
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Magomed “Lord” Daudov #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Chechen parliament speaker Magomed Daudov says that first and foremost, Chechen battalions in Ukraine are fighting a jihad to defend Islam.

Daudov says that unless Putin stops them, they will keep going until they reach Berlin.

{translated from Russian:}

“Inshallah, there should be no doubt that we will take the Donetsk People's Republic, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Odessa. If Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin does not stop us, inshallah, we will go to Berlin. We will win, no doubt about it. Akhmad is the power!* Allahu Akbar!

President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, today, Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov. Our brothers are defending Islam, first and foremost. They’re defending values. They’re defending the greatness of the Almighty. Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov, the head of Chechen Republic, is playing a big part in this jihad, as are all of our commanders under him.

Above all, this is about faith in the Almighty. It’s about our spiritual values and our language.“

*Submitter’s note: ”Akhmad is the power!” (“Ahmat sila!”) is a warcry that glorifies Ramzan Kadyrov’s dead father and former Chechen war leader, Akhmad Kadyrov.

Anti-abortionist & Brace_SK3 #wingnut #fundie reddit.com

RE: I don’t get why people are so passionate about abortions…
People are ingrained to die on the hill of abortion because no matter how much they tell you they are areligious abortion is a child sacrifice on the alter of themselves. It is the high sacrament of the secular progressive movement so when you say that you are taking it away they are so offended that you are taking away their religion. Most people are not self aware enough to notice this but as we are most God fearing people founded in reality that comes from the truth of the Bible it is clear for us to see that ultimately abortion is a child sacrifice to another god. The only people who really recognize this is the church of satan who say that abortion is a part of their religious traditions. People who defend abortion defend it at the cost of their soul

I absolutely agree it’s definitely child sacrifice! Looking at history we have obvious examples of human sacrifices especially child sacrifices being done by different religions.

Someone once said that Satan is really not that original because he always has the same formula but he packages it just differently enough to make it look original. So yes maybe nowadays child sacrifices might not literally look like a child being sliced open on an alter to be dedicated to some “god” but it’s still the same because abortion is the killing of children for your own desire making the religion in question essentially about self-worship.

Stargate Training for Activation and Re-Alignment (STAR) #magick #fundie #moonbat texashealers.com

The Mission of the STAR is to assist in bringing about the Second Coming of Christ en masse...When at least 144,000 humans have attained Christ Consciousness, an enlightenment wave will be experienced by all living beings on Earth. Community Service for the preparation of the Second Coming is the responsibility of all "attuned" human beings. Those who know about this Coming are to help create conditions of "spiritual alignment" which will ultimately draw the Universal Christ into all individuals . Without this, the Christ is impotent to act.

Christ consciousness will create unity and dissolve all divisions or separations between mankink, religions, social dogma. Christ Consciousness is established through the example of World Service and the fostering of the principles on which an interdependent world may create a new civilization. Everyone will have an experience of Divine Truth and Enlightenment during the Second Coming event which takes places on each individuals own personal timeline. Afterward, each human being can make a conscious choice, about whether or not to continue in an illusionary, ego-based reality, or to choose a life based upon Spiritual Growth, Divine Love, and Alignment with the Divine Plan. This choice results in bring in the Fifth Kingdom.

In Freemasonry the Fifth Kingdom refers to a transhuman state of higher Consciousness that is achieved via a process of "intentional evolution". This Fifth Kingdom is presumably achieved only when one's "animal nature" is thoroughly subdued via an uncompromising suppression of the emotional, passion, irrational, and animalistic side of the Physical Unit.

Mo Bedard the Gnostic Warrior #conspiracy #fundie #magick gnosticwarrior.com

The first Apple 1 computer that cost about $1,533 to build, but Jobs and Wozniak decided to sell them for $666.66 each with the slogan “Byte into an Apple.”

Some people say that Jobs purposely chose the apples with a bite out of it and selling the first computers for $666.66 to honor the Mark of the Beast, and that it was Satanic because in the Bible, the Beast is identified with the number, 666.
According to Steve Jobs, “Apple was so named because Jobs was coming back from an apple farm, and he was on a fruitarian diet. He thought the name was “fun, spirited and not intimidating.”

And as for the price of $666.66, Steve Wozniak says it became $666.66 because Wozniak “liked repeating digits” and because of a one-third markup on the $500 wholesale price.
For example, when Jean Louis Gassée, an executive at Apple Computer from 1981 to 1990, was asked about his thoughts on the Apple logo, he answered:

“One of the deep mysteries to me is our logo, the symbol of lust and knowledge, bitten into, all crossed with the colors of the rainbow in the wrong order. You couldn’t dream of a more appropriate logo: lust, knowledge, hope, and anarchy.”

When it comes to Steve Jobs character, there’s the “Good Steve,” and then, there’s the “Bad Steve,” says biographer Walter Isaacson.

In other words, he had a dark (shadow/demon) and light (enlightened/angel) side to his character.
Even though I do not think that he worshiped Satan or summoned demons, he was a liar, thief and terrible person – just like the so-called Devil.

His mode of being was completely individualistic or what could be called Satanic.

Hell, many CEO’s and captains of industry of this Modern world act in a similar fashion to Jobs. In fact, I believe it is more common than uncommon in the world of business.

So, it is quite fitting that Jobs, the Beast of Apple Computers, had decided to sell their first computer for $666.66.

Henry de Lesquen #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #sexist lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Le programme d’Henry de Lesquen pour ressusciter la famille" - "Henry de Lesquen's platform to resurrect the family"]

Here's a 10-points plan to resurrect the family:
1. Constitution shall state marriage shall unite only two persons of opposite genders[…]
3. Christian marriage shall be recognised by law and dispense of civil marriage
4. Couples shall be recognised only in marriage. PACS shall be abolished [PACS is a civil union in France]. Concubinage shall be ignored
5. Authority. Restoration of the Head of Family. It shall be the oldest spouses, apart if they decide otherwise while marrying
6. Outside of testament and child maintenance, adulterous children shall not have rights at the expense of legitimate children[…]
8. National preferance. Allowances and other aids shall be reserved to French families only
9. The 1975 Simone Veil law shall be repealed. It shall be a felony to kill a child in his mother's belly
Abortion shall be allowed in cases of rape[…]
10. Real universal suffrage. The Head of Family shall vote for his minor children

YouTubers #crackpot #fundie youtube.com

Tess W
Yeah, this is what God calls witchcraft......the Greek word for drug use, "Pharmakeia"....putting a spell on yourself through herbs, potions or strong drink. It totally opens a person up to the demonic realm.
People who have deep disturbances may need it, it's all you can do when you don't have access to healing.

kimberly willow sage tree
alcohol is called spirits for a reason... over indulgence is the issue, as always.. but herbs? that's crazy talk

Lori Alexander #fundie #sexist lorialexander.blogspot.com

Do You Sexually Harass Men By the Way You Dress?

Margaret Buchanan said "By dressing in a provocative way, girls and women are actually sexually harassing men." I agree with this statement 100%. Wise women know that dressing immodestly causes men to lust. This is one of the reasons the Lord commands women to be modest, discreet, and chaste. We are not to do anything to cause our brothers to stumble and we are responsible for how we dress and our actions. Most of you know what the word 'modest' means but do you understand what 'discreet' means for you?

The Bible calls women to be discreet: "that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed" {Titus 2:4, 5}. The definition of discreet is "not likely to be seen or noticed by many people."

Many women today are anything but discreet. They do anything they can to be noticed by others by what and how little they wear, how much makeup and jewelry they wear, how fancy their hair is done, how perfectly decorated their homes are, the cars they drive, how much money they have, how many vacations they go on, sending naked pictures to others, and the list goes on and on. We, as godly Christian women, should do nothing to draw attention to ourselves, including burping, intentionally passing gas, or other actions that are unfeminine and indiscreet.

Don Surber #transphobia #fundie #homophobia archive.ph

So the Gay Patriot account is back on Twitter and one of its first tweets was, "Is it too much to ask that the #LGBTQ activists vocally denounce grooming and pedophilia?

"Why won’t they?"

But it is too much to ask. They cannot denounce grooming and remain LGBT. They are no more allowed to speak out than black leaders were allowed to condemn BLM.
LGBT rights are a myth. LGBT rights are rules for living if you are gay, trans or whatever. You surrender your rights when you join LGBT. Conformity means never speaking your mind again. Instead, you chant the slogan of the day, which for this month is Don't say gay!

To be an LGBT, one must keep up with the latest news. Thou dare not speak ill of the groomers. Instead, they dump all their vile disgust on J.K. Rowling because she dared to say women menstruate. Yes, the grievances promoted by LGBT leaders are that fundamentally stupid.

In exchange for turning your life over to the movement, you get to bully Christians into baking the cake at your wedding.

Mike King #transphobia #fundie archive.ph

You see, boys and girls, because these mentally confused queers can't actually produce their own children -- they need to groom and corrupt yours! That's what this is all about. But of course, were it only the 1% of boy-girls and girl-boys that we had to worry about, there actually wouldn't be much to be concerned over. Low level sickos can be contained and the "tolerant" non-queers who enable them can be re-conditioned. It's the "elite" cultural assassins injecting this poison into the nation's veins while protecting and exalting the demon-possessed trannies and "non-binaries" who need to be called out for this abomination -- and then beaten to death in packed sports arenas across America.

Poking fun at these misfits is all well and good -- as is HATING them when they take it a step further and try to corrupt innocent children. But unless and until more FOXtard "conservative" types start pointing the finger upwards, toward the real culprits, this cultural cancer will never abate. We'll wrap this up with a pair of power-packed quotes -- from two high historical personages who were in a position to know the game -- which tell us in a 2+2 manner all we need to know about the LGBT mass mania now afflicting so many young people.

Various Commenters #wingnut #fundie #racist gab.com

Good morning. America is still here and Jesus is still on the throne. Thousands of babies have already been saved since the overturning of Roe. 🙏

@wendyrogersaz Thousands more are being killed and maimed by vaccines. The ones peole actually want.

@wendyrogersaz thousands of nigger babies and other shitskins. Whites had the least number of abortions. So now we'll be overrun by every third world shitskin.

@wendyrogersaz Millions are still part of the genocide. Our neighbor is killing babies one by one and it is our fault for not trying to stop it. Blue states are not part of humanity, much less part of America. Our ancestors just two generations ago would have gone over there and put a stop to the genocide.
Instead we have walked away from “the hill we will die on” just because the feds decided to throw us a bone…

@wendyrogersaz true. But why have you gone silent on the election fraud?! You made a bunch of noise about it to gain popularity for yourself, then done. That would make you a fake as well. That's too bad!

Here in reality, we Americans are wondering why you maga rinos can't Name the Jew?

The Jews in the nations highest offices Name the White...like every 5 seconds, non-stop. Bullshit lies from a fraudulent FBI's bullshit statistics.

If your constituents want their bodies busted up for their ticket to paradise, then stick around...the Jesus scenario is about to happen to them.

@wendyrogersaz gas the jews


Wendy what do you think about the Jews and abortion being a religious right to them?

I bet you will never say the words White or jew

James Fullord #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #dunning-kruger archive.ph

“First they came for”— in the classic formulation—all the symbols of specifically Southern Heritage, flags, statues, cemeteries, street names, college names, the names of U.S. Army forts, everything like that.

At the same time, Anti-Americans were also attacking George Washington (white Southerner, slaveowner) Jefferson (ditto, plus the lie about Sally Hemings) and, in the frenzy after the death of George Floyd, even Abraham Lincoln’s statues were being overturned and burned.

Blacks have long considered themselves a separate anti-Nation—“Lift Every Voice And Sing,” the so-called Black National Anthem, has been around so long, its original nickname was the “Negro National Anthem.” It’s actually a Christian hymn, and as such would be banned from public performance at schools, commencement ceremonies, and football games—if the Christophobic laws against hymns, prayers, or Christmas carols were enforced against blacks.

Blacks have also now got their own Black Independence Day—“Juneteenth,” now as prominent a national holiday as Martin Luther King’s Birthday is and as George Washington’s Birthday…isn’t. (We’re supposed to call it “Presidents Day.”)

Pastor James #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist #fundie beforeitsnews.com

THIS VIDEO IS NOT FOR THE ‘COMPLIANT’; the sheep who fall in line to willingly believe the LIES of the FAKE NEWS in the final hour, because their propensity for self delusion seals their fate sooner than they could imagine. But, for those with EYES TO SEE, this video will come as a MESSAGE OF HOPE! The elites’ timing is off and THIS WILL NOT END WELL FOR THEM because they are creating the precise conditions that will give rise to the MILITARY TRIBUNALS THAT LAY AHEAD!

I want to be very clear and unequivocal about one thing right up front: THOSE BEHIND THIS THIEVING SCHEME ARE EVIL TO THE CORE and MOST PEOPLE still haven’t realized just how evil these SATANIC BEASTS REALLY ARE! But when they finally open their brainwashed eyes, IT’S GOING TO BLOW THEIR MINDS! I’m going to describe how this ends in BRUTAL TERMS! I’m not going to pander to the delusional, and I’m not about to sugar coat it for the masses.

All this begs the question: If the 2020 US presidential election was rigged against President Donald Trump, is it possible the Military White Hats were prepared – well in advance – of this election to monitor for massive voter fraud? Is there any evidence to indicate that White Hats in the American government knew Biden would steal the election and caught him, thereby (secretly) triggering a Continuity Of Government Plan to save our Great Republic? This riveting documentary is based upon the fantastic research of Potel Patriot and Adam Reva, and investigates when a government’s chain of command is decentralized to circumvent the Constitutional provisions for succession. Jam-Packed with undeniable facts and head-spinning realities that will have you jumping up and down, yelling “….I KNEW IT ALL ALONG…!”

Katy Faust & Stacy Manning #fundie #homophobia #wingnut thefederalist.com

Churches That Bless Gay Marriage Victimize Children
(continued from https://fstdt.com/SHN9$RPQV7QQK )
Adults who order a family around their same-sex attraction so they can “have it all” force their child to sacrifice a dual-sex upbringing. They “have it all” by choosing a motherless or fatherless life for their children. For their all, children get half.

What these loving, tolerant, and progressive denominations have done by validating same-sex unions is put the onus on children to sacrifice for adults. They insist the least of these give up their right to be known and loved by the two people responsible for their existence, the complementary mothering and fathering that maximizes child development, and an in-home picture of God’s devotion to his own bride, the church.

In the parent-child relationship, someone’s going to have to make the sacrifice. Should it be the adults or the children? When you abide by God’s design, the answer is always the adults, whether they be straight or gay, single or married.

No adult gets a pass. All adults must defer to the well-being of children in their sexual choices. Observing God’s commandments is costly, but submitting our sexual decisions to the authority of Christ results in relational, physical, emotional, and spiritual wholeness for children.

Many legitimate disagreements exist between Christians, but sex and marriage is not one of them. Redefining marriage, in both the Christian and cultural context, redefines parenthood by way of making mothers and fathers optional in the life of a child. And that’s wrong.

As Christians, we are unequivocally commanded to protect the fatherless, not create them. The Church of Scotland’s decision will do exactly that.

Various Commenters #wingnut #fundie #homophobia gab.com

If Your Pastor Did Not Celebrate Roe Being Overturned, It Is Time To Find A New Church

Link: https://news.gab.com/2022/07/01/if-your-pastor-did-not-celebrate-roe-being-overturned-it-is-time-to-find-a-new-church/

@a ...and as a Catholic, we need a new Pope, who actually believes in God and not Satan!!!!!!

( @SereneSami )
@a If you are okay with abortion, gay marriage, BLM, you are NOT a true Christian. If you are not a true Christian, you are not a good person. Just stating facts.

( @Dorothy70x7 )
@a my pastor (and hubby) did! Praise God that many babies will live due to the overturning of Roe!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼❤️❤️❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

We need to demand from our elected representatives that gay marriage be overturned.
Bring back sodomy laws.
Outlaw pornography.
Bring back the public decency laws of decades ago.

@a True and if the church pushes "vaccines" and LGBTQ, you should definitely find a new one...

@a The intersection of churches that remained opened and didn't celebrate Roe V Wade is going to be very small.

I won't go to a church that shut down for more than 3 months of 2020.

@a 100 percent agree with this…….Satan gloated for nearly 50 years; Now it’s time for Christians to put a good hallelujah charge up the devil’s butt…….

( @jojobean1979)
Those aren't churches their indoctrination centers for fake Christians, if they embrace abortion, faggotry of any kind and other liberal filth its not a church

( @Bettyboop65)
@a or of your pastor is ok with members that vote Democrat it's time to find a new church. If your pastor allows gays in find a new church.

@a Amen, stop going to these Anti-Christ septic tank Churches that promote Grooming, Child Predators and the filth and scum of the LBGTQCP Child Rapist.


if your pastor welcomes illegal aliens its time to find a new church

WND Staff #wingnut #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #conspiracy wnd.com

Two shocking and unprecedented megatrends are unfolding simultaneously in the United States of America right now.

The first is the explosion of what can only be described as openly predatory targeting of America’s children by legions of “gender activists” obsessed with seducing, grooming and recruiting kids into the phantasmagoric transgender world of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, surgical amputation of healthy body parts and astronomical suicide rates.

Incredibly, this wild celebration of transgenderism is being praised, promoted and funded by the ruling class at the highest levels, from the White House on down, while all who sound the alarm are demonized and canceled.
Teachers with bizarre hairdos and multiple facial piercings openly proselytize America’s children, some evangelizing the new transgender salvation aggressively on social media platforms like TikTok.

Consider now the second megatrend.

While this sexual-gender anarchy is exploding nationwide – and alongside it, of course, the rest of the deranged Biden agenda, from engineering an ever-expanding foreign invasion of America across its southern border, to destroying the nation’s fossil fuel industry, to bringing the U.S. to the brink of nuclear war with Russia – the very same political, financial, cultural and sexual revolutionaries responsible for all of this chaos have finally dared to “come out” and publicly identify who exactly they consider to be their biggest enemy.


That’s right. Bible-believing, Judeo-Christian morals-affirming, Ten Commandments and Sermon on the Mount-loving Christian believers are the real enemy.
Yet, fantastical and extreme as all this demonization of normal, traditional-values, law-abiding Americans has been, there has always been a lingering sense that the ruling elites were holding something back – that they were not quite speaking plainly about what is really bothering them.

Until now.

N. Morgan/Q #fundie #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

As Within So Below.
What is a Key??
Questions Provide Answers.
Fantasy Land:
Who Unlocks the Door of all Doors?
Death is an Illusion.
Guess Who (I)s Back??
The Living One.
Sacrificed Their Life
to Save Humanity??
The L[a]mb.
Never Forget.
Nove[m]ber the 4th.
Promises Fulfilled.
The First STRIKE
Will be QUICK!!
Those Who Know
EYE Controls the AI.
Who is æ?
EYE Can Feel Your Heart Beat.
Adam & Eve.

Ring Ring Ring
Want me to Turn it Down?
Can You SEE things CLEARLY Now??
Isn’t Time Travel Fun??
Round 2
Fantasy Land:
Again Again.
Saving the BEST for LAST.
The Son & The Moon.
Truly & Faithful.
Soon You’ll SEE
The TRUE Meaning of
Alice & Wonderland.

Katy Faust & Stacy Manning #wingnut #fundie #homophobia thefederalist.com

Churches That Bless Gay Marriage Victimize Children
(continued from https://fstdt.com/C_932L3T5459H)
Christians must resist the “fine sounding arguments” (Colossians 2:4) urging the church to “become relevant to their communities” via reinterpreting long-settled doctrine on sex and marriage. When in doubt, here’s a cheat sheet for God’s people; in God’s economy, the weak never sacrifice for the strong. Not once, ever. Rather, it is the strong who must sacrifice on behalf of the weak and needy.

You might recall one such costly sacrifice made for you by a man named Jesus. Out of love, He used his strength to endure unimaginable suffering and make the ultimate sacrifice for you and us because we are weak, and we needed it. Then He told us to do likewise.

Progressive churches and denominations who compromise on God’s marriage laws and sexuality either don’t care, or have forgotten how costly scriptural commands are, whether it’s giving to God’s people who are in need, blessing those who curse us, or caring for orphans and widows in distress. Yet when God commands us to do or not do something, it’s often an affront to our immediate comfort and human desires. We naturally balk at the high price of spirit-led living, but in the long run God’s directives always result in relational, physical, emotional, and spiritual wholeness, especially for the most vulnerable.

Nowhere is this high short-term price, long-term gain truer than living under God’s design for sex only within marriage. Mastering sexual desire is costly and challenging. But when our sexual urges become god, we force children to sacrifice on our behalf.

Abstaining from premarital sex is difficult, but too often it results in children born to unmarried parents and therefore unstable households. Married couples find they must either work through difficulties such as communication impasses, financial stressors, and unrealistic expectations of the marital relationship, or subject their children to split-homes expectations, split-home instability, and split-home lives.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #magick #ufo #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy #elitist adrenogate.net

The children who were the best at regurgitating information and mindlessly repeating back the pre-existing ideas and concepts that were belched out to them by our public school systems end up being the ones who are ultimately put in charge of our society and seated in positions of power and given all that implied authority to make those important decisions that end up affecting the rest of us while establishing the baseline for what’s “normal” and what’s expected of you. The ones who questioned the status quo and went against the grain were usually ostracized and ridiculed into submission by the NPC’s around them, stagnating any chance at positive societal reform and any potential re-emergence of the spiritual and non-physical interpretations of the world we live in.

Emotions are a good example of something that is part of a realm that aren’t detectable by any of our 5 senses and is clear proof of the non-physical essence and nature of reality. But society doesn’t want to acknowledge this and it’s unfortunate.

If you’re reading this then you are one of the ones who wouldn’t submit to the clownery of this shitbox society and reality and I love and appreciate you for that. The more you continue to alienate yourself from the rest of the world, the better you will feel. Be yourself always and fuck the rest of the world and all the cowardly conformist losers within in. You are much MUCH better than them.

The “real” world is made of consciousness, not physical matter. The Creator God is the creator of all consciousness and not the creator of all physical matter and green plants and animals and mountains and oceans. Those are all constructs of the Demiurge and merely virtual sensory artifacts expressed within the code that is the Saturn Cube 3D holographic reality matrix, looping us within a 3,6,9 time prison and recycling our souls over and over again via the Moon Matrix reincarnation soul trap machine.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò #quack #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #homophobia warroom.org

If in the last two years we had been faced with a true pandemic, caused by a deadly virus for which no other cures existed except for a vaccine, we would be able to think that the emergency was not intended. But this is not what happened: the SARS-CoV-2 virus is nothing but a seasonal flu that could have been cured with existing treatments and effective prevention based on strengthening immune defenses. The prohibition of treatment, the discrediting of the effectiveness of drugs that have been in use for decades, the decision to hospitalize the elderly who became sick in nursing homes and the imposition of an experimental gene treatment that has been demonstrated not only to be ineffective but also harmful and often fatal – all this confirms for us that the pandemic has been planned and managed with the purpose of creating the greatest damage possible. This is a fact that has been established and confirmed by the official data, despite the systematic falsification of that same data.

Certainly, those who wanted to manage the pandemic in this way are not disposed now to yield easily, also because there are billionaire interests behind all of it. But what “they” want does not always necessarily happen.
The deep church is an offshoot of the deep state, in a certain sense. For this reason it should not surprise us that we are witnessing the demolition of Faith and Morals in the name of ecumenism and synodality, applying liberal errors in the theological sphere; and on the other hand the transformation of the Papacy and the Roman Curia into a politburo in which ecclesiastical authority is both absolute and also released from its fidelity to the Magisterium, following the modalities of the exercise of power in a communist-type dictatorship. The law is no longer founded on Justice but rather on the convenience and utility of those who apply it: it is enough to see how harshly the clergy and faithful who are traditional are treated by the Vatican, and on the other hand with how much indulgence the Vatican praises notorious pro-abortion activists (I am thinking of Biden and Pelosi among the most striking cases) as well as the propagandists of LGBTQ ideology and gender theory. Here too, liberalism and communism have formed an alliance to demolish the institution from within, just as has happened in the civil sphere.

Thanh Ha #fundie #psycho fox13news.com

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. - A Florida man says ‘spirits’ told him to set his boss’s future home on fire, according to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office.


According to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, [Thanh Ha] is seen [on surveillance video] walking into the home while trying to hide his face with his shirt. About five minutes later, deputies say video shows him running from the residence to his bicycle and riding away.


Deputies say Ha admitted to starting the fire and told them he was not upset at his boss, but did it because he was directed to by the ‘spirits’.

Katy Faust & Stacy Manning #fundie #homophobia thefederalist.com

Churches That Bless Gay Marriage Victimize Children
(continued from https://fstdt.com/3XJY5ZKSKZB6G )
Children are the ultimate victims of the theological battle the progressive church is waging against itself. A church that pretends same-sex unions are equal to biblical marriage condemns children to a motherless or fatherless existence. These Christian leaders are trading the rights, longings, needs, and well-being of children for self-aggrandizement. In doing so, they do great harm to “the least of these.”

The following is a scenario some rainbow-flag-flying pastors will undoubtedly face in the coming years. What would Pastor Inclusive say to this 15-year old boy if he were a member of their church: “I have two lesbian parents…I like my grandparents, there (sic) more like my parents to me but it’s not the same as everyone else. I’m so jealous of my friends… I just wish I could know my dad and make the depression I have every day go away.”

Biblically, this boy is commanded to honor his mother and father, except, Pastor Inclusive chose to officiate the wedding of his two moms, making it impossible for him to obey God’s command. Pastor Inclusive interprets scripture in a way that dismisses this father-hungry teen’s deepest longings and fundamental right to be known and loved by his father.

What say you, Pastor Inclusive? Do you believe this boy is required to sacrifice his need for a father so you can validate the feelings of adults in your congregation?

If Pastor Inclusive were facing biblical and natural law reality, the painful father/mother hunger suffered by kids of same-sex parents would demolish his “inclusive and affirming” fantasies that gay marriage is equal to biblical marriage. Pastor Inclusive might have to finally admit that the opinions of his progressive friends matter more to him than God’s infallible word and the fundamental rights of this suffering boy.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick #fundie bennettleeross.com

Trees are antennae systems
They branch to the air and root to the ground
Keeping the resonance stable

The sun is small and near
It never goes down it only goes out of view

The earth is still and a flat plane
The greater earth is huge
But the common person only has access to a very small region

History as being taught is a big lie

Mt Rushmore is said to be built by a father and his son
Swinging down on ropes
Using dynamite and a hammer and chisel

The masses believe this without question

Native traditions insist that there used to be 6 or 7 faces
They were called the 7 Grandfathers

There is extensive polymer cement that blocks out hidden chambers
And covers other designs which might raise some questions

There is also a Mt Rushmore look alike in China

The great Cathedrals were not churches
They were cathodes with cavity magnetrons
Which had perfect symmetrical ornamentation

The organs caused energetic particles to vibrate in a constant manner
Which promoted health and well being

They were also a part of a system of unlimited free energy

The weather is controlled
Heavy metals are sprayed and then are photo ionized
Electrons are removed from the atom which then becomes charged
Charged particles attract vapor and makes clouds

The record rainfall at Yellowstone National Park was intentional
4 is the number used by the Illuminati for completion of a ritual
The number of the fake relief fund for victims is 424444

The plan is to get people out of rural areas
And into smart cities filled with smart dust

National Parks will become off limits to the common person

The entire concept of government is demonic

And we only play their stupid game
Because were afraid of self responsibility!

Robert Stacy McCain #dunning-kruger #pratt #elitist #fundie #homophobia #transphobia archive.ph

Kinda rainbow, you might say. Now, if you insensitive morons ever stop laughing long enough, you might want to read the rest of the story, which includes a rather delicate and ponderous discussion of gay-on-gay violence, a problem more widespread than the Poofter PR brigades in the MSM would like to admit.

Political correctness demands that gay people can only be betrayed in the news media as either (a) heroic role models, courageously living their lives on their own terms, or (b) martyred victims, suffering hateful abuse at the hands of cretinous homophobic Christofascist Republicans.

An examination of the circumstances surrounding the murder of Matthew Shepard doesn't support that reading. Shepard was a dweeby rich college kid rolled by a couple of petty hoodlums who almost certainly never heard of James Dobson. But if you try to argue with the MSM-approved "Martyrdom of Saint Matthew" narrative, it only proves that you're a cretinous homophobic Christofascist Republican. So most people don't bother to argue.

Even further unsubstantiated by evidence is the MSM-approved notion of the "gay community" as one big happy Sister Sledge "We Are Family" singalong, where the leather daddies and the flannel-shirted bulldykes and the glitter-encrusted drag queens all rejoice in celebration of their shared gayness. Complete hogwash.

When you've got a couple of gals so butch they're willing to inject testosterone and undergo mastectomies to pass as men, and yet they cannot visit a lesbian bar for fear they'll be beaten up -- well, in light of such an incident, I think the absurdity of "We Are Family" solidarity is adequately demonstrated.

And if you think these two F2Ms "transmen" got it bad, just imagine the riot that would have ensued if a couple of male-to-female trannygirls should try to pass themselves off as actual women in a lesbian bar.

So, just as we can sneer at the ideological nonsense of feminism (Equality Is For Ugly Losers), we can also chortle derisively at the homosupremacist propaganda that would have us believe gay people enjoy a monopoly on enlightened tolerance.

Sylvain Marcoux #fundie #conspiracy #racist #wingnut antihate.ca

Sylvain Marcoux[…]first raised the possibility of starting his own political party[…]Stated his intention to name this party the Parti nationaliste chrétien[…]
In a video posted to YouTube, Marcoux discusses the threats of “kosher messianism” and race-mixing, which he argues are promoted by the World Economic Forum and the United Nations in a “full-frontal attack on the white race”[…]
Founded in 1967, the original PNC courted rural voters and clergy members with its theocratic platform for a period of nearly three years[…]
A detailed platform published by Tremblay in 1969 decried the existence of “satanic propaganda” promoted by the media and foreign agents, which he argued was pushing Québec towards “national suicide”[…]Tremblay also described Jews as the “mortal enemies” of the Québec independence movement[…]
Reached for comments by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, Sylvain Marcoux explained he was not initially aware of the history of the Parti nationaliste chrétien, but that he read its platform and “was comfortable with it”[…]
Marcoux proposed prohibiting the practice of Islam in Québec, calling the religion “incompatible with parliamentary democracy.” When pushed as to whether he would support the idea of deporting people who practice Islam in their homes, he responded, “we have psychiatric asylums. They can get cured, there’s treatments for it”
In the same interview, Marcoux denounced the “devaluation’ of families, notably through the promotion of the ‘LGBT program,” which he said pushes “12-year-old men to wonder whether they are men because of gender theory”[…]
Marcoux’s accounts[…]often displayed neo-Nazi symbols. In one Facebook post, he even goes as far as saying that “Hitler was the most beautiful soul to have walked this earth”[…]
In 2021, Marcoux was arrested for publishing the address of then-Québec Public Health director Horacio Arruda

Riyaz Attari and Ghous Mohammed #fundie #psycho aljazeera.com

Two Muslim men [Riyaz Attari and Ghous Mohammed] have been arrested in India’s Udaipur city in the western state of Rajasthan for allegedly beheading a Hindu tailor over his support online for a former ruling party official whose remarks about Prophet Muhammad sparked global protests.

Mobile internet services and large gatherings remained restricted in Udaipur on Wednesday, a day after the murder of Kanhaiya Lal.

Lal was stabbed multiple times inside his tailoring shop on Tuesday by the two cleaver-wielding men who also filmed the attack. The duo accused Lal of blasphemy in the video.

The two men later claimed responsibility for the killing in another video and allegedly threatened to kill Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the same manner.

TV reports aired video of Lal lying on the ground with his throat slit. The accused were arrested within hours of the incident as they were trying to flee the city on motorcycles, reports said.

Massresistance #dunning-kruger #fundie #homophobia #transphobia archive.ph

Over the past 50 years, Boston (like hundreds of other cities) has endured an increasingly massive and perverse “Gay Pride Parade” - ending with a “Gay Pride Festival” at Boston City Hall Plaza. It’s frightened summer tourists, scared away families, and destroyed the aura of a once beautiful city.

[Later they show pics where no one is scared or frightened]

For a dozen years, MassResistance documented the depraved event, sharing photos and videos – and exposing the participating corporations, schools, and politicians.

But this year there was no parade, no festival, and no plans for any in the future. The Board of Directors of the Boston Pride Committee, which planned, funded, and organized it, voted to permanently disband the whole organization. The streets of downtown Boston are (relatively) safe and sane again!

Every "Gay Pride" event seems to have an emphasis on "youth" and children ...

[And off course show everyone having fun and safe, in spite of the weird costumes. Likewise what do you mean by "emphasis"? That gay chipdren march as well? You are scared of them celebrating their identities?]

At one Festival following the parade this troubled young man entertained the crowd. The man at left in the green "I-heart-sperm" shirt has probably seen it all before, we'd bet.

[Is Steven Crowder or Rudy Guillaume troubled when they do lewd or lavisicious acts?]

Evening-Lion4038 & RangerRickReporting #wingnut #fundie reddit.com

r/RoevWadeCelebration - Who else is excited to see baby murder being off the menu in large areas of the US? It's just a shame we can't ban it everywhere.
Just think of all the babies who will get to live instead of being snuffed out in the womb, all the lives that will be lived instead of ended. It's so beautiful.

( RangerRickReporting )
Thank you! 🥳 It is good to hear another who believes in life and Him with all their heart ❤️ Jesus is King 🙏 and I am so proud this country 🇺🇲 is getting closer to walking alongside the Lord once again 👏 All life is sacred and it is our duty to stop atrocity when we are able! ❤️ One day the stain on humanity that is abortion will be ended ✊ and our generation will be the one to do it!

Various Commenters #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy gab.com

Another Christian Win in the Supreme Court today. We are going to peacefully and legally take control of this country for the glory of God. Nothing and no one can stop us. America will once again be a Christian nation.

( @Chazzzzmak1972 )
@a leftist, Communist and bleeding heart liberals need to stop comparing America to European countries we are not Europe and never will be

( @NationalismForAll )
@a I can't wait until they bring back the anti sodomy laws and chase those perverts back into the closet where they belong.

( @jcs379 )
@NationalismForAll @a me too

( @jojobean1979 )
@NationalismForAll @a no more putting them back into the closet it's time to jail them and commit them and throw away the key

( @BuzWeaver )
@NationalismForAll @a It will be very curious to see if Gay Marriage is overturned. The States were nearly unanimous in banning it.

( @ToBeCensored )
@a jews are not going to 'peacefully or legally' give up control of White nations

( @Dartagnan57 )
@a That message needs to be taken to voters to VOTE OUT ALL DEMOCRAPS THIS FALL.

( @puppydinks )

( @Shadd0Banned )
@a I think these are all false victories... nothing is really changing. The people making these decisions are still deep state and hate you. America is still under zionist control and is still being dismantled and the economy is being pushed off a cliff. All I see is the pending collapse being pinned on the right by painting the picture of a Christian resurgence at an opportune time.

( @Purebloood )
For that to happen it'll have to become a white nation again.

( @Bilbar )
@a every baby born in the US now by law should be given a gun and a Bible

@a GOD is letting everyone know that HE is on HIS way back home, judgement day is near. Can't wait.

( @ObservantGeezer )
@a I take your Christian nation and raise you the 3 million Muslims you've imported over the past two decades, who will breed like locust and become more and more demanding and violent as their numbers grow.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò #fundie #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia scribd.com

On June 24, the Supreme Court of the United States of America, overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, healed a constitutional vulnus [wound] and at the same time restored sovereignty to the individual States after almost fifty years. The decision of the Supreme Court did not rule the “right to abortion” – as the mainstream narrative claims – but rather it has overturned its “obligatory legalization in all of the States,” returning the power to decide about the “profound moral question of abortion” to “the people and their elected representatives,” from whom Roe v. Wade had removed it, contrary to the dictates of the U.S. Constitution.

Thus the attempt to intimidate the Justices of the Supreme Court, which began with the malicious leak of the draft of the decision by members of the pro-abortion lobby, has failed, just as the rhetoric of death of the Democrat left, fueled by extremist movements and groups fnanced by George Soros’ Open Society, has also failed. And it is significant to see how violent and intolerant the reaction has been from self-styled liberals, from Barack and Michelle Obama to Hillary Clinton, from Nancy Pelosi to Chuck Schumer, from the Attorney General Merrick Garland to Joe Biden, not to mention the declarations of politicians and heads of state from across the Western world.

Actually, the following ought to be enough to make people understand the importance of this decision: attacks carried out by “pro-choice” groups, assaults against pro-life organizations, the desecration of churches, scenes of hysteria on the part of supporters of the right to kill the innocent life of the unborn child, emblematically uniting members of the Democratic party financed by Planned Parenthood, which in turn is financed by the government; the Woke Left; the followers of Klaus Schwab’s globalism; members of international Freemasonry; ideologues of green change and demographic reduction;propagandists of gender theory, LGBTQ+ ideology, and rainbow flags; adherents of the church of Satan, who consider abortion as one of their “rites” of worship; those who harvest and sell human fetuses from the death clinics; those who sell “vaccines” produced by human fetuses; [...]

Anderson University #fundie #homophobia independentmail.com

Current and former Anderson University students gathered Sunday morning to show support for a professor who says she lost her job last week because of her sexual orientation.

About 20 people stood outside the university's metal archway on Boulevard in Anderson holding signs and waving flags in support of the LGBTQ+ community and former theater professor Miranda Barnett.

In a video posted Wednesday on Instagram, Barnett said her contract as a part-time professor at Anderson University had not been renewed for the fall semester because she is queer.

[…]the spokesperson also sent a written statement to the Independent Mail that reads, in part, "Anderson University is a private Christian university which upholds the South Carolina Baptist traditional view of sexuality and marriage as set forth in Scripture."

[…]Barnett, a Greenville native, won Anderson University's 2019-20 award for "Excellence in Teaching" for part-time faculty. Nominations were submitted from students and faculty, and the recipient was chosen by a student and faculty committee, according to the university's website.

Kajm #dunning-kruger #pratt #fundie deviantart.com

You want Congress to codify Roe?

You realize, if the Democrats managed to do this, what the final consequences would be? The party of Malthusians? The party of 'man-made' global warming? The Party of the KKK, slavery, and ANTIFA?

Imagine a world where the GOVERNMENT now determines IF and WHEN you can have a child. Especially *IF*. You think the Democrats aren't Salivating at the idea?

Talk about 'my body, the GOVERNMENT'S choice!'

Katy Faust & Stacy Manning #homophobia #fundie thefederalist.com

Churches That Bless Gay Marriage Victimize Children
(continued from https://fstdt.com/.KW8KSR6YPPJ4 )
Empathy and compassion are required when relating to those who experience same-sex attraction. Our struggling brothers and sisters absolutely deserve our love and friendship. But woe to church leaders who believe themselves to be more tolerant and loving than the God who took three nails for them. Jesus gave no wiggle room when he described a very gendered definition of marriage in Matthew 19:4-5; “a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife,” conspicuously stating that God “made them male and female.”

These denominations are forced to twist and torture the plain teachings of Christ and the church fathers. Paul and other early church leaders were unambiguous about the need for Christians to “flee porneo,” a Greek term that refers to all sex, no matter with whom that sex is enjoyed, outside of male-female marriage. You’ll find unquestionably clear condemnations of homosexual behavior in the Bible’s Romans 1, 1 Cor 5:9-11, Eph 5:5, 1 Tim 1:9-10, Heb. 13:4, Rev 21:8, Rev 22:14-15, 1 Cor 6:9-10.

But these tolerant, accepting ministers aren’t letting pesky tradition nor consistent scripture stop them from basking in the rainbow limelight. Nor will they let natural law—the moral ought derived from nature—stand in their way. They seem to be following the woke Roman Road by “suppressing the truth” about “what has been made.” Most importantly, what has only ever “been made” has been so via male-female unions: children.


Hard2BeAGod , RangerRickReporting & bobokino #homophobia #fundie #sexist reddit.com

r/RoevWadeCelebration - “What’s next?”

( Hard2BeAGod )
Whats next is the banning of contraception and gay marriage. This country is finally walking with god.

( RangerRickReporting )
Thank you! 🥳 It is good to hear another who holds these truths in their heart ❤️ Jesus is King 🙏 and I am so proud this country 🇺🇲 is getting closer to walking alongside the Lord once again

( bobokino )
banning w*men from the internet would be a fire move as well

Mantronikk #homophobia #dunning-kruger #fundie archive.ph

Beauty and the Beast polluted.

I was going to see this movie with my wife until I heard about the homosexuality that was injected into this wonderful children's story.

Who's idea was this? Why did this story have to be altered in this way? If people are really born gay, which is what the glb communty was broadcasting when I was pulled into this conflict, then why do gays keep coming after the hearts and minds of children behind the backs of their parents?

People are getting feed up with homofascism. In a story that brought joy to my heart, a drive-in theater in Alabama actually refused to show this movie due to the homosexual content. People are starting to take a stand. Even I am powering up to begin advertising my blog.

Going after people's children is reprehensible. I can vow not to speak to a person's child about heterosexuality, yet when I challenge a homosexual to match my vow and not speak about homosexuality to a person's child without the conset of that child's parents only one homosexual has.

Mantronikk #fundie #transphobia archive.ph



It looks like a website that was promoting a boycott of Target due to their desire to let men into women's restrooms, was shut down by a webhosting company.

“… A conservative website to galvanize support against Target’s ‘gender-inclusive’ restroom and changing-room policies was shut down on Thanksgiving morning by its web hosting company on the claim that it featured “hateful or discriminatory” content.

…In April Target, the second largest discount retailer in the United States, adopted a policy allowing members of one biological sex to use the bathrooms and fitting rooms of the opposite sex at all its stores nationwide.

…The move caused a massive boycott of the retailer, with more than a million Americans pledging on conservative sites to do their shopping elsewhere.

…The company’s stocks began to slip immediately,

…reports (here and here) began to appear of men posing as women who went into female changing rooms to film victims in the state of undress.

…“Liberals who constantly tout tolerance and inclusion go out of their way to shutdown ideas they disagree with,” he wrote.

…“To say our campaign is about inequality, intolerance, hate, discrimination or devaluing anyone is flat wrong, it’s about common sense and safety. But, some of the truest hate and intolerance we’ve seen has come from the liberal responses to our campaign,” he added. …”

Full story here.

Mantronikk #homophobia #transphobia #fundie archive.ph

Between my work schedule, the headache of covid-19, crazy inflation, the innocent people of Ukraine being murdered, and weekly mass shootings, I've been psychologically worn-out. Then there's my depression at the absurdist reality that there's not enough common-sense in this world to not let a man compete against women in a women's swimming competition. Then there's the fact that I've already covered so many aspects of homofascism from so many different angles already.

I remember the sadness I felt when SCOTUS redefined marriage for the nation. I was sad for the eternal souls of those in the glbt community that would be comforted in their journey to the wrath of God. I have homosexual coworkers that I really care about, and I have to live with the fact that they are on a collision course with the Word of God.

I am so jaded by the evil in this world, that I was stunned to see the Supreme Court get something right for a change. I never thought that I would see justice for the unborn from the highest court in the land.

I can see if a woman or girl has been impregnated without her consent, or her pregnancy will kill her, or incest between minors is involved, or fetal deformity is involved. That's different. But convenience abortion is murder in the eyes of God.

Look how much the glbt community used to love SCOTUS...

Lori Alexander #fundie #sexist thetransformedwife.com

God is a patriarchal God. He set up husbands to be head of their wives. The wives are commanded to submit to and obey their husbands. Every great institution on this earth has one leader. Marriage is no different. Two heads create a monster with contention and disunity. God created men to be the ones in authority over their home for unity and peace. When wives obey God in this area, they will see the blessings of obedience to God. Everyone longs for peace. God and His ways are the only way to peace.

Since men are the leaders in their homes, is it always their fault when their marriages fall apart? No. Women, unfortunately, initiate up to 80 percent of the divorces these days. We are told in God’s Word that a wise woman builds up her home but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands. There’s a good reason for the verses in Proverbs warning men about quarreling and contentious wives.

🌿Witchy Kay🌿 #fundie #sexist #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt web.archive.org

You can still get an ectopic pregnancy removed. You can still get care for miscarriage. No you're not going to be investigated for miscarrying. No, you cannot be prosecuted for your abortion.

If any of these things change, I'll be hitting those street right alongside you.

I'm so tired of this political discourse BS of you're either all in something or you're a grifter. I don't support killing humans. Just dont do it. Not a vibe. Stop. So naturally I oppose abortion cuz it kills humans. It's really that simple. Not some internalized misogyny. Not me secretly being a conservative and just trying to play everyone. Not me tying to push a religious ideology on others. Just my foundation for my stance on issues. So yes, I can oppose abortion and also want to protect pregnant people from the assholes in our government that will use the opposition to abortion as a weapon to attack women, roll back actual rights, fight against things that bring down abortion rates and pass ignorant laws that will victimize pregnant people and get them killed.

John C. Wright #fundie #sexist #conspiracy #racist scifiwright.com

Roe v. Wade, 410 U. S. 113, and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U. S. 833 are both as dead as all the unborn babies they killed. (…)

The madness from [Roe v. Wade] spilled over to every level of life, and made our public officials, and our public, into screaming, nonsense-barfing, sneering, craven, blood-drenched monsters, harpies, anthropophages, and headless blemmyes. The great idols to Moloch loomed over every courthouse.

The madness led to the sodomy culture, the woke culture, the death of Disney’s soul, and to the encouragement of corruption both on a personal and political level. Oddly enough, if one traces the course of the mental disease, there are even connections leading to such remote side-effects as inflationary fiscal policy, confiscatory taxation, wokethink hatewhitery, suicidal energy policy, public riots and arson, all which would, at first, seem to be unrelated.

It is not unrelated. Accepting an evil axiom tacitly accepts, sooner or later, all the logical outcomes implied by it.

Roe v Wade cursed this nation. It darkened the intellect of our intellectual class and corrupted the morals of people. Ordinary youths became satyrs and rapists, each one a little Don Juan; ordinary young women became murderesses, each one a little Medea. The cult of Ganymede was released, and perversion worse than Sodom ever knew, built atop of pile of tiny skulls higher than any pyramid raised by the Aztecs.

Mike Pence, Donald Trump et al. #crackpot #fundie #sexist #wingnut washingtonpost.com

Pence calls for national abortion ban as Trump, GOP celebrate end of Roe

As Republicans across the United States are celebrating the Supreme Court decision Friday to overturn the fundamental right to an abortion established in Roe v. Wade, former vice president Mike Pence is calling for a national ban on the procedure, while former president Donald Trump argued the court’s decision is “something that will work out for everybody.”

In an interview with Breitbart News, Pence said that the Supreme Court voting 6 to 3 to uphold a restrictive Mississippi law banning almost all abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy “has given the American people a new beginning for life, and I commend the justices in the majority for having the courage of their convictions.”

After saying that “life won” on Friday, Pence, who is considered a potential GOP contender in the 2024 presidential election, went one step further by arguing the court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health should lead to a national ban on abortion.

“Now that Roe v. Wade has been consigned to the ash heap of history, a new arena in the cause of life has emerged, and it is incumbent on all who cherish the sanctity of life to resolve that we will take the defense of the unborn and the support for women in crisis pregnancy centers to every state in America,” he said to Breitbart. “Having been given this second chance for Life, we must not rest and must not relent until the sanctity of life is restored to the center of American law in every state in the land.”

Pence’s remarks came as Trump praised the Supreme Court’s decision in a Friday interview with Fox News.

“This is following the Constitution, and giving rights back when they should have been given long ago,” Trump told the network. “I think, in the end, this is something that will work out for everybody.”


Asked on Fox News about his role in the Supreme Court’s decision, Trump said, “God made the decision.”


Katy Faust & Stacy Manning #homophobia #fundie thefederalist.com

Churches That Bless Gay Marriage Victimize Children
Children are the ultimate victims of the theological battle the progressive church is waging against itself.

he Church of Scotland formally removed itself from the Christian faith last Monday when its authorities voted to permit same-sex unions. They join numerous mainline U.S. denominations in their denouncement of biblical teaching including the Presbyterian Church USA, the Episcopal Church, the United Church of Christ, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, each of which bless gay marriage in the name of Jesus, against his express commands.

Why are these massive denominations ignoring the annals of church antiquity, a history in which the concept of same-sex marriage has never been conceived, let alone affirmed? The answer, as usual, is that empathy for the feels of adults has overridden tradition, scripture, and natural law. Case in point, one Scottish minister prattled about the vote: “I’ve seen the heartbreak of those in same-sex relationships in our congregations who are unable to marry in their home church, devout Christians though they are.”


Goober5000 #fundie #wingnut #sexist hard-light.net

Praise and glory to God for the overturning of Roe v. Wade. The massacre of unborn children has been rolled back in many states already, with many more to come. This is a good day for America.

Appropriately, this decision was announced on the Nativity of John the Baptist, who, when still in his mother's womb, leapt for joy when his mother heard the greeting of Mary.

James Cary #sexist #fundie premierchristianity.com

For some, the same-sex kiss is enough to prevent them from taking their kids to see the movie. But for me, Lightyear raises another question that doesn’t seem to have been ‘settled’ in secular culture. It’s about gender. Alisha and her wife don’t just kiss; they have a child. In a world of post-modern, authentic self-determination, women can conceive without men. One assumes a man was involved in some way, although maybe in the Lightyear universe, that’s no longer neccessary.

If your child is watching this movie, maybe they’ll ask about it. And if you’d like to have that conversation with them, go ahead. But it’s probably more likely that they won’t question it at all, because mainstream culture teaches that two people of the same sex can just have a baby – like a man and a woman can. Gender doesn’t matter.

And Lightyear is a movie in which gender really doesn’t matter at all. Of course, this has positive elements as well as negative ones. Alisha’s granddaughter, Izzy, wants to be a space ranger, just like her grandmother. She leads a small, rag-tag team of underdogs including an old female ex-con (although her gender is very hard to discern) and a cowardly Australian man.

While moving on from the rigid archetypes of the helpless Disney princess who needs rescuing by the swashbuckling prince is a big step forward, we’ve now moved to the far extreme position: girls can do anything boys can, from being a space ranger to having a child with another woman. In fact, men and women are interchangeable in Lightyear. But why should this surprise us? After all, we live in an age in which US Supreme Court judge Ketanji Brown Jackson recently refused to define the word “woman” because she’s “not a biologist”.

Lila Rose #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

CNN commentator uses her disabled brother & step granddaughter who has Down syndrome as examples of why we need abortion. The ugly cruelty. The utterly bald ageism and ableism. The unfettered call for violence against the unborn disabled.

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