
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Gregory Hood #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

Inventing a New Minority

The “Hispanic” category was a power grab.

In 1980, some whites objected to adding “Hispanic” as an “ethnic” category because it was both imprecise and insulting to white “ethnics” such as Poles and Italians.

Conservatives briefly considered whether ethnic whites deserve census categories. The 1980 Republican Convention included this as part of its platform:

Millions of Americans who trace their heritage to the nations of Eastern, Central, and Southern Europe have for too long seen their values neglected. The Republican Party will take positive steps to see to it that these Americans, along with others too long neglected, have the opportunity to share the power, as well as the burdens of our society.

Ethnic whites were merged into a larger “white” identity — and this didn’t lead to a boom in their influence and power. Instead, the “Hispanic” category is now the largest non-white group in the United States. The people who established the category knew what they were doing.

Priorities shifted when it became more profitable to be non-white.

In 1977, LULAC succeeded in having the federal government recognize ‘Mexicans,’ and all ‘Hispanics,’ as separate from European-Americans and essentially ‘non-white’ so as to be eligible for affirmative action programs.

Groups such as the National Council of La Raza encouraged Spanish-speakers to say they were Hispanic because it would mean more effective appeals to corporations and the government.

In some US states, the Portuguese were also granted minority status, and this, as well, proved to be of substantial benefit to some Portuguese-owned businesses.

Clearly, people want to be considered “disadvantaged” because then they get advantages. This isn’t just idiotic; it damages national unity. Racial/ethnic Categories are a powerful barrier to assimilation. Cubans are far more likely than other Hispanics to call themselves “white,” (87%) and, in a 2004 Pew poll, more than half said America was their “real” homeland. Only about a third of Mexicans, Central and South Americans, and Puerto Ricans did — even though the latter are all US citizens.

Henry de Lesquen #racist lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Pour une immigration négative" - "For a negative immigration"]

As soon as he was named as Minister for Interior, in 2002, Sarkozy declared the principle of immigration zero was to be forgotten

"Immigration Zero" was the official dictrine of every government, both right and left, since 1974. The expression meant the numbre of entering foreigners ("x") had to be equilibrated with the number of leavers ("y"):x-y=0. But, for Sarkozy, there should be more entrance: "x" had to be way higher than "y". It is positive immigration

I am hostile to immigration zero. I adhere even less to positive immigration of Sarkozy, Hollande and Micron [Mix of "Macron" and "micron"]

I am for negative immigration: "y" has to be (largely) higher than "x." We have to invert the migratory flux, so as to the number of leaving foreigner is way higher than the number of enterances

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist benjaminfulford.net

The world is going through a fundamental shift as the Western world is being cured of its Satanic infection. The result will be an unprecedented era of world peace and prosperity. This will be the legacy of the “make love not war,” hippy generation.
“What I can say with some certainty is that there is a general feeling of disgust here towards what the Jews [Khazarian mafia] have turned Anglosaxony into, and more generally, the West, including parts of our own countries,” says a source who claims to have just finished extensive talks with Portuguese and Spanish power brokers.

That is why the Russians have begun stationing troops and warplanes in Latin America as a move to counter Nato incursions on its own borders, other sources say.

Our sources in Mexican US military intelligence say the troops are already there along with a contingent of Chinese special forces.

This revolt against the US Corporation is why Iberoamerican narcotics gangs have stopped supplying adrenochrome to the Western elites.
The Mexican sources also told us the Mexican drug cartels are all united at the higher levels and are ruled over by a single individual, a Mexican national who sits one rank above the publicly-known cartel bosses. This unidentified person, Mexico’s most powerful, is taking orders over the phone from a Greek individual in Greece, they add, This Greek individual in turn reports to the Orthodox Church people who also control the avatar of Vladimir Putin, Russian FSB sources say.

Once the North Americans are liberated from the KM, the Iberoamerican sources say they welcome the idea of creating a super-state uniting North and South America. Reflecting this, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for just such a thing at a Press conference saying “The option is [continentall] transformation and you have to dare to do it. And you don’t have to keep thinking about the next election, you have to think about the next generation.

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy #elitist #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Europe to become a backwater and repeat mistakes dating back to even the 14th century"]

I would like to reiterate the fact that there has not ever been a single figure in European History ever known, who sought to disrupt the flow and channels of wealth, particularly ill-gotten wealth and the status quo, as to the level that Adolf Hitler had sought

This is why “Hitler Had To Be Stopped”™[…]
Europe’s conflicts will never be natural or out of true necessity[…]Only Adolf Hitler ever stood up to trying to eliminated thievery and advantageous scenarios that permanently allowed the Wealthy to ever gain and hold precedent on wealth[…]
The Nazi Economic policies were of the most harsh and brutal variety (as they should be) that any Authoritarian Regime has ever attempted in history. Behind shutting down union offices and confiscating their wealth, confiscating wealth from the Jews (rightfully so), and also using other excellent examples of punishment towards anyone with ill-gotten wealth or real estate holdings[…]
Most Baby Boomers are corrupt and immoral degenerates, the large majority of them are, and so are the children they had born which took on their ways

The consequences for the road of which things have led on will surely bring about the catastrophe of the Dark Age that took place for Europe in the Middle Ages[…]
Our Love and Support for Adolf Hitler is so great in his ambitions, that even if it meant that all of Europe had to face an even greater genocide and wealth confiscation program to secure the BEST populations to prosper and build a new future for Europe, we would be in total support for it[…]
Civil War is the only way

Indian Anon #dunning-kruger #racist boards.4chan.org

If geography played a role in civilization building, then horn of Africa should have created the greatest civilization in recorded history. Yet we all know bulbhead somalians are worse than us, which is a monumental task to accomplish.

Why? It's not just a question of access, the sheer density of trade is much more of a factor.
It doesn't really matter that horners saw the occasional pajeet make the crossing, it matters that every piddleshit coastal village in the Med basin was full of ships hopping up and down the coast on trade runs.


No the scope of trade there was far larger than Mediterranean basin since the sea route of silk trade, egyptian/phoenican/arab trade, greek trade all happened nearby it. Any witty race (even us for that matter) would have exploited it and made fortunes. Also the sea coast is extremely ideal for navy building and seafaring. If you compare the lands of eternal anglo wit them, they possess astronomical advantage.

Various Commenters #racist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

RE: Transgender Lutheran Bishop Resigns Over Racism Allegations

(American Plague)

An openly transgender cleric from San Francisco has resigned amid allegations of racism after firing the pastor of a predominantly Latino congregation.

The association’s leaders said her message ignored the suffering of an entire community and gave “a white aggressor the opportunity to decide their own fate — a decision deeply rooted in white supremacy and systemic racism.”

Hahaha! This reads like the most bizarre, Mad Max-like, post apocalyptic craziness😆! A bunch of transphobic Hispanics come together and terrorize a racist tranny bishop, for racial discrimination, to the point that "they" [the racist tranny] has to wear bullet proof armor during church service. I can definitely see how some God fearing Christians might think that The End is near.

(Marc Zuckurburg)
A contest to see who is the bigger snowflake.

(Meyer Lansky)
Hispanics learned a long time ago to play the race card the way blacks do. How many times do they mention blacks and browns in the same sentence when they claim discrimination and harassment from us evil whites?

Hay, caramba! supremasisticando Blanco et rasismo systematical! So firing someone with incomplete credential requirements is racism now... By the way, since when 'Hispanic trans' (or is he a Mexican trans?) is a RACE?
On a different note: What fired what? It is so difficult to follow all that terminology salad with some peppery qualifications added for taste... Speaking of tastes, in some denominations and religions, it's the achievements (work, publications, etc) that are emphasized, not the bedroom specs.
And that's an interesting twist: What kind of a discrimination and -ism is it if a queer fires a tranny? Is it a discrimination or a retaliation or some kind of a supremacy or what?


Isn’t it some kind of heresy for someone to insist on being referred to as, ‘they’

"They" like multiple demons inside. Legion.

Michael Hoffman #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy revisionistreview.blogspot.com

have been asked to comment on the tempest in a teapot here in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho concerning the preemptive detention of thirty-one “white nationalist” so-called “Patriot Front” members on June 11, which has been reported across America and throughout the western world.

The players arrested fall into the category of (mostly) unconscious servants of the Leftist-Soviet imperium which is rapidly developing in the U.S. These "extras" from Central Casting help to Sovietize America by acting parts in the Cryptocracy’s script, like the patsies in Michigan ("Wolverine Watchmen") who were lured into the FBI’s plot to kidnap the Democratic governor of that state.

Apparently there is an endless supply of useful idiots and patsies willing to act out the Federal government's entrapment theatre, thereby further empowering the Far Left change agents who conspire to paint Idaho as a white racist redoubt (only one of those arrested was an Idaho resident), and further empower the LGBTQ ideology. They succeeded on both counts.
However, the nature of these government-infiltrated patsy groups is such that they operate at a level that is one magnitude above mental retardation. The Patriot Front is not anitfa. I suspect the members of the "Front" have zero legal resources.
Why does the Cryptocracy target north Idaho with these charades? Because we are a Christian Constitutionalist demographic and overwhelmingly so.

Ours is not a racist region. It is a place where Americans of all races are welcome to come and enjoy freedom to home school or enroll their children in multiple charter and private Christians academies. We are a state highly resistant to mask and vaccination mandates. We do not appreciate interdiction by Soviet-style bureaucrats who have made life miserable for freedom-seeking Christian families in places such as New York, Chicago, Seattle and Los Angeles.

Jack del Rio #racist #wingnut theroot.com

(This is from the Root which I know isn’t fundie, they’re just the source of the information)

NAACP Calls for NFL Assistant Coach Jack del Rio to resign

NAACP President Derrick Johnson has called for Jack Del Rio assistant coach to the NFL’s Washington Commanders, to resign, per Yahoo! News. Del Rio previously apologized after making a comment comparing the Jan 6. insurrection to the protests following the killing of George Floyd, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

Johnson said it’s time for Del Rio to resign or be terminated. “The January 6th insurrection – an attempted coup – was far from a ‘dust-up’ - Downplaying the insurrection by comparing it to nationwide protests, which were in response to a public lynching, is twisted,” he said in a statement.

Del Rio wondered why the Jan 6. insurrection was met with more criticism than the summer 2020 protests. He also claimed the damage during the riot was nothing compared to that of the protests.

More from Tampa Bay Times:

“People’s livelihoods are being destroyed, businesses are being burned down, no problem,” Del Rio said. “And then we have a dust-up at the Capitol, nothing burned down, and we’re going to make that a major deal. I just think it’s kind of two standards.”

Amid backlash for his comments, Del Rio released a statement on Twitter Wednesday afternoon apologizing his word choice. Del Rio said it was “irresponsible and negligent” to call the riot a “dust-up.” But he said he stood by comments “condemning violence in communities across the country.”

Ben Sullivan #racist amren.com

My 55 black students could be divided into four groups:

1. Good kids who desperately wanted to get out of the ghetto (about 4 students)

2. Decent kids who, with a bit of effort, could perhaps rise above and become good citizens (4 students)

3. Bad kids who regurgitated what they knew white teachers wanted to hear (7 students)

4. Ghetto thugs (40 students)

Once the administration thought they had eliminated all of the possibilities for gang colors, the students started dying their teeth red and blue.

The gang affiliations would have gone unnoticed if the school did not have frequent “walk-by shootings.” Gang members would stalk the fences of the school looking for rival gang members to shoot at.

Riots were fairly common as well. For instance, two girls who started fighting over a boy would draw in their friends, and the friends of their friends, and so on and so forth.

Things I saw:

- Students robbing grocery stores in uniform

- Students talking about their grandmothers giving oral sex to animals for crack

- Students having sex in empty classrooms

- Students not understanding that the world was not in black and white before color photographs

- Boys hitting girls

- Open drug use

- Overt racism between students who called one another “stupid Africans” and made clicking sounds to mimic African languages (all these students were African-American, not African immigrants)

After three years, I was moved to a middle school where a majority of the students were Jewish, Persian, or Hispanic. There were no problems there. The Jewish and Persian kids understood the lessons immediately. The Hispanic kids had some trouble and lagged a bit, but not far enough to derail a lesson, and they were respectful enough not to keep a lesson from progressing. I eventually left that job, but only for financial reasons.

By their senior year, the whites, Asians and Hispanics had grown to detest their black classmates. They saw them as disruptive and ignorant thieves. I can remember another teacher sitting in a meeting and saying, “Remember Martin Luther King? ‘Judge me not by the color of my skin but by the content of my character?’ He probably should have left that last part out.” That about sums it up.

JayGoptri , AnalAndro & Ghost of Eskimo #transphobia #sexist #racist ncu.su

Judge whose not a Biologist
This proud woman of color can't even describe what a "woman" is. If the question was making her confused because of all the edgey new age commentary she's supposed to say, which is clogging her mind, she could have at least just given a few examples of the female species. Of course shes not a Biologist, so she gets a pass? And just today, all the leftist stations reporting "Science says there is no easy answer to the question"

The absolute shitty state of affairs in America.

The w*man is the cultural construct to describe the femanoid human beast, it's half human and half beast. The w*man concept is too normie so I never use it. I agree that it's just a damn costruction of a culture, so yes I think I can use the w*man concept to diagnose illness of a culture.

This womban here is a black african american nigger of color oppressed by evilwhitey. The whole concept of "african american black nigger of color oppressed by evilwhitey" is another social construct, that is valid only in white countries, exclusively in white countries. This concept is not universal, if you are white and you go visit some nignogg jungle savages, they don't see you as an "evilwhitey oppressor" because they don't even know what an university is.

(Ghost of Eskimo)
I was going to make a thread about her lenient sentencing of a man convicted for having computer child porn images. She was pretty reasonable and only gave him a few years for having thousands of images.

The Cuckservatives were raging because they would like him to tortured by a pack of soyboys for life in Gitmo. How dare she be lenient to a man who barely committed a crime.

Jean-Noël Strauss #racist #sexist #dunning-kruger lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Race et beauté:les femmes congoïdes sont-elles moins belles?" - "Race and beauty:are Congoid women less beautiful?"]

As statistics from online dating services show, race is among the criteria[…]Congoid women are less succesful than other races' women. Satoshi Kanazawa, LSE professor and evolutionary psychology specialist, wrote Why Are Black Women Less Physically Attractive Than Other Women? Basing on US study program Add Health[…]Kanazawa calculated a "Physical Beauty Factor." While one of his previous articles showed women were in average more beautiful than men[…]it wasn't true for Congoid women[…]
Why are Congoid women less beautiful? The professor rejects BMC[…]He also rejects hypothesis basing on the beauty-intelligence link-Congoids have lower IQ[…]
Kanazawa propose a hormonal justification. Congoids have higher testosterone[…]Testosterone is an androgen[…]Men are more viril and women more manly. These, less womanly, are less attractive[…]
As to the self-overrating of Congoids' beauty, it can be explained by higher testosterone rates, which favors self-confidence[…]
Professor Lynn notes success of Mongoloid women among Caucasoid men is caused by lower testosterone rates, making their face more feminine. Kanazawa seems to be on the right track

Perfectibilist #crackpot #god-complex #magick #racist #ufo stormfront.org

(From "9 reasons Aryans (like blonde Swedes) are the (God`s) chosen people.")

6 Because are the most spiritually gifted. Both positively and negatively. (Alas.) Whites have dominated the realm of Magick, and the royal houses from Egypt to the druidic orders of England. There is a lot of demonic blood in the white race. But not in the blondes.

Blonde angelic aryans are more spiritually aware because of their loving, peaceful nature, and have a high aura-field-conscience than any other race as they are alien, and part interdimensional. As I am. This is the most pivotal point on my list. They can connect with higher realms of angelic purity, which the other races can`t. They connect to the higher heavens which are populated by blonde angels. To be able to venture forth in dreams, and see these dimensions; you return, and realize you are an angel with wings; a totally different species, as you have seen that your blonde race originate from universes far beyond earthly beauty and purity. I am of course talking about Alvarheim. The spiritual dimension above Norway/Scandinavia.

Only pure blondes can connect to these angelic degrees of purity and conscienceness. Some are very holy, but many have fallen into carnalism of the 21st century, and forgotten about their spiritual origin from the Heavenlies. The blonde remnants are fading, and the glory of Hyperborea, Thule, Greece, Rome, and Atlantis is fading. I would compare myself to a eagle who can look directly into the sun, while other races are terrestrial, and can only experience Earethern life and conscience. After all: It the aryans who created the Hindu mystery schools.

7 Because the original aryans were aliens. If an alien came to Earth to examine all races, he would certainly pick out the tall, peaceful, orderly, non-hairy, blonde or red-haired, blue-eyed, beautiful, intelligent broad-shouldered aryan with milky-smooth skin. Just like myself. �� He would come from the Pleiades looking for his long lost family. An angelic brother with peaceful divine conscience.

YBP Yxngcel #conspiracy #crackpot #magick #racist #ufo incels.is

The Global Elite Are Not Jewish

The true NWO elites aren’t Jewish, but light-eyed Aryan types descended from the ancient Phoenicians, Akkadians, Dacians, Druids, Brahmins, Tocharians, etc. They are the closest genetically to the negative Nordic aliens that you hear about in abduction and contactee literature. Think of the Queen of England, the Nazi supermen, or the Rockefellers for instance. Thousands of years ago these bloodlines employed indigenous people (Semites, Egyptians, Meso-Americans, Southern Indians, Paleolithic farmers) to be their power base.

Aliens are the next highest up on the pyramid above the human elite, and thus the top of the human portion ought to be closest to the alien types. You never hear of Space Jews except in Mel Brooks parodies.

They use Jews as a scapegoat and trick you into thinking Jews are behind everything. Your arleady falling for their agenda and they will keep you ignorant. I mean if they wanted to hide their agenda why would they let it be widely know that they are Jews and it's a common stereotype about global elites. I honestly don't believe they are. They might be the ones behind big corporations.

Demonic overlords (5D negative)
Nordic occult overlords (lower 5D negative)
Nordic crusaders and Mantis beings (upper 4D)
Lower demonic minions (astral)
Reptilian Minions and other negative aliens (lower 4D)
Grays, which are genetically engineered robots (semi 4D/3D)
Upper Illuminati (occult, possessed, secret society people) (3D, a little 4D)
Shadow Government (underground bases, ultra-black ops military)
Lower Illuminati (political elite, Bilderbergers, etc.)
Open secret societies (freemasons and so on)
State/local government, corporations, university systems, etc. <---- Here are where Jews (if they're involved) rule. They own big corporations, governments and university systems. .

Global Elite is being controlled by some metaphysical entities. And metaphysicality does exist. Its been proven.

Padraig Martin #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "We Are Everywhere, and Growing"]

The beautiful thing about the Left is that they do not know when to quit[…]they are going for broke in a desperate dash to their total Marxist conclusion[…]You can feel a change in the air[…]
If you asked me back in 2015, I would have estimated that five percent of the United States could be labeled within some sector of the Dissident Right. Today, I believe that number is probably closer to 40% and growing[…]
After Covid lockdowns, a stolen election, a meltdown in Afghanistan, chaos at the Southern border, and an economic collapse triggered by anti-working-class policies from the White House, an anger is metastasizing. Couple all of that with the broad recognition of Critical Race Theory[…]gender dysphoria propaganda[…]clear, anti-White marketing[…]awakening is happening[…]
As someone who travels frequently, I strike up conversations wherever I am[…]Far more individuals are knowledgeable about the origin of our current predicament[…]and the only solutions that make sense[…]75% of those with whom I meet are on some level of White Nationalism[…]
Teachers, doctors, lawyers, and police officers in Pennsylvania all seemed to share very strong, anti-Jewish sympathies. “Man, six years ago, I didn’t care about Jews,” explained one high school teacher, “but they keep f***ing pushing. Now I wish Hitler finished the job”[…]
With the election protests of January 6th – The “CivNat Charlottesville” – many normiecons and Civic Nationalists learned the hard way. Those who were not arrested for their mostly peaceful protest, learned the same lessons that White Nationalists of varying stripes learned in 2017[…]
As a secessionist, nothing could be more satisfying, and the best part of all this: the powers that triggered all of it, cannot put that genie back in the bottle and avoid number 110. We are everywhere, and we are growing

Babylon Bee #transphobia #racist #biphobia babylonbee.com

CHARLOTTE, NC—Colin Kaepernick has made his way back into the NFL as a cheerleader for the Carolina Panthers. He will be the team's first African American Transgender Poly-Bi Cheerleader and will be joining the team on road games.

"I'm excited to be on the team!" said Kaepernick, weakened by a series of surgeries and hormone injections. "After I insulted the organization and called all the fans racist, I wasn't sure I'd be welcomed back, but I was finally able to contort my body into such a victimized form that they had no choice but to hire me."

"It's a dream come true!"

Panthers coach Matt Rhule was not part of the decision-making process that brought Kaepernick into the cheerleading fold, but he is reportedly enthusiastic about the former quarterback's role on the squad.

"I think he'll be a great distraction when we lose games," he said, sighing wistfully. "And believe me, we're going to lose some games."

ESPN commentator Jaina Winterwoman asked Kaepernick about the audition process. The interview, which will appear on a future episode of NFL Primetime, revealed that Kaepernick doesn't know how to dance.

"Girl, with an identity like this you don't have to do a thing," Kaepernick told the sports journalist. "I don't think anyone's going to be watching me for my dance moves."

The 2022 NFL season is scheduled to begin on September 8th. Ratings for Panthers games are expected to spike early on and then plummet, destroying the franchise.

Clif High #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #mammon ussanews.com

Abe Lincoln had a problem, well, he actually had shit tons of problems, but there was one, really vexing one all the way down at the core of things.

Abe was facing the Khazarian Mafia, the pretend jews, who were really, like seriously pissed off at him. The Khazarians had good reason, in their minds, to be angry. Abe was starting to interfere with a hugely lucrative business model of theirs.
You see, the Khazarian Mafia owned the banks that financed the slave boats. The Khazarian Mafia owned the slave boats. They were many of the crew. They owned the Kor’als (embarkation points, aka slave pens) in Africa, and also, frequently all the ‘town’ surrounding the Kor’al. They also owned the slave quarters & sales pens here in the Americas, both North and South. And they owned most of the politicians that supported the slave trade, again, North and South. Oh, the also were nearly 90% of all the owners of slaves here in North America. They also financed the cotton industry to support their mills in England which were the mainstay for their banking interests there. It gets really complicated the more you get into it.
Abe surprised the Khazarians by rolling his own currency. A DIY effort at a national level that led to these States being still united, more or less, to this day.

Yes, I know, Same Shit, Different Day. Or so it would seem to the normies.

However, we are there, this ‘here’, and this ‘now’. That place where “It’s different this time!” actually is factual.

It is different this time. The Khazarian Mafia banking scam conquered all the nation states round the globe. That very success will be their undoing as it turns out that the central banking model operates on a fundamental principle of Grow, Or Die.
Wethe People, will, like Abe Lincoln, roll our own currency, and then will all say Fuck the Banks. It will work. Probably we won’t call them Greenback, as that ‘green’ label now has the stench of socialism all over it. Perhaps they will be ‘redbacks’? Who can say?

Mike Adams The Health Ranger #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #psycho naturalnews.com

According to Lude media sources, China will try to use nuclear blackmail and unrestricted warfare to collapse the United States while forcing Taiwan, Japan and South Korea under Chinese control. Failing this, China and Russia will launch a full-scale war against the United States.

Combined with previous sources and intel we’ve received, we now know how the attack against the continental United States will be waged:

From the North: Russian and Chinese troops cross from Canada into Washington and other northern states.
From the South: Chinese troops working with drug cartels invade US southern states along human smuggling routes.
From the West: Chinese troops bombard National Guard bases in California with offshore artillery or tactical nuclear weapons, then carry out a beach landing and seize the ports, after which larger ships dock and unload battle equipment for the full-scale war.
From the East: Russia detonates its Poseidon underwater drones, unleashing a tidal wave of radioactive water that will inundate the entire East Coast, taking out Naval infrastructure in Norfolk, rendering Washington D.C. uninhabitable and wrecking Wall Street and New York City, among other places. .

As all this is happening:

China will cut off all exports to the United States from Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and China itself. America’s economy and industry will instantly collapse.
China will attack America with cyber warfare, kamikaze drones launched from Mexico and attacks on the power grid infrastructure.
China will activate its embedded civilians who are already inside the CDC, FDA, universities, corporations and government bodies, and they will initiate mass sabotage operations to bring America down.
Other Chinese agents will activate across the country, arming up with mortars, ground-to-air missiles and firearms, then targeting and taking out infrastructure such as refineries, power substations, police stations, military bases, airports and sea ports.

Henry de Lesquen #racist lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Pour maîtriser la haine raciale, il faut réémigrer les allogènes" - "In order to overcome racial hatred, foreigners have to be remigrated"]

This is the end of the Week against Antiracism and Cosmopolitanism. Here are 10 reflexions on the vulgar antiracism which is destroying France
1) The denunciation of racism delivers France to immigration
2) I am racist in the good meaning: racial consciousness; and antiracist in the good meaning: I morally condemn racial hatred and oppose racial reductionism[…]
4) Racial hatred is an ugly feeling. But we have to use it because we are at war against immigration. It is a power source which can help France to rise up
5) Racial hatred, like all forms of social hatred, can lead to horrors. Thus, they have to be overcame
6) In order to overcome racial hatred, foreigners have to be remigrated. Multicultural societies are multiconflictual
7) Vulgar antiracism deny the existence of human races, which is aberrant
8) Vulgar antiracism is the mask of the cosmopolitan ideology, which deny identities
9) Vulgar antiracism is implicitely racist, since it set apart anti-Semitism anti-Jewish racism, from other forms of racism
10) The priority, for the salvation of France, is to repeal the Pleven Act of July 1, 1972 [an act banning hate speech and racial discrimination] and all the antiracist legislation

Jared Taylor #racist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

DR3: An Argument for Morons?

I’m sure you have heard the phrase, “The Democrats are the real racists.” It’s even got a snazzy abbreviation, DR3. “Democrats R Real Racists.”

A lot of Republicans seem to think this is the knock-out blow against Democrats who call Republicans racists.

One of the deep thinkers at Townhall explains that “Actually everything the Democrats do is Racist.”

Promoting abortion is racist. That’s because blacks are more likely to want abortions so letting them end a pregnancy is racist because that means fewer black babies.

Letting men compete in women’s sports is racist because black lady athletes are better than white lady athletes.

Yep, this genius actually says this.

She’s saying blacks are the only people in America who matter — just the way Democrats do.

It’s even worse. It doesn’t seem to have dawned on these boneheads that they have swallowed the very anti-white nonsense they think they are battling. These so-called “conservatives” think they have found a way to fight back at Democrats who say it’s racist to seal the border or ban Critical Race Theory in schools. In fact, they have fully accepted the idea that if you can call a policy or an idea “racist,” you’ve landed a killer blow. American politics becomes a name-calling contest, and the side that shouts “racist” the loudest wins. That means the only thing that counts in American politics is what’s good for blacks.

These people have surrendered without a fight. They have made it impossible to defend what really matters. Once you think your side wins by calling the other side racist, how do you begin even to think about the biological reality of race, race differences in IQ, The Great Replacement, the colossal failures of multi-racial America, the right of whites to survive as a distinct people, and how to ensure their survival?

A couple of weeks ago, I had a long talk with a remarkable person — an honest journalist — who has been writing about American Renaissance for more than 15 years. He brought up “Democrats are the real racists,” and wanted to know how anyone could fall for it. “It’s an argument for morons,” he said.

He’s right. Dangerous morons. Sometimes, even journalists get it right.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com


During the Mexican-American War, some politicians wanted to conquer all of Mexico. Here is John C. Calhoun’s (race realist) argument against doing so.

“We have conquered many of the neighboring tribes of Indians, but we have never thought of incorporating them into our Union. They have either been left as an independent people amongst us, or been driven into the forests. Ours, sir, is the Government of a white race. And yet it is professed and talked about to erect these Mexicans into a Territorial Government, and place them on an equality with the people of the United States. I protest utterly against such a project.

Are you, any of you, willing that your States should be governed by these twenty-odd Mexican States, with a population of about only one million of your blood, and two or three millions of mixed blood, all the rest pure Indians, a mixed blood equally ignorant and unfit for liberty, impure races, not as good as Cherokees or Choctaws?”

The frankness of the great men of the past is astounding! They were so blunt with the truth. They knew that Christian European civilization was unique in all of history. They also knew instinctively that to admit millions of Indians would completely disrupt a White society.

(Ian Connolly)
If we threatened the president of Mexico with literal military action if he doesn’t take the people back and keep them there, I wonder how that would go.

Even after mass deportations, Mexico would still owe us TRILLIONS in "reparations," which, of course, they couldn't pay.

I wouldn’t threaten them I would do it. Roll tanks right up to the National Palace in Mexico City. Cut Mexico in half. The seven northern Mexican states will be under US military authority until the invaders are reunited to their homeland. It’s the only way to seriously get them removed and punish Mexico for the carnage they have cost this country.

Off topic.
But if anyone needs a good red pilling in race realism, I suggest spending an afternoon in the Emergency Room of a local hospital of any town that is at least 10% black. Oh, the things you will see…

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy occidentaldissent.com

[From "Johnny Depp Wins Defamation Lawsuit"]

Don’t get too blackpilled, bros

BLM has peaked and crashed in popularity

#MeToo has peaked and just suffered a devastating defeat

The Great Replacement has gone mainstream

Twitter is about to fall under the control of Elon Musk and become a siege engine of “misinformation” in the culture war

The Wokelash is sending the “permanent progressive majority” into the dustbin of history

Roe v. Wade is about to be struck down by the Supreme Court

Margaret Atwood is saying [i]The Handmaid’s Tale[/i] is coming true. The ideology of Gilead is going mainstream

If you look at that SPLC poll, young men are rejecting feminism. The “New Woman” made her debut a century ago. The culture could easily start trending in the opposite direction

James Kirkpatrick #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger vdare.com

In theory, and certainly in the imaginations of Leftists, the state is teaching young Americans patriotism, nationalism, pride. Yet in the government’s schools, young people are taught self-hatred. A casual glance at the government’s own statistics on crime shows the reality that whites are disproportionately victims—yet we are told that we whites are the greatest threat. Not long ago, what the FBI would have called a Black Identity Extremist shot up a subway in Brooklyn. Not long before that, an almost unbelievably lurid case occurred when a black criminal, who casually posted his raps about how much he hated whites on Soundcloud, ran down white children and old women in Waukesha, WI. That case was quickly buried.

What does this country offer a young white person? In law, in academia, in corporate America, among the church leadership who hate whites far more than they hate the devil, a white person is assaulted from the day he is born to the day he dies. If this were happening to any other ethnic group in any other country, the State Department would be considering it cause for invasion.

Economically, the country offers nothing. There was no money for border protection, no money for COVID-19 stimulus checks, no money for the basic responsibilities of government. Inflation, the most regressive tax, is far from “transitory.” It seems to be permanent.

Gregory Hood #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

More Deceit from the ADL

The ADL must be awfully disappointed to have to admit that “domestic extremists” killed only 29 people in 19 separate incidents. To put this in perspective, the CDC reports that in 2020, there were 24,576 murders.

The ADL claims that 26 of the 29 murders “were committed by right-wing extremists,” two by “Black nationalists, and one by an Islamist extremist.”

The entire report is detached from reality. Of the 19 cases it cites, only one makes its case; the rest refute it.

Nathan Allen, who killed two blacks, is the only person in this report who seems to have been driven by political and racial motives. Two cases appear to have been anti-white killings by blacks. The other 15 are pathetic stories of career criminals, frustrated failures, and mentally disturbed people. To call this collection of crimes evidence of “right-wing extremism” and to imply that they demonstrate the danger of “white supremacism” is mendacious.

This isn’t the first time American Renaissance has analyzed a laughable ADL report, but this year’s is even worse than usual. The ADL nonetheless concludes by urging support for the “PROTECT” plan, which calls for more money to fight “domestic terrorism” and control of content on the internet.

The report doesn’t even include the Waukesha Massacre. Darrell Brooks, who is black and who openly expressed hatred of whites, drove a car into a parade of white people, killing six and injuring dozens more. The ADL would surely have highlighted this case if the races had been reversed.

This report is an embarrassment. It is an almost random collection of 19 crimes followed by a call for more repression. But don’t blame the ADL. It’s a pressure group with an ax to grind. Blame the politicians and journalists who take this nonsense seriously.

@TommyRobinson1 & @timbooker #fundie #racist #wingnut gettr.com

( @TommyRobinson1 )
Bit strange isn’t it???

A RABBI advocating for murdering babies???

I know it’s a contentious issue but his pro abortion issue is also racially and religiously motivated.

He’s an anti White, anti Christian, pro abortion rabbi.


Killing babies is murder plain and simple. Since when is letting each state make their own rules going back to the dark ages? Wow. That rabbi is a bitter person with a hatred of Christians. He forgets what the Torah says also

Well if his argument means anything -thank God that some Christians read the Word of God ,believe it is inspired by God and stand by it or the World would be more doomed than it already is.
God won't look on at this evil for much longer before judging the nations.
Abortion is murder and if you can murder babies or even condone it then there is not much hope left for you-
Only the mercy and grace of your creator which you will only recieve when you repent of your evil and start walking in God's ways.
Thank God that Tommy Robinson stands for Truth and the unborn even while the mainstream Church is failing us.

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

I FEAR, Russia is part of the NWO-Grand Game as anyone else is.
It reminds me of the "Führer", who had been a pawn in the game, like putin is. Both unwillingly, nevertheless both knowing, who those historical forces are, with which they were ready to go "a part of the way, because we both have the same interests, in this very moment" - Hitler and Putin alike will have heard this phrase...
Hitler helped Schneerson, the chief Rabbi of Chabad-Lubawitsch, to flee the European Continent, in 1940; whilst the other other were brought to the work-camps in the east, the Rebbe had free escort and a first class ticket to the US (on the ship he got into trouble with Joseph P.Kennedy*, father to JFK and US-embassador to Great Britain; the Rebbe anathematized Kennedy family then)
Putin, on his side, helped the Chabad-Lubatwitsch cult to conquer
It seems to me, that chabad persuades Putin that he - being their "partner"- cannot fail; overlooking the last years this must have seemed credible to him: Russia got the Crimea back, it has won the war in Syria (and Libya), Turkey, seeking for special relations towards moscow, is no longer a firm NATO-partner.

Chadad-Lubawitschers CERTAINLY will have told Putin, that this triumph, this renaissance of Russia, was THANKS TO THEIR POWER Lobby. And there are facts, which PROOF that they have a point there. TRUMP, part of the cult, is ONE of these PROOFS: the POTUS rubber-stamped every step to Putins triumph. He turned a blind eye towards Russia; his opponent on the global chess game was China.
Nevertheless, I am sure, that, if history repeats, and it looks like that it does - then the Juice play a double game. Talmudists and Kabbalists say, that, shortly before the arrival of the Jewish Messiah, Russia will take back Crimea and there wil be peace talks in Turkey. Unfortunately the arrival of the Messiah can only happen in the way of bloodshed: 3rd WW

Various GLPers #racist #wingnut #homophobia godlikeproductions.com

Topic: “One of the biggest country music festivals is banning Confederate flags”

(Anonymous Coward #80904985)
So it's now just another curated Meta DNC LGBT BLM FBI pride event?


its a virtue signal noone will follow it but its the precedent being set that some guy got paid to try so now EVERYONE will say "Theyr banning the flag now shits gone to hell!"

Its a gayOP

(Anonymous Coward 83537549)
NASCAR fans bent right over and grabbed their ankles for the new (((rules))).

Country music fans will, too. Hell, they already get giddy over black country artists.

messianic crypto-communists have no religion; scapegoating all religions is their religion. Dont fall for the nazi cuckery hilter was one of them he was caught giving war plans to Stalin.

Platonists that created jdism and Christianity & islam. Egyptian mystery schools.

Henry de Lesquen #wingnut #racist lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Le projet culturel d’Henry de Lesquen" - "Henry de Lesquen's cultural project"]

1) The new cultural policy shall be national, popular, identitarian and shall spring from the Western culture's canons
2) The state shall fight cultural cosmopolitanism and the ensuing degenerate art
Degenerate art replaced the beautiful by the ugly. Degenerate non-art replaced the beautiful by the speech
3) Local government shall follow the cultural orientations set by the state[…]
4) National preferance: The cultural market shall be protected from foreign concurrence, which shall favor creation
5) Official art, supported by the state, shall express the nation's soul in the beauty of the artworks[…]
7) Negro music shall be banished from public broadcasters and progressively removed from those helped or allowed by the state[…]
Anyone can hear whatever he wants on CD or the Internet. But public space shall be cleansed

8) Epuration. The state shall get rid from artwork or items from degenerate art or non-art, both by selling and by destroying these
9) Obscenity and attacks on public morals, both being sprawn from cosmopolitan anticulture and degenerate art, shall be suppressed
10) English language shall be removed from France through law![…]
Conclusion: The new coltural policy shall be the beginning of a cultural renaissance in France, which always aims for greatness
National Liberalism. Freedom to create and free speech shall be total. But the state shall no longer help degenerate art

Russian State TV #conspiracy #racist #wingnut reddit.com

Russian state TV is now terrorizing citizens with a conspiracy theory that Germany and Japan⁠—egged on by the U.S.⁠—are getting ready to attack Russia, because aggression is in their genes.

“Germany and Japan are genetically aggressive cultures. Let’s recall some things. How are German fairy tales different from Russian? For them, war is a norm and not an anomaly. Remember the troubled times of the 17th century? The war of lords in Germany lasted for 1000 years and no one thought to call it an anomaly, no one said it wasn’t normal. Wouldn’t underestimate the potential of these countries. Remember the Japanese culture, the cult of the Samurai, the cult of war, of self destruction. How does that threaten us? We’re in the same situation as in the 19th century. We’re resuming the second round of history. For 40 years after the Napoleonic wars we said this is the last war of white people forever in history. The big game of Russia and Great Britain was at the forefront. We’ve anticipated throughout the 19th century that everything will end up in a British-Russian war. Meanwhile, Prussia created the German empire, Japan became the empire of Japan. We were forced into large land wars with two powerful enemies in the east and the west. Possibly, Americans are arranging a repetition for us with two mighty adversaries in the east and the west.”

Jason Knight, Dona Leigh & Dr. Know #crackpot #racist amren.com

RE: OPRF to Implement Race-Based Grading System in 2022-23 School Year

(Jason Knight)

Oak Park and River Forest High School administrators will require teachers next school year to adjust their classroom grading scales to account for the skin color or ethnicity of its students.

In an effort to equalize test scores among racial groups, OPRF will order its teachers to exclude from their grading assessments variables it says disproportionally hurt the grades of black students. They can no longer be docked for missing class, misbehaving in school or failing to turn in their assignments, according to the plan.

The entire "anti-racist" ideology has devolved and given way to naked worship of black people.

(Dona Leigh)

Because something that doesn't work for blacks, but does for everyone else, is outdated and biased, shows us that lefties do indeed know that blacks are lesser creatures.

They are a different SPECIES. Negroes are only about 6-8K years old. Proto/early Negroes are only 12K years old..

Liberals throw a frothing fit when I tell them black people are less intelligent. Yet they tacitly admit it as such.

Because Blacks ARE a different species.. not a different race.. Whites were evolving, mixing and breeding with the locals in Europe, Neanderthals, Denisovans Heidi's etc., Africans were breeding and mixing, evolving with what was walking about in Africa, for over 50K-100K years.

The oldest Negro skeletal remains ever found in Africa is a mere 6K years old..

They are a new species on the planet.

(Dr. Know)
This is great news!
Give all the minorities, all "A's", tell them they no longer need to attend, and that "we'll see you at graduation", then at least the white kids can have a decent school.

Actually, what was I thinking....
Giving students an A, is too traditional.
Black students should be graded with gold teeth, hence "Trayvon gots 5 out of 5 gold teeth on that test.
Now THAT'S some equity!

Jared Taylor #racist #transphobia #wingnut amren.com

Good News, White People!

This will come as a shock to my viewers, but this is a good-news video. Some good things are happening, large and small. And I’m not even talking about all the people who refused to be bullied about Covid, or rose up in fury when men started using ladies restrooms and competing in women’s sports. And everyone has heard about the parents who stormed into school-board meetings to make it very clear that nine-year-old Johnny was never again going to be made to stand up and recite all his unearned privileges.

Here is some good news that got less publicity. Last year, UCF fired professor Charles Negy because of two tweets he let fly in the wake of the George Floyd celebrations.



He went before arbitration and got his job back. Now, he is going to sue. Some students are unhappy he’s coming back, but Prof. Negy says, ““Why don’t they pretend that they’re real university students and try to learn and be open to other views that don’t conform to their view?”

It’s nice to see an academic with backbone.

The steadiest march of progress has been on a different front: firearms.


Look at all the green states on this map. They have what is called “constitutional carry,” meaning that any law-abiding adult can carry a concealed firearm without a license of any kind. Do you know how many constitutional carry states there were in 1980? Just one. There are now 24! It’s only in the nine remaining primitive red states that a citizen has to persuade the authorities he has a special reason to carry a weapon.

This is earth-shaking change in just a few decades. It shows what determined people can accomplish, even in the teeth of powerful, hostile, ruthless elites. If we had made that kind of progress on race, by now the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would be repealed, we would have real free association, and there would be recognized regions in the country where permanent white majorities set their own immigration policies.

Brian Niemeier #racist #wingnut #mammon brianniemeier.com

It’s hard to think of bigger governments, in the sense of the scope of government power, than monarchies. Yet not even the most tyrannical king would seriously entertain the notion of replacing his subjects wholesale with a foreign people. A king ruled a nation, which was a large extended family. He had skin–and blood–in the game.

The crisis overtaking the West arises from the fact that our leaders no longer have the least thing in common with us. The democracy hailed by the Lincoln Project has enabled the ruling class to insulate themselves from all accountability for their actions. After all, their logic goes, you voted for them, so you deserve the blame for their misrule.

It’s not the size of the government that counts. It’s the quality of the people in it and their degree of attachment to their constituents. Our corrupt oligarchs won’t voluntarily part with one iota of power anyway, so the solution to the size and malice of the government is the same. In pro wrestling, when a faction comes to dominate the ring, three outcomes are possible. The faction sways the audience and rules as a personality cult, another faction rises up to bring the cult down, or the whole company collapses under its weight. Which fate awaits us remains to be seen.

But you can get a compelling and fun vision of the post-collapse future right now. Claim any perk tier in my Combat Frame Ƶ XSeed crowdfunder and get XSeed S and SS today.

Various Anons #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(UK Anon 1)
>Man starts beating and raping a woman on subway
>dozens of male passengers just watch, some video
>no one helps

This is what happens when the top 10% of men are having sex with the top 90% of women.


(US Anon 1)

I didn't want to assume their gender

This. If she didn't want rape//violence she shouldn't have traveled via subway/bus...

(Brazilian Anon)
Maybe women just deserve to be raped? Have you thought about that?

(US Anon 2)
that is what happens when you leave the kitchen and enter the workforce. Men warned women the world was dangerous and they asked to be free to be raped. Now you are being raped. Deal with it.

(US Anon 3)
>She more than likely voted for the people allowing these feral joggers to jog around unobstructed.

>God forbid you interfere, the ferral jogger can stab you and get out on bail on the same day.

This. Most women believe Black people are not violent, and will not assault them sexually or physically. Because of the way the media has painted them as sad, sick, wounded puppies.

If I try to help, I will get called a racist and get in more trouble than the man who is assaulting her. Then women like the news anchor grandstand about how men are weak, and cowardly.

Well, maybe they shouldn't have created the conditions of Anarcho-Tyranny and race-baiting in the first place, right? It is past race-baiting, it's a race war, and the media is covering it up. I don't have nigger fatigue, I have nigger exhaustion.

(US Anon 4)
Schrödinger's feminism has resulted in apathy towards women.
She didn't call for help so people probably just assumed it was yet another case of a nog beating his girlfriend in public. You try to step in in that kind of situation and they'll both start attacking you, living in NYC I've seen it more than once.

(US Anon 5)
>dressed in women's clothes
2x protected class, people probably figured that if they tried anything they would be cancelled for being racist and transphobic

brown woman vs. trans nigger

who has more oppression points? no one knows so no one can act.

Ghost of Eskimo #sexist #racist #wingnut ncu.su

The Blackpill Needs a MLK and Malcolm X

MLK and Malcolm X were considered the Ying and the Yang.

MLK was the moderate and Malcolm X was the radical.

But in reality MLK was a radical nigger commie. But the normshit cuckservatives loved hearing him quote the Bible and talk about Jebus.
We need a radical blackpiller to publicly say shit like, "We need to enslave foids, you can't rape your wife, domestic violence isn't real, you should be able to marry 7 years olds, Female Genital Mutilation needs to standard, etc."

We need a list of the most radical things you could do to women that can be passed off as serious.

Then we need an MLK incel to come out and quote the bible. And offer more moderate positions and placate the Christcucks.

1 Timothy 2:11-12​
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
"But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God." (I Corinthians 11:3)

"For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man." (I Corinthians 11:8-9)

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Occasionally, I get email saying I must be a liar because all Jews are liars.

I am an ethnic Jew but I have exposed Judaism as a satanic sex cult (Cabalism) masquerading as a religion.

So, I don't identify as a "Jew."

In order of priority, I identify with

1. God (spiritual ideals like Love, Beauty, Justice and Truth)
2. Humanity
3. Christian civilization.
4. Other ethnic (not religious) Jews

I am "good for the Jews." I prove objective honest Jews do exist. We want to assimilate and work for the common good.

I have done "more good for the Jews" than any other Jew alive.

There is only Brother Nathaniel to challenge me.
The tragic political truth is that your corrupt goy ancestors gave our national credit cards to satanist (Masonic) Jewish bankers who maxed them out buying everyone and everything. They bought the mass media and manipulate everyone, Jew and non-Jew alike, with lies like we see in the video.
The issue isn't Jews in general but the Communist minority, a termite infestation who like many non-Jewish Freemasons serve this agenda which is devouring America and the world today. Think WEF, UN, WHO, Climate change, CRT, BLM, Climate change, gender dysphoria, Demonrats etc..

Their age-old strategy is to conflate legitimate resistance to Jewish banker control with Jews in general. Thus they deflect attention from the Masonic Jewish (Satanist) conspiracy (which should be obvious to all by now,) by depicting it as "prejudice."
This is not a racial or religious issue. The Rothschilds installed a faux political class of Gentile Freemasons, traitors, opportunists, criminals and perverts.

The issue is the Communist conspiracy to enslave and dispossess mankind. not racial or religious prejudice.

The issue is God Versus Satan.

Jewish or not, the globalists represent Satan.

Cabalism is Jewish but most Jews, like Gentiles, are clueless, cowardly conformists, not conscious Satanists.

We are all in death struggle with Pure Evil.

Am I "good for the Jews?" Absolutely!

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #elitist #racist #fundie #magick prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Discovering the reality that most people are indeed, worthless"]

I believe that more and more people[…]are coming around to recognizing just how much more worthless the majority of humankind is

There are many theories about Human Origins[…]and there are many people alive today who deny that the original Human Creation had been cut from Divine Fabric[…]
There are some topics I am reluctant to speak of in great depth outside of our inner circle relating to some religious matters and Human Genetics[…]
Christian Bible[…]is a watered down version of a story told about the Genetic Altering of the Original Humans, but without letting others know that Humans existed long before the alleged figures “Adam & Eve”

Adam & Eve, were actually metaphorical figures for an extraterrestrial invasion of Mankind, and it essentially was the downfall of Man[…]
Religions[…]diverts Divine Mankind from knowing that it had been subjugated by very vicious and horrifically oppressive entities and other altered Humanoid species, and that the takeover by these beings, including their inter-breeding into the Divine Population, is what caused Mankind to fall[…]
You will always hear about people claiming “prophecy is being fulfilled”, when in fact the Bible, similar to the Protocols of Zion, is just a blueprint to explain to you what the World Controllers are intending[…]
Mankind has been under subjugation by nefarious forces for Aeons, even during periods of Human history when times were relatively good[…]
Keeping Humans ignorant, including Divine Humans, has been an on-going project and one of necessity by those who control the World Order[…]
Egalitarian views have brainwashed most people to believe all people deserve rights or are equal or deserving of equity in this world[…]
If the ratio of worthless people begins to breach 20% of the population, your civilization is in trouble

James Fullord #racist vdare.com

In Alien Nation, Peter Brimelow quoted John O'Sullivan in a speech at Boston University, March 31, 1993 "It is commonly said that America is more than a nation; it is an idea. My thesis today is the precise opposite: America is more than an idea; it is a nation. "

As to who exactly that means, it might mean the "Old Stock" Americans, who as I said of Neil Gorsuch's ancestors, were already present in the US, meeting the boats that came in to Ellis Island in the 1890s, but we usually use it to mean "the Historic American Nation as it had evolved up to 1960"—I. E. the "Old Stock" plus the Ellis Island contingent, who the Great Pause had encouraged to assimilate.

It would be easier to say who it doesn't mean—people like Filipino illegal immigrant Jose Antonio Vargas, the Arab taxi drivers who shut down JFK recently, people like that.

And while Mr. Kenny is right that none of the countries of North America is properly a nation in the sense that France, Britain, or his native Ireland are, there actually is "nation" in North America—the Province of Quebec, whose French-descended inhabitants have a political culture more nationalistic than anything allowed in Europe.

Steve Sailer #transphobia #racist vdare.com

After 48 hours following the acquittal of Virginia Tech black football player Isimemen Etute for beating to death his white transvestite date Jerry Smith on manslaughter grounds, neither the New York Times nor the localish Washington Post have weighed in on the news to tell their subscribers How to Think about the event. (The Post, which covers Virginia sports teams, has reported on the early aspects of the story in the past.)

But it’s Memorial Day weekend and Etute didn’t kill Smith with an assault rifle, so it’s not a high priority. By the end of this week, though, what will emerge as The Narrative of this news?

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: American Racial Imperialism in England

My Nordic ancestors caused a lot of chaos around Europe and I would like to take this moment to admit I am never going to apologize for one single drop of chaos they caused, In fact I hope they had a jolly time.

(Qwad's Freedom TV)
"Indigenous communities must be respected and preserved"
"OK, what about indigenous Europeans?"

(Damian Freeman)
I am increasingly convinced that less diversity is good. Hegemony is good for harmony and unity, diversity creates conflict. And that applies to everyone, not just my own country. Japan has it right. They have their own problems but cultural degredation isn't one of them.

(Russian Waifu)
American wokeness is spreading faster than monkeypox.

I find the black and white view of racisms so limited, if you divide all races into black and white, you will eventually end up with a dilemma, however, if you see race in a traditional sense where the Germans and Polish are two different races, you can be racist in so many more ways!

(Richard Newlin)
When are we gonna talk about Africa's lack of diversity? Too much black supremacy over there.

Or Asia

Or Israel.

Hunter Wallace #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #racist occidentaldissent.com

[From "TAC: The LGBTsQewing Of America"]

Editor’s Note: That’s one of the many “blessings of liberty” above that we have covered over the years

We used to live in a White Christian culture

In the vast majority of cases (unless your parents were recent immigrants), this is likely why you exist. You exist due to the reproductive choices that your ancestors made

Those choices were shaped and channeled by the dominant culture. In the South, where evangelical Protestantism shaped our culture for centuries, we had customs like the one drop rule. We had legal segregation and anti-miscegenation laws. Southern culture valued racial purity[…]Homosexuality was discouraged. Divorce was rare and hard to get. Abortion was illegal. White identity was valued. The White and Black family was strong through the Jim Crow era. The norm used to be that most people got married to someone of the same race and religion and reproduced themselves[…]
Culture used to be overwhelmingly local. The states and local communities made their own laws and largely governed themselves. The rise of the mainstream media (film, radio, television in that order) from the 1910s through the 1960s shifted cultural power away from, say, the segregationist editor of the local newspaper to liberal elites with a modernist sensibility who were on television in New York City, Los Angeles and Washington[…]
Christianity went from being the hegemonic dominant culture to a kind of respected sub-culture to just another lifestyle[…]
Much like feminism (the “New Woman” was inspired by modernism) and abortion (nothing is owed to future generations because everything is owed to the Self) and gay marriage (any “marriage” is as good as any other and people should be allowed to express themselves), the “trans” craze only makes sense in a deeply modernist cultures

Pascal Domat #racist #dunning-kruger #crackpot lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Les cinq races de l’humanité" - "The five races of mankind"]

Here are ten points about the five races of Homo sapiens
1) The world is divided in 5 human races. Racial division of Homo sapiens is a fact of elementary observation confirmed and precised by science

spoilerWorld racial map

2) These five major races are Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Congoid, Capoid and Australoid (from Carleton Coon)[…]
spoilerRacial cranial layouts

4) Genetics confirm the anthropologists' typology[…]
spoilerPhylogenical tree

5) Race can't be reduced to skin colour. It has only a little importance
Scientists studied levels of genetic differenciation among races. Nervous system biggest variation among human populations, more than skin colour[…]
7) Average IQ racial difference mostly caused by genotype, not much from environment[…]
spoilerRace differences in intelligence

8) Misgenation does not remove races, it adds an intermediary type between both original types and can even, on the long term, create new races, as it is being done in Latin America[…]
10) Races are not equal, because equality isn't from nature[…]Genes determinating race have a racially varying physical and mental influence. Equality of citizens before law[…]is not the equality from nature. So is the moral equality preached by some religions or philosophies


Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: The Country Mourns Children, Obama Mourns A Criminal


Calling Barack Obama a patriotic American is like calling George Floyd an American hero.

(Calley Burns)
How can anyone compare the death of a criminal to the death of innocent children. Insane. Immoral.

(Tom Pollock Jr)
Obama's tweet is absolutely disgusting as a response to what happened to those children. Literally sickening.

“The same systemic Racism that made me the most powerful man in the world”- Barack Obama.

(IndieMan !)
This is shocking for anyone to say this let alone a FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Why would anyone say such a stupid, heartless thing at a time like this.

As disgusting as this is at least he's showing us his true colors. I still carry the guilt of voting for him in 2008...someday I hope to forgive myself. 🙏

Im just a European over here, but... Holy cow... It's hard to believe a President would be SO out of touch with it's citizens and say such an insane thing.
Absolutely disgusting.

(Hateful EightySeven)
Totally in agreement here.
19 innocent children & 2 teachers and George Floyd ain't even close to being comparable.

To quote a popular movie:

It ain't the same ball park, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same sport!

(anime and wieardness)
It's heartbreaking that politicians will use any opportunity to maintain the divide between us. If more Americans would turn to that ole good book..."Johnny the Walrus"

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: How Whites Get Ahead in South Africa

(Anthony P)

They take advantage of absent or incompetent government.

Jared Taylor interviews 13th-generation South African Dan Roodt on the surprising ways whites survive and even get ahead in a country where the deck is stacked against them.

Roodt makes my argument for me.
Dismantle the police/security/surveillance state.
That is the way whites will regain their liberty & destiny.
In SA, the government has inadvertently dismantled itself.
Best thing that could happen really.

So true. Take away the "rule of law," and blacks wouldn't exist. It wouldn't take a fortnight to be rid of them either.

(Ruger .357)
Bantus foam at the mouth about Orania, claiming it's a threat to their "democracy". No, Bantus are envious that Orania is thriving in the middle of a pigsty, and they can't have that. They cannot stomach seeing another race succeed in their own backyard. It reinforces a sense of inferiority.

Look at how American Bantus react over neighborhood gentrification, in certain cities.

Do you know why they hate Orania? Because they’re not taking the bait. They’re not playing by the script that’s been written for right wingers and nationalists in general.

Yep, and while Oranians have practiced self-sufficiency and self-reliance; Bantus in places like Soweto are still waiting for the ANC to provide them with tissue paper, to say nothing of being toilet-trained.

Amren did a story on sewage entering Bantu homes in Gauteng. There's plenty of jenkem to be made out of that sewage.

(Barry Goldwater)
Elon musks recent comments on Japan are quite interesting 👀 seems he recognizes demographic decline among important nations is a real problem. As a citezin of the 4th polish republic I am very optimistic about my future country (Poland) as we have solved our problems with massivw waves of Ukrainian migrants all while not letting in non whites. Long Live Polska!


Godson served as a Member of the Sejm between 2010-2015...

okay, interesting there was one negro in the Sejm once. don't really see how that's a huge deal but whatever.

UK Anon #kinkshaming #pratt #racist #sexist boards.4chan.org

You probably dont know how bad things really are.

I turned 18 6 months ago and here's my findings:
>in my school everyone had porn addiction.
>Girls are all openly whores (they actually ask you for money for sex).
>everyone my age has the sexual habits you would expect of a 40 year old bald pervert.
There was literally a girl who was semi infamous for throwing up on peoples dicks, this was when she was 16, not even joking.

I feel like even people 5 years older will never understand how bad it's gotten.

Not even to mention the daring situation. There were like 15 people in the school who got pussy, and they got all of it. Then their Chad-lite arbiters got crumbs, and everyone else got absolutely none apart form statistical anomalies.

literally everything you've pointed out was how it was in my experience, and that was about 15 years ago. down to the girl who had to change schools after she threw up on too many people she was fucking at parties- she only did it like twice but yeah.

I think throwing up on someone when drunk is different from doing it as a kink thing. Rumour has it she eats a lot of strawberry ice cream so it doesnt smell bad and I think she does it sober. That's fucked.

Bet this was some kind of unfortunate accident

I know for a fact it's not. She does it as a kink. Lots of people watch that kind of stuff. Deepthroating.

Holy fuck that's so fucking hot why did I never have this in school.

I bet you could get her to put your dong in her throat for 200 quid. I could literally do it right now if I get up in her insta dm's but she probably has some kind of oral disease from sucking so much cock.

You are better off ducking a Costa Rican immigrant. Probably less chance of aids too.

I live among Hispanics, I still don't get any. I guess it's because I'm an introvert.

Girls have absurd standards so none of us get any, but I'm sure you can bribe them if they are wetbacks.

So how is Liverpool otherwise though?

Haha, you are actually bang on mate. It's not bad. Like any other city. I live rurally though.

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Fucking Canadians/New bogus Virus Scares"]

Canada really should be regarded for what it is, America’s leftover trash heap next door

I did some statistical research of the global interests about “COVID” in how it has peaked and waned since 2020, and it appears that the Canadians and Australians are more obsessed than ever and take more interest points in anything to do with “Coronavirus News” than all other Nations

Not only this, but the new bogus “monkeypox” scare that just comes out of nowhere, guess who tops the list?!

Canada and Australia, above all other countries (with the exception of Nigeria)

Nigeria is a tough country to rely on in statistics however, because of the amount of scams and opportunistic criminals that operate in that country which sometimes may have nothing to do with any personal interest, so statistics tend to not tell much to the story for that country[…]
There is nothing worthy reporting on the new “monkeypox” scare, because it appears to be only that

The only possible interest is there is some ingredient that discusses something on the Astra-Zeneca Literature for the A-Z COVID-19 Vaccine that implies something to the effect of a chimpanzee adenovirus existing in it, but I have no firm statement on it to make at this time whether this is a coincidence or if there is a connection with it

But for the most part, we can assume that nearly all new scares of anything, are either designed as placeholders to buy time, or for the coming deaths of masses of people in which they will institute new Lockdowns out of nowhere just as rapidly, and without any discussion or challenge

We are in Year 3 of this nonsense, and most Humanoids still don’t see how they have fell for the plot over and over and over with being promised bogus economic reopenings and “getting back to normal” when there will be no sense of normality

Various Incels #crackpot #elitist #pratt #racist #sexist incels.is



What’s the most incelish white phenotype?
Atlantid Votes: 0 0.0%
Nordid Votes: 3 7.1%
Keltic Votes: 2 4.8%
Alpine Votes: 3 7.1%
Baltic Votes: 0 0.0%
Slavic Votes: 29 69.0%
Med Votes: 0 0.0%
Other Votes: 5 11.9%
Total voters: 42


Wanted to choose alpine but in the end my vote goes to Slavic. Fuck my dad’s lineage.

I am slavic and we are subhumans

Slavpill poll results


Fuckin ragefuel when we live in Western Europe yet have Slavic genes


Why are Slavs less attractive?

Inferior mongol genes. Good genes getting killed off in 2 world wars+Communism.

Slavs by far. Even the leader of the slav world Putin has an incel face in comparison to the Chaddier ones of other countries. Which isn't a surprise, since modern democracy = Chad and more recently foid worship in which multiple aged Chads compete for pleb votes.

Jewish :reeeeee:
I look fucking inbred and deformed and my face is fucking asymmetrical as well as being 5’4
At least I have green eyes

If you Jews ever need "new blood" to diversify your gene pool, I'll be there.

Stick with your own race :reeeeee:

If I can’t get Jew foids neither should you. And we don’t need any fucking garbage goyim genetics

(Don Vito)
JFL at the niggas choose Slavic


Slavics are far from be the most incelish white phenotype


The most incelish phenotype are alpine


and baltic


by far

Eric Stryker #transphobia #dunning-kruger #homophobia #racist archive.ph

"Welcome to the Future": Supervising Director of Disney's "Muppet Babies" Reboot Inserts Transsexual Gonzo

Disney’s CGI reboot of the 1980s children’s classic Muppet Babies is being lauded by the mainstream media for featuring Gonzo as a transsexual.

The episode, titled Gonzorella, features the iconic characters preparing for a ball, where the girls will be princesses and the boys will be dressed as knights. Gonzo expresses that he would rather go as a princess, but is told by his peers that he is expected to attend as a male.

Later on in the episode, a rat with a yellow star on his shirt gets the depressed Gonzo alone and uses his magic fairy wand to indulge him in his unnatural feelings.

The idea to include homosexual propaganda in a program meant for preschoolers was made by Matt Danner, the show’s supervising director and close relative of Jewish actress Gwyneth Paltrow. The leadership at the Walt Disney Corporation, considered one of the most “woke” in the entertainment business, is hyper-political and almost entirely Jewish.

On twitter, Danner, celebrated the decision to insert a sexually perverted Gonzo in a show for babies by exclaiming, “Welcome to the future.”

Al Aniyunwiya National Muurish Republic #crackpot #racist #conspiracy #mammon aanmrgov.com

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Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy realjewnews.com

The “Grand Chessboard” today has two main players:

Russia and America.

Russia is famed for its chess champions…

…America for its movies made by Jews.

I’ll take a chess champion any day.

Many acclaim Putin as the title-holder.

Calculation, focus, patience, a fighting spirit…makes you a champ.

Many characterize Putin as a “monarch”—(Jews say “dictator” in their contemptuous way)—in the tradition of the Russian Czars.

Monarchy no longer exists in Russia thus Putin is not a de jure monarch.

He’s a “natural” de facto monarch.

If not Putin, another “Russia-First” autocrat will be mandated by popular demand.

With a whopping 80% approval, Putin as a “natural” monarch moves the chess pieces to capture the “king” of Russia’s opponent:

The totalitarian Jew-controlled West.

A “natural” monarch—so as to inspire the people to willingly follow—must first “embody” the nation’s spirit and temperament.
A “Rubicon moment” exists both in war and in chess.

You must persevere in your attack or you will fall.

Russia is ‘laying down its life for its friends’ in Ukraine to win a much wider triumph.

It is to capture the king—which is the Western, Jew-controlled, Jew-inspired, Jew-financed, “globalism project.”

I mean, “GLOB-a-lism,” then “checkmate” it, then bring that king down.

Russia has begun to extricate itself from the West’s depraved, rotted-out, Jew-controlled system by its special military operation in Ukraine.

By making its “Rubicon” move, Russia can win the game by bringing all of Ukraine into its historic Orthodox Christian orbit.

And, into its deeply shielded, enduring, ancestral civilizational fold, of which, Ukraine—prior to the Jews exploiting it for its glob-a-list aims—was part of.

The world has four civilizational poles.

Western—Jewish and Christ-hating.

Russian—Christian and Christ-loving.

Islamic—Muslim and “the prophet”-loving.

Confucian—Chinese and Oriental wisdom-loving.

Capturing the Western king is the prize.

Unshackling the remaining three poles is about to crystalize.

Robert Rundo #wingnut #racist balkaninsight.com

It was a week after Orthodox New Year in January 2021 and a group of Serb children in Kosovo was opening presents[…]
Faces of those who brought the presents were blurred, but the flags of the organisations they represented were not. One of them featured the brand name Will2Rise, part of an organisation led by a notorious US right-wing extremist called Robert Rundo
A few weeks later[…]Rundo had been deported to neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina
Yet for a year before, and a year since, Rundo has collaborated with a number of far-right groups who undertake ‘humanitarian’ activities such as delivering presents to Serb children in Serbia’s majority-Albanian former province while targeting migrants and refugees for intimidation and abuse and expressing anti-Roma and anti-Semitic sentiment[…]
Kosovo has become a case study for alt right believers in the Great Replacement[…]
Rundo first confirmed his presence in Belgrade in February 2020, in a blog that hailed “the awakening of the Serbian spirit”[…]
Writing about meeting members of a nationalist group called ‘Kormilo,’ which means Rudder, Rundo said he had been given the “uncensored history of Serbia and told about the revival of Chetnik sentiment”[…]
In February 2020, Rundo surfaced in the Hungarian capital, Budapest, where he attended Day of Honour events in which far-right and neo-Nazi groups pay tribute to Nazi forces that broke out of Russian-encircled Budapest[…]
Reluctant to discuss his collaboration with the like of Serbon Shop, Rundo told BIRN he had done nothing wrong in Serbia. The Union of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia disagrees, accusing Rundo in 2020 of participating in the desecration of a grave of national heroes at Belgrade’s Kalemegdan fortress and posting photos as evidence

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