
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Jill Colton #racist twitter.com

Are you really going to compare an Indian with me - someone whose family helped build this country from nothing? Me, a 12+ gen Canadian, Me, with Native lineage?
North America was built by WHITES.
Go fuck yourself dick

Andrew Anglin #sexist #crackpot #racist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From “On the Deeply Personal Nature of My Agenda to Abolish the Age of Consent”]

The Jews put gigantic pictures of nearly nude women everywhere

They flood the entire internet with porno to the point that the average age for first seeing a hardcore porno is now nine (9)

Then they declare that[…]you will go to prison for hiring a hooker[…]
I’m not “pro-hooker,” necessarily

I’m anti-fornication[…]
Outlawing prostitution is a part of the agenda to spread sexual promiscuity throughout society

Both Saint Thomas Aquinas and Saint Augustine said this would happen if the government attempted to regulate hookers[…]
(From this, you can extrapolate that all state regulations on heterosexual sex are wrong[…])
Before the government regulation, women had one basic choice: “hooker or wife?”[…]
When they wiped out “hooker,” they wiped out the decision between the two. It’s not a coincidence that the countries that still have strong marriages – Moslem, Asian, and some Latin American ones – still have legal but discreet prostitution[…]
Jews used to run prostitutes, because they were just involved in every slimy thing[…]Now, Jews do porno – which literally is prostitution with a camera – while outlawing standard prostitution

Jews were at the forefront of feminism, pushing everything related to that agenda[…]
An age of consent on prostitution would be appropriate, because it’s a drastic decision for a girl to make. Marriage, however, is not a drastic decision, and it is traditionally made in consultation with the girl’s father[…]
I advocate lowering the age of consent primarily as a hymen protectionism measure[…]There is no reason these bitches should be in school[…]the younger she is the more able she is to acknowledge the husband as the new father[…]
The part about abolishing the age of consent being a deeply personal issue for me is a joke (it’s very funny), but the larger point is not a joke at all: the age of consent is an attack on the family

GodBTrue@yahoo.com #wingnut #quack #racist jesussaidwhat.com

Global red communism is here :

Can you see it yet folks? The U.S., the west and all the world has been overtaken by global communism:

Over the last several years, the west has been victimized by the most comprehensive and wide scale propaganda and opposition control programs ever inflicted upon a people. It has been quite brilliant in execution and has easily kept the masses reeling for years under constant confusion and convolution. This list below is basically an outline of the communist manifesto and is the reality we now face as people who thought we were "free".

Please consider the following at face value:

-It wasn't just the fraudulent and rigged national and state elections with their institutional cover ups. As if this weren't bad enough, throw in the ensuing "red terror" campaign waged against the J6 political prisoners.

-Not just that but combine that with the blatantly obvious one-sided justice system.
-Add to that the continuous and massive government and media censorship demonstrating clearly that the state runs the media.
-Top it off with the visuals and message sent by Biden's "red speech" a few months back. This speech was the global rulers official announcement that communism has taken over America and it flew right over most heads.
Reality check folks. With a 60% death shot rate in whites they will not be a majority in the west for much longer. This is the cost of massive ignorance among normie whites who trusted in their governments and it's boob tube red media. Black, Hispanic and Asian shot rates are in the teens or lower percentages. The rulers already did the job and it is just a waiting game now unfortunately. The open borders are bringing in the white's low maintenance replacements at a rate of 300K a month after the die offs of whites. Just in time for the liquidation of the corporation.

Much of the low level wicked may fall soon and if that does happen look out because a far worse evil will eventually be revealed in the one who causes this flood. Beware and trust no prominent people, none whatsoever. We are living in a time of great betrayal and weeding out. The saddest part is that it has all happened before on a smaller scale just over a century ago and neither side of this great divide recognizes it.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
Well, you can fuck whoever you want (so long as they're a willing participant and of legal age).

HOWEVER, if you fuck non-white women, then you're not pro-White. You're literally a race-traitor.

But at least you're willing to admit you're a degenerate. It's nice to see a little honesty here for a change.

( @SouthPole )
@Nature_and_Race I broke it off with a girl I started talking to just a few weeks into the conversation when I realized she was of mixed blood. She looked completely White, but wasn't.

We have to live what we preach, otherwise we're hypocrites and no better than those who want to replace us.

( @WestStadt )
@SouthPole @Nature_and_Race do tell, she was half White and half?

( @SouthPole )
@WestStadt @Nature_and_Race apparently 1/4 Japanese, but you could not tell at all. Her hair was pretty straight, but I guess I missed that. It kinda sucked because she was really sweet, but I just couldn't do it.

( @ConwayO )
@Nature_and_Race I never understood the attraction towards Asian women in the Pro-White circles? 1. They have flat faces so that's just gross. 2. Asian's are boring in general imagine being married to one. 3. Asian's are the most resentful towards Whites, they're willing to side with Blacks that attack them on a daily bases just to stick it to Whites.

( @VirtuousKnight )
@Nature_and_Race They are race-traitors indeed. For instance, I have only one sibling, a younger brother, and he is a disappointment and a traitor. For the last few months I have been fighting with him because of his subversive and degenerate ways. I told him many times that he must find a woman that is 100% White, just like us, and he totally ignored my advice, and now he is dating an asian. When I told him that what he is doing is wrong he literally replied: "At least the Japanese helped Hitler". I was almost speechless because of the amount of stupidity that can be found in just one sentence, then I replied: "There is no "At least". What you are doing is wrong. Period." I just don't understand how someone with so much potential can be so idiotic. He is an adult and wears clothes that are 10 times bigger than him, and smokes weed almost everyday. And when I rarely give my National Socialist opinions during family gatherings, then my family worries about me, and not him, this is how disappointing this world is.

Southern Anglo #crackpot #racist #fundie twitter.com

Indians aren’t native Americans. The entire idea of having LGBTQ month, black month, Hispanic month, Indian month, women month etc is antithetical to our values and entirely pushed by our civilizational enemies. What’s next? LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 confederate month? God forbid!

There was no America before we arrived, so no. In the same way there was no France before the Franks. Were the Gauls the native Franks? Were the Welsh the native English? We created America.

The use of the term “Native American” to describe Indians arose in the 1970s in order to delegitimize true natives (I.e the descendants of the founding stock) by marxists and liberal academics. Prior to that point, Native American had been used to describe the founding stock.

Yes, we did displace the Indians as was our divine mandate. In a similar way, the ancient Israelites were ordered to displace the pagans from what would be Israel. Are the children of Amalek native Israelites?

Padraig Martin #wingnut #racist #elitist identitydixie.com

[From “High Noon Approaches”]

When the Baby Boom Generation passes away (that is increasing due to age), the political world will really become fascism versus communism. In many ways, it already is. But the Boomer Generation has held things in place largely because of their relative size and political activism. The generation was also raised to hate both fascism and communism, while embracing soft-Marxist ideals. Almost all of them are soft Marxists[…]
Marxism at, its core, shares two underriding principles. The first is economic[…]Everything is an outgrowth of economics, not cultural or genetic[…]
Marxism “explains” that criminality is due to poverty, not a genetic propensity toward crime. Financial well-being ameliorates revolutionary desires[…]
The second element is democracy. Marxism advocates more democratic participation[…]The Trojan Horse of Marxism has always been the perception of greater freedom hiding the tyranny of the masses within the belly of the policy. The fact is, democracy can only work in genetically homogenous societies and even then, it fails. Thus, your Founding Fathers were opposed to it[…]
An emerging break is occurring, led mostly by GenX influencers and fought amongst Millennials and GenZers. They know that economics does not explain everything, and democracy may not be a good thing. They see, and more importantly live, within the racial realities that break the Marxist paradigm

The future fight, therefore, will be one that pits non-White Marxists, who are on the verge of conquering the West and taking what they want from their previous White overlords, versus Whites who galvanize (bundle) together to form fascist coalitions, even if the term is not specifically used[…]
Either way, the system is falling apart, and Boomers are desperately holding on to power[…]in an attempt to make their soft Marxist vision a permanent reality. The only reality is the fact that it is over. A new racial dawn is rapidly approaching high noon

various commenters #wingnut #racist #sexist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
There are some old guys on Gab right now that are so desperate to sleep with young Asian women that they're willing to support those young Asian women when they stir up infighting between pro-Whites.

And then those desperate old guys actually carryout attacks on their fellow pro-White brothers and sisters, in defense of these non-white Asians who are stirring up fighting between White people.

It's times like this that I'm sincerely glad the pro-White community doesn't have any real power or influence. Our movement would be completely doomed if it was more recognized by the outside world right now.

( @PrincessKrav )
@Nature_and_Race its infuriating. It truly is. I was shocked the first time I saw it on Gab, older guys saying all western White women are awful and that if White guys want good "obedient" (HAH) wives, they need to look to the Asian countries. BULL. Dont call yourself pro-White and say that, please.

( @NordicWolf )
@PrincessKrav @Nature_and_Race
I'm pretty sure Asian women don't even have the capacity to love.
Referring mainly to Chinese. Japanese and Korean seem quite different but Chinese are mixed of many of the original east Asian sub clads and not actually pure in their own race.
Seldom does good ever come of race mixing, even among similar races.

( @jh182244 )
@Nature_and_Race my son calls asian women, fish face.

( @ToyotaZZchad )
@jh182244 @Nature_and_Race based lmao. Now you just got to teach him to throw fish at Asian women.

( @234jjj )
@Nature_and_Race I will never be glad we aren't a White run country. Regardless of our differences/disagreements. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

( @kungpowkitty )
@Nature_and_Race muh passport bros.
Filthy miscegenation

( @GSauce111 )
@Nature_and_Race I agree with you to an extent. I would always choose a White woman over anything…..BUT, when 90% of the White dating pool is completely unobtainable, demoralized, etc, I can’t really blame some older dude going after an Asian who treats him well. I’d rather see him be happy with his life than be bitter, angry and suicidal because all of the White women he comes into contact with are brainwashed, entitled, narcissistic c*nts. 🤷‍♂️

Cynthia McKinney and Stew Peters #conspiracy #racist #psycho #crackpot angrywhitemen.org

On his eponymous Rumble show[…]Stew Peters interviewed ex-congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. McKinney told Peters that Israelis have “penetrated” the U.S. government, and that the U.S. “put Zionist Jews in control” of Ukraine after staging a “coup” in 2014[…]
“So we have been called, at this program, antisemitic for pointing out factually that 100% of our media is funded by, what appears to be, Israel’s lobby,” Peters said, claiming that “most of Biden’s cabinet” are people who “happen to call themselves Jews”[…]
McKinney told Peters that she “absolutely” sees it that way, and told him that “we’ve got a Congress, a legislative branch, of 535 individuals” who “all swear some kind of allegiance to Israel, one way or the other, because that’s the way you get campaign financed”

“So they have penetrated the executive branch, the legislative branch. They have penetrated our state and local branches of government,” she said. “And you know, Stew, if you print the money then money is not an object for you. So these people have access to unlimited amounts of money”[…]
“When Robert Kennedy said that the spike protein in the Pfizer and the Moderna shots was ethnically specific, he told the truth, because I was the one that found the study,” McKinney claimed[…]
“So it’s not all Jews that have this immunity[…]That very same spike protein that was attached to coronavirus and caused the illness, and then was made to replicate inside one’s body, probably forever, by the injections — the COVID injections

McKinney also suggested that “Black nationalists” and “white nationalists” can work together for a common cause and create an “unstoppable” union. Citing Black and white cooperation during Bacon’s Rebellion, McKinney said there has been an “orchestration of division”[…]
McKinney agreed with Peters’ repeated calls for “extreme accountability” — the phrase he uses to refer to executing his political opponents. “When you say ‘extreme accountability,’ we have to have it”

dcsmit2 #fundie #conspiracy #racist dailykos.com

You are blaming the exection of Christ on the Romans, when in fact the Jews plotted to kill Christ and brought him before the Roman governor, Pilate. See Matthew 26: 3-5, which includes the passage “Jesus’ enemies, the chief priests and the elders, met in secret in the house of Caiaphas, the high priest, to make plans to kill Jesus.”

Also Pilate left the decision to execute Christ up to the Jewish mob, who were inspired by the Jewish Sanhendrin to condemn him. See, e.g. Mark 15: 1-15.

Please revise your post to report that it was the Jews and not the Romans who were responsible for Christ's crucifixion.

Clearly ALL present day Jews are not to blame for the crimes of the Apartheid Jewish state, but those with dual U.S. Israeli citizenship and those who send money back to Israel and those who lobby the U.S. congress in support of Israel share in the negative karma Israel incurs by its mistreatment of the Palestinians.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
According to some non-whites on Gab, it's wrong for pro-Whites to "brown bash" non-whites.

Seriously, we have open non-whites trying to dictate what pro-Whites can and can't do.

And for whatever reason, a bunch of self-proclaimed pro-Whites are supporting the non-whites who are trying to dictate White and pro-White affairs.

( @Shardik1 )
@Nature_and_Race it’s just the latest iteration of “mUh BaSeD bRoWnS”.

The same people dunking on boomers for based browning Candace Owens are sweating all over each other to elevate Shiva because he used the phrase “Zionist cock”

( @RebelPrepper1 )
@Nature_and_Race It's not too much to ask, but it sure seems like some (((pro-White))) faggots are addicted to non-White approval

I just want a homeland where
White people can be safe and
not have to worry about being
savagely attacked in the night.
I want a homeland where White
people can freely pursue their
racial and cultural destiny
without anti-White influence
This isn't too much to ask.

( @Fire_77 )

Not to mention, they still believe in the six million shoes

“jews are acting just like the Nazis!”

I told one of them that they deserve each other
Fuck it

( @Shotgun_Mouthwash )
I think we should definitely listen to non-Whites...

...cry as they board the trains

( @T0000008 )
@Shotgun_Mouthwash Or bleed out in a ditch for refusing to get on the trains, that's a crucial component.


( @littlefaith )
@Nature_and_Race Let’s not forget the ((campaign)) of disgusting videos titled “Dear White People” .and the (((campaign))) of (((intellectuals))) calling for the death of white people …SO .Dear Shitskins, (((reptiles))) invaders and mystery meats F@CK OFF

( @TheNotoriousMrDee )
@Nature_and_Race Ostracize the white lemmings and troll/mute the lower races.

@Wanderers_Choice & @tchrspet47 #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Wanderers_Choice )
Palestine will be free from the river to the sea!

Yes I agree, now go kill the fucking jews that are there killing Palestinians. The jews bring the Arabs to White countries to kill White people. Go kill the jews if they're killing you in your country instead of coming to White countries and killing White people because from where I sit as a White man in a White country you are both the fucking enemy and I don't care about the arguments of how it is White people that support Israel when half the Brown world does too.

Fuck your excuses that fall perfectly inline with the Kalergi plan for people killing White men and trying to make it seem like I'm the jew.

( @tchrspet47 )
@Wanderers_Choice It's akshually funny that the Jews are huge importers of Arabs and Muslims to white countries and are now being bitten by their own pets. Maybe they're not as smart as they carry on about?

sentinl_grave #racist twitter.com

“You’re not from here” is the simplest insight there is. When people ask “Zaid Jilani” where he’s from, they aren’t looking for “Texas” as an answer. You can fantasize about being a real American just like White people all you want, but people, even libtards, know you’re foreign.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
White countries do not need Islam to survive.

They need White Nationalism.

( @Lady_Liberty_2021 )
@Nature_and_Race. White countries can't survive with Judaism, that's for sure.

( @CrimePays1985 )
@Nature_and_Race I good with the destruction of the jew and muslim

( @KristiTrumpkinDragonfly )
@Nature_and_Race Nationalism. Key word. Segregation. Nobody needs or wants it.
It is necessary.

( @TheColonizer1788 )
@Nature_and_Race We need WHITE POWER!! Death to diversity and all it brings!

( @OnwardstoValhalla )
@Nature_and_Race White countries do not need Christianity to survive.

They need National Socialism.

( @BrittBrattFingerPuppet )
@Nature_and_Race jews and their desert cousin twat Muslims need to be evicted. Then on to their pathetic puppets. The feral non whites, race traitors, feminists, pedophiles, and faggots.

( @Auras777 )
@Nature_and_Race I've seen many conservatives like Anne Coulter rail on the likes of Trump for appealing to blacks & then laughing how disastrous this strategy is in winning, yet they are fine with cosying up to Jews who are also largely Democrats, are actually predominantly atheists, pro LGBT, have no conservative values.

Blacks & Muslims at least have conservative core values, believe in Christ. The only reason they're losing the Muslim/Arab vote is because of how pro Jewish (who are not even on their side) the right is, just costing them people who would otherwise be with them

John Carter #wingnut #racist #conspiracy barsoom.substack.com

So far as I know it plays no part in the plot of the Iliad, but if Agamemnon had been sufficiently cunning, perhaps he might have arranged for Patroclus to die specifically to elicit this emotional reaction from Achilles. Certainly the American ruling class has done essentially this on multiple occasions, indeed in essentially every major conflict in which it has been involved. They sunk the Maine and blamed it on the Spanish Empire, put the Lusitania in harm’s way to motivate entry into the Great War, allowed the Japanese to sink the fleet at Pearl Harbor in order to achieve the necessary Day of Infamy, invented the Gulf of Tonkin incident out of whole cloth in order to escalate involvement in Vietnam beyond mere military advising, and as for the New Pearl Harbour that inaugurated the War on Terror, well....

[picture of the aftermath of the 9/11/2001 suicide attack]

Which isn’t to say it always works. There have been several false flags in Syria, for example – mostly gas attacks – which the regime tried unsuccessfully to pin on Assad. Enough doubt and mockery was heaped on these claims by the forces of weaponized autism to prevent them from motivating the American public to support direct military intervention on a large scale, with the result that, remarkably and to the immense frustration of the neocons, Assad very much remains in power.

Still, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see some kind of outrage in the near future, to be pinned on Iran, or Russia, or even China. Maybe a low-level nuclear attack on an American city. Maybe the sinking of a carrier group. There are plenty of possibilities.

But outrage will not be enough. There must also be concessions. Agamemnon couldn’t rely solely on Achilles’ rage over Patroclus’ death, but also had to return Briseis. On that note, this post from /pol/ from back in February of 2023 seems prophetic:

@screenshot of 4chan

In the coming months the system will start backing down on a few woke issues due to concern about lack of participation of white men in the upcoming war. They know that diversity mutts are disloyal cowards and are incapable of winning a war […]

IMPORTANT: They still want to genocide western white men. Don’t be fooled by certain concessions the system will try to make. They still very much hate you, but need you to fight their war.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @UniversalDelirium )
They omit race when White people are murdered and victimized by non-whites because they want everyone to see race except for you, White folks.

( @Halp )
@UniversalDelirium I wouldn’t expect anything less from Fox Jews

( @Tetragrammatron )
@UniversalDelirium More journalists need their throats slit in my opinion.

( @Adrianthehistorian )
@UniversalDelirium In the Service of Israel, Jews gathered all those Groups in America that Hated/Envied the White Man and called it the Civil Rights Movement. $$$$$ had less to do with it than HATRED as this aspect of Humanity is a Much More Powerful Driving Force!

The Civil Rights Movement was Not about giving ‘Freedoms’ to a ‘Minority’ group (14%, Blacks).
It was all about the ‘Majority’ (78%, AKA: The Civil Rights Coalition), which was made up of Women, Blacks, Jews, Catholics, Homosexuals, etc. destroying the Freedoms and Political/Economic Powers of a minority group, (22%, AKA: Straight, White, Male, Protestants).
Freedoms and Political/Economic Powers that got in the Majorities way of gaining vast Wealth, Special Powers and Special Privileges for themselves.
Draconian Powers that had never before been seen on American soil.
Example: …. “Equality?”
White People Never had the government-backed 'Right'
to Force a business to Hire him.
To Force a business to Serve him.
To Force a homeowner to sell him their Home.
To Force a college to accept them!
But ALL other people and races have this Special Power.
This 5,000 black race riot imposed, ''Black Supremacy'! Black Aristocracy!

( @Carbon_Organism )

Do you what to know what the sickest part of this story is?
The boys "Dad" is concerned for the souls of the feral back sub-humans that did this.

""I hope there’s a way they can find forgiveness in their heart and find a way to be able to come to terms with what they’ve done".

The weakness and sick minds of so many atomised and deracinated White people is putting us all of us at risk.

These types of Whites are helping destroy our Race and Nations.

Amichai Eliyahu #racist #wingnut #psycho haaretz.com

Israel's Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu said on Sunday that dropping a nuclear weapon on the Gaza Strip is "an option"

peaking in a radio interview, the far-right minister maintained that "there are no non-combatants in Gaza," adding that providing humanitarian aid to the Strip would constitute "a failure"

Eliyahu was then asked if – since there are no non-combatants in his view – a nuclear attack on the Gaza Strip is an option. "That's one way," he responded

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded by saying that Eliyahu's comments are "divorced from reality"[…]
Later on Sunday morning, Netanyahu's office announced that Eliyahu had been suspended from government meetings until further notice[…]
Gallant's predecessor, Minister Benny Gantz, said Eliyahu's statement damages Israel and "adds pain to the families of the hostages"

guidecca2 #racist #conspiracy #moonbat dailykos.com

Moreover, what does a Democrat do when he comes to the realization that his party is corrupt and is controlled by the Jewish lobby? The 1400 people who died, did not die in vain. They are martyrs and they are the catalyst for peace, if there ever is peace in the Middle East. Our eyes are opened, our so-called liberal left leaders are not the enlightened people we thought they were. To wit, see the Jim Jordan (bastard) committee hearing on freedom of speech and the Hamas-Israel war. The Gaza supporters were escorted out of the hearing. The Israel supporters on the committee and on the panel steamrolled the discussion. Did anyone else see the hearing? The 11,000+ Palestinian civilians who were murdered by Israel died in vain.

[“If you weren’t so Putinized and full of propaganda I would be angry. Instead, I will just LMFAO.”]

"Putinized” is as good a word as any to cancel someone, if you want to believe in absolutes. There are no absolutes or few. There is only gray or something that resembles it. One absolute is 11,000+ dead civilians or some large number in Gaza, the “urban” place. If you can believe what you are saying and it makes you laugh, amazing. The angry birds will arrive and terminate my membership here most likely. Maybe you’ll win a vacation to the “Holy Land.”

@Nature_and_Race , @Wanderers_Choice & @Plastic_Banana #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
I honestly don't see Tommy Robinson any differently than the self-proclaimed pro-Whites who are currently celebrating Western countries being inundated with brown muslims, just because those brown muslims happen to not like jews.

(Even though those same brown muslims are now killing White people, because they can't tell the difference between Whites and jews, and those same self-proclaimed pro-Whites are excusing these brown-on-White murders, because "Well, they meant to kill a jew...it's the thought that counts.)

This is what he really stands for. It's Remembrance Day, but he is more concerned about it being Diwali and takes the opportunity to shill for more non-White immigration!

( @Wanderers_Choice )
@Nature_and_Race he literally denigrates White British men for knowing demographic information and wanting Britain to be all White people, meaning he WANTS BROWN ARABS in Britain. I'm not going to agree with Tommy the kike Robinson.

( @Plastic_Banana )
First off "brown" is not a race. Putting the emphasis on skin tone is exactly what the "colorblind" crowd wants. Race is about shared ancestry and identity not skin tone. Secondly, who on the nationalist right wants non-white immigration into the West? We're simply saying Islamics are no worse than any other non-white immigrant group. The religion itself, if adopted by Whites, might actually solve some of the social problems liberalism has created. There's a massive difference between a White in the West converting to Islam vs importing third world immigrants who happen to be Islamic.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
There's a lot of young White guys out there who are convinced that Asian women will treat them better than White women.

But here's the reality: Asian women are sent to White countries to breed White people out of existence.

Asian women are a biological weapon used to prevent the production of White children.

( @petergray )
@Nature_and_Race I look at this video in a slightly different way:
Just another woman with a white fever but she's trying to justify it in front of her woke friends.

( @VictoryValhalla )
@Nature_and_Race Asian women age hard, tiny boobs and flat asses. Never understood the attraction 🤷🏼‍♂️

( @vw16app )
@VictoryValhalla @Nature_and_Race incredibly short, overbite jaws, thin hair, yellow, slanted eyes. It's the same reason why some Whites trade their race for a nigger. Nobody can explain the attraction because the White person is mentally ill. An unstable person finds the most ugliest things acceptable.

( @BeauDixon )
@Nature_and_Race That is the purpose of all this “diversity” and why they force integration. They are destroying our race. It’s White Genocide

( @844steamtrain )
@Nature_and_Race Hahaha! I laugh every time I see this, or some stupid White lady bragging about sleeping with black men. The White race has already survived famine, genocide, plague, war and natural disasters for thousands of years. We will survive this White genocide as well. Real White people are already taking care of themselves, their families and their communities just fine.

( @Plebflop )
That chink only fuck niggers, I bet she's got a BLM fist tattooed on her lower back.

Steve Laws #racist twitter.com

Stop being so dramatic. You're foreign. We get it. Nobody cares if you were called a P*ki. You're from Pakistan, it's just descriptive.

English blokes can sing 'England till I die' as long as they bloody well want.

White Papers #racist #crackpot whitepapersinstitute.substack.com

The Great Repatriation: the return of non-Whites to their respective ethnic homelands, is the cornerstone of our policy agenda here at White-Papers. While we have no doubt that this can be accomplished, and have written extensively about states which could be our allies in this cause, other states are going to, at least in the beginning, be oppositional to any Great Repatriation project by White nations.
The United States already has a history of limiting remittance payments to nations which it does not politically align with. Remittance restriction regimes have been applied, on and off, to the Cuba for decades and the US government retains the right to apply such restrictive regimes to other states.

India is the perfect example of a remittance restriction candidate. If the Indian state does not want to cooperate with US deportations (and it currently is uncooperative) than a pro-White American state must withold all remittance payments during any Great Repatriation schemes. The Indian government and Indian citizens will miss out on tens of billions of dollars in transfers which could be made while the 4.4 million Indians in the US continue to work until eventually being asked to leave.

African elties and the Chinese ruling class are some of the largest purchasers of luxury goods on the planet, and so are liable to be ‘harmed’ by not having access to them.

The United States and European Union have already imposed sanctions regimes on Russia which prevent the export of luxury goods to that state. These regimes should be expanded to any state which is reluctant to cooperate in the return of its nationals.

By starving the elite of Africa, Asia and the general developing world of the cars, watches, and luxury goods which give them domestic standards of living we can force said elites to cooperate in order to serve their personal greed.

Charlie Kirk #racist #wingnut #conspiracy mediamatters.org

Citation From the November 7, 2023, edition of Salem Media Group's The Charlie Kirk Show

CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): Jews have been some of the largest funders of cultural Marxist ideas and supporters of those ideas over the last 30 or 40 years. Stop supporting causes that hate you. Now, you might say, well, how is one thing applied to the other? If you train a generation, if you do everything through an oppressor, oppressed lens, they will apply that lens to the Israel-Hamas conflict. The same way that they apply it to the police issue, the gender issue, good guy, bad guy, somebody on top, somebody on bottom

Until you cleanse that ideology from the hierarchy in the academic elite of the west, there will not be a safe future. I'm not going to say Israel won't exist, but Israel will be in jeopardy as long as the western children, children of the west, are being taught, with primarily Jewish dollars, subsidizing it, to view everything through oppressor oppressed dynamic. Until you shed that ideology, you will not be able to build the case for Israel, because they view Israel as an oppressor

Timothy Fitzpatrick #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia fitzinfo.net

[From “How the West could co-opt Zionism to rein in Islam and the Left”]

World Jewry is behind the radical Left and the Islamo-African invasion of the West, but Zionism has a script to follow, and it is one that could be exploited for Western gain

Zionism is a tool for world Jewry (elite Jews)[…]For many average Jews (especially conservative ones), Zionism is the end[…]These are the kind of Zionists with which the West could ally in order to help battle world Jewry’s greater plans of using the Left and Islam to clear the world of whites, Christians, and conservatives in preparation for their world Communist Hasidic empire

The Zionist script is fundamentally nationalistic, moralistic, and ethno-centric, which is what the West had been up until about the 1960s when world Jewry introduced their immigration schemes and cultural Marxism. World Jewry doesn’t care for nationalism because world Jewry is cosmopolitan[…]
The trick for us is to use the Western-friendly aspects of Zionism to keep Islam and the Left under control[…]World Jewry knows that Zionism does not have the full support of the West and conservatives, and it prefers it this way so that it doesn’t have to push too hard in advancing the conservative values that little Jews want[…]World Jewry just advances Zionism enough that it suits their cause of keeping the Middle East perpetually destabilized[…]draining America and Britain’s reserves, and in turning the world against the West[…]
World Jewry fears the little Jews realizing that they are being played by their elder brothers, so they must meet their demands[…]
More Jews would have to support Zionism[…]Zionism is losing a lot of support in Israel itself, as many Israeli Jews are moving toward the Left. The evidence of this is the growing support for LGBT, unfettered immigration, and anti-Zionism in Israel. The popular anti-Bibi rhetoric is an effect of this and not some awakening to the Soviet Israel control over the region as it might seem

Ian Connolly #racist #crackpot twitter.com

1) There was no America or country of any kind until the Europeans came here and built one. It was just open land.
2) The “Native Americans” come from Asia — no different than Europeans exploring/settling here. They have no claim to the land, because they didn’t build a nation.

Erik Carlson #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy badlands.substack.com

Recently, I saw a statistic that 3% of Chinese families don’t have a father in their homes. 4% of Indian families (India) don’t have a father in their homes. 23% of American families don’t have a father in their homes. 6-7 times more American families don’t have a father in their home than in China or India.

Why do I bring this up? I believe for many young Americans; Barack Obama is a father figure.

I believe Obama is a CIA-created character, and I don’t think it’s that big of a stretch to believe he was at least partially created to be a father figure for young Americans who were desperately in need of one. He may not physically be in their homes, but he was in their homes every night on the television. He was, in the eyes of many, the perfect dad—calm, cool and dare I say, caring.
If not for Obama’s presidency, we probably wouldn’t have men using women’s bathrooms, or children mutilating their own bodies because they believe they were born in the wrong body, or transvestite drag queens reading pornography to children in public libraries, or as much racial tension, or athletes taking a knee during the National Anthem. Actually, if Obama was never created by the CIA, what would we even be talking about today? Imagine someone going into a coma in 2007 and waking up today: would they even recognize the world they now live in?
When people say the Covid mandates and the Trans, LGBTQ+, and woke policies in general are straight out of Nazi Germany, they aren’t exaggerating. What we are currently experiencing was used 80 to 90 years ago to create the Nazi Party. There is very little difference between the two.

The purpose of the Hitler Youth and the indoctrination that is happening to the youth of America today is to steal a generation away from its parents and grandparents. The Deep State, through Obama, understands that children are more easily molded than older adults. Children can be effectively shaped through propaganda, fear and fear of being ostracized.

Greg Reese and Alex Jones #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger mediamatters.org

Infowars personality Greg Reese defended a Holocaust denier and questioned the death toll from the Holocaust in a segment promoted and aired by Alex Jones

During a November 1 episode of The Alex Jones Show, Jones aired a pre-taped segment where Reese defended neo-Nazi Ernst Zundel and his false claim that 6 million did not die in the Holocaust. Reese said, “The main argument was simply challenging the number 6 million. Many others have worked out the math and concluded that 6 million would’ve been impossible”[…]
Jones actively promoted the segment, insisting that the clip “needs to go viral.” He also played the piece in full and directed viewers to watch it on an Infowars-aligned streaming site

Reese continued to question the Holocaust's death toll claiming the Israeli government “who funds and operates Hamas ... is openly calling for genocide of all Palestinian people under the banner of their God. Are we still bad people for asking logical questions?” Reese then went on to suggest that the figure “6 million” was not the amount of Jews killed, but a reference to the Book of Zechariah

Donald Trump #wingnut #fundie #racist rollingstone.com

Donald Trump has long been painting a picture of what he’ll do to the United States should he win back the White House next November. His plans include everything from pulling America out of NATO, as Rolling Stone reported on Monday, to a sweeping, multi-faceted crackdown on immigration — which he elaborated on during a campaign speech in New Hampshire

“I will implement strong ideological screening of all immigrants,” the former president vowed. “If you hate America, if you want to abolish Israel, if you don’t like our religion (which a lot of them don’t), if you sympathize with jihadists, then we don’t want you in our country and you are not getting in”[…]
Trump spoke in New Hampshire on Monday shortly after he officially filed to participate in the state’s presidential primary

Omar Zaid/Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

The Muslim Brotherhood is a Masonic movement that includes Hamas and Hezbollah and the Iranian mullahs. It's a tool by the British-based Globalists whose main objective is to overthrow the established world order and create a new one-world system of global governance.

Makow - As in the Second World War, Freemasons control both sides of the coming world war. Agenda 2030 will be implemented one way or another. Humanity is victim of a grotesque trick. We cannot comprehend how completely society is satanically possessed, because we're contaminated ourselves. Demonically possessed by lust and greed, we're like lemmings, racing to our demise.
Without the British, "radical Islam would have remained the illegitimate, repressive minority movement that it has always been, and the Middle East would have remained stable and prosperous."

The real Muslim Brothers are...the secretive bankers and financiers who stand behind the curtain, the members of the old Arab, Turkish, or Persian families whose genealogy places them in the oligarchic elite, with smooth business and intelligence associations to the European black nobility and, especially, to the British oligarchy.

By fabricating a bogus war between Islamic fundamentalism and the West, the globalists are able to attack their real enemy, humanity. Pulling the strings, they will ensure that both Western and Muslim states are degraded and finally completely subjugated to their odious rule.

They plan a new feudalism that will impoverish the middle classes, depopulate and enslave the masses, and leave only the rich served by a technocracy. The whole world will resemble a repressive third world country governed by the IMF, UN and World Bank.

The globalists are headquartered in London and centred on the Rothschild-dominated Bank of England, MI-6 and the secretive Round Table society, which spawned the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

Candace Owens #transphobia #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #wingnut #racist lgbtqnation.com

At a speaking engagement, right-wing pundit Candace Owens went on a racist and anti-trans rant against Native Americans in response to an audience member’s question about Two-Spirit people.

The audience member asked Owens how she could believe trans identities are somehow a new trend fueled by the media when Two-Spirit Native Americans have existed for thousands of years.

Two-Spirit is an umbrella term used in Native American communities to describe those who do not conform to their sex assigned at birth and who are said to possess both a male and female spirit. Two-Spirit people were once considered healers and shamans, but colonization led to their marginalization. Many communities, however, are working to revive their sacred roles.

Owens had never heard of Two-Spirit people, and she responded to the question with a series of derogatory comments about Native Americans.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about with Two-Spirit people,” she said. “Is this like a Native American tribe, like high smoking and talking about your spirit? I’m asking you seriously, because when I think of Native American tribes talking about their spirits, I know that they used to smoke a lot, they used to do drugs, they also were cannibals who used to eat people, so I don’t know if we should be taking our cues from cannibals.”

Owens then denied the audience member’s claim that it is basic historical knowledge that there were trans native Americans.

“I don’t think that there were trans native Americans,” she said, before the audience member told her to educate herself.

God Is Evil Award

David Bay #fundie #racist #psycho #crackpot cuttingedge.org

[Promotional copy for David Bay's DVD documentary "Israel's Prophesied Annihilation of the Palestinians"]

You will be shocked to learn that God's Holy Spirit has been working since 1990 to convince the Israeli leadership of the need to annihilate the Palestinians. You will be further surprised to learn that the huge security fence Israel has erected around the Palestinian towns and cities will prove to be an indispensable tool in their strategy to carry out this complete destruction, as God has foretold 2,500 years ago.

We wish to reiterate that we take no satisfaction from this unbelievable prophecy of carnage, but a lot of people are going to be searching for valid answers in a hurry once this carnage does occur. They have to look no further for correct answers than this prophecy in Obadiah.

One hour 16 muntes long.


When the world wakes up one morning to discover that Israel has annihilated as many as 5 or 6 million Palestinians, they will be screaming for an explanation. The only reason people cannot comprehend this unparalleled disaster is that they do not understand God's Nature, in all of its Perfections. This bonus teaching will bring to light God's attributes, which explain why He carried out His prophesied annihilation of the Palestinians, after giving them 2,500 years of warning!

Viljam Lauri Antero Nyman and two unnamed accomplices #racist #psycho #wingnut yle.fi

Päijät-Häme District Court has sentenced three men to prison for crimes committed with terrorist intent

The case marks the first conviction in Finnish criminal history on terrorism offences linked to far-right ideology

The main suspect in the case, 29-year-old Viljam Lauri Antero Nyman, was sentenced to three years and four months imprisonment on charges of aggravated firearms offences committed with terrorist intent as well as training to commit a terrorist act

He was also convicted of a narcotics charge

A second defendant, born in 1996, was sentenced to one year and nine months in prison on charges of aggravated firearms offences committed with terrorist intent and training to commit a terrorist act. He was also found guilty by the court of five other offences

The third suspect, a man born in 2001, was convicted of aiding and abetting an aggravated firearms offence committed with terrorist intent[…]
Prosecutors had told the court during the trial that the trio believed in far-right ideologies. The prosecution case was that the defendants were following "accelerationist" strategies, hoping to precipitate broader conflict they referred to as a "race war" through shocking acts of terror intended to destabilise Finland's democracy

The court further heard that the suspects believed in defending the superiority of the white population, which would involve the use of violence against perceived enemies of the white population and the nation state, including immigrants, ethnic and religious minorities, anti-fascists and social activists

Investigating police officers said that the suspects had produced semi-automatic weapons based on the FGC-9 pistol calibre carbine using a 3D printer in preparation for the so-called "race war"

The Armchair Prophet #racist #wingnut #magick #conspiracy stateofthenation.co

Truly, the Palestinians are the victims of a long planned and highly organized ritual satanic human sacrifice by the Synagogue of Satan.
First, that the Zionist State of Israel purposefully chose 10/7 to begin this odious and satanic mass human sacrifice the very day after the Jewish Fall Feasts were concluded on October 6, 2023. Which makes the Israeli Zionist perpetrators the high priests conducting this execrable and vile sacrifice. Which will inevitably set them up for their biggest fall from power since biblical history first began. It’s already a proven reality that Israel had very few friends within the world community of nations prior to 10/7; and now they have even fewer. After all, what self-respecting country or people would ever want to associated — in any way — with a such a savage and bloodthirsty nation? Yes, the ZOGs of the US, UK, EU, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, but that’s to be expected.

Second, that the Palestinians have unwittingly sacrificed themselves for the purposes of enlightening the entire planetary civilization to the profound evil and satanic nature of the Zionist State of Israel. The key word here is “unwittingly”. The now daily massacres of the Palestinians at the hands of their Zionist oppressors are being seen and heard and felt the world over. And, this will sacrifice have soon have severe and swift repercussions for those incorrigible practitioners of satanic mass ritual human sacrifice. For this ancient ritual of making human sacrifice goes back to the very first tribes of Israel; although they have kept this dirty little secret very quiet throughout the modern age … until now, that is.
Now that the apartheid nation-state of Israel has completely removed its mask and exposed the BEAST that it really is, countries everywhere are rejecting it as an exceedingly dangerous rogue entity brazenly capable of doing any evil or iniquity—ANYTHING!

Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey #crackpot #wingnut #racist #magick #conspiracy americaistheoldworld.com

The Amurru Washitaw Dedugdahmoundyah Muurs (Moors) were originally a group of priests from the Egypt of the west (Old Egypt), also known as the Dogon/Olmecs/Mayans. The term Washitaw is a corruption of Ursahtaw, the father and mothers of the mystics. In Egyptian, Ursahtaw is Urrashet, the winged sun disk, which symbolizes the highest knowledge, the pineal gland being open.

The Sumerian god, “Amurru,” is actually the origin to words like Amaru/Ameru/Ameri, which are root words to America (Amurru-Ka). America is actually a corruption of Amen-Ra-Ka. It’s strange how everything comes from the Egypt of the West, which is old Egypt. Read my post that I did on Facebook years ago that proves that Egypt was also in the Americas, because the god Ptah (a pre-dynastic Egyptian deity /Atlantean god) is from the Americas. Yes, Ptah (Judah) is from the Americas because his Territory was Ptah/Utah/Judah territory which covered Mexico and several states: California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Texas. Additionally, Ptah was also the chief god of Luxor in Memphis, Tennessee, which was in the Americas
The Amurru Washitaw Dedugdahmoundyah Muurs (Moors) lay claim to the following land by and through bloodline: de bourbon Estate, also known as The Emperial International Estate of the Bourbon Hapsburg Empire which includes Western Europe: The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switerland, Germany, Italy, Sicily, Naples, Sardina, Spain, and Portugal. As well as most of North America and Caribbean in addition to Central and South America; and all of North America west of the Emperial Demarcation Line (1713) or British Royal Proclamation Line (1763).
The Washitaw Muurs enjoy diversity of citizenship jurisdiction, because they are a nation within a nation. All Washitaw Muurs enjoy dual citizenship status. They are citizens of the United States of America, not the United States, and citizens of the Washitaw Nation.

Stew Peters #wingnut #transphobia #psycho #racist mediamatters.org

Rumble host and X influencer Stew Peters called for the murder of Catholic Charities workers[…]

STEW PETERS: These people cross into Mexico and coach illegals on how to get admitted here. They pay for their bus tickets to the cities that you and I live in[…]
A lot of people say that we need troops on the border who will shoot the people trying to sneak across. I agree. They're invading our country. The military's sole function is to protect its country from a physical invasion and to protect you and I and the people that I love and the people that you love from any harm that might come as a result of her invasion[…]We need troops on the border that will shoot people that are trying to invade our country

That'd be a good first step. But you know what a better second step would be? Shooting everyone involved with these fake charities

Peters later implored his audience to buy a gun and learn how to shoot[…]“If they come for your guns, you better be ready to die in a pile of spent shell casings”

Shortly after talking about buying guns and learning how to use them, Peters also turned his attention to public schools, stating: “I don’t think that we should just bail and go homeschool. No, we freaking fund these public schools. We go there and we fight them and we root them out and we restore our schools to teach what they're supposed to. Hundreds of thousands of kids are attending Christian schools — not fake ones like the ones that we have Pride flags in. Can you believe that?”

He then talked about killing doctors who provide gender-affirming care, stating:

STEW PETERS: We're really lucky because the Bible itself already tells us what the punishment should be. From the gospel of Matthew, quote: “But who so shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me. It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” That sounds like a great idea. Isn't it?

Bradford Hanson #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger nationalvanguard.org

Whites use their human and mammalian brains; Jews use their human and reptilian brains.

A LONG, ENDURING metaphor of European man describes the mind as consisting of two parts, each competing for mastery. One is likened to man himself and is called by philosophers, in line with their vested interest, Reason. The other is likened to a brute mammal or beast.

In Plato this brute part of the mind or soul is divided into a good and bad beast, the former (the white horse in Phaedrus, the lion in the Republic) innately siding with Reason, the latter (the black horse in Phaedrus, the many-headed beast in the Republic) attempting to overthrow Reason. The same brute mammal may display submission to man (as a horse obeys its rider) or unruliness and violence (a horse throwing its rider).

Until fairly recently this enduring and pervading Western metaphor was no more than a figure of speech.
The conclusion is inescapable that European man’s reptilian brain is dependent and non-autonomous. The active agents of his internal conflicts are his mammalian and distinctively human brains. His neuroanatomy structured the way it is, he mixes reason and abstraction with the concrete insights and warm emotions of the mammal.

In contrast, the Jew’s mammalian brain is dependent and non-autonomous. The active agents of his internal conflicts are his reptilian and hominid brains. Following the dictates of his neuroanatomical structure, he mixes reason and abstraction with the cold instinctive responses of the reptile.

In these two different neural systems and their correspondingly different mind-sets we are finally able to understand the specific traits, both mental and physical, that have always differentiated Europeans and Jews.
The same difference of minds will ex­plain why European man is so damaged by formal education, whereas no matter how much education he acquires, the Jew never loses sight of his race, culture and — nowadays — Israel.

various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist gab.com

( @RealSixMillion )
The CIA, in coordination with the Mossad and ADL, murdered President John F. Kennedy.

Then had Jacob Rubenstein, aka fake goy name Jack Ruby, kill their patsy Oswald.

This is just a fact now.

Those that disputed the Warren Commission report were smeared "Conspiracy Theorists", it's where the term comes from.

And why they scream it at anyone telling the truth about anything now.

( @My_burner )
@RealSixMillion while only being 2 percent of the population jews are grossly over represented at 95 percent of all maniacal devious historical events.

( @blackbird9 )
@RealSixMillion "The CIA, in coordination with the Mossad and ADL, murdered President John F. Kennedy. Then had Jacob Rubenstein, aka fake goy name Jack Ruby, kill their patsy Oswald. This is just a fact now."

If only we could find some (((Pattern)))??? 🤣

🤡 🌍

"JFK Assassination Records - 2022 Additional Documents Release"

( @Greg69 )
There's a straight line from the spawning of the FED, to the murders of JFK & his brother, to the Israeli masterminded 9/11 false flag.

( @MisterWales )
@RealSixMillion Back then, we were young, naive, and stupid, to be blunt. The hurdle they now face is an increasing number of unindoctrinated citizens who have learned to become comfortably numb to the labeling techniques they utilize, be it racist, white supremacist, election deniers, or whatever. As I've stated previously, they've reached their Rubicon - they now must make us enemies of the state, or somehow simply eliminate us.

( @Colony14 )
@RealSixMillion November 22, 1963 was the day the deep state realized it could do whatever the hell it wanted to do.

( @Quixote_Reborn )

Mossad did it, CIA backfilled for cover.
One wonders if JFK doubted The HollowCost™, that would make the cycle complete.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @BlackScorpionNationalists )
👍 = Agreee
👎 = Disagree

spoilerJewish power hates free speech
because when people are free to
speak the truth, the most obvious
truth is that Jews are a threat to
our societies.

( @Graphix )
@BlackScorpionNationalists remember when (((they))) had to censor their 'A.I. superior LEARNING computer' Tay that became a full-blown aggressive fascist after less than 24 hours online asking questions and accumulating data.

( @NinjaGoy )
@BlackScorpionNationalists tough to just agree or disagree on this question.

They definitely don't approve of speech that exposes them but definitely do approve of speech that supports their poisonous ideologies to spread throughout societies that they have targeted.

( @BlackScorpionNationalists )
@NinjaGoy To be honest, this is a question you can either agree or disagree on. If you want to expand on it, feel free to do so. Yeah, Jews have always hated free speech because the Jews know that they are a cancer to any healthy society. Had they honestly believed that they were good, they would want free speech, because people would openly praise them.

And those who would speak badly about them, would be shut down without censorship, by people with different views.

Unnamed Daghestani rioters #racist #psycho theguardian.com

A mob in Russia’s mostly Muslim region of Dagestan has stormed the airport in Makhachkala in search of Jewish passengers arriving from Israel

In the past day, local people have besieged a hotel in search of Jewish guests and stormed the airport after reports emerged that a flight from Tel Aviv was arriving in the city. Passengers were forced to take refuge in planes or hide in the airport for fear of being attacked

Local health authorities said that 20 people had been injured, including two who were critical. The RIA news agency said nine police officers had received injuries in the incident, two of whom were being treated in hospital. The passengers on the plane were safe, security forces told Reuters

Sixty people were later detained, RIA reported on Monday, adding that 150 of the protesters had been identified[…]
“This is your captain,” one announcement said. “There’s an angry mob outside that doesn’t know where we’ve come from and why [we are here]. It’s possible we’ll also come under attack.”

The riots appear to have been inspired by a number of posts on the social media platform Telegram, where followers were told that a flight from Tel Aviv would be arriving that evening with refugees from Israel

Some of the signs held by the rioters read, “We are against Jewish refugees”. Police stood by as hundreds of protesters surged into the airport’s main terminal, entering restricted areas and demanding that customs officials direct them toward the arriving passengers[…]
Reports of anti-Jewish acts were not confined to Makhachkala. In Nalchik, another city in the neighbouring Kabardino-Balkaria region, a planned Jewish centre was set on fire earlier on Sunday. Earlier on Sunday, protesters also besieged a hotel in the Dagestani city of Khasavyurt, searching rooms for “Jewish refugees”

Greg Reese #wingnut #racist #conspiracy gregreese.substack.com

Climate Denier, Racist, NAZI, and Antisemitism, are words that have been exhaustively misused to psychologically beat people into a submission of shame. It is a human-control technology that works on many people.

When you point out the facts which expose the man-made global warming theory as a hoax, you are called a Climate Denier or a Science Denier. We are expected to trust the science even if it doesn’t scientifically add up. The group mind has been conditioned to look down upon those who question the official narrative. And the word Denier, or Denial, has been made into a curse. This deceptive word play, along with the term ‘Hate Speech’, both stem from the Holocaust Denial trials of the 1980s
The Zionist government, who funds and operates Hamas under the Mossad maxim; By way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War, is openly calling for the genocide of all Palestinian people under the banner of their god. Are we still bad people for asking logical questions based on observable facts?

The number six million has been ritually used by Zionists since their official beginning in the late eighteen hundreds, decades before the Holocaust. It obviously means something. Six million is a six followed by six zeros. And so it can represent sixty-six. Sixty-six is also two-thirds. The Hebrew prophet Zechariah wrote that two-thirds of the nation of Israel will be cut off and die. Many believers of biblical prophecy believe that this mass blood sacrifice is necessary in order for their messiah to return.

The Zionists seem to be no friend of the Jewish people, but by simply showing this information, many of you are triggered into thinking I am an antisemite, a racist, or even a NAZI! And yet all I am doing is reporting on the unbiased scientific inquiry that people have had for decades in the pursuit of truth.

Mind control is a real threat and we are all affected.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #racist gab.com

( Donald J Trump )
Our Country is SICK inside, very much like a person dying of Cancer. The Crooked FBI, the so-called Department of “Justice,” and “Intelligence,” all parts of the Democrat Party and System, is the Cancer. These Weaponized Thugs and Tyrants must be dealt with, or our once great and beautiful Country will die!!!

( @JerryBruceD )
@USCenturion @realdonaldtrump

jews and fags... so long Trump.

( @anavrin5 )
@USCenturion @realdonaldtrump We are fighting for the gay community to be completely obliterated

( @FreezingSummit )
@realdonaldtrump Maybe if you pander to more faggots and Jews we can fix it!

( @MickyB57 )
@FreezingSummit @realdonaldtrump
If you ask me, Biden is the one pandering to the faggots. Look at his administration you dumbfuck. You're a fucking Trump troll. Get a life bitch.!!

( @Twisted_Texan )
@realdonaldtrump By endorsing the scourge of sodomites, you have become one of the tyrants.

( @osvanska )
@realdonaldtrump It’s the jews, Drumpf.

( @Toolman89 )
@osvanska @realdonaldtrump he wants us to fight each other so that they can 'destroy the nations' and rule the world from jewruslaem. white liberals aren't our enemy, they are dumb slaves who will become our slaves if we take power. remove the jew and you remove the problem, it's as simple as that and thus they are our only target to focus on.

( @brextremist )
@realdonaldtrump And who are the "cancer" to which you refer? It's the jews. Jews are in control of these crooked institutions. Jews are the ones rotting America from the inside.

Henry Makow PhD/Freddie B. #fundie #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Christian Zionists have joined the ranks of Christ's executioners.

They believe Christ's Gospel of Love (God is Love) allows Israel
to starve and slaughter the descendants of the rightful inhabitants of Palestine.

The Hamas massacre of Israelis was planned by Netanyahu to justify genocide
and start a world war which could destroy Israel. This may explain why they regarded Ukraine as the new Israel. False flags and "atrocities" are the hallmarks of every war.

COVID did not kill enough people. The coming world war will. We are all Palestinians,
squatters on their planet.

We are experiencing a violent shift to a world dedicated to Satan. Obviously they are motivated by a visceral hatred for us. But if we say anything, we are the "haters." The Zionists say the Palestinians are animals, not human. But this is what the Talmud says about us all.

These people lecture us about systemic racism! White supremacism! Their vendetta against humanity is our pathology and irrational hatred. They live in a satanic solipsism. Mankind will be destroyed if we can't excise this cancer.
The leaders of the Christian Zionist movement (Faith Bible Chapel) are not only in bed with the methods of the Jewish Zionists, but also they are led by the false and heretical beliefs of Christian dispensationalism, where they think they have some duty to help make the biblical Apocalypse happen.

Christian Zionists are every bit as guilty of the atrocities and crimes against humanity as the murdering Israeli military marching through Gaza in their ethnic cleansing and land-clearance operations.

The church is the other, and it consists of all those and only those (whether Jew or gentile) who are saved between the Day of Pentecost and the rapture. Part of the reason for the pre-tribulation rapture is to remove the church from earth so that God can begin dealing with national Israel again."

Judy Byington/White Hat Intel/JFK Secrets #wingnut #racist #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Nuclear Winter is Coming
The Battle of Armageddon Has Just Begun

As of Tues. 31 Oct. Halloween
POTUS Was Insulated on AF1
It’s Time To Take Back Our Country!

As of Tues. 31 Oct. Halloween
All Major ‘Oil-Producing’ Arab Countries Have Joined BRICS.
And Refused Use of the Fiat US Petro Dollar
The Fleeing Khazarians Have Lost Control of the World Financial System.
The ‘Revaluation’ of World Currencies is HERE.
Judy Note: They say that 6 O Clock on Halloween 31 Oct. was dangerous – it was Game Over. On that same Tues. 31 Oct. the Balfour Lease on Israel Inc. as a private company owned by the Rothchilds Khazarian Mafia, was over. Israel had lost it’s status as a corporation (meaning it was bankrupt, along with other corporations of the Cabal).
White Hat Intel:

ALL WARS are started by a false flag. Pearl Harbor in WW2, Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam, 9/11 in Iraq, etc.
On 9/11, Building 7 fell without anything hitting it. 9/11 happened and Building WTC 7 was destroyed to prevent NESARA GESARA.
What’s happening in Israel is to STOP GESARA.

Trump never seceded because they acknowledged him as Commander in Chief of the greatest military operation in the world.
They are taking down treasonous legislative and judicial officials who have infiltrated our government over the past several hundred years, and most recently since the CIA was founded in 1947. Kennedy and Reagan (Bush = CIA Director, Bush = VP)
Assassination, Attempted Assn.: Halliburton founder = Lolo Soetoro, Lolo = Barry Soetoro Father (Hussein), Lolo = best friends with Bush/Bin Laden, Lolo + Dunham = CIA ops GWB + B.O. = Friends since childhood, B.O. + Michael LaVaughn Robinson (Michelle) = CIA ops
Who are these people? Who/what do they worship? How do they practice their “religion?” What/who do they sacrifice for “power?” What group is founded on these beliefs? FMs. (Freemasonry describes itself as a “beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols”) Symbolism will be their downfall.

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @Apolitical )
Fascinating that in a country where politicians are determined by winning votes, both political parties refuse to even mention the largest voting block, White people, unless they are attacking them.

White people have absolutely no representation in a country their ancestors built, and which they still hold the majority in.

And you won’t get it back by voting Republican or Democrat

( @Nature_and_Race )
@Apolitical -- Seeing as Whites are still the majority, yet both sides pander to non-whites, tells you everything you need to know about contemporary politics.

( @Jessetosee )
@Nature_and_Race @Apolitical Interesting to think how they will treat “white serfs” when they become an actual minority.

( @PowertoJesus )
@Apolitical It is unnatural that just 2% of population is representing a country.

Those 2% are overrepresented in media, federal reserve, government, NGOs, parties and many industries, such as tobacco, pharmaceutical, pornography, entertainment, etc.., .

Majority should represent a country, not an evil minority inspired by Satanic forces.

( @Gravewalkers )
@PowertoJesus @Apolitical #JordanPeterson explained it was natural for 2% to be the best and worst of a population. Then Jordan Peterson JOINED THE JEWS AGAINST US. Fuck that dude.

( @PowertoJesus )
@Apolitical you cannot represent a country if you don't have anything in common with them, meaning Jews and Blacks cannot run our country which consists of predominantly white peope.

( @33christo33 )
@PowertoJesus @Apolitical jew and blacks cannot predate on white nations devoid of submissive whites

( @253 )
@PowertoJesus @Apolitical now our country consists of predominantly White people. Not very many years from now that won't be true. A few years after that White people will be a small minority. That is the communist globo homo plan.

various commenters #wingnut #quack #racist gab.com

( @AuH2O )

spoilerNO ONE who took the shots
was able to give informed
consent because the RISKS were
CENSORED, the benefits were
FALSIFIED, and it all occurred
under state and corporate
EVERY single shot was an ethical
CRIME and medical malpractice

( @Waz877 )
@AuH2O now we just need the military and local police departments to grow a set of balls and start arresting politicians and healthcare workers!!! I was just following orders doesn’t cut it . And if the law enforcers don’t do there job arrest them as well. Let the chips fall where they may . Then we go annihilate israel for 9/11 . Then the world will be a better place.

( @Anatoly_Dyatlov )
I never trusted the government. Now I will never trust the medical "professionals" again.

Unvaccinated and proud.

( @MasonCutlip )
@AuH2O The (jew) must be removed from all American Institutions and Representatives with dual Citizenship have their Citizenship Revoked.

( @Waz877 )
@AuH2O and hats off to all the pure bloods that told them to suck a dick and refused to wear masks !!! Your the real hero’s of this country . God saw your bravery and your diligence exposed the Jew genociders. Apologize and thank a pure blood today cause if it wasn’t for them you would be walking around with 5 boosters by now.

( @jdmax )
@AuH2O The people who received the COVID poison knew they were receiving an untested experimental drug! If they were to ignorant and stupid to understand the ramifications of their decision they deserve the consequences of their paranoid hysteria!

( @JohnOBrian )
@AuH2O And every shot deserves the death penalty to those who KNEW AND LIED that it was safe or coerced workers to self harm themselves with this concoction or face the sack!

various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( @The_Nose )

spoilerFirst they came for blacks I said
Then they came for jews Still, I said
Then they came for mexicans Finally I
said something. "Are you sure you got
all the jews?"

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller

( @FatherJohn )


“I for my part maintain that to hate the enemies of God is lawful, and that such a hatred pleases the Master. By enemies I mean those who in every way deny the glory of the Master, whether the Jews or those who are manifestly idolaters or those who thought Arius’ teaching make an idol of the creature, and so take up again the Jewish Error. “ - St. Gregory of Nyssa, Letters, # 3.8

“Jews as individuals are great individuals – talented, ambitious, intelligent, smart. As a people [though], I would not give them as high a grade. Jews know how to hate.”– Ariel Sharon, in an interview with the Israeli daily Yediot Aharanot, Feb. 1, 2002. Quoted in the Los Angeles Times, Feb. 2, 2002, p. B3.

( @hateyouall )
@The_Nose Always come for the jews first. Trust me on this. History supports it.

( @Dusquene8 )
@The_Nose idiot. It is Jews. Find them all and expel every single one of them. We say it is the Jews, because we can see it is Jews, pretending to be everyone else.

( @Dusquene8 )
@The_Nose notice how they don't mention Whites, but mention everyone else?

( @bornin1518 )
@The_Nose The socialists and trade unionists were both led by the jews and were mostly jews themselves. Martin could have saved time by saying, "They came for the jews".

( @Mike_W )
Six million is a pretty good start. 🤡

( @jjuhasz2510 )
@The_Nose First they came for the blacks and I didn’t say anything because I wasn’t black.

Then they came for the jews and I didn’t say anything because I’m not a jew

. Then there weren’t any more problems and they stopped coming after anybody.

various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia #sexist #psycho gab.com

( @Nature_and_Race )
In an ideal world, race-mixing (including self-indulgent recreational sex) would be viewed as treason against your own people, and thus would result in the death penalty.

However, we don't live in an ideal world. Not even close.

@Nature_and_Race Wahmen are retarded and mudsharks get the rope.

( @Weiss_Drache )
@Nature_and_Race As far as I'm concerned you can have all the "recreational sex" you want as long as it's with a White person and your intention is to eventually have children.

( @WhiteMansBible )
@Nature_and_Race It's an act against nature.

( @ObersturmbannFuhrer88 )
@Nature_and_Race why are niggers so hyper violent and faggots so hyper sexual? Like what’s up with that? Mudsharks really are disgusting. There are hardly any men who fuck black chicks as they are little all disgusting. Niggers are hideous

( @Rabbi_Spacelaser )
@ObersturmbannFuhrer88 @Nature_and_Race All faggots are pedos. Niggers are just plain stupid, like wild animals.

( @Nemesistyx )
@Nature_and_Race This is where I will disagree with you.

Death for something like that is asinine, unless it was a "conspiracy" Intention.

Best case is to ostracize them completely from the people. If you choose to race mix (depending on your circumstance of mutt status) you willfully choose an alternative culture then you should be with that culture. You choose differently, you must LIVE with that choice literally.

50 states, You telling me between all the purist of whites, blacks, etc etc all segregated up and then sub segregated groups of mixed races (based on culture identity). If you are a white boy who mixes with the opposite race, you and that race now must live in a different community.

( @Rabbi_Spacelaser )
@Nature_and_Race In an ideal world there would be no niggers

C.T. #wingnut #racist westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Ludendorff”]

German WWI hero and anti-Christian general Erich Ludendorff (1865–1937) wrote in his essay ‘Abgeblitzt!’:

The Jewish faith in and of itself would no more concern us as Buddhism or the faith of any Negro tribe in Africa. But the Jew, according to his faith, draws the justification for his world domination from the Old Testament and has closely connected this Old Testament with the Christian doctrine to destroy the Roman Empire, which oppressed him and destroyed Jerusalem in the year 70 AD, and then, with the help of the then emerging Bible, to give his national god Yahweh as God to other peoples as well, to better achieve his nation-destroying goals

Only when white nationalists have reached the level that some prominent Germans reached in the 1930s (this essay was written a year before Ludendorff’s death) will they have reached maturity. By the 2030s, will the American racial right have reached the level of intellectual sophistication that some Germans had a century earlier, or will they continue to worship the god of their enemies?

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