
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Robert Kelly #pratt #racist amren.com

RE: A Black Activist Says Two White Men Jumped Him Last Summer. Now, He’s Charged with Assaulting His Attackers.

Another racial hoax. When are people going to realize that there are no roving bands of whites going around and attacking black people? It doesn't exist. It's a bad fairy tale. But millions of people are convinced that it happens every day. All the time.

Except, there are no 911 calls. And these white supremacists always seem to strike out of the view of any cameras. Despite there being cameras everywhere. And when people get caught in their hoax, they just double down because even though that story might be false, we know that somewhere, there's a gang of whites attacking innocent blacks for no reason whatsoever.

torino #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut jassa.org

Stralsund is a town originally founded by the Slavic Rani. It makes its first historical appearance in 1234 as Stralowe in a document issued by Vislav I, the duke of Rugia (one of those Slavic chieftains who gave in and got themselves new jobs as imperial dukes) in Charenz/Charenza.

Stralowe was clearly named after the Slavic word for arrow (*strěla). It supposedly comes from a proto-Slavic word *strěla.

Predictably, there are also those who believe that it was then borrowed into Slavic. The people who believe that are, of course, unbothered by the fact that the Slavic version appears in all Slavic languages. They are also unbothered by the fact that the Germanic languages also have:

arrow, Pheil/pil, quarrel, bolt, and others.

Were the situation reversed (many different names in Slavic but one of those also found in Germanic), most academics would argue that the Slavic word also found in Germanic would necessarily be of Germanic origin (i.e., import into Slavic). And yet, here some still argued that the Slavic came from Germanic.

This is the same reasoning as the one that:

allows for –mir to be a Slavic suffix but also lays a potential Germanic – depending on the context – claim to some appearances of it,

but reserves –mar and -mer exclusively for the Germanic sphere.

You can see where this is going, of course. Since the Germanics were the warrior group, it, of course, makes sense that they would have “invented”their own word for “arrow”. You can also use this to prove that Slavs did not know arrows until they learned of their existence from Germanics. Perhaps, in your mind’s eye, you can even see a cohort of Slavic peasants servicing a Germanic lord’s bow by quickly grinding out arrows for his upcoming campaign against the Romans, Persians or whatever else his testosterone driven brain set its sights upon. You might even try to prove that the very concept of “rubbing” became known to Slavs by way of testosterone-infused Germanics… 🙂

Rev. Marcin Mironiuk #conspiracy #racist vice.com

A Catholic priest in Canada has been placed on indefinite leave after VICE World News reported that he called news of unmarked graves at residential schools a “huge lie.”

Mironiuk made harmful and false comments about residential schools and unmarked graves during multiple Polish-language masses on July 18, streamed online, at Our Lady Queen of Poland parish in south Edmonton. Mironiuk said he personally visited Kamloops without disclosing he was a priest, and repeatedly asked to see the “mass graves,” after more than 200 were confirmed at the former residential school in the area in May.

Mironiuk also compared the events to the Jedwabne pogrom, a historical massacre during World War II marked by ethnic Poles killing hundreds of Jews, including children, in the Polish town of Jedwabne. Mironiuk said Poles are not to blame for the murders, even though scholars confirm Poles were likely culpable. Exhumation was limited because the Jewish community asked researchers not to disturb the remains.

Mironiuk said the unmarked graves at residential schools are “the same lies” as those told of the massacre. “The Jewish community raised the alarm and said, ‘This is sacred land, don't dig.’ It’s the same lies, my dears,” the priest told the congregation.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #wingnut #racist dailystormer.name

The supposedly diabolical mission of the Taliban is to restore the basic order of nature in the lands of their race. That’s all. That is why it is so easy for them to take such huge swaths of territory so quickly – there is no resistance. The people are welcoming them back, after having long suffered confusion under the bizarre reign of the Americans, who attempted to fill their heads with gibberish democracy and human rights and liberate their daughters so they could send them on a destructive sex rampage against the country.

There is nothing monstrous about the Taliban. They are not a CIA-backed group like ISIS, so they are not drowning people in cages or engaging in cannibalism. If someone protests their reconquista, they are shot in the same way a garbage man would lift his hundredth load of trash of the day and throw it in the back of the truck.

In fact, the values of the Taliban are much closer to the values of the present-day American right than the values of the North Vietnamese were to the values of the 1960s left.

Jane Fonda went to Vietnam to support the North Vietnamese, despite the fact that they were as likely to gang-rape the bitch as they were to welcome her. The North Vietnamese did not fetishize negroes, nor were they going to legalize anal sex. Their primitive conception of communism amounted to “yankee go home.” Basically, the leftists who supported the North Vietnamese were pretty much just traitors and scoundrels, who claimed that the Viet Cong shared their values as an excuse to attack America.

The Taliban, on the other hand, actually is a group that I have no disagreement with. If there was a Taliban candidate running for office in my district in Ohio, I would vote for him without thinking twice. In fact, I would donate to his campaign and go out shilling his fliers.

Sure, they look weird. But underneath all of those rags, they stand for the same thing I stand for: the fact that God has ordained a hierarchy on earth, which manifests itself in the form of patriarchy.

Anons #racist #wingnut #sexist #psycho archive.4plebs.org

[on an old video of a woman being brutally beaten by the Taliban for fornication]

Imagine the fucking seethe once they take over Kabul, all the LGBT and feminist westrnizers are gonna get eaten like corn on the cob
If they didn’t fuck the little boys, I’d probably financially support the taliban
Thats a beating every white woman should endure for beeing a leftie whore
They stone for adultery. She is lashed for fornication. Same with men. […] Cheating women shouldnt live. The idea that people who practice adultery should live is why most men in the west are cucked by their dog and immigrants now.
>whipping an adulteress
>showing her mercy when it is equally proper for her to be stoned
>twitter thread is filled with seething feminists and poos
How can the Taliban be so based?
I sort of feel sorry for the natives that the us state department turned into tiktok trannies and other degenerate things. Their was some desert twink crying on onlyfans yesterday about their faimly being threatened. The gay shit is on the state departments bloody hands
You eurocucks underestimate the whoredom of women, which is incredible considering the degeneracy of current year.
In Saudi when women basically didn't leave their houses you'd hear stories of them trying to fuck deliverymen or their taxi drivers etc.
Female humans even have concealed ovulation, such is their instinct to cuck their provider.
That's why you need strong penalties for deterrence.

Reason-Logic #dunning-kruger #psycho #racist reddit.com

Polish plumber, nephew of a german soldier and son of a drunken Russian, this map was debunked a long time ago.

Balkans where the European civilisation was born will always be superior to Poland in every sense.

You are a people with less than 900 years of history when 300 years are being subjected by others.

Most notable intellectuals in Poland were Jews , not even polish themselves.

Map has been debunked a long time ago but the unwashed polish plumber is not aware yet.

He should care more about the fact that half of polish women get banged by blacks in USA.

Lol a polish cuck trying to brag regarding blood purity.

You were gang banged so hard during history by Germans and Russians, that you are in large their offsprings.

Also take into account that polish women are known as easy and promiscuous and half of Europe and many browns and blacks have banged them.

In Ottoman times influx of Anatolian blood was very small.

Most of the muslims were local Albanians and slavs and the governing was mostly done by Muslim Albanians and Bosnians from Croatia to Peloponnese.

Turks were mostly present in Dobruja and Today's Bulgaria.

You are full of shit.

Just stating facts.

Plumbing is still a needed job though. How many people will ever need Albanian drug dealers? Iď say it would barely be 0.2%.

Well in Italy some of the best small construction companies are owned by Albanians.

They hire cheap polacks to do the lower things.


Understand what this means?

Y-DNA gets passed on from the father. Poles had essentially the same paternal linage for thousands of years

If you look at Turks their haplogroup is an absolute cluster fuck

I understand genetics better than you.

Polacks are a nation that emerged 900 years ago and have no relations to anything " thousands years old".

Many polacks are assimilated balts and germans.

Polacks are not native where they reside now.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Eliminating ‘Racist’ Entrance Exam Led to More White Students, Fewer Asians at Top High School


"Fairfax County Public Schools are hellbent on making Thomas Jefferson white again,” Asra Nomani — I missed the news that Thomas Jefferson had his race changed.

So, Thomas Jefferson school could become white again? But don’t get any ideas about this ‘replacement’ stuff, that’s racist fiction.

(Cold War Boomerwaffen)
I can’t believe more people can’t see this.

(Hubert Cumberdale)
Lol, how did a school wind up 53% Asian in Virginia? The unofficial home state of our 'free White persons of good moral character' nation?

You literally can't get much further away from China than Virginia.

(Cold War Boomerwaffen)


Nepotism, and demographic replacement. Ask a jooo how this works. They’re the ones doing this to us.

(Question Diversity)
What have I been saying? The equity hoopla around admissions to exclusive schools and standardized testing is sold under the rubric of blacks and Latinos, but is in reality UMC whites and the "fellow whites" getting revenge on Asians for having high test scores.

Pardon me while I run, or rather, jog, okay, walk, okay really last time, slow walk pushing a double stroller, my victory lap. Hey don't laugh, it's not a dad bod, it's a father figure.

(Woodleigh Tools)
A few years ago, I would have said, "Let an objective test decide!" But the meaning of "objective" has been muddled. And, to be quite honest, Asians are militarizing nerdity to use it against us, by getting educated at our institutions.

So now I say, "Give a supporting hand to the White students; don't let the laboratory (Asians) nor the disco (Blacks) get educated at our expense. Let it be the hardware store (Whites) that we Whites support.

Padraig Martin #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #fundie identitydixie.com

[From "Stifling Nationalism: Holocaust Mythology"]

The issue as to whether or not the Holocaust happened is a very big topic that has been explored by thousands of researchers. Holocaust exploration is far too big a topic for a simple blog post[…]The official narrative is that the Holocaust occurred[…]Millions of Jews were rounded up[…]first into ghettos[…]and, eventually, into extermination camps (specifically six)[…]Jews, as well as, other “undesirables,” (e.g., Gypsies, homosexuals, and Catholic priests) endured horrible depravities at the hands of their sadistic German captors[…]and for many of them, ultimately gassed or murdered in some other way. The end result – officially – has shifted over the decades, beginning with a number of approximately six million for all victims (of which, one and a half million were Jewish), to now six million Jews and potentially an additional three million “others.” But a lot does not add up regarding the official narrative – a narrative that is not even allowed to be questioned in some countries
It is important to understand why this topic is important to the South and Southern Identity. The answer is simple: Christianity is the bedrock of the South[…]The misguided belief that the Jewish people share a salvation oriented heritage with Christians[…]has been weaponized against Dixie by Jewish activists and their Dispensationalist allies
I firmly believe that the Jews under the NSDAP were mistreated
While it was certainly a bad place to be, the concentration camps, originally designed to house political prisoners such as Bolshevik terrorists (many of whom were Jewish), were not nearly the over-the-top torture camps of media-lore
Jewish population estimates are all over the board regarding their pre-war and post-war numbers
Why is it that Judeo-Bolshevik Soviets were the only ones who found gas chambers

speculareffect #racist #sexist #homophobia #wingnut speculareffect.org

Islam gets it. They comprehend very well that women are dumb and destructive and make no accommodations for The Feminine.

My only problem with the Taliban is that instead of listening to AC/DC when they rape and pillage, they listen to weird stringed instruments and chants.

But I guess it’s the same energy. Make no doubt about it. Masculine Energy.
If what’s happened thus far is any indication, approximately 100% of those fighters will immediately surrender and join the Taliban.

The Pentagon is, for whatever reason acting confused. I have a hard time believing this situation actually confuses them, but maybe they’re even dumber than we thought. They could well be high on their own supply, having bought into the bizarre delusion that these cave people were actually digging the vibes of their anal-feminist agenda.

This is what trusting Israel had brought upon us.
It’s not clear if they are actually “surrendering” or just defecting.

It seems to me that they are likely defecting, but that the Pentagon and Jewish media would prefer to frame it as surrender.

It’s difficult to ever get to the truth these days, you know.

The Post is even suggesting that the US troops should stay there to protect the innocents. In other words White Knight the situation, further.

This is the same narrative that leftist papers like The Guardian are pushing.

“The US military is a force of good in the world and must fight to defend the sacred ritual of the vagina and the holy anal ramming.”

But why is no one in Afghanistan wearing a virus mask???
Run, swine!

You lost!

Afghanistan rejects your matriarchy and your anal poop-licking!

Get out!

And don’t come back!

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

Yes. Teach Critical Race Theory in Schools.

American institutions are systematically biased. Privileged groups don’t just get preferences. They have entire careers created for them. Outsiders can be insulted, attacked, jailed. They can even be killed. They are politically voiceless.

The proponents of Critical Race Theory have just one problem: Whites are the politically powerless group. Whites have no collective power. Aside from this website and a few others, no one speaks in defense of whites as whites. There are whites who have positions of great power, but they would lose that power instantly if they used it explicitly to defend whites.

Critical Race Theory cites a mythical “white privilege” or even a “white supremacist” society as rationales that defend the power structure. I note in passing a CNN article called: “In China, the media doesn’t hold the powerful accountable. It ensures those in power hold onto it.” Is America any different?

My entire life, I have heard people with sinecures, big salaries, power, and prominent platforms tell me that they are oppressed. Long ago, I understood that those who lectured me about privilege were some of the most privileged people in history.

There is the possibility of a common civic American nationalism, and that is what Mr. Rufo and many well-meaning Americans of all races want. However, why should non-whites go along with this?

Do you really think the emerging non-white American majority will honor your heroes and heritage? Why should they? Non-white media figures and academics have careers and identities that depend on promoting grievances against the historic American nation. If whites keep making concessions, non-whites would be idiots to stop accepting them. Non-whites who refuse to think of themselves as victims, who love this country, or who want whites to stop acting like fools are a noble minority. If they were more of them, I might reconsider some of my own assumptions. But there aren’t.

Cassandre Fristot #conspiracy #racist jta.org

Police in France detained a woman for carrying a sign widely deemed antisemitic at a demonstration against COVID-19 emergency measures

Cassandre Fristot, an activist for the far-right National Rally party, held up a brown cardboard poster at the rally Saturday in Metz condemning President Emmanuel Macron and several well-known Jewish people as “traitors.” Fristot, who lost her 2012 bid for a local council on the National Rally ticket, is suspected of inciting hatred of Jews, Le Monde reported Monday

The poster also featured the question “but who?” with one of the letters decorated with devil’s horns. It listed as traitors several politicians and businesspeople who are Jewish or have Jewish roots, including former Prime Minister Laurent Fabius, former Health Minister Agnès Buzyn, government spokesperson Gabriel Attal, George Soros and philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy

The rally was protesting the introduction of a COVID vaccine pass to be used at many public spaces as a requisite for admission

Socrates #crackpot #racist #homophobia #transphobia #elitist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

Expanding the List of Human Blights

Some types of people were left off of the last (too short) list of human blights. Let us fix that:

Human Blights:

Black people
Brown people
fat people
people who constantly whistle
people who practice yoga
people who eat sushi
people who eat tofu
people who believe in global warming
people who watch Woody Allen movies
people who own more than 3 cats
people who drive electric cars
people who don’t carry a pocket knife
people who correct your grammar

Laura Wood #conspiracy #racist thinkinghousewife.com

[From "The Jewish Persecution Complex"]

FROM JUNE of this year, this outstanding article by Brenton Sanderson at Occidental Observer looks at the “competitive victimhood” of Jews and the untold damage it has done to America

Sanderson highlights the militant, cultish arrogance of Jews who are obsessed with their alleged victimization while simultaneously possessing elite status in America and their complete lack of empathy for those whom they (falsely) view as their victimizers, especially under the heady (and fictitious) narrative of the Holocaust, with which they are fed from early childhood and which becomes a story of their own saintliness
A recent example of this lack of empathy can be found in the infliction of enormous suffering throughout the manufactured pandemic. (Jews were its victims too, but this is one case in which it will be no benefit for them to cry victimhood.) This cruelty has Jewish fingerprints all over it, as does the “vaccine” scam

Jews, as is well known, will individually and collectively stop at nothing to destroy anyone who refuses to bow to their victim narrative, a tradition based in the racial supremacism of their holiest book, the Talmud. They are, with many, many exceptions, the most aggressively vindictive people on the face of the earth, possessing a preternatural, collective ability to nurture and invent grudges — and then take revenge on their alleged persecutors. As the Polish proverb goes, they cry out in pain as they strike their victims

And America is completely under the inhuman and cruelly vengeful power of these “victims.” No, the whole entire world is under their control. It’s not enough for Jews, who are the ultimate control freaks, to control your money and your culture. No, they must control your thoughts

God help us

_Bike_seat_sniffer #racist #wingnut reddit.com

Russia wouldn't even enter the war, they have little to gain by it, they would reinforce their positions and bide their time. And this entire discussion is pointless anyway because China would never dare to launch a nuke. A war between the US, NATO and China would be extremely short and China would crumble like their tofu buildings. It's just not going to happen.

He genuinely thinks a US invasion of China would be successful

He genuinely believes the invincible military myth

tofu buildings huh

it’d be entertaining to see China summon a full PLA just to see what sinophobes like you would say about that size of standing army

You have no idea how powerful the US military is. Without political games they could exterminate any opponent on the planet. I know it's very popular to laugh at them because of those tiktok clips and the withdrawal from Afghanistan, but they're the exact opposite of a paper tiger.

Not too dissimilar to the Germans who were shocked at the defeat of the invincible Wehrmacht

Anyone ranting and raving about how their military that failed to defeat two insurgencies thousands of miles away will successfully defeat a modern military in a nuclear-armed country with a population four times the size of America’s is fucking delusional

Political games. Fighting insurgents is a different than facing another standing army. US high command wanted a defensive war in both Vietnam and Afghanistan for political reasons. The air force wasn't allowed to bomb the north because they were concerned about killing russian advisors. They could've exterminated the entire PAVN and viet cong.

So the proof of America’s invincibility is the fact that they were so terrified about fighting a war against a technological and military equal (the USSR)

The US has to consider the consequences of their actions, but if China ever used a nuclear weapon on a NATO global partner all of that would go out the window immediately.

Abaddon64 #pratt #racist #wingnut reddit.com

Racist British man berates Polish man for drinking on the train r/PublicFreakout

The funniest thing about this is, that white people (as in native Europeans) only have the balls to be like this against white European immigrants, I've literally seen it in person.

They would never say such things to a non white, only to a white immigrant

Eastern Europeans are the target of all anti-immigrant abuse in the UK because they’re too scared to say it to a non-white

Muslim/paki rape-gangs are almost in every british town and city, London is like 45% British, and this guy's biggest problem is this Pole drinking a beer in the metro, talk about skewed priorities lol

The death-cry of a dying nation.

The Brits, no matter how loud they bark, are culturally submissive and let others walk all over them if they use enough force. No one dares to stand up to pakis or their rape gangs because they're a protected class who are untouchable by the police. Get enough violent incidents and terror attacks and even the government knows to leave you alone in case you sperg out and kill a group of people again.

Eastern Europeans on the other hand are quiet, hard-working, inoffensive, and generally just want to work and keep to themselves. They haven't asserted themselves as masters over the Brits like some others have so they're socially acceptable to pick on.

I've literally experienced it myself, it's so surreal that it's funny again. I was sitting in the metro minding my own business, and this drunk old German guy goes off on me about how I should "go back to where I came from".

I'm a regular South-European looking guy.

The majority of people in the same wagon are women with headscarves, Arabs, and black people. And this guy's picks me out lmao

Also seen it happen (in Germany) to Poles, but they were literally born in Germany and speak it perfectly to boot, still baffles me.

Various Commenters #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

RE: White Woman in Viral Video Says She Had No Choice but to Call Police on Black Bird-Watcher

"Is this guy going to lure my dog over and try to hit him with his bike helmet?"

(San Francisco Cynic....)
Any New Yorker with a brain would recognize the danger inherent in contact in Central Park between a slim, White woman alone when approached by a single Black strange male who offers her dog a treat. How about PLAYING THE ODDS? Elementary statistics dictate she was ABSOLUTELY correct to be fearful. If it had been a single Asian man who approached her we get a completely different set of odds. She behaved the way any reasonable woman SHOULD behave. And now she's lost her job and become a pariah. The self-righteous blathering of the media is maddening.

Remember that he said "Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want, but you're not going to like it" while calling her dog over. Sounds like a thinly veiled threat to me no matter what his race.

But Amy Cooper then stands there with her dog in her arms while she calls 911 on her cell phone. She should have been running.

(J. R.)

They're STILL talking about this nonsense?!

Well, they ruined this woman's life. It could happen to any woman you know. Just out walking her dog. Here comes a black man giving her orders and then sticking a phone in her face to document her obedience and behavior. No matter what she does now, it will be spun as racist and her life is over.

"He is often in the Ramble and asks for dogs to be leashed to preserve the area's environment. He carries treats with him to get owners to leash their dogs because they don't want their dog eating treats from a stranger."

Battle of the victim-groups.
I can’t be bothered to care.

Anytime there is a dispute and the black person is portrayed as an innocent victim, you know the story is false.

The fact this minor story is national news just proves how unusual white-on-black attacks actually are.

Thomas Muller #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #quack winterwatch.net

The use of Roundup and its active agent, glyphosate, became the perfect Crime Syndicate scam during the last 25 years. Roundup is now routinely sprayed directly on a host of GMO crops, including wheat, barley, oats, canola, flax, peas, lentils, soybeans, dry beans and sugar cane.

The purveyor of these compounds, Monsanto, combined with Bayer, another “crop science” kingpin. Post-merger agriculture will be in the hands of five mega-corporations: Monsanto-Bayer, Dow, DuPont, Syngenta and BASF. These mega-corps will, in turn, own the regulators lock, stock and barrel.
Luciferians Try to Outsmart Nature, Humanity Pays the Price

This toxin is hard to escape. It’s found in 75% of air and rain water samples. It’s a global issue. Children in Argentina, where Roundup is used in high concentrations, struggle with health problems. Eighty percent show signs of the toxins in their bloodstream.

As massive amounts of glyphosate and other nasty agents make their way into the food supply, a sudden and steady increase of autism is being noted in younger children. The Crime Syndicate-owned “government,” in typical corrupt fashion, has refused to respond and instead decided to ignore or sabotage animal studies on the matter. Now, negative human outcomes are emerging in almost perfect correlation with glyphosate usage.

There’s a second correlation related to aluminum in vaccines and autism. In fact, as the second chart shows that autism diagnoses in children ages 3 to 17 are running at over 1 in 50 and climbing rapidly. As one can see from the charts, autism prior to 1995 (and the extreme use of glyphosate) was quite rare.
Can you picture a generation in which 5 to 10 percent are autistic? What a perfectly designed human Frankenstein modification for the Crime Syndicate agenda.

None dare call it conspiracy. More on GMOs to come. The pesticides are just the tip of the iceberg. In a nutshell: Keep the Luciferians away from screwing with the natural order.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@MannyAndBo - Niggers make it too easy"]



We've reached the point in conservative discourse where a childhood nickname is enough to justify an unarmed 13 y/o being gunned down by a cop

Conservatives desperately trying to find something im a black person’s history to justify their death

Almost every nigger whose death is protested by retards like Justin has a history that at the very least explains, and more often than not justifies their death
George "Gorilla" Floyd? I celebrate almost every day that this violent nigger met a violent end and decry that the hero who removed this piece of trash from the planet isn't awarded with a medal and every woman on the planet as a sex slave

Trayvon Martin? Another violent nigger who met a violent end and I won't lose a moment of sleep over it
Justin and Roosh Vaush are upset that people dare ask the question of why violent nigger spic was killed. The answer? He was a [url=https://www.reuters.com/world/us/chicagoans-plan-rally-13-year-old-boy-killed-by-policeman-2021-04-16/violent armed criminal with a gun who made an aggressive move as he apparently dropped his gun ironically[/url][…]Why did this 13 year old punk have a gun[…]He was trying to murder somebody with it minutes earlier

Chilton Williamson #wingnut #fundie #racist #elitist amgreatness.com

The madness of postmodern Anglo-American progressivism far exceeds Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland, whose inhabitants can hardly run fast enough to remain in the same place. In 21st-century America and Great Britain, progressive people—running as hard as they can—are working to drag their civilization backward into the pre-civilization that used to be called barbarism.

Liberals have long considered themselves defensores artium atque literarum and the fine arts: partly as a means of self-justification, as until recently they contributed so heavily to all of them. Yet from the beginning of the 20th century down to the present day, liberals and their progressive heirs have viewed artistic production as being valuable in its own right, not for anything art might signify about transcendental realities. Indeed, now that self-described artistes are agnostics or—more commonly—frank atheists, large numbers of liberal-progressives have “advanced” beyond appreciating art for art’s sake to recognizing and exploiting its inestimable value as a vehicle for progressive propaganda.
Progressive utopia is a therapeutic world of correct attitudes, carefully calibrated and monitored speech, and the scrupulous avoidance of aggressions, “microaggressions,” and “conflict.” It would value speech, expressed sentiment, and various other forms of social signaling over action, and thus—ironically—stagnation over “progress.” And it would be a world of complete equality where, as in Carroll’s Wonderland, all have won and all must have prizes. In this world, no one’s ideas are contradicted and everyone is included in everything; everyone is (somehow) affluent, healthy, and long-lived, and pain of any kind—physical or mental—has ceased to exist, owing to a benevolent, well-funded (but how?), all-powerful, and all-seeing central government. Climate change has been halted and reversed, due to unanimous respect for “the science”—and even more for the scientists behind it.

Wallace The Wookie #racist twitter.com

Canada failed in its duty, Trudeau says as parliament holds special debate on residential school mass grave

It is really a “mass grave” or is it many separate graves created over many years? This occurred in a different time and no matter how wrong it is now, deaths from TB and other diseases many years ago were much more common than they are now. Terrible situation, but not genocide

Duncan Scott ran the residential schools in Canada for the federal government. Dr. Peter Bryce was hired to evaluate the schools in 1902. He found the conditions deplorable and subhuman. He made a list of recommendations for necessary changes. Scott rejected them all.

People who respond to others’ comments with “fact:” are virtue signalling douchebags (see what I did there?). If you have an opinion start your own thread.

Truth & Reconciliation Com. held at least 3,200 children died at the Schools; one in every 50 students of the program’s nearly 120-year existence. The true # is likely as high as 6,000. TB was primary cause, but the Schools were hotbeds, given cramped conditions & negligence

Different times and different values. We can learn from history without cancelling it. Canada would not exist without our imperfect, flawed, fathers of confederation. We shouldn’t excuse them but we have to recognize all that they did, the good and the bad.

SlavicPrideacount106 & Shtjegen #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Come on fellow southern slavs, I am all ears!


I don’t even need to click on your profile to know you are Albanian. Greeks and Romanians don’t like you and they don’t want to be associated with you. Greeks, Romanians and South Slavs all created great cultures and made big contributions to the creation of the modern world, both in history and science.

Albanians are the only European ethnic group which never invented anything. Albanians did not contribute to any of the events which helped to shape Europe either.

And you think for example modern greeks want to be associated with Romanians?

You know what reputation Romanians have in Greece?

Worse than Bulgarians.

You think Albanians want to be associated with Romanians?

Also none of the neighbours of Greece want to be associated with Greece too, so your comment doesn't make sense.

Modern greeks have barely anything to do with ancient ones and they were made primarily of Albanians and Vlachs in the 19th century, I laughed so much that I had to keep my stomach regarding the " great accomplishments" south slavs and Romanians did to shape modern world.

Romanians and south slavs are irrelevant to the history of Europe and let alone making great contributions to modern world.

You would not have Electricity and computers without South Slavs.

In what virtual reality do you live , you poor clown?

Computers and south slavs????

Computer is entirely a western invention and barely any slav has anything to do with it.

Electricity was discovered since the end of 1700s and Tesla just made further discoveries. And he was a Vlach and not a slav.

Tesla has a Vlach phenotype and wore Vlach clothes similar to that of north Albanians.

JV Atanasoff was the Bulgarian who made the first computer.

The first computer wasn't made by Atanasoff you clown.

He is barely mentioned in the long line of the people who contributed to modern day computer.

Carney3 #crackpot #racist amren.com

RE: British Imperialism Didn’t Destroy India

India not only has a low average IQ, it also handicapped itself after independence with crackpot economic policies, derived from a mix of Gandhi, Lenin, and European socialists. This wasn't as bad as the maximum insanity of Maoism in nearby China, but the Chinese have a higher IQ and woke up from their economic kookery sooner, back in the 80s. India only started emerging from its long slumber in the 1990s.

India's problems are not caused by the British, nor by failure to industrialize. India's problems are caused by animalistic over-breeding and the overpopulation plaguing India.

No. If India had the IQ of China, it would not be the mess it is. If India had half the population it has now, it would still be a mess as long as the cross section of IQ remained the same, or worse compared to now.

India's failure was its caste system and its overpopulation both of which are still holding it back today.

Overpopulation really isn't a thing - there's only overpopulation of those with IQs too low to enable innovation to keep up with population levels.

In my opinion, Hinduism is too other-worldly, such as wasting time sitting under a lotus tree seeking enlightenment. Gurus taking advantage of the naive. Gods and goddesses morphing into other gods by the hundreds. I just don't get it. Nice festivals, though.

It was extremely useful for the ruling elites, because it said that anyone born into privilege deserved it by being virtuous in a previous life, while anyone born into misery in this life also deserved by having been evil in a previous life.

At least Christianity, while it often upheld hierarchy as divinely sanctioned, also affirmed that even an emperor was born guilty of original sin.

Hinduism enabled pure contempt for the lower orders and pure arrogance by, and groveling subservience to, the elites.

Snake Baker #racist #dunning-kruger #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "Germany: 100-Year-Old Man Goes on Trial for Gassing 3,518 Jews in Fake Shower Rooms"]

We’re teetering on the edge of a situation where the children of Nazis are going to have to be tried for the crimes of their parents

There really isn’t any other choice. The show must go on
AP News

A German court has set a trial date for a 100-year-old man who is charged with 3,518 counts of accessory to murder on allegations he served as a Nazi SS guard at a concentration camp on the outskirts of Berlin during World War II
The suspect is alleged to have worked at the Sachsenhausen camp between 1942 and 1945 as an enlisted member of the Nazi Party’s paramilitary wing[…]

If I were this guy, I’d stand up in court and say “No, your Honor, I did not kill 3,518 Jews. I killed all six million of them, and my only regret is that I couldn’t stitch them all into lampshades singlehandedly”

That’s the only logical thing to do

But he’s of course too old to figure out the logic of anything, or to really grasp the humor of the situation
["Big Brain" meme with the title "How many Jews died in the Holocaust?" and the legends "6 million died", "1 million died", "Holocaust is a hoax" and "Not enough"]

arrasas #conspiracy #psycho #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: r/europe allows "on this day" Yugoslav War Posts only if they have an Anti-Serb sentiment

Sheep shouldn't know truth about Yugoslav civil wars, they are only allowed western propaganda version.

Here is German documentary about role of German government in war in Kosovo by inventing fake Serbian atrocities to justify western aggression:

It Began With a Lie (German documentary, English subtitles) Part 1

These are things r/europe doesn't want you to know.

Serbian atrocities in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo are well documented and literally millions of people are alive and have seen or been part of those events indirectly.

Bla bla bla...

Have you met any Bosnian, Croat or Albanian in your life?

Have you been in the places where war took place?

Yes. Now that this attempt have failed, what is your next excuse for western propaganda gone be?

You are probably a Russian muzhik who has never been outside Russia.

Go and convince the others how Holdomor wasn't a genocide.

You and your Holodofake again.

Linda Harvey #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia #racist #sexist missionamerica.com

Where is authentic justice? Authentic science? A trustworthy election? Why do even the courts frequently fail to enforce the law?

Our new rulers seem to be an alliance of fellow travelers representing radical sexual politics, hard-core feminism and race hucksterism, with Democrats at their back, Big Tech/media as their watchdogs and Antifa as their muscle.

What could possibly go wrong with a marriage like this?

When you strip away all the rhetoric, there’s one essential driver in the hearts of these subversives.

They hate God. They hate the followers of Jesus Christ, they hate Judeo -Christian Western civilization, and they will distort us, silence us and even come after us-- whatever it takes to eliminate our voice and influence.

And these mutineers are a clear and present threat to the safety and well-being of children, based on their own words and actions, even as they endlessly virtue signal.
But where these child corrupters are successful, impressionable youth will absorb the most destructive messages justifying racist, anti-business, anti-police, anti-Christian, anti-heterosexual street action.
If they were to be totally honest, here’s the real motive: “I hate heterosexuality, and male/female biology, because I hate my own parents, especially my father. I hate the innocence and purity of children and have an intense desire to sully them. I hate white people because I link them to Christianity. And I hate God the Father and His son, Jesus Christ, and I don’t want my sins saved. I love my sin and I will lie, cheat, distort and even commit violence to try to eliminate this voice from my world.”

This is what unchecked sin does to humans. We are all vulnerable. Our problem now is that we are, by government fiat, honoring proud sin and punishing virtue. This spells doom for America, unless we turn it around. But that must be done carefully, avoiding innocent casualties.

Cambria Will Not Yield #fundie #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut cambriawillnotyield.com

[From "A Blood Faith is Forever"]

When a nation, such as the United States of America, which is really a non-nation, has institutionalized blasphemy against the living God, it’s hard to call any one liberal overlord the most blasphemous liberal overlord of them all, but when one of the Pope-essa of Liberaldom, Mika Brzezinski, steps forward and says that anyone who does not get vaccinated is not Christian, then I think we must give the title
She has consistently supported everything that is satanic – Black Lives Matter, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, sodomy, legalized abortion, transgenderism, the extermination of the white race, and the list goes on and on
COVID-19 was created by the American medical-scientific establishment and the Chinese government to kill and control white Europeans and destroy the economies of the white European nations. The fact that blacks were and are particularly susceptible to COVID-19 did not and does not bother the liberals in the slightest. The liberals do not care about individual blacks; if they did they would follow Christian policies similar to the old South and apartheid South Africa
The COVID-19 virus was used to destroy Trump, who was unique among American Republican presidents in that he actually wanted white people to be part of America
It is not a good sign that America has ‘achieved’ a 70% vaccination record. That is a terrible thing to contemplate, because it indicates that Americans still[…]believe in Science writ large
If the conservatives want me to send funds to the protestors who went unarmed against the brutal, sadistic Capitol Police on January 6th, I will gladly send them funds. If they want me to join them in an effort to free Derek Chauvin, I will send them funds. But I have nothing but contempt for moderate liberals who think more liberalism is the cure for liberalism

Myron scrabbler Holter #crackpot #ufo #racist #fundie nazarenebloodline7777.blogspot.com

Red hair was not a generic gene trait found in human beings originally. Science tells us that the red hair gene came from the Neanderthal. We know that Neanderthal and prehistoric humans did not breed. Then how did humans wind up with the red hair gene? Once we DO OUR HOMEWORK we discover that these evil entities we WRONGLY REFER TO AS ALIENS TODAY came into our three dimensional world to rape human beings and contaminate our DNA by tampering with our genetic code. They inter-bred their contaminated DNA into the genetic code of our original Scandinavian ancestors. They also bred our DNA with monkeys, reptilians and bird DNA. All one has to do is study history and look at images on the great pyramids to see the various hybrids which were created by this inbreeding including the giants which have been found on all 7 continents. WHAT DOES HISTORY RECORD ABOUT THOSE CARRYING THE RED HAIR AND THE MARK OF CAIN? The word Adam is supposedly the Hebrew word for 'red' or 'ruddy.' King David apparently had red hair. Some people even believe the 'mark of Cain' to actually be red hair.
In spite of its rarity red hair is a physical trait that appears in many places around the world. It is most prevalent in Scotland where approximately 13% of the population have red hair, followed by Ireland with 10%. This population also has long crooked noses, which may not be a coincidence.
It is obvious that the “Serpent Bloodline” of Cain carried both Reptilian and “Fallen Angel” DNA. Remember that it was the “Serpent Bloodline of Cain” that was abducted, raped and experimented on by the Nordic Aryan Alien “Fallen Watchers.” Today this bloodline can be found primarily in Iraland, Scotland, the British Isles and all over the world. Their bloodline is a contaminated RH Negative line that represents approximately 5 -7 % of the total human population today. They have been known by many names such as the Celts, Scythians, Atlantians, Lumerians, Nordics, Aryans, Vickings etc.

Daniel Baranowski #wingnut #conspiracy #racist americaoutloud.com

When everything’s a crisis, nothing is a crisis!

When everything is a catastrophe, then what’s not a catastrophe?

When we’re all in panic, is the pandemic far behind?

But don’t doubt for a second there’s not a crisis, a catastrophe, a panic, and a pandemic brewing in our American educational system.

Naturally, when we talk about elementary, middle, or public high school education today, we are rightly obsessed with cancer that is Critical Race Theory (CRT). However, our real fear is that if CRT isn’t stopped, it will metastasize across all educational domains, resulting in, among other disturbing outcomes, a racial war among our children.

Parental hysterics over public school adoption of Critical Race Theory tenants is not only righteous but critically important if we’re going to arrest race-baiting and skin color as an excuse for the failure of African American and Hispanic American student performance. Moreover, we must reduce the heated fiction among ourselves before igniting a race fire we can’t quickly extinguish.
As for Black and Hispanic students, according to Critical Race Theory proponents, White European culture is deeply ingrained in American society. CRT claims the ever-persistent stream of White cultural racism dominates all social interactions at the expense of African and Hispanic Americans. But they fail to account for the success of Asian American students.

Nevertheless, according to CRT enthusiasts, racial discrimination, predominately discrimination and segregation of Black and Hispanic students, remains dominant in public education, relegating these minorities to under-funded, poor-quality schools. They claim this, in turn, dooms Black and Hispanic Americans to perpetual poverty and second-class citizenship.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

Ashli Babbitt died for someone who wasn’t worthy of her sacrifice. That doesn’t make her less of a martyr. It makes her death even more tragic.

Very dangerous? Not as dangerous as being shot in the neck. Or telling blacks everywhere that they are victims of white racism and wondering why crime skyrockets.

What happened in Haiti explains why Southerners feared emancipation. The centuries since have proved them right.

Haiti is not important to us. To quote President Joe Biden: “If Haiti just quietly sunk into the Caribbean or rose up 300 feet, it wouldn’t matter a whole lot in terms of our interest.” (Imagine if I said that.)

Plenty of BIPOC tell us to go back to Europe.

Oh wait, we can’t do that. We have no homeland. Wherever you are, my European brothers and sisters, we are in this together.

Here is today’s reminder that American institutions aren’t opposed to racial identity or even racial nationalism. They are just opposed to them for whites.


when white people adopt indigenous babies, like me, they attempt to assimilate us and use us for money… do you know what happens when you cant enroll so theres no money to be had

Is she saying that whites adopt Indian babies so they can enroll in a tribe and get handouts? How’s this for a solution? No interracial adoptions.

every time y'all say "learn queer history" y'all just mean white people and it's very blatant lmao

You can wave all the pride flags you want, white homosexuals aren’t part of the Coalition of the Oppressed.

A group of “Moors,” black nationalists who repudiate American law and institutions, recently had an armed standoff with police. Police did not gun them down or treat them like Randy Weaver. The incident ended peacefully and got little media coverage.

You may have missed the story about a reported associate of the “Not Fucking Around Coalition” who shot an officer.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

England Can Never Win the European Championship

In A Man for All Seasons, Sir More rebukes a character who betrays him in return for a regional appointment. “It profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world, but for Wales?” In like manner, I ask what have we gained from importing the whole world? Thanks to mass immigration, our countries are sunk in crime, corruption, and self-loathing. One excuse is that this was necessary for white nations to have good soccer teams.

In 2018, the French victory was a victory for multiracialism. Even though the country was dealing with non-white rioting, many thought France had a national triumph thanks to diversity.

The all-white Croatian team came in second, which suggests that multiracialism isn’t necessary.

It seemed like the same thing would happen this year. The “English” team, mostly non-white, was marching to victory at the UEFA European Championship. Reporters were already writing the story. The diverse English team would be a triumph over petty English nationalism. Non-whites winning a soccer game would revitalize and even redefine the nation.

If England had won, media would be celebrating the blacks who brought the championship “home” and showed up the “racists.”

If it is a national disaster when black athletes lose a game, then let’s skip the games. Just change the rules and give non-whites the trophy to spare everyone’s feelings. That seems to be the trend with the Oscars and debate competitions.

A true English patriot should be relieved that “his” team lost, and his country was spared weeks of lectures about why England needs blacks.

Whites lack symbols, representation, and ways of expressing common interests and identity. If Britain is in crisis because some black guys choked during a soccer game, the system isn’t as strong as it appears.

I don’t think soccer is politically important, but our rulers disagree. So let’s celebrate when the best players in Europe are a bunch of white guys. Forza Azzurri!

Awakened-UK #crackpot #ufo #racist #conspiracy awakeneduk.wordpress.com

I am going to explain the history of the Dragon blood lines because people can not tell one from the other and the good and evil ones apart. I’m going to explain which tribes were created from who and when and give a better idea of all the original Dragon blood lines and their blood types and what hybrids they were thereof.

So we need to start with the invasion of Atlantis which is when the Draco first learned to hybridized with the early Neanderthals and / or a few of the Adamic tribes from Africa. This created the first O- hybrids on Earth known as the Atlanteans as well as a few rare A- out of Odin, Esau’s and Daniels’ blood line.

These early Dragon hybrids were relatively stable energetically but lacked the strong desires and compassion of the Sirians tribes due to the lack of the B type blood. This led to the invitation of the Hebrews and Hebrew Jews to Atlantis to interbred with the Atlantean lines so they could gain each other’s energies creating perfect beings so to speak. The resulting experimentation and crossbreeding led to the dramatic pollution of the natural gene pool which is what brought about the decisions of the ‘higher ups’ to destroy Atlantis with a meteor strike.

This led to a split in the factions of the Draco hybrids and 22 of them decided to go rogue with Saturn, Satan, Set, Moloch, Loki, Dionysus, Bacchus and started the Titan War between the two factions of Apollo / Odin and Loki / Saturn and it was due to them being infuriated over the destruction of Atlantis right before acquiring the Sirian energy, of which took place immediately after but the Betrayers who went and bred with Lilith and Cain’s tribe of the C Haplogroup leading to their destruction, and the surviving females then went and bred with Ham’s people in Africa creating the Canaanites who were then again, ordered to be destroyed by Enlil for worshiping Moloch / Satan. Canaanite (O-) who bred into Japeth’s tribe of the K line and created the Ashkenazi.

Various Commenters #racist #sexist reddit.com

RE: Male fragility means that a picture of a small sausage in a South Korean ad makes men there feel bad about the size of their genitals. So the answer is getting back at feminists by playing cancel culture towards the supposed companies they work for. (You can't make this shit up!)

I’ll be honest, most Korean men come off as seriously mentally ill. I’ve never met one that wasn’t constantly on the verge of losing his shit over a single comment. And so many of them fucking hate women, like I can’t even explain the number of Korean men that go out of their way to ruin their lives.

Males in Korea are generally insane. I hear about them doing stupid shit every other day.

And they have one of the tiniest average dick sizes in the world. They're defective in a number of ways.

Aww is an entire country of men having a testerical mantrum that's adorable!!! I love when men get angry it's so cute 😜 die mad scrotes the gravy train of compliant female servitude is OVER. 💖

No wonder South Korean women are going WGTOW in droves. What a bunch of whiny, dickless scrotes.

I watched a woman on youtube. She is from my culture and migrated to south korea and worked dubbing K-dramas ( which I don't watch) and I remember She ALWAYS evaded the questions about dating korean men and made this face of "concealed disgust" when asked about it. Now I think I'm starting to understand.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

The assassination attempts against me and the murder of many of my colleagues were part of a Nazi coup d’etat that took place in the U.S. after 9.11.2001. This Nazi faction, led by Fuhrer George Bush Sr., was a sub-group of the Khazarian Mafia. They were killing journalists as a part of an attempt to control the narrative, the story by which Western society was led. However, I did not figure that out until a North Korean princess showed me the evidence.

Here is how it happened. I was running into serious censorship at Forbes. This started after I had run the story about the murder of the banker, that I detailed in last week’s report, brought me to the attention of the people who gave orders to the Forbes family.
In any case, I was sick of writing business pornography and decided my next career move was to shift to writing books. The hope was to have them made into Hollywood movies. So, I sent two chapters and an outline of a planned book to my agent in the U.S. The book would have described a systematic pattern of the murder of politicians, journalists, industrialists, etc. by politicians and gangsters who were part of the corrupt secret government that really ran Japan.
The next day another person called me and said he wanted to meet me. Again, the meeting took place inside a downtown hotel room. This time it was someone from an Asian secret society known as The Red and The Green. He said they had 8 million members including 200,000 assassins who could help. This group also knew about the plan to kill 90% of humanity because they had secretly recorded a meeting at the Bohemian Grove where they discussed all of this.

Members of this group had long worked with Western secret societies, for example by supplying them with heroin from the golden triangle. However, it was the attempt to kill them off with SARS, a bio-weapon designed to kill Asians, that finally put them on a war footing.

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut #conspiracy #racist rootforamerica.com

Biden, Fauci and the CDC are clearly shilling for Big Pharma and the vaccine manufacturers. Those vaccine companies are making a killing (excuse the pun). You don’t think Big Pharma is handing out payola (ie bribes) to politicians, the media and CDC/FDA bureaucrats to scare the hell out of Americans, thereby convincing them to get vaccinated, even though they all know the vaccines aren’t working?
If Covid is so bad, so dangerous, so deadly, why did Biden open the borders and invite 1.1 million illegal aliens into America since January?

These illegals are from the most poverty-stricken countries in the world. They are starving, they live amongst filth and squalor. They are therefore weak and immune damaged. They bring with them third world illness and disease. These are the dreaded Covid super-spreaders.

I think it’s clear (if you’re not blind, deaf, or really dumb) illegal aliens are also the “unvaccinated” spreading Covid that Biden, Fauci and the CDC are talking about. I’ll bet the hospitals are filled with illegal aliens with Covid.

Biden not only encouraged them to come, and let them in, and then delivered them free of charge into communities across America to spread the disease, but then blamed it all on conservative patriots like you and me. What a scam.

Why? Once again, follow the money trail.

I’ll bet the Mexican Drug Cartels are depositing a fortune in bribes to offshore bank accounts to politicians and bureaucrats who deceive the American public. Biden’s job is to let all the illegal aliens in, ignore the fact that they’re sick and spreading Covid, and blame the rest of us.

I have to hand it to them. Biden and the Democrats are smart. They’re destroying America, American exceptionalism, capitalism and the great American middle class. Soon they’ll demand a national lockdown, that they caused.

But the billions of dollars in bribes from Big Pharma, the Chinese Communist Party and the Mexican Drug Cartels will keep flowing- that’s all they care about.

America is being destroyed from within.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

Life in Post-White South Africa

The true lesson of South Africa isn’t just that a white-run black country descends into the Third World when blacks take over. We don’t need South Africa or Zimbabwe to show us that. We have American cities.

The real lesson is that even with whites dispossessed, you don’t get racial harmony. In South Africa, If whites disappeared, there would still be tension between Indians and blacks and between black tribes. There would still be countless indigent, radical blacks who can’t understand why they are poor. If everyone is equal, there must be discrimination by someone. After decades in power, the ANC is running out of excuses. It gets harder every year to believe that the “legacy of apartheid” is the problem.

Where does this leave whites? They lack the numbers and the international support to “retake” South Africa. Maybe whites, Indians, coloreds, and even some blacks of good will could build a redoubt where some semblance of civilization could be maintained, but the same racial divisions would probably doom such a project. Shouldn’t every Afrikaner be moving to Oriana or something like it?

With the African population boom, South Africa is the fate awaiting every Western country that cannot keep blacks out. Hispanics and Asians should be paying attention. Even blacks who dream of owning property, living in nice communities, or simply avoiding bullets should be worried. They should think carefully about whether they really want a black-majority country or a black-majority world. Not even the co-founder of Black Lives Matter wants that. Look where she lives.

But immigration curbs just limit the damage. We need a place of our own. For the West to survive, we must live on our own terms. “Only we can be us,” said Jared Taylor, and only we can build our civilization. We need to get serious about starting our own communities. We’re a global minority. If we don’t defend ourselves, no one else will.

Netzachcel #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RageFuel Being a cumskin in mexico = tutorial mode life.

I fucking hate and envy mexican cumskin so much, If you have the luck to be white in mexico you will live in tutorial mode and everyone will think you are a good person even if you are a piece of shit, Acquiring jobs as a cumskin in mexico is so stupidly easy, I never saw a cumskin with light eyes/hair working in a shitty store like OXXOs or working shitty jobs as taquero or cab driver, If you are a cumskin in mexico foids will want your dick right after you start producing semen or even before, Almost all cumskin in cartel-land are middle upper class or rich, They never struggle with studies cuz beaner SOYciety worship cumskin so much and is almost a sin for teachers to give them low grades, Mexican cumskins can easily live off youtube, become models or actors, I fucking hate beanerland cumskins so fucking much, Getting a visa as a cumskin here is easy AF even if they are not that rich unlike shitskins who have to be skilled workers or richfags with a house and a car, My cumskin chad cousin is two meters height and he will travel to japan fuck this world, I fucking hate mexico, country of conquered cumskin whorshipping goblin losers, Fuck everyhing

You learn a second language as a cumskin in mexico? = genious

You are a piece of shit bully cumskin in mexico? = Cool guy

Shitskin kicks your cumskin ass in mexico? = victim

Are there any anti white cartels?

cartels are run by cumskins

how many white people are there in mexico? 5%? there were prob more nobles in a medieval country than that so yeah just being really fucking lucky lol

cumskins are very common in mexico df, guadalajara and monterrey also jalisco, they are not that uncommon

Stop complaining

A majority of this forums userbase comes from shitty contries in Balkans,Middle East,Western Asia and Northern Africa - all of those parts are subhuman central

wish mexico gets fucked

Autism Supremacy. & schizocel222 #racist #sexist incels.is

(Autism Supremacy.)
a lot of dudes in most countries hate women, they just pretend to care about what they say and pretend they don't cuz they wanna sex them

south korea is a hyper feminist shithole so it makes sense

Thailand/Korea will soon see some bloodshed against Europeans from native incels, imagine being a Thai shitskin or a Korean starcraft addict who never had sex and whenever you go out in Bang(cock) or Seoul you can see some blond British guy who teaches English for a living with a harem or like 3 beautiful girls trying to get his attention so he will fuck them. It`s just a matter of time for a shooting considering they are a big population, or at least some revival of ethnic nationalism/tradcuckolds.

Korea is a feminist theocracy now, it`s over for them.

EAT TOMATO PASTE #ableist #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia kiwifarms.net

if gender and sex were synonymous, there would be no males described as girly and no females described as manish. Everything a male did would be masculine, and everything a female did would be feminine.

fuck off autist no one gives a shit about what you have to say nigger, there is only male and female, a female that acts like a man is a tomboy, and a man that acts like a female is a faggot. its as simple as that

Non PC Infidel #racist unz.com

The new “Cinderella” movie would be more realistic if the Prince (of Crack) was the major drug dealer in town and Cinderella was a libtarded idiot with jungle fever who becomes a crack addict who gets pimped out and put out on the streets to earn him mo’ of his money. Her evil racist step-sisters (who heard about the 8 Ball partay in da hood and refused to go) tried to warn her she was traveling down the path of self-destruction but she wouldn’t listen and winds up with a black baby, living in the hood on welfare and being passed around to the drug dealer’s homies when she ain’t out on the street “workin’ it.” The “fairy godmother” who sets all this up just happens to be the sister of the drug dealer and functions as his recruiter who goes around looking for dumb white bitches to introduce them to “the life” and does so after she meets brain-dead Cinderella on the street one day. Later, she picks her up and takes her to the partay in a big white Cadillac with 24 inch rims and a leopard print interior.

Of course, at the big 8 Ball partay at the drug dealer’s crib when Cinderella suddenly has to leave and forgets something on her way out, the Prince of Crack tracks her down by axin’ ebberbody “who dis glass pipe belong to?”

The next hit movie could be “Rapunzelisha”- the story of a 24 year old black nymphomaniac who is trapped and locked in a tower block apartment by her mother who is sick of all the fatherless babies she done popped out and who are drivin’ her crazy. It doesn’t work because Rapunzelisha keeps throwing her 40 foot long dreads out da window fo’ da baby daddies to climb up and hit dat thang. Momma finally figures out what’s goin’ on when she catches a baby daddy climbin’ up dose dreads one afternoon, leans out the window and pops a cap on his ass and then installs iron bars on the window. The subsequent police investigation results in momma being sent off to prison for murder while Rapunzelisha gets moved into a Section 8 apartment by Social Services and has 17 chilren by the time she’s 33 years old and likes to point at all her chilren and scream, “Sumbody gots to take responsibility fo’ all dis! Sumbody gots to pay fo’ all dis!” The occupants of the other 20 houses on the street are declared to be racists once everyone of them puts up FOR SALE signs outside their houses.

Ok, I’m done- I’m not doing Snow White and the Seben Dwarfisses.

Socrates #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

Jared Taylor Says: European Jews Are Western and Our Allies

This is really appalling: Taylor surely knows (i.e., he has been told before) that European Jews (aka Polish Jews) are not White or Western (“Western” means White European, e.g., German, Swedish, English). The Jews are a separate race and not White. Having “white” skin doesn’t make you White. In fact, there are Blacks who have really light skin but they are not White. If Taylor thinks that “Jew-inclusion” will keep him off of the Jewish-compiled “enemies lists” he’s so very wrong: the Jews think that anyone to the right of George W. Bush is a closet Nazi.

[Video, 1 minute, 40 seconds].

Socrates #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

Jews have an unusual worldview ... Firstly, they believe that they are superior to all other people in the world, i.e., that they are “God’s Chosen People” ... Secondly, the Jews believe that it’s okay for them to genocide anyone who isn’t a Jew. ... in fact, the Christian Bible, aka the Old Testament ... [is] full of passages where Jews brag about genociding various “lesser” peoples ... according to the Jews, God sanctioned the genociding of those “lesser” people. ... This is the Jewish mindset: bold arrogance and stunning cruelty. You can see it in Palestine/Gaza even today, where the Jews shoot children, massacre zoo animals and bomb hospitals, and then lie about it.

Indeed, the Jews are racist against all humanity and are “at war” with everyone else on the planet. But they especially hate Whites, because they fear Whites more than any other people ...

You might ask: “why would the Jews want to genocide the West, since half of all Jews today live in the West?” The plain answer is: because they can’t not genocide the West. Genocide and hyper-hate are so natural to the Jews, so inborn, that they’re actually coded in their genes. Like an alcoholic who is drinking himself to death and knows it and yet still keeps drinking, Jews can’t help their natural inclination towards genociding the people that they fear the most, even if such genociding will eventually kill them along with the White people. Put another way: “Come what may, fish gotta swim, frogs gotta hop and Jews gotta genocide their greatest enemy”; such genocidal feelings among Jews are mostly subconscious (i.e., the Jews don’t realize that they’re wanting/committing genocide; they’re in deep denial, although realistically, some Jews probably do realize it).

Bottom line: since the West is the most powerful and most productive region on Earth, the genociding of Western civilization by the Jews is the foremost problem in the world, eclipsing every other problem by far. ...

David Chase Taylor #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut truthernews.wordpress.com

DAY OF YHWH: JULY 30, 2021 (7/30 = 7/3 = 7×3 = 777 = vיהוה‎ = YHWH), IS WHEN CIA HEADQUARTERS LOCATED IN GENEVA, SWITZERLAND STAGES ATTACKS, ASSASSINATIONS, BOMBINGS, NATURAL DISASTERS AND/OR TERROR EVENTS OFFERED UP TO JEWISH GOD OF YHWH VIA HER VAST ARRAY OF ARMIES & PROXY TERRORIST NETWORKS, POSSIBLY TRIGGERING WORLD WAR III (JULY 29, 2021): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plotting Assassinations, Attacks & Invasions by China, Iran and/or Russia, Biological Attacks and/or Outbreaks, Bombings, Chemical Attacks, Coup D’états, Cyber-Attacks, Earthquake Attacks, Hacks, Mass Riots, Natural Disasters, Nuclear Attacks, Terror Attacks and/or Terror Events by Al Shabaab, Al Qaeda and/or ISIS, Tornado Attacks and/or Tsunami Attacks as Part of Ritualistic Blood Sacrifice(s) Offered Up to Jewish God of YHWH on July 30, 2021, Exactly 24,411-Days After CERN (Secret Entrance to CIA Headquarters) was Purportedly Founded in Geneva, Switzerland Back on September 29, 1955, Exactly 26,740-Days After State of Israel was Founded Back on May 14, 1948, & Exactly 260,042-Days After Country of Switzerland (Confederation Helvetica) was First Founded Back on August 1, 1309—The Number 73 or 37 (3×7=777) is Found in the Esoteric Tetragrammaton of the Jewish God of YHWY (i.e., יהוה‎) Who the Israelites Worshipped Alongside the Canaanite Gods & Goddesses of Asherah, Baal & El

Napoleon de Geso #racist #conspiracy ncu.su

[Based] Incels are holocaust survivors

"Holocaust" is greek word, "ὁλόκαυστος", with meaning of being burned, something like that. So what right joos have to take word of another language, and especially of language by used of so much higher civilisation peoples than them? Or do they (think)? Some tribe of goat herders and smugglers, who brought to world much more bad than good...

So joos have no any moral or any other right to regulate usage of "holocaust" word. And what is done on incels, is righfully can be called holocaust

And not even that. Even jewish word for "holocaust of joos", what is "shoah" , is can be righfully used by incels, because what is being done on us, is much more horrible atrocity than that of "joo holocaust/shoah" (even if it happened). Just it be untasty to call ourselves with word of so ugly language, and of so harmfull people, who are at very big part responsible for holocaust, done upon us

American Tax Payer #fundie #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Chicago Mental Health Professionals Will Be Dispatched on 911 Calls Instead of Cops

"With only around 13,000 cops remaining, Fox News reported that Chicago’s 117,000 gang members now outnumber officers by roughly 10 to one, at a time when the Windy City is facing a surge in violent crime."

I imagine that cops hate answering calls involving the mentally ill, especially in black neighborhoods, where there freedom of action is restricted. Cops might actually like this policy. It remains to be seen whether social workers and “mental health professionals” have , on average, better outcomes.

"remains to be seen"? Are you serious? Most 911 Calls are from non-whites calling to quell their fellow non-whites and you can't tell what might happen when "mental health experts" show up?

For one, you know better and for two, I ain't no expert but even I know that violence is a guarantee and the "mental health experts" of Today will have no idea how to handle that.

The only Silver Lining here is that the SJW's of Sociology will finally get theirs.

'...The two teams each include a police officer trained in crisis intervention, a paramedic and a mental health clinician....' Alright, the Troika shall arrive and will face a De'Mark'Iand'A'Ndo with a rod in his hand, an empty look in his eyes, and his watermelon full of voices screaming and whispering something. Here's a psychotextbook clinical case for you: Which party - the Troika or the Voices - will De'Mark'Iand'A'Ndo listen to while the Troika is trying to outshout those voices?

Wrong and Right.

Blacks and Browns DO NOT Belong in The West and The Criminal/Criminally Insane Whites Will Be Dealt With BY Whites and

Non-Whites Take Care of Their Own in Their Own Lands.

Separation of The Races is God's Command. Disobey God and Your Civilization Will Rot Until You Correct Your Mistake.

connorhus #dunning-kruger #racist amren.com

Slavery is the bane of Europeans in particular. It is not a sin so much as an institution that almost all European cultures find abhorrent to some extent. Even early European cultures that practiced Slavery typically did not practice it as a permanent state of being and allowed some form of movement for the individual to improve his or her station. Even the Celts allowed for it, although I am not sure the Vikings did. The very fact that in every European culture some part of the population found slavery distasteful is the very thing that singles Whites out as a target. For all know Whites are the only race in the world that can be controlled to some extent by their own guilt in using slavery in the past. No other race cares or can be influenced by having used slavery so no one bothers. It is simply a sign of European empathy which in this case is a weakness not a sin.

I agree that only whites seem to be so vulnerable to control by guilt, but that is due to Christianity, not genetics. The reason for rejection of slavery is rooted in early Western Civilization that comes to us through the Greek and Roman philosophies concerning the value of life, the individual, and the freedom of thought and conscious.

While I would agree with you that Christianity has probably the most to contribute to the guilt I cannot agree that is by any means the only reason. As I mentioned the Celts and even the Romans along with other early Europeans rarely consigned slaves to a permanent, unchanging slave caste. Also there were always a sizeable chunk of the population that rejected slavery that was uncommon in non-Whites. All of that was before Christianity so the tendency to reject slavery was in European culture earlier. Maybe one reason Christianity did so well in Europe.

Krupski & S Sinistrari #racist #wingnut stormfront.org


Any White person working at an office with Blacks should never to talk to them. It's all down-side and no up-side.

Many Blacks think Trump supporters are racist. It's just a big minefield.

I've never liked blacks... but I didn't hate them. I'd give them the benefit of the doubt, and if they were 'decent', then they were fine by me. But, after the George Floyd thing and the massive, nationwide chimpouts and crime, and their in-your-face blatant racism towards Whites, I've learned to truly hate them. To me, now, they are guilty unless proven innocent, and even if they DO prove innocence, I still hate them. I've had it with anti-White racism, their constant anger and the constant chip on their shoulder. Now, if I saw a (n-word) on fire, I wouldn't pi$$ on them to put them out. They hate me for being White, they hate our great country, then to hell with them all. Go back to Africa if it's so terrible here!

(S Sinistrari)
I am an office worker, and have worked with blacks when I was in the office.

*Apefirmative Action black managers are absolutely useless. They are there solely to meet hiring quota. They say stupid things, have stupid ideas, and you can tell even the White liberal types there know they are stupid, but try to cover.

Black office workers a.k.a. McDonalds University Graduates who get their shot to work in and office (MUG shot, heheheh...) usually blow it by stealing stuff, always late, loitering, bothering other workers, not paying attention / doing their work, etc.

Anyway, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE in 'White / black relations'

Whites = Haven't we given enough?

Black = Why don't you want to give more?

Whites are TIRED of blacks and their bs. OF COURSE we don't want to deal with these useless morons.

Whites are tired of the GIBSMEDATS race!

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