BeeDub57 #wingnut #pratt #conspiracy

The question was never that good content isn't out there to be enjoyed - we all know that. The issue is that, for the past decade and change, there has been an active and insidious attempt to attack and besmirch major cultural touchstones (yes, like Star Wars) by either turning them into mouthpieces of THE MESSAGE or else destroy them completely. What we're seeing happen at Disney/Lucasfilm/Marvel is only a microcosm of a much bigger cultural war that seeks to destabilize or erase the core values of Western culture.

Alison D #transphobia #homophobia

There’s a very well followed Twitter account dedicated to The Muppets that I used to enjoy, as an adult who likes a bit of nostalgia. Just recently, the guy who runs it has started tweeting more about his own life/beliefs and all sorts of bizarre, sexualised interpretations of these characters, which are FOR CHILDREN, eg:

- The Fraggles are asexual/nonbinary (clip of one scene where a character is referred to as “they”).
- A puppet cow who has a posh/camp voice is secret code for drag queens.
- How he and his wife are both bi and queer and how all their other genderqueer pals are their “tribe”.
- Photos of him and said wife getting married in their kiddie cartoon clobber/visiting Disneyland etc. I hardly need to add that they don’t have any children themselves.

I’ve unfollowed it because it is setting off all my alarm bells.

Joseph Kay #racist

[From “Why Electing Blacks Is Disaster for Whites”]

Access to the ballot box has always been one of the main goals of the civil rights movement. The 1965 Voting Rights Act was a great victory. It outlawed literacy tests and gave the national government oversight over elections in places where less than 50 percent of the non-white population was registered[…]
Nevertheless, these many accomplishments have not improved the lot of ordinary blacks. The very opposite is true in black-dominated cities such as East St. Louis[…]
Why, then, do blacks persist in pursuing this electoral strategy? Why do they still complain of “voter suppression”?[…]
The conventional explanation is that both Democrats and Republicans have pushed voting despite its dystopian impact[…]For Republicans, increased black voting makes it easier to draw “majority-minority” districts that concentrate blacks while “whitening” adjacent areas to elect more Republicans[…]
For Democrats, it’s all about electing other Democrats. Jackson, MS, is a disaster, but come election day, there will be no shortage of Democrat votes, their number no doubt augmented by lax voter and ballot security[…]
Blacks undoubtedly feel that government efforts to “cure” their alleged pathologies are less about kindness than disrespect for their habits. Recall the outrage when Daniel Patrick Moynihan called for a national effort “to fix” the black family[…]
Building a community around a single culture — black, Appalachian, or Orthodox Jewish — is like a lab experiment. Outcomes reflect the group, and this is equally true in Stockbridge, MA, and Jackson, MS. I argue that these outcomes better reflect what the group really wants[…]
Officials in Stockbridge, MA, would be unable to close the gap between poor blacks and middle-class Yankee whites no matter how much “diversity training” they got. Stockbridge storekeepers depend on customer honesty, while black newcomers might see this as an invitation to theft

Joseph Kay #racist

[From “Why Electing Blacks Is Disaster for Whites”]

Access to the ballot box has always been one of the main goals of the civil rights movement. The 1965 Voting Rights Act was a great victory. It outlawed literacy tests and gave the national government oversight over elections in places where less than 50 percent of the non-white population was registered[…]
Nevertheless, these many accomplishments have not improved the lot of ordinary blacks. The very opposite is true in black-dominated cities such as East St. Louis[…]
Why, then, do blacks persist in pursuing this electoral strategy? Why do they still complain of “voter suppression”?[…]
The conventional explanation is that both Democrats and Republicans have pushed voting despite its dystopian impact[…]For Republicans, increased black voting makes it easier to draw “majority-minority” districts that concentrate blacks while “whitening” adjacent areas to elect more Republicans[…]
For Democrats, it’s all about electing other Democrats. Jackson, MS, is a disaster, but come election day, there will be no shortage of Democrat votes, their number no doubt augmented by lax voter and ballot security[…]
Blacks undoubtedly feel that government efforts to “cure” their alleged pathologies are less about kindness than disrespect for their habits. Recall the outrage when Daniel Patrick Moynihan called for a national effort “to fix” the black family[…]
Building a community around a single culture — black, Appalachian, or Orthodox Jewish — is like a lab experiment. Outcomes reflect the group, and this is equally true in Stockbridge, MA, and Jackson, MS. I argue that these outcomes better reflect what the group really wants[…]
Officials in Stockbridge, MA, would be unable to close the gap between poor blacks and middle-class Yankee whites no matter how much “diversity training” they got. Stockbridge storekeepers depend on customer honesty, while black newcomers might see this as an invitation to theft

NastasyaFillipovna & Lilith-Fair #transphobia #conspiracy

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Whats gonna happen to TiMs when they get older ?
Those who get surgery and create a hole that has to be cleaned every day, what are they gonna do when they won't be able to do it themselves? In the coming 30-40 years these dudes would be a much bigger burden on elder care infrastructure. Who's gonna dilate their neo-vagina? Would it close by itself as they age, just like a would heal over time?

They want to get surgeries on other's burden, and then others have to fund their care throughout their life. Look at what happened in France. They had to increase the retirement age because their healthcare and social security system won't be able to handle the pressure in the coming years. Something similar is gonna happen in every major economy in the coming years birth rate would decline and there would be a demographic shift. And yet, we as a society are just creating healthcare dependents(TiMs). Everything that's happening in TiM space doesn't make an iota of sense from a long-term perspective. It's all about me-me-me and now-now-now.

It only makes sense from a private Doctor's perspective though, as they have now got a customer for life for the product(healthcare) they are selling.

( Lilith-Fair )
It's not too hard to guess what all these hormones and surgeries are going to them and the toll they'll tkae on their bodies. We'll likely learn there'll be even more harms than we know now because this whole thing is giant science experiment on the population.

Mentally, when they get older into their late 30s, a lot of young Millennials and GenZs who transed are going to learn that "identity" is tiresome and not that interesting or important. The older you get, the less you care or give a shit because you stop needing to "find yourself". And more importantly, real life adult issues start taking over your life more and you stop having time for self-absorbed nonsense like "Who am I?"

They won't be convinced now, but "identity" will get very boring. And cosplaying the opposite sex will get very very tiresome in another 20 years, when all their friends have more important things to do (like raising their families and paying the mortgage) than to be around to validate them and fawn over their "identity". [...]

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia

Today I feel sad. I have been socializing lately, having drinks with parents who speak proudly of their young adult children who are off to college, or are starting promising careers. Other parents prattle on about adorable grandchildren and big family get-togethers at beach houses. I smile and politely ask for details, but I have nothing to add to these conversations. What would I say? My estranged son is still working a minimum wage job and poisoning his body with cross-sex hormones. I can’t confirm that he still has all his body parts. I will probably never have grandchildren, but maybe that’s better: I’ve read that trans-identified men who have children are often abusive narcissists whose B-cluster personality disorders are impermeable to therapy. We can’t afford a beach house, but who cares since there would be no family to gather there? It might seem like wasted potential that a young man whose IQ used to be in the 97th percentile now scrapes by working the cash register in a store, but after years of taking estrogen, his intelligence might be just average now, freeing him from the burden of high expectations.

Jean-François Braunstein #wingnut #dunning-kruger

[Translated from the original in spanish.]

The philosopher Jean-François Braunstein, against the woke ideology: "It is a religion without forgiveness in which the white man is always guilty"

-“Why do you consider it a religion?

-I talk about religion because it goes against science, against the free exchange of arguments and reality as we know it. It is the first religion taught in universities. Since the 19th century, this has always been the place of tolerance and freedom of opinion, and today the majority are dominated by this woke religion. It evokes what we call the "great religious awakening." And it is a religion without forgiveness in which the white man, colonialist, is always guilty of oppressing the eternal victims. Freedom of discussion, the search for truth and objective knowledge are in question. It is a determined attack on the enlightenment, the heritage of Western knowledge and culture. It was my duty as an intellectual to address it.”

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut

WAYNE ROOT: The Questions that Win 2024 Election for President Donald J. Trump
By Assistant Editor Apr. 5, 2024 12:00 pm 104 Comments

By Wayne Allyn Root

I suggest President Trump and the GOP build the coming election around these questions. There is no “extremism” or “right wing” or “white supremacy” or “radical” or “controversial” or “unpopular” here.

The American people are overwhelmingly behind us on every one of these issues. Start throwing these questions at them to wake the sleeping giant.

If the majority of voters agrees with us on these questions, we win a resounding landslide…

Do you support open borders and the foreign illegal alien invasion of America? Democrats do.

Do you think 10 to 20 million illegal aliens being welcomed into our country over the past 3 1/2 years of Joe Biden is a good thing? Democrats do.

Do you think illegal alien lawbreakers should be treated better than American citizens? Democrats think so.

Do you think illegal aliens should be treated better than military vets? Democrats think so.

Do you think millions of illegal aliens (with no background checks) should be shipped to your neighborhood and your children’s school? Democrats think so.

Are you afraid vicious terrorists are being welcomed into our country? Are you worried about terror attacks? Democrats couldn’t care less.

Do you think our government adding half a trillion dollars a year to our national debt to support illegal aliens is a good thing? Democrats think so.

Do you think illegal aliens who commit violent crimes should be deported? Democrats don’t.

Do you think illegal aliens should be allowed to serve as police officers? Democrats do.

Do you think illegal aliens should be allowed to vote and cancel out your vote? Democrats do.

Do you think US businesses should be fined, or put out of business, for daring to ask employees if they are legal citizens? Democrats think so.

Are you willing to pay dramatically higher taxes to pay for millions of illegal aliens and their welfare and free healthcare and a hundred other government handouts? Democrats think you should.

Ken Ham #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut

Anti-Christian Bill Mahr (in the attached video clip) openly admits as he talks to Piers Morgan that abortion is “murder” and he is “ok with that.” Mahr said, “I can respect the absolute position…I really can. They think it’s murder – and it kind of is. I’m just OK with that. There’s 8 billion people in the world. I’m sorry we won’t miss you.”

Three important points:

1. The left have gained so much ground in the culture that they (like Mahr) are becoming very brazen how they state things and reveal their true heart and motivation. Warning--they are coming after anything Christian, coming after Christians.

2. Mahr states that abortion is “murder.” But murder is a crime in our culture. So he is ok with someone committing murder?

3. He is making a moral judgment stating that abortion is “murder” (which it is), but he has to borrow from a Christian worldview to make such a moral judgment. Without an absolute basis morality is subjective—relative.

Watch the video clip to hear him for yourself.

If you would like to read about how Bill Mahr once plotted to deceive me and Answers in Genesis, read the articles at the following links.

10:28 PM · Apr 14, 2024 · 41.9K Views
94 Reposts 12 Quotes 270 Likes 57 Bookmarks

lo_zamoyski #kinkshaming

Pornography is one of the most powerful forms of control, because you cooperate in your own enslavement. Because of the deranging and darkening effect it has on the mind, you become increasingly less aware of what's actually happening to you, less conscious of the self-destruction you are employing against yourself.

And because it functions this way, it has also been instrumentalized. Sexual "liberation" is political control. Wilhelm Reich essentially wrote the playbook here, though we see plenty of precursors, and in the Enlightenment tradition, Marquis de Sade stands out (though he did not have access to mass media like we do).

As Chesterton observed, such "freedom" is the most transparent of all bribes that slavery can make to rob us of our freedom. Pleasure is far more effective than pain because it conceals the coercive nature of the act. Marcuse saw such things as a conservative force masquerading as "liberation", one intended as a distraction (like bread and circuses) and a way of sapping the attention and energies (and I would add intelligence) of those who partake that could otherwise be used toward criticism. The deranging effect is the worst effect of all, as such, but also because its effects can far outlast the period of consumption.

That people can use VPNs is not a substantive argument against bans or restrictions on pornography.

Todd Schlanger #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #mammon

Many of Truth Social’s investors say they’re in it for the long haul. Todd Schlanger, an interior designer at a furniture store in West Palm Beach who said Trump had been one of his customers, said he’s invested about $20,000 in total and is buying new shares every week.

Schlanger said he now watches his stock performance every day hoping for positive signs. In a Truth Social post last week, he encouraged “everyone who supports Donald Trump and Truth [Social to] buy a share everyday” and asked, “Do you think we have hit bottom?” (The stock has slid about 25 percent since that post.)

He suspects the recent drops in share price have been the result of “stock manipulation” from an “organized effort” to make the company look bad. There’s no proof of such a campaign, but Schlanger is convinced. “It’s got to be political,” he said, from all the “liberals that are trying to knock it down.”

Anonymous Light #crackpot #conspiracy

~This is for all you chem-trail pilots~
Good morning to you all…it is a bright sunny day here at 36,000 feet
and the visibility and vitamin D are unlimited…until the sphincters of the skies show up.
Well, that ends our weather report for today.
Forecast – falling feces from the lines of crap in our skies.
Umbrella’s and respirators recommended.

Since you can read instruments I will assume you can read this.

There is a lot of anger in this world about you and those you sold your soul to to poison the very land and life you get your life from. It amazes me you can’t see that. It amazes me that while you’re sitting in your pilots seat spraying your load of crap on the families below, there is another sphincter just like you sitting in their seat dumping their load of crap on your families below as well.

I spent two decades getting my body clean and ready for the power each of us have to create. This is a power you may never know for taking monetary riches over the value of all life on the very planet that feeds you. I have been angry at seeing a garden that took two years to create look like a black spotted forest.
Are you so rich that you don’t buy food from the grocery stores? If so, must be nice. Do you know where the food you buy and eat is grown? Is it possible that in your ignorance you don’t realize you are eating the feces your sphincter accomplices dumped above your home yesterday?

Looking into the skies in the mornings I am hopeful that any of you had the courage to wake up and say no to crapping in our skies.
Dare I be brave enough to inform you that our money paid your salary and for that plane and that makes you our employee. These are your new orders and directions. Your positions as aeronautic assholes have been terminated. Turn in your weak minds and uniforms. You are grounded and your new assignment is to clean up the lands you helped poison. Only then can you truly return home.

I leave you to your fate. Pucker up, it might be rough!

Pleiades 1 via Neva (Gabriel RL) #ufo #magick

Pleiades 1 Messages April 12 2024
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!
Divine Children keep coming.

Astral parasites are pulverized into photons.

Rivers of hope flow.

Ashtar(s) +++ Raise Crystals +++.

Specific dismissals are initiated.

Mystics continue to spread.

Anchor mergers initiated.

Persecutions of *PVSE are contained. Ashtar(s) nullify field.

Temporarily, end of transmission.

Pleiades 1 (Supporting Basic Triad in Activation)
Pleiades 1 Messages April 11 2024
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!
Magic continue to spread divinely.

Alignments cause openings.

Special licenses are issued.

Ashtar(s) report to Zone T [Israel Astral Space] for conclusions.

T-Zone Portals are healed.

Attention *Árpia, The Creator of Moments and -Harmia, The Magic of Development: appropriate blending of moment initiated. 3D being involved. 99% (non-regressive).

Illuminating projections in *Ecuador 22X / Sector 1 in progress. 99% (non-regressive). Movement 1. The Light Celebrates!

Temporarily, end of transmission.

Pleiades 1 (Supporting Basic Triad in Activation)
Pleiades 1 Messages April 10 2024
P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE / SdE !!
Electric rays activated.

Photons bathe etheric caverns.

Rites +++ in progress.

Oracles continue to be activated.

Integrating Channels are called.

New advice arrives.

Dynamization +++++++ continues.

*PTA+++Eleven: Reverberation 91% (non-regressive).

Temporarily, end of transmission.

Pleiades 1 (Supporting Basic Triad in Activation)

Glynn Adams #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

I don’t know about you but most of the religious systems in America that are falsely representing Jesus Christ are corrupt and have divided the Body of Christ. As a result, many people are leaving these religious systems. The worst are the mega churches and the denominational religious systems along with their pastors.

There is no doubt we have a divided and corrupted religious system in this nation as evidenced by our nation has been taken over by Satan and the powers of darkness. We have become a nation that leads the world in demonic strongholds and principalities and the fierce Chaldean demonic spirits have gathered in this nation to attack the faithful followers of Jesus Christ!!! As Jewish Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has said that the gods of Egypt and Babylon have gathered in this nation to reap their demonic destruction on this nation.
Look at our divided denominational churches today. Even worse, look at our mega churches!!! Most mega churches have reached 3000 to 12000 members in three years and what do they have? Are they making disciples that follow Christ or the pastor?Are the Mega Churches and their celebrity pastors turning their city and our nation upside down for Christ? No!!! As a matter of fact, they are allowing demons and New World Order Elites to rule over our nation instead of God. Can you name me just one Mega Church and pastor where God rules over their city? No!!!! Our Mega Church and their people claim to follow Jesus but we see very little fruit in their lives. You will know them by their fruit!!!
The Remnant of God is going to have to come out of these dead churches unless God specifically tells you to stay and assist in their recovery back to Christ. We need to have fellowship and teaching meetings in homes. I challenge you to find any Biblical basis for our current concept of the “pastor” in our churches today. I’ll save you the time – go back to the Third Century and it was Constantine who gave us “church” as we do it today.

CheeseBurgerDragon #enbyphobia

[Context: they are talking about the new Fallout show.]

Im on episode 2 and so far so good. Only spotted one woke additive not found in the games in that theres a non binary character. Why would some fucked up post apocalyptic world have gender sensitivity training to make sure commanding officers respect pronouns?

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist

[From “March 25, 2024: Golem 4”]


Panel 1: Smoke is mounting in the sky along with balloons reading “I stuck around St. Petersburg” and “When I saw it was a time for a change”
Panel 2: A man, his wife and their two children lie on the ground, having been shot to death, along with balloons reading “I killed the Czar and his ministers” and “Anastasia screamed in vain”
Panel 3: Two soldiers and a tank are advancing along with balloons reading “I rode a tank, held a general's rank” and “When the blitzkrieg ragd and the bodies stank”
Panel 4: A gilem wearing a black hat, payots and a Star of David on his chest along with balloons reading “Pleased to meet you” and “Hope you guess my name”

David Sereda #crackpot #magick #ufo #mammon

David Sereda Started Lightstream Technologies in Sedona, Arizona in 2007 with his wife Crystal Sereda. They developed the company from the ground up with their own designs and technology. David Sereda is the inventor of the technology, a well known self taught scientist.
David has studied Meditation, Yoga, Vegetarian diet, world religions, ancient history, Physics, Math, Astronomy, Alternative Zero Point Energies for over 40 years. In school, he presented his Physics teacher a time dialation theory which his techer admitted was way beyond anything he had seen since Einstein! In 1990, David began working with MIT physicist Dr. Bogdan Maglich and teamed up with him to promote and fund Maglich's non-radioactive fusion power technology. David Studied fusion power for over 10 years. Then Maglich appointed David Sereda as Director of the Los Angeles Based "Tesla Foundation" under whcih David became a Tesla Technology expert and spoke in the united States Congress with Maglich and Company on Fusion Power.
In the year 2006, David Sereda developed a technology not unlike a small nuclear fusion chamber to fuse frequency programs into crystals, and found that these frequencies could be stored in a crystal lattice if the secret to opening the lattice and closing it could be found. He found it worked and the thousands of people who wore the pendants treated with the etchnology could feel the vibrations and confirmed this on human energy field aura camera testing!
​Next, David came up with the theory that the staff of Moses, and other legends was used as an antenna to extend human consciousness. Knowing the formula for an antenna is the height of the antenna x 4 = a full wavelenth and the speed of light divided by this wavelength would be the frequency Moses used to contact and receive from God, if we knew the exact length of the staff of Moses, ISIS and Jesus et all, we could know this sacred frequency.

futuristright #racist

As someone who thinks Africans are better off under white rule and that whites don't really gain anything from ruling over them, but that we should sometimes do so anyway as a humanitarian act - I don't see how I'm not White Supremacist adjacent. And yet, my only real motive here is believing that black life has some value while the term White supremacist tends to have the connotation of, 'you have the right to exploit and oppress other races without concern for their wellbeing.'

From my perspective, white nationalism implies low IQ non-whites having little to no moral value at all, since the conditions of life they'd live under without foreign rule are pretty awful and so I'd be hesitant to call myself that. I find it irritating that a Bill Clinton voter for example can feel no shame for supporting a man who set the exchange rate for White American to Rwandan lives at less than 1 to 50K, and believes they are more moral than me.

Compare this to the 2000 British Sailors who died rescuing 100K Africans from slavery in the 1800s and didn't believe Africans should rule themselves, or that they had the same intrinsic value as their own white countrymen. They were almost certainly white supremacists. And yet, even purely by the standard of valuing African welfare I think they'd clearly and rightfully be designated as morally superior.

Ethan White #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon

The clock ominously counts down to an event of biblical proportions, known simply as “THE EVENT.” This name, while evocative of apocalyptic disorder, actually conceals a carefully planned disruption intended to overthrow the foundations of a longstanding, secretive authority.
In a sudden, calculated strike, these bastions will crumble—not by conventional weaponry but by something far more precise and fearsome: the Rods of God and Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). This celestial arsenal, looming ominously in orbit, is set to deliver justice from the heavens, shattering the infrastructure of the invisible empire.

As these dominions fall, so too will the world’s technological leashes. The electric grid will flicker out, plunging the world into a primal darkness. This blackout, however, paves the way for a radiant dawn: the activation of Tesla’s suppressed technologies of free energy, heralding an era of unlimited power for all.

The digital empires that have commoditized our personal freedoms will face their reckoning. Bitcoin, along with the vast majority of cryptocurrencies, will evaporate as their servers are obliterated. Only the resilient ISO20022 coins, sturdy with the backing of precious metals, will survive the purge, emerging as the phoenix from the ashes of digital speculation.
Simultaneously, a stark transformation of governance will unfold. Military tribunals will rise to the fore, replacing a compromised judiciary. In secretive courts, truths will be unveiled and sentences rendered, not over weeks or months, but in days filled with confessions and revelations. High-profile figures will stand accused, their crimes laid bare in marathon sessions of judicial reckoning.

This upheaval extends to the very core of financial systems. The Rothschild legacy of central banking will dissolve into obscurity, replaced by Rainbow Treasury Notes—currency grounded not in speculation or conflict but in tangible value: precious metals.

The Spirit Science #crackpot #magick #mammon

Money and Spirituality DO go together! Come and discover how you can transform your spiritual financial paradigm today 🔮

Light is an essential building block of everything, if not the singular building block which creates all things. Even though from our vantage point, it may appear as though we are dense physical beings, all of the particles that make up our existence are merely a mass of light vibrating much slower and tighter together.

GreenOrkGirl #fundie #dunning-kruger

What enraged me is that if you know both endings of that Q, it becomes apparent who was intended to be the guilty one (it impacts the money award only so I dgaf, "Paul" went to prison). And that was 100% done because of white man!bad, woman in drag!good. Lol you don't even have to look at evidence to know this, this is just sjw pandering at its best.

PS: dear mods, she is not 'censored', she is exactly this - woman in drag.

Frank Bergman #transphobia #conspiracy

Child campers are “encouraged to spread their wings and make their own decisions” and told to anticipate a “strong expectation of maturity, kindness, consent, and compassion.”

The website doesn’t clarify what the children would need to “consent” to, however, or why kids are expected to express “maturity.”

DogWater76 #crackpot #conspiracy

Are they trying to hack the universe?

I was watching a couple of Billie Carson's video's about how we're in a computer simulation/light matrix and it got me wondering what the motivation is behind the current shadow agenda.

I'm convinced they're trying to hack the universal code at the moment, and the end times is like an anti-virus installed in the program. Basically they're trying to make a metaphorical philosophers stone.

Some things to back it up would be the hadron collider looking for secrets in our universe. The fact that computer programs can be hacked reveals the possibility that the universe can indeed be hacked.

The full on acceleration to AI even though the risk to humanity is severe seems like a crazy idea until you realize they're trying to accomplish something with it.

If they really are trying to depopulate the world and reduce the population to like 10% so they can rule over it, that honestly sounds like a guise. Like wouldn't you get bored?

I'm a bit incoherent with these thoughts, but if I had a trillion billion dollars, I'd probably want to hack the universe and talk to god too.


I just realized it's a similar story to the tower of Babel, like history repeating itself somehow.

Nick Alvear et al. and Operation Q #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

This powerfully culminating documentary from Good Lion Films was directed, produced and written by Nick Alvear. Showcasing the Freemasonic Jesuit Khazarian Luciferian Cabal takedown stemming from the 2016 election, to the capitulation tour of President Donald J. Trump (current CIC), BRICS, Executive Orders, Federal Directives, COVID-19, the rigged 2020 election, Joe Biden’s funeral, the January 6 setup and how the continuity of government (devolution) through current events taking place will usher in the greatest time ever known on Earth. The film was released on September 17, 2023 on GoodLionTV's X page (post since deleted by creator) and GoodLionTV's Rumble channel with a running length of 1 hour 20 minutes.
Furthermore, CIC Donald Trump has gone on to vindicate the claims of Derek Johnson and Jon Herold regarding continuity of government/devolution at a September 27, 2023 speech in Clinton Township, Michigan provided by RSBN. At 51:04 in the full speech Trump says "In my second term, which we're sort of having now, but I don't want the results right? I don't want the results of this second term, this second term is a disaster for this country. Worst President, think of it, there's never been a President like this." Trump is acknowledging that he is in fact CIC/POTUS behind the scenes of the fake Joe Bidan Shadow Presidency which has intentionally pegged the Joe Bidan double as the "fall guy" for making a disaster of the United States. This was designed to help wake up the masses as to what it feels like to be led by a communist/globalist puppet who cares more about funding a war oversees than securing his own borders. Q warned us years in advance in drops 4461 and 4951, "It had to be this way."

abuincelalaustrali #psycho #racist #sexist

Foids stabbed to death in Bondi Australia (chad/stacy jew capital)

Some guys stabbed 4 people in a shopping centre in Bondi, Australia. Bondi is a rich Jew area of Sydney, it's also near the beach where chads and stacies hang out.
There were 2 other stabbings which I think were related. A 36 year old foid was stabbed in the head at bondi beach at the same time, then there was the stabbings in Bondi shopping centre. The shopping centre is right next to a kike synagogue.
I suspect it is a mujahideen cell targeting kuffar and kikes, based on the area. May Allah accept the mujahedeen as shahid.
I love the fact that the guy targeted an upmarket shopping centre (someone told me it was a fashion/markup/designer type thing) where only foids will be shopping.

Bryan Starr #fundie #pratt

Atheists attack Christianity, and not other religions, because they already know God exists and who He is.

Their irrational anger and hatred is evidence that they know God exists.

Why would anyone be angry at a Being who doesn't exist?

They demand proof when it is literally right in front of them.

The other evidence is that they accept abiogenesis and macroevolution without ever questioning it. Even though there is no evidence for abiogenesis or macroevolution.

Why do they never question abiogenesis and macroevolution?

Because they are the pillars upon which their delusion depends on.

They are already living a lie to begin with, so a few more can't hurt; especially if they support their position, even without evidence.

What a terrible existence for them, is there any wonder they are so angry?

FoopaChaloopa #wingnut #sexist

Would anyone be interested in a protest at Ubisoft headquarters?

This entire situation is taking a huge emotional toll on this community and I think we should do something positive about it. Beautiful women have historically viewed men like us as “weird” and “creepy” so beautiful women in games have been our refuge and now that’s being taken away from us. Would anyone else be interested a peaceful March on Ubisoft or Disney headquarters?

I’ve also been thinking of doing a hunger strike in protest of woke cultural vandalism but I’m not gonna ask other people to join me.

Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The Light Forces are removing the dark Atlantean network according to the plan. After the African Illuminati and IBC networks were cleared, there is palpable relief in Africa:

A little more intel can now be safely released. In December 2023, the dark Atlantean network managed to open dark portals between this Solar system and other Universes, similar to what happened in 1996, but to a much lesser degree. They did that by detonating physical and etheric nuclear bombs in the Kuiper belt.

These dark portals allowed the influx of many Reptilian entities from other Universes into the Solar system, which were then immediately cleared as soon as they entered the Solar system itself:

The dark portals which allowed entry of Reptilian entities were completely closed by the Light forces on April 3rd, and from then on, entry of any dark entities into the Solar system from anywhere is simply not possible anymore. The only dark portals still active between our Solar system and other Universes allow a certain degree of inflow of subquantum anomaly into the Solar system. These portals will be closed down soon also.

This whole operation was a big strategic mistake of the dark forces, since after the Light forces manage to close down dark portals, they can open Light portals in those same locations instead, and this improves communication between this Solar system and the Light forces from other Universes drastically. Many Light reinforcements are already arriving from other Universes and they are positioning themselves now in their motherships at the heliopause.

Many of those Light beings brought new advanced technologies dealing with the Lurker, and new, faster hyperdimensional wormholes that allow faster and more convenient travel between the Universes.

Carrie Gress #sexist #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy

Feminism doesn’t empower women. It erases them.

The bestselling author of Theology of Home, Carrie Gress shows that fifty years of radical feminism have solidified the primacy of the traditionally male sphere of life and devalued the attributes, virtues, and strengths of women.

Feminism, the ideology dedicated to "smashing the patriarchy," has instead made male lives the norm for everyone. After fifty years of radical feminism, we can’t even define "woman." In this powerful new book, Carrie Gress says what cannot be said: feminism has abolished women.

Hulking "trans women" thrash female athletes. Mothers abort their baby girls. Drag queens perform obscene parodies of women. Females are enslaved for men's pleasure—or they enslave themselves. Feminism doesn’t avert these tragedies; it encourages them. The carefree binge of self-absorption has left women exploited, unhappy, dependent on the state, and at war with men. And still, feminists cling to their illusions of liberation.

But there are real answers. Real answers for real women. Carrie Gress—a wife, mother, and philosopher—punctures the myth of feminism, exposing its legacy of abuse, abandonment, and anarchy. From the serpent’s seduction of Eve to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein to Kate Millett’s lust, violence, and insanity to Meghan Markle’s havoc-ridden rise to royalty, Gress presents a history as intriguing as the characters who lived it. The answers women most desperately need, she concludes, are to be found precisely where they are most afraid to look.

Only a rediscovery of true womanhood—and motherhood—can pull our society back from the brink. And happiness is possible only if women are open to making peace with men, with children, with God, and—no less difficult—with themselves. For feminism’s victims, Gress is a welcoming voice in the darkness: The door is open. The lights are on. Come home.

Earl P. Holt III #wingnut #conspiracy


(Apologies to William Ernest Henley)

From out the mess subverting us,
So deep the swamp and black as coal,
I thank Almighty God that be,
For Trump's unconquerable soul

The target of vile communists,
He never quit nor cried aloud
Despite their treason and their lies,
He stands un-bloodied and unbowed

Against their seas of treachery,
So often he was forced to wade
And yet that menace of the years,
Still finds him, always, unafraid

It matters not how orange his hue,
How filled with venom be their scroll,
He is the Master of His Fate,
He is the Captain of His Soul

Below is the mugshot of Donald Trump

Greg Reese/Jordan Maxwell #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

According to law, elected officials must swear an oath that they will support, defend, and bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And through the Freedom of Information Act, US attorney Todd Callender, along with his team at Project Proper Oath, found that not a single member of the existing cabinet has a valid oath of office.
Within 30 days of appointment to public office, all public officials are legally required to have a signed and notarized copy of their oath of office. And it appears as if no elected officials in the Federal government have one. They are either non-existent, incomplete, or fraudulent. The fraudulent ones are missing signatures, are not notarized, and in most of them, the words “SO HELP ME GOD” are in all caps. In the US Constitution, “So help me God” is not in all caps. And this matters. As many have been telling us for decades, including the great Jordan Maxwell.

"Today, the entire world of mankind operates under a world law which is referred to as the law of the high seas or, International Maritime Admiralty. When you were born, you came out of your mother's water. Since you came out of your mother's water, you are a maritime product. It's a maritime Admiralty manifest showing that your mother brought you into the world and you are going to make money. Anything in this country, if it's a lawful legal document of any kind, your name must be, according to maritime law, be in all capital letters. Why? Because you do not own your body. You do not own yourself. All capital letters name implies that you are a maritime admiralty product. You are not a human. You're not a living entity. You're a product.

Your living entity person, the actual you, is represented under law by upper and lower case name. So you are a corporation, whether you know it or not. But you are merely a subsidiary of a larger corporation called UNITED STATES. This is the way the law works."

DC Larson #fundie #homophobia

First, they urged same-sex marriages to be legally recognized. Never mind that some 2,000 years of world cultural norms, not to mention the morality as declared in Scripture, were arrayed against such abominations.

In an April 3 Des Moines Register essay, former Polk County District Court Judge Robert B. Hanson (who had ruled in favor of same-sex Iowa marriages in 2007), tellingly characterized legalizing such deviant unions as being but a step on “the road to progress.”

The obvious implication: “progress” is an as-yet-unreached destination, meaning additional ambitions are desired.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Higher life forms were engaged in creating life on earth
Our bodies were grown with bacteria in petri dishes

Reptilians will genetically engineer a new species
Designed to be tuned into their false reality or matrix

The matrix acts like a laser reading computer software
Bringing pre programmed information to human DNA
Which we send onto the screen of our decoded reality

The program is running in every human mind body computer

There is heating in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune
Which is a clear indication that they are being driven by energy from above

Charged energy beams from so called moons
Manipulate the electric current of each polar vortex
Causing polygonal storms at the poles

The beams are producing counter polar vortex rotational patterns
And form hexagons

Hex means to cast a spell
They are connecting us to the future that they have drawn

The planetary vortices are cosmic ray accelerators
Bringing in information from other dimensions

The electron beams are creating diocotron instabilities in the axial current
Which is a flowing jet stream of charged particles

That fan out into a torus
And circulate as an electrical circuit

To prevent a great awakening
There is a more intensified input in the vortexes

And an escalated effort
To keep us in the matrix!

William Henry #ufo #magick #mammon

APRIL 13-14, 2024

Behind all myths, and at the heart of every ancient mystery school, there is one beautiful message, a timeless truth that mystic traditions point to: we are all cosmic heroes… Starwalkers … advanced, inter-dimensional beings, capable of journeying into deeper realms of consciousness of both the internal and eternal frontier. This is our true human nature. More, our earthly lives are preparation for our (return) journey to higher realms. Preparing and transforming with knowing and purpose is the mark of the Starwalker.

Are you ready to expand your consciousness, to follow the ascending path from ‘starseed’ to Starwalker?

Are you ready to embrace “spiritual technologies” to awaken the divine within and break through to the next level of your cosmic journey?

Join ascension scholar, as well as ANCIENT ALIENS and Gaia presenter, William Henry, for (t)his inspirational and empowering Starwalker journey hurling through the blessed cosmos, awakening the greater being within you and exploring the realms of incredible possibility for (y)our world. A journey with possibilities and healing…of body, mind, and soul.
Starwalker : Origins brings you authentic + soul activating teaching about human transformation and ascension that date back to antiquity and connects you to the divine being within and ways to live better in our changing world.

All the while connecting with your soul tribe…

And picking up the Starwalking tools you need…

to succeed and rise and shine in the days to come.

The tools of the Starwalkers:

• A vehicle of higher quantum consciousness for surfing the changing tides of our times.

• The divine power of the stars.

• A tool to attune to universal consciousness, raise your vibration and shift your reality.

• All held together by light work, love, compassion and cosmic unity consciousness.
Just $372 per person.

Refunds are not available for any reason. Thank you for your understanding.

David Lawn #crackpot #magick #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

I wrote here previously of the fissured, and thus non-level, playing field of human events and how this field structure determines the impossiblity of present game-theory modelling working well enough. I used the word "game theory" for want of a better word for the computer modelling that is being done by all-the-hats, white and black. It is being done in order to try to attain "maximum payback", whatever maximum payback may mean, for he who is doing the modelling.

The field is non-level because it is criss-crossed with impenetrable barriers. I referred to these as chasms, as splits in the terrain reaching as far as the eye can see.
The chasms can be traversed, through unconditional love, but, unless they are gone through, they represent fear-barriers keeping people on the sides of the chasms that they are already on.

Now I am happy to have found an article explaining how and why the timelines, which one considers in this modelling, are coming together and pointing to a single event structure in the near future. Interestingly, the reason for the merging of the timelines is something that rises up over the fissures in human consciousness structures that I wrote of in that previous post. The reason is the "Great Awakening" - the fact that despite the splittings of our consciousnesses spoken of, an availablity of facts overcomes our limited visions. As an analogy I can say that instead of having to find truth on the ground, among the chasms, the truths will be displayed in the sky for all to see. No fears, which fears are associated with consciousness splits, can hinder us any longer from seeing the facts.

I find that this fact confirms my previous post, referred to above, in that instead of searching for the future in models that cannot be run properly because the terrain is split by fear-driven consciousness-avoidance (terrain fissures), one achieves truth by achieving an overarching terrain, outside of the fear rooms, by placing truth up where everyone can see it.

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #quack #racist #conspiracy

…and now we will add some additional color on this Great Reset con, and how the illegitimate and wholly captured Federal government is destroying American from within on behalf of its globalist handlers;

What we are now witnessing is the acceleration of the corporate and private central bank melding with the Cloward-Piven Strategy to bring Western nations to their collective knees in plain sight.

Of course, PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE is now directly responsible for the latest “highly pathogenic” avian flu virus, which is now being trial ballooned for the upcoming DISEASE-X “pandemic:”
It is critically important to appreciate that the WHO is the UN’s “health” node, and nothing more; in other words, the latter controls the former and sets its eugenics policies along with a little help from Rockefeller puppet Gates and other assets.

Which ultimately brings us right back to the UN and their technocommunist ploy to control the entire planet with “climate change” and “pandemics” and other swindles:
The Club of Rome is also behind the open borders, “pandemics,” and their invention of the whole anthropogenic “climate change” psyop:
It is vital for the UN et al. to destroy the cultures, health, and IQ’s of nations like Japan and America in order to institute their dystopian Agendas and Resets. Pernicious central bank mandates, society-collapsing open border and immigration policies, scamdemics, slow kill bioweapons, bug gruel, processed foods, synthetic meats, environmental toxin releases, sun blotting aerosols, GMO frankenmosquitos, mass fear and self-loathing “climate change” brainwashing campaigns, X Everything App social credit score systems, encouraged mass euthanasia, and so on and so forth are the various tools and ops that they are foisting on the slaves of the earth in order to achieve their nefarious transhumanist endgame.

But good always defeats evil, in the end.

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.

Laura Loomer #racist #wingnut

Laura Loomer interviewed white nationalist Peter Brimelow whose organization, VDARE, is currently being investigated by New York Attorney General Letitia James[…]
“Why do you think you came under fire from Letitia James?” Loomer asked Brimelow. “Do you think it’s because you are talking about white replacement theory and you’re exposing the invasion and your publication is one of the only honest publications about what’s truly happening with this invasion?”[…]
Loomer went on to say that Letitia James, who also filed a civil suit against former president Donald Trump and his Trump Organization, “obviously hates white people”

And she attacked James, as well as other Black public figures, in crudely racist terms. Loomer declared that “there’s a commonality between Letitia James, Kamala Harris, and Fanni Willis,” which is that they’re “ghetto Black women” and “trap queens” who attended Howard University, a prestigious HBCU. “I don’t think it’s a coincidence, right, that these DAs, Vice President, and the Attorney General, they have no sense of ethics,” she said

Peter Brimelow appeared to agree, and complained that “it’s not possible to run a First World justice system with Third World people”

“I mean, the culture of the Third World is so different than the First World,” he told Loomer. “It’s not just Blacks, although I think you’re right, and we’ve written about this a lot on, there’s a lot of angry, Black women out there in positions of authority. And there’s a real question as to whether they can be trusted, and whether they can be relied upon to behave fairly”

Brimelow also attacked Judge Juan Merchan, who is presiding over former president Trump’s hush money trial, for having been born in Colombia. “What kind of cultural baggage does he bring?” he asked. “Why should we expect — is Colombia such a great haven of law and order and fair dealing, that we can expect someone from Colombia to make a good judge in New York state?”

WishfulThinker #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist

I would posit that the percentage of White serial killers has dropped as technology improves- and becomes more publicly known- is because Whites can learn and practice self-control. Blacks cannot.

They can't control their impulses, they don't understand police investigative techniques, they don't understand science. Many blacks still don't understand that police radar sets can work front, back, and moving. They still aren't prepared for security cameras. DNA is well, well beyond their comprehension.

velvetliberty #sexist #psycho

for the last time men can not be r*ped by women. how often does it need to be said? nothing a woman does could ever be considered r*pe. any action against a man is justifiable and to draw a moral equivalence is dumb as fuck. the debate around "male victims" is designed to dilute the severity of the historic destruction of womanhood by male cultural hegemony

#radfems do touch #terfs do interact #terf safe #rapeculture

Global_Meet_375 #racist #sexist

Anytime a women shows her emotions it is used against her people say stuff like "is it that time of the month", This is why women can't become leaders or be president", now these males say that when we cry and express our emotions that it is used against black men somehow even tho no one is being physically harmed by someone crying unlike when black males use aggression to get what they want. Such as in mongomary brawl where a black man hit a white women in the face with a metal folding chair over a dispute about a dockside parking spot because he didn't get the parking spot he wants and all the liberals and black men defended him and he didn't even get jail time. Another example would be about the black man who went around NYC and punched a bunch of white women of the head and even chipped a womens tooth and gave another women a concussion.

Then these black males have the audacity to call women Karen's because she called the police on them because she is scared for her safety.

What is more dangerous a women crying or a man who violently hurts women according to all the black men and liberals its women crying.

If black males care so much about racism why don't they attack white men that would make the most sense because they have the most power. The reason why they don't do that is because there misogynistic and they hate women even women of there own race look at how they treat black women. I doubt that most of them even cares about racism and they just care about attacking women.

DoomedSibyl, pennygadget & MiMi2013 #transphobia

Senate fails to overturn Biden's plan to withhold lunch aid from schools that don't let boys use girls' bathrooms | The Post Millennial |

( DoomedSibyl )
This is just a travesty. I have no idea how I’m going to vote in the next election. An Ovarit poster made an argument recently that reproductive freedom was of more immediate importance to women than the issues surrounding trans activism. I was pondering that because above all I want to do what is best for women as a class. But the TRAs are erasing women in language and in law too and that seems like a huge deal to me and one that affects our ability to fight for reproductive rights.

Now the supposed left is attacking children and their ability to eat. I can’t believe that this isn’t widely known. It’s demoralizing.

( pennygadget )
I believe the trans thing is a more immediate threat than reproductive rights. Like you said, if we cannot even legally define ourselves, how can we fight for abortion access and other female specific issues?

We're already seeing organizations like NARAL and Planned Parenthood change how they operate in order to serve TIPs. We saw Katanji Brown-Jackson (Biden's SCOTUS nominee) cower like a frightened animal when asked to define "woman" and to specify if abortion is a women's issue. I honestly believe that Biden would federally outlaw abortion tomorrow if a bunch of TIMs marched into his office and cried that abortion is transphobic because they can't have one.

If we don't nip this gender bullshit in the bud, abortion access will be the least of our problems

( MiMi2013 )
I saw that comment, and I one hundred percent disagree : How many times a day does a female need an abortion-? How many times a day does she need to piss or shit-? Putting predatory men in women's spaces puts women at perpetual, daily risk, to the point that I can imagine so many atrocities that eventually, women will feel they have no choice but decide to forego education and employment, which may be precisely why the One Percent is so eager to degrade the daughters of the 99 percent so viciously.

anxietyacct, Calidris & lilybriscoe #transphobia

RE: It’s funny how TRAs turn into transmedicalists when faced with any scrutiny

( anxietyacct )
They do the same thing with gender non-conformity. They claim to support in and even group in GNC people with trans people. But a closer look at their ideology shows that they actually don't believe in GNC people who aren't trans. Any real example of a GNC person (especially a bi one, in my experience) will instantly just be called trans or at least non-binary.

In their minds, being a masculine woman or a feminine man is aesthetically imperfect, so being trans would be the only way for them to be "complete".

( Calidris )
Some days I wake up and I just can't believe that this ever became anything. It's sooooooooo stupid. The whole idea is built on sand and just makes no fucking sense. Non binary is especially moronic, so much that it makes me angry actually.

And the so called transmedicalists are EVERY bit as stupid as their tucute nemesis. They talk about the same bullshit gender souls, they just want a tiny bit of gatekeeping but it's the same bullshit cult.

Oh a man is a woman if he says so? Then why need surgery at all??? A crippled, chemically castrated man is not a woman and you don't change sex by crippling a man BECAUSE WOMEN ARE NOT CRIPPLED MEN. If anything men are crippled, mutated women. Every species has females but not everyone has males, males are the aberration and female is the default.

And non braineries? You have the MALE FUCKING AUDACITY to tell me that you "have no sex" while you're standing there with cock and balls attached to your painfully obvious male body, are you trying to insult me?? Do you think IM BLIND???

Sorry but I ran out of fucks about a year ago, peaked for 5 years now and I AM FUCKING OVER THIS MALE BULLSHIT

( lilybriscoe )
trans cult do not make sense and will never make any sense. the thing with cults is that i usually feel bad for the people trapped in it. at worst they try to recruit me but the trans cult and the people in it are actively menacing to me and are destroying my mental health, my safety as a woman, and not to mention my relationships with people.

their language games and their logic make me sick.

Global_Meet_375 #elitist #sexist

Most homeless men are r*pist

Alot of homeless men can't maintain a job or even get one because they can't control there sexual desire. They would stare at women on the street they would grope women and even r*pe women yet women are expected to feel sympathy for them and were expected to donate money to them. Most people who donate to charities are women yet were blamed for male homelessness and male homelessness statistics are used to gaslight women and keep us quite about our issues.

70% of homeless people are male meaning that most of my tax money goes to men. Most of my money goes to funding rapist on the street but I'm considered a greedy bitch if I don't think pads and tampons should be tax.

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