
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Various Commenters #crackpot #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Forced Busing Taught Me Race Realism

The court ordered busing of school children was one of the most inhumane acts in human history. The federal judges who devised it were as vile and corrupt as any war criminals. It resulted in the complete destruction of the school system here, one of the largest in the country and worse, countless white lives were destroyed.

(Smart Blonde)
I can only imagine the PTSD our sweet white children suffered while their brains were still developing. It's worse now than it was in the 1970's. No wonder opioid addiction has skyrocketed. Multiracialism is child abuse.

We are biospiritually incompatibile with other races and only truly thrive among our own people. Scientific studies show that all races of people have a small fight or flight response when they see someone of a different race. It's a physical, mental, and emotional stress to be around other races. It's psychological torture for all races involved.

(Scientific Realist)
Marin County is 72.8% white and only 2.8% black, yet they are among the most left-wing counties in the entire country: 85.3% of their voters voted for Biden in 2020, and 15.8% went for Trump.

Marin County residents talk a big game about diversity, but they barely experience any of it themselves. I bet many white California couples who want to start families moved away from diverse cities to a Marin suburb, thinking the schools would be better and safer. Do any of them connect the dots and realize that better schools, safer cities, and higher quality of life correlate with much less diversity?

Forced bussing of blacks into white schools constitutes child abuse against white kids. I fully oppose it. Yet I actually think it’s a good idea if many ghetto youfs were bussed into Marin County schools. Since leftists say they love diversity so much, their children should be required to suffer the consequences of it.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

The latest census reports that America’s white population declined for the first time in history. Non-whites are replacing whites, but the Great Replacement is a “conspiracy theory” if white advocates mention it. To the Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin it is “fabulous news.”

This would be hate speech if it were about anyone else. How would Miss Rubin feel about an emerging Palestinian majority in Israel?

Miss Rubin claims America’s future will be more “diverse” and “inclusive.” However, unless taking power from whites is the goal, what will be better? America has already moved beyond legal equality for non-whites, who enjoy affirmative-action privileges. However, blacks and Hispanics still can’t perform at the same level as whites and Asians. Ditching the false premise of “equality,” the new goal is “equity".

It’s impossible to know whether leftists believe that “white privilege” or another mysterious force is blocking “equity” despite countless laws, decades of effort, and trillions of dollars.

In Oregon, the governor recently ended a requirement for proficiency in reading, writing, and arithmetic to graduate from high school. A spokesman said this will benefit “Oregon’s black, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, and students of color,” who don’t do well on the test.

Asians can’t pass it? Note that Hispanics get three separate identifiers, while whites aren’t worth mentioning. Shouldn’t some non-whites resent the suggestion that they can’t be taught to read?

When egalitarians defeat “white supremacy,” they leave behind desolation. The peoples of Europe face the same opponents and tactics we do. If the West succumbs to “equity,” the struggles of countless centuries will be pointless.

We can’t afford to indulge egalitarian fantasies. The West’s back is to the wall. It’s not just a question of protecting our interests. It’s a question of survival. This degeneration has no endpoint but extinction. The decline will end only when we decide it does.

detectiveconan2344 #moonbat #racist #crackpot #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Why are white countries into war and brutality?

Is it because they had no resources back then and became very aggressive and barbaric? Did they never develop culture and civilization? Why are current whites so much like zombies or wild and uncivilized ? The scandinavians seem more reasonable.

Why is US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK so aggressive and so obsessed with race and playing keep the minority men away from white women?

It is because they stole a lot of land that they cannot control. The English speaking people cannot control a vast swarth of land, that is why they had a system of "white people". So white people are in control, non whites are not in control. And the white people, divide them into groups.

The Anglos, Welsh, Scots, would be on top, while there is a hierarchy where like minded people like brethens such as Germans, Dutch, Danes are ranked highly but they also let Italians and French in because of past accomplishments of colonialism. Even within a white group, there is a hierarchy. That is why Slavs would be on the bottom, they aren't related to Anglo genetically like Germanic people nor are they culturally related through the Roman Empire.

Anglos are violent because it is a violent clash of Celtic groups, Romans, and invading Germanic peoples. Anglos are a combination of France, Spain, Italy + Germany, Netherlands, Denmark. They are a result of conquest from the Germanic people onto England.

And the invading people were barbaric, they came from a place with no resources, they love wine and rape. They worship war. They want to go to Valhalla. Their best quality is going ape shit and going into a blind rage and becoming rational when everything is destroy, then they celebrate.

The Germanic groups also bitter because they got pushed from their homelands by the Slavs. And the Slavs got pushed westward by Turkic peoples. They rationalize conquest of lands with glory and honor.

In short, white people run a pyramid scheme.

Yusuf #racist #moonbat #homophobia twitter.com

White queer jewish teens get white guilt and over-attach to Judaism in online circles and tell antizionists that they’re spouting antiSemitic dogwhistles every other sentence we speak, all bc they can’t accept they’re white

You’re not indigenous to the Levant you’re 14 and hyper-fixating on ‘Jumblr’

Copexodius Maximus #racist #sexist incels.is

Racepilled so bad that I’m on verge of suicide

If you aren’t white, you are pretty much like being born as a homo habilis and thinking you are equal to a homo sapiens.

Whites literally mog deathnics in every single aspect in life in every way possible.

Firstly, we already know that white males have a huge advantage in dating and that women want to fuck white men the most.

Second, whites literally invented almost everything in the last millennium. Everything deathnics use that makes society different from shit hole villages is made by white people.

Third, they literally conquered and won the game of empires and all deathnics are alive cause whites spared our ancestors. People complain about whites being oppressors and such, but they literally gave deathnic countries the ability to use their technology and didn’t just genocide them and replace their entire populations with white people. Deathnics are sore defeated loser races, and us being kept alive is like if homo sapiens kept the homo erectus alive.

Fourth, whites have the most diversity of all races in terms of appearance. Literally the only race with people with different hair colours and different eye colours. This one trait of having light is so sexually attractive that it spread all over Europe because of how attractive it is. Just look at blue eyes, they look like cosmic nebula.

As a Jew who’s people have gotten genocided by whites, it’s a brutal reality to accept. Deathnics are just bearing witness to the world whites are building, and that we are no more than monkey and apes that watch them build the world, while deathnic whores all want to fuck the white males as well.

It’s absolutely over, racepill has completely destroyed me. How can I cope knowing that I’m not the main race? What’s the point of being the secondary ape character other than being a laughing stock and humiliation of this world. If a deathnic had any dignity, they wouldn’t be able to continue on living as such a lowly being.

Son of the 1st Revolution & Rebel Rebel #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Help! My Daughter Is Marrying a White Man Against My Wishes.

(Son of the 1st Revolution)

The mother could be a columnist for AMREN.

If you look at the original article, Jenée Desmond-Harris is the columnist and she is very black. She's unintentionally hilarious telling the concerned father "My advice boils down to this: Stay in your lane. And the name of the lane is: Absentee father."

And perhaps more tellingly, "A lot of people would say one of the problems here is that you care about her fiancé’s race at all. But I don’t agree. I can see a Black father who is close to his daughter reasonably saying,
'Oh wow, he’s white? Just checking, how does he feel about raising Black children?' In that sense, I don’t think it’s totally inappropriate to express concern. But it’s a weird thing to do if you haven’t shown the same kind of care about other issues in your daughter’s life."

So the stereotype about the absentee black father holds true. Also, the columnist acknowledges the recessiveness of white genes. How does the planned husband feel about raising black kids? He's throwing his genes away. None of his kids will look anything like him.

(Rebel Rebel)
I used to live in a military town where WM/BF couples were very common.

Being curious by nature, I asked a couple of the military men what made them marry Black women. A number of them told me that they had grown up in towns with very few, if any Black people. Others told me that they were put off by the phoniness and over feminist attitudes of White women. Other stated that they were attracted tot he confidence and vibrancy of Black women. A few told me Black women were more sexually adventurous "you know." I didn't say anything to such comment, but I was tempted to say "no I don not know what you mean." However, it does show that younger White men tend to be sex obsessed. Anyway, just look at Price Harry and Meghan Markle. Prince Harry has long been known to be a sexual abnormal man.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Parent Files Complaint Against Atlanta Elementary School, Alleges It’s Segregating Classes

Black principal brought back segregation to benefit black students.

There are probably a thousand problems in a school with that many blacks including the fact most of them are poorly behaved and will eventually graduate functionally illiterate. If the complainant was one of those rare black parents serious about education, then I can see why she wants her kid in with white students instead of blacks.

(Sclavius Scotus)
A step in the right direction.

Segregation in American life grows with each passing year as a matter of people's living preferences. Small step to make it locally legally allowable.


"First, it was just disbelief that I was having this conversation in 2020 with a person that looks just like me — a Black woman,”

Is she implying that her (the father is not mentioned as usual) offspring needs a classroom that includes the Whites (and possibly Asians) to study?

On a different note: I'd love to find out the REAL rationale behind that classroom assignment... I have MY rationale however it's too cynical...

(Bill Berens)
You know dang well the black principal and teachers played it like the white kids were a detriment.

"Posey said she insisted her child be placed in a class with white students."

Why? To destroy the learning environment for the white kids?

(Yung Ho)
Is this a bad thing? No this is what blacks and whites unconsciously want!

Living in urban jungles my whole life, even when left to their own decisions, blacks and whites consciously self segregate.

I’m not hateful by any means because often I get along with sistas and bruthas, of course there are hostile racist ones - so I come from a different racial state of mind then most on here. While I have no problem with blacks personally Level, but on a general level / I know they bring down the standards and values of a nation.

itsmaam #racist 9gag.com

You will regret helping and eventually shelter [refugees from Afghanistan]. Once they feel comfortable, they will start being the pieces of shitty people they are. Guarateed

[In response to someone defending them] Good. Let them know your address and tell us how did it go in one year. You just talking but don't know how shitty these people are.

Once they start feeling safe and comfortable, they will demand you to adapt to their life style, but in a violent primitive way. These people are equal to pest. We must realize, accept and act on it.

Prussian Society of America #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Mathematics is Not Creative, It is a Man-Made Scourge and a Tool used by the Luciferians"]

The Information Age that we live in has also perhaps been one of the most Intellectually-obsessed Era that we live in, where the focus on Intelligence has been one of worship, rather than reverence

As such, Intelligence is “misplaced” and to a point where there is no longer any kind of Real Intelligence, because the Truest Intelligence first comes from Intuition and Wisdom

However, Modern Western Civilization rejects the notions of Intuition, and it also is not very keen on applying Wisdom. At least not in real application
Material is necessary for our survival, and I have no qualms against monumental figures being Mathematics, such as Blaise Pascal, however this Individual is a great exception in the fact that he possessed much wisdom and also the spirit to not become blind-sighted by Mathematics[…]It was his Philosophical Side which pioneered his knack for Invention and his proficiency in Mathematics, rather than the other way
Today, Mathematics is a cut and dry, calculating and Luciferian Agenda

People who think only by the means by Mathematics are essentially Evil and Calculating Cowards
Numerous youth who attend Universities in the Modern Era, actually believe that Mathematics is “Creative”, and the person who speaks this nonsense is as foolish as the one who worships the Tree Branch more than they do the Sweet Red Apple that hangs from it
The person who thinks ALL LOGICALLY and the person who thinks ALL EMOTIONALLY are both equally savage in nature

The entirely logical archetype, being represented by the Jew, while the entirely logical archetype being represented by the Negro
Mathematics has also permitted the Mass populations around the world to permit the COVID Tyranny and their Initiation into the Cult

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Now the last thing I wanted was to get in a fight / In Jackson Mississippi on a Saturday night"]

Robert Hampton contributes to the ongoing AmRen series about white flight in American cities by discussing the city named after the honourable Andrew Jackson
Hampton outlines the problem...

Businesses have been leaving for years. A local news article from 2003 lamented: “Downtown Jackson was once booming with business, but over the years businesses have slowly left. Today, there is only a skeleton of what once was.” That problem only gotten worse. Unlike most Southern cities, Jackson’s population has declined by more than 40,000 since 1980 and is now 155,000

You don't have to be a genius to guess at the cause:

Jackson wasn’t always like this. This 1961 documentary on the city’s battle with segregation shows what it once was. White couples walked the streets and business thrived. Jackson was a nice place to live — and watch a movie

In 1960, it was 64 percent white. Today, it’s only 16 percent white

speculareffect #sexist #racist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut #elitist speculareffect.org

I’ve warned several men over the past 21 years about women. I have, with an unfiltered perseverance, discussed the true nature of women, at lengths with hundreds of men. Some listened, others think they’ve got it all figured out.

Well, Kamala Harris is set to become the first female president of the USA. That means she is going to be the president of the entire planet — the gynotopia’s goddess head.

This is what the Taliban psyop is all about. To create a legitimate reason for Biden to step down which would then allow the cunt from hell, to usurp the throne.

It is perfect, too, because she’s a woman, which means she’s a total jackass — completely dumb, knows nothing about anything and will use all of our resources towards “fixing the world”. That includes male life, which will become even more expendable and wasted. Especially with what’s going on with cunts in Afghanistan. All of it is pushed by media propaganda and lies, but who cares? Women are “powerful” and the answer to all the world’s ills and will rely on male lives and vitality to create a gynotopic utopia.

You think what we all experienced the past 50 years was bad? Wait until Kamala becomes president. Full-scale Communism in your ass! An all-out assault on boys and men will ramp up. The divorce rates will skyrocket to an unprecedented level, if it hasn’t already. There will be more chaos and debauchery. Faggots, trannies and whores everywhere you go. Retarded children holding prominent positions in society. Inflation on a scale never seen before, because all “refugees” and migrants must be fed and taken care of, like kittens in trees being rescued. Free housing for this one and that one, because it is the “nice” thing to do, regardless of the detrimental impacts such policies will have.

I know for a fact, that when this happens, I will be vindicated, but I take no delight in this. For this will surely be the end of us all.

Jim #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #racist blog.reaction.la

[From "Where we are now"]

A survey of the talking heads talking about the fall of Kabul confirms that our major military objective in Afghanistan was to teach nine year old girls to put a condom on a banana

I am happy about the fall of Kabul, because Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires
We face two live faiths that hate us and want us to die, progressivism and Islam
Holy war is coming, and you need to take a gun to a gunfight, and a faith to a holy war. Our best prospect for winning is the Christianity that is barely beginning to show tiny shoots of green in Russia

Old Type Roman Catholicism is alive, and I wish it well, but the Pope is a heretic, an apostate, and a pagan, and the Vatican is in the pocket of the lavender mafia
Even Old Type Roman Catholicism is fatally blue pilled, and has been ever since it capitulated to the Troubadours. We need a state religion that is compatible with elite fertility, or else whites will disappear and the remnants will be wiggers

Orthodoxy has the great advantage of being a coalition of national faiths

When the Tsar conquered some place X that was not orthodox, he would install a King of X, and would send a Russian Orthodox priest from Russia to X to run their state religion
We have to replace our existing universalist state religion of progressivism and woke with a national and nationalist state religion, and Orthodoxy fits the bill better than old type Roman Catholicism, which is fatally and inherently blue pilled and fatally supranational
Keeping the roads open, orderly, and safe is the sort of thing that empires are good at and can easily do. Getting nine year old girls woke is pushing muck uphill, and empires go to Afghanistan to die because they are pushing muck uphill

The Conservative Monster #psycho #racist amren.com

Seeing this disgusting desecration of American history by these savages who should have been deported centuries ago, makes me believe only one thing is necessary. Overthrow our government and then Deport every Negro and Mexican in this country and if that doesn't work then it is time for Civil War. We need to treat black lives matter and all of the nonwhites living here like the Taliban treats everyone. We need to take over the United States, the government, the military, and make this happen before we become not a Third World country but even worse. A country that is left with only tribalism and 15 different languages with each culture, nationality, language, fighting against each other for food, water, medicine, and basic human survival.

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Germany is Nearly Finished, Almost Likely in a few months if Germans do nothing."]

For those of you in Germany, you better smarten up real fast and get with the program. The machinations moving forwards right now in Germany are all but to ensure that there will be no chance of its survival or any reversal for all time, if people do not initialize Civil Wars and Unrest in the country

It may be by early Next year that the Eternal Fate is sealed for the country, as the time window is really mostly over
I am calling on the German people who still have brain cells working, all Members of the Bundeswehr, of the Working Public, all Members of society, Male or Female, Young and Old alike
Only Germany – a German Revival and Renaissance, with full Restoration of our Reich can rescue Europe and only GERMANY is an equipped people who have the knowledge to fight against the Communist threat

Do not look up to America’s Leadership or Russia’s Leadership of where or who to turn to, or who deserves the right to hold the torch

The Torch belongs to GERMANY and GERMANY ONLY and you must be willing to accept this fate
Germany has not had a legitimate regime in power since the National Socialists fell
This regime in power is now bringing Afghani refugees into your land, who will not only despise you but will even further the abuse of the Welfare State and push their own replacement measures upon that which remains of Germany
If you are a German who believes in Democracy, a German who is against our Reich[…]if you are a German who believes that anyone can “Become German” you are most DEFINITELY Anti-German and guilty of Treason to the highest order! A legitimate regime would have absolutely every right and authority to strip you of German citizenship and identity, even up to your surname and do whatever they please to punish you and torment you

Spit #racist #wingnut southfront.org

White Nationalists like myself have found alternatives that I cannot openly speak about. all I can say is that there are Millions enjoying anonymity Sharing Files encryption end to end and web 2.0 is in development, 5 ish Years so the people say.

Education based infrastructure, get paid to be good. White controlled.
The reason Youtube is deplatforming is because Whites are using adblockers adNausium and a derivative of Bluelight that clicks on random advertisements While You Sleep.
They are being deplatformed because they have no money.
I Spit Fire.

Socrates #crackpot #elitist #racist #sexist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

Why The Left Hates America

If Blacks, Browns, women and homosexuals had founded The United States of America in 1776, you couldn’t shut them up about it. They’d be bragging 24/7 about how they founded the best, freest, most productive and most powerful country on earth.

But that’s not what happened, of course.

The emotional, child-like Left hates America because it was created and run by conservative White males and only by them, not by anyone else [1]. That’s a huge sin to the Left, and the leftists cannot forgive White males for that “crime.” How dare they nearly achieve perfection all by themselves, without including Blacks, Browns, queers, women, midgets and vegetarians! How dare they! That wasn’t inclusive! That wasn’t democratic!


[1] the Left is a coalition of angry losers that uses your tax dollars to wage war against you

Socrates #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

America: Fucking Things Up Since 1941

It doesn’t matter what it is, America is pre-programmed to screw it up: Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Covid-19 “pandemic.”

America knew that strangling Japan (i.e., preventing her from getting oil) would lead us into war in 1941. It did. (In fact, president Roosevelt was counting on it, as a backdoor to war with Germany) [1].

America also knew, early on, that the war in Afghanistan was a lost cause. But we stayed there anyway. We were determined to bring democracy to sand niggers who didn’t want democracy.

Not only did we waste billions (maybe trillions) of tax dollars on Afghanistan, but now, we are gonna bring 100,000 Afghan “refugees” to America so that they can rape our women. Yaaaay! Diversity!

Of course, you can thank Jews for all of this. Because anything that happens in the Middle East (vis-a-vis America) is ultimately about Israel.


[1] as early as October 1940, Roosevelt had decided that America would wage war against Japan, and he told Navy Admiral James O. Richardson, Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet, just that. So much for the Pearl Harbor attack being a “surprise”! There’s no bigger asshole in American history than Roosevelt, who started WWII by ordering Britain to make Poland “a line in the sand that Hitler couldn’t cross.” That order actually came from the Jewish powerbroker Bernard Baruch, who was Roosevelt’s handler and advisor. Today, Roosevelt is remembered fondly by history teachers and “Greatest Generation” stooges as the man who “protected America” and “guided us through the depression.” Nope!

Rob Pue #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #racist #transphobia newswithviews.com

This world is not our home, so we shouldn’t cling too tightly to it. It’s merely the battlefield we’re called to fight on during these dark days.

Having said that, it’s important that we’re also vigilant and understand all that’s happening in this world right now. While many prefer to remain ignorant, not able to stand any “bad news,” it falls upon God’s people to remain informed, and inform others, being wise as serpents, but harmless as doves.
Meanwhile, the American Medical Association has passed a resolution to lobby for the removal of “sex designation” from birth certificates.

And the James Dobson Family Institute recently reported that the so-called “Family-friendly” Disney movie, “Jungle Cruise” includes one of the characters “coming out’ as homosexual and explaining that he has broken off multiple engagements with women because his “interests happily lay elsewhere.” This is for CHILDREN, folks.

Another Christian organization has also fallen to the sodomite agenda. World Vision is now requiring vendors to sign a “Business Code of Conduct,” which includes promising to select and promote personnel “without discrimination or concern for sexual orientation and gender indentity or expression.” That should earn them some “points” with the HRC.

And the White House just announced the first Muslim American nominated to be the US ambassador-at-large for International Religious Freedom. How do you suppose that will work out for American Christians?
There are those who continue to be fearful of a virus, of the government, of the Luciferian New World Order that IS coming, because, they either don’t know God or acknowledge Him or don’t really follow Him. Fear and faith cannot exist simultaneously. When we understand that, as true Remnant Believers, we have the very Holy Spirit of God living inside us, we have the perfect Counselor and Comforter, and therefore, unlike the rest of the world, WE have real power, real love and sound minds.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: West Texas Becomes Latest Border Battleground


“It’s become the wild, wild, West again”

Of course. We do have to be ‘tolerant’ of nonwhites, don’t we? Isn’t that how it works? Nothing has changed regarding race relations in 400 years. . . Except our numbers decline while their’s increases. It’s getting more difficult for our leaders to send out yet more whites oblivious to the dangers and to what has gone before.

(Scientific Realist)
In Saudi Arabia they amputate the hand of someone who is found guilty of theft. Thieves who get caught stealing twice will end up permanently disabled. Consequently, Saudi Arabia has one of the lowest theft rates in the entire world.

The American government should learn from the Arabs and likewise treat illegal border crossers with the harshest penalty possible, which would send a strong message to potential illegal aliens and cause them to think twice about migrating illegally. What should be done? Send any illegal alien to a penal camp for life where they work tirelessly for sixteen hours a day for seven days a week. They could never get a pardon or ever get out. Harsh as this idea is, it would virtually eliminate the illegal alien problem.

Yeah, we got a ranch 100 miles West of San Antonio. And I wish we didn`t. Totally my spouses property and her "quiet place". Though we haven`t had this happen yet, I know it`s only a matter of time. First thing, I would never never ever leave guns and ammo in the house. Because I want a fighting chance of being the only one with firepower when I pull up. Knowing I`ll be outnumbered either three or five or eleven to one. What I hate most, is laying down to sleep knowing that we are actually more vulnerable than at an isolated highway rest stop at 4am.

Seems like property owners could use their own discretion about ridding their property of these invaders. Just be sure to bury the evidence and no one will ever know.

PPEcel & Nicole Poole Franklin #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Deranged femoid receives 25-year federal sentence for running over two children with her car in racially motivated attack. Reddit barely notices.

Hmm. Why did this member of le empathetico genderino commit such a heinous crime?

Poole Franklin stated she saw the female minor victim walking on the sidewalk, and decided to run the minor over because she was Hispanic, was “takin’ over our homes, and our jobs” and “wasn’t supposed to be in the country.” In reference to the 12 year old boy, Poole Franklin stated she ran him over because “he’s just like ISIS,” and “he’s not supposed to be there and he’s going to take me out.”

Yikes! Sounds like she has a great personality.

convictions for stabbing her paramour

she bit her husband, brandished a knife, and repeatedly said she would kill him

Remember, sweaty, only femoids can be victims of domestic abuse!

Federal sentencing guidelines recommended a 30-year sentence. The judge erred on the side of leniency and sentenced her to 25 years and 4 months.

But what's even more revealing is how little attention this case is getting from the usual crowd of SJWs. If it were not for my subscription to the DOJ's email alerts, I wouldn't have learnt about it.

Let us envision another situation. Suppose a conventionally unattractive man runs over two teenage girls with his car. When asked why he did it, he says "well, they're pretty girls". The Redditverse would no doubt erupt in anger and righteous indignation, describe it as "terrorism", make hundreds if not thousands of posts, make crude prison rape jokes, ask for the death penalty, and request that governments curtail online freedom of expression.

But a white femoid with a rap sheet rivalling that of the most hardened of gangbangers decides to hit two ethnics with her car? Well, I guess it's a non-issue. M'lady was just mentally ill!

Of course redditors and sjw ignore this when she is same as them, racist and man-hater, she should be reddit saint.

C.T. #racist #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Little fags"]

The images of the Taliban capturing Kabul cannot help but make me think of the more than pathetic state of the Aryan man throughout the entire West. Instead of doing the same in the capitals of their respective nations—reclaiming them from governments that want to genocide Aryans—they behave like ultra-feminine, battered and submissive women, including white nationalists

We can already imagine warriors like the Aryans of yesteryear, but now with rockets on their backs like the Taliban freedom fighters, triumphantly entering the great capitals of Europe, Australia and North America to reclaim their nations… and their Sabine women! But no: the little fags of today have already chosen the extinction of their race…

An Indian kid, like the one Savitri Devi said a few words about in my previous post (read the passage around ‘The Führer would be very surprised if he knew how to interpret his doctrine in the Halls of Calcutta!’) grasped historical reality. Aren’t Aryan males of today ashamed before this brown kid?

Linda Harvey #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #sexist missionamerica.com

Meanwhile, authentic risks stalk our children daily at school, in the media and elsewhere. How about a little perspective here? Can I get an Amen?
We are living in times of strong delusion. It’s probably not The Strong Delusion of 2 Thessalonians, but a veil of deception has apparently descended on much of America, and its name is “safety.”

Government warning labels on everyday life or low-risk activities are becoming tiresome. One young girl in Northern Kentucky spoke against masks at a school board meeting, invoking “my body - my choice,” and was backed by overwhelming audience applause.

But Scripture is unfolding before our eyes, where evil is good, and good is evil.
If they had been totally masked Antifa or Black Lives Matter activists setting fires and smashing windows, Kamala Harris would already be raising money for their defense. Destructive progressive protests are indulged because as we know (or are supposed to believe), white, heterosexual privilege is horribly damaging, it’s omnipresent along with the horrors of capitalism, probably even at this library. And it deserves random violence.

In this same library in recent weeks, prominently displayed books entice children into sexual behavior in all directions. They can and often should change genders (which usually brings lifelong medical disability and disfigurement). And our youth should consider being “gay” or “queer,” behaviors associated with high medical risks.
Incorrect pronouns are an existential threat, along with abstinence-until-marriage sex education. And questioning a confused student’s opposite sex identity is “gender violence,” according to the latest edition of the National Sex Education Standards.

Administering puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to gender confused children constitutes no harm but “saves lives,” according to the latest “best-practices” in medicine. Hippocrates is rolling over in his grave.

Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut amren.com

Twenty years of fighting in Afghanistan ended in a humiliation. Our rulers refuse to understand that human groups are different.

You won’t find the Japanese or the Mexicans trying to turn other people into something they aren’t.

I thought having colonies was supposed to be one of the worst things the white man ever did. How was what we were doing not colonialism?

Were they supposed to fight for a puppet government propped up – for 20 years – by infidel colonists?

Whatever you think of the Taliban, they are real Afghans, ready to die for Allah and to get the hated Americans off their backs. You might even call their victory a kind of consensus democracy on the battlefield.

Do you remember the hilarious attempt to require all school districts in America to get students of all races to perform at the same level? I guess the idea was to turn everyone into Asians. Of course, it was a complete failure. In 2015, morons in Congress replaced it with a new law will turn turn José and Shaniqua into computer programmers. Believe it or not, it’s called the “Every Student Succeeds Act.”

Of course, now we are all in a moral panic because we left behind tens of thousands of Afghans who sold their souls to us. We couldn’t turn Afghans into Americans in Afghanistan, so we’ll just try it here. The Swedes have been trying to turn Afghans into Swedes. Instead, they have the highest rape rate in Europe.

In Kabul, burkas are suddenly high fashion. One costs ten times more than it did last week. *You* may not like it, but if Afghans want to throw blue sheets over their women isn’t that their business?

When our soldiers finally come home, I have a different job for them: Stop the invasion of a quarter of a million people swarming across our Southern border every month! Isn’t the army supposed to stop invasions? But, no, they can’t do that, because everyone knows Guatemalans and Salvadorans will learn broken English and drink Coca Cola, and that will make them as American as you and I.

Various Incels #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: LifeFuel Taliban kill woman for not wearing burqa in public.

Talibans: Discovering new hights of basedness every day.

The funny thing is, soon every afghan female will embrace their natural place and start to be happy like they havent been in the last 20 years. Cucks will say that they are no longer receptive to feminist propaganda due to censorship. They cant accept that 99% of afghan foids wanted this to happen deep inside.

I was gonna say that I disagreed with their actions and I would rather sexually enslave her as punishment instead of killing her in Minecraft but now that I see the pic it seems like that bitch was pretty ugly lol good riddance

must have called them inkel thinking she was still protected by the globohomo

Reminds me of the Khmer Rouge or the cultural revolution in China.

The western narrative doesn't interpret those events accurately imo and the way I view it goes like this:

The Cambodians and communist Chinese purged their country of people who were westernized (white washed as we say). Mostly killing them all and seizing their property.

The original Chinese communist were aligned with the Slavic-Jewish communist imperialists. A different flavor from Anglo-Jewish capitalist world order but still a cumskin male attempt to shape the world in their image nonetheless.

I think most Asian nations are just satisfied to be themselves, and don't want foreign men coming in to cuck them and steal or influence their women. Which is a tendency that white cumskin men have (whether eastern Slavic-Jewish communists or western Anglo-Jewish capitalists) in bullying/cucking men of the Asian continent.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #homophobia henrymakow.com

In the last few years, banks have become increasingly active in pushing the globalist agenda. For example, my bank is all for "diversity" --homosexuality and im-migration. (It is rare to find a male white teller at a Canadian bank who is not a homosexual.) Similarly, most corporations sing from the same globalist songbook.

Banks are all franchises of the Rothschild world central banking system, much like some MacDonald's stores are independently owned. But banks all depend on the central bank for "money." That's why banks and the corporations dependent on them promote bizarre agendas like gender dysfunction, family breakdown, gun control, miscegenation and minority status for Caucasians.
Who owns this franchise? This system of accounts? Who adds or subtracts credit?

Who decides who gets to play?

A syndicate of mostly cabalist (Masonic) Jewish banking families led by the Rothschilds.

Unfortunately, these Cabalists are Satanists. They are determined to protect and extend this banking monopoly to a monopoly over everything -- real wealth, political power, knowledge, media, education, culture, religion, law etc. They want to own us and our children as well. (We are collateral on the national debt.) This is the essence of Communism and New World Order which is largely in place.
The "Deep State" is the secret network dedicated to protecting the fraudulent banking system and advancing its satanic agenda. Most of the players belong to Freemasonry or Organized Jewry. Intelligence agencies like the CIA, Mossad, and MI-6, the police and the army are the bankers' enforcers. Mass surveillance (the NSA etc.) ensures that nobody gets any ideas.

Everyone -- MDs, cops, politicians, journalists -- is controlled by money. Our feckless ancestors gave our national credit cards to people who want to destroy us, This, in a nutshell, is the key to understanding the covid hoax.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

The War Comes Home

There isn’t an “Afghanistan.” It is a patchwork of tribes. The United States tried to impose an artificial “national” government.

America should never have tried to turn them into proto-Americans.

Indeed, we can’t even turn refugees into Americans. The most prominent “refugee” in America is Ilhan Omar. She said 9/11 was “some people did something,” and brags, “This is not going to be the country of white people.” Tucker Carlson says she’s proof our country is “not very good at resettling refugees.” The Hmong, another “allies” imported after Vietnam, have been a disaster for America and a burden on social services.

Whites are second-class citizens. The “American” government discriminates against us, “American” schools shame our children, the government hands out contracts by race, and anti-white mobs tear down our history. Media and academia have successfully broken many whites to the point they have a negative bias against their own group. “American” law enforcement is selective. Corporate America funds Black Lives Matter and other anti-white movements. If this were happening to any other group, many Republicans would say it justified military intervention in the name of human rights.

Is the system that rules us worth defending? No. If that makes me a “traitor,” I would say only that there is nothing to betray. Our rulers have already betrayed us.

Reporters brag about getting the military to purge white soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who had a racial consciousness. The military teaches Critical Race Theory. General Mark Milley was telling Congress why we had to study “white rage.” He should have been studying intelligence reports on the Taliban.

After 9/11, it was common to mock the idea of a “War on Terror,” How do you fight an idea? No one is mocking the fight against “hate.”

We should talk openly of secession That is how this country began.

If the last few weeks have taught us anything, it’s that a strong tribe can outlast a failing empire.

H.Himmler #conspiracy #pratt #racist amren.com

Blacks, as we know, are far more likely to commit crime, especially violent crime, murder and rape. Add to this their exceptional stupidity, and you now have before you the perfect group of people useful as a tool. Perpetually suffering, agitated and easily manipulated, the 2% tribe are using these animals as a means to strip WHITES of OUR rights. Don’t you see this?

When Fentanyl Floyd overdosed and died, one and only ONE thing made it into something it wasn’t (newsworthy), the MEDIA. The media, which is unquestionably, irrefutably owned, controlled and dominated by tribal interests, write the script for the black narrative, and they play them like the worthless animals they are, whipping them into violent frenzy with a single “news” story. In turn this creates a “defund the police” movement, which, after the apes, as expected, spike their crime rates through the roof, leads to a call for INCREASED POLICE FUNDING...

So we’re going to become a police state, eventually surrendering all rights, all at the hands of the tribe and their violent, worthless pets.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist #wingnut poal.co

RE: Please Stop - I Can Only Get So Erect!



This must be a joke…

Liberals have lost their minds more than you even know. It's making them literally insane, not just about coronachan.

There's a message board I've been active on. I never had an issue with anybody there. All I did was mention that taxation is theft and the liberals on the board made themselves know by losing their shit. Holy fuckin' shit they've lost their fucking marbles.

I don't even have words. I don't care about what they say to me, but seeing how many people are just completely neurotic and insane these days is scary. I still can't figure out how it happened.

I was sitting at an intersection holding a sign that read " If covid is a threat why is the border wide open?". A young woman literally stopped her car, shot me the middle finger, and screamed FUCK YOU! several times. I could pick her up by the neck with one arm and the crazy little bitch wanted to fight me? I just replied "back atcha baby!".

Why is it always the women. I swear to God they are completely nuts. Want to be equal? Yep Don't buy a valentine? Nope, and I will rock your world with screaming and crying. Repeal the 19th.

Related conversation with a buddy the other day....

If even minor transgressions against the Woke Cult results in those kinds of reactions then why even bother with minor transgressions. Might as well start dropping J-bombs and other MOABs. The blowback is the same.

Because Cluster B personality disordered people make it their duty to drag everyone down to their level of misery. Instead of focussing on their own life achievements, or their grit to do things in general - they have to shortcut their way to special privileges, power, or prestige and drag down others in the process. It's why I don't willingly associate with such clowns - they are a waste of time and space.

None & connorhus #crackpot #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

You touched on many points but missed THE point. From the World Wars until now, the world population has gone from 2 billion people to nearly 8 billion "people" mostly because of children surviving to adulthood in China, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Google a map of population density and you immediately see THE point. Although these people use resources, they do not create them. They eat, but do not produce food. Mostly, the children survive because White people have such advanced technology, we can create and bring them food even when there are no roads and no electrical grid to preserve food using refrigeration.

Afghanistan is not about which group of White people control the region, Russian or US. It is not about the "Taliban". There is no Taliban. This is one of the points you mentioned but failed to grok. There is no organized military or attempt at control of the region. Just a handful of fools riding a limited number of motorbikes with a few gallons of gas and smiling for the camera. The claim is audacious and similar to saying there is a gang of four or five high school dropouts with 2 guns and a car in the driveway that does not run claiming they control New York City. Just a lie.

So what is true? We have roughly 6 billion fools who are longer being fed by White people, who are about to die within weeks in a disaster no one imagined possible.

The goal, and this goes waaaay back to the British Empire, was to teach these people to at least grow food. They can't.

Now what.

Now they prey on each other and scream for other White people to send them aid, which we will do, and then tell us how evil we are. Will never stop until there are no longer enough Whites left to carry the non-White world. Just chalk this up to another useless area like Chicago or South Africa and keep in mind the meter just moved a bit further to collapse.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist dailystormer.name

[From "The Dead Chicago Cop is a Woman"]


Reports are that Officer Ella French is “not looking so smug” now that she’s had her top popped off by a roving negro youth
USA Today

One Chicago police officer was dead and another was fighting for his life Sunday after a shootout during what was supposed to have been a routine traffic stop, authorities said
Chicago police on Twitter confirmed the identity of the killed officer as Ella French, the first female officer shot to death in the line of duty since Irma Ruiz, who was killed inside an elementary school in 1988

When it comes to police vs. negroes, I support endless conflict

The more these two groups, both enemies of the White Christian people who remain unvaxxed, fight with each other, the less time they have to oppress me and my people with their equally brutal means

Despite my lack of any personal dog in this fight, I cannot imagine any situation where responsibility for the death did not fall squarely on the female cop. It is the job of a cop to understand the base animal nature of the negro, as at least before they became virus patrol, 98% of the interactions of the inner-city cop were with the negro

A female cop, however, is so high on her own sense of power and entitlement that she is incapable of respecting the pure and unadulterated savagery that the young negro male represents
The negro is unmoved by threats, given that his existence does not stretch outside of a single moment in time, and a threat, by its very nature, must reference a potential future event
What’s more, I’ve even talked sense into a negress before, and averted a potentially life-ruining disaster. I would never in a million years attempt to talk sense to a female cop

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Leftist Filmmaker Michael Moore Celebrates Decline in White People

Calls it the "best day ever in US history."

(Lawrence Drake)
If China floods Tibet with Chinese nationals and boasts that it will no longer be Tibetan then it's an outrage. If it happens to white people then it's good, moral and necessary.

Michael Moore owns nine homes. How many have black or Hispanic neighbors? I'll eat my hat if any of them do.

Isn’t it funny how quickly the left went from:

“We care about the downtrodden middle class, no matter what race they may be”


“F white people!”

It’s almost enough to make you think their fabled concern for the working class was just a sham all along.

I just can't fathom the mental pathology on display here. Whites built the civilization that these leftists seem to have thrived in. Why do they just blindly assume that what is coming next will be better than what was already here? You would think that there were hard numbers that demonstrated that things consistently get better with diversity. But that just isn't the case. Maybe in a few years they'll be telling school kids that we didn't have flush toilets until about 1980, when some Ethiopian immigrant brought this gift to us poor benighted white people.

Middling leftists might be dumb enough to swallow the “diversity is strength” bs, but leftists at the top are well aware of the glaringly obvious track record of nonWhite/ nonOriental countries being disorderly and oppressive. The top leftists are intentionally trying to replace order with chaos, so that they will be given more authority to address the chaos that they themselves have invited. The left are demonic ghouls.

On a hunch I looked up Michael Moore.

This despicable man lives in Torch Lake, Michigan,

97% white, 1% black.

Of course. Moore probably has quite a few BLM lawn signs, but he lives in a safe secure gated community.

TruthDefenseForce #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut patriots.win

I Can't See a Way Forward Without a Patriarchal, White Nationalist Christian Nation. Can You?

Patriarchy is a counter to the effeminacy that is plaguing society. It leads to purpose, happiness and fulfilment, something this matriarchy does not lead to.

White Nationalism counters the racial divide in order to promote unity.

Traditional Christianity (not modern woke secular humanism masquerading as Christianity) promotes an ideal objective moral code upon society to combat the evil and degradation in society.

Combined together is the ideal society for our people.

Mothman777 #racist #conspiracy #wingnut mothman777.wordpress.com

Jews In Israel invented this weapon called 5G, and it will require transmitters every 100 metres in every nation foolish enough to adopt this so-called technology to carry it, and of course, such a weapon will not affect Israeli Jews when they don’t have any 5G transmitters every 100 metres in Israel, and of course, they won’t be applying these frequencies at these amplitudes on their own people in Israel by any other means, and the Jews will sit it out there whilst all the brain-damaged Gentiles sterilize themselves, get cancer and go mental with this weapon, as the Gentiles have been conned into trusting their genocidally-minded fake government leaders, who should all be ousted, to say the least. This, of course, is rather like the plot in the film ‘Kingsman’ with the satellite-enabled mobile phone frequencies that compel people to kill each other.

The Jews will be controlling this 5G rollout with the use of supercomputers though whilst they employ its potential for psychotronic warfare purposes against the ‘goyim’. The Israeli Jewish Talpiot Program is a military program that can already infiltrate all computers and mobile phones in all nations of the world.
Judaism is not a religion, it is a precise military agenda for multi-dimensional supremacy over all other peoples, fully intent on the eventual elimination of all Gentiles, and even the Jewish ‘scriptures’ and their already UN-approved worldwide Noahide Laws, which are yet to be put on statute in most nations in the world, before physically enforced, literally state that all members of what the Jews term idolatrous religions must all be killed. What kind of government heads in the UN approved this? THE ANSWER IS; INFILTRATED CRYPTO-JEWISH ENEMY AGENTS DEVELOPING A PLAN TO ENSLAVE AND THEN EXTERMINATE BILLIONS OF US.

emasculasian #racist #sexist emasculasian.bdsmlr.com

Soon, the standard Asian male proposal will be offering their girlfriends keys to their chastity cages.

By offering to surrender full control of his sexuality to her, he is letting his partner know that he is willing to commit to a life of celibacy and servitude to be with her. His willingness to have his penis locked away by her will convey to her that his commitment to WMAF sex will be primarily for satisfying her sexual needs and desires, and not just for his own sexual gratification.

If she accepts the proposal, the locking away of his penis will be bound by law. Any attempts to break free from the cage or masturbate outside of her terms will be grounds for a divorce. His perpetual horniness for his wife will act as a constant motivator to make enough money to provide her with a lavish lifestyle, to cook and clean after her, and to be of service to her while she is with her string of White lovers.

Only when he has fulfilled all his duties as an Asian husband will he be allowed to have a brief release from his chastity cage, when he will finally get to masturbate to thought of his wife with her White lovers in private.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Polish version of 'The Office' announced in subreddit for The Office, many Yanks get upset by lack of racial diversity and gay characters


God damn Poland making a show for Polish people with Polish actors

Also can't w*sterners finally decide whether or not we are POC? Today they are complaining that some show has only white people, tomorrow some racist westoid will tell you about how polish plumbers are not aryan enough or some shit.

Westoids when theyre so againts racism theyre the m,ost racist people ever

Slavs are Schrodinger's whites. White when convenient.

Just as usual, westerners are so up their own asses they cannot comprehend that some countries have almost no black people.

I also love how they all immediately assume that there won't be a gay character. Holy fuck, if extremely homophobic Russia has those in their media sometimes, then why Poland can't have one?

Dipfucks, that's who they are.

Remember kingdom come deliverance?

They saying basically that we have to rewrite our history. To be more diverse. And please some people who probably don't give two shoots about same game.

They don't care for real diversity, then just want an excuse to not learn about other countries history and demographics.

Attention who.es just want gain some internet points and kicking whites (and Slav!) Is pretty easy.

'diversity' is a dog whistle for not white

Diversity is a word for "not just that group" ... yes white ppl are included dont lost your shits they deserve to be there 2

It means having many of different things combined, but to the west it seems that it means more blacks = more diverse

Remember how they called black panther the most "diverse film ever made!" but the cast was 95% black? thats the opposite of diversity.

Jeanice Barcelo #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy #racist davidicke.com

Over the past few decades, there has been a strong calling for the restoration of the Divine Feminine. The media, along with many liberal-minded folks, assert that we are living in a world full of male privilege, male dominance, and “toxic masculinity”. Therefore, we need to bring back the Divine Feminine in order to restore balance in our world
As a woman, I agree that feminine energy is needed to help heal our Earth. Indeed, I enthusiastically support the restoration of the Divine Feminine. However, I cannot help but notice that the push for women’s power and so-called “liberation” is being simultaneously broadcast with a vicious assault against men and masculinity (especially against white men and white masculinity). Concepts of “toxic masculinity”, “male privilege”, “white privilege”, and “white supremacism” abound. And recently, the senile, child groping, fake President of the United States asserted that “white supremacists” are the deadliest threat to us all.
Thanks to the overt mind control programming, male potency is at an all-time low. And this is why evil has been allowed to run amok in our world, despite millions of American men having arsenals in their homes, and some with years of military training behind them. 150 years ago, Tony Fauci and Bill Gates would have been hanging from lamp posts. Today, these murderous psychopaths are allowed to roam free. I believe this is happening because millions of men are stuck in a state of learned helplessness that is the result of media-induced hypnosis combined with the black magic and sadistic rituals of the medical establishment – all of which involve trauma-based mind control. Decades of culturally-induced and medically-induced trauma, fortified by the satanic programming of the media, has led to a plethora of men becoming lost to alcohol, drugs, video gaming, and/or pornography. Such men are not able to step into their power, and as a result, women are being forced to take on the male role.

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #psycho #homophobia prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Don’t Expect the Americans, particularly “Conservatives” to give up their ideas of Civic Nationalism and Egalitarianism"]

Most Americans are so stupid they don’t even know the difference between a Revolt/Civil War and a Revolution[…]Americans are too much of pussies to even stage a Revolt against Masking or Vaccines even at this late point

What makes you think they will ever awaken to the Jewish problem and deal with them?

Never going to happen. The Americans are in love with Jews, and even the ones who pretend to be aware of the JQ, such as David Duke, always have no problem with embracing the Jews because they consider only “International Jewry” or “Zionism” to be the problem
Americans seen “Conservatism” as a strategy, therefore it is not something innate
At this stage in American History, Conservatives are more liberal than even the way Liberals were in their early stages
The average American Conservative/Right-Winger does NOT accept the idea of Racial Segregation and Separatism[…]because American Whites are not racially conscious whatsoever

But what the American Whites fail to recognize, is that the Blacks, Hispanics, Asians or others whom they choose to embrace in their political activities “ARE” VERY well racially conscious
From the earliest of age, I was raised in a racially conscious family and we never were concerned with seeming “Racist”
There is also a sister equivalent statement to this when bringing up the subject about gay people, it goes “Are they gay? Oh but not that I have anything against them being gay or anything!”
Muddled in their egalitarian delusions, the Americans are too stupefied to even realize that they will not get their former life back from 2019 and earlier and that the only way to do so would be to react with violence! This violence should have taken place no later than June 2020

Brian Niemeier #fundie #crackpot #homophobia #racist brianniemeier.com

The only way to defeat a moral vision is with a superior moral vision. The Taliban of all people gave the decadent West a demonstration of this principle when their erroneous yet still superior moral vision set the Cult to rout. To break the Death Cult’s social dominance here and keep them from regaining a foothold, we need a superior, unified moral vision. That means establishing a national religion, as Poland has done. To that end, I will establish the Catholic Church as America’s official faith.

This decision will surely give rise to much controversy. That’s fine. One of the chief benefits of monarchy is that the sovereign may stand unmoved by fits of mob pique. More practically speaking, the Catholic Church, for all her members’ faults, is the only sound foundation upon which to build a successful reaction against the Woke Cult.


A key tactic in the Death Cult’s revolution has been their relentless campaign to destroy the family. Putting a stop to these abominations will be a top priority throughout my reign. Specific pro-family policies will include:

Legally defining marriage as matrimony
Legally defining abortion as infanticide
Outlawing the sale, shipping, production, and purchase of artificial contraceptives
Granting every heritage American married couple a cumulative 20% income tax break for every child


The following measures will be thoroughly and swiftly enacted:

All land and sea borders between the United States and other countries closed.
All American military forces currently deployed overseas redeployed to defend those borders
The above to include rounding up, detaining, and deporting all foreign nationals in the country illegally
Birthright citizenship ended
Full immigration moratorium until such time as pre-1965 demographics are restored.


It’s an open secret that the alphabet soup agencies are spying on all communications between everyone. Full disclosure: I’m not getting rid of the glowie panopticon as emperor. Instead, I will use it with dry eye, cold blood, and iron fist to expose and punish the satanic pedos that populated the deposed order.

Sidney Secular #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #racist #quack newswithviews.com

If you’ve read the Bible or haven’t rejected it out of hand, it is not hard to see that what it calls “The Great Tribulation” or something akin to it, has begun to befall all of us, especially with the Covidiocy. I won’t turn this into a theological diatribe, which believers tend to get into easily, thereby turning some people off. I would just suggest you read The Book of Revelation to see how eerily its predictions seem to be coming to pass. Many Americans would like to go back to pre-COVID days and pretend or hope that things are returning to normal. However, it will be at best an abnormal normal with much lingering unemployment, evictions of tenants and or bankruptcy of small landlords, some chronic supply shortages, lingering lunacy involving some residual COVID nonsense such as masking, socialist distancing and lockdowns, paranoia among the ignorant owing to the depressing duplicity of the politicos, confrontations between the woke and the awake, sky-high prices, and the looming threat of the return to full fledged Covidiocy to sharply remind us we’re far from being out of the woods!
The voting tragedy and travesties of the 2020 elections must be completely turned around through very forceful and persistent action if we are to have any hopes of restoring the Historic American Nation as a viable entity. There are those still insulated from the nefarious things that take place around the world daily and the Pollyannas would rather not be perturbed and disturbed by being forced to have to think of or confront such things. They favor the palaver and poop meted out by the mainstream media via their “communications devices” and the Jewspapers assuring them they are in the good hands of the govmint at all levels who are looking out for their interests (no kidding!).

Matthias Cicotte #fundie #racist #transphobia #wingnut #psycho theguardian.com

The Guardian has identified an Alaska assistant attorney general as a supporter of the Mormon-derived extremist group the Deseret nationalists who has posted a series of racist, antisemitic and homophobic messages on social media
Matthias Cicotte, whose job means he works as the chief corrections counsel for Alaska’s attorney general, has acted for the department of law in a number of civil rights cases
In 2016, the account sent a tweet evoking a past time when “real history was taught in school, angry yentas didn’t rule, white men didn’t play the fool”
In a March tweet, JReubenCIark claimed that accusations of racism were “purely a tool to control people on the right”
On 15 June last year, he riffed on a catchphrase of the so-called Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, tweeting: “The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its Consequences Have Been a Disaster for the Human Race”
He tweeted: “Is it ‘white supremacy’ to note that some racial groups have higher IQs than others based on IQ tests? I believe that and I am only a Deseret supremacist”
On 25 June last year he wrote: “I can’t believe there’s a faithful Latter-day Saint out there who can look at the collapse of birthrates among the Latter-day Saints and say, ‘Well, hey, at least lots of Catholic Mexicans are coming to the US’”
Discussing an incident in Provo, Utah, in which a man appeared to drive his car into a crowd of BLM protesters, he remarked: “No one had a right to block his car. You all belong in jail”
Responding to news of a Drag Time Story Hour event in Long Beach, California, Cicotte wrote: “This demon should be burned to death and everyone responsible for that library event should be in prison”
JReubenCIark concluded a thread on how best to respond to the left’s characterizations of conservatives with the remark: “If brute violence is the only way to be free of them, what do they expect us to do?”

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist benjaminfulford.net

After the Fukushima mass murder event of March 11, 2011 (3.11) the Rothschilds sent a representative to explain why Fukushima was attacked. He said they planned to move their Asian headquarters from Tokyo, Japan to North Korea. To accomplish this they intended to move 40 million Japanese from Greater Tokyo to North Korea. They even showed me a map of their planned industrial zone there.
The other thing that happened was that immediately after 3.11, Israeli crime minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Prime Minister Kan and told him that if Japan did not hand over its entire $7 trillion or so in foreign currency, then electro-magnetic weapons would be used to cause Mt.  Fuji to erupt.

However, at this point, something unexpected happened.  Hundreds of earthquakes hit the Atlantic Island of La Palma immediately after 311.  There was a very real danger that it would collapse into the ocean and cause a 100-meter tsunami to hit the U.S. Eastern and European Southern coasts.  The earthquakes stopped only after the U.S. military contacted the White Dragon Society and promised that no further attacks would be allowed against Japan.

Nonetheless, the Khazarian Mafia headquartered in Switzerland succeeded in re-imposing a slave Prime Minister on Japan.  Abe Shinzo was put in place via a fraudulent election.  Following this, he was invited to be a keynote speaker at the gathering of Western oligarchs in Davos, Switzerland

Jack Posobiec & Tim Pool #pratt #psycho #racist #wingnut youtube.com

JP: And Bowser knows this, she knows exactly who she's catering to, and she will paint Black Lives Matter all across the street in front of the White House, then when Trump isn't in there, when he's gone, what happens? It gets paved over, and she goes and she's kicking famillies out of the city, by police.

TP: And when "Cuba Libre" was painted in front of the, I believe, it was the Cuban embassy building, they came in and got rid of that immediately. Yeah, the messaging is only there if you're, you know, you're anti Trump. Right?

You know, what I love about those Capitol hearings is that, they're literally crying. Like, Kinzinger cried. That dude is a SOCIOPATH. Because, those tears aren't real. That dude was faking it, and I'll tell you, in my opinion.

Why? We had 60 Secret Service agents injured at the insurrection at the White House last year.

JP: Right.

TP: What was it, a guard tower, a Secret Service tower was set on fire?

St. John's church, also set on fire.

Insurrection. They're tryna, they're tryna breach the White House. 60 Secret Service agents injured. And 150 police.

JP: Remember, they laughed. They laughed at Trump being evacuated, to the presidential bunker.

TP: That's right. because of their insurrection, the President was evacuated, and the media laughed and mocked Trump, and they called him the bunker boy, and they posted photos, and now Kinzinger's crying? Spare me.

JP: You know, Imagine if that were Biden and Harris sent to the bunker. Then, I mean, those Jan 6th hearings would be... I mean, what they're trying to do, and I know that you were in Ukraine when that happened. They're trying to turn January 6th into an American version of the Maidan Revolution. They're, so, essentially, that was a color revolution, right? this is, pretty wildly accepted that that was a color revolution.

zylyftar & teothealbanian #dunning-kruger #pratt #psycho #racist reddit.com

RE: Ancient DNA from bronze age Tollense valley battle site (13 century BC) and it's similarity to modern populations.


What a ridiculous thread.

Are you suggesting now that those people fighting on 1200 BC in todays north eastern Germany were slavs or similar to slavs when slavs were living in Urals and emerged in history books 1,800 years later???

First of all there is not a single evidence to prove the genetic proximity that is suggested in this map.

Secondly, (let's say the map is true) if some of those remains are similar to people in today's western Poland is because slavs and poles in this case have assimilated native people in this region when they came in the west since some of these ancient people might have come in the battle site from the east


Amazing how East Germany has such a high precentage. Really shows the genetical influence of the assimilated Slavic tribes

It shows the massive Soviet rape actually


While it certainly had a noticeable effect, to say that this is the main reason is inane.

It is the main reason. Reality is not pleasant I know

Never have I seen someone harp on about reality while being so devoid of the same.

Germany since the Middle Ages germanized Slavs. There is no reasoning with you, because you are dead set in portraying Slavs as being the epitome of “barbarity”, the only reason why you still focus on the Rape of Germany.

Yeah yeah sure. Try finding medieval and ancient reasons when the reason is the clearly known massive rapes during the occupation. Today Germans are an mix of Soviets, French, British and American occupation soldiers. Medieval assimilation can have have as much impact as massive events of ww2

I’m not calling Slavs barbarians for what they did to Germans. It was a well deserved sweet revenge as much as 1999 and 2004

Noor Ahmad Noor #racist #psycho jta.org

A Muslim imam in Norway who has led interfaith dialogue projects has made antisemitic statements on Facebook, including on how Jews are dangerous and “should be killed,” for years

The Norway branch of Minhaj-ul-Quran, an international Muslim organization that is considered moderate and geared toward outreach, suspended Noor Ahmad Noor indefinitely on Monday following an expose published last week by the Vartland newspaper on his antisemitic statements. Noor had served for years as the branch’s director
In one post from 2019, Noor wrote that Jews “put the world in danger” and it is “necessary to kill them”

In a short statement to the Norwegian media, Noor said: “My posts were published in frustration over attacks in Gaza. Innocent children and women were killed. My criticism and frustration should have been directed at the regime. And not against a group of people. I apologize”

Robert Kelly #pratt #racist amren.com

RE: A Black Activist Says Two White Men Jumped Him Last Summer. Now, He’s Charged with Assaulting His Attackers.

Another racial hoax. When are people going to realize that there are no roving bands of whites going around and attacking black people? It doesn't exist. It's a bad fairy tale. But millions of people are convinced that it happens every day. All the time.

Except, there are no 911 calls. And these white supremacists always seem to strike out of the view of any cameras. Despite there being cameras everywhere. And when people get caught in their hoax, they just double down because even though that story might be false, we know that somewhere, there's a gang of whites attacking innocent blacks for no reason whatsoever.

torino #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut jassa.org

Stralsund is a town originally founded by the Slavic Rani. It makes its first historical appearance in 1234 as Stralowe in a document issued by Vislav I, the duke of Rugia (one of those Slavic chieftains who gave in and got themselves new jobs as imperial dukes) in Charenz/Charenza.

Stralowe was clearly named after the Slavic word for arrow (*strěla). It supposedly comes from a proto-Slavic word *strěla.

Predictably, there are also those who believe that it was then borrowed into Slavic. The people who believe that are, of course, unbothered by the fact that the Slavic version appears in all Slavic languages. They are also unbothered by the fact that the Germanic languages also have:

arrow, Pheil/pil, quarrel, bolt, and others.

Were the situation reversed (many different names in Slavic but one of those also found in Germanic), most academics would argue that the Slavic word also found in Germanic would necessarily be of Germanic origin (i.e., import into Slavic). And yet, here some still argued that the Slavic came from Germanic.

This is the same reasoning as the one that:

allows for –mir to be a Slavic suffix but also lays a potential Germanic – depending on the context – claim to some appearances of it,

but reserves –mar and -mer exclusively for the Germanic sphere.

You can see where this is going, of course. Since the Germanics were the warrior group, it, of course, makes sense that they would have “invented”their own word for “arrow”. You can also use this to prove that Slavs did not know arrows until they learned of their existence from Germanics. Perhaps, in your mind’s eye, you can even see a cohort of Slavic peasants servicing a Germanic lord’s bow by quickly grinding out arrows for his upcoming campaign against the Romans, Persians or whatever else his testosterone driven brain set its sights upon. You might even try to prove that the very concept of “rubbing” became known to Slavs by way of testosterone-infused Germanics… 🙂

C.T. #fundie #racist #psycho chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Panentheism"]

In the article about Savitri Devi’s wise voice, Krist Krusher commented

One problem that I have with pantheism is, that if the universe itself is god, then would that mean insects, faeces and non-whites are also part of god?
I was personally a little disillusioned when I read Who We Are and found that Pierce, using his Comostheistic logic, ‘deduced’ that even Negroes were in a way brothers to Whites!

Evolutionists say that all creatures are connected by a common ancestor. As repulsive as it is, even spiders and we have a common ancestor
Divinity is obviously noticeable in some aspects of Nature such as trees[…]But side by side there are real monsters in Nature

My solution at the end of From Jesus to Hitler is exterminationism. Either way, Nature is the greatest exterminationist in the universe[…]Getting rid of obsolete species is critical to Kalki, a subject in which Savitri Devi was utterly wrong in some passages of Impeachment of Man. Naively, she idealised all animal species. Instead, we want to exterminate most of them
If the Cro-Magnon exterminated the Neanderthal, all the more should we exterminate the primitive versions of Homo sapiens. This is not contradicted by panentheism. On the contrary: it is an essential part of the evolution or phenomenology of the spirit

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