
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Kuriboh #psycho #sexist incels.is

Blonde blue eyed women are demons !!

All my Oneitis were blonde whores.
When i walk on the street and see a blonde whore, i will think about her all the day and it will take me weeks, months even years to forget about her maybe her image never goes from my memory.
But when i see another whore, i will forget about her the moment i pass her.
When i talk to a blonde whore and get rejected, it will hurt me a lot and can't get over it. I will feel like being rejected from the whole existence.
When i talk to another whore and get rejected, i will feel nothing even if she humiliates me in front of everyone. I will just laugh at her because i see her worthless.
When there is a blonde whore with me at the class, i can't function at all.
When there is another whore, i get motivated to study.
When i watch a movie and there is a blonde actress, i will feel more excited watching it.
When i watch a movie and there is another whore, i will lose interest and get bored.
If i had a blonde sister, i would probably fuck her!
Even women themselves are obsessed with being blonde. They dye their hair blonde but you never see a blonde woman dying her hair black. The most famous figure of Hollywood history Marilyn Monroe was dark haired who dyed her hair blonde to be more attractive in movies.
Maybe it is the halo effect of Disney that brainwashed us as kids to see blondes as the charming princess or it is something natural that our brains receive their features as the perfect standards of female beauty.
Blonde women conquer you like demons!
I understand the pain of Elliot Rodger!

SulphuricMirror #sexist ovarit.com

Men should be segregated into special ares where they can't expose us and children to their disgusting behaviour. I don't see why normal people (women and children) should have to co-mingle with men who are potentially just masturbating any goddamn place. If they are gonna act like chimps, then maybe they belong in zoos or nature reserves. Just saying.

Forever14 #elitist #moonbat #sexist thepinkpill.co

So when we are gonna acknowledge that women are the dumbest losers for bonding with men?

Why I never see radical feminists admitting that women just straight up live as sexual servants? We know men aren't good, we know it's all men, we know its a mans world, we know heterosexual relationships aren't equal But what we never see is women seeking to not engaging in their own oppression and not being materialistic and driven by the primitive urges We never see the female superiority besides lack of violence from women. They are more peaceful, they don't want a war but they want to lay under men living in service even tho it's abusive ungrateful traumatic. Why won't women ever live differently? They need to live under dick?

Why won't rf be about women going their own way and not bothering with engaging with men or the patriarchy physically There's no justification for anything heterosexual being done by supposed rfs Women act like they don't have souls, just as the creatures they supposedly hate

I'm convinced women wait for something magical to happen cause they really aren't onto just rejecting all this bullshit. They wait for men to save them, they wait for men to get fixed, Disgusting Didn't you serve enough already? You are as weak as men Stop preaching your disgusting slave life in rf spaces

Moonman1488 & Napoleon de Geso #racist #sexist #wingnut ncu.su

RE: Are Slavic countries the last hope for white nationalists?


slavs and based go hand in hand usually XD anglos are getting cucked

Anglos Saxons, Scandinavians, and most Germanic people are pure cucks now. Balts are somewhat based, and slavs are giga based

(Napoleon de Geso)
Are not. Slavic whores are degenerates and belong in forced prostitution

Malevolencel #quack #racist #sexist ncu.su

The vaxx fanatics are absolute imbeciles

Imagine unironically citing the data on rising covid-1984 cases as PROOF that the vaxx is working AND getting booster shots.

Even the self-described "educated professionals" not only fail to see the scam, the inefficiency and the manipulation, they never even look at the data they are citing and how it is collected.

They are bragging about the "return to normal" and fail to see the problem with showing proof of vaccination to visit public places or different countries.

How stupid do you have to be to present your cooompliance as a virtue, blame those who don't take the GMO jab for its inefficiency against jew new "variants" and think you are somehow more civilised than those who resist the tyranny.

Universal suffrage and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

J973 #psycho #sexist reddit.com

I had sex with a guy and in the middle of it he took off condom without me noticing, after everything he said that his dick wasn't hard enough with condom so he took it off. He did apologize when I got angry and all he can say now is why you mad I didn't finish in you. I like this guy a lot, but I feel so betrayed should I end everything with him?

Okay, so it is or isn't rape depending on where you live. If you live in "Reddit-land" it's 100% rape for sure. If you live in UK or Canada I will take people's word on that-- people can be charged and it's illegal.

I gave a pretty good look and as far as I can tell in the United States, right now, 2018, it's NOT illegal and therefore it's NOT rape.

One of the many sites I looked at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-consensual_condom_removal

That's just the legal definitions.

Legality is not morality.

You can feel pissed and violated, but I am very much not in favor of calling every unwanted sexual situation a "rape". As a woman, I think it takes away from REAL RAPE--- and yes I said it! Real rape, like 6 strangers in a back alley sodomizing you in every hole.

If my husband takes off his condom while we are having sex, then yes it is sexual assault/rape. I consented to protected sex, once he removed that condom, the consent is revoked.

guess you are the type that thinks I was raped every time I would go out and get drunk and have sex--- because I couldn't consent. I don't. I was never raped. I was never a "victim" because I didn't feel like a victim.

Different times and I'm glad I am not young and single. Today's women repulse me as much as I repulse you. I think you are a bunch of entitled whiners that cry rape if someone literally looks at you wrong. Or whistles at you. Gross.

I always wanted equality, meaning being equal to men. Not a perpetual victim, who wants equality and yet still wants the door held and guys to pay for dates.

J973 #sexist #pratt reddit.com

If they agreed to be fucking a guy and then only say stop because they have climaxed..... they aren't being raped, they are being a cunt that NEEDS TO BE RAPED.

I always wish that girls that cry rape over situations that they agreed to-- should be anally gang raped by strangers in an alley, so that they learn what rape really is.

And for the record.... didn't the girl just want him to hurry up and finish? That's not telling him to stop.

.You are a terrible, terrible person

Nope. I just think that women who are in bed with a guy, doing it... change their mind and cry rape really aren't being raped. It is a scary world for men out there when women are allowed to call a change of heart, guilt, or remorse, RAPE. I think it devalues the meaning of the word for women who are truly forcibly raped. I can't help it what hivemind thinks.... hivemind isn't always right about a lot of things.

C.T. #elitist #sexist #racist #wingnut chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Liberalism as a heretical movement"]

Yesterday I changed the subtitle of this site by replacing the word ‘fourteen’ with ‘sacred’. Thus I also include the four words (to understand the latter the visitor would have to familiarise himself with my eleven books). Yesterday the thought also came to me that liberalism, which is now in its final metastasis in all former Christian countries[…]is ultimately a heresy
The Christian notion of the equality of men in the eyes of God was transformed, after the American and French Revolutions, into the equality of men under the law. After the defeat of Nazi Germany, this was transmuted in the US into equality for blacks and women; and, in the new century, into using the power of the State to denigrate the white male and achieve—at last!—equity

The secular psychosis of today’s world only affects those countries that were once traditional Christian. Ethno-suicidal liberalism doesn’t affect the billions under Islam, the Chinese regime or the Indian people who still embrace Hinduism. However, that doesn’t mean that the Catholic Church is legitimate. It means that a heretical faction of traditional Christianity, insofar as it secularised the gospel message (i.e., secularised the inversion of values in the New Testament), has taken root in all former Christian countries

I have already discussed this in ‘On empowering birds feeding on corpses’ which can be read on pages 181-184 of [i]Daybreak[/i]. But my initiative to call ‘heretics’ secular liberals, whose most extreme form today are the ‘woke’ people, came to me yesterday. That, heretics, is what they really are. The image of St. Francis is explained in the referenced article from Daybreak: a book which, by the way, remains unavailable in printed form as we haven’t raised the funds to solicit the services of a printer that won’t deplatform us

DominicanDancel91 #racist #sexist #psycho ncu.su

????All nigger foids on this Earth should be donated to incels for companionship????

It's no secret that nigger foids are the lowest in value. They're loudmouths, stuck up, masculine, entitled and always start shit for no reason at all. Plus they support degeneracy, tobacco smoking and watermelons.

They're also the female race with the highest rates of singledom for obvious reasons.

I suggest we take all the nigger foids on this Earth, donate them to incels and make it illegal for nigger foids to date any man higher than a 5/10 in looks.

I hate nigger foids but having nigger foids is better than no foid companionship.

@personalityinkwell @Meremy Jeeks Thoughts?

Roy Kliffen, Aboc Stark & Heavy Metar is My Way #conspiracy #sexist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Feminism and Low Testosterone Are Destroying Civilization, Men Are Losing Testosterone And Are Weak

(Roy Kliffen)
This has been known for a long, long time. When women in the US got the vote, a leading Soviet intellectual - whom's name escapes me right now - commented that the US sowed the seed of it's own destruction and Communism would conquer the US. He knew women tend to be collective and Capitalism leans more towards individualism; Communism is an ideology based in collectivism and with women always having the majority, the trend will be towards collectivism and thus Communism.

(Aboc Stark)
It’s almost as if telling half a generation that they’re the root of all evil because of they lie gender is a bad thing. Imagine my shock when the constant barrage of negativity and downright malice starts to have an effect.

(Heavy Metar is My Way)
As one psychotic feminist attacked me in another post on a different channel; "YoU jUsT rEdEfInEd FeMiNiSm."

Feminism appears as though it has righteous intentions on paper, but in practice it is completely evil.

pferdchenpojuzt #psycho #sexist reddit.com

How to make a man emotionally dependent (easy method)

I have a method I use on men to make them depend on me basically forever and I think I have perfected it. You can really destroy someone emotionally if you use this method, so be aware of what you are doing. This has worked on multiple men (actually everyone I tried it on), of different ages, looks and social statuses.


Every human being longs for unconditional love, but the truth is that it doesn't exist. I'm not saying you should love a man unconditionally (fatal mistake), but you should make him feel as if you do. Most men are still looking for the unconditional love they have never gotten as a child. Experiencing unconditional love will make him feel whole for the first time.


He will sooner or later share his insecurities, if he doesn't, you will try to find them out. As a rule of thumb, most men have some for of abandonment issues. Make him feel accepted.


In this phase you will distance yourself from him for something minor he did wrong. (You could make it up, like saying you feel like he doesn't love you, you feel used).



Use him for anything you may need and enjoy. Things, experiences, being treated like a queen, ask and it is given. I've sent guys to suicidality and mental hospitals with this method. All of my "victims" are still into me, some after decades, some are married. Whenever I ask them for anything, I get it immediately. I hope it helps some of you! Good luck!

This is called trauma bonding


Malevolencel #sexist #psycho ncu.su

I need a way to avoid jewish porn tricks.

If it's rape porn, then you are watching someone else have sex while you aren't getting any. It might also get you in trouble depending how big the white-knight policing is in your area.

If it's not rape porn, it relies on the womb-man's consent.

Need I say more?

If you need material to jack off, you could use social media or deepfake nude generators. Plenty of this stuff online.

Anil Kumar, Barkha Trehan #sexist vice.com

This week, as the Delhi high court hears arguments to potentially criminalize marital rape, the debate has crash-landed out of the courtroom into keyboard warrior territory.

The hashtag #marriagestrike has been trending on Twitter in India, with a number of men vowing to shun marriage altogether if marital rape becomes a criminal offense in the country.

Proponents of the marriage strike movement believe that a marital rape law could wrongfully prosecute innocent married men with false rape charges, especially as a means for wives to gain additional alimony in divorce cases.

“Already as of now in India, it is a crime for a man to get married. If a man gets married and if he is accused [of rape], there is no way for him to defend himself. He has no protection,” Anil Kumar, creator of the #marriagestrike hashtag and founder of men’s rights organisation Save Indian Family Foundation.


Men’s rights groups such as Purush Aayog are pushing back legally and saying rape laws have no space in a marriage.

“I strongly think that consent and willingness of sexual acts are ingrained within the act of marriage. If you will bring this rape law inside the marriage and the husband will be given punishment, then who will marry?” Barkha Trehan, a woman and president of Purush Aayog.

Various TERFs #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: I wanted a female therapist. I got matched with a TiM.

( NewMa )
I just do not trust a TiM , especially on telehealth, to not be beating it to the sound of my tears. I just ... don't.

You didn't get to be a TiM by being a healthy person.

( XX_Power )
I'll be straight, i wouldn't even trust an AGP TIM to do my laundry. Putting one in charge of traumatized women's health is insanity. This is literally a man who sexually gets off by pretending that he's a woman and fetishizes things like periods, but they want to trust this crossdresser with healing the trauma of raped women?

( proudcatlady )
I don’t trust a male therapist period. I’m shocked how many ladies on here have said they have had or do have male therapists. I would assume 100% he’s in it for jerkoff material. Also, empathy is important for therapists to have for their clients…? Men barely empathize with each other and basically can’t with us

( EternaEspiral )
I had a male therapist for a while, ended up say thing I "could be a normal woman" aka date men. So all the time I saw him he was just thinking that, I talked to him about my love life, discrimination... He never took me seriously! I just never went back after that.

( hmimperialtortie )
Or even simply a decent one.

personalityinkwell & Malevolencel #racist #sexist #conspiracy ncu.su


so what are ways to avoid this? age of consent laws seem to block men from marrying young teenage virgins


Age of consent as such is not the trick.

The trick is that most men are trapped in the fake dichotomy of "betabux vs. MGTOW". This particular Jew trick relies on the objective fact that some girls are too young to have sex; based on this fact is the proposition that the society needs to mandate the minimal age and police those who break the rule.

Since the alternatives that have worked for ages become "illegal", you are stuck with the fake choice mentioned above and think that no other possibilities exist. Even if one of the NPCs begins to question the narrative, the rest of the hive will hold them back, as in a crab bucket.

I believe that one of the reasons they hate incel sites is because we have the intellectual freedom to think beyond such fake choices, question all authority and speak out. And the reason we have that is because most incels are to various degrees ostracized from society. It means solitude, but it also provides the ability to observe the system from the outside and avoid the pressure into groupthink.

I can't propose a way to avoid age of consent (not here, anyway), but you can avoid getting tricked into treating it as a valid concept that determines your private life, its romantic aspect.

Malevolencel #racist #quack #conspiracy #sexist ncu.su

How to avoid Jew tricks

Most Jew tricks are based on fake choices, in which the options look different, but are the same on the Jew's intended level of analysis.

Therefore, to avoid Jew tricks, you need to examine the "alternatives" that you are offered for similarities on different levels.

For example, in some European countries you now have to get a negative PCR test or a vaccine passport to go to work because of "covid", and these are the "alternatives", because you can get or not get the jab. In reality, these two are the same thing because they both imply that you believe in "covid" and agree that your employer owns you, can all of your private information and can coerce you into undergoing experimental medical procedures. Both "alternatives" serve the purpose of bringing about the totalitarian New World Order.

Another example is the modern sexual marketplace. The sub-8 men are offered the "alternatives" of betabuxing a used womb-man or being Sent Their Own Way. In either case you have little to no kids and even if you do have them, they are likely to be weak and sickly due to the birthing parents' old age. In either case you comply with the government resrricting your access to sex and reproduction. Both of these options serve the depopulation agenda.

There are more instances of such tricks. It is up to us to bring them up and not get deceived.

Napoleon de Geso #sexist #homophobia #transphobia ncu.su

Overprotective daddies of teen girls - biggest scum on this planet

Of teen or early post-teen, who still may have too much control over daughter, and so debil may be against his teen daughter being with chronologically older man, and so debil, as simple down-to earth man may fail to understand uniqueness of his daughter and her wanting to be artistic, spirritual, indifferent to material amd social wellbeing and to marry spiritually compatible man of culture, not some socioeconomically well established normie he prefers

Finding good waifu of culture is already extremely hard, but thanks to overprotective daddies it becomes much harder, as necessity to search not only for waifu of culture, but also her to be having daddy of culture, or being from dysfunctional family, with daddy not present, or not involved much, (which can create other problems, various daddy issues)

Anyone who fails to understand overprotective daddies being scum - are scum themselves, lower than any tranny or faggot

Overprotective daddies of teen girls are not compatible with kemonisation

(submitters note: the OP has the words “proud hebephile/ephebophile” in his flair)

Napoleon de Geso #sexist #psycho ncu.su

All based woke men need embrace kemonism

Between feminist cucks, who respect sluts and serve them, and tradcucks, who still in some way respect 'muh mother of muh children", and fuckboiys who respect no one with vegane, it is right path of respect those girls who deserve it, by being kemono friends, and so really based and woke man of culture is who refuses both feminism and tradcuckery, by choosing enlightened way of kemonism. Problem is findind 3d girls who deserve kemonism, and so mostly it is just ideological respect of idea what good waifu should be

Disgusting non-kemono foids, set them on fire, enslave, force-prostitute, and one nice glorious day, when artificial kemono waifus created - exterminate those inferior natural biocunts

ares12 #sexist deviantart.com

Once upon a time, G4 used to be loaded with hot hostesses, yet once you look past their sexual appeal you get that these hostesses were actual Geeky women who knew their stuff and loved their jobs.

Now, we can't have nice things like in the gold old days of G4 anymore because, in an SJW's mind, there's no line between sexual harassment and flirty compliments.

I get that a level of professionalism is part and parcel within any industry, to which I agree, but if being a Geek in the current cultural sphere now requires having a stick up your ass and having a masochistic attitude because of my white skin-color, then call me a Nazi. I'd rather much reign in hell than serve in heaven.

Mazdak X #psycho #sexist ncu.su

Perhaps Another Great Reason To Be JAlLBAlT-Pilled And Accept The Fact That New Is Better Than Pre-Owned

Is the fact that child soldiers are based and blackpilled. In a physio-biological and socioeconomic struggle that brutal as fuck for low smv males, all low smv males, including those under muh 18 are disposable prisoners to the enemy. So if we were blessed with The Uprising, wouldn't you want the the youngcels to be a part of it? If I was the father of at fourteen year old boy and The Uprising was happening, there is no ageism. Let's be real, everyone would be alright with teenage boys taking up arms against the oppressors alongside every other kind of low smv male. Here's another sour reality for the glowies and incel haters, foids would be happy to see their teen sons loot porky. They'd only be disappointed if they were caught or kiIIed.

So why should I be against lolipillers when I am child soldierpilled? Fuck bro, if I was a child soldier growing up... I'd probably have had a chance to lootmaxx for surgerybux. Not only that but I would have started a career with LIKEMINDED and TRIBALY CONNECTED brocels. Lots of great milestones and coming of age memories that come from the ultimate thugmaxxing, which is child soldiermaxxing. And the fact that The Uprising is the ultimate haves versus have-nots battle, the amount of confidence and life fulfilment from partaking in such a great time would have really made my personality and character shine.

In the name of Incelos Philadelphos, may we see nerdy teencel gamers actually MineCraftmaxxing enemy combatants and participating in a good future for brocels together with the other cels.


Moonman1488 #racist #sexist #wingnut ncu.su

These are the only countries that are not accepting 6 million immigrants a day, aren’t falling for progressive liberal feminist bullshit, and are overall healthy white nations with decent border security and national identity.
I understand some Slavs are still Antifa because of Commie/Soviet influence, but it seems that Orthodox Christianity is doing a really good job at maintaining traditionalism in the Slavic world and combating neo-Sovietism.

In my ideal world, we could all bread young fertile healthy white 13-16 yo lolis and make them mothers of healthy white children. Sadly, even other white nationalists will hate me for suggesting this.

storyending #moonbat #sexist #transphobia storyendingnever.wordpress.com

They Are All the Worst

I am in no way standing up for white dudes. I just can’t see feminism ever having a real and lasting impact when women slide into a concession-to-dick-based policy rooted in intersectionality.

The world isn’t shitty because of white men. The world is shitty because of men. All groups of men are the worst. Just as different women deal with different shit, different men drop different kinds of turds.

I live in China, where 99.99% of the men are Chinese. My female students are already being pressured into and groomed for marriage. Talk about sexual slavery… Chinese men are worst.

A few years ago, while in L.A., I went to the creepy crawly Museum of Death. I was stopped short in front of a television set playing footage from Africa where a group of about 200 black African men had ganged up on a single lone black African woman stripping beating and raping her. She died in the end. Her ‘crime’? Who the fuck knows. Being a woman? African men are the worst.

A couple of years ago, in India, a woman was gang raped to death on a public bus. Further, there are an estimated 3 million female prostitutes in India, almost half of whom are under 18 years of age. Indian men are the worst.

White men are leading the pack of rabid, violent, narcissistic, misogynist, middle-aged, autogynopheliac, pedophilic, ex-military, rape-apologist trannies. (At least one adjective applies to every trannie out there.) White men are the worst.

Muslim men are well known for their barbarism and hatred of women. They cut off clitorises and sew up vaginal openings and rape and kill women in the name of ‘honour’ and Allah all over the world. Muslim men are the worst.

Christian, Jewish, Aboriginal, disabled, homeless, conservative, liberal, gay men... I could go on and on and on.

Men are men. They are ALL the worst. Having brown skin doesn’t make you more noble or empathetic or somehow above violence against women. XY = male = violent = woman-hating.

Canada flag poster #racist #sexist archive.wakarimasen.moe

Why isnt this a country?


we cant understand each other at all despite what you westerners think

"This may be hard for a Canadian to understand but they all have their own languages and cultures"

culture not really since we borrowed alot from each other to the point where we're very similar, its just the language barrier, we all speak pretentious difficult gibberish

>EU member kvetching about languages
>melting pot empire kvetching about culture

This is incredibly persuasive. Please face the wall.

Why don't you join the US, you have 20x more in common than EE has. I mean, you're basically Americans anyway

lol do you think Im against it?

American civilization is infinitely superior to British or French.

Superior? In what universe and how?


Openly lesbian U.S. shot putter Raven Saunders shook her buttocks at the camera after finishing behind Chinese gold medalist Gong Lijiao, and then ranted about intersectionality and black and LGBTQ politics.

Literally go to UK or France, its hell.

Real American culture is from 1650-1950. Post 1950 its some weird jewish pedo cannibal cult that spread to the rest of the west in 1990 and spreading globaly in 2020.

We try to build Romania better. Just give your land to Tsar Putin already

The only good thing about Russia are those webcam whores, they are just out of this world.

During Soviet era . Slavs built many infrastructures from Georgia to estonia

Exactly, most of them have big tits and their faces are model tier.

Malevolencel #sexist #transphobia ncu.su

"Saying such things is what makes you an incel"

This has to be one of the stupidest attempts to silence our conversation ever.

There is plain wrong, and the cucks who say that are themselves living proof of what I am saying. Despite all their womb-man respecting, they are even more incel that the men they are trying to mock. Here starts the blue-pilled mental gymnastics.

"No, you don't understand, respecting womb-men is the bare minimum and doesn't guarantee you a partner." This has of course also been disproven with chad-fishing, stories like that of Chad Bundy or Jeremy Meeks and dark triad studies. Womb-men prefer "misogyny", but only when it comes from a chad.

An incel's "misogyny" is only a turn off for a foid to the degree to which she assumes that he's ugly and has been rejected by other cells of the womb-man hivemind. Even then, there are countless foid "journalists" and "researchers" obsessed with our forums because most users never show their faces but generate pure misogyny. The cucks will say that womb-man ITcels exist, but no, troons don't count as womb-men by definition.

C.T. #racist #dunning-kruger #sexist chechar.wordpress.com

[From "On IQ studies"]

It’s true what Jared Taylor and his group say about IQ differences between races. But I have long been thinking that these studies are biased towards certain intellectual abilities
The problem with IQ studies is that they measure a part of intelligence, but not all of it. Those who have read the neurologist Oliver Sacks will know that, for a long time, neurology studied the left hemisphere of the brain to the detriment of the right hemisphere
It isn’t credible that Asians are about five points higher than Aryans while the latter are much more creative, and Asians merely imitate what whites have come up with. It is obvious that something huge is missing in the IQ studies

I think it is precisely judgement[…]that is missing from the ‘hemiplegic’ approach, so to speak, in IQ studies
If we take judgement in conjunction with the values measured by conventional IQ tests, pre-Christian Aryans would rank above not only Asians, but Jews themselves. It was Christianity that literally drove us mad
In his most recent article, for example, in which he discusses the IQ difference between men and women, Devlin is quick to add that women[…]outperform us linguistically and in other faculties
In a text I also picked up in On Beth’s Cute Tits, Anglin tells us: ‘What I am “claiming”[…]is that women have no concept of “race”, as it is too abstract for their simple brains. What they have a concept of is getting impregnated by the dominant male’
A typical conservative would never talk like that since bourgeois codes of conduct[…]oblige him to be nice to everyone present, ladies included
IQ studies are very limited. They only measure part of intelligence. If whites could get the monkey of Christianity off their backs, they would be the most intelligent subspecies of Homo sapiens on the planet

AcidKritana #pratt #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

In other words, should we even care that fewer men than women attend college?

Um, yes?

Problem is, now that I identify as male, suddenly I don't have as much opportunity to get INTO college in the first place. Either I would have to identify as female (faking it, of course) or try to get something like the Secular Student Alliance scholarships. I guess there's also ones for race, I'm biracial. but maybe because I'm less than but almost half white they would discount me? I dunno. Either way, I now have a harder time getting into college in the first place.

Jon Birger clearly doesn't know how logic works. You know, that discrimination is DENYING SOMEONE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY BASED ON A CHARACTERISTIC OF THEIR BEING, SUCH AS GENDER.

“Students don’t notice the difference,” Sandler said. “In a large college, you’re never going to know [that there are more women than men].”

Um, I would.

Another dating-market quirk that confused me even more than the general oversupply of 30-something and 40-something women is who these women tend to be. In my experience, a disproportionate number of the women who claim to have the most difficulty dating after 30 are those who have the most going for them. They are smart, fun, kind, and attractive. A lot of them are probably more physically fit at 40 than they were at 24.

Oh of the perks of being gay - you don't have to deal with BS like this. I wish this was extended to straight men. Honestly, it's really tiring to see people whining that those "poor" women have to date down, because they made a personal choice to put themselves further in life...

I swear, these people have to reach so far to even get these things anymore.

personalityinkwell #psycho #sexist ncu.su

RE: A Response To: "You Aren't Entitled To Sex" (Nobody Is Entitled To Anything)

You aren't entitled to not face the consequences of men not getting sex

Foids are entitled to reporting rapes to the police

that is if the dude doesnt choke her to death before he leaves the scene

Malevolencel #psycho #sexist ncu.su

If rape is about power, as the cucks say, how are foids the victims when they get "raped"?

It's them who exploit and abuse the safety that society provides to leave the sub-8 men incel. It's them who have the government back up this forced loneliness with the apparatus of repression. It's them who get people jailed for attempts to have sex even in marriage.

If people are punished for a finished and successful sexual act backed up by physical strength of the man, how does it not apply to those who use the force of still more, and armed, men to leave people with no or failed sex? How are "married" foids who force dead bedrooms on their betabuxxers through the government bogeyman not rapists?

"Raped" womb-men are, in most circumstances, trying to be both the oppressor and the victim. They get what they have coming and they still wouldn't be getting it if they made a small effort to use the government machine one extra time, but they choose not to do it because, as research shows, they enjoy being "raped". Then they have their sexual partners punished, if they happen to be sub-8, with imprisonment, where actual rape and murder occur as "retaliation" for something that womb-men seek all their lives. How is this anything more than a foid power trip?

The cucks will call this rape advocacy, because they have no argument or the guts to accept genuine questions for which they don't have ready answers provided by sources of "official truths". Still, such questions need to be asked, because this level of cuckoldry cannot slide unquestioned and accepted.

ThePigmanAgain #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

SJW Pope goes full-On gynocentric claiming that "the church is a mother" and that "To Hurt a Woman Is to Insult God"

He stopped just short of saying women are sacred. Wait till mothers' day, when he will probably declare that God is a woman and that men were created by Satan.

To hurt your fellow man is also to insult God.

Well, it used to be but these days nobody gives a shit about men, not even God!

The church being a refered to as a feminine entity has been a point in christianity since the beginning

First, it IS new because the context has changed. Calling it a mother in patriarchal times was just being nice to the wominz, calling it a mother in feminist times is taking a shit on men.

Also, nice of you to leave out all the other gynocentrism, like his glorification of mothers as if they are angels on earth.

It was always mother church

So it was always tainted by gynocentrism. Now it's worse, because times have changed and so the meaning has changed.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Thomas Schneider is smarter than a woman"]

Thomas Schneider has become Jeopardy's 5th most winning champion

Oddly enough, that's not how the professional liars in the mainstream media are reporting it. Thomas, you see, has wore a dress and called himself Amy, and therefore has been declared "the winningest female Jeopardy champion" even though he's a dude

It's a nice gig: we've seen it in sporting events. Global National wanted to talk about the Canadian women's soccer team winning Gold in the Tokyo Olympics without mentioning the inconvenient fact that they cheated by having men on the team
If you needed further proof men are smarter than women here you go: even a man with severe mental retardation can beat a woman in a contest of the mind
There's another far older game of mental acuity that women simply are incapable of competing against us in: chess. Despite what propaganda you've been fed in entirely fictional stories like The Queen's Gambit, men absolutely destroy women when it comes to chess
It's almost as if, and stop me if you've heard this before: men's brains and women's brains are fundamentally different. Even a broken-down man's brain who thinks its a woman's brain, like Thomas Schneider, can operate superior to a woman's brain which is mainly a repository for recipes and a burning desire to watch home improvement shows
Jeopardy was one of the areas in which they relatively shine[…]Even that has been taken away from them by a man who knows Broadway hits of the late 60s and Chinese art during the Zhou dynasty, but is apparently unaware of the scientific fact that you can't change your sex through the magical power of wishing

Stodge #sexist ncu.su

Every man should be opposed to abortion

I am probably preaching to the choir here and I am sure that no one likes to see their tax money diverted toward "women's health" initiatives that allow them to whore around in an orgiastic frenzy on the back of fetal corpses. However, it remains to formulated exactly what is so nauseating about abortion from a particularly masculine perspective.


Abortion makes woman the arbitrator of life itself and elevates her to a uniquely dread significance. This act is even metaphysical in its implications and is the first shudder of a slumbering primitive goddess. Framing this issue as the "freedom to choose" is a clear investment of woman with the right to bestow and remove life from existence. What I mean: consider the rhetorical tricks often used by defenders of abortion. Unbelievably, the same being could be either "a beautiful babby" or a "clump of cells" depending on the womb it occupies; the ontological status of an embryo can be altered by something as flighty and crippled as a woman's choice, the same thing that prefers whoring to wisdom and already has such a poor record to its name. This is the trial run of what cucked men wish to manifest in social existence, where a woman is able to deputize you into legitimate humanity by the act of "fucky fuck smexytime" (soys have very disgusting and childish ways of saying it) - until that time, you are merely potential: incomplete and liable to be snuffed out at whim just like a "clump of cells".

Truly, such a horror casts us back to the fertility cults of antiquity, where undeveloped slave-men are tyrannized over by a capricious mammy goddess. Or a hive of drone bees servicing a sessile, bloated queen. The return of the Great Mother presiding over a brood of impotent children. "Pro-choice" and the ethics of "consent" are the primary vehicles by which low forces rend apart the higher. This is not an existence compatible with the honor of man.


Malevolencel #sexist ncu.su

RE: We need a real sex offender registry

That would be a registry of all thots that engaged in non-marital sex. It's easy enough to get one off the ground, since most womb-men report their partners on social media for judgement of the foid hivemind. Since they are sex objects, it's safe to assume that all of their male "friends", boyfriends and the rest have been their sex partners.

We also need to make it mandatory for womb-men to take all the surnames of the men they have been with, one by one. This way you would be able to tell a used up cum depository by the word count in her second name and save yourself the trouble of "getting to know" a creature that doesn't even have a personality.


They would have 50 surnames on their credit card. Credit cards would be the size of an A4 piece of card.

They shouldn't have credit cards or any money in the first place, because they don't do any real work, do not generate value (except maybe as mothers in a two-parent family, which most of them are not).

Prussian Society of America #racist #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "The Dethroning of Aryan Women towards Oriental Women is not a Solution nor an Alternative"]

As I have mentioned with the shift that has taken place in the world with Aryan Women, most notable among Nordic Variants, having been officially dethroned (Internationally) to the preference of Oriental Women, marks an extreme change in global dynamics for the forseeable future
Even if in Russia, if there is a choice between an American or European girl[…]and there is a Chinese one[…]the Chinese one will be given attention and priority, pursued exclusively except in the case if the Russian one is not desired first
The Oriental world is older in terms of its existence, but the modern flourishing and replacement of it over ours, will never match the First Rate quality of European Civilization, both in terms of Culture and Product

Extinction of Good Racial Stock among a population from tragedies and wars, or forced genocide which has been the case now for many decades, is an irreversible tragedy
Even in today’s China, the Chinese race is polluted from the fact that a considerable size of their population are descendents of Ghengis Khan
Racial Mixing is a greater crime for the Women than the Men who engage in it, however it is still not something that should be highly pursued and especially with races that are so vastly different, such as with how many Germans and other Europeans now have sought wives in the Oriental world, nevertheless we understand why they do what they do
If a German or European person has ambitions for the True Kind of Romantic Love, which is exceptionally rare in this world to begin with, the Oriental Race is known to have the least examples of these Specimens among their Racial Stocks

However, the Oriental Race is very good at imitation
Honorable German Men have a right to ownership of a German Woman who remains chaste

Eskimocel #sexist #crackpot #psycho incels.is

SuicideFuel [ChameleonPill] Its over time, time to go home lads. Chameleon pill kills me.


TranscriptOn average, a chameleon's tongue is roughly twice the length of its body. In humans, that would be a tongue about 10 to 12 feet (about 3 to 4 meters)

Which means he can give the best oral, keep in mind the vagina is only 4 inches deep. Which means he has more length than your penis, a sharper tounge to inflict more pain(because femoids love being killed) also scaly skin which can be used a vibrator. Or pussy rub shall I say.
His tounge is also long enough to enter the vagina and touch the clit. Double stimulation which is harder for men since its hard to multitask during sex as they are so focused on one thing.

Why do femoids choose a chameleon over us?
1.Reusable, if the other one gets lost in your pussy you can get a new one.
2. You can force it to have sex, no "headaches".
3. They have no emotions towards you.
4.They blend in with your skin which can mimic chads cock.

HTTP Error 404 #ableist #elitist #racist #sexist #wingnut kiwifarms.net

If you're at the point where NPR of all things is "white supremacy" just finally come out and say that white people existing while not sucking you off 24/7, which America already does, pisses you off.

What's that 4chan greentext? Something about how America is being retooled to be a life support system for big fat stupid as fuck entitled black female retards?

Billions of dollars in medical care, our entire Agricultural industry, our Welfare system, our Entertainment industry, and our Educational system, all being twisted and torn apart and rebuilt just to keep big fat fucking Shaniquas full of fried chicken, grape soda, and delusions of grandeur. And after this lifestyle of eating, fucking, and bitching about how oppressed they are on twitter, all on the tax payer's dime, drives them literally to their backs in a hospital bed, our entire economy has to revolve around keeping them alive just a little bit longer so they can eat more, fuck more, and be stupid at people more until they eventually give up the ghost and bless the world with them finally fucking dying. And then their retarded fucking dozen or two dozen hellspawn will run around either fucking other Shaniqua spawn and running off to die in a drug and violence fueld orgy if they're men, or jump on the fried chicken-to-hospital pipeline if they're female, both of them screaming that they're oppressed royalty and deserve higher quality bedpans and fried chicken recipes.

That's how American society ends; with guilty white people running around desperately trying to keep a conveyor belt running so the last 500 pound fat black bitch can keep stuffing her face all while she bitches about how oppressed she is, fried chicken bits and spittle slapping some poor nurse in the face as she screeches at them, the poor deluded and indoctrinated medical professionals experiencing a momentary bout of religious ecstasy at being useful for one of da kweenz.

Games Workshop couldn't devise a more grimdark future.

SlavPitt #elitist #sexist incels.is

Slavpill is brutal

Living in western Europe (Germany) as a slav is brutal.
Being a slav is much worse than being turkish/arab or almost any ethnic. Many white foids in Germany even prefer Arabs and Turks over their own race.
But nobody prefers slavs. They just have it slightly better than chinks.

Some time ago i read an article about a slav foid writing she would rather die than dating a slav :feelsrope:

If Brad Pitt were born as a Slav he would be posting here

I grew up in Germany and i´ve seen so fkn many white german foids with average or slightly above average sandniggers. But all slavs i know imported their women from their countries and are betabuxxing. There are barely slavs with german foids.

Slavs have the lowest smv after chinks.

It's cucked that Slavic nations want to join European Union so bad. JFL at the Ukraine for risking a war against Russia just to get Cucked when they migrate to Germany.

It´s also lifefuel for western men when the market gets flooded by eastern euro foids. I wonder how polish men deal with it. Polish men are not very attractive either.

No_Seaworthiness9625 #conspiracy #sexist reddit.com

RE: Men's Aid received 8,000 contacts last year — and 94% of their abusers were women

Why is a woman in control of this organization, how many women's dv organizations are controlled by men ?.

Why is she parroting feminist statistics, 94% of the abusers are female ?, this far too low, nearly all of i.p.v against men is female-perpetrated, 2% are not i.p.v.

Far too many red flags here, is probably another scam perpetrator organization like those seen in australia.

Stewart-Allen Clark #sexist youtube.com

[in response to the distracted boyfriend meme]

And ladies, here’s the thing you need to know about men: Don’t give him a reason to be like this distracted boyfriend. You hear me? Don’t give him a reason to be looking around. Hello?!
Now look, I’m not saying every woman can be the epic, the epic trophy wife of all time, like Melania Trump — I’m not saying that at all. Most women can’t be trophy wives, but, you know, like her — maybe you’re a participation trophy. I don’t know. But all I can say is not everybody looks like that! Amen?! But you don’t need to look like a butch either!
But you say, “How can I do that?” Oh, I’m so glad you asked that question! I’m so glad you asked that question! Because you’re in my office, you and your husband, and we’re talking about your marriage, and you’ve asked me this question about “What can I do about that?” All right, if you were sitting in my office, here’s the first thing I’d say to you — and boy, I hate to say this, this is why I don’t do marital counseling anymore — and that is… weight control.
So how important is this? Let me tell you something: I have a friend. He has put a “divorce weight” on his wife! That’s how important this is!
You know, makeup! Makeup is a good thing. You know, my little boy said, “Why do girls wear makeup and perfume?” You say “Because they’re ugly and they stink.” You don’t want to be ugly and stink!
Scientists have discovered, by the way, a food that diminishes the woman’s sex drive. It’s called the wedding cake. Hahahahahahahaha, yeah.

Napoleon de Geso #sexist ncu.su

[Based] Instead "age of consent" better be implemented weight of consent upon females

If female is too fat - she forbidden to do sexual activity, untill loses weight, and if she still does it - then she becomes rapist of man (or another female, in case of lesb) she touched in inapropriate way of being fat. Exceptions can be done for foids who fat because of serious medical conditions (which feminism, while being retarded and degenerate, but medical condition as does not count), and for foids who's husband is clinically diagnosed pervert with atraction to fat females. Ordinary men cannot consent to fat females, and fat female touching them in sexual way couns as she doing action of statutory **** upon nonconsenting man

Malevolencel #wingnut #sexist #dunning-kruger ncu.su

[Idea] Free speech is an absolute right

There are no "eXcEpTioNs" to free speech. It's perfectly allowed, though stupid and unreasonable, to shout "FIRE" in a crowded theatre.

If you believe in "exceptions" or any other restrictions of free speech, then you do not believe in free speech, and then you do not believe in human rights and have literally no ground to talk about your "rights" ever.

The right to free speech is an objective reality and is exists without permission from the government, it is universal and requires no good goy soycial credit score to use. Even the anti-free speech cucks can use this right, but it's up to the normal people (like ourselves) not to listen to these idiots

The cucks can waste decades and decades of their pathetic existence to assist certain people's effort to eliminate free speech and replace it with permitted speech, but they cannot win.

Free speech and other human rights (which womb-man "rights" are not) are an objective reality, as evidenced by the failure of nations who repressed said rights. In particular, every dictatorship has eventually become a corrupt shithole and got wiped out; while the US with its right to free speech, to representation, to guns and so on has become the wealthiest nation ever. Only with the introduction of the fake foid "rights" and the restrictions on the real rights did it start to crumble, and it will eventually collapse.

In particular, it's our right to spread the blackpill truth on the major social media platforms, because their coverage makes them essential social infrastructure and therefore a key part of exercising the right of free speech (as opposed to incel-only or soycuck-only or other community-centered forums).

Any cuck that advocates for repression of free speech to end up in a corrupt shithole with stagnating economy and no political process has only himself to blame.

fresauva & MeropeGaunt #racist #sexist thepinkpill.co

How do I warn other immigrant woman about "american men"

As part of the Latin community, I hear too often how they would love to come to America and meet an American man because they are better than whatever they have back at home. They think white american=higher income, higher morals, family-oriented man whos hard working and loyal waiting for the trad-like foreign goddess to start a family with...and we all know that this is far from the truth. Most likely they would meet a porn obsessed dude who looks at them like a porn fetish website category "latina" and even looks down on her for being brown (with the growth of incels into race theory it wouldn't be surprising)

Introduce them to 4Chan. No, seriously. I was attracted to white men when I was thirteen, and after 4Chan I currently don't see them as human. Other races besides my own, Indians and the Japanese have not provoked such a visceral response in me the way 4Chan thrashed around the reputation of white American men.

It was in these forums that I witnessed men discussing how latinas were "to have sex with" and white women to "marry with" and how we are good for a good time and nothing else.

My latina friends tried to marry white men, then realized the truth and are all married to latino men with full families and children.

As a Latin American woman, I know American men are full of shit. A lot of European men too. A lort of them come to live here, which is odd because we have lots of social and economical problems. They start talking to me, and I realize why they came: to have a good time. To party and do stupid shit they're not allowed to do back home. And to have sex, thinking we latinas are all "whores". They don't say it, but they attitude shows it. A couple of weeks ago a British man that lives here started talking to me and his entitled ass thought he knew more about the country I've been living in for almost thirty years, even my own town (!) than me.

SulphuricMirror #homophobia #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: "There's more cock in r/actuallesbians than here" says redditor in r/askgaybros

I literally don't consider gay men allies anymore. there are so few standing up to this cult that they've gone full traitor mode on lesbians. Lesbians, who fucking cared for them when they were dropping like flies of "gay plague".

And this is the pay back we get.

I really think that as we re-group as lesbians, we need to make one thing clear: we may have something in common with gay men, but they are not our allies. They are men. They are misogynist scum and they are traitors. Only a very few of them seem to care about us.

Just like only a very few straight men care about what happens to women.

So there you go, they're just men. And we need to keep that in mind going forward and never waste energy helping them again.

We should also distance ourselves from them politically and socially, if at all possible. Again, because they are males and the sexuality can poison everything and be quite perverted. Remember it was gay men who wanted to let pedophiles in the movement in the 70s, and it was lesbians who held the line and said, "uh, no, child raping is not a legit sexuality". If we weren't there, what would become of their civil rights movement?

I say we leave them to cope for themselves and if they eat themselves over gender cult or pedo bullshit, then it's their own fault. We need to stop wasting time and energy babysitting and advocating for men, because what happens is they reap all the rewards and we lose everything.

Everything. We literally don't have a community anymore. Where were gay men when that was happening? They can piss off as far as I'm concerned. We need to really take the Get The L Out movement seriously. Maybe some people will think that's too extreme or we need gay men or something, but I don't think so. Need them for what? They're men, most of them are worthless when it comes to creating anything positive for women.

Incels Wiki #crackpot #sexist #psycho incels.wiki


The term incestpill can refer to various possible theories. Those are:

* Sexual desire and looks are one of the determining factors in family relationship: the more attracted family members are to the others, the better they treat each others[1]
* Incel males should try to have sex with their sisters[2]
* Since Chad looks good, he can have incestuous sex with his sister without any problem, and can even cuck his sister's boyfriend(s)[3][4]

See also
* Sistercel
* Incestuals
* Cousincest or nothing


[1] 23 August 2019 by Reeve23
[2] 24 August 2020 by Total Imbecile; Total Imbecile's remark was discussed by We Hunted the Mammoth here.
[3] 26 October 2020 by JosefMengelecel
[4] 29 July 2018; context. [two threads from the “Braincels” subforum of a site called rareddit)

Torchy Blane #conspiracy #quack #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger winterwatch.net

The Crime Syndicate — or what some call the “New World Order” — do much more than culturally attack masculinity. A critical element of their crackpot plan and assault is to put or allow toxic agents into the environment that cause demasculinization.

For those who live in the U.S., this is manifested in what I would call the “metrosexual” or “fem” look. I first became aware of it in about 2000. At first, I thought it was just dress style and changing cultural norms, but gradually I realized it was more. This has mostly emerged and is noticeable among the Millennial and Y generations, meaning people born between about 1980 and 2005. It’s a bit less pronounced in Europe, at least as you go East.
All Species Becoming More Feminized
The herbicide atrazine is one of the most liberally applied pesticides in the world. As a result, atrazine is the most commonly detected pesticide contaminant of ground, surface and drinking water. It’s also a potent endocrine disruptor that is active at low concentrations.
Accordingly, pregnant women whose fetuses are exposed to this agent end up reproducing males with smaller or deformed genitalia. An increasing number of our males are experiencing delayed puberty, falling sperm counts and a rise in gender confusion as boys are increasingly feminized.
This topic goes on and on, and we could write a 5,000-word article full of just-the-facts citations. But of particular note is the lack of concern and the “what, me worry?” attitude of the Monsanto lobby, trans-humanists, transgender- and homosexual-infested health and governmental agencies running the show. Not much shows up in the Lugenpresse on this development either. WW submits it is all by design.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #sexist #elitist #wingnut 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@JamesDubhthaigh - are they too dumb to figure out I.D. because they're black, or leftists?"]



That’ll show the city that requiring a VALID ID to vote is unacceptable!

I.D and voter suppression laws (passed by REPUBLICANS) that somehow only targets black people who vote for the Democratic Party? ??
10:15 PM · Apr 2, 2021

Why can't niggers get I.D., exactly?

I understand that the traditional inner-city American black method of obtaining wanted items (violent looting) doesn't exactly work at the DMV, since like gift cards hanging at the checkout counter in The Bay they are useless unless they are activated in store (unless they're being sly, which again would really be playing against type)

However surely all but the stupidest black (of which I'm sure there's intense competition, maybe we should have some sort of awards show?) can still understand that all you have to do is go to the Department of Motor Vehicles which is a joke you'd hear at any show at The Apollo, bring your Birth Certificate (don't worry if you don't know who your father is, it's not part of the process) and your Social Insurance Number (and every nigger knows it off by heart), pay a fee (unless it's waived for you, which is an example of black privilege that taxpaying whites don't get), and boom: ID. Or you can just go to the DMV with your glock and threaten all the white people who are paying your freight. One or the other, I suppose

If it's all too much, then you being disenfranchised is a net good for society and we should all be cheering it on. There's a reason government ballooned into a leviathan in the era where women and non-property owners got to vote

Prussian Society of America #sexist #psycho #conspiracy #wingnut prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "The Civil War Between Western Men and Women is about to go “HOT”"]

Women, especially College-Educated, Feminist and Career-oriented Women are beginning to rudely wake up to a new disturbing reality, especially onset from the COVID Lockdowns and Financial Damages, they are beginning to realize that they are lost, and that Men are not coming to pick up the tab, and have no interest to court them
Even if the Men DID want to court them, the fact is that College-Educated/Career Women are impotent in the affairs of anything in life that are not related to their careers
In most countries, whether it is in China, Russia and elsewhere outside of the West, the opinion and reputation towards Caucasian Women is so LOW that they are being routinely ignored, and nobody is paying attention to them

What do all these Men want and who are they giving the attention too!?

China has its dragon tails wrapped up around many influential Western Women in positions of power, who are being used without their knowledge, to further the interests of China Expansionism to take over the West, and this is especially true in dealing with Political Matters and things like Social Justice Initiatives
Only Men who are weak, ignorant, and especially Christian Men will rise in protest to my words because of their disgusting desires to keep injustices protected in a reality that is beginning to unfold the greatest deceivers
We are about to embark on the period soon of where the Gender War will escalate to outright, actual warfare towards Women, and one should not fear or cower at this fact, but view it for exactly what it is, a War of Necessity
It is for this reason that Adolf Hitler took the “Gold Standard” reputation as the most Evil Man in the world, because as a Decent Man, he demonstrated to the world that he was willing to use ruthless murder to achieve his aims and political will

Pangeasrighthand #dunning-kruger #sexist reddit.com

Sympathy for incels

I am a gay man, but most the people I hangout with are straight guys. I’m really tired of listening to guys complain how they can’t get a girlfriend, but I also get where they’re coming from.

If you’re programmed to think about something all the time, constantly told it’s the best feeling in life, constantly presented with media where someone’s story ends with getting it, and constantly told you’re a pathetic loser if you can’t get it you’re justified in asking”what do I have to do to get it?”

I had this idea for a political cartoon that might change someone’s mind on sympathy for incels.

There’s a future society with mostly desert and little water. A pill is developed that protects someone from the effects of dehydration, but it only works for women. So all the men in this society are constantly carrying around big jugs of water while the women are told they don’t need it. The women’s brains still tell them they should drink water, and they feel some effects of thirst but nothing causing serious pain.

This society would have a bunch of movies that end with female protagonists getting a guy to share his water with her, but also a man power movement where men are told they should keep their water.

The main story would have a female protagonist who is constantly made fun of for not finding a guy to share his water. There would be a moment where her friends are shocked to find out she never got any water. She’d have one friend tell her she’d get it eventually, than over hear that friend later saying she never would.

Then there’d be a montage of her talking to different guys. Some would let her down gently. Some would tell her she’s to ugly, a loser and a few other flaws. Some would just go off on her for only wanting their water.

I’m just saying men deserve more sympathy since they do have a harder time with relationships often for things they can’t control.

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