
Not nearly as smart as they think they are

American Hypnotist #wingnut #magick #fundie #dunning-kruger #conspiracy badlands.substack.com

They say that a lie will travel halfway across the world before the truth even has the opportunity to put its shoes on. But is that truly so? It may only seem that way because America’s enemies have captured many of our institutions, notably the media, which are responsible for creating an artificial support and propagation network for weaponized narratives and outright lies. Nonetheless, all lies eventually perish, just as surely as a building without a foundation is doomed to crumble, sooner or later. The only questions are: when it will happen, and what will be the collateral damage?

There’s a reason for this: truth is a force of nature. Any structure that lacks a solid foundation based upon truth will crumble eventually—just like a house without a foundation. From a certain angle, narratives are nothing more than linguistic constructs; and the lasting-power of a narrative is dependent upon how well it conforms to reality.
Consider the possibility that Q invited you to co-author one of the greatest stories of history—the story of the “anonymous” masses of forgotten men and women who learned how to outmaneuver the entrenched powers of the world in order to rescue their great nation and thwart worldwide evil. In the process, we’ve learned more about ourselves, about existence, and about God than we ever knew we could.
No “scientific theory of everything” is complete unless it can relate metaphysical and physical reality together in a coherent framework (aka a framework free of self-contradiction.) The primary takeaway from all of this for 5G warriors is that this means that God, in addition to being your Creator, also uses your experiences and your very cognition in order to structure reality. This is true for all of us, and it takes the concept of WWG1WGA to levels previously not considered by many.

By being a witness to Truth, you do your part to “manifest” a reality that reflects the Truth.

Alcyone via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Alcyone, Great Central Sun of your Milky Way, now Golden Rose galaxy. I wish to discuss the speed of light. Your measurements try to attain understanding of such a speed. Light is. Capturing the speed of it is adequate for humanity’s understanding of distances while within a time construct. Time travels at great speed, at the speed of the infinite, encased within the nothingness of eternal expansion. So how does one measure that? Do you understand within your hearts that you are a part of this light, transforming and expanding irrevocably toward yet more light, and more deeper truths of yourselves? It is an exciting and a trying time to be alive. You are experiencing many ascension symptoms that seem to at times be too much to endure.
I Alcyone suggest that you begin to ground to me as your crystalline structures are more finely attuned to it, to me. Then send this light of us into Gaia. Do not ground directly on your own means into Gaia as you would so frequently when the densities were heavier. This one has been envisioning herself within the great central sun and it seems to be working quite nicely, it is a comforting space of pure light and her cells are singing.
I welcome you to ground to me as it will be healing for you. I am including glittering codes of light to assist your crystalline cells that are hungry for fruit and water today. Eat more fruit, drink more water. Listen to what your body vessels need. They are changing rapidly. There is now only to be further acceleration. Remember light speed. Remember you are light. Remember all is light. All is light. And universe is therefore expanding in light speed, as are your understandings of Source, of yourselves, of each other, of your world. Your world has been a hollowed matrix of intangibles, of impossibilities, a great siphoning off of light and truth.
Is it time, galaxygirl? (Yes!) I am sending a blast of my light now. Welcome me. Ground to me. Let us light this place up together.

Global Warming deniers #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt indy100.com

As a heatwave take over much of America and Europe, with seawater in Florida reaching 100 degrees or more, much of Greece on fire, and July set to be the hottest month in living memory, some are still putting their head in sand about climate change and what the heatwave means for our Earth.

Some right-wing conspiracy theorists have suggested that the heatwave is in fact a hoax and the numbers being reported are false.

GB News presenter Neil Oliver has accused the BBC "and others" of "driving fear" by using "supposedly terrifying temperatures", in a clip that has been viewed over 2 million times. Oliver claims that the reported temperatures of "40 this and 40 that... were obtained using satellite images of ground temperatures," he said. "That's never been the temperature that's used in weather reporting and forecasting."

Many conspiracy theorists have latched onto the temperature reported by BBC from the interior of Sicily (47C) and a weather station in sea-side Palermo (37C) from the BBC weather app, as proof that the BBC is faking its data. The BBC disputed the claims, stating that ground temperatures "are not used in the BBC's weather reporting and forecasting" unlike Oliver's false claim.

Oliver also retweeted other claims that climate data is manipulated and false, showing he is just one of many who are promoting such conspiracies.

Former Fox News commentator Steven Milloy called it the "heat wave hysteria hoax".

Some conspiracy theorists in the UK have argued that the heatwave and climate change are a hoax due to most of the country facing heavy wind and rain during the summer.

GethN7 #transphobia #dunning-kruger gethn7.blogspot.com

(submitter’s note: this is one section of a much longer post)


For a group of people who claim to be oppressed, you have a very bizarre definition of it. You have the support of politicians, various segments of law enforcement, political lobby groups, and more corporations than I can name. Blacks during the height of Jim Crow didn't have the advantages you have, so take your comparisons to them and shove them.

What is happening to the transgender lobby is that the majority (which, by your own admission, you claim to be the minority) have become well aware of what your side wants and how your demands that society contorts itself for your desires have encroached on their lives. It is no great sacrifice to give gays, lesbians, and bisexuals equal rights because what they ask does not require I disregard my own to generally accommodate them. By contrast, transgender demand I lie to their face so they can live their truth, regardless of my personal conscience.

You want to police language so no one can hurt your feelings. You want to suborn law enforcement to let you do as you please without consequence. You want political bodies to give you the right to do what you want at will. You want to wish away the unarguable fact humanity is sexually dimorphic mammals because, by your own admission, your heads don't match your bodies, and thus there is a mental disconnect between the two.

And if you had your way, the difference between male and female would disappear into the morning mist whenever you feel like it, everyone would have to accept whatever chimeric identity you adopt every other day as valid no matter how irrational and unreasonable it may be to accommodate you, and you want your enemies harassed, shamed, and destroyed for having the temerity to complain.

And to my horror, in defiance of logic, reason, and various laws guaranteeing equality before the law, you've been unbelievably successful, and to the extent your opposition believes you are getting away with far too much, I'm forced to agree with them.

That is not oppression, that is you being told NO, and firm limits being placed so that your rights do not encroach on that of others.

Which, under a just society, is as it should be.

Florida State Board of Education #dunning-kruger #racist theguardian.com

Kamala Harris went to Florida on Friday to address the state board of education’s controversial new standards for Black history, which include the contention that some Black people benefited from being enslaved[…]
On Wednesday, the Florida board of education approved new standards for how public schools should teach Black history.

According to a 216-page document, public school students will now be taught that some Black people received “personal benefit” from slavery – because it taught them useful skills

“Instruction includes how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit,” one curriculum benchmark said

The new curriculum also says Black people perpetrated violence during some race massacres, including the 1906 Atlanta race riot and the 1921 Tulsa massacre

On Thursday, at a conference for the Black sorority Delta Sigma Theta, Harris condemned the updated education standards as “revisionist history”[…]
The Florida Education Association, a union representing more than 150,000 educators, called the new curriculum a “disservice to Florida students” and a “big step backwards”

various commenters #wingnut #quack #dunning-kruger gab.com

( @BiancaZombie )

spoilerThe same people who told you
you'd be dead if you didn't take
the vaccine are now telling you
the planet will be destroyed if
you don't comply. Ignore them.
It's all bullshit.

( @Kiara_Nicole )
@BiancaZombie big facts! We should all share the project Veritas video of that executive saying their goal was to get trump out of office and now they are switching to climate change! Because he literally says on video right before that, it’s “Propaganda” and get that going viral

I just realized something! We have so much shit to share and make go viral now that Elon is there and they can’t kill it. Think about all the explosive videos through out the pandemic that 98% of Twitter has never seen! Oh this is going to be great! I bet they were thinking “ok we got to be careful so we aren’t exposed for anything going forward! Had we not had control of Twitter during the plandemic it wouldn’t have been good” and then here we come to drop all the bombs that got dropped during that time. I have most of the banned videos saved. We upload them directly to gab tv and then share them on Twitter.

( @SenileBiden )
Russia collusion insurrection gay meth hammer underwear fights or global warming??

Biggest democrat lie?

( @mrbridegr )
@BiancaZombie BS is one thing....HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE should be the goal!

( @Wrongthink_Kid )
@mrbridegr @BiancaZombie This is why they suddenly want amnesty. They know they are going to be held accountable.

Steve Kirsch quoting @TwiceCancelled #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut twitter.com

Fired nurse (@TwiceCancelled) wrote a DM to me. See if you can spot a pattern here:

"I can't get you numbers because I was fired... but i might be able to get COVID numbers through our discovery from our lawsuit. I will hand-over anything I get.

But what I can say is the only time I ever saw ITP was in a child vaccinated (within hours) after MMR. The only time I saw unexplained ARDS was in a child receiving 9mo vaccines. The only time I saw an unexplained tumor in an infant (ie not congenital) was in a vaccinated infant and I know because I was the one that vaccinated the infant. The only time I saw intussusception was within days of vaccination. The only time I saw transverse myelitis was in a recently vaccinated child. I saw multiple babies suffer from seizures or respiratory distress after vaccination... to the point where the medical team purposely changed their vaccination practice of hospitalized children."

So the hospitals know it isn't safe and effective. But they aren't saying anything. Make sense?

zdoctor #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #elitist #sexist mgtow.tv

RE: Population Collapse Is Coming - MGTOW

and the reasons for population decline are things like pushing whaman to be strong and powerful......more whaman graduation college......more help for whaman in almost every area. .yet they still want to be served. ,the best thing any man can go is walk away from all whaman until they become more reasonable....but as you know reasonable and whaman are two words not to be used within the same sentence. .whaman are like 3 yr olds who cry all the time. . walk away from the insanity and you should be able work less and have more if your not supporting any whaman. .STAY SINGLE GENTLMEN!!!!!. ..WORK, SAVE, AND CONSTRUCT YOUR LIFE ON YOUR TERMS. .DONT BACK DOWN!!!! .FREEDOM IS FINDING MGTOW ...AND MGTOW ENABLES FREEDOM FOR THE OPEN MINDED TO SEE THE TYRANNY WITHIN THE CURRENT SYSTEM!!!!

Anonymous Coward #86079460 #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger godlikeproductions.com

When you see old videos from Hitler era Germany, the people look so incredibly unified, happy & healthy. Well dressed. Children everywhere.

In contrast to modern Germany or USA where everyone is stressed to the max, impoverished, sick, and devoid of any unity in race or nation. Most White aren't having kids, and when they do the kids have mental illness or get brainwashed into being queers or race mixers.

Roman Makowski and Ordo Iuris #homophobia #dunning-kruger notesfrompoland.com

A driver previously found guilty of defamation for driving a van with slogans linking homosexuality to paedophilia during a Polish city’s pride parade has had his sentence overturned on appeal. The judge in the case ruled that the messages displayed on his van are true

The incident in question took place in 2019, on the day of the first ever[…]Parade in Gorzów Wielkopolski[…]
A van appeared covered in slogans such as “Homosexuals much more often molest children”, “Stop the rainbow plague”, and “The LGBT lobby wants to teach 4-year-olds masturbation, 6-year-olds sexual consent, and 9-year-olds their first sexual experience and orgasm”

Such vans[…]which belong to the conservative NGO Fundacja Pro, have become a common and controversial sight in Polish cities

The foundation that organised the LGBT parade reported the van’s driver to prosecutors. However, they refused to press charges, so the head of the foundation, Monika Drubkowska, filed a private civil case against the driver

The case dragged on for three years, with the driver’s lawyers providing what they claimed was scientific research showing the links between homosexuality and paedophilia[…]
However[…]the district court in Gorzów Wielkopolski rejected their arguments[…]
But the driver took up the right to appeal that ruling, and obtained legal support from Ordo Iuris, a prominent ultraconservative group. Now[…]Roman Makowski, has accepted that appeal and overturned the verdict against the driver

The justification for the new ruling has not yet been published, but both Drubkowska’s lawyer, Jerzy Wierchowicz, and Ordo Iuris have confirmed that the judge acquitted the driver because he found the slogans on the van to be true

“The court recognised as proven the truthfulness of the slogans [such as] ‘homosexuals much more often molest children’,” announced Ordo Iuris. It added that the judge had also found “the slogan ‘stop the rainbow plague’ [to be] within the framework of freedom of speech”

RealClarity9606 #wingnut #psycho #dunning-kruger reddit.com

More uninformed assumptions. Do any of you ever learn or get tired of being wrong??? That generation did not huddle in a safe space, curled in the fetal position every time someone hurt their feelings. They had their flaws but nothing like the amoral, narcissistic, soft…and undisciplined generations that came after them and that are now drowning in their self pity and victimhood and celebrating their ignorance in so many ways. And then blaming their shortcomings on everyone else, thus making them unable to break from their cycle. Basically…what your post just demonstrated! 🤣🤣🤣 Don’t try to tell me what I think…there’s no hope you could comprehend my thoughts. 😉 Go have a soy latte and whine over how you are perfect…victims. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Kenneth Gardner #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #quack #fundie westonaprice.org


In medical school, we were taught that viruses have some qualities of liv­ing things and some qualities of non-living things. This is absurd. Living things have a life force that makes them alive. That’s the definition of “living.”

In humans, it is the soul, which is rational and doesn’t perish. With other creatures, they’re either living (with a life force) or non-living, like a rock. A living thing can be a single-celled creature like an amoeba or a complex creature like a plant or a chicken or an elephant. They all have a life force that returns to the earth when they perish.

Non-living things have no self-activity in themselves. Yet, according to the medical establishment, viruses do things. They attach to a cell. They inject their genetic material and take over the machinery of the cell and then break forth to repeat the process on other cells. If they do things, they’re “living.” However, they have no physical struc­tures that are the signs of a living thing. They are supposedly just a snippet of genetic material in a protein capsule. Even a simple amoeba or a bacterium has parts that serve functions, allowing it to do things, even simple things like respire and take in nutrients and grow. They have things like a nucleus and mitochondria.

A virus has no real “parts” that give it any sign of being a living thing. There is no other such example in na­ture. Based on all this, they are both living and non-living, an absurdity. Therefore, they don’t exist. Any such particles observed are something else, not what the “doctors” tell us.

AsiaCel (“卐Autism SS Nazi KommandoϟϟGAS NORMIES卐”) #wingnut #moonbat #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #sexist incels.is

National Bolshevism - the best system

Nazbolism seems to be the ideal situation for incels and a strong country. The problem of the current political sphere is that capitalism (at its rate) is dysfunctional with top 1% owning more than half of assets in the world (sounds familiar?), but the groups who oppose capitalism are all leftist trash.

On the other hand, you have right wing ancaps who think the richfags (responsible for our miserably) would give up their wealth to take part in a "fair" capitalism system.

Well, Nazbolism combines far right social views with far left economy views. The reason why it's not more popular is because it's an real ideology that works so the elites are afraid and banned this in many countries. Leftists are weak twnks and thus couldn't run a system that's why they're toleranced

To add to the mix, we should also throw in Marxism-rodgerism (sexual communism) of one man-one woman as the best as we can do.

Dave Blount #wingnut #dunning-kruger moonbattery.com

[From "From Central Park 5 to New York City Council"]

Being a left-wing black woman is all the qualification needed to become a Supreme Court Justice or Vice President of the United States. But left-wing blacks who are not women need to bring something else to the table to be granted control of levers of power — like having been convicted of raping a white woman and beating her into a coma

Yusef Salaam has won a Democrat primary in single-party New York for a seat on the City Council, meaning he has won

This is rich:

“When I think about the things that we need the most, of course on the top of everyone’s list are affordable housing, education and safe streets,” Salaam told the AP

Safe streets would be nice. Safe parks too

Because his conviction was eventually overturned after Matias Reyes confessed to raping and nearly killing investment banker Trisha Meili in Central Park, the media deifies Salaam as an example of a black oppressed by racism. He and the rest of his wolf pack were rewarded for their oppression with $41 million of taxpayer money. However, it is unlikely that they did not participate in the horrific crime. As former sex crimes prosecutor Linda Fairstein notes,

Salaam took the stand at his trial… and testified that he had gone into the park carrying a 14-inch metal pipe—the same type of weapon that was used to bludgeon both a male schoolteacher and Ms. Meili. Mr. Reyes’s confession changed none of this[…]

Salaam has received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Barack Obama. With such a sterling résumé, he likely has ambitions beyond the New York City Council

Neo #fundie #conspiracy #dunning-kruger descentbb.net

Note: Neo is Burlyman under a different account, also woodchip is the one being reasonable for a change

Woodchip: As to the flat earther thing, two simple things easily disprove it. Sit on a beach and watch a ship sail away. If earth is flat it will get smaller until it is the size of a dot. If Earth is round the ship will appear to be sinking as it gets further away.
2nd test is get on a plane and fly in a straight line. Do you come to a edge or do you come back to where you started from?

Neo: You're forgetting about atmospheric refraction. Just take a Nikon whatever model camera that people were buying and zoom in and the ship will come right back to you.

As for the airplanes, they don't continue to fly straight because: 1) people might catch on, and 2) they'd eventually crash into the firmament. Some flights are straight lines and they aren't on globe earth. How are you supposed to land a plane on a ball that constantly spins under you? You'd have to keep adjusting and try to land straight on the runway but the earth would keep turning and you'd crash. Flat Earth makes helicopters work the way we see them and it makes vertical take off and landing possible.

Kenneth Schmitt #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

As we enter the era of crystalline time, linear time, as we have known it, ceases to exist in its 3-dimensional form. We will still have time, but it’s intimately connected with space in equal arrangements, creating a 4-dimensional experience. This is illustrated by time crystals, which physicists first imagined in 2012 and created five years later. Everything is changing in alignment with crystalline structure. The atoms and molecules that comprise our DNA are aligning themselves symmetrically for perfect functioning and expression of vitality. If we can think like quantum physicists or esoteric mathematicians, we can imagine a world of four dimensions. It is not linear. It is energetic and can manifest according to our openness to its energy and willingness to recognize it. It requires transcendence beyond our limiting beliefs about ourselves and is an evolutionary leap in our conscious awareness.

Now that time crystals are within the awareness of humanity, their energetic appearance is having an effect on human consciousness. Our presence of awareness is expanding into universal consciousness, within which we arise in our essence and receive infinite creative ability. Because we are quantum in our essence, we can realize our own awareness within expanding consciousness. Whatever experience we want, we can create by aligning our attention with its vibratory quality in gratitude and joy. Our creative ability is limited only by our limiting beliefs about ourselves. We can resolve and transcend them in a dimension without fear. Negativity cannot exist in the geometric structure of crystalline time, because negativity is an entropic anomaly in consciousness. There is only the life-enhancing energy of unconditional love.

Denis Rancourt #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #quack westonaprice.org

Many researchers, who are not blinded by legacy media smoke and mirrors, have noticed the staggering increase in excess deaths over the last couple of years. Denis Rancourt has done extensive analysis of all-cause mortality with respect to time, place and demographics.

Here is what he found. Just after the pan­demic was announced, there was a sudden spike in mortality confined to specific locations in widely separated areas on different continents at about the same time. Areas adjacent to these locations were almost untouched by the rise in deaths. At least thirty U.S. states had no spike, while others clearly did. increased in all age groups. Yes, more older people died, but that is almost always true—until now. There were no more excess deaths in people over eighty than in those under eighty.

During what Rancourt calls the “Covid period” (March 11, 2020 to almost the pres­ent), there were 1.3 million deaths in the U.S. but only twenty-five thousand (almost nothing) in Canada. So, if this illness was caused by a virus, it refused to cross the border between the U.S. and Canada? His painfully obvious conclusion, based on all the data, is that in this instance, there is no virus and no pathogen at all. This does not remotely look like what we would expect to see with a contagious virus that started in Wuhan and spread from there.

So, what generated the spikes in mortality? Rancourt does not go so far as to claim that there are no viruses at all, but he makes the case that the main cause since 2020 is government and medical interventions. He also points to studies showing how stress can affect health, especially in those who are already fragile.

The increase in mortality also seems more prevalent in people uprooted and isolated by the government and medical overreactions to this fake pandemic. Those most affected are people moved from ICUs to make room for Covid cases; Covid cases whose access to medical care is severely restricted due to lockdowns; and people told to stay home because their jobs are “non-essential.” No human is healthy without a sense of purpose and social contact with other people.

Matt Walsh #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie newsweek.com

Conservative political commentator Matt Walsh, is now condemning anime as "satanic."

"I think it's all satanic," Walsh says in the clip. "I have no argument for it. I have no argument for why it's satanic. It just seems that way to me."

"All anime to me seems weird—just like bizarre, creepy," he continued. "And in general, I don't think that adults should be—whether it's anime or any other kind of cartoon—with rare exception, adults really shouldn't be watching cartoons in general, I would say."

Capt. Randall #wingnut #transphobia #dunning-kruger lewrockwell.com

I see the widespread wearing of hoodies as protection from goin crazy. Aside from being inexpensive go-anywhere wear with a kangaroo pouch, they deliver a modicum of anonymity that fits social media’s shift to impersonal relationships. Having never owned a hoodie, I decided to purchase one on-sale for the heck of it…and wow, I loved it! It’s like being snug under a comforter, it’s like a kid’s blankie, it’s a tent, a mobile shelter, a cocoon, a habitat… err habit once reserved for meditative monks and those braving very foul weather. I felt secure with my head, face and throat protected, sounds muffled, peripheral vision cut-off… all warm and comfy like being swaddled, like being a turtle or armadillo. I could be wrong, but doesn’t that little socially-popular edge of personal confidence help keep neurotic demons at bay? Maybe hoodies are indicative of a “leave me alone attitude?” And so my observations revealed what appears to be an outward symptom of our malaise.

I do see people being driven batty, feeling confused and outta control…that’s anxiety… that’s stress which unabated progresses to depression, addictions and even suicide. Stress cripples genetic expression and executive function! Why are 40million Americans on antidepressant drugs? Why do they willingly ingest fentanyl? Maybe hoodies are a subconscious psychological crutch that helps one function out on the crazy streets? The actual state of the state is obviously corrupt and riddled with inane contradictions. Once affable acquaintances now seem stingy, grabby, defensive and worried over their survival. Must I adopt woke-correct speech and look in my shorts to see if I’m a boy or a girl? In my hoodie I’ve become the proverbial Three Monkeys; See-No-Evil, Hear-No-Evil, Speak-No-Evil.

Critical Drinker fans #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger #transphobia reddit.com

I saw that the space daddy has said that cis and cisgender are considered slurs on twitter. I hadn't really thought about it til I saw a video putting more context on it and got me think about how is used and who's been using it and think it may have some validation as such. What do you think?

I'm with Norm Macdonald. It's an attempt to marginalise normal people.

It is a slur, it's used as a slur and it's whole purpose and use is to demoralize those you are speaking to or about.

It's an attempt to make you cosign their narrative. Glad someone is putting it down.

Anna Von Reitz #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger paulstramer.net

We are doing this so that the many Trump supporters, including General Michael Flynn, know what’s going on, and have the context for the fact General Flynn observed the fact that we have two (2) systems of law in America.

General Flynn is familiar with Federal Code. That is one of the two systems.

Flynn is not familiar with Municipal Code. That’s the other system.
This is how Trump gets slammed and condemned out of hand, while Hilliary and Joe and Friends get away with murder.

Trump is “standing under” Federal Code and the Rats are “standing under” Municipal Code.

Now, neither of these two forms of law — neither the Federal Code nor the Municipal Code pertain to the General Public, though both are regularly misapplied to our General Public.
Much later, the Municipal Government created an unauthorized “independent, international city-state” calling itself the Municipality of Washington, DC., and issued its Municipal Code.

This foreign entity has no right to be present on our land and soil, no use permit, no grant of land from our States. It’s entirely foreign. That’s why it is run like a Banana Republic. That’s why its officers take no valid Oaths of Office. It’s like a little bit of Cuba transplanted to our soil.

Still, men like Mr. Trump and General Flynn have slept on, and only now awaken to the gigantic fraud scheme that has been perpetuated upon them and upon this entire country, as they directly experience the Double Standard caused by having two sets of Code — and allowing the presence of an unauthorized Municipal city-state on our land and soil.

What needs to happen is for the U.S. Military to arrest the members of Congress running the Municipality of Washington, DC. under charges of invasion, espionage, and treason.

They can do this because they control the District of Columbia and the City of Washington, DC, is still theirs and in their jurisdiction.

Anonymous man from Lenox, Iowa #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho #dunning-kruger usatoday.com

But last June, Gloninger began exchanging emails with a man from Lenox, Iowa whose string of vitriolic messages accusing the meteorologist of being a liberal conspiracy theorist and a "Biden puppet" became increasingly concerning. The man eventually pled guilty in August to misdemeanor harassment for sending the threatening messages and incurred a $105 fine in the Iowa District Court for Polk County, according to a criminal complaint.

Samples of his emails:

“I don’t watch your worthless weather forecast because your an idiot but someone else texted me and said you are still an idiot, to the hell back where you came from **********”

“-Science like FAUCI, you dumb sumbitch, go east and drown from the ice cap melting dumbass!!!!”

“Getting sick and tired of your liberal conspiracy theory on the weather, climate changes every day, always has, always will, your pushing nothing but a Biden hoax, go back to where you came from”

“What’s your home address, we conservative Iowans would like to give you an Iowan welcome you will never forget, kinda like the libtards gave JUDGE KAVANAUGH!!!!!!!"

Wayne Allyn Root #dunning-kruger facebook.com

I understand why "scientist" Peter Hotez won't debate RFK Jr. He's scared to death to debate expert. But how about ME? Why not debate me? A talk show host and former Vegas oddsmaker. Covid vaccine debate. Surely you can destroy me, right? Let's roll!

VAXXTER.COM Peter Hotez: Why He Won't Debate - The Tenpenny Report “Peter, if you claim what RFK Jr. is saying is misinformation, I am offering you $100,000 to the charity of your choice to debate him on my show with no time limit.”

earthisconcave admin #crackpot #dunning-kruger #conspiracy earthisconcave.com


You need to know where you are to start your journey.

In true concave egg shape Earth model we are living on the inner eggshell surface under the glass/ice membrane called Karman line at height 100 km above the ground.

Earth is stationary and only Celestial Sphere, Sun, Moon and planets are spinning around.

Celestial Sphere “yolk” with Octahedron inside spins at the center of Universe.

Sun, Moon and planets are spinning in-between Karman line and Celestial Sphere.

Earth measurements and inner Universe are:

Radius of the Earth 6.371 km

Diameter of the Earth 12.742 km

Distance to the Celestial Sphere 3.937 km

Diameter of the Celestial Sphere 4.867 km

Diameter of the Octahedron 3.007 km

Edge length of the Octahedron all equal 2.125 km

Top-Character-8319 #ableist #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Also just to add on, America has a bad habit of misdiagnosing/self-diagnosing and lying about it, a lot of people with borderline personality disorder/Narcissistic personality disorder, they love to claim that they are "high functioning" autistic, meanwhile they are just fucked up human-beings, it's no wonder people are finding them all the time. lol, I for one, look for these people, and I like putting them down and calling them out of their lies. Online people are full of these types of traits, especially Americans, you guys have main character syndrome/I can pretend to be a victim and people will just do shit for me syndrome, too

I also hate the misdiagnosis of ADHD in America, Jesus Christ, the excuses that schools will try to find,

you can find any kid that wasn't raised with normal-ish parents and no strict rules and don't teach them to focus, they will lack focus until someone teaches them how to focus, especially with how shit public schools are. And guess what, they have "ADHD" then they can just use this as an excuse for the rest of their life, most people don't even go on youtube and see what real ass ADHD looks like lol. Anyway. Good luck being an American.

Luis Miguel #fundie #dunning-kruger thenewamerican.com

[From "The Theory of Evolution: A False Religion Bringing the West to Destruction"]

Modern society is awash with idolatry and false religions designed to lead the nation astray from its Christian foundation. Many of these false faiths are deceptive because they are not openly sold as religion, yet they have all the hallmarks of it

Of the many corrosive beliefs that have been propagated in Western society, one of the contenders for most heinous[…]is the “Theory of Evolution”

It is more apt to call it “Darwinism,” which, like Marxism, is an idolatrous false religion whose aim is to destroy and replace Christianity. If we wish to restore Christendom and Western civilization to the grandeur they once held, it is imperative that we cease promoting Darwinism[…]
One of the most abominable and astute things the Left achieved was to introduce Darwinism in the schools[…]This pernicious fable of evolution has been greatly responsible for pulling people away from religious faith[…]
The whole of Western civilization has been built on a certain concept of man[…]while man is fallen and sins, he is nevertheless made in God’s image[…]Man alone, among all beasts, enjoys the privilege of being able to be a joint heir with Christ in God’s kingdom[…]
By boiling man down to nothing more than another animal[…]Darwinism degrades the human soul, making the adherent of this faith believe that there is nothing special or unique about humanity. It cheapens human life, minimizes our accomplishments, and limits our capacity for greatness

The influence of Darwinism can be seen in many of the Left’s agenda items[…]According to Darwinist logic, of course abortion is acceptable, since we’re all just animals and euthanasia is a perfectly legitimate response to the presence of inconvenient humans

Marxism and tyrannical government are also justified by Darwinism, for if we were not created by God, we have no inherent natural rights and there is no objective good or evil

Saintly Beginnings #transphobia #dunning-kruger #pratt youtube.com

disagreeing with a treatment philosophy or realizing that someone is a company liability is NOT being a racist nor wishing/ wanting harms to come to anyone (ie- what ‘homophobia’ used to mean)

There is far more medical research that shows ‘affirming care’ does NOT reduce suicidal concerns, addiction issues, self harm, or mental health issues related to the dysphoria.

In psychology, affirming a patients delusion has NEVER been standard care, and in the research done (odd research even had to be done), affirming a patients delusion has overwhelmingly ended up being worse for the patient.

We wouldn’t tell a bulimic or anorexic that they are fat; we wouldn’t tell a person w/ BIID that their arm/ leg/ vision isn’t really theirs and then cut that body part off, or make someone a paraplegic because they believe they are in the wrong body and should’ve been born as a paraplegic.

Stating these truths is not being bigoted, it is actually coming from a genuine place of compassion.

And the popular declaration “Authentic self” means nothing. It sounds nice, but has no valid meaning. Humans constantly grow, struggle, change in opinions & views, interests change, food preferences change, fashion & hairstyles, as well.

So one would have to know who they will be, enjoy, like, believe far into the future to be able to come close to reaching such a statement.

Various anonymous commenters #moonbat #transphobia #sexist #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger datalounge.com

(more discussion on the term “queer”; followed-up from https://fstdt.com/TVNWJ9FLKBG2B)

>Queer and cis go hand in hand. It’s hipster bullshit.

>The Trans Industry needs "Queer" as an umbrella term to lump in AGPs and pedos with the LGB. It's also why they have completely appropriated (and literally purchased) the original Black Lives Matter and turned it into something that actively harms black women and children. It's why they infiltrated and destroyed 3rd Wave feminism. These are the same rich white straight male colonizers we've known for most of recorded history. They rename our cultures, wear our cultural dress as costume, invade our spaces, forbid us our language and rights. And make a lot of money doing it.

>Now it's used by straight women wanting to be edgy.

>[…]it's such a broad term now, it's used as fad slang for every fad gender swap, purple hair, they them zee za zou pronoun BS[…]

>The term Queer is completely meaningless now that it represents self-obsessed straight people.

Various anonymous commenters #moonbat #dunning-kruger #transphobia #biphobia #enbyphobia #sexist datalounge.com

(in which people take various positions on the term “queer”; I'd actually tag this as heterophobia if I could)

>"Queer" now means straight people who want to larp as oppressed. To me, that makes it doubly offensive.

>"Queer" has a long history as a slur against gay men in particular, and they are the only ones who can "reclaim" it. Not women pretending to be gay men, not straight people who dye their hair cotton candy colors, not trannies, or enbys, or any of the other imaginary identities. Homosexuality is an orientation, not an "identity".

> "Queer" allows them to elide and obfuscate the stark disparity that exists between gay people and everyone else (bisexuals, while they experience same-sex attraction, still benefit from heterosexual privilege).

>Because you can't define it nowadays, it's meaningless as a word. I hate all this stupid 'non-binary' 'queer' nothingness.

>Back before many of you were born, we simply said "gay and lesbian." "Bisexual" was something people grew out of. There was no need to encourage it.

>it's been extra funny watching the bisexuals shriek on social media about how they're left out of everything or how they are stigmatized.

>"Queers" are asshole fake gays temporarily using the gay community to add some kinky flavor to their dull straight lives, and they are going to be the death of the real gay community.

> Go ahead and pretend to shamed when you’re misgendered when you foolishly try to look like the gender you are not. Your obvious body dysphoria is a sad condition and you should seek treatment instead of validation.

puppy_cat #dunning-kruger #transphobia ovarit.com

(Regarding an episode of “Bob's Burgers” where Louise researches Amelia Earhart)

I've always liked how Louise is seen as a bit of a tomboyish character and had a wide array of interests. I've especially liked it how she would speak out against girls not being allowed to do certain things that boys are allowed to do, and talk ahout how girls can look and do whatever they want to do (and insinuating they don't have to be boys to do so). I haven't watched this show for a decent while, but that was something that I've always enjoyed about her character, and I was even surprised it was allowed to say things like that anymore, with all the TRA garbage in the media today.

(Submitter’s note: she's apparently unaware that “Bob's Burgers” is a VERY trans-friendly show)

Chris Aldridge #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie caldridge.net

What If Mount Olympos Is The Unknowable Center?

There are certainly mountains named after it, but Homer describes the real Olympos, the home of the Gods, as a place without wind, rain or snow. Such a place cannot be anywhere on Earth, or really, on any other planet either.

Over 13 billion years ago, the Big Bang occurred. What some people don't realize is that there is no point from which we can observe or conclude that it came from. There is no black spot, as it were, that was left over. The universe has been in a constant state of expansion ever since, which can be studied from the exact same position anywhere in the universe. In other words, the center from which all things came and come is nowhere, but it is also right where you're standing. It is nowhere and also everywhere at the same time. This also means we know it's there, but yet we cannot see or touch it.

The theory of blackholes is also very interesting to think about when discussing Mount Olympos. The theory states that blackholes have the power to tear open time and space, and in that opening, the laws of nature do not apply. So what exists beyond that opening? What's there? To my mind, there is only one race of beings to which the laws of nature cannot impact; the Gods.

The theory of blackholes would also disprove the belief that even the Gods are subject to fate, because if everything is subjected to fate, that means fate is a law of nature, and as we have discussed, there are places where the laws of nature do not apply. Thus, there must be some things that are not subjected to fate.

And being that the Big Bang was not a single point explosion but a constant unknowable expansion, makes our universe a supernatural place, as one may commonly define as supernatural, in and of itself.

In short, there exists places in the universe in which only Gods could possibly live, and places that we know exist even though we cannot experience them with any of our immediate carnal senses. Yet that same realm can come here. In order for us to contact, it takes quietness, reflection and the perfection of one thing that can certainly transcend realms; our spirit, and in so doing, effect the physical world.

Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. #crackpot #dunning-kruger #wingnut thenewamerican.com

[From "Fourteenth Amendment: Tool of Tyranny, but Was It Legally Ratified?"]

The ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment[…]is widely regarded as a momentous event in American history. However, many noted constitutional scholars and historians have highlighted persistent and perplexing issues about the legality of its ratification[…]
I will take space to share with you a bit of “chicanery” in the U.S. Senate that casts considerable doubt on that body’s vote to approve the Fourteenth Amendment[…]

One of the fifty non-southern senators was the newly elected John P. Stockton of New Jersey, an outspoken opponent of the Fourteenth Amendment[…]After informal polls revealed that only thirty-three senators favored it[…]a motion was made not to seat Stockton[…]

To not be troubled by that story, one has to really want to live in a world where the Fourteenth Amendment is considered “law” and is used by Joe Biden to justify his student-loan bailout scheme, by Bernie Sanders to argue in favor of raising the debt ceiling, and by five Supreme Court justices in forcing same-sex marriage on every state in the union. Do you want to live in that world?

One of the primary arguments challenging the legality of the Fourteenth Amendment’s ratification lies in the questionable legitimacy of the Southern states’ ratifications[…]Southern states were placed under military control[…]Reconstruction Acts forced them to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment to regain representation in Congress[…]
If the states that seceded were required to ratify an amendment in order to become states, how could they ratify, considering they weren’t states until they ratified the Fourteenth Amendment?[…]
Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland, California, Ohio, New Jersey, and Oregon rescinded their ratifications[…]
Congress simply rejected the rescissions[…]
Fourteenth Amendment has been the tool that tyrants have used to construct much of the unconstitutional machinery

Paul Charnock #racist #elitist #dunning-kruger #wingnut #psycho thescorp.multics.org

(Note: This may seem innocuous, as the rest, which is insane couldn’t be included due to the damn character limit. The rest will go in the comments, so go to those for the meat of it)

UTOPIAN AND INDEED DYSTOPIAN fictional societies are often an impressive way of putting political and social ideas in a sort of fictional shop window, the more easily to be seen and admired, or the opposite. It is much easier, of course, to demonstrate ideas and ideologies working on paper than in practice. But also such demonstration may, if done well, have far more impact upon the reader than any number of dry ideological/philosophical tomes. A talented author can bring his dream, or nightmare, far more vividly to his readership by offering them a picture of it happening, rather than a dry blueprint or plan for achieving it. Not surprisingly, therefore, utopian/dystopian fiction has a long and interesting history. From Sir Thomas More’s eponymous 16th Century work, through those Lemuel Gulliver found on his Travels, the late-19th-Century-Socialist future vision of England embodied in William Morris’s News From Nowhere, the 20th Century nightmare visions of consumerism in Brave New World and communism in 1984, to Ursula K. LeGuin’s anarchist world of Anarres in The Dispossessed. Now we have a Nietzschean vision realised – impressively in this reviewer’s view - in American writer S.M. Stirling’s Draka series.

Jay Whig #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger amgreatness.com

I concluded my second essay in this four-essay series noting conservative sorcery doesn’t work. But what of the sorcery of the enemy? What is it, and how does it work?

Generally speaking, people turn to thaumaturgy when an important goal cannot be achieved by ordinary non-magical means. The important goal may be palpable and simple, such as defeating an entrenched enemy, warding off an unpredictable danger, or changing the hearts that refuse to requite affection. That important goal may also be intangible, culturally driven, and complex.
In any event, with these important cultural goals established in irrational recesses of the American mind, both elite and vulgar, one finds magic. Where ordinary means are unable to achieve these goals, the public is easily bewitched; that is to say, when the public believes on a deep psychological level—what Carl Jung might have called the shadow—that it is threatened with destruction if it is not ostentatiously moral and that its principal moral flaw is its origins in slavery and the lasting vestiges of that institution, there is nothing it will not ostentatiously do to address what it can only perceive as an existential crisis.

If you have ever wondered why woke is so wildly exhibitionist, that is your answer. It has to be or the magic fails.

This is modern liberalism’s sorcery. It is based on compelling threads of American beliefs. It does not depend on a rational, Euclidian argument about the principles of the Declaration of Independence or on a pantheon of mythologized founders.

The magic works, and fantastically so. None of the abracadabra phrases like “government is the problem,” “my Constitution,” “a right to be left alone,” “taxation is theft,” “liberal fascism,” “communists,” or “German nihilism” nor necromancy with Plato, Spinoza, Nietzsche, Hegel or Heidegger can break the spell.

This does not, however, mean the spell is unbreakable. The Right needs new magic words.

IncelKing #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Dad brutally beaten to death protecting teen son, after a school fight

Dad brutally beaten to death protecting teen son after school fight

A man has been beaten to death after three teens and two adults approached his home looking for his 14-year-son, eager to finish a fight which started earlier in the day at school.

Let me guess, this man was brutally beaten to death because he has a “bad personality.” I bet he posted on incel forums

I wonder what color they were

The colour which is Opposite of white

I'm sure all the aggessors are fuckers


Mass-murdERERs, sERial killERs, tERrorists and dangERously violent criminals in genERal nevER seem to have any problems in attracting women. Must be their “great pERsonality”

Meanwhile the shy, quiet, passive, harmless beta nerds are sexless. But I guess it’s because they have a “bad pERsonality.”

When you relax, this is what happens

relaxation can be deadliER than people realize lol

Can’t even rot in peace these days without worrying about a pack of niggers invading your home and raping your female relatives, then bashing you to death.

Thanks to the libERals for their support of “divERsity”

It’s ovER

I looked into it a bit deeper and surprisingly enough, the suspects weren’t black this time

I blame it on cultural niggerification

"The police are looking for four or five white males"

Let me guess, Hernandez, Lopez, Martinez and Gonzalez are those white males?

Elena Ceaușescu Award

for least qualified education policy maker

Laurie Cardoza-Moore #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #racist #wingnut twitter.com

Laurie Cardoza-Moore has promoted conspiracy theories about 9/11

She defended to plot to kidnap the Governor of Michigan

Now Tennessee House Speaker @CSexton25 has appointed her to a board charged with creating the state's social studies standards.

Cardoza-Moore has criticized existing public school curriculum for exposing children to “anti-Semitic, anti-American, anti-Judeo-Christian content in our public schools”

She says the current public school curriculum is "ruining our children’s lives"

In 2011, Cardoza-Moore claimed that former President Barack Obama was causing "horrific tornadoes" because he made a speech that discussed the plight of Palestinians.

A group run by Cardozo-Moore, @PJTN, “suggest[ed] removing” a sentence stating that “members of al-Qaeda carried out” the September 11 attacks, citing Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, a group that claimed 9/11 was an "inside job"

Cardozo-Moore falsely claimed the January 6 insurrection was not carried out by Trump supporters but by Antifa

When news broke that right-wing extremists were planning to kidnap Michigan GovGretchen Whitmer, Cardoza-Moore also expressed support for the plot

“Am I missing something here? Didn’t the Founders address removing a tyrant from office in the Constitution?” Cardoza-Moore wrote

Cardoza-Moore is also notorious for spewing anti-Muslim rhetoric. She led opposition to the construction of a Tennessee mosque and argued that the mosque was a “terrorist training camp.” She also falsely claimed that 30% of Muslims are terrorists

Cardoza-Moore's calls herself “Laurie Cardoza-Moore, ThD.” But her “doctorate” is “an honorary doctorate degree in theology from the Latin University of Theology,” an unaccredited diploma mill

Her only real degree is an Associates Degree in Film and Dramatic Arts

But somehow, she is qualified to participate in setting the social studies standards for the entire state of Tennessee.

Sexton and Cardoza-Moore did not respond to requests for comment

Daily Salinas #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger jta.org

“I want to apologize to the Jewish community,” Salinas told the [JTA] on Wednesday. She was saying sorry for a Facebook post she shared in March offering a summary of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”[…]
“I’m not what the post says,” Salinas said. “I love the Jewish community”

The post came to light this week after the Miami Herald identified Salinas as the Miami Lakes, Florida, mother who petitioned her children’s school to ban students’ access to the Gorman poem. Gorman read the poem, called “The Hill We Climb,” at President Joe Biden’s inauguration

Salinas also petitioned the school to restrict children’s books about the Black poet Langston Hughes and about Black and Cuban history[…]Miami-Dade County school district opted to restrict all but one book about Cuba from grades K-5, while leaving them available to middle school students

Salinas challenged the Gorman poem — which she says she hasn’t read in its entirety — on the grounds that it contains “indirect hate messages.” The review committee said it “erred on the side of caution” in deciding to limit students’ access[…]
Post about the Protocols included a list of steps depicting how “Jewish Zionists” would achieve world domination. The graphic included stages such as “Place our agents and helpers everywhere,” “Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism,” and “Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary”[…]
Salinas confirmed that the post about the “Protocols” was hers and apologized for it, saying she hadn’t read it beyond the word “communism.” Salinas said her aversion to communism stems from her Cuban identity. She added that English is not her first language[…]
She said she had only read parts of the books. “They have to read for me because I’m not an expert,” she said. “I’m not a reader. I’m not a book person. I’m a mom involved in my children’s education”

James Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #sexist #dunning-kruger returntoorder.org

The feminist narrative of history portrays women’s rights as a recent phenomenon. Feminists believe that pre-modern women were oppressed by men and had few rights. Nowhere were women more miserable than in medieval times when the Church and a patriarchal society reduced them to near slavery.

Feminists contend that since then, the fight for women’s rights has made steady and inevitable progress as history evolves to ever greater freedom. We can’t go back, they cry.

Maybe the feminists need to go back—and at least look at the facts. Recent studies reveal that this historical perspective is false. Medieval times offered unprecedented opportunities for women. The portrayal of oppressed women is more the invention of modern historians, Victorian distortions and Hollywood scripts than medieval chronicles.
The modern idea of history as an inevitable march evolving toward greater freedom is likewise flawed. If anything, the plight of women has worsened since the Middle Ages. Indeed, the Church elevated the role of women in society. Later secular movements often oppressed them. History does not follow fate but depends upon free will. Thus, periods vary according to the circumstances.

The most surprising finding of the two scholars is that the Renaissance “vastly rolled back the rights of women.” The Renaissance was supposedly a “rebirth” of ancient culture and enlightenment. However, its reborn ideas bought back the neo-pagan Roman and Greek cultures where women had no political rights and limited opportunities.
The Church played a major role in recognizing the inherent dignity of men and women and worked toward the salvation of their souls. At the same time, the Church encouraged the improvement of the material conditions of all, opening up new opportunities for progress. Above all, the Church endowed society with supernatural graces so that men and women became capable of things that took them beyond their human nature.

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