
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

speculareffect #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy speculareffect.org

Women, especially WHITE WOMEN (even though this is how the brain of every single woman, regardless of race and culture, works), think this way. They are literally retarded and mentally ill. Being a woman is a mental disorder.

This is how their brains operate.

Look, it is a fact of life and of reality — women are fucking dumb, destructive, solipsistic retards that are responsible for the destruction of all societies.

When you let women out in society and partake in public life, this is what you get — destruction, disaster and stupidity!

I’ve been saying this over and over and over in my articles.

I have simplified what the world’s problems are due to — The Feminine — so that even the smallest, youngest and dullest among us can understand.

There is only one constant of human existence aside from death and that is the duality of Male and Female — Masculine and Feminine. One is Order and the other is Chaos. One is explorative while the other prioritizes safety, therefore non-explorative, ergo primitivism.
This is no different to allowing niggers — primitive hunter gatherers — run a western society. It is insanity!

Women are not intelligent, cannot process information and are literally agents of chaos.
Take responsibility for how things are — you are this way, because you are a gynocentric faggot that is in dire need of female validation and you will do anything for it. You are failing and are dying, because you refuse to take women to task, because you think she’s perfect and holy, because you are a pussy-panderer.

You insist on listening to women instead of listening to your fellowman. You shame and criticize other men, in order to gain favor in the eyes of women and in doing so, you destroy your manhood and masculinity. Then you turn around and blame Jews for what other men have been trying to teach your stupid ass about.

You deserve what you get!

Three Anons #racist #sexist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(Canadian Anon 1)
Apartheid in Canada?

>in the past 10 years a huge influx of rich Asian (Chinese, Filipino, Indian, etc.) immigrants have flocked here, gentrifying the place and showing preferred treatment to their own kind
>they give discounts to their own kinds and are nepotistic in their hiring practices
>"invisible minorities" (white immigrant/non-anglo) seem to suffer the most from this because anglo-whites seem to be their preferred subservients, apartment complexes are inhabited disproportionately by Francophones, Maritimers and Slavs, etc.
>also seem to be negatively affecting Indigenous Canadians, from what I've gathered from talking to them

What the actual fuck bros? Where is our future headed?

(Canadian Anon 2)

Slavs are the most fucked over

>minorities and leftists consider them whites that are the same as anglos and french so criticize them for slavery/colonialism/etc
>most slavs are poor as fuck and were under subjugation of ottomans or habsburgs, then communists so they have no generational wealth or history of slavery/colonialism

Fuck them they don’t belong here either.

Bring the young women and leave the men behind. We have no need for more male competition in our society. Bringing their women in puts pressure on the native population to improve and gives men a power boost in the dating world. Stop simping for immigrants stupid. We’re full

(Russian Anon)
Ukrainians are the most capable of integration among all Slavs. Ethnic Russians, on the contrary, practically do not integrate, and outside of Russia they increase their patriotism towards Russia. Ethnic Russians are like Latinos, it may seem that they are integrated, but on a subconscious level they will always separate themselves and exalt

various TERFs #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com


spoilerIf you are illustrating that misogyny is real and that hatred of females is real, I agree. If you think any of those cultures would treat a transitioned MtF TS better you are wrong. Either they would be treated as a female (stealth), or (if non passing), killed or ostracized.
But when you use the fact of sex-selective abortion as an explanation to claim trans women don't face misogyny.. it becomes inexplicable. Also, if/when brain scans and
genome scans become good enough to catch transsexuality in the womb, they'll be aborted with even greater vigor.

( oatmeal )
Well it would be impossible to find "proclivity towards mass porn use and sexual deviancy" in a brain scan on a fetus so he has nothing to worry about.

( XXathlete )
Nah, just abort all male fetuses except a chosen few for breeding. Bees know what they're doing.

( Researcher1536 )
👏 👏 👏

( Gould2022 )
Well said.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #sexist #racist #homophobia #wingnut henrymakow.com

After destroying Christmas, Masonic Jews moved on to the annual celebration of heterosexuality, Valentine's Day.

The Vagina Monologues (1996) has been performed on Valentine's Day thousands of times in 77 countries
to draw attention to "violence against women" . How perfectly romantic.

The "play" itself is porn designed to induct sex-starved women into lesbianism.

Women use hand mirrors to inspect their genitals. Lesbian paedophilia is condoned.

Hyped as "a beautiful liberating experience...a celebration of women," this Masonic Jewish agitprop has done more to vulgarize and degrade womanhood, than even PLAYBOY magazine.

Mankind has been inducted into the Illuminati (Cabalist) sex cult which is behind Judaism, Communism, Zionism, Liberalism, Socialism & Feminism. "Progressive" means progress to death.

Satanism is a sexual and material race-to-the-bottom. Feminism teaches women to reject family and serve the system instead.

First, Jews and Freemasons were initiated, and through them, humanity as a whole.

We are under relentless occult attack by Organized Judaism and Freemasonry. (Satanism)

(Disclaimer- Not all Jews are Communists, and unless they stand up soon, they may end up taking the blame for those who are.)

234566892, noserotonyn & MalkavianScum #sexist #wingnut reddit.com


I am to the point now where I even notice and get annoyed with the women in my own family and their entitled, overbearing behavior and mistreatment of the men in my family. My sisters and mom are all extremely needy and pushy, always getting their way and they have their husbands whipped, I’m embarrassed for them.

Women are the enemy it's as simple as that


Yeah, people that are entitled are the worst. What does this have to do with mens rights though? Do you feel your family members are representative of all women?

in today's society women are encouraged to treat husbands as servants, denying them often the most basic respect, we just need to look at any picture where a husband is represented to notice how he is often displayed as "silly, dumb, useless, submissive.." and apparently this has been causing damage to the common lives of men and boys


It's interesting and par for the course that men who are victims of abusive behavior by their spouse are called "whipped." It's victim blaming and belittling.

Those men CHOSE to marry those women. "Victim blaming" and taking away all agency from them are just as bad and you are doing the latter. Let's just get rid of all the jargon and buzzwords and speak plainly for once. Those men married shit women. Let's stop with these stupid buzzwords already, they are whipped. That term implies no blame on anybody, it is simply a statement of fact that they let their wives walk all over them. There are many possible reasons they are the way that they are and it might not entirely be their fault. But the proper colloquial term is "whipped". That doesn't take away any blame from the women in any way shape or form.

Various Incels #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #sexist incels.is

Did IslaVista2014 really happen?

I heard an incel somewhere say that Isla vista 2014 never happened, the whole story was fake, no mass murder ever happened and that Elliot Rodger got plastic surgery and is living as a millionaire on some remote island. What do you guys think?

I once saw a Sandy Hook documentary. They explained in great detail why the shooting seemed heavily staged. Crisis actors, lack of triage, et cetera...

Adam Lanza's photos appear to be digitally generated.

Well there is a pic of ER at a party and someone on here said it's proof he's still alive and the shooting was faked

It was a power transfer operation from men to feminazis organized by the deep state with help of Mossad. ER, now with his new face transfered from a Chad victim, is enjoying prime blonde JB puss on the Epstein island with Epstein himself and Ghislaine Maxwell's mommy milkers.

Some CCers #psycho #sexist crystal.cafe

>4chan makes me hate women
>cc makes me hate men
>just stay home 24/7 unnerved about people
Is this the ultimate outcome of imageboarding?


this "both sexes are bad" shit is unrealistic and delusional. Women don't kidnap rape and murder little boys en masse like men do every single day. Stop being edgy


I'm already wary of men but yeah, internet makes me slowly hate women too and it sucks.

The vile crap, catty remarks and misogynistic things some women post online against other women have led me to look at them with the same kind of suspicion I look at men with. And I hate it. Before, all my friends were female and, though this sounds really naive, I had some kind of basic trust in women as a whole. Now, I'm wary of everyone and suspect them of not being their true selves irl, so cutting back on internet use wouldn't help my issue at all.


>work with women in female dominated industry
>become extremely misogynist
>come to cafe
>can't stop calling men "moids" in my head and wondering what horrible things they've done to their girlfriends and what kind of disgusting porn they pull their dick to
>can't even say I hate humans because I hate animals even more, especially cats and dogs because they shit all over and are useless
I am a miserable and hateful creature. But at least I'm cute.


The problem is that there's no sisterhood among females. Mothers see their own daughters as sexual competition. Female friends backstab and torment each other over a bottomshelf scrote. Sisters abuse each other if one of them is perceived prettier than the other. Random women on the streets will wish other women on the street dead because their boyfriend looked at them for one second. Females are in a constant state of war with each other

And ofc this is all instigated by males. They want and need to keep us in this state. Females being at each others throats constantly enables a lot of moids degeneracy and behavior

Quack Healer #fundie #psycho #quack #sexist insider.com

Police are searching for a religious 'healer' who reportedly convinced a pregnant woman that hammering a 2-inch nail into her skull would give her a son

Authorities in Peshawar, Pakistan, are looking for a supposed faith healer, accusing him of persuading a pregnant woman to hammer a nail into her head to guarantee the birth of a son, according to news reports.

The Peshawar news outlet Dawn first reported the bizarre case. According to Dawn, the unnamed woman had three daughters and was desperate to give birth to a son because she was afraid her husband would leave her if she had another girl.

She then approached an unlicensed religious healer, who advised her to hammer a nail into her head.

Male children are preferred among some populations in Asia, where dowries and the concept of having a male child to carry on the family name are especially valued.

Family members heard the woman screaming in pain and tried to remove the nail but could not. They eventually took her to the hospital, Dawn reported.

Dr. Haider Suleman Khan, the resident neurosurgeon at Lady Reading Hospital, told the media outlet that when the woman arrived at the hospital, doctors successfully removed the nail in an operation.

ptpk2ptpk #racist #sexist reddit.com

The public perception of AMWF and WMAF is drastically in favor of AMWF. Simply do a Google Search for AMWF, or YouTube search for AMWF, or TikTok search for AMWF and the top results are nearly all positive.

The same cannot be said of WMAF, where the few videos that talk about it are mostly critical, and talk about it in the background of fetishization or colonialism.

Great post, Glad to see others finally seeing the dynamics change and its changing pretty damn fast!

This is soft power in action and it fits in perfectly in the time and era that we're in which is the streaming/digital era. This era has basically decimated the media establishment to the point where they can no longer pick winners and losers and are forced to compete. And the competing force is the never ending swarm of social media interactions that involve positive interaction between AM and its usually with white girls (my guess, 80%+).

It is because of these observations and visible anecdotal evidence that we see in day to day lives that more n more people are saying our true allies are white women, despite the unpopularity of this claim will bring on this sub. It was them (who probably dragged their asian boyfriend) to start youtube channels, tiktok videos, etc etc all to promote amwf relationships which has a knock-on effect of promoting AM's in a positive way.

Most, if not all erotic sex stories involving an AM on the internet is written by white women

Go search 'AMWF' on tiktok and you will literally find hundreds of millions of videos vs just a few million for 'WMAF'

The upcoming rom-com on netflix, 'My summer in Seoul' which is a love story involving an AM is also written by a white woman

Now compare that to what AF's have done. I can't think of any AF on top of my head who has a public profile in the media that has done anything positive for the Asian community as a whole, with the only exception that I can think of is Lisa Ling. That's pretty much it lol

Prussian Society of America #sexist #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Austrian Men Taking Matters into their own hands against Bad Women"]


But it’s not just Austria either

Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands and all of Scandinavia suffer from atrocious types of Women and Feminism, and so more obsession from Feminists will be made over it

TheSpaceDuck #conspiracy #moonbat #sexist reddit.com

The Swedish Gender Equality Agency classifies violence against men as violence against women

The authority then writes that "men's violence against women" is an umbrella term, which includes violence in close relationships. Both violence in lesbian relationships and women who beat men should thus be included in the concept of "men's violence against women", according to the authority.

Why do we keep including feminism in left spaces?

It's not a matter of how these radical theories are allowed in left-wing spaces. It's a matter of what's supposed to be left-wing spaces having been hijacked by ideologies that almost perfectly mimic the far-right.

Left-wing ideas typically tend towards equality while right-wing ideas have historically tended to prioritizing certain social groups and demographic over others.

If over 40% of domestic violence victims get less than 1% of help and funding, it goes without saying that a left-wing approach to it would be to correct that gap in human rights and ensure they get proportional help. However the approach right now is the absolute opposite and more typical of right-wing views, enabling this gap as the demographic in advantage is somehow "more worthy".

If a legal definition of rape is leaving an entire demographic out, the obvious left-wing approach would be to make it equal, not doubling down on the discrimination or use it to claim that the excluded demographic is barely being raped at all ("overwhelming majority of victims are women", etc.)

Same goes for the education gap, sentence gap, reproductive rights, and so on.

The biggest trick that third-wave feminism has pulled was riding on the movement's history to convince everyone that they're a left-wing movement and the MRM is right-wing. Objectively speaking, the opposite is far more accurate.

Chap Ihezver/Human Race Survival Resistance #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #ufo #magick #sexist #homophobia #transphobia adrenogate.net

The Illuminati NWO New Age hybrid nephilim psychic witches have different organs from what we humans have. They have a combination of nephilim alien and chimera alien and animal and plant organs, and not completely human organs. Some of their cloned hybrid human avatar bodies are hermaphrodites with both a male and female genital, in order to rape and sodomize both human boys and girls.

The real Christians are able to identify the hybrid nephilims and chimeras inside the church. That is why they are a threat to the devil and his Illuminati NWO. The pastors and religious Christian freak hordes, who are redefining Bible verses and rebelling against women’s head coverings so that their heads are controlled by the fallen angels, are marrying the hybrids and nephilim & chimera alien incarnate avatars and androids and clones and animals upgraded to human gene bodies, in order to birth hybrid children.
Western feminist nations have been replaced by the returned nephilim & chimera avatars, and 70% of their military and police are infiltrated, and that a lot of their pastors and church staff and church members are pedophile cannibal Satanist reptilian hybrid globalist elites, and that 12 million children are being tortured & lesbian raped & sacrificed & eaten by the earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers witches. They are the fake “Bible’s watchmen on the wall,” who are making billions of dollars from Satan Lucifer’s pre-1941 “The Plan’s” Bible prophecy rapture billion dollar industry and the Satan Lucifer’s Illuminati religious system unbiblical 10% salary tithe taxes theft. Kick these pastors and 99% of the church member religious Christian freak hordes out of the devil’s harlot Church, so that God’s Holy Spirit can flow back into his house.

Jonathan Kleck #fundie #sexist #transphobia thelightinthedarkplace.com

Their God is the matrix!

Everyone on Earth is born out of a mother’s womb, cast down into the matrix, slaves to Satan's flesh host body system that was created in Genesis 1.

The only way out of the matrix is to be born again (spiritually) by the Holy Spirit of The LORD God Jesus Christ.

The mystery of what happens to someone’s soul has been revealed by The LORD God Jesus Christ to his end-time prophet Jonathan Kleck. Jonathan has been preaching this truth for years now.

Everyone has wondered for a long time – Why the change?

Read about: What Is Woke Culture? MTF Male to Female Energy.

It’s about the spiritual energy at war within the human host body system.

There is masculine energy from Our Heavenly Father, The LORD Jesus Christ. (It comes from above, UP).
There is feminine energy from Satan who runs The Mother of Exiles flesh system. (It comes from below, DOWN).
The Wachowski "brothers" transformation into the Wachowski "sisters", is simply an outward manifestation of the masculine energy being consumed within their human temple, and the female rival energy taking it over.

The Wachowski brothers sisters have become victims of the matrix flesh system that wars against the Spirit of Christ.

Tom Shackleford #racist #sexist identitydixie.com

[From "A Month of Learning Begins"]

Attention bigots! This isn’t the winter of your discontent, it’s Black History Month. You need to learn that the intergenerational trauma inflicted on black bodies can lead to fraught confrontations during situations that your white privilege would lead you to consider trivial, or perhaps mundane

For example, waiting in line at Golden Corral for beef that tastes like it’s been marinated in dishwater. If the gentleman ahead of you secures the final morsels, you’d consider this proper according to the rules of chivalry and head to the chocolate fountain to contract hepatitis. However, the stress induced on a black body would lead to a spectacle of violence to rival the heroic deeds of the past, such as the Battle of Thermopylae

[40-person brawl breaks out in Golden Corral over reported steak shortage]

It’s important to respect the fact that black women built America without compensation and the tab is finally due. Below, we can observe a group of potential supreme court justices using their black bodies for a sit-in to demand reparations at a prestigious law school. Black bodies require food, or else violence will ensue. The dean wisely complied. At the time of publication, he is alive and well
Another thing I’ll say though is not to get between a black man and a chicken sandwich. The intergenerational trauma could get you killed. That’s precisely what happened a few years ago and the perpetrator didn’t live to regret it

There are many things to admire about black people, from the pyramids to peanut butter. Nonetheless, one must always remain cognizant of the complex dynamic that intergenerational trauma, the denial of reparations, and white supremacy plays in guiding their behavior. Also, never forget this is ultimately your fault

Malevolencel #sexist ncu.su

Imagine thinking that foid promiscuity means more sex

Anyone who actually thinks that womb-men's ability to fuck around means that more men will get sex is not only a cuck, but a total idiot with no grasp of reality.

Only a cuck would think that, because non-cucked PoC (people of culture) know that womb-men always withhold sex to inflate its value whenever possible, and therefore no such possibility should be allowed.

Only an absolute moron would insist on that, because at this point it's established beyond doubt that:
* Womb-men are hypergamous and all want the same minority of men;
* Men can have multiple sexual partners as long as they are attractive and there are no restrictions, as in enforced monogamy.
Any dumbass cuckold that actually thinks that womb-men's "freedom" to ride the cock carousel means more sex is oblivious to the data that indicates an increase in male sexlessness. It's clearly caused by foid hypergamy and their withholding of sex from their looks-match in order to increase the price of her holes and get Chad. There are now more womb-men in colleges and offices than there are men, but inceldom is still on the rise, precisely because several womb-men can be "friends with benefits" with the same Chad at once, while their looks-matches rot away. If every foid had to pick one man forever (and vice versa), this couldn't be the case.

Even stupider are the cucks and the white-knight sex-havers who say that womb-man degeneracy is "fun" and monogamy is "boring". Nothing says "fun" like losing the game no matter how you play and even if you don't play at all. Nothing says "fun" like necer knowing what STIs the hole you are fucking has and how many people have been thete. Nothing says "fun" like reading yet another eloquent, comprehensive explanation of the simplest black-pill truths and attack them to protect m'toilet as a "virgin, but not incel" while she's getting fucked by a dog.

I wonder if the Japanese variant of these cucks also exists amd is still in denial of inceldom, because Japan is and has been the incel central for years now, having its own terms like hikikomori or herbivore men to describe incels.

Any ideas why they insist on denying objective reality? It's not like they are forced to do it.

sorebum405 #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: A new study showing that feminist men suffer from impotency.

A new study published on February 1st 2022, titled, Men's Feminist Identification and Reported Use of Prescription Erectile Dysfunction Medication, shows that "Feminist-identified men were substantially more likely to report erectile dysfunction medication (EDM) use than non-feminist men, even after controlling for alcohol use before sex, erection difficulties, sexual arousal, sexual health, mental health, and physical health."

The authors try their best to avoid stating the obvious explanation and conclusion (and for understandable reasons: As reported numerous times, science has been placed under strict and harsh feminist censorship in recent years, and the authors will be risking their careers if they'll attempt to provide an honest discussion of their results).

Wow, this was very interesting I never even thought of this. It's very true that male sexuality is demonized in today's society. This made me think of something. There were two studies done in 1978 and 1982 were average looking men and women asked opposite sex strangers if they wanted to have sex. The results showed that 0% of women agreed to have sex, while about 70% of men agreed to have sex. Then in 2015 there was a social experiment done were an attractive woman asked 100 guys for sex, but this time only 30% of the men agreed to have sex with her. I can't definitively say what caused this disparity, but now I think feminism may actually be a very plausible explanation. I think a lot more men now feel like their sexual attention is unwanted,and as a result they may be more likely to think that a woman coming up to them,and asking for sex is a scam, or a setup and will decline the offer. That's just my guess, but one thing I know for sure is that men should be able to express their sexuality, and not feel like these there sexuality is unwanted and predatory. I wonder if sex dolls are the solution.

Napoleon de Geso #sexist kiwifarms.net


Haters screaming: "What be when wifed young girl is not young anymore?"
Depends-is she Ioli friend waifu, or female wifeoid

What is friend waifu? As lithuanian proverb says: "In bad time you know who's your friend". Friend waifu comes to broken man to help improve life, friend waifu can be saviour and partner. And so, when friend waifu starts to get aging-thats is bad time for girl, but as she is friend-friends are not to be left in bad time
Depends also on how waifu ageing-is she trying to be youthfull, as man wishes, or trying to fulfill norms of society, but not her man-in that case is not so friend, and can be kicked out
And doesnt count, if comes to improve life of broken chad-its not friend, its just cunt who goes after chads

Female wifeoid is greedy primitive creature, cares only about breeding, so avoids broken man, and comes only when man achieved some success
without her help. And most times to use as betabux, after riding chad cock carousel, but even in case of avoiding that sluttery and going right to reliable man, she is just greedy leech, not friend. And as wifeoid values man not as friend, but provider, so wifeoid's value is only in youth and fertility. When aging, wifeoid loses all value, while man can be even better provider with time, so wifeoid needs to be thrown
away and replaced by new young one

Thats reason I hate talks about self improvement and life improvement before searching waifu, because that is way to find wifeoids, inferior
creatures with low value who need to be replaced. Being broken is risky maneuver, but also can help find waifu who is real friend. What is very hard in this degenerate dark world of primitive cunts

someonecalled #conspiracy #crackpot #sexist debate.org

[Debate topic: Should divorce be banned?]

Can't handle marriage then don't do it. Female involvement in state sponsored genocide. Have categories to distinguish people into “us and them”.A dominant group uses law, custom, and political power to deny the rights of other group and legitimizes the victimization.One group denies the humanity of the other. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases. The majority group is taught to regard the other group as less than human, and even alien to their society. Indoctrinated to believe that “We are better off without them.” Extremist terrorism targets moderates, intimidating and silencing. Inflammatory rhetoric and hate propaganda with the objective of creating fear of the other group. Their property is often expropriated, they are even segregated. They are deliberately deprived of resources in order to slowly destroy them. Programs are implemented to prevent procreation, Children are forcibly taken.The victim group’s basic human rights systematically abused through extrajudicial killings, torture, forced displacement and homelessness. End the Gendercide of your sons.

Prussian Society of America #sexist #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "It’s only the beginning of the war Between Men and Women"]

[Husband runs over, kills wife at Maryland bank, police say]

As I’ve said, 2022 is shaping up to be the year of what’s to come. That is no understatement, especially when it comes to the unfolding Gender War

Small Incidents like these will continue to grow and grow until things escalate to even new stages

A read through the comments will show you level of disgust from all the people who are so quick to blame the victim but yet are busy crying and giving sympathy and prayers to the villain

When Justice becomes served, it is most the most Divine and Heavenly thing to witness

It’s hilarious how people think to themselves how the person is a “Murderer!” and “People Have Lost Their Minds!” when thinking that this Man was some sort of a Madman or Evil person!

Once again, Christian Morality at its finest!

From the PSA viewpoint, we view these conditions as something positive and optimistic, because it shows that Nature is prevailing in ways, and we view it as a process called “cleaning house”

We encourage to see even more of it. Because it is the medicine needed for healing a sick civilization
The amount of Americans who side with the aggressor, demonstrates exactly why the American Population needs to be decimated and does not deserve sympathy or respect
Look at all the Christians in the “prayers” they leave for the dead cunt and her family

This is exactly how evil Christians are
The absurdity of levels of things going on here in America, is that even if the White Men are too foolish enough to start violent agendas against Women, then the Black Communities will do it first
The amount of Men who also defend the Woman’s case is precisely why the very last few Decent Men who exist in America, must ruthlessly defend our cause

Napoleon de Geso #sexist #racist ncu.su

One more type of humanimals, who deserve to burn in one of deeper pits of hell: mongoloid cunts, who dont want to be fetishised

Not so deep as where biggest scum like pretty lithuanian females and overprotective daddies of teen girls belong, but still in one of deeper ones

Stupid mongoloid cunts, if you fetishised by fuckboy who pumps and dumps you - then being used by fuckboy is problem, whatever reasons he wanted your hole. And if being fetished by nice guy who wants to marry yoyu - then just be gratefull for having this great privilege, much greater than white men have being fetishised by some of your kind. How I "privileged white male" wish to have privilege of yours, to be admired and desired for my white beauty, and by hot ones of your kind, not uggies, or even worse - leeches, in what case it's not even fetishisation, but just exploatation. And so, being so white and beautifull, could just relax and rest my ass, because I'm just beautifull without necessity to do anything other than being kemono friend, so could be tang ping, could be even hikikomori, but still greatly desired, because I'm white and beautiful

And even more pisses me of your mongoloid stupidity, induced by Western feminist sjw degeneracies,, that I not even fetishiser of your kind, but of lolis, and you mongoloid cunts are just have more capabilities of being them, thats all. And I also fetishiser of good personality, girl being kemono friend comrade waifu of culture, what is opposite of hatefull toxic feminist sjw anti-fetishist cunt, as good waifu is only anti-chad and anti-fuckboy

Jason Whitlock & Tucker Carlson #crackpot #fundie #sexist #wingnut mediaite.com

‘I Probably Am a Sexist Pig’: Jason Whitlock Tells Tucker Carlson Women Shouldn’t Be in Positions of Power

Jason Whitlock joined Tucker Carlson on his Fox Nation show this week and discussed his views on women and women in leadership.

The sports commentator, who is now a fixture of right-wing Blaze Media, explained why his views on women often get him labeled as a “sexist pig.”

Whitlock said:

I probably am a sexist pig, so I can care less if I am called that, but the patriarchy is a good thing. It is what God intended. Men are supposed to lead, men are supposed to be out front, taking risks.

We are responsible. I have some ministers on my show every Wednesday and we talk about it all the time. Again, this is if you have a Biblical worldview.

Whitlock then went on to give his interpretation of what God said to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

“Why are you laying down, why are you pretending Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Stacey Abrams, that they can save us?” Whitlock continued as though he were God speaking to Adam.

“This is lunacy, out of her role, completely,” Whitlock added. “I am sorry if that paints me as a sexist pig, but it’s what I believe.”

“I mean that is just an epithet to make you be quiet,” Carlson responded to Whitlock, addressing the use of the term “sexist pig.”

Carlson then asked, “Why are you not allowed to have that opinion, why is that so controversial? That was the opinion of every society like from the beginning of time until about twenty minutes ago.”

Whitlock answered, “Social media decides what is allowable thinking, and social media has decided you can’t second guess anything the left is in support of.”

@AteMoth & SulphuricMirror #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com


spoilerI have seen a doctor on here wearing his 'T_rf repellent' badge apparently on his NHS lanyard. A clear signal that women requiring single sex spaces will not receive humane treatment. Many others seem to echo hose views.

Males really shouldn't be allowed to practise medicine. They aren't good enough for it in so many ways.

John Kennedy #sexist #racist #wingnut politico.com

BUT SOME REPUBLICANS AREN’T HAVING IT: Sen. JOHN KENNEDY (R-La.), who sits on the Judiciary Committee, didn’t exactly tamp down his rhetoric. “No. 1, I want a nominee who knows a law book from a J. Crew catalog,” he said upon exiting the lunch. “No. 2, I want a nominee who’s not going to try to rewrite the Constitution every other Thursday to try to advance a ‘woke agenda.’”

Captain Nemo #sexist #wingnut blog.dnevnik.hr

[From “Why Men Must Demand Virginity From Women”]

Patriarchy is the only healthy moral order, in which Men demand virginity from women, and create a culture valuing virginity.

Patriarchy also improves the moral quality of men who must prove their true Manhood (not just animal maleness).
In a culture not valuing virginity, people sink into animality, women lose their value for men, who are not interested in marriage anymore, just sex, and society deteriorates in all kinds of ways, as can be seen in many Western countries, particularly the USA.

This all is not just an individual issue, but a question of general frame: i.e. Patriarchy or not.

The demand for virginity makes complete sense only if it inscribed inside the general awareness of the imperative need for Men to reestablish a patriarchal moral order, which would apply also to men themselves as moral responsibility and leadership.

It obviously makes no sense for men to make such demands on women if they are not ready to reestablish a patriarchal moral order by taking responsibility for the morality of society (including themselves), and patriarchal moral leadership.

The key idea behind all this patriarchy thing is that it is the natural role of Men to take responsibility for the moral order of a society, and then women can follow. Women cannot lead in that direction, and it is the role of Men to lead.

Captain Nemo #sexist #wingnut blog.dnevnik.hr

[From “Why Men Must Demand Virginity From Women”]

If a woman attracts men with her looks of purity, and she is not pure, then her very flesh is a lie, a manipulation, and she is a walking lie.
Women know that, and when they want to marry they lie that they just had one or two unhappy relationships, when they might had dozens and dozens of instances of casual sex. They know that only purity is worth a man's love and protection.
Men must demand that purity, and not marry the liars.

Let's be frank, these cute girls are, more often than not, just cute little reactive animals and not complete human individuals . Or their looks are the expression of their ego and of their cunningness in attracting men. It is not the expression of their souls, or more exactly it is, but you have to know how to look and see through the first level of appearances.This you can do only if you understand how women function when not framed by patriarchy.

Without the human personality forming by patriarchy, women left to their own devices tend to regress to cute little sensual animals levels. Only with the cultural factor of patriarchy can women truly develop in the direction of integrated human individuals, not just reactive automatons.

For a Man to love a woman, he must feel that she is high value, and a girl who screwed around is of no value. What is there to love in such a woman? What is there a Man would want to protect and cherish in such a woman? What is there in such a woman he would want to be devoted to?
She degraded the sexual act to animality, and then should be respected and cherished as a human being?

Garrett Soldano #fundie #sexist nbcnews.com

A Michigan Republican candidate for governor recently said that rape victims who become pregnant shouldn’t get abortions, according to a video of the comment that went viral Monday.

Garrett Soldano made the remark on the right-wing podcast “Face the Facts with April Moss,” and a liberal news site, Heartland Signal, tweeted a video of the conversation Monday.

Soldano, a chiropractor running in a crowded Michigan race, said that he wants to promote a culture that inspires pregnant women to have their babies and lets them know "how heroic they are and how unbelievable that they are, that God put them in this moment. And they don’t know that little baby inside them may be the next president, may be the next person that changes humanity.”

Soldano shared a story about how one of his mentors was adopted and learned that his birth mother had been raped by several men in a subway station.

“It kind of like tore out his heart when he found that out, but then he started to really appreciate and understand what his birth mother went through, that she had the courage to deliver him,” Soldano said, adding that his mentor went on to help thousands of people improve their lives.

ihatethiswebsite #dunning-kruger #elitist #sexist #transphobia thepinkpill.co

Female Heterosexuality is a mental disorder (half joking, half not)

Disordered Emotions

Becoming irrational in the presence of men (to gain their approval)
Feeling bad for abusive men instead of their victims
Prioritizing the feelings of the male over his victims (ex. feeling sorry for the porn addicted moid instead of the various raped women)
Feeling personally attacked by radfeminism, lesbians, childfree women, and women who generally have thinking capacity
Giving into desires of men to escape the emotional burden of guilt when you stand your ground
Feeling intense fear, anxiety and hopelessness at the thought of not engaging romantically (sometimes even platonically) with men

Disordered Thinking

Inability to think critically
Glorification of pregnancy and motherhood (the two states that make women most vulnerable to male violence)
Believing that a male can ever become a woman
Believing in misogynistic religions for cope
Beliving that it is right and good for women to submit to men and men to dominate women

Disordered Behavior

Cutting off and disregarding female friendships to secure dick
Allowing daughters/sisters/friends to be sexually abused by a moid, and taking the side of the moid
Selling daughters into harmful practices for the benefit of males
Engaging in and supporting the objectification of self
Harming onself by being in a relationship with a man for fear of being alone
Forcing daughters to bear the brunt of household labor while the son sits around all day
Engaging in sex with men which has high risk of physical, emotional and sexual violence
Forcing women and girls to engage in such harmful practices
Birthing children when it is not affordable

Andrew Anglin #racist #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Congratulations, America: You’re Finally Getting a Black Female Supreme Court Justice!"]

Justice Breyer has resigned from the Supreme Court, presumably to focus on making the smart carbs in his low carb ice cream even smarter than they already are
Channeling Steve Jobs, Breyer said he was planning to go “fucking supernova” on competitor Häagen-Dazs, who he claims without evidence has violated the patents on his smart carb system
Although the potential for smarter carbs in Breyer’s ice cream are by far the most interesting part of the story, it should also be noted that Joe Biden has vowed to replace Breyer with a ni… with a nice black lady

BREAKING: "I've made no decision except one: The person I will nominate will be someone with extraordinary qualifications…That person will be the first Black woman ever nominated to the United States Supreme Court," Pres. Biden announces https://t.co/50J4uW7uqd pic.twitter.com/M3ZmAVxGoI
January 27, 2022

As Tucker Carslson pointed out, CNN is just recommending random black females, some of whom have only been working in the court system for a few months. He noted that Biden might as well just appoint George Floyd’s sister

She is, after all, a very important black woman
And she’s the the style – the pizazz, if you will – to really give the court some much needed flair

And I mean, CNN said it – any old black bitch will do

I think Lil Kim has done her time and proved to be a very important person

Her face is really, really messed up from all that surgery, but she could just wear a mask like Michael Jackson after he had that bad plastic surgery

In fact, they could make a rule that everyone on the court has to wear a Michael Jackson mask so she doesn’t feel out of place

In fact, they already have that rule anyway

Prussian Society of America #sexist #racist #conspiracy #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Rebuilding the West OR WHAT’S LEFT OF IT Means Women cannot hold Victim Titles or be Perceived Victims"]

Shaming and Enslaving any Man who attempts to promote Victim Culture in Women will have to enacted as Law, even to execute and entirely remove from the Gene Pool, any such Men which demonstrate trying to Equalize or Elevate Women over the status of Man
Women will always seek to claim in some form or another that they are a Victim of “something”[…]for many Centuries, Men chose to ignore Women’s claims, and did not allow Women to vote
There is always the notion of Women who claim that they were oppressed or mistreated for many centuries by Men

The only true countries this may be the case would qualify for is in African Countries, or maybe India or China

In said countries[…]they still practice genital mutilation of females or even heat pressing of the “breasts”[…]Main reasons for this has to do with savage characteristics of jealousy and control
Countries which recruit Females into their Military (with exception of Hospitality/Care positions) also are performing a very barbaric practice
In India, you have cases of 5 year old girls who are forced into slave labor to dig out sewers or human refuse[…]Indians are a mixed race to begin and are highly corrupt and degenerate[…]they will forever have a Caste system[…]unless they were 100% without the Negro blood that they possess
The Jews, English and the Irish and Scottish are the ones specifically pushing for Feminism
The Prussian State only recognizes Rape as being an unwanted attempt by a Barbarian to enforce himself on a German Woman (or equivalent for other Nations)
Women should not even enjoy the privilege of Holding Cash or Currency
I tend to like the treatment that the Russian Cossacks use on Feminist Women in Russia, but putting that on steroids

UMadDoggieNextStopNY #psycho #sexist reddit.com

RE: How to remind a man that he has competition?

When you’re in a long term relationship, how do you “remind” a man that you are in demand? It seems like a lot of the things you’d normally do to convey desirability can very easily cross a line in a LTR. I’m in a good relationship, but ultimately I think my boyfriend is too comfortable.

This might be a bit harsh, but being in a LTR shouldn’t have much say in this to being with. One should never let their partner get too comfortable with them.

That’s how you get replaced and resented.

Step one is to manufacture the illusion of popularity.

Desirability is a social illusion. It source is less what you say or do, but how others thinks others perceive you to be.

We are social creatures, and we are greatly influenced of the taste and desires of other people.

We simply value what other people find valuable.

Stir up competition.

Men love to compete it’s ingrained/drilled in them since early age. It’s basically their second primal nature.

You want to cast your fishing net, and catch as much as you can. Might it be potential lovers, victims or others.

You want to stir up as much competition/ social capital to yourself, as you can possible.

Surround yourself with friends of the opposite sex.

Not only that but also, former exes, present suitors, a smart diabla/diablo has always a plan b etc lol, beta orbiters and made up potential suitors to use as a threat.

The main point here is to always keep him on edge. Whatever you do you can’t ever let a man feel like too comfortable that he has you, won you over early/never or that he has you on lock.

Comfortability breeds being taken-for-grantedness, and in worst case scenario abuse.

-_- , personalityinkwell & ÜbermenschPilled #sexist ncu.su

RE: Hebephilia and ephebophilia are biologically normal.

good thread

they don't have to be some random age or in a certain stage of puberty to consent to sex

all they need to consent is sexual feelings and the ability to say yes

which can be done by foids as young as 7 years old

agecucks dont use logical arguments, they use dishonest ones

high aoc laws were created by feminists, and parents like them because it makes it easier to not worry about grown men trying to bang their jb daughters

Not wanting to kreempie 14yo means your brain is broken by modern propaganda.
No saving you.
I am going to the grave with it even if I marry a roastie someday
12 is prime Yolo. Fuck the police.

Cynic #sexist ncu.su

Hebephilia and ephebophilia are biologically normal.

Mating with pubescent females was the norm throughout human history and prehistory. The fact that youth of this age are flooded with sex hormones and tend to be more impulsive isn't a bug, but a feature: If you were able to get across to a late teenager the hard reality of pregnancy, child-rearing, and so on, and gave them a choice, most would probably decline, or at least choose to wait. Evolution doesn't want teens to decline or wait, but instead reproduce as soon as possible, and so has developed a system whereby whereby most early human females were having kids as soon as they reached puberty .

The justifications for a high age of consent, such as them not having the mental capacity to consent, or prevention of harm, are nonsense. There is no magical harm switch in children's or teenagers' brains that somehow for some reason magically makes them emotional wrecks if an adult has anything to do with their sexuality. The idea that sex between adult men and preteen or teen foids causes harm, but that sex between minors is harmless, is just feminist propaganda that demonizes adult male sexuality.

Having a brain that hasn't completely developed does not determine whether or not that brain is sufficiently equipped to provide meaningful sexual consent.

A study found that mentally disabled people with the same capacity for adaptive behavior as 9 year-old children can give informed consent to sex, even by bloated modern standards of consent.


The mentally disabled population is a politically neutral area where scientists can still be objective without getting canned, but the results also logically apply to children.

The components of maturity are subjective and unequally distributed between both individuals and human populations, and biological age isn't necessarily predictive of one's mental maturity.


Elvis Dunderhoff #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Replace Women with Artificial Wombs, Ethereum and Gumroad Founders Say"]


Now we’re talking

Women were always a mistake


Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin and Gumroad founder Sahil Lavingia proposed synthetic wombs as a solution to gender inequality

Several prominent tech entrepreneurs discussed the possibility of replacing natural birth with synthetic wombs, arguing that such technology would remove the “burden” of pregnancy and allow women to work more#

Women are officially completely superfluous

They are obsessed with pretending to be men instead of being mothers

And they are very bad at pretending to be men. All they do is turn the workplace into a nightmare. They literally inhibit productivity in the corporate environment

The jobs they are “good” at – working in restaurants and retail – are all going to be done by robots soon enough

Women are literally parasites on society. They take more than they give, by a large margin

So what is the point of keeping them around?

Ann Coulter #sexist vdare.com

8) And why are antifa boys scrawny beta males?

White men who go around denouncing other white men as “fascists” are wimpy losers who think they’ll attract women with suck-up speeches about racism. But even stupid left-wing girls prefer alpha males. Sissy boys should drop the left-wing politics and try lifting weights and making money. Freud was a fool and reductionist, but sexual strategizing by losers is the source of nearly all left-wing ideology.

Dotrinfobe #sexist #wingnut incels.is

Hurling drink at some store staff = 3 criminal charges? Gynocentric clown world

Merrill Lynch adviser fired after racist tirade against smoothie shop employee

James Iannazzo, 48, was arrested and charged with a hate crime following the chaotic scene at Robeks in Fairfield just before 2:30 p.m. Saturday, the Fairfield Police Department said.

The foid staffs were retarded and added peanuts despite the guy tellng them not to. The guy's son ended up in hospital due to allergic reaction.

The guy were angry and went into argument with one of the foids there. Foids started recording him and uploaded it to tiktok immediately.

The guy's lost his high income manager job at a major financial firm.

And he's charged with "intimidation based on bigotry or bias, breach of peace and criminal trespass."

If it was a middle aged woman, and the store staffs were all foids, no charges would be ever brought and no male staffs would be so vile and vain to videotape the whole thing and upload to tiktok on the spot.

"breach of peace" wtf how does such charge even exist.

"criminal trespass" when the store was open. how could it be trespass? :feelsping::feelsping::feelsping:

If the customer was a foid, you bet the store would apologize and give her like $200 free gift card or soemthing, and she'd still sue the company for the allergic reaction to her son (bonus winning chance if it happened to a daughter) and get like 6 figure settlement in the lawsuit.

Basically the foid staffs almost killed the man's son. In an ideal society they should be charged with attempted murder. Unfortunately we live in clown society.

Clown fucking world. Women can literally almost kill a man's son but if he calls her "immigrant" he loses his entire life

I pray the employees are charged and prosecuted, and I pray this guy get's his job back.

TheSpaceDuck #conspiracy #sexist reddit.com

RE: Misogyny and misandry to be recorded as an aggravating factor in crimes -- West Yorkshire Police

From the description it's already obvious that it's not gonna be used neutral nor in contexts where misandry is common. Typical scenarios that happen to women (unwanted advances, catcalling) are included, however typical scenarios that happen to men (statements like "kill all men"/"men are trash", treating you as a potential criminal because of your gender, etc.) are not included.

The fact that the organization behind it (White Ribbon) has a history of misandry itself and the slogan being used is "end male violence against women" shows that this was not by chance and they have no intention of helping men targeted by misandry. They've already decided who are the victims and the culprits here.

Chopinwannabe #fundie #sexist reddit.com

No one likes adhering to an ideology where the fundament is to look at yourself as “equally worthless dust under gods feet.” People like to feel like they have inherit value and worth (cause they do) as opposed to being beaten into believing theyre worthless.

This is a very small minded take. Human value changes with perspective. You are nothing on your own, but you should rejoice, because God has given you everything, including your value if you're humble enough to accept it. This manifests itself very easily in the way that most people who don't accept God are nihilistic and really do come to believe that they are without value because they rejected the only being that could give it to them.

No one wants to adhere to an ideology where another one of the fundaments is to give everything you got to a world that gives nothing and is thankless in return.

It's a simple fact that the world is an unjust place and does not care for your goodwill or anyone else's. Our boldness in the face of cruelty is our expression of hope for a brighter future. Not living by truth makes people miserable and those take reciprocity for good will as granted will be sorely dejected and discouraged from doing good to others when they realize that people aren't very grateful.

The core principles of every point you made is rooted in toxicity and traits that most good, kind, empathetic people want nothing to do with. So if you ever wonder why people avoid conservatives and generally dont like them, there you go.

This is exactly the effeminate response and wording I'd expect from someone with these concerns. Strength without empathy might make a bully and there's always a risk of being that, but kindness without strength and confidence makes a victim and neither of these options are virtuous. It is not virtuous to weaken yourself and allow evil to prevail and exist over you. Of course nice people are going to be repelled! They fear us because we know how to put force behind our words and conviction behind our beliefs! They couldn't handle that verbal power and because they know they can't, they fear taking control of what they have.

Napoleon de Geso #sexist #crackpot ncu.su

Once and for all need to be settled what inceldom is: man's inability to get sex with pretty females by his personal taste and preferences

Females cant be incels, as even ugly ones can get sex with hot men. Harder is to get commitment with that kind of men, so foids can be emcels, but as some uggofoids can bag model-tier man, it can be unironically said, that it's because of foid's personality if she can't. And with positive about this, that cute adorable loli waifu of culture also is emcel, because wants only honorable man of culture, and refuses ordinary males, even chads and prettyboys (because if loli of culture going for chads and pretyboys - she is really loli of noculture, and not kemono friend)

And for man - only sex with pretty females counts, and only inability to get sex with this kind of females is what called inceldom, as it is evaluation of man as evolved civilised being, with sense of honor and aesthetics, unlike humanimals who only want to thrust their ejaculational stick into any ejaculational hole available. And if man is racist, or wants only females of another preferred by him race - females of refused races also does not count, even being objectively pretty. Because it is man's preferences only, what is important. So even more, if man is in ability to get sex with foid who's pretty by more wide and objective beauty standards, but does not fit his personal ones - she does not count, and in opposite, if female is not so pretty by global beauty standards, but fits into his personal taste - she does. Because thats what important, what defines man's status, and one of it being inceldom - man's ability to get things, desirable and valuable by his personal taste. Unlike in cuckcelosphere, where they "REEEEE [ugly] female wanted sex you? FAKECEEEEELL!!!!!111", in that way denying man as civilised being, and instead putting ugly femorloid on pedestal, giving her rights to define man's status by what she, ugly and unworthy creature, wants. [...]

Bloom010 #moonbat #pratt #sexist thepinkpill.co

Men's True Nature

I feel during this time I realized men in general are depraved and just horrible on their own. I feel even with being raised that way they just are the way they are. I just feel so spit before and even now I thought a I would want to get into a relationship and get married and being so lonely and just wanting a companion. But I just feel I have a hatred for men as a whole now and it grows everyday. I am aware my experience with men are not one of the worse. But to be used and taken advantage of for years especially online I think impacted mentally. Now it would not make sense to get into a relationship because no matter who I am with I expect that they will mess up one way or another. I try to tell myself that the happiness of couples can be an illusion especially since its valentines day soon. But really my mind is still so spilt I feel I still crave for a relationship but I can't not be angry of how I've been treated and shown my whole time trying to talk to men that I am only worth it in the moment if I showed my body. I feel I will forever be bitter and die angry and alone. I have heard women say that they are happy when they stopped trying to date men and just went single. I want to be like that so bad but I feel I can never be that for I feel my own sexuality makes me feel miserable that I am attracted to the very gender that is the oppressor of women as a whole.

Some /pol/ user #crackpot #dunning-kruger #homophobia #sexist #transphobia archive.4plebs.org

female only network makes users scan face in order to sign up - trannies seethe and review bomb app kek

It's seemed for a while to me now that radical feminists are trying to manipulate /pol/s natural aversion to trannies into supporting their feminist cause. There really is no reason to care about "trannies entering women's spaces." Like women's sport? Who gives a shit? The latest vanity app?
These things really are no big loss, and transgender invasion is maybe the most entertaining way to destroy them anyway.

*Danish Flag*

You're a retard if you don't see their cause the same as ours.

>Fact #1: Danes have smaller balls than Finns
This is true, actually Danes are already born with very small balls, tiny ones. And even after that they dont grow very much. Isn't that nuts?

>Fact #2: Danes have the lowest sperm count in Europe
Yes, I suppose this does make sense since they have such small balls. But their sperm count is really, really low! Finns have the highest in Europe and the difference is massive! The Finnish sperm count is a whopping 126.8 million ml−1, while the Danish sperm count is a pathetic 68.5 million ml−1, only half of the Finnish sperm count!

>Fact #3: Up to 60% of Danish teenage boys grow breasts!
Yes. When Danish boys hit puberty, more than half of them start to develop breasts. Yes, just like a girl! I suppose this is because they have very low testosterone which results from having very small balls.

>Fact #4: Danish men have the softest cocks in the world!
Another truthbomb. Danes can not get hard. Their cocks are very soft compared to everyone else.
Source: NOS3 research

Danes are little balled low sperm count soft cock femboys that grow breasts

Napoleon de Geso #sexist #psycho ncu.su

Females owe us sex and attention, and only good therapist is one who does not try to brainwash that theyre not

Problem is those dumb foid creatures, with brains wired to breed with chads, fail to understand and fulfill it. So it is man's right to take required sex and attention by force, by doing so called "****". Or, since it is made illegal and so in most cases avoidable behaviour to be participator of it - there is another approach: leave foid be, for not wasting YOUR time and nerves. And we hardly can expect therapist to help us become better rapists (and that in most cases avoidable anyway and not reason we go to therapy), so we have right to demand for good therapist helping us become better at second approach - treating foids like shit, unworthy to waste our time and nerves upon it. No degenerate feministic brainwash about "respecting women's rights". Because theres nothing to respect.

And since some men still have need to love, respect, and cherish someone of female gender - we have anime girls for that

Various editors #racist #conspiracy #transphobia #sexist #pratt conservapedia.com

There is a theory in popular culture that Michelle Obama is a transgender man named Michael Obama.[9][10][11][12] There is fairly substantial evidence for this. Some photos of Michelle Obama show her with muscular arms, an Adam's apple and a bulge around her groin.[13][14] Her children were also conceived by IVF, and there are no photos that seem to show Michelle pregnant.[15] Barack Obama has frequently referred to his wife as "Michael" in the past.[16] His brother, and even Michelle herself, have claimed that she is male.[17][18] Barack also used to have a transgender nanny, who he is believed to have developed an attraction towards, and he once considered pursuing a homosexual relationship in college.[19][20] Many celebrities, including Joan Rivers and Alex Jones, have claimed to believe this theory, and Jones shared his own evidence.[21][22] #BigMike once even trended on Twitter, before it was censored by the liberal administrators.[23] This theory has been strongly criticised by the liberal mainstream media, and ignored by Wikipedia, which could mean that liberals are trying to cover it up.

According to PBS Frontline, facial recognition identifies Michelle Obama as a man.[24]

The Obamas.[7] The photograph, which many alleged fact checkers and Obama apologists claimed was a fake, was used by ABC News to sell the Obama's as a heterosexual couple.[8]

Mainländer #crackpot #psycho #sexist #wingnut incels.is

RageFuel Little sister told me to touch grass

My parents asked me why I didn’t have a GF despite my 11 year old sister having a boyfriend and many friends. I’m 21.

my little sister proceeded to tell me to “touch grass. put yourself out there or something”

I cannot explain how angry I was/am and it’s taking every fiber of my being to stay calm

Typical solipsistic female "advice". Women can't put themselves in our shoes, they can only think from their perspectives. "Just putting yourself out there" works for them of course, since any foid has tons of SMV and men will approach them galore and do all the work, but it doesn't work even for a normie man, let alone an incel.

My female psychologist gave me the same "advice" back in the day.

OP’s sister is 11 and already fucking and sucking.

Thank God I don't have a sister. Also cucked parents for allowing random fuckboys to ruin the 11 yo foid for all men that could have committed to her in the future.

Imagine your 11 year old sister being more alpha than you

Women are not "alpha" or "beta" or anything, they're NPCs in the sexual game, ready to be taken by the most powerful/strong/attractive (in feminist soycieties) men.

Kuriboh #psycho #sexist incels.is

Blonde blue eyed women are demons !!

All my Oneitis were blonde whores.
When i walk on the street and see a blonde whore, i will think about her all the day and it will take me weeks, months even years to forget about her maybe her image never goes from my memory.
But when i see another whore, i will forget about her the moment i pass her.
When i talk to a blonde whore and get rejected, it will hurt me a lot and can't get over it. I will feel like being rejected from the whole existence.
When i talk to another whore and get rejected, i will feel nothing even if she humiliates me in front of everyone. I will just laugh at her because i see her worthless.
When there is a blonde whore with me at the class, i can't function at all.
When there is another whore, i get motivated to study.
When i watch a movie and there is a blonde actress, i will feel more excited watching it.
When i watch a movie and there is another whore, i will lose interest and get bored.
If i had a blonde sister, i would probably fuck her!
Even women themselves are obsessed with being blonde. They dye their hair blonde but you never see a blonde woman dying her hair black. The most famous figure of Hollywood history Marilyn Monroe was dark haired who dyed her hair blonde to be more attractive in movies.
Maybe it is the halo effect of Disney that brainwashed us as kids to see blondes as the charming princess or it is something natural that our brains receive their features as the perfect standards of female beauty.
Blonde women conquer you like demons!
I understand the pain of Elliot Rodger!

jspit2.0 #sexist kiwifarms.net

Troon Ross/Sophie Campbell and Becky Cloonan have put out some okay/decent artwork. As a colorist, troon lunatic Tamara Bonvillain and Alex De Campo are decent.

Gail hasn't written anything genuinely good. At most she has mediocre Birds of Prey/Secret Six that are over praised and barely passable.

What is so galling is that none of these 'women' are notably good at what they do. They have contemporaries, some of them women but most men, who are far better than them at art, writing, color et al. These people would have produced better work.

Gail is the prototype whisperer. She got her job by pulling the Al Sharpton shake down. Step 1, accuse a business of being bad. Step 2, let it be known you can help them with their image problem. (A problem you created). Step 3, make money off of a corporation for doing nothing but cleaning up the mess you made.

SulphuricMirror #sexist ovarit.com

Men should be segregated into special ares where they can't expose us and children to their disgusting behaviour. I don't see why normal people (women and children) should have to co-mingle with men who are potentially just masturbating any goddamn place. If they are gonna act like chimps, then maybe they belong in zoos or nature reserves. Just saying.

Forever14 #elitist #moonbat #sexist thepinkpill.co

So when we are gonna acknowledge that women are the dumbest losers for bonding with men?

Why I never see radical feminists admitting that women just straight up live as sexual servants? We know men aren't good, we know it's all men, we know its a mans world, we know heterosexual relationships aren't equal But what we never see is women seeking to not engaging in their own oppression and not being materialistic and driven by the primitive urges We never see the female superiority besides lack of violence from women. They are more peaceful, they don't want a war but they want to lay under men living in service even tho it's abusive ungrateful traumatic. Why won't women ever live differently? They need to live under dick?

Why won't rf be about women going their own way and not bothering with engaging with men or the patriarchy physically There's no justification for anything heterosexual being done by supposed rfs Women act like they don't have souls, just as the creatures they supposedly hate

I'm convinced women wait for something magical to happen cause they really aren't onto just rejecting all this bullshit. They wait for men to save them, they wait for men to get fixed, Disgusting Didn't you serve enough already? You are as weak as men Stop preaching your disgusting slave life in rf spaces

Prussian Society of America #racist #sexist #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Meanwhile, In Boston…"]

As Protests continue against COVID Measures in Europe, we have Non-European trash among the young generations protesting in demand for more COVID Tyranny

FUN, FUN Times are coming!!!

Hey White Boys in America and all Law Enforcement Officers. Are you going to protect these gems because they are Women are Colored!? I will be delighted for a lifetime to see it! I will love to sit back and watch their urgency to defend these specimens

After all, Women deserve to be “protected” at all costs, because they were born as Women, right!? And everybody is equal, so say the Scots-Irish of America, who don’t care whether someone is Black or White…

This should just show you how far gone America is:

“No teachers, no plan. We’ve got to take a stand.” Students at New Mission High School say their voices have been ignored when it comes to how to best handle pandemic learning. @NBC10Boston @NECN
4:55 PM · Jan 14, 2022

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