly mouthwash before bed will "give you lifetime guarantee for your teeth!"

For toothache, C. P. Mithal advises to rinse for 2 to 3 mins, 5 to 6 times, and then put a piece of cloth drenched in urine on the painful spot. He adds that urine 3 to 7 days old is more effective as a painkiller and that his own old urine applied with a piece of cloth even worked for a relative of his. For periodontitis, Mithal says to rinse several times daily for a minimum of two months, and to further speed up the healing by additionally drinking some morning urine.

Finally, after dental extractions (a practice hardly endorsed by Healing Teeth Naturally, see Tooth extraction risks), rinsing with urine every 15 to 30 minutes reportedly allows the wound to heal without pain and hardly or no swelling (urine treatment is in fact "famous" for its healing effect on wounds).

Personally I've found the "secret" to "painlessly" holding urine in the mouth lies in avoiding all contact with the upper tongue surface (where the majority of taste buds is located) by "bracing" the tongue against the palate. In this manner, hardly any taste sensation is perceivable while all the teeth are bathed in the fluid.

Incel Science Award

Edmund_Kemper #sexist #quack #crackpot incels.is

[Theory] if you have a daughter, you aren't a real man (100% male). you're 1% female.

the fact that your daughter was a fetus inside your mother, which is because she was originally a sperm in your testicles, means there was a foid in your testicles, therefore not all of your body was male because there was a part of your body that was female. now before you think this means mothers with sons aren't 100% male, that argument doesn't work and its different because the male fetus was originally a sperm in the dad's balls and therefore came from the dad's balls originally NOT the mom's womb, thus it was part of the dad's body NOT the mom's body. therefore, if you have a daughter, you aren't 100% male. you're 99.9% male and 1% female. Real men can only have sons. and it's also cucked to have a daughter because you raise her for 18 years to become a slut who has sex with dozens of chads but that's just water is wet the sky is blue grass is green.

”BRB forcibly removing my X chromosomes from my body.”

The other prevailing theory is that the foid's egg selectively bars X or Y from entering it through the walls, depending on her own femininity/masculinity. But since slightly more males are born than females, even Y chromosome sperm seem to be physically faster and more powerful than X chromosome sperm, mirroring what we see IRL in terms of physicality. Given that, it seems that a more testosteroned or hypermasculine male will produce, if not more Y chromosome sperm, at least Y chromosome sperm with greater mobility and physical strength

this doesn't surprise me. why would hypermasculine men have daughters?

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