
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Cristina Valenzuela #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy #racist prepareforchange.net

The Anunnaki Code is an effective tool to foresee forthcoming events in the immediate and long term future. The expression or term “foreseeing” is never used in the Anakh language and by extraterrestrials because they don’t foresee and predict.
2,029 A.D.: Several American bases will be created on Mars and the moon. Several stargates will fill our skies, and become fully operational and totally controlled by American scientists.
2,027-2,026 A.D.: By November 2,026, The United States will resurface as a major key player in world’s affairs and regain its universal leadership. The American Dollar will have a face-lift. Puerto Rico becomes a major spatial base for extraterrestrials. Many extraterrestrial bases will be created on earth, the majority in the United States.

2,026 A.D.: A new powerful and global religion will be established on earth, created by new scientific development and a direct contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. Many will convert to this new religion except the Muslims. Islam and a form of extraterrestrial-spiritual religion will become the two major religions on earth.

2,025 A.D.: Afro-Americans become the majority in the United States. Islam will unify all Muslim countries, and several Islamic countries will acquire the atomic bomb. Muslims in Europe will constitute 72% of the French population, 64% of the Scandinavian countries, and 91% of the African Continent.
A major military confrontation between Muslim countries and Israel will decimate many nations on the globe. Tibet will become an independent country.
A military alliance between Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia and 29 Muslim countries will shift the world’s military, nuclear, commerce and peace balance.

2,022 A.D.: Threat to humanity: 2,022 A.D., September. The Higher Council of the Anunnaki learned that the aliens intend to attack earth on a massive scale by 2,022.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #wingnut #homophobia #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@RJDavies_ - Agreed. Let's start with restoring more of the Canada of 1867"]



On July 1st, I will be proudly celebrating Canada's birthday because I love my country unconditionally. I guess I can't do that at the Forks because I've recently learned that it’s canceled
PS - I'm currently accepting invitations to all actual Canada Day parties

Loving one’s country would recognize that there is a lot of work to do to making Canada a much more just country
12:01 AM · 21 juin 2022

I'm sure we can all agree with Richard here that there's a lot that needs to be done to make Canada a more just society. For starters…
•Recriminalize sodomy
•Recriminalize abortion
•Remove all gun control
•Abolish public healthcare
•Abolish public education
•Repeal the Gladue decision
•Repeal the legislation which allowed for all Wuhan Flu restrictions
•Bring back the property ownership requirement for voting
•Rename "Canada Day" back to "Dominion Day"
I'm sure we can put our heads together and think of a few other…oh, no, wait, it turns out Ricard is a cowardly faggot who works for the Manitoba Liberal Party. Which means he's instead pushing for all the things which in fact make our country less fair…including blathering about "colonization" as if it's a bad thing and not the reason Canada is a country worth improving in the first place

[Used URL shortener to fit into the characters limit]

Henry de Lesquen #racist lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Vers un nettoyage ethnique ?" - "Going to ethnic cleansing?"]

Events in Georgia showed us how difficult multicultural societies are. In South Ossetia, native Ossetians lived along Georgian-stock migrants who came from the interior. Relations seemed peaceful[…]Georgian military intervention[…]created the conditions for an "ethnic cleansing" of South Ossetia, which became homogeneous[…]"Ethnic cleansing": yes, the expression is horrible, when thinking about the misfortunes of those victims[…]Ethnic cleansing is as old as mankind. It occured, for exemple, after WW2, against millions of Germans who lived in territories annexed by Poland and Cezchoslovakia. More recently, on 1962, Frenchmen of Algeria suffered an ethnic cleansing which wasn't named such

When this terrible phenomenon occurs somewhere in the world, medias always use the same vain comments as litote: "It's uncomprehensible. Everything went well, before, between them and us..." Accusing evil geniuses of artificially exciting hatreds. Of course we can't ignore activists who, at first glance, caused the conflict. But a spark can't cause fire if there's no fuel. Ethnic cleansing and its parade of horrors often are fatal because multicultural societies are multiconflictualThe true culprits are those who created or let occur a mix of ethnicities or communities which was due to explode

France isn't sheltered from intercommunial violence. Ethnic cleansing already occured, at small scale, in migrant neighbourhoods, where old-stock Frenchmen had to leave. Riots which are regulary occuring in our banlieues are the foretaste of what's awaiting us if w don't take the good decisions. Stopping immigration isn't enough, migratory flux have to be reversed[…]

We have to bring France back to its identity. It's to avoid ethnic cleansing we support remigration

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #racist i.4pcdn.org


There are 30 cabinet-level officials in Joseph Biden's regime.
Jews are 3% of the population. If there is not a racist preference for selecting Jews for top positions, about 1 of the 30 cabinet-level officials would be Jews. But Jews have 1600% to 2700% more cabinet positions than that.
In total, 27 of the 30 cabinet level officials are jews, are jews by marriage or have jew deputies just "below" them.
America has clearly been colonized and couped by semites. The government no longer represents the people, just Jew racists.

[Exceptions to the three groups mentioned above.]

Denis McDonough, Secretary of Veteran Affairs - Denis and Under Sec. of State Victoria Meyer Nudelman have more blood on their hands than anyone else in cabinet.

Thomas James Vilasack, Secretary of Agriculture - Thomas is an orphan of a secretary and a supposedly unknown father. His adoptive grandfather was a semite banker.

Lloyd James Austin III, Secretary of Defense - Austin Ill is not a semite, but a near majority of his four star Generals are, despite jews being just a fraction of a percent of the US soldiers.

Is it fair to conclude that any journalists who avoid talking about the semite coup of America are liars and enemies of the people?

Could it be that Hitler only tried to save his people from jewish racists?

WASHINGTON WATCHER II #racist #wingnut unz.com

Elections Show That Other Minorities Have Had Enough of the Democrats' Black Obsession

Victory in an 85 percent Hispanic district provoked many arguments as to why it happened. But there’s one simple reason why: non-black minorities are fed up with the lawlessness and Open Borders promoted by the Democrats. And Flores’s win is just another example that many non-whites want Law And Order, not Black Lives Matter.

This is just one of many rumblings that Democrats have alienated the foreigners they banked on as reliable voters.

The recall of San Francisco’s Leftist district attorney Chesa Boudin is a prime example. As soon as Boudin was sworn in January of 2020, he went to work dismantling the criminal justice system. He ended cash bail, eliminated gang enhancements in prosecutions, halted prosecutions of criminals found with drugs or weapons in routine traffic stops, and barred his prosecutors from seeking longer sentences for repeat offenders. He did this all in the name of combating “systemic racism”

“Our quest to achieve racial equality requires facing the painful truth that our criminal legal system has been and still currently is racist,” he tweeted in February of 2020.

This led to a massive crime surge. Black-on-Asian violence—unprosecuted by Boudin—turned into an epidemic

A similar result occurred in February when San Francisco voters recalled three Leftist school board members. One of the recalled officials, a black woman named Alison Collins, told Asians upset over the school’s policies that they had assimilated “white supremacist thinking” and were “house n****r

Blacks don’t seem to mind that black criminals are allowed to do as they please. Other minorities do seem to care, however.

Republicans should learn from this revolt against the Democrats’ BLM focus. Law And Order, tough immigration enforcement, support for basic standards in schools, and hostility to the BLM agenda are political winners. There’s no need to pander to minorities with Amnesty, criminal justice reform, and cringe paeans to how immigrants built America.

Many of them, just like the majority of whites, simply want politicians to stand up to black criminality and promise safe, stable communities.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist benjaminfulford.net

In an echo of History, Angela Hitler gathered her lieutenants at her father’s castle in Bavaria to vow to fight the last Ukrainian in the face of inevitable defeat by overwhelming Russian forces. This so-called G7 meeting is part of an emergency gathering of Khazarian mafia leaders who now face both military defeat and war crimes tribunals.

A look at the situation in Europe, the US and around the world makes it very clear we are dealing with the end of an era. Even the Jerusalem Post, the flagship newspaper for the former Khazarian mafia stronghold of Israel, admits this now:

We are nearing the death of the old geopolitical system and of the world order that has kept repeating itself from the medieval ages.

It seems, finally, that this cycle of plague, war and famine will be the last of Western hegemony and the birth of a new world order, a new world order which will probably bring back the balance of power to Asia and Africa, which were the centers of global wealth and power long before the industrial revolution.

Let us start with the situation in Ukraine. In a sign of total military defeat, Ukrainian “recruiters” are now snatching people from their houses, the streets, restaurants and entertainment facilities and sending them untrained and poorly armed to the front lines. “A large number of seasoned Nazis were put out of action and those reservists who are now sent into battle aren’t fit for the task,” military expert Colonel Viktor Baranets told RT.

Both Japanese and British military intelligence say the whole so-called war is a marketing operation so the arms industry has an excuse to buy new weapons and keep itself afloat.
It is more than just arms sales though. What is really happening is the collapse of the EU and the United States of America Corporation, which are brand names of the Nazi Fourth Reich, the sources say.
What we are likely to witness over the coming weeks or at most months is the complete surrender of Europe, multiple sources agree.

Sylvain Marcoux #fundie #conspiracy #racist #wingnut antihate.ca

Sylvain Marcoux[…]first raised the possibility of starting his own political party[…]Stated his intention to name this party the Parti nationaliste chrétien[…]
In a video posted to YouTube, Marcoux discusses the threats of “kosher messianism” and race-mixing, which he argues are promoted by the World Economic Forum and the United Nations in a “full-frontal attack on the white race”[…]
Founded in 1967, the original PNC courted rural voters and clergy members with its theocratic platform for a period of nearly three years[…]
A detailed platform published by Tremblay in 1969 decried the existence of “satanic propaganda” promoted by the media and foreign agents, which he argued was pushing Québec towards “national suicide”[…]Tremblay also described Jews as the “mortal enemies” of the Québec independence movement[…]
Reached for comments by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, Sylvain Marcoux explained he was not initially aware of the history of the Parti nationaliste chrétien, but that he read its platform and “was comfortable with it”[…]
Marcoux proposed prohibiting the practice of Islam in Québec, calling the religion “incompatible with parliamentary democracy.” When pushed as to whether he would support the idea of deporting people who practice Islam in their homes, he responded, “we have psychiatric asylums. They can get cured, there’s treatments for it”
In the same interview, Marcoux denounced the “devaluation’ of families, notably through the promotion of the ‘LGBT program,” which he said pushes “12-year-old men to wonder whether they are men because of gender theory”[…]
Marcoux’s accounts[…]often displayed neo-Nazi symbols. In one Facebook post, he even goes as far as saying that “Hitler was the most beautiful soul to have walked this earth”[…]
In 2021, Marcoux was arrested for publishing the address of then-Québec Public Health director Horacio Arruda

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various Commenters #wingnut #racist #quack #elitist #homophobia gab.com

( Congressman Paul Gosar)
:gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar

spoilerRoe vs. Wade is dead. Next up: affirmative Action

( @Tetragrammatron )
@DrPaulGosar White institutional racism cannot be demonstrated in a court of law, but institutional racism against whites is commonplace, encouraged, and REQUIRED by law.. This has to stop. Affirmative action is racism against whites, indicting us for the only crime of being white, to hell with the persons life story.
It paints the entire White race with a broad brush as privledged when that's a complete lie Most Americans have only the promise of the American dream to achieve success. Discriminating against any section of our population is repugnant to the interpretation the of the constitution. Affirmative action is diametrically opposed and in contradiction to the constitution and bill of rights and needs to not only be abolished, but prohibited by law.

( @tjbyrd )
@DrPaulGosar Its time to put a permanent stop on Obama's agenda to transform America. Send this Muslim back to Kenya or preferably GITMO for high treason against our beautiful country. OBAMA IS and ALWAYS HAS BEEN nothing but a huge skidmark on the underwear of America. Flush this piece of 🌰.

( @Mojave_MGTOW )
@DrPaulGosar How about if we fix the 2020 election by arresting the traitors, and close the border and arrest all illegals instead?

( @minap )
next up should be to stop injecting born children with 35 shots of 70 various vaccine doses in their first 5 years of life. the covid spikes is now being added to that mix. children are under attack with all these shots which were developed using aborted baby cell lines and tissue. it is immoral and injuring and debilitating the children the shots are forced on. stopping that is what matters most now for the living children.

( @whoohoo001 )
Other items of interest to be addressed next...
1)Abolish all hate laws (no such thing as hate crimes nor hate speech)
2)Abolish social welfare

( @NicoleCWagner )
@DrPaulGosar How about gay marriage? Get rid of it!

stonetoss #wingnut #racist stonetoss.com

"Baller in your court"

spoiler1st Panel: duck-person version of Clarence Thomas holding duck-person version of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's hand and says "Fear not, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I'm pro-choice"
2nd Panel: duck-person version of Ruth Bader Ginsburg looking appreciative
3rd Panel: duck-person version of Ruth Bader Ginsburg dead
4th Panel: duck-person version of Clarence Thomas continuing "for gun ownership"

alt-text: If RBG wasn't in hell, she is now
My nigga.

Paul Kersey #dunning-kruger #racist #elitist #pratt archive.ph

In a society that vilifies whiteness, anything too white must immediately be deemed illegitimate.

Regardless of the good it does for humanity, if the endeavor is too white, it is axiomatically wrong.

In its present form, citizen science is almost exclusively white, because almost exclusively white individuals collectively comprise the amateur scientists in their ranks.

Despite everything these white people do to advance science and our knowledge of the world, the lack of non-whites means their work is null and void.

Whiteness would seem to be the strength here, right?

How again is diversity our greatest strength, when in the absence of this mysterious, all-powerful force, so much is accomplished in citizen science due to whiteness?

[What is being accomplished by white citizen scientists? Has he considered even more could be accomlished?]

[From their link:

"Finally, a lack of diversity in citizen science could even compromise the quality of the research. For instance, one study found that volunteer water monitors – who were mostly well-educated and white – undersampled areas where environmental concerns disproportionately affected poor communities of color."]

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #conspiracy stormer-daily.rw

[From "The Slutpocalypse is Already Happening"]

The slutpocalypse occurred pretty much as we expected. Too many hoes, not enough hot chips or phone charges to go around[…]The reason, as always, is pure sluttery[…]
That’s just a taste. There are thousands of these videos from all across the country, and many of them are getting violent[…]
It looks like this could turn into George Floyd Riots 2. That’s difficult, because blacks don’t really care about this. Blacks do have more abortions than whites, but black men don’t care if women have abortions or not because they don’t really stick around either way. If anything, black men are probably vaguely opposed to abortion, though not in any serious way, just “she be out der fukin, she been gon deal wif what is.” Obviously, black men were the main driver of the George Floyd riots, whereas this is primarily about white women. They’ll be backed by Antifa of course, who also backed the BLM riots

It’s possible that black men will come out if they think they can loot. But even then, I doubt they want to be associated with women – “dem bitches wants to keel dey keeds, dats on dem”[…]
I support repealing Roe regardless, simply because it is the right thing to do. However, that doesn’t mean that this is not a gift to a struggling Democrat Party[…]What the Democrats could do is promise that they will pass such a law if they are reelected in the midterms[…]Given that all of these fraud techniques from 2020 have now been normalized[…]it might be enough[…]
That said, the more riots there are, and the longer they go on, the less of a help this is to the Democrats[…]
We might just have to bring back Blue Lives Matter flags too[…]
No, I wouldn’t go that far. But a super-cut of cops beating up abortion people with that Baked Alaska song about how we love cops is probably in order

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various Commenters #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist gab.com

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
When leftists say something ominous like 'this is just the beginning' & 'they will not stop here', they are not wrong.

We've had ENOUGH of drag queens sexually grooming kids, ENOUGH of biological MEN in women's sports & restrooms, etc and so on...

We're taking our country & culture BACK.

( @GangaritheWanderer )
@DrPaulGosar And we're not stopping there.

This is the beginning of the end of society-sanctioned: gay "marriage," public displays of faggotry, fornication, adultery, divorce, contraception, etc.

It ALL has to go.

( @DuaneDMartinJr )
@DrPaulGosar We'll never get our Culture back, our fertility rate has dropped (1.9) too much and those who've migrated here have fertility rate of 8.6, it's just a matter of time, I've tried to warn people of this for over 20 years. Not making people assimilate to our culture is another reason we'll fail like allowing little Havana's, little Chinas, little Cubas, etc. how about they assimilate and forget their 3rd world ghetto mentalities and the shithole countries they left behind or go back to THEM!?

( John Michael Henni )
@DrPaulGosar Amen! Give an inch they take a mile. The Jan.6 Committee should be shut down. The Congress members on the Witch Hunt are all disgraceful.

( @mrsnyamajor )
@DrPaulGosar The grooming started long ago under Jim Crow. The only way to take the country back is to disband the Democrat Party for treason and sedition... we've been dealing with their destructive anti-god, anti-American politics for almost 200 years now.

( @UniqueUser )
@DrPaulGosar Better watch the anti-semitism, buster. Israel, our greatest ally, is in total control of the situation and nobody is taking shit back so long as the Bolsheviks are in charge of all the levers of power, pop culture, public education, money, and propaganda.

Jews hate White Christians even more than they hate Palestinians and all the other Arabs in the Muslim world. They are anti-Christ, and quite proud of it. How is that not a problem to Christian posterity? We noticed you were too cowardly to comment on the recent declarations from Jewry that "abortion is a Jewish value." How fucking SICK is that to be proud of sacrificing babies to Moloch?

Your mouth is writing checks that can't be cashed but you know that because you serve Israel and Jewish interests.

Various Commenters #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy gab.com

Another Christian Win in the Supreme Court today. We are going to peacefully and legally take control of this country for the glory of God. Nothing and no one can stop us. America will once again be a Christian nation.

( @Chazzzzmak1972 )
@a leftist, Communist and bleeding heart liberals need to stop comparing America to European countries we are not Europe and never will be

( @NationalismForAll )
@a I can't wait until they bring back the anti sodomy laws and chase those perverts back into the closet where they belong.

( @jcs379 )
@NationalismForAll @a me too

( @jojobean1979 )
@NationalismForAll @a no more putting them back into the closet it's time to jail them and commit them and throw away the key

( @BuzWeaver )
@NationalismForAll @a It will be very curious to see if Gay Marriage is overturned. The States were nearly unanimous in banning it.

( @ToBeCensored )
@a jews are not going to 'peacefully or legally' give up control of White nations

( @Dartagnan57 )
@a That message needs to be taken to voters to VOTE OUT ALL DEMOCRAPS THIS FALL.

( @puppydinks )

( @Shadd0Banned )
@a I think these are all false victories... nothing is really changing. The people making these decisions are still deep state and hate you. America is still under zionist control and is still being dismantled and the economy is being pushed off a cliff. All I see is the pending collapse being pinned on the right by painting the picture of a Christian resurgence at an opportune time.

( @Purebloood )
For that to happen it'll have to become a white nation again.

( @Bilbar )
@a every baby born in the US now by law should be given a gun and a Bible

@a GOD is letting everyone know that HE is on HIS way back home, judgement day is near. Can't wait.

( @ObservantGeezer )
@a I take your Christian nation and raise you the 3 million Muslims you've imported over the past two decades, who will breed like locust and become more and more demanding and violent as their numbers grow.

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

(((Aliens))) Have Abducted Our Women


Western men (and women) should be very angry at Illuminati Jewish bankers and their Masonic lackeys. Like alien invaders, they abducted our women, brainwashing them to become lesbian and frigid. This vicious satanic attack on society by our traitorous "leaders" has been marketed as "women's rights." Feminism is elite social engineering, designed to destabilize and depopulate society, masquerading as grassroots social change.

Men want power. Women want love. Heterosexual marriage is based on the exchange of female (worldy) power for male power expressed as love. Instead of surrendering power, feminism taught women to seek power instead of love.

The Power of Sexual Surrender, a 1958 book by female psychiatrist Marie Robinson MD, states that femininity is based on female sacrifice (altruism) and trust in a man. This is the wellspring of love, repaid by husband and children.

Feminism, which is Communist in origin, destroyed this trust and outfitted women with a psychological penis. Power = penis. Both sexes have been neutered. Where women once empowered men, now they emasculate them. Instead of devoted wives and mothers, many women have become sexually frustrated, angry, frigid man-haters. This indoctrination continues in the mass media today.

Henry de Lesquen #racist #wingnut lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Le cosmopolitisme détruit notre civilisation grâce à la musique nègre" - "Cosmopolitanism is destroying our civilizations thanks to Negro music"]

1. Cosmopolitanism is the dominating world ideology. Cosmopolitans hate fatherland
2. Cosmopolitanism ends both the nation's physical borders and its moral borders that traditions are
3. Cosmopolitan ideology destroy our identity not only through immigration but also through deculturation, thanks to Negro music
4. Invasion of the West by Negro dance and music since one century represents civilizational regression
5. Dominated by rhythm, addressing to the paleocortex (reptilian brain), Negro music makes the man a wildman
6. Promotion of primitive arts since one century feeds cultural relativism subverting our civilization
7. Cosmopolitans are not open but closed to identities, the truth, beaury, moral. They’re barbarians
8. Cosmopolitanism shall lose in the long term because it runs contrary to human nature
9. I defend identitarian universalism or Incarnation universalism, opposed to Cosmopolitanism
10. We have to bring back France to its identity. It is to avoid ethnic cleansing that we advocate for remigration


spoilerCharles de Gaulle: "It is very good that there are yellow French, black French, brown French. They show that France is open to all races and has a universal vocation. But [it is good] on condition that they remain a small minority. Otherwise, France would no longer be France. We are still primarily a European people of the white race, Greek and Latin culture, and the Christian religion"

Negro music: above, Jazz. Below, rap. Rock, in its rythm and its obsenity, is typically Negro music, even when plaied by Whites. It is tam-tam, which sung in all Negro music

Mike Braun #racist #wingnut wfyi.org

U.S. Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) said the U.S. Supreme Court was wrong to legalize interracial marriage nationwide and should have left it to individual states.

Braun’s comments Tuesday came as he discussed what he’s looking for as he evaluates Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson.

As the Senate Judiciary Committee holds confirmation hearings for Jackson, Braun said she seems well qualified. And the GOP lawmaker said as he evaluates her record, he wants a justice who won’t be an “activist.”

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Germany is still a hotbed of Jewry as ever before"]

There is a large class of the German Population today which have gone to great lengths to hide their Jewish Ancestry[…]but there were cascades of efforts that took place to ensure Jewish prominence in Germany immediately following World War II[…]leading up to the formation of the Deutsche Demokratische Republik[…]
With the aggressive campaigns in the DDR to pretty much bring back everything exactly that was defamed and despised by the Nazis, the DDR had all kinds of Jewish Intellectuals at the head of the State and throughout its reign, and even songs banned by the NSDAP leadership were put into use

Jews had become even more of the mythical “German-Jew”[…]there is so much less of a focus on the Jewish Ancestry of so many of the leaders in these countries, for example like Angela Merkel[…]
Head of the WEF and one of the biggest mouthpieces during the COVID-19 Agenda, is a Jew by the name of Klaus Schwab[…]
Almost all heads and Most Ministers in Germany today, whether in Finance, including in Big Tech, Medicine, Science, Astronomy, Media and nearly every sphere of influence in Germany, are riddled with Jews

Political parties like the SPD, but even the AfD are full of Jews#
When the head of a department or someone subservient to the Jew, is not Jewish, it is always the most effeminate, obedient specimens of a German[…]
It is such a disgrace that after Herr Göring’s hard work in eliminating the Jews from Germany, how quickly they were brought back in[…]Göring’s brother Albert worked behind his back[…]
Albanians, Greeks, Italians and Spaniards all helped to protect and feed Jews[…]
Too many people are in love with the Jews[…]
There will never be a solution for Europe so long as the Jewish Question is never resolved for all time, and this means that the race and the 0.01% breeds of them are entirely liquidated

nGwsMpm9 #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut archived.moe

Are white men all alone in the world?
>half of our own kind are traitors and hate themselves
>white women hate us
>goes without saying darkies hate us
>politicians we vote for don't care about us
Honestly feeling pretty demoralized about everything and am pretty much ready to just drop out of society. Video games and liquor feel a lot better anyways. Can anyone here actually explain to me what we're supposed to be fighting for? A short marriage and daughters who end up becoming whores? Sons that will likely become failures? It's over.

jWQNcwGV #psycho #racist #wingnut archived.moe

What is /pol/‘s opinion on Identity Evropa?

I dont need that my whole Silesian region with chads is more Evropa than Identity Evropa larpers doing shit for saving their towns. Once for time chads here are even killing gypsies and sometimes even westerners here lurking for some bussines. 1/8 of population is prepared for long term guerilla war with storages full of czech and russian ammo and making home made bombs with polish Silesian neighbours. Once shit will hit Europe we can finally start civil war against cucked Bohemia and Prague making our own ethnostate while killing all taitors and their families.

Mary Mlller #racist #wingnut abcnews.go.com

Rep. Mary Miller, R-Ill., said at an Illinois Trump rally Saturday that the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was a "historic victory for white life."

"President Trump, on behalf of all the MAGA patriots in America, I want to thank you for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday," Miller said.

A spokesperson for Miller told The Associated Press the line was a "mix up of words."

John C. Wright #fundie #sexist #conspiracy #racist scifiwright.com

Roe v. Wade, 410 U. S. 113, and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U. S. 833 are both as dead as all the unborn babies they killed. (…)

The madness from [Roe v. Wade] spilled over to every level of life, and made our public officials, and our public, into screaming, nonsense-barfing, sneering, craven, blood-drenched monsters, harpies, anthropophages, and headless blemmyes. The great idols to Moloch loomed over every courthouse.

The madness led to the sodomy culture, the woke culture, the death of Disney’s soul, and to the encouragement of corruption both on a personal and political level. Oddly enough, if one traces the course of the mental disease, there are even connections leading to such remote side-effects as inflationary fiscal policy, confiscatory taxation, wokethink hatewhitery, suicidal energy policy, public riots and arson, all which would, at first, seem to be unrelated.

It is not unrelated. Accepting an evil axiom tacitly accepts, sooner or later, all the logical outcomes implied by it.

Roe v Wade cursed this nation. It darkened the intellect of our intellectual class and corrupted the morals of people. Ordinary youths became satyrs and rapists, each one a little Don Juan; ordinary young women became murderesses, each one a little Medea. The cult of Ganymede was released, and perversion worse than Sodom ever knew, built atop of pile of tiny skulls higher than any pyramid raised by the Aztecs.

Heambbem #racist reddit.com

Lynn Beyak did nothing wrong, Indians got billions for going school. Stop whining about it and start paying your fair share to Canada.

What she said was true.
From 1800 to 1970 about 150,000 children attended residential schools. Relatively small number for a span of 170 years when you look at how many first nations people lived during that time.

The deaths can be almost entirely attributed to illness as they occurred before most vaccines.

It is SO FAR beyond reason to even suggest that most of these kids were sexually abused at the hands of the teachers/priests/nuns. To believe that most of these people, who dedicated their lives to educating, caring for, and preparing indigenous children for the new society were SO evil they would rape, torture, and murder kids or stand by while other teachers did it, is insanity.

Plus there is like no proof of most of these outlandish claims.

Not saying not a single child was sexually abused, but it wasn’t as widespread as they will have you believe and alot of it was student on student sexual abuse.

Not to mention that compulsory attendance ended in 1950 and the running of the schools was taken over by the native bands around 1970 if I remember correctly?

Anyone who has done their research on residential schools and has read old newspapers from that time will see stories of these kids being taken in to spend holidays with local families, travelling brass bands, travelling sports teams, etc. Not so doom and gloom after all.

It was not the torture chamber they make it out to be. They probably got 3 more square meals a day then they did at home on the reserve.

Andrew Anglin #racist #psycho stormer-daily.rw

[From "Russia Puts Down Hundreds of Rabid “Ukraine” Animals in a Day"]

At this point, frankly, I just want to see videos of Russian soldiers mowing down “Ukrainian” civilians indiscriminately

These people are continuing to march and die and destroy their own country, kill their own people, for no reason at all, other than allegiance to a foreign Jewish regime

Just level the place. Kill everyone. No one can claim they don’t deserve it


Russian strikes on a shipbuilding plant in the Ukrainian port of Nikolaev killed as many as 500 troops on Tuesday, the Russian defense ministry claimed during a daily press briefing on Wednesday[…]

Nah, it’s fine

There’s no reason to start slaughtering civilians. I would cheer if I saw it, not gonna lie. There’d be champagne corks popping around my room like ping-pong balls at the sight of entire villages of these Ukie garbage being mowed down with machine guns. I would cry tears of joy seeing these animals’ bodies torn to shreds by totally indiscriminate PKP fire

Order #66

The “Ukraine” people started this. They’ve been killing civilians for 8 years. They’re current firing missiles randomly at residential buildings

Russia has tried this nicey-nice thing, and the Ukie response is to continue to act like rabid animals

But it’s fine

Russia is winning by continuing to white knight for the civilians of a nation of utter savages. If it works it works


I guess if you can afford to hold the moral high ground, you should hold it

If I were Putin, I would be using mustard gas

But hey – that’s why I’m not Putin

Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut amren.com

We Don’t Have a Gun Problem. We Have a Race Problem.

Here are CDC data on the 19,384 people who were shot to death in 2020, broken out by race.


Blacks accounted for 12,048 of them, even though blacks were only 14 percent of the population. And look over at the right, or deaths per 100,000. The figure of 25.5 for blacks is nearly 10 times the rate for whites, which is 2.7.

Could it be that white racists are killing all those black people? No. 566 blacks killed whites (including Hispanics), but only 246 whites and Hispanics killed blacks.


Since there are about 6-1/2 times as many whites and Hispanics as black, it means a black person is more likely to kill a white or a Hispanic by such a shockingly high multiple, I won’t even tell you what it is.

Let’s look at the really big picture. This graph shows homicide rates for different countries plotted against private ownership of firearms.


The US is way out on the right, with lots of guns. But the total homicide rate is pulled up by the very high black total homicide rate of 29.2. Blacks are committing murder at Latin American rates, right up there with Brazil and Mexico, which are over to the left with low gun ownership. For whites alone, the total homicide rate of 3.12 is definitely higher than a lot of European countries but it’s not off the charts.


Which has a bigger impact on a country’s murder rates? The number of guns or the people who live there?

What are the chances *any* of this gets any official notice in all the yackety yack about gun control? Zero. This little talk of mine would make good Congressional testimony, but politicians don’t dare talk about race – well, except maybe for this guy: “Blake Masters Blames Gun Violence on ‘Black People, Frankly.”


Note “Master Race” stamped under the headline. Tell the truth and you’re a Nazi.

Henry de Lesquen #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #racist lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Abolir la religion de la choah" - "Abolishing the Chah"]

Here are 10 free and insolent remarks about the religion of Choah, and a conclusion

1. It is better to write choah. "chine vav aleph hè" = choah (catastrophe). Sh, it is in the English language
2. Sacredness being the essence of religion, there is a religion of Choah
3. The religion of Choah has four dogmas:
1) Extermination plan
2) Six millions dead
3) Gas chambers
4) Uniqueness
4. The Gayssot Act of July 13, 1990 [A law repressing Holocaust denial] protects the dogmas 2 and 3 of the religion of Choah against heresy and blasphemy[…]
6. Ancient Jews bragged in the Old Testament about the genocides they did. Cf. http://lesquen2017.com/2015/12/12/comprendre-le-judaisme/
7. The Jewish Choah by Germans caused 5 time less death than the Slavic Choah by the Jews ruling the USSR until 1953
8. The religion of Choah is racist since it puts Jewish suffering above others
9. France is no longer a secular country since the religion of Choah is officially sanctioned
10. The religion of Choah is the foundation of the current political system. Cf. http://lesquen2017.com/2015/08/16/une-analyse-en-10-points-du-systeme-politique-actuel-par-henry-de-lesquen/

Conclusion: for the salvation of France, we have to end the religion of Choah, starting by repealing the Gayssot Act

[deleted] #racist reddit.com

There is no such thing as indigenous history prior to when Europeans showed up. They didn't have a fucking written language. They just had mythology and traditions which is like the telephone-game of history. It of course has value like religion has value but you can't treat it as hard history. Plus compared to Christianity it doesn't seem to have gotten them anywhere so it's like the hobbyist's mythology.

Speaking of which, anyone go to the Museum of History (formerly Museum of Civilization) in Ottawa? I went last month, hadn't gone since I was a kid. So long story short they basically reworked the entire fucking thing into the Aboriginal History Museum. Right at the bottom of the place is all the recovered shivs and bats and whatever other bullshit they found, but as you go through they really focus on Aboriginal culture and there's this area right at the start with a massive video screen about how "Canada started." I'm not even joking, it's some Aboriginal elder woman describing how giant space animals came down to Earth and fucked around and made the continents. It's an otter and a bear and a fish, and it's just like "yeah and this is how it all started!" I wouldn't believe it unless I saw it just recently. Then the rest of it is boring tribal bullshit and arrowheads. Oh, and in "modern Canada" near the end there's some #IdleNoMore shit and Residential Schools and all that.

That was a bit of a tangent. I guess what I'm trying to say is Aboriginal historical study is fucking retarded (it's indistinguishable from modern aboriginal culture) and while I like Aboriginal culture in many ways - especially the connection to their ancestors and the belief that their history is passed through genealogy and blood - this infiltration into education is purely rebellious colonization by way of goofy bullshit literally nobody in the 21st century needs to know about. Fucking hell, when they were throwing spears at fish and believing crows were super-intelligent, the Chinese were building the Great Wall and the Greeks were inventing modern human thought.

[deleted] #racist reddit.com

[ on indigenous people in canada]

They were literally stone age barbarians. The only metal they saw was the Inuit finding meteoroids on the tundra.

Scalping and raiding other tribes and making snowshoes are all they really accomplished in 16,000 years.

I've known this since I was a kid. You can blame the CBC for young me learning those "hate facts"

Leor Sapir #pratt #transphobia #wingnut #racist city-journal.org

The Assault on Children’s Psyches

California’s ethnic-studies curriculum is fueling a mental-health crisis among teenagers.

Patricia (a pseudonym) is the mother of a teenage girl who in recent years has come to identify as transgender. Her daughter’s trans identity emerged in response to feelings of shame about being white.

Other ROGD parents tell a similar story. Their schools compulsively tell their children how awful it is to be white, how white people enjoy unearned “privilege,” how they benefit from “systems” put in place by and for white people for the sole purpose of oppressing “people of color.” Plagued by guilt, the children rush to the sanctuary of “LGBTQ+” identity.

The students don’t want to be thought of as vicious oppressors. Lacking maturity and self-confidence, they fail to put “anti-racist” indoctrination in its proper context. They do not appreciate its ahistorical, anti-intellectual, and anti-humanist foundations, nor are they aware of the incentives leading teachers and administrators to foist it on them. Being white is not something these teenagers can escape, but they can mitigate its social costs by declaring themselves part of an oppressed group.

The wages of whiteness for teenagers are, however, only half of the story.

A recent study by Eric Kaufmann confirms the new meaning of LGBT among young Americans. “Whereas in 2008 attitudes and behavior were similar,” he writes, “by 2021 LGBT identification was running at twice the rate of LGBT sexual behavior.” The recent explosion in LGBT identification among Generation Z seems to be driven mainly by young, white, very liberal women who self-identify as lesbian or bisexual but who do not necessarily have female partners.

While both homosexuality and transgenderism are said to be organic and unchosen, being “queer” or “non-binary” takes nothing more than an act of will; one need only declare oneself so.

Whereas in 1991, most teenagers would have had at least one sexual encounter by the time they graduated high school, by 2017 most had had none. The vacuum left by the hollowing out of courting and relationships has been filled, so it would seem, by a new, inward form of “sexuality”.

deleted member #wingnut #racist #elitist #god-complex doomer.boards.net

But, to clarify further, it is not black rights specifically that trigger me. It is the idea that a minority group needs special protection - anything that goes beyond laws that simply says "people must be treated regardless of their ethnicity, sex, etc." and instead describes a specific group and a protection, or compensatory rights package they deserve. And I view BLM as the most recent force pushing that idea further. I want there to be no special protection of minority groups, no money donations to "poor because of color or whatnot". I want people to make their own living, on equal terms with the "majority" without government giving them leg for being oppressed. Another idea that triggers me is the prosecution of people who deny holocaust - while retarded, I don't think these people deserve prosecution. Being retarded is not ground to be sent to jail - if people want to doubt history books, they should be free to go. Perhaps some facts in history books are indeed wrong and revisionism is justified. But regardless of that, no laws should ever be made with provision to defend a certain view on history. And the ones that exist need to be taken down. That is my hard stance - I am not tolerating the state of things, and I wish I could change it, and will still do something that, in my view, amount to some practical war against this state of things, in real life. A war that doesn't mean me killing people, of course, but breaking social ties between my enemies and giving intelligence on them to whatever party that has the powers to prosecute is a fair game. I am at war with the left - I will bring them fucking down.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: McMaster University Holds Its First Ever Black Graduation Celebration

Black-only graduations come to Canada.

(Bobby E)
'When walking through the halls and grounds and classrooms at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ashley Assam says, “just by being on campus, you don’t see a lot of Black people.”'

Then why doesn't she go to a university in Africa? Lots of black people and no whites to oppress her. These people demand too much and give them an inch and they want million miles.

They have far more opportunities and are treated FAR better than a White person would in an otherwise all black college and they know it.

That's not necessarily true.

Um, who is safer: a black in a White neighborhood/school or the other way around? Think about it.


“The whole day was about celebrating and centering Blackness,” Ogunkoya said.

In other words there will be plenty of gunfire.

(Darien X)
If they only had the gumption to leave all white cities and neighborhoods and live only with their own, they could really put their money where there mouth is.
Africa would be the best destination.

Full racial separation is the answer, but notice that it is Blacks who get to do it and no one complains and, in fact, may praise them Had Whites demands a complete White graduation the you know who would be screaming from the roof tops and then we'd see and hear far too many Whites apologizing for being White. Wake up Whitey! Geez.

Where do these idiots think they are at? This is Canada, not Africa or even a city like Atlanta. Not a lot of blacks there.
Why in the world would they even want to attend a predominantly white university if whites make them feel uncomfortable?

Well, maybe the blacks hollered themselves hoarse during the black ceremony and didn't disrupt the REAL graduation ceremony. Nothing like seeing a 300 pound black woman in yoga pants jumping up and down screaming "Dat's muh baybeeee" at the top of her lungs for five minutes while her offspring mugs for the camera when receiving a diploma.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Many Whites disrupt as well, although not to the extreme as the blacks. Indeed, the stupids have taken over...

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

As an ethnic Jew, it pains me to say that the essence of Cabalist Judaism
& Organized Jewry is to plunder, enslave & exterminate the goyim
and to establish a Satanic dispensation on earth.

Don't believe me? Communism and Judaism are identical.
Look at the planks of the Communist Manifesto. Do they remind you of Agenda 2030?
No private property. The state will own it all- the state being a proxy for the Jewish central bankers who hold its "debt.". No marriage. No family. No free speech. No free inquiry and education. They want to steal everything, especially your soul. We cannot understand our situation unless we understand this.

Plunder the goyim. Jewish central bank charging interest for credit created out of nothing. Credit crunches and pandemic hoaxes costing trillions in money creation and toxic vaccines. Gratuitous wars.

This is what they are doing in Ukraine and what Putin wants to prevent in Russia.
The Ukraine conflict is the biggest challenge to the New World Order since Hitler.
Hitler was false opposition.

Most Jews are dupes and would deny this, just as most goyim would deny that their "leaders" in every field are cowards, traitors & opportunists who advance this cancer for personal gain. After destroying millions of lives with their covid hoax, they're covering their tracks by starting their third World War.
Disclaimer: Why do I, a Jew, spread this information? Because this is not who I am, nor who my family or Jews I know are. I am the inventor of Scruples, a game based on 1200 moral dilemmas. God is the Moral Order. All human beings have souls capable of hearing the voice of God. Our Duty is to discern Right & Wrong and to Obey. You must be good to feel good.

However, the Masonic Jewish bankers and their Gentile Masonic flunkies are trying to dispossess humanity. It begins by degrading morality and inverting truth and ends in some planetary gulag or nuclear conflagration. I could remain quiet but we were put on earth to serve God.

Ivashkin, External-Rutabaga452 & Feniks_Gaming #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Why are Eastern Europeans overlooked when it comes to discussing diversity or social issues in the UK?


Because they're white?

The wrong type of white apparently, so we get all the racist abuse. But, come the time people want to start talking about white guilt or white fragility, we're suddenly back in the club.

Which was a point I made to my employer's E&D officer when they started with the BLM stuff over summer, and to their credit a point they actually took on board.


It's a weird one with Eastern Europeans as they're lumped in with the oppressors despite being the victims of genocide within living memory and most never having had a settler-colonial nature beyond the borders of Europe.

Most of Eastern Europe is conveniently ignored by the woke crowd because white ethnic groups which have spent the last 1000 years being invaded, oppressed, murdered and generally suffering makes the idea of 'white privilege' quite a tricky concept to defend.

1000 years is a bit of an exaggeration - the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth did rather well from the 16th to the 18th Century.

That was a bit of an anomaly.

The Slavs have been oppressed for so long that they are the origin of the word "slave".


“Conveniently ignored by the woke”, yet racially abused by the gammons.

Simple as.

Yes this is were we are. As an White 36 years old Polish immigrant I have was told that I am the primary source of problems in Britain both the gammons for being Polish and the wokies for being white male. Hard to find your place in society when Right wing sees you as lesser citizen and left wing sees you as oppression of minorities.

Henry de Lesquen #racist #wingnut lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Comment Henry de Lesquen aurait réglé la question sud-africaine" - "How would Henry de Lesquen have settled the South African Question". From 2017.]


spoilerOn the left, a portrait of Mandela and then an arrow leading to the image of right featuring a noose

1. Nationality principle. One State on a continous territory for each Bantu ethnic group: Zulu, Xhosa, Sotho, etc.
2. Bantu states would have been South African Republic (SAR) protectorates. They would have been set for independence
3. Congoids (Black Bantus) would have lost their South African nationality for their ethnic state's
4. South African people: Caucasoids from European extraction (Whites) and mixed-blood Caucasoid-Capoid (Hottentot Blacks)[…]
6. Foreign residents in the SAR, Congoids wouldn't have acquired South African nationality, binationality being forbidden
7. Apartheid, as a regime of mandatory segregation, would have been abolished. Private persons would have kept the freedom to discriminate
8. Safety would have been reestablished through merciless repression of terrorist acts
9. Nelson Mandela would have been tried as leader or a terror group, the ANC, sentenced to death for his crimes and hanged high and short
10. Subversion of institutions and collaborating with terrorists[…]would have been severily punished

Conclusion: No Vorster nor Botha. Strong from its identity, the South African nation would have recovered its place in the world

Avoid_the_Groid #dunning-kruger #racist stormfront.org

Greetings from Chimpmania

Chimpmania is an awesome & humorous website. It is one of the few places on the Internet where you are free to admit and learn just how horrible Black people are worldwide and mock anyone who sides with them. Even though its not the focus, other obvious problem peoples like Latinos and Middle Easterners also get treated like the scum they deserve. That said, many members of that site don't come here for one simple reason: we have no tolerance for your silly Jewish conspiracies.

The problem White Nationalism has with getting off the ground is simply all the baggage and beliefs needed to be a core member. The reasons to hate negroes are obvious: they are ugly, loud, violent, dirty, lazy, and commits craploads of crime anywhere they live. The reason to hate Latinos are almost the same exact reasons to hate negroes: just replace lazy with speaks trashy Spanish and tries to spread their savage culture. The reason to hate MENA Muslims is because they are ugly, smelly, incestous, camel-screwing, and violent woman-haters who want to forcibly spread their religion and language everywhere. These facts are all obvious to everyone who has lived around these mudskins; even if not everyone admits it. No leftist has ever asked a White Nationalist why they hate Blacks or Arabs. Instead the leftists just argue that you shouldn't stereotype people and that the talented tenth "good negro" makes the over 90% garbage the rest of the race is somehow passable.

Leftists do ask WNs why they hate Jews however and that to me is a good question. Jews aren't the ones causing riots and robbing liquor stores and shooting up neighborhoods like a certain North American Pavement Ape. The White Nationalists here should simplify their beliefs and just go after the negroes/Latinos/Muslims that everyone, even anti-racists, realize ruin society. Instead, it is a small, old, declining, and buggy forum about how Jews are behind all evil and some failed dictator from the 1940s was awesome. This place needs more anti-Blacks and less Nazi sympathizers. The Ku Klux Klan should be the model for White Nationalists to follow; they had a simple goal and kept Blacks in check.

Eretzyisrael #elitist #fundie #racist tumblr.com

Description: an image with pictures and text, on the left are pictures of pillcam capsules, plants, solar panels and the logo of the gps-navigationsystem Waze, representing Israel. On the right are photos of burning and destroyed buildings and people burning an Israeli flag at a protest.



Henry de Lesquen #wingnut #racist lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Qu’est-ce que le cosmopolitisme ?" - "What's Cosmopolitanism?"]

"Cosmopolitan", which means "world citizen"[…]is by itself a subreption because every city imply an inside and an outside, an inclusion-exclusion relationship[…]{b]The so-called "cosmopolitan" can't be world citizen, he's citizen from nothing and he claims the world only to deny his duties to the city[…]
By inventing the city, the Greeks gave to patriotism its purest and most exigeant form[…]
Cosmopolitanism is one of the facets of the egalitarian utopia, the anarchistic and carnavalesque version[…]
A Cosmopolitan is a foreigner in his own city. He's also "foreign to himself", as per Julia Kristeva[…]
For this radical Cosmopolitanism, one can become free only though freeing oneself from traditions[…]True humanism[…]know freedom comes from identity[…]
World should be considered as the city of every man, and reject peculiar identity establishing barrers inside mankind. But, as we told, the city can't exist without borders[…]
There is thus an organic link between "cynical" immporality of Cosmopolitan ideology of the world superclass[…]and the Immigrationnism which is the Alpha and the Omega of the globalist speech

We shouldn't be surprised the world superclass worships the degenerate non-art absuively described as contemporary art[…]{b]Degenerate non-art, termed "contemporary art", is a vector of Cosmopolitanism. It subverts the sense of beauty, oppose traditions and has nor estriction when attacking artistic patromony, as shwon on 2008 by Jeff Koons in Versailles

woodchip #wingnut #racist #psycho descentbb.net

Justice like keeping people locked up for over a year charged with trespass for 01/06 protest? Or not arresting anyone for Portland riots? And just what abuse were BPA committing? If I was in charge I'd have machine gun nests set up along border. Illegal migrant flow would stop without wall building or anything.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy realjewnews.com

When Jews run a country your nation’s on a psychiatric couch.

I grew up in Judaism and all Jews are on Prozac.

They invented it…for themselves…the most neurotic people walking the face of the earth.

The latest episode of Jewish neurosis is brought to the American goys by Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence.

This Jew from New York’s Upper West Side told the Jew-riddled US Senate that “insight” into how Ukraine uses American military assets is “hard to tell.”

That’s a no-brainer.

It instantly goes on the global black market and the corrupt Jews running the Ukrainian government stash the cash in their Swiss bank accounts.
You’re gonna get hordes of illegals poring across your border peddling drugs, trafficking kids, getting free cell phones, free travel, free baby formulas, and assured rights to vote, that is, voting Democrat.

You’re gonna get a January 6 committee led by the Jewish fagella, Adam Schiff, interviewing an illiterate cop…

”it was an attempted koop happening in the Capitol that day”

…while rampant daily crime cripples our cities every day.

You’re gonna get food shortages, high prices for ground beef, and $56 billion worth of tax dollars sent to Ukraine with an extra $1.8 billion tax dollars sent every month.

Vickie Nudelman, Anthony Blinken, and Wendy Sherman—all unelected Jews—are shoving this up your ‘tax un-exempt ass’ whether you the goy—shackled under Jewry’s hooked-nosed chains—like it or not.

“But wait!” you say.

“We have an adult in the room, a Gentile, a Negro with a sensible head, at the Pentagon’s Department of Defense, who’s holding back on sending troops to Ukraine.”

He’s a diversity hire.

His peers call him a dumb ass.

Any dumb ass knows that sending US troops to Ukraine means an all out war with Russia.

The Jew-owned FED cuts his paycheck.

Throw Austin on the psychiatric couch too.

Let him bring to consciousness why he lets his schwartza shilling ass be laced by Jews who brought the Black slaves to America in the first place.

Kingston clan #fundie #racist #elitist #homophobia splcenter.org

Jessica Kingston[…]remembered[…]her Sunday school teacher coming into class with a bucket of water and a vial of black food coloring[…]
“The teacher was like, ‘You can never get that out, that is always there now’”[…]
Black people supposedly suffered from multiple scriptural curses, from the mark of Cain and Noah’s curse on Ham in the Old Testament to the racist tenets of early Mormonism[…]
Black blood was “the worst thing you can have,” Jessica said, particularly since the Kingstons consider themselves to be the whitest of the white, descended directly from Jesus Christ and King David[…]
Ex-Order members tell of a reputed church prophecy of an “End of the World War,” an apocalyptic vision that foresees a bloody race war with the Kingstons as the ultimate victors[…]
Kingstons command an estimated 6,000 adherents, boast a business empire reportedly worth as much as $1 billion[…]
A stern disciplinarian, who in later years looked and dressed like a mortician, [John] Ortell made incest a tenet of the clan’s faith, informed by his work breeding Holstein cows[…]
In order to maintain his family’s “superior bloodlines,” Ortell married and had children with two of his half-sisters and two nieces[…]
Control of The Order then passed to Ortell’s well-educated son Paul Kingston[…]
Another of Ortell’s teachings: Adolf Hitler had the right idea about creating a master race, but didn’t have the Lord’s help[…]
Being taught end-time prophecies, with a “cleansing” wherein the streets of Salt Lake City would run red with blood[…]
Another of the cult’s teachings was that soy can make you gay[…]
Don’t the infant deaths and tales of horrific deformities belie Ortell’s homespun eugenics?

Scott remembered that Ortell had an answer[…]
“Something along the lines of, to build a superhuman, if you have four or five defects to get the one good one, it’s worth it”

Republican congressional candidate Carl Paladino #psycho #racist #wingnut mediamatters.org

I was thinking the other day about somebody had mentioned on the radio Adolf Hitler and how he aroused the crowds. And he would get up there screaming these epithets and these people were just — they were hypnotized by him. That's, I guess, I guess that's the kind of leader we need today. We need somebody inspirational. We need somebody that is a doer, has been there and done it, so that it’s not a strange new world to him. I look around at the politicians that we've elected locally and I, I just can’t [unintelligible] on a federal level, I can't get comfortable with the RINO-ism. And on a state level, we — our Republicans are sound asleep. They're not an anti-government group. They don't get up with new press releases to comment on this issue, comment on that issue. I mean, there should be a debate going on in the newspaper every day.

Occidental Dissent #transphobia #racist #conspiracy occidentaldissent.com

Take a society, mix in killer doses of egotistical selfishness and freedom without responsibility to the community, and you’ll eventually wind up with transsexual soldiers threatening to physically assault world leaders.

Well, maybe not that far every single time, but with enough (((encouragement))) things will almost always end in similarly-bizarre outcomes.

So, Chris (that’s how you’re going to be addressed), do you understand that threatening the President of the United States is a rather serious offense that can be punished with years of imprisonment?

Men like yourself have been arrested by the Secret Service for far lesser breaches of conduct, and I’m really hoping and praying that you get dealt with most harshly for your impudence.

Perhaps a few years in lockup (minus hormone treatments if you haven’t already had knife-work done) would help to rip that individualistic streak from your shattered brain.

At least we can hope, right?

Occidental Dissent #conspiracy #racist #wingnut occidentaldissent.com

How many times were we told that Donald Trump was a “fascist”?

What did Donald Trump ever do compared to these people? The corporate media spent years spreading misinformation based on dubious intelligence about Trump in the Russia hoax. The Democratic Congress impeached him twice. Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioted for years and torched entire cities and got away with serial violence while openly being supported by Corporate America. Big Tech deplatformed Trump and millions of his supporters from the internet. “Journalists” hunt people down who express politically incorrect opinions online like old school commissars, dox them and get them fired from their jobs. Democrats built a razor wire fence around the U.S. Capitol and sent in the military to occupy Washington, DC. They weaponized the intelligence agencies against Trump and his supporters.

Has it occurred to anyone how far across the line the Left has traveled over the past few years? They’ve resorted to mob violence, censorship, illegal surveillance, doxxing, economic blackmail and intimidation, impeachment, demonizing White people as a racial group, labeling virtually the entire Populist Right as “domestic extremism” and a national security threat, imposing a political litmus test on the U.S. military and law enforcement agencies, etc. Merrick Garland’s Department of Social Justice was even poised to arrest Derek Chauvin on the spot in court on federal charges if a jury had found that he was innocent. The corporate media now holds communist show trials and convicts police officers of systematic racism in the court of public opinion for the purpose of fomenting racial division for political gain.

Lucius Vanini #transphobia #racist #pratt theoccidentalobserver.net

There are NO transgender people. If “transgender” denotes the transition from male to female or vice-versa, it relates to fact less than does “unicorn.” There is NO sex change; such a transition NEVER occurs in humans. The misnomer “sex-reassignment” signifies only a transition to NEUTER, to ex-men and ex-women deprived of their reproductive systems. Nor is “self-identification” any more efficacious. Identifying and even believing one is a member of the opposite sex doesn’t make one so, any more than Emperor Norton’s believing he was Emperor of California made him so.

I prefer the term “transvestite” to denote pre-op delusionals, sufferers of gender dysphoria; and “neuters” to denote post-ops.

“Biologically male” is redundant and implies there’s another kind of male. There are no other kinds. Maleness and femaleness (NOT identical to masculinity and femininity) relate to reproduction, which is biological. When I discuss, say, the invasion of males into women’s sports, I never use the customary “biological males” but simply “males.”

My point is that we should avoid using the language of the peddlers and consumers of lunacy, because doing so seems to imply endorsement thereof.

As for the idea of Pakis and Somalis and other non-NON-British being Brits because they’re physically in Britain, it’s of course a lie of the anti-Whites. Hell, how many times have I had Spaghetti al Pomodoro in London restaurants? Does that mean spaghetti are an English dish?

The Final Wakeup Call #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #ufo #magick finalwakeupcall.info

Psychopathic elites rule the world! A relatively small group of satanic narcissistic psychopaths, organised according to Masonic sectarian ideology; who have unlimited influence and resources at their disposal.

These people have no compassion, they pursue their agenda based on unsubstantiated logic, full of lies. Their agenda takes us straight into the swamp of the Archon Bloodline; with Anunnaki and Draco Reptile Control Matrix!

Nowhere in recorded history is the art of making money out of nothing more developed than in the ancient Khazar Empire, which developed from nomadic robber clans operating on the western caravan routes in the Caucasus Mountains, north of Iraq, between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea regions.
These Parasitecrats are defined by names like; illuminati, insiders, the Deep State, Rothschild Khazarian Mafia – RKM, Cabal, elite, establishment, or Powers That Be – PTB. Who run the – Masonic Jewish – central banking cartel, the CIA, MI-6, and Mossad; multinationals, corporations, law enforcement, education, and the media with the goal of enslaving humanity.

The invention of the printing press enabled the printing of money, but also their version of the Bible, which led to the Age of Enlightenment and the downfall of the Roman Church. It was the moment when money could replace religion as the new control mechanism for the wealthy elite.

Wealth equals power, by constantly issuing new money, which is effectively taken out of the hands of the public, to put in the hands of the international banking cartel. Is the main means of oppression, to create rich gods and poor souls.

Through the application of these surreptitious means of oppression, the public has lost its freedom. In order to regain our freedom, the people must massively break the power of the Rothschilds; who, according to the colonial script, outlawed the people’s honest money.

Kevin Barrett #wingnut #racist #conspiracy veteranstoday.com

Many readers will no doubt object that Ukraine’s various ultra-nationalist Russophobic sects are not carbon copies of the Hitler-era German Nazi party; and that the USA, far from being Nazified, is dominated by ethnic Jews and by a fanatical anti-Nazi ideology that demonizes Hitler and worships the Holocaust. For these readers, Putin’s calls to denazify Ukraine are dubious, and my call to denazify America must sound ridiculous.

So let’s define our terms. I am obviously not asserting that more than 10% of Ukrainians, or more than 1% of Americans, are in love with Adolf Hitler. I’m using the word nazi with a small n (as distinguished from the German big-N Nazis under Hitler) to denote a certain family resemblance, not an absolute identity.

In Ukraine, that family resemblance is obvious. Many Ukrainian neo-Nazi groups, including the West’s beloved Azov Brigade, do lionize Hitler, brandish swastikas, and goose step around as if they were auditioning for minor roles in a remake of The Producers. Additionally, a considerable portion of the 55% of Ukrainians whose mother tongue is Ukrainian (and perhaps even a few among the 45% who speak Russian) have caught the ultra-nationalist Russophobic bug from the Azov nazis. These people now hate all things Russian with what one might call naziesque fanaticism.
In the USA, unlike in Ukraine, the nazi element is well-hidden. To locate it, we need to unpack the political philosophy of neoconservatism, which is, in fact, a predominantly Jewish brand of neo-nazism.
Since the neocons are the real nazis, Russia’s goal of “denazifying Ukraine” is too limited. The nazis the Russians are really fighting are in Washington, DC, and other big American metropolises. And getting rid of them shouldn’t be Russia’s job. The American people need to overthrow the neocons and denazify their own country—before the Russians are left with no choice but to do it with nuclear warheads.

Anonymous #crackpot #racist #ufo boards.4chan.org

I've always felt a deep unease around East Asians. Recently, I was meditating and communicating to my Pleiadian guides. I found out something horrible in my meditations and studies this week. Asians are directly descended from the reptilian aliens. It all makes perfect sense:

>little to no empathy for animals or even other human beings
>cold, extremely emotionally reserved
>obsessed with logic and reason, love the sciences and mathematics
>all Asian nations claim to be descended from dragons in their cultural myths and are obsessed with dragons
>various tales of half snake half humans in their legends
>beautiful Asian women are called snakes even in Asian culture
>when reaching their lowest depths are some of the most depraved and violent beings on earth(ie. The Chinese/North Koreans, Japanese during WW2, Mongols killed more people than anyone else)
>obsessed with rules and regulations and an intense work ethic, a mark of the Draco Orion Empire
>their appearance looks unlike any other race on earth, unusual shaped, alien or lizard eyes and sleek, streamline, flat facial structure gives them an alien lizard appearance
>lack of body hair
>said to be physically cooler to the touch than Caucasians

Sorry guys, but if you get involved with Asian women you are literally gonna be having sex with/romantically involved with a negative alien species that is barbaric and cruel. Asians are the biggest threat to this planet.

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