
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

bettER_CHOices , Martyros & dsar9013 #sexist #psycho blackpill.club


What about a teen яape slave?
You could feed her water and bread, can't get cheaper than this. Lemon, apple, meat, 1-2 a week to avoid scurvy and vitamin deficiency. She can cook, wash, clean the house. With good chains she won't go anywhere and can do everything you listed


(In gta 5)

The only good thing that foid got going on is her pussy, it's undeniable that fucking a tight, teenage pussy raw and krempeeing is one of the most glorious things you can do as a male, but it still isn't enough worth the risk getting caught by feds (in GTA) and the maintenance.

Cooking, cleaning, laundry I can easily do by myself, no need for a foid.

My waifu still mogs the shit out of her, lookswise.


Holy fuck that 3D foid looks so disgusting in comparison to my waifu.

JFL at still liking 3D foids over 2D godesses.


What about a teen яape slave?
You could feed her water and bread, can't get cheaper than this. Lemon, apple, meat, 1-2 a week to avoid scurvy and vitamin deficiency. She can cook, wash, clean the house. With good chains she won't go anywhere and can do everything you listed

View attachment 26349

(In gta 5)

Whoever, made that picture is BASED as fuck. HAHA, and that's what modern teen whores dress like nowdays, yesterday went to the local arcade and there's a bowling alley there, there were groups of teens hanging out and most were whores with tight jean shorts that barely hid their ass, just like that whore, they were begging to be ***** and kidnapped by an incel, the way they were dressing. If my parents die and leave me their house, I am going to commission a soundproof basement and **** dungeon max, its the only cope us incels have after all.

TheRighteousApe #psycho #sexist #ableist youtube.com

With my strong gorilla arms, i will right all the wrongs committed by the ugly against the righteous people.
i will surely laugh over their degraded bodies. i will also laugh at the emos, retards, people with cancer, kids with disease, and idiots in general.
Stillborn babies are weak, they make me laugh and feel even more superior.
The earth will shake to rid us from the freaky aliens. (and lots of women might get raped).

Tatsuhirocel , FallenPrime & GrimIsSlim #sexist #racist blackpill.club

All women are jews

Dead serious.A woman=jew there is no difference they are both trecherous snakes.This means that the population of jews is much higher than we previously thought.About 3.6 billion

No fucking doubt. Belongs in main discussion tbh. They are leeches and net losses. Only value they have is their eggs.


Except they blow money on stupid shit

AnalAndro & micropenis29 #sexist ncu.su

RE: Lolipill Ideology.


lolipillers have always dodged this inconvenient truth, and i expect them to keep dodging

I don't dodge it. Answer is that lolis are attractive, and that's it. Easy answer.

lolipillers basically do not understand how nowadays lolis / JB are exposed h 24 to social media and internet clown world culture so they are just like older foids

Yes nobody cares. I have never heard, read, watched a single one of the lolipillers doing long discussions of foids personaliteehees. Because, nobody cares about foids personaliteehee. It's irrelevant for men, just as much as it is for femoids, especially for the foids since they are more subsceptible to every type of brainwashing, this is also recognized by normies that during the recent years recongized the brain inferiority of foids, because the normies extended the period in which a foid is brainwashed by society to the point where they ask all the foids to be brainwashed in jobs placement facilities for decades. The aim of current society is to control the brainwashing of femoids for decades. It's obvious that if you can get a foid, you can brainwash her even if she is a 30 yold grown ass foid, if she is younger it's even easier.

So I think this answer can be given to anybody that discusses foids personaliteehee. But, standard highIQ men like myself do not care about personaliteehee, because I am the dominant personality in every single interaction with foids as a whole, their ideas become irrelevant when they are close to me, while they may acquire relevance if they are close to a normie. depends on the situation, some foids may acquire status if that status is granted by soyboys, because near me they like alexander the great meeting diogene.


I don't dodge it. Answer is that lolis are attractive, and that's it. Easy answer.

but every normie man thinks lolis are attractive (even if he won't admit it)

lolipillers therefore bring nothing new to the table by professing their attraction to lolis

if lolipillers want to be taken seriously, they need to focus on and convince everyone else why, precisely, they're the best mates for lolis

lolipillers have failed to do this

BettERtoreigninhell , OrdinaryFellow & The Emissary #sexist #psycho blackpill.club

RE: Florida : Latino handyman [respected] a granny in laundry room, left her naked on the floor. He then let her granddaughter admire the scene

Lol jail for jail grape a teen. I can understand grannymaxxing as a coping strategy but once you go illegal at least ripe (no typo) the best you can Jfl.

What's next? Man get arrested for robbing shit from banks bathrooms?


this guy uber mogs me and he had to grandmaMaxx

Not only grandmamax, grandma rapemax.

(The Emissary)

Not only grandmamax, grandma rapemax.

If you are grandmamaxxing, you have to grapemaxx because if you don't then she is essentially grapemaxxing you due to how offputting it most be to rawdog an old hag.

Like many things in life, grape is the only way.

beyondRepair&4everBroken #sexist blackpill.club

At the root of the distaste for incels is discomfort with acknowledging the true nature of female sexuality

Basically, women want good sex with pretty men, just like men desire young femoids. Male beauty is an object of sexual selection which females desire at the primal, cellular level. However, they are also able to prostitute themselves to men for resources in wink-wink arrangements involving some emotional support but at the root of which is male material provisioning. Incels hit a nerve for bringing this unmentionable reality to the forefront of the mind in the women prostituting themselves to men they don't truly desire and in the men having to be simping, provisioning monkeys in order to get star-fish sex once a month with toilets likely to be reminiscing about the Tyrones and Chads who more welcomely mounted their younger, hotter, and tighter selves.

Various Commenters #sexist ovarit.com

B-b-but what about men??

( La_Terfa )

Men are demonized as these cruel creatures with no feelings.

Yes. Good.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
Suddenly telling the truth is seen as being "demonized."

( SecondSkin )
This is why equality is a useless term. Feminism was supposed to be about women’s liberation from patriarchal dominance and male violence. It wasn’t about equality, it was about freedom from the hierarchy that keeps us the objects of male entitlement.

Men as a class have all the power. They can fix whatever ‘equality’ problems they have. They have every opportunity and all the power to fix themselves. ‘Gender equality’ needs redefined back to what it was always intended to be about -liberating women, and NOTHING about men.

( assigned_terf_at_birth )
Well said, sister.

Gay LubeOil #psycho #sexist #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia wehuntedthemammoth.com

How to Use the Desperation of Ukrainian War Refugees to your Sexual Advantage.
(The whole thing is too long, here are some choice samples)
“Unlike American women, who on average weigh 170 pounds at 5 feet 4 inches, Ukrainian women still possess a modicum of self-respect and have not gorged themselves into grotesque proportions like barnyard hogs….

Another stark contrast is that Ukrainian women possess souls. American women power wash away all semblance of personality via hormonal birth control, antidepressants, recreational drugs and social media.”

“Finally, the most important difference between Ukrainian and American women is that the former are capable of providing you with healthy, viable offspring, while the latter will misappropriate your DNA and birth a transformer whose only life skill is genital self-mutilation and attaching itself to ceiling fans in creative ways.”

“Uncle Vladimir has given us a belated Christmas present: hot, young, fertile Ukrainian refugees. …

The devastation of Ukraine was purposefully engineered to flood the West with cheap, high-quality labor. So why not benefit from the situation by taking advantage of cheap, high-quality Ukrainian sexual labor?”

“When you’re defeated in war, someone else takes your women and passes on their superior genetics to them. When a simple Ukrainian man gets conned into joining Right Sektor and fighting on behalf of gay Aryan Rimjobs by a country that shall not be named his wives and daughters flee abroad and get drilled by foreigners. That’s just basic War Bride Theory. We the Red Pill didn’t create the situation nor do we have any power over it. What we can do however is take advantage of it with our penises. After all these Ukrainian vaginas have to get fucked by someone. Why not us?”

David Mamet #crackpot #homophobia #sexist salon.com

During a discussion on the recent passage of Florida's "Don't Say Gay" bill – which prohibits public school teachers from organizing classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity – Mamet tells Levin, "If there's no community control of the schools, what we have is kids being not only indoctrinated, but groomed in a very real sense by people who are, whether they know it or not, sexual predators. Are they abusing the kids physically? No, I don't think so. But they're abusing them mentally.

"This has always been the problem with education, is that teachers are inclined, particularly men because men are predators, to pedophilia," Mamet added. This claim quickly made rounds on social media after Madeline Peltz of Media Matters for America shared a snippet of the segment on Twitter.

"And that's why there were strict community strictures about it, thank God," Mamet continues. "And this started to break down when the schools said, 'You know what? We have to teach the kids about sex. Why? Because what if they don't do it at home?'"

wereqryan #crackpot #dunning-kruger #moonbat #sexist incels.is

PROOF THAT INCELDOM IS GENETIC: Scientists discover 371 genetic variants linked to your age at first sex

When you lose your virginity 'may be written in your genes'

They say they've identified 371 regions of our genetic code that appear to influence not only when exactly we first have sex, but also when we have our first child – not just for women, but men too.

Their analysis of Brits' data revealed genetics can explain between five and 17 per cent of when individuals achieve these two milestones. [SOON IT WILL BE 100%. GENOMICS WILL PROVE THE BLACKPILL OF BIOLOGICAL DETERMINISM BEYOND ANY SHADOW OF DOUBT.]

They haven't churned all the variables yet, including ones like autism, height, frame, facial sexual dimorphism and testosterone levels, mostly because they don't want to I reckon. If they dedicated themselves to discovering the truth with open mindedness, they'd find that genetics 100% determines sexual success.

If you think about it, this kind of eugenicist feudalism is already upon us as noticed on Tinder or job applications where only the 150 IQ STEM fags succeed. In spite of this brutal reality, we are still being gaslighted as we are told to believe in the value of hard work and discipline. However with the dawning of genomics, there will be no room for deception regarding reality.

SJWs will scream about eugenics and fascism. Eventually though, their screams will be drowned out by the dawning of a new age of blackpill enlightenment where normies have accepted genes as the ultimate source of success in life.

We will enter another feudal era where Chads/Stacies(hereditary genetic wealth) and the hereditary financially rich will be permanently above everyone else and will give the bare minimum to lower classes.

Genetic determinism is the ultimate truth. We are biological robots.

nosubject and Submissive_Lucy #sexist #psycho debate.org

Question: "Should father's be allowed to rape their daughters?"

Women are objects I don't understand why feminists care so much about consent, Women should be raped because it's natural, It happens with animals and they enjoy it because nature made sex pleasurable. Women are no different, They should be raped and used as objects by every male, Regardless of her age or relationship.
Report Post
Daughters need rape Yes, Fathers should always rape their daughters. Rape is good for girls and women. It teaches them what they were made for. By allowing fathers to rape their daughters from a young age, They can teach their daughters exactly what they are going to be used for during their lives. Fathers raping their daughters is natural and good and should be legal. Daughters need to learn how to take daddy’s cock down their throats, They need to learn to take daddy’s cock deep in their little pussys, And they need to learn how to be good little girls so their daddies can rape them over and over. Prepare her for her main duty in life; to please men and be a good little cum dump.
Posted by: nosubjectReport Post
Little girls need to be prepared for patriarchal living Women are, By design, Homemakers, Servants, Baby dispensers, Child-bearers, Dick-takers, Fucktoys, Cumdumps, Objects for Men's enjoyment.

Men are, By design, Dominators, Masters, Seed planters, Disciplinarians, Dick-givers, Powerful protectors.

Men were designed as Gods, Women were designed as objects to use and play with. Thus, Fathers should be be allowed and encouraged to prepare their daughters for patriarchal living. The preparation would consist of many things, But sex would be one of them, Of course. If a father wishes, He may have take his daughter's virginity so that she is ready for when the time comes to have sex with her future husband. I'm not saying it should be required, But it should definitely be legal.

Hail Patriarchy!
Posted by: Submissive_Lucy

BeardedLuckDragon #elitist #sexist #god-complex #pratt #crackpot #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Herd moons/women – Jack of all trades for herd, parallel processing D+ {Gossip and work one task}, need to conform with one another {Especially other herd women}, uses double speak, has no sense of humor, overtly concerned about chaos and emotions, wants validation, only reason large soycieties can exist, like your bratty little sister, you complain and have babies for your tribe, like the pregnant new hire with no experience who wants to become the boss. You took a red and blue pill, but you're not purple pilled and want to be?!? What would alpha women think of that? You wouldn't know, alpha women know better than to bother with the herd.

Herd suns/men – Specialists for herd, batch processing D+ {Thinking about sex or how to get it}, need to protect and provide for herd women {Usually the dumbest ones}, uses single speak, has a sense of humor, only reason large soycieties can exist, overtly concerned about stability and simplicity, wants sexual favors, like your adult child room mate, you work to have sex with your tribe, like the new hire who wants to have sex in the bathroom. You are blue pilled... so blue pilled because sex only, what a cuck. You know what alpha men think of that, they tell you on a semi regular basis.

BeardedLuckDragon #sexist #crackpot #ableist #dunning-kruger #elitist #wingnut deviantart.com

Top 10% of the tribe:

Alpha – You are mentally, physically, and spiritually capable, you hate to lose, you lead the tribe, like your CEO. You are purple pilled.

Beta – All the benefits of the Alpha with none of the ability or responsibility, you are easy to get along with and laid back, you help lead your tribe, like your shift leader. You are pink pilled.

Delta – Workers, often suffer from workaholic lifestyles, you work day and night for your tribe, you gather, you hunt, like your manager. You are yellow pilled.

Omega – Intelligent and great at forming master minds and using non physical abilities to compensate for their small stature or crippled form, you think for your tribe, like your share holders. You are white pilled.

Gama – Very specialized members of the community that are fantastic at the 1 to 3 things they do, but tend to lack self awareness and have a bit of a temper problem, you make armor and weapons for your tribe, like your technicians. You are red pilled.

Sigma - You are physically capable like an alpha, hard working like a delta, and intelligent like an omega, you are a loner type, you left the tribe or exist on the outskirts, like your travelling sales agent. You are green pilled.

Zeta – You are good at everything, spiritually capable like an alpha, easy to be around like a beta, you want to take over the tribe or topple over the current regime to create a new one, you want to take over the tribe, like another company's share holders buying out your company. You are rainbow pilled.

Prussian Society of America #sexist #dunning-kruger #racist #conspiracy prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Capitalism shuns Natural Selection between Women and Men, based on Appearance"]

I like to expand upon this topic from different angles[…]some Races seem to have a much wider gamut of “Physically Attractive” people, usually at least up to 90% of the population[…]
The worst countries by far are definitely America and England[…]
Germany had been the Nation of Europe which has held onto its racial integrity the longest compared to many other countries[…]
Homogeneity is not always the indication of Pure or Good Race either[…]
Latin American Nations are perfect examples of it, since a very vast majority of Latin American countries have admixtures of Sephardic Jewish blood in them, and some which come from very undesirable barbaric tribes[…]
Convincing Women to “like” or “learn to like” Men they do not actually find attractive, based on whether he may be wealthy, socially acceptable or agreeable to her peers and society at large or trendy. The trendy factor promotes Caucasian Women to sleep more with Negroes[…]
Rearing people to ignore their biological instincts of what they are attracted to is a major SIN[…]
Christians loves to make Men and Women to both feel guilty for desiring a partner on the basis of physical looks[…]
The Capitalists benefit even further because since there is a shortage of beautiful and attractive/in-shape Women, they have created Women into being “markets” that any Rich Man can buy[…]
Ugly filthy Jew former Treasurer Secretary of the US, Steve Mnuchin with his wife. An autistic nerd which has every undesirable trait that no normal human would want to see introduced into the population, who has a wife that excels his appearance to an unimaginable level[…]
I am not trying to suggest that ugly and unattractive people should not exist[…]There is a natural reason and instinct for desire to prolong desirable traits for the majority of the species

Jim #transphobia #sexist #fundie blog.reaction.la

[From "The trans cult"]

First they overlook evil, then they permit evil, then they legalize evil, then they promote evil, then they celebrate evil, then they persecute anyone who still calls it evil

You pretended they were your equal, only to be promptly informed that they were your superior[…]
We feel helpless, we have no authority to call evil evil when the state calls it good[…]Even though my faith is less than a mustard seed, demons still flee before Christ[…]
Hear is a report from girl was caught in the trans cult as a naive teenager[…]but escaped[…]

Its understandable that any young person exposed to this kind of belief system would grow to deeply resent being white, “cis”, straight, or (biologically) male. The beauty of gender ideology is it provides a way to game this system[…]

She should have tried hitting them with the old and new testament[…]
No one tells them about the staggeringly high trans suicide rate, because that would be discriminatory. Women and men are too fundamentally different for transition to work. Testosterone works great for men on a male mind and a male body. Disastrous for a female mind and a female body[…]
Women cannot handle the psychological effects of testosterone, and not all men can handle it[…]
Testosterone was prompting action, but no proper telos, so self destructive action[…]
They generally do not regret being trans, but for some entirely unrelated reason??are apt to commit suicide. Odd that[…]
Then she reads an essay that depicts trans as socially transmitted insanity[…]
She succumbed to social pressure from wicked people[…]Hard for anyone, and much harder for women, to resist wicked social pressure unless you can call it wicked. We have several millenia of ancient wisdom, that is proving useful as the Enlightenment goes full demonic

Napoleon de Geso #racist #sexist blackpill.club

Tinder world quest. Filling statistical gaps in Africa

I not racist, but racial realist, so while would take cute adorable black loli waifu of culture, but also see negro foids being ugly because of racial reasons, rarely able to be pretty and cute, and even more rarely - to achieve level of kemonoforme. In previous tinder world quest from 21 000 foids in Africa were made 0 right swipes upon them (including North Africa, as those also hopeless, so lacking of stylistical diversity, that even can be said there are only 2 types of north african females - tradfoids, and unholy abominations of hybrid between tradfoid and Western bimbo). So Africa of wery low interest for kemonosearching, but, as In final statistics and maps only places with atleast 500 foids being included, so for scientific interest and more smooth maps and statistics made some search in Africa, except countries where previoulsy 1000+ foids been swiped

How well gaps filled and how well african foids achieving kemonoformation after more search, can be seen in how current tinder world quest changed Africa in world map of rightswipe percentages:
No right swipes out out of 6859 foids from those areas:
More concentration on Ethiopia, because was trying to find something like this:
But found only 280 macacas like this:
And some madagascar females with dominant austronesian fenotype can be very pretty and cute, just their numbers in tinder so too small, with overall only was shown 108 macacas, some very fuckable austronesians, but no of culture, and majority foids just ugly macacas:

Starr County Sheriff’s Office #sexist rollingstone.com

Texas Woman Charged With Murder for ‘Self-Induced Abortion’
Following passage of state’s restrictive SB8 bill, 26-year-old Starr County woman arrested for “intentionally and knowingly” causing “death of an individual”

A 26-year-old Texas woman was arrested and charged with murder Thursday after allegedly performing a “self-induced abortion.”

Lizelle Herrera remained in custody with a bond set at $500,000 after “intentionally and knowingly cause[d] the death of an individual by self-induced abortion,” the Starr County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement Friday.

Herrera’s arrest comes seven months after Texas’ SB8 (or the “Heartbeat Act”) went into effect, a law that bans abortions after six weeks, or before when many women would realize they’re pregnant. SB8 — the most restrictive anti-abortion bill in the U.S. and the basis of copycat laws sprouting up in states like Idaho — has faced legal challenges since it went into effect Sept. 1, 2021, but the Texas Supreme Court ultimately ruled in favor of the bill in March. The U.S. Supreme Court also declined to block the law, despite some dissent.

Additionally, SB8 allows for citizens to sue anyone who “aids or abets” in the procedure, a “bounty” of sorts aimed specifically at abortion providers.

The Sheriff’s Office did not provide details regarding the alleged abortion. However, Rockie Gonzalez of the La Frontera Fund — a Texas-based abortion assistance group, told Texas Public Radio, “What is alleged is that [Herrera] was in the hospital and had a miscarriage and divulged some information to hospital staff, who then reported her to the police.”

Gonzalez added, “This is a developing story and we don’t yet know all the details surrounding this tragic event, what we do know is that criminalizing pregnant people’s choices or pregnancy outcomes, which the state of Texas has done, takes away people’s autonomy over their own bodies, and leaves them with no safe options when they choose not to become a parent.”

A recent study by the University of Texas found that, between Aug. an Dec. 2021, approximately 1,400 Texas women traveled each month to neighboring states like Arkansas, Colorado and Louisiana for abortions.

Imaniceguy #crackpot #psycho #sexist incels.is

A sexual culture of father and daughter to save women.

Women before age 10 are the real women who have no mindset of sucking chad's dick and mogging incels. They are innocent, caring and happy looking. The reason is her father. Before age 10 daughter and father have a special bond. But after age 10 everything changes as she gets her first period at age 11. The period is a sign that she is ready for sex.

Father start ignoring her daughter as he feels weird about her mature daughter. The time a daughter needs his father most is ignored cause it's hard for him to resist the urge of her beauty. Then her relationship with whore mother grows. A mother will teach her lookism, bullying, and so much nonsense. She will brainwash her mind to think chad is the man and u should do anything to blow him and ignore the nice guy around who will care and would never hurt her.

So we need to start a culture of father and daughter honeymoon. When a woman gets her first period we need to have a gathering of relatives who would bring gifts and have dinner together. She will feel special and having of care from others and will understand her responsibility. At night father and daughter will have a special bed ready to play with.

This is the only solution. After the night her relationship with her father continues normally. Father will again start caring for her daughter(even more). She will understand sex and won't hang around chad who to fuck her. The culture can break the bond with her mother as a mother will feel jealous of her daughter. Which is the most important thing about this culture.

Since it's nearly impossible for us to get virgin girls these days. Almost all girls are fucked by at least 25 guys. So it is better to have a sweet girl who only had fucked by her dad with love. She won't have a daddy issue. Her bond and experience with her dad will make her understand men better than women. She will be submissive. She will understand how hard the life of men is in general.

David J. Stewart #fundie #dunning-kruger #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

Parents who enroll their youth into a state university are feeding their children to the WOLVES! The level of temptation is beyond comprehension in today's ungodly public and state universities. And for that matter, Bible colleges have sadly become a big scam as well...

I was utterly disgusted by what I saw when I attended Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College. Pastor Jeff Redlin is a little man, with a small heart, selfish and abusive toward suffering people. When I told him I was sleeping in Walmart's parking lot, he coldly walked away. When I told him I was divorced and hoping to find a wife, he shamefully mistreat me, scolding me as a 54 year old man for hoping to find a wife at church. What a rotten person!
Parents, if you love your child, do not enroll them into the Devil's college! Save your money. I am not an expert on college advice, but I am a Bible preacher. I would rather be as ignorant as a box of hair, and as uneducated as former war-criminal President George W. Bush, than to be an educated intellectual eating at the Devil's table in a state college.
Also, I am 100% against young women going into the military. Many commit the sin of fornication, adultery, get pregnant and some raped in the Armed Forces. Search the internet if you doubt what I say. However, once they have done so, I always support our troops (unless they go murder innocent people like they did in the Iraqi War). This is why I strongly discourage young people from enrolling in the military. You may be required to go murder innocent people, or face court-martial. You WILL be subjected to the foulest filthy language, perverse jokes and ungodly behavior imaginable. You WILL be screamed and yelled at by your drill instructor, who will use vulgarity beyond your imagination. I'm just giving you a heads-up. Is that what is best for a young Christian man? I think not.

John C. Wright #sexist scifiwright.com

Note the dialog between Sam Wilson and Jane Foster, the fake Thor and the fake Captain America as they close in for combat with monstrous foes (see at about 9.35)

“Jane: Frost Giants. Small ones. Sam: They don’t look so small to me. Jane: They will once we are finished with them.Sam: I guess I can give the old threads some action this one last time. Jane (flourishing a honking, huge warhammer in her tiny, little, delicate, nurse’s hands): If this is truly the end of your time as the Captain, then let us make the most of this day. Jane (continuing): There will be the sweet taste of combat, then of mead, then, perhaps. of your lips. Sam: Kissing can wait. For now, let us stick to punching.”

Keep in mind, True Believers, that this is supposed to be the selfsame Jane Foster who was the love interest for Don Blake, the real Thor, back in the day.

And the writer has the woman proposing the hot smooching after getting roaring drunk on mead, while all the while exalting in the glories of smashing bones, splattering brains and blood and hearing the screams of the disemboweled and dying foemen, and seeing them driven before you, and hearing the lamentation of their women.

Yup. That is Jane Foster. Just the same person as this.


Note that back in the day, each sentence ended in an exclamation point. That is because everything was exciting! In the modern day, each sentence ends in a period. Nothing is exciting. Nothing matters.

The change between two entirely opposite personality types, from loving and caring nurse to brutal barbarian she-man is entirely organic and reasonable. Whatever.

Or, just maybe, on the other hand, these writers are sociopaths, with no native understanding of human emotions or interior human life, and so they cannot portray people except, perhaps, like the stiff and absurd caricatures seen on Soviet propaganda posters.

Various Commenters #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: I'm sorry about their experience, but it's still male socialization through and through.

( La_Terfa )

"*I demand someone else baby me and do everything for me, every detrans group is just for you women! Fuck you, men need support and love and obedience.*"

Well, guess what: no. Stop demanding that women do things for you while being openly lazy, moid. The reasons why women transition are completely different from why men transition, anyway. Women transition for reasons that warrant sympathy and support, such as trauma, sexual violence, etc. Males usually transition because of their disgusting fetishes about being a "big tiddy catgirl", which they acquire after viewing grotesque porn.

Sorry that you ruined your body and your life because of a masturbatory fantasy, Kevin, but I'm busy supporting women with genuine problems and hardships. Go cry in your moid cave. Now that you don't have a dick to distract you, maybe you can even do something productive.

( butchplease )
Oh. I just realised. He doesn't ACTUALLY want a male space, he wants to intrude into the female space.

He wants the female space to be centred around HIM.

He wants the female space to be dominated by HIS voice and the voices of other men.

He wants the female space to exist for HIS gratification.

He wants the female space to submit to him.

All men are the same. Fuck him big time.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
And chances are 100% he was EXACTLY like this when he was pretending to be a "woman"- entitled to women's spaces, time, effort, and emotional labor with ZERO effort on his part and ZERO care if he made women uncomfortable.

( hmimperialtortie )
Screw them. They got into this through their porn addictions and hatred of women. Go make your own groups, scrotes. Other blokes do it, they make their Men’s Shed groups for mutual support.

( La_Terfa )
Male "mutual support" is only skin deep though, since they aren't that capable of empathy.

( proudcatlady )
And it’s usually harmful. I genuinely don’t think men should meet up without female chaperones. Get a bunch of men together and something violent is going to happen eventually. These guys will just bond over their misogyny.

personalityinkwell , TrashCanCel & micropenis29 #sexist ncu.su

RE: Lolipill Ideology.


i'm still waiting for lolipillers to address the unavoidable fact that young girls simply aren't attracted to them

lolipillers have always dodged this inconvenient truth, and i expect them to keep dodging

i'll continue to wait patiently for them to address this

Lolis have less life experience, and thus lower standards. Also lolis may want a young developed man over a little boy their age.

Problem is it's impossible to verify since merely approaching one is illegal, so we can only speculate. There isn't a way to clear cut verify it like you can with 18+ foids. All you can really say in response is "they probably aren't attracted to you, if you think you have any remote chance, you are coping."


i'm still waiting for lolipillers to address the unavoidable fact that young girls simply aren't attracted to them

In today's environment, I fully agree with you. Girls aged 7-8 have already been exposed to social media and the rest of modern Western culture. As a result, they have the same standards as other, older, foids.

Imo, "lolipillers" are in fact misguided tradcels (in most cases). What they truly want is women uncorrupted with globohomo slut-worship, which is obviously impossible to find today. I think "lolipillers" should just admit that either they want traditional submissive women or that they are just plain old pedophiles. For clarity's sake, the two issues should be kept separate


Lolis have less life experience, and thus lower standards. Also lolis may want a young developed man over a little boy their age.

i'd think less life experience = higher standards

i.e. the young girls who follow around celebrity gigachad, fantasizing about one day being his wife or a part of his harem

Tatsuhirocel & chudur-budur #biphobia #sexist #homophobia blackpill.club


Bisexual more like Chadsexual whores.


Bisexual more like Chadsexual whores.

bisexual woman == lesbian when extremely horny and chads are not around, otherwise straight

bisexual man == straight, but severe inceldom forced them to start experimenting with their butt-holes getting drilled by taller and bigger men because the media said getting fucked by other men supposed to feel good

BettERtoreigninhell #sexist #psycho blackpill.club

They suck even at hating "evil men"

"If my gf would have be graped I would catch the bastard and -insert Chinese torture"

"If my daughter was molested by a predator I'd " insert medieval torture "

" if my sister bla bla bla "

Then how comes that,even living in what they call "**** culture" where according to them rapes happens anytime and anywhere, you never hear in the news "father/brother/husband/boyfriend retaliated by torturing the grapist using ancient Sumerian forgotten methods to eviscerate convicts while still alive".

If women are so wonderful why no one avenge them? Either 100% of men are cowards or deep down the appreciation for m'foid ends when something even a bit riskier than simping on reddit becomes a possibility. Mind you I'm not saying they should do Jason Statham unrealistic idiocy I criticized in my other thread but everyone can surprise attack a dude coming back home and stucking a screwdriver in his temple. Yet nobody lives up to their words. Even searching on the web you find almost nothing and 99% are fake news or larper story. Fucking clowns.

So to the bluepilled lurkers wanna be vigilantes : I could force your girlfriend/sister/mother to drink my sperm and leave her in front of your door with my address carved on her tits with a knife and you would just call the cop like a cuck and if the law can't find enough evidence to condemn me you would live the rest of your life not even daring hitting me with a light slap. I could literally live next to your house and you wouldn't do shit. As no one does and don't delude yourself of being any different because you just watched John Wick or similar garbage.

Oklahoma House republicans #sexist abcnews.go.com

Oklahoma state House approves bill to make abortion illegal
The Oklahoma House has given final legislative approval to a bill that would make performing an abortion a felony

The Oklahoma House gave final legislative approval on Tuesday to a bill that would make performing an abortion a felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison.

With little discussion and no debate, the Republican-controlled House voted 70-14 to send the bill to Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt, who has previously said he'd sign any anti-abortion bill that comes to his desk.

The bill is one of several anti-abortion measures still alive in Oklahoma’s Legislature this year, part of a trend of GOP-led states passing aggressive anti-abortion legislation as the conservative U.S. Supreme Court is considering ratcheting back abortion rights that have been in place for nearly 50 years.

The Oklahoma bill, which passed the Senate last year, makes an exception only for an abortion performed to save the life of the mother, said GOP state Rep. Jim Olsen, of Roland, who sponsored the bill. Under the bill, a person convicted of performing an abortion would face up to 10 years in prison and a $100,000 fine.

“The penalties are for the doctor, not for the woman," Olsen said.

Similar anti-abortion bills approved by the Oklahoma Legislature and in other conservative states in recent years have been stopped by the courts as unconstitutional, but anti-abortion lawmakers have been buoyed by the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to allow new Texas abortion restrictions to remain in place. The new Texas law, the most restrictive anti-abortion law in the U.S. in decades, leaves enforcement up to private citizens, who are entitled to collect what critics call a “bounty” of $10,000 if they bring a successful lawsuit against a provider or anyone who helps a patient obtain an abortion. Several states, including Oklahoma, are pursuing similar legislation this year.

The Oklahoma bill’s passage came on the same day as more than 100 people attended a “Bans Off Oklahoma” rally outside the Capitol in support of abortion rights.


Various Commenters #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: I'm sorry about their experience, but it's still male socialization through and through.

( sojourner_truth_ )
See, this is why I'm not of the belief that detransitioners will be the cavalry that comes running in to save the day. The women sometimes have interesting things to say, but nobody will listen to them because they are women. And the men? No great shakes. Look at this whiny loser, moaning that women have something that he wants, and stamping his feet that he can't just instantly have it too, implying that the women owe it to him. Incel logic 101. Maybe he stopped IDing as trans but he is still the same as he was before he transed himself. It starts with entitlement and misogyny, and that's how it continues. Waah waah waah, how dare women have something! I want it I want it I want it! No, I don't want to lift a finger, omg that's what women are for!!!!! Ugh. Disgusting scrote.

( crodish )
Yeah, I'm wary of putting detransitioners on a pedestal, or thinking they'll be the next generation to break down barriers, etc. A lot of them still see feminists as their Big Bad, even if some of them are female. The most we can do is support them but not expect the same to be given to us. As is the usual for being women...

( sojourner_truth_ )
You're right; they are quick to paint us as the problem!

Plus many of them were mentally ill and unstable to start with, which is why the gender cult was able to suck them in. Those pre-existing mental illnesses didn't disappear in a puff of smoke once they saw through the trans delusion, as many of Isaac's supporters are seeing.

In a political fight for women's rights and children's safety, I want allies I can count on to not lose the plot at every errant breeze. So many detransitioners go back and forth multiple times. It's like quitting an addiction or leaving an abusive partner. It may take 6 or 7 attempts to break free for good.

( La_Terfa )
This is why I have zero sympathy for detrans moids, and I actually believe that detrans women should actively keep them out of their support groups. There's no fixing these gross broken moids.

various commenters #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: I'm sorry about their experience, but it's still male socialization through and through.

( crodish )
Came across this and wanted to throw a table. It is exactly this. EXACTLY THIS that happens, over and over and over again, whether it's "cis" men, or trans-identified men, or detrans men. It's always men looking to women to provide emotional labor for them, it's always men who are unwilling to put in the work, it's always men who want to take over women's hard earned spaces because they won't do it themselves. Never for themselves and never for each other. And it's still always women's fault somehow.

Lots of detrans tweets also talking about how much women hate detrans men. 1) it's not specifically detrans men, it's ALL men, so don't take it personally, because we sure as hell didn't become warmer to you during your identity as a woman 2) you've proven our point over and over.

Detrans women have spaces because the women bothered to make an effort. They bothered even if they didn't feel suited for it. They stepped up.

Men need to step up for themselves if they want their own spaces. Be willing to do the work for the change that you want for yourself!

Edit: now I'm half worried that "detrans man" is going to be the new oppressed minority that "transwoman" currently is, and women become unable to say anything against them because they're already so damaged and fragile. It's the same fucking cycle repackaged in different words urgh

( carbon0va )

Lots of detrans tweets also talking about how much women hate detrans men.

These are selfish men who've demonstrated they're perfectly ok with exploiting women, invading our spaces, abusing us online, etc for their own gratification. Why would we like them? These people don't change, they just change tactics.

( SCP353 )
They won't. Similar to how men complain that they have no male shelters for domestic abuse but actually don't give a shit about those men/don't actually want to form communities. They just want to blame women for getting all the attention. It's all in bad faith.

( La_Terfa )
Lol, shelters for men aren't even needed. Cases of women being genuinely violent are vanishingly rare and moids always have the financial means to escape these hypothetical scenarios and protect themselves.


Terrisa Bukovinac, Lauren Handy #sexist #wingnut #psycho npr.org

An anti-abortion group that is facing previous federal charges said it took 115 fetuses from a medical waste company and buried 110 of them at an undisclosed location.

Washington, D.C., police, which originally said it found five fetuses in one of the group members' apartments, is continuing to investigate the case.

At a news conference Tuesday, two members of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising, Terrisa Bukovinac and Lauren Handy, said they got the fetal remains from a medical waste company employee who gave them the box from his truck.

The two women saw the medical waste truck, from Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services, outside Washington Surgi-Clinic, which performs medical procedures such as abortions. The women said they then took the box to Handy's apartment. In total, they claim there were 115 fetuses in the boxes.

Bukovinac said in the news conference that she asked the driver of the truck if he would get in trouble if they took one of the boxes. She says he was shaken when they told him what the contents of the box were. The two women apparently told the driver they would bury the fetuses.
5 fetuses were found inside an anti-abortion activist's home in D.C.

"The driver thought for a second and he said, 'OK,' " Bukovinac said.

Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services told WUSA9 that it does not transport fetal remains and denied that any package was handed over to the anti-abortion group. The Baltimore-based company did not respond to NPR's request for comment.

Neurotic & Mister Spice #psycho #sexist blackpill.club

I'm so full of hatred and frustration

It's only a matter of time until I snap. Nothing can fix this, it is inevitable. Somebody has got to pay and I'm not waiting much longer.


nigga u were getting mad compliments and posting it on here like the bragger nigger u are , wtf happened??? was that hoe trying to manipulate u like my nigga @Mister Spice said?

I was stupid enough to say yes and now we're a couple. Yesterday we met next to a river and cuddled and she told me how handsome and smart I am. And yet I can tell you: it does nothing. I still feel dead inside. Female validation is utterly meaningless.

(Mister Spice)

I was stupid enough to say yes and now we're a couple. Yesterday we met next to a river and cuddled and she told me how handsome and smart I am. And yet I can tell you: it does nothing. I still feel dead inside. Female validation is utterly meaningless.

''Female validation is utterly meaningless.''
Because its the same foid as any other yet you still do everything she asks you to do

But hey, now its your opportunity to get laid without paying

advent_Chaos #sexist blackpill.club

RE: What IS a Women After All ?

This sounds like cope.
MAJOR cope.

Women are nothing but objects, and they reinforce this fact everyday, not only by the way they dress and act, i´m talking about the softcore porn commercials presented on TV, clothing, perfumes, sex sells.
The over sexualization of their bodies is their only asset in life.

Aside from that, their worth is equal to zero.

Simps boost a women´s ego too damn much.

This is where we are now.

Incels Wiki #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist incels.wiki

Cousincest or nothing

Cousincest or nothing is a lesser of two evils dilemma that is faced by many ethnicels from the Greater Middle East. These people are too low SMV, decile scale and LMS to have any success at cold approach or warm approach; their family notices and decide to book an arranged marriage.

These arranged marriages usually consist of cousin-hookups, in others words cousincest. This situation gets worse for ethnicels raised in western countries since the taboo against cousincest is greater there. In other words, the bulk of horncels, arabcels, persocels and turkcels in the west have the choice of the fire or the frying pan. So ethnicels are damned if they do, and damned if they don't.


Monosyllabic ways of saying "female cousin":

diece: dad's niece
fiece: father's niece
miece: mom's niece
piece: parent's niece
Bisyllabic ways:

cousine (this is French)
fousin = female cousin
gousin = girl cousin
wousin = woman cousin

Various Editors #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia conservapedia.com

Public school culture is an atmosphere fostered in public school,[2] especially in the most liberal of public schools, which is characterized by:

anti-white rhetoric and curriculum, critical race theory
prohibition of classroom prayer
sex education, homosexual curriculum and sexual abuse by school personnel has been referred to as a "red-light district" for students
promotion of the homosexual agenda in public schools (see images above), even though other forms of expression, such as displaying the Confederate flag or promoting Bible verses, are persecuted.
rebellious and distracting fashion
facial piercings and rings, tattoos, and male earrings
an absence of objective morality; instead, a principal will say someone "made the wrong choice"
a lack of critical thinking about liberal indoctrination
lewd behavior euphemistically referred to as "PDA" or "Public Display of Affection"
racial discrimination resulting from set cliques of racially homogeneous students
forced tolerance of homosexuality due to school-supported and funded groups
lack of awareness that prayer is censored in public schools and that teachers' unions are very liberal
drug testing
censorship of conservative sources of news and information
violence and school shootings
excessive network abuse
cross-dressing in schools plays, boys wearing girl jeans, powder puff sports, etc.
special concessions for certain ethnic groups and religions while Christianity is ignored
allowing students to opt-out of saying the Pledge of Allegiance
pregnant students being accepted by school officials, and sometimes even pregnancy pacts
acceptance and sometimes even encouragement of abortion and birth control
students impeding traffic by walking on roadways instead of walking on the sidewalk or on the grass going to and from the school bus stop
disrespect for authority figures and high-ranking elected public officials
liberal bias and the inducting of children into liberalism and secularism

FailedArtist #sexist #transphobia blackpill.club

Feminism is inherently anti female

in feminism any female nudity that represents a fit women is always a sing of serialization which is a sing of objectification meanwhile male nudity is a form of empowerment, and that man having power over women is a terrible oppressive thing. this ideological framework always guarantee that as long as man fells sexullation attraction towards women that women will be oppressed.

they will accuses even the role of women as care givers of being oppressive and that is disempowering, being good at taking care of things is literally the main thing nature equipped them for with their mammaries and large hips, but they completely reject this role and at that point they are literally worst than in a men in everything and they will fill this empty spot with some stupid ass hoby such as doing muh art or some dumb career.

even within prostitution feminist will flip flop of calling it female exploitation and that sexs work is real work, they will pretty much defend or attack sexs work 1000% based if the man they are talking to opposes or support it, as for feminists whatever men dislikes is the same as empowerment to them, it's almost like child throwing a tantrum and just doing the opposite of what adults want just to prove that they can.

in feminist ideology anything that resemblances a healthy female body represents oppression of males on females, to the point many of them will try to unsexs themselves by becoming fat, ugly and troonify themselves, the entire ideology teach women that having a healthy body is oppression and that to become a disgusting creature is the only way to combat it.

just look at all the fat tumblrinas filled with piercings, tattoos or become some other gender all to avoid the gaze of men, they will self destruct as to avoid the ''oppression'' of having men who think they are good looking.

it's a seriously terrible ideology that destroy the lives of anyone who follows it.

oenz #homophobia #sexist ncu.su

Lolipill Ideology.

In This Post I Will discuss the Ideology of the Lolipill I Will Structure this Explanation Like a Wiki Article.

The Lolipill is a ideology Very Similar to Standardceldom but Also similar to Mgtow But Most Lolipilled Men Are Closely Cultured with the Incel Blackpillers Rather then Mgtow Redpillers. The Lolipilled Men are Similar to Standardcels in the way they May Describe as, "We Dont want Used up Sluts and Feminists But We Want Virgin Loli's of Culture and Prime Age." Most Lolipilled men Disagree with the Traditional Blackpiller on Wanting to Have sex with Hookers or Sluts. Lolipilled men Are usually more attracted to Females of 8-12 Years old and many of them Do Not Like Homosexual Minor Attracted people or Homosexuals in General. The Debates Between Lolipilled Men and Homosexual Map rights activist are Comical.
Lolipilled Men Dont Have a Unified Solution for the Concept of age or Age of consent but All of them do Agree that Age of consent must be Lowered.
But What is True though the Lolipilled Men are Not Usually Politically the Same or Philosophically the Same they have Only a Few Strings holding them together Such As Anti Feminism, Lowering the Age of consent and Being Close with the Incel Blackpill Community.

(Some Lolipilled Argument)

Demographics and Where to Find the Community:
The Lolipilled Men Largely Consist in Anti Age cuck Forums or Communities Especially the Ones that Nathan Larson had ran and the Forums that Were Made in the General Larsonosphere.
You May Find Many in:

The Blackpill Club

Lolipilled Men and MSTOW:
Some are MSTOW but dont Realize it while Most are Just Blackpill Basement Dwellers.

Lolipill and Homosexuality:
Most of them Do Not Like Homosexuals But Some are Neutral with it.

INCELISTANI COMMANDER #psycho #sexist incels.is



HAHAHAHA! On one order from me I will have hundreds and thousands of mighty incel warriors ready to attack. The blood of cucks will be spilt and the corpses of numales and e-boys will litter the streets. Their flesh will turn to dust and their souls will be forced to wander hell for eternity. HAHAHAHAHAHA!


The_Real_PMC #sexist reddit.com

Too many anti feminists seem to think feminism was a legitimate reaction to something. This is not true, feminism has always been based on falsehoods and lies.
image[“Feminism has always ben [sic] a hate movement. All the waves suck” (Spider-Man villains Rhino, Vulture, Electro and Green Goblin, labelled as first, second, third and fourth wave respectively)]

Jihadi Anon #crackpot #sexist boards.4chan.org

‘Incel’ is a psyop created to hide how bad things really are

"Mating" is a tribal phenomenon. It is as natural as is talking, shaking hands, sharing food, sharing a bench.
When you ask yourself why you're single, I suggest you also ask yourself the following questions:
>how often do you eat food with a large group of people, instead of eating alone?
>how often do you share seats and spaces with groups of people?
>how often do you share your concerns, interests, hobbies with groups of people?
The likely answer is: very rare.

This wasn't the case for our ancestors. Our ancestors got laid for centuries (and you were born as a result of many centuries of sex) because they were more tribal, more interconnected as a species. And "mating" was the unavoidable outcome of tribal mingling. Mating was never the "goal", it was always the "consequence" or "byproduct" of tribal behavior.

"incels" don't exist. What exists is an increasingly disconnected society, where everything is designed to PERMIT a single person to survive without the help of his tribe.
If survival would again become highly dependent on tribal inter-dependence, and a life of solitude wouldn't provide enough food/shelter/basics - you'd instantly fix the low birthrates problem, and the "incel" problem.

Make society more tribal, more reliant on each other for survival, and everyone will get laid.

Doktor Snake #magick #sexist #mammon #racist doktorsnake.com

Dream of sexy girls on your arm?

Flash car?

Money to throw around?

You can work to get it.

But that takes years.

Or you can harness the power of vudu…

With our hardcore Conjuration Servitor.

Truth is, you want to live the good life. You wanna be dripping in gold. You want sexy girls around you. And you want a flash car that makes people look.

In short, you want money and sex.

All this takes work. A lot of sweat and toil. It’s not on a plate.

Thing is you can work hard all your life and still be driving a used car, and dating somebody who was once a looker, but now has gone to seed. Then you wonder where your life has gone. All those dreams you had didn’t come to anything.

Worse still, you see lots of other guys driving top end BMWs and Porches with sexy girls hanging on to their every word, not to mention sucking their dick whenever they want it sucked.

You’re like, if only I had that.

Yeah right.
Vudu connects your deep mind with the etheric plane. This is when things start happening. Lucky coincidences come your way, the right kinda people enter your life, and more deals are struck, thus your bank account (or better your crypto) will grow faster.
It’s down to calling on powerful spirits on the etheric plane. Luminous beings that mostly don’t care about us humans. But they can be called upon. And if you strike a mutually beneficial deal with them, then they’ll direct their energies towards your cause.

From there, your worldly desires will manifest in the everyday world.

Recognize that this doesn’t necessarily happen overnight. BUT it can be fast in some cases.
<Price available by email apparently>

pornoddio & HikikunDeformis #sexist blackpill.club


The politicians that work in the field of male rights are professional ones, only that they are unsuccessful.

This is why male rights are besieged by ex communitst, ex fascists, politicians that earned a reputation in a past youth organization and so on. Because most of them come from the oversized bureaucracy, they try to find a spot where to exercize their politician functions, and we are then seen as "the paycheck" of the bureaucrat, only that we are vacant allocation of jobs for whoever wants to take us. This is our "role" in contemporary societies.

Nobody truly expects us to take control of our own narrative first, then take action according to our terms and our interests, elect our best men to represent us and push our incel will into the throats of normies.

In case you haven't noticed, all the people that disrupt us are weaklings, that only succeed because we are even weaker than they are. Point is that if I am the only one doing resistance, we will never win. If I was helped by only 1 other incel we would be 2, and if we are 2 instead of 1, we win, simply because our enemies are weak and pathetic.

Think about it. How many obstacles there are in life? There are judges, cops, army members, feminists, institutions, sociologists, psychiatrists, normie servants of twitter narratives and so on. Life is full of obstacles. If we let a lowlevel politician to defeat us, then we're weak. And that's it. Weaklings like us deserve their role in life as vermins. Unless we start to actually care about our own legitimate interests.

Male rights can only be achieved by taking away the privilege from women so no women will ever support them. Men on the other hand are either brainwashed into thinking that they have it better or worse think that it's okay for them to suffer just because they are men. Male belief of sacrifice for women and children is ancient.
It was probably instilled in our ancestors by wealthy people who needed cannon fodder.

I wouldn't say losing when being outnumbered 1000 to 1 makes you weak. It's just a reality. Even a super genius that would manage to make home made weapons of mass descrution would lose to sheer number of people. Germans tried to win ww2 with superior technology and weapons but ultimately lost because they couldn't produce so many tanks or field so many soldiers.

oenz , Ghost of Eskimo & AnalAndro #sexist ncu.su

Have you Noticed Some Men Hate their own Race of Women but thinks other Races of Women are Angels?

I Have Noticed a Pattern Some Latino Men dont like Latino Women, Some White Men dont like white women, Some Black men dont like Black women and Some Mongoloid men dont like Mongoloid females.
Yet they All have a delusion that a other Race of females usually white ones are Angels (And I Can Prove them Not to be)
But After Seeing this Hating their own race of women bias I have come to Realize all Races of women are Evil just some People have a Bias against their own But Cope with thinking other races of women are good.

(Ghost of Eskimo)
The biggest lie is that white men are gods to brown women. I've traveled throughout south east asia and every girl I interacted with wanted something out of me.

I do find white women revolting for the most part. I don't even think I could get sex with a landwhale. Latinas and asian women are more attractive to me because they're cheaper to pay for sex.

Yes that's normal. A russian man told me that all the rusian foids are gigawhores with a bossy attitude, but I could tell him the same thing, because in reality all the foids are megawhores with abossy attitude.

Transcend , pornoddio & Tatsuhirocel #sexist #racist blackpill.club

Would they lower the age of consent in the event of nuclear war?

Hypothetical: There's a nuclear war and an attendant social collapse. The population declines dramatically and there are not nearly as many workers to exploit. Do The Powers That Be finally cave and lower the AOC to the age of breedability?

No because normies brainwashed masses will simply be given a free pass to enforce their pedohunter activities. They will hunt us down, track us and k1ll us, then of course they will complain about fertility rate being even lower than it is now. Feminism brainwashed normies to a point of no return, they will forever think that if you are attracted to an attractive girl you are a paedo. If you will approach a father of a femoid to arrange a good deal and buy the foid, he will just call you "paedo" if his daughter is not a 35 years old hag with warts on her pussy. I am not joking, not even nuclear war can remove the braindamage of normies and their insane feminist attitudes.

It was over same moment that feminism was created.

Nah they will just invite niggers to be their slaves.In case of a nuclear war countries like Usa and Russia and china would be nuked.I guess pakistan and india would nuke each other too.And maybe iran and israel.Nigger countries and south american countries wont get hit

[deleted account] #racist #sexist thepinkpill.co

RE: Where are you guys from?

A slavic country full of ugly, retarded and entitled moids.

So pretty much like every slavic country? Latvia and Lithuania are not any better either.

I guess every slavic country is a pathology because of moids in it. So many ugly boyos and every tries to date up.

I thought I'm just not into guys or asexual before I moved out for the first time because I didn't find men visually appealing at all. Turned out other countries actually have attractive men everywhere.

I remember when there was a trend on Twitter where girls would change their location on Tinder to a Western country and post screenshots. It was like, wait you're telling me men can be attractive and take care of their appearance...?

I don't even feel bad shitting on our men tbh cause they're on of the most sexist pricks second only after conservative Muslim men.

Slavic men are so fkn ugly it's unreal. I saw someone describe them as looking like 'potatoes pickled in vodka', and I have been using it to describe them ever since. I swear there's like only 4 attractive men in all of Slavic countries, total.

'potatoes pickled in vodka', lmao, that's a perfectly accurate description.

I'm surprised about the negative comments regarding eastern european men. I've tried dating apps and eastern europeans were way more nicer to me than the usual latinos I encounter.

I'm from one of the latin american countries with a white majority, so no typical olive skinned sexy latina look. Let me tell you, latino men are the most entitled of them all. And now that latin music is on trend, they think they're hot shit.

Eastern european moids were nice to you because you're not white. They really want some POC girl (exotic appearance & chance for dating up + they think you'll be a total submissive wife). So they simp hard. Meanwhile, they shit on women from their own countries calling them ugly with a potato face and stupid.

Maryam_ #psycho #sexist thepinkpill.co


I hate the fact that women have to put 100% more effort to destroy men than vice versa I wish I could approach a man and beat. The. Fuck. Out. Of. Him. With 0% brainpower and effort.

I wish I could pull a r/pussypassdenied on a scrote. That's why I hate that sub. It takes them no effort to beat us. I hate them so much. I want to literally beat one black and blue.

That is all.

N/A #transphobia #sexist change.org

Doctor who has followed the set role of being a male for over 60 years now, however with the reveal of the new female Doctor it is clear the BBC does not respect the story line, the history or tradition of the show, instead they are mindlessly following the uneducated SJW community for attention and publicity. Doctor who has shoved in numerous political points down our throats (uneducated comments on capitalism etc..) which do not belong on a sci-fi TV show, the change brings up numerous questions that simply can not be solved such as the relationship with River Song, Bills sexuality, the companion's gender and much more. It is not sexist to see this is not fitting with the Doctors themes and many loyal facts see this as the final nail in the coffin for the once great TV show, i see this is a disgrace and insulting to mine and everyone else's childhood with numerous people of the only 2 genders agreeing with me.

Incels Wiki #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger incels.wiki

Over a hundred years ago, advanced technology and industrialization came around made by men, making jobs safer for women, and women joined the workforce. Now that women were comfy enough to claim taxpayer status, men gave women the vote and positions of power in politics and the workplace. This occurred before the 'feminist' or 'suffragette' movement even began. The first wave feminist movement mainly occurred in the late 19th century, with Denmark being the first country having a feminist movement starting in 1871. Women started getting the right to vote in the 1700s (in municipal elections in some limited jurisdictions, and in the short lived independent Republic of Corsica), the same century the industrial revolution started, and way before any suffragette movement.

Only problem with this new paradigm is that women usually aren't sexually attracted to men who are lower in hierarchies of social status and money than they are. So as women gained dominance in traditional male hierarchies, they complained a bunch about there being 'no good men'[1][2] aka the dwindling amount of men wealthier or more powerful than them to give them tingles. As fewer men gave them tingles more incels were created and more men were sent their own way. And as women gained more dominance in society they complained more about beta males, and "rape" etc...

Modern feminist movements

They even created campaigns against these increasing amount of men lower on the social hierarchy than them they are not sexually attracted to, with the most extreme advocating androcide. Movements like:

Anti Catcalling Movement: aka 'Men poorer than me better not hit on me in public'

Anti Manspreading Movement: aka 'Public transport users (people poorer than me, or people who have not yet proved they are higher status than me) should not make me think of their junk'

Metoo movement: aka 'Autistic and socially isolated ugly men who can't read social cues should be locked up or ridiculed as much as rapists'[3][4]

BettERtoreigninhell #sexist blackpill.club

The priest should modify the speech a bit

Keeping intact old rituals without adjusting them to our current secular society could lead to false advertising to say the least. Priests should stop scamming husbands with irresponsible and unrealistic expectations and adopt a more down to her kn..ahem down to the earth approach.

Firstly the dress shouldn't be white as that's is supposed to mean purity and virginity. It would be like going to funerals dressed in yellow.

If the bride insists on wearing the traditional white dress then there should be a very visible!e label on the dress specifying :

"This white doesn't represent my purity but the gallons of coom that covered my body through all these years".

Anyways the important part that should be changed regards the speech of the priest.

Let's begin with going from "until death tear you apart" to "until some feminist judge tears you apart". An authority now much more commanding than that silly grim reaper.

Now the questions to the husband :

1)Are you ready to support her even if she's reduced to a creepy larva demanding the total end of your activities outside working and bending her purulent bedsores while being fully conscious that at your first suspicious cough she will fly away in Jamaica to never be seen again outside interracial porn sites ads?

2)Are you ready to lowy your expectations of matrimonial duties from your wife and be happy if she lets you starfishfuck her once a week?

3)Are you ready to support her freedom to giggle and be physical with her male friends?

4)Are you ready to let her keeping in her phone/social media men who are the cause of the label on your wife's dress?

5)Are you ready to accept the frequently casual bumping of her exes while you're walking holding hands with your wife knowing that chances are the hand you're holding made jizz his penis who happens to be girthier than your wrist and lengthier than your clavicle?

6)Are you ready to break your back wageslaving for years only to see her leave you and taking with her your house, half of your income for the next 40 years and your kids that suspiciously resemble the 2 meters plumber?

If yes you can kiss the lips of your bride that wrapped who knows how many dicks some of which may be present in this very church right now .

Now I declare you hubby and wife.

Various Commenters #sexist blackpill.club

I hate women

Good afternoon.

I hate women and jews.

Making a woman cower in fear is an experience on the same curve as fucking them.

(Dr. Autist)
Me too. I miss the old days with women hate threads on R9K. We should have them here.

I work in a university in Europe as a reserrcher, and let me tell you this: the women professors are so stupid you wouldnt belive me guys. They are completely unable to produce original knowledge, and instead wastes our time interfering and having a lot of opinion about real research. And the attitude of these dumb women. I wish academia was a gentlemans club with autists persuing higher goals like in the 1800s. Were ruining everything with promoting women just cause of theyr pussies.

Maybe i will quit and become a daytrader instead.

Give a woman free speech and rights and all she’s gonna do it’s destroy what took thousands of years to develop and progress. Is it a coincidence that the whole world is on flames after the biggest cuck in human story gave them rights in the 20th century ?

Woman must be submissive and under man’s command.


(Dr. Autist)
Imagine these dumb women with social anthropology, social work and education degrees, in all seriousness interfering in our work. Telling us how to treat them. We must give them priviledge because they have pussies etc.

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