
They're out to get you, to cover up the truth, to poison the world, etc

Christain Pundit #fundie #conspiracy christianpundit.wordpress.com

The Very Progressive State Where Child Marriage is LEGAL – and Local ACLU Chapter Claims It Would Be ‘Discriminatory’ to Ban It

I’m a conservative. I periodically see left wing feminists on X (formerly Twitter) bash fringe evangelical or fundamentalist Christian sects for supporting grown men marrying very young teen girls.

I agree that is disgusting, and I don’t deny it happens – I’ve not seen any studies on it, but I don’t think it’s super common. I don’t think most Christians would endorse grown men marrying or dating someone under age 18.

Putting that aside, people on the left – the secular left, and some progressive Christians – have problems with the same topic, where, when they aren’t busy sexualizing children by allowing grown men in thongs to “twerk” in drag make-up in front of children, they are busy turning a blind eye to grown Muslim men “marrying” nine year old girls and so on.

If a grown man rapes a 13 year old and gets her pregnant, he will take her to Planned Parenthood, who will NOT ask how she got pregnant but just give her an abortion – so liberals and progressive have their own acceptance of “child marriage” and child rape – it’s wrong of them to pin this ONLY on some types of Christians or Republicans when people in their own group do the same thing.

Christian Gomez #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie #pratt thenewamerican.com

[From “Make America STATES Again”]

Ominous storm clouds loom over our sovereign states. But unlike most storms that move from west to east due to the jet stream, this one emerges from the east — just over the Potomac River[…]
•The U.S. Department of Education and its use of federal funds to promote disastrous one-size-fits-all indoctrination schemes (e.g., evolution, sex education, No Child Left Behind, Common Core, and critical race theory)[…]
•Required jabs of “emergency authorized” mRNA gene-therapy-based products and “vaccines”[…]
Voters have repeatedly heard calls to “Make America Great Again,” “Make America Wealthy Again,” and “Make America Healthy Again,” but one you might not have heard is “Make America STATES Again”[…]
Madison so strongly believed that the people and state governments would never tolerate federal encroachments on their state’s authority and sovereignty that he predicted all the states would rise up to confront the federal tyrant[…]
State governments no longer have any representation in Congress, and their direct influence in the federal government is therefore neutralized. A full repeal of the 17th Amendment and a return to state legislatures electing their states’ U.S. senators[…]is vital
Upholding the natural right to keep and bear arms, as protected by the Second Amendment, is paramount to making America states again and preventing a federal standing army from becoming tyrannical[…]
An armed citizenry is a bulwark against any standing army. All federal gun and arms-control laws curtailing an individual’s natural right to possess weapons are unconstitutional, because such “laws” violate and interfere with the states’ ability to maintain their militias[…]
This widespread belief stems from a misunderstanding of Article VI and what has long been erroneously called the “Supremacy Clause”[…]
Nullification is deeply rooted in U.S. history — particularly of the American people expressing their collective interest as states

Wayne leigh #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger #wingnut quora.com

I find it infuriating that researchers routinely reject or try to explain away with ridiculous assertions that R1b in Basques were introduced from male Indo-Europeans. If that is so, why do the Basques have the highest level of R1b and why do its surrounding regions such as Spain and Aquitaine have more R1b than those furter away, and inversely less R1a? The only logical explanation is that rhe R1b folks were speaking languages related to Vasconic rather than Indo-European. R1b would have been responsible for the Bell Beaker culture, and its wxpansion. Celtic would have been a hybridization of Vasconic and Indo-European in central Europe, resulting from an IE elite ruling over a mixed population. The hybridization produced a superior culture which took over former Vasconic lands, resulting in a first language shift. There remained many places which still spoke Vasconic even after the Celtic take over. The subsequent Latinization of these lands further eroded the position of Vasconic. The Aquitanian language thus disappeared completely. Yet these former Vasconic/Bell Beaker places exhibit the highest level of R1b, regardless of whether this was a local cultural expansion from Spain or a invasion.

State of the Nation Editor/CeaClearly #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Everyone knows that the entire southeast United States has seen hurricanes practically forever. However, the dramatic uptick in the incidence of Cat 3, 4, and 5 hurricanes is quite unusual and now very obvious to long-time residents of the South.

In point of fact, Hurricane Season was never so fraught with these superstorms as the Deep South has experienced over the past 30 years. That’s because the NWO geoengineers are purposefully making those storms from scratch or hijacking natural tropical storms. Then, these geoterrorists greatly intensify them and aim them right at a pre-selected target.

The last three mega-hurricanes to hit the continental US, which all struck Florida, were each manufactured in this fashion. The latest highly destructive superstorm was Hurricane Helene which was stealthily geoengineered, initially off the coast of the Yucatan where the technology and equipment is located to generate superstorms from their very inception. That technology includes, at the very minimum, a specific mix of chemical geoengineering techniques, Nexrad radar stations, HAARP-level frequency emitters, and power plant-generated water vapor.
The NWO geoterrorists are now methodically producing superstorms during each and every hurricane season, and then targeting specific communities, cities and states in order to impose a new order or rules & regs or set of zoning laws or land grabs on them in the aftermath of the pervasive and profound destruction. Which makes most of these cataclysmic superstorms false flag geoterrorist operations, where Mother Nature is blamed for what is actually a manmade event. In this way, the well-concealed perps enjoy the benefit of plausible deniability.

Well, that’s exactly what the NWO globalist cabal is doing every Hurricane Season throughout the Christian, Conservative and Patriot-oriented southern USA. They use these storm seasons to create a much bigger crisis that they then capitalize on.

Christine Gavin #fundie #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stormypatriotjoe.substack.com

If only the USA would repent of its idolatry of Israel/Palestine & remember who Jesus was referring to when he said he did not come to those who were about to kill him, but to the 10 lost tribes of Israel. Then they would see that the USA is Zion & Israel, the country brought back from war & now a place of ‘unwalled villages’ is the believing remnant as numberless as the stars of heaven. God asks the question ‘are you he’ because as in all rhetorical questions, the answer is no! The Fake Ashkenazi/Khar Zarian Jewish mafia Cabal have been using those scriptures, fulfilling them themselves to justify every atrocity they have ever committed! And USA like King David has so much blood guilt they are disqualified from building the Temple, because they still interpret the scriptures through these liars!

So while it is commendable that you are finally recognising Russia cannot be Gog or Magog, not until you interpret Rev 9 & 20 for yourselves & correctly will you see these same liars have convinced you the return of Christ/God’s avenging Angel—Abaddon/Apollyon is the Anti-Christ, when he is obviously Trump, & like Putin/Russia & Isaiah 18;7 predicts them as saviours of the world. ( Yet Solomon was able to build the temple & as shown on page’264 of ‘Apollyon Rising, where 2 ‘messiahs’ are predicted, Jesus & Apollo, both represented by the number 888, which added together number 1776. The year of the ‘great work’ & also the establishment of the Illuminati. he has done it through your Founding Father’s the faithful Masons who rightly interpreted the scriptures which wolves like Horne have corrupted, inverting the ‘truth in plain sight’ to accommodate & establish the Babylon Whore Church which has fed them all so well for so long.

Robin Main #fundie #magick #conspiracy sapphirethroneministries.wordpress.com

Many Christians believe that they are connecting to the true Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) during Christmas, but historical proof as well as Scriptural evidence reveals a different eternal reality.

First, always remember that Yeshua celebrated Hanukkah, not Christmas. He has shown us the way of life during the winter one-dear-land season; but more than that He has virtually shown us the eternal reality of the One New Man in the Messiah, which in its 100-percent fullness is called the righteous Metatron. This is the no difference – undifferentiated – state of our glorious and holy Messiah.

It’s not a coincidence that Messiah Yeshua in His fullness is called Metatron. Let’s unlock the Metatron Mithra piece first. The demonic control of space-time is literally connected to the False Messiah – Metatron Mithra.<...> Metatron Messiah is the keeper of space-time.
The worship of Metatron Mithra is literally the root of Christmas Day. Mithra was the Persian form of the pagan sun god. The birthday of all sun gods throughout all cultures was celebrated on the ancient winter solstice December 25th before the Roman shift in time. This is a major anchor for tethering God’s people to the illusion of the corrupted reality of space-time.
Which bring us to our topic at hand – being tethered in an unholy way to space-time. The worship of Saturn has been anciently connected to the Black Cube. The Black Cube is the antithesis of the Golden Cube of the New Jerusalem. The Black Cube represents the “god of this world” control of time and space.

Christmas Day and the Christmas Season is a double tether to anchor humanity to the false illusion of space-time, which is a false reality that the “god of this world” offers to those who choose to be under his dominion. It’s time to take the red pill or the blue!

Choose this day the Golden Cube or the Black Cube. Choose this day the True Messiah Metatron Yeshua or the False Messiah Metatron Mithra.

Jimjoebob #wingnut #magick #ufo #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

We all hear it … all the time. Sure.

Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years and we are still being told to trust in a plan we only think we know something about. It’s more like the blind leading the blind as far as I’m concerned.

Think about it. History has been hijacked a long time ago. Anyone who professes to know the true history of this planet I just ignore. We only get bits and pieces of true history. Most people will just swallow information about it if it comes from some religious context or some channeling. Bashar is as close as I’ll come to believing in some of it. But … .

Cloak and dagger is mostly what is found … secret societies, lost and found old texts carved on stone or clay tablets or old skins or cave paintings. I’m not saying everything is a scam, but I’m still not thoroughly convinced of most. Greg Braden is pretty convincing, however. I do trust him out of most. Indigenous peoples around the world with similar stories I will listen to seem valid enough. But true history is elusive in complete context.

Now, as far as trusting a plan from religious contexts is concerned, I’m not buying most of it.
Another thing … just exactly how many times has this planet been right where we are at this juncture? Hmm? Every 26,000 + years we start all over again. Many have said this is the final and 5th time civilizations have come to this point in Earth history. How many other 5th and final times have come and gone through countless 26,000 year cycles? Hmm? I wonder.
I would love to be wrong. But, when I look at the world as it is and where it’s headed and how many billions of people are going to perish by the time it’s over, I’m not really impressed with any plan whether it’s religious prophesy or not or whether it’s an inspired plan conjured up by men and women influenced by higher dimensional beings or even a Creator who seems to be more interested in following His script to the letter, regardless of how many lives are lost.

various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

Biden Admin Pours $1 Million Into Studies Aimed At Denying There Are Only Two Genders

( pennygadget )
There are only two genders/sexes. Intersex is a medical condition and trans is bullshit

There. I will take my $1 million dollar check now

( wildclovr )
I don't care. The house always wins. No matter how much money they want to pour into it, there will still only be two genders.

( Researcher1536 )
Mother Nature, that ol' TERF.

( Women1st )
It’s amazing how anti-science all the trans BS is. They literally have to pump money into colleges to promote propaganda and lies. It wasn’t enough to pump this garbage into elementary, middle, and high schools tying it to federal funds.

Then, WPATH says systematic review of studies isn’t possible. The WPATH, HRC, American Academy of Pediatrics, etc ALL stifle dissenting opinions. This is anti-science as science requires an inquisitive nature and repetition to show effect.

They’re pumping money into absolute lies. They want our kids to think the prescribe groupthink.

We literally have a UN trying eroding laws about statutory rape and child consent.

How did so many trans, pedophiles, and sexual deviants get into positions of power? I think the answer is they’ve always been there, but now they are encouraged to “be themselves” and publicly profess their sexual proclivities.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #homophobia #pratt dailystormer.name

[From “Rat Judge to Force Alex Jones to Sell Infowars to Pay Sandy Hoaxsters”]

America is a stupid, fake country. These faggots tell you they care about “freedom,” but in reality, they just mean “gay sex”[…]
They will claim there is a “virus” and lock you inside your house[…]Jewmericans do not allow freedom of speech or freedom of thought

They will call their ass-pals in France to arrest people who provide free speech platforms. If you run a journalistic endeavor that they dislike, they will just sue you[…]
Alex Jones did not actually lose any of these lawsuits. If they would have went to trial, the court would have found that the families were actors and no kids died, so the courts just gave him a series of “default judgements.” This means the judge just arbitrarily decided he was guilty without any due process

America is a hoax and a scam, just like Sandy Hook


Alex Jones ‘ Infowars media platform and its assets will be sold off[…]

Alex Jones did nothing but say these people were lying. Then the government came in and said “you have to give these random people your entire life’s work because it is illegal to say they lied”

Jones was a target because he supports traditional American ideas, and in America, supporting traditional ideas makes you a “dissident,” because the government is run by Jews who hate America[…]
Even if it was real, that would mean nothing. This is a massive media event which was used to attempt to shift the public perception of gun control. It was framed as a monumental turning point
You literally cannot question anything in this fake country. If you want to do like Matt Walsh, and say “actually, Martin Luther King was right, we shouldn’t have any races,” you have to go work for a Jew who can oversee your work and make sure it’s all kosher. But that’s as far as you can go

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #pratt #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

All the dinosaur bones in museums are fake
And made in China

With the exceptions of large lizards and stegosauruses
Dinosaurs should be relegated to the realm of fantasy

When we believe a meteorite killed off non existent creatures
As part of an evolutionary paradigm
We are not in touch with reality

The story goes that after the impact in the Yucatan
Sediment was lifted in the air for 20 years
Blocking off the sunlight and killing all plants

Which killed all the plant eating dinosaurs
Which in turn removed the food source for carnivorous dinosaurs
But somehow left mammoths and mastodons

And also somehow no meteoritic shards
Can be found at the impact site

If meteorites are real and the earth is a ball and direction is just relative
Why do we not see them going up and down and all around

A flying rock no matter how fast it is going does not catch on fire
Glowing streaks seen in the sky would have to be plasma
And is probably not a natural occurrence

In the past when the atmosphere was more highly charged
Mega lightning would strike the ground
A traverse outbranching would form canyons and trenches which rivers now navigate on

At other times depending on the charge
The lightning would remain vertical
Forming arrowheads tektites and veins of precious stones

The Salish of the Pacific Northwest
Believe that the Thunderbird is a red plumaged creature
That shoots arrows from its wings

The flapping of them makes thunder
While the twinkling of his eyes is lightning

This symbolic account of what was
Is obviously no longer happening
Our world today is a much different place

Behind the distortions and inversions put upon our consciousness
Are secret societies and Satanic cults
Whose job it is to enforce false beliefs and fraudulent deceptions

Our world is a band of frequencies
Their intention is to keep us in a limited energy field
Through our own restricted thoughts

When the populace accepts the narrative given them
They put themselves in a low vibration
And are easily controlled!

Michael Hoffman #crackpot #magick #wingnut #conspiracy amazon.com

Twenty years after the publication in 2001 of his decoding text Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, Michael Hoffman's much anticipated sequel appears in the 2021 Gateway: Twilight Language, a book of radical disenchantment and Revelation of the Method, in an era of nearly universal occult initiation.
Trekking America’s 'Psychic Highway' on the 42nd degree of north parallel latitude, then southwest to Aurora and Moab, east to “Little Egypt” and onward to the Pharaonic Thanatos meme, the Black Jack gambit, King-Kill/33(58), the Willard Factor, quantum physics, occult murders, the Rosicrucian Ludibrium, 007, and Pike, Parkland and Paddock, Hoffman confronts the reader with the magnum opus of the Cryptocracy: the reign of dead matter programmed through public rituals, civic magic, human sacrifice and the Twilight Language which, for the first time since antiquity, audaciously addresses the waking Group Mind, conveying a compelling projection of a supposedly inevitable future.

“This writing is not a 'wakeup call.' At this stage in history the majority of the people of the West are too heavily programmed to cast off the arcana of Command. This text is intended as both an elucidation of The Process and a peregrination on the path upon which the masses have―of their own volition―embarked, in this terminal phase of a human alchemy operant for millennia, but which only in our time has obtained its ideal subjects.―Michael Hoffman

Contents: Prologue―A Black Jack Progression: 2(00)1―(20)21 Twilight Language: An Interview. The Psychic Highway. The Willard Factor. Anubis: Overlord of the Cosmic Graveyard. “Little Egypt” in America. The Moab Monolith. King-Kill/33 Fifty-Eight Years Later. 9/11 Terror as Alchemical Ritual. The “Literary Game” of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood. The Tarot Card Killer. Virginia Tech Terror 33. Necromancy in Parkland. End-Time Burnout. The Joker. El Paso Cielo. Satanic Pederast Rings in Legend and Reality. Route 91 Harvest Massacre. The Pharmakos.

CodezVII #wingnut #ufo #magick #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

IT IS /////// COMING ///////
JUST /// TRUST // LET GO ///
AND BE /////// READY ///////


/////// EXPECTED ///////


NOTHING /// CAN /// STOP ///
BY /// SOURCE /// CREATOR ///////

AT TIMES /// TO DO SO ////

/////// I AM /////// SANANDA ///////
WITHIN THE /////// PLANET ///////
/////////////////// >>>>>>> ///////////////
/////////////////// >>>>>>> ///////////////

/////// CodezVII ///////

soulbiscit #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy soulbiscit.substack.com

When in the Public, you have to be prepared to act as they expect. To me that means identify yourself if required. In most cases it is not required, and you cannot be made to, but you could then end up in jail for 72 hours until they identify you. They tried that on a Native woman here and jailed her as a “Jane Doe”, and while she was in jail they went through her stuff and found a drivers license and took it to her and said: Is this you? She said “Are you nuts do I look like a piece of plastic to you”? They finally let her go because she would not identify with the strawperson identity.

On another occasion she was jailed for digging clams; when she went to court she took a basket with a straw figure in it with the drivers license, registration and other papers and said: “I am here fot that matter and I have SHARON with me. Sharon is property of the state, and I have her here to turn over to you”- again they let her go. So it all comes down to Status and Who you are; knowing who you are, and if needed, defending who you are. Some can do that, others cannot. Also you have to be willing to go through the process while sticking to your guns, that almost always includes a brief stay in jail. Just the embarassment of being arrested is enough to deter most. Are you like most, or not?

You need your strawman to operate in commerce. Your strawman has a license to operate in commerce(i.e. drivers license, marraige license, handgun license, etc.) A license is as good as you want it to be, by your permission. When there is a fine or misuse of your license, you need to them switch the strawman to the living soul with the right to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Operating without a license in commerce is a commercial crime. We need to learn how to become the administrator or agent for the strawman and conduct his/her commercial affairs without getting personally involved.

Bruce Goldwell #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

Embark on a journey into the future of finance with "Unveiling the Future of Finance," a captivating exploration of two revolutionary initiatives: NESARA/GESARA and the Quantum Financial System (QFS).

First, discover the transformative potential of NESARA (National Economic Security and Recovery Act) and GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act). These ambitious proposals envision comprehensive reforms to the global financial system, aimed at promoting economic security, prosperity, and equality for all. Delve into the principles behind NESARA/GESARA and explore how these initiatives seek to address pressing economic challenges, such as debt forgiveness, financial transparency, and wealth redistribution. Through in-depth analysis and expert insights, gain a deeper understanding of the implications of NESARA/GESARA for individuals, communities, and nations around the world.

Next, journey into the cutting-edge realm of the Quantum Financial System (QFS), a paradigm-shifting approach to finance powered by quantum computing and blockchain technology. Explore how the QFS is poised to revolutionize the way we transact, invest, and store value, offering unparalleled security, speed, and efficiency in financial transactions. Learn about the principles of quantum computing and blockchain technology that underpin the QFS, and discover how this innovative system promises to usher in a new era of trust, transparency, and prosperity in the global economy.

Through insightful analysis, expert commentary, and visionary speculation, "Unveiling the Future of Finance" offers a comprehensive exploration of the potential of NESARA/GESARA and the Quantum Financial System to reshape the financial landscape in the 21st century and beyond. Whether you're a seasoned investor, a curious observer, or simply intrigued by the possibilities of financial innovation, this book provides a roadmap to understanding and navigating the transformative changes on the horizon.

Sherry T/Mr. Pool #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

ONLY 7 MORE DAYS <posted on Sept. 23rd>– Q — until the Big Event. Humans are not alone and not in control – including the White Hats and Trump!!! Wakey-Wakey!!! Q is a Pleiadian Elder over the Galactic Federation of millions of archangels protecting us from above.

The Galactic Federation of benevolent ETs are a MILLION TIMES MORE ADVANCED than human beings. Humans lack the technologies and abilities to defeat the demonic entities under and over the Earth. The Pleiadian race, Arcturians and others have SAVED THE HUMAN RACE FROM EXTINCTION.


Mr. Pool

TRUST THE PLAN “We Are In The Ultimate Battle Between Good And Evil. Now Is The Time To Pray.” …Q (Pleiadian)

On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 Martial Law Implemented Across The Globe During Mass Arrests of Criminal Global and Political Elites

US Inc. Government Permanently Closes Including Congress, Federal Employees and State Governments All Banks Not Basel III Compliant Close.

Federal Reserve Permanently Closes.

IRS Transfers To New US Treasury.

SALES TAXES: Only collecting sales tax on non-food, non-medication purchases.

New United States of America Fiscal Year Begins.

Global Currency Reset Liquidity Begins Be Prepared.

Francis M #racist #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Please, please give me a break with JF Kennedy and Lincoln in particular and with America more generally.

America NEVER was conquered or taken over by Jews who might have betrayed her destiny.

America was founded, like USSR would be later in history, as a rootless artificial state draped in ideology (like the pretence to usher in new virtues or principles of liberty, equality... : this is blasphemy, it is not given to mere mortals to incarnate cardinal or theology virtues in the political realm) to be used in the purpose of destroying Christian civilization by replacing it with pure utilitarianism, and both the money and the brains at the very start of the enterprise were Jewish. Jewish authority over Christians so as to enslave and gradually end with the latter manifested through free Masonry as for the higher elite, and through rabid anti-Catholic pro-Jewish Calvinist fundamentalism as for the lower ranks of the middle class. America's soul was sick and pervert right from the start.

Right from Day One, America was Satanic and Jewish, like USSR later. Actually, USSR would have not existed without America, without America's Jewry, and without America's interest to prevent Russia by all means to supersede her as the main grain-exporting power it threatened to become.

America was not freer from Jewish intrusion at some earlier and happier time of her history. It just still was favoured and cajoled as their best and dumbest client by Jewish lenders, the only thing new is that now the time has come to pay back more and more interests for all the previous prosperity that was borrowed, not earned.

There was NO good American president at any point in her history, they have all been selected to play roles that were foreseen right from the beginning.

Ann Barnhardt #conspiracy #homophobia barnhardt.biz

[From “Black comedian Katt Williams tried to warn about Sean “P Diddy” Combs running a black, gay Epstein extortion operation TWENTY years ago.”]

Remember, whistle blowers in intrinsically evil institutions and paradigms are never going to be morally pristine themselves. This is where prudence, discernment and the ability to judge soundly comes in

And yes, rap/hip-hop has been sodomitical since the very beginning. Yet another reason the rap/hip-hop culture must be exterminated. It cannot be reformed or rehabilitated or improved. All sodomitical cultural practices and traditions must be purged, preferably from within by the victims themselves

Sodomy is civilizational cancer. Death to sodomy, always and everywhere


Dusty Deevers #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #forced-birth rightwingwatch.org

Oklahoma state Sen. Dusty Deevers is a far-right pastor and unabashed Christian nationalist who wants to abolish abortion, ban no-fault divorce, outlaw pornography, and literally see this nation taken back to the 1600s.

Earlier this month, Deevers joined fellow Christian nationalist and former Trump administration official William Wolfe on the latter’s Center for Baptist Leadership podcast to discuss the presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump.

During the discussion, Deevers asserted that Harris would never support any restrictions or limitations on reproductive choice because those who vote for her are “wicked, murderous people” who are “demon possessed.”

“They have rabid, wicked, murderous people who are voting for them and who are the loudest supporters that if they claimed even 30 weeks, 24 weeks, 15 weeks, they are going to be vicious against them and the demons are going to come out,” Deevers said. “I’m not saying that those people are demons; I’m saying that a lot of them are demon possessed.”

“The demons who want their child sacrifice, who want this land being covered in blood … that’s what the demons want,” Deevers declared. “Now, whether they theologically understand that, the demons know it that are advising them,” Deevers declared.

In 2023, Deevers and Wolfe were among the contributors to a document called “The Statement on Christian Nationalism and the Gospel,” which declared that the United States must formally “acknowledge the Lordship of Christ” in all its laws, “abolish abortion,” outlaw marriage equality, and “recapture our national sovereignty from godless, global entities who present a grave threat to civilization.” Wolfe is also a colleague of Project 2025 co-author Russ Vought, whose Center for Renewing America hopes to infuse Christian nationalism throughout a second Trump administration.

Medeea Greere #quack #conspiracy amg-news.com

It’s time we talk about a household product that’s probably sitting in your garage right now—a miracle cure disguised as a cleaning agent. We’re talking about borax, and trust me, it’s much more than a cockroach killer. It’s a health revolution waiting to happen.

In the 1960s, Dr. Rex Newnham, a soil scientist from Australia, stumbled upon a remarkable discovery. Suffering from arthritis and desperate for relief, he didn’t turn to Big Pharma. Instead, he turned to nature.
Despite being ignored by the medical establishment, word started to spread. People suffering from arthritis began to hear about borax. Those brave enough to try it were stunned by the results. Arthritis, joint pain, and inflammation were no longer part of their lives. They had found relief in a humble cleaning product.

But fear is a powerful tool, and Big Pharma used it to their advantage.

Well, here’s the truth. The dose makes the poison. Borax, when taken in the right amounts, is not only safe—it’s a powerful cure.

Dr. Newnham eventually found a way to make borax tablets with a safe and effective dosage, but the world wasn’t ready. Borax wasn’t just a cure for arthritis. It has the potential to treat a variety of conditions that plague millions of people every day.
One of the lesser-known benefits of borax is its effect on hormone balance. In both men and women, borax has been shown to help regulate hormones, improving everything from energy levels to sex drive.

In women, borax can help balance estrogen levels, which is crucial for everything from menstrual health to bone density. For men, borax can boost testosterone levels, which has a direct impact on muscle mass, libido, and overall energy.
By now, you’re probably wondering how to get started with borax. After all, it’s not every day you take something labeled as a cleaning product. Here’s a simple guideline to follow:

Start by dissolving ⅛ teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water.

Sip this solution throughout the day.

robTHEassyrian #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy robtheassyrian.substack.com

Did you ever wonder what the Bible meant when it said firmament? Of course they meant the limitless sky and countless stars, right? How did they get there? God put them there and they give energy to the universe.
Maybe there’s a source of energy in the earth from below ground and can be tapped in this way. What else is below ground - the demons God put there in the days of old. What if this energy is really the anger and frustration of those trapped demons? Is it limitless - maybe so.
You see, the Annunaki are nomadic evil doers disrupting the peace of the universe, sanctioned by God to create the new experiences He desires. Imagine knowing all, so He craves new experiences. Which is why we were created in His image. Letting the Annunaki float around the universe creating trouble and disrupting things makes things happen, possibly that which hasn’t happened before. Which is why humans are sacred beings, we are metal, the Annunaki are the forge.
The Annunaki figured out a long time ago that energy resides in material objects, the bigger the better. And since earth contained stuff they needed - gold, humans for experimentation and food, stones for making energy rods - they ended up here. To tap the unlimited energy source they built four sided structures, the pyramids of Egypt being an example. Processing that energy is yet to be discovered but when it is, humankind will have a choice: do we become Annunaki and fly around the universe as parasites and abandon our humanity or just use the Annunaki experience to learn what evil is so as to avoid it.

I believe some humans will become Annunaki - some already are, as those senior members of the WEF are, but most humans appreciate humanity and will remain humans but with the foreknowledge of approaching Annunaki so as to eliminate or expel them from humanity’s future. Energy is more than power, it’s ethereal.

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy kerrycassidy.substack.com

At root this is an alien run thing...

Call it a satanic reptilian recruitment project.

As I have said many times courtesy of Captain Mark Richards… CERN has opened a wormhole to the DRACO galaxy where large Rep ships come in go to war zone and pick up scores of human refugees from war zones and take them off planet and sell for food, sex, slaves whatever to other buyers off planet.

Back in the days of Eisenhower our military did not have the tech to stand up to these aliens. They joined them in order to learn their technology. Well the time has now come. Our tech now equals theirs and they are ready to turn the tables. The trouble is that some of our military has fallen in love with the Reptilian agenda and can’t break away. War is coming a real war of worlds with the negative aliens and humans will have to choose sides. The military, the adrenochrome junkies and the vampires will have to take sides. It won’t be pretty….
From my pov it would appear that surface Earth is actually being run as a silo of the Secret Space Program made up of military with above top secret classifications and unelected officials who run the program.

Behind the walls of secrecy a great deal can be hidden. While humans on surface Earth get themselves into a state over the upcoming election the reality is the secret gov/secret space program operates with impunity and complete disregard of the chaos being orchestrated above ground.

This is not some side issue. This has everything to do with why the white hat military may be limited in what it can do or say regardless of “the plan”. Witnesses have shared with me that those that run surface Earth are actually controlled by this secret gov/secret space program. Why don’t they use blockchain for the vote? Because they want chaos.

Pay attention because these are the limitations faced by the incoming Trump administration. Wouldn’t you like to know who is really in charge?

Clif High #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger substack.com

War, is an overlay, a constraint, laid on a primary aspect of this Matterium, that is, “contention”.

Contention is the nature of Life itself, at least in this Matterium.

All of this Matterium is the duality of opposites. At its core, all duality is merely expressing ‘contention’.

War is a racket, a constraint, organized, and owned by banks. The banksters know this. Professional military know this. A few scholars know this. Most of the people in the Woo know this. The normies don’t have a fucking clue.
The banksters are desperate for war, at this time, due to ALL the reasons so evident to all of us guys. And there is one more, not quite so obvious reason for their desperation.

Yep. You guessed it. Space aliens.

A lot of people will tell you that the deep state/banksters are trying to get us into war, and will use a fake alien invasion in order to generate a global ‘human coalition’ to take them on, thus, in essence, converting all nations into totalitarian military run states that the banksters can rule more easily.

My opinion differs. Would the banksters actually be better off with a global totalitarian state mechanism? Arguably, not. They would not make anywhere as much money under that form versus our current structure. And their criminal activities are so much easier to disguise under the apparent chaos of our ‘free market’ system. Nope. And there are other reasons to suggest that military dictatorship resulting from an engineered fake alien invasion would not serve their purposes at all.

So….War? Huh? What is it good for? Well, mobilizing the population to present a ‘united’ face toward the Alien Presence. Yeah, from their viewpoint, it works.

Our human problem is that the [Deep State/Banksters] are stupid fuckers. They only understand Contention in the conceptional framework of War.

When the War people fail with the actual aliens, seek out those who do understand Contention, Universe, and the Matterium. These are the scholars of the Art of Peace.

Michael Voris #conspiracy #fundie #psycho youtube.com

(Taken from a Youtube video transcript, hence the lack of punctuation. Also shortened.)

When people think of Hell fire is the first image that generally comes to mind indeed it should be the first because that's what our Lord presented to us of all the pains on earth that a man can undergo nothing is worse than burning so our Lord is telling us that the pains of hell are to be compared with the greatest pain you can experience on Earth but there is an even more sobering reality about Hell and that is the capacity for pain actually increases in the next life and to to be fair so does our capacity for joy for those who are saved this is owing to the fact that in our current temporal reality being confined to time and space there are limits on us extreme pain would cause us to pass out or die but in the next life there are no limits the soul is catapulted into the realm where the limits of the temporal world no longer hold any power earthly existence with all its inherent limitations will have come to an end you will never sleep again for example after you die because the soul doesn't need sleep and when our bodies are reunited to our souls after the Last Judgement they also will not need rest or sleep the manner the very manner of how we will exist will be something completely foreign to our time here in temporal reality we will be in the realm of the everlasting the immortal and for the Damned it will be hell literally so the pains of Hell the actual fires of hell have no comparable reality to the fire
here on earth they will be flames which do not give off light they will burn in through and around the Damned but they
will not consume them.

various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

( Torreflor )
Before this madness, didn’t women used to talk to each other about health and safety?
How much of this gender madness is just a plot to prevent women from talking to each other about birth control, dating men, safety, while dating men, herbal ways of dealing with periods and pregnancy and childbirth. I’ve heard of folk magic and folk healing from my Appalachian ancestors and my African ancestors.women would give each other tips like drinking okra water before childbirth so that you don’t have tearing or straining. How much of that knowledge and wisdom will be lost if we literally cannot speak to each other privately?

( pennygadget )
I honestly think this is part of the reason men are spreading this trans dogma. If we cannot gather without male supervision, we cannot compare notes. We cannot have "whisper networks". We cannot share information and organize politically. We cannot share tips for protecting ourselves. And we cannot speak out against false information like "anyone can get pregnant"

This is being done on purpose

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Men have got nothing to lose from Trans ideology. They all know who the women are, and who are just cosplaying.

( samsdat )
I agree that there is an element of purpose in all of this. The whole thing might have started as a fetish in a few people’s perverted brains, but someone is taking advantage of it.

( freeradicalwoman )
Women have always had their women only gatherings disrupted my men's agendas. There are some oasis of female community but should women start "getting ideas" men would put a stop to it. The trans madness is just the latest version of disrupt and disorient all female communities and keep us isolated and not talking to each other.

New Communist Party of Italy #moonbat #conspiracy #racist israelhayom.com

The New Communist Party of Italy has published a list of more than 150 Italian Jews, including well-known figures in politics, media, and business, labeling them as "Zionist agents" to be "condemned and fought" for supporting Israel, reports Jewish News Syndicate

Titled "Zionist Organizations and Agents in Italy," the list categorizes individuals and companies across various sectors, including finance, industry, technology, and military. It names prominent figures such as Senator Ester Mieli, former Italian Ambassador to Israel Luigi Mattiolo, and journalists Maurizio Molinari and Emanuela Dviri

Although the New Communist Party is considered a marginal political force, the publication of this list has garnered widespread attention and condemnation from across the Italian political spectrum

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #conspiracy paulcraigroberts.org

The West disingenuously called Putin’s “limited military operation” confined to Donbas an “invasion of Ukraine.” It was no such thing. The fact that it was not an invasion and conquest of Ukraine was Putin’s mistake.

It is the limited nature of Putin’s intervention that is the cause of the possible explosion of the conflict into a nuclear war.

Putin, being a mid-20th century American liberal, had trusted diplomatic relations and good will between nations and did not understand that the West was at war with Russia. He and his Foreign Minister kept stressing their “American partners” and belief in negotiations, while the West organized its attacks on Russia.

These attacks now include attacks deep into Russia far removed from the battle front. Russia has suffered many attacks from low-flying drones that evade air defense systems. As I write, Nato Secretary Stoltenberg and the UK prime minister are urging the Biden regime to give approval to US/NATO firing long range missiles into Russia. Putin has said that this is the final red line that will force him to acknowledge that Russia is at war with the West.
We are faced with Putin’s mettle. Is he a warrior or an out-of-date American liberal?

I agree that this question is unfair. Putin is the only statesman the world has at this crucial time when the world’s continued existence is in question. Putin has accepted insult after insult, provocation on top of provocation in order to avoid a war that means death for humanity.

No one gives Putin credit for this.

Biden, a nonentity, insults him. Zelensky, a nonentity, vows to defeat him.

We can see Satan’s hold on the West when the only leader determined to preserve human existence is demonized.

Despite his honorable characteristics, Putin is failing because he cannot recognize the extreme evil that confronts him and the country he represents.

Jelaila Starr/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #conspiracy exopolitics.org

According to the galactic history revealed by a feline extraterrestrial called Devon, Jelaila Starr says that Earth is the third in a series of “grand experiments.” These grand experiments are attempts by human civilizations to learn about empathy, accepting diversity, and respecting their biosphere.
The first Grand Experiment occurred in the Lyra star system and began when Reptilian species showed up and began sharing advanced technologies with planetary leaders who made up the Royal House of Avyon. Starr claims the Avyon leaders did not disclose the truth about the Reptilian visitors and advanced technologies to the planetary population, and this led to growing civil strife over an extended period of time and eventually nuclear war.

Starr says that Reptilians created sophisticated AI life forms that were self-replicating and eventually rebelled against their creators. Starr refers to the alliance reached between AI lifeforms the Android Andromedan Alliance. Eventually, this AI alliance showed up in the Pleiades system and were human-looking, and began interacting with the second grand experiment. The Android Andromedan Alliance began working with the House of Avyon who were interested in the former’s advanced technology. Eventually, the truth was disclosed about the AI life forms and the agreements in an uncontrolled catastrophic way, and this led to another round of civil strife and nuclear wars that destroyed the second grand experiment.

Starr claims that Earth is the third grand experiment and many starseeds are survivors of the first two grand experiments that have reincarnated on Earth. She emphasizes that full disclosure needs to happen in a way that is neither too slow nor too fast, as both extremes have the capacity to destabilize and destroy a civilization. She describes “white hat” planetary leaders being aware of the Scylla and Charybdis of Full Disclosure and are steering the disclosure process forward behind the scenes in a balanced manner.

Political Moonshine #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger politicalmoonshine.substack.com

It’s been binary for some time, now. Anyone thinking that we haven’t entered the KILL or BE KILLED phase of operations is misinformed and living in a false reality created by the Intelligence Community’s perception management operations more commonly known as “psyops.”
In order to capture extra-constitutional authority, the context triggering that authority must be constructed and here we are full circle, because that is what the Hegelian Dialectic achieves.

Most people more commonly know the Hegelian Dialectic as “false flag operations” and the most egregious contemporary examples include 9/11, the COVID-19 “pandemic,” the stolen 2020 election and the Capitol “insurrection” entrapment operation.

As Moonshine contributor @MoonShanghai regularly examines, the Hegelian Dialectic is the mechanism to poison the collective mind in driving it toward desired political ends and the propaganda machinery disseminates the driving narrative.

The cultural Marxism spewing from this machinery is extremely effective in sowing and maintaining the societal division that is required to effectuate authoritarianism and tyranny in America; and where that is accomplished by the misapplied, fraudulent and sinister misnomers of saving the “Constitution” and “democracy.”
Now look around you.

“Binary” as used in the introduction means that people are one of these things: 1-trapped inside the Hegelian Dialectic sphere of propaganda and unable to see anything from the inside-out [these are the slaves, functional idiots and the unfortunate] or 2-on the outside looking in at the sphere of propaganda to see it for what it is.
Four of the five scenarios require the theft of the 2024 election and in the fifth one, actual voter turn-out precludes stealing the election, which requires the IC to shift into contingency operations and those will equate to hell on earth if left unchecked and unmitigated.

Wayne Leigh #conspiracy #racist #wingnut quora.com

Most answers assume that R1b and IE are the same. The assumption probably stems from the unthinkable, horrifying alternative that R1b folks could have adopted the IE language from the inferior, R1a Slavic people. R1b and IE⁸ are of course not the same. It predates IE by millennia. It is found in Tarim basin (the ancient mummies did not speak Tocharian. Tocharians were R1a), Africa, and in Europe itself as early as 14000 years ago. The fact that the highest concentration of R1b is to be found in Aquitaine, Navarra and the northern Spanish coast speaks volumes. It is absolutely illogical to speak of dna replacement by violence or otherwise when the more “Indo-European” regions in fact have lower concentrations of R1b but higher levels of R1a. The data speaks for itself. The concentration of R1b coincides with the expansion of the Bell Beaker culture. These R1b people spoke Vasconic, Etruscan and other ancient languages. These R1b folks would have come, not from the Steppe, but from the Caucasus and Anatolia, via the Balkans and the sea, as neolithic farmers. They displaced earlier hunter-gathers. The innovations of the Bell Beaker enabled them to expand to all of Western Europe. But their expansion pitted them against the R1a IE folks pushing westwards as evidenced by the Corded Ware and other IE groups

JE Aggas #crackpot #magick #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy decodingsatan.blogspot.com

You have to look at the gematria of the things they do. For instance the reason Roe v Wade was passed on 1/22/73 was because of the gematria
"abortion" = 122 (Reverse Ordinal)
1973 = 73
"child sacrifice" = 73 (Full Reduction)
"sacrifice" = 73 (English Ordinal)
"children" = 73 (English Ordinal)
The abortion till birth bill passes in 2019 the year of covid 19 to force a vaccine
"Temple of Bel" = 666 (English Sumerian)
"Mark of Beast" = 666 (English Sumerian)
"vaccination" = 666 (English Sumerian)

1+22+7+3=33 (abortion legalized)
1+22+1+9=33 (infanticide legalized)
"woman" = 66 (English Ordinal)
"homicide" = 66 (English Ordinal)
"family" = 66 (English Ordinal)
"mankind" = 66 (English Ordinal)

There are are 23 chromosomes
"woman" = 23 (Chaldean)
"male" = 23 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"life" = 23 (Full Reduction)
"murder" = 23 (Chaldean)

In humans, each cell normally contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46. ...
"sacrifice" = 46 (Full Reduction)
"children" = 46 (Full Reduction)

122 is the sexual sin number. That's why San Francisco was picked to be Sodom. It's sits on the 122nd meridian
"San Francisco" = 122 (Ordinal)
"Sodom and Gomorrah" = 180 (English Ordinal)
"golden gate" = 180 (Reverse Ordinal)
"august eleventh" = 180 (English Ordinal) (SF Mayors birthday)
Sodom and Gomorrah
"סדום ועמורה" = 50 (Hebrew Reduction)
Date Golden gate bridge opened
"י״ז בְּסִיוָן תרצ״ז" = 50 (Hebrew Reduction)
"San Francisco" = 50 (Full Reduction)

10/22=1022 = 122
Closet Homosexual in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1022
Androgyny in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1022
All these go together....
"Temple of Bel" = 666 (English Sumerian)
"Mark of Beast" = 666 (English Sumerian)
"vaccination" = 666 (English Sumerian)
Other cities on the 122 meridian are Portland and Seattle
Both big sin cities....

They are using the number 122 as a sexual sin number.

Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

"They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats. They're eating the pets of the people that live there."

Are fat, dumb Americans finally waking up? At least some of them?

Hundreds of reports of Haitians in Ohio killing and eating cats, dogs, ducks, geese, and family pets appears to have galvanized many Americans. The average American has no interest in, nor any ability to understand, the details of fiat currency, Continuity of Government, military occupancy, fake school shootings, World War II truth, 9/11 truth, fake vaccines designed to murder millions of people, or a whole host of other issues.

But they do care about their pets. That's why this story has riled up millions of people and why the Fake News media is in full meltdown mode trying to suppress it. Despite their best efforts, have you noticed how the story isn't going away? It's sweeping the nation, and rightly so.
The common denominator between these awakenings is intrinsically evil people murdering innocent lives, either human or animal. For whatever reason, the average American refuses to listen to facts, evidence, or anything that runs counter to what they've been brainwashed to believe until innocent lives are killed. The one loss-of-life issue that doesn't wake people up is abortion. Men don't care, and women remain fanatically devoted to their "right" to murder their own children.
Granted, this latest mass awakening has sent some people over the deep end. When a person has undergone extensive programming their entire life suddenly realizes that everything they've been brainwashed to believe is a lie, it can cause serious cognitive dissonance. In some cases, it can cause people to double or triple down on denying reality.
Look at White Dudes for Harris. What kind of a faggot would call themselves a White dude for Harris? You would have to be the most guilt-ridden and self-hating person in the world. There are some people who are so far gone, they are never coming back to reality.

Kabamur Taygeta #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

“The meek shall inherit the (5D) Earth”

According to Yeshua, he won’t return to reign as a king on this Earth but return with “angels” riding on “clouds” to take us to a “new Earth” that’s been prepared for us, where we’ll be changed in the “twinkling of an eye” and “do greater miracles”.

Sound familiar? This is exactly what Pleiadians say will happen to us at the Shift.

Yeshua taught morality, self-empowerment and ascension, not magic blood rituals to angry gods. If you want to follow him, know what he taught.

Humans didn’t suddenly forget how to build similar megastructures worldwide, there was no global civilization, and advanced technology wasn’t stolen.

The unexplainable wonders of the ancient world are clues left by Galactic Federation to prompt deeper questions for awakening.

“WE are here for a reason”

Everything Q said was about Galactic Federation (angels of light) awakening us at the “PRECIPICE” (tribulation) before we evolve (ascension).

Humans now must find the will to change.

Keanu’s character in “The Day The Earth Stood Still” represents Q.

Jim #wingnut #conspiracy blog.reaction.la

[From “War internal and/or external, and/or democide internal”]

For a very long time I have been predicting war internal and/or external, and/or democide internal for around 2025. Twelve years ago I updated this prediction to sometime around 2026[…]
There are two related factors underlying this prediction. The one that I re-iterate the most is that since 1800 or so, anglosphere leftism has been getting ever lefter ever faster[…]
Republic depends on an elite sufficiently virtuous for honest elections. Right now election rigging is so extensive in the west that a peaceful transfer of power is impossible[…]
The Roman Republic leading to Sulla was leftism getting every lefter, the Roman Republic leading to Caesar Augustus was election rigging. Today we have both simultaneously[…]
The Butler PA sniper was an obvious FBI asset acting on behalf of the FBI[…]
Trump cannot win, no one can win, unless he kills a whole lot of people, and, after killing a whole lot of people, establishes a new mechanism for peaceful transfer of power. But hard to establish a mechanism for peaceful transfer of power if you lack a virtuous elite[…]
As each applecart gets taken down, people become excited for new applecarts[…]Before World War One, the big exciting applecart was Empire[…]so nationalism was leftist, and leftists were generally nationalists. After World War II, nationalism was generally rightist[…]
The only cure is that the proprietors of apple carts subscribe to state religion that takes a firm hand with heretics and apostates

Leftism is the priestly equivalent of mobile banditry. A leftist priesthood is to a priesthood what a robber baron is to a baron[…]
Twenty first century western leftism comes out of Harvard. Before the War of Northern Aggression, each of the American states had its own state religion, and the Vatican of New England was Harvard. After the War of Northern Aggression, the United States had one state religion, and its Vatican is still Harvard

Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the Machine) #crackpot #wingnut #transphobia #ufo #racist #conspiracy indianinthemachine.com

Guys… everything you are seeing regarding Donald Trump and the 2024 election, supports the theory that the original Donald Trump is DEAD, and that the imposter will hand over the election to Harris on a silver platter!

1. He’s just not the same dude, in the last few years. His behaviour is different, and YOU KNOW IT! I know it’s hard to believe the original is DEAD but there’s nothing wrong with considering it.

2. So why is Donald Trump letting rubber-faced Jewish “Israel First” tranny touch him with ‘her’ boob in public? Could it be we’re looking at an actor? YES… SOMEONE WHO IS ISRAEL FIRST he says he can’t tell her what to do, as she is on his CAMPAIGN PLANE. Yup… leader of the free world, can’t tell ‘her’ what to do.
7. Then when there was that assassination attempt… he was clearly seeing showing his hand to the camera, that should have been covered in blood!!

Guys… all of this for me at least, supports the idea that the original Trump is DEAD! There’s no way, this is all a WHITE HAT MOVIE… unless the movie is a horror movie of betrayal of a nation.

8. Does it make sense, that humanity needs GALACTIC MILITARY INTERVENTION?
13. Folks, I know this is all very confusing, but the only thing that makes sense, is that the original Trump is dead… for me, at least. <...> LET’S FACE IT, THIS WHOLE TIME, HE COULD HAVE PINCHED JOE BIDEN’S MASK IN PUBLIC, AND SHOWN THE WORLD, THERE ARE IMPOSTERS AMONG US. As if all this isn’t bad enough, there’s the CLONE ISSUE.

The US election campaign REAL ISSUES ARE;

a. depopulation

b. transhuman agenda

c. new fake plandemic

d. millions of spaceships in our solar system

e. the end of the Piscean age and the beginning of the golden age

f. the fake sun that even the sunflowers are turning away from

g. the cellphone towers, and how they work with graphene oxide and other technology to create fully controllable and mutatable programmable humans who have no more free thought.

Kim Goguen/PJZ #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #magick #god-complex #mammon #conspiracy justempowerme.com

Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”?

Kimberly Ann Goguen wears many hats. Her role is unknown by the majority of the people around the world. However, she is very well known by members of the Deep State. One of the reasons for this is because she replaced their malevolent predecessor, Marduk over a decade ago. Her predecessor was the Cabal’s leader, not the peoples’ leader by any stretch of the imagination. They too were his slaves, but they didn’t see it that way. In fact, many still don’t see it that way.

Kim is the first person to hold this seat who wants to end the human enslavement that has existed on our planet for over sixteen thousand years, not perpetuate it. This has gained her many enemies and few friends. But that surely is going to change as humanity finally starts to really wake up to the facts of how, when, why and by whom human enslavement was imposed on our planet.

The hats she wears and roles she fills are listed below.

Universal Protection Unit Command (Ground Command)
Ambassador to Earth for the Universal Council for this version of Humanity
Human Ambassador to the Earth Council, established in 2021, (which is for all Earth Races Human & Non Human)
Controller of the Alpha Quantum System – of which her DNA is a necessary component
Controller of Global Intelligence Agency (GIA), has highest Security Clearance on Planet Earth
Representative of Humanity for Disbursement of Planetary Assets, Trustee, Manna World Holding Trust
Note: After the agreements with the elites expired, because the assets/trust were named after the elites and their corporations, Kim renamed and registered as Manna World Holding Trust.
From the original Rus Bloodline or Tribe, which is the root of all true Europeans and one of the five original Human Tribes. This tribe is also called the White Sun. They utilized the upper astral and had relationships there. Their opposite would be the Black Sun, who accessed the lower astral.
Interim Head of State

E. Michael Jones #wingnut #fundie #racist #sexist #conspiracy fidelitypress.org

The story of the Israelis broadcasting pornography over Palestinian TV stations is not in the first edition of Libido Dominandi because it occurred four years after its publication, proving after the fact that my thesis was correct. Sexual liberation, by which I mean everything from pornography to abortion to gay marriage to transgenderism, is the most sophisticated form of social control in human history, and the march of events since the publication of the first edition continues to substantiate my thesis.
The second edition of Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control, containing 300 pages of new material, is now available at fidelitypress.org. Why is the second edition necessary? Because it deals with the Internet in a way that I could not have done in the 1990s or in the first years of this century. If you ever wondered why you or someone you know doesn’t have a life, pornography may be the answer. Pornography is the social disease that has turned a whole generation into sex addicted recluses who can’t get married and can’t form the families that would make them productive members of society. That’s the bad news. The good news is that Libido Dominandi is the cure for that disease.

“You’re E. Michael Jones, aren’t you?” said one young man as I pulled up to the local supermarket on my bicycle. After I pleaded guilty as charged, he said, “I stopped watching porn because of you.”

For more than 20 years now, I have received unsolicited testimonies from people who have been liberated from pornography simply by understanding that its purpose is to turn you into a docile sex robot who can be controlled by the manipulation of your passions. No matter how crazy and counter-intuitive the claim that sexual liberation was a form of control sounded when I first made it, it has been proven true by the course of events, which showed, as St. Augustine said, “A man has as many masters as he has vices.”

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

The Khazarian mafia is desperately trying to start an all-out nuclear war and nearly succeeded over the past weekend. This prompted MI6 to send the following warning to the Chinese, the Russians and the US space force:

"Please refrain from all engagements until such time as we can establish meaningful diplomatic engagement. We have actionable intelligence of fifth columns. Stand down all nuclear capability worldwide. Thank you. xxxxx for Elizabeth II R, CC: Sir Richard Moore, Director General, SIS (MI6)."

This close brush with nuclear war has led to a backchannel call among intelligence agencies to host a summit that will join the Western military intelligence white hats with the BRICS coalition. Together they will negotiate a replacement of the KM-led “rules-based world order.” Formal announcements of this are likely in the near future.
MI6 says Prince William is suspected of being the person who ordered the likes of Castrudeau to try to provoke nuclear war. That is because if nuclear war does not start, it is only a matter of time before he and his family are publicly outed for staging human sacrifices, including that of Kate Middleton, MI6 and British royal family sources say.

The ultimate source of the Nazi problem can be traced to the KM’s main front organization: the Satanic Chabad cult.

Chabad and the KM have spent hundreds of years infiltrating the top levels of governments around the world in their plan to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. According to them, each Jew (Satanist) will be granted 2800 slaves from among the survivors once this plan is accomplished. This is something this writer has been warning about for over two decades after being personally invited to join this plot. What has changed is that now most Jews have finally figured this out and denounced it as Satanic heresy.

John C. Carleton #racist #conspiracy johnccarleton.org

One can not reason with or rehabilitate a rabid animal or a demon possessed two legged animal.

summary“Doctrine Of The Rabbinic Kabbalah” “Israel must make sacrifices to satan so that he will leave Israel unmolested (Zohar 2:33a)” “The evil impulse is good, and without the evil impulse Israel cannot prevail in the world (Zohar 1:61a)” “Research by Michael Hoffman revisionisthistory.org”

Laura Loomer #racist #conspiracy #crackpot #elitist #pratt angrywhitemen.org

White nationalist conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer doubled down on her false accusations against Haitian migrants on the latest episode of her Rumble show, Loomer Unleashed. In addition to repeating the lie that Haitian migrants are eating household pets, Loomer also accused them of “eating people.”

Loomer attacked comedian Jimmy Kimmel for mocking racist statements she made on her X account, including one where she wrote that Haitian migrants “eat HUMANS.”

“In fact, Jimmy Kimmel the other night decided that he was gonna make fun of me and he was gonna show my tweet live on air, and make fun of the fact that I was pointing out that these Haitians are cannibals and they’re also eating people’s pets,” she said.

After playing a clip from Kimmel’s show, she defended her accusations of cannibalism by citing an article from India Today about Jimmy Chérizier, a Haitian ex-cop and gang leader. Loomer insisted that Chérizier’s nickname, “Barbeque,” was related to cannibalism or to a practice of burning his enemies alive. (It isn’t.)

“So no, Jimmy Kimmel’s lying,” she declared. “He’s attacking me as a racist, saying that I’m beyond the pale and that I’m a racist and that I’m a terrible person. But they do. The Haitians are eating people. They’re cannibals. Not all of them. But a lot of them are.”

Loomer asked how it’s “racist” to say that Haitians are “eating people” and “eating people’s pets,” and angrily said that Americans “don’t practice cannibalism.”

“It’s disgusting,” she said. “It’s Third World. It’s beyond Third World. I mean it’s like, it’s like for — it’s like for people and, I don’t know, living in the jungle, you know? It’s like — I don’t even know if people, like, living in the jungle do this, right? It’s animalistic behavior. It’s like Stone Age behavior.”

Calling it “crazy” that “they wanna deny that there are Haitian cannibals” and that “there are people’s pets that are being eaten,” Loomer pulled up a video which she said was of a “Haitian migrant barbequing somebody’s cat.”

The video, which was reposted online by far-right propagandist Chris Rufo, was originally taken in 2023 by a man from Dayton, OH. As CBS News reported, the video “shows what appears to be animal carcasses on a grill,” and the “man filming the footage alleges, without evidence, that they are cats.”

Padraig Martin #wingnut #pratt #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia identitydixie.com

[From “When Voting Fails”]

The purpose of voting was largely to provide some form of “revolutionary” capacity to change the leadership of a people without violence[…]In effect, every two, four, or six years, the American republic provided a vote that at least made the people believe things might change without the need for guns[…]
Now comes Trump – yet again. This short article is not about Trump, per se. Rather, it is about the continual belief in voting as a form of implementing change. More importantly, it is about the moment in which that belief no longer exists[…]
There are a great many Baby Boomers who believe in voting and Trump because they have been conditioned for generations to believe voting works[…]
It is clear that voting – a process dominated by one generation for almost half a century – is losing its grasp on future generations. That is dangerous for ruling elites[…]
It is not an accident that total societal change has been inspired to emasculate the populace. Younger men not only have lower testosterone levels year over year (I personally believe due to some form of chemical introduction), but masculinity itself is under constant attack. Transgenderism is simply a byproduct of the war on men. Notice that the females harmed by the transgender movement are athletic women who would be inclined to gravitate toward athletic men, creating genetically athletic offspring. The totality of the movement to emasculate – from girl power narratives to deconstructing masculine social structures to promoting effeminate males (e.g., “Big Bang Theory” television show) to transgender therapies[…]– is part of a defensive posture to guard against the consequences of an eventual collapse of voting

When voting fails, populations rise violently. It is helpful to have a nation of emasculated men if you want to remain a tyrant. After all, it is hard to shoot at the ruling class with your legs crossed, sipping on a Pumpkin Spiced Latte, and wearing a dress

Donald Trump #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #ableist #god-complex jta.org

Trump has for years made the claim that American Jews who mostly vote for Democrats are mentally ill, and this year, he has taken to saying that Jews who vote for Democrats need to “have their head examined.” He has also repeatedly said Israel will be destroyed if he loses the election, a prediction he repeated Thursday.

But in this speech, he also said Jews would be at fault if he loses, citing the low percentage of Jewish voters who have historically supported him. He referenced a poll he said he saw showing that he could receive 40% of the Jewish vote — which itself would be a marked increase for him from 2016 and 2020.

“I will put it to you very simply and gently. I really haven’t been treated right, but you haven’t been treated right, because you’re putting yourself in great danger, and the United States hasn’t been treated right,” he said. “The Jewish people would have a lot to do with the loss if I’m at 40%. Think of it, that means 60% are voting for Kamala.”

The speech was one of two Trump gave to Jewish audiences in Washington on Thursday. He also spoke at the Israeli American Council’s conference following the “Fighting Antisemitism” event.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

Ancient Greece was never, and is now being discovered Ancient Rome and Egypt were also fictions!

Breakthroughs in astronomy, anthropology, archaeology and Egyptology tend to support the following theses, based mainly on translations of Sumerian writings.

The knowledge of the existence of the One God who must have created the Anunnaki founders, together with the realisation that life encompasses no more than a mere material plane of existence in which we now find ourselves, is all covertly orchestrated by the secret societies.
The world architecture for the extraction of electromagnetic energy comes entirely from the Tartar-Aryan High Civilisation. It is characterised by the use of arched openings, columns, domes and towers. In addition to details such as rose windows and muqarnas, all three-dimensional architectural decorative elements are symbols of the vibration of electromagnetic energy that acts on molecules and the behaviour of cells.
After discovering that Ancient Greece never existed, it is now being discovered that Ancient Rome and Egypt were also made up, and most likely everything else you learn and read about history is a big lie.

You would think that such a great and powerful empire would be mentioned many times in the Bible, just like the Macedonian Empire which is mentioned 39 times in the Bible, but surprisingly the only mention of Rome comes from Timothy, Acts and Romans, which could easily have been added recently!

Not only that, but the ancient Roman Empire is not mentioned in the Bible, nor does it appear on some so-called fake ancient maps! On Ortelius’ map of Ancient Europe from 1595 there is no Roman Empire, and don’t forget that the year 1595 is also wrong, but on the border of Gaulia there is Scythia and Sarmatia. Did the cartographer really miss a huge Roman Empire?

Even in the fake maps of so-called ancient Europe, they created a double fake, and as the saying goes, lies have short legs.

William Henry #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

Since 1996, William Henry has been courageously establishing and documenting his revolutionary connection between the original Christianity, stargates and the ascension of humanity into beings of light. His goal has been to recover the authentic teaching of Jesus about how we can transform ourselves into beings of pure light (and love), open a stargate and beam ourselves home.

The Secret of Sion represents the culmination of William’s unique search in Gnostic literature and sacred art that maps the path, called the Way of Light, that leads to the gate of heaven. His quest led him ‘through the worm hole’ where he peered into the promised land of Sion, a place at the center of our galaxy that is inhabited by ascended humans. His journey is presented as an invitation to follow his path in the form of the greatest collection of third eye opening and soul rising ascension art ever assembled, one that illuminates the esoteric mysteries of the greatest cosmic story ever told.

The Secret of Sion reveals:

* Jesus is an avatar of a race or tribe of advanced and wise humans, called Perfect Light Humans, who dwell at the center of our galaxy and travel via wormhole to and from this cosmic center.

* Jesus will return the same way he left…via stargate.

* Members of the race of Perfect Light Humans have remained on earth for thousands of years. They are the most ancient of aliens.

* The Magi are representatives of the Perfect Light Humans.

* Encoded within ascension art is a Stargate technology called ‘the Kit’. It includes the Star Crown (of Rose Thorns), a mysterious anointing oil and a robe of light called the Beaming Garment.

* The Kit is periodically reassembled in preparation for the return of the Avatars of Sion.

* Sion is rising and with it a new, new world order.

* The connection between the Mayan image of the serpent rope from the center of the galaxy and Christian Last Judgement art that shows a serpent linking earth and the Throne of God.

Jeff W #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Many years have passed when most of us volunteered to be humanitarians in this journey. We , in the beginning, had no idea of the QFS, or the PLAN that has been many many years in the making. It’s been an exhaustive, draining, frustrating rollercoaster for most. I’ve sold and bought and sold and bought out of necessity to survive. I have slept on the streets and begged for help. And got that help here thank God.

But it’s time to end this. you WH’s have it all, you’re in control are you. Well i can tell you all i see in real life is horror and suffering and you prolonging it. If you had the ability to do what needs to be done then do so.

Rumors are flooding the feeds about there actually being an election in November. And if you people insist on doing so instead of the EBS.. GOD help you. If K. Harris and these assholes cheat and she gets into office.. defunct or not, You can expect Washington D.C. to burn to the ground. Why?… Because you didn’t do what you said and pull the plug on this BS and inform everyone. If you fail to do so and we lose this battle.. You better know and believe that we are many and we are armed to the teeth and we are organized. Peaceful solutions would have failed and so a more direct approach will be necessary. There are many groups of men in every single state that are itching to take these people out if you cant.

So I suggest you get this plan and you put it into high gear and it better be now. .We are not talking about the GCR here.. we are talking about removal of ALL criminals in office down to the local levels. We will take this matter into our hands and it ill not be as pretty as your solution but we will not take prisoners and we will die taking every one of them out.

We are sick of seeing this country laughed at and belittled because of a small group of idiots. It will be a blood bath but if I must die to defend the Nation so be it. Play your little games and prolong this all you wish.. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

MJTruthUltra #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy twitter.com

🚨 OMG!!! Trump just sent ANOTHER message to the Deep State‼️

• After Trumps 1st Assassination attempt in Butler, his FIRST speaking event at the RNC, he played opera song, Nessun Dorma

• After Trumps 2nd Assassination Attempt, his FIRST speaking event tonight, he played opera song, Nessun Dorma!!!!!

Nessun Dorma is played at the end of the film The Sum of All Fears, in which time ALL the traitors & Deep State Actors were executed!!!

The Sum of All Fears is mentioned several times in the Q Drops.

This is not an accident!!!! Confirmed! They are all going fooking down!!!

Sara Gonzales, Alex Jones and John Doyle #racist #pratt #conspiracy #wingnut angrywhitemen.org

On Sara Gonzales Unfiltered, BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales was joined by white nationalist John Doyle and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones[…]
Jones falsely claimed that an Ohio woman who killed an ate a cat in a “voodoo ritual”

“And it was police reports, videos of a crazy woman in the parking lot eating the cat she just killed and admitting she did it in a voodoo ritual,” Jones said. “They believe they get the power of the cat if they eat it live. That’s in mainline stories about Haiti. They’ve deforested Haiti”[…]
“So they are bombing red cities, red counties, red cities like what we just saw up there in Ohio, in Springfield, to change the demographic,” Jones said. “To have a permanent underclass that knows their boss is the Democratic Party. So this is an organized replacement migration, which the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center says is racist and made up”

Jones went on to say that, “This is how you capture the West. You bring an incompatible, super, ultra Third World populations that don’t have running water, that live in cave man-level stuff”[…]
Sara Gonzales chimed in to say that their problem with Haitian migrants “has nothing to do with their skin color,” but rather “their customs” and “rituals.” Gonzales also accused the migrants, who are legally living in Springfield, of “breaking our law by coming into this country”

Another panelist, white nationalist BlazeTV contributor John Doyle, called the presence of Haitian migrants a “punishment” for “normal middle Americans.” Doyle remarked that in the 1990s and 2000s, “mainstream media types” defended immigrants by calling them “natural conservatives” who are bringing “great food” to the U.S

“And that maybe worked when it was like Mexicans,” Doyle said, “but when it’s actual Haitians, I mean, frankly there’s no redeeming quality that this culture can offer to America. And so they bring them to these, like, counties and small towns as a punishment because they just hate middle Americans”

Kevin Downey Jr. #transphobia #crackpot #conspiracy pjmedia.com

Democrats are either too stupid to realize that every attempt to imprison or assassinate Trump makes him more popular, or they are so hateful they can't keep themselves from trying anyway.

Here we are, three assassination attempts in two months. I feel that if, God forbid, the animals were to succeed and kill Trump, there would be a 9/11-like, nationwide explosion of patriotism that would sweep the Republican Party into offices nationwide and all but render the Democrats extinct. There would also be the possibility of serious civil upheaval, which is likely exactly what the pinkos want.

The lizard people aren't smart enough to recognize Trump for what he is, a movement that won't be stopped by a bullet.

That said, please tell your pink-haired demi-gender-in-law to put on zhis big-boy panties, stifle zhis hatred, and stop trying to kill Trump. And while you're at it, ask zhim if zhe wants a pager. All the cool commies are carrying them again, and leftists hate testicles anyway.

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