
Not nearly as smart as they think they are

Erwin J. Haas MD MBA #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy lewrockwell.com

Science” comes from the latin word “sciencia” meaning knowledge. In English it has come to be shaped by one of two intellectual brassieres; The one, broadly understood is “Truth,” and refers to what everyone knows. The other, call it “empirical science,” refers to the process of debunking nonsense and error. These two entities exist in a kind of intellectual codependency.

The first kind, truth is the totality of what is “known” or commonly believed. You can find written descriptions by googling anything that you think may have come to someone’s attention. I suspect that the AI mumbo jumbo means that the software reaches out to grab anything that is already “known.” This kind of science ranges from useful and vetted reliable dogma that was derived from the empiricism that gives the word “science” its unassailable clout to magic. We trust in the physical sciences like mechanics, the cell theory in biology or molecular theory. It is the science used in engineering and in the work world.

Another body of knowledge concerns conventions, like driving on the right side of the road or of using double entry book keeping. I have no problem viewing religion, the common law and the social conventions of a culture as useful knowledge.

Beyond this knowledge degenerates. The social sciences- psychology, sociology, management theory, economics, drug rehab, economics and the like start with a few observations that may or may not be well founded but are then elaborated by bulking them up with hard to refute assertions and then pasting the fluff together with statistical scams. These are the fantasies of the academy; people are making good money misleading everyone else. Related are political scams like global warming, the wars on terror, drugs, poverty and international relations. The whole covid 19 snow job with its “science” was cobbled together from theories that were never tested and yet were enforced and funded by governments.

The Zetas via Nancy Lieder #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger zetatalk.com

Due to the coverup over the presence of Nibiru, the truth about what happened to MH370 or AF447 is withheld from the public. EMP involves a massive swarm of electrons and magnetons, which create a local magnetic field and blows out any electrical circuitry in the area. EMP will produce ball lightning, now being interpreted as UFO, which they are not. Light and heat particles are easily redirected from their former route, so any attempt to image heat or light from space will show anything but the real situation. Light bends readily, as anyone standing in water can attest.
Will it be Nibiru visibility or a Russian announcement or the mere fact of New Madrid Plate Movements? Any and all could occur but as firm plans are in place, the matter is in the hands of man. Putin has warned the Junta that it will wait no more, and the popularity of Putin supports that. Do we have a date? Of course the New Madrid Rupture would be helpful but not necessary. The Junta is braced for this to occur any day. But since Internet access might have outages, Putin might not wait. Just prior to the Rupture would be ideal, a topic of discussion then on social media or the kitchen table through any outages.

What has happened since 2014 to empower Putin in an announcement? He is a founding member of the BRICS consortium, a rival to the Jewish Khazarian Mafia that has controlled western media with an iron grip. BRICS is flourishing, while the western banks are going bankrupt. The contract between the US Federal Reserve and these western banks is being dissolved into insolvency, thus removing the National Debt from their coffers. In private talks between Putin and President Trump, the true Commander in Chief in the US, Putin made his intentions clear. No more stalling.

FingerMan #crackpot #dunning-kruger abovetopsecret.com

A Cephalopod disproves Darwin.

According to Darwin, all mutations are chance occurrences.

I have always wondered how a diamond back rattlesnake is so perfectly camouflaged with its' surroundings. And Scientists have always said it is due to selection of the fittest, based on luck of the draw genetic mutations.


So, every moth, bird, snake and animal on this planet has mutated by chance to camouflage to its' natural surroundings.

I postulate that is not the case. That animals can adjust to their surroundings just by thinking it.

My proof for this theory? Cephalopods. They can match their skin perfectly camouflaging to their surroundings.
(Octopus and Cuttlefish)

While they do this instantly, animals can do this over time.

That's my hypothesis. Prove me wrong!

Bob McCauley ND #quack #dunning-kruger amazon.com

Water is our best defense against disease of every kind. Sixty percent or more of all chronic disease would be significantly reduced if people would simply keep themselves properly hydrated. To ionize means to gain or lose an electron. Essentially, the ionization process robs an electron from one molecule and donates, or transfers, it to another molecule. Both Alkaline and Acid Ionized Water have extraordinary properties and benefits, however, their respective uses could not be more different. We consume Alkaline Ionized Water and use the Acid Ionized Water on the outside of our bodies for acne, cuts, scrapes and rashes of all kinds. It kills bacteria on contact and encourages plant growth. The centerpiece of Alkaline Ionized Water are its antioxidant properties. It is miraculous that normal tap water can be instantly transformed into a strong antioxidant. Alkaline Ionized Water has two antioxidant qualities, its negative charge and the presence of hydroxyl ions which are free radical scavengers. The body is starved for electrons and Alkaline Ionized Water contains an abundance of them, which nullify free radicals in the body. One can thrive on half the normal intake of food as long as we consume high electron-rich nutrients. Alkaline Ionized Water is an extremely effective antioxidant because it is a liquid that has a small grouping of water molecule clusters and thus is more easily absorbed into the body where it can be of immediate use. Drinking Alkaline Ionized Water gives you energy through better hydration and alkalization of the body and by providing the body with oxygen. Because of the predominance of hydroxyl ions in Alkaline Ionized Water, the water becomes alkaline, meaning it has a high pH. The pH level can be adjusted with a water ionizer between 7.5 and 9.9, which is the highest pH that it should be consumed. All disease thrives in an acid environment in the body and will not flourish and thrive in an alkaline environment.

Kamuroshiryu #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #crackpot deviantart.com

Why I am saying Marvel is currently delivering social justice advertising is, just recently and judging by Disney's ownership and direction over the company, they have decided to make a reboot where the X-Men will be race-swapped and some of the characters will either have their sexual orientations or genders changed in order to boost their Blackrock ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) scores in which doing so shall please Larry Fink and many other shareholders that want their coffers filled in desperately.

Now don't get me wrong when anyone thinks I'm a bigot for hating the X-Men for having women or ethnically diverse characters that have already existed for 60 years (and that is counting the X-Men's cancellation in 1970 due to low sales until its revival 5 years after that) within the comic books, cartoons, videogames and even a fair share of anime. I don't really hate that fact, it is just that the social justice activists that infiltrated Marvel and Disney wanted to insert their "current day" identity politics drivel into the works of fiction along with our favourite characters, and that ruins the X-Men for who they are, strong and flawed characters with complicated backstories. They are nobody else's personal mouthpiece which Stan Lee surely did not want, even if he was alive. The X-Men already have a lot of wonderful female characters, so making a film based strictly on a third-wave feminist lens by making the team purely female is just illogical since none of the lovely ladies like Jean Grey, Ororo Munroe, Laura Howlett and Betsy Braddock should be treated like visual icons for cultural Marxism, but just characters that good-minded individuals like me can relate to.

Incels Wiki #sexist #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger incels.wiki

Fakeup or war paint, more commonly known by the euphemism makeup, is the main looksmaxxing strategy used by sexual gatekeepers to date above their looksmatch. Sluts use makeup to outcompete other women in getting the attention of Chad, basically by accentuating their neoteny and smoothness.

Traditionally, makeup had mainly been used as an identifier during war and was associated with raping and pillaging villages for resources and women. Today, femoids engage in mass psychological warfare against peaceful nice guys to drain them of their resources, without giving sex in return.

Women's cosmetics

Women's sexual strategy is more passive/coy and consists in attracting men by conspicuous advertisement, whereas men's strategy is to actively seek out and compete for women. For this reason, women compete by aesthetics and use makeup. This is amplified by the cosmetic industry selling and advertising a vast range of products designed for this purpose.

Men's cosmetics

Men who use makeup are easily regarded as gay or trans because attracting a partner by looks is a more feminine activity, even though looks matter for both sexes. Men might also become envious of men evading their way of competing for women by aesthetics, especially in highly utilitarian modern societies, where men rather invest in competence than beautifying themselves.

Media cult spy #conspiracy #dunning-kruger godlikeproductions.com

Jackie killed John Kennedy

Go watch the z video again

You'll see a black frame come from underneath when Jackie pulls the trigger

The black frame covers it up for a split second

So you don't see her pull the trigger

Then later when she pulls the trigger

The video goes back to normal

She killed him Infront of America

And no one knew

(Submitter’s note: Even the other GLPErs thinks he’s an idiot.)

Andrew Anglin #transphobia #dunning-kruger dailystormer.name

I guess it’s worth reminding everyone that these “hate crime” statistics are always fake, usually in multiple different ways. They include comments on the internet as “attacks,” they rely on self-reporting, they include any incident, even if it has nothing to do with sex/race/”gender.” The ADL is the most ridiculous with their “rising anti-Semitism” statistics. You open that up and it’s like “some Jew said he saw a post on 4chan that hurt his feelings.”

I’m not going to go look at the anti-tranny crimes in the UK. I don’t care, actually. If people were running through the streets and no-scoping trannies CS:GO style, I would not care at all. I mean, you shouldn’t kill people, that’s wrong, but if I read about it happening, I literally would not care at all, and would actually just chuckle.

I remember wiggers, and punk rock, and edgy Marilyn Manson satanism. I remember raves and glow sticks and those balloon pants.

It all seems so very innocent now.

And it doesn’t seem that long ago. It feels like we’ve rocketed from some edgy stuff and some “let them do want they want in their own bedroom” stuff into “hi, I’m your son’s teacher and he’s gay so I sent him to have his dick cut off. If you complain, you’re going to prison.”

I guess the primary change is that there is no longer any kind of metric for normalcy. No one has any idea what “normal” means. Nothing is true so anything is possible.

I regret bearing witness to all of it.

Tucker Carlson #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt rollingstone.com

Tucker Carlson’s descent into pushing conspiracies hit a scientific new low as the former Fox News host suggested in a new interview that he’s open to the theory that Earth may actually be flat.

Speaking to the Blaze’s Alex Stein (via Meidas Touch), Carlson was asked about the Flat Earth theory. “Well, I’m open to anything,” he replied. “How could I not be open to anything at this point? I mean, there’s been so much deception that you can’t trust your preconceptions.”

After dismissing the notion that history trends toward “enlightenment and technological progress” as “a complete lie,” Carlson added, “The most basic stories we’ve been told about history, about the Earth, the physical Earth itself, which has been completely changed by climate change for millions of years, once you realize all of that, then it’s like, I don’t know, what is true?”

However, Carlson wouldn’t brand himself a Flat Earther only because guns of all things taught him that the world is probably round. “As far as the curvature of the Earth, that’s a thing in shooting,” he said. “I like rifle shooting and past a certain distance you have to take that in account. That suggests it’s real. Because one thing I know that is guns. Guns are real.”

Not surprisingly, this isn’t the first time Carlson has baited Flat Earthers, using their ridiculous cause as an entry point to examine other conspiracies, like the “truth” behind 9/11 and aliens.

“Flat Earth people have been able to cruise beneath the radar for so long — and by the way I’m not discounting that possibility for the record, in case any are here, because I’m an open-minded man,” Carlson once said at a Turning Point Action conference. “Present me the evidence of its flatness, and I will amplify it.”

Neogrendizer #crackpot #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Now we know that Trump wasn't just lightning in a bottle. To quote Ian McKellen:

A great power has been sleeping for many long years. But the coming of Trump was like the falling of small stones that starts an avalanche in the mountains.

Whatever your feelings or givings about the candidates, they are, at the very least, giving the people something they have been starved for for far too long: Purpose and hope. And the results are mirror images of the 2016 American election. Which brings me to one caveat: if the global current happenings are repetitions of what happened in the US, wouldn't that mean that next elections would be, for want of a better phrase "secure and fair" as ours was? But whatever happens, one thing is certain:

A thing is about to happen that has not happened since the Elder days. The Right Wing is going to wake up, and find that they are strong.

Laura Wood #racist #dunning-kruger thinkinghousewife.com

[From “A Menorah Un-lighting in Poland”]

IT’S time the world knew what the Talmud, the holiest book of Judaism, says about non-Jews. It says they are animals who may be cheated, murdered, lied to and sexually exploited

A Polish member of parliament, using a fire extinguisher to put the candles out on a menorah in the hallway of the parliament building, tried to bring this to the world’s attention

Grzegorz Braun is, of course, facing the usual barrage of insults and defamation experienced by anyone who dares to speak out against Jewish supremacism. I’m sure this minor act of righteous vandalism that harmed no one will be equated with mass murder. Any criticism of Jewish power is considered literally genocidal. The dishing out of vicious cruelty and name-calling to righteous critics of Jewish power is in itself an affirmation of the Talmudic mindset. The hatred Jews so glibly accuse others of is psychological projection of the hatred of the Other that lies embedded in the Talmud. Braun was indeed correct that menorahs should never be lit in government buildings in Poland — or in any ostensibly free nation anywhere on the earth

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger #homophobia #forced-birth dailystormer.name

[From “Conor McGregor Declaring Himself King of Ireland is a Matter of Historical Necessity”]

Although I do not support it[…]it has become clear to me that it is a matter of historical necessity that Conor McGregor seize control of Ireland and declare himself King Conor I of Ireland[…]
So-called “Northern Ireland” needs to be forcibly ethnically cleansed, but the first ethnic cleansing needs to be the cleansing of brown people from the current borders of Ireland[…]
Conor should put the word out that the current government has six hours to flee the country or surrender, and kneel to the King, swearing fealty. Conor should maintain control of the lads, and keep them from rushing in and lynching the current traitor government[…]
Certain of these corporations will want to keep the tax scam going, and will put pressure on the United States government not to sanction the country, but I do not think these efforts would be successful. Conor should therefore order, on the day of the revolution, for everyone in the country to max out their credit cards, and obtain as much cash as possible. He should also[…]attempt to turn the country’s reserves into Bitcoin[…]
The removal of the immigrants will end the housing crisis, and of course, the material wealth of the immigrants should all be forfeit, beyond what they are able to carry on their person as they are marched to the Northern Ireland border[…]
The border with Northern Ireland should be totally militarized immediately, and concentration camps should be set up along the militarized border[…]
When Conor I decrees an immediate end to gay marriage and a closing of all of the abortion factories[…]the majority of the priests are going to back him[…]Making moves to try to depose the King of Ireland will necessarily mean trying to reestablish divorce, gay marriage, and abortion, which is just going to look very bad[…]
Foreign television will need to be turned off, replaced with nonstop jingoistic propaganda

Tom Cowan #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #quack westonaprice.org

Virology rests on five sequential premises, each of which has been proven false, but if he has the references that dispute this, I am happy to review them and change my opinion. Here are the principles and what I am request­ing:

1. The assumption that diseases are contagious. We have shown many studies showing that sick people don’t make well people sick. Please send us a proper study with appro­priate methodology that shows that sick people can make well people sick when exposed in normal ways.

2. Viruses, before electron micros­copy, were called filterable agents. Please provide a single study showing that the filtrate from a sick person, the part that contains the virus, when exposed to well people or to animals, causes the identical illness. As far as we can tell, no such study exists.

Given these first two facts, there is no point in the further investigation into virology; however the virologists press on, so the next principles are:

3. “Isolation” means to separate one thing from all other things. Please provide a study in which a so-called virus was isolated from any sick person or animal, which includes a photograph of the pure virus. No such study exists meaning no virus has ever been purified and isolated, which by definition means that no component of such an entity (DNA or RNA) could possibly be said to be coming from this particle. Neither could there be any “immune re­sponse” against this particle, which has never even been shown to exist or to be seen in pure form.

4. Given that no particle that fits the definition of a virus has ever been found, how do we know the electron microscope photos of cellular debris represent these viruses? Many studies were presented proving that all such photos are not viruses but cellular debris. Please show us one study proving that any electron microscope photo is actually a pathogenic virus.

5. Given the fact that no virus has ever been isolated or purified, how can we possibly know the origin of the DNA/RNA in the debris? The fact is, all such DNA/RNA has been shown to be cellular or microbial in origin. Please provide a study showing the DNA/RNA was extracted from a purified particle, so by logic and reason we can know its origin.

The truth is there will be no response, for the simple reason that none of the above studies exist and the “science” of virology is a fraud.

Andrew Anglin #crackpot #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #sexist #racist #homophobia dailystormer.name

[From “French Cocksuckers to Ban Smoking on All Beaches and Public Parks, Turn Everyone Gay”]

France, like China, is a smoking country

However, unlike China, France is a vagina country

If I was a vagina, I would want people to smoke, as it would make help to cover the stench emanating from between my legs[…]But women are too stupid. Also, women are filthy, and they like to spread that sickening stench

The big reason vaginas hate cigarettes though is that they increase testosterone. Women want men to be weak and pathetic

I recommend smoking to increase testosterone. I recommend it for children, in fact. At Halloween, I pass out packs of Marlboros for boys[…]
To girls, I give color-coded paperclips

The peak achievement of a woman is to color code files. They will always fail, because they are so unbelievably stupid, but I will give them the chance

The Guardian

France is to ban smoking on all beaches, as well as in public parks, forests and near schools[…]
“From now on, no-smoking areas will be the norm,” said the health minister, Aurélien Rousseau

Rousseau then vomited up over 30 pounds of gay semen. Bystanders were shocked when he began eating the semen he had vomited up. However, homosexual experts noted that homosexuals enjoy semen “going down the second time more than the first”[…]
I legit think that the Jew fears the cigarette

Surely, there are some nefarious kikes who don’t want the goyim smoking because they know it makes them much smarter[…]
They completely invented to the stupid hoax that cigarettes cause cancer

Actually… for the sake of being reasonable here, it is logical that inhaling smoke all day is going to irritate your lungs, which could cause cancer. Plus, modern cigarettes have a bunch of chemicals in them, because the filthy Jew government refuses to regulate foodstuffs

Jacob Harrison #fundie #dunning-kruger forums.fstdt.net

(Note: From 2018)
Ok, you made me realize that the well to hell was a hoax. I found a YouTube video on it and believed it. Maybe I should check the sources before believing a YouTube video.

However, a true thing that happened is that the diver Jacques Cousteau and one of his men heard sounds of human screaming when exploring an underwater gave in the Bermuda Triangle.

Furthermore, scientists have validated hell when making underwater discoveries.

Scientists recently discovered cracks on the ocean floor where fire was leaking out. Do you know what they found around these fire-breathing vents in the crust? Riftia, giant tube WORMS. Measuring up to 8 feet​【2,44 m】 in length, the worms are ONLY FOUND NEAR DEEP SEA VENTS."

And Jesus Christ said, "Where their WORMS dieth not, and the fire is not quenched"

useless_tryhard #transphobia #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Because the way their existing is a lie, in the fact that no matter how many drugs you take or how much you mangled your body, you'll never be the opposite sex.

You see these videos of people screaming, "I just became a woman last week. " .... no, you didn't. Stop the charades, stop the bs, you did not, and you know you didn't.

I feel like most trans are like those "cop watcher YouTubers", they purposely put themselves in situations so they can feel superior for a moment by knowing what they can do, but that doesn't mean they should do it. Like should you really be filming in the police station just because you can? Probably not.. should you call yourself a woman just because you can? Probably not. Should you call yourself a woman and try to play against women in sports? Probably not.

It does not matter what your mindset is, it doesn't make you what you think you are. Hell if that was the case I'd be Wolverine or something.

I came up with this, asking trans people.. do you like shit? Answer: no. Q: so you wouldn't like shit all over your face? Answer: no... GOOD then stop shoving this shit in people's faces every chance you get!

Madarao123 #psycho #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Obviously, say what you will about abusive parents, or cops. I get some people shouldn't be in that profession, and some people shouldn't have kids in the first place. That's a whole case by case basis, can of worms we don't need to touch.

The unfortunate truth is parenthood comes with needing to dish out some discipline sometimes. Got to stop the bad behavior from growing until it gets out of control. And police or whoever have to kick the ass instead.

I'm not hear to tell anybody how to parent, I couldn't care less if you use THE BELT, a slipper, or just your hand. Your house, your kid, your rules, choose your tool. Will just say make sure you manage to get through the fact your doing out of love. Love hurts sometimes and all that.

Cops won't kick a bad kids ass out of love. And the people those bad kids end up with in jail REALLY don't care how much they kick a kids ass.

So be thankful your dad or whoever kicked your not as hard as other people could. Your ass could be destroyed if they didn't.

Evil Is Petty Award

JonFreeman #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist deviantart.com

Point of advice for those who are not politically anchored:

The era of "peace dividends" are rapidly drawing to close. WWIII is going to be a conventional war (ukraine as proven as such), and already everyone is putting off the obvious military spending increase as it will cut into vote-winning social programs.

It will happen, however.

So, if you're not politically anchored: start marketing to crowds who are not anchored to social programs for their income. Those social welfare funds are going to get slashed as defense spending gets an uptick in this new war climate ... meaning the woke demographics will have even less disposable income.

Doreain #psycho #sexist #dunning-kruger boards.straightdope.com

[ Context: about a grown adult chatting with minors online ]
There’s nothing at all wrong with it. Up until the last 20 years, many older men used to enjoy talking with teens, both boys and girls, even having them as friends. Platonic ones, by the way.
Interaction with them brings out dreams of our past youth, the* paternal, maternal instincts,* and, with members of the opposite sex, a touch of sexual lure. (Don’t you dare sneer! It’s biology because kids are at their most sexually powerful between 14 and 25. History shows that most children were married from ages 12 to 20. Usually as soon as the girl had her period, she was considered marriage material!! Women reaching 22 without being wed were considered old maids!!) Teens can give off sexual cues without meaning to because of biology.

I love talking with teens on the web, watching them around town, listening to them chat in groups in stores, admire their grace and awkwardness as they go through that leggy, big footed state where their limbs seem to grow faster than the rest of them. The girls are cute as heck.

The best thing is their simple beauty, their unlined faces and most do not have that awful ‘look’ adults get over race, religion, job conflicts, accumulated emotional injuries, money problems, and all of the beatings a ‘grown up’ gets trying to live.
Several years back, I dug up the standard profile of child molesters and read it to find out what one needs to look for and, surprise, surprise! I technically fit the stereotype!!

You know you’re not going to go and seduce some kid, so don’t worry. Besides, you might be surprised at the amount of kids who try to seduce their young, good looking teachers in high school, especially by girls. Feel sorry for those male teachers in their twenties when some pretty young thing of 15, oozing sexuality from all pores, just busting with nubility thanks to nature telling her it’s time to reproduce, turns on the heat.

JE Aggas #crackpot #dunning-kruger #wingnut #conspiracy decodingsatan.blogspot.com

Kissenger dead at 100 on 11/29 Resolution 181 's 76th Birthday

"Henry Kissinger" = 181 (Ordinal)
"Kissinger" = 666 (Sumerian)

"Resolution 181" = 132 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Kissinger" = 132 (Reverse Ordinal)

On November 29, 1947 the United Nations adopted Resolution 181 (also known as the Partition Resolution) that would divide Great Britain's former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May 1948 when the British mandate was scheduled to end.

From and including: Saturday, November 29, 1947
To, but not including Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Result: 27,759 days
Or 76 years excluding the end date.
Or 912 months excluding the end date.
666,216 hours

He died 73 days before the year of the Dragon starts...

From and including: Wednesday, November 29, 2023
To, but not including Saturday, February 10, 2024

Result: 73 days

Ken Ham #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #fundie twitter.com

Biblical faith is defensible because our Creator is faithful. Using God’s infallible and inerrant Word as our starting point, we can teach the truth about the world around us and show how the evidence we see is consistent with His Word. As Scripture states, we must “always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear” (1 Peter 3:15, emphasis added). In other words, we must be prepared to defend the substance of things in which we have hope.

Of course, we all have a limit to what we will believe. In other words, every person is willing to accept some things based solely on the word of another. For example, a stranger might tell you that he flipped a coin three times and that it came up heads all three times. Would you believe him? Most likely—it does not take much convincing to believe such a claim.

But what if the same person then told you that he flipped a coin 100 times, and it came up heads every time? Would you believe him then? Because of the improbability that what he is saying is true, it’s unlikely that anyone would believe the coin came up heads 100 times in a row by chance. You might suspect that he somehow rigged the coin toss, or that he was lying to you. At that point, you have reached your limit of blind faith.

The above example, however, only demonstrates a very small amount of chance. If a person is not convinced that a coin could come up heads 100 times in a row (for which the chance is 1 in 2100, or 1 followed by 30 zeros), then how then could he possibly believe in the evolutionary idea that the entire universe came about by chance? If we’re disinclined to accept even a small amount of chance, then we can forget about evolution entirely.

Anna Von Reitz #crackpot #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy paulstramer.net

When we, Americans, call ourselves "sovereign citizens" we look like idiots. When someone else calls us a "sovereign citizen", they look like idiots. And when we allow someone to label us a "sovereign citizen" without objection, we all look like idiots.
So next time you are dealing with some confused soul trying to call you a "sovereign citizen", call them on it.

"I am afraid that you are confused. I am a foreign sovereign with respect to you, and even if I wanted to be a "sovereign citizen" neither I nor anyone else could answer to that, because "sovereign citizen" is an oxymoron. No such thing exists by definition."

Lately, minions of the foreign Federal Subcontractors and their franchise brethren running the foreign State of State organizations, have started calling our assemblies "self-declared government organizations" in a dismissive and insulting way.

Obviously, they don't know that we, Americans, stand under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, and that results in a "self-declared government" if ever there was one. Smile and remind them of that fact.

Stupid is as stupid does.

You might also remind them that they work for us and take their paychecks from our pockets.

This is just a matter of knowing your own language and theirs.

Recently, I encountered a patriot organization that was describing itself as "anti-government".

No true patriot is "anti-government".

We are simply in favor of our government, not against anyone else's. What other people accept, no matter how parasitic, is their business.

So, even when you are angry because some confused and ignorant British Territorial or Municipal citizen misaddresses you, understand that you don't stand under their government, so it's no skin off your nose and you don't need to be "against" their government.

You merely need to remind them of who they are and who you are, and not beat around the bush about it.

Mike Lee #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger rollingstone.com

Lee quoted a post from former Jan. 6 committee member Liz Cheney that contained footage of the Capitol attack, writing, “Liz, we’ve seen footage like that a million times. You made sure we saw that—and nothing else. It’s the other stuff—what you deliberately hid from us—that we find so upsetting. Nice try.”

He then added, “P.S. How many of these guys are feds? (As if you’d ever tell us).”

Then on Saturday, Lee quoted a post from a Republican former West Virginia legislator Derrick Evans who asked if an image from a Jan. 6 video inside the Capitol shows a rioter “flashing a badge?”

“If so, this would prove there were undercover federal agents disguised as MAGA,” Evans wrote.

Lee quoted Evans’ post and wrote, “I can’t wait to ask FBI Director Christopher Wray about this at our next oversight hearing. I predict that, as always, his answers will be 97% information-free.”

You might pause and wonder, is the person behind the account with the handle @BasedMikeLee really a U.S. senator? But it is. Lee confirmed to The Salt Lake Tribune in 2022 that the account is his.

The man pictured with the alleged badge is Trump supporter Kevin Lyons, who is shown in a separate photo carrying a vape in his hand. Twitter appended two fact checks to the tweets, writing that Lyons “is not a police officer and is not holding a badge. He is carrying a vape and a photograph and wallet stolen from Pelosi’s office.”

Even if Lyons were a federal agent, he would certainly be going to great lengths to disguise his affiliation. Lyons is currently serving a four-year prison sentence for his actions in the Capitol, which include stealing a wallet and taking a framed photo of the late Rep. John Lewis from then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office.

Will Robinson #wingnut #dunning-kruger descentbb.net

Hey Ferno, believe it or not, in my mind, that isn't the only thing one can do to disqualify themselves from being worthy of the job.

If all Trump did to change was to magically never have cozied up to the alt right he wouldn't be any better, at all.
And Joe Biden has never done that as far as I know, and yet he isn't any better than Trump, at all. Both equally unqualified. Once you are unqualified it really is a waste of time to argue that you are unqualified in different ways than the other unqualified person. ergo the use of "practical" in my comment.

Like I said, if you want to fool yourself go at it. It isn't going to shock anyone to see you go at it again, some more.

Anonymous Coward #85974993 #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #dunning-kruger godlikeproductions.com

So I did coke with an "elite" and they loose lipped it big time.

They were inebriated and nearly about to pass out, son of an ultra-high net worth individual. He wasn't very coherent until after a line. Then says 'I'm gonna tell you some fukt up shit man'

Takeaways from his further slurred barrage of weirdness:

-The vax is a de-population tool.

-The mrna vax has always been about programmable humans. Getting needles in arms to re-write human biology.

-After booster 4 something called igg4 is permanently active. I am no scientist but can remember igg4 cause my dogs name is iggy. He says it's like allergy shots but for the covid spike. It tells your body there is nothing wrong with the covid spike and to leave it alone. He says if you look into it, you will see this is already known.

-The stage is now set, he says over 3 billion people now have adequate levels of igg4 and the final phase is close. He said those in the know call it "the process". It is to reduce the human population by 5 billion (3 billion from igg4 programming and 2 billion from the fall out of 3 billion deaths).

-He said late 2023 the new and final covid strain will be released. This strain will have over 90% fatality but only to those who have igg4 in their bodies. They will mount NO immune response to this deadly strain. Unvaxed like him will basically have a mild cold.

-He said 'the process' will do a full psychological warfare media blitz, claiming the vax has caused igg4 and anyone vaxed has a 90% chance of dying from this strain. They will claim all governments knew and misled their people. It will be designed to cause mass panic and turn all citizens against their governments. This will ensure cities burn during the viral outbreak and emergency services are non-existent.

Billions will die.

My friends, I've never sobered up so fast in all my life. I left the party somewhat stunned. Who could make this up?

I Resemble That Remark Award

Steven Cheung #wingnut #dunning-kruger religiondispatches.org

And when the Washington Post reached out to the Trump campaign to respond to criticisms that these comments echoed the rhetoric of Nazi and fascist leaders, Steven Cheung, a Trump campaign spokesman, replied defiantly, “Those who try to make that ridiculous assertion are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything because they are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House.” [Note [[in original]]: In a puzzling move, the Trump campaign later tried to amend the statement to replace the phrase “entire existence” with “sad, miserable existence.”]

Babylon Bee #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger babylonbee.com

Libraries are a beacon of knowledge and intellectual pursuit in a civilized society. Or at least they used to be — libraries have changed a lot.

Let's take a look at some of the biggest changes in libraries over the years...

Then: Sweet old lady librarian.

Now: Sweet old lady librarian with a beard named Jeff.

Then: Children checked out books.

Now: Groomer librarian checks out children.

Then: You could find any book with the Dewey Decimal System.

Now: Same but all the books are gay.

Then: Greek architecture supported by load-bearing pillars.

Now: Load-bearing stripper poles.

Then: Kids said, "Books are gay" because they hated reading.

Now: Kids say, "Books are gay" because the books are gay.

Then: Apple IIe with Oregon Trail. Oops! You have died of dysentery.

Now: Same Apple IIe, but with gay porn.

Then: There were 9 planets, as you could learn from any of the astronomy books.

Now: There are still 9 planets, but all the dumb books say there are only 8 for some dumb reason.

Then: Newspapers were stored on microfiche.

Now: Newspapers are stored online. Dang, microfiche was pretty cool too. It made you feel like a spy when researching old newspaper editions. And what are you supposed to do if you need to look up the history of your potentially haunted house now? Not search through hundreds of newspaper issues for the one relevant article detailing a murder that happened on your property a hundred years ago? That's dumb.

Then: Mark Twain was a recommended author.

Now: Mark Twain is a recommended author to burn in effigy.

Then: Large section of history books.

Now: There is no history, only an endless present in which the Party is always right.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. If one were to fully chronicle the changes in libraries it would fill volumes. Who has time for that?

Greg Reese and Alex Jones #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger mediamatters.org

Infowars personality Greg Reese defended a Holocaust denier and questioned the death toll from the Holocaust in a segment promoted and aired by Alex Jones

During a November 1 episode of The Alex Jones Show, Jones aired a pre-taped segment where Reese defended neo-Nazi Ernst Zundel and his false claim that 6 million did not die in the Holocaust. Reese said, “The main argument was simply challenging the number 6 million. Many others have worked out the math and concluded that 6 million would’ve been impossible”[…]
Jones actively promoted the segment, insisting that the clip “needs to go viral.” He also played the piece in full and directed viewers to watch it on an Infowars-aligned streaming site

Reese continued to question the Holocaust's death toll claiming the Israeli government “who funds and operates Hamas ... is openly calling for genocide of all Palestinian people under the banner of their God. Are we still bad people for asking logical questions?” Reese then went on to suggest that the figure “6 million” was not the amount of Jews killed, but a reference to the Book of Zechariah

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut twitter.com

We have only have about 100 friends left and one of them lost both of her young brothers to the vaccine. She’s now the only sibling alive.

How do you explain that if the vaccine is safe?

Do you even know what the odds of that happening to her are? And the odds that I would know a person who lost all their siblings to the vaccine given we only have 100 friends left?

Hint: there should be fewer than one person on earth that has had that happen to them if the vaccine was safe. And secondly, it would never be in my friend network.

Just that one anecdote alone means it’s highly likely that the vaccines are causing excess deaths.

And if you don’t believe me, why don’t you show us your calculations?

Jimmy Patronis, Chief Financial Officer of Florida #wingnut #dunning-kruger twitter.com

There is a former REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. sitting on the stand RIGHT NOW in BLUE NEW YORK. There is NO VICTIM in the case and the judge already ruled against him before the trial starts. Virtually everyone running for President against Trump has said these charges are BS. (The judge literally said "I do not want to hear" what Trump has to say!) I generated $1.1 BILLION in interest in our Treasury. Trust me we have PLENTY OF MONEY to defend SERIOUS FLORIDA CANDIDATES from prosecution by the DOJ and other PARTISAN PROSECUTORS. Everyone (I mean that literally!) should be OUTRAGED by how our justice system is being weaponized by partisan, LEFT WING DEMOCRATS. I am more committed than ever to setting up this legal defense fund! Talking to members ASAP!

Candace Owens #transphobia #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #wingnut #racist lgbtqnation.com

At a speaking engagement, right-wing pundit Candace Owens went on a racist and anti-trans rant against Native Americans in response to an audience member’s question about Two-Spirit people.

The audience member asked Owens how she could believe trans identities are somehow a new trend fueled by the media when Two-Spirit Native Americans have existed for thousands of years.

Two-Spirit is an umbrella term used in Native American communities to describe those who do not conform to their sex assigned at birth and who are said to possess both a male and female spirit. Two-Spirit people were once considered healers and shamans, but colonization led to their marginalization. Many communities, however, are working to revive their sacred roles.

Owens had never heard of Two-Spirit people, and she responded to the question with a series of derogatory comments about Native Americans.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about with Two-Spirit people,” she said. “Is this like a Native American tribe, like high smoking and talking about your spirit? I’m asking you seriously, because when I think of Native American tribes talking about their spirits, I know that they used to smoke a lot, they used to do drugs, they also were cannibals who used to eat people, so I don’t know if we should be taking our cues from cannibals.”

Owens then denied the audience member’s claim that it is basic historical knowledge that there were trans native Americans.

“I don’t think that there were trans native Americans,” she said, before the audience member told her to educate herself.

Steven Kirsch and _unbreakable_kat___ #quack #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger twitter.com

This is a "coincidence" I could have predicted ahead of time. In fact, that same "coincidence" will happen every time they try this. Doctors are baffled!image

TransscriptDuring the lockdowns of 2020, millions of babies missed their “wellness check-ups2, which meant they missed their scheduled vaccinations. That same year, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome became nearly non-existent.[/url]

Bradford Hanson #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger nationalvanguard.org

Whites use their human and mammalian brains; Jews use their human and reptilian brains.

A LONG, ENDURING metaphor of European man describes the mind as consisting of two parts, each competing for mastery. One is likened to man himself and is called by philosophers, in line with their vested interest, Reason. The other is likened to a brute mammal or beast.

In Plato this brute part of the mind or soul is divided into a good and bad beast, the former (the white horse in Phaedrus, the lion in the Republic) innately siding with Reason, the latter (the black horse in Phaedrus, the many-headed beast in the Republic) attempting to overthrow Reason. The same brute mammal may display submission to man (as a horse obeys its rider) or unruliness and violence (a horse throwing its rider).

Until fairly recently this enduring and pervading Western metaphor was no more than a figure of speech.
The conclusion is inescapable that European man’s reptilian brain is dependent and non-autonomous. The active agents of his internal conflicts are his mammalian and distinctively human brains. His neuroanatomy structured the way it is, he mixes reason and abstraction with the concrete insights and warm emotions of the mammal.

In contrast, the Jew’s mammalian brain is dependent and non-autonomous. The active agents of his internal conflicts are his reptilian and hominid brains. Following the dictates of his neuroanatomical structure, he mixes reason and abstraction with the cold instinctive responses of the reptile.

In these two different neural systems and their correspondingly different mind-sets we are finally able to understand the specific traits, both mental and physical, that have always differentiated Europeans and Jews.
The same difference of minds will ex­plain why European man is so damaged by formal education, whereas no matter how much education he acquires, the Jew never loses sight of his race, culture and — nowadays — Israel.

Gary Ayers #wingnut #sexist #dunning-kruger quora.com

Gary Ayers
Then please offer examples and data that prove the existence of The Patriarchy.

I really tend to think that it is like God to the feminists: It is apparently eternal, omiscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. It has been crushing the female sex under its boot for ALL of human history, and yet each generation of feminists believes that THEY will be the generation that will FINALLY destroy it. Even though feminists NEVER have made up more than 7% of the female population of any country at ANY time since their movement began.

Gary Ayers
Oh PLEASE tell me you're not a male feminist. Those are documentedlybthe worst type of men.

Set aside the feminist propaganda for a moment: did you ever consider that maybe there was good reason ancient cultures governed their women and girls in such a way? Maybe with a 60% divorce rate (80%of which initiated by women), a 76% single-parent rate, and a 70%-and-increasing hookup culture participation rate, maybe women are proving they're lousy at picking men? And the rest of your diatribe is about 50 years out of date, isn't it? And if corporations actually could get away with paying women less than a man for the same work, why wouldn't they hire only women? Think how much would be saved on labor costs alone. But that isn't true and you and every other feminist fucking well knows it. And what rights have been taken away from women? Abortion was merely returned to the states to decide as their populations wish. It was not outlawed or “stripped” from women.

Society bends over backwards catering to women now. Show me where men have gotten women thrown in jail on false accusations. Why do women get less prison time than men for the same offense? Why is the entire domestic violence infrastructure built on the feminist Duluth model of sexual power, where the woman is automatically presumed to be the victim in every case of domestic violence, even in cases where it is CLEAR that the man is the victim? Why is sexual behavior in women treated as less serious or explained away when such behavior would be considered reprehensible in men, such as sexual assault of school students?

So just spare us the women are so oppressed schtick. The facts of today's world render it invalid.

Esther Hicks #quack #magick #dunning-kruger voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Daily Quote for October 31, 2023 | Abraham-Hicks

Someone asked us recently, “Is there any limitation to the body’s ability to heal?” And we said, “None other than the belief that you hold.” And he said, “Then why aren’t people growing new limbs?” And we said, “Because no one believes that they can.”

Excerpted from San Rafael, CA on 2/27/99

Our Love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)

Jack James #transphobia #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger msn.com

Pseudo-progressive "transit" theory (censored word) is predicated on the falsehood that "it is not a choice" and (censored) "were born that way." It isn't true. The phenomenon is driven by psychological propensities. "I would rather be that than this." Call it desire. Call it covetousness. Call it envy of the opposite sex.** Call it dissatisfaction with what one has. But don't call it b-logical. That's a cop out.
In science, theories are challenged rigorously. Not so in the dystopian world of 21st century pseudo-progressivism. That's why conservatives call it indoctrination. Indoctrination tells children what to think, not how to think.
A child raised in a hypothetical situation in which they had never encountered a member of the opposite s ex would not grow up imitating the opposite s ex and wanting to add on, or remove, features to resemble something they had never seen.
The antidote to "transit"-ism is to teach children about the meaning of individualism. A child doesn’t become “who they really are,” an authentic, self-actualized individual, by mimicking an object of envy. They become less of an individual that way. Mimicry is the abnegation of individualism, a failure to individuate.
Don't fall for the "it is," or "it isn't," a choice trap. A compulsion or obsession can be overpowering. It doesn't mean they were born that way.
** Do a Google search for "gin deer envy" (spelled correctly) and you will find page after page of commentaries on the subject. "Envy" is not my word. It's their word.

Andrew Anglin #quack #dunning-kruger #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut dailystormer.name

[From “Alcoholism is a Hoax, You Gay Retard”]

Ever since I explicated, as part of the Illness Revelations, that alcoholism is a valid and perfectly healthy lifestyle decision, I’ve gotten messages falsely claiming that this information is inaccurate. In fact, it is completely accurate, but probably, the language needs clarification[…]
“Alcoholism” is a hoax created by Alcoholics Anonymous. “Addiction,” as a general matter, is a baseless fraud invented by ninnying women and embraced by the psychiatric industry as an extremely profitable swindle[…]
These people claim that “addiction is a disease,” which is an utterly nonsensical statement on its face. What is a “behavioral disease”?[…]
There are people who drink too much, and end up behaving badly. However, here’s the thing: all of these people have serious personal problems that do not involve alcohol[…]
Following the above explanation of how people drink too much because they have personal problems, people use drugs for this same purpose[…]
In terms of the “addiction” element – even for the hardest drugs of all, detox/withdrawal takes one week (don’t argue with me that it could be up to two weeks – average is one week)[…]You feel like shit, sleep a lot, have diarrhea. For a week. Everyone can do that. It’s very easy. That is not “addiction.” It’s detox[…]
I am a staunch defender of Adolf Hitler, and also the most prominent Putin shill in the English language. That might seem counterintuitive, but it’s really, really not. Hitler was against Slavs, but that is a complicated thing, which had a lot to do with hundreds of years of history, and then the Bolshevik Revolution (Hitler was aggressively anti-communist, obviously). I wish there would have been a deal between Hitler and Stalin, because Stalin was no Lenin, but that didn’t happen[…]There is a quote from Hitler where he says “the Russian concept of civilization is whatever keeps the vodka flowing”[…]
“Drunk driving” laws absolutely are communism

Wayne Christian #fundie #dunning-kruger rightwingwatch.org

Christians Engaged broadcast a panel from the organization’s 2022 conference in which several elected officials discussed how their Christian faith shapes their work in office

Among the participants was Wayne Christian, who serves as Texas Railroad Commissioner[…]Railroad Commission of Texas does not actually oversee the state’s railroad, but rather wields jurisdiction over the state’s oil and natural gas industry and infrastructure[…]
“How does your Biblical understanding of Christian principles translate into this conversation and apply to this conversation about energy and resources and how we are stewards of God’s earth?” asked the moderator, Texas state Rep. Matt Schaefer

“Well, the most important thing is it’s God’s gift to man,” Christian replied. “God told us real quick that man was the one that was supposed to take care of this and it was our responsibility to do it”

“The biggest scam in history—I’ve found in the six years I’ve been as your Railroad Commissioner—is this Green New Deal”[…]
Christian went on to mock concerns over rising global temperatures, declaring that even though temperatures have increased, “we’ve decreased environmental deaths by 98 percent” thanks to oil and gas which he said “has kept us warm and cool during hot and cold times”

“We’re going to fix it by doing away with the protections God gave us the last 100 years?” Christian sneered. “Does this sound like a logical process? …. We think—as they have been teaching us for 40 years, from Al Gore’s time—that Mother Earth if it weren’t disturbed by man would be in perfect balance, and anything man does messes that up. So, anything we do is bad. If we make water cleaner, stronger, better available, that’s wrong because that’s disturbing Mother Nature. Now that’s the same thing that I read in the Bible as worshiping Baal. We worship Mother Earth”

“Why would God have created the Garden of Eden if Mother Earth was so friendly outside?” Christian then concluded, triumphantly

Donald J. Trump #wingnut #dunning-kruger truthsocial.com

Michael Cohen was a complete and total disaster in the Biden Inspired Trial today. Lie after lie, and getting caught each time. My great assets are worth MORE than is on my Financial Statements, and it’s not even close. The Rigged Trial doesn’t even give me the right to a Jury, but the people are watching, and they are seeing what is going on here. A MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE — The Statute being used for this “case” gives me No Rights, and has never been used for this before, but the FACTS are all on my side. WITCH HUNT!

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