
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Various Commenters #homophobia #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate Rick Caruso Declares He’s Not White Because He’s Italian

Caruso is a panderer like so many others trying to get power. In my military days, as a young man, I spent months in Italy and in Spain, had a few girlfriends in those countries. Caruso should be ashamed of himself. He must have never looked into the eyes of a green eyed, dirty blonde hair of a Sicilian woman. Maybe he’s gay!

(Wake Up)
Caruso is a disgrace, he is fully aware of how the vast majority of Italians feel about Blacks. Today Italy is doing their best to keep Black immigrants out. But of course during the Roman Empire, the Italians brought them in as slaves.

Too many Whites deny their Whiteness this way. It keeps us separated when we are really one people, one tribe. The White People. The White Tribe. The White race. We are unique on this planet and we are alone in who we are.


That is why claiming Indian ancestry is so common.

I mentally vomit when White people tell me they have "Native American blood." They think this is a virtue. I think it is disgusting.

(American Plague)
Once again: so Columbus wasn't White either, right? I wonder if this idiot had anything to say about leftists destroying statues of and demeaning a national holiday dedicated to, a "Latin" POC (Christopher Columbus) ?


The Irish have been saying that about Italians for 100 years.

The leftist Irish say it about themselves too. Due to their history of oppression they are not really White. Even more ludicrous, but there is no talking logic to an anti-White White

It has been claimed that Éire is a distant relation of the Sanskrit word ā́rya.

So 'Eire' and 'Ireland' mean 'the land of the noble ones (Aryans)'. Dunno what leprechauns have to say about the (controversial) theory.

Well if the leprechauns do not want to be called "Aryans," certain Iranians make up for it by talking your ear off about it!

Probably related to the way the so-called WASP treated them. Many were more hostile to Catholic Irish than they were toward blacks. Remember that the KKK was focused on anti-Catholicism, more than on a real racial basis.

Nice Girl™ Award

Lover #elitist #psycho #racist #sexist thepinkpill.co

RE: r/BlackPeopleTwitter being misogynistic as hell as always

Honestly this is why I don't say "white men" when I talk about men being misogynistic anymore.

Lol not defending white moids, they were ethnic tier in the past century (though it seems like some ppl in the radfem community have forgotten)

But ethnic moids run some of the most miserable countries for women on earth. So I don't get why you were saying that in the first place. Unless you are part of the SJW hive stuck in 2013 politics. Afghanistan, Papua New Guinea, El Salvador, DRC, etc.

Men of color proved again and again how misogynistic they are against women, especially women of color.

This is not news to us women of color who had to deal with them from day one. I am a gentle, actually cowardly person but I fcking want to literally kill all of my ethnic male relatives. They're pure scum. There is not one single good trait about ethnic moids. I would love to see all these South Asian moids swallowed up in an earthquake

"SJW hive stuck in 2013"

I was part of it

Ethnic men are simply white men without legal consequences for their actions

And who made it so there are legal consequences for people in white countries?

Some of the shit I see white men casually say online would make the peasants in my country get shocked

A lot of those posters are probably diaspora lmao trust me western ethnics are just so evil and depraved.

I doubt most of those posters are white

Vast majority is, because, you know, those posts are in english?

Western zoomers are almost majority ethnic. You really don't understand how prevalent ethnics are in major Western cities. In the UK, I might as well be in Pakistan or Nigeria.

We need to answer why white countries are "safer" but I don't think they will be safer for long. Or white anyway.

Some areas are like 80-90% non-white. Culture is dominated by ethnics, ethnic music and slang, not a single white thing is cool here. The age demographic that matters in London is definitely over 50% non-white.

And what do I perceive in the west? Women in niqabs shopping at my local mart for some fcking reason. Some of them are white I think. Wtf?

Dr. Vernon Coleman #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist #racist lionessofjudah.substack.com

I genuinely believe that rabid enemies such as Soros, Blair, HRH Charles (the HRH stands for His Royal Hypocrite), the Rothschilds, Schwab, Gates, Musk, Biden, the Bilderbergers et al are the most evil conspirators to have ever walked this earth.

The Evil Hornswogglers should be hung, drawn and quartered. When, in the name of God, justice, humanity, wisdom and hope are the moronic mask wearers, the lockdown-lovers and the witless, covid jabbed collaborators going to wake up to reality?

I believe that through the auspices of the World Economic Forum and Common Purpose, they have recruited an army of rancid servants to protect them and to take control of every aspect of the world we used to know. This is a deliberate, global coup. The same things are happening everywhere. Nothing is happening by accident. What we dismiss as woke triviality is, in truth, part of the takeover. Universities, trade unions, large organisations from the National Trust to the MCC, have all been hi-jacked.

And through fear, brain washing and psy-op trickery they have conned a huge army of panty-waisted, lily-livered, craven, cryptorchid myrmidons to support their corruption and their trickery.

I loathe the conspirators and their handmaidens but I loathe the myrmidons, the collaborators, just as much. Right from the start I warned that the collaborators would do the most harm. Without their complicity the conspirators would have got nowhere.
The witless, innumerate, illiterate fools who sorted their recycling, obeyed the lockdown rules, meekly wore their pathetic, flowery masks, accepted their deadly jabs and believed in the cult of global warming and the fake pandemic have opened the door to the Great Reset, the new normal and a lethal, toxic brew of communism and fascism that will assuredly destroy us all. (The circle of political ideology puts fascism and communism at the same point on the circle. The two are, for practical purposes, indistinguishable.)

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #racist #conspiracy #mammon supernaturalspirit.com

Quantum Jumping Service:

Only Tim Rifat is the world expert in psychic applications of Quantum Jumping; the world’s leading scientific expert who came up with Hyperinfinity collapse of Quantum Wave Functions – the so called Quantum Jumping. Tim Rifat is the only entrepreneur scientist that holds Trademarks in Mind Over Matter®, Supernatural Spirit®, Psychotronic Generators®, Bone Generators® (the mechanism for Quantum Jumping via Hyperinfinity), Sublime Good®, Psychotronic Crystals®, Psychotronic Crystalware® in Psychic Consultancy; which via Hyperinfinity, fully defines and encapsulates Quantum Jumping.
A) The Talking Bone Generator® to control the Hyperinfinity given off by the talking animals to be used by the Psi-Master. For use in your left hand (receive) right hand (to give) Bone Generators®. As 7 billion human animals talk incessantly to collapse Quantum Jumping to form the Matrix, the energy and Hyperinfinity to be used are vast. Cost $600
Now why is talking so important to Quantum Jumping? The 7 billion talking animals to not act as Copenhagen Interpretation Observers to collapse the Quantum Wave Functions. No. They talk about the things told to turn them by the Insectile in their energy body, called the Human Mind.
To manually control Quantum Jumping you can download the negative Psychokinesis, housed in the death spot on your left shoulder blade, into any target to boost your Quantum Jumping capabilities. To do this hold your Quantum Jumping Psychotronic Generator®, Psychotronic Crystal® to the left hand should blade using your left hand. Then touch the right hand to the target and tap it 169x to download negative Hyperinfinity and Psychokinesis into the target. This can be done again and again… To boost your Quantum Jumping. This done by visualising what you want and what you don’t want as you download your death spot into 7 billion wageslaves, Archons, Rothschilds, banks, countries, governments, Memes and Demonic Gods… Supernatural Spirits®.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@BeverlyBain13 - I can't wait to read about how the vestiges of a great civilization collapse when an inferior people try operating them"]


So proud of myself have not turned on the TV or radio once since “that”event. Busy writing about anti- colonial uprising in the Caribbean. It feels like a more appropriate option in this moment. @refusalofempire
6:41PM·Sep 9, 2022

"The event" which Miss Bain (let's all admit right now she hasn't found a nice man and settled down under the bonds of holy matrimony) refers to was the tragic death last month of our beloved Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II

Instead she's writing about the continued movement, based of course on retarded idiocy (as so many things her kind promotes are, of course), to leave the sensible Constitutional Monarchy which the British Empire in its infinite wisdom blessed so many of its realms with and replace them with republics, which with a tiny number of exceptions have all become completely botched and undesirable shitholes within a generation or two

Barbados fell into darkness earlier this year, and nigger activists in other countries are working hard to replicate that process (especially before another example goes tits-up and even the dumbest nigger in Jamaica starts wondering if any of this is worth it)

You just know that as Bain writes about these "uprisings" she won't dare mention what happened when Her Royal Highness had to endure a variety of similar uprisings by niggers this time still back in niggerland. Let's go through a quick summary:
[Lists of Black-majority countries along with dreadful facts]
The common theme I want you to observe here is that one certainly can't lay the blame of these countries' misfortunes on "colonialism". Even if colonialism were a bad thing (and it ain't), it was clearly a superior system to the Afro-Marxism nightmare that came next

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy realjewnews.com

“I saw it on TV!” says the American boob.

“So it must be true!” the boob concludes.

But the boob can’t seem to digest that his TV lies all the time.

What makes the American boob so stupid?

Just go to the airport for a quick read.

Slow bellies, eating fries and donuts, branded with tattoos, miscegenation, everyone looking like they just rolled out of bed.

It’s a microcosm of America.

Surveillance, White-suicide, Big Brother Jew, fast food, goyisha untidiness while the kike connives the Amercan boob.

How did it come to this desecration of the American boob?

Start with public schools.

Diversity-busing—pushed by the Jew—levels education to the lowest IQ.

Then academia—dominated by Jewish donors and well-placed leftist faculty—punctures the goyisha brain with indoctrination leveraged to forge non-thinking slaves.
Believe me, for I grew up as a Jew, every single Yid has “grandparents murdered” at Auschwitz.

Next time, ask the Jew for proof.

He’ll fling every ”f word’ he can muster up at you.

Truth is, Jews only died from starvation and typhus from the Allied bombings of civilian areas at war’s end.

Not a single original ‘gas chamber’ has ever been put forth, just some showers for de-lousing.

America has been hijacked.

It reached its apogee in 1913 when the German Jewish Warburgs took over America’s monetary independence with the so-called “Federal Reserve.”

It is NOT “federal.”

It’s totally Jew-owned orbiting around the Rothschild Dynasty.

And its monetary usurpation is “reserved” to put an inflationary noose around the American boob, and allow easy instant money printing (mostly in secret) to clandestinely fund the CIA and Mossad to do the Jew’s bidding around the world.

America is doomed.

Jews control the media, Capitol Hill, military, academia, and finance.

Yet the American boob will go on eating fries, imbibe porn, watch football, and cook his barbeques.

While the Jew enjoys his gated communities and gefilte fish.

Secession is our only way out of this mess.

starcrapoo, ChrolloLucilfer04 & Retardfuel #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Russian TV ad to combat mass migration of russians. Shows woke america.

There is a small Russian community here in SF.

I have personally overheard when I was in the rich white Anglo section of the city (Marina district), whites poking fun of the slavs in the outer boonie portion of the city (Richmond district).

Slavs are seen as borderline ethnic. I believe Irish were at one point as well in the east coast.

only for males
retards will still breed slav and Irish foids

Slavs are massive patriots, despite being a zero competition to anglo Saxons, this is why they are filled with complexes

Ann Barnhardt #wingnut #racist #fundie #homophobia barnhardt.biz

[From "Incredibly Sad, Blunt Words on Queen Elizabeth II"]

I delayed quite a bit – as many noticed – because one simply doesn’t “heckle at a funeral”[…]
There of so many examples of “canonization” of Queen Elizabeth, but here just over my transom is the reliable contra-indicator about anything Catholic, the cringe-inducing George Weigel[…]makes the completely irrational argument that Queen Elizabeth displayed heroic decorum by not catering to public opinion… BY HAVING THE FLAMING SODOMITE “SIR” ELTON JOHN SING HIS RE-LYRICED ODE TO MARILYN MONROE DURING DIANA’S FUNERAL[…]
Let us pray for her soul as we do all people outside the Church[…]Let us leave to the side for a moment any discussion of the legitimacy of the Saxe-Coburg Gotha Mountbatten “Windsor”[…]The Jacobite situation is profoundly bleak anyway, as the Duke of Bavaria is a wretched, open sodomite[…]
Queen Elizabeth[…]proudly claim to be the “pope” of the Anglican schismatic sect. Queen Elizabeth was the “popess” of A SCHISMATIC MONSTROSITY[…]
Queen Elizabeth II[…]presided as monarch over the most rapid and profound societal, cultural, religious and imperial collapse in human history[…]When Elizabeth took the throne, it was literally true that “the sun never set” on the British Empire[…]Today, almost every colony and territory has declared total independence[…]
But more importantly, as “Head of State and Head of Nation”, Queen Elizabeth signed off on the largest race-replacement scheme in human history. Today, the city of London IS LESS THAN HALF WHITE – not merely “British”, but WHITE[…]
Queen Elizabeth bestowed countless honors and knighthoods on the most open, disgusting sodomites and moral monstrosities, and British culture went[…]to the totally degenerate, revolting Brit culture we see today ON HER WATCH

Kristol Clear #racist #wingnut #fundie #sexist #conspiracy theuglytruth.xyz

The followers of Judah-ism, featured in this article and in many others–who are on the front lines advocating (DEMANDING) a return to the ‘good ol’ days’ of Roe V Wade aren’t being driven because of an ‘absence’ or a ‘deficiency’ of ‘Jewish ethics’, but rather BECAUSE OF THEM.

Judah-ism permits the murder of the unborn, just as it permits ALL SPECIES OF EVIL, including the sexual abuse of children, and to that particular point, we will repeat our previously-stated assertion that one of the reasons that the followers of Judah-ism HATED and CONTINUE TO HATE the person of Jesus Christ so much was/is because of His love for children and who advocated that the death penalty be applied against those who would harm them.

Having said this, the following ‘protocols’ need to be understood in the ‘Kristol-Clearest’ of terms.

The ‘institution’ of abortion on demand, brought about by Jewish activism, Jewish agitation and Jewish action, has killed more Americans than all wars combined. The Israeli-engineered terrorist attacks taking place on 9/11–perpetrated by the Jewish state in order to get the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ between the Christian West and Islamic East started–that killed 3,000 Americans, represents the number of Americans who have been killed in Jewish abortuaries on a daily basis for half a century.
Nota bene as well–it isn’t Muslims bringing this tsunami of lawsuits all across America in order to protect the business of child murder.

It is the followers of Judah-ism doing this, the ‘children of Israel’ as they just love to refer to themselves.

So, the obvious question that needs to be asked and answered is the following–


Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

If all of Hitler’s advisers were jewish then maybe you could compare Joe Biden to him.

@Wehrmacht dictators are dictators… communist, fascist… no difference..

@Jokera @Wehrmacht Calling a jewish communist administration a bunch of nazis is fucking retarded.

@Jokera this is the problem with the typical weak minded conservative. They hate what is happening to their homeland, but they would rather see their nation burn as their race goes extinct than to sieze power and use it to push their will and dominate their enemies.

They think their enemies play by the same rules they do, but they don't. @Wehrmachtimg]

@Wehrmacht HITLER MURDERED 15 million in the camps 6 million were jewish then at the End of WW2 USA Took in 1500 Nazi SS and Soros the Nazi collaberator! then THEY All formed the WEF in recent times a weird mix of Nazis fake banker jews and cultural marxists and Communists ELITE GLOBALISTS and They have a Manifesto hence why we are where we are Today a Long Planned CULL of the Poor and up to Middle Class........GOD BLESS US ALL 777

@Wehrmacht Hitler fought to the death against these anti-Christ entities that now enslave us.

Hitler was a Rothschild bastard

@Wehrmacht FACT!

People who don’t understand this are infuriating!

People using the terms Hitler, Nazis, Fascists, to define the Biden regime and all of the globohomo tyrants currently “running” countries around the world are actually helping them continue the revisionist history, false fake narratives, and bullshit propaganda that has been intentionally jammed down our throats forever! People are actually helping this vile, evil, shit continue and are assisting the true puppet masters in their mission.

Norman McNeal #racist youtube.com

RE: Is THIS What They Think of Black People??

A dating app came out with a music video that tries to encourage black people to vote by depriving one another of sex unless they’ve voted: “No Voting, No Vucking.” This takes “soft bigotry of low expectations” to a whole new level—let’s get into it.

Amala, WE DID THIS TO OURSELVES. "They truly think you are dumb." You're right Amala. We showed them that we are a hypersexual race of people. We show and tell them in our music, dress, language and disproportionate crime rates. En mass, we voted for a President who identified us as a "monolith", promoted mass incarceration and supported segregation. Of course they think we are a "simple and small-minded" race. Just about every individual is Black in the horrid video you just played. Why would they not believe us when we tell and show them who and what we are?

Various Moonbats #moonbat #racist nytimes.com

Sundance Liked Her Documentary on Terrorism, Until Muslim Critics Didn’t

Film critics warned that conservatives might bridle at these human portraits.

But attacks would come from the left, not the right. Arab and Muslim filmmakers and their white supporters accused Ms. Smaker of Islamophobia and American propaganda. Some suggested her race was disqualifying, a white woman who presumed to tell the story of Arab men.

Sundance leaders reversed themselves and apologized.

Abigail Disney, had been the executive producer of Jihad Rehab. Now she disavowed it. "The film landed like a truckload of hate. I failed, failed and absolutely failed to understand just how exhausted by and disgusted with the perpetual representation of Muslim men and women as terrorists or former terrorists or potential terrorists the Muslim people are.”

Assia Boundaoui, a filmmaker, critiqued it for Documentary magazine.

“To see my language and the homelands of folks in my community used as backdrops for white savior tendencies is nauseating,” she wrote. “The talk is all empathy, but the energy is Indiana Jones.”

“An entirely white team behind a film about Yemeni and South Arabian men,” the filmmaker Violeta Ayala wrote in a tweet.

Ms. Smaker’s film had a Yemeni-American executive producer and a Saudi co-producer.

More than 230 filmmakers signed a letter denouncing the documentary. A majority had not seen it.

“When I, a practicing Muslim woman, say that this film is problematic,” wrote Jude Chehab, a Lebanese American documentarian, “my voice should be stronger than a white woman saying that it isn’t. Point blank.”

The argument over whether artists should share racial or ethnic identity and sympathy with their subjects is long running in literature and film — with many artists and writers, like the documentarians Ken Burns and Nanfu Wang, arguing it would be suffocating to tell the story of only their own culture.

Jihad Turk, former imam of Los Angeles’s largest mosque, was baffled.

“My first instinct,” he said, “was ‘Oh, not another film on jihad and Islam.’ Then I watched and it was introspective and intelligent. My hope is that there is a courageous outlet that is not intimidated by activists and their too narrow views.”

tyeluxe #racist twitter.com

(white savior gets egg on their face)

SolitaryWendigo: The mob only won because a youtuber told people to vote for it.

tyeluxe: your username is extremely offensive to Algonquian people as that word is to refer to an evil spirit of insatiable greed. change it or stay the fuck out of my notifs. that spirit is highly appropriated in pop culture. native peoples' beliefs are not for you to "nerd out" on. gtfo

SolitaryWendigo: I’m native, maybe you shouldn’t assume and mind your fucking business.
Also you’re fucking white lmao, I don’t think you get to tell ME what to do.

*This Tweet is from an account that no longer exists. Learn more*

SolitaryWendigo: Yes, there are heavy differences, often times the folklore between the 2 gets mixed up, which causes people to think that the name wendigo is offensive or not to be said, this is not true, and is in fact the shape shifting witch’s name that you shouldn’t say.

Tommy Tuberville #racist thedailybeast.com

Saturday’s Donald Trump rally in Nevada naturally featured some extremist comments, chief among them a false—and racist—tirade from Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), who claimed that Democrats are in favor of “reparations” because they are “pro-crime.” Tuberville’s speech also called for an end to food stamps, education reform, and closing the border. “No, they’re not soft on crime, they’re pro-crime. They want crime!” Tuberville said to the fringe crowd. “They want reparations because they think the people who do the crime are owed that. Bullshit!” The remarks at an event intended to promote Stop the Steal loons like Adam Laxalt, a Senate candidate, drew the ire of an army of critics on social media. Among them was MSNBC’s Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough, who likened the Alabama senator’s comments to the rhetoric of segregationist figures like George Wallace and Lester Maddox.

Gregory Hood #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

The “Great Replacement” is a dangerous conspiracy theory. Just listen to Rep. Mayra Flores:

Hispanic Texans are now the state’s largest demographic group.

Latinos can turn the tides and start the red wave!

A red wave? Our view is that our rulers import a helot underclass that votes progressive.

What if we were wrong?

Mr. Liu, himself part of a group with higher incomes than whites, said:

We go on treating whiteness as the ideal and social baseline of American life.

Whiteness is the baseline of American life. If Hispanics or Asians accept that and don’t “reckon with class divides and inequality,” there can be no Left that is built on victim morality, aside from blacks, who would be increasingly isolated and despised.

Hispanic social dysfunction far outpaces white, so they could be part of the victim class, but they are mostly ignored in the media’s incessant focus on blacks after BLM.

Hispanics are an artificial group.

Africans became “black,” much as Europeans became “white”. This didn’t happen with Hispanics.

Activists invented the category to get “our just share of political influence and Federal funds,” and there’s no consensus on who is included. Are Portuguese and Brazilians Hispanic?

“Ethnic” Americans — meaning whites from southern and eastern Europe — could conceivably have become a category if activists had pushed for it. Patrick Buchanan toyed with the idea. If so, we would be hearing many tales about the supposedly awful discrimination against Irish and Italians. (The American government’s campaigns against German-Americans during the world wars would probably would still be ignored).

It’s not whether “Hispanics are white” or whether “Hispanics can become white.” Hispanics aren’t any more real than “ethnic Americans.”

Support for the Democrats is lower among those for whom their Hispanic identity is less important. If the GOP really wants to win over Hispanics, it needs to end Hispanics as a demographic category.

However, elite attitudes ultimately triumph; even having to talk about drag shows for schoolchildren shows how powerful they are. With enough time, even “Latinx” could catch on.

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #ufo #magick #racist #quack #wingnut #conspiracy projectcamelotportal.com

THE TRANSHUMAN, SATANIC/LUCIFERIAN PLAN is a Khazarian/Fascist backed plan.

This is at the ROOT of why they do what they do!

Are you aware of the WINGMAKERS MATERIAL? The premise there is that sometime in our future a RACE OF AI RUN ANDROIDS will ‘drive by’ our solar system and spot our Earth and decide to invade with the intention to takeover and conquer this version of humanity. Therefore the SECRET GOV / DEEP STATE /SECRET SPACE PROGRAM MILITARY decided to CREATE THEIR OWN RACE of human cyborgs to use as CANNON FODDER/ a fighting force to repel these coming invaders.

As I have described based on many years of investigation, the roll out of the TRANSHUMAN AGENDA and how the use of NANO GRAPHENE OXIDE coupled with spike proteins and other hidden ingredients (mRNA) is present in the various of the bioweapons unleashed on humanity. Dr. David Adair, is an expert on AI and has said in a recent interview that Spike Protein which attaches itself to nano graphene oxide provides a foundation to transform the human body from carbon to silicone. This concoction has for years prior to the so-called VAX and PCR TESTS been put into our FOOD, WATER, CHEMTRAILS, and so on including our clothing and air we breathe. It acts as a terraforming agent so insidious and hidden that it only became widely known once the VACCINE PROGRAM via warp speed and big Pharma was launched.
As with all MAGICK acts performed by the dark ILLUMINATI type Magicians/doctors/military industrial complex actors… using Mkultra-type PROPAGANDA also known as the “mockingbird media” they persuaded unsuspecting humans to stand in line (volunteer) to get the “VAX” that would be the final ‘coup de grace’ as part of a long effort to turn the human race into androids or more specifically cyborgs, TRANSHUMANS linked to an AI … or what some call the BORG.

Mike Stone #racist #sexist #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

Every time you watch a movie, television show, or streaming service your mind is being manipulated and molded by an unseen hand.
Are you familiar with the term "channeling"?

It's a word used by mystics and psychics.
Now what happens when you turn on the television? You turn the knob or press the remote to a specific "channel." You then invite whatever is on that channel into your home and into your mind. The use of the word "channel" as it applies to television is not a coincidence. You are literally "channeling" unseen energy and influence into your life.

Are you familiar with the term "programming"?
The bottom line is White people, and particularly White men, are being programmed to accept their replacement. To accept it, to see it as inevitable, and to acquiesce their new position on the bottom of the totem pole. Sadly enough, it's working.
What about White women, you ask? They're even worse. The majority of women, and in particular White women, will believe whatever society tells them to believe. They've been brainwashed into believing that White is out and non-White is in; that being a wife and mother is boring, but being a whore or slut is cool and financially rewarding. They've been programmed to reject and loathe their White brothers - the very men who risked their lives for centuries to save White women and who have given White women everything they have.
Fat, dumb Americans would rather subjugate themselves to those who despise them, rather submit to mental slavery, rather allow themselves to be beaten and killed than experience the temporary discomfort of giving up the boob tube.

Thank God they don't make up the entirety of the White race. There are still White men, and a handful of White women, with balls; men and women with courage, fortitude, and vision working tirelessly to get us out of the mess we're in. Sadly, they are few in number. Are you one of them?

Padraig Martin #wingnut #sexist #racist #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From "Is The Constitution Good?"]

The United States Constitution[…]is one of the greatest political documents of all time[…]Often viewed as sacrosanct by the American political Right[…]I did not state the Dissident Right[…]
When I refer to the term “great,” I mean something of enormity and importance[…]The definition of “good,” is one that refers to the Constitution’s ability to achieve the objects of its intended purpose[…]
The Constitution was not a document drafted to endure modernity. It was designed to be destroyed by it[…]
When James Madison likely conceived of the amendment idea[…]never likely considered the fact that blacks or women would have an equal say in the electoral process[…]
Non-White minorities and to a lesser extent, women, tend to vote in a manner that dismantles the very protections enshrined in the Constitution[…]
Women are made to seek assurances of safety by their feminine construct[…]For the majority of human existence, women relied on male and/or tribal protection[…]Women tend to gravitate toward popular political positions that provide safety in numbers[…]Beta males have women who vote leftist and alpha males generally do not[…]
Non-White[…]are engrained to seek immediate comforts to the exclusion of long-term possible gains. This is evident in their choices[…]
The invitation to participate in some aloof concept like “freedom of speech” or “protection from unlawful search and seizure” is foreign to people who derive from more primitive societies[…]
Neither Roger Sherman nor Richard Lee could have considered a leftist voting bloc of black Marxists, transgender psychopaths, and single twenty-something-year-old females voting to limit free speech or eliminating the right to bear arms[…]
I believe the Constitution is a great document[…]It is also deeply flawed. The Constitution will collapse

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Have you ever heard someone say, "It used to be a good neighborhood until all those damn White people moved in"? ....... Neither have I.

@ElfReich no one ever rolls up their windows when driving through a white neighborhood..

@ElfReich Because wherever Whites move to, they always leave people alone, they keep the town clean, stick to themselves and respect the culture in that area. When nonwhites move in, they don't leave people alone, they complain that they are the only nonwhites, they cause crime and they think their culture and race is superior than the one in the neighborhood they moved to.

Multiethnic communities always breed conflict because every ethnic group has racial bias, in-group preferences, different ways of living, different cultures, different traditions, different religions and different ideologies. Also, it breeds conflict because no one wants to feel like a strange foreigner in their own nation or community. No one deserves to be replaced. No one deserves to live in a society where no one has anything in common and no one trusts each other.

@ElfReich its usually when the niggers and muslims move in

@ElfReich Come to think of it, I've never heard anyone say, "Wow, this neighborhood is SO MUCH BETTER ever since all the Mexicans moved in!" Not even the Mexicans.

@ElfReich Obama moved to Martha's Vineyard because he didn't want to live next door to colored folks.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@CerebroDeQueso_ This is why we can wear blackface without feeling bad"]


i saw a couple of gringxs criticizing Lizzo's rolling stone cover bc apparently she's appropriating our lady of guadalupe?

ok? our lady of guadalupe was/is a tool of colonialism. catholicism is shit. is its iconography becoming meaningless bc of "appropriation"? good
5:13PM·Jan 23, 2020

Last week the massive tub of human-shaped lard known as "Lizzo" (real name Melissa Jefferson, though if she legally changed it to that from "Pure Whipped Butter" I wouldn't be surprised), who spends 90% of her time claiming she's oppressed, spent the 10% of her time playing music in a one in a lifetime history opportunity: a classic flute created for President Madison's inauguration[…]
Many were disgusted by the performance, of an unslightly woman's ass begging men to please please fuck her or at least buy her lunch, and more than a few noticed the internal contradiction: the whole event certainly seemed like a lot of, oh, what's that word? Privilege. White male nobodies interested in playing the flute would be shot in the neck for trying to retrieve it, but the United States Government gives yet another negress special permission[…]
Incident that Cerebro references from 2020: Lizzo in hot water for cultural appropriation[…]
Cerebro performs a much-needed public service. He gives us a free excuse for when "cultural appropriation" is a bad thing: whenever the overarching culture is[…]
So go ahead and wear that blackface, then talk like the most stereotypical coon you can possibly imagine

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com


spoilerDismissing reality is never the way to
solve a problem.
Everyone knows that the racial
problem in Western nations is
because the races are simply
It's not a matter of inferior vs
superior. It's simply a matter of
Multi-racial nations will never work.

@Nature_and_Race Very true. If multiracial nations worked, continents connected by land would have become nearly homogeneous long ago.

@Nature_and_Race I respectfully disagree. The Negroid is inferior to all other races on planet earth.


spoilerThe belief that all people are equal is
essentially the belief that you could
replace the black people in the Congo
with white people from Switzerland, and
the White people in Switzerland with
blacks from the Congo and Switzerland
would still be a beautiful first world
nation and the Congo would still be a
third world shithole. No one thinks this.
Equality is an absolute lie and almost
everyone realizes it is.

@Nature_and_Race. Look at the Asian countries as an example. They're not participating in stupid. They know diversity never works. Look at the animal kingdom. Animals stay with their own.

If the races are simply different, how do you explain all the one-way border-jumping?

@Nature_and_Race We are not the same

Benjamin Fulford #conspiracy #ufo #wingnut #racist stillnessinthestorm.com

That is why these murderers need to be removed from control of medical associations, telecommunications companies etc.

This is also true of China, where the communist party propaganda news is still pushing the fake pandemic, fraudulent PCR tests, vaccines etc. in order to turn that country into a giant animal farm.

We have personally confirmed that the CCP is secretly controlled at the top by non-Asian KM <Khazarian Mafia> bosses. That is why the CCP is pushing 5G, repressing truth about the 5G mass murder incident in Wuhan and using fraudulent PCR tests as an excuse for totalitarian control.

However, we understand the Chinese patriots are fighting to liberate their country from KM rule. The results of this battle should become clear at the once in 5 years meeting of the CCP top leadership later this month.

As a sign of this, it is clear that something very wrong is going on with President Xi Jinping. He has not left his home or met any world leader or even top Chinese leader for the past two years, according to several (Western) sources.
Our own Japanese military intelligence sources confirm the above reports’ claim that Xi Jinping is under house arrest. Our CIA sources, meanwhile, insist the real Xi was killed in early 2020 and his brother has been filling in for him.
“Sooner or later people will have to realize that most (not all) of the UFOs seen in our skies are the man-made work of the military-industrial-complex. In direct competition with the SSP. They’ve been working on electro-gravitic technologies since at least the 1950s,” a secret space force says.
I have asked my secret space program sources for a personal ride in a flying saucer. Let us see if they can produce the real deal and not just more videos.

Amitakh Stanford #crackpot #ufo #racist #wingnut #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

In the late nineteenth century a document was released that is known as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. In fact, The Protocols is not a new document. The original version of The Protocols came out of a meeting in Rome in 1492. The original document certainly involved the precursors of the Elders of Zion, most of whom were NOT of Hebrew blood, nor were they actually followers of the Jewish faith. In fact, most of the 1492 Elders were affiliated with the Catholic Church.
Aliens have planned world domination for a long, long time. For example, the Anunnaki planned to have the British and Catholics united under a single banner in their drive to achieve world domination. The British-Catholic plan for world domination was a long time in the making. It underwent trial-and-error testing during the reign of the Roman Empire.

The Reptilian plan was dangerously close to consummation and final establishment of the New World Order when the Light intervened and assisted in the American Revolution. Had the Light not intervened, the Reptilians would have succeeded in implementing their NWO in the nineteenth century.

Had the British-Catholic conquest succeeded, it would have given the Reptilians control of the world under the framework of the Reptilian Anunnaki Protocols of 1492. However, the American Revolution broke the relentless British colonization of the world and ultimately forced the British to give many of its other colonies some form of independence.
When the Reptilian 1492 Protocols failed, the Reptilians used an alternative plan to try to destroy America from within and re-assimilate it into the British Empire.

At the same time that the Reptilians tried to resuscitate the 1492 Protocols, a desperate alternative plan in which they solicited the aid of other alien groups, which included Vulturites, Greys, Masa-karas, Wagools etc. However, this is a show alliance. The Reptilians have no intention of sharing and being in alliance with other alien races.

John Smith #racist #psycho #wingnut quora.com

Slaves were given meaning to their pathetic existence. They were given food, shelter, water. They were kept in cool climates. They were treated better than by tribes or muslims. Slaves were also more orderly, since they were not free to throw their shit at each other, like the monkeys that they are. Colonialism in general brought law and order to the subhuman monkeys, who were originally muslims (of course).

Various Incels #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

BREAKING: 22 children and 12 adults killed after Thai normie goes ER at daycare center

later shooting dead his wife and child

Of course it was a normie. Another malfunctioning personality detector, I see.

"The shooter came in around lunch time and shot four or five officials at the childcare centre first," said Jidapa, adding that among them was a teacher who was eight months pregnant.

The gunman forced his way into a locked room where children were sleeping, Jidapa said. She said she thought he killed children there with a knife.

Videos posted on social media showed sheets covering what appeared to be the bodies of children lying in pools of blood.

Yikes, sweaty.


Why is it always ricecels with the high kill counts?

they are high IQ

(Inceldom Victim)
None cares about some subhuman country

brutal racepill tbhngl

Hey man, don't be sad, you have #StopAsianHate

I don't feel bad, let the whole world die, humans are trash anyways.

Why do they never go ER on all the racetraitor noodles and SEAmaxxers? Fucking cucks.

Why is it always ricecels with the high kill counts?

Despite what whitoids think ricemen have always been good soldiers.

Tbh. Should've went after the lady boys/sexpats

good riddance. it would be a lie if I said its not a kekfuel.

Why target the innocent, I don't care what anyone says but he should be skinned alive

foidsare drooling over you now teehee

Various Anons #dunning-kruger #racist archived.moe

RE: Slavs are always in defensive stances on this site

(Mexican Anon)
>some retards will always appear to undermine slavs
>irl slavs are the most successful europeans

i don't think all slavs are subhumans but don't get ahead of yourself
the only slavs that ever competed with the west are russians and the rest of you are irrelevant. i guess in the case of south slavs it can be excused by low populations and turkshit domination but poles are just pathetic considering how many people live there and their geographical position

(German Anon)
>poles are just pathetic considering how many people live there and their geographical position

just compare Prussia and Poland, same geography vastly different achievements

(Brazilian Anon)
Modern poles are dumb as a door, but a few poles in the past were smart, however they're all dead and their bloodlines have been wiped

You guys try to fit in the "white" category here
Stop that and you'll be more respected.

Westerners will always underestimate you people, its was crammed into their mentality since like, the 50s,if you wish, its more of a case of "You are not in our years-long friends group, no matter how hard you try to fit in, you will always be ostracised, degraded, etc". Such is the fate of us 2nd Worlders...

(Australian Anon)
>settled peoples proficient in agriculture
>soil in Ukraine is extremely fertile
>access to the Mediterranean ocean
>numerous trade routes

And yet Slavs never managed to do anything of note until Peter the Great.

They did not match the strength of settled societies living on much poorer soil, nor did they develop their cities, preferring to leave that to Greeks and Italians. One would think that if they lived on a steppe they would become nomads, but that didn't happen either, since they were subjugated many times rather than become one of them.

Slavic people entered Europe around the 6th century. Peter the great was born in the 17th century. There were no slavic empires or great states before the late middle-ages.


(UK Anon)
If you never existed literally nothing about world history would change at all. I fucking hate Eastern Europeans, and I'm glad your macho bullshit is getting humiliated on a world stage right now.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Republicans are mad they couldn’t cancel student debt for blacks only.

Wait till they find out they've already paid for all the jews in israel. They'll forget all about the niggers.

...And give free tuition to border jumpers.

@Halp Dump tried with his 500, 000, 000 Platinum plan for niggers.

@Halp Definitely. Republicucks are the REAL nigger-lovers.

@brextremist @Halp

@Halp One of the cornerstones of our society is that if a person takes on a debt, then they are responsible to pay it off in full. I object to any student loan forgiveness, we took out loans for my wife and paid them off in full. Race is not in this equation. We are all going to be saddled with their loans.

@BryanRocker @Halp Hilariously retarded, you're nigger food.

@BryanRocker @Halp

"Yall better pay them jews back for the money you borrowed that they created out of thin air!!!"

@BryanRocker @Halp One of the cornerstones of our society is giving handouts to niggers.

@BryanRocker @Halp Jew spotted.

Sure. I fucking worked hard my whole life because I couldn't afford college, so I went to work! Now I get to pay for the fucks who CHOSE to go??? I'll be charging more for my trade school expertise.

@GirlPlumber I seem to recall the Donald Trump cult and the Republican Party cheering on Trumps platinum plan for niggers. I watched in utter shock and amazement watching them support it and this was after niggers were given impunity from trump to terrorize whites. @Halp

They'll just have to settle for Israeli jews...

Jesse Lee Peterson #racist #wingnut twitter.com

Jesse Lee Peterson: I always say I’m white on the inside, and black on the outside. God changed my heart from anger to love.

I no longer have that dark mentality of most, begging, blaming, and complaining about “racism.”

In the good old days in the country we were not taught to hate white people.
How’s [slavery] bad?

The Doob Slayer: You're asking how forcing somebody to live in bondage and do grueling work for literally nothing, is bad?

Is this a bit?

Jesse Lee Peterson: No, I’m asking: How’s slavery bad?

The Doob Slayer: The fuck do you want me to say?

Slavery is bad because it's bad to force people to work for nothing while forcing them to stay in that situation.

Why is this the hill you're dying on?

Jesse Lee Peterson: The slaves were paid. They were fed and housed. They were given Christianity. Many bought their freedom and became harsh masters themselves. Their descendants live in the greatest nation on this side of heaven. There’s a right orderly way to do things.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Happy "Red Indians Are Too Primitive to be Educated Day""]

It's been a full year since we first covered the ludicrous federally mandated day to believe in a lie: to wit, that the Indian Residential School System was anything other than a gloriously noble yet ultimately impossible attempt to fix the primitive thought patterns inherent in the stone aged-race that greeted early European discoverers when they landed on North America[…]
When the "215 dead kids" lie was first propagated, I was basically the lone voice[…]
There were no "mass graves" found. Or even "unmarked graves"[…]No evidence whatsoever that the Kamloops Residential School has any Injuns kids buried on or near the site whatsoever[…]
Using charged language[…], Kay (it's unclear how much he's studied this) speaks of "forcing children to leave their families and communities" when he's describing every boarding school ever. "Cruel (and sometimes even predatory) treatment" means…physical work and the strap. He'll discuss the death rate for Red Indian kids in Residential Schools but never bother with the word "tuberculosis"[…]
It's the Canadian equivalent of "yes yes blacks are treated so harshly by police but maybe don't burn cities down": "yes yes Injuns were mistreated and Residential Schools have exactly zero redeeming qualities but maybe just maybe try to do honest journalism on this small aspect of the story"[…]
So what else has changed a year later, if not my steadfast support for the Indian Residential School System and the belief we need to bring it back?[…]
Make sure to celebrate that same as last year: having to go to work to pay the taxes so that the same government who claims they are currently engaged in genocide gets to stay home or go surfing, before coming back to work Monday and wasting more and more of that money on the Red Indian people who[…]never rise to functioning members of a civilized society

Mark Bauerlein #wingnut #racist #sexist #transphobia #elitist amgreatness.com

If you’re invited to a friend’s house for Thanksgiving Dinner, and his daughter shows up and starts talking about America’s genocide of Native Americans, what do you say? Or if you’re in a discussion of classical education with other parents from your neighborhood and someone comments that classical education has a curriculum that lacks diversity and flirts with white privilege, how do you respond?
It sounds like a trivial occasion, but it’s really not. It happens too often not to be important. Woke attitudes have spread too widely for conservatives to avoid it. Not long ago, talk of “privilege,” “patriarchy,” and “transphobia” would have puzzled most Americans. Now, it echoes everywhere, in public and private and professional life.
It’s a social matter, a crossroads. “Do I speak my mind and annoy the present company? Or just nod and move on?”
It’s a losing game. Save your breath—don’t try to argue, don’t defend. The wokester is strong on belief and weak on knowledge, no matter how much she thinks she knows the real history of things. To be woke is precisely this claim of superior knowledge, a keener awareness than that of those still un-woke, asleep in their illusions of, say American greatness.
Instead of challenging the wokester’s knowledge, let’s go with the wokester’s knowledge and draw it out. Let her school us, let her show us her certainty and let’s accept her duty to instruct the ignorant. She wants to be a pedagogue; we shall accept the position of pupil.
In truth, wokeness doesn’t appeal to her intelligence and never did. It flattered her ego. Now, faced with questions directly related to what she has just stated, the certitude crumbles and the ego collapses. You have asked her for knowledge, and she hasn’t replied. She can’t.

You’ve won. It’s time to hum a few bars of Beethoven, mouth some words of Polonius, praise the dimensions of Greek columns, and detail what the Comanches did to their neighbors, and see if she’s ready to listen.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Heavily-Armed Black Rights Groups March Through Austin Chanting Anti-illegal Migrant Slogans

(Mike Lanham)

They want a closed border and reparations.

They should be met halfway. No to reparations. Yes to closing the border. Half a loaf is better than none at all.

They are mad the Democrats won't give them any more freebies because of the favoritism being shown towards Hispanics.

(Ian Connolly)
Even if that’s the case, so what?

Blacks, by themselves, can’t single-handedly destroy or change the nation. Hispanics can.

Yet, they still vote overwhelmingly for the Democrats. Immigrants aren't just replacing whites, they're replacing blacks too. So, keep whining about the invasion while roughly 89% continue to vote for Democrats and, hence, the invasion too.

The black version of the The Great Replacement where Hispanic illegals remove blacks and take over their traditional welfare recipient role in America.

Are blacks afraid of being replaced by the Hispanics??
They know the Hispanics hate their guts and don't care if they are perceived as racists. They will fight you daily.

No White one cares, blacks. Move to Africa and build your Wakanda paradise there.

I'm not a fan of nonwhites, and I'm not taking sides, but blacks and Hispanics (mostly mestizos) do not get along with each other. They say Hispanics ran blacks out of LA and Southern California.

They should pay reparations for every city and town they have destroyed with their presence.

(White Pride World Wide.)
At least black men don't have to worry about Hispanic men chasing after their women, race mixing between Hispanics and blacks is not allowed in Hispanic culture. And the media won't encourage it like they do with whites mixing with blacks.

Blacks do chase after Hispanic women and basically any woman who isn't black.

uqtl038 #elitist #moonbat #racist reddit.com

RE: China overtakes the US in terms of research quality, finds study

China is also the most favored scientific destination in the world. Smart people know where they can have a good life and act accordingly.

I still remember when delusional western propagandists claimed that China dominating all PISA tests and international competitions wasn't important, that China's education being superior to such high degree wasn't relevant, etc. The depression and panic caused by China's superiority among western colonial circles is beautiful to see. Unlike China, not a single colonial western regime ever developed without plunder, they just don't have what it takes, from resources to capabilities.

regimes and societies that never developed in a sustainable or competitive manner can't ever hope to compete with China. This is a fact widely known internally by colonial western regimes, hence their desperate behavior that keeps only accelerating the terminal collapse of western economies (e.g. the "trade war" they waged against China resulted in brutal permanent losses for western economies). At the end of the day, anti-competitive western plunder can't found a civilization or reach prosperity because plunder is ephemeral, it collapses on its own as we see today. On top of it, plunder doesn't produce smart people at all, but the opposite, it promotes corrupt, incapable, incompetent people across all these colonial societies. There is a reason why China avoids remotely becoming like a western colonial hellhole, why would China choose a vastly inferior system when China can do much better like it has already proved it?

Henry Makow PhD #racist #conspiracy #wingnut henrymakow.com

What is Donald Trump's place in the big picture?

Trump is a Freemason and probably a crypto Jew. He is surrounded by Jews. The Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) goal is the reduction of the human race (goyim) to the status of domestic animals serving them.

The Illuminati advance this agenda through mind control (mass media, education) and war. They can't subjugate humanity alone; they need the goyim to destroy each other.

Thus, they have developed a tag team to promote war. On the one hand, we have the Communist Jews ("globalists") who attack the goyim by undermining their national, religious (moral), racial and family (gender) identity.

On the other hand, are the Fascists, Nazis or Zionist ("nationalist") Jews, who seem to defend the goyim from this onslaught. Trump won the election by appealing to the latter demography.

From a different angle, we have a conflict between philo-Semitic Masonic Jews (Communists) and "anti-Semitic" Masonic Jews (Fascists, Nazis, Zionists.) While claiming to defend Jews, Zionism uses anti-Semitism (and false flag terror) to coerce Jews into serving their megalomaniacal agenda.
What does "tomorrow's world" look like? If present trends continue, the Northern hemisphere will be a pile of radioactive ruins. Putin, like Stalin, is a nationalist. I see Russia China and Iran facing the "Zionist" West.

Communism is a monopoly of power, money and culture by the cabalist central bankers. This monopoly requires the dissolution of "all collective forces except our own." (Protocols of Zion, 16.4) As I said, these collective forces are race, religion, nation and family (gender.) Hence we have a conflict between Communism and Nationalism, which appears to be backed by Zionism. The question is, can we trust our defender?

Trump has answered this question. Zionism can quickly pivot to embrace the goals of Communism (war) because they are both cut from the same Masonic cloth and ultimately stand for the same thing. Masonic Jewish central bank tyranny.

@OratorBlog Information Warrior #conspiracy #wingnut #racist beforeitsnews.com


The True Rulers of the New World Order

Shocking Secrets the Masses Were Never Meant to Know

Alt Media & Top Conservative Leaders Fail to Call Out the TRUE ENEMIES of Humanity

(If you are reading this, you most likely already know much of this. As Patriots and Champions of Freedom, it is Your Job and Mine to get this Truth to the Masses. And to Shove the Truth in the Face of Alt Media and Conservative Leaders who FAIL TO CALL OUT THE TRUE ENEMIES OF HUMANITY)



Charles The in Dragon King, Spawn of Vlad the Impaler is the Driving Force Behind The Great Reset and UN Agenda 2030

And He Does Not Have to Wait for His Father to Reincarnate as a Virus to Kill Off the World’s Population.

Though He is Not at the Very Top of the Globalist Cabal Pyramid of Power-


In His Own Words, He Brags about Owning 50 Trillion in Assets that He Plans to Use to Subjugate the World’s Population.

Who Controlled Rockefeller?
The British Crown and the Rothschild Bankers. And Who Controls Them?


These 3 City States Run the Entire Show.



They are the Boss of Every Part of the New World Order, Every Secret Society, Every Think Tank, Every Non-Governmental Agency, Every Bank and Every Mega Corporation.

This Includes:
The United Nations
The Club of Rome
The World Economic Forum
The Bilderberg Group
The Pilgrims Society
The Council on Foreign Relations
The Tri Lateral Commission
The Senior Executive Service
The Rothschild Bankers
The Khazarian Mafia
The Main Stream Media News
And on and on…..

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut youtube.com

RE: Engineer Uses A.I. To Race Swap Woke Mermaid & Gets Twitter Ban

As a white male, the antiwhiteism in the woke culture today has saved me a ton of money. One more product to add to my boycott list.

So wait a minute Disney is allowed to race and ginger swap the main character in Little Mermaid but when someone else restores it back to the original race and ginger, that's racism?

As a non-white guy, I 100% approve. It’s pathetic that the fans have to do what the “professionals” cannot. I’m tired of the race swap bullshit from creatively bankrupt losers who can’t form an original idea to save their asses. Why create an interesting, or funny, or sexy character of your own when you can just change the skin or gender of an already established character?

(Casey Kellogg)
They've removed the male love interest from this and ALL future Disney projects because they don't want to promote heterosexuality. That's much more disturbing.

Imagine throwing a hundred million dollars away so you can call the right a bigotisophobamatic. That's some high-motivation craziness.

(Joe Momma)
Someone should make a horror movie where black mermaids show up and destroy your fast food franchise.

(The Globertrotter)
Salty: "Why does she have eyes like a hammerhead shark?"

Me: "Oh thank goodness I'm not the only one who thought of that!"

Like seriously are they TRYING to make blacks look weird?? Wouldn't be surprised if Prince Eric took one look at that and ran the hell away.

(Luke Jackson)
I personally love the fact that they aren’t holding back on the wokeness and BS, if they started to backpedal then the normies would continue to give them more and more money, but this is waking up people en mass, keep the woke shit coming!!

(Whitworth 5S)
I was "meh" before when I first saw the race swap because I'm just so burnt out on Hollywood and desensitized.

But seeing the pretty face that could have been the live action Ariel, I suddenly realize black Ariel (Blariel?) looks like Sid from Ice Age.

Mega Magi #crackpot #sexist #racist youtube.com

As a young girl, what I found strange was that my uncles didn’t show much interest in my two brothers and, for the most part, acted as though they didn’t exist; however, as soon as they reached puberty, my uncles started displaying this brotherly love toward them. It was as if my brothers had suddenly become new creatures that my uncles finally recognized as one of their own. Later, I concluded that puberty is when BM mysteriously shift into the predatory/prey relationship toward BW. My uncles were grooming and preparing my brothers to participate in the many ways that BM degrade, abuse, and exploit BW.

The wool has been pulled over most BW’s eyes and they have been manipulated into birthing and raising their greatest enemy; A deadly mistake because an adversary that is raised in your house has the ability to study your strengths & weaknesses and then later turn and destroy you. Basically, BW are birthing and raising each other’s Abusers & Enslavers.

Despite having raised BM in their homes, there is a huge gap in BW’s awareness and understanding concerning who BM are; especially when it comes to their true motives for everything they say, and do towards BW. I recently heard several BM “unicorns” talking within their so called brotherhood circle and one of them stated that a BW who he is in a relationship with thinks there is a partnership, then he said that there can never be a partnership because he views her as a second class citizen. Shortly afterwards, I heard another unicorn say that when society collapses & turn bad that many BM were going to sell their wives and daughters; I ‘m sure his wife thinks her unicorn is going to protect her when SHTF.

BM know that their penis is an instrument of DEATH and their semen is a pollutant that paralyzes & disorients BW’s mind, like snake venom. I also believe BM sperm operate like nano bots that rewrite genetic code and enslave BW’s mind. Their demonic sperm causes BW to be much more likely to attack other BW and also is why it is extremely difficult to save the majority of BW. BM are angry with True Divestors because they are not under their demonic spell, unlike other BW who have been Zombified. Your Enemies will NEVER DO or GIVE you ANYTHING that will benefit you, especially their Penis; the BM Penis is toxic THAT’s WHY ANY BW CAN GET IT!

Vladimir Solovyov, Dmitry Popov and Agnia Krengel #conspiracy #racist jta.org

Russian President Vladimir Putin cracked down on the open antisemitism[…]
As Russia’s war effort in Ukraine founders, openly anti-Jewish rhetoric is entering the country’s mainstream media[…]
The shift in rhetoric about Jews in Russian media began about two months ago, according to Roman Bronfman, a former Israeli lawmaker who has published a book about post-Soviet Jewry[…]
Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has left him isolated on the world stage[…]As Russia’s war machine stalls in Ukraine[…]there are mounting signs that the Putin-era taboos on displays of antisemitism are falling

In July, Vladimir Solovyov, a popular talk show host who has Jewish ancestry himself, listed on air the names of Jews whom he faulted for lacking patriotism[…]
In a Sept. 18 article in Moskovskij Komsomolets, a highbrow Russian daily, a senior and veteran writer named Dmitry Popov compiled a list of well-known Jews whom he called “foreign agents”[…]He added sarcastically that the Jews might one day form a government in “the beautiful Russia of the future” — ostensibly after Putin exits office[…]
More evidence of a shift in tolerance for antisemitic rhetoric came last week as Bernard-Henri Lévy, a prominent French-Jewish journalist[…], visited the war-torn country

The Strategic Culture Foundation, a Russian conservative think tank[…]published[…]
“This 74-year-old French citizen, born in a family of Algerian Jews, smells blood with his nose and, without delay, flies to lap it up — and for good money,” read the article, which was signed by Agnia Krengel

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

So how exactly has diversity made us stronger?

spoilerWhite Women Raped By Black Men:
In 1950 - 538
ln 2010 - 39.745
Diversity Is a Hate Crime Against Whites

@ElfReich Our diversity made the jew stronger.


@ElfReich Diversity = non-White
Non-White as a group are dumb as stumps, So no, doesn't help Americans

@ElfReich Diversity is a cancer in our society. It must be cut out and discarded before it spreads and causes further harm. Diversity has never improved anything, anywhere, ever.

@Imanonymous @ElfReich Slightly disagree. Whites massively improved Africa/Asia/the Americas during the colonial and imperial eras.

@ElfReich "Diversity is our strength" is 100% accurate when you understand who the "our" refers to and why destroying our identity makes them stronger.

@ElfReich deport the feral apes

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #quack #racist #homophobia #transphobia #mammon naturalnews.com

Today’s Situation Update podcast covers the weaponization of weather systems to target human infrastructure. It is over two hours in length and features interviews with Dane Wigington (see below) as well as a first responder on the ground in Central Florida.

As these interviews reveal, exotic weapon systems are being used to achieve global biosphere destruction which encompasses agricultural collapse, fertilizer disruptions and supply chain breakdowns that are designed to achieve mass global famine.

If these attacks on our world are not stopped, they could end in an Extinction Level Event (ELE), warns Wigington.

Each interview is posted here separately, followed by the full Situation Update podcast which includes other analysis.

First interview: Weather weaponization

– Dane Wigington from GeoengineeringWatch.org describes the weaponization of Hurricane Ian
– Modern tech can control the direction and intensity of storms and droughts
– Florida’s phosphate fertilizer industry was in direct path of the hurricane
– Global attacks against the biosphere target crops, fertilizer and food production
– The destruction of the biosphere is aiming to be an Extinction Level Event (ELE)
– Globalists are unleashing ecological destruction that will take CENTURIES to heal
Get the full analysis (2+ hours)
Full Situation Update podcast (which also includes the above two interviews):

– The storm took offline 50% of North America’s phosphate fertilizer production
– Supply chain disruptions mean REBUILDING Florida will take years
– Black mold is about to start growing in all the water-saturated buildings and homes
– Second interview with hurricane first responder who says US Coast Guard has massive stockpile of BODY BAGS
– Actress takes vaccine, sees half her face PARALYZED, and says she would take it again
– San Francisco hands out free monkeypox vaccines to black people (no whites), trans and prostitutes
– US Congress military aid to Ukraine hits $65 billion, but no money for US border wall

Chris Black #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #sexist investmentwatchblog.com

Hitler and Putin are only historically similar in their demands: reunite lands populated by their ethnic kinsmen, who due to unfair historical circumstances brokered by enemy powers, are stranded inside nations that actively persecute and despise them.

Unbelievably, Putin made the same mistake as Hitler, which was not to invade the Soviet Union but rather to underestimate the will of the decadent liberal powers to refuse to give even an inch.

The fork in the road that departs from comparisons with known history is the advent of nuclear weapons.

This is scary stuff, but certainly — and perhaps we are underestimating them again! -makes irrational and inflexible Jewish globalists more likely to accept that other nations have sovereign interests too.

Is NATO willing to risk a nuclear exchange just to keep the Russians of Donbass and Crimea under Zelensky’s rule against their will?

The British, with USA material backing, were willing to escalate to a full blown World War just to prevent the unification of German populated lands with Germany.

I think it is unwise for Putin to be talking about nuclear weapons.

If he thinks he can spook the nihilistic, suicidal, homicidal sodomites and psychotic Jews who govern the West, he is probably mistaken.

The Kremlin is making a huge error to assume that just because all of the NATO nation diplomats they meet are female, nerdy Jews or gay that they will back off after hearing a few barks.
The crazed neoliberal elite and their Jewish handlers who run the West do not fear the possibility of nuclear exchange. They view the war in Ukraine as an existential fight for the existence of the neoliberal world order.

A fight they are as of now decidedly losing, particularly in the areas of global influence and adherence to neoliberal dogma outside the West.

The losing side in a war always acts the least rationally.

Dave Blount #racist #wingnut moonbattery.com

[From "Watch Civilization Collapse in UK"]

Until recently, not only was Britain a civilized country, it defined civilized countries. It earned the vicious hatred of leftists by exporting civilization throughout the world. But moonbattery put an end to that. Through mass immigration, it is putting an end to Britain itself

Watch the wolves close in as the campfire dwindles:

England celebrates the fruits of diversity and multiculturalism. Cops run away like cowards from protesters after allowing them to beat up a man who did the crime of filming Iranian protesters. pic.twitter.com/XnJ8Gtv5BI
September 27, 2022

The nation might still be saved, with the right leadership. The seemingly hopeless Battle of Britain was won thanks to the greatest leader of modern times, Winston Churchill

Unfortunately, Liz Truss is not Winston Churchill:

Truss appears to be an overall improvement on Boris Johnson. But that isn’t enough

The song had it wrong. Unless something radical changes, there won’t always be an England

Martyros #sexist #racist blackpill.club

RE: what counts as "ascension"?

Banging a cute, virgin, aryan jb who is between 15-19 years old, with a looks-rating of at least 8 PSL.

And you fuck her raw with no condom, and creampie her, and she has to be lustfully in love with you, so much that she would rope if you ever broke up with her.

THAT is ascension. Everything else is cope and cucked.


That's exactly right. Over 80% of males are incels because of not being able to get virgin, aryan jb's. It's brutal out there, Sub8 is law.

Wtf??? How am I "diminishing and trivializing" the suffering of incels if the vast majority of men are incels?

Are you implying that if most men suffer inceldom it's not a big deal?

It is a big deal. And I fucking hate cucks who try to make inceldom a smaller issue than what it really is.

Imagine living your whole life completely alone without a cute, jb, aryan gf sucking you off every morning.


And the fact that this is the case for most males just makes it even more suifuel.

And the fact that men have to cope by settling down with non-virgin, non-aryan non-jb foids because of this is simply TERAMEGAGIGASUIFUEL.

It's rather rope than settle with a non-virgin, non-jb, non-aryan foid.


No, the coper here is you thinking that foids who are non-virgin, non-jb and non-aryan count as ascension.

If you wanna cope and "ascend" with subhuman foids that are not virgin, aryan jb's then do it, but you know deep down that it's cope and that nothing compares to being loved by a pure, aryan jb.

I'm the biggest incel ever, don't come here and tell me I'm some fakecel when I have suffered way more from inceldom than you ever will.

I used to fuck escorts and I even had a fwb relationship with a Dutch milf, but I was still incel.

Why? Because I was coping with subhuman foids, none of the them were ascension, not even the milf. She was a used up subhuman foid not being worthy of having as a gf or wifing up, so that's why I only had her as a fwb.

A fakecel like you would never understand my pain.


Genetic Error #racist #sexist incels.is

Do women view black skin on men the same way we view black skin on women?


When i see the black skin on a black womans body, it just repulses me, i get feeling of dirtiness, disgustingness, cringe, genetic vermin, stay away from me

is that how women feel when viewing black skin on men?

i know black skin is masculine thats why its repulsive on her. but its also the fact it literally is repulsive , disgusting to look at

so is that how women feel when viewing black skin on men?

I actually like seeing black women with big butts in porn. I could link you guys if I'm allowed to give you an idea. Black women aren't that bad tbh, it's just that if you are a black woman AND flat for example then you're basically worthless -- same with white women for the most part, but with black women it becomes a lot worse. I also notice black women are more likely to be uglier.

Pure blacks are disgusting with or without ass

They need a bit of white in them to make light skin

Thomas P. Crenshaw #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #racist amazon.com


It DOES NOT matter if you believe in Satan, the devil or Lucifer - the fact is; millions of EVIL people do! Satanic people worship Lucifer. They perform satanic rituals and sacrifice (murdering) children daily.

Luciferians secretly hate God and Humanity. Luciferians come in many colors. The Luciferians who cause the most damage in the world are politicians, leaders, and religious fakes such as the Pope. People who worship Satan or Lucifer hate God's children, all humans, and everything God loves.

Satan's mission is to destroy. They relish chaos, inversion, theft, sexual perversion, misery, starvation, torture, and death. They engage in pedophilia and child sex abuse. Many leaders of countries are part of Lucifer's club and they have millions of "Satan-worshipping" minions to help carry out Lucifer's Goal.
The Khazarian Mafia is often called the “Dark Rulers” of the planet. Yes, they are the Deep State. The Dark Rulers worship Satan. The fake news will not tell you this because most mainstream news people are also Satanists.

The truth is sometimes brutal to find due to the Khazarian-controlled and corporate-owned media. Everyone who listens to the fake news is fed propaganda, lies, and illusions. The fake news puppets are only reading what they are told. Most TV news reporters are trained by the CIA – on how to LIE and be believable. The CIA is Satanic works for the Khazarian Cabal.

The government servants of the most powerful countries have been infiltrated by Satan-worshiping Khazarian gangsters.
It’s getting harder and harder to find the truth because most truthful history books have been destroyed, educators lie to their students, and Google fills people's minds with disinformation and HIDE the facts.
Are Lucifer's satanic puppets winning? If you're one of God's people, then this book will help you to combat the evil we fight daily.

Order today. Do not put it off.

Pedro L. Gonzales #racist twitter.com

(Submitter’s note: this is in response to Lizzo, currently the world’s most famous American flutist, being invited by the Library of Congress to play some historic flutes)

The thing that is obvious but people don’t want to say is that this is about humiliating white people, about desecrating American history and heritage. That’s what you do when you’re a conqueror. Humiliate the conquered.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #sexist #racist #homophobia #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "Total Aryan (Princess) Victory: Meloni Wins"]

As the reader is aware, Anglin hates women even more than he hates the Jews

I would have preferred Matteo Salvini, but he’s had a lot of problems in the last few years

However, Salvini supports Meloni. She has him and other men behind her. And according to what she’s said[…]going to govern Italy like Victor Orban[…]
She’s pissing off women and Jews the world over[…]
Most of Meloni’s views are not very good, but she’s out there saying we have to ban fags and abortion and send the blacks home

All vaginas aside, this is a huge win

The right-wing bloc led by Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy (FI) party is heading for victory in the snap parliamentary election, which took place on Sunday

Single women is all the left has left in a country that doesn’t have foreigners with the right to vote

In America, they have the foreigners, but they’re starting to lose the Mexicans. The core power base of the left is always white women[…]

The rise of right-wingers in Italy is apparently causing concern in Brussels, with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen delivering a veiled threat to them ahead of the vote

Yeah, that threat was crazy as hell

Total hole-on-hole violence

That threat will go down in the history books as a turning point when the EU became openly authoritarian[…]
The fact that Italians voted for the right-wing extremist even under threats of economic destruction[…]proves that Italians are fed up with gay stuff, baby killing, black people, and all of the other bullshit the Jewish left is pushing on every white country[…]
Meloni is not even “far-right” – she gets called that because she supports Mussolini and wants to exit the EU[…]
Countries are going to have to start moving toward Russia and China

Two Anons #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

(US Anon)

Why do Christians promote race-mixing?

"Religion First, Race Second" is the most Jewish thing I ever heard.


Churches voluntarily segregate so idk what your issue is. who cares if a nigger wants to be a christian?

Total bullshit dude. Christians have been promoting equality of the nigger "soul" for the last 200 years. In current year we have advanced genetic knowledge that is far more coherent that trying to argue against race mixing using jewish short stories.

(French Anon)

LOL. 200?? No dumb fuck. Only the past 3-5 decades. you're clearly a teenager and know nothing about Christianity.

Dude... there were papal encyclicals on how evolution is wrong and everyone is equal in bodily development and intellectual functions. Of course no empiricism, just whining about evil non-Christians spreading lies.
Slavery in Europe was practiced for 1500 years right up until Europeans discovered savage races: immediately the church release papal bulls after papal bulls saying we were all equal. I guess the White children from Rus weren't equal all these centuries when the Pope authorized Jews to castrate them and sell them to Muslims to work in mines for the rest of their wretched lives. Where is their justice ?

Michelle Malkin #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

They’re All Open-Borders Hypocrites

All the world’s a stage, especially two heated months before Election Day. So you’ll have to forgive me for not joining the theatrical media frenzy over Martha’s Vineyard being overrun by illegal aliens. It’s just another naked open-borders exhibition by both political parties that makes a miserable mockery of our country’s immigration policies.

Yes, I said both parties.

Sure, Republican governors are exposing the grand hypocrisy of limousine liberals who preach diversity and tolerance while walling off their exclusive colony. Rah-rah, sis-boom, ha-ha-ha. Hilarity abounds.

Of course, mass-migration-pimping Democrats are as guilty of “human trafficking” as their counterparts now acting as travel agents for the Third World cheap-labor pipeline.

But whether it’s DeSantis dumping Venezuelans on Martha’s Vineyard or Abbott shuttling Mexicans to the Big Apple and D.C. swamp or Obama chartering illegal alien flights to military bases across New England, the script is always the same:

One side claims to be tough on borders. The other screams “racism” and “xenophobia.” Then leaders in both parties pocket big donations from the same globalist special interests — Big Agriculture, Big Business and Big Tech — and pretend to join hands on “immigration reform.” All the illegal alien pawns settle in for the long haul — collecting driver’s licenses from Democrat and Republican governors, sanctuary status from both Democrat and Republican mayors, in-state tuition discounts across the country, bountiful health, welfare and legal services, and eventual amnesty, green cards, U.S. citizenship, entitlement benefits and voting rights.

That’s bipartisan America Last stuntsmanship for you. Not so funny anymore, is it?

I can hardly stomach cable news anymore. Two decades ago, when I guest-hosted for Bill O’Reilly and worked as a contributor to Fox News, the illegal alien invasion I reported on was taken seriously. Now, I’m persona non grata in “America’s newsroom,” while two-faced snakes like Florida GOP Sen. Marco Rubio score prime Fox News headlines for bashing the Biden administration’s illegal immigration chaos.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #fundie occidentaldissent.com

[From "Giorgia Meloni Set To Become Italy’s New Prime Minister"]

Giorgia Meloni is about to become Italy’s new prime minister

The Sweden Democrats had a major breakthrough in Sweden two weeks ago

Marine Le Pen came closer than ever to winning in France and Éric Zemmour ran to her Right on opposing the Great Replacement. Over 60% of French voters believe the Great Replacement is happening

Viktor Orbán decisively won reelection in Hungary and gave a speech in which he condemned race mixing. Orbán is now giving speeches at CPAC and is seen as a role model[…]
Meloni ran as a Christian, a conservative and a patriot

As in France, mainstream conservatives are willing to vote for Meloni and Le Pen now. Nationalists have become the dominant force on the Right in France, Italy, Sweden, Hungary and the U.S.[…]
In this country, it is now mainstream on the Right to oppose legal and illegal immigration and support isolationism and trade protectionism. It is mainstream now to be a nationalist and a populist. It is mainstream now to oppose anti-Whiteism and the Great Replacement. It is even mainstream to be a “Christian nationalist” and to loudly defend White people and their interests[…]
I also want to see more “fascism”

Here in Alabama, we have banned abortion and have already passed “anti-trans” laws[…]
If you are angry with federal, state and local Republicans, you should first check to see what they have been doing rather than assuming that state level Republicans are as bad as the national Republican Party

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