
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

XX_Power #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: now i'm a hot idiot!...


spoileranna phylaxis @quatoria

i used to be a tense and anxious programmer boy in a computer science program, now ilm a hot idiot with cute tits, if you work hard this could happen to you, too

They wish they were a fifth as attractive as they think they do. You're still an ugly incel and everyone can tell Andy. No one thinks your moobs are "cute tits".

I wish they were at least somewhat attractive, but as a straight woman they just look like destroyed men, complete slaves to the cooom

I had a roommate like this. Gorgeous man. (Even my mother said, after meeting him in TIM garb, “he is a very handsome man”). Went on hormones, and now he looks, as you said, like a destroyed man.

So ironic that quite some TIMs could have had women find them genuinely attractive and want to be with them and want to have sex with them. But no, they have to do a bad woman face and chase after lesbians, only to end up forever alone and becoming more and more bitter and hateful.

Case in point: Blaire White was a cute guy but now he looks like a kardashian after a bad car accident.

Various Commenters #sexist #transphobia #wingnut ovarit.com

RE: The future libfems want for us...


spoilerLiberal Arts U 2020

"You know why we have to wear these, our bodies are invalidating to trans women"

Their heads might explode if they had to choose between validating transwomen AT ALL COSTS or potentially committing islamophobic cultural appropriation by stealing their proud history of misogynistic dress.

And boy oh boy, those are two groups the libs love to coddle that I want to see go head to head over conflicting interests so bad.


The men will win. Muslim women have already been told they’re transphobic for not wanting to remove their head coverings around TIMs.

And now these women are in a classic lose/lose situation. Go uncovered around male TIMs and be branded "whores" on one side. And being branded as bigots if they make the opposite choice. The only way they "win" is staying locked in their fathers homes forever

Trans wins every single time. There is literally no exceptions. They scream at Muslim women to "get over" their irrational fear of dicks.

Thank you, these issues are very much in parallel among liberals. You would think the only atrocities in the wold were happening in Israel, the Palestinians and other Arab countries in particular are completely innocent, Jews don’t count as an oppressed group, and anti US sentiment is something to be encouraged.

The cognitive disconnect and black and white thinking liberals claim to be so innocent of is very present in their understanding of TRA and the Middle East.

Various Commenters #sexist #wingnut ovarit.com

RE: If libfems existed in olden Chinese footbinding era


spoilerIf modern libfems existed in pre-20th century China they would be like "Foot binding is a choice! Some women find it empowering! I do it for myself!" and then nothing would ever get done.


I really feel like liberal feminism is a distraction. They see themselves through the eyes of men.

I think they want to see themselves as "nice". They don't want other women to feel bad about wearing heels, selling nudes on Only Fans, etc; so they have to pretend its all valid self expression so nobody thinks they're meanies

At this point they're more than useless, they're actively harmful. It boggles my mind they actually view themselves as "nice".

Nice to who? Not women.

Liberal "feminism" is just learning to enjoy your subjugation under a new label (i.e hijab, prostitution, domestic violence relabelled as kink, etc).

Lv99_BixNood #sexist #dunning-kruger incels.is

[Blackpill] Modern science paved the way for unlimited female hypergamy

Without modern inventions like condoms, birth control, abortions, medical treatment for STDs etc women fucking around like they do today would simply be impossible. Even interracial sex and sex between womanlets and tall men used to be dangerous since if the women got pregnant the baby would often be too big for their small body and both the mother and child would die at birth. The vast majority of children of WMAF couples for example have to be born by c-section for this exact reason. In the past they would have simply died at birth, same with children of tall men and short women. Which is even more tragic since birth by c-section and premature birth is highly correlated with inceldom. @Gymcelled

It's crazy if you think about how science has enabled women to live out their most derpraved hedonistic pleasures, yet what benefit has modern science brought for non-Chad men? It has all but destroyed our value as men and made us more disposable than ever.

Fishcel #sexist #pratt blackpill.club

Whenever women are given rights, chad benefits while the rest of men are hurt

Think about it, when women entered the workplace it meant that money was no longer as important. Before men who weren’t attractive could compensate by earning a lot of money and providing. Now foids can make money on their own so they have no more need for sub 7 men. This means that chads don’t even have to work now, while working doesn’t help sub chads nearly as much. It’s fucked up shit

Various Commenters #crackpot #sexist #transphobia saidit.net

RE: Why do radfems hate trans ppl?

“Transwomen” They're men. We despise men over here. And pedo degenerates that wanna steal our wombs. “Transmen” Too naive or autistic to think they can deny their immutable female reality. That's it.

Go to my blog and read the long list of posts on the trans thing. I collect good resources because female bloggers are being shut down for criticizing this very powerful group of often violent, male supremacist, fake-victim fetishists. My blog has stellar academic articles, lists of trannie crime statistics against women, argument dissections, and plenty of articles outlining all the reasons and ways male trannies hurt women and girls.

In my country Poland there are no creeps males who look like females. There are beta males who can't compete with other males so they think it would be better to be female or women who have been raped so now they want to be a man - it is not transsexualism just mental problem.

Transwomen are mentally ill men who think they're women based on sexist stereotypes, and it's a fetish for most of them. Check out https://www.ovarit.com/o/ItsAFetish/hot to see examples. And now they're taking over female sports, taking women's scholarships, raping female prisoners, and threatening to torture and rape women who question them. Sometimes I can't help but to laugh from how ridiculous this shit is.

The vast majority of them look hideous and creepy as fuck. The fact that doctors and surgeons are enabling them to look like freaks of nature who can't pass as women at all is not just unethical, but evil and cruel as well. All of the transwomen I've met in real life have given me the creepy vibes because they're deranged, unstable men.

Total Imbecile #sexist incels.is

Venting No point in getting vaccinated against COVID if you dont have a girlfriend

I was just on /pol/ and saw this picture (found the girls reddit shortly after)


But its just so sad, I will never have a gf and go with her down to my local walgreens to get COVID shots together

Really what the point

Its a binary: you either die or you dont

-If I get COVID and survive thats a win because now Im immune

-If I get COVID and die well Im dead

Whats best about COVID is that its not like suicide where you have to actually do anything, it either happens or it doesnt, once you get infected, which is a painless process, its out of your hands and you just wait and since you have no gf that makes you want to live its like whatever

Uglyme #crackpot #sexist incels.is

Hypocrisy The IT cunts don't want you to have a girlfriend

Every time a foid shows a tiny bit of understanding on IT, the other bitches start writing things about how bad and evil we are and how we don't deserve respect to make her change her mind. This is because those whores don't want you to have a relationship. Of course they will larp saying that's because they're scared that we might abuse her. Bullshit, they don't give a shit about the well being of your future gf. They're just scared that you might get her pregnant and create more subhumans. Remember, all foids are a hivemind, they act purely following their most primal instincts, and one of them is to make sure only the best genes pass on to the next generation. They know you're genetic trash, even if they have never seen you, they know that if you complain, it means you're ugly. They don't want to fuck you, but also they don't want any other foid to do it.

greenteaapplepie69 #crackpot #sexist reddit.com

Having a small/balanced Lower third is CRUCIAL to being a Stacy!


You made her midface smaller too which is extremely important

yes both lower third and midface!

i think these three are dealbreakers for ascension:

long philtrum/ bad philtrum-chin ratio

long midface

long lower third

So in theory can a rhinoplasty actually make your philtrum look longer? Damn😪

If it makes your nose shorter then yeah.

But if it makes it look longer it can make the philtrum shorter.

I’ll have to see if there’s any surgeries like that

Is there anything you could even do about this though?

Yes actually-

You can get a lip lift or fillers to minimise the space. You could get your nose turned down if you have an upturned nose.

Check out r/orthotropics. Mewing has been working for me wonderfully and pulling in my jawline to make it more symmetrical and feminine.

Various incels #racist #sexist incels.is

just rob her dad theory. 14 year old girl wants to fuck mugger

81k likes btw


I knew I was toxic when at 14 my dad got mugged by some guy after picking me up from gymnastics practice and I'd never been more scared or certain that I was supposed to give this man coochie

”Daily reminder that cumskins allowed women to have rights”

(BummerDrummer, at ThoughtfulCel)
Daily reminder you're speaking english on a forum considered white supremacist because we're so cool. Eat shit nigger lmaooooo


If your peoples origin is in or below that clear bit you are a stupid nigger and will never have white IQ. Also arabs were more cucked than europeans until 1945 (and I can give proof with this but you don't care about facts so I didn't bother here)

White lies Don't work no more

image image

Here's the truth behind white countries.

image image

You filthy niggers cant help yourselves can you? Misdirected antiwhite hatred must encompass every thread until the entire forum is a complete shithole

"misdirected":feelskek: The global white is reasonable for modern degenerate culture and it's important we call them out. Part of the blackpill. keep crying

Since when are you the authority on what the blackpill is? Youre really off the deep end lately, did an idf soldier kill a couple of your neighbors recently or something? :feelskek:

Probably with the money you pay him, cuck.

ScornedStoic #crackpot #sexist incels.is

Serious I quite literally can not imagine or fathom the constant endless stream of validation females receive daily.

Online, offline, females are incessantly inundated with compliments. Get on the bus? Compliment. Order a coffee? Compliment. Post a basic photo? 40 likes and 15 comments.

Having such a full social life you get "busy with friends" and get sick of "clingy" peope. In your worst moments always knowing you have friends just a couple button presses away, real life friends that will come hug you and watch a movie with you.

Using online dating "casually" because you have such an active "normal" ""healthy"" sex life that you want to browse a wider meat market half-heartedly as you know 98% of the opposite sex using it is beneath you and would pay good money to smell your farts or eat your panties or whatever. Actually getting annoyed because you're getting SO MANY messages from people that think you're so attractive they want to have sex with you.

Society and media shoving down everyone's throats that women aren't just wonderful, if the glass ceiling wasn't there women would earn 400% of what men earn, that's barely even an exaggeration anymore they're constantly making up bullshit like "emotional intelligence" to flatten test scores and they spew feminism all over kindergarteners' faces. They fire and cancel old people for not falling in line, even second wave fucking feminists they now call TERFS.

And then of course there's the statistics we all know, on homelessness and suicide, job deaths, we could sit here and go on. We have publicly available numerical data proving we value women over men and no one raises a fuss over it, no the opposite, you're named and shamed if you talk about it which is why we're here and the MGTOWs and MRAs are on YouTube/Reddit, all anonymously.

It really makes you wonder how any female could ever feel insecure or worried about their future.

Che #pratt #dunning-kruger #sexist blackpill.club

[Blackpill] The Nice Guy

IT wants us to be nice guys when there is a sub called r/niceguy where foids relentlessly mock and make fun of these exact nice guys. IT doesn’t care about us or our cause. They just wanna appear as the good cool guy conforming to social norms. Why isn’t there a r/meanguy where this mythical bad personality guy is made fun of? IT may have the numbers but they definitely lack the brains.

Various Femcels #sexist reddit.com

What's a sign you're a femcel?

Is it a sign you're a femcel if people constantly avoid you and are mean towards you for no reason, both online and irl? I already knew I'm not a supermodel or attractive judging by my experiences irl, but I recently asked for private feedback on my looks on vrm and I was shocked by the replies. Almost no one answered back, except for one girl that was pretty blunt in her response towards me.

I think deep down you would know if you were a femcel. Everyone knows deep down how attractive they are although some don’t want to acknowledge it. (Unless you have severe bdd)

Strangers, even service workers, being mean to you for no reason, also men letting you know/dropping hints that they aren't attracted to you/you are not their type even though you never were interested in them in the first place

People are genuinely afraid of you because you’re so ugly.

why are u being downvoted? ur literally right and ur a femcel urself???

idk, but that was the biggest indicator for me. if people are not repulsed by your appearance you probably aren’t a femcel

omg who the hell is reporting these comments for misinformation. we're both literally femcels and we're both mods. i can't 😂

People are still pushing for an all inclusive beauty sub and don’t want to admit femcels exist. They assume we are just lacking basic hygiene and that brushing our teeth and putting on nice clothes with instantly turn us into an 8. Being a femcel doesn’t mean you’re unkept 🤦🏻‍♀️

I know this place is women only, but... You know you're a femcel the same way you know you're an incel. When you go on tinder, you get 0 matches even in the 1st 24 hrs of starting an account. You do your best but noboy looks at you. That's the kinds of things I have heard. Also, mods, ban me ASAP.

Edmund_Kemper #sexist incels.is

Serious if you missed out in college, you messed up your life

it makes it worse if you also missed out in HS. but missing out in HS can be fixed if you enjoy life in college. but if you enjoyed HS but missed out in college, or missed out in both, its over. if you missed out in college, its over. you fucked up your life.

and if you think it's easy making friends or finding a date after college youre fuckin wrong. i read articles about how its much harder finding a friend or a girlfriend after college. people in their mid-late 20s usually hangout with those they met in high school/college. and their relationships often are with someone they began dating in college. college is your last chance to make friends and lose your virginity and find a GF, if you miss out on all of it, you have zero chances left. and nobody goes to parties or festivals or clubs or other fun events after college. in fact, nobody goes out to places after college. once they get to their mid-20s they completely outgrow it. if you missed out in it in your teens/early 20s, it's over. you fucked up in life. time to rope afterward in minecraft.


"Results supported the hypothesis that the quantity of social interactions at age 20, and the quality of social interactions at age 30 predict midlife psychosocial outcomes. Age-20 interaction quantity had a direct, unmediated effect on age-50 social and psychological outcomes. The effects of age-20 interaction quality on midlife outcomes were mediated by age-30 interaction quality. Our findings are consistent with the idea that selection and optimization serve important functions in early adulthood, and that engaging in developmentally appropriate social activity contributes to psychosocial adjustment in the decades that follow."

Edmund_Kemper #sexist incels.is

Brutal One of the biggest turnoffs for foids: being a virgin

many people will say you'll never ascend if you're a virgin at 18. no not really. because the percentage of virgins at 18 is significantly bigger than at 25 for example. you always have a chance of ascending regardless of age, but the chance becomes smaller and smaller as time goes by.

but being a virgin is a big turnoff for women past 21. if you're 18/19, women will still date you if you're a virgin. if you're 20/21, there will start to be women who will consider it a dealbreaker. past 21, instant red flags enter their heads if you're still a virgin. they want guys who can dominate/control them in bed because foids want to be super submissive. only the tall, muscular 10/10 alpha males with deep voices and long penises with big girth sizes will attract a lot of foids. any beta trait will make you have the SMV of a 5'2 balding indian janitor.

"According to a study in The Journal of Sex Research, people are judgmental towards virgins in real life, not just in movies or television shows. Researchers discovered that virgins—but not those who were very sexually experienced—perceived a lot of stigma and exclusion around their sex lives. People rated their likelihood of dating a virgin at a 2.41, below the scale's midpoint of 2.5. In a survey conducted by Match.com among single men and women who are non-members of Match.com, 42% of respondents said they refuse to date a virgin (51% of women, 33% of men).

Although this means that 49% of single women are willing to date a virgin, there are still many women who refuse to. This means that if an adult male virgin tries to start relationships with women, he will face a lot of rejections half the time. Although one study shows that virgins are more willing than non-virgins to date other virgins, another shows that virgins are less willing than non-virgins to date another virgin, and even if virgins are willing to date a virgin, virgins are very rare by young adulthood."

Edmund_Kemper #sexist incels.is

here's more proof:

Do girls like virgin men? What Are Your Thoughts On Virginity?

look at these videos. in the first video, some blonde foid says "ewww no i can't think of anything worse". so you can't think of domestic abusers, date rapists, cheaters, verbally abusive guys, etc? fuck you!

and in the second video, some blonde stacy says "if you're 20 and still a virgin there's something wrong with you". hey Regina George, stfu. you fucking cunt. and then some black haired tan skin foid (who also admitted to being a junior high teacher JFL) says "no i won't date a virgin if a guy is 27 (presumably her age) and a virgin i won't date him". well guess what? i bet you like taking the virginity of your students you fucking retard. fuck you!

In many threads on forums, while some women were willing to date virgins, there were also some who didn't want to. On r/AskWomen, in some threads, when asked what age being a virgin becomes a red flag, many women would say 22 or 23, some would say 24 or 25 or older 20s. Many people will wonder why you're still a virgin. They'll assume you're either super religious or that you're weird or awkward or there's a reason women didn't want you, and thus they should avoid you. There's threads online where men and women who are still virgins spoke about being rejected when their partner found out they're a virgin. Some of these virgins were as young as 19 or 20 years old. So even on forums, many women said they won't date virgins (although some said they will). I've even seen guys in their 20s say that women dumped them for being a virgin.

Nostalgia #sexist #pratt blackpill.club

[Important] Dear incelophobes: Please explain why females should have equal rights

Equality between the sexes is almost universially viewed as a necessity and a righteous cause, yet advocates of it fail to explain why gender equality is desirable in the first place. People just assume it is somehow benefitial to society, while this is clearly not the case.

Men are biologically hardwired to be leaders. Nearly every important invention has been made by men. Despite the de facto and de jure gender equality that exists in most Western countries, men still make up the vast majority of CEOs and occupy most leadership positions.

Women are the exact opposite. They are hardwired to be men's submissive counterpart. The "strong independent woman" trope inherently defies female nature. Therefore, the genders are innately different, and so should be their rights (as well as responsibilities).

Giving women equal rights has not lead to any positive outcomes, only an increase in promiscuity, hedonism, and other forms of degeneracy as well as a decline in marriage and birth rates - both of which are detrimental to any society, by logical necessity.

Not only are women's rights a disadvantage for covilization as a whole, but also for women themselves. Studies have shown females are unhappier than they used to be. This is known as the "Paradox of declining females happiness," although it's not really paradoxical that a gender that has evolved to be submissive is not satisfied with being forced into a position of equality.

As I have sufficiently laid out, equal rights for females are neither advantagous nor desirable for society, both from an ethical and a pragmatic standpoint - so why should they exist?

LiveFromInferno #sexist #psycho #crackpot archive.vn

Femoids are naturally designed to be raped.

The wider hips that they have are not just for childbirth, they are also grab handles for the man. The thigh fat deposits as well as generally smaller skeleton make it so the femoid cannot run as fast as a man, nor can it fight back.

The holes in a femoid are many and at least one of them is always prepared to secrete lube so that the dick goes in and out more smoothly.

In case you think these are side effects of adjusting the femoid to its other "original" purpose, recall that statistically femoids orgasm from rape more easily that from "consensual" starfish. Also there is a reason why all of them have rape fantasies (about chads mostly).

The reason why rape used to be vilified is because it was a crime against man's property and fair enough; now it's only vilified as the last way for a non-chad to really get sex, which is ridiculous and needs to stop.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #homophobia #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

[From “WaPo Announces That Saudi Textbooks Now Promoting Jews, Women, Anal”]

Surely, someone must see the headline, and think “huh, I wonder what the relationship between Jews and feminism is?”

But apparently, no one does think that.

Really, we’ve got to get it out of our heads that anyone who is not already thinking something is ever going to think anything.

Washington Post

Saudi Arabia has been sharply criticized over the decades for school textbooks that preach women’s subservience to men, anti-Semitism and a general enmity toward religions other than Islam. But those textbooks have been slowly scrubbed of much of this objectionable content, with particularly significant revisions made in the fall.[…]

Astonishing, the Jew said.

Then he demanded more.
So now, in Saudi Arabia, you have sorcerers denying their religion and then masturbating into another man’s anus – all while speaking very kindly of Jews, and respecting the autonomy of women.

By the way, let me go ahead and dispel the myth that a man can “have sex” with another man. This is a false claim. Sex is a reproductive act.

This is from the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English, 1919:
But anyway, the point is: Saudi Arabia is letting women take over, just like Mexico, Thailand and Belarus.

There is a basic math equation, that is always true:

r/JordanPeterson #wingnut #sexist reddit.com

nolitteringplease364: I'm not a trump fan but I'm a fan of the American project (to some extent). And its under attack. The thing that really creeped me out was republican governor Arnie, celebrating the defeat of nazi trump and his domestic terrorists, ironically citing kristelnacht THE DAY AFTER massive censorship waves against anyone who strays too far from the accepted narrative. Unbelievable. Its so obvious that the boundaries of "what is the enemy" are drawing closer and closer in. I believe Canada just announced that the proud boys are domestic terrorists lmao. Won't be long til that goes for anyone who disagrees with the status quo - and we know what happens to terrorists. The western world is going to shit. China's looking to grow into an ethno-supremacist fascist state as far as I can tell. What a mess

ashishduhh1: And to think, this is all because people take menstruating white women's political opinions seriously.

nolitteringplease364 lmao. not sure if you're being serious but... still right either way by my reckoning. its funny how 'hysteria' is no longer a medical term cos it's sexist but like i see a lot of hysteria going on. mostly from baby-rabies-age single women

Lori Alexander #fundie #sexist thetransformedwife.com

There are many foolish women today. A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing (Proverbs 9:13). Foolish means “void of understanding or sound judgment; weak in intellect; unwise; silly; vain; acting without regard to the divine law and glory.” Universities don’t make women wise. They make them foolish; for the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God (1 Corinthians 3:19). What they learn in these places of “higher learning” is that there is no difference between men and women and they are steeped in the feminist agenda which is anti-God and anti-family. They teach them nothing that is good, honorable, pure, holy, or worthy.
God commands that parents raise their children in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. Too many parents are careful about doing this while their children are young and then spend a ton of money on secular colleges and universities for their children to attend. Many children who go into these institutions with their faith intact come out without faith in God because “bad company corrupts good morals” as the Bible clearly states. Universities do everything they can to turn young women into foolish, clamorous, and simple women.
We are to be wise in what is good and innocent to that which is evil. It seems the majority of women today are knowledgeable to all forms of evil and practice them: fornication, adultery, immodesty, indiscretion, drunkenness, and lewdness. They despise what is good and love what is evil. They are willful and reckless, refusing to see the long-term consequences of their sin and instead indulging their flesh in any way they please. They entice married men, break up families, and easily abort their babies. They are foolish through and through and are reaping the rotten fruit that they are sowing.

Meus #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel Multiculturalism is unnatural

I know many of you are mutts and don't know it any better so bare with me.

Basically the logic is like this:
You like what looks like you. You trust what looks like you.
You are less likely to harm something that looks like you.
Because of this crime will always be high in regions with multiculturalism and low in homogenous societies like Japan.

Why is multiculturalism pushed so hard? Because a population that is divided is easier to control. Beings that are similar can unite and become a real power. Beings that aren't can't. Just look at fucking prisons.

nothing to disagree with there

globalism drives up male competition for women all over the world, at its worst you can get rejected by the girl next door for a man at the other side of the globe because he's 1% more attractive

Exactly. You are supposed to be as athlethic as a black person, as smart as a jew, as industrious as an asian and as aggressive as an arab.

But it's fucking impossible to meet these high standards.

For example: Your granddad was pretty atlethic in his small village, therefore 5 foids wanted him and he chose your grandmother. But because today we are constantly exposed to people who are ABSURDLY athlethic on social media and because multiculturalism drove up competition so fucking high (your granddad didn't have to compete with blacks) his atlethicism would be seen as mediocre today. You literally have to look like a roid freak for anyone to even believe you lift. Because all hollywood jews are roided, women believe that's what a strong guy looks like.

Hamilton Police Department Chief Gene Allmond and officer John Brooks #racist #sexist theroot.com

The video footage of the vile conversation between Chief Gene Allmond and patrolman John Brooks was captured amid the Black Lives Matter protests that spread across the country last year and recently obtained by WTVM News.

It begins with the two cops talking about the virtues of shooting or tasing “niggers,” and then transitions into them talking about Bottoms’ political future and how she treats police officers accused of misconduct.

But, as is typical of racists who hate Black people, the cops reveal that their bigoted disdain is really powered by a creepy obsession because they immediately move to talking about which politically visible Black women in Georgia they would have sex with.

“If I had to fuck a nigger, I’d rather fuck the mayor [Keisha Lance Bottoms] than Stacey Abrams,” says the officer wearing the camera, to which the chief responds, “Yessir.”
They have a good laugh as Brooks’ reminisces about people in his family lineage who were slave owners, then the chief complains that Black people are no longer made to work for white people like in the good ole days.

“It seems to me like they furnished them a house to live in. They furnished them clothes to put on their back. They furnished them food to put on their table and all they had to do was fucking work. And now we give ‘em all those things and don’t have to fucking work,” Allmond says.

Apparently the two men thought the body camera wasn’t working at the time. City attorney Ron Iddins told WTVM that the six-minute long video was discovered after the device was checked for faults and was instead found to have a full memory of recordings.

Benj-amin #conspiracy #sexist incels.is

LifeFuel [HIGH IQ] The Term 'Involuntary celibate' was not created by a Foid named "Alana"!

All it takes is a simple Google Search of the term "Involuntary Celibates" (With Quotes.), in the Google Books section, Sort by Date, and click "19th Century" instead of "Any Time", this is what you will find.


The term "Involuntary celibate" dates all the way back the the 19th Century in two books, one was the Cambridge essays, published in 1858! The term was used verbatim, Were men in tenure were bound to be Involuntary celibate until their tenure was over. There is no way for this "Alana" to have coined this term in 1858, for she would have to be over 162 Years of age in 2021! Clearly this is not possible. For no man, or woman, has ever reached such an age, and would inevitable garner media attention on this fact alone, seeing as she has not, she clearly wasn't in this time period.

I also have evidence to come to the conclusion that this "Alana" is not even what she claims to be, there is no evidence that she is even a woman, there is no photos of her, no Articles on google scholar about her "Group" or any of her Research, and she clearly was not even the one responsible for coining the term "Involuntary Celibacy". For all I know, I might as well effectively say that she does not exist. This is Lifefuel for all the Incels who were lied to about the term "Involuntary CElibate" being "Coined" by some Neoliberalism Feminist out of some university.

Edmund_Kemper #sexist incels.is

Venting [STUDY] Most violence, misogyny, and hostility toward women is done by chads, NOT virgins. Yet virgins and sub5 men are blamed for it all.

Bluepilled cucks think that most men who hate women are virgins who can't get laid and believe that chads/chick magnets respect women. Nope. Very opposite actually. And many cucks think domestic abusers are scrawny nerds who cannot fight other men. Nope. Studies show that masculine men tend to commit domestic violence, not scrawny nerdy men.

Undetected rapists have consistently been shown to more sexually active than other men. Apart from their sexually aggressive behavior, they engage in consensual and coercive sex far more often than is typical for men of their age group. Groth and Hobson, who studied 1,000 offenders over a 16-year period, found the following: 'All of the offenders we have seen were sexually active males involved in consensual relationships at the time of their offense. No one raped because he had no other outlet for his sexual needs."

I also have read that college athletes and frat boys are significantly more likely to perpetrate rape, sexual assault, or sexual coercion. 1 in 3 college rapes is done by a college athlete. Another study showed college athletes in a uni being responsible for 19% of sexual assaults and 35% of domestic assaults despite being only about 3% of the student population. Another study showed that 54% of college athletes reported perpetrating some form of sexual coercion.

I also read studies where it revealed that rapists often lose their virginity at an early age, have their first date at an early age, have a much higher number of sex partners, and have a higher number of dating partners.

Edmund_Kemper #sexist incels.is

Tough guys and strong men usually commit domestic violence, not scrawny nerdy men

Domestic violence is one of the most common crimes of professional athletes, including football players and wrestlers/fighters. I read a study that men who conform to masculine stereotypes and masculine norms/traditions are more likely to beat their intimate partner. Men who don't care about being manly are less likely to beat their intimate partner. Muscular men actually are more likely to be aggressive and more likely to be experienced in physical violence.

Chick magnets are far more misogynistic, study says

In a study of 2,703 teenagers in Spain researchers found a very strong correlation between sexism and sexual and romantic success. Sexually active teenage boys have more benevolent sexism, more hostile sexism, and more ambivalent sexism than non-sexually active teenage boys. Benevolently sexist men had their first sex at an earlier age and hostile sexist men had a lower proportion of condom use. The study also revealed that women are attracted to benevolently sexist men. The study revealed that teenage boys without sexual experience had the least amount of hostile sexism, benevolent sexism and ambivalent sexism. Boys with non-penetrative sexual experience had more of the three types of sexism, and boys with penetrative sexual experience had the most amount of the three types of sexism. I know this only focuses on teenage boys, but honestly people in their 20s these days still act like teenagers. People don't become mature nowadays until their 30s.

grondilu #psycho #sexist incels.is

RE: Brutal The scariest post I’ve seen in my life. YOUNGCELS GTFIH from r/suicidewatch

Contemplating suicide due to being a 50 year old virgin.

"It's the feeling of being loved."

I'm glad I don't get this mindset, as I'm heading towards that age too.

What I especially don't get is how they don't want to even try prostitution. It seems to me that it's more about ego than anything. @BlkPillPres wrote about it already IIRC and I think he's right. I would also say that this " it's about being loved " mindset is just blue pill shit.

Me, when I decided to pay for sex, I had no doubt whatsoever that it was what I should do. I wanted to touch beautiful women and do lewd things with them. I didn't care at all whether or not they liked me, so long as they let me take them in my arms and put my dick in their holes.

That being said, I live in Europe. There was for me a possibility to do it legally and in decent conditions. In fact the main reason I didn't do it before was that I didn't know any way to do it that wouldn't be sordid and not appealing at all. Fortunately, I eventually remembered a TV documentary I saw once about prostitution in the Netherlands, so I could look it up.

I think this " it's about being loved " mindset is delusional and harmful. I don't think it's nearly as important as guys think.

I prefer also a relationship

I would be content with being a regular client to a beautiful whore.

Various Femcels #racist #sexist saidit.net

RE: There was some discussion about this before; tiktok warning white girls about how they are seen as easy and less respectable by other races

Why women 90% of the time talk about men ? This is so hard to understand that men think differently from women ? I mean what the fuck. Pinkpillfeminism is all about what particular man said or done on social media. There are many interesting things out there, men are boring disgusting freaks. Even radical feminists talk about men all the time just like typical women LOL. Not even psychological/sociological theories but just what man did one day.

I didn't post this because I am shocked about what men think, or that they think differently than women, this is related to the discussion of other women saying white women have it easy, white women are glorified and not oppressed, and women wanting more migrants from these countries in western countries without realizing they pose an even greater danger to us.

Why women 90% of the time talk about men ?

what the fuck should we talk about on a feminism sub, new discoveries in astronomy?

(LaQueSabe_ )
I guess she thinks BPF is a Mean Girls Club and we gonna gossip 100% of the time how every single woman is an idiot based on MBTI. Lmao.

and women wanting more migrants from these countries in western countries without realizing they pose an even greater danger to us

Great blackpill. We're gonna be Earthkistan in 50 years because of these pro-immigration retards.

RREEEEEEEEE #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Whites are the Jews in ethnic countries

By subverting the younger generation in ethnic countries and feeding them SJW and liberalism crap as they work through their non-governmental organizations, even women in ethnic countries want nothing but the best of their own race or even white guys. Whites are creating incels in ethnic countries at a crazy rate. Expect more and more ethnic incels on here from their native countries. It's only a matter of time.

I think you should look into who's actually operating these organizations, you'll probably notice some patterns

It's not just the non-governmental organizations, it's also foreign intelligence agencies. It's not just actual Jews, it's also non-Jew whites who are guilty of this. Think CIA, MI6, etc. How else do you think the Arab Spring started? You don't believe that these Arab subhumans started rebelling against their own governments for no reason, do you now?

tbh ngl
BUt but muh joos :soy:

Indeed, those who accuse of Jews doing these things to Europe and America are completely fine with they themselves are doing in other countries, taking the role of their supposed enemies. JFL.

Congratulations, you are now aware of the fact (((liberals))) are narcissistic, virtue signalling, civilization destroying peices of human excrement that need to be BURIED along with their shitty kike oriented ideologies.

Don't worry, I had them figured out a long time ago. Ideally, I would keep all ethnic degenerates here in Europe (or you can exterminate them) because I don't want them back in their native countries. Whites stop interfering with our countries. Unfortunately there's a lot of war-mongering faggots as well so it's a complicated situation overall.

Meus #racist #sexist incels.is

” do not support anything that is against the law.”


Crime is for non-whites. A white person can never commit crime and be fine with it.

For me it’s late teens early 20s

Cringe. Imagine having taste that bad. Women are literally almost men at 20. Have fun dating pursuing Chads cumrag.

Imagine unironically caring about this Holy soy

Mutt society is obedient and cucked as fuck. They are scared of fucking anything. They're more totalitarian than the USSR has ever been. Imagine being afraid to say anyone under 18 can be pretty because you think there is a realistic chance this will get you into jail. Doesn't get more cucked than this. No wonder the Jews have it so easy there JFL.

I too think a woman is their most beautiful somewhere around 15-16. At this age they are in the transisition between cute daughter and hot 18 year old woman. After that they try to compensate their lost youth and beauty with sexyness which only comes off as whorish. Tall women probably peak even earlier because growth especially very long legs push you too much to this.

Being a foid is literally JFL. Imagine having youth only for 10 short years (15-25) and then beginning to decline instead of having youth well into your late 30s like men do (if you have good genes, not everyone is a balding subhuman). Foids live on tutorial mode but their life is literally not worth living. Even if you polish a turd it is still a turd. I would rather be dirty gold than a polished turd.

Meus #sexist incels.is

It's Over Foids objectively peak with 13-16 (controversial)

Now before you accuse me of anything I want to say that I do not support anything that is against the law. Period. What I mean with peak is 100% aesthetic, nothing more, nothing less. While most 18+ foids aren't really beautiful, literally 90% of all 12-16 year old foids ARE beautiful. It is what it fucking is, I can't change it. You can't really tell me a so called "adult" foid looks better than this:


You can't be serious. And you know what? Nature itself says that I'm right. Even fucking history says that I'm right. 18+ was invented by older foids because otherwise they would be absolutely BTFO by these women and rendered useless. The pussy cartel literally keeps the ressource women scarce to inflate it's value. The cruelest part? Chads are fine with these laws because they already experience this during THEIR teenagerhood. The only ones getting fucked by this is literally everyone else.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #sexist stewart1611.blogspot.com

Hebrews 13:8 proclaims that Jesus Christ is THE SAME yesterday, today and tomorrow. The Lord never changes. Our American culture has drastically been transformed in just 50 years. In 1962 homosexuality was a punishable crime in all 50 states, but as of June 2015 same-sex marriages is permitted in all 50 states by federal law. Likewise, since 1972 federal law has permitted abortion in all 50 states. In the 1950's most Americans were skinny, at their proper weight, but today in the 21st century 42% of Americans are obese. Women are covered in tattoos today, but in the 1970's tattoos on women were unheard of. There were no women combat soldiers in the U.S. back then. Feminism has ruined American homes!

But despite all these DRASTIC changes for the worst in our country, God and His inspired infallible Words have not changed. Wicked men keep changing the truth of God into a lie (Romans 1:25), but that doesn't change THE TRUTH! Men can change the Bible all they want, but the infallible unchanging King James Bible still stands! The churches have changed, and they're becoming deader and more unrecognizable every year. The power of the Holy Spirit is absent in 99% of churches today. Instead you'll find a place of entertainment. You'll find psychology instead of theology in the pulpit. You'll find unity by compromise instead of division over truth. The average pastor and church are far more concerned about avoiding a church split, than they are about pleasing God by contending for the faith (Jude 1:3).

RopeIsHope #crackpot #sexist incels.is

RE: JFL Soy civil war: blackpilled femcels vs bluepilled virtue signalers


Women are so good at choosing genes that IQ rates are falling all over the world and soon mongoloids tallfaggots will be the ones fighting with rocks over landwhale foids on the ruins of soyciety.

IQ rates are dropping in many developed countries and that doesn't bode well for humanity

(((Experts))) don't understand why. The motives are clear: women choose garbage/criminal men and immigration of third world people.

Foid brain hasn't evolved they have same standards like 100000 years ago, nowadays there is not much advantage for society (it's actually disadvantage) to select dark triad psychpaths just because of their good jawline and height, we will go back to primal times in few generations no high tech shit will exist

ThoughtfulCel #crackpot #sexist incels.is

Serious Do you believe all humans are bad?

I find it very interesting that for all of man's creations of entertainment like movies, games, books, etc, these types of entertainment all have worlds that boast better morality, laws, people, and etiquette than our current one.

It really begs the question as to why the world is the way It is. We literally have people who would rather lie to themselves instead of actually doing something about it.

For example, in these stories-

you'll see friendships with bonds that are so close they are willing to die for each other.

Women who are sentinet and actually give a shit about anything but themselves.

People who have no problem pointing out how wrong they are.

A society where laws apply equally to both sexes, races, etc.

If humans are capable of creating these fantasy worlds in their head, then why is the world we currently live in shit?

Is it ignorance? Lack of profit? A lack of desire to create a world that everyone can enjoy? Or is a morally just world impossible for humans due to their nature.

LiveFromInferno #sexist #crackpot #wingnut #racist blackpill.club

[Blackpill] Daily femoid hate thread #113

Femoids used to be denied full citizenship of countries where they were located. Unlike some other things, this was not intended to oppress holes for the sake of oppressing them, but had facts behind it that we are now just beginning to re-discover.

The truth is, fuckholes don't have a concept of homeland, tribe, nation or family. These are man-made ideas that are absolutely foreign to creatures as primitive as femoids.

This is why holes so gladly trade their children, connections with a potential or the current husband, nation's borders and integrity and even their own homes for (((modern society's))) brownie points. It's all these "Karens" that have pushed divorce and abortion rates to the Moon, it's Karens that cheer for totalitarian Kung Flu virus police surveillance, it's femoids that cheer for open borders and mud slime rapefugee takeover of the West. Things as strong as the traditions of thousand years old cultures have saved Japan and Korea from some of these things for the time being, but the countries have grown to be cucked, corrupt and degenerate anyway as a result of hole rights.

You don't build a successful nation with femoid rights, you can only sustain these "'rights"' for some time by leeching off a nation that used to be successful.

Jonathon Van Maren #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #sexist #homophobia lifesitenews.com

These days, one can identify as pretty much anything and it is considered polite (mandatory, in the case of gender delusions) to play along. Thus, much has been made of Joe Biden being the second Catholic president of the United States. The first, John F. Kennedy, was a member of the clan that spearheaded the political schizophrenia of “personally opposed, politically supportive,” and Biden is breaking all records with a rash of pro-abortion and LGBT executive orders while the press praises his faith. Supporting the destruction of children in the womb is what makes all the difference.
Catholics for Choice makes about as much sense as Vegans for Cannibalism, but this organization serves an important purpose. As those who believe in biblical teaching on marriage, life, and family get pushed to the fringes of society, progressives need to ensure that they do not alienate America’s religious majority. Liberal churches and groups like Catholics for Choice serve as convenient collaborators for the progressive movement. Progressives can point to these folks and claim that they represent true Catholicism, or Christianity, or faith—and that those clinging stubbornly to orthodoxy are simply hateful hangovers from the Middle Ages.
Catholics for Choice, however, is barely trying to hide their contempt for actual Catholics. Last month, they announced that “Charlotte” Clymer—an Army vet and LGBT activist famous for coming out as transgender in 2017—would taking over as director of communications and strategy. Abortion might be a women’s issue, but this guy is a woman, men can now get pregnant, and Catholics are morally obliged to support all of that over the teachings of their church.

rls976 #psycho #racist #sexist amren.com

The multiculturalism you describe is bad enough, but what's even worse is when foreign aliens who don't have much in common with this country go even further and try to remake the whole country in their own image, such as AOC, Tlaib, the Hispanic migration lobby, etc. They actually believe that not only are they entitled to their own culture in the US (which multiculturalism allows), but that they can impose their culture on the rest of the country. For instance AOC and others like her want to do away with the Electoral College, the 1st and 2nd Amendments, etc. That is unimaginable hubris. They don't want multiculturalism either. They want monoculturalism -- their own!

I will praise the university-educated Puerto Rican barmaid AOC, plus Oprah Winfrey, bald black member of Congress Ayanna Pressley, Kamala Harris and Stacey Abrams, for the wonderful fact that not one of them has ever given birth. In this they make excellent role models for all young females of color.

ATF and Amsterdammaxxing #homophobia #sexist #psycho blackpill.club

I agree with you on the more flamboyant, annoying and pushy ones, but real, authentic manly gays are actually decent people who hate women, so in that regard they're better than the vast majority of the modern straight populace. And they're men. If anything, you should focus your hatred entirely on women and cucks.

It's still not acceptable to become a degenerate because you haven't got success with women imo. The amount of gay men that are sub 5 is unreal. Just change gender preference on online dating and you'll see how many faggots are just simply too ugly/short to have a woman. The amount of incels that are voluntarily gay is immense.

Homosexuality is a choice and as the amount of involuntary celibates rise, the amount of homosexual men will rise as well. Dozens of men love to be filthy degenerates

tallowcandle #crackpot #psycho #sexist saidit.net

Prolific "radfems" being gaslighting male-worshippers

I felt like something was off about "blank slate" argument when there are whole countries full of men who are ok with living in a pigsty long as they get to be slave-masters over females and when there are signs of male violence on prehistoric bones and when male animals gang rape too.

Radfems have no problems talking about biology when it comes to transgender people or other topics such as pregnancy, the difference in physical strength between the sexes, etc. However, they chicken out when it comes to answering why men all around the world are statistically more likely to be violent and dangerous than women. Men from different races, cultures, countries, and backgrounds all enjoy having power over women. Facing the reality that biology plays a part in men's desire for dominance is too bleak and uncomfortable for radfems.

Women are beyond saving. Particularly feminists, who are either blatant self-pitying cocksuckers or the same but disguised as radfems. You just know each one of these idiots don't do shit what they preach and are too coward & weak to acknowledge the harsh truth about their oppressors.

Despite appreciating some radfem theory I refuse to call myself one after all those years. I just simply don't give a fuck about it anymore. Call me blackpilled separatist. It's the only way.

Het women think that they are notlikeothergirls better than other het woman who are just stupid and don't know how to trust their lives to the right men and the secrets to raising sons into Good Mentm and het radfems aren't different from libfems who choose "feminist" men and TeAcH BoyS NoT tO RaPe, and the get fucked over by both or tradcons who choose and raise Manly Providers, and get fucked over by them. Radfems may even have lower standarts, being more aware of how depraved average males are they just look at the passive potato sack and thank Mother Goddess he's probably not Chikatilo.

marylin #crackpot #psycho #sexist saidit.net

Men are born rapists and love rape

Men love watch real life rape or fake(?) on porn sites, nowadays incest rape/sex is very popular, so men fantasize about raping their sisters or mothers. Yeah that is scary shit but just give me another explanation why incest sex is so popular ? Men are degenerate rapists, fucks and sociopaths. Why most women don't get this? And Ii is not socialization but biology, almost in every species males rape females often to death.

In most species the males will chase, exhaust or use force and violence when mating with a female. Rape is simply a valid mating strategy for a male, nothing more, and I dare say that it is the DEFAULT mating strategy. Rape only became taboo in patriarchal societies with marriage, to protect MEN from becoming cuckolds. Yes, all men are born rapists and they will all rape when given a chance, which you also see in every war and similar crisis where they can get away with it. Just like "good men" can be turned into heartless killers by few months of boot camp, they can be turned into rapist by just giving them the opportunity - because they were really killers and rapists by nature. They are just born to kill, steal, rape, die. They are biologically disposable weapons and they bred women into submissive slave-class by killing any woman strong willed enough to resist and favoring the most compliant females. Humanity is a fucking disease.

Of all the searches that begin, “I want to have sex with my …”, 75 percent end with a word indicating a family member, such as “brother” or “sister,” according to Everybody Lies. The most common way to complete this search is with “mom.”' - yeah women keep going breeding men so they can fantasize about raping you in the future. Good luck mums, you know men are awesome LOL, women you naive retards, yeah mothers are the worst.

mindlesscel #sexist incels.is

Brutal average number of sexual partners in countries

my country is ranked highest yet I still can't get a female to breathe in my direction. how tf is this even fair?

and this is data from 2005, which means that the numbers are even more ridiculous now because online dating only started becoming popular in the early 2010s


Holy fuck wtf is up with Turkey???

Muh Erdogan, Muh Islam, Muh based society.

Turkcels on the forum explain please.

ikr, its ridiculous. I wish I could explain it myself but this shit makes no sense when you really think about it.

It's the hoejabi phenomena, women in Islamic countries want to whore out even more because they are restricted.

Turkey has already reached French tier hypergamy.

Blonde Turkish Girl's Sexy Dance

Damn. Pretty sure in somewhere like Saudi Arabia or Iran that girl would've been tracked and publicly executed.

makes a lot of sense, ive come across lots of girls who idolize western musicians and movie actors just for being white. they want to be able to freely whore around with whoever they want and whenever they want.

PPEcel #sexist incels.is

JFL A novelist featured incels in his latest crime fiction: Fair Warning by Michael Connelly

The plot features a disgraced university professor (accused of raping a foid student) who jumps to the private sector and starts his own DNA testing company, GT23. Two incel lab technicians purchase data from GT23 and run a forum (Dirty4, where membership costs $500/yr) on the dark web, where they profile and list femoids with a genetic proclivity for risky sexual behaviour. Dirty4 is supposedly geared towards incels, PUAs, assorted creeps who can then use this data to target these particular femoids for hookups. If you think that this doesn't make any sense, that's because it doesn't. I was going to rant about how stupid the premise of Dirty4 is, but this reviewer on Amazon already says most of what I wanted to say:

I’m not sure Connelly even wrote this: it’s so bad I think it was done by a ghostwriter. Who would pay 500 a year for the names of ‘loose’ women? When you can sign up to tinder and have them contact you? These men still had to approach and seduce the women: it was still the woman’s choice whether or not to bed them. It makes no sense: Having a list of names won’t do you much good if you’re repellent to women or unlikable: however ‘loose’ they still won’t sleep with you. And if you’re in any way attractive you don’t need the list. So it made no sense.

I didn't have high expectations for the novel's portrayal of incels but it was, quite frankly, comical. The incels in the story are essentially evil geeks with biology degrees who hate femoids and happen to work in forensic testing labs. That's about it. They're about as one-dimensional as any fictional character can get -- though, to be fair, that description would apply to most of the characters in this novel.

Numb #sexist incels.is


I finally realized why my wife doesn't want to have sex with me.....

TLDR This is a thread for those of you who think landwhales are "an ugly male's looksmatch". That they are at the same or similar smv to an uglier than average male. That's straight up bullshit. It's such a water is wet concept but NO ONE seems to understand that a fat 2/10 landwhale can be hiding an attractive cunt that wants nothing to do with you after her smv hits an all time high. Never depend on something so unpredictable.

”Watch IT demonize him for "baiting her into cheating" when she was down and willing to do that from the start.”

is that somthing people actually say? You can never win as a man.

I've seen it happen in real life and on forums before. I don't really look at IT but i'm 100% sure someone is going to say some retarded shit like that.

Ngl, I used to believe in landwhale-maxxing but after reading this and a couple other threads that dropped a ton of landwhale-pills and discovering what juggernaut law is, my perception has definitely changed.

Be happy you wont used as an egocentric last resort for some bitch that ate too much mcdonalds.


JFL these cucks will stop at nothing to make the average dude a complete spineless sim- oh wait they already did. They really do not understand what an incel is. They are calling the dad an "incel" if anything, he is MGTOW

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Sophie Trudeau gets jungle fever, Canadian taxpayers get the bill”]

I somehow missed this when it first came out, though I was fairly occupied in the week of August 21st, but Harrington Lake renovations were being performed simply because Justin "Rat Bastard 2.0" Trudeau is unable to sexually satisfy his wife.

Canada’s National Capital Commission (NCC), the federal agency that manages national heritage properties including the Prime Minister’s homes, was directed to construct a sprawling second mansion at Harrington Lake by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) in late 2019 — shortly after the federal election in October and just days following turbulence in the marriage of Justin Trudeau and Sophie Gregoire, a source inside the PMO tells The Chronicle.[…]

This isn't the only time Sophie's interest in a British nigger hurt the working people who get robbed by the federal government either...remember the infamous WE Charity trip where she and Elba both got the Wuhan Flu and then never infected her husband?
Ditto the Shiny Pony's Costa Rica trip that was an excuse to get the grey in his beard (and escape his wife who hates him almost as much as a random Albertan)
Despite the (typical, but inexplicable) fascination women have to men in the Trudeau family, apparently Shiny Pony is such a lousy husband and lover that his wife has to seek BBC in the land of the BBC.

But it's the rest of us who play the role of sugar daddy.

kt0998 #crackpot #sexist saidit.net

RE: Thought BPF might appreciate this


Pretty good except for the implication that poor women and men should unite in class interest against the common enemy. That's pure marxist fantasy, what makes women and men enemies isn't some cultural conspiracy, it's biology. Men are biologically programmed to dominate and abuse women and have acted according to that programming long since globohomo capitalism emerged, long before our species even evolved into homo sapiens. Poor men are not poor women's comrades, they are statistically significantly more likely to beat, rape and kill their women than wealthier men and none of them have any intention of letting "their" women be their equals. Socialism is as much of a male supremacist ideology as everything else. Most poor women will always submit to "their" men to be abused and nothing will ever change and blackpilled women will be left as minority who see how hopeless things truly are.

epillepsy #racist #sexist incels.is

Holy shit @epillepsy you got screenshotted just for commenting "High IQ" to OP's post :feelskek:

CuckTears strikes again.

Nah, I wrote some other stuff too.
They think I'm white, which is why they're accusing me of racism.

Not sure about the "they think I'm white, which is why they're accusing me or racism" part. They'd accuse you of self hating and racism toward females of your own race even if they knew you weren't white.
That's how lopsided those cucks are.

well my hypothesis is that when they read "racial purity," they assume it must be a "white supremacist" saying it because of their ingrained racism.
it shows how racist they are (and not me) that they default to thinking whites are superior and the only race that has advocates for it to be pure.
unlike them, i don't think whites are superior to east asians except in terms of noodlewhore valuation for mating.
all the best media comes from asia, the best writer as well.
so i would say they're the racist ones instead of me, since i want east asians to not go extinct, whereas they tacitly do.

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