Athena Kerry #conspiracy #racist

In a discussion on the immigration riots of recent months, my philosophy professor said, completely seriously, "Well, I've noticed that most of the people who have a problem with immigration are conservatives from the American Southwest. Why don't we just give it back to Mexico?"

As a daughter of Texas and a Southerner, I am used to hearing slurs directed at my home state and section. It seems to be one of the few forms of prejudice permissable on campus. I call the anti-Texas variant "Texism."

But my professor's statement was not only inaccurate, it was treasonous.

I walked out and stomped around outside for a while to calm down.

On the other hand, this statement is an accurate reflection of university liberalism. And it doesn't just affect the Southwest. For example, I have never heard anything other that criticism of the way the United States grew. I've never heard a defense of "Manifest Destiny." It's all happening in a university near you. I have a feeling that even Texans are falling short in this battle.

The facts: Texas and the southwest were won by a rebellion after Santa Ana rescinded the Constitution of 1824 and asserted dictatorial control over the settlers there. It was not acquired through American conquest as some multiculturalists try to suggest. And as far as resident population is concerned, the Anglo-American "Texians" far outnumbered the Hispanic "Tejanos", who were never more than a minor presence.

Give it back? I don't think so.

Instead of rolling over and "admitting" that the southwest should belong to Mexico, we should do one thing: Remember San Jacinto!

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia

I believe that there are some who genuinely feel that they are the opposite gender. However, I had always imagined that such people were adults when they decided on that path. Now here was my teenager telling me that he wanted to be a girl. And as I began to devour everything I could on the subject I became very disturbed at just how widespread and insidious the gender issue had become and how apparently intelligent, professional people were encouraging it amongst our kids.

We went to my son's doctor to talk over the situation and get advice. He was unsympathetic to my worries. He couldn't discuss my son, he said. Anything they talked about would be confidential; he was over 16 . Basically he could do what he liked was the message I received. We left with a referral to a gender clinic.

When we finally were given an appointment at the clinic (it took several months) my son was immediately affirmed, and called by his preferred pronouns and his new name. I was told that, when asked, he had said that he had been suicidal and had thought of harming himself. I didn’t believe this; I was convinced that he had been coached. Of course, the old chestnut ‘would I rather have a live daughter than a dead son?’ was trotted out, though at that stage I didn’t know that this is a story repeatedly told to parents who question the process.

James Edwards and Dr. Virginia Abernethy #racist #crackpot

[From “Virginia Abernethy Q and A”]

What follows is an interview conducted by James Edwards with Dr. Virginia Abernethy[…]
Edwards: Many of your published works have dealt with the topics of population and culture[…]How would you summarize your findings?
Abernethy: People have more children when they foresee expanding opportunity, and fewer if they anticipate scarcity and shrinking opportunity. Immigrants see more opportunities[…]so they have a higher fertility rate[…]
Immigration leads to population growth not only in the United States but also worldwide. The world now has over eight billion people. Ecologists suggest that the long-term[…]carrying capacity of the world is two and a half billion
E:[…]What is the average American not considering about the threats of a rapidly ballooning population?
A:[…]Immigrants may have vastly different cultures than what is valued here. What if rule of law is foreign to them? What happens if women are considered second-class? What happens when equality of opportunity is not valued? Does our America survive?[…]
Legal and illegal immigrants consume, on average, a disproportionate amount of resources spent on social safety and welfare programs. Given the huge national debt and limited State budgets, more for immigrants results in less support for native-born Americans
E:[…]Wy has the government allowed mass immigration that has driven a cultural and economic change that has been detrimental to most Americans?
A:[…]Democrats think that they can make immigrants dependent on them through welfare and social safety net programs, guaranteeing Democratic electoral victories as far as the eye can see. And “country club” Republicans want the cheap labor[…]
E: You have previously described yourself as an ethnic separatist. Why is this both a perfectly natural and healthy position?
A: Experience and history show that people like to be with “their own”; and are comfortable with their own kind

Bill Maher #conspiracy #homophobia

"Contrary to current progressive dogma, children aren't miniature adults wise beyond their years. They're morons," he pointed. out. "They're gullible morons who will believe anything and just want to please grown-ups, and they don't have any frame of reference, so they normalize whatever is happening. That's why endlessly talking about gender to six-year-olds isn't just inappropriate."

For example, after 9/11, there were several cases of overzealous federal agents leading sad losers into terrorist plots like the undercover FBI agent who got seven out-of-work dudes in Liberty City, FL, to sign onto a plot to bomb the Sears Tower in Chicago. Oh please, these guys didn't even have a gun, but when someone said, "Wouldn't it be cool if we taught the man a lesson and blew something up?" They said, "Yeah, that would be kind of cool!"

Entrapment, suggesting someone into something they wouldn't otherwise do. And if you think some of that isn't going on with gender in schools, you're not watching enough TikTok videos.

There's a certain kind of activist these days who wants to take heterosexuality, old school, old fashioned, boring, minding its own business heterosexuality, and lump it in with patriarchy and sexism and racism and tell kids, "Wouldn't it be cool if you were anything but that?" It also seems to be the theme of kind of a lot of kids' books these days. I never used the phrase "gay agenda" because I thought it was mostly nonsense, and it is, mostly.

If something about the human race is changing at a previously unprecedented rate, we have to at least discuss it. Broken down over time, the LGBT population of America seems to be roughly doubling every generation.” He then cited a Gallup poll that showed that less than 1% of Americans born before 1946 identify as LGBT, 2.6% of Boomers, 4.2% of Generation X, 10.5% of Millennials, and 20.8% of Gen Z.

“If we follow this trajectory, we will all be gay in 2054,”

Dairugger #transphobia

Let's look at the logic with this whole pronoun nonsense let's say, for the sake of argument, you're a manager of, let's say, 50 employees and a 1/3, roughly 17, of those employees have preferred pronouns can you imagine the confusion in that when I business promotes that nonsense regardless of ESG?

Anthony Murano #racist #conspiracy #pratt

>White people can't claim racism when something doesn't go their way.
>Police don't need to go through special training to deal with white people due to sensitivities in their community.
>White people can't get a job or scholarship based on their skin color or ethnic background.
>White people aren't allowed to say terms like "black privilege" or "black pandering"; yet terms such as "white privilege" or "white mediocrity" are acceptable.
>White people aren't allowed to say anything negative about someone that's not white because then that person is a "bigoted racist" but other races can crap on white people, and nothing is said to them.

So who are the privileged ones?

Unicorn #transphobia

Green Party split from group at centre of trans row
Mass consumption is like one of the core parts of transgenderism. How is a party that claims to be "green" for it?

Transgenderism is literally like, throw out your wardrobe and buy all new clothes that conform to the gender stereotypes of the opposite sex (or some random mishmash of clothes if one is "nonbinary"), buy binders, buy packers, buy silicone chests, buy makeup, buy wigs, buy puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, which produce more plastic waste from all their packaging, buy cosmetic surgeries, which fill one up with plastic and there is so many "one time use" plastics involved in surgeries to keep things sterile.

It doesn't make sense to me.

Charlie Kirk and Jeremy Carl #racist #conspiracy

On the Apr. 16, 2024 episode of his Rumble show,[…]Charlie Kirk interviewed Jeremy Carl — a Senior Fellow at the[…]Claremont Institute who authored a book bemoaning “anti-white racism”

Charlie Kirk: So let’s get back into the anti-white racism. How do we then best fight back and withstand the criticism where they’re gonna say this is just a whitelash, or this is just you being a white nationalist?
Jeremy Carl: Right. Well I mean the simple answer to the white nationalist question is I’m just — I’m not[…]I mean there should be a backlash against the fact that there being racists, because that’s good[…]You shouldn’t be able to be racist without accountability. So I don’t have any problem with that
But I think there’s lots of different tactics. Whether it’s lawfare[…]we need to really re-look at how we’ve enforced civil rights laws[…]I’m not saying that because I think we need to relitigate the wisdom of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It was put in at a particular time to solve —
CK: Oh I’ll criticize it
JC: Yeah, yeah. But it’s — but I mean —
CK: That’s Caldwell’s thing
JC:[…]Chris Caldwell is a colleague of mine[…]It’s fine to do that. But I think just as a political strategy, I think if people wanna say ‘Hey, there were absolutely real problems that it was addressing,’ whether you think it did it in the perfect way or not. But we’re as far from that time right now as they were from the Wright brothers. So there’s a lot of things that’ve changed in American society. We’re not worried about people not being served at lunch counters anymore
CK: Yeah, and the Civil Rights Act, though let’s be clear, created a beast. And that beast has now turned into an anti-white weapon
JC: Yeah. And that’s the reality. And so we just need to fundamentally re-look at a lot of our civil rights legal regime. And without that, even though I don’t think it’s sort of the magic bullet, but I think without that there’s limits to the amount of progress we’re gonna make

Brotherofsteel5 #sexist #transphobia

Oh yes! Females custodians! Add wokism in 40k to tell us we must like it!

(By the way have you seen the recents black s library books? Stories of astra militarium, of course, with courageous and braves FEMALES guards. )

Seriously always the same shit: Trying to make us believe "womyns" can do the same things than men, and even, they can do it BETTER.

Oh yes feminists and wokes, you are so badass.

So badass, i can't wait to see liberals libertarians with green hairs- their-prunumis-They/them, who will enlist in armies of westerns countries.

You want to remember the reality? In Europe, the military service was an obligation for every YOUNG MEN, until the 90's.

But not for WOMEN.

Have you heard feminists complaining about it?

And now, just imagine that, with all the mess there are in the world today.

What could happen, if military service, is re-established in western Europe countries?

What if young men MUST be present in caserns when their studies are over?

If that happen, i'm courious to see how somes peoples, so happy to see "strong females characters" , "gender-fluids heroes", or "heroes from diversity" in movies and comics, will react.

I'm sure they will gladly enlist them/shem/theirselves to serve their country, to doing the same things they see in theatres.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia

[From “April 5, 2024: White People”]


Panel 1: Slick is passing in front of a depicting a 1950s-style white man smoking a pipe, a mayo jar and a flour sack while voices are saying “White supremacy”, “White rage” and “White fragility”
Panel 2: The screen show a Neo Nazi, a Klansman, Pepe the Frog and a Christian cross while a voice is saying “deplorable”, “hateful” and “toxic”
Panel 3: The voice says to Slick “But wait” and “There is a way white people can gain mainstream acceptance”
Panel 4: A pink-haired person is riding on a rocket under the slogan “Sodomy”, while a rainbow and a bearded man wearing pigtails are in the background

AndrewC #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

The biblical Exodus took place on Nisan 15 (early morning), 1476 BC, which freed the nation of Israel from physical slavery.

Exactly 3500 years later, (70 Jubilee cycles of 50 years), during the early hours of Wednesday, April 24, (according to the true biblical calendar), the second Exodus will take place, this time freeing modern Israel from financial slavery. (NESARA/GESARA, RV, GCR, etc.) In the process, the head of the snake, the evil, so-called elite (modern Egyptian first born) will also be taken down.

Are the White Hats going to be upset with me because I have revealed the timing of coming events ??

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

The next stage of Cosmic Father’s dark matter template corrections are being made to what has been referred to as the SHA. The SHA is the Godhead’s entire Rishic frequency spectrum of ultra violets throughout our time matrix spanning 15D through 1D frequency waves of magenta, pinks, violets and reds which are currently undergoing major dark matter re-encryptions into the Cosmic Christos Guardian hosting shields with 36D Scepter codes embodied through the Amethyst Order families.

This hosting shield appears to be further embodied in the parallel matrix by the 36D Divine Mother KIRA matrix that comprises the original KA body layers in this time matrix, and this has catalyzed many solar consciousness body retrievals for angelic human dark matter spiritual body parts from out of the Jehovian Dove Grid. The Jehovian Dove Grid is infamous for the crucifixion implants embedded in the 7D Violet Ray axiatonal line of the planetary grid network that is located in the left-hand side female principle of the human body, and designed to destroy the Inner Christ.
The retaliation for uncovering the corrupted dark matter machinery used by the NAA entities for waging clone warfare against the awakening population and Christos Starseeds has erupted into the next stage of AI electronic harassment in which to surveil, harass and to demoralize all deeply spiritual awakening humans that are connected directly to God, and thus are genuine truth seekers, truth tellers, as well as authentic Guardian representatives. The NAA alien contingents want to eradicate all truth frequencies transmitted via God connection by obliterating the authentic truth tellers, their online presence and spiritual communities, and replace them with AI bots, digital twins and assorted AI generated profiles that are used to shadow ban and censor the original authentic individuals.

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy

Do you wonder why “progressive” (i.e. batshit crazy) elite class women seem so unperturbed about the conspicuous number of rapes committed by “newcomers,” as they style illegal border-jumpers these days, who are by an overwhelming percentage “military-age men”? Because, having functionally transformed the ranks of American men into eunuchs, they relish the arrival of so many wild and lustful fellows on the scene, as long as — post the imagined bodice-ripping exploits — they can be dominated and domesticated into so many swimming pool cleaners and busboys to be ordered around.

Of course, much of that archetypal psychodrama is only played out in the batshit crazy mind of batshit crazy women; for the sake of decorum it is never acted-out. The lurid, shameful fantasies are instead displaced onto Donald Trump, the archetypal “Big Daddy” who so insolently evaded the castration shears of Hillary Clinton
It is the way of Homo sapiens that moral codes derive generally from the supervision of fathers in the upbringing of human young and, later on, as children develop into adults, these codes are archetypally re-enacted and enforced by men in the greater social matrix. Why? Because it requires a strong sense of boundaries. Boundaries are the essence of the “patriarchy.” Remove men from the scene, or castrate them politically, and you are sure to end up with a problem knowing right from wrong. We’re apparently subject now to the misrule of women with boundary problems who rebelled against Daddy and never got over it. It’s a peculiar irony — so far unexplicated by the hierophants of social theory — that the more affluent and successful Daddy was, the more he was hated for it by his female offspring.

The result of all that is the Democratic Party of our time as run by the batshit crazy women, fearful of sex and its consequence (babies), paradoxically subject to biological promptings and unable to find suitable mates among the men they’ve turned into eunuchs.

various commenters #transphobia #kinkshaming

Pornhub Wants to Turn Straight Men Gay Says Michael Knowles - Metro Weekly

( Clarus )
Pornhub has been exposed pushing a lot of transgender content, even saying it can help people find their sexual identity.

Over time, we see more and more that most transgender individuals are just perverts created by mass porn-watching, who want to emulate what they see. Porn-addiction is a major factor in transitioning.

( Mandy )
And all of this has gone hand in hand with a societal push not to kink-shame.

I think we need more kink-shaming. Keep it in the bedroom, don't parade it around in public. Let the private stay private.

( Mandy )
Pretty sure it's not possible to "turn someone gay" unless they are that way inclined already.

AGP men are straight men obsessed with becoming the object of their own desires. Other TIMs are gays in denial.

In the same way, a lot of TIFs are yaoi-addled girls and women who yearn for that perfect gay relationship of two equal partners devoted to each other through thick and thin. Or lesbians in denial.

Hypno sissy porn has nothing to do with lesbians, just as yaoi is nothing to do with real gay sex and relationships.

( happy-harpy )
I think that men’s sexuality is more opportunistic than women’s. They famously stick their dicks in anything and prison gay is a thing and all that. Turning people gay is stupid, right-wing fear-mongering but it doesn’t surprise me that porn is warping the sexuality of men who watch it. It’s basically propaganda that you masturbate to.

Allie Beth Stuckey #fundie #wingnut

In light of these Title IX changes I’d like to issue yet another reminder that there is no justification - absolutely none - for any Christian to vote for Joe Biden this November
2:29 AM · Apr 20, 2024 · 179K Views
914 Reposts 48 Quotes 5,909 Likes 61 Bookmarks

Missgiababy #sexist

I believe many, many more men are secretly paedophiles than we actually think. One of the most, if not the most popular porn categories is 'freshly turned 18'. Do people really believe these men's attractions start the day girls turn 18? Of course not, if they're attracted to 18 they're most likely attracted to 17, 16 and so on

Doktor Lucifer #magick #god-complex #conspiracy #mammon

Occult writers and conspiracy theorists both agree that a special relationship exists between Lucifer and the Illuminati. However, no book has ever been written that sufficiently explains how Lucifer is the celestial gatekeeper of the Illuminati Portal used in the rituals of the Elite to establish contact with aliens more commonly known as Watchers.
Only Doktor Lucifer is brave enough to reveal the dark secrets of success. Doktor Lucifer sold his soul to Satan in a blood contract to function in the New Age of Illuminatiam as the most powerful black magick spell caster. Doktor Lucifer speaks with authority. He reveals everything that was purposefully left out of Illuminatiam: The First Testament of the Illuminati, but this information is not for everybody.
If you are actively seeking the Light emanating from of the Illuminati Portal, Doktor Lucifer’s book is a must read. The book compliments his new music single released on iTunes under the same title. In Live Illuminati: Sell Your Soul with Black Magick Spells, the world’s most powerful black magick spellcaster sheds light on the secret of how to follow the Light of the Illuminati Portal, and walk in the footsteps of the most powerful people on the planet.

<$6.66 of course>

Aisling O'Loughlin #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #pratt

Somewhere deep inside of ourselves we all know we’re not on a spinning rock. We know Australia isn’t Down Unda. We know our aussie mates aren’t walking around upside-down and rotating at the same time. We know gravity doesn’t make any sense when applied to vast oceans tipped over and under and swirling. We know how water works. It always finds its level within a container. Sea level is there for all to see. There is no curvature of the earth. We’re stationary. The sun, moon and the stars move around us. It’s not rocket science. Although it kind of is if you study the way a rocket curves and lands.

Thing is, we’ve been trained not to trust our God-given intelligence. Leave it to the experts. To Hollywood. To NASA. Our tiny little brains couldn’t possibly understand. It doesn’t matter that it makes no sense. It’s science! Where have we heard that before? Trust the science.

Well no. I don’t trust the science one little bit. Especially Jesuit science. The heliocentric model is a fraud in my book. Let’s throw in evolution, dinosaurs and Einstein’s theory of relativity while we’re at it. Nope. Not buying them. Call me a heretic all you like. Sane people have been thrown into lunatic asylums for less. I’ll do my own research and draw my own conclusions. Laugh. Mock. Snarl. Threaten. I don’t care. I will honour my innate intelligence. I refuse to believe absurdities.

People say, ‘Who cares?’ What does it matter? We have more important things to discuss right now’. I care. It matters. It exposes the foundational lie that all the other scientism lies were built upon. The Galileo inquisition from 1616 was a show trial. Shady members of the Vatican were in on it, playing devil’s advocate in order to promote the false perception of reality and rewrite astrological history. The aim: To discredit the Bible which places a stationary earth under a ‘firmament’. Snort all you like. This spiritual battle isn’t for softies. Discernment required.

Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph.D. & Janet Kira Lessin #crackpot #ufo #racist #dunning-kruger #conspiracy

General Abraham slavishly obeyed the Nibiran Enlil, Commander of the goldmining expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth.

Enlil hid the vision that led him to choose Abraham as general of his cavalry. Abraham descended from our hybrid Homo Erectus-Nibiran-Homo sapien ancestors who slaved for the Nibirans. Nibiran scientists on Earth–Enki, Ninmah and Ningishzidda created our species. Their fellow mining personnel trained us hybirds to serve them in their temples, gardens, harems and armies. Abraham descended directly from Ziusudra (Noah), the son of Nibiran Chief Scientist Enki and Ziusudra’s son Shem.
Enlil chose Abraham, a Royal of Ur, who had married his half-sister, Princess Sarai (her name’s later changed to SARAH) as his principle Earthling agent. Abraham descended from Ziusudra’s son Shem, was perfect to re-establish Enlil’s rule of Canaan, protect Sinai and rule the Hamites.

Abraham’s father Terah served as High Priest in charge of Astronomical knowledge at the temple of Enlil’s son Nannar in Sumer’s capital, Ur. Terah trained son Abraham for unquestioned obedience to Enlil.

Enlil ran the gold transshipment to Nibiru and led the ENLILITES, the dominant lineage on Earth. Enlilites were the senior lineage in Nibiru’s Royal Clan descended from Nibiru’s King ANU.

Enlil commissioned Abraham to defeat the hybrid armies of Enlil’s rivals–the ENKIITE lineage (also within the Anu clan) on Earth. The Enkiites were led by Enlil’s half-brother Enki, Enki’s son Marduk and their descendants.

Enlil ordered Abraham, Regain control of Canaan and keep Marduk and the Enkiites from the Spaceport.

A vision from GALZU, Emissary of the Galactic Federation motivated Enlil to commission Abraham as his top general. Galzu ordered Enlil to choose Abraham, programmed to obey Enlil, to stop advances and preaching in Canaan and the Mediterranean ports by Marduk’s son NABU (also known as Ensag) that could win the Sinai Spaceport for the Enkiites.

Larry Tomczak #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

Imagine an America where people hated sin as much as they hated other people. Gathering with nearly 200 Christians and Jews for a solidarity event in Nashville, a leader suggested we change “anti-Semites” to “Jew haters” to drive home the seriousness of hatred.

“Don’t mess with me about hate for Trump!” declared Nancy Pelosi. She’s not alone. Politicians, celebrities, late-night hosts and commentators do it daily with the election months away.
The brutal reality is that this is the state of multitudes in America today. Sad to say, this describes many professing Christians who say they identify as “Trump haters,” with scores seemingly ignorant or oblivious to the dangerous direction of our country.
We hear hateful remarks every day. Has this become some kind of merit badge people proudly wear?

Have we drifted so far from our core values of respect, civility and honor toward individuals and leaders with whom we differ that we must lower ourselves to embarrassing levels of contempt, disdain and vitriolic name-calling?

Have we become so accustomed to profanity-laced attacks, rage and insults permeating our public discourse that we simply shrug our shoulders, wince and think, “Well that’s just the way it is today?”
Before we plummet to more dangerous levels of hostility, engendering the brewing societal civil war, we must stop and remind ourselves how seriously God views this escalating hatred. It’s demonically inspired, unacceptable, designed to destroy the fabric of our nation—and it is serious sin. The soon-to-be-released movie “Civil War” brings home this reality in a profound way.

Almighty God hates not people but sin! He is long-suffering but eventually will judge it and punish those who habitually practice it. He’s especially sensitive to those identifying as Christians yet hypocritical with hateful speech.

Natalia Alba #magick #ufo #conspiracy #quack

As starseeded souls the majority of you came with an already activated sixth or seventh-dimensional template, to be able to fulfill your purpose on earth. Depending on your lineage you have certain DNA strands already activated, to assist the earth raise its frequency, help the earth’s grids restoration project, and many other different roles that require your connection to other dimensions, through your DNA strands, as everything is connected as multidimensional beings.

At this time many of you are being assisted by etheric surgeons in the process of light body recalibration that is taking place in many of you. The template of a starseeded one is commonly activated between the fifth and seventh-dimensional strands. Our mission is to activate and reestablish these connections to descend the healing codes and assistance required to serve our earth plane.
My Guides share today the importance of asking for etheric surgery to your benevolent guides, for we need it in specific ascension stages, to remove implants, imprints, and solar plexus programs related to our masculine essence, especially at this time of divine masculine retrieval and healing, and any other non-benevolent essences from our light bodies, to continue upgrading our template.
The Arcturians and evolved Orion beings are wonderful etheric surgeons who are helping many to remove the many distortions in their template, which together with our inner work, result in the total reconfiguration of our original template.

The Arcturians are usually helping those to recalibrate their seventh-dimensional body channels, as they dwell in this same dimension, and their light technology is incredibly evolved. Orion, are helping many to work with their masculine energies, solar plexus, and sixth-dimensional channels, helping them restore them to embody more plasma and heal the distorted masculine.

Priya, Hemant and Preeti #fundie #psycho

The body of Mahesh Gupta, aged 44, was discovered at the residence of Priya, identified as the primary suspect, late on Wednesday. Priya, along with her brother Hemant and sister-in-law Preeti, were apprehended by the police on Friday in connection with the murder. Gupta, a resident of Kacha Bazaar Ambala Cantt and the proprietor of a local shop, sustained injuries to his legs and behind his ears, as per authorities

During police interrogations, the suspects revealed that they targetted the shopkeeper for a human sacrifice. She claimed that a goddess had been appearing in her dreams over the past few days, demanding a human life. Gupta's brother narrated that Gupta regarded Priya as his sister and had gone to deliver goods from his shop to her house on Wednesday. Concerned when he did not return and was unreachable by phone, the family initiated a search and involved the authorities. Subsequently, Gupta's scooter was found near Priya's residence, leading to the discovery of the crime

Upon entering Priya's house, Gupta's brother and others observed Priya, Preeti, and Hemant attempting to move an unconscious Gupta on the floor with a scarf around his neck. Gupta was rushed to a hospital but was pronounced dead upon arrival

Lydia Netzer #ableist

The conflicted behaviours of AS; the so-called “cuteness” and then extreme bullying which is noted by Lydia Netzer; are present throughout that person’s life. These behaviours carry into all close relationships.

Autism is not cute in the privacy of their own home. It is tyrannical and controlling; all “cuteness”, charm they display outside the home completely disappears. This is the Jekyll and Hyde described by Prof Tony Attwood. Their prompt dependence is never acknowledged by them, like Lydia’s son has, and when they are helped by a spouse/partner they become angry and they bully and berate that person. Conflict and chaos are what happens when AS is involved.

It would be very helpful if AS adults admit that his/her spouse helps them cope with life.

Dale Partridge #dunning-kruger #elitist #enbyphobia #fundie #interphobia #homophobia #sexist #transphobia

Jesus and My Gender: Affirming Your Child's God-Given Gender


In this rhyming book for children ages 3-10, pastor Dale Partridge masterfully lays out a cohesive theological presentation of biblical gender. The content of each page is supported by Scripture references and, at the end of the book, is a 5-question biblical catechism to instill these truths in the minds of young people.


Before the creation of the world, God designed boys and girls.


God said boys and girls are equal, before their lord in soul, but they were made uniquely, with completely different roles.


The crown of girls is quickly seen when people start comparing - a special privilege given them: the blessing of childbearing. The female body is extraordinary, the boys cannot relate. The girls can carry babies amd nurture those they make.


He built his boys for rough and play, just how they ought to be. They’d pounce and battle for the day, and even jump from trees! He made them strong to guard their friends, to protect the weak, and make amends.

Wayne Allyn Root quoting nephew #magick #wingnut

My nephew is a young doctor in California. He recently graduated medical school after being born with severe physical disabilities. He is a walking miracle and testament to the power of faith and prayer. For the past decade of college, medical school, and medical internship in California, everyone he met was a liberal Trump-hater.

48 hours ago, my nephew the doctor was working at a medical office in Los Angeles and he witnessed what he describes as a “supernatural miracle.” The news came on the television in the doctors office. The topic was Trump’s primary landslide in Michigan. He was expecting either groans, or hatred from everyone in the office. But then he witnessed something that shocked him like never before…

Someone in the office cheered Trump. And then another. And another. Soon the entire medical office was cheering and celebrating President Trump. Everyone. Patients, staff, doctors. Once they realized it was safe to express support for Trump, everyone let it all out. Everyone admitted they are on Trump’s side. In Los Angeles.

My nephew the doctor said, “Uncle Wayne, it was a miracle. I never thought I’d ever see anything like this. Something supernatural is happening.”

There’s those words again- “supernatural” and “miracle.”

Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut

The VAST majority of people in American believe late-term abortion should be illegal. Over 80%.

The majority of people in American believe second trimester abortion should be illegal. Over 60%.

Contrary to the lies propagated by the left, over 60% of women who get abortions feel coerced by a man to get one.

The reason women cite most often for getting abortions is… convenience.

It’s atrocious. We should not accept this as a society.

I don’t care if this is a “winning” or “losing” political issue. It’s an issue of right and wrong. A genocide for which we will answer to our Creator. What do you want your answer to be?

If, instead of trying to compromise with evil, we loudly articulated WHAT abortion actually is, when life begins, culturally expected present fathers, and provided women with loving community and support to care for her child, maybe it wouldn’t be a losing political issue after all.

We must ban abortion. And if you’re afraid to say it, let alone politically enact it, stop & ask yourself why.
2:05 AM · Apr 9, 2024 · 63.2K Views
257 Reposts 42 Quotes 1,792 Likes 33 Bookmarks

Earl P. Holt III #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #transphobia

[From “Decentralization & America’s Future”]

The American Electorate's awakening to the true agenda of the New Communist Party of the USA (NCPUSA) -- laughingly called "Democrats"[…]-- may herald what Lincoln termed "a new birth of freedom" in America. Cultivating and preserving those freedoms will require a great many reforms, among the most important of which may be the DECENTRALIZATION of policy-making, an approach more compatible with federalism and the Ninth and Tenth Amendments

One significant form of decentralization is already abounding: it is the American electorate's growing reliance upon alternative news sources[…]
When the bright and fearless Christina Bobb covered the Arizona Senate's audit of Maricopa County's 2020 election returns for One America News, she pointed out the critical importance of tabulating election returns at the LOCAL LEVEL. The current practice is to transport ballots[…]to a central tabulating facility, where the NCPUSA's voter fraud machines are already staffed[…]
Another obvious example of the need for decentralization is evident in the area of public school curricula and policy. Remote learning during COVID forced parents to recognize that most public school systems are more interested in indoctrinating their kids with Marxist ideology than in educating[…]Traitorous ideas include Critical Race Theory, gender identity counseling, No Child Left Behind, white skin privilege, and ethno-math with no wrong answers[…]
Our uniform and centralized approach to public health policy has been equally disastrous, as the U.S. response to the COVID-19 scamdemic amply demonstrated[…]Opportunity for "Democrat" officials in BLUE counties and states to seize power through lockdowns[…]
It was Fauciwho rejected the inexpensive, proven and readily-available therapies for treating viral infections, such as Ivermectin and HCQ[…]
Centralized power in the federal government has allowed it to impose outrageous "gender identity" policies

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #transphobia #wingnut

Many hospitals are all too happy to lop off breasts or a penis and send taxpayers the bill. Like Covid, it’s a giant scam being perpetuated by taking advantage of gender confused people. The Biden regime sees trans people and illegal aliens as a first status priority. Citizens are second. Christians are last. Women and black people are also pushed to the curb. It’s an election year and Biden is pandering to the hard left by fawning over the alphabet people.

Liz Wheeler #forced-birth #wingnut

A better strategy for Trump on abortion would be to:

- Describe abortion & what Democrats want to be legal (ie. late term, infanticide), like he did during the Hillary debate)

- Savagely debunk the lies the left tells about abortion (“it’s healthcare” “it’s miscarriage care” “rape and incest”)

- Stop being afraid of “suburban mom” voters and SPEAK TO THEM

- Use stories of women who KEPT their babies to counter the emotion the left uses when they pretend all abortions are about 12yo girls
2:10 AM · Apr 9, 2024 · 27.1K Views
71 Reposts 15 Quotes 430 Likes 7 Bookmarks

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

SHOW & TELL: Democrats finished. No one believes lies/gaslighting anymore. Why? SHOW & TELL. Remember from 3rd grade? U need to see it to believe it. U can hide stolen election…vaccine deaths…open border. Hard to actually see. But everyone can see & feel INFLATION in bank account & wallet/pocketbook & monthly budget & paycheck.

Julio Loredo #racist #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

Islam is Arabic for “submission.” A Muslim submits to Allah, to his word (Quaran), his law (sharia), to the political authorities that represent him (Khilafat), and to his community (ummah). But one can live in an Islamic society (Dar-al-Islam) without being Muslim, albeit as a second-class citizen (dhimmi).
Islam is advancing rapidly and is now the second-largest religion in Europe, while Christianity is shrinking steadily due to plummeting birth rates and apostasy. Europe’s Muslims live in closed communities, primarily in suburbs, which are de facto, not subject to the law of the land. This is evident in France, where the gendarmerie publishes an annual report on the Zones Urbaines Sensibles, a euphemism indicating areas controlled by Muslims, in which not even the French police can enter.

Step by step, European countries are becoming part of Dar-al-Islam. In Great Britain, for example, sharia law has been acknowledged alongside common law, with the creation of Muslim courts with Islamic judges (qadis). In other words, Great Britain has relinquished its sovereignty, allowing a state within the state to enforce its own laws.

Other countries, as is the case with Italy, are slipping towards dhimmitude, as while not accepting Islam de jure, they are submitting to it de facto,
While Muslims are being warmly welcomed and coddled, Catholics, alas, are being increasingly marginalized. Italian schools are canceling Christmas celebrations so as not to offend Muslim sensibilities. Many schools are forgoing the Easter holidays to accommodate the Muslim calendar. Even though the presence of a crucifix in classrooms is mandatory, many schools are taking them down.
I, sadly, must observe that when it is necessary to enact a federal law to defend a centuries-old religious and cultural tradition, indeed one born in Italy with St. Francis of Assisi, the battle has been lost. De facto, if not de jure, Italy is already a subdued country that must be reconquered.

Lemurian Fellowship #crackpot #fundie #ufo

Even those who admit the existence of a lost continent in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, often claim that there could not have been any cultured inhabitants so very long ago. Yet the colonial empires of the Motherland strongly suggest that the peoples who built them could not have been greater than those who erected the Mukulian Empire on the Continent of Mu itself. Mukulia, or Lemuria, reached an unprecedented level of development, socially, culturally and spiritually. No nation, from the day of its submergence to the present, has ever eclipsed its magnificence. But what is most important, crucial to the development of its society, was the philosophy of its people and their voluntary adherence to the Laws of God enabling them to live in greater harmony with nature and each other.

People ask why there is so little of record, why so few clues remain. Within recorded history, the world has witnessed nothing even approximating the devastation caused when a continent-sized land mass subsides, as did Mu roughly 26,000 years ago, or the later equally violent destruction of Atlantis around 8,000 BC.
Why were they able to accomplish so much? Because they learned and lived lives based on the Laws of God and Nature. They understood the principle of cause and effect. In our present age, science accepts this law as affecting everything in the Universe, from stars and planets to chemical reactions. Isaac Newton defined this principle more than three hundred years ago, but science still limits this principle to things exterior to the human being, as though humans, alone, live outside the Universe of which we are a part. Christ defined the same principle for humans two thousand years ago in the Golden Rule, clearly indicating that cause and effect is a crucial guide in human events as well. Until this and other laws are understood, humankind is prone to mistakes. Hope for the future lies in our ever-increasing knowledge of, and adherence to, the universal Laws of God.

Eve Lorgan #ufo #magick #conspiracy

11/30/23 Show with James Bartley, Nathan Ciznek, Dean Palmer with Rob of the Typical Skeptic Podcast:

History of UFO/ET original witness silencing, deaths in official circles. James cites his interview with Donald Schmidt on Roswell Investigations

The deliberate discrediting of Paul Bennowitz to downplay real alien tech, communications and presence in underground bases working with human secret government and military groups

Milabs and abductees as many of the subpopulations given over from original faustian bargains in the Eisenhower era working with mil industrial complex and aerospace companies and “family systems”
Milabs and abductees as early test cases of control, manipulation and experimentation with implants and alien AI tech

Barbara Bartholic and Dr. Karla Turners expose on the testimonies of “underground base processing plants” and dark side of reptilians, greys and nefarious human involvment

Classic disruption, narrative control and shifting from real witness testimonies to the watered down cherry picked data and pabulum of benevolent ET groups via channeling, and other gaslighting tactics from the Luciferian controlling groups of these projects and agendas. Disclosure tactics by people not involved in original witness groups and people

Aliens as parasites and Identity Theft strategies, individually and globally with the human race

Social engineering with high tech, AI alien hacking and Luciferian strategies
Original Awareness of eternal spiritual identity is needed to override the counterfeit copying and identity theft issues affecting humanity

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #homophobia #conspiracy

“It fits what’s happening today,” said Henry Ford Sr.

He was talking about “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.”

And he saw it unfolding right before his very eyes.

As Jewish kids we were forbidden to read it.

But kids find ways to break what’s forbidden just to find out why.

The book with so many layers of intrigue was too much for me as a kid.

But today, like Henry Ford, “it fits.”

What crystalizes in my mind about the Protocols, are the stages of world domination that World Jewry is pursuing.

The book with so many layers of intrigue was too much for me as a kid.

But today, like Henry Ford, “it fits.”

What crystalizes in my mind about the Protocols, are the stages of world domination that World Jewry is pursuing.

Stage 1

Control Of Money

Private Jewish banks in Germany, France, England, Sweden, Switzerland, and last, America with the Federal Reserve—The FED—have set up Central Banks which counterfeit money…legally.
Stage 2

Control Of Politicians

This stage has a double module, ‘media’ and ‘campaign coffer.’
Stage 3

Destruction Of The Church

This is a three-pronged attack.

First attack the mores of The Church by subverting honorable marriage and instead promote sexual perversion.

Rachel Levine is the visual meme, the Jewish power gleans.

That it’s okay to distort one’s sexual identity and physical attributes.

Second, attack the youth through the schools, especially to hate their race, the White Race, which historically has opposed Jewish dominance.

Third, infiltrate The Church with evangelical Israel lovers—an anti-Christ state—and with partisans of homosexuality.

Pull the stages together:

Control Of Money,
Control of Politicians,
Control Of The Church,
and you got a recipe for World Domination.

The demographics are there.

World Jewry runs a tight trading, economic, religious, jurisprudence, and academic network globally.

It’s not too late to put the brakes on Jewish World Domination.

I think the noticing has already begun.

Joel Davis #racist #psycho

Elijah Schaffer hosted a debate on diversity between Australian Neo-Nazi Joel Davis and Drew Pavlou[…]
One of the first questions posed by[…]Schaffer was for Davis and Pavlou to define diversity[…]
“Our country was founded by white nationalists,” Davis asserted

“Every single founding father and the first 16 prime ministers of Australia[…]they were all white nationalists[…]They explicitly founded this place as a white nationalist state with something called the ‘White Australia policy’[…]”

Davis explained that “being against diversity” was about “preserving the white man’s land” and “maintain[ing] white values”[…]“What diversity really means is white genocide on a long enough timeline”[…]
Davis went on to say that his ancestors “for thousands of years” fought wars, “engaged in settler-colonialism”[…]“I would be pissing in their face if I was to just allow it to be thrown away”[…]
He added that even if he wanted to leave Australia due to the country’s racial diversity he would have “nowhere to go”[…]Claimed that everywhere white people were “previously the dominant culture” has been “systematically attacked”[…]
“I wanna have a country in which people like me are in charge,” Davis declared. “Where my culture is maintained. Where my way of life is maintained. And I want that to be passed down to my children. And I don’t care if I have to fight for it and some people have to get hurt[…]Because that’s the essence of human existence”

“You use euphemisms because you’re talking about killing millions of people,” Pavlou countered

“I don’t think we would — in Australia[…]I think me becoming dictator and going ‘You best be fuckin’ off,’ I think they would mostly leave”[…]
“You would have to kill so many people. Your ideology is one of nihilism and bloodshed,” Pavlou replied

“Fine,” said Davis, who compared the violent ethnic cleansing of an entire country to Ukrainians defending themselves from Russian invasion and Palestinians resisting Israeli occupation

Joseph P. Farrell #conspiracy #crackpot #magick

Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks, and Secret Sorcery: The Fascist International, 9/11, and Penetrated Operations

Pursuing his investigations of high financial fraud, international banking, hidden systems of finance, black budgets and breakaway civilizations, author and researcher Joseph P. Farrell investigates the theory that there were not two levels to the 9/11 event, but three. He says that the twin towers were downed by the force of an exotic energy weapon, one similar to the Tesla energy weapon suggested by Dr. Judy Wood, and ties together the tangled web of missing money, secret technology and involvement of portions of the Saudi royal family. Farrell unravels the many layers behind the 9-11 attack, layers that include the Deutschebank, the Bush family, the German industrialist Carl Duisberg, Saudi Arabian princes and the energy weapons developed by Nikola Tesla before WWII. It is Farrell at his best–uncovering the massive financial fraud, special operations and hidden technology of the breakaway civilization.Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks, and Secret Sorcery

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #fundie

Dear Daughter,

You said that you love us and are grateful for all that we’ve done for you, yet you have emotionally estranged yourself from us for the past seven years and have withheld any real expression of love or concern for us, forgetting birthdays and holidays, and leaving our questions and concerns unaddressed.


We never shamed you for the pretend squeaky voice you used to use, we didn’t mind when you wore a cat collar and cat ears everywhere you went. People have to grow up and into themselves, and we allowed you plenty of space to freely explore the depth of your own being, without judgment or ridicule.

But the person that you have become is a stranger to us. We recognize your face and your voice, but we have no idea who you are now. Sometimes I sincerely wonder if you are actually demon possessed. You are so immersed in a world that is contrary to who you had once been, I don’t know what else to think. Or else you hid your deviancy exceedingly well. You have taken your God-given talent and your expensive education and used it all to make a video game that is nothing more than a demonic tool for grooming children into a sex cult. May God have mercy on your soul!

BeeDub57 #wingnut #pratt #conspiracy

The question was never that good content isn't out there to be enjoyed - we all know that. The issue is that, for the past decade and change, there has been an active and insidious attempt to attack and besmirch major cultural touchstones (yes, like Star Wars) by either turning them into mouthpieces of THE MESSAGE or else destroy them completely. What we're seeing happen at Disney/Lucasfilm/Marvel is only a microcosm of a much bigger cultural war that seeks to destabilize or erase the core values of Western culture.

Alison D #transphobia #homophobia

There’s a very well followed Twitter account dedicated to The Muppets that I used to enjoy, as an adult who likes a bit of nostalgia. Just recently, the guy who runs it has started tweeting more about his own life/beliefs and all sorts of bizarre, sexualised interpretations of these characters, which are FOR CHILDREN, eg:

- The Fraggles are asexual/nonbinary (clip of one scene where a character is referred to as “they”).
- A puppet cow who has a posh/camp voice is secret code for drag queens.
- How he and his wife are both bi and queer and how all their other genderqueer pals are their “tribe”.
- Photos of him and said wife getting married in their kiddie cartoon clobber/visiting Disneyland etc. I hardly need to add that they don’t have any children themselves.

I’ve unfollowed it because it is setting off all my alarm bells.

Jack Dorsey #wingnut

There are only three truly censorship resistant technologies at scale today: tor, bitcoin, and nostr.

All are currently niche…showing most of the world doesn’t actually care about censorship.

Granted, these technologies aren’t yet accessible or easy to use. But…they will be!

“Understanding Transmisogyny” #moonbat #sexist #kinkshaming

(trying to argue that the term “femboy,” even when used by and about cis men, is transphobic)

Enter femboys. Femboys often look exactly like the standard trap — a very young, semi-androgynous, flat-chested, thin, white anime girl — though they’re frequently depicted even more salaciously because the artist has no reason to “conceal their masculine traits,” instead drawing attention to their genitals.

The default reasoning people use as to why this concept isn’t transmisogynistic is that femboys are gender-nonconforming boys who aren’t trying to trick anyone into believing that they’re girls. […] However, this argument completely ignores that half of the issue with traps and futanari is that they are a fetish. In every instance, a great deal of emphasis is placed on the penis — it’s shocking and unexpected; it’s connotative of a cis boy in disguise; it’s accentuation goes hand-in-hand with male femininity, designating male femininity as inherently erotic. […]

This is what you’re contributing to when you normalize the fetishization of “femboys,” the fetishization of the juxtaposition between a feminine presentation with a so-called “masculine” biology.

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