
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Pomidor Quixote #sexist #psycho dailystormer.name

Fundie :
Board : Daily Stormer
Quote : [From "Man Kills Wife for Refusing Sex"]

This used to be considered normal and acceptable behavior

Not really sure what changed

Oh. No, I’m sure what changed

New York Post

An 80-year-old Italian man allegedly killed his 61-year-old wife in a jealous rage when she refused to have sex with him – after he already swallowed a Viagra pill, according to a report

Vito Cangini told police he fatally stabbed his Ukrainian wife, Natalia Kyrychok, between Christmas Day and Sunday in the town of Fanano di Gradara, Newsflash reported[…]

The woman was probably trying to get a good Viagra-boosted raping, but instead got stabbed to death

Prussian Society of America #dunning-kruger #wingnut #quack #pratt #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com


Just the other day, I had learned some new very insightful information on people wearing masks by some Woman who works in the Medical Industry about the effects of Mask Wearing on the Brain / Body
even while Brain Cells will begin to deteriorate and die, that the exposure to up to about 20% of reduction in Oxygen intake levels will even cause the Brain to adjust to build tolerance in breathing in lower levels of oxygen over extended periods of time
This now puts things in an ENTIRELY new perspective, explaining everything you need to know about this addiction to masking, when you sit back to understand the consequences as far as why people are so eager to continue wearing their masks and find no desire to let up or revolt against the practice
There are now well over 2 Billion Masks discarded into World Oceans since the start of the COVID Cult, not to mention all the other Hospital Equipment, all of it which is highly contaminated with Estrogenic properties
[Some rambling on environment and how Germany is not "the most Forward-Thinking Nation in the world [...] since 1945"]
Today, in my vicinity I had to stop at the Local Supermarket, and even just outdoors, everyone is wearing their Masks again just like back in April/May 2020
God Forbid, if I were living somewhere in Europe right now, even if there was a Law or Mandate, I would still not be wearing masks, even if it meant my death over it. I am beyond tired of this nonsense
If you can’t even be bothered to carry out the most minimal of resistance methods in this fight, like even to go about Slamming the Doors behind you in people’s face trying to Enter a store with their masks on at public establishments, or to tell some nasty cunt who is wearing her mask how ugly she is and how her face looks like a guy’s crotch, you are absolutely pathetic and worthless in this fight!
There is No “Happy New Year” at this point, and it would be foolish and disingenuous for me to say it, even out of cordiality or tradition

The Taliban Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice #crackpot #fundie #psycho #sexist euroweeklynews.com

The Taliban Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice has banned displaying the heads of female mannequins in shops, claiming that it goes against Sharia law.

Despite the promises and guarantees that the Taliban offered the Afghan population, particularly women and minorities, the facts since they came to power on August 15 show that this was nothing more than false advertising.

A new edict from the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice has banned displaying the heads of female mannequins in shops, meaning that shopowners must remove them.

This is the Talibans’ latest step in their attempt to remove women from all public and social life. There have recently been protests led by women in the capital, Kabul. The protesters wanted to reclaim their role in society and express their rejection of the new measures implemented by the Taliban regime.

The Taliban decided to open fire against the protesters.

Despite their initial promises, the fundamentalists have been gradually taking more and more rights away from women. Firstly, they decided to replace the Ministry of Women’s Affairs with the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.

Then, images of women on advertising posters began to disappear, and, bit by bit, women have been losing the rights they fought so hard to obtain. The list of prohibitions for women increases by the day. In addition to the ban on female mannequin heads, a new rule says that taxi drivers are not allowed to transport women travelling more than 70 km unless they are accompanied by a close male relative.

In the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, where citizens’ public and private spaces are closely regulated, the Taliban government recently ordered television channels to stop broadcasting programmes with women.

Despite multiple international sanctions, the Taliban regime continues to force its interpretation of sharia law on its citizens.

wiki4men #pratt #sexist wiki4men.com

Sexual assault

Under feminist inflience the definition of sexual assault now used in western nations has greatly expanded and now includes sexual coercion, unwanted kissing and genital fondling through clothes.

When it comes to sex women, as a rule, don't take no for an answer. Given the standard set by feminists, virtually all men have been sexually assaulted by a woman. No means no.

wiki4men #sexist wiki4men.com

Joan-of-Arc feMRA

A Joan-of-Arc feMRA refers to a woman who claims to advocate for men and boys, but will only do so on the basis that she leads the charge and acts as men's official mouthpiece. Such women generally expect men to treat her with deference and big helpings of chivalry, and if needed, that men act as a ready army of gophers who will do research, web design, phone calls and a myriad of other tasks that she delegates to them. She does not tolerate men speaking in their own voice (i.e., not through her) unless she is interviewing them, and insists on controlling all matters related to policy and activism. Paradoxically, the Joan-of-Arc feMRA represents a mixture of gynocentrism, narcissism, and men's rights advocacy.

Joan-of-Arc feMRAs love the limelight and will take every opportunity to put a photo of themselves on prominent media pages, while declaring her self-importance in the role of 'Liberator Of Men'. Most Joan-of-Arc feMRAs will eventually fall out with the men they claim to represent when said men eventually call her out about her control issues, and she responds to the criticism like a raving termagant who spits the dummy and refuses to support men any more. A few Joan-of-Arc feMRAs will remain in their role for quite some time due to the fact that they're female and men (even in the Men's Movement) will fall over backwards just for the opportunity to please her, ignoring the signs that she is more hateful than helpful. Said supporters will also attack anyone who dare suggest that she is anything less than the savior they perceive her to be.

Fortunately, and mercifully, not all feMRAs are like that.

Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

( Alecto )
I find that men tend to be suspicious of TIMs because, well, they understand male sexuality. They've heard the "locker room talk." Women fall for 'Trans Rights' because we project our good qualities onto men.

( DonKarnage )
And this is the exact reason why I side eye the fuck out of men who are 110% crazy adamant TRAs. They know what's going on and they know damn well what they're supporting, and how it directly benefits/affects them to support it. I no longer believe in the "oh but his intentions are well meaning" tripe. Those men know what they're doing and what they're supporting.

( Alecto )
There are 3 possibilities to why they're super supportive: they're misogynists looking to roll back women's rights, they're AGP themselves, or they're chasers.

( FeminineMistake )
Precisely this.

Remember the story (can’t find a link, argh) about the guy who spent hours in a port-a-loo so he could get peeping Tom pictures of women peeing?

When people say “no man is going to pretend to be a woman just to get into a locker room,” I always think of that. Men will sit in literal chemicals, feces, and urine to violate women. Lipstick and a pronouns pin is a lot less onerous (and disgusting) than that. I think for the obvious reasons it’s easier for men than women to get just how extreme are the lengths to which men will go for their pants-feelings.

speculareffect #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy speculareffect.org

Communism is a feminine construct. Communism pushes big government and relies on government interventionism. Women promote government interventionism and always vote for bigger government, without fail.
Women believe freedom to be rebelliousness. They think the answers to the world’s problems to be embedded within their being. Evidence shows this to be the complete opposite — that women are nothing more than agents of chaos.

Women push for egalitarianism at the behest of bigger government and even though research shows that more prosperous, egalitarian and healthy nations have more psychological differences between men and women, this simply isn’t true and highly impossible.

The contradiction here is, the more differences between men and women means egalitarianism is not achievable and a farce, because we know that more advanced societies have more differentiated gender roles. This means that traditional sex roles are important for stability of any group, or nation. Therefore, with this being the case, equality, or egalitarianism is merely a pie in the sky construct of a woman’s mind.
In other words, anything pursued by women is retarded. Anything that is born out of female values is retarded. Being around women makes you retarded. This is evident in single-mother parented young men. Look at elementary schools that’s dominated by female teachers. Look at our hospitals and Healthcare system. Allowing women to dominate any society will result in retardation. Anything matriarchal will lead to a dumbing down of society. Why is this? Because women are fucking stupid and retarded.

When I say this, I’m not just talking out of my ass, folks. I know what the fuck I’m saying.

Anthony Dream Johnston #god-complex #sexist themanosphere.org


Before his meteoric rise to the manosphere presidency Anthony Dream Johnson was an aspiring 17 year old pickup artist and community organizer in the world wide manosphere. Considered a radical even in his own community, President Dream has been a unifying force of progress for the manosphere and a relentless force of nature for the mainstream media to contend with. In his first major TV appearance Anthony accused Piers Morgan of spreading fake news about feminism within the first 60 seconds.

Make Women Great Again took the feminist establishment by storm, shaking toxic American feminism right down to the uterus. Over the following weeks #MWGA would reach over 150 million people world wide, hundreds of podcasts, terrestrial radio stations, and major news/TV outlets would cover the campaign as well as celebrities like George Takei and Allisa Mellanio. #MWGA is widely regarded as the first successful cultural push back to radical extremist feminism in decades and possibly all of American history. President Dream has called for the total abolishment of feminism in western culture while mandating fair and equal treatment for men and women before the law. He has called for a “total repeal and replacement” of feminism, an immediate end to the feminist war on motherhood and family, and an end to their bigoted, intolerant hostility for traditional femininity and masculinity.

In January of 2020 on Good Morning Britain with Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid President Johnson also declared feminism a national security threat to the United States and western allies, citing prominent American feminist extremists like professor Linda Gordon who have called for the total destruction of the American family in the name of feminism. Anthony has also referred media personalities to the founder of gender studies calling the genocide of American men and eugenics program to reduce men to 13% of the population. In a word, gendercide.

Various Anons #racist #sexist boards.4chan.org

(Canadian Anon)

Why are Asian girls so cute? I always fall victim to their beauty

Why does every Asian girl look like an Asian boy? If you prefer Asian girls, you're probably gay in all honesty.

(Fallen Leaf)
The only way to defeat china is to femininze their males and get them addicted to white cock, then we can have a spiritual advantage over them forever.

(US Anon 1)
So basically what blacks are doing to whites except its just one step down the ladder?

(US Anon 2)
Actually all "cute" women resemble boy faces. I recall reading something about it in regards to evolutionary biology.

(US Anon 3)
Ya they are hairless except where is acceptable. Then the hair is like fine silk. Also they have incredibly small vaginas. Really it never ceases to amaze me. Even the mothers, typically smaller pussy then your avg white bitch. I would never marry one or procreate Bc obviously i dont hate my lineage but y as far as the female form goes they win.
Specifically Vietnamese, Japanese, and korean. The rest are a cope. If you fuck a pinot and start bragging about fucking asians u need to an hero. Even worse if its cambodian or thai. That’s disgusting.

(Mexican Anon)
>Big eyes.
> Fair skin.
> Round face.
> Flat chest (if you're into it).
> Mostly submissive nature.
> Small size.

They're made to suit the natural male instinct to protect and guide. See how most of the traits are similar to a child/baby and you can understand why most males think they're cute.

(UK Anon)
Most females look average, regardless of nationality except niggers, Indians, and Romanians.

(US Anon 4)
You have less steppe rider DNA and more neotenous farmer DNA

Alternatively known as being a faggot

Edmund_Kemper #sexist #wingnut #crackpot #psycho incels.is

[Serious] High school guys should be required to lose their virginity and get laid a lot, and be put in juvie/expelled if they disobey.

Many women won't date a virgin guy, and it's a red flag as you get older past your teen years. As a result, when you get older, losing your virginity becomes extremely hard.

As a result, high school men have no choice but to lose their virginity early and have as much sex as possible in order to have sex when they're older. Faking your experience doesn't help and many hookers charge too much money and might have STDs (condoms don't always work).

It should be required by law for all teenage guys to lose their virginity and have sex regularly, and we need to have surveillance cameras in their bedrooms to make sure they are getting laid regularly. If they struggle to attract any girls at school or anywhere else, then female teachers should be required to take their virginity (if she disobeys, she is fired or imprisoned). We need to require young teachers in their 20s for the job (not old hags). That way these underage guys will still get laid and will be experienced enough so they won't have to get rejected all the time after age 20 for being a virgin (faking your experience can be difficult). At least this won't cost money unlike hookers. If you make it to your mid-late 20s and a virgin, it's super hard to lose your virginity and if you make it to your late 20s, you might end up that way the rest of your life as shown in the thread i linked above.

If a guy graduates high school still a virgin, he has to make up for it before his 20th birthday. If it doesn't work, he has to be euthanized (unless there's someone who will take his virginity). Also, if his parents don't let him date, his parents need to imprisoned for denying their son's freedom to escape inceldom.

I wish I lost my virginity and started dating in high school.

Gigababejfl #dunning-kruger #elitist #sexist thepinkpill.co

ABOUT SUB (BlackPillFeminism)

Misogyny, male violence and female pick-me behavior are biology. Equality is a lie. Feminism is a scam and failed movement. We are heading towards misogynist dystopia and there is nothing we can do about it. Take the blackpill, sit back and enjoy the ride to hell.

This is not a debate sub. Posters arguing against the basic premises of BPF will be banned.

No excuses for women who do stupid shit that hurts all women. We hold women accountable for their actions. We WILL say mean things about not just moids but also pick-mes, e-thots, tradthots etc. If this upset you, leave now.

BPF is doomerism + evolutionary biology. A pessimistic, un-PC space for women to talk about the things we are not allowed to say anywhere else.


Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #sexist #transphobia #wingnut #fundie henrymakow.com

"Did you enjoy the Holiday Concert?" the school principal asked my friend.

"Yes, but why didn't you call it a Christmas Concert?'

"Oh I can't. The Superintendent said the concert must be inclusive of all the diverse cultures in the school. We are not allowed to mention Christmas, Christ, or Jesus."

This humiliating scene was replayed millions of times this Christmas season. Some Christian groups even boycotted retailers who dropped the word Christmas from their advertising. Celebrating the central Christian holiday, and even saying "Merry Christmas" has become a political act.

Why has this happened? The answer isn't pretty. The world financial elite wants to eradicate Christianity. Their forerunners crucified Christ. Christianity gives everyone a piece of the pie and elitists want it all for themselves.
According to Christianity, all human beings were created in God's image, i.e. Divine Truth resides in every soul. Accordingly, God loves everyone equally and human life is sacred. Our birthright is to know God by following Christ's teachings.

On the other hand, the New World Order wants to corrupt and debase humanity and snuff out any spark of Divinity. They want to allot us "human rights" (which they determine) instead of acknowledging our God given rights. You see, animals are better to herd and cull.
In our society however, some people are in George Orwell's words, "more equal than others." "Diversity" is a devious ploy to subjugate the Christian majority. Christians have to take a back seat to 1.5% of Jews for whom Chanukah is an insignificant holiday that doesn't even fall on December 25 half of the time. (I won't mention "Kwanza" since most Blacks are Christian.)

To degrade humanity, the elite has to dynamite the four pillars of human identity: race, religion, nation and family. Just as it promotes homosexuality and fe-manism to undermine family, it uses Jewish holidays to destroy Christianity.
No one objects except the foreign-based central bankers and the monolithic occult (i.e. Masonic) political and cultural establishment that they employ.

peanutbutterjams & auMatech #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Most prison rape is committed by women

[Edit: Forgot to add thanks so much for the sources and all the work you put into this!]

She cautions that it would be “misleading” to read the BJS data as “impl[ying] that the abuse of male inmates by female guards is a larger or more serious problem than the abuse of female inmates by male guards.

It's always this. Society can NEVER care more about men than it does women.

The mere suggestion of such a thing to a feminist and they act like you just asked them to eat dog shit. That's how distasteful the idea is, how perverse it is to people who have built a religion around their own victimization.

Men suffering is a threat to feminist power. It shatters the illusion, the filthy lie that Men Are Oppressors and it's this sordid myth that forms the basis of ALL feminist power.

Feminists aren't scared about "the backsliding of women's rights"; they're scared that we as a society might actually start feeling empathy for men as a whole and send their whole Ponzi scheme crashing down.


When surveyors uncover surprising data suggesting that women staff are more likely than men to sexually abuse men and boys in their custody, they tend either to ignore the counter-stereotypical findings, or to reinterpret them in accordance with conventional gendered expectations

This is a key reason why stuff like this is swept under the rug. People are not willing to have their beliefs shattered that women can be active perpetrators of rape, especially when the victims are male and/or criminals.

Thank you for posting this, it's very eye opening.

@Treecraft_Arb #sexist twitter.com

( @KateofLate8 )
That's interesting. What things associated with gender do you believe is biological? I'm not asking to argue, but to understand.

( @Treecraft_Arb )
The notion of women being more nurturing etc. The bell curves are different but overlapping, and this is cross-cultural.

Oh, and then difference in job choice because of it. Obvs huge overlap and can be moved by social factors.

( @KateofLate8 )
Ok, I can see that. The problem is when we assign judgement to men who would like to be in nurturing roles. The overlap you talked about.

( @kay_ay_tea_why )
Not to be rude, but how do you hold both the idea that you're a feminist and that women are biologically determined to take certain roles? Aren't those ideas mutually exclusive?

( @Treecraft_Arb )
Biologically likely to be *statistically* predisposed is different to biologically determined.

( @kay_ay_tea_why )
It wasn't a question for you. You're welcome to be misogynistic, you don't say you're a feminist in your bio.

( @Treecraft_Arb )
Not sure how you make “misogynist” out of that, so fair play to you😆. That’s because I’m not a feminist. My answer is still a reasonable and logical reply.

( @kay_ay_tea_why )
I mean, personally I think you're wrong but I didn't reply to get into an argument about it. Lots of people do agree with you, I'm more just curious how someone claiming to be a feminist could agree with you.

( @Treecraft_Arb )
I’m slightly bemused as to why you think there’s an argument going on here?!? I pointed out a different point of view, but feminism agrees on very little as it is an exceptionally broad church

( @kay_ay_tea_why )
You misunderstand, I'm saying I don't want to get into an argument even though I disagree with you! As I said, you're welcome to think whatever you want I just think it's strange that someone who is so feminist they have it in their bio would agree with you. I was curious why.

@Treecraft_Arb #sexist twitter.com


If a man came out and said "hmm rape culture isn't real" would you just "agree to disagree?" Save me the civility bs.

Yes. I might even agree 🤷‍♀️


got a live one here with screen capping "rape culture isn't real"

who wants to bet this man thinks that catcalling is just playful banter


Rape culture is very real

Possibly. That is your belief and possibly it is true


"Possibly" wow we've got a true blue feminist here

You don’t know who I am, but the fact that you are setting up your undefined belief as fact is quite disturbing. That you are fighting a straw man and trying to smear others with accusations is also very telling.

Sinead McCarthy #sexist #racist #transphobia #wingnut #conspiracy renegadetribune.com

I have noticed a push back from women, many who identify as radical feminists or TERFS, against pornography, the erasure of women and girls via the trans agenda, and against the ever increasing anti-woman sentiment from the incels and other assorted porn sick untermensch. The new title of “Pick Me” has been increasing in popularity, used by many rad fems, and other women, who are calling out the internalized misogyny and pandering to low value males, that these types of women will engage in. I’m sure the reader will be utterly shocked to find jewish women at the head of this push back, as they do this with every single movement, to ensure that the jewish supremacist criminals are not uncovered as being the root cause of these issues. We know about the Talmud and its assorted number of genders, as well as the Talmud’s passages about being able to rape a 3 year old girl. These jewish “feminists” will push all of the blame back onto non jewish men, predominantly White men, as it’s apparently the evil Nazis behind porn and not the poor poor persecuted jewish men.
White women and girls need a space where they can be loved, protected and cherished. They do not need a space where they are chastised and blamed for the crimes of jewish men. In conclusion, I plan to once again start a blog just for White women and girls, as Heathen Women was taken down a while ago. This will be a space where we can share ideas, support each other, strategize, work on our boundaries, and fight back against the ever increasing anti-White woman and girl sentiment we find in supposed “racially aware” circles. Will we have jewish male trolls and their Pick Me yentas coming in to disrupt? Of course, so please don’t use your real name or picture, to avoid harassment. I have become hyper aware of these types of trolls and will be banning them at the slightest hint of nonsense.

StudenofSu2020 #pratt #sexist reddit.com

Feminism really hurts the rights of people with autism. Feminists solely want men with autism to be disregarded and treated like subhumans. They don’t care about jocks who act like douchebags to everyone and harassed them nonstop. They enjoy that, it’s only when an autistic dude does it, they don’t like that. They will fight for income equality to take successful men with autism money. They don’t want to be productive in society, instead it’s take our money and date chat.

Harmonica #wingnut #racist #transphobia #sexist identitydixie.com

[From "College in a Free Dixie"]

When Dixie is free, one of the areas where the most drastic reforms will take place is in higher education. The takeover of colleges and universities by the Left has been, perhaps, the biggest reason we find ourselves in our current predicament. Think of any progressive idea[…]and you will find that it has been festering in colleges and universities for years[…]Attacks on the Founding Fathers, promoting transgenderism, the concept of White privilege, and dismantling the “patriarchy” all immediately come to mind
Up until at least World War I, the Right tended to control the education system[…]German universities, in particular, were infamous for being bastions for rightwing, nationalist thought. Southern universities were also once known for being far more conservative than their counterparts in the rest of the United States – see how comparably quieter Dixian schools were during the upheaval of the 1960s
In a Free Dixie, colleges will focus on the classic fields – science, engineering, history, theology, philosophy, government, language, and so on. “Gender Studies” will be removed, as well as, any of the other progressive facsimiles pretending to be serious academic study. They lack rigor, rely on emotion, and are easily fooled (see the Sokal Hoax)

More importantly, they are the nest by which the Left incubates ideas and then unleashes them into traditional fields (then society at large)
College students have become notorious for dressing like slobs (for men) and prostitutes (for women)
In a Free Dixie, all men will be required to attend class in at least a collared shirt, closed-toed shoes, long pants, and a belt. A tie will be strongly encouraged. Women will be expected to dress modestly. Violators will not be allowed to attend class until they are properly dressed

TheSpaceDuck #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Turns out Canada's infamous infanticide law is worse than i thought. Seems that even LACTATING can be seen as an excuse to murder an infant!


I hate to say it but if women can be irrational due to their hormones to the point of murder, we really should think twice before we elect any female officials into power...I don't want to go to war because our country's leader is PMS'ing or lactating..

This is one of the biggest ironies in the feminist movement: the idea that women are irrational and hormone-fueled is misogyny in every context... except when they're violent. Then it's suddenly a valid excuse.

Feminists attain olympic levels of mental gymnastics when it comes to justifying female violence. To the point of saying that women's prisons should close entirely or blaming "the patriarchy" for a murder committed by a feminist activist.

Roosh V #fundie #sexist #racist rooshv.com

[From "Sinful Judgment vs Righteous Judgment"]

A persistent problem for new Christians is judging others. We look at someone[…]and develop snap judgments—often negative—from years of doing so out of habit as a non-Christian
A concept you hear among the Orthodox is discernment, the ability to pick out the divine signal from the fleshly and demonic noise. One of the differences between us and the saints is that the latter know when a thought comes from God and when it doesn’t
If judging others leads to sin, it’s not of God, and if judging others leads to virtue, it could be of God
1. I go to the café[…]In walks in a woman who is wearing a bra for a top and minuscule shorts. Immediately the words “harlot” and “slut” come to mind[…]I consider how immodest I have been in my own life. This is sinful judgment
2. My friend arranges a blind date with a “devout Christian woman”[…]She arrives in yoga pants wearing thick makeup. I can see her commodious cleavage[…]I determine she is not suitable to be my wife[…]I used my knowledge and experience with secular women to make a determination
3. I visit a friend in a rough area of town in the middle of the day. There I noticed a large group of black males smoking marijuana and listening to loud music. Immediately the words “lazy” and “criminals” come to mind and I ponder at length about why black people have such difficulty being productive members of society[…]Then I realize that I have performed worse evils than all of those men combined[…]
4. I’m a single father[…]I decide to enroll him in a private school[…]I noticed a group of black boys bullying a white kid[…]I decide not to enroll my white-passing son at the school, and instead pick a school where I do not notice racial strife. Here I made a judgment call

Bae Ingyu/Wangia #psycho #sexist #wingnut observers.france24.com

The South Korean men waging a vulgar and violent war against feminists

"Look at all of these feminazis! That’s right, run away! At least you’ll get a bit of exercise!" laughs a man dressed up as the Batman villain the Joker, chasing a group of South Korean female activists and firing at them with a water pistol. The women are afraid; he’s enjoying himself.

Occasionally he glances at the camera: he’s livestreaming the whole episode on social media, where hundreds of people are encouraging him from behind their screens.

The man is Bae Ingyu, also known as "Wangia", which means "prince" in Korean. He’s a YouTuber and a central figure of the "New Men’s Solidarity" movement, which is waging a war against feminists.

In this video, Wangia is visible, armed with his water gun and surrounded by people filming him live for social media. He can be heard saying, ‘So you got water on you? Are you angry? God, there are so many insects here, there are so many. I’m going to kill the insects, they’re insects, right?’ (The term ‘insect’ is used by some feminists to designate anti-feminists).

"I heard that there were f*****g feminists here, I’m going to murder them all," he shouts in another video.

The anti-feminist YouTuber is wearing a long blonde wig and women’s clothing. From the roof of a van, he mocks feminists just metres away who are calling for an extension of abortion rights. He shouts into the microphone, "Waah waah, boohoo, I’m a victim because I’m a woman!"

The woman next to him adds, "I went to have a look at the feminists and got scared because they looked like bears".

"Perhaps I should buy you a tranquiliser gun," Wangia replies.

"It’s the first time he’s got so close to us, close enough to hit us if he wanted to. He started chasing us and shouting insults, but what really scared us was that we didn’t know what was in his water pistol – in South Korea, there have been several acid attacks and cases of ‘semen terrorism’ against women," Kim Ju-hee, a feminist organizer said.

Kuriboh #sexist #crackpot #psycho incels.is

The man's smv should be determined by the number and type of women that he raped !!

Back in the old times, the glorious middle ages.
Man's smv was determined by the number and type of the sex slaves that he captured, raped and owned.
Raping a Stacy isn't same valued as raping a Beckie.
If the man can't rape women that means he has low testosterone = low smv.

Men were never a lookist objects.
Men were measured by their IQ, values, skills, their benefits to the society.
Men were never measured by their height or bone structure.
That was the reason that short men like Napoleon were emperors !
The cucked society that we live in try to turn men to lookist objects. It is ridiculous when you see men looksmaxing like faggots to impress toilets! and after all that they still get rejected because they are not her type !! not handsome enough! needs more efforts!!
Look at all that power that toilets have over men ! If someone from the middle ages come to visit us, he will laugh his off at the situation that men have today and he will prefer to live in the darkness of middle ages rather than the modern '' civilized society '' !
Women are lookist objects because they are sexual objects, their bodies are designed to bring attention. The man can walk naked in the streets and nobody will give a fuck about him but a woman just shows her legs and armies of simps will kill for it! that it is the reason that Abrahamic religions told women to cover their bodies and be modest but never told men to do the same! Things like makeup, fashions etc were invented by men for women to help them improving their looks. Turning men to lookist objects caused men to give up on society and live in isolation '' MGTOW'', men became less productive because they realized that their values wouldn't mean shit without looks = the decline of civilization = the end of mankind.

Be Pussy Free #elitist #psycho #sexist bepussyfree.tumblr.com

Be Pussy Free

A pussy free loser is not an easy thing to be. But it is the right thing to do if you're a loser. A loser is physically flawed (unfit, too fat or skinny, balding, moderately or un-attractive, deformed) and/or fiscally flawed (moderate or low income, little wealth or property), socially flawed (shy, unconfident, uninteresting), and sexually flawed (short and/or skinny endowment, inexperienced, impotent, premature ejaculater). Entitled losers reject their inferiority to other men, angrily blame women for overlooking them, and leave any women who gives them a chance dissatisfied. Enlightened losers accept their inferiority to other men, applaud women for choosing better men, and vow to lead pussy-free lives for the benefit of others. So if you're a loser (a nice guy, a beta male/boi, a cuckold/wannabe, a reject, and/or a sissy) do the world a favor and take the pussy-free pledge today.

Various MRAs #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

Feminism kills.

I despise/deeply loathe other females after my brother committed suicide

I think it's time that someone opens the Reddit ThisIsFeminism. Where all the things feminists would not admit about feminism and its consequences will be uploaded as screenshots and links.

Men are 3 times less likely to report sexual assault

Statistics like that show that men are less likely to talk about being abused but feminists sometimes ignore that presenting abusive relationships as a gendered issue when it isn’t and we need to combat this issue

They are not only ignoring it. Feminists actively try to prevent men of reporting female abuse, by attacking them if they do, and by this, feminists are one of the primary reasons men can't talk. Why have we not seen in me too men posting about what women did? Read this.

If anyone thinks this isn't feminism:

Remember that feminists actively promote the devaluing of men on social media and in real life.

Remember that feminists work tirelessly to take attention off the real causes of men's issues, such as lack of resources, and place them on snake oil, like "toxic masculinity."

Remember that feminists will side with a woman no matter how abusive she is, actively reinforcing her behavior and enabling her.

Remember that feminists frequently deny that many of men's issues exist in the first place.

Many male suicides can be directly linked to the effect that feminism has had on society. It is not the slightest bit hyperbolic to state that feminism kills men.

Feminism has the doctrine that privilege is invisible to those who have it... and they don't understand what that says about the fact that they don't see themselves as privileged.

"When you live with privilege, equality feels like oppression."

Perfectly describes the feminist mindset.

speculareffect #racist #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy speculareffect.org

People keep saying, “the media is covering up the Maxwell trial.”

That is obviously true, but it also doesn’t even matter.

This whole thing is going to be about how the prostitutes – who are themselves part of a criminal conspiracy – are the victims.

It’s not going to be about a Mossad blackmail ring.

The media is just covering it up, because any crimes committed by Jews are always covered up by the media. Not because anything important is going to happen.

It’s just going to be endless tears about the poor victimized hookers.
The hookers should all be prosecuted as adults – as foreign agents working for an Israeli espionage operation.

But nooooooo!

No, instead you get “these poor hookers.”

These hookers weren’t even beaten up. They were literally the best treated hookers on earth.

What I wouldn’t like is more lecturing about how teenage girls don’t know what penises are. Yet, that appears to be what the unbanned right-wing is exclusively interested in – a bunch of hardcore Marxist feminist gibberish about how teenage hookers don’t know what a penis is or that men want to stuff their penises into their disgusting goo holes.

I’ve had long-running arguments with white knight faggots literally claiming to be “Nazis” who say that the most important duty of the Trve Aryan is to protect the innocence of prostitutes.

Yes, these White Nationalists and wannabe Weirmacht idiots are all feminists!

That is the mindset of 99% of the right-wing. The alleged “hardcore Nazis” agree with Charlie Kirk – we have to save the innocence of hookers.
I’m so sick of this. I’m sick of it. Women are whores, teenage girls are whores. Whores like to feel important, they like to fly around and get attention from men with money, they like gifts, they like money.

Saying the Weinstein hookers are victims is like saying, “teenage boys were victimized when they were given free Honda 4-quads and tricked-out Kawasaki Ninjas in exchange for racking up Steam achievements.”

Malevolencel #sexist #wingnut #crackpot #dunning-kruger #conspiracy ncu.su

[Conspiracy] "Women shouldn't have rights" is a psyop

The proposition that womb-men's rights should be taken from them is only valid if you recognize that womb-men have rights in the first place. They supposedly "have rights" because it's written on a special piece of paper and protected by the government.

This is nothing short of a siege to the idea of rights, law and justice.

Firstly, there is no such thing as "women's rights". There are human rights, which are rights that all humans have, and there are civil rightd, which all citizens have in a given nation. "Women's rights" are therefore an attempt to create a special group of rights under the guise of compassion and the only possible result of that is erosion of equality before the law.

Secondly, a right in not a permission from the government written on a special piece of paper. An action is not a human right by virtue of being protected by brute strength of the Leviathan. It's the first world nations that designated their governments and laws in such a way that certain actions are protected unconditionally, as inaliable rights. A right is by definition something that someone is justly entitled to.

Basically, if you say "women should not have rights", you are saying that such rights exist but should be denied. You are saying that womb-men have the right to spend their sexy years on meme education and debt accumulation, ride dicks and murder whatever climbs out of them as a result, and the only reason this needs to stop is because you don't like it. If you don't see how this is cucked, you need to think about it more.

The only consistent position on the womb-man question that is not cucked is "foids do not have rights".

fauxstoicism #pratt #psycho #sexist reddit.com

To all the males lurking here and trying to get our subreddit banned

Cope harder moid. Yes this is a male hate sub. And why shouldn't it be? You rape us, impregnate us, tie us down to you using social and economic systems and institutions specifically designed to benefit you. You terrorize our existance. You threaten our safety, well-being, and life itself. You've made it miserable to live. You want us to live in your service, constantly birth babies with your genes and your last names. You treat us like walking incubators, pass laws to keep us in our subservient place, enact unbelievable violence just because you can. You are the enemy. You're so angry because radical feminism and black pill feminism lays bare the truth about your psyche; your need to absolutely control the very being of women. And so what if we advocate for sex selective advocacy of male foetuses? It's a non-violent way of making males extinct. Males have proven at least since the beginning of history that they are literally incapable of not raping, enslaving, torturing and wanting to control women. So why are you suprised that we think you are biologically hard wired to be violent and deranged? There's not enough evidence to the contrary. It's a very implausible scenario, but in case males go extinct permanently, I'll rejoice. Take your dose of copium; males have crippled chromosomes floating in your cells. Male nature is the product of Nature playing Frankenstein with complex life. And the experiment ought to end.

wereqryan & BummerDrummer #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

JFL Sheboon brutally beats up white bitch (who has a daughter with some deadbeat Tyrone) and bloodies her face. :)


I'd bet that the victim's father was not in her life. She obviously never heard the talk about race mxing which is why the baby in the picture is 1/2 negro. The white bitch asked for this kind of abuse when she became part of this black "community", that is why she had her half black daughter in a black neighborhood in a cheap restaurant with black workers and patrons. This white bitch mistakenly thought that she would get a pass because she dates black men, but doesn't understand that for the rest of her life she will have a sign around her neck that says "you got it coming" in the black community. As you saw in the video, she is not equipped for the violence and abuse coming her way. A strong father would have guided her down a different path in life. Her only hope now is to get out of this culture and try to raise her daughter in a community where cucked simping white men open the door for a lady to exit on her two feet as a sign of good manners, not being dragged through the door by her hair by a person who's culture says this is a reasonable response to a disagreement

Lifefuel jfl. Look at the ((((white)))) foids black eyebrows and dyed blonde hair. Jfl. They should have killed her right then and there and then got the baby too.

I hope this white woman-and any white liberal in a nigger area-go through something like this. Getting attacked by a black person or a group of blacks in an area of blacks either not doing anything or helping your attacker while you get beat to a pulp by the race you’ve been traitoring and kvetching for.

Dialgatime321 #conspiracy #sexist fstdt.com

Bastethotep: How is that “the vast majority of children are cuckoos” thing even supposed to work? Have women been secretly been using reliable but non-noticable contraceptives when having sex with their husbands? Are women having really, really lots of extramarital sex, far more than marital sex? Are men too stupid to notice that the schedules don’t line up? This claim goes far beyond “all women are adulterous”.

What about family resemblence? I'm pretty sure too many people have clearly inherited physical traits from their official father for a cuckoldry rate of 80% while no one noticed that most children actually look suspiciously like the mailman/stable boy/pizza delivery guy...

Dialgatime321: It’s entirely possible that females in America have lots of extramarital sex, far more than more marital sex. I guarantee many are. Males do not notice the schedules not lining up, because females are extremely good at sneaking. Additionally, females are very good at controlling who impregnates them even without contraceptives (but I’m sure they sneak those in when they can, too), if the male does not make her feel dominated or overpowered enough.

And regarding family resemblance, for most Americans sadly the child being of the same race is enough to make most fathers believe it is theirs. Often the mother will point to hyper-superfluous resemblances (like “the puffiness of the cheeks”, “pointiness of the chin”, or “hey, he has black/brown hair!” (almost all people have black or brown hair). Yes, the female searches for a “donor” or “donors” whom their husband doesn’t know or doesn’t know very well.

Tucker Carlson and Nigel Farage #sexist #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #pratt mediaite.com

“So somebody who knows him told me, and I’d be interested in getting your take on this, that getting COVID emasculated him, it changed him, it feminized him, it weakened him as a man. Do you think that’s…” Carlson asked right-wing British politician Nigel Farage, on his Fox Nation show Tucker Carlson Today, Wednesday, in a discussion about U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who got the coronavirus in March 2020.

“Well I think he was very seriously ill,” said Farage.

“Oh, for sure he was,” said Carlson.

Farage noted, “One of the things we have learned from Covid is people who are 50, 60, 70, 80 pounds overweight tend to have fared very badly.”

“Sure,” said Carlson.

“Now we don’t talk about it much,” said Farage.

“But the virus itself, this is true, does tend to take away the life force in some people I notice,” said Carlson. “I mean it does feminize people. No one ever says that but it’s true.”

TheSpaceDuck #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

There are no laws directly discriminating against women. There are however, multiple laws discriminating against men. Examples:

Male-only military draft is still in the law

Men raped by women aren't legally rape victims

Men do not have a legal right to genital integrity.

Men have no reproductive rights.

Paternity fraud is legal.

All of the above are examples of direct legal discrimination. The same kind that you only see against women in e.g. Muslim countries. However it gets even worse when we include systemic discrimination. In which case we also find no examples that specifically target women, yet plenty of examples specifically and systemically target men:

Men receive longer sentences than women for the same crime, to the point that gender court bias is 6 times higher than the racial bias. The UN support this gap and judges are directly instructed to be more lenient towards women.

The education system is directly biased against men, creating an unprecedented education gap. Governments have responded to this by removing gender quotas from universities as they would benefit men.

Men are 97% of police killing victims

Police are trained to hide evidence of innocence when men are accused of sexual assault and men accused of these crimes do not have presumption of innocence (both of the above violate the Human Rights Act).

Male victims of domestic violence are arrested more often than the aggressor.

Less than 1% of domestic violence shelters and funding help men despite men being roughly 50% of victims and 70% of one-way domestic violence victims.

Violent crime against male victims carries lighter sentences, effectively encouraging the increasing gap in violent crime and murder victimization.

Again, all of the examples above are exclusively of systemic or outright legal discrimination against men, which are by far the most severe. If I included instances of social discrimination this list would become an encyclopedia.

MiMi2013 #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Some years ago (2009-2012, somewhere in there) I watched a surveillance camera video of some black teen girls pulling a 27 year old white guy with long scraggly blond hair , out of the womens' bathroom (in a fast food place; think it was a Burger King). They beat the shit out of him, and he just curled up in a ball, sobbing.

Back then, I was such a dunce I actually felt sorry for him, because "he's obviously a harmless gay man, and he might get beat up by homophobes in the men's bathroom! "

Now, I know those girls were right; he was almost certainly an autogynephiliac, and the reason he was curled up sobbing, is, he just couldn't believe vaginathings, subhuman objects put on this earth to do whatever men tell them to, were failing to "validate his feelings". That's what we she-goats are for, after all.

Once I read those papers c.2014-2015, in which we learn that when men interact with other men, the part of their brain devoted to interpersonal communication engages, while when dealing with women, it's the part devoted to assessing objects-IOW, men literally "see" women as non human-that changed everything for me. It explains so much about not just today, but for all of recorded history. And it most definitely explains the violent entitlement of too many men, and most especially of trans woMEN.

Trans woMEN are men, regardless of whether they're the small minority who have themselves castrated and mutilated, parts regrafted to their bodies in a vague approximation of female genitalia , and pumped full of horse piss hormones, or the overwhelming majority who think they've found a 'cheat sheet' to force lesbians into letting them insert their "lady dicks" into their bodies. Many don't even make token efforts to pass...Almost as if the fun for them is using their obviously male appearance to frighten women and girls trapped with them in spaces that should be reserved for biological females only.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: 16-year-old sister repeatedly rapes 13 year old brother and becomes pregnant. Admits to forcing brother with beatings and threats to tell people he was raping her. 13 year old boy is arrested, while "16 year old girl victim is hospitalized" (literally exact words from the article)


"She then pressured her brother and started forcing him to have sex without her consent."



Years of feminist "men are predators, women are victims" narrative ended up with us reaching this point.

Fuck India's laws. Complete and utter shithole

The US isn't much better.

Let's face it. Practically everywhere legally for men is shit rn. Everyone is living in a dystopia. Btw, nice username

Misandrist media, society and government. Sadly that boy is about to get a taste of male disposability while he's still basically a kid.

Exactly this, women will look at the top 20% of men and scream about how unfair their life is compared to them while ignoring the bottom 80% of men who are literally living a shit existence.

India moment. This is what happens when feminism gets to make the law.


Ah yes India, that well-known bastion of feminism...

Well it was indian feminist who were against gender neutral laws for men and boys in india. They even wanted to exclude boys from bill protecting minors from sexual abuse and rape.

this must be that male privilege i keep hearing about.

This is “male privilege” in action. Anyone still using that phrase can go fuck themselves.


It must be horrifying to live in India

Truly a shithole with shitty people. Not surprised that all their intellectuals aee migrating to the west.

India is just a hole… I feel so sorry for all our guys living there right now

Various incels #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #psycho incels.is

[This copypasta claiming that having daughters is “the ultimate cuckoldry” because you are raising a girl “for another man to enjoy”.]

The only guys that raise a daughter and arent cucked is the ones that fucks her too.

(Miles Morales)
Having a daughter is more based than having a male biologicallywise because the chances to keep your bloodline throughout time are higher than having a son. A son that could be an incel tier men. Also incel tier is defined by women. What is a norman nowadays could an incel in a couple of decades.

(Silverberry, at Miles Morales)
no, your daughter, if a whore, will have her genes (which are yours) polluted through tons of different men inseminating her, via micro chimerism.

yourderangedcat #psycho #sexist reddit.com

anyone else have fantasies of child neglect

i often daydream about having a son and neglecting him. forgetting about him, staring off into space while he cries, throwing food in his face when he refuses to eat, smothering him when he gets noisy etc. idk where these fantasies come from and it's not something i actually want, it's just a weird fucked up daydream. sometimes i also daydream of having a daughter but i'm much less violent. just sick and unable to care for her.

mods feel free to take this down if it's not allowed here. im just trying to understand where these thoughts come from.

Shobha Mote, Sanjay Mote #fundie #sexist #psycho cnn.com

[Paragraph breaks have been slightly altered from the original for readability. Also see my comment for additional notes –shy]

A teenager has been arrested in western India for beheading his 19-year-old sister while his mother allegedly held the young woman's legs, according to police. The victim, who got married against her parents' wishes, was two months pregnant, police told CNN Tuesday, citing her husband. The incident happened on Sunday in Vaijapur, Maharashtra, and neither the victim nor accused have been publicly named by police.

"The girl (19) went against her parents' wishes and got married five months ago. They had a court marriage and since then she had not been in contact with her family and was living with her husband," Kailash Prajapati, a senior police official in Vaijapur, Maharashtra, told CNN. […] "[T]he brother took a scythe and struck her four times and beheaded her. They then picked up the head and kept it outside the house in the yard and left the body inside," Prajapati said. "The mother was holding her legs during the incident and was equally complicit," he added.


Police are waiting for a postmortem to confirm if the victim was pregnant.

The facts in the allegation fit the pattern of an honor killing. So-called honor killing is most often the murder of a woman or girl by male family members who justify their actions by claiming that the victim has brought dishonor upon the family.

thormemeson #racist #sexist #wingnut deviantart.com

These idiots are pathetic they seek one thing our submission and they will not get it, they have nothing to talk about because they are failures at all things. Ihan Omar is ugly trash that only represents destruction and this woman should have never apologized! In all Children are dead in Wisconsin because of Democrats in all the DNC should be arrested for Treason. Watch Ihan Omar cower and hide from this woman because she is a coward.

Padraig Martin #racist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #wingnut #sexist identitydixie.com

[From "Liberators of the Occupied South"]

I am constantly annoyed by a painfully ignorant comment I stumble upon frequently – in some form or another – which generally states, “The Democrats started the Klan,” or “The AntiFa and the Klan – both Democrats in masks”
The original Ku Klux Klan were heroes – full stop. The Klan of 1865-1877 formed the first resistance against an aggressively antagonistic, radical Yankee occupying force. Organized at a local level, with almost no centralized support, the original Klan was initiated by elite Southern gentlemen[…]Someone needed to defend the Southern people, especially Southern women, and the Ku Klux Klan was born from that need
Reconstruction was brutal[…]It was exploitative and overwhelmingly cruel

Third, the Federal Government of the post-war era was heavily influenced by Marxists, especially 48er descendants from the Midwest and radical egalitarians from the Northeast. Their ideology played a key role in the barbarity that would be enacted upon the South[…]Picture degenerate AntiFa members with battalions of armed blacks now in charge of Southern towns with no governmental oversite and a disarmed and decimated local population
The second KKK was a pro-American entity versus a pro-Southern entity[…]More focused on the increasing influence of immigrants, especially criminal Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe[…]Deleterious impact of organized Northern Catholics – namely the Irish – who were undermining the United States with pro-labor union and progressive policies
The original Klan began as a lighthearted attempt to entertain townspeople in Pulaski, Tennessee, beginning around Christmas 1865. It would soon become a Southern resistance army
The original Klan was a fraternity of men, dedicated to the South and their Scots-Irish heritage

speculareffect #racist #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy speculareffect.org

So, the Oxford school shooter is white and not a nig nog. Or, so we’re being told.
The reality is, if whites chimp out – they will do it hard. It isn’t a coincidence that both world wars started in Europe.

First off, it could be just another psyop to go after guns. We know for a fact that whites in America own most of the guns in all the world and whites are under attack and in order to finally put them in the ground, their guns need to be taken away.

As I have explained before, the FBI are involved in all of these psyops to fulfill a political agenda, so many of these false flags will occur. With the help of the media, the legislators behind the efforts to ban guns are trying to get what they want — gun seizure

Secondly, this is a case of the young white male’s dilemma. A feminized and marginalized pariah. Young white males are being raised by single mothers — a literal snowflake factory and producer of faggots, murderers, rapists (see prison population), emasculated and feminized men, who are being weeded out by natural selection — the male dominance hierarchy. If they are raised by both parents, it is a matriarchal/gynopic family setting, where the father is a hen pecked, head-nodding male who believes being “a real man” is being obeisant and subservient to women. In other words, the father himself bears the values and point of views of a woman.
So, the young white male has absolutely no one to turn to, but the Jewish lamestream media, internet and social media outlets that are telling him that he and others like him are responsible for all the world’s ills. It is reinforced in him that something is inalienably flawed in him and the same gynocentric values pushed on him by his idiot, gynocentric, tradcon, white knight father, is pushed by these outlets, furthermore reinforcing that he is an undesired, outcast.

@some_dawg #psycho #sexist #transphobia twitter.com

(submitters note: @some_dawg's bio reads "lol my pronouns: dont/care not a virtue signaller :) i have a job and a pussy, did i scare trannies yet?")

I have reread your reply and have realized you just have the reading/writing comprehension of a 4 year old.

You mean "could you tell me why they're getting abused in the first place?"

Even then, that's not how domestic violence works. The victim doesn't "make" them do it.

yeah excuse my bad writing, kinda tired rn. its something like uhhhh, "they got themselves abused by being a tranny lol"

To reiterate: that's not how domestic violence works.
Use critical thinking for once in your life. Abuse is an choice made by the abuser.

If you wanna go with the "lol it's their fault" excuse, then what do we do about men who beat their wives? Just say "lol she asked for it"?

but if your abuser is choosing to abuse you for a choice you made, that's still your choice.

"i have a job and a pussy, did i scare trannies yet?" what the actual fuck am i looking at?
"if your abuser is choosing to abuse you for a choice you made, that's still your choice."
hmm, so you're one of those "if she was wearing a skirt she was asking to get raped" people, eh?

if you don't wanna be raped, don't dress skimpy and get drunk in the streets of florida. you're asking for it at that point. it's like jumping out of a plane without a parachute. should i blame the ground for breaking my legs?

Padraig Martin #sexist #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "Should Women Vote?"]

Before I begin to explore the question entitled, “Should women vote?”, I believe, as a practical matter, we – the Dissident Right – have no choice but to encourage our women with similar moral and political values to vote
The question I posed is not whether we need our women to vote, rather it is an exploration as to whether or not women should have ever been enfranchised with the vote in the first place[…]The introduction of women into voting has devalued the God-given male-female dynamic by which the male is designed to be the Head-of-the-Household
By welcoming potential divisions on political matters into male-female relations, we invite social cracks into the foundation of Western Civilization: the nuclear family. Rather than a male voting for the best interests of his family,[…]women’s suffrage invites the potential for conflict that can resonate amongst the children
I believe the origins of this destructive democratic disorder lies not in the 19th Amendment[…]but the 15th Amendment[…]Once it became law, it allowed the inclusion of an easily manipulated, less informed electorate to augment the voting numbers of more radical 19th Century Social Justice Warriors
The South rightfully implemented rules to curb such easily exploited voter participation in the form of literacy tests
The loss of that leadership position, however, opens the door for younger White females to support deleterious positions predicated on emotional appeals in direct contravention of their father’s wishes
It is not an accident that the disintegration of Western Society almost distinctively begins with the emergence of women’s suffrage[…]American women have removed segregation, empowered homosexual marriage, invited transgender story hour, established social welfare programs, founded affirmative action, and lost every single war in the process

Dylan #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia #wingnut kiwifarms.net

Resident terf here: I've been thinking about why exactly radical feminism doesn't fit with the left or right for a while now. Not to sound super SJW, but I think it's because modern day American politics were built by and for men. Men in the 1700s honestly didn't expect women to be a voter bloc. Even when women were granted the right to vote in the 1920s and slowly started to integrate themselves into politics over the years, most politicians are men on the left and right, so arguably they primarily represent left men and right men respectively. Political alignment doesn't protect men from being misogynistic, and radical feminism has a problem with misogyny, so naturally they don't really fit on the typical political spectrum as the common ground for radical feminism is eradicating the root of misogyny, a ideology that can be held by liberal and conservative women.


I have been telling this in the past, and I'll repeat: terfs are just broken clock showing right time. It's YOUR deranged ideology that was built on manhate, hating masculinity, suppressing natural male sexuality, feminizing boys, and creating a message of men bad girls good that cauzed shit you've gotten into. Trannies are product of feminism and progressivism. Go and suck girl dick, you've earned it. The only real reason terfs are terfs is because of man hate. They hate mtf because they were men, they hate ftm because they ditched sisterhood. Terfs don't belong anywhere, because you're bunch of mongloid retards who can't take accountability for the product of your ideology.

In a fight of terfs vs tranies I would like to see them both cemented in a ditch.

BeardedLuckDragon #sexist #quack #crackpot deviantart.com

There once lived a Dr., Dr X, so afraid to reveal his identity because of his dangerous blood experiments. A doctor in the 1920's who wanted to get to the truth about the matter of blood types, not lineage. In fact there are over 200 specific blood types, but we condense them into a scant few. His findings about blood types? That only 20% of fathers were the biological fathers at the time, probably to this day, because alpha seed and beta cuck need.

ALPHA SEED vs BETA NEED : Women Date Alpha's & Marry Beta's! (RED PILL)

Prussian Society of America #sexist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Every Father who has ever sent his daughter off to College / Encouraged Her, has Committed a Crime"]

Every Father who has prodded and promoted the notion of his Daughter becoming “Educated” and “Independent” and to promote their “Careers” has done great harm, and committed an eternal crime against his Racial People

It may be today that such things are not seen or understood to be the crime for what they are, but the tomorrow is on the Horizon for when they will be regarded as criminals and sorry excuses for Fathers

No Real Man who has born Healthy, Primal, Full of Wisdom and Esoteric Spirit would ever dream of sending his daughters off to University, but instead would take the time and effort in securing to make sure she is with the proper Husband

The Baby Boomer generation is the most guilty of this crime, and the fact they will never confess is that they promote their daughters to go to school out of lack of responsibility to have them make good life decisions or to educate them in seeking a valuable partner for life
All of course, are part of the Communist Party Platform of establishing their system in place

Honorable Men loathe the idea of a Career-oriented/College-educated Female

Such females have absolutely no value
Career-oriented and College-educated Women only serve the interests of Financial Capitalists. As such, these Women are property and cattle, of these Financial Hyenas
All Women who attend Universities are far much more likely to also engage in and promote subversive activities such as miscegenation, International Missionary Work for Barbarian Nations, and promotion of the LGBTQ activities
It is for this very reason that Prussia asserts itself as a Power to regulate control over the bodies of its citizens, and that it instructs its Men to seize their rightful position as having complete ownership over Women, Mind, Body and Spirit

Only Men are to be Sovereigns

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