
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Chance Berryman #sexist solitarybeast.com

Women never look at younger men, until they hit the wall.

Around 30, men start to hit their stride, in terms of looks, social status, and money.

A 30- 35 year old man is the most confident, handsome, and successful that he’s ever been in his life. As such, he’s more desirable to women than ever.

I’ve written about this many times on the blog. Check out my posts:

“30 Dangerous Ideas For Men In Their 30s”

“7 Ways Men Can Look Better With Age”

Many men this age choose to date younger women, as is completely natural.

The younger women want a man with a nice car, a bit of money to spend on nice dates, and the maturity she can admire.

That leaves 30-something year old women out in the cold.

Men their age are chasing girls that just turned 22.

Unfortunately, this is at the time that a 30 year old woman understands that she is running out of time.

Many women in this situation reach down to the younger men who are also left out because women their age prefer older men.

When a woman in her mid-30s, or older, starts robbing the cradle, sexing down young men, that’s when you know the SHE knows it’s over.

Cliff Kincaid #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Juneteenth, a day to recognize black freedom, will be celebrated this year by the two black Marxist lesbians who started Black Lives Matter (BLM). With fatherless families disproportionately affecting black communities, black Marxist lesbianism hardly seems like an acceptable alternative.

BLM’s dedication to the destruction of the nuclear family is well-known but the militant lesbian orientation of two of the founders, now called “queerness,” is usually not highlighted.

The National Center for Lesbian Rights honored BLM founders Alicia Garza, Patrisse Kahn-Cullors, and Opal Tometi in 2016. Opal Tometi and Alicia Garza are identified as “queer black women.”
With a new Pew poll finding that public support for BLM has fallen to a three-year low, we can only expect a steeper decline when the “queer communism” roots of the movement are finally exposed to public view.

The poll says, “A majority of Americans say the increased focus on issues of race and racial inequality in the past three years hasn’t led to changes that have improved the lives of Black people.”

Perhaps this is because the movement was designed to promote and highlight sexual perversion, a destructive force in communities of all races.

Even before the advent of BLM, however, homosexuality was being exploited by the communist movement in America.

The May 19th communist organization, a spin-off from the Weather Underground that waged a terrorist war on America in the 1970s and 80s, was dominated by lesbians.
The article, “Ten Black Lesbians Everyone Should Know,” highlights a prominent Marxist, former Communist Party official Angela Davis, who turned lesbian after serving the interests of the old Soviet Union. She received the Lenin Peace Prize.

At Brandeis University, she was mentored by German philosopher Herbert Marcuse, an expert in Critical Theory, also known as Cultural Marxism, which was popularized in academia by the so-called Frankfurt School.

Sargon of Akkad , @The_Nose & @Jeffersons_Ghost #wingnut #sexist gab.com

( Sargon of Akkad )
Torba is right. America is currently being run as some kind of whoreocracy by single childless white women, so they can act like the fuckboys they claim to despise. Abortion, birth control, and the loss of social stigma have allowed aging millennial women to abandon virtue and embrace vice.

It is WRONG to go out sleeping with dozens of men a month and aborting the mistakes of your slutty lifestyle. It is wrong to take drugs and drink oceans of wine to suppress the guilt of this disgusting lifestyle.

It is WRONG to replace nature's impulse towards childbearing with a pet so you minimise your personal responsibilities.

Their childlessness is a civilisational terminus and the ultimate expression of their selfishness; "I may have inherited everything good, but I refuse to pay it forward. Instead, I shall consume it all myself."

Childless unmarried women in America are generally bad, selfish, damaged people and should not have the political power to destroy their own civilisation.

( @The_Nose )
@Sargonofakkad100 You feel safe attacking White woman for problems the jews started you coward.

( @Jeffersons_Ghost )
@Sargonofakkad100 It's not just America. The same pattern is happening throughout the West.

I'd also point out that the debauchery started long before the Millennials. Ironically, it was the alleged "Greatest Generation" that fought Marxists abroad only to welcome all sorts of essentially Marxist government programs domestically, which created the environment and institutions in which the Millennials were raised. It wasn't the Millennials who created the Department of Education; they were just indoctrinated by it.

Scott Yenor #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #transphobia #conspiracy amgreatness.com

The conservative movement’s broad trajectory on family is one of loss after loss: feminism, followed by the gay revolution, followed by same-sex marriage, and followed soon (perhaps) by trans rights. The reversal of Roe v. Wade may point to a partial victory, depending on what states do and whether a culture of life becomes a culture of motherhood; few seem willing to stick their necks out for such an outcome.
Genuine conservatives sense that the future of the country depends on reversing family decline, but family decline at this point seems inevitable and fated, sown into the American regime and indeed the modern situation.

As it pertains to marriage, the rolling revolution begun in the 1960s is about liberating sexual desire from procreation, marriage, and parenthood. Sometimes this means embracing contraception so sex is detached from procreation (hindering nature). Or it can mean encouraging women to shun childbearing and child-rearing and to prioritize careers (compromising nature). The accumulation of these practices, always done in the name of autonomy or conquering nature, has everywhere led to the decline of family life. This rolling sexual revolution cultivates a new sexual ethic supporting what may be called the Queer Constitution (in contrast to our former Straight Constitution), which has become central to Americanism and its ruling class.
For society, embracing the Queer Constitution combines the costs of having weak, adult-focused marriage customs with all the costs associated directly with this constitution. The perversities will keep mounting, as advocates for the Queer Constitution are clearly coming for the children, a fact they themselves now openly admit.

All civilizational founders recognized the importance of promoting a straight constitution and stigmatizing its alternatives. The New Right must follow the deep wisdom of such founders where it leads. Only a return to an uncompromising Straight Constitution can reverse our decline.

Vox Day #sexist #fundie voxday.net

[From "A Purge, Long Overdue"]

They have a long way to go, but the Southern Baptists have finally begun to take their professed faith seriously and clean their house

The letter in October came as a shock to Linda Barnes Popham, who had been the pastor of Fern Creek Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky., for 30 years, the first woman to lead her congregation[…]
Officials of the Southern Baptist Convention had received a complaint about her church being led by a woman. The denomination was investigating[…]
Convention officials decided to expel her church anyway, along with four other congregations that have female pastors, including one of the most prominent in the country, Saddleback Church[…]
However the delegates vote on her appeal, the larger message is clear: There is a movement in the Southern Baptist Convention, a denomination that is often a bellwether for evangelical America, to purge women from its leadership[…]

UPDATE: Members of the Southern Baptist Convention upheld the decision of the Executive Committee to boot Fern Creek Baptist Church from the organization, on a 9,700-806 vote

It’s about time. The answer to the woman’s question is very straightforward. “Why would you want to silence the voices of the faithful churches?” Because no Christian church led by a woman is faithful. Those voices are satanic

If women want to start their own equalitarian Goddess-centered pagan religion, they currently have the right to do so in most countries throughout the West. What they don’t have the right to do[…]is to elevate their own sensibilities above the Bible or violate the tenets of the Christian faith and still call themselves “Christian”

These false female pastors should be grateful. If events proceed the way history suggests they will, within 50 years they won’t just be expelled, they’ll be burned at the stake

Steve Sailer #transphobia #sexist unz.com

[From "The Unabomber's Transgenderism"]

Mathematician and freelance terrorist Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, has died in prison at age 81

Much has been and is being written about him, but his transgender urges have largely been memoryholed as part of the massive cover-up of the autogynephilia fetish that motivates many of the most prominent and intelligent M to F trans types

From the Washington Post news section in 1998:


By William Booth September 12, 1998

Convicted Unabomber Theodore J. Kaczynski considered having a sex change operation when he was in his twenties and his confusion over his gender identity filled him with a rage that contributed to his bombing spree, according to documents released today[…]

To be precise, he wasn’t confused about his gender, he was aroused by the fantasy of himself as a woman

Here’s the quote from the court-ordered psychiatric report:

In the summer after his fourth year, he describes experiencing a period of several weeks where he was sexually excited nearly all the time and was fantasizing himself as a woman and being unable to obtain any sexual relief[…]

Great guy

So maybe society would have been better off if this autogynephilic had been encouraged to have himself castrated? One argument in favor of letting adult autogynephilic fetishists have themselves castrated is that while Theodore Kaczynski blew up all those people, a testicleless Theodora Kaczynski probably wouldn’t have

Various anonymous commenters #moonbat #transphobia #sexist #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger datalounge.com

(more discussion on the term “queer”; followed-up from https://fstdt.com/TVNWJ9FLKBG2B)

>Queer and cis go hand in hand. It’s hipster bullshit.

>The Trans Industry needs "Queer" as an umbrella term to lump in AGPs and pedos with the LGB. It's also why they have completely appropriated (and literally purchased) the original Black Lives Matter and turned it into something that actively harms black women and children. It's why they infiltrated and destroyed 3rd Wave feminism. These are the same rich white straight male colonizers we've known for most of recorded history. They rename our cultures, wear our cultural dress as costume, invade our spaces, forbid us our language and rights. And make a lot of money doing it.

>Now it's used by straight women wanting to be edgy.

>[…]it's such a broad term now, it's used as fad slang for every fad gender swap, purple hair, they them zee za zou pronoun BS[…]

>The term Queer is completely meaningless now that it represents self-obsessed straight people.

Various anonymous commenters #moonbat #dunning-kruger #transphobia #biphobia #enbyphobia #sexist datalounge.com

(in which people take various positions on the term “queer”; I'd actually tag this as heterophobia if I could)

>"Queer" now means straight people who want to larp as oppressed. To me, that makes it doubly offensive.

>"Queer" has a long history as a slur against gay men in particular, and they are the only ones who can "reclaim" it. Not women pretending to be gay men, not straight people who dye their hair cotton candy colors, not trannies, or enbys, or any of the other imaginary identities. Homosexuality is an orientation, not an "identity".

> "Queer" allows them to elide and obfuscate the stark disparity that exists between gay people and everyone else (bisexuals, while they experience same-sex attraction, still benefit from heterosexual privilege).

>Because you can't define it nowadays, it's meaningless as a word. I hate all this stupid 'non-binary' 'queer' nothingness.

>Back before many of you were born, we simply said "gay and lesbian." "Bisexual" was something people grew out of. There was no need to encourage it.

>it's been extra funny watching the bisexuals shriek on social media about how they're left out of everything or how they are stigmatized.

>"Queers" are asshole fake gays temporarily using the gay community to add some kinky flavor to their dull straight lives, and they are going to be the death of the real gay community.

> Go ahead and pretend to shamed when you’re misgendered when you foolishly try to look like the gender you are not. Your obvious body dysphoria is a sad condition and you should seek treatment instead of validation.

hmsindecision #psycho #sexist tumblr.com

Thought exercise: men who offer violence to women should lose an appendage each time they offend—hit a woman, commit rape, assault, etc.

Now the *key* to this plan is that the first offense always results in the penis being removed. It is very important to start with the penis so they get the message. Then each of the four limbs, then the head, if they really don’t get it.

The thing is, it wouldn’t take that many peepee-ectomies for men to start to get it. They are still mad about Lorena Bobbit removing her abuser’s raping tool and that was 30 years ago! I think we can make a dent in the culture way sooner than that. A hundred? A thousand? What about 47,000 a year? Then everyone knows a guy or knows of a guy who hit a women or hurt her and had the tackle taken off. It becomes common, culturally acceptable! We recognize that men who rape and beat women often end up dickless. We make them an object of ridicule. Men start to get scared. They start to monitor their own behavior, they get scared to go on dates. Catcallers worry they’ll get their tongues cut out next.

47,000 a year sure will sound like a LOT of people to men worried about their dingle dangles. That’s 128 a day! The court system would be full of these cases! This is a global nightmare! Society is a nightmare! This affects everything!

47,000 women are murdered every year by their partners or family members. When was the last time you heard a male care about this? On his own, without prompting?

What if those 47,000 women were still here? In fifty years, it’s more than two million. What if they had lived? What would they have contributed? Who were they?

Snip snip.

riverxdaughter #moonbat #sexist tumblr.com

(Note: agro-carnist is not the fundie, but is responding to them. I have linked to their blog because the OP’s blog and its post was deleted.)

for as long as males perpetuate a global culture of rape and destruction against all that is female, we will never be free. males use all that is female to further their own sordid interests, and the consequences of their actions affect all that is female. animal cruelty is a feminist issue, because males impregnate and destroy the bodies of female animals without abandon - their bodies are merely considered an extension of objectified and commodified human female bodies, after all. raping the soil and the ocean with industrial agriculture and fishing is a feminist issue, because the destruction of soil and ocean is the destruction of the life-giving potential of the earth. fossil fuel extraction and greenhouse gas emissions are a feminist issue, because the consequences of climate change will primarily be borne by females. until we begin fighting for all that is female, we will never be free.

Pro White Women #elitist #racist #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Most of you are saying I need to be more positive towards white men...

How tf can I do positive posts when the majority of you're weak and are race traitors?!

You're all making me lose hope for a White Future because you're weak minded, pathetic race traitors.

You say you're tired of white women?

Well, I'm tired of you, white men.

You turn your head so easily for n0n-whites it's disgusting.

I wish you were r@cists!!!

But none of you are...

I feel like Pro White Women are more r@cists than "Pro white men"

I seriously feel majority white men are not masculine enough for White Women, you're weak and I pity you!

You can't even defend our white nations, you don't do anything!!

You don't organise, plan and do action....

You call it fed if anyone suggests anything or blame WW

"Pro White Women don't exist"
"White Women destroy White men in marriage courts"
"White women divorce me if I cheat with an asian"
"White women don't want me"
"White women don't want to be my slave"

All I hear is "white men" making excuses to race mix with asians

You disgust me

Eivind Berge #sexist eivindberge.blogspot.com

Most men, myself included, prefer fully developed girls (as young as possible), but that doesn't make sex with a 12-year-old "rape" or "abuse" and the desire for them isn't any more depraved than lusting after 40-year-old women, for example. It is slightly deviant to be a hebephile, if that means a clear preference for pubescent girls over fully developed ones, but you need better arguments than that to criminalize it. I think most men are at least somewhat attracted to pubescent girls, and there is no reason to demonize this desire or pretend these girls are damaged by sex. I myself find 12-year-old girls about as attractive as women at the end of their reproductive lives (around 40). Not optimal, but so what? Less than peak attractiveness means just that; it doesn't mean some horrible crime. The oldest mothers also have worse health outcomes from their pregnancies; does that make sex rape?

There are good reasons to prefer females slightly older than the age of menarche as an optimal strategy, but that doesn't make attraction to subfecund females pathological. Kate Clancy makes some valid points, but then she ignores some elephants in the room -- all the reproductive opportunities which actually result from hebephilic desires -- and implies more than is warranted by the evidence.

Whenever there is a reproductive opportunity, it would be very strange if men weren't evolved to want to take advantage of it, and pubescent girls do represent such an opportunity. Men are sexual opportunists, obviously, sperm being cheap -- they don't tend to bet their reproductive success on one partner age or one partner and ignore the rest.

But let's be clear about what we are talking about here, since it is kind of off-topic: "Let’s first be clear on definitions: hebephilia is the sexual preference for pubescent children. Not teenagers, but pubescent children. In industrial and post-industrial populations, that means a sexual preference for ten to twelve year olds."

I didn't really argue that the age of consent should be lower than 12, and Øygard was only accused of having sex with a 13-year-old. Hebephilia is not a big concern of mine, except to state that it doesn't deserve anywhere near the demonization it gets.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #sexist gab.com

( @EB_ )

spoilerUniversal suffrage is a very silly
way to choose the direction &
leadership of the worlds most
powerful country.
Half of people donlt even pay
taxes. Millions canlt speak
English. IDs are unnecessary. And
everyone but White people just
vote with their race.
What a joke.

( @LurkingTachyon )
@EB_ By design universal suffrage is a terrible idea. It's why it was exclude from our system.

White males pay > 80% of all taxes. We make up roughly 30% of the population. Adjusted for those who pay taxes, that's roughly 20% of the population.

What is taxation without representation? If you're a white male your taxes are stolen and you are not represented. This is a illegal and unconstitutional even according to our laws.

Universal suffrage is enslavement of white men. Anyone supporting it supports our enslavement.

( @CharitySlaughter )
@EB_ i agree with all except - taxation is THEFT. Of ALL the times the people should stop paying taxes - its NOW.
Don't say "don't even pay taxes" like it's a bad thing.

( @UsernameTaken__000 )
@CharitySlaughter I think the “don’t even pay taxes” bit in the statement is a qualifier of who should and should not be able to vote. I agree that taxation is theft. A better way to state it should be landowners not taxpayers because property tax is a pyramid scheme theft as well

( @ShelbyD22 )
@EB_ When I was working with a friend of mine he went around and asked all the black people in the warehouse specifically why they voted for Barack Obama and none of them could give an actual specific reason why except one honest black guy that immediately said "because he's black."

( @LordVince )
@EB_ it’s not a joke, it’s a Jewish con. Democracy was always a method for manipulating the system in a systematic and even more efficient manner, it’s essentially the most effective form of tyranny once you have it properly calibrated and programmed to where the slaves perpetuate the self-enslavement, largely because they have been so brain fucked that they have no clue they are slaves. That likely also applies to you if you don’t understand that taxation is not theft, it’s fractional slavery.

beautyandrage #ableist #sexist tumblr.com

Men’s mental health month is coming up in June!

Reminder: Men don’t deserve advocacy from women. Men do not care about women’s issues. Men do not speak up against male violence against women.

“It’s mens mental health month and I see no women speaking out” Don’t look at women. Men created the system men are suffering in.

Another reminder: The male suicide rates are only higher than women’s because men are more likely to chose violent methods, their attempts have a higher success rate. Women attempt far more. (Four times the rate of men) When women attempt and fail, it is because they chose a method that is less likely to traumatize those they are leaving behind, and because women have been conditioned to care about how they look, they still wish to look pretty in death. (Women usually attempt by using drugs or carbon monoxide poisoning, meanwhile for males, it is usually a firearm or hanging)

femmessias, ms-hells-bells #homophobia #sexist ms-hells-bells.tumblr.com


unpopular opinion but many gay men are not perverts because they‘re gay but because they‘re men.

straight men love to single out pedophilic and fetishist and sex offender gay men as if the big majority of pedophiles and fetishists and sex offenders arent straight men.

as if the issue is same-sex attraction and not maleness and masculinity.

on top i think straight male perversion is just more normalised than gay male perversion.

school girls are sexualised where school boys are not. girls‘ bodies are sexualised and even grown women are held to pedophilic standards (examples: shaved pussy, child like face, flat stomach). etc

they only care about gay male sexual violence because the victims are male, not because it‘s more common or worse in any way.

also, i think often sexual violence against men is not even committed by gay men but by other straight men (in prisons, at war, at school, hazing, by fathers, brothers, uncles …).

accusing gay men of being perverts due to homosexuality is just deflecting the real issue: maleness.

it‘s like white men singling out brown and black men when they commit violent acts. it‘s not because they‘re brown or black, it‘s because they‘re male.

just males being male.


“gay men are more promiscuous, they-”

Nah, it’s because it’s men, not because they’re gay. Women want to have sex less than men, so two men means more sex. The end.

Karim Ibn Rashid #crackpot #moonbat #homophobia #sexist twitter.com

Marxism-Leninism is not only a straight heterosexual ideology but it is the ONLY heterosexual ideology.

All other ideologies have some perverse symbolism going on for them.

Here’s a scientific Freudian analysis that proves it:

Hammer and sickle: Symbolic heterosexual union of opposites. The passive and the active.

Swastika: Symbolic homosexual 4-way union. 4 aggressive active lines.

Hammer and sword: Symbolic homosexual union. 2 masculine symbols.

Fascist stick bundle: Symbolic bisexual union. 1 dominant masculine symbol. 1 dominated masculine symbol.


Prussian Society of America #sexist #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "If Men Use More Public Violence On Women, The Laws Protecting Women Will Go Silent"]

Laws are not everything they are made to be. They are mostly of course, just a perception, good enough to seem convincing to people

Truth be Told, if more Men supported using Immediate and Impulsive Violent actions towards Women, even in strangers in public who try to create problems for you, a shift in behavior of Women would take place, but also there would be less ability to enforce it

The Best way to treat Women is to not allow things to escalate with them, but to immediately attack by shock and surprise

That is how you keep them in place

If a Woman disrespects you in public, you show her who’s the Boss, even if it means you break her neck or smash her head

The key is you must be SWIFT in your responses. Never move out of the way for a Woman, Never Apologize for a Woman, if they don’t like it, you must use all the tools in your arsenal to immediately present to them that she is about to have problems

No Hesitation

The End #sexist #psycho blackpill.world

Do you avoid pretty girls like the plague?
I do everything I can to avoid being around pretty girls, and it's because I hate them. I hate them so much that it's stressful trying to suppress my urge to rape and/or beat them to death. My imagination fires up a rage that makes me want to beat them into the ground like an enraged ape.

I've squeezed 200 dollars worth of groceries into the self-checkout lane just to avoid being close to some teeny bopper.

IncelKing #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Dad brutally beaten to death protecting teen son, after a school fight

Dad brutally beaten to death protecting teen son after school fight

A man has been beaten to death after three teens and two adults approached his home looking for his 14-year-son, eager to finish a fight which started earlier in the day at school.

Let me guess, this man was brutally beaten to death because he has a “bad personality.” I bet he posted on incel forums

I wonder what color they were

The colour which is Opposite of white

I'm sure all the aggessors are fuckers


Mass-murdERERs, sERial killERs, tERrorists and dangERously violent criminals in genERal nevER seem to have any problems in attracting women. Must be their “great pERsonality”

Meanwhile the shy, quiet, passive, harmless beta nerds are sexless. But I guess it’s because they have a “bad pERsonality.”

When you relax, this is what happens

relaxation can be deadliER than people realize lol

Can’t even rot in peace these days without worrying about a pack of niggers invading your home and raping your female relatives, then bashing you to death.

Thanks to the libERals for their support of “divERsity”

It’s ovER

I looked into it a bit deeper and surprisingly enough, the suspects weren’t black this time

I blame it on cultural niggerification

"The police are looking for four or five white males"

Let me guess, Hernandez, Lopez, Martinez and Gonzalez are those white males?

K #fundie #sexist thetransformedwife.com

I agree with Karl — there’s no arguing with a woman’s biology. My brother married an attorney believe it or not who was actually a prosecutor. We invited them to go camping with us soon after they were married and somehow her diaphragm disappeared out of her bag. (Hmmm, I wonder, I just can’t imagine who could have searched through her bag to find that handy-dandy little baby barrier and then had a good chuckle throwing it in the trash. Oops!) Well they were newlyweds and we were camping for a week. The look on her face was priceless when I told her, no we didn’t have any condoms, and she realized she’d be sharing a sleeping bag with an amorous husband for a week without any contraception. She had their first nine months later.

Peter B. Meyer #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #racist #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

They designed a secret step-by-step plan, to gradually achieve their long-awaited goal.

The roadmap

Change the monetary system to fiat paper money. This replaces wealth with fiat paper and transfers it to the Deep State via currency inflation and money devaluation.

Enslave all people with this euphemistically called fiat “reserve currency”.
Control the media, and use this medium to promote agenda 2030.

Use sophisticated propaganda, to influence the public in and on all issues.

Divide and rule by creating wars.

Maintain racial inequality through class warfare and hatred.

Destroy the family unit by putting mother, wife to work.

Humiliate women.

Promote homosexuality.

Glorify cohabitation with any variant such as unisex and/or transgenderism to promote all types of perversion.

Create government schools under the name of free public education.

Keep people stupid lest they think independently.

Indoctrinate the people through mind control.

Promote “brotherly love” according to the concept of altruism.

Maintain historically good-sounding names like constitution, privacy rights, private property, national flag, right to vote, democracy, elected representatives, free press, etc., to modify these institutions.

Keep the general public ignorant about gold and silver, which is real money, this should be erased from the notion.

Give them worthless crypto currency to distract from gold and silver ownership.

Control guns and pistols. To scare the public about guns by promoting the idea that guns are dangerous.

The end result justifies all means, from assassinations to lies, treachery, deception, e.g. talk of peace that is war.
Calling land ownership “private property” but levying perpetual and progressive property taxes.

Confuse terms like liberal, conservative, socialism, communism, fascism, democracy, republican, and promote anarchy – which actually means self-government – as dangerous to the public.

various commenters #wingnut #sexist #racist gab.com

( @TommyRobinsonOfficial )
Anna Paulina Luna (R) wins her race in Florida's 13th Congressional District in first Republican flip of the night.

( @TrueBonnieBlue )
@TommyRobinsonOfficial Oh great, another whore.

( @FabriceSchrkrortzt )
@TrueBonnieBlue But with guns, so she's a Republican!

( @brightwrite )
@TrueBonnieBlue @TommyRobinsonOfficial She's a machine installed RINO but a flipped seat is still a step in the right direction.

( @RealAnnyIrish )
@brightwrite I don't know what direction you think you're being led because left or right they are both on the same path to a Jew World Order hell on earth.

@TrueBonnieBlue @TommyRobinsonOfficial

( @TrueBonnieBlue )
@brightwrite @TommyRobinsonOfficial We have an antiwhite uniparty in this country and every other once-great White country. No matter who's in power, we continue toward the racial demographic cliff.

( @RealAnnyIrish )
@TrueBonnieBlue Another controlled opposition ZOG whore, just like 👉@TommyRobinsonOfficial

( @RyanMessano1 )

You and her are both Zionist Republicans, owned by Jew bankers, lock, stock, and barrel.

Another win for MIGA (Make Israel Great Again)

( @Roxygirl800 )
@RyanMessano1 @TommyRobinsonOfficial I believe she also has jewish roots, what a surprise

( @Shturmovik )
@TommyRobinsonOfficial Why are there so many “rightwing” females taking over?

What controlled opposition bullshit is this?

( @GayleGergich )
@Shturmovik @TommyRobinsonOfficial and why are they all Mexican?

( @Shturmovik )
@GayleGergich @TommyRobinsonOfficial Controlled opposition, humiliation via female leadership, racial replacements and a zero percent chance of going rogue to the masters.


( @Julius_Caesar_Reigns )
@TommyRobinsonOfficial Gotta love all the simps who think this represents anything other than total cringe. She should be at home tending to her children and leaving this work to men.

( @PRUST )
@Julius_Caesar_Reigns *at home in Mexico


James Horvat II #fundie #wingnut #sexist #dunning-kruger returntoorder.org

The feminist narrative of history portrays women’s rights as a recent phenomenon. Feminists believe that pre-modern women were oppressed by men and had few rights. Nowhere were women more miserable than in medieval times when the Church and a patriarchal society reduced them to near slavery.

Feminists contend that since then, the fight for women’s rights has made steady and inevitable progress as history evolves to ever greater freedom. We can’t go back, they cry.

Maybe the feminists need to go back—and at least look at the facts. Recent studies reveal that this historical perspective is false. Medieval times offered unprecedented opportunities for women. The portrayal of oppressed women is more the invention of modern historians, Victorian distortions and Hollywood scripts than medieval chronicles.
The modern idea of history as an inevitable march evolving toward greater freedom is likewise flawed. If anything, the plight of women has worsened since the Middle Ages. Indeed, the Church elevated the role of women in society. Later secular movements often oppressed them. History does not follow fate but depends upon free will. Thus, periods vary according to the circumstances.

The most surprising finding of the two scholars is that the Renaissance “vastly rolled back the rights of women.” The Renaissance was supposedly a “rebirth” of ancient culture and enlightenment. However, its reborn ideas bought back the neo-pagan Roman and Greek cultures where women had no political rights and limited opportunities.
The Church played a major role in recognizing the inherent dignity of men and women and worked toward the salvation of their souls. At the same time, the Church encouraged the improvement of the material conditions of all, opening up new opportunities for progress. Above all, the Church endowed society with supernatural graces so that men and women became capable of things that took them beyond their human nature.

Andrew Stiles, Washington Free Beacon #ableist #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia #biphobia #elitist #dunning-kruger #interphobia #wingnut freebeacon.com

Analysis: What If Woke Liberals Didn't Get To Label Everything?
Introducing the Washington Free Beacon Alternative Style Guide for Reporting on Issues of Controversy (ASGRIC)

It goes without saying: The mainstream media is run by liberal activists. This ideological bias manifests itself in several ways, including the words journalists are allowed to use when discussing controversial issues.

(1.5 paragraphs of hyperbolic whining about how journalists are forced to write)

The woke words and phrases used in media reports would make a lot more sense to the average American if these people weren't in charge—if journalists were forced to abide by the Washington Free Beacon Alternative Style Guide for Reporting on Issues of Controversy (ASGRIC):

Undocumented immigrant → Foreign-born fugitive from justice
Gender-affirming care for minors → Child abuse
LGBTQQIP2SAA+ rights → Gay rights
Drag Queen → Gender appropriator
Abortion → Extrajudicial fetal assassination, anti-life health care
Death penalty → Justice affirming care
Assault rifle → Freedom friend, justice dispenser
Racially inclusive → Racially obsessed
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion → Six-figure consulting fees
Black Lives Matter → Scam PAC
Pro-Palestinian activist → Jew hater
Teachers' unions → Anti-child activists
Tax cuts → Restorative justice
Democracy dies in darkness → Democracy thrives on Jennifer Rubin columns
War on Women → Kinetic military action against individuals with an active uterus
#MeToo era → Brief period of anti-male activism from 2017 until Tara Reade's credible accusation of sexual assault against Joe Biden
Speak truth to power → Leave Joe Biden alone
Hillary Clinton → Crooked
Long Covid → Mental illness
New York City Subway → Public toilet
WNBA fans→ Liars
Soccer → Performative falling
Bicycle → Morally abhorrent nerd-conveying road hazard
Happy Holidays → Merry Christmas
God bless you → God bless America

Mike Stone #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #quack henrymakow.com

"American men have lost their balls. They'd rather swig liquid estrogen and jerk off to pornography than stand up for their country or for themselves. Talk about pathetic.
What we're seeing is Stockholm syndrome on a massive scale. 
American men feel emotionally connected to their abusers. They literally cannot give up their porn, their beer, and their sports.
They feel pity for their abusers. "I feel bad for all of those doctors and nurses who worked so hard to save us all." "It's not right to boycott a company just because of their politics."
They share their abuser's values. "Dude, I like my porn."
They believe in their abuser's humanity. "He's a doctor. He would never deliberately harm anyone."
They respond to the their abuser's kindness. "I've known my doctor for years. He's a good man."
They refuse to escape the hostile situation. "I'm not giving up football! I'm not firing my doctor! I'm not letting those Democrats stop me from doing the three things I love the most: sports, pornography, and beer!"
They refuse to convict the abuser. "It's not the doctor's fault, he's supposed to recommend the vaccine." "The nurses aren't mocking us. They're dancing to let off steam." "It's not the fault of the nursing home that my grandmother who happened to be in perfect health last week died when they put her on a ventilator."
They help the abuser in his crime. "How much is that surgery, Doc? Twenty grand? No problem, here's a check." "Dude, I just ordered my season tickets. Are you ready for some football?" "Bartender, gimme a Bud Light. I'm not letting other people tell me what to drink. Hey, this chick on the beer can is hot."
It's no mystery why society is crumbling before our very eyes. Men have abdicated their responsibility as protectors and guardians. They refuse to experience even the slightest discomfort in order to prevent the disintegration and destruction of the country."

Jim #crackpot #sexist #fundie blog.reaction.la

[From "The Logos"]

Around 350 years before Christ, paganism had died among the intellectuals. Not long after, it died among the common people, for we read writers in the late Roman Republic ridiculing attempts to motivate the common soldiers by appeal to faith. They believed the ordinary soldier was even more cynical than themselves

So the philosophers set to work manufacturing a replacement

For Aristotle, “logos” (“word”) was rational and responsive debate, and the meaning of that[…]– the kind of debate I encourage on my blog[…]
Moral truths from material and effective causation:
For example the red pill on women implies that we should restore the social technology our ancestors had[…]If you don’t have a good state religion, you will shortly have a very bad one[…]Priesthood, like an army, is a mechanism of large scale cooperation[…]The “no establishment of religion” clause is not viable or even meaningful except as in accord with the Westphalian principle that each state has its own state religion[…]
The Logos as a person
Natural law is law and right conduct deduced from the way the universe is[…]
Meaning requires a meaner[…]Around three hundred years before Christ, fifty years after Aristotle, “the logos” (“the word”) came to mean a person[…]
Which Stoic doctrine is right there in the New Testament: The Gospel of John, Chapter one, verse one:[…]
Game theory 101, prisoners dilemma. Everyone should cooperate with cooperators and defect on defectors. tit for tat[…]
Christianity announced that that person had shown up, fully man and fully God, and announced game theory 301, and suffered everything that flesh can suffer

Game theory 301, in a world of imperfect information, one tit for two tats, or else everyone gets stuck in defect/defect[…]
Classic Romano Greek paganism was long dead, Aristotle tried to substitute meaning without an author to mean it[…]The stoics had to personify the logos, through whom all things were created

Frosty Woolridge #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

There’s no question there’s a lot to be concerned about in our world today, as we descend deeper and deeper into darkness and depravity. Near, or at, the top of that list is the sexual deviancy, hedonism and depravity that seems to be everywhere we turn now, as the LGBTQP+ mob celebrates the conquering of more and more hearts, minds and souls every day.

What was once considered hard core pornography is now being welcomed into our public schools. Even some of our so-called “Christian” schools, under the banner of “diversity, equity and inclusion.” Like our education system, our public library system is also beyond saving now, having gone “woke” under the leadership of a lesbian activist president of the American Library Association.
But sodomite “pride” and everything that goes along with that is no longer just for the month of June.

Oh, yes, you’ll see the sodomite flags flying high over state houses, the White House and other government buildings throughout the month of June. But while that symbol may come down from government buildings on July 1st, this hideous monster never sleeps and definitely never quits. Especially wherever there are young children, you’ll see the rainbow flags and all the twisted indoctrination that goes along with them.
So how can we, as remnant Christ-followers — (and by remnant, I mean there are really only a very, very FEW who can even rightly claim the name of Christ) — how can we have OUR voices heard?
No, there are better options. JR Harrison, who heads up the Natural Family Foundation, suggested we start a month to celebrate the Natural Family — one man and one woman, united in marriage and raising their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. He suggests it start on Mother’s Day and go through Father’s Day. But that would require the CHURCHES to lead the way, and while I wholeheartedly agree with JR’s idea, our modern American churches will never go against the pop culture.

The End , NRApoorboy & LET ME POST PLS OH GOD #sexist #psycho blackpill.world

( The End )
Murder can be excused if its considered justified, so why not rape?

You know how we are told that women are allowed to dress like whores, act like whores, and actually be whores without any of that being considered "relevant" to her being raped?

Well it may or may not surprise you, but it's possible to get away with murder if you have a good excuse. For instance a boy was raped and the father got away with shooting the rapist dead while he was in handcuffs. Basically if you're unpopular - like say a rapist, neo-nazi, or incel - then it's a grey area as to whether or not killing you is even a crime.

My point is that cause is considered irrelevant while dealing with rape, but relevant when the crime is murder. Of course that's inconsistent, a double standard, illogical... whatever you want to call it. I think it's another demonstration that women call the shots now (and humans being trash).

( NRApoorboy )
women run the shots, and men follow like the meek.

I do believe it's justifiable to kill a gay rapist pedophile, but imagine being in a sexless, betabuxx marriage where the man has to pull all his resources to support that woman and at the same time dealing with her shit attitude.

if we believe in true justice, that woman deserves to he raped because she is taking advantage of him and giving nothing in return.

but to say this publicly will destroy your entire reputation. theres no justice for all it's picked and chose

does any1 know how to build a rape room?

Absolute Penguin, report to the rape room!

A Rape Room Session For Everyone.

If you are summoned to the Rape Room, how would you react to finding me waiting for you? Me as your rapist.

Brythonic Princess #sexist #racist #conspiracy #kinkshaming #wingnut archive.is

(From “An open letter to the entire feminist community.” Written in 2017.)


To the radical feminists: You are closer to me than you think you are. However, you will never abolish the porn industry fighting the wrong group of people. I strongly urge you all to look up the Jewish porn moguls and the statistics of Jewish people in the media and big business, despite being less than 3% of the American population they manage to be the majority in most of these things while holding a large portion of the wealth as well as being the group with the lowest rates of poverty. Stop blaming white men for every single issue in society, Porn alone has always been a communist and Jewish creation used specifically to ruin society, I have said before that this is bigger than the oppression of women, they are teaching our young boys to only be aroused by incest, Gang banging and bestiality to destroy him. Hitler knew this, that is why he made it his business to burn pornographic literature and general media. Pre-Hitler Germany was riddled with porn culture which of course lead to rape rates going way up and mass demoralisation of the public, Hitler managed to abolish most of this and brought peace and high trust societies back to the German public, which flourished even under a global depression. He did this just by trying to deport the Jewish elite to Palestine and purging Their nation of what those elites had created. Hitler released his people from massive, Crushing loans and debt, created hundreds of thousands of jobs, gave mothers generous financial support and time off from work, Ran the world’s first anti-smoking campaigns and made it the government’s business to protect their environment. He created the socialist Utopia you would all die for, the media then went on to lie about him and make you afraid of him, because they don’t want you to succeed.

Megha Lillywhite #wingnut #sexist #transphobia classicalideals.substack.com

The foremost symptoms of the relationship crisis are these: a low marriage rate, people getting married later, a low birth rate, people questioning whether or not having children is even a good thing, an open hatred of women by men in male discourse, an open disdain of men by women in mainstream culture, and a culture where it is considered “realistic” to not believe in true love.

Traditionalism attempts to solve the problem in a very allopathic way, for lack of a better word, because it addresses the symptoms rather than truly understanding the root cause.
Human beings comprise both bestial and angelic qualities. This means we have bestial instincts, but we also have rationalism that permits us to make conscious decisions and understand the world through logic.

Being too aware of yourself, and in the wrong context, is called neuroticism. Neuroticism, insofar as it is a hyperawareness of the self, is a form of narcissism. This narcissism is at the core of all of the problems that inhere in the relationship crisis.
Young people are now confused about what sex they are because they’re spending time thinking about it at all. Have your ancestors expended any energy at all on such an absurd question as “am I really a girl?” Young men think far too much about how and where they should flirt with a girl, and this is why they solicit the help of “gurus” to help them. They spend their time trying to construct a feminine appearance through cosmetics and surgeries (not unlike trans “women”). They are effortlessly pretty and sweet and don’t have neurotic Type A plans about when they want to find their serious boyfriend, finish “building their career” and then get off birth control to have their first child. Even girls snapping out of the feminism bubble are still buying type A guides on “how to be more feminine,” completely missing the point that they need to think less not more.

Mike Stone #wingnut #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

How would you like to be a teen boy growing up in today's world?
You pass Jenny Hobbs in the hallway, the girl you thought was so cute in the 6th grade. She now has a nose ring and half of her hair is dyed blue. The other half of her hair is shaved off. "She used to be so pretty," you say to yourself. "What happened?"

In math class, you're shocked to learn that your test paper was graded an "F" even though you answered every question right. "Getting the right answer is not important," your pink-haired math teacher tells you. "It's a sign of inherent racism. So I've signed you up for Diversity Training. Be here on Saturday if you want to pass my class."

In history class, you notice the flag of the United States has been replaced by a rainbow flag. Next to it is a picture of a smiling Joe Biden and the words "Our President." Surrounding Biden's picture are hearts and smiley faces.

Your friend Davey is absent. He was jumped by a gang of "youths" on his way home from school yesterday and is now in the hospital. Sheila Johnson, a snotty, pinch-nosed white girl, stands up and "confesses" her racism to the rest of the class. That tough guy who beat you up in grade school is now wearing a dress so he can use the girl's locker room. He hides his phone under his skirt and snaps pictures of girls in various stages of undress. You can buy them for ten bucks apiece.

"And by the way," your teacher announces, "Mr. Harrison your music teacher is no longer Mr. Harrison. His name is now Doris. You will address him as Ms. Harrison. Anyone who doesn't comply will be suspended."

"If I can just make it till lunch," you tell yourself, only to discover that Meatloaf Monday in the cafeteria has been replaced by a delicious concoction of bug paste.

Such is life for teen boys growing up in America today. Schools are now Communist indoctrination centers, staffed by mentally ill teachers pushing all manner of sexual depravity on their students.

various commenters #transphobia #sexist #dunning-kruger ovarit.com

100% perfect explanation of transgenderism

( MaryDyer )
I’ve been saying it for a while - males (barring the gay ones) who transition do it because of their fetishes and sexual desires. Females who transition do it because of male’s fetishes and sexual desires.

( notsofreshfeeling )
why bar the gay ones? A lot of it may be internalized homophobia and self-hatred, but there's a component of fetish present, for sure. They fetishize heterosexuality.

( MaryDyer )
Well I guess because I view it from a lens of sexual attraction and who poses a threat to females. A gay man transitions because he wants to attract males as sex partners. Those aren’t the types of men who are abusing and traumatizing young girls into wanting to escape their bodies. I hope this makes sense; I sometimes have a difficult time articulating my thoughts.

( notsofreshfeeling )
I hear you. Yes, gay men are going to be less likely to prey upon women sexually. Unfortunately, they do exhibit male entitlement by colonizing single-sex spaces intended for females, and by intimidating any women who would speak up to protect that space. Any male is a threat in spaces where women are likely to be alone, in a state of undress, etc., because men know that they can easily beat a woman up if they don't like what she's saying.

( IrishTheFrenchie )
I thought it was that they fetishize snagging all the straight men who are unavailable to them as "men".

( OutHereInTheDeep )
And that’s the long and short of it. Gender ideology speaks to the most oppressive and fucked up impulses we have as a culture.

( KittyWhawWhaw )
And TIMs means mentally ill pervs pretending to be women.

Anonymous #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia boards.4channel.org

Do FtMs get euphoria from being cucked and friendzoned?

It must be very validating to be cucked as an ftm. It's like getting the authentic manlet beta boy experience. Imagine how euphoria-inducing it would be if your gf told you that she was pregnant with your child knowing that she slept with another man due to your inadequacies as a male.

think again #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger newsweek.com

misogyny has never been a serious problem

on the other hand discrimination against males today and hatred towards males is a much more pressing issue than discrimination against females which is a non issue
also men and women are not equal and have different gender roles just as the first males and first females did 2.5 billion years ago
also sex is binary so it is impossible to change from a man to a woman or vice versa
i also wonder how most americans think that men and women can transform into the opposite gender
most americans are very detatched from reality
the worst flaw of democracy could easily be discovered by having a 5 minute conversation with the average american voter
the average american can't read write do math or science or know basic geography
in china only educated people have the right to vote
in china the powerful are abusing their power
we must restructure the govt in a way that creates a new balance of power in a way that intelligent people have more say in the govt
we must make slow cautious changes
also if you think that americans are ignorant just look at the average person in any other country
even in most western european countries 20% of the people think that the earth revolves the sun
in a month and not a year

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #transphobia #homophobia #sexist #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

The most commonly seen sign in any street demonstration in America today displays an angry fist of revolution. The BLM racists have their black fist signs, the perverts have their rainbow fists, the Femi-Nazis have their fancy fingernail fists. A fist, it seems, is their love symbol.

Now, all those who wave such signs would probably consider the previous paragraph to be what they call "Hate Speech". Not because I hate them, but because they hate me. Identifying them accurately is "hate speech", to them. They want to force me, and you, to use only speech that approves of them, even though I do not approve of them. That doesn't mean I hate them; it just means I do not approve of what they stand for and what they are demonstrating about.
They've been, and they're being trained in this sick special thinking in schools, from kindergarten up to advanced degrees. Their teachers and professors hate Christianity, America, white people, men and sexual normalcy. They are, after all, Marxists, by philosophy if not politics. And that is to say they stand opposed to all existing social norms and standards, and support their violent overthrow as it says in the closing lines of Marx's Manifesto. That's what Marxism is really all about: overthrowing whatever exists and establishing a replacement system to rule the world, and then teach it how to behave.
Trannies are moved to commit suicide, and even mass-shootings just because everyone on earth does not kiss their asses and tell them how wonderful and natural and acceptable and special they are.

They've been purposely dumbed-down, perverted and mal-educated in whatever schools they've been through. And they are probably completely unaware of having been Marxified, too. Some of them may be fully aware Marxist revolutionaries, but for the most part, most Marxist kids today do not even know that they are Marxists. They may not even know what Marxism is.

We could probably say the same thing about a lot of black Americans.

Mike Stone #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Did you see who the United States Navy revealed as their first "digital ambassador" last week? It's a drag queen. Apparently, the admirals running the show in the Pentagon think having a homosexual drag queen represent the Navy will result in more young men enlisting.
The United States military now exports homosexuality and trannyism all over the world. You can see that quite clearly by this latest recruitment tactic and by the number of U.S. embassies around the world flying the rainbow flag.

Don't discount the power of flags. They are symbols of submission and allegiance. When you see our country's embassies flying the rainbow flag, what they are telling the world in clear, unmistakable language is that the United States submits and pledges allegiance to homosexuality, sodomy, sexual perversion, and the sexual mutilation of children.

If you enlist in the military that's what you'll be fighting for. You'll be making the world safe for sodomy.

No matter which branch of the military you join, you will be serving alongside of homosexuals and taking orders from them. If you think that won't matter, consider our recent battlefield defeat in Afghanistan. The United States military, supposedly the most powerful military force on earth, lost a war to a bunch of goat-herders. Not only that, but we were defeated in humiliating fashion with a cowardly retreat and evacuation that was witnessed by the entire world.

That defeat doesn't make sense until you realize that the Taliban men we were fighting against are composed of uncompromising alpha males, while our military leadership consists of men wearing dresses who think having a homosexual drag queen represent the Navy will boost morale and enlistments.

Jung Freud #racist #sexist unz.com

As for Free Speech vs Muslims, there’s an argument in favor of the Muslims. They have every right to be outraged by the denigration of Islam and Muslims given the current state of Western ‘liberal democracy’. Ideally, totally unfettered speech for all should be guaranteed in a free society. If the West were genuinely committed to free speech for all, we should with free-speechers against Muslim hotheads. Back when the West stood for the right of Salman Rushdie to write a controversial book, it felt good to be on the side of free-speechers against Iran and Muslim firebrands.

But the notion that the current West is a ‘liberal democracy’ committed to free speech is a joke. Europe and Canada trample on free speech at every turn, especially to appease Jews and their two main allies, blacks and homos. Jews, once the biggest defenders of free speech(if only to have their say and gain power), are now the biggest enforcers of Censchwarzship(to hoard the immense power and wealth they’ve accumulated).

Jewish Power effectively neutralized free speech along with white identity and Christianity. So, the real dichotomy is NOT about the Liberal West that values free speech VERSUS atavistic Muslim dogmatists. The reality boils down to Muslims demanding respect for Islam on par with enforced protections for Jewish Supremacist Power, globo-homo vanity, and the Jungle Cult of the Noble Negro(and, off and on, feminist bitchery).

In the current UK where people are fined and/or hauled to prison for making a mocking tweet about Nelson Mandela, exposing the dirty machinations of Jewish Power, questioning aspects of the Shoah(as the iron-clad 6 million figure is more numerology than history), making fun of homos, and positing honest questions about racial/sexual differences, where is the commitment to Free Speech?

Vox Day #wingnut #sexist voxday.net

[From "End No-Fault Divorce"]

Ending no-fault divorce would be a very, very big winner for Republicans if they are smart enough to fully embrace the issue:

Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, Republicans are already looking ahead to their next moral crusades, and it sure looks like they’ve found one in… divorce. A new report from Media Matters for America shows a rising trend of right-wing influencers and Republican leaders and politicians, including U.S. Senate candidate J.D. Vance, advocating for the end of no-fault divorce—a policy that allows people to end a marriage without being required to prove wrongdoing by their partner, including adultery, abuse, or desertion[…]

Ironically, marriage is one of the only contracts into which one can enter without being held liable to the terms of the agreement. Using an Internet site is literally more contractually binding, which only underlies the absolute absurdity of the legality of divorces that allow one party to unilaterally break the contract for no reason and without any penalties

The fact that the feminist media is already worried about this possible development demonstrates how effective a wedge issue it would be for Republicans

Rises Upward #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy pitt.substack.com

The LGB and the T are fundamentally unalike, and lumping them together is forced teaming that benefits the T to the detriment of the LGB. The LGB are same-sex attracted people; all we ask is the right to pursue consensual adult relationships with other same-sex attracted people without being harassed or ostracized for it. The T are individuals who, for various reasons, wish to be the opposite sex (or, in some cases, an imaginary third sex). For better or worse, this is an impossible wish; humans can no more change sex than we can change species. Same-sex attraction is a normal variation on human sexuality, documented around the world and throughout history. Although trans activists like to point to third-gender categories in various traditional cultures as proof that "trans people have always been here," the fact is that nothing like modern transgenderism has existed until very recently. It is a culturally-bound syndrome—as Carl Eliot eloquently puts it, "a new way to be mad"—whose existence is inextricably connected with sexual paraphilia. Show me a "trans lesbian," and I will show you a man who is sexually aroused by imagining himself as a woman, often in breathtakingly misogynistic ways.

(Don't believe me? Read _Females_ by Andrea Long Chu.)

Trans "rights" are at best orthogonal to LGB rights, and often diametrically opposed. Kids who are extremely gender-nonconforming in early childhood often grow up to be gay or lesbian; nowadays, this kind of gender nonconformity is liable to be taken as "transness," meaning that children who would become healthy, happy gay men and lesbians are instead herded toward sterility, sexual dysfunction, and pseudo-heterosexuality as "trans girls" and "trans boys." Trans ideology also erodes the LGB community from the other side. The majority of transitioners are opposite-sex attracted, meaning that they become "trans lesbians" and "gay trans men," who then demand inclusion in LGB spaces and throw fits when lesbians don't want their female-identified penises/gay men don't want their male-identified vaginas.

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