
Hate and discrimination against the disabled

speculareffect #conspiracy #racist #ableist #homophobia specular-effect.com

When I said that 2023 was going to be the year for psyops, I wasn’t kidding. Many people brushed it off and said, “Yeah, okay. We’ll see.” Well, “have at you!”

I told you so! I told you they were going to come with the extraterrestrial visitation hoax! Get your asses ready for the real jab!

That’s right! A real faggot’s wonderland is about to unfurl—alien probes right up your ass. Yes, I’m going to once again, bask in my vindication! Because, I predicted this. You can read my first article about it, here, from 3 years ago. I’m not psychic. I’m not a fed or CIA glowie. I just understand two main things—Communism and how retarded the average person is. They wouldn’t try to pull this hoax if they didn’t have confidence that many would fall for it—if they didn’t understand that the average person is a blithering fucking moron who believes everything they see on a screen and in the media. They wouldn’t attempt to deceive us again were there no efficacy in the Boomer tube, or the internet. My sweet child, there’s a retard of every shade and color for every impractical and incredible nonsense out there. There are people who literally believe that a Jewish space zombie lives past Orion’s belt, for Christ’s sake [pun usage bonus x666]. And yes, they all believe and trust what the government tells them, because they believe in this Jewish superman.

Do not fall for this hoax guys. They are doing it again! They did it with the covid hoax, the 9/11 hoax and many other hoaxes before our time and now it’s time for Aliens.

I love the X-Files. It was part of the many fun times in my childhood, but Jews are behind this new hoax! I explained this right, here, about more than a year ago.

They have mastered the deep fake and holographic images technology. They will create wonders in the night sky and will deceive the very elect.

Don’t worry, my fellow goyim. Do not panic! The Jewish elite super brain is going to save us all with their space lasers and Tikun Olam the entire fucking planet.

Helen Joyce #ableist #transphobia thepinknews.com

Note: this news is from 8 months ago.

A prominent “gender critical” activist is facing backlash after she called for a reduction in the number of trans people.

Helen Joyce, author of Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality, is facing widespread criticism over an online discussion with Helen Staniland in which she said people who transition are “damaged”.

Joyce, who has become one of the most vocal “gender critical” campaigners in the UK in recent years, said their “movement” is no longer in the “consciousness-raising” stage.

She said the “gender critical” movement cannot be focused on convincing every person in the UK of its views and that it instead must “get through to the decision-makers”.

“And in the meantime, while we’re trying to get through to the decision-makers, we have to try to limit the harm and that means reducing or keeping down the number of people who transition,” Joyce said.

“That’s for two reasons – one of them is that every one of those people is a person who’s been damaged. But the second one is every one of those people is basically, you know, a huge problem to a sane world.”

Joyce continued: “If you’ve got people – whether they’re transitioned, whether they’re happily transitioned, whether they’re unhappily transitioned, whether they’re detransitioned – if you’ve got people who’ve dissociated from their sex in some way, every one of those people is someone who needs special accommodation in a sane world where we re-acknowledge the truth of sex.

“And I mean the people who’ve been damaged by it – the children who’ve been put through this – those people deserve every accommodation we can possibly make, but every one of them is a difficulty.”

novakidds #ableist #psycho #transphobia novakidds.tumblr.com

lmao i did it again

was eating in public with my gf, and a visibly trans-id girl walks up to us, complimented both of our hair, and said we "looked VERY queer" before asking to sit with us. (i dressed like total shit because i just threw things on lol)

we obliged. the pronouns are he/him, the chosen name is tyler. 16 years old, knew i was 21. we talked about our troubles with being born female and how that defines us, drug use, bigoted parents, socializing with autism, working toward being the ideal versions of ourselves BEFORE transitioning, and how gay people are not obligated to sleep with trans people. tyler agreed with every TERF talking point i said, and questioned nothing.

i was trusted so much by the end of this encounter, that tyler got in my car with me, asked me to drive to a nearby store for some things, and then drive home.

like... tyler's HOUSE. the address was plugged directly into my phone. (didn't keep it)

and we exchanged numbers before parting ways.

it is truly so fucking easy to blend. you will never find me. i really do look like you. i really do talk like you. you would invite me to your fucking doorstep if you met me, and you would have no idea. i could dangle my TERF ideology in your face beforehand, and you would have no clue.

i am utterly vindicated. seethe.

tehm-blr #ableist #sexist tumblr.com

people are going to call me mean for this but I'm going to say it anyway: I don't care about gym bros that have eating disorders. men's eating disorders are just eating healthy and getting strong, while women with eating disorders are starving themselves to fit a sexist beauty standard. like they are not the same! they are not of equal importance!

JonFreeman #wingnut #ableist deviantart.com

In my experience, accusations of mental illness are the immediate liberal's response to someone disagreeing with them.

The level of Arrogance required to think "the only way someone could not see that in right is if they're mentally ill" is horrific.

It also runs contrary to the "pro-mental health" mantra of modern liberals: i.e. "that man is angry that our policies gave caused a recession, he needs to seek mental health." ... until you look at it cynically and realize that the modern liberal views the mentally ill as pawns to be manipulated...

Just like how they view all humans to be minerals waiting to be harvested.

Mark Oshinskie #wingnut #quack #ableist markoshinskie8de.substack.com

Over the centuries, countless people in the US and abroad have done plenty of very hard work to sustain themselves and their families. In order to do so, they needed to internalize some risk and bring some toughness to bear.

For example, my grandfather and countless others of his generation deep-mined coal. Many were killed in mine accidents. Many more, like my grandfather, at 47, died from black lung disease. Other men worked in steel mills. In the first half of the 1900s, 9% of steelworkers died on the job from, e.g., having heavy beams land, or molten steel poured, on them. Similarly, millions have planted, cultivated or harvested crops all day in scorching hot fields. Before those fields were used to grow crops, they needed to be cleared. Imagine cutting thick, massive trees with two-man handsaws all day in very hot summers. Many humans did such work for years, for little or no pay.
Having been disconnected from hard physical work, and having become dependent upon smartphones, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety meds and abundant “recreational” herb, many Twenty-First Century Americans have become emotionally soft, psychologically frail and cognitively challenged. Even though 7,600 Americans died daily before Coronamania, during the past three years, many thought, or at least pretended, that no one should get sick or die, no matter how old or overweight. They feared things, like coronaviruses, that aren’t fearsome.
Our ancestors wouldn’t have sacrificed normal life, an economy and a young generation so that they could work in sweatpants and their party could win elections. Instead, they would have seen the costs of extreme safety-ism, scoffed at the idea of locking down a society over a respiratory virus and understood that the human toll of doing so far exceeded any insincerely-proffered, and ultimately unrealized, benefits.

Alexander Kamkin #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #magick #racist #ableist twitter.com

An Oscar [award] is an occult reference to the Egyptian deity, Sokar the God of lies, sinners and destruction. The same goes for the statue of liberty in New York. It is a reincarnation of the ancient Goddess Hecate, the goddess of death. The symbolism of destruction and self-destruction lies at the core of the Anglo-Saxon cultural code. Like medieval lepers, they ty to spread their death and self-destruction to everybody else to ensure quasi-equality.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia #ableist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Bell Let's Talk 2023"; MAiD stands for "Medical Assistance in Dying"]

In a few days we're going to look back at some Bell Let's Talk classics, but this year what many have noted was that MAiD (which was still a thing in 2018, it didn't get much press including on this blog) is now a big thing not just for invalids with terminal cancer but anybody who just feels really really bad

And since I've noted many a time before that the whole "focus on mental health" is just smokescreen for sodomites to try and validate the deep sense of dread they feel as they on some level understand that their lifestyle choice was wicked and it makes them an inferior person, it stands to reason that if MAiD really is a perfectly okay option to resolve mental health problems, why can't we just cut out the middleman and just have tens of thousands of people honestly divulging to the fags in their life that the two options are conversion therapy or self-removal?

Trump Supporters #ableist #conspiracy #crackpot #quack #psycho vice.com

These are some anti-vaxxers feelings about Trump taking credit for saving lives with vaccines.

Ed Dowd: “Unfortunately, Trump is still hanging his hat on this vaccine, That guy needs to get off this asap or he’s done.”

Alex Jones: “He’s almost autistic when it comes to admitting he’s wrong.”

Tracy Beanz: “This is a very serious issue for me,” “I can’t look past it. By now there is no reason he shouldn’t know what is happening. Hate me if you want. I can’t look past this.”

The vast majority of the almost 2,700 responses to Beanz’s post agreed with her claim that Trump’s defense of the vaccine roll out meant they could no longer support him.

Stew Peters: “Millions have been maimed and murdered,” he falsely tweeted. “This is 100% disqualifying in my book.”

Telegram users: “Trump’s just as culpable and every time he continues to push it, more and more want him sitting next to Fauci and Gates at NUREMBERG 2.0,”

“Everybody in this movement needs to demand Trump denounce the vaccines, Everybody should be hounding him on all social media. If there’s a rally there needs to be chants. See him walking into his building in New York and yell at him to denounce the vaccines.”

Dr. Debra Soh #ableist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #enbyphobia #pratt #sexist #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

Gender ideology is a form of grooming.

Conspiracy theorists are the ones who are paying attention.

If you can count to two, you know how many genders there are.

When the entire process thus far has been corrupt, I fully expect any “investigation” into it to also be corrupt.

Keep sex offenders out of women’s spaces.

Gender self-identification was designed to be exploited.

Biological sex is immutable. There’s nothing to debate.

The he/him “allies” are always the most insufferable.

The word ”woman” is being redefined in the name of stealing our opportunities and trophies.

Parents pushing transition need a psych evaluation.

Detransition will soon be more common than transition. That’s my prediction.

Autism, sexual assault, and being gay are the real reasons girls are transitioning.

BondiBlue #transphobia #enbyphobia #ableist ovarit.com

RE: How much longer do you think the TRA movement will last and what do you think the next big topic will be?

I don’t know when this will “end” if ever. But I hope that if/when this movement peaks, the next step will be reversal of the policies and recompense, including apologies from the major institutions and governments that were captured by this, and a naming and shaming (and mass firing) of its most prominent advocates (like the Pritzkers, Rothblatt, and the paragons of so-called q~eer theory).

I want public statements on record that no child is born in the ‘wrong’ body, sex is physical and immutable; ‘gender’ is a set of stereotypes; there is no such thing as “non-binary-gender”; and especially, a woman is an adult human female. I want that chevron flag designated a homophobic and misogynistic hate symbol, the q~eer swastika (note: the Nazis’ designation for gay people they sought to eliminate was, infamously, a pink triangle, just like the sharp spear gutting the LGB rainbow like an invading army).

As for what the next “thing” is or ought to be, I hope to see a return to empirical evidence, rational inquiry, and open debate in the academy. If it’s junk science, call it that based on the facts, rather than because it doesn’t check these or those boxes in a DIE statement. Or because even broaching X subject purportedly “opens the door to genocide.”

In terms of what I would like to see as the next ideology to fall, because I have a personal stake as a sufferer of mental illness, I hope it’s “mad pride”/“neurodivergency” and its cousins in “crip pride.” I want honest studies to be done on the biological roots of things like schizophrenia, autism, and A.D.H.D. with intent of finding a cure. Not this TRA-mimicking, Woke Scientology nonsense that brands someone a Nazi eliminationist because he or she wants to be normal (oh, how they hate that word) rather than suffer from a broken brain. There are even people who want spinal cord research kiboshed because it supposedly discriminates against “people of diverse mobility.” I kid you not.


Anonymous #ableist #conspiracy #fundie #quack boards.4channel.org

The vaxx is killing all who take it. Are you guys ready for stage 2? You might not like it..


Yeah it’s gonna get ugly in a few years, maybe sooner. They’ll let chaos run wild for a bit then swoop in and save the remaining survivors and give them a one world government under the guise of “bringing light” and telling us these people suppressed a bunch of hidden knowledge, we’re actually god, yadda yadda until the mark is introduced. Just stay strong and trust in Christ and you’ll be fine. The whole “great deception” is based around the fact that they’ll plunge the world into darkness, just to come and save us and turn you away from God. Sneaky fuckers those satanists. While we’re here, can reincarnation exist within the confines of Christianity, and if so why would people be trapped here after they take the mark? I have a bunch of autistic theories about this and might dump all of this shit here for the hell of it

Gokuma #wingnut #ableist #pratt #senpai_noticed_us doomer.boards.net

Now that is rich!

This weak, pathetic fool, probably sits at home (or their parent's home) collecting welfare or unemployment, and probably would be incompetent at whatever of the multitude of jobs available anyway, such as cashiers that are mystified at basic math of what change to give.

Instead of finding something creative or productive to do, even having been on Doom editing forums, makes off site archives of the discussions of evil boogey men possibly with hopes to hold against us in a future communist regime, and comments at a safe distance (though that's not working out too well). Has an autistic need to categorize people which just doesn't work. What a retarded loser.

Oh and never mind the utter denial of things contrary to the brainwashed narratives. It's all far right wing misinformation, even official DoD docs released by Freedom of Information Act requests or Libs of TikTok directly relaying footage of pedo teachers grooming kids on a massive scale.


David Cole #ableist #racist #wingnut #elitist takimag.com

When I’m asked why I never had kids, my standard answer is, I’ve spent my life in mortal fear of being tethered to another human in a manner from which I can’t legally walk away if I choose.

That’s an honest answer, but it’s not the complete one. The second part, which I always leave out, is that I was petrified of having a tard. There’s no history of tardiness in my family. But no matter your family history, having kids is always a roll of the DNA dice, and I couldn’t face the possibility of having a child who would be, shall we say, more work and less payoff.

Yes, that’s a terribly unflattering thing to admit. But it’s true.
There’s no changing the reality of the child’s condition, so put the best face on it. “That millstone is a blessing! That albatross is actually a majestic eagle.”

When a problem is intractable, when “fix it” isn’t an option, you cope, and sometimes that means detaching from reality
That’s why the mentally ill shooter problem is intractable. Parents saddled with defectives must live with the hope that the condition is reversible. And most of the time they’ll live with that hope in the face of all evidence to the contrary.
The big nightmare is the very real possibility that the problems with black America are intractable. That there’s a disproportionately large segment of black America that’s simply not salvageable by love, lucre, or religion. A segment that at best can be kept in check with rigorous sifting via lifetime imprisonment of the worst elements, and even that’s a half measure.
Black unsalvageables are America’s “special needs” children. And we’re tethered to them. We can shift them from one city to another, one state to another, but there’s no avoiding the obligation. We birthed it, it’s ours. And I want to be very clear that this is as much a problem for high-functioning blacks as it is for whites. Hell, they have to deal with the burden of their special-needs kin more than anyone.high-functioning blacks as it is.

Andrew Tate #sexist #ableist #enbyphobia #transphobia #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger #elitist twitter.com

(submitter’s note: this is Tate’s second try at a response to Greta Thunberg’s awesome to reply to his attempt to show off and troll her. He doesn’t succeed anywhere near as well as he likely thinks, but his followers are sadly probably still fooled)

Andrew Tate:
Thank you for confirming via your email address that you have a small penis

The world was curious.

And I do agree you should get a life ❤️

(submitter’s note: this is followed by a video which I have transcribed for you all so you don’t have to watch it)


spoiler It’s Tate talking the entire time
*smoking cigar
“Releasing greenhouse gases”
“I’m obviously a stranger to online controversy, it’s not something I often do… but now the mainstream press is commenting on the fact that I was informing Greta that my very extensive car collection with internal combustion engines which run on dead dinosaurs have an enormous emissions profile and she replied by telling me her own email address. Greta’s email address is “ihavesmalldickenergy”. Why would that be your email address, Greta? Strange… I mean, I don’t want to assume her gender, it’s 50-50, but it is what it is…

“I’m not actually mad at Greta. (Speaking to someone offscreen) Please bring pizza and make sure that these boxes are not recycled…”
*pizza boxes arrive

“Thank you… So I’m not actually mad at Greta, because she doesn’t realize she’s been programmed, she doesn’t realize she’s a slave of the matrix, she thinks she’s doing good. Someone has sat her down and convinced her to try and convince you to beg your government to tax you into poverty to stop the sun from being hot… and then because I called her out on it the global matrix got this bot farm to like and retweet and all this bot commentary to try and pretend that her telling me that she has a small dick in her own email address somehow teaches me a lesson.
*waves arms
“Welcome to a new episode of the clown show! But now I know, at least, that Greta, with her little hate-filled face, bitter, sitting somewhere without the heat on, little hat, shivering…” *laughs “views my tweets! Which is going to make my twitter account far more fun into eternity”

dn #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt #ableist fstdt.com

[darknation came all the way over from Doomer Boards to the comments section of FSTDT to try and defend himself. This is what he had to say.]

@pyro #148960

I actually agree, the “archival” function of sites like this is important. Just as important as, say, the archival function of the kiwifarms is, especially when you’ve got sex predators scraping google clean to hide the fucking evidence.

And we really don’t delete posts… why the hell would I? To save the precious feelings of the userbase? Fuck that, arguement and debate is darwinian, that’s how opinions and intelligences *evolve*; a healthy dose of cringe in a user’s history ought to help stop repeated third-degree retardation offences.

@Anon-e-moose #148929

This, however, somewhat undermines your website’s noble archival endeavor: difficult to say “we’re archiving websites to preserve content for the future!” when your users are actively advocating for the deletion of said websites. I’d question the biases of archeologists who openly advocate for mass extinction events. I’d also call them “intellectual cowards with shit debating skills”, “cretinous societal vandals” and, quite possibly, invite them to “eat my shit, you invertebrate pussy”.

<@KeithInc.> #148908

“Meaning if you don’t get the point i was trying to make, it’s your failing, not mine.”

Yes. Lurk more. Read more books. Don’t come at me screaming “I’m too fucking stupid to read subtext, and don’t have time to read context, but my opinion is just as valid as yours”. I’ve been featured three times on this shitfeast of a website, and not once has anyone stopped to think “Hmmm, how much of this is rhetoric over-exaggeration, how much of this is for comic effect, how come he hold free speech opinions that are actually left wing, how is babby formed what is sarcasm…” Fuck off.

Kanye West #ableist #crackpot #racist #conspiracy jpost.com

"I am not bipolar. I'm not in some kind of episode, but I may be slightly autistic. Like Rain Man. And that's part of my superpower. It's the reason why I can produce tracks and design and do so many things."

"There's two things that I can't do: I can't accept hate and I can't hate. Have you ever known an autistic person that hates? That's the reason."

"I love Ari Emmanuel. I love the CCP. We have to bring Christ to the CCP. We need to bring Christ to China. China controls y'all... and controls the people that you're gonna give this video to. The Jewish people are the middleman. They sold America to China. They sold the American media."

"There are people that are the head of the New World Order, that are head of the CCP, that are part of the elite Zionist Jews.” “but that's Satan using them."

various commenters #transphobia #ableist ovarit.com

RE: A prediction.

( stirfriedkailan )
I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but why are TIMs over-represented in tech/programming?

( [Deleted] )
In my experience it's an extension of toxic masculinity and incel culture. They are nerds who have grown up being bullied by jocks and "chads" and can't relate to their imaginary standard guy who likes sport and bbq, so they assume that they aren't men at all.

Some of them see affirmative action in tech firms and assume that women have it "easier" and others are just pornsick fetishists. Throw into the mix the fact that a lot of them are autistic or otherwise neurodivergent and you have the perfect environment to spawn Tim's.

( LadyLuck )
I remember looking at an Incel message board years ago and I think a lot of those guys have some form of dysmorphia. They would obsess over their chins or height when cleaning their rooms, getting a hobby and being considerate to potential partners would have taken them much further.

( NoDayForADo )
Because the autistic boys gets sucked into trans culture the same as the girls do.

El necrofilo #ableist #psycho readcomiconline.li

So 60s? The hell are you on about, having a disabled member of the family is already a chore. You can't blame people not wanting a disabled live partner. Some people already have it rough by themselves, it's just common sense, it a disgusting truth but you can't judge someone for something like that

Peter B. Meyer #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #racist #magick #ableist finalwakeupcall.info

Who controls the world?

People will be astonished when the truth is revealed in the time to come. The Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church changed history and hid the rest of it by making up fairy tales about the true history of the earth.

One such lie was about Mary Magdalene, who was in reality Jesus’ wife, giving him two sons named Jesus II Justus and Joseph, along with a daughter named Tamar. This knowledge was suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church.
Major changes are now taking place, to restore our status, and teach people what has been done to us by the Crime Cabal, which includes Draco Reptiles, Greys, and other entities from the universe, which have been deliberately hidden from us by these dark powers.

Pope Francis is a Jesuit and preaches that his god is Lucifer, implying that the pope worships Satan.

Lightworkers have since restored much of the truth, rectifying the 300 AD Treaty of Sangreal, which proclaims that all people on earth are sovereign, and should be treated as such. This will mark the end of the Phony El-ites and their Slave-Scam, which they have conducted for many centuries to the detriment of people on Earth.
The Roman Catholic Pope and all his war criminals, some of whom pretend to be Jews, who in reality are Khazarian mafioso, as well as all European royalty, are Nazis and paedophiles. They are real Satanists, holding positions in the Vatican, the City of London, Washington DC – the United Nations. This information was received from an insider, who wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons:

All those in positions of absolute power such as the Queen now King of England, the entire royal family of Queen Beatrix in the Netherlands, the Rothschilds, Bushes, Clintons, Rockefellers, Pope Francis, belong to the hidden Jesuit Hierarchy. They are all one big happy Archon bloodline family. I.e. cousins, nieces, uncles and cousins of each other. Some of these people are personally known to this insider, so don’t be fooled!

Odalys Heredia #ableist #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #homophobia #transphobia lgbtqnation.com

When a 20-year-old man with autism went missing, a Florida woman and her sister told police that he had been kidnapped by a transgender gang who wanted to harvest and sell his organs.

It turned out that he voluntarily got on a bus to Chicago to escape his controlling mother. [A note was found where her son Alejandro Suarez said he was leaving. She called the police.]

When Suarez’s aunt, Yadira Saleh, contacted police, she wrote, “Alejandro’s mother’s greatest fear is he may be in danger of organ trafficking or any other trafficking,” adding that he “was worked and groomed for weeks or months” by “predatory gender non-conformists” who encouraged him to “cut all ties with family members,” Heredia also told police that her son “has the mentality of a 10-year-old and is unable to function on his own,” adding that he couldn’t have left town on his own because he “had no friends, and was unable to socialize with anyone other than family.” [Evidence suggests she greatly exaggerated her son’s disablities.]

Suarez said his mother controlled what classes he took and what sports he played in school. She also required him to keep his hair short, and urged him never to sit with his legs crossed because it could cause gay men to hit on him, he said. Suarez also had transgender friends. On July 11, Heredia and Saleh asked a probate court to sign an order granting full guardianship over him which would have allowed them to control where he lived, his purchases, and his right to marry, vote, or make medical decisions for himself. A legal hearing declined the women their request for full guardianship. “I really do feel like I have room to breathe now,” Suarez told the aforementioned publication.

Anonymous #ableist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #fundie boards.4channel.org

The normie is usually taken to be superior to the retard, autist, and schizo in normie metaphysics. However in actual metaphysics the normie can be considered engrossed in Kants empirical intuition, which is why she is adapted to the physical world. She is actually the lowest stage of human evolution. The next stage is the schizo, who is becoming engrossed in imaginal intuition and thus becomes lost in his confusion of the imaginal and the sensible. Next comes the autist who has been born with intellectual intuition and is higher or lower functioning in the sensible or physical world depending on how developed his intellectual intuitionis, with high functioning autists having a lesser developed intellectual intuition and low functiong autists having a more developed intellectual intuition culminating in the absolute retard who is so engrossed in intellectual intuition he has lost touch with physical reality. Thus as you see in the hierarchy of human being the absolute retard has the highest being and is closest to God while the normie has the lowest being and furthest from God. The normie is also known by the term of midwit.

I would like to add that autist, schizo and retard are normie terms developed by normies to understand nonnormies from within the normie metaphysic and therefore carry with them the negative connotations normies associate with these nonnormies. In actuality however these connotations are contingent overtones of the normie metaphysic which is a faulty metaphysic grounded on the lower empirical intuition as opposed to the higher intllectual intuition, giving direct knowledge of reality. But we must communicate to the normie on his terms if we are ever to communicate with him at all.

Newt Gingrich #ableist #elitist #wingnut dailykos.com

Submitter’s note: Daily Kos is just the source of the story, I’m aware they are not fundies. Newt Gingrich was being interviewed by NBC News Correspondent Scott Wong when he said this. Also, he has actually spoken quite a bit about J6.

“What do you think about the January 6 Committee?” Wong asked Gingrich on Thursday.

“I don’t,” said Gingrich, who was asked multiple times during a gaggle on Capitol Hill about the committee.

“You have no thoughts about the committee itself?” asked Wong.

“I think you have a learning disability,” said Gingrich, pointing a book at Wong.

“Excuse me,” said Wong.

“The fact is, I’ve said three or four times, I don’t talk about it,” said Gingrich, pointing at his own head.

“Try the phrase: I don’t talk about it,” he added.

IncelKing #ableist #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

RE: Autistic Chad "who can't communicate well" arrested for banging multiple teens.


A man who was already a registered sex offender is now accused of sexually assaulting two minors, and his mother says the alleged victims should have known better. 26-year-old Aleksandr Anatolyevi Rudenko was arrested back on Aug. 30 on five counts related to sex crimes. Lyubov Rudenko says that her son has autism, doesn't communicate well, and that there is no proof that he did anything wrong. The exact circumstances that led to Rudenko's current arrest were not released, but detectives say the two girls he allegedly assaulted were 13 and 17 years old.

Just be chad bro

>$135,000 bail
Holy FUCK that's a lot

Meanwhile there was a FEMALE high school teacher who kidnapped a 15 year old chad and kept him at her house as her sex slave for 3 or 4 days, and she was given $5000 bail, what a joke

Teacher arrested for 'hiding' teen boy in her home for days

The minor who had been missing since August 12 was rescued from the home of 31-year-old Florida teacher Kelly Simpson

So sick of these double standards, this society deserves everything bad that will happen to it in the future

I know it’s the government that creates and implements/enforces the law but the majority of the civilian population supports the government in their law/policy making, so they are guilty as well

He must've had a good personality and communication skills and it's totally not his chiseled jawline and blue eyes.

Here’s your “NT pill” for you
Nigga you ain’t “weird” you’re just ugly/short

NT-pillers on suicide watch

“But muhhhh autism”

If you’re good-looking you can be an autistic retard and still slay

Autism only makes or breaks average-looking men

Ugly men have no chance just based on their looks alone, so autism or not, doesn’t make a difference

speculareffect #wingnut #sexist #homophobia #ableist speculareffect.org

Human beings are generally retarded people. I mean, what the fuck is wrong with people? What the fuck is a “queen”? Can we stop for a moment to comprehend what the entire planet is going on about? Stop and think about how we humans allowed all this bullshit to go on for so long—some very small group of people ruling over us—a large majority.

How are we this fucking retarded? I’m not even going to get into the whole aspect of her being a woman. This applies to kings, too. “It’s tradition. It had always been done.” Yes, the good old appeals to tradition. It has always been done, so that makes it right and makes it acceptable and sensible that people allow this shit.
It is the religious mind (a retard) who pays obeisance to “royalty” and some higher authority and power. You see, the superstition behind all of this is what wroughts the retarded argument Christrannies give when the non-belief in a god or gods is posited or encountered—”where do you get your morality from, then?”. In other words, without a belief in a God, one is totally immoral and has no sense of “morality”. Likewise, the same retarded argument is made when it comes to government, rulers and the state. “Without a government or being under rulership, you won’t have laws. You’ll have chaos.” The religious mind needs a higher power, hence kings, queens and principalities, who in turn take advantage of the feeble nature of human beings.

I’m glad this is cunt is dead. Good riddance. Now, we just need all the others to fucking die, too, so we could be rid of them and not have to deal with them fucking with our lives.

How the fuck did this have dominion over the planet?

Simps, manginas and faggots believed in the make-believe bullshit of authority and enforce it through the threat of violence.

There is no authority. There is only the BELIEF in authority.

The media and other morons would have us believe that a crown holds sacred powers. Somehow these people are gods, yet they die.

Give me a fucking break.

Shmuel "Sam" Coinsniffer #ableist #dunning-kruger #pratt #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Why are troons always the masculine ones - I think I might have solved this mystery

Every tranny lolcow ever has an anvil jaw, 5'oclock shadow and look like a caveman with a wig. Not only do they never pass, but they are always the most masculine ones that decide to troon out. But why?

I was listening to MATI, and Jewrsh was talking about the autist-to-troon pipeline. Most trannies are autistic, this isn't news either. So autism, masculinity and trannies, how do they all connect.

I present to you: The extreme male brain theory:

The extreme male brain, explained

TL;DR Autists are exposed to abnormal amount of testosterone in utero and this affects the brain.

Well, actually it affects the appearance as well:

They created two sets of composite images made up of the facial appearance of individuals scoring high and low for symptoms of ASD. When these images were rated they found males with more symptoms of ASD to be rated as more masculine in appearance.

This finding not only lends support to Baron-Cohen’s theory but also connects physical traits and behaviour through hormonal effects.

Masculine Features Support ‘Extreme Male Brain’ Theory Of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Puzzle solved or am I being autistic.

for every tranny that passes


theres a dozen more that are built like linebackers with jawlines that could cut glass


Sick of seeing Chad trannies with a nicer jawline than me.

Many such cases! am lowkey jealous

When TiMs are confronted or misgendered, they get angry and resort to violence, while TiFs hide and start crying. They can cut off their tits and dick but they can't dig out the socialization (or autism).

Now find a link between autism and transitioning

Autist becomes incel becomes tranny. It's such a common thing Incel wiki has an article on it.


HTTP Error 404 #ableist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #elitist #homophobia #kinkshaming #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia #wingnut kiwifarms.net

The other takeaway that I hope you get is that there are a lot more of us than there are of the Troons.

The left has to use a MASSIVE amount of technology and power to make sure that NO ONE dares even question the Troons publicly in any capacity that they control.

That doesn't make people support the trannies. It just makes people be silent. This is intentional, it's them trying to force a consensus, force the overton window to change, because no one can ever disagree with the left's demands upon us.

The GamerGate sub on reddit flat out banned all discussion of trannies because of the pedo tranny admin constantly fucking with them trying to build up a case that they could take to the other admins and force them to let "xer" take them down. You should consider the topic banned for you on social media, too, because until the pendulum swings back, expressing that opinion is going to get you flagged as an enemy and targeted for destruction.

Meanwhile every single person, every single normal human being, that sees a tranny is instantly and openly repulsed by it. We have instincts, instincts that immediately fire off when we see something that looks like a human but isn't ... quite... right. It's the source of the Uncanny Valley effect, the reason Zombies and Skeletons are a primal fear, and the reason that outside of people with a fetish, no one wants to be in the same room as a tranny for more than 10 minutes. This is a perfectly normal reaction to an insane man in a dress trying to dress up as some sort of pornographic fever dream of what a female is supposed to be, and everyone, EVERYONE, has it.

But until the left loses their grapple hold over cultural and social power in the US -- which is coming, believe me -- then we have to deal with them using trannies as the excuse as to why the gay lobby doesn't have to fuck off and leave us alone now that they ostensibly got everything they wanted (except the ability to fuck kids, but for some reason we just keep pushing back against that).

Bill Sweet/Gideon #conspiracy #ufo #wingnut #ableist justpaste.it

Bill: So they are happy to kill off all the vaccinated. But why do they want the unvaccinated trapped and kept alive so bad?

Gideon: “We think it’s an order that has come from the other side.”

Bill: What other side?

Gideon: “The afterlife. The astral plane.”

Bill: Ok, I need a moment. The astral plane. An order from the astral plane?

Gideon: “Yes. Because a war is being fought in the spiritual realm, but that war has a boundary. It cannot pass into our realm.”

Bill: A war, ok. Well, can you explain the astral plane to me first.

Gideon: “It’s much like our world, but ephemeral. The laws of physics are different. More like a dreamworld, but oppressive, dirty and dark."

Bill: I have a thousand questions, but I’m going to just accept that for now, the astral plane. Ok, the astral plane has a war going on, and they need unvaccinated people trapped in this Earthly plane. Why?

Gideon: “Because if they keep unvaccinated souls trapped here, it means they starve the army of the righteous on the other side. It means the war going on there will be won by the cabal, because no new souls will join the Creator to fight them.”

Bill: That is a lot to take in. But wait, they just killed Billions, who now passed over to the afterlife. The afterlife must be full of new people!

Gideon: “It is! But think of who they killed, Bill. Who? The sheep. So the cabal’s numbers on the other side have been greatly bolstered, while the army of the righteous will be starved, because none of the unvaccinated will pass on.”

Bill: Ok, ok, I get it. Oh, my God this is insane. I always wondered why they would want to kill off their own sheep! Now we know why, or at least, this is what you’re saying is why.

Gideon: “They don’t need those sheep here anymore, they need them in the afterlife.”

Bill: The Guardians were not kidding when they said the most evil plan of all time. There’s nothing more diabolical than this.

Stonetoss #ableist #dunning-kruger #wingnut stonetoss.com

(Submitter’s note: while Stonetoss is normally a reprehensible person with toxic garbage views, this comic hits on a particular bugaboo of mine that seems to happen on all sides, not just with right wing assholes like Stonetoss: shaming people with mental illness into going off their meds.)

Best Disinfectant


spoiler1st panel:

Duck-person with blue and white hair in a purple shit, holding a pill bottle: “I’m a big advocate for mental health”

2nd panel: Duck-person with green shirt, walking stick, and camping/hiking gear: “Hell yeah. Isn’t nature and sunshine great?”

3rd panel: Duck-person with purple shirt looks visibly uncomfortable, as if this idea either never occurred to them or they are somehow adverse to it.

Incels Wiki #ableist #dunning-kruger #homophobia #pratt #racist #sexist #transphobia incels.wiki

Homocel hypothesis


The homocel hypothesis is a model of male homosexuality that suggests that inceldom coupled with the blackpill (social exclusion, sexual frustration and hopelessness) eventually causes gayness. A similar model about "peripheralized" men (incels) making themselves into the female to get some crumbs from higher status men[1] has been proposed by clinical psychologist Frank Muscarella in 2001 (alliance formation theory).[2]

Another related model is the trans-vestigiality hypothesis which states that incels turn gay and feminine to evade aggression from larger males, and then steal their mating opportunities as "sneaker males".


Resources are scarcer and hence more important in harsh ecologies such as the winter in Northern/Eastern hemispheres, so one would expect k-selected males there to exhibit more homocel and homosocial behavior to get some crumbs in dire conditions. Evidence for this may be that U.S. Asians are three times more likely to report a homosexual orientation than the country's average.[9] Homosexual orientation is in fact also related to IQ.[10]

Since autists overwhelmingly are socially excluded, have low social status and frequently experience inceldom, the homocel theory may explain why autists are 10x more likely to be homosexual,[12] or to transition to another gender, with research finding much higher rates and severity of autism among transsexuals.[13] Disabled men are also twice as likely to have an alternative sexual orientation.[14]

66% of men who were homosexual change their orientation to heterosexual five years later which might point to homocels seeing opportunities to ascend in accordance with Muscarella's alliance formation theory.[15]

Prussian Society of America #ableist #racist #wingnut prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "A Case Study in Humans who love Disabled, Ugly and worthless people"]

My Philosophy for a Happy Life” TEDxMidAtlantic, October 2013

Progeria is not a condition, it is a different species of Humanoids, nevertheless, Sam Berns is a Jew

It is most excessively apparent in the Americans, and this is why I repeatedly state that Americans are a Nation of Losers, who love Slavery and Bondage, and have an inner streak of Self-Hatred of which they project everywhere

Take a Glance at the comments, and you will see and understand the hysterical obsession and religious nuances being spoken by these obsessed freaks who want to claim someone is beautiful[…]and to claim they are a “good person”[…]
Why isn’t a Beautiful Musician or Band who creates Beautiful Music given such statements of worship and inspiration?[…]
One commenter writes:

Charlie Pecto: You are a beautiful human being Sam! .. I am sharing this video of yours to my 19 year old son who is facing challenges emotionally and mentally but can’t quiet win over these challenges! Thank you so much for sharing your philosophies

For one, he is not beautiful, and the fact that the commenter needs to imply of him being a “Human Being” just shows how unnatural the emotion and statement behind it all is[…]
Rhere is a Musician I know of, beautiful inside and out, of whom someone was making an attempt to attack during their musical career, and for everything this Musician did do or didn’t do, and she was accused of all kinds of ridiculous theories as to her disdain with things. A lot of her personal works were also ruthlessly rejected by Record Companies, deemed too “Nationalistic”[…]
It’s just as silly as the cult following that the Autistic Demon girl Greta Thunberg has[…]
It is also demonstrative of how much Americans are in love with Jewry and has absolutely no Discernment or set of Standards

Andrew S. Fischer #ableist #wingnut lewrockwell.com

In New Jersey not long ago, I went to play miniature golf with my fiance. I’ll call the place “Golfville.” After we’d paid, we discovered that the course consisted of nothing but flat, straight, unchallenging par-2 holes. I immediately complained to the management, and the response was that a NJ law requires any new miniature golf course to be wheelchair accessible!

In other words, I mused, only crappy miniature golf courses can now be built – which means no one who isn’t handicapped will want to play, effectively killing the pastime – just so a handful of theoretical miniature golf “diehards on wheelchairs” can play.


I understand the desire to include the disabled in recreational activities, and this is not a bad idea. (I’m sure that if I were wheelchair-bound I’d be complaining about all the things I couldn’t do and all the places I couldn’t go. Would I have the right, however, to demand access to everywhere I feel like going?) What I don’t understand is that the federal government has any business telling mini-golf entrepreneurs what they can and can’t do with their own property, that it can define what a “socially integrated experience” is, and then it can force all of this down everyone’s throat in order to include a small minority which may or may not have any interest in the activity in the first place.

If there were, in fact, a demand for wheelchair-accessible mini-golf courses, wouldn’t businesspeople be building them? The disabled from miles and miles around would descend like locusts upon such places, and their owners would make fortunes! Forced compliance would be unnecessary if the need actually existed.

So, as old mini-golf courses wear out and new ones are built, nine holes out of eighteen will be tepid at best, effectively killing the fun for the non-disabled 99% of players. An alternative would be to build two courses, one for the disabled and one for the non-disabled. Twice as expensive to build, but too bad for the entrepreneur…. Of course, all of this will really improve people’s attitudes toward the handicapped.

ecotecLife #ableist #transphobia #dunning-kruger kiwifarms.net

At the root of transgenderism is cluster B personality disorders. One of the symptoms of cluster B's... these people attach themselves to random fads or political causes they see in the media to an extreme extent, because they don't have a normal "identity" - IE, long-term hobbies, goals, and interests.

The tranny fad is just the latest thing to be literal crack for BPD's, like the scene/emo trend and third wave feminism before it.

These people also can't regulate their emotions or participate in nuanced discussions because that's literally how BPD works. This is why they can't hold jobs, can't into relationships, or do anything beyond sex work.

BPD tranny sees someone misgendering ChrisChan on Twitter, immediately they take it as a personal attack because it's all they have (like telling an autistic kid you think trains are boring), and their emotions shoot to 100.

Read this over and over again as much as you need to.

Spider #ableist #dunning-kruger #sexist #racist incels.is

I dunno about a beta uprising, but -something- is going to happen within our lifetime.

Autism Statistics You Need To Know in 2022

Let's not be retarded here, autism doesn't exist. Anyone here could get an autism diagnosis if they really wanted to. Autism is just what the normies say we have because they can't comprehend that someone has the capability to be so socially retarded without there being something physically wrong inside your head. The fact that men are 4x as likely to get diagnosed is proof of this.

Supposedly we're on track to over half of kids being diagnosed by 2025 and only increase from there. Literally by definition it's not a disorder at that point, it's the norm. Here's another fun stat; only 5% of diagnosed autists ever find love and get married, despite the overwhelming majority wanting to have a relationship.

Combine those two and jesus fucking christ bros, we're on a runaway train towards critical mass here. I only used stats that are easy to prove, who the hell knows how many outliers like us there are.

Realistically I expect nothing to happen until the autistic generation who were raised by smartphones get to be voting age. Socially stunted losers aren't exactly going to cause a fuss and foids will be more than happy to keep fucking the top 20%. But honestly who knows, maybe the alt right will own the government and start killing jews and kikes again by that point.

retards don't produce offspring.

u right, good thing abortion is gone so all those staceys will be forced to birth autistic kids

Jason Klop #ableist #crackpot #quack disqus.com

The lawyer for a Fraser Valley naturopath facing investigation for his business selling fecal microbiota transplants to families of autistic children argued in a B.C. courtroom Tuesday that his client isn't obligated to follow scientific evidence.

Naturopath Jason Klop was in B.C. Supreme Court petitioning for a judge to order the College of Naturopathic Physicians to end its investigations into his business and lift his ban on manufacturing, advertising and selling pills and enemas made from human feces.

Gratl suggested a lack of scientific evidence for the use of fecal microbiota transplants (FMT) to treat autism isn't necessarily relevant in this case.

In explaining the ban, the college has said Klop may be engaged in conduct unbecoming of a naturopathic physician, but lawyer Jason Gratl argued that's difficult to prove in a field with somewhat nebulous boundaries and relatively few restrictions.

"In certain respects, naturopaths may rely on science, but they are not bound by science," Gratl said.
He explained that naturopathic practices can instead be based on anecdotes or historical knowledge, and later pointed out that the field includes homeopathy, "which some say involves magical thinking [and is] certainly non-scientific at its core."

Right now, FMT is only approved in Canada and the U.S. for treatment of recurrent C. difficile infection that hasn't responded to other therapies, but research is underway into a wide range of other possible applications.

Doctors and scientists have warned that, at the moment, any other use of this emerging therapy is experimental and carries serious risk of infection, while people with autism have denounced Klop's procedure as an unproven treatment that puts vulnerable children in danger.

Pizza Cutter Award

All edge and no point

gr33nsp4n #ableist #psycho #elitist ytmnd.com

(Note: The original comment was deleted but another user quoted it)

The best eugenics movement anyone could ever undertake would be to wipe shittarded aspie autistics like you from the face of the earth. A fucking firestorm. Take your fucking fidget spinners away, disconnect you from your precious internet and shitposting OCD bullshit on ytmnd or reddit or 4chan or wherever you shitcocks try to hide online. March you all into camps, gas you, burn you alive, cut your fingers and arms off, feed them to animals right in front of you, smother you with pillows, throw you in boiling pots of oil, drown you in shit filled sewers, bury you alive in piles elephant shit, run you over with tractors and trucks, shoot your bodies with arrows and spears and blowgun darts like little fucking aspie pin cushions. You all deserve it.

There's no "cure" for you drooling shit fuckers. Only a solution.

Two Anons #ableist #crackpot #elitist #sexist boards.4chan.org

(UN Anon)
Female Domination in Humanity Now Appearing

In the wild females of the animal species are the biggest, the best at hunting and most violent compared to the male counterpart.
In the primitive age women had to deal with with both hunting and cooking which gave rise to the male dominance.
Human females have been held down and not allowed to grow into their natural forms.

Now with technology and the males being more at ease the females are now evolving into what they originally should have been.

Notice that females are getting bigger and more violent as well while the males are shrinking and becoming more docile.
The ones afraid of this are now making stuff like artificial wombs and sex dolls because they have lost their dominance.
Most of Asia is currently seeing a female dominated growth.
The future is 9:1 female to male.

>but testosterone
Female also have it and they have more estrogen which is the reason mothers are protective and violent while mood swings are also caused by this.
Females are biologically more violent and aggressive than males if not held down from birth.

The males are mostly the ones that show off and try to get attention, entire species devoted to just showing off and look beautiful.
Sound familiar? Another example of males reversing the order of nature.
The good thing it is being fixed now, look at all the girly boys today and how many more women become tomboys

(Gadsden Anon)
Utterly retarded thread gazing into the imagination of a 90 point IQ idiot who can't use google to check up utterly retarded hypothesis.

>females are getting bigger and more violent
No, the educated women who're tall and work are getting genocided and replaced by women who're passive and are essentially mentally retarded. The gap between man and women is increasing.


Women, precisely RIGHT NOW, are evolving to be more dependable on men. Women are selected to be small, passive, and retarded, ironically precisely during "egalitarian" times. Tall educated women are literally being genocided, birth rate bellow 1 child per couple.

[deleted account] #ableist #crackpot #elitist #psycho #sexist thepinkpill.co

Men's natural inferiority


1. Have 80°C less peripheral vision than women. Guess who’ll survive a stealth attack?

3. Have less accurate sense of smell and literally every wild animal marks territory through scent of their urine. Guess who must have led stone age human nomadic tribes?

9. Are more hive-minded. Guess whose better suited for innovation?

11. Experience less sexual pleasure. The clit alone contains around twice the amount of nerve endings as the entire penis…so you can guess.

12. Are less likely to be team players. They try to outdo and minimize others generally as opposed to women who lift each other up.

15. Are total disasters when it comes to sensory deprivation tests.

All this …and everything other commentators have said.

Men aren’t made to survive.

Men aren’t as essential for the survival of the species as women are. So mother nature didn’t bless her sons with the skills to survive.

The only thing women created that didn’t serve humanity are men.

Males are nothing more than their flesh. You die first, because you are disposable meat meant to be sacrificed for the worthier population. You are meant to live and die for us, instead of us. We will outlive you and perhaps even feed on you if necessary. Your existence is inherently less meaningful and necessary than any woman. We survive drought and hunger, we survive diseases, our genetics are mostly immune to the horrific abnormalities caused by the lack of a second X chromosome. You will see men with disgustingly mutated and broken beyond belief bodies at a much higher rate than women. The death of a woman is a loss great enough to pose a treat of extinction to the primal community. God was created from our image. Man is a walking dildo at best. You are taller and meatier than us because you have nothing else to contribute. Now go on, carry rocks with those strong arms. Run with your long legs but don’t complain when you need to be disposed of.

5arge #ableist #elitist #pratt #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Autistic people are not illegal, but we don't pass special snowflake laws for them just because they are socially awkward. Pay for your own therapies, or hide in the basement.

All of the autistic people I grew up with got NO THERAPY and NO SPECIAL TREATMENT. When I was a kid, they were just called "retarded" as if that was ok to label another human. I never treated anyone poorly because of their developmental disabilities. They are people, just a little different, but still people. That being said, OP is a fucking leech. A human parasite. Looking for handouts because it's just easier to make society pay for your issues, it's their fault for not being understanding of your condition. I will always advocate for people to get the fuck off of Reddit and find a way to pay for their own shit. There are people in greater need, who can't even afford to surf the fucking internet, and those public funds should be reserved for those folks in greatest need. Socially awkward weirdo is not a fucking prognosis worth throwing money at...

Gotta love your virtue signaling though, you are a super awesome person with super great ideas... and you're totally going to change the world by whining on Reddit to strangers.

Oh, I get it, you're in the spectrum yourself. Grow the fuck up kid, it's a tough world out there for NTs too. You can't take offense anytime someone won't kiss your ass because you are special. There are people with deeper problems that are more difficult to overcome out there who are making their best go at it and we will never hear them bitching and complaining because they are too busy getting it done.

Ableism is a word that fucking cowards and weaklings use to shame people who have any success in life despite opposition.

I know enough about autism to know that YOU exemplify the worst kind of person in the spectrum. Selfish, bitter, and high functioning enough to cast judgement on others, but soooooooooooooooooo fucking disabled that everyone needs to provide for your well being, just because. You totally do want your ass kissed, it's pathetic. I'm not a bad person, I don't do bad things to people and you honestly have no clue what kind of husband and father I might be. I just have no problem telling anyone who's got enough going for them that they can hang out on Reddit, that they have enough and don't deserve a handout from the rest of society.

Roosh V #fundie #ableist #conspiracy #sexist rooshv.com

[From "Marrying A Woman With Mental Illness"]

Diagnosable mental illnesses are so commonplace that it’s inevitable for a single man to meet a woman who is “mentally ill.” Should he still consider her as a wife or try to find another woman? This is a difficult decision that must involve God, his priest, and Christian family and friends[…]
Every man and woman born in this fallen world will have severe problems with their passions until they are purified by the Holy Spirit. Maybe you are prone to lust like I[…]
When evaluating a woman with an active passion, you must ask yourself several questions. Is she actively struggling against the passion? Has the passion’s control over her declined from its peak?[…]
Since I have so much experience with pride and anger, I believe I can handle it[…]But how about a woman who is slothful?[…]
To have a passion is not to be mentally ill[…]Medical industry has so broadened the definition of mental illness[…]huge percentage of the population is “verifiably” mentally ill[…]
Many women on anti-depressant medication take it because they are “sad.” Winter came around and they weren’t having fun in life[…]Another woman was “tired” from her busy schedule and didn’t get “enjoyment” out of casual sex and other secular activities. Another woman started being “depressed” when she couldn’t find an office job she enjoyed. In cases like this, I believe the problem is not mental illness but a lack of Orthodox faith and coping mechanisms[…]
Should you marry an immature woman who is on anti-depressant drugs? How about if she took them in the past but does not take them anymore?[…]
It is my opinion that most people diagnosed with mental illness are merely immature, but there are people with what I’d call “severe mental illness”

Some “losers” #ableist #elitist #sexist wykop.pl

[Note: Translated from Polish original via DeepL. Loser (przegryw) = incel, they know the term but prefer their own. Oskar = Chad and Julka = Stacy, though the second one isn't really needed there.]

( trike )

The extermination of Oskar commenters has begun.

The #przegryw tag has become a source of ego boosting for Oskars. They post pictures of themselves just to get comments that reinforce that they're not losers. I don't know what the fuck you guys are doing here, if your posts are all about crying for attention and bragging about how much better your lives are than ours, you're pissing me off, a while ago I didn't care, but now I'm blackballing every plastic bastard who wants to boost his self worth with our suffering. Out of the tag k**wy.

( Powiew_morskiej_bryzy )

There should be some kind of verification of who is a real loser. And then have the account verified and confirmed. Otherwise it will be over for the tag. #przegryw

( BrockLanders )

Everyone here thinks he is a real loser and judges by his own yardstick.

One earns 5k, has a car and lives for free with his parents, but has no one to go for a beer with and has never touched a girl and considers himself a loser.

Another earns the minimum wage in a 3-shift kolkhoz and rents a flat with Ukrainians in the district, because he had to move out because of his pathological parents, but the first one will tell him in advance to get the fuck out of the tag, because he had a girlfriend in high school.

And the third one recently split up after a 10-year relationship, hasn't moved in six months, realised that the market situation is fucked up and tags #przegryw xD

( dizzy126 )

- no sex (paid sex does not count)
- ugly face, but really ugly
- mental illness
- severe family problems
- obesity
- involuntary unemployment or kolkhoz with little prospect of improvement
- physical illnesses making it difficult to function normally (including mutilations etc.)
- under 180 cm tall
- social phobia

You need at least 3.

VaxInjuredXennial #ableist #quack reddit.com

(responding to the claim that vaccines don’t cause autism)

No offense, but that is UTTER BULLSHIT!

There is NO WAY IN HELL that "better diagnosing" accounts for autism going from 1 in 10,000 in the 1980s to 1 in 68 today. Not to mention the explosion of profoundly autistic kids who even Special Ed teachers since the 1980s have admitted have risen exponentially since they first started teaching.

And you are delusional if you think there are 1 in 68 people in their 60s and 70s and 80s who are autistic, non-verbal, not toilet trained in society -- and don't feed me the crap that that's because they used to be in institutions. Because most institutions were closed by Reagan in the 80s, so they'd be out in the real world now, and they are NOT. There are NOT 1 in 68 people in their 70s who are non-verbal autistics, because its NOT "better diagnosing" but something else. Something which solely because of profit and the "house of cards" the whole system is built on, the huge pink elephant in the room, is DELIBERATELY IGNORED!

Galit Distel-Atbaryan #ableist #psycho reddit.com

“There is no such thing as autism - it is the avoidance of something, the avoidance of a dynamic social interaction.” @GalitDistel told @moran_azulay about the long journey she went through with her son: “I pulled him by the hair and took him out, I did not let him eat and I did not let him drink, I did not give him anything. He forced himself to learn to speak in order to survive.”

Voluntaryist #racist #ableist reddit.com

Im not racist (unless you use some retarded leftist meaning of the word I guess). I don’t hate people just because they belong to a different race. If I see a normal black person I would treat him like any other normal human but I will not pretend that an average black person is as good as an average white or asian person.

Robert Stacy McCain #transphobia #ableist archive.ph

Here’s an idea: If your child is delusional — in this case, a girl who believes she’s a boy — maybe don’t send them to school. Maybe you should put them in a lunatic asylum. But instead, what is being done in the name of “inclusion” is requiring everyone to participate in the psychotic teenager’s “gender” delusions. You can be fired from your job for refusing to cooperate with this coercive insanity.

Dink Dinklemann #racist #conspiracy #ableist twitter.com

Vaush: If nothing else we can treat this as a reminder that the political compass test is absolutely worthless, though that's probably not new information if your IQ can be expressed in two or more digits

Dink Dinklemann: Mainly we can say communism sucks, and this mentally ill kid doesn't represent anyone.

Meanwhile, your antifa loonies are sharpening sticks all over the country seeing nazis around every tree.

Ultimately, it's too bad people can't talk to each other in the information age.

Nemo: Do you denounce the belief that a cabal of "Cultural Bolsheviks" are trying to destroy "Western" civilization? The belief that motivated the shooter?

Dink Dinklemann: No. That's happening. I wouldn't denounce the shooter's opinion that the Sun rises in the East and set in the West either. His murdering doesn't make all of his points invalid. It is his decision to kill people that is to be denounced. You know, mental illness is complicated.

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