
Donald J. Trump #psycho #wingnut

[he’s commenting on the Biden bus attack]

In my opinion, these patriots did nothing wrong. Instead, the FBI & Justice should be investigating the terrorists, anarchists, and agitators of ANTIFA, who run around burning down our Democrat run cities and hurting our people!

Message from the Galactics: Orion Council of Light, Pleiadian, and Andromedan Council via James Gilliland #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

Critical thinking, personal research, and taking it to the heart are the tools of the enlightened. Follow the money, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, other major multimedia groups are funded by Soros an admitted Nazi who has in his own words said the taking down of America will be his greatest achievement. The CCP, China’s Communist party is also heavily invested in the DNC and many political leaders. The latest bombshell is the hundreds of millions invested with the Biden family. They are compromised. Did you know when you contribute to BLM the majority goes to Biden’s campaign? Do you understand now why the riots, death and destruction of the inner cities continues and not one of them will denounce the violence while others say Antifa and the violence is a myth?
It is time to awaken, stop passing the ancestoral potato. Judge a person by character and deed for that is how they are known in the heavens. If you have not seen past the lies, deceptions, manipulations and character assassinations accusing others of what they themselves have done or are doing a “Marxist tenant” I leave you with some questions. Why is one group stopping drugs and human trafficing, violence, looting, corruption on the highest levels while another turns a blind eye, supports or participates in all the above?

Why do corrupt politicians, the global elite, the deep state, the corporate owned extremely bias and deceptive main stream media and social media hate Trump? Why do the Satanic/Luciferians and pedophiles hate Trump who has broken up massive human trafficing and pedophile rings that operated with ambiguity during the last administration?

Who do you think the Galactics and the Heavens are behind?

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #sexist #racist #homophobia #transphobia

[From "The Center Right Is Worthless"]

Why should anyone support conservative liberalism?[…]
In spite of the mainstream Right, which upholds consensus antiracism in our culture, I have developed a positive sense of White racial identity.[…]
Of what value is the mainstream Right on sex?

What is the GOP going to do about young women who are out of control and older women who have become cat ladies and gone crazy? To ask the question is to answer it.[…]
The Supreme Court with Neil Gorsuch on the bench read transgenderism into the Civil Rights Act of 1964 this summer. Conservative liberalism couldn’t conserve the definition of marriage under Obama.[…]Insofar as we are up against the forces of sexual anarchy and gender fluidity in popular culture, we are on our own.
The GOP’s biggest accomplishment in this department is dumping the Mississippi State Flag and presiding over the destruction of hundreds of our monuments.[…]
Obviously, the GOP under Trump isn’t of any value to us in this area. Sheldon Adelson hit the jackpot when Trump got elected in 2016.[…]
Several generations ago, the GOP surrendered the public school system to blacks and progressive pedagogues, which is why I have to scrape up money from you to pay for my own son’s private school tuition. Now, the GOP is running on school choice so that the black kids in the “failing schools” can transfer to the private schools we pay for in addition to the public schools.[…]
Yeah, Donald Trump was elected in 2016 to restore “law and order,” but he spent his first term boasting about all the black felons he let out of prison with criminal justice reform and allowing Antifa and BLM to do whatever they wanted and burn down the country.

Klas_Vegas #ableist #crackpot #wingnut #dunning-kruger

[Letter]We need to speak about Kevin (antifa/autism content)

I have worked ten years (socialwork) with people with autism and when i look at the pictures of the arrested antifa members from philly I see direct that at least two of them has autism (diagnosed or not). Today every scientist in the autism field knows that autism shows in facial traits, that an ocular inspection is the most secure way to identify autism and that it shows already in the first year long before the infant says it's first word.

Look att the man to the right. His face is so wide that I can bet my left ball that he is autistic. I have seen the exact faceshape among so many with autism. The case is closed. The man in the middle Joseph Alcoff, just look strange without me being able to pin point what is wrong with single picture. But he has glasses, over 80% of all the autistic people I have met has had glasses and had often severe eyeproblems. And I immidiately recognise the baby face so common among people with autism ( many people with autism I have met have to show ID well in to the 40's here in sweden to buy alcohol or cigarettes).

With autism comes almost always lack of "theory of mind" (inability to understand others, lack of empathy) and a "mixed intelligens". I really can't understand why we let this people with severe mental health issues run our daily lifes and tell us what to do and not to do.

I have the same problem with mass-shooters that has all shown clear signs of autism. But I have only read one single call from a psychiatrist that the choseen path with"autism as a gift" is absurd considering the mass-shooters and all the existing documentation they have on autism and violence.

The connection between violence and autism is well documented since hans aspergers very first writing but evryone in the field pretends that it doesn't exist.

MiracleChild, Absentminded & DomTxn #conspiracy #racist

RE: This from Nigeria, Africa! "Meet The Jew Heading BLM And ANTIFA"


Meet The Jew Heading BLM And ANTIFA - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

It doesn’t come as much of a surprise - most blacks couldn’t organise a p*** up in a brewery. The standing with Israel is a bit different though - in Britain you’re far more likely to find Antifa at pro-Palestinian rallies. The British hard left tends to be very anti-Israel, and often anti-Semitic to boot

Does anyone else get the feeling that blacks are monitoring their lives? Still being a lesser being, they have no power, but it just seems like they're obsessed with white people, my it's my imagination, I think they really do monitor white people, I first noticed at a previous job, instead of working themselves, it seemed as if blacks wanted to monitor my work more than their own, now I am almost certain that blacks attempt to monitor our lives in every way possible. Negroes never surprise me though.

It always strikes me as odd that average people can find out that these Kikes and their goy stooges are running traitor organizations with little effort. Yet the police and the FBI never do seem to quite catch on. Even when the Jews openly admit to engaging in a criminal organization do we ever hear of any actual prosecutions? How many times do white people have to have their noses rubbed in the fact that these Jews are the enemy of every living breathing human on this planet? We are at war brothers and sisters. It's about time we admitted it and treated these scum like they want to treat us.

Jay Matters #wingnut #dunning-kruger

1) Hitler enacted a program of euthanizing the mentally ill.
a. Democrats support euthanasia.
2) Hitler Burned the Reichstag down.
a. Democrats are burning US cities
3) Hitler created the political police.
a. Antifa and Occupy are democrat enforcers
4) Hitler created the Wansee conference to determine race and ethnicity by birth.
a. Democrats are focused on racial and ethnic “justice”.
5) Hitler killed his political enemies within the country.
a. Democrats leveraged the tools of government to persecute the Tea Party and Trump supporters.
6) Hitler fabricated stories to demonize military leadership not to his liking and oust them.
a. Democrats fired and set up several generals who dared oppose Obama.
7) Hitler set up the Hitler Youth program to indoctrinate the children
a. Democrats use the UNIONS to indoctrinate our youth.
8) Hitler seized personal firearms, disbanding gun clubs and disarming political “undesirables”.
a. Democrats have been scheming to take your guns for decades.
9) Hitler authorized “Chrystalnacht” whereby Germany seized the property of Jews to redistribute to non-Jews.
a. Democrats have been try to redistribute America’s wealth for decades.

Ximena Barreto #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist

Thus, what is a law-abiding citizen to do in America today? I am already fearful of displaying a Trump lawn sign, wear a MAGA hat in public, and the like. If I do, I am asking for a triggered, likely white ANTIFA anarchist to attack me physically at worst, or verbally assault my family and I at best. I am far more scared of political violence in 2020 than I am of catching COVID.

To make things worse, it is incredibly unclear to what extent I have the right to defend myself. There are disturbing images of men sneaking up on an old man in Baltimore with a brick and knocking him unconscious, a Trump supporter publicly executed in the street, 'Mean Girls for Biden' inappropriately touching and stealing from a child, and on and on. A Biden supporter is extremely unlikely to be attacked unprovoked. Still, a White or Latina Trump supporter is, unfortunately, more likely to be attacked than ever (since maybe wearing a pro-Union hat in Richmond during the Civil War)

It is widely known that the police do not have an affirmative responsibility to protect us from crime. This is especially true today in Democratic cities, where police are being defunded, attacked, and are fearful of making one mistake that could cost them their career, pension, and or life. One's best hope is for the police to investigate your assault after-the-fact. How then can a citizen feel safe in our nation's largest cities in 2020? Trump's re-election is quickly approaching, and ANTIFA is secretly hoping he wins so that they can use it as an excuse for wanton mayhem, murder, looting, and more.

Ekklesia #god-complex #fundie #wingnut

[This whole twenty-page “document” is a goldmine of insanity; here’s one representative excerpt:]

As God’s Ekklesia, we bind every anti-Christ spirit from operating within the United States of America. We uproot, tear down, overthrow and destroy the following organizations, charities, funds and their anti-Christ agenda. We hereby decree:

The immediate death, dismantling & destruction of the following anti-Christ organizations and funds. We decree the following to all be stripped of authority, power, influence and finances:
o Democratic Socialists of America, and all their local state chapters (DSA),
o Communist Party USA
o Party of European Socialists
o Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA)
o Democratic Socialists Labor Commission (DSLC) oDSA National Electoral Committee (NEC)
o DSA Fund
o National Political Committee
o All DSA committees
o DSA Ecosocialist Working Group and all DSA Ecosocialist organizations
o DSA Religion and Socialism Commission oAll chapters of the communist party
o The Council for a Livable World
o All socialist, communist, Marxist, fascist, far-leftist, anarchist and radical Islam groups & organizations working to weaken and destroy the USA
o All hidden communists, socialists, far left, radical Islam groups and anarchist groups
o Planned Parenthood
o The Muslim Brotherhood
o The Lincoln Project
o The illuminati
o The Clinton Foundation
o ActBlue Charities and all other charities and not-for-profits that exploit donors and misappropriate donations to be used for dark political purposes.
o Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Black Militia aka ‘NFAC’, and any other organization that endorses and promotes violence, destruction of property, lawlessness, rebellion, hatred, racism, treason, division, and the defunding/abolishing of law enforcement.
o The Deep-Church that works in tandem with the Deep-State to undermine America’s God-given purpose and identity.

Don Feder #wingnut #conspiracy

[From "The Elements of Revolution Are All in Place"]

In a recent poll, 61 % of Americans said we’re on the verge of civil war. What’s coming is cataclysmic, but there are better ways to describe it. Instead of civil war, think revolution.

Some believed the proletarian revolution was coming in the 1930s, during the Great Depression – others, during the rise of the New Left in the 1960s.

But they were only sparks that never ignited.

What was kindled decades ago, now has burst into flames.

The pieces are all in place: rioting without end, war on the police, government complicity with anarchy, one party firmly in the grasp of revolutionaries, ongoing efforts to erase our history, radicals with a death-grip on the culture and an election from which there could be no turning back. To view any of these elements in isolation would be a tragic mistake.

The riots following the death of George Floyd have been anything but spontaneous. They were planned and organized by Black Lives Matter, Antifa and others. The founders of BLM describe themselves as “trained Marxists.”


If they win, Antifa and BLM will be used to attack and intimidate opponents of the regime -- morphing from storm troopers to S.S. Resistance will be labeled racism.

With statehood for D.C. and Puerto Rico (and who knows where else), court-packing and ending the filibuster, our system of government will be permanently altered to assure that this election will be the last real election.

Like France in 1789, Russia in 1917 and Germany in 1932, we stand at the brink. Thank God Trump is no Louis XVI.

Don’t think civil war. Think firing squads, gulags and death camps. Think the Black Lives Matter flag flying over the White House and Capitol.

Conservapedia #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt

The "Antifa" (short for "Anti-fascist action"), sometimes known as the ARA (short for "Anti-Racist Action") is an international terrorist movement of anarchists and Marxist-Leninists dedicated to the overthrow of the existing order and responsible for violence, mayhem, and church burnings in the United States and throughout the world. While posing as an anti-fascist movement, the groups in fact is an intolerant hate group that uses fascist tactics and direct quotations from Adolf Hitler. The group relies on Cultural Marxist ideals and rhetoric for recruiting young people. It has been designated as a terrorist group in the United States. The Democratic National Committee partners with Antifa for fundraising and group works closely with Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). They have been spotted chanting 'Death to America', 'Black Power', as well as other racist and anarchist chants on the streets. They are known for rioting in the streets.

Although Antifa has been promoted by CNN as the elite Trump resistance movement since 2017, the concept of anti-fascism, especially as a far-left ideology, existed as early as World War II for propaganda purposes, where Stalin referred to the USSR as "anti-fascist", with the obvious implication that the USSR and Stalin were "morally better" than the Nazis and Hitler, using the misapplication of Nazism and fascism as being of the far right instead of being of the far left. They are also anti-American in outlook, often chanting "No border! No wall! No U.S.A. at all!"

Pastor Shane Idleman #fundie #wingnut

The upcoming election is causing increased division among Christians. It leaves many people confused when some Christians denounce Trump and elevate Biden. Their reasoning goes something like this: “How can you vote for Trump based on his character?” But the real question we should be asking is, “What direction is the country heading, spiritually speaking?

Obviously, character is important, but, if a man has decent character according to some, yet believes in infanticide and in euthanizing the disabled, do we look at his character over his policies? Of course not.

God doesn't judge a nation based on the character of one man, but He may judge it based on the spiritual health of her people. Policy often speaks louder than character—although ideally, they should match.

The president is hated, not because of his character, but because of what he stands for. He is a disruptive force. If the abortion industry, George Soros, most of the media, antifa and Hollywood are on your side, are you sure you're on the right side?

I don’t want to hear about someone’s “character” when they think it’s okay to kill a child, even at 9 months, and they reject the “born-alive” bill. I’m not concerned with nice tweets when they promote real hate, support sexual perversion and want to burn down our cities — and on and on it goes.

Jared van Niekerk #racist #sexist #wingnut

What whites are doing now is completely abnormal. What is the state of mind of a college admissions officer whose job is to practice discrimination against people who might as well be his own sons and daughters? Blacks who work in admissions behave normally; they advance the interests of people like themselves. Whites thwart the interests of people like themselves. This is an aberration of gigantic proportions but Prof. Farron almost seems not to notice.

The last few paragraphs are especially thought-provoking. The one thing that sets whites apart from all other races, is our limitless capacity for self-loathing. I could understand that unattractive white females or beta male whites would want to pull down other whites to their level by embracing feminism, Antifa or similar ideologies for losers. As Rush Limbaugh said: feminism was invented to give unattractive women access to the mainstream. I can also get that white loser beta males and bullied boys would embrace some leftist ideology that offered them the lie that everybody was equal in every way, but even attractive white women and successful white men seem to have been infected by this cancerous type of extreme altruism, the desire to see their own race annihilated.

EmpathicDesign #wingnut #psycho

See what I did there in the title? ;)

So, it has come to my attention just how ugly leftists are. And I mean that in every literal way possible.
They're physically unattractive, when they talk it's always a few octaves louder than required when presenting a point, they always look like they drank raw lemon juice just before they speak and it's as though they have mastered the usage of every other vital function but the ones that matter i.e they know how to talk, but their ears are used conditionally, they know how to think but feelings entangle into their thoughts and do not separate before coming out their mouths.

Oh, and they support criminal activity i.e AntiFa, BLM and illegal immigration, and they protect pedophiles, rapists and murderers. They also historically supported slavery and condemned its abolition.

Why are these people not being lined up at the execution range en mas and by the truck loads? There will be absolutely no negative repercussions for getting rid of these monsters; evil is not meant to be condemned or imprisoned, it's mean to be destroyed entirely from reality. Duh.


Stonetoss #racist #wingnut

Body Count


[Panel 1: Someone kneeling on a black man's neck. The black man as a fentanyl needle in his arm

Panel 2: Man in the background hildst a rifle while guy on skateboard appears to have a heart attack

Panel 3: judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies in a chair while sitting beside the other judges

Panel 4: Trump coughs with a mask on while an antifa member prays "please let us have this one"

Chuck Lowe #wingnut

Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects... totalitarian propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have by the most eloquent denunciations.

Aldous Huxley

The American Main Stream Media obfuscates, spins and lies as a part of it's job to support the Fascist designs of the Progressive left.

Hence, while cites are literally still smoking from the fires lit by the BLM/AntiFa Fascists they support, Chris Wallace asks the most transparent "When did you stop beating your wife?" question in the history of this country. His insistence that Trump demand that the Proud Boys not engage in violence, while the legions of Brown Shirt-BLM-AntiFa shithells have literally been in the streets, violently attacking people, buildings, business' and the Rule Of Law for the last 3 years and especially the last 3 months, is the ultimate, gas lighting of the American people.

The evil Triumvirate of the DNC, the 4th Estate and the Deep State want to "Burn it down", in order to rule over the ashes of what was once your hopes, dreams and economy.

Fuck these people, they are literally devils.

Frederick Qune #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

Witches: have scoffed at Witch Trials and Satanic Panics of the past
Antifa Witches: Casting Spells to Hurt President Trump (and others)
Antifa Witches: “BURN IT ALL DOWN”
President Trump: “WITCH HUNT!”
(He wasn’t talking about the investigation into himself.)
Coming [Soon]: Witches on Trial [?]

Witchcraft: The definition that seems closest to the one that the accusers in the Salem Witch Trials used is what they deem the Gothic Satanist. The Gothic Satanist is a worshiper of Satan who, during the late Middle Ages and Renaissance, was believed to use black magic to harm others, by involving the aid of Satan and his demons.

Witches and Satanists have teamed up with leftists to destroy America
Satanists and witches were invoking evil powers to aid those participating in the violence.
hashtag #witchesforblm serves a meeting place for practicing witches who want to learn how to cast protection spells, draw occult sigils, and hex police. Five days after the hashtag started, it garnered 10 million views on the TikTok app.

Kelleigh Nelson #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #fundie

Most conservatives understand that Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa are communist organizations and are committed to overthrowing America’s culture, society and constitutional order. BLM was founded in 2013 by three black women who are avowed Marxists. They are also prophetesses of demonic darkness.

Antifa was founded in Germany in 1932;they promoted communism over fascism. The two organizations work diligently together fomenting anarchy, along with dozens of smaller communist and Islamic groups, under the guise of eliminating police brutality against black Americans, which national statistics have proven to be false. We are not experiencing a wave of social unrest generated by injustice or police brutality. We are watching an insurrection in progress, one which uses police violence as a pretext, but which has as its goal the destruction of the existing social, economic and political order in the United States.

Most Americans do not understand the demonic reality of Marxism and the communist infiltration of every facet of American society, peoples and culture.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist

[From "Memo to @vexwerewolf, @chittlins, @Fire_Badger, @Elegant_QueenK, @chrysoleggyon, @baneslay, @anthonyackee2, @gmiller1643, & @anya_something"]

Today, looking at all the evidence, a Grand Jury decided that the officers involved in the death of Breonna Taylor did nothing criminal and would not be charged.

So naturally, niggers and their unhinged ANTIFA co-conspirators in Louisville immediately began trashing the city.
"Vex" falls into the basic far-left drivel about how caring about property owned by innocents should be less important than life held by criminals.
[…]Claiming that we should be okay with hardworking innocent people being wontonly deprived of their property in favour of the "life" of somebody who has no respect for that property (and life) of the innocent is ludicrous.
The "root cause of the problem" is tribalism. When a nigger is killed by police, regardless of the justification, niggers turn violent and riot. How do you cure this root cause? Sadly, I don't know the answer. The psychology of how to fix the ridiculous racial cohesion that niggers maintain is beyond my considerable talents.
None of these are examples of "systemic racism": no matter how many idiotic screeds by far-left idiots @brandy_mancari or anybody reads, it does not exist and no examples of it can be found.[…]US prisoners are majority nigger because niggers are orders of magnitude more likely to be criminals and tend to also be dumb enough to be easily caught. Low income housing is "under-funded" because it's folly to waste money giving housing to people who have never done any of the actual labours that would justify them receiving any money. I would argue low income housing is overfunded because the ideal level of funding is zero.

Russ Winter #wingnut #conspiracy #ableist

One of the ploys used in the Covid-1984 Scamdemic is the facade and excuse to release large numbers of the criminally mental ill from prisons and jails. Given that there are few, if any, legitimate job opportunities for this brood in the economy, one path these individuals pursue is directly into the discordian paid ranks of antifa and BLM. WInter’s Razor holds that “normal people don’t set fire to buildings.”

This explains why target cities run by Fifth Columnists experienced endless nights of chaos, and how other cities can receive immediate reinforcements once the latest police abuse hoax is run.

Homeless, broke, criminally insane antifa recruits are set up in undisturbed encampments in Portland.

Many pajama people may believe all this is a function of false “Hanlon Razor” incompetence at multiple levels. But in reality, it is deliberate malice.

A marker of malice is the new policy not to release mug shots of persons arrested. This, along with the end of the bail system, allows unprosecuted criminals to be quickly recycled undetected back into the discordian ranks.

It also hides the freakish zombie apocalypse appearance of this posse from the public. This example of mug shots at right clearly shows how scary these untermensch are.

Pasco Cruz #wingnut #conspiracy

Is AOC Really an Undercover DOD Asset?

I know this clip was from a few days ago, but I had to point out the look on her face. Does that not look like the victim of some MK-ultra mind control programming to you? That blank stare?

Plus, just the flat-out craziness of what she said lends even more credibility to the notion that she is in fact an undercover(willingly or unwittingly)GOP operative that was installed within the Democrat establishment by the Golden Dawn/General Flynn inspired Justice Democrats. Created to destroy and sabotage leftist politics in perpetuity. The extremity and cringiness of the policies that come out from the Justice Democrat think tank serve as kind of mocking performance art.

Pelosi & her DemonRat establishment has really been getting their asses handed to them of late with the sabotage of the party by the progressives and the execution of so many of the Veteran rats. RBG is the latest victim(EVIDENCE: wrinkled flag on her coffin👇).

All of that would certainly explain this ritual suicide that I’m constantly asserting must be taking place by the leftist establishment as the only way for me to come to terms with what I see as the inexplicable and nonsensical politics of certain DemonRat leaders. Far more than the lamestream media would like to admit with their assinine polling statistics that audaciously show Biden with these double digit leads over Big T. Literally NO ONE is showing up to the Joe Biden rallies and most of the “protestors” and “activists” out there running around for ANTIFA & BLM are Soros bankrolled ex-cons. Kinninigan even suggested that many of them had came directly from the cloning center and out onto the streets. They could care less about politics.

ACTBAC members #racist #psycho #wingnut

Donald Trump supporters were seen during a car parade in which “neo-Confederate” members shouted “white power” and other obscienties at bystanders.

About 200 cars took part in the convoy that passed through Elon, North Carolina, on Saturday, the Elon News Network reported.

Members of a neo-Confederate organisation called Alamance County Taking Back Alamance County (ACTBAC) were said to have set-up the pro-Trump parade.

Founded by Gary Williamson, ACTBAC has been designated as a neo-Confederate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Elon News reported.

Megan Squire, an academic and researcher on right-wing extremism, videoed the procession as it passed through the campus at Elon University.

Some members of the parade shouted the phrase "white power”, as another commented on Ms Squire’s Black Lives Matter sign, saying: “no they fucking don’t, bitch! Go back home cunt.”

Another driver, whose vehicle was adorned with at least two American flags, was said to have yelled “fuck black lives!”.

Ms Squire, recording the procession as it passed in downtown Elon, was told that “maybe you’ll be hit by a train next”, as a second ACTBAC member shouted “choo, choo, Trump train”.

The same vehicle accused the academic of being a member of Antifa – a far-left organisation president Trump has baselessly blamed wildfires and property damage on in recent months – as they shouted “four more years bitch”.

Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #sexist #homophobia #magick

On page one of my book Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World (2008), I wrote, "If this were a movie treatment, it would be rejected as implausible. Our leaders are not chosen for their intelligence or achievements but rather because they are able to win the peoples' trust and willing to betray it. They are chosen by a small Satanic cult -- Cabalist bankers and Freemasons -- that controls the world's finances and media...Many "leaders" are kept in line by having them indulge in horrifying occult rituals including human sacrifices, sexual orgies, pedophilia, rape, torture, and murder...The Illuminati goal is to degrade and enslave humanity, mentally and spiritually if not physically. [Their] influence is like cancer that extends throughout society." Does the Coronahoax make sense now?

It's no wonder our "leaders" are criminals, Satanists, and perverts. These are the only people the central banking cartel can trust. The Rothschilds are Satanists (Cabalist i.e. Masonic Jews.) Their cartel is a criminal fraud. They create the medium of exchange ("currency", "credit") out of thin air as a debt to themselves and charge interest.

All the policies deemed "progressive" -- gender-bending, multiculturalism, miscegenation, migration, attack on marriage and family, (homosexuality, pornography, promiscuity), BLM, ANTIFA -- are designed to undermine the target population, people of European and Christian descent who the Cabalist bankers regard as the last remaining obstacle to their hegemony. They are promoting sodomy in public schools. They are all about promoting sickness. "We corrupt in order to control," is their credo. We are being inducted into their cult as their servants.

Adama of Telos via Sharon Stewart #ufo #conspiracy #magick

<Adama> Shots of the trees tell me that this was caused by direct energy weapons, not people starting fires, not ANTIFA or anything, although the press will try to make it out to be Antifa that's doing it. Look at the trees. The houses are burnt to the ground but the trees are still standing. That's because of the direct energy weaponry. Antifa can't do that.

The deep state is our only enemy. We are not each other's enemy. When we finally can live in peace, we'll figure that out. When all this nonsense is taken off TV, when all the mind control is stopped, when lives start to matter more than money or objects, we'll realie what is most important – each other.
I read an article about a 13 year old boy who died in the Oregon fires this week. His mother is still alive but she basically started to cook and has many burns. Can you imagine being baked alive? Not sure if she'll make it. Imagine losing your 13 year old. He never had a chance. When will we start protecting each other from fates like this? The ETs do. They live lives of thousands of years old because they live a style of life where they experience little risk of losing it. They protect and care for each other as if they were themselves because they don't want to read newspaper articles saying people are baking alive or their children are dying. They came to their senses. When will we?

ETs understand that life is the most important thing. That's why they're here with us now. Because they care about our lives, even if we may not.

Because they're highly telepathic, they feel everything that everyone else on their world feels. So they all work at keeping balance

Wayne Dupree #wingnut #conspiracy

Here’s how November’s election could lead to a new Civil War in America. I pray I’m wrong, but fear I’m not

I believe the Democrats will resort to cheating and creating chaos in order to stop Donald Trump winning another four years in the White House. If they do, the result will tear our nation apart.

The Democrat leadership is well aware that their anointed candidate, Joe Biden, is suffering from rapid, advancing mental decline, and that, without cheating, they have no chance of reclaiming the White House. Is it possible that they can steal a national election? Ask anyone associated with John F Kennedy’s election back in 1960 in the state of Illinois. As a character in Oliver Stone’s movie, Nixon, said: “They [the Democrats] stole it fair and square.”

What surprises me the most about this election is we live in a fast-moving technology age in 2020, yet the Democrats want to use the antiquated system of the post office to mail in ballots. Why? Because it’s easier to cheat that way. And who will be counting the votes in places like Portland and Seattle, anyway? BLM or Antifa?

The Dems want to muck-up this election so badly that the Electoral College is unable to meet and declare a winner.

How will it go? Here’s my prediction…

The Dems will demand that Trump/Pence leave the White House until the election results can be sorted out. They’ll have Rep. Nancy Pelosi sworn in as a “placeholder” president until the vote count can be officially verified, which, not surprisingly, will never happen as long as Trump is winning.

Trump will refuse to step down and leave the White House, claiming that as the election results have not yet been verified, how can he be declared the loser?

President Pelosi (from her temporary “Oval Office” in a room in the basement of the House of Representatives) will declare Trump and all his supporters as “enemies of the state” (oh wait... she already DID THAT!) and order the military to evict Trump from the real Oval Office forcibly. Some military brass comply. Other military brass do not comply. This fractures the military hierarchy into competing factions, resulting in chaos (which is the whole point).

Democratic Party leaders order their supporters, who have already been besieging the White House en-masse since before the election, to storm the building by force and remove Trump, or to burn the place to the ground.

Republicans take up arms and head to Washington to “peacefully” protect Trump and prevent the White House from being overrun by rabid Leftists intent on burning-looting-murder.

And when those two opposing groups clash in DC, shots will be fired, and Civil War number two will begin. Leftist minions in every major metropolitan area in America will come out of their basements and make the current riots seem like a practice run. It will go badly for anyone unable to protect their home and family.

I hope I’m wrong about all this, but I worry deeply that it may well just play out this way.

Our only hope lies with the beauty of our Electoral College system, and my belief that the American people will ultimately choose the party of peace, security and economic growth over the party of division, rioting and socialism. And that they deliver a clear, big and uncontestable win for the Trump-Pence ticket.

The Democrats can cheat all they want in their tyrannically controlled states like California, Oregon, and Washington because they are going to win them anyway. But the other states, not so much, especially the red ones where people are watching. It's the purple battleground states like Florida, Pennsylvania and North Carolina (where both Democratic and Republican candidates receive strong support) which we need to worry about and have our people out in force to watch them.

I heard Hillary Clinton recently telling Biden never to concede. She still doesn't understand how the presidential election works. You can stuff ballot boxes all you want in Democrat strongholds but the Electoral College requires winning States and to some degree counties.

Democrats stuffed ballot boxes in 2016 and won the popular vote by over two percent but lost the election by 14 percent. You have to win States, not population centers, to capture the White House.

The desperation of the Democrats is clear for all to see. Everything they’ve thrown at the unsinkable and unflappable Trump has failed miserably. Everything from their Mueller Russian collusion hoax probe to the sham impeachment has fallen apart. Now with a solid record behind him, achieved despite seemingly impossible odds and rabid opposition, President Trump looks set to crush the Dems yet again in November.

It will be even sweeter this time around.

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #wingnut

Yeah! How dare the NYPD side with Trump!? They should be watching cities burn down by BLM and ANTIFA, watching people getting killed by BLM and ANTIFA while geting defunded with a big smile on their faces! Why is the left getting so much hate? They did EVERYTHING right, right? Right!? The left has officially turned into an abusive husband or wife that beats their spouse, America or cops, while claiming “it’s for their own good or they do it out of love” and now the left is expecting America to just cry on TV and say “YOU DON’T KNOW THE LEFT! I CAN CHANGE THEM! I LOOOOOOVE THEM!” Or is this a one sided BDSM thing? Stop being a Christian Grey, you fucking psychos!

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist

2016 = DNC hadn't even finished their election, and all their braindead followers were promising that Trump would be impeached if elected because he would undoubtedly do something to merit it.

Turns out that was their insurance policy. A coup by means of legal technicalities. And it failed.


2020 = DNC is rallying its insurance policy (2 of them)

- first is Voter Fraud ... but that's falling apart

- Second is ANTIFA, and their cockpuppet BLM ... brute force violence

How this going to play out ...

The DNC will fail horribly during the election. They're losing ground every day.

So ... in comes the insurance policy: Biden's Youth.

All those riots and burning cities caused by limpdick lifefailure shitheads we're seeing right now? That's just a preview. ANTIFA's gonna launch a full scale war once Trump gets back into office. I mean, we had riots last time around ... we're gonna see more ... a lot more.

Only difference is that by the time November comes around, those DNC backed anarchists are going to come to a quick realization that personal firearms have been selling by the thousands every day ... despite all the efforts by democrat lawmakers to make it illegal. On top of that, Trump's probably going to authorize military force the moment ANTIFA strikes first ...

and the only tears that will be shed for the anarchist corpses will be from CNN News Anchors and Hollywood Celebrities.

AnonymousCrusader #wingnut

(on Black Lives Matter)

1. Despite labeling itself as "pro-equality", it has began to move away from its original intent of fixing racial injustice in the legal system towards African Americans and has focused more on oppressing and demonizing white people and the police, this is especially common after George Floyd's death in Minneapolis.
2. Like Social Justice Warriors, there are people in the movement that follow the "with us or against us" mentality, meaning that doing so much as to disagree with the movement could result in getting called "racist", blacklisted, etc.
In fact, most of them are Social Justice Warriors.
3. They enforce terrible ideologies such as "all white people are racist", "there are no good cops", and even "you can not be racist against white people".
4. They oversimplify the issues of police brutality, claiming it's because the police has a secret plan to kill all black people.
5. After George Floyd's unfortunate death, many involved in BLM began to riot and turned cities like Seattle, Portland, New York City, Chicago, and Minneapolis itself into utopias of violence that went on for months and even allied with Antifa to destroy property.
6. As a result of the rioting (and actual peaceful protesting in some places), it is possible that they caused cases during the then ongoing Coronavirus pandemic to increase as some reported that they had tested positive for the virus while ignoring social distancing and not wearing masks, as well as burning and looting in public areas forcing people to remain outside where the virus could have spread in large occupied areas.
7. They are extremely against the police, even going as far as calling for them to be defunded (which will cause many officers to be laid off and limit what crimes they can respond to) or even abolished entirely. Yes. Nobody to stop criminals, allowing them to run free and cause mayhem or worse yet have the military taking over the Police roles. If you want show why military taking over police jobs is a bad idea look about the Peterloo massacre.

Conservapedia #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt

The Proud Boys are an international conservative or paleoconservative fraternal organization formerly led by Rebel News personality and Vice Media co-founder Gavin McInnes. Proud Boys describe themselves as "western chauvinists" and espouse pro-second amendment, pro-free speech, anti-illegal immigration, and anti-racist views. Proud Boys tend to gather among themselves to hang out at restaurants or bars, and also attend political events either in support of or in opposition to other groups. They can typically be identified by their black and yellow Polo shirts.

Proud Boys have been vehemently mischaracterized and slandered by the liberal mainstream media, perhaps more so than any other single conservative organization in recent times. Most news outlets characterize the Proud Boys as white supremacist, alt-right, and fascist, as well as accusing them of promoting political violence. Wikipedia holds strongly to this warped view,while hypocritically characterizing Antifa, an anarchist terrorist faction, as mere "political activists".It is likely Wikipedia holds this view as a result of parroting the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, a notoriously dishonest organization which Wikipedia tends to use as a source.

In actuality, the Proud Boys are a multiracial group (which even some liberal outlets have noted) and have continually denounced the Alt-Right, to the point that actual Alt-Right groups often attack them and their founder as well. The FBI has declared the Proud Boys are not extremist or terroristic.


John Ward #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

Is It Time for Civil Disobedience Against The Covid19 Cult of Failed Advice?

This is today. It is not 1933. But the global mob rule we are witnessing is as old as the hills. As old, in fact, as the ancient Greeks who warned that the Herd Instinct, when married to Herd Ignorance, would inevitably lead to the Führerprinzip.

Plato predicted this earlier than most, but latterly George Orwell offered us a more exact description. For some forty years now, the Internationalist bourgeois Left has treated Nineteen Eighty-Four as a blueprint. Bizarrely, the globalist/blocist Corporate State builders have been doing exactly the same.

So for example, the Guardian’s Executive Editor instructed her journalists in 2016 to call Climate Change doubters deniers. This same collective noun is now being extended to Covid19 empiricists. But at the same time, unelected bureaucracies have promoted those like top UK civil servant Sir Mark Sedwill and US Global Pharma creature Dr Fauci to positions of enormous power and influence….using completely unregulated censorship at will to dub contrarian Covid19 commentators ‘Science deniers‘.

In recent years, one socio-political issue after another has been treated to the same formula of rigid ‘framing’. Those with doubts about the multicultural model of society are diversity deniers. Supporters of Brexit are Little Engander globalism deniers….and racists to boot. Those noting the spread of Islamic Jihadism and Pakistani rape gangs are Islamophobes. Critics of some elements of male homosexual lifestyles are homophobes. Attacks on the radical feminist creed are the work of sexists lasciviously obsessed with male rape.

Over time, such framing has trickled down in an even more simplistic form to the mass electorate, creating a knee jerk mode of acceptance I call ‘Estuary pc’….such that, in 2012 I employed a plumber who actually said, “In terdayzz mult-culchural-siety, that is a totelee hunacceptable dibollikal libe’ee”.

The link back to the shot of Hitler Youth at the head of the post is extremely pertinent: for acceptance is now turning into not just unquestioning obedience, but also demands that contrarians be told to shut up ‘for the Common Good’.

During the development of the official coronavirus narrative, we have all been treated to the Holier than Thou fascist who begins with “It’s people like you that…”. Who has not coughed in a queue for shopping and been greeted by glares from others? During the 2016 Brexit referendum, the day after Jo Cox’s assassination Leave supporters were treated to threats, and screams of “murderers” – Nigel Farage (not even remotely connected to the alleged assassin) was accused of being responsible for inciting the attack.

The metamorphosis of ideology into creed is rapidly creating a self-styled mob of Spanish Inquisitors – precisely the sort of bullying that led to the furious Groupthink of Krystallnacht eighty-five years ago. Whether that mob be Momentum, The London Times, Antifa, the New York Times, Channel Four, Common Purpose, Black Lives Matter or the BBC, there is an enthusiasm for – an asumption, in fact – that the Bertold Brecht Weltanschauung of The Good Lie is not only acceptable, it is essential. The naysayers must be silenced.

So much for diversity.

Such does not exactly provide rich soil for the discernment of lies and promotion of more effective (as in, less tunnel-vision) policy. 84% of Brits now see Lockdown and the wearing of masks as ‘necessary to control the virus’, even though the masks on offer are close to useless and lockdown has been shown to achieve little beyond approaching national bankruptcy.

Nor is the climate of ignorant fear a good one in which to put forward obvious contradictions between policies in use and the “science” they are supposedly led by.

And finally, the construction of informed conjecture about the real purposes of whipped-up Covid19 fears is so far beyond the closed mind, it is dismissed at Twitter – the ancestral home of bullying – with insults like “you thick c**t”.

All this darkness accepted, here and there one sees some signs that the largely silent Thinkers – estimated at around 16% of the adult population – are beginning to wonder whether this virus has rather more to do with globalist finance, multinational Pharma profits and surveillance permissions than anything remotely approaching “science”.

This therefore seems to me like a good opportunity to take one overriding element of the majority approach to Covid19 – a fairly easy one to understand – and leave both the Mob and the Establishment with a question they will surely find it impossible to fend off.

From Day 1 of the Covid19 saga, we have been watching a tug-of-war between two sets of medical interests.

The highly regarded French newspaper France Soir has been creating a Covid19 drug-trials niche for itself by raising all kinds of methodological anomalies in relation to the Recovery trials being headed up by Peter Horby. The articles are compelling because the paper’s director of publications Xavier Azalbert is that rare thing, a distinguished scientist who then switched to journalism. But although the telling findings fly over the heads of most of the population, Azalbert’s overview about who the politicians listen to in the field of virology is a fascinating one that, for me, represents a genuine insight.

Neil Ferguson (the man of multi-billion Pound mistakes) is an epidemiologist, and professor of mathematical biology. He has never been a medical practitioner in his life.

Peter Horby is an epidemiologist, and Professor of Emerging Infectious Diseases and Global Health. He has never been a medical practitioner in his life.

Anthony Fauci’s first degree was in classics. He went on to medical school later. The sum total of his clinical experience was a two-year hospital internship from 1966-68. He has never been a general practitioner in his life.

Chris Whitty, UK Chief Medical Officer, worked as a doctor and researcher in Africa and Asia and is a practising NHS consultant. He has never worked in general practice, and his total experience in the current century has been as a Professor, administrator and public sector office holder at Gresham College and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). In 2008, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded the LSHTM £31 million for malaria research in Africa. At the time, Whitty was the principal investigator for the ACT Consortium, which conducted the research programme. I probably don’t need to remind you of the lingering ethical doubts relating to that “vaccination” programme.

Ferguson, Horby and Fauci also have a long history of being funded by Big Pharma.

In short, the front line of Anglo-Saxon advice to government are all people Low in clinical experience and High in Big Pharma funding. They are model builders, theorists and fund-attracters laden with multivariate conflicts of interest, and little or no depth in the vital process of patient obervation. Their careers, needless to say, are all littered with groundless alarmism, major mistakes in counsel and the belief that vaccination is the answer to every problem….even a virus which, many practising medics contend, is highly unlikely to ever work on a mutating coronavirus – let alone within two years to include drug trials.

This is the tug-of-war team that has a monopoly on access to government. The other team – the practical, experienced medical practitioners – are variously depicted as minority nutjobs, eccentrics, headline-chasers, small-time and narrow deniers – there’s that word again – who are a constant risk to millions of human lives, and must be ignored. In fact, never mind ignored – for the good of the cause, they must be smeared, censored and refused access to the debate.

In fact, it is the Horbys and Faucis that are the tiny minority infecting genuine medical science with their corrupted ideological creeds and flakey models.

So now, here is the $64 trillion question that the Establishment war-tuggers and the hopelessly general political class they blind with science can’t avoid: why are you listening only to atypical academic twaddle-theorists with conflicts of interest who have at best been hopelessly wrong and at worst lied about Covid death stats and ruthlessly manipulated drug test trials?

This is in no way an unfair framing of the question. Ferguson’s death toll estimate was wrong, Horby’s drug trial of HCQ was fiddled, the entire process of lockdown was unaffordably broad, economically unaffordable and incompetent in the area of protecting the vulnerable, there is an inquiry going on into PHE’s massively overestimated UK death toll, and the Horby trials are being redone at yet more public cost. Dr Fauci has deliberately misled the American People about HCQ, and his conduct has been the subject of some excoriating criticisms by the practitioners’ supporter, the American Medical Association.

As I said, for the time being – until such time as the public mood changes – keep it simple. To those who are awake, the reasons why all these dubious activities – the Bigging Up of Covid19 – have been undertaken are clear. Nevertheless, park the power, money, geopolitical and Alt State hegemony madness and focus on this one question: why are you still taking the advice of the folks who’ve fucked up?

Yesterday, Chris Whitty flatly stated that “Coronavirus cases are rising in the UK because ministers pushed lockdown easing measures to their limits”. He openly rubbished Boris Johnson’s plan to get the UK back to normal by Christmas, insisting that “relaxing rules further will absolutely, inevitably lead to a resurgence of the virus.”

Whitty put his foot down: lockdown loosening measures had to be ‘stopped now’ and maybe even ‘pulled back a bit’ because they risk allowing another large-scale outbreak in the future.

This was based on a daily death toll figure of 38. Out of 76 million. In the US on the same day, the light use of lockdown produced 5 deaths. Out of 330 million. Lockdown has been at the very best a questionable policy, and a certain gdp disaster for a Britain that can ill afford one.

Whitty is not interested in even considering that his strategy (which, let’s face it, not a single government anywhere knows how to emerge from) is flawed, that the dangers are wildly overstated, and that Britain must move on or collapse. And Boris Johnson’s Cabinet shows no sign of even considering that Whitty is a Pharma tool and, economically, a dangerous fool.

John Horvat II #fundie #racist #homophobia #wingnut

All Souls Matter

Such rhetoric oversimplifies the position of countless Catholics perplexed by the call to join the BLM revolution. They are far from being the cold, heartless and oblivious Christians Mrs. Bruenig paints in her op-ed. They are filled, however, with legitimate concerns that need to be addressed.

Of course, these Catholics can pronounce a lowercased “black lives matter” without any problem. The Catholic Church was the institution that, for the first time in history, broke the back of “systemic” slavery that was the fate of most people in the ancient pagan world. The argument the Church advanced back then was that everyone is created with an immortal soul redeemed by Our Lord Jesus Christ. And thus, all souls matter.

For this reason, the Church went forth and taught all nations, races, and peoples baptizing them and instructing them on how to live lives of Christian virtue. The Church has a long and honorable history of seeking after the salvation of souls wherever they might be, even to the ends of the earth. She never wavered in her conviction that all souls matter.

Thus, Catholics are by their nature anti-racist. They ardently desire the salvation of all souls, without exception, regardless of race. Of this, there can be no doubt.

Attached to Unacceptable Causes

The doubts come when it is time to pronounce the uppercased brand: Black Lives Matter. Attached to this label are causes and philosophies that clash with the Church’s solicitude for the salvation of souls. Reluctant Catholics wonder how BLM activists can fail to grasp that the message being transmitted by the movement is: Not all souls matter.

The cry of these three volatile words implies an endorsement of the breaking of God’s moral law since the BLM movement enthusiastically embraces the LGBTQ+ cause and Planned Parenthood. The echoes of this catchy slogan resound on the violent streets of Portland, Oregon, where cursing Antifa and BLM rioters burn Bibles and U.S. flags, destroy property and injure police officers of all races. Intertwined in the motto’s short syllables is a Marxist class struggle narrative in bitter conflict with the Church’s social teachings and responsible for the death of tens of millions of lives…and the eternal damnation of countless souls.

Is it any wonder that Catholics cannot bring themselves to utter these three words that can represent a spectacular clash with the Great Commission, which affirms that all souls matter? Justice demands that the BLM subversive and immoral positions be rejected since they contain falsehoods by which souls might well be lost. Unless the movement abjures these evil influences, it cannot command the respect, much less the allegiance of those Catholics who sincerely want to help.

Vasily Kukushkin #wingnut #conspiracy #racist


Hi, friends! My name is Vasily Kukushkin, I'm developer of "Der Sieg: 1944".

"Der Sieg: 1944" is the propagandist national-socialist computer game. It is top-down action-rpg set in alternative reality in 1944, which tells us a story of a Gestapo officer in occupied London, who is fighting with underground network of Antifa, redpilling the player, as the story goes on. It will be somewhat similar to "Angry Goy" but with many differences:

* Story focused gameplay

* Side-quests

* Deeper lore

* Character and weapon upgrade system

* Decisions possibility, which will affect game ending

* Collectibles (posters, letters, music records and so on)

* Inventory and item system

* In-game radio system (like in Fallout) with music and fictional news

The development started not so long ago, but you can follow the development of the game and ask your questions at the: gab com/Der_Sieg

If you have any questions about the game and it's world, I'll be glad to answer them.

P.S. I apologize for the fact that English is not my native language.

TL;DR: I'm creating national-socialist computer game, if you're interested in it - you can follow game development at: gab com/Der_Sieg

Shawntheimmortal942 #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

You gotta love it! These people use BLM/ANTIFA’s tactics against them and it’s beautiful! BLM and ANTIFA are on thin fucking glass because like Salty Cracker said, these “progressive“ politicians can go on and on about being ”for the cause” and “on your side” but the minute you come down to their neighborhoods and try to burn it down...don’t be surprised when they turn their backs on ya( it happened in CHAZ/CHOP when you assholes went to the mayor’s front door despite her saying “it wasn’t a riot, it’s summer of love!”)because they are letting you burn these cities down and they expect you to stay on your side but you BLM/ANTIFA fucks keep pushing and pushing and pushing until people start to push back. Now you can say “Well, we’ll vote them out and get true progressives into power!” You obviously don’t know the definition of insanity, huh?

The Babylon Bee #wingnut #racist

[Submitter’s note: this is satire and shouldn’t be taken literally. The Babylon Bee is a Christian right-wing satire site that used to be pretty clever IMHO]

Portland Police Raise Millions By Letting Citizens Throw Tear Gas At Antifa For $5 A Pop
July 27th, 2020

PORTLAND, OR—Facing massive budget cuts, the Portland Police Bureau has come up with an exciting new way to fund their department. Upstanding citizens can now pay 5 dollars to throw tear gas at communist protesters. People from across the country are lining up to live their lifelong dreams of blasting dirty commies with tear gas.

"Getting bathed in tear gas is the closest my son Fidel has been to taking a shower in weeks," said a local Portland mom after paying her five bucks and chucking a canister at the crowd. "I'm hoping our basement will smell a little better now. I used to think that all police were evil fascists, but my time gassing commies has opened my eyes. That was the most fun I've had in ages. Thanks, Portland Police!"

"Take this, commies!"

Antifa rioters have condemned the PPD's actions as "a criminal fascist attempt to protect the protectors of white capitalist power structures from being hit in the face with bricks." They have promised to retaliate with a barrage of water balloons, super soakers, and explosive mortars which they will peacefully hurl at officers' heads.

Sources are reporting that using this new tear gas initiative, the PPD recovered its entire 15 million dollar budget cut in just two days.

KW Miller #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Submitter’s note: this is from a series of tweets, I’ve only linked to the first one. If there’s a way to link to the whole series, let me know.

- Osama Bin Laden wants Joe Biden to win.

- Xi Jingping owns Joe Biden.

- Terrorists and ANTIFA want Joe Biden to win.

- ISIS wants Joe Biden to win.

Andrea Widburg #racist #sexist #wingnut

Black Lives Matter reveals a generation of damaged straight, white women

The Black Lives Matter movement and the subsequent riots by Antifa, the Democrat party's domestic terrorist arm, have shown Americans what leftism is — an ugly combination of social and government coercion, racism, violence, and anti-Americanism. It's also revealed that the American left has been using American blacks as a vehicle for political power without any regard for actually improving black people's lives. Instead, the left destroys their communities and doubles down on damaging policies.

What few have pointed out, though, is the way BLM protests have revealed the damage that decades of leftist messaging have visited on straight, young, white women. To set the stage, here are some videos of the hysterical young white women who keep showing up in the front row of the Black Lives Matter movement, whether screaming at police, arguing with black people, rioting, or groveling:

White woman yelling at black officers

Those videos are just a fraction of the footage showing frenzied white women taking the lead in BLM. They are deeply involved in this movement and in the ugliest way possible — and therein lies a sad tale of the leftist takeover of straight, white women.

The root problem is that these women are receiving mixed messages that would make even the strongest person go crazy. Beginning in high school, or even earlier, they're told endlessly that they're both victim and oppressor.

These mixed messages make straight white girls distinct from other students. White boys are told they're evil, toxic oppressors of both women and minorities. It's an ugly message, but a consistent one. Boys lucky enough to have countervailing influences shake it off and become the men they should be. The boys who don't have better influences, interestingly enough, become feminized, even if they're not gay, as if trying to escape that awful toxic masculinity.

Meanwhile, everyone who is non-white and/or non-straight, whether male or female, or something else, is told that he, she, or it is a victim. White privilege, racism, homophobia, transgenderism, misogyny — all of them define how non-white and/or non-straight people suffer endlessly at the hands of straight whites.

And then there are the straight, white girls. On the one hand, they're...well, white and straight. That means they are evil oppressors who have benefited unfairly from white privilege. In the morality play that is leftism, they owe the world big-time. On the other hand, they're women, which means men have victimized them from time immemorial to the present.

That relationship with men is made more toxic by the fact that the young women are told simultaneously (a) that, as liberated women, they should be part of the hook-up culture and (b) that, as biological women, they're the victims of all men's rapacious, rapey sexuality. Given these mixed messages, it's no wonder that these confused young women willingly sleep with the guy at night and then accuse him of rape in the morning. Others avoid this confusion by embracing a trendy lesbianism.

These same women are also betrayed by the leftist culture's refusal to accept that motherhood is (a) biological destiny and (b) worthy insofar as creating and raising a human being does give meaning to life.

Once upon a time, women had no life choice other than motherhood. In a pre–free market, pre-industrial world, if one ignores the infinitesimally small number of wealthy women, any search for meaning in life was overwhelmed by the endless struggle to survive. Women didn't have time to compare their lives to men, especially because the men were also fighting for survival against the untamed forces of nature and other men.

With the industrial era and the development of free-market capitalism, things changed. In the West, ordinary people had time for leisure, contemplation, and the search for meaning.

That fundamental change led to the post-industrial, pre-modern cult of motherhood. Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi, who lived in Rome in the Second Century B.C., leaped into prominence. People in the 18th and 19th centuries loved that, when catty friends asked why Cornelia wasn't wearing jewels, she pointed to her sons and said, "These are my jewels."

Today's young women are told to focus on a career. In college, though, they take liberal arts classes that don't prepare them for anything useful but do reinforce their status as both victims and oppressors. They leave college, uneducated and unskilled, which leads them to unfulfilling jobs. At those jobs, they work hard while dating frantically. When they find the right man, they get pregnant, drop out of the job market, and resent their husbands' careers. They take all the energy that was meant for their professional success and pour it into hyper-motherhood and activism. (See those raging Portland moms above.)

None of this is healthy; it is, instead, tragic. Straight white women hate themselves for being white; hate their men for being oppressors; hate their meaningless careers; and, even though they love their children, they hate the seeming meaninglessness of motherhood. This profound cognitive dissonance has finally found its most disturbing outlet in their shrill, existential screams on the streets of the Black Lives Matter protests.

Gary D. Barnett #conspiracy #wingnut

“The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world.”

~ Aaron Russo—Unsourced

This country has been through so much in its history, with so many committing crimes against humanity in this immoral governing system. There have been aggressive wars and the continuous murder of innocents, false flag events, foreign and domestic terrorism, recessions, depressions, financial upheavals, scandals, corruption, thieving taxation, divisiveness, and loss of liberty. But none of this is comparable to what is happening today, and what those in charge are planning. This illegitimate ‘pandemic’ plan is truly the epitome of evil, and is being allowed to go forward without resistance by a blind population voluntarily participating in their own self-destruction. Nothing of this caliber has ever happened in the history of this country, and nothing has ever been a bigger threat to liberty. In fact, if this plot is allowed to continue, we will face an apocalyptic loss of freedom, and will be relegated to a life based on servitude.

What we now face is a war against all humanity, a war without end. We face constant surveillance, forced vaccination, and home imprisonment. We face a total loss of normal interaction and communication with others. We face complete restriction or elimination of travel. We face the prospect of a total loss of medical freedom. We face having to present papers in order to move about or transact business. We face the possibility of being chipped, and the requirement of implants and tracking device mandates. We face the elimination of normal employment leading to financial ruin. We face starvation and extreme poverty. We face gene-altering technologies. We face all this and more in what has been mistakenly called the freest country on earth.

The recent ramping up of this ‘virus’ propaganda has reached a level that should have been unimaginable to most, but instead of question and dissent, the general population has taken this all in stride, and have acquiesced to most every order given. Any that properly disagree with the state’s false narrative, and any that choose to fight against this tyranny, will face extreme prejudice because those seeking the truth will always be a small minority in this land of obedient order takers. Mass compliance of state guidelines leads to the shaming and threatening of those sane individuals not obeying politicized orders, and this pathetic and submissive behavior by the masses is the epitome of the common American mindset today. What once was a land of intelligent, freethinking individuals has turned into a society of manageable fools.

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(as of 03:50 EST - Details)

There were many causes that led to the demise of intellect in this country, and government schooling with control over the young from the age of three until out of college was possibly the most determining factor in that transition. With that indoctrination and dumbing down, the population became much easier to control through distraction, divisiveness, and bribes. When analyzing this phenomenon, it is apparent that cell phones, television, gaming, and constant texting and chatting instead of face-to-face contact now consume people. The race card has been played over and over again, but never with such gusto as has happened with the suspicious ‘death’ of someone being called George Floyd. The division caused by the political and media hype and the purposely created BLM and Antifa rioting and looting, has led to mass chaos and idiotic group think. In order to keep the public at odds with reality, and to solidify devotion and support for the state, it was necessary to offer bribes in the form of bailouts, direct cash payments, high unemployment largesse for all, and promises of future ‘universal basic income.’ With these things in place and with the promotion of fear, the submissive herd has been calmed. This seduction of the public has been successful for the ruling class in many ways, but the ease and speed in how it was accomplished is most disturbing. But then, the ignorant mob has always been easy to buy off, and easy to fool, and if this continues, our future will be one of slavery.

The basis of all governing authority and rule relies on the voluntary compliance and acceptance of that authority by those being ruled. Without willing submission by the general public, no dictator, no group of elitists, and no oligarchy could ever gain or hold power over the people. This truth has been lost to the collective mob, and only lives in the hearts and minds of the few. So long as the common people seek ‘leaders’ to guide them, they will be led. In other words, so long as people vote, so long as they wave their flags, so long as they pledge their allegiance to the state, they will remain slaves to whatever political system they allow to exist.

The people at large have not only allowed this takeover of humanity, but have embraced it. The people’s appointed masters are seeking total domination over all of society, and apparently will stop at nothing to advance their agendas of death and control. They promise continued tyranny by demanding compliance of every order handed down by fiat. In the false name of safety, they claim as all totalitarian monsters claim, to protect us all from ourselves by requiring blind obedience to the new god called the state. They claim we will be held by force in this state of madness and isolation until we all wear deadly masks, distance from each other, and take a new untested and poisonous vaccine. Even then, they intend on continued tracking, tracing, and isolation of any that do not allow the injection of this toxic concoction.

What have we become? What purpose is there in life if thinking and acting as nature intended is outlawed, and deemed treasonous? What joy will remain if this insanity continues? When will the people that gave this horrendous government its power take it away? When will Americans reclaim their freedom?

There is little time left in my opinion, as the state is attempting to gain total control over the next few months, and will use this coming flu season as the impetus to advance even more draconian measures meant to cause massive death and destruction. It seems likely that if compliance by a large majority is not forthcoming, or if mass control has not been fully achieved during the winter, then a real lab-created virus may be released to insure that the panic continues, and that a new fear will be sufficient enough to cause complete societal submission.

“Insanity in individuals is something rare – but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”

~ Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil Ch. 4

American Patriot News quoting Buck Sexton to sound like they didn’t pull this nonsense directly out of the wrong end #wingnut #racist #sexist

Buck Sexton, the host of “The Buck Sexton Show,” said Friday that the upheaval in the country brought to you by the Black Lives Matter protests have done nothing but destabilize, weaken and drive a wedge between races in the country and if it continues it may cause irreparable harm.

Like most movements that start with a sincere goal, Black Lives Matter has been hijacked by antifa anarchists and the Democrat Party. After weeks and weeks of violent protests and cities like Seattle and Portland literally being taken under siege, the only palpable results are a few empty statue pedestals, ravaged cities and a historic surge in violence in major cities.

“BLM has made everything worse for everyone in the last two and a half months or so,” Sexton said. “Nothing has improved. Nothing is better. And increasingly, we have to look to who should be held responsible for this. And I would argue that the Democrat Party, Joe Biden and the mainstream media are to blame.”

Sexton pointed out that even adherents of the BLM movement are very specific about what black lives actually matter to the movement. It is not the 12 people killed each weekend in Chicago alone due to gun violence, they are only concerned about the black individuals killed during interactions with police.

Sexton said the term “racist” is being tossed around by “smarmy beta male white liberals” at places like MSNBC in an attempt to silence anyone with the backbone to examine the BLM mission statement. He said it is the height of irony that liberal pundits making millions a year, living in expensive neighborhoods and sending their children to $50,000-per-year private schools are the ones talking about the changes needed in society.

“They’re frauds,” Sexton said. “And they’re cowards and they’re hurting the very communities that they pretend to help.” And they are—right now—waiting for the next video that could show a police officer using excessive force just so they can start the process all over again.

But the Black Lives Matter movement will continue because it is now sponsored by major corporations doing their best to avoid the cancel culture pandemic and benefit from the political cover from politicians like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., who blamed the dramatic increase in crime in New York City to hungry citizens stealing bread to eat.

Sexton said the new orthodoxy is now in place and “we’re supposed to just accept it.”

Ragnar #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho

These RIOTS are the attempted communist uprising against America

Communist/Bolshevik uprising, see Ukraine circa 1930’s….If you don’t know what happened there, they killed about 20M people through starvation etc.

From the NaturalNews:

Excerpts: Our sources are now confirming that a guard station outside the White House was torched last night by “rioters.” They’re really communist-led terrorist cells who are probing the White House as part of a sophisticated operation to overrun the property and attempt to assassinate President Trump.

We are also learning that the tech giants — Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, YouTube, etc. — are all-in with the Antifa terrorists, and some platforms are allowing Antifa terror cells to use their online messaging to coordinate acts of terrorism on U.S. soil.

This further demonstrates how the tech giants are enemy combatants actively working to overthrow and destroy the United States of America.

Soon, Trump will invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807, we’re told, and he will deploy U.S. soldiers on the streets of America to start fighting back against the communist-led uprising that’s being defended by the left-wing media and the techno-fascists.

I guess it will be open season pretty quick unless something stops these @$$hats…..Looks like the teckies are upset that TRump is coming for them.

Let’s hope the troops haven’t been indoctrinated and shoot citizen patriots…..

~Ragnar (RFXtFR)

JonFreeman #racist #wingnut

You own a store.

You're making do.

Then an angry mob chanting "I CAN'T BREATH! JUSTICE FOR ALL! BLACK LIVES MATTER! THEY'LL LISTEN TO US NOW" busts down your windows and door and steals every goddamned thing.

Then you see a fucking asshole online say "OHHHHH, IT'S ONLY PROPERTY. INSURANCE WILL COVER IT! BESIDES, THAT STORE OWNER IS WEALTHY AND I'M A VICTIM OF SOCIETY! PROPERTY ISN'T AS VALUABLE AS HUMAN LIFE" ... and you're reading this as you're looking at the now empty shelves ... representing thousands of dollars (if not hundreds of thousands, as is the case of jewelry stores) of stolen inventory that the insurance won't cover (if you're lucky, they'll reimburse you several months down the line ... after you've closed up shop since you can't make rent since you don't have anything to sell or any money to buy new inventory with)...


Or ... are you gonna skip town and move to a city where the locals don't burn down their own community every time they get upset?

Don't kid yourself, the rioter holding the baseball bat and stolen goods would change their tune instantly if it was their shit getting stolen. And the armchair NPC activist would also change their tune in an instant if their goods were pillaged in these riots.

Besides, with new autopsy report shows he had corona and fentynol in his system possibly shading it more to reckless manslaughter as opposed to 1st degree murder ... well, violent riots targeting citizens are never justifiable, and now it's possible you're going to have a good portion of america eating their words and saying "THE FACTS WERE WRONG, BUT OUR MESSAGE WAS RIGHT" as cities continue to burn.

Peaceful protests, yeah sure knock yourself out. But every time BLM rears its head, looting happens, with or without the help of antifa. It's not a coincidence at this point, it's tradition.

Yukon Jack #conspiracy #ufo #crackpot #racist

Most people on the planet have been taught Genesis as a fact when it is a fictional tale of origin. Our origin is of utmost importance if you want to understand why we are slaves. If you note, the Antifa Zionists are actively destroying United States “origin” monuments. Why are they doing this? They are replacing history with their propaganda to control us. The same is true for Genesis, it is a tale of origin written by Jewish supremacists to control other races.

We were indoctrinated by the fairy tales in the Holy Bible to believe that God made man with some mud. This is nonsense to say the least, but it is believed to be truth by half of the planet. In this essay we will examine how lifeforms come to be based on our current knowledge of Genetics. All life on earth uses DNA strand coding, so this means new life is only made by changing DNA sequence.


What I think is that the human being is an ideal slave specie that is not limited to earth. I believe that humans are all over the galaxy, that once you create a human form it can be transported to the next planet and exploited. Humans can be convinced to do hard manual labor and build civilizations, transforming primitive planets into assets of space empire.

You need to wrap your mind around the Gorilla vs. You. The Gorilla who is far dumber and much stronger than you can never be convinced or trained to dig a ditch. A Gorilla will never ever pick up a shovel under orders of a human being and be a work slave. But we do dig ditches and even enjoy our slavery. This is why you exist, as a slave to a more advanced race.

Are humans an illegal and exploited hybrid specie illegally created by evil space aliens? Yes! That is why we have incorrect tales of origin, so we never learn our true condition as slaves or why we were created. Our immoral origin is also the reason why we hate and curse god on a daily basis.

No other specie curses god on a daily basis, hundreds of million times a day humans raise their fists to the heavens above and curse their existence. That should tell you a couple of things. First we are evil by design, and don’t belong here. And we should stop breeding because we are in hell. There is no point in bringing new life into hell. Just think about it, if earth is a prison planet then why make more prisoners?

Deborah Baber #wingnut

[Yet another anti-mask activist at a city commission meeting on NowThis News.]

My name is Deborah Baber and I am a proud Trump Republican. Unbeknownst to me, a wannabe bully, a bad person, a whiny baby posted on social media the remarks I made here last week. [...] I got a lot of traction out of doing my civic duty, by exercising my free speech. We are a constitutional republic, not a democracy. Some goon also posted my personal information on social media and that of my stepdaughter, who is a retired police officer. I have received ugly, foul, threatening remarks ever since. Vile... vile. Well, these fools, they also did the same thing. Why did they do this? They did this because they don’t have any facts. They have to attack me personally. They have to threaten me personally. They have to threaten my family personally because they’ve got nothing. Nada. Zero. They can’t attack the message. What was my message?

My message was this: It is not normal for people to cover their faces. It is an act of submission... subjugation... of slavery... of shame. Only women in Islamic countries cover their faces with burqas. The men do not. Antifa thugs cover their faces. Patriots do not. Guidance on face coverings is all over the map. Maybe a face covering. Maybe not a face covering. Yes, a face covering. No, a face covering. CDC, well, this is my face covering.

[Holds up a paper Trump mask to her face.]

[...] I protest face coverings. I am a healthy American. I used to be free. I am not a terrorist. I am not Antifa. I am not a sex slave that wears masks. I am not into sadomasochism and bondage. I am not a burglar. [...] I am a proud Trump Republican. Trump Republican yearning to be free again.

[...] If you are offended by anything I have said, by the masses of people, then I am offended by the masses of people who do not question your wholesale slaughter of our constitutional and inalienable rights.

Padraig Martin #wingnut

[From "The GOP is Not for Me"]

It is time to face a tough fact: the South has no political home in the United States of America. The Democratic Party long since abandoned the South. Its strategy is clearly aligned with (largely urban) minority constituents, sexual degenerates from across the LGBT+ spectrum, and Marxist indoctrinated cat moms. However, the Republican Party was supposed to be the conservative option. It was the retooling of a Dixiecrat bloc that shared some traditionalist ideological camaraderie with Yankee elites. That was a happy fantasy that has long since died.

Today, as monuments are torn down, our heritage is vilified, and politicians race to out-virtue signal each other on the backs of our deceased kin, the Republican Party – from Trump down – has proven that the South is on her own. It is time to walk away from that party. It is time to show those within the party that our loyalty to them comes with a price: loyalty to us.

Since the Republican Party has broken its agreement with the South, no self-respecting Southerner should vote Republican.

I am not suggesting you vote Democrat. They are in full-blown Bolshevik mode. I am suggesting you do not vote for any of them – period. Walk away.

For a long time, I have believed that the best path forward is a free and independent South. The South is the last Godly Nation-State in the West. Her people are overwhelmingly Christian. Her people have a rich heritage that is distinct from the rest of the United States. Much of that heritage – for good and bad – is often tied to a war for her own independence in the mid-19th Century and the post-war oppression of Reconstruction. These unique attributes and cultural idiosyncrasies define a unique ethnicity.

Southerners are not generically “American,” Southerners are Southerners.

The Irish Nationalist in me recognizes these beautiful people for what they are – a people worthy of her own destiny. She deserves better from a country to which she has given a disproportionate amount of her native sons to the beaches of the Pacific, the jungles of Vietnam, and the mountains of Afghanistan. Now, as monuments to her departed kin are defiled and destroyed, she deserves protection from the one voice to whom she empowered to be her protector through the vote: the Republican Party.

And how has the GOP honored the South’s unwavering commitment to the party? Silence – at best.

The recent riots throughout the United States, perpetrated by Bolshevik extremists and antifa terrorists, are an indication that the country is lost forever. It is hard to imagine that anyone can re-piece this jigsaw puzzle together.


Instead, we got Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott groveling to the family of a man who was robbing a pregnant woman weeks before he was killed. A Republican Senate that has its majority because of the South, just voted to rename historic bases that honored Southern heroes on Southern properties. We have a Georgia House Speaker, Republican David Ralston, is now spearheading “hate crime” legislation that would effectively make it illegal to voice an unpopular opinion. The list of anti-Southern actions by Republicans grows daily.

At almost every turn, Republicans are betraying the very Southern voters who put them in power – all to placate a mob of violent radicals in the hopes that they may be able to hold onto approximately 10% of the Black vote in future elections.


I still believe Southern independence can be achieved through a peaceful separation of states – but not with the GOP as the vehicle to implement that change. Conservative, Godly legislation throughout the South on matters such as religious liberty, abortion, and pre-pubescent transgenderism would stand in such stark contrast to that of ungodly, leftist degeneracy in the North and West. Such a stark contrast would eventually force an amicable divorce. Even Bill Maher seemed to agree.


Do I believe the Left will take advantage of such an opportunity if we gift them a super majority? Yes, I do. Might some believe I am a political accelerationist? Probably, but images throughout the country indicate accelerationism is already here, and the GOP has done absolutely nothing to stop the country from being destroyed by antifa terrorism or state sanctioned anarcho-tyranny. In such an environment, I would rather we face the devil in front of us than the one stabbing us in the back. And the Republican Party stabs us in the back at every turn.

OnlyTheGhosts #wingnut

OnlyTheGhosts: That's an interesting claim BUT WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?

An assertion without evidence is nothing more than baseless accusation.

I believe the count is around 600+ attacks by loony leftist nutters on Trump supporters. Maxine the loon has called for mob violence against Trump's side too. So has Hillary Clinton with her call for "uncivil" action. Unlike you, I can cite evidence
[a bunch of links]

Girl-called-Lola: "That's an interesting claim BUT WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?

An assertion without evidence is nothing more than baseless accusation."

Don't you read the news? Here ya go, sourced from all those totally unbiased news sites you like:
[more links]

Want some more reading?

"From 2008 to 2017, the study found perpetrators from all streams of right-wing extremists to be responsible for 71 percent of the extremist-perpetrated killings in the United States, followed by Islamic extremists at 26 percent and left-wing extremists, including anarchists and black nationalists, responsible for 3 percent of deaths."[another link]

OnlyTheGhosts: Great, so how does any of that excuse the hundreds of innocents attacked by Leftists, many bashed to the point of nearly dying?

I already cited links too. You ignored them.

Girl-called-Lola: It doesn't excuse anything Antifa does. My point is that people like you continually bitch and moan about Antifa 'acts of violence', yet you remain silent when a Trump supporter drives his car into a crowd of people. A Trump supporter killed an innocent women at a protest but you're more concerned that a "Dad Dares Daughter To Knock Off Guy’s MAGA Hat For 100 Bucks. She Does It"

"I already cited links too. You ignored them."

I didn't ignore them. What were you expecting? Am I supposed to comment on each one?

more repliesOnlyTheGhosts: Wrong, that's just YOU projecting and pretending people are saying shit which they are NOT saying. Stop making crap up and pretending other people are saying it. You do it because you can't cope with the logic and what they are REALLY SAYING. You can't make a decent argument, so you rely on insults and stupid claims pretending people are saying things WHICH THEY ARE NOT SAYING, YOU LIAR.

Trump supporters have rarely been violent in comparison the Leftists. That's why I posted those links WHICH YOU CONTINUE TO IGNORE.

You make a big fucking deal about ONE GUY - and ignore EVERYTHING ELSE.

It's just luck that none of these victims of Leftist thuggery died;
[more links]

There have been hundreds of acts of extreme violence by Leftist idiots against anyone and everyone who disagrees with them, or even just happens to be in the wrong place when these Leftist twits decide to play thuggery again. They lie all the damn time about their motivations, lie about what they do, and try to excuse their shitty attitude by screaming about white supremacy, or patriarchy, or some other made up nonsensical ideological bullshit that has zero relation to the real world.

Grow up.

Millions of other people are starting to actually wake up from the bullshit you continue to defend

Girl-called-Lola:"Wrong, that's just YOU projecting and pretending people are saying shit which they are NOT saying. Stop making crap up and pretending other people are saying it. You do it because you can't cope with the logic and what they are REALLY SAYING. You can't make a decent argument, so you rely on insults and stupid claims pretending people are saying things WHICH THEY ARE NOT SAYING, YOU LIAR."

Jeez calm down. What exactly am I lying about?

"Trump supporters have rarely been violent in comparison the Leftists. That's why I posted those links WHICH YOU CONTINUE TO IGNORE."

I looked at your links. Fact is a Trump supporter killed a innocent woman. That is a big deal.

"Millions of other people are starting to actually wake up from the bullshit you continue to defend"

And there's a twitter page called Trump Regrets - people who regret voting for Trump: [link]

OnlyTheGhosts: Waiting for you to deal with REAL VIOLENCE BY LEFTIST FUCKWITS.
[A heap of links]
IT IS NOT GOING AWAY. Answer it, deal with it, stop pretending it isn't there. You're defending thuggery.

Twitter has lots of fake accounts too. It's just text. Paid for clickers and bots easily do it. You can't debunk the thousands upon thousands of people who marched awhile back either.

DC Walkaway March to Civility
Brandon Straka speech
Stacey Dash - "It's not about the colour of our skin, it's not about our gender"

#WalkAway is accelerating
And it's absolutely fascinating to watch as larger numbers of people are awakening. They've started researching and thinking for themselves, risking enormous personal loss, as they begin to see through the lies of the Democrats, Establishment mainstream media, and the regressive Leftists deceitful narratives.
[many, many links]

Fact is ONE VICTIM IS FAR OUTWEIGHED BY THOUSANDS OF VICTIMS. You keep pretending that a single deranged loon is some kind of representation that makes it okay for THOUSANDS OF OTHER ACTS OF VIOLENCE against innocent people. Your moral compass is broken; get it fixed.

Girl-called-Lola: "Waiting for you to deal with REAL VIOLENCE BY LEFTIST FUCKWITS."

I'm not defending Antifa, they're a bunch of violent morons. When are you going to own up to the fact that right wing groups are also violent? When are you going to denounce them?

"Twitter has lots of fake accounts too. It's just text. Paid for clickers and bots easily do it."

Right, so everyone who says they regret voting for Trump is a bot? Weren't Trump supporters laughing at Leftists for making the very same claim?

"Fact is ONE VICTIM IS FAR OUTWEIGHED BY THOUSANDS OF VICTIMS. You keep pretending that a single deranged loon is some kind of representation that makes it okay for THOUSANDS OF OTHER ACTS OF VIOLENCE against innocent people. Your moral compass is broken; get it fixed."

My moral compass?! One dead victim far outweighs death threats on twitter, harassing someone wife at restaurant, sticking fingers in their salads, throwing chocolate milk at College Republicans, or someone getting their fucking hat knocked off.

[Note: It doesn’t stop here. The argument keeps on going.]

BummerDrummer #sexist #quack #conspiracy

[Blackpill] People who wear masks during quarantine are the same people who will gladly commit incel genocide

When the government outlaws incels and inevitably attacks us and sends us to camps people who today wear masks in public are the ones who will gladly do it because daddy government told them to.

wearing a mask already implies you are on your knees for government power. You bow to government Jewish trickery and power. The people that do this will follow the governments orders no matter what they say. Antifa self hating whites can say they hate drumpf all they want but at the end of the day they still wear a corona mask in public.

Whenever you go outside the people in masks all would have no 2nd thoughts on shooting you if the government told them to. They are
Mindless bots. If they could be fooled by a hoax (corona) then that just shows how stupid they are and how easily manipulated they are by the government

if, through this, the government can take away your rights and ORDER YOU to wear a mask, then who says down the line they won’t be able to order killings?

TDLR: wearing mask in public=government is your daddy=you would have no issue partaking in the inevitable incel genocide.

[links to youtube videos denying the pandemic]

Normies are COMPLIANT in having their rights taken away. They will be compliant when your rights are taken away as well.

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