Devvy Kidd #wingnut #fundie #racist #elitist #conspiracy

Slowly and with great sacrifice of time and energy – especially after Al Gore(bechev) gifted us with the Internet, we, the truth tellers have been able to dig deep and expose the vile corruption and plans to destroy these united States of America. The created decided they are more powerful than the Creator for great wealth and influence. Personally, I believe most of them do not believe in the one, true God of the Universe.

Many of the puppets who sold their soul to Satan are familiar to the American people. Hussein Obama is not and can never be constitutionally eligible to be president as clearly written in the U.S. Constitution. Comrade Obama got away with it because of cowards in the Republican Party, judges and foolish herds of Caucasians suffering from “white guilt”. Those dullards forgot Obama is half white and half black.

Marxist Comrade Obama said once elected he would begin the complete “transformation of America”. He sure did by deliberately encouraging race baiting; number one on his list. Racism, the good old stand-by. Divide Americans based on propaganda and lies.

However, things didn’t go the way the Destroyers thought their grand schemes would could be shoved down our throats using the Internet. At least as far as timing is concerned. Americans were waking up, getting informed and educated and began to fight back. And still today, there are millions and millions of Americans I call the Unreachables. Fools.
Those who doubt the awesome but evil power of secret societies are in denial because denial is a much more comfortable place to exist. It’s much easier to accept all the lies, all the time. To acknowledge the level of deceit and betrayal by almost every president for more than a century, as well as ‘revered’ business magnates and members of the Outlaw Congress is simply too much for trusting Americans. So many millions who truly do not understand how brutal and ugly “the game” is and how it’s been affecting their lives.

R’Kok via A.S. #ufo #magick #sexist #conspiracy

This is R’Kok speaking.<Pleiadian-aligned Reptilian> I greet you in peace and love.

Society is very complex, and people are different from one another. Still, I feel that there exists a basic pattern that is generally true and that is really important to the well-being of society, and to the men and women therein.

Namely: society thrives if men protect and provide for everyone, and if women love everyone and express that.

Now obviously people shouldn’t be forced into these roles. However if men and women are healthy, enough of them will naturally feel drawn to these roles that society thrives.
Some women might think “it’s not our job to love random guys” but that’s precisely why your society sucks. If women think that it’s not their job to love random guys, and men think that it’s not their job to protect or provide for random women, then neither men nor women get what they need to thrive.

At the very least, let’s agree to end anti-male discrimination.

There’s anti-male discrimination when it comes to hiring, divorce court, criminal court and police. There’s constant negative representation of men in movies. Radical feminists often shut down male shelters. <...> Men expressing typical male viewpoints get censored or arrested far more often than women expressing typical female viewpoints.
As a result, perfectly fine men, who haven’t actually done anything wrong other than being born with a penis, usually aren’t feeling love from women. More like the opposite. And so they often just withdraw and start focusing on things like video games.
In fact, the whole idea of political competition between the sexes, through the proxy of political parties, is sort of strange.

Roughly speaking if you governed the USA with Pleiadian form of decision-making, then you wouldn’t have a metaphorical fight to the death every four years about whether the feminine-energy-aligned party or the masculine-energy-aligned party gets to implement feminine- or masculine-energy-aligned policy.

Pennsylvania South Western School District’s school board #transphobia

A Pennsylvania school district has reversed course and boarded up window openings it recently installed that allowed people in a middle school hallway to peer into two gender-neutral-designated bathrooms, the superintendent said Friday.

The two windows were installed in recent weeks following a vote in August of the South Western School District’s conservative-majority school board, a move the board president said was designed to monitor and prevent misbehavior. Such openings weren’t installed in any of the school’s non-gender-neutral bathrooms.

The openings were covered by plywood on Thursday on the advice of lawyers from the Harrisburg-based Independence Law Center, a conservative legal group the board consulted before ordering the windows installed, Superintendent Jay Burkhart said.

“I believe that we have to protect all of our students,” Burkhart said in a phone interview. “Students are entitled to privacy and I don’t want to violate that.”

The board “has been targeting transgender students and stripping away their rights for a while,” said Kristina Moon, a lawyer with the Philadelphia-based Education Law Center, which has asked affected students to reach out to it. She said the “multiple tiers and assignments” of bathrooms “overcomplicated a nonissue,” stigmatizing students.

“Now they’ve cut actual holes for windows into the student bathrooms — but only the bathrooms they expect trans and nonbinary children to use. This is a horrifying violation of children’s privacy and cruel discrimination targeted against trans and nonbinary kids,” Moon said in an emailed statement.

School board president Matthew A. Gelazela, elected as a Libertarian in 2021, told a reporter seeking comment Friday that he considered the call to be criminal harassment and abruptly hung up.

Maye Musk (Elon’s mother) #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

@Elon Musk

Super important to get all your friends and family to register to vote.

Georgia’s registration deadline is Monday!!

The Democrats have given us another option. You don’t have to register to vote. On Election Day, have 10 fake names, go to 10 polling booths and vote 10 times. That’s 100 votes, and it’s not illegal. Maybe we should work the system too.

@Community Note

This is, in fact, illegal.

various commenters #transphobia

RE: She Finally Peaked

( syntaxerror )
I suspect she originally thought the same thing that most people did, that “trans women” were either intersex or effeminate gay twinks who could do no harm to women and just wanted to exist, bothering no one.

The rise of the AGPs has been impossible to ignore if you’re even slightly involved in the LGBTQWERTY community, and again the more exposure that this new wave of “trans woman” gets, the more people wake up! We need more Lia Thomases, more Dylan mulvaneys to be making headlines, because I promise you that it’s making reasonable people really go “wait a minute, this isn’t what I thought it was”

That, combined with the tsunami of lawsuits I see heading for shore, and I think there will be some mass peaking in the next 1-3 years. Go team!

( solitaire )
In my limited experience as a straight outsider looking in, the older a lesbian is, the less likely she is to be single/dating and therefore the less likely she is to have had her boundaries transgressed by AGP TIMs. (The invisibility of older women doesn’t seem to be limited to those of us who are straight.)

I think that’s why some of the most rabid TRAs I know are older (50+) lesbians, particularly those in long term relationships. They’re just not going to be personally impacted the way a young lesbian is, and it can take a long time for the scales to fall from their eyes.

Like your friend, it might only be when the TQ+ start encroaching on other aspects of their life: bathrooms, hospitals, sports, aged care, lesbian gatherings, women-only spaces etc. that they start to get uncomfortable and maybe reach peak trans.

Unfortunately, it’s part of human nature: people frequently do not care about important issues until they are personally affected.

( Eava )
That is a really good point. If you're past the age of going to bars and dating, you're probably not being told you're a homophobic bigot for not wanting to sleep with TIMs.

( Architectura )
Did she for sure know that transwomen = males? Because her initial response makes perfect sense if she (like many) assumes that transwomen = females.

Glad you peaked so many! Keep fighting the good fight, Sister!

various commenters #transphobia

Dear BBC, you've got your facts wrong about 'trans milk'

( puppy_cat )
No barrier these people won't cross. Throwing babies under the bus now in order to fulfill their fetish. It should be a crime for a man to put his moobs in a baby's mouth and make it suck out whatever poison is in there. I can't believe that even has to be said.

( Spencer_Shayy )
It really should. It's CHILD ABUSE when a "transwoman" "breastfeeds" a baby. Not only is he poisoning it, he's using a BABY as a prop for his sexual fetish! These men belong in prison!

( Ptarmagant )
" observable effects..." so the babies weren't actually tested for chemical/hormonal load, there was no long term follow up (how could there be?), no studies on how it affects the children's sexual development and fertility (again, how could there be?) Let alone cancer or abnormal growth and development risks. As long as the babies didn't die immediately (or instantly grow 2 heads, or turn green, or whatever), they feel confident going out and saying it's as good or better than the natural breast milk refined and perfected by thousands of millennia of evolution. Moms with trans exes, keep visitation records because you're going to want them for your future class-action lawsuits. Im so sorry you and all of the children sired by these delusional perverts have been treated so shabbily by our current establishment.

( lifeisshortandsoami )
I don’t even know how to talk about this one. I’m so dumbfounded.

I just can’t fathom how anyone, except the mentally insane, could think that breastmilk from any other source than a mother could be good.

I can accept that people who have never breast-fed don’t know about the hard breasts, the engorgement, the clogs, the letdowns, etc. but no one has to know about those things to make the rational judgment that men aren’t supposed to breast-feed and can’t breast-feed.

What the fuck? Why can’t society get on the same page that abusing children and using them for science experiments is absolutely wrong?

Allanon #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia

Boomers got us into this mess.

For example, women in the 1970s were encouraged to divorce and have it all. Problem is, kids are a real handful.

So, drug them to keep them quiet, making up fake medical problems. Since this was done mostly to boys feminists saw it as a way to give girls an advantage. This started pretty much in the late 1980s.

It is no coincidence that school mass shooters were on those sort of drugs. They also opened the way for the insanity we have today, never saying "no" to the demographic pushing the craziness. That's all it would have taken back then.

The next step, now that everything is fluid and about "how you identify," is child sex. And YOU will be the irrational bigot if you are against it. When transsexualism was accepted the door was blasted open.

various commenters #transphobia

The slippery iceberg.

( Intuiterf )
Men chest feeding babies Males using babies as a prop in their chest/breastfeeding fetish

( Spencer_Shayy )
Yup. The "trans" shit is the slippery slope. Not same sex marriage. Take note, conservatives. It ain't our fault our movement was hijacked by perverts.

( RighteousIndignation )
mark my words next up Maternity Leave will be deemed transphobic and reduced/gotten rid of.

( cranberrysalad )
I bet it will once a bunch of dads try to take advantage of the same time off as mom.

Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

There have been some dramatic geopolitical developments with profound exopolitical implications that have happened over the last week, which include the call for war with Iran, Russia’s fierce devastation of Ukraine’s military, and a ‘prearranged’ Galactic Federation of Worlds mass UFO flyover in Colorado that I personally witnessed.

First, Israel’s invasion of southern Lebanon has led to Iran launching retaliatory missile strikes at Israeli military facilities. Israel is expected to strike back quickly, which is likely to lead to further escalation by Iran and its regional allies. Many geopolitical pundits fear we are about to witness events spiraling out of control into a full-scale regional war that could go nuclear, which is exactly what the Deep State wants. Find out my exopolitical perspective:

Will our extraterrestrial allies allow the situation to escalate into nuclear war?
How will the instigating bad actors be removed?
When will the Earth Alliance be able to move forward with UFO/ET disclosure?

Second, Russia continues to decimate Ukraine’s military, which is collapsing across the military lines of contact despite legacy media gaslighting that the Ukrainians are holding their own.
How are underground clone armies and supersoldiers being used against a modern military state to start a Gog and Magog End Times nuclear war?
What is the role of the Earth Alliance behind-the-scenes?
How is the Earth Alliance working against Deep State contingencies and how will they expose Deep State plans?

Third, the Galactic Federation of Worlds in coordination with the Earth Alliance gave a memorable flyover demonstration to over 1000 people who photographed and filmed the sightings of a TR=3B and waves of GFW craft. Find out who arranged this spectacular event and its impact on a greater mass disclosure now taking place.
These and many other recent events such as JP’s coming out and mission to Saturn will also be discussed in some detail in Saturday’s Monthly Briefing.


Sweeter and Savoury #transphobia

You'd have to be fool to even think that any MSM organization would ever dare to say anything that would reflect badly upon the troonsphere. They have somehow become the untouchable caste despite being proven to be nothing but a bunch of sexual misogynists and pedophiles.

This is why the west is doomed, we glorify the worst people and castigate the best. No society can operate like that for very long before reality comes trudging long to remind them whose boss.

behindyourightnow #transphobia

Good for Jude here, she's doing our job for us. The sooner more people realize that there is no pleasing these people, that the slightest and most polite digression will have them accusing you of murdering children and saying you need to be murdered yourself, the more people will simply give up on pleasing them and the more they'll be left out in the cold.

Non-TRA: Men can't get pregnant.
TRA: but have you considered.... this??
(pulls out a picture of a hairy woman with mastectomy scars who is visibly pregnant)
TRA: whoa did I just blow your mind? This man is pregnant.
Non-TRA: no that's still a woman.
TRA: learn some biology you disgusting bigot

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #fundie #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy

So Kamala "Commula" Harris is the Marxist Machine's pick to run instead of "Criminal" Joe Biden. The Machine has spoken. And her chosen running mate is "Tampon" Timmy Walz, who worships at the altar of homo-transsexualism weirdness and who, as a total surprise and without notice, bugged-out of his military unit just before deployment.

If you wonder why these life-long communist American politicians are so anti-life, anti-property, anti-liberty, anti-speech, anti-press, anti-gun, anti-bourgeois middle-class, anti-Christian, anti-male, anti-family, antisemitic, anti-capitalism, anti-American borders, anti-law and order, anti-normalcy and anti-American constitution, look no farther than the Communist manifesto:
That's why they oppose everything that is; every established thing, every "normal" thing, every ordered and orderly thing, every human institution, from corporations to religions to governments, from sexual relationships to families, from schools, to even any sense of individual property ownership, independence or liberty.

At its core, that's what communism is.
Just look at who they associate the closest with. It's a veritable freak-show of perverts, misfits and malcontents, from BLM and Antifa to Drag Queens, prancing faggots, transvestites and freshly released criminal illegal aliens giving the finger to the news cameras.
It doesn't get any more Islamo-Commie-Homo than the Commula and Timmy show. They stand with Islam because Islam stands against America, and all religions other than Islam. Of course they stand with Communism against constitutional America, because they are communist. And they stand with homosexual and all other forms of sexual impropriety because they are hedonist to the bone.
As long as Iran chants "death to America" the Machine, including Traitor John Kerry, Comrade Obama peace be upon him, the Soros family, the WEF, the UN, the EU and COMINTERN will be supporting Iran and opposing Israel, and all Jews everywhere.

Laura Wood #racist

The Remarkable Happiness of American Slaves

“WE frequently hear it said, referring to the duty of removing slavery, that we must break every yoke. Many who say this reckon that in the United States there are three million two hundred and four thousand three hundred and thirteen ‘yokes,’ this being the number of slaves.

“Now, you can not pass through the south and not see that a very large number may at once be struck from this reckoning of yokes; that there are very many slaves who, if you should propose to break a ‘yoke’ for them, would not understand you. The question is not as to enslaving a new people; nor does it relate to the Antilles, nor to Guiana, nor to Mexico; it relates to these people who are here; and the proper question is not an abstract one with regard to slavery, but what is best for this people in their circumstances. The troubles which we impute to their condition are many of them like the most of our own, viz., ‘borrowed troubles;’ we make them in our thoughts bear the burdens of all the possible evils which theoretically belong to the system of slavery. Even if we take all these into view, the amount of happiness among them compares favorably with that among the same number of people elsewhere. If there are some evils to which they are exposed, there are others from which they are exempt. The feeling involuntarily arose within me at the south, and especially in the religious meetings of the slaves, Would that all Africa were here! Could villages and tribes of Africans be by any means induced to emigrate to this land, and be placed under the influences which the slaves enjoy, Ethiopia would stretch out her hands to God sooner than the most sanguine interpreters of prophecy now dare to hope. It is deeply affecting to hear the slaves give thanks in their prayers that they have not been left like the heathen who know not God, but are raised, as it were, to heaven in their Christian privileges.’

Danlboon #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

It is coming up on 83 years since Pearl Harbor was Attacked by the Japanese and FDR with the DS allowed it to happen and now it is Hurricane Helene to get We The People backing Trump.

Ignorance is with We The People if we don’t see it that Trump is pushing for the USA, INC. elections in 4 weeks and wants that to happen over anything else including the saving of lives in North Carolina.

Something may happen on Sat. 7 Dec., 2024 that Trump may want people to see to remember Pearl Harbor and those that lost their lives, but it will not be what we expect for in reverence to them.

Hurricane Helene was planned way before hand and under the control of CIC Trump and the US Military unless Trump doesn’t have that control as we think the rumors say and the DS is still here in control.

Back in 1941 FDR made sure the negotiations did not go well with Japan hours before the Attack, but some say they were made, yet the Attack still went on.

All the American ships at Pearl Harbor were not in the best of shape while the aircraft carriers and better ships were out at sea to not be destroyed, and we waited four more years for total destruction while the rest of the world began this war back in 1937 without the USA.

Did you know that the cities bombed in Japan were the largest Christian populated cities in Japan k*****g millions of Christians? Truman knew what was going on back then as he was President only four months when the bombs were dropped and he was a 33rd Degree Freemason.
Trump makes sure the USA, INC. continues on its normal way without the RV, QFS, EBS, and NESARA / GESARA or anything else gets in his way of him becoming the next USA, INC. President again.
Now we wait for people to know that on Tues. 1 Oct., 2024 the USA, INC. was officially bankrupt and no one said anything public, just like Israel is still in business as a country when it was no longer a country as of 2023 and there are wars going on with them now with full funding of the USA and DS.

Judith Kusel #magick #ufo #conspiracy

We are the midst of a super-quantum shift, and this is going to escalate into the next year or so.

To me this is ultimate awakening, to the truth of who and what we are – in truth, as all the shackles and bonds which held us prisoner for so long, now totally fall off.
Often things will surface from the deepest subconscious which needs its final release, and this is not only to do with my own soul and soul connections, but with ancestral patterns, with oaths, contracts, vows, etc. as well as country and world patterns, as my soul is called to do so. This is immensely freeing. One sees the shackles, the bonds, the pain, shame, and guilt of generations after generations falling off and you see how humanity was c****t in this whole network, and now finally can break free.

I have witnessed this here in Africa and in France, Greece and Egypt, where I so often was called to, to release souls, and more than this, to clear the energy vortices, and lines and then found all the atrocities humanity has ever been able to create, which also means half-man/half-beast and the robots the Atlanteans created and who later turned on their own creators.
This said, we are now in the New Earth and in the fifth dimension, as this has now been fully anchored in.
Do not be surprised when you start to see and live multi-dimensionality now. Do not be surprised, if you suddenly start to find that you have talents, abilities and knowledge which seemingly is coming from nowhere, when in truth, it is your own soul which is now finally freed to express your true soul talents and abilities you have had, since you first were born as soul.
It all starts there within your heart and soul, and truth of who and what you are in truth. Your heart is womb where the seeds prosper and grow in love, and with love.

Let co-create the new from the depths of our hearts and soul and all our true Being, and truly usher in the New Golden Age

Laura Wood #racist

[From “Desegregation Is Child Abuse”]

ANOTHER white child is beaten up in a government school, this time in Mississippi. Will this boy ever be the same again?

Parents who live in all-white or mostly white neighborhoods generally don’t care about this kind of thing (that usually occurs in poorer areas.) When it comes to the victims of black cruelty, they have hearts of stone. The plight of white children who face aggression on a routine basis never moves them. One is tempted to believe they want young white children to be mauled to assuage their own un-Christian racial guilt

Ironically, many blacks actually want whites to lead and defend their own societies — and to protect blacks from themselves

Mandy #transphobia #dunning-kruger #homophobia

As long as children are reading, it doesn’t matter what kind of book they are reading…does it? It shouldn’t. However, there is a modern-day book burning occurring. Historically, libraries were destroyed by conquerors in order to erase the culture and history of the conquered.


Radical queer activism can be seen as a modern-day book burning because it seeks to disrupt and erase culture, history, and even biology. It is rooted in Marxism and Communism. At its core, queer theory seeks to create chaos. Flooding libraries, schools, and social media with this ideology, especially in children's books, serves to erase history, culture, and censor innocence.

various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy

( formallyknownaswoman )
The Hypocrisy of Men
I hope this is the right Cirle for this post, please let me know if this should be in another place.

One thing that is increasingly annoying me is how conservative men in comments, often in news articles about how TiMs are replacing women in sports, or in locker rooms is, "Where are the feminists?! Why are the feminists silent?!"

Yet, these are also the same men who say they "protect" women.

( Mizuna )
The average person sees headlines about large women's organizations like Planned Parenthood and NOW pushing the transgender cult and then mistakenly assumes that all of feminism supports this nonsense. I don't like the "Where are the feminists?" snark either, but I don't 100% blame people for the confusion. It was deliberately set up by this way by the rich and powerful pushing the trans agenda.

( Lipsy )
To be fair, it's all too easy for a casual observer to get the impression that "feminism" means libfemmery—which is much more heavily covered in the media, especially now that so many legacy feminist organizations are fully captured by the "inclusive" centering of men.
Sadly, I can definitely see how somebody whose only impression of 'feminism' is what's predominant in today's media would ask these kinds of accusatory 'questions'.

Even Kellie-Jay Keen, whose personal values are absolutely aligned with those of second-wave radical Feminism, describes Herself as "not a feminist" presumably to disavow libfemmery.

( pennygadget )
The Conservative bros who say this shit are positioning themselves to take all the credit when the gender fad finally dies

( Unicorn )
Who cares? As long as it's dead. I'm not here for credit, I'm here for truth and justice.

( LobselVith )
I feel you SO MUCH! Feminists have been speaking about the danger of transgenderism for decades, from even before some of this men even knew such a phenomenon existed. Just because they've always been blind to it doesn't mean others have too. But this sort of inflamatory language that points fingers at others works too well, especially on social media.

Concrete FactsOnly #moonbat #conspiracy

The problem is that there is not a country with sovereignty in Taiwan - Taiwan never declared independence either. A country has four elements, people, territory, sovereignty, government. Which one Taiwan has? Chinese people in Chinese territory, with sovereignty under China, with a government not recognized by any UN country. He is an illegal "president" - no president would sell his country and not upholding its Constitution, which maintains that reunification and territorial integrity.
He is just like Russian neighbor's president, and that of Ph, selling his own country for another country's interests. Uk got its own people losing lives and territory and never got any benefits from the fake freedom that the color revolution by CIA that promoted it.
If you are what you claim to be, and think that you can sacrifice a province of China to give it to another country, and believe in that the country would protect you, just declare independence! Do not talk and make trouble and let the Taiwan people suffer, lose lives. There are Taiwanese people that wants to keep the status quo, there are almost none that want to sacrifice their lives for a cause to separate from their roots.

Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters #fundie #wingnut

[Title: Oklahoma defends Bibles-in-schools proposal after report that only Trump’s might qualify. Date: 2024-10-04]

Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters’s (R) office is defending the process for how the state will select newly mandated Bibles in classrooms after a report was released that the criteria is so narrow that essentially no Bibles qualify — besides ones endorsed by former President Trump.

The Oklahoman reported on Friday that few editions match the specific parameters the superintendent calls for in his request for proposal (RFP): a Bible that is bound by leather or material like leather, has the Pledge of Allegiance, Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and is the New King James version of the Old and New Testament.
Walters had released a mandate for schools earlier this year ordering them to incorporate the Bible into public lesson plans. The guidance requires a Bible in every classroom and lessons regarding the Christian text that should highlight its historical context, literary significance and artistic and musical influence.

Walters said schools “will comply, and I will use every means to make sure of it,”

JK Rowling #transphobia

In census data released Thursday in Scotland, there were a number of interesting findings about LGBTQ+ and gender identity, the trans population in Scotland, and religion.

One fascinating nugget, revealed later online, mingled all three data points: JK Rowling’s religion is now officially her opposition to trans equality.

The notoriously anti-trans Scotswoman and author of the Harry Potter book series identified herself on the Scottish census as a “believer in biology,” a cut-and-paste protest whipped up by the transphobic scolds at For Women Scotland, a gender-critical organization whose sole mission is to make life miserable for trans people in the sovereign U.K. state.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy

All the elite have given themselves over to transhumanism
So that they can take over the world
And change out everybody on a remote button press

So that there is no worrying
About you fighting them or getting in their way
Their only worry is the loss of control of their drones

A positive outcome for the public
Is not a part of their design criterion
They have gotten most everyone hooked up to the Cloud

DARPA under the guise of local logistics in white vans
Puts an EEG overlay of personality upon the unsuspecting

That magnetically stimulates the brain
And transcranially cause it to swell

If you get too radiated
And fall into a subluminal space
Then you get morphed into Bigfoot or Wolfman

With CrispR Cast9
They make genetic changes
And rearrange your cell structure

What we would call a UFO
Pulls neurons out of you
And loads them into a neuromorphic chip set
Because AI needs living neurons

Drones are flown with SOSA or MOSA
SOSA is Senses Open System Architecture
MOSA is Modified Open Systems Approach

They fly over your home
And log into you with a web portal

With biosensors they create an electromagnetic field around you
And slap on you a biometric code
Then execute a terahertz bullet

This causes your immune system to adhere to nano tech
And electrically alters how your red blood cells and nerves function
Making you end up with an auto immune disorder

Cyber security is transhumanism using meta materials
Causing signals to propagate from you

Law enforcement now just logs into you with geomancer
And changes your protons peptides and amino acids with CrispR Cast9
Which uses graphene to excite your cells

Project Looking Glass
Is routing radio frequencies through your body
With DNA steganography

Project Pandora
Is invading the world with MQ9 Reapers
And piloting everyone around like a SIM

Deploying soft robotics
Imposing neural modulation and monitoring
And turning everyone into a cyborg!

Bob Schlenker #fundie #homophobia #magick #conspiracy

Two kinds of acts are in the news with increasingly frequency; cannibalism and sodomy. This is behavior characteristic of the ancient gods and those who worship them. When you've heard of such perverse and hellish activity you may have found yourself wondering where it comes from. It is the nature of the beast, literally, because it's the family character of hybrid beasts to fulfill their lusts in such ways. Sodom, a city famously destroyed in a fire and brimstone judgment was a Canaanite city, a region populated by giant cannibals. Sodomites are proliferating and today's news bears witness. Recognizing the trend is helpful but understanding why, what's being accomplished, is more helpful still.
I've addressed these topics not long ago while writing about Cain's paternity. I'll assume you're already very familiar with that work and what's presented as a foundation for this one. Sodomy with mankind was first practiced in the Garden of Eden, introduced by the serpent tree. Of this, I have no doubt because it was revealed to me by the Lord Himself, quite memorably. The root of cannibalism (fellatio) was also practiced in that place and time, with the curses subsequently pronounced upon the serpent and the man declaring in an esoteric manner how cannibalism would endure through to the end of the age.
Those who sincerely worship the sun god are sodomizers. Consider the ancient Greeks and Romans, whose practices have been well documented. Consider the Romish church priesthood. Busted. Consider those who worship athletic ability and sport, like the ancient Greeks. Have you paid attention to the continual scandals involving high ranking public and military officials? What is it about men and their little boy toys? It's not natural. It goes back to Nero (who married a man named Sporus in a very public ceremony), to Alexander the Great, to Sodom, to the days of Noah, to the Garden of Eden. It goes forward on the timeline, too, for yet a short season.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut

[From “Celebrated German Leader Adolf Hitler is Back, Going Viral on TikTok”]

Hitler is back in a big way

He said this would happen, you know


spoiler“It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the whole world will know that I was right” Adolf Hitler

He said it and like everything else he said, he was right

The Jews over at the New York Post are not thrilled about his triumphant return:

Misguided TikTokers are using AI to translate Adolf Hitler’s speeches into English – and racking up millions of clicks on the under-fire platform, according to a watchdog media report

Users have pushed and even celebrated the Nazi leader’s remarks in what is an apparent violation of TikTok’s guidelines that ban “promoting (including any praise, celebration, or sharing of manifesto) or providing material support to … individuals who cause serial or mass violence, or promote hateful ideologies”

One disturbing clip garnered more than 1 million views before it was squashed, Media Matters reported last week[…]

No historians argue that Hitler purposefully started World War II. That is a cartoon narrative, which doesn’t even make sense

Why would you go to war with “the world”?[…]
Hitler was an incel art student with an emo haircut who became a leader because he felt he had no other choice. He’s a very relatable figure. And there’s a reason why none of the clips of him on the History Channel ever have subtitles: because if you listen to what he’s saying, you can’t possibly believe he was an unreasonable man

Now is the time for Hitler to return in a big way

We need him now more than ever

Dan Foreman #racist #wingnut #forced-birth

About an hour into the event, someone asked a question about a state bill addressing discrimination. The candidates were each given two minutes to answer, and when it was Carter-Goodheart’s turn, she pushed back on earlier comments that suggested discrimination is not a major issue in Idaho.

She said state hate crime laws are weak, and noted that the neo-nazi group Aryan Nations made northern Idaho its home base for many years. She also talked about being the only candidate there who was a person of color.

“I pointed out that just because someone hasn’t personally experienced discrimination doesn’t mean it’s not happening,” she said. “I was making my statement, and then he shot up out of his seat and said, ‘I’m so sick of your liberal (expletive). Why don’t you go back to where you came from?’”

The Nez Perce Tribe has lived on the Columbia River Plateau in the Pacific Northwest for more than 11,500 years, including the area where Kendrick is located. The northern edge of its reservation, while only a small fraction of the tribe’s historical territory, is less than 10 miles (16 kilometers) from the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall where the forum was held.

“It was like slow motion,” Carter-Goodheart said. “I just remember thinking, ‘Go back to where you came from’? That’s within miles of where this forum is taking place. We have literal plots of land that are being leased out to family farms nearby.”

In his Facebook post, Foreman called the incident a “quintessential display of race-baiting” and said the Democratic attendees made personal attacks and “proclaimed Idaho to be a racist state.”

“Well, here is a news flash for the lefties out there. There is no systemic racism in America or Idaho,” Foreman said. “Idaho is a great state — the best in the Union!”

He then added an attack on supporters of abortion rights, saying: “And furthermore, it is immoral and against the law of God to kill unborn babies in the womb. You do not have any right to murder the unborn. There is no such thing as your self-proclaimed ‘Women’s Reproductive Rights.’ There is no such body of rights in the state or federal constitutions. And we don’t do designer rights in Idaho.”

Woke Content Detector #ableist #biphobia #conspiracy #elitist #enbyphobia #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut

These are some examples from the Steam group Woke Content Detector

Starfield: Contains overtly pro-LGBTQ+ and overtly pro-DEI messaging. Pronoun selection including the option for they/them. Uses body type 1 and 2 instead of male/female. Improbably diverse NPCs in all areas.

Shovel Knight: Contains overtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Now includes a body swap mode that allows you to independently change whether each character is male or female for his/her body and text.

Hogwarts Legacy: Contains overtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Contains overtly pro-DEI messaging. 1800s Scotland somehow has diverse, LGBTQ+ characters. uses body type instead of biological sex.

Call of Duty: Contains overtly pro-LGBTQ+ images. Multiple pride flag calling cards and emblems.

Red Dead Redemption: Contains subtly pro-DEI messaging. Several minor characters espouse modern day political sentiments. As an example: the nps Sadie Adler behaves the same way a modern day feminist would.

Skyrim: Contains subtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Contains subtly pro-DEI messaging. Homosexual marriage options. An NPC in Whiterun asks you whether the sight of a strong Nord woman offends you.

Fallout New Vegas: Contains subtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Many minor LGBTQ+ npcs, including 2 possible companions. The Confirmed Bachelor and Cherchex La Femme perks unlock homosexual dialogue options with certain npcs.

Dark Souls: Contains subtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. The boss character Gwyndolin was born a male but raised as a female and given clothes and a magic ring to help him act like a female.

Final Fantasy 7: Contains subtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Contains subtly pro-climate action messaging. Forced cross-dressing. You start the game working for an ecoterrorism group.

Super Lesbian Animal RPG: Contains overtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Features a lesbian romance involving the player character. Multiple non-binary npcs that use they/them pronouns.

Graham Linehan #transphobia #conspiracy

[After describing a scene from Invasion of the Body Snatchers]

I thought again of this scene on a recent visit to Ireland, where I found myself in Dáil Éireann with a group of conservative politicians and intellectuals. Just a few years earlier, we were at each other's throats during the lead-up to the abortion referendum. Now, we found ourselves on the same side, fighting the grotesque form of American cultural imperialism known as the trans rights movement.

During this visit to the Irish Parliament, I heard something that made me shiver. Apparently, the monstrosity that is the Progress Pride flag had been engraved onto a door in the building. A conquering army had planted their flag at the heart of Ireland's legislative power. But this didn’t come at the end of a war of words like the referendum on abortion—where at least each side was able to make its case. Rather, this was the result of a silent coup, a war fought in whispers and behind heavy closed doors. A war to which the enemy was not invited.


Under the Criminal Law Act of 1977, conspiracy is defined as an agreement between two or more people to commit a criminal act. This includes planning to commit offences against children. I believe that some of the meetings I’ve described today, could fall under that heading.

University of Liège #moonbat

Translation and emphasis added by submitter

“There is now a scientific consensus about the decline of Earth’s habitability and about humanity’s responsibility”, it says. But the responsibility does not lie with humanity as a whole, but rather “with the white, christian and heterosexual ‘western’ man”, it concludes.

OG text“Er is nu een wetenschappelijke consensus over de achteruitgang van de bewoonbaarheid van de Aarde en over de verantwoordelijkheid van de mens”, staat er. Maar de verantwoordelijkheid ligt niet bij dé mens als dusdanig, maar wel “bij de blanke, christelijke en heteroseksuele ’westerse’ mens”, luidt het vervolgens.

gorge #homophobia #sexist

"Love your neighbor" does not extend to "normalize your neighbor's erotic proclivities at the cost of broader society" or "you must erase the distinction between things."

Christians have traditionally believed that marriage is permanent bond between a man and woman for the purpose of forming a household and raising children*, where the duties of the man and woman are asymmetrical. For a man to “marry” another man is a contradiction in terms, the same as when your boss tells you, “I want you to think of me as your friend, not your boss.” The male-female relationship has elements that are inherently asymmetrical, and inherently different than male-male relationships, and different things deserve different words. Furthermore, the male-female union is a core building block of civilization and therefore deserves special recognition by the state and by the church. It deserves to be considered normative. One of the things that has especially turned me against gay marriage is seeing how so many institutions (eg public schools) no longer feel empowered to teach the male-female marriage as being the default or the normative institution. Legalizing gay marriage was not just “allow different people to do their own thing” it was, “change the basic way every child is taught about the basic institutions and building blocks of life.”

Now part of the problem for modern Christians is that many already have given up on the idea of marriage being permanent or that the husband and wife have different roles and obligations. Once those distinctions have been erased, resistance to gay marriage then looks very unprincipled. But for traditional Christians the argument is very straightforward and consistent.

Donald Trump #psycho #wingnut

In what was seen as an extreme display of demagoguery even by his standards, Trump drew cheers from an audience in Erie, Pennsylvania, with a picture of an out-of-control crime spree that he said could be ended “immediately” with one “real rough, nasty day”, or “one rough hour”

“You see these guys walking out with air conditioners with refrigerators on their back, the craziest thing,” Trump said. “And the police aren’t allowed to do their job. They’re told, if you do anything, you’re gonna lose your pension

“They’re not allowed to do it because the liberal left won’t let them do it. The liberal left wants to destroy them, and they want to destroy our country”

In a passage that provoked a storm on social media, the former president and Republican nominee then said: “If you had one day, like one real rough, nasty day with the drug stores as an example, where, when they start walking out with …”

He then trailed off in a digression to falsely accuse Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, of introducing a practice in California when she was attorney general that exonerated thieves from prosecution of items worth less than $950

Politico said the remark appeared to be a reference to proposition 47[…]
Trump continued: “You saw kids walk in with calculators. They didn’t want to go over the $950. They’re standing with calculators adding it up. You know, these are smart, smart people. They’re not so stupid, but they have to be taught

“Now, if you had one really violent day … one rough hour, and I mean real rough. The word will get out and it will end immediately”

The comments triggered a stream of comparisons to The Purge, a 2013 film that depicts the election of a radical new party called The New Founding Fathers of America following an economic collapse, which then enacts drastic policies to end crime and unemployment

Yeshua via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy

Friends, gather near as I wish to tell you a story. A story of Earth, a story of you, of your desires, of our creation. I am, yes, your brother, you may call me Yeshi if you prefer. This is not a formal space, but an informal space and place energetically of love, of light, of the camaraderie of home.
I am your Yeshua. Be comforted in the days ahead and have no fear. Know that the old regime is crumbling down so that a new one may grow, more organically, with many hands and much light. New Earth is simply a higher vibrational space that you get to create, that we get to co-create, and what a privilege this is. Yes, there are many debates and many governments vying for control with tight fists but the time of truth and the time of the people is here now and nothing can change this. The web of light is pulsing too brightly to be dimmed. It is beautiful.
You light workers are strategically stationed all over the world, in a complex energetic map encompassing not only the ley lines but the portals, the underground damaged lines of previously sunken worlds – it is complicated. Do not doubt your placement. You are lighting up the grid wherever you go, and you are needed where you are. It is much like the great scattering of my friends and family after the cross, we left trails of light all over the globe and we spread not only our energetics but our DNA as we created new families all over the globe. There is much to learn that you will realize you are simply remembering. Isn’t that exciting? Most likely the mystery schools ring true for you, most likely many stories pull you to them as you remember more and more of who you were. Call your talents and energies of past brilliance to you and anchor them here. In this way you will be managing and pulling in all of your past, present and future selves as you anchor your higher self, your Christed self, now, in your sneakers or sandals, onto and into this earth.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger/Kevin Hughes #quack #fundie #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

The Health Ranger Mike Adams explained why it is important to detoxify using God's molecules and how to do it on his 22nd sermon on the "Health Ranger Report."

He said God's molecules are present on Earth through Mother Nature – particularly in the form of superfoods like plants, herbs and foods that possess amazing and miraculous nutrients. These molecules, he added, form what he calls the "Molecular Armor of God" as elaborated in the Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians which protects people against Satan's molecules.

Mainstream science acknowledges the protective properties of these molecules – with some of them being neuroprotective (shielding the brain and the rest of the nervous system), hepatoprotective (protecting the liver) and cardioprotective (protecting the heart and the circulatory system).

"Many of them have antioxidant function. For example, they're called antioxidants, all kinds of alkaloids, all kinds of amazing nutrients," the Bible nutrition educator said.

"So all of God's molecules protect and support healthy biological function – whether that's at the cellular level, the organ level or the organ system level. They protect, support and enhance your biological function."

In contrast, Adams explained that Satan's molecules are exactly the opposite of God's molecules. Examples of these satanic molecules that are mostly synthesized by mankind include synthetic pesticides or herbicides like glyphosate and atrazine.
One way to detoxify the body from Satan's molecules is through water, a chemical solvent ubiquitous on Earth. According to the Health Ranger, water can be absorbed and put into solutions that wash away toxic chemicals.

The founder of Natural News and stated that the act of bathing washes away toxins off the surface of the human body. Sweating, meanwhile, pushes the toxins in the skin toward the surface. Thus, sweating followed by bathing serves as a kind of baptism that removes the "sin" of Satan's molecules.

Glenn Winningham/ #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

Every court room in the country has a gold fringe flag in it. That is an Admiralty Maritime Law Court. The judge can hear common law cases but he will never tell you and if you are being charged with something, and unless it is a common law offense, like murder, it is an Admiralty Maritime Law case. In all of the paperwork, they will ALWAYS spell your name in all block capital letters. Also, if they attack you, and you don't answer in the right way, you will get railroaded and we have all heard about lots of people that got railroaded. Remember, ignorance of the law is no excuse.

An Admiralty Maritime Law Court is literally a kangaroo court, where everything is upside down. You are not innocent until proven guilty, you are guilty until proven innocent. At common law you argue the facts but at Admitalty Maritime Law, if you argue the facts, you are guilty. The ONLY valid arguement is to argue the law.
They know that "We the People" have ALL the power. They know that they do not have a shred of authority. The ONLY reason they are doing what they are doing is because of our own ignorance of the law. FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

It is our own ignorance because it is we ourselves, that got birth certificates for our children and thus created the vessel.

It is our own ignorance because it is we ourselves, that made application for Social Security Numbers for ourselves or for our children and thus created the means for them to make money from the vessel.

It is our own ignorance because it is we ourselves, that made application for drivers licenses, and in the process swore an oath that we are a "US citizen".

It is our own ignorance because it is we ourselves, that Registered to vote, and in the process swore an oath that we are a "US citizen".
It is our own ignorance because it is we ourselves, that do NOT form Common Law juries and bring these people to justice.

It is our own ignorance because there is a common law remedy for all of this.

Kerry Cassidy #ufo #magick #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

For example you cannot possibly analyze the cat and mouse game going on in the Straits of Hormuz / Gulf of Oman and Aden without understanding the role of stargates and portals (from which the various ETs come and go) and what is really going on there without also having taken on board the role of the Anunnaki.

You have to wrap in things like:

1. How ISIS was created by the CIA and PAID to destroy the monuments and ancient sites in the Middle East that depict the former REPTILIAN RULE over humanity.

2. How certain governments are aligned with competing ET races.

3. How our own branches of the military are aligned with competing ET races!
7. How many of the national / and international incidents we think only involved human involved humans working with ETs…such as the Bay of Pigs nuclear standoff… the attack on the ship USS Liberty (Anunnaki) and VW sized Spiders in Vietnam (Vietnam war) and so much more…
11. How Africa (and the war in the Middle East) is also with Reptoids (human reptilian hybrids) who have bases in Iraq and Syria and down in remote parts of AFRICA…

12. How Africa has been “given” largely to a new incoming race of those from ALDEBARAN against the vote of many countries in exchange for some territory to build human colonies off planet.
14. How the whole pedophilia epidemic among the elite and rampant satanic practices and Luciferianism is a reflection of the impact of Reptilian DNA upon certain human bloodlines. This influence is stimulated in particular by the ‘power over others’ impulse in our societies. It involves occult knowledge of the power contained in what is known as kundalini in the East and orgone in the West. That the young have in high amounts and must be activated in humans to continue past puberty through meditation. Reptilians and Greys feed on what some call “loosh” stimulated by the fight or flight response that releases a substance in the glands of humans that they consider an aphrodisiac.

Den66kj #racist

[RageFuel] My parents are disgusting race traitors

My mom is nordic and my dad is a sandnigger (fortunately not that dark skinned atleast)

But why the fuck would someone do this shit? The result was me. Someone looking like a genetic experiment that went wrong.
Both communities and cultures reject me

I can't even look in the mirror anymore without being ashamed of what my parents did and seeing my deformed body.

I constantly have problems with my skin, it's sensitive as shit and my immune system is almost non existent too :feelsree:

Whenever you hate yourself for genetics think about me :feelsrope:

Atavistic Autist #quack #sexist #racist

Many incels and autists display "personality disordered" traits of BPD and narcissism, which is often used by our detractors to say we're bad people. But it is obvious to anyone with cursory knowledge into Cluster B personality disorders that they are post-traumatic conditions, which derive from severe social problems during childhood and adolescence.

If you're an autist with no capacity to successfully socially bond, for example, it is only natural that your psychology will be affected by this as you try to shield your psyche from intense pain and shame spurring from social/romantic rejection and ostracism. Hence compensatory grandiosity, rejection sensitivity, violent revenge fantasies, and all the rest.

But it turns out, as I have found and spoken of previously, there is a DIRECT solution to all this that can stabilize you, remove your depression and heartache, and restore your hedonic tone (enable you to truly ENJOY life unlike psychiatric jewpills which simply numb you and make you a permanently impotent vegetable).

That solution is OPIOIDS. For they treat not only physical pain, but acute mental pain too! And it's more profound that even that...
[rest omitted]

Bozza_Nova #enbyphobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger

Just a reminder that "queer" doesn't really have anything to do with being homosexual or bisexual. The Marxist commies themselves call it "an identity without an essence", or in other words, it's more of a social and political outlook based on opposing "norms" than anything that can be measured.

Support the existence of L, G, B, and even certain aspects of T (it's complicated) if you want, but remember that Q is just an ideological insert used by Marxists to divide society and create the conditions necessary for a communist revolution, which is what this subreddit claims to be against.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #racist

I’m a straight white suburban woman in my fifties. And Pride month can fuck right off. You can call me Karen but my tattoos would disagree. You can call me a bigot too. You already have. And a Terf—that pathetic made-up term. I’m not radical. And only feminist as far as equal pay. The right to vote. To have a bank account and a credit card. You know, basic civil rights. The same things gay and lesbian people wanted—and received. But now… Pride is… Pride is corporations and children and paraphilias and corruption…

And in the basement of my once harmonious home, my seventeen year old daughter is decorating her jean jacket with patches and little paintings, so she can wear it to the parade in our city tomorrow. It has rainbows and that awful pedophilic trans flag. It showcases her pronouns: “HE/THEY” and basically screams: I am a straight white girl who bought the bullshit that straight white girls are evil devil oppressors and I refuse to be that in the name of KINDNESS, y’all. So allow me into your glittery sanctum, your elite hole of horrors, tunnel of anti-love. Call me a gay man PLEASE.

Tatsuya Ishida #racist #conspiracy

“Meanwhile in Appalachia…”, a man is drowning in a flooded timberframe village, calling for help. He is spotted by a superhero, a donkey in blue with a bag of Jew money over the shoulder, who exclaims to his partner, a dwarf elephant in red carrying another Jew money bag: “Look chum. White people in peril.” He puts flies down to the man, tells him “Here you go” and hands him “$750 bucks” (sic). Then both heroes fly off with a triumphant “AWAAAYYY” as the man drowns.

Mark Fish #fundie

[From “Is Lebanon part of Israel’s promised territory?”]

Archived here

The Torah verses convey profound messages that we can insightfully extract for our daily lives. Rabbi Shay Tahan, the Rosh Kollel of Shaarei Ezra in Brooklyn, NY, graciously opens the gates to understand them

The recent conflict in Lebanon raises the age-old question regarding the northern borders of biblical Eretz Yisrael. Where exactly did Hashem define the boundaries, and are we obligated to conquer those areas?[…]
At the blessing at the end of Parshat Ekev, Hashem tells us that we are granted every land we will conquer within the borders mentioned. In the north, the Torah states: "Every place where the sole of your foot will tread shall be yours—from the wilderness and the Lebanon, from the river—the Euphrates River—until the western sea shall be your boundary." This promise from the Creator clearly places the land of Lebanon within the Promised Land of Israel[…]
Expanding Israel’s borders would mean extending the requirement to observe these mitzvot in the newly included territories[…]
Inhabitants and Settlement: According to some opinions, living in the biblical boundaries of Eretz Yisrael may be considered a mitzvah. Expanding Israel’s borders could extend the obligation for Jews to settle and inhabit those areas[…]
War and Conquest: The concept of milchemet mitzvah (a commanded war) includes conquering certain territories that were promised in the Torah. If new land is identified as part of the biblical borders, there may be halachic discussions about the obligation to conquer and settle it[…]
If one looks at a map, they will be astounded by how far north this river extends and how vast the Land of Israel truly is. While we may not be able to reclaim all of it in our time, Hashem will surely return it to us soon

Lee Copp #crackpot

Dive into "The Cosmic Crater Theory: Rethinking Earth’s Celestial Habitat," where science meets the vast unknown. This groundbreaking eBook challenges traditional views of our universe with a bold new hypothesis: Earth is not a standalone sphere but a crater on a colossal celestial body. Each chapter of this captivating read explores the implications of living in one of potentially thousands of similar biomes, each shielded by cosmic domes, and interconnected through a network of subaquatic tunnels.

From detailed scientific analyses to philosophical and theological explorations, this book invites you to consider the possibility that our "planet" is just one segment of a much larger, intricately designed cosmic structure. With a blend of rigorous research, expert insights, and engaging narrative, the author provides a comprehensive look at how this theory could shift our understanding of not just the Earth, but also its role in a larger universal context.

Whether you're a science enthusiast, a lover of big ideas, or a connoisseur of revolutionary theories, "The Cosmic Crater Theory" offers a fresh perspective on our place in the universe. It challenges readers to rethink everything from the ground up—quite literally. Prepare to be intrigued, enlightened, and inspired by a theory that could change the way we view the cosmos.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #quack #conspiracy

We got a Bird Flu kicking in.

Why now?

Elections 2024.

Why this now?

And WHY the Jew Robert Redfield, former CDC head, give the “Plandemic” a “not if” BUT when. [Clip]
Oy vey!

This will turn the goys heads every which way.

It starts with birds, on to chickens, then ducks, and geese, then to “mammals”—I mean cows—then SCREAM–onto the goyeem. [Clip SAME]
Of course he’s all for “GAIN OF FUNCTION.”

He quotes it to prove that once mammals have that infectuous “Bird Flu..”

…then it’s on to humans to humans…and then on to…HUMANS!

Ohh, those lockdowns are coming again.

Take Notice Mister Trump!

Listen to the noise.

Mail In Votes, I mean, a rigged election on steroids.

Oh, those poor birds!

They’re destined to die.

But Kamala may be sitting pretty come November 5!

Bishop Alan DiDio/Rick Renner #fundie #magick #ufo #conspiracy

In a riveting interview between Bishop Alan DiDio and Rick Renner, the two delve into the chilling realities of the end times, spiritual warfare and the return of fallen angels and Nephilim. Renner, a respected author and Bible scholar, shares insights from his decades of study on prophecy, warning that history is on the verge of repeating itself, just as in the days of Noah.

Renner emphasizes that strange occurrences seen before the biblical flood are beginning to happen again. He cites the rise of genetic manipulation and transhumanism as modern examples of what was once considered impossible. He notes that hybrid beings, a hallmark of ancient corruption, are poised to return: “These were aberrations, these were hybrid creatures, and through those beings, corruption and violence began to fill the earth.”

According to Renner, the Antichrist himself may be part of this hybrid resurgence. He refers to Daniel 2:43, which describes a time when “they will mingle themselves with the seed of men.” Renner interprets this as a prophetic hint that the Antichrist could be a transhuman or even a hybrid being, combining human and celestial elements. He warns that, just like before the flood, we are again living in a time when science is pushing boundaries that should not be crossed.

DiDio prompts Renner to expand on his views, asking, “Do you believe that this alien propaganda… will be utilized by the government to create a great deception in the end?” Renner responds cautiously, suggesting that some form of disclosure may be imminent. “Something nefarious is going to happen at the end of the age,” he says, “but when you know what Jesus said, you will not be surprised.”

Renner also shares a personal experience about visiting the supposed remains of Noah’s Ark in the Mountains of Ararat. “When I got there and saw it with my own eyes, all skepticism left.” Ground-penetrating radar has revealed the structure of what Renner believes is Noah’s Ark, complete with three decks and rooms.

Alexandra Bruce/holikela #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

In my opinion, anyone who thinks lithium batteries are a viable alternative for fossil fuels has half a brain cell. It is the most environmentally-destructive process imaginable and these stupid things still need to be charged by fossil fueled energy plants!.
In light of the pagers and walkie-talkies that strategically blew up in Lebanon last week, I’m beginning to believe that the true motive for installing lithium batteries is to turn everything, from cellphones, to cars, to Boeing airplanes containing them into bombs – especially given that this lithium mining contract with Albemarle was signed with the DoD.


Can I tell you what I find suspicious as shit? That one of the areas affected by Hurricane Helene is the world’s largest lithium deposit and the DoD just entered into an agreement with this company right here to mine lithium for electric cars, starting in 2025.

Now that area is completely devastated. This is a $90 million agreement between the DoD and this company right here [Albemarle Corporation] to get Kings Mountain North Carolina lithium mine up and running by 2030.

If that area has been inundated, is in a disaster zone, then the government can come in and do Eminent Domain and they can pay you what it was worth five years ago, rather than what it’s worth right now.
Back in 1947, we had the “Florida-Georgia Hurricane” or “Hurricane 9” and it was the first hurricane to be targeted for weather modification.

What happened was General Electric, the US Navy, the Army, the Air Force, they poured dry ice into this hurricane, using airplanes to see what would happen.

Would they slow it down? Well what happened was it slowed down a little bit but it turned west, really sharp. Let me show you [shows image of the track of 1947 hurricane – very similar to that of Hurricane Helene].
I’m sure this is just another coincidence but do you know who owns the most shares in that lithium mine? BlackRock and Vanguard.

various commenters #transphobia

RE: Will Jon Stewart’s critique help peak people?

( hypatia )
He's still in a bubble on the trans issue, or at least I'll assume that til I hear him say otherwise.

I agree that his critique last week was a much-needed breath of sanity. I'm so sick of Dems acting like everything they do is the best and anyone who disagrees is a racist Nazi.

( hypatia )
I will say, though, his willingness to ignore dogma and even mock it makes me hopeful he won't be afraid to point out absurdities.

Trans rights got as far as it did, because male sex criminals use very sympathetic young kids and gay people as a mask. Once it slips it's over.

( Pickles )
He recently did a show all about how safe and effective childhood transition is and even accused the congresswoman he had on his show of lying when she said most kids grow out of gender dysphoria. I don't really have any faith that he does any research or has any common sense anymore.

Unfortunate, because i used to really like him and his show.

( Chronicity )
Well, he’s just made himself vulnerable to GC arguments by pulling back the ideological curtain a bit. So there’s that.

JS: Trans people are only a fraction of the population and aren’t a threat to anyone!!! Stop erasing their existence!! TWAW!

GC ppl: Jon, remember when pointing out the obvious fact that Biden is old got you in trouble with people who don’t want to acknowledge the cognitive effects of advanced aging?


GC: You are engaging in the same type of gaslighting when we point out the truth about sex differences. It’s the same shit, you know. Stop embarrassing yourself.

My dream is that Bill Maher invites JS to his show and they talk about trans stuff.

( gcfemale )
He's still a die-hard TPA and he himself can't see that logical fallacy, so no?

( Chronicity )
Well, these things can change, right? He is friends with Dave Chappelle and I could see his position softening after watching him be tarred and feathered by the same crowd attacking Jon now.

Many of us peaked after watching the TRAs go into attack mode. Even TRAs can lose their faith when it cuts too close to them personally.

I’m not holding my breath but I haven’t ruled out him peaking soon if he hasn’t already.

(I suspect Trevor Noah’s shelf broke after sharing oxygen with Vic Ivy.)

various commenters #transphobia

RE: Help responding to TRA's saying separate is unequal

( Persimmon64 )
Segregation of race and sex are not comparable.

If white people committed 90% of all violent crime and 99% of all sexual crimes, if the majority of those sexual crimes were committed against black people, if only black people were able to be impregnated and only by white people, if white people had a different anatomy that allowed them to rape black people, if white people were on average bigger, stronger, and more aggressive than black people, and if white people used that strength and sexual aggression to dominate black people and dictate their lives for most of human history...I'd say black people would absolutely be justified in wanting their own spaces away from white people, even white people who claim to be black, or want to be black, or who act black like Robert Downey Junior in Tropic Thunder, especially when they were at their most vulnerable.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
I'm for equality. All males should have equal access to the men's bathroom.

( mathlover )
But they do believe that separate but equal is appropriate in some situations. Eg: bathrooms can be binary with separate male and female facilities. Except the larping men want to be in the women's spaces. They don’t actually care about the ethics of "separate but equal". They only use that because everyone knows male and female spaces should be separate for some purposes, and the men want to be able to violate women's boundaries in what are very appropriately women's spaces.

( Exempli_Gratia )
This. TiPs are absolutely entitled to use sex-segregated, binary facilities with every other human on the planet, including bathrooms, locker rooms, prisons, shelters and sports. They just have to use the facility which aligns with their binary biological sex, not the one which aligns with the magic voices in their heads telling them they're special.

There's nothing discriminatory about this, either. Everyone uses the facilities according to their biological sex. If TiPs want something else, what they are demanding is not equal rights, but special privileges.

Scott Lively #homophobia #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt

Elena Kagan is no less a political opportunist and beneficiary of gender-class affirmative action than Kamala Harris. While Harris slept her way to power in San Francisco, Kagan leveraged her Manhattan family connections to rise through the Democrat ranks. She entered Obama’s orbit in 1991, helped Ruth Bader Ginsburg get confirmed to SCOTUS while a Senate aide, then, rising that same wave of female political empowerment, was appointed the first female dean of Harvard Law – where the LGBT agenda reigns supreme. (To that latter point, read about my experience debating criminal justice reform there as a gubernatorial candidate in 2014.)

Harris and Kagan are both just hard left political assets with a law degree and an unshakable commitment to the LGBT agenda. When Kagan (with no prior judicial experience) joined Ginsburg on the high court they tag-teamed as officiants in separate same-sex “marriages” during the pendency of the Obergefell v. Hodges case, the worst breach of judicial ethics in the history of the Supreme Court. This was far worse than anything the conservative justices have been accused of in recent months by the same partisans who applauded the Obergefell travesty. And no one but me (with a protest sign in front of the courthouse) publicly clamored for their recusal for that! (Of course, the “gay marriage” Kagan performed was for her own law clerk and his male partner.)

There is nothing more sacrosanct in our judiciary than the expectation of all parties to a presumption of impartiality by the justices deciding their case regardless of their personal views – but, once again, advancing LGBT normalization trumped every other consideration, even the integrity of the court. Compared to that, leaking internal confidences about the Trump cases to the New York Times is kid stuff.

The rule of law will not survive in America so long as we allow power-hungry people to get away with trading their ethics for a grab at the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. There must be accountability. For Harris that would mean a massive election defeat in November. For Kagan (if she truly is the leaker) that would mean impeachment during Trump’s next term.

Happy Science #fundie

From time to time, this massive body of energy called El Cantare sent parts of His consciousness into this world.

The energy body of El Cantare is so enormous that it is impossible for His entire energy to descend to earth, so He sent parts of His consciousness to earth to take on a human form and express His thoughts and parts of His religious characters.

Every individual spirit is El Cantare Himself, but each spirit expresses only one aspect of El Cantare, not His entirety. El Cantare is like a cut diamond, which has many facets.

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