
Hate and discrimination against the disabled

BeardedLuckDragon #ableist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #conspiracy #fundie deviantart.com

Too much hunger leads to obesity and tooth decay, bad body odder and bad breath, diabetes, poor self esteem, encourages usage of hookers and porn, which makes you unattractive and unhealthy, which drops fertility rates. Fertility rates are at a historic low in the West, and I think globally. In 500 years there will be no more Koreans from what scientists can predict. Japan wants to use technology to breed out slaves, ahem, I mean children to feed poisonous crap from supermarkets, since gardens haven't been cool after Able and Caine, Caine who left to build houses after he invented murder in his region, only to die in a house collapse. Lemech was Caine's progeny who went on to murder another man in a fit of rage and a young chap who assaulted him, and Lemech's children invented algebra, animal husbandry/herding, music, and bronze/iron working. Jesus was a carpenter, which are direct out puts of algebra/geometry, agriculture and mining which are the under base of industry, and let's face it sound proof some walls.

Prussian Society of America #ableist #racist #psycho prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Jewish Girl Born without a Vagina / Western Men Worship and Yearn For her"]

[Living Without A Vagina | BORN DIFFERENT]

One of my largest pet peeves[…]is the disgusting love that Western people, especially Americans, have for people who are born with deformities that are NOT natural, whether it’s a mental or physical handicap

I have explained that the major decline in primal and moral perception of others is evident in how people feel hope, inspiration and happiness from seeing people who are obviously deformed and worthless, and who otherwise should have not been permitted in the gene pool
As the Jews are a genetically altered creation that comes from a “dark force”, they are notorious for having many mental, neurological and physical defects since they are a race of “defects” to begin with

Watch the video and then read the ridiculous comments of Men who need to give their “two cents” to prove just how much “MORE” of a Woman she is compared to a Woman who does have a vagina that a Man can have sex with and reliable reproduction with
The very bizarre notion of Western People, is that they do not view leaving people who are “deformed” alive as a form of barbarism, but yet they would view giving someone mentally or physically deformed the option for euthanasia because of the fact they cannot exist normally or live a normal life, this is viewed instead as the “barbaric option”

Nevertheless, it’s all mind programming, but this mind programming comes from Christians who have long indoctrinated their adherents with having “love for all” and this delusional belief that “all life has value”

Cindy Walsh #ableist #conspiracy #racist #quack twitter.com

1. Yesterday I saw this Breitbart headline about a high school student killing himself due to "CRT [and] Coronavirus Isolation." I decided to do some fact-checking.

I was not prepared for how awful this story was going to be. Here comes a thread...

2. The mother speaking is Cindy Walsh. She frames her son's suicide as caused (at least partly) by two school policies: CRT-based instruction and Covid-19 safety measures (mask mandates, potentially vaccine requirements). So I did some Googling.

3. I verified that her son, Robert Walsh, took his own life in June 2021. But I noticed something in his obituary: Robert graduated in 2020; he finished high school online, never experienced mask/vaccine mandates; no evidence of CRT lessons at his school.

4. Then I found an article from Jan 2022, "Emotional and mental impact of COVID-19 weighs on students"-the issue Walsh says drove her son to suicide.

But she is quoted in the piece suggesting the cause wasn't CRT/Covid but lack of support after graduating.

5. And the bigger takeaway from that piece: Walsh wrote a book called "Breaking the Autism Code." It's real. It's on Amazon. Don't buy it.

Here she is on "Angel Talk Radio" arguing that vaccines caused her sons Eric and Robert to develop autism.

6. In conclusion: we have a batshit anti-vaxxer who believes that vaccines caused autism in her son, who tragically killed himself due to lack of therapeutic support, LYING OPPORTUNISTICALLY to blame a school board for his suicide while pushing her anti-vaxx agenda.


Ika-Sama #ableist #sexist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] Even the crippled girl at my school has a boyfriend. Wtf??

There's a female that attends my High school and one of the main things about her is that she has a condition that leaves her immobile, so she's only regulated to her wheelchair. The way that she communicates is through an app on her tablet (Think: Stephen Hawking). Later today me and my brother were walking home from school, and he told me that one of his friends was dating a girl in a wheelchair and I said: "What?" and my brother said: "Yes the girl in the wheelchair, one of my friends is dating her". I even made my brother clarify who she was, I couldn't fucking believe it that a crippled girl, A DISABLED FOID got in a relationship before I ever did. At the time I didn't know whether to cry or laugh, I felt so behind from my peers, like I was subhuman.

Then my brother kept on mentioning how he was cheating on her and how she kept taking him back, and at the time I didn't really care because my mind was so fixated on what he told me earlier, only to realize what he just said was a Blackpill in it of itself. He cheated on her multiple times with other foids and she didn't care (Thinking back on it, she must have been pretty desperate not to breakup with him). I eventually said what I was thinking to my brother, that she got into a relationship before we did. And he here's what my naive brother said: "I don't why I don't have a girlfriend, I'm not even that ugly". My brother is basically an Incel but he just doesn't know it (Short Height, Nasal Voice, Glasses, Boyish Face, Small Frame. He's a Junior in Highschool and I'm a Senior)

astro_terf #interphobia #transphobia #ableist ovarit.com

RE: DSDs - How to cut the Gordian knot?
(Submitters note regarding context: discussion about what intersex conditions should categorically exclude someone from women’s spaces)

I would exclude Swyer, CAIS and all other males with DSDs.

Put simply, it's not simply the presence of male sex hormones/ testoterone during development that leads to the physical advantages that males have over females. The presence of female sex hormones during normal development during puberty and afterwards lead to physical disadvantages for women that CAIS males do not experiences.

For example, CAIS males have a height advantage that women do not. Estrogen causes epiphyses to fuse and so women tend to stop growing taller shortly after they reach puberty.

In addition, women develop wider hips to accommodate childbirth, but this is at the cost of an increased likelihood of injuries and a less efficient running stance. See https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/nursing-and-health-professions/q-angle and https://www.livescience.com/59289-why-men-run-faster-than-women.html . Biological males who have never had any of the benefits of testosterone do not experience the disadvantages from estrogen, which would still give them a leg up on women.

ProxyMusic #interphobia #transphobia #ableist ovarit.com

Yes, technically it's easy enough to discover they have it. With the NIPT so cheap that it's come into extremely widespread use, and prenatal sonograms the norm even amongst poor people in poorer nations, fetuses whose karyotypes don't match their genitals are now being identified in the womb. Eventually, no one with CAIS and various other DSDs resulting in external anatomy inconsistent with their chromosomes and genes will be able to claim they didn't find out until puberty.

But that doesn't change the fact, nor will it change the fact, that legally it's not easy to keep persons with CAIS out of women's sports AT ALL. And in my comment, I was solely addressing your claim that it is "easy to keep them out of sports," which is entirely separate to the matter of public toilets - an issue that in the case of CAIS I don't care about and is not something I want to waste time getting into here.

The Caster Semenya case is soon to be heard by the European Court of Human Rights. Semenya is backed by every international "human rights" organization in the world, most of the MSM on the planet, all the powerful institutions in the Western world/Global North, including most major law firms in Europe and the Americas, and all the African and pan-African political organizations with clout and influence. The only country with a large population where the government and the general public seem to be strongly against Semenya and other XY DSD athletes being allowed into women's sports is India.

In this climate, and with all the legal decisions that have been made since the late 1980s, pray tell what exactly are the strategy and legal arguments for keeping CAIS out of women's sports? How are you - or "we" - gonna keep CAIS athletes out when the IAAF/WA have failed in being able to keep out athletes who have a range of other XY DSDs that leave no ambiguity about them being male, and there's no question that they possess the same exact male advantages that all normally-developed males do?

It was "easy enough to discover" that Martinez Patino had CAIS in the mid 1980s when MP sued the IAAF/WA. In fact, MP only sued because the mandatory sex chromosome and genetic testing then in place for all athletes seeking to compete in women's elite international sports easily discovered that MP is XY with CAIS. Yet MP won anyways, and female athletes have been losing out ever since.

Greg Locke #ableist #crackpot #fundie #quack comicsands.com

A far-right evangelical Christian pastor has left people outraged after claiming that children with autism are possessed by demons.

Tennessee pastor Greg Locke made the claim in a sermon in which he compared autism to stories of people healed by Jesus Christ of "fits" and "outbursts" in the Bible due to demonic possession.

He went on to warn parents that "no such diagnosis" as autism exists in the Bible. See his comments below. Be forewarned that his words may be disturbing.

Locke began his comments by imploring his congregation to not "jump up right now and rebuke me for what I’m about to say,” a sure sign that he shouldn't have said it. Unfortunately, he forged ahead anyway.

"On three occasions, kids were brought to Jesus... by their parents that had epileptic fits, anger issues, outbursts of emotion… And because we called it ‘possession,’ parents refused to deal with it."

Locke then clarified his meaning, which only made things worse.

"'Are you telling me my kid’s possessed?' No — I’m telling your kid has been demonized and attacked, but your doctor calls it autism."

Prussian Society of America #ableist #racist #psycho #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Video: Proof that Most Humans are in love with Mental Illness and Degenerate Life Forms"]

Growing up with an Unknown Syndrome (The Unique and Delightful Ruby)

We are living in the epic pinnacle of history at a time where people who are “Empty Inside”[…]are looking for an external source of “stimulation” or “inspiration” in some cases
This phenomenon is extremely problematic in America, which thrives on supporting, defending and enabling degeneracy and also undesirables everywhere in society, as it fits in line with their “Democratic Values”
They have this urgency to tell almost everyone they meet, indiscrimanately:“YOU are Beautiful!”“YOU are Loved!”

Therefore, you’ll see people and life forms that are beyond questionable and demonic looking, and yet you’ll find endless hordes of these people who are embracing and feeling inspiration and hope for them
At a time when we require many Eugenics Measures applied to actually breed healthy and soulful Human Beings

Television Features like these are a major form of Mind Programming[…]you will notice how they pretend that she is “Beautiful” and that she is a “Human”
The Love for disabled people and exalting them above even Superior or Average Individuals, is a sign of grave weakness, sickness and decay of the Human Condition

In case you were unaware, both parents of this girl are Jewish
Even a droplet of their blood, taints the blood

If you have a keen eye for Proper and Desirable Genetics, you will also recognize that every single Human in the video is Untermenschen!
It is also the same reason that they worship demonic creatures like Stephen Hawking

Anyone who has strong Intuitive Qualities and Perception, can see the evil in this Man’s eyes, and would wish this creature to be put to death!

devansh #fundie #ableist #quack blogger.com

(Part 2)

She refused to accept defeat and fought autism. She religiously kept to her medications in spite of their side effects. We all wanted a cure, so that she can chase her dream and live a normal life like every other child. But the more she takes these medications, the more her school grade drop. She couldn’t concentrate and we noticed that her memory was being severely adversely affected. Each time we went back to the hospital, her medicines were changed to a different one. Seems like, each change of drug brings about change in side effects. After about 6 years on Abilify , Geodon , and other medicines, it seemed the autism started to increase in frequency. I had to make effort to reduce her medicines with plans to eventually stop it all. We found an alternative treatment in homeopathy, which was better than her English drugs. Gradually, I reduced her drugs, and her autism were no longer as frequent as it was as when she was on conventional drugs.
With our little breakthrough with homeopathy treatment, we made further search for natural cure. Fortunately we saw testimonies about herbal medicines which cure autism. We saw a lot of claims though, contacted them and didn’t get a useful reply. Lucky for us, we finally got a reply from Doctor Williams, he directed us to his blog where we saw a lot of information about his herbal medicine . Without further delay I made a purchase for her, I switched her over to it. We had great breakthrough, that in 3 weeks, her autism reduced. After 1 months as Doctor Williams promised , all autism symptoms stopped. It was like a miracle for us. since all this days now Lesia became autism free. Her story is quite lengthy, I hope it also help someone out there.for more information you can email Dr Williams on drwilliams098675@gmail.com

Several Ovarit-members #kinkshaming #ableist ovarit.com

RE: Tavistock Gender Clinic Lead Psychologist Supports Ageplay, Furries

(littleowl12 )
What pisses me off is that there's a growing number of people that think furries are just neurodiverse. And most of it is wholesome! If you're creeped out you're a neurobigot!

No, sorry, there's just too much overlap between furries and all pedophilic fetishes. I have every reason to keep you away from my kids and away from me.

( Gould2022 )
I’m still 100 percent convinced most of this bullshit, is targeted around reducing or removing age of consent. Legalise pedophilia. God knows what happens after that legalised sexual slave contracts? My mind is not deranged enough to identify other crazy shit

( hmimperialtortie )
Yes. They want all barriers to raping whoever they target removed - women, children, or animals.

( Researcher1536 )
This is a pro-predator movement through and through, and "be kind" and "don't kink shame!" are opening the door for utter depravity and harm.

( Gould2022 )
Pro-predator movement great statement

( hmimperialtortie )
Completely. They don’t want rape to be even nominally a crime.

HTTP Error 404 #ableist #elitist #racist #sexist #wingnut kiwifarms.net

If you're at the point where NPR of all things is "white supremacy" just finally come out and say that white people existing while not sucking you off 24/7, which America already does, pisses you off.

What's that 4chan greentext? Something about how America is being retooled to be a life support system for big fat stupid as fuck entitled black female retards?

Billions of dollars in medical care, our entire Agricultural industry, our Welfare system, our Entertainment industry, and our Educational system, all being twisted and torn apart and rebuilt just to keep big fat fucking Shaniquas full of fried chicken, grape soda, and delusions of grandeur. And after this lifestyle of eating, fucking, and bitching about how oppressed they are on twitter, all on the tax payer's dime, drives them literally to their backs in a hospital bed, our entire economy has to revolve around keeping them alive just a little bit longer so they can eat more, fuck more, and be stupid at people more until they eventually give up the ghost and bless the world with them finally fucking dying. And then their retarded fucking dozen or two dozen hellspawn will run around either fucking other Shaniqua spawn and running off to die in a drug and violence fueld orgy if they're men, or jump on the fried chicken-to-hospital pipeline if they're female, both of them screaming that they're oppressed royalty and deserve higher quality bedpans and fried chicken recipes.

That's how American society ends; with guilty white people running around desperately trying to keep a conveyor belt running so the last 500 pound fat black bitch can keep stuffing her face all while she bitches about how oppressed she is, fried chicken bits and spittle slapping some poor nurse in the face as she screeches at them, the poor deluded and indoctrinated medical professionals experiencing a momentary bout of religious ecstasy at being useful for one of da kweenz.

Games Workshop couldn't devise a more grimdark future.

Kamuroshiryu #ableist deviantart.com

The body positive movement is really throwing their weight around with how the COVID pandemic treats them right now.

As for Lizzo, I do love stockier and curvier women myself, but I do not like the idea of pushing for making yourself morbidly obese, especially if around 600-800lbs overweight. You can have the option of having a fair amount of fat in your body, as long as you have enough healthy attributes you should attune from daily exercises.

The Final Wakeup Call #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #magick #ableist finalwakeupcall.info

The Arranger of the Kennedy Murder was Cardinal Spellman of New York

A document from the Vatican secret archives being held by the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) in Brussels stated that it was mandatory that the Pope and Cardinals participated in Satanic rites.

A Ninth Circle Satanic cult child sacrifice led by Pope Francis Jorge Mario Bergoglio was planned for June 21, 2018 held and performed, as it is the date of the Summer Solstice. Children for this Satanic rite will be supplied by an international child exploitation ring funded by the global elite, enforced by the mafia and organised by the Vatican.

This is not the first time Pope Francis has been accused of raping, or planned rape and murder of children. In July 2014 two adolescent women testified in the ICLCJ-Court, claiming that Pope Francis had raped them during child sacrifice ceremonies in the spring of 2009 and 2010. According to a former employee of the Curie in Rome, the rapes and murders took place at the Carnarvon Castle in Wales and an undisclosed French Chateau. A Prosecutor introduced notarised affidavits from eight others claiming to have witnessed similar crimes.
The hundreds of publications covering Kennedy’s assassination can be reduced to a few simple facts. These lead to the “Lion” in his “Den of Iniquity” who had the power to execute Kennedy’s murder and successfully cover it up. The Lion was Cardinal Spellman of New York and his Den of Iniquity was St. Patricks’ Cathedral, “the Little Vatican”, and home base of the American Branch of the Knights of Malta.
It is known, there were several Knights of Columbus involved in the Kennedy assassination. They were working for the FBI in particular. But the only notable Knight who was involved was Senator Edward Kennedy in that, through his silence, he was consenting to his brother’s murder. Maybe this is what has driven the perpetual Senator from Massachusetts to his destructive alcoholic life?

Candace Owens #ableist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut blackenterprise.com

Owens, who is anti-vaccination, has been one of Trump’s biggest cheerleaders since he ran and won the office of president of the United States.

She responded to critics who slammed her because Trump took a different stance than anticipated.

McCain seemingly sided with Trump, although she has publicly stated that she hates him. She went on Twitter to throw some shade at Owens:

Trump schooling Candace Owens with facts and logic regarding getting the vaccine is really a sight to behold. Credit where credit is due and I hate the guy.

— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) December 23, 2021

Owens shot back at McCain when she sent this reply:

Hey Meghan— did you know that the overwhelming majority of people dying and/or being hospitalized from Covid-19 are clinically obese?
People like you love the vaccine because it allows you to pretend that you care about health.
People like me see right through that bullsh*t. https://t.co/fbtt2OVCJj

— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) December 24, 2021

CBC MEDIA #fundie #crackpot #ableist youtube.com

The theory of evolution was fabricated by a mental patient. Darwin's mental problems were considered so severe that Picover (1998, p. 289) included Darwin in his collection of historical persons that he calls "strange brains . . . eccentric scientists, and madmen." That Darwin suffered from several severely disabling maladies is not debated; the only debate is what caused them (Pasnau, 1990, p. 121).
Colp (1977, p. 97) concluded that "much of Darwin's daily life was lived on a rack which consisted of fluctuating degrees of pain" that was sometimes so severe that Darwin called it "distressingly great." Darwin's many psychological or psychologically influenced physical health symptoms included severe depression, insomnia, hysterical crying, dying sensations, shaking, fainting spells, muscle twitches, shortness of breath, trembling, nausea, vomiting, severe anxiety, depersonalization, seeing spots, treading on air and vision, and other visual hallucinations (Barloon and Noyes, 1997, p. 139; Picover, 1998, p. 290; Colp, 1977, p. 97; Bean, 1978, p. 573). The physical symptoms included headaches, cardiac palpitations, ringing in ears (possibly tinnitus), painful flatulence, and gastric upsets—all of which commonly have a psychological origin (Pasnau, 1990). Colp noted that "behind these symptoms there was always a core of anxiety and depression" (1977, p. 97). Some speculate that part of Darwin's mental problems were due to his nagging, gnawing fear that he had devoted his "life to a fantasy"—and a "dangerous one" at that (Desmond and Moore, 1991, p. 477). This fear was that his theory was false and there was, in fact, a divine Creator.

Darwin was clearly a very troubled man and suffered from severe emotional problems for most of his adult life, especially when he was in the prime of life. The exact cause of his mental and many physical problems has been much debated and may never be known for certain. Since Darwin wrote extensively about his mental and physical problems, we have much material on which to base a reasonable conclusion about this area of his life. The diagnosis of the cause of his mental and physical problems includes a variety of debilitating conditions, but agoraphobia with the addition of psychoneurosis is most probably correct.

Deepland Bystander #ableist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #transphobia kiwifarms.net

Came across this study about transgender breast implants that is unintentionally & hilariously transphobic.

Figure that shows the most common trans body type seeking breast augmentation vs the most common cis body.


Trans patients were:
-Older 40 vs 34
-Had higher body mass index 27.46 vs 22.88
-Higher prevalence of psychological comorbidities 50% vs 12%
- All most all of the trans surgeries were paid through Medicare vs the cis women were mostly through private insurance

If you read older papers, back in the 50s and why transition surgery was done, they were more honest, on the practitioner side, about these procedures were not to change sex, but rather to 'cure' sexual deviants and gays by castrating them, hidden under a nice white lie.

Now seeing that a lot of trooning out is supported by non-profits and government welfare, I can't say that it's always medical industry looking to make big bucks from lifelong patients... Now I wonder if this is some PsyOp to sterilise the current day undesirables (autists, incels, mentally ill and lonely people) by manipulating them into thinking they want it themselves.

And it's likely having been like this for a while, because as harder it was to to troon out back then subculture weirdos (usually mentally ill and distressed enough) back in the 90s seemed to be given the pass to troon out in droves too...

LeChampion1992 #ableist #conspiracy #transphobia #racist #wingnut kiwifarms.net

So I found this recent entry to RW’s Alt-Right Glossary;
View attachment 2657924
Is this true? Was #GoBaldForBLM a 4Chan prank? Or are they just scapegoating 4Chan to cover their asses? Cos they also claim on their “Social Justice Warriors” article that “most SJW nonsense is actually 4Chan’s doing” which is definitely not true.

Average rational wiki sperg
"No social justice cringe is something that 4chan does. Yes if you don't put pronouns in your bio or put BLM in your bio then yes you are racist. Sorry those are the rules now don't be a right wing bigot!!! Now anyways stop being a conspiracy and get fucking vaxxed yes those fat people are healthier than you because you're a supreme spreader now shoo!"
Picture of Le typical rational wiki user.


Lauren Boebert #racist #ableist salon.com

"Now I do have some colleagues on the Hill who have, just like me, offered Kyle Rittenhouse an internship in their office," she told Newsmax host Sebastian Gorka, a former aide to Donald Trump, during a Tuesday interview. "And Madison Cawthorn, he said that he would arm wrestle me for this Kyle Rittenhouse internship. But Madison Cawthorn has some pretty big guns, and so I would like to challenge him to a sprint instead."

"Let's make this fair," she said of a race against Cawthorn, who uses a wheelchair.

ItalianPolishCel #ableist #psycho #sexist incels.is

I got evicted from my apartment, I am not banned

After what hapenned this week which I wrote about in my thread here...


...I am getting evicted. I will move back to my parent's apartment for now but I'm looking for a new place. So basically I was blasting music, singing, knocked on some of my neighbours doors and asked if they wanted to join me at my party, was jumping on my floor and threw plates and a cup on it, destroying it, spat on one neighbours doors and puked on another's, when the police came I told the mI didn't remember my name and that I didn't have an ID but they found it anyways. I tried to take it from the cop's hand and told him to GTFO. When they knocked on the doors again to give me some papers, I only farted out loud and closed the doors (I will probably be called to a police station, I believe). Told my mother she is a whore and a bitch. Basically wanted to fuck up my life and I kinda did. This is what happens to a person who was bullied as a child, his mother beat and screamed at him if he didn;t do something perfectly or messed something up, who was never treated like a human being by others and who is sexually frustrated.

Video from the intervention: https://youtu.be/1mkGx6WY0yQ

Its in Polish though

Even though its in a different language I can feel the autism emanating from it. I'm also 90% sure you said chad in that video, do normalfag poles even know the chad and stacy meme?

Yeah autism must have been strong in my apartment. I literally had food, tea, and broken plates and cup on my floor

Would rape female cop. Cute but her eyes look dead and she evades eye contact most of the time. The male cop probably uses her as his toilet.

Are cops in Poland as violent as the US?

Dude. I slapped his hand. Mocked him. Farted when he was talking and closed the doors in his face. Try that in americuck.

apostlekathrynkrick #ableist #fundie facebook.com

This moment at @5fchurch on Sunday AMAZED US!!! This boy had autism. Jesus delivered him! His mother renounced, @apostlekathrynkrick commanded the demon to leave him. Then the demon spoke through the boy “ok I’ll go.” And then the boy came to and said “what just happened?!” He was just set free! His mom instantly went to the ground, instantly worshipping Jesus with all that’s in her.

We jumped up and down and praised God for this shocking, beautiful miracle!!! Hallelujah! Jesus leaves us in awe again and again and again!!! REVIVAL IS NOW! 🔥

Christian Science sect #quack #fundie #magick #ableist csmonitor.com

{moderator’s note: this is from 2008}

In the 142 years since Mary Baker Eddy discovered it, Christian Science has delivered many people from mental torment (see report of healing of bipolar disorder in the Christian Science Sentinel, July 14, pp. 12-13). Christian Science treatment doesn't begin with conventional methods of addressing mental illness – including prescription medications with their host of side effects, or psychoanalysis – all of which assume that the cause of the trouble exists in the brain. In fact, Christian Science asserts that healing answers lie in the opposite direction. "Every concept which seems to begin with the brain begins falsely," wrote Mrs. Eddy. "Divine Mind is the only cause or Principle of existence. Cause does not exist in matter, in mortal mind, or in physical forms" ("Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," p. 262). Mind and Principle, as used here, are synonymous with God.

The authority for that statement comes from the teaching of Jesus. Two of the Gospels tell about a man he healed who had the symptoms of severe mental illness and how Jesus restored him to "his right mind." No longer a tormented recluse, he became a functioning member of society – and an advocate of Jesus and his healing power (see Mark 5:1-20; Luke 8:26-39).

If Jesus had seen only an emotionally disturbed man who needed to be changed into a sound one, he wouldn't have been able to heal him. As Christian Science explains, Jesus healed by seeing everyone as God created them – perfect as He is, whole, free, always in their right mind. And his example shows us how we can approach the issue of mental illness and help alleviate it. To Jesus, even the most difficult of human circumstances were not hard and fast realities. They were situations to be spiritually confronted – and overcome. He specifically urged his followers to "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons: freely ye received, freely give" (Matt. 10:8, American Standard Version). And Christian Science teaches that, as we follow Jesus' example, it's possible to maintain spiritual facts in the face of the most discouraging material appearances. This is the Christlike model for attacking any problem through prayer.

Hero Vercingetrix #sexist #ableist quora.com

(answering a question if autistic men can be attractive to women)

Well, think about it this way:

Women are generally attracted to men who display leadership qualities. Take into consideration that in most of human history women would favor men who held power, station, and authority. The attractive man would be the man that all others would look up to, and respect.

Given women's propensity to follow, lack of moral compass, lack of self-direction, and tendency to submit herself to power, the moderately autistic guy would not be mentally fit to stand amongst his peers as a leader, much less as an equal. When life becomes more about survival, and bringing home the bacon, people would very likely not have any patience for his weird quirks and tendencies. His inability to read the room, and recognize danger, would likely result in him being killed. His deficiencies would most likely preyed upon by male competitors. A woman in this sort of world would be seeking a mate who could provide security, wealth, and the power and ability to make provision for her welfare.

Transcended Trucel #psycho #racist #ableist #crackpot incels.is

[Serious] Vast majority of humans are ugly as fuck tbh, analyzed 3000+ people

I just went thru my school text book and college photos. And God damn, the majority of humans are so God damn fucking ugly. Especially gooks, curries and Ethnics. maybe 70% were 4/10, 20-30% 3/10, 10% 5/10+, maybe saw 1 or 2 decent 6/10 Ethnics amongst hundreds maybe thousands plus students. no 7/10 ethnics

But going thru the pictures showed that even most whites are ugly. Amongst like 5-6 hundred white and Jewish kids, only maybe 1 legit 6'4 7/10 Chad motherfucker I saw. A few Chadlite or high tier normies. But the average white was still below sub5. Also only saw maybe 3 Stacy lites, 10-15 high tier beckies, and maybe 15 normal Becky foids.
So even amongst the white foids, the majority were sub5 trash.

Holy fuck you'd need to like genocide and sterilize 80-90% of humanity to get a decent looking next generation of humans.
It's no wonder foids desire Chad so much. If men had same sex drive as foids, femcels would be a legit thing is my conclusion. As most foids are really fucking medicore or ugly from an objective PSL analysis perspective.

Mayday #ableist #transphobia #crackpot #interphobia ovarit.com

RE: CAIS are men, not women, and prove sex is binary

A female is not: "identifying" as female, growing up as female, socializing as female, dressing up as female, and "passing as" female.

A woman, a female, is an organism that can bear offspring and/or produce eggs under the right conditions.

CAIS are males with an inability to respond to androgens. The product of the inability is a male with a pseudo-female like appearance, creating the illusion of a female.

Beneath the layers, CAIS have no internal female sex organs - no uterus and no ovaries. They have testes - the male gonads that produce sperm. Their bodies were supposed to support the production of sperm and failed. They are men in every sense of the word.

The only reason they even know they are intersexed is because of modern medicine

The reason humans know they are humans and not another specie is modern medicine, and study of genes. Surely you wouldn't claim humans were not humans before they learned of what separates each specie.

CAIS were not women before modern medicine. They were disordered men.

Father Dominic Valanmahal #ableist #crackpot #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming #quack patheos.com

“Why does this generation have autism and hyperactivity? That is to say, mentally retarded children are in abundance? Adultery, masturbation, homosexuality, porn, if you are addicted to these, I say to you in the name of God… when you get married and have children, there is a high possibility of bearing these type of children. They lead an animal-like life. They copulate like animals. They bear children like animals. Therefore those children also, will be like animals.”

The priest has also claimed he “cured” children of autism with the power of Jesus.

Various Commenters #crackpot #pratt #transphobia #ableist reddit.com

Anons talk about the transmaxxing manifesto


All funny until some idiots actually do it and then start blaming us when they realise they made a terrible mistake

What makes you think she would regret it?

impossible with 100% success rate

Transmaxxing is incredibly based

Although the transmaxxing manifesto is kinda nutty ngl

well transitioning got me laid so +1 for transmaxxxing ig,, but now i just worry abt everyone being a chaser. such is the life of a passer 😢

not even a passer, just an attractive femboy

incel to tranny pipeline is based but this is retarded

Icy-Flamingo-9693 #ableist #crackpot #elitist #psycho #wingnut reddit.com

Charitable giving should be made illegal

By charitable giving I mean the donation of money, gifts or resources that would allow the continued survival and flourishing of an entity (human, animal, organization etc.) that wouldn’t otherwise survive in an unfettered free market.

The invisible hand of the free market is the only just way to distribute resources, and charity disrupts this natural process and creates inefficiency. It either creates dependency or it allows unfit entities to exist and this lowers the overall utility of a society and this ultimately leads to stagnation and socialistic values which in turn may lead to a diminishment in entrepreneurship and human excellence which ultimately perpetuates an ugliness, a poverty of spirit which drains the very joy out of life.

EAT TOMATO PASTE #ableist #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia kiwifarms.net

if gender and sex were synonymous, there would be no males described as girly and no females described as manish. Everything a male did would be masculine, and everything a female did would be feminine.

fuck off autist no one gives a shit about what you have to say nigger, there is only male and female, a female that acts like a man is a tomboy, and a man that acts like a female is a faggot. its as simple as that

Socrates #crackpot #ableist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

The Homeless Scam

Circa 1950, “the “homeless” were called “bums” or sometimes “hobos.” The police used to arrest them ...

Then suddenly about 1980 the liberal media began to call the bums “homeless people” (because ... if you want to normalize something unpleasant ... you must first rename the thing! As another example: calling the unhappy homosexuals “gay”). The media didn’t mention the fact that most of “the homeless” were mentally ill, or running from the law, or simply enjoyed the vagabond, panhandling, hippie lifestyle.

... “the homeless” have become saints, like George Floyd and Holocaust survivors. It’s not their fault that they’re homeless. Noooo. They’re simply innocent victims of White male capitalism and greed! ... Billions of tax dollars are spent on “the homeless.”

Guess what: if you give the “professionally homeless” more money and more free stuff, then more of them will arrive in your city! ...

Today, California is awash with thousands of “professionally homeless” who harass and assault people on the beaches and in the parks. (A bum will approach a citizen and demand money — after all, he’s “entitled” to it! If the citizen refuses the demand, he could very well be assaulted so he’ll usually cough up the money. Bums are also notorious for carrying communicable diseases, e.g., hepatitis, tuberculosis, strep and diphtheria).

... Liberals will say “there are 178 million homeless in America!” when in reality there are maybe 30,000, with most of them being in California. Why not Nebraska? Too cold, eh? Not liberal enough, eh? Not enough big cities, eh?

California is run by liberals, and liberals are idiots. To be precise: liberals lack common sense. They were born without “the common sense gene.” That’s why they should not be allowed to hold public office or make important policy decisions. …


Prussian Society of America #sexist #racist #ableist #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Prussian Policies Towards Women"]

Prussia shall make no policy, law or procedure which views or treats “Women” in any way as a disadvantaged sex
Policies geared towards Women must ensure that Women receive balanced treatment in terms of how they are relegated to their duties and responsibilities as a Woman, in Service to her Father, Husband and the Vaterland
Women under the Reich are raised and educated in everyday life to appreciate, love, cherish and respect Men, and they come to learn that her own internal happiness comes from her eagerness to Please and Satisfy the Needs and Desires of the Man whom she will one day devote her life to
The German Race[…]is a higher race, intellectually and spiritually, where one can enjoy relations with the opposite sex on a greater realm than only primal or materialistic values
Women[…]are forbidden to heed the advice from her friends as “superior” to any advice or trust/faith she puts in her significance other or Husband
Women cannot use their bodies, beauty or charm and manipulations to get their way through life[…]Such Women who attempt such behavior will be sought out for punishment
Activities like “flirting just because one can” or “flirting to test the market” or “flirting just for fun” needs to be behavior (from both genders) that is considered intolerable and shameful
The State does not take a personal interest in the treatment or discipline a Man may use towards his spouse
Rhesus Negative blood type is automatic grounds for Abortion[…](even if it against the will of the Mother or Father)[…]If someone has Rh- Blood, this means that they are Jewish
Distinct Labor Positions for Women will be made available
It has been scientifically proven that once a Woman has given herself unto a Man, she will never be able to properly pair-bond with a New Man

Brett Stevens #ableist #wingnut amerika.org

At Some Point, We Will Have To Admit That The “Homeless” Are Parasites

Back in the day, we used to have a term for what are now called in politically correct mincing verbiage “the homeless”: bums, winos, drifters, hobos, grifters, beggars, and thieves.

That is not politically correct to say these days because egalitarianism demands that we consider all lifestyles equal. If you want to live in a ditch off handouts from government and guys trying to impress girls on a first date, we consider that a “choice” and the fact of its stupidity is not particularly relevant, at least socially.

However, in realityland, we recognize that the homeless are those who choose to avoid participating in our system and tend to live off of charity and theft. This has always been the case, which is why they never were viewed as anything but blight and risk by our ancestors. Our view was that it was easy enough to live a subsistence life without being a hobo, so hobo-ness conveyed instability.

Maybe five percent of them are Diogenesian geniuses wandering a vacant landscape, penning scripts of incomparable brilliance while the world misses their inner essence for their outer appearance and scorns them. Maybe. More likely, it is only a few per generation, and the rest are merely thinly-disguised parasites.


Government is blind to the homeless problem because it throws the cost back to the victims. You go to the police department, wait in line, file the reports, and then get the shrug and explanation that they just cannot do anything. ...

In the meantime, because of our pretense of egalitarianism, we tolerate among us people who are outright criminals but smart enough to keep their activities to such a low level that our bloated civil servants will never notice. This makes us bitter toward life, and cynical toward ourselves, just so some hobos can keep drinking and being useless in a valley somewhere.

distantmajin & various contributors #ableist #crackpot #psycho debate.org

[Topic: “Should we Euthanize those that will not or cannot take care of themselves?”]

There is no hope for mentally ill homeless people. It is inhumane to allow the homeless Community to live the way they do when they are all very clearly mentally ill. Most of them are mentally ill and addicted to drugs. There's no hope for schizophrenia. There is no hope for certain mental illnesses that cause violence and paranoia. These homeless people are not just merely living on the streets. They're ruining the streets! They are breaking into people's homes, Cars, Businesses, They are stealing! They harass people, Sometimes physically assault people. They are leaving their dirty needles all over the place. They are defecating in public. I don't understand how these people are not considered zombies that should be euthanized. We euthanize puppies and kittens that do absolutely nothing bad and yet we keep these people alive? For what? Their lives aren't great. I guarantee you most of them would want to die anyway. Get rid of them all. Kill them all! Goodbye goodbye goodbye homeless people!


Yes. . Yes. . . Yes. . . . People who aren’t contributing to society by working and paying taxes to keep our communities safe and operational, Absolutely have no place in a world that is dealing with over population and lack of resources. The United States and Canada would do themselves a great service by halting population growth and immigration to protect our natural beauty and resources. Homeless are a health hazard and a bring down property values. If you’re not contributing to society or at least trying to contribute it’s not my job or the governments job to take care of you. Homeless vets are excluded, Our shit government caused most of their problems so. . . . .

distantmajin & various contributors #ableist #crackpot #psycho debate.org

[Topic: “Should we Euthanize those that will not or cannot take care of themselves?”]

It would be a disservice to the individual that is suffering and is an unnecessary burden on the health system.


Discourage the voluntary homeless and rid society of the ones who will never contribute Governments create more and more homeless by handing out free drugs, Putting them up in hotels with meals and allowing them to do what ever they want in our parks. Anyone not willing to take a home placement should be euthanized as should all that refuse to stop taking free drugs. The park dwellers should have a choice between euthanization, Institutionalization for the mentally unwell or working for their shelter while learning a trade of some sort.


If you can euthanize a dangerous animal you can euthanize a dangerous human. I am tired of living in fear of walking downtown or going to the parks I used to love because the homeless are camped out there. I was a social worker, I’ve seen it. You will never end homelessness. Build all the low cost housing you want, You can’t house a drug addict or someone with mental illness who chooses to be on the streets. They are dangerous, Constantly commit crimes and interfere with hard working tax payers rights to live safely. We euthanize animals that put the public at risk, Why are we keeping dangerous criminals alive. Obviously this is a slippery slope but the rule of thumb should be if you took someones human right of being safe by robbing them or physically harming them then you’re deemed dangerous to public and should be euthanized. It’s time to make people reap the consequences of their actions and reward those who make good life choices.

AspieMom #ableist #psycho amazon.com

At least there's a little hope with cancer. There's no hope for children with autism. My daughter has Asperger's and she's constantly embarrassing everybody with her lack of social graces. She refuses to participate in any sort of therapy. Medications don't quiet or calm the symptoms. There's no palliative for it. She's always going to be autistic and she's never going to fit in anywhere, I don't care how smart she is. At least with cancer there's a cure or there's death. Autism isn't that easy.

Sherri Tenpenny #quack #crackpot #ableist thehill.com

A Cleveland-area physician and prominent anti-vaccine activist falsely told Ohio state lawmakers on Tuesday that the COVID-19 vaccine causes people to become "magnetized."

Sherri Tenpenny, an osteopathic doctor who supports the debunked conspiracy theory that vaccines cause autism, spoke as an invited expert witness to the Ohio House of Representatives, The Washington Post reports.

“I’m sure you’ve seen the pictures all over the internet of people who have had these shots and now they’re magnetized,” Tenpenny said to the lawmakers. “They can put a key on their forehead. It sticks. They can put spoons and forks all over them and they can stick, because now we think that there’s a metal piece to that.”

The Ohio doctor also baselessly claimed the vaccine could "interface" with 5G technology.

Tenpenny has written and published multiple books advocating against vaccine administration.

The Post reports that Tenpenny's baseless claims did not elicit any strong pushback from the lawmakers, with some GOP lawmakers expressing praise and gratitude toward her. They were listening to testimony in support of a bill that would bar businesses from requiring proof of vaccination.

Republican Rep. Jennifer L. Gross said to Tenpenny, "What an honor to have you here."

Jake Sargeras #ableist youtube.com

(responding to an autistic person saying he hates anti-vaxxers saying autism is worse then plagues)
You really are self-centered. Just because you've managed to function in society at least ostensibly you know midgets aren't a blight on society either, but if you ask a lot of midgets if they could have the choice of being regular sized would they take it I think most of them would say yes. As someone who has a son who is autistic I can tell you right now I'm terrified for his future. He doesn't have any relatives so when me and my wife die he'll be alone in this world he'll probably be at the mercy of some sort of government facility or state-run Care Facility, he's not capable of living on his own, so who knows what'll happen to him. But yeah it's a real affront to your sensibility because I wish that scary future wasn't awaiting him possibly.

Vijay Prozak #ableist #elitist #psycho anus.com

[From “What I Desire”]

I'd murder the loudmouths, complainers, whiners, priests and other passive people. They sabotage everything that one does by claiming injury anytime someone else takes action; it's like bin Laden versus America, in that America contentedly bombs Arab lands and then claims injury when the Arabs fight back, using that perceived injury to spur its people on to war. Or the "Holocaust," or slavery reparations, or people who were offended by any number of opinions, symbols, or ideas. Life should be tough and often offensive; at least it encourages people to fight, and not just whine. Even more, however, the culture of offense allows all good ideas to be shot down because someone is offended, and since we're all equal, we cannot point out that that person is a whining idiot and therefore will be offended by any sensible idea and thus should always be ignored.

I would march fat people across America and produce skinny people or corpses, no matter which; in either case, they would have conquered their fatness and thus in part fulfilled a destiny.

All the people who live on constant medication, or otherwise in the arms of doctors, I'd slaughter, along with their offspring. You can fix a car any number of times, but the only way you make one that's fun to drive is by designing a better one, like a VW beetle, so that its owner is free from constant worry, fear, and pain. People who live in that state always make terrible decisions and because they lack self-confidence and health, will sabotage any decision that benefits the healthy.

dust_pixiie #ableist twitter.com

I had terrible mental health too ): it’s horrible. You feel worthless and view things around you terribly. That is what satan does to people. Mental illness is a demon, and satan doesn’t give one single crap about us. But one day satan will pay for what he did to us,

Alexandra Bruce #conspiracy #ableist #wingnut #quack forbiddenknowledgetv.net

When I look at a group of Antifa members, I often feel that I’m looking at a group of people with High-functioning autism or Aspberger syndrome.
In this video, commentator Bill Whittle cites Politico chief political columnist, Roger Simon, who in a recent opinion piece for the Epoch Times asked whether cancel culture Progressives are not malevolent fascists, but suffering from symptoms of autism?
While it may be true that Big Tech CEOs and many of their Antifa-affiliated content moderators – and indeed, many in the cohort of Americans born after the 1980s exhibit symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder, I believe that, rather than their neurological condition being the cause of Internet censorship, their condition has been weaponized by a military-grade psychological operation as part of the information war being waged by the Deep State against the human race.

I believe this is especially the case of the Antifa members who are content moderators and “fact-checkers”, who are not truly in positions of power – even if they do have the power to nuke your Twitter account or to publish a derogatory report about your website on Newsguard.

As for the CEOs, they may indeed be Aspies but I believe there is an additional level of control via blackmail and threats that is in operation.
The real questions may be whether a generation of Americans has already been neurologically damaged by an aggressive vaccine schedule – and whether the enemies of humanity are now coming after the rest of us in a genocidal campaign to vaccinate “the entire global population” with CRISPR gene-editing technology that has not been approved for use in humans.

Various Incels #ableist #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

Should autistic men be put down like dogs in order to spare them from a lifetime of misery?

I personally voted yes. Autism has made my inceldom unquestionably worse.

Yes Votes: 17 70.8%
No, it’s to inhumane. Votes: 7 29.2%


I'm kinda glad ER went ER on his ricecel roommates. HE WAS JUST PUTTING THEM OUT OF THEIR MISERY

Didn’t think about that. High IQ post.

When you reach a certain level of blackpill these things are just intuitive, they certainly were for ER

No, they deserve a chance to become legends like Adam Lanza

No, it’s women causing problems for autistic men so just take away women’s rights and problem solved.

Why stop at men?

Putting down subhumans in general should be mandatory

DostoevskyCel #ableist #crackpot #sexist incels.is

JFL Bluepill logic is extremely easy to debunk

literally apply the 'stop being a wom*n hater online / shower and get a haircut bro' mentality to anything other than attractiveness and it sounds retarded

want to be a theoretical physicist when you grow up? just study hard bro :soy:
want to be a writer when you grow up? just practice writing bro :soy:
want to be a basketball player when you grow up? just practice and you'll succeed bro :soy:

in most of these cases even bluepilled fags will admit there's something biological which prevents the average tranny from becoming Tolstoy, Beethoven, or Newton, but for some reason the only place the biological determinist argument is said to account for basically 0% of the variation is attractiveness and sexual success, it's retarded, and self-evidently untrue

Bluepill is based on the Just World Fallacy: people get what they deserve and, with enough effort, you will archieve your dreams. The truth is, some people are more talented than others, taller, faster. Can a 90 IQ people end up becoming an engineer? Probably not, but if he does, by the time he graduetes his peers will have 10 years of experience.

normies will admit that a 90 iq retard will never become a physics professor, but won't admit a 2/10 balding manlet simply cannot find a woman who is attracted to him, sounds like gigacope on their part but its something about psychology and projection most likely. people dont want to believe their material selves and their lives are determined purely by genetics, they'll accept its genetics for the brain but won't for social function, etc

Timothy Hale-Cusanelli #racist #ableist #psycho abcnews.go.com

A U.S. Army reservist who was arrested for participating in the Capitol riot was known to coworkers as a white supremacist and Nazi sympathizer and wore a "Hitler mustache" to his Naval security job, federal prosecutors allege in new court documents.

Timothy Hale-Cusanelli, 34, from Colt Neck, New Jersey, faces seven criminal counts in connection with the Jan. 6 insurrection, including civil disorder and parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol Building.
Thirty-four of those interviewed described Hale-Cusanelli as "having extremist or radical views pertaining to the Jewish people, minorities and women," according to court documents filed Friday. A majority acknowledged he was a white supremacist and gave examples, "many of which were violent," prosecutors said.

One Navy seaman said he heard Hale-Cusanelli allegedly say, "Babies born with any deformities or disabilities should be shot in the forehead," and that if he were a Nazi "he would kill all the Jews and eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and he wouldn't need to season them because the salt from their tears would make it flavorful enough," according to the documents.

An officer said Hale-Cusanelli "talked constantly" about Jewish people, allegedly saying, "Hitler should have finished the job." Another officer said Hale-Cusanelli allegedly referred to Black people as "shit skinned minorities," according to the documents.

Several of those interviewed recalled that Hale-Cusanelli shaved his facial hair into a "Hitler mustache,” with a supervisor saying she had to "correct" him for sporting it to work, according to the documents.

Edmund_Kemper #ableist #psycho #sexist incels.is

Venting In defense of suicide: why suicide sometimes can be the answer.

Normies always like to say suicide is never the answer and that it gets better. It doesn't always get matter. They seriously think that for every MF it actually gets better! Gwahahahaha! pathetic fools!

Some people struggled to persevere. They tried their best, and things never got better. So they roped. Many times I would hope it'd get better, but it wouldn't. For example, I posted days ago about a 50 year old virgin with social anxiety disorder who never could find anyone because he had social anxiety disorder (a death sentence if you're sub8). He had zero chance of finding someone because of it, so there was no point in trying. Even if he found someone, he'd still feel depressed because he never got to do it when he was younger like over 99% of the population. He tried but never succeeded. And being a virgin at 50 would be a huge red flag to women (and even men for that matter). He decided he gave up on life and he said he would've killed himself a long time ago if it wasn't for false hope.

Suicide is labeled as selfish. Actually, forcing a person to continue suffering just so you can stay happy is actually selfish. I cannot think of anything more evil and inhumane than to force a person who is suffering to continue when they won't get better. If this 50 year old man really is suffering and has zero chance of getting better, let him end his life. It's over for him. He fucked up his life. Let him end it. I don't care about "what about your family?". You and others probably didn't help him until he threatened to rope anyways.

People say "my body my choice" for abortion but not for suicide. Well guess what? My body my choice. If i wanna rope, i can rope if i want. I get that death is horrifying, but if they're really suffering and it won't get better, let them go.People eventually move on. If you can't handle the mourning then just commit suicide yourself, too. It isn't such a big fuckin deal.

Various Incels #ableist #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: LifeFuel brazil gamer finally rises up and kills femoid and films her dead body


Imagine if she was Twitch streamer and the murderer recorded this live for all her simps to see...


Just the thought is making a huge smile on my face.

I read a part of his manifesto. Nigga can barely write in portuguese and thinks he's a genius or something, he's clearly mentally retarded, should've killed himself, way better than shitzilian prisons.

He is also said to have sent a PDF with messages "of hatred against Christians and makes a nod to terrorism,"

First reports was that he was fucking her and after the sex he asked her help to kill some christian pastors, after she denied, he chimped out. Maybe is real, why was she in the house of some random nigger she met on the internet anyways? i guess he talking about killing christians to foids made them wet, but the foids always thought he was just an edgy larper

(trying to ascend)
He don't talk nothing with nothing, his ideas are totally disconnected from each other. He and the foid were planning to kill christians, and people are acting as the foid was innocent. He said he and his ''army'' could kill all the christians and it was better for them to obey him. JFL at thinking you can kill 90% of the population

And the foid already knew him since january, but on the day of the shooting, she refused to go with him and cancelled the pact they made, them he killed her. But I don't doubt he was doing this for fame and making foids wet, because he clearly not explained clearly reasons to justify his hate against christians, I read the book till page 30, and there is nothing justifying his hate

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