The Armchair Prophet #wingnut #racist #quack #fundie #conspiracy

The premise of this prophetic piece is that the Dark Side has never — EVER — been so desperate. And so brazen. And so reckless. As they are right now.
Which is why The Powers That Be are scrambling as never before.
Is this why the USA will see something very BIG happen this May?
Of course, the New World Order globalist cabal is perfectly aware of these HUGE earth changes coming down the pike as well.
A Bigger Than Biblical Earth Disaster is Coming
Which is exactly why these PROVEN genocidal maniacs will now resort to any scheme whatsoever in order to prevent them all from being hanged live on the Internet.
This month of May already started off with what is planned to be the biggest trigger event for the American Bolshevik Revolution.
For those who doubt the inevitability of divinely ordained catastrophism throughout every sphere of life in 2024, just consider what Election Day will bring to the USA.
That, right there, guarantees that the American Republic will undergo unparalleled trials and tribulations with an outcome which is completely unknown at this crucial point.
Which means that the Khazarian perps will use this month of May to set the stage for all manner of warmongering and rumors of World War III, geoengineered weather disasters and Gladio-style false flag terrorist attacks, draconian assaults on both the First & Second Amendments, train wrecks and ship wrecks in any of the 50 states, supply chain disruptions and food supply collapses, as well as their favorite way to bring about the immediate cessation of whole societies—Plandemic 2.0.

The Uniparty election thieves only have 6 months until Tuesday, November 5, 2024; so they have a LOT of work to do to turn the current Bird Flu psyop into a full-blown national epidemic before they morph it into a global pandemic just in time to incite support for the WHO’s cataclysmic Pandemic Treaty being considered by the 77th World Health Assembly on May 27th.

Dr. Michael Salla/Dr. Anton Anfalov #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy

the early 1940s, Nazi Germany discovered a network of ancient tunnels around the world, where it began to develop a breakaway civilization (aka 4th Reich) with flying saucer and other advanced aerospace technologies. According to Dr. Anton Anfalov, the Nazis were helped by Inner Earth beings belonging to what he describes as the Symbiont Underground & Space Terrestrial Nonhuman Civilization (SUSTENC). He says that in addition to Antarctica, the Nazis created bases in Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Chile, Argentina and Brazil with the help of prominent European industrialist families such as the Wallenbergs.

Dr. Anfalov confirms that in addition to the USA, the USSR/Russia began secretly reverse engineering captured Nazi technologies along with spacecraft retrieved from SUSTENC for a secret space program. He further confirmed the use of psychics by the Russians to understand and operate the advanced antigravity technologies used by SUSTENC.

Dr. Anfalov has interviewed hundreds of Russian whistleblowers and been given documents on the UFO phenomenon dating back to the post-World War II era. He has gained much knowledge about UFO crash retrieval operations in the Soviet Union and Russia; learned about ancient underground tunnels built by SUSTENC that the Kremlin repurposed for its own deep underground military bases; and the development of a Soviet/Russian secret space program that uses psychics as a standard operating procedure.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger #wingnut #racist #quack #conspiracy

Brighteon Broadcast News, May 8, 2024 – Trump would deploy U.S. Special Forces troops in MEXICO and issue “kill lists” of cartel leaders

- Alternative cancer treatments and the use of a new AI language model. (0:03)

- UK Border Force glitch shuts down airport entry. (2:44)

- Boeing's faked aircraft inspections

- Israeli intelligence infiltration on US campuses. (7:45)

- US senators threatening #ICC judges over #Netanyahu arrest warrant. (13:22)

- Zionism's control over US government and media. (20:31)

- Russian company acquiring assets of German chemical company BASF. (32:34)

- Israel's actions contradicting US Constitution and Bill of Rights. (40:42)

- Conservatives' shift towards #Zionism and its impact on freedom of speech. (46:44)

- Sustainable living, homesteading, and community building. (1:21:22)

- Integrating technology and indigenous knowledge for a sustainable future. (1:28:50)

- #Bitcoin and central banks' influence, self-custody importance. (1:38:23)

- Buying land and preparing for an uncertain future. (1:41:33)

- #Permaculture and regenerative agriculture as alternatives to conventional farming methods. (1:57:05)

- #Freedom, #censorship, and spirituality. (2:11:44)

- Building alternative systems for political autonomy, peace, prosperity, and self-sufficiency. (2:18:01)

Byl Holte #wingnut

Actor Alan Ritchson: "Trump is a rapist and a con man, and yet the entire Christian church seems to be treating him like he's their poster child...I don't understand it."

Alan, you don't understand it because you believe the lies the democraps spew 24/7 about Donald Trump.

REACHER guy, just employ a little critical thinking and you'll see you're being played.

Spencer_Shayy #transphobia

Teachers saying they'd rather be fired than tell parents their children think they're trans should be sacked | The Sun (Julie Bindel)
These teachers really should. It's so creepy how cult-like these fake activist teachers are. Their obsession with "trans kids" is disturbing.

If you believe a child can be born in the wrong body, you aren't qualified to be a teacher. I don't care how experienced or educated you are.

What's worse is these freaks will pretend it's the same thing as outing a homosexual child... while actively encouraging said homosexual children to "transition".

The more I think of these self-proclaimed "educators" who push trans ideology onto students and families, the more disgusted by their blatant evil I become.

It is so OFFENSE to compare a child who's been brainwashed to believe he or she is "trans" to children born with an innate sexual orientation that's been persecuted and demonized for all of time. We are NOT the same.

"The teachers saying they would rather be fired than tell parents their children are presenting as the opposite sex at school consider themselves martyrs. But they are causing harm and should be sacked."

Normally, I hesitate about demanding someone be fired for their beliefs, as I think we all have a right to our own opinions, even if others don't like them, and I know how easily and quickly these punishments open the door for abuse, but in this case, the harm that trans activists are doing to so many people is too much to ignore. These teachers are a genuine danger to children. It'd be one thing if these pseudo religious lunatics just believed in the concept of "gender identity", but they don't. They always have to take it further. They force their ideology on kids, parents, and the rest of society, and ultimately lead some of those kids to cruel, unnecessary physical sterilization and mutilation.

All because THESE TEACHERS couldn't accept a child who didn't conform to rigid gender stereotypes.

100%. Like all other fascists, they seem to believe their evil is for the good of all.

Ben Garrison #wingnut



Cartoon published 05/06/2024

Those handling Biden’s reelection bid announced they would shorten his campaign speeches. They’ve all but acknowledged Joe’s cognitive decline. Biden can barely walk and he can barely talk — but he sure knows how to lie.

Biden is an experienced, accomplished liar and he has no shame about it—and even though many of the tales he tells have been proven to be completely untrue, he repeats those same stories anyway.

“Not a joke!”

His lies are too numerous to list, but here is a sampler:

He claimed he got into politics because he was inspired by the Civil Rights Movement. Yet when he became senator he stood against issues such as bussing, saying he didn’t want his kids in a ‘racial jungle.’ He was friends with Senator Robert Byrd, a former KKK member. Joe was hardly a supporter of civil rights, but later on he claimed he walked and even said he graduated from a historically black college. Nope. Nor did he march with civil rights leaders or go to jail alongside Nelson Mandela. He did not get arrested for standing on a porch of a black family. Trump is not the racist—Biden is.

Allie Beth Stuckey #forced-birth #fundie #wingnut

There is a trend on tiktok right now of women sharing their abortion stories and insisting they regret nothing - and they’re literally doing so between sobs because the “feelings are complex.” No, girl, you feel conviction and guilt. And as uncomfortable as those feelings are, they’re actually promising signals that your heart is still soft. Lean into those hard feelings. You should feel guilt. You did an awful thing. But there is abundant grace and total redemption available for you in Jesus. You’re not too far off. You can be forgiven and made new
6:51 AM · May 8, 2024 · 71.8K Views
246 Reposts 10 Quotes 2,247 Likes 48 Bookmarks

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

Obama also used the IRS to try to destroy his critics and opponents. I’m a witness. I was one of Obama’s victims.

Obama used the IRS to try to destroy my life. The IRS was his personal goon squad. Obama used the IRS to threaten, intimidate and terrorize conservatives and conservative non-profits.

When I went public and exposed Obama on Fox News, guess what happened next? Hundreds of GOP donors who had written checks to Mitt Romney’s campaign, contacted me to say they were also victims of IRS attacks only days after writing a check to Romney. You know what this means?

Obama used the IRS to rig the 2012 presidential race.

That was when the rigging and stealing of presidential campaigns begun. Take note President Trump. Trust me, it was Obama who came up with the plan to rig and steal your 2020 election.

MP Mohamed Ali, Salim Said, Athman Ahmed and the Anti-LGBTQ Movement #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #psycho

Kenyan anti-LGBTQ activists are now prohibited from calling for the murder of the country’s LGBTQ+ community, the country’s High Court said in an order. The order is temporary while the court hears a case on whether city legal officials can allow anti-LGBTQ+ protests that encourage violence against queer Kenyans

The interim conservatory order was placed following accusations that members of an organization, dubbed the “Anti-LGBTQ Movement,” as well as Parliament member Mohamed Ali, have called for the murder of LGBTQ+ individuals and their expulsion from Kenya

Mamba Online reported that, in a demonstration last year, Ali cited the Bible and Quran to justify killings, while calling for the American government to take in LGBTQ+ Kenyans

“We do also call upon the head of state, his Excellency President William Ruto, to come out strongly against LGBTQ machination,” Ali said[…]
Kenya currently outlaws consensual same-sex relationships[…]
The High Court order, implemented by Justice Olga Sewe, bans any calls for violence, conversion, or expulsion of LGBTQ+ individuals, with specific individuals — such as Ali and activists like Salim Said and Athman Ahmed — being restricted from this type of hateful rhetoric[…]
This order is temporary, with permanent decisions awaiting the results of the lawsuit. The lawsuit was filed against Mombasa Police Inspector General Japhet Koome for allowing anti-LGBTQ+ protests in his city. The lawsuit was filed alongside another suit against Said, Ali, Ahmed, and the Anti-LGBTQ Movement for their role in instigating violence

Positron #transphobia

You cannot equate ancient and near-modern examples of men castrating themselves (or cross-dressers) with late 20th-century trannies. The former did so either because of religious conviction or economic expediency. You don't read records of them claiming "I've been living a lie all along. Now I've found my true self", as modern trannies invariably do. And such existential reflection is good evidence that trannyism is a thoroughly modern phenomenon. It is related to the search of authenticity, the search of how to live life. Before modernity, religions and traditional communities told people how they should conduct their lives. People took it for granted that their lives are a pre-set template, and it didn't even occur to people that there are other options. It is only when religions fail to hold sway, and people had lost their ties to tradition, did people begin to realize that they have the freedom to choose how to live. People found out there are many many ways to create meanings in life, and that they can start living a new life any time as long as they have the will to do so. Some men, then, chose the freedom to live as women.

But why choose to live as women? I suppose Feminism (especially Third Wave) has mystified womanhood as the exotic "other" which appeals to the adventurous spirit of some men -- attaining womanhood is, in essence, a quest for the Holy Grail. If what I say is true, then trannyism is, paradoxically, motivated by a stereotypically male drive for conquest. This may explain why MtFs widely outnumber FtMs.

I can find ladyboy porn going back as far the 80s). How can "traditionalists" unironically claim transgenderism is a recent phenomenon.
I don't know much about Thai culture but it seems the phenomenon of Ladybois have strong social and economic roots. I'm not convinced they are exactly comparable to Western troons. Also 80s is very modern.

The Amsterdam Cohort saw a 20x rise of clinical cases of transgenderism in Netherlands between 1980 to 2015.

Kiwifarms #transphobia

>Autoimmune disease
That's a funny way to spell "stepped into a noose because the crushing weight of reality finally set in"

I have to imagine trooning ain't great for someone with an autoimmune disorder, much less multiple ones. In a sane world, the family would have cases for malpractice against the doctors who fed into the mentally ill man's delusions and quickened his demise.

Dairugger #fundie

Gigantic display of the Ten Commandments in new Minnesota jail offends atheist group: ‘Imposing religion’

Question: If you're an atheist, so therefore you do not believe in the first place, why even give a shit?

Let me use myself as an example, though I'm Catholic, I was once going through a mall and saw a Jehovah Witness table set up looking for suckers, looked at it and then shrugged my shoulders and went about my business.

various commenters #transphobia

RE: "White women" and "cis women" being used interchangeably

( BlackCirce )
Their reasoning:

White people decided black people are more masculine than white people.

Thus black women are more masculine than white women.

Black women then, are a type of man because masculinity is a male trait.

If some women (black ones) are men, the reverse must also be true, some men are women.

For black women (men) to be recognized as women, we have to also recognize trans women (men) as women. That’s called intersectional feminism.

Addendum: women who disagree with this reasoning are white supremacists.

( hard_headed_woman )
This really is their logic.

"Well, if you can let black women into your spaces, then you can let transwomen in, too!"

( pennygadget )
And they never do this with other races. They never say, "if you let in a Japanese woman, you have to let in trans-women, too!". This trans movement is blatantly anti-Black

( HalfMentalAlchemist )
Half of TIMs want to be Japanese girls.

( ALoudMeow )
HALF? More like 99.99%

( HalfMentalAlchemist )
The other half want to be their wife or mum.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
OMG I have seen this argument soo many times on reddit, that trans women are just a "type" of women, like black women, or red-haired women.

( proudcatlady )
This makes sense to them because all of those things are porn categories

( labelle )
Personally, I haven't noticed this. I have seen many TIMs and TRA allies referring to black women as cis black women, but I do agree that it is less and less. I actually think this is happening because black women are constantly refusing to be described as cis. You saw this during the Jess hilarious situation, and even TS madison (a TIM) promised to no longer use cis when describing women or around women.

I think more white women need to boldly reject this, instead I see a lot of them adopting this ideology. CIS is a slur.

( pegasusknight )
I know this is old news, but TIMs hate women. More than frat boys. They use “cis” and “white” (and their trans identity) as a shield to say what they really think about women.

( Re-enacterf )
They just want to hate women and tell us to shut up, and this is their in.

various commenters #transphobia

white people you cannot be trans

( PresumedWoman )
God i wish this was real. I wish it would be considered bigoted in leftist spaces for white people to identify as trans. We could shut this whole site down and go home

( Spencer_Shayy )
Right? We'd see a serious reduction in "trans" people if white people weren't allowed to say they were "trans" 😂

( Clarus )
At this rate this would probably be a real thing eventually. There's so much in-fighting in the trans-community over types of stuff like this already.

( ElectricBlue )
Oh wow, please can someone spread this? They'd all go into meltdown, it would be hilarious.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

WAYNE ROOT: My Warning to President Trump: This Crisis & Chaos in America is All About Obama. Get Ready for What’s Coming Next. Hint: Michelle Obama.
By Assistant Editor May. 6, 2024 3:20 pm 775 Comments

imageFormer first lady Michelle Obama speaks on Jay Shetty’s podcast “On Purpose.” (Jay Shetty Podcast / YouTube screen shot)

By Wayne Allyn Root

Let’s put two and two together.

Start with what’s happening in America at this very moment.

The anarchy on college campuses. That’s not brain-dead Biden. It’s all Obama. Why do you think it’s all centered around Columbia University?

This all started at Columbia University, Class of 1983. I’m a witness. We were taught to hate America and support socialism and communism. Even back then, all my Columbia classmates wanted “Death to America.” We were taught “Cloward-Piven”- the plan to destroy America, the US economy, the great American middle class, and of course, capitalism.

Who was my college classmate back at Columbia? Obama.

The weaponization of government and persecution of President Trump. That’s not brain-dead Biden. It’s all Obama.

That all started with Obama’s presidency. Obama used the NSA and CIA to spy on Trump and then frame Trump with fake “Russian Collusion.” Just like the fake trial going on in New York right now. Take note President Trump. This is Obama going after you.

John Anthony #pratt #racist #conspiracy

the narrative they are regurgitating is ridiculously false. There is no genocide. Their cause-celeb, Hamas, fights, hides, and stores their weaponry amongst civilians, and even dress in civilian clothes - all of which are against international laws of warfare! Civilian lives lost are tragic but are also the direct result of these tactics, which is EXACTLY what Hamas wants because it creates the propaganda these students fall for. The media is no different, parroting these talking points and taking, at face value, the claims of Palestinian health organizations (which are only Hamas in sheep's clothing). Oh, and lest we forget, Hamas broke a cease-fire on October 7th by invading Israel and killing, assaulting, and kidnapping innocent civilians. And by all accounts, the majority of Palestinian civilians approved.

Michael T McFall #fundie #ableist #crackpot

Divine Hiddennesss and Spiritual Autism
ABSTRACT: If God exists and wishes to be known, then why do some not have a relationship with God? Arguments against atheist conclusions from divine hiddenness have been offered, but I ask how understanding autism may help to explain seeking reflective nonbelievers. Seeking reflective nonbelievers are in a state of spiritual autism. If a spiritual autist, one does not know God relationally. Autism is a significant disability in that it can preclude knowing others as persons qua persons. I provide an overview of autism and spiritual autism, review the problem of divine hiddenness, and address six issues that reveal how spiritual autism may be overcome.

Andrew Torba #fundie #racist #conspiracy

[From “The House Passes H.R. 6090: A Threat to the Christian Faith and an Affront to Free Speech”]

The United States House of Representatives has passed H.R. 6090, a bill that criminalizes basic Biblical Truth. This alarming legislation seeks to weaponize the Civil Rights Act for the enforcement of federal anti-discrimination laws[…]
The bill adopts the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of “antisemitism” which includes the basic Biblical truth that the Jews killed Jesus Christ as “classic antisemitism.” The bill has raised serious concerns among Christians who believe that their First Amendment rights are being threatened. For example H.R. 6090 could potentially make it a crime for pastors to preach sermons that adhere to Biblical passages[…]which explicitly state that the Jews killed Jesus

As a result, churches may become targets for Civil Rights Act discrimination lawsuits, leading to a wave of anti-Christian sentiment and the stifling of religious expression. This legislation follows just a few weeks after we learned, during Holy Week of all times, that saying “Christ is King” is “antisemitic” from many of the gatekeeping establishment voices on the right. It also follows a slew of similar “hate speech” legislation at the state level that is being passed by Republican governors in red states, including Ron DeSantis who flew to Israel to sign his

Are you paying attention yet, Christian?[…]
The New Testament provides ample evidence that the Jews killed Jesus. This is a basic core tenet of the passion story and thus a basic core tenet of our faith that we are required to affirm[…]
The passage of H.R. 6090 raises questions about the true motives behind this legislation. Some have speculated that the recent surge in anti-Israel protests on college campuses, many of which are being led and organized by Jews, are being used to bolster public support and sympathy for Israel and usher in anti-Christian legislation like H.R. 6090

Steve Kirsch quoting Angela Wulbrecht #conspiracy #wingnut

Angela Wulbrecht ⁦
⁩ was a charge nurse at UCSF for 17 years. She never saw any young people die from a heart attack. But since the Covid vaccines rolled out, she’s seen over 100 deaths of young people. Here’s the video:
1:23 PM · May 5, 2024 · 132.5K Views
2,880 Reposts 103 Quotes 4,842 Likes 599 Bookmarks

Spencer_Shayy #transphobia

The myth of the ‘trans brain’ - spiked

There's nothing "cruel" about calling a bloke in a wig a bloke in a wig, let's get that out there right now. I'm tired of this "reminding "trans" people of reality hurts their feelings!" Crap even from those who are against gender ideology. I dont give a single fucking shit if someone who denies reality is upset by reality. I don't. And nobody else should care either.

"It's not as if political candidates have to undergo brain scans - a fact for which the Green Party should be eternally grateful."


It's so interesting to me that self-proclaimed advocates for women push the same old misogynistic pseudoscience, just with different packaging!

You're not a women's advocate if you believe in "gender identity". Period. No debate. The end.

I like the breakdown of the study "trans" people and their allies are always touting. The fact that the researchers were incredibly biased and it was influencing their work, the blatant homophobia of ignoring the fact that these "transsexuals" were clearly homosexuals when they brought their same sex partners to the clinic, not controlling for sexual orientation OR the long term effects of estrogen on a male body... it's all such bad science.


The Swedish assholes also didn't control for sexuality! They blew make pheromones over the "transwomen's" faces and some part of their brain lit up - they can't be homosexual and attracted to men like most women are, no, somehow, this means they're women inside men's bodies!

This blatant homophobia was used at Tavistock in 1997. It's the reason behind the Dutch protocol. It's the reason gay and gender non conforming kids are now being sterilized and mutilated in the name of "gender affirming care". The researchers even ADMIT (behind closed doors and only to medical experts) that the study is essentially meaningless and has never been replicated, but they'll still push it in public and rave that it's "proof" that "transgender" is real.


THIS is why there's no good intentions behind gender ideology. THIS is why there's no such thing as a good "trans" person. THIS is why nobody who supports the idea of "gender identity" is moral or decent.


Solid_Officer3975 and DualKoo #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #sexist #racist #transphobia #enbyphobia

My wife and her friends laugh at the pandering, and don't watch the movie/show. They think it's ridiculous, but they're not emotionally attached to IPs so they just move on to something else.

I have several gay friends, and black friends, and gay black friends, all of whom don't like the disingenuous nature of "inclusion" in modern cinema.

The message isn't intended to be a genuine method of gathering support. It's forced acceptance so there's no space for a nuanced conversation.

Which is why it’s known as Cultural Marxism. This is straight up 1984 type conditioning of the population.


Or in this case… there are more than “two genders”

The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less answer. And yet he was in the right! They were wrong and he was right.

Driz51 #wingnut #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia #enbyphobia #racist

It’s weird to me that the ones THE MESSAGE is pandering to fall for it so easily
What I mean is that it’s just so insincere. These movies or shows or games with marketing completely built around having a diverse character a gay character a trans character whatever it is. That’s always almost a guaranteed red flag that the show will have no substance at all and is just going for easy brownie points and a perfect shield to block any criticism. Is that really the kind of representation you’d want? Women want those cardboard cutout perfect at absolutely everything with no struggles at all girl boss characters? A black person wants to see a white character race swapped instead of an original well written character who was intended to be black from the start?

I think the word work has started to lose some meaning with how much it’s passed around, but I think to a lot of people like myself it’s referring to that right there. I think of something like Everything Everywhere All At Once which is about a conservative mother and her struggle to understand her daughter’s world. Arcane is a female driven show with a lesbian as one of the leads. Fallout show we just got has a female lead and I’m pretty sure a trans or no gender or one of those kind of things on the Brotherhood of Steel.

I’ve pretty much not at all heard woke tossed at these things or complaints about female driven stories or any such things. Because they aren’t created to shove a message down your throat and get effortless praise they actually care about these characters. People aren’t inherently shut down to ever accepting these stories they just want them to be written well.

I would just think the ones that they want to represent in these instances would appreciate such examples a hell of a lot more and not so easily be sucked in by something with absolutely no soul like The Little Mermaid remake. Sometimes it feels like a battle that can never be won. No matter how much we try to push back the crap just keeps coming and so many people just keep eating it up with a smile.

Alexandra Bruce/Daniel Liszt #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

THE DOCUMENTARY THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt has made a shocking discovery through his deep research that an area he refers to as the ‘HotZone’ between Miami, Bimini, Cuba, the Caribbean and Yucatan contains secret findings of mysterious ruins that hold the key to the ancient advanced culture of Atlantis.

ARCHAEOLOGY WARS ATLANTEAN SECRECY! By connecting the hidden network of Mystery Schools, Exotic Technology, Belial Cult, Psychic Spies and Covert Geopolitical Archaeology Wars, Dark Journalist takes us deep into a completely different way of understanding our ancient past and the Atlantean Poseidia TUAOI Global Power Station. Join Dark Journalist for this Breakthrough Documentary Presentation as he is interviewed exclusively by Kellsey Forest about The Craze In The HotZone!

MIND BLOWING REVELATIONS: LAND RISING NEAR BIMINI See how historical figures like the Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce, Legendary Author Ernest Hemingway, AI Creator MIT Marvin Minsky, Convicted Socialite Ghislaine Maxwell (AKA Janet Atlantis), Anti-Gravity UFO File Scientist Thomas Townsend Brown are all connected to Hacking Atlantis. Learn how major Mystery School Movements like Theosophy and Anthroposophy with leaders Helena Blavatsky and Rudolf Steiner were deeply involved in revealing the truth that is about to emerge from Land Rising Deep in the HotZone!

Joachim Siegfrids #ufo #magick #conspiracy

In the heart of a majestic volcano lies a cosmic secret shrouded in ancient lore. Join us on an extraordinary journey through the celestial realms of the Arcturian Stargate Sol-Terra 1 - a space ark and portal that connects worlds and dimensions. As you explore, the Mountain of RA will reveal the long-forgotten Portal of MU, unlocking hidden truths.

Embark on a mind-expanding journey with "Lemuria Reborn" - a groundbreaking exploration of human origins, consciousness, and the path to ascension. Within this captivating book, Joachim Siegfrids channels the wisdom of ancient Arcturians, unveiling the untold story of the seeding of the human species. It is truly the Arcturian book of disclosure, an absolute must-read for any ascending human being.

Joachim Siegfrids, a renowned author with an extensive career in media and journalism, guides us on a profound spiritual quest, revealing the extraordinary human-extraterrestrial connection. As an Arcturian channel, he brings forth divine guidance, offering profound insights into humanity's ascension and the rebirth of Lemurian wisdom.

Delve into the mysteries of densities, dimensions, and timelines as you uncover the profound connection between our past, present, and future. With each turn of the page, you'll bear witness to the transformative power of knowledge, as the veil of ignorance is gracefully lifted. Embrace the awakening consciousness, absorb the cosmic truths, and embark on an unforgettable journey of self-discovery.

Doug Duff #crackpot #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy

In the realm of Identity Theft, if you recall, the first thing required by the thief is to determine YOUR identity. When they place ink on paper with your identification in all upper case letters (or, in any size letters) they just created an express (resultant) trust.

By creating an express trust, they have entered the world of Public finance, which covers all goods, all chattel paperwork and bank accounts. The SSN, which is public securities, becomes public finance.

The D.B.A. (Doing Business As), being recorded in your name (the ALL CAPS NAME at County level) is a bridge between Public Finance and Private Finance. Private is Real; Public is imaginary, mirror image, likeness, ink on paper, corporate, etc.
You make entry by screaming “Somebody’s trying to steal my property.” “Who gave you permission to use my property? That all caps registered name, the defendant, is my private property. Who gave you permission to use it? Are you intending to do a de son tort?

DE SON TORT. L. Fr. Of his own wrong. A stranger who takes upon him to act as an executor without any just authority is called an “executor of his own wrong,” (de son tort.) 2 Bl. Comm. 507; 2 Steph. Comm. 244.
If the judge stays on the bench when the defendant put in his proof he was the owner, he would have been caught being an “executor” de son tort. Would other parties be guilty as “Trustee” de son tort? If the Bailiff should come around you or stand behind you, you should ask, “Are you resurrecting an army against me on American land?” They are not allowed to do that. I came in as a foreigner. The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act protects a foreigner. That is the law that diplomats have immunity under.

Paul S #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

I don't know what to make of the Catholic Church. They wear small hats, have a weird obsession with making lots and lots of money, constantly engage in strange sexual perversions, live in a tiny, tiny little nation state, are constantly tricking larger military superpowers into waging war against each other, and are constantly the only ones who ever profit from these wars of conquest that the larger superpowers fight.

Does that fit the profile of any other group we know?

People talk about Martin Luther, but nobody ever mentions who Luther's papal counter-party was -- Pope Leo X, a Jewish Pope from the House of Medici who literally purchased the Papacy for himself after the Medicis were kicked out of Florence during one of the Jewish expulsions.

The Catholic Church has been compromised and in Jewish hands for a long time, but I don't know if it's *consistently* been in Jewish hands, or if a behind-the-scenes battle wages where different factions take power from one another. I suspect even the famous Knights Templar were (secretly) Jews sneaking around in Christian costumes -- when's the last time you heard about a group of "Christian" knights inventing modern international banking as we know it?

Whether Jewish or not, I suspect the Catholic Church has always been a simulation of an older, more authentic style of Christianity, on whose foundations it's been built. It's preserved many of those Christian traditions quite well (the Mass, the Eucharist, the feast days, the architecture), but it's always been semi-compromised even from day one. I think the true history of the Catholic Church is yet to be told, and once we learn it, we'll see it's something very different than what we've been led to believe (even by the "alternative" press).

notsofreshfeeling, BondiBlue & BlackCirce #transphobia #enbyphobia

Why Montana’s Two-Spirit people are challenging a state law that defines sex as binary

( notsofreshfeeling )
Holy fuck just wear whatever clothes and stop lying about your sex. It is not that hard. This is not oppression. Grow up.

( BondiBlue )
The woke version of the Indiana Pi Bill, where elected officials attempted to redefine the value of pi by legislative fiat. In this case attempting to redefine 2 as infinity in the letter of the law, because spirit animals or some such.

I'm sorry, but no. You can call yourself whatever you want, but don't get to mandate that everyone else is required to live under the auspices of your beliefs. And it is not "white supremacism" to say that. Whatever happened to "trust the science"?

( BlackCirce )
“Two-spirit,” in the same sense as transgender or transsexual cannot exist without binary sex. Third, fourth, fifth, sixth genders are created by humans for people who don’t fit the gender role that is assigned to their sex.

The project to expand “gender” always devolves into categorizing a rainbow of different human personalities and aesthetic and occupational preferences. Humans are one of, if not the, most behaviorally adaptive species. We change what behavior we do frequently, even generation to generation. Gender roles, gendered division of labor, aesthetics, those can and do change. What doesn’t change are sex roles: which sex ejaculates and which sex gestates and gives birth and breastfeeds. Don’t people get tired of playing stupid like this?

Laura Wood #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

[From “St. Joseph Against Communism”]

IN 1955, Pope Pius XII proclaimed May 1st, Feast of St. Joseph the Worker in response to Communist May Day celebrations[…]As a laborer who worked with his hands, St. Joseph was everything the Communist slave was not. In Divini Redemptoris, On Atheistic Communism, of March 1937, Pope Pius XI advocated that the battle against world Communism be entrusted to the great saint’s intercession. How far we have come since 1937 and 1955! The Vatican II Church has long since abandoned the fight against world Communism and in fact has joined in its ascendancy under the United Nations and centralized financial forces[…]
One of the terrible fruits of the quasi-Communism everywhere has been the deprivation of a living wage to the working man so that his wife must now work outside the home too and, with feminism and state control of the family, he has lost any privilege as head of his home. His family, in many cases, has been blown apart or never really established, replaced by a series of temporary connections and confused offspring — or perhaps just a nice dog (cheaper in the long run.) More and more, he can’t even dream of buying a house (while his neighbor from India can). He’s offered bread and circuses — marijuana, alcohol, sports, online gambling, video games, tattoos, rock music — in return. The goal of the universal state is to animalize the working man (and working woman). The whips and chains of ancient slavery were better

Ultra MAGA Dan and Citizen Free Press #wingnut

Richard Nixon was Right!

As history unfolds, the people we were told were the villains in school actually turn out to be people that were just trying to save the country. This includes people like Nixon and Joseph McCarthy. Now they are trying villainize Trump, but the people are wising up!

Citizen Free Press, Twitter

Nixon, now more than ever.

"The professors are the enemy. Professors are the enemy. Write that on the blackboard 100 times and never forget it."

The Why Files #conspiracy #ufo

The Dark Pyramid of Alaska | Military Cover-up of a Forbidden Collaboration

In a remote corner of Alaska, a military officer stumbles upon a chilling discovery—an enormous pyramid buried deep under the icy wilderness, possibly larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza. The initial sighting during a seismic event leads to whispers of ancient technologies and hidden histories.

The local news coverage mysteriously vanishes overnight. Witnesses and insiders offer conflicting stories, fueling speculations about secret military involvement and otherworldly energies.

It's become known as the Dark Pyramid or Black Pyramid. What are the origins of this enigmatic structure? Why is it buried? Why so much security and secrecy? Could this be buried technology that holds truths about our past and power beyond our understanding?

Rick Moran #transphobia

Title IX has been a godsend for women in sports, forcing schools to treat male and female athletes and the programs they compete in equally.

But the left has used Title IX to shoehorn their pet social engineering schemes into the mainstream. The new rules would eliminate restrictions on the use of bathrooms by trans students. It would also make a host of changes to how sexual harassment cases are handled on campus, removing the requirement for live hearings and cross-examination.

BondiBlue, sylviasmushrooms & IrissaIridium #transphobia

Results from the force-teaming of the TQ with LGB.

( BondiBlue )
It also obfuscates how TQ+ are homophobic oppressors. Lesbians face oppression from TIMs calling them "eliminationist Nazis" because they're repulsed by AGP gurldicks. T is medicalizing away the gay, which is why Iran is one of the most "trans-friendly" and homophobic places in the world. And then there's whatever else ends up in the grab bag of "Q+++++" that force-teams normal LGB with diaper fetishists and zoophiles and pedos and kink and polycules and necrophiles and etc. etc. etc. all under the banner of "queer".

( sylviasmushrooms )
I’m pissed off. On Facebook a post from the ACLU popped up today whinging about “LGBTQ+ trans kids” being outed by their schools. Predictably the comments section was full of live-and-let-live types who do not know what that means, and little else.

This conflation has people concerned that gay kids (and the really really gay kids, ie the trans ones) are getting beaten at home by their homophobic parents. In actuality the trans issue is something completely different; mostly straight and bi kids are being gently discouraged by their parents into transitioning when it could fuck up their whole lives, and many schools are actively fighting this outcome by letting the kids effectively diagnose themselves and choose their treatment. And yes, socially transitioning counts. The lovebombing and affirmation it results in is NOT “harmless.” It shows kids that this is how to stick it to their parents and rebel, while gaining the acceptance of their ingroup, only instead of a stupid haircut or unflattering jeans with chains on them or something, it’s medicalization and a new pseudo-religion that the government condones and upholds.

( IrissaIridium )
It also masks the fact that many people who claim a trans identity are dealing with internalized homophobia and homophobic pressures from their families or communities. They're transitioning in a desperate attempt to trans the gay away. In some cases, it should be LGBGay-BashedByTheMedicalEstablishment.

Bezalel Smotrich #racist #fundie #psycho

Finance Minister and member of the security cabinet Bezalel Smotrich called on Monday for annihilating Israel's enemies, saying "There are no half measures. [The Gazan cities of] Rafah, Deir al-Balah, Nuseirat – total annihilation. 'You will blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven' – there's no place under heaven"

Smotrich also referred to ongoing negotiations with Hamas for a hostage release deal, saying that Israel is "negotiating with someone who long ago should have ceased to exist at all"

He made the remarks at a Mimouna event, a traditional North African Jewish celebration held at the end of Passover. It took place at the home of Rabbi Shachar Butzhak, who is affiliated with the Garin Torani movement – a state-funded group of Jewish religious nationalists often planted in secular populations or in mixed Arab-Jewish towns as a demographic and intimidation strategy

Smotrich, who also is a minister in the Defense Ministry, added that when Hamas is destroyed, Israel must "clear out, with God's help, with one blow, wicked Hezbollah in the north, and really send a message that what will happen to those who harm the Jewish people is the same as those who have tried to harm us in the past – they will be destroyed, destroyed, destroyed. And it will echo for decades to come"

ZetaTalk via Nancy Lieder #ufo #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

Why the endless delays to set the 2020 election fraud right? If the 2020 election fraud was confirmed by a SCOTUS finding, presented to the US Senate last Memorial Day when Satellite Phones were issued to the Senate so that Biden could be impeached and Trump sworn in, then why is Trump allowed to endure endless civil trials?
ZetaTalk Confirmation 4/18/2024: The Junta has many challenges awaiting. In April 2021 when the illicit Biden had been sworn in, we mentioned they were dealing with a 5 front war - a CCP invasion, Satanist Moloch worship via a child sex traffic network, Antifa and Defund the Police, Deep State treason, and finally the 2020 election fraud. Where some of these issues have been resolved, others have emerged. The Southern Border is being overrun at the hands of the Biden Administration, and where demands to finance the Ukraine and Israel wars are pressing, the Junta has refused. The pending admission by Putin that Nibiru is a real and present danger also will cause panic that will need to be contained.

Meanwhile to avoid exhausting the US Military with a civil war when and if the Democrats erupt in anger over a Trump reinstatement, the Junta has delayed informing the public about the SCOTUS findings that the 2020 election results were fraudulent. The Senate was informed on Memorial Day, 2023 and sworn Trump in as President, but the public continues to be uninformed. The fact that President Trump is the true President at this time means that he cannot be harassed by civil lawsuits, by law.

Now the Junta is pressed to announce Trump as the sitting President, to end these frivolous lawsuits and cleanup the mistakes being done by the Biden Administration. Why does the Junta seem to have reluctance? They are waiting for the New Madrid Fault Line Rupture, which their scientific advisors say is imminent. The disasters up along both the New Madrid and East Coast Fault lines will force the issue, so that riots and panic will be contained.

Oregon State Senator Dennis Linthicum #wingnut #conspiracy

In the midst of this Primary season, attempting to enumerate the failures and bankrupt ideas spilling from the Democrat Party is tough. The rising costs associated with our state’s regulatory burdens, needless legislation and up-scale bureaucratic army is terrible and it is hurting people, their lives and livelihoods. It harms producers, manufacturers, businesses, farms and families in both metro and rural areas.

We need to elect courageous people to both Congress and our own state legislature. We need them to push back against incompetent extravagances and fight against unnecessary taxes, endless spending, and needless regulations.
Are we seeing the same level and type of relentless, big-moneyed corruption? Am I the only one that can sense the ominous signs? Don’t we all recognize that something is wrong?

It seems we go to work, come home, play with the kids, rinse and repeat. I’m not complaining, I think life is beautiful, but the corruption flowing from government authority is near universal. Can’t our learned-academics or our political elites see themselves? Can’t they hear the ridiculously old and worn-out phrases blubbering from their lips? How do men and women of common-sense and traditional values continue?

They fight back!
Join us! Will you pledge to stand for truth to prevent our culture from drowning under the corruption spilling from Oregon’s own?

Each of us can contribute to our Freedom Agenda.
The Primary election is May 21st.

Conservatives must elect strong, consistent Republicans who will courageously stand firm and true. We don’t need any more go-along, get-along politicians, statists, or bureaucrats who will ignore the Constitution, their constituents and their responsibility to our kids and grandkids.

Your support is vital and necessary!

Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

Is the real reason the blockchain evidence gathered by the NSA of the 2020 vote has never seen the light of day in court that there is some discretionary area of whether such surveillance violates constitutional right to privacy of voter’s data? Or is it because the blockchain tracing of crypto transactions specifically in Bitcoin is such a Key law enforcement tool in tracking big dollar hidden money laundering by cabal members?

Needless to say, the White Hats “show the people” principle stands here too but keeping in mind this is 5D chess… multiple applications are in play.

I am reflecting on how the lack of open dialog with the people (a choice) by the white hats has allowing the false idea that Biden won the election to shape our world. How allowing the dark deeds of the CCP and Illuminati to morph into what I call “the Biden Show” has required the U.S. to live under a false pretense while the White hats were better able to operate in secret. Yes, doing good deeds, possibly arresting dark actors and conducting military tribunals in secret. Proliferating clones and doubles of these same well known perpetrators and changing the landscape of the playing field in the process. I am focused on responsibility to the people and how decisions about our future are made and solidified by follow up actions. A trail of secret handshakes and acts known only to the few. Without this the Biden Show could not have persisted for so long.

Why using the system to destroy the system is perhaps not the best way to create a new world…

valleyshrew #psycho #pratt

children are off limits for fucking

There is no rational age to end childhood. 11 years old (when it was consumated) may have been a perfectly reasonable age biologically. You cannot say to me that 16 is more rational, it just isn't. You have to draw the line somewhere irrational. Modern society has chosen 16-18 because we have elongated adolescence. That it varies from country to country shows you that it is irrational. It's 14 in Spain, would you say fucking a 14 year old spaniard was ok but fucking a 15 year old American is wrong? Children grew up quicker back then when there was not systematic education. What's the difference in having an 11 year old working for a living and being married?

Muhammad had a dozen other wives, none of whom were underage, so he was not exclusively a paedophile. This argument really annoys me because there is no doubt he did not abuse Aisha, he was a great husband and she loved him dearly. Hate muhammad for being a war mongering psychopath who delighted about the thought of the vast majority of people suffering in hell-fire for eternity. Don't hate him for the age of his youngest wife. It's a lame emotional argument because of the stigma of sexuality, and the acceptability of violence. If I was Aisha and I believed Muhammad was a prophet of God then damn right I would marry the shit out of him, and anyone would be lucky to be in that position.

IrissaIridium #transphobia

(On: Literally nothing this dude says is true or rational)


I'm entirely convinced that the "I'm so smol and vulnerable to abuse by the big mean terves" routine is part of their AGP larp. They see women expressing their natural, legitimate and historically born-out concern for their own safety and this translates into another way to skinwalk authentic women in their minds. "I'm so smol and vulnerable because am reel wommin and reel wommins is scared for safety UwU pwease u protec me from scawy phreatening terves 😟" Until a 70-year-old woman threatens their euphoria boner by merely hearing the truth that they're men, the mask drops and and it's all "HULK MAD! HULK SMASH! DIE CIS SCUM! FUCK TERFS! 💥👊💥" So smol and scared.

AGPs are so degenerate in their skinwalking they probably touch themselves while imagining being the real women who have been victims of physical violence by TRAs. Vicious perverts.

Paul Bury #fundie #dunning-kruger

rom time to time I like to expose fake, fraudulent and failed logic in my columns. Have you ever heard anyone say: "I gotta be me." Usually they are referencing some rebellion against God, their elders, parents, and/or some other authority figure. The interesting thing about the people saying they have to be who they are. Notice how they never say they are who God made them to be? Instead they want to attempt to make it look like their personal life style choices are set in stone. There is no changing this. There is no way they will change their minds. There is no way they will accept reality and embrace obedience to God.

The most fascinating thing to a free thinker like myself is what comes next. The rebellious that want everyone to accept who and their choices are demand others change for them. So they gotta be who they think they are. They refuse to accept anyone else being who they actually are. There is always a demand others change for them. Accept their rebellious behavior as if it is a wonderful thing. They are driving off a cliff and they demand you tell them that they are doing a good job driving. The rebellious refuse to accept the diversity of anyone that warns them of the dangers of their life style choices.

You know what this behavior reminds me of? Do you know what this behavior is a lot like? It is like a virus or a disease. It attempts to make everyone conform to their worldly standards. I did some research and found again and again many of these people decide they want nothing to do with the authority figures, elders, and family members that are set over them by God. The only way to spend time with them is give them their way one hundred percent on the topics of their choosing. If you do not then they will take their ball and go home. They will refuse to acknowledge any opinion divergent from their own. Pretty immature and childish if you ask me. It also makes me think some people never learned anything from 'The Emperor's New Clothes' story.

gncstar #sexist

I recently had an epiphany that I’m not nervous around homeless people because they’re homeless, I’m only nervous of the males. I had the same realization with other socially “scary” groups like drug addicts. The issue is not that I’m scared of coming across a drug addict on the street, the issue is I’m scared of coming across a male on the street.

David Guyll #sexist #conspiracy

I'd played Helldivers "back in the day", picking it up because it was a four-player couch co-op that my wife and most of our kids could all play together, but wasn't even aware that Helldivers 2 had come out until I saw clips on Twitter. I was surprised at the drastic shift in gameplay and quality, less so that it was woke due to reducing men and women to naught but a pair of body types.

I also wasn't surprised that people who merely claim to be opposed to wokism were still recommending it, as it happened many years ago with Horizon: Zero Dawn, though that wasn't as big a deal because I got it when it was on sale for something like seven bucks. Much more recently there was the live-action One Piece show: apparently blackwashing and overrepresentation are only bad when it happens in recycled Disney slop.

The excuses I tend to get, with body types at any rate, can be generally categorized as "not a big deal" or, somehow, "not woke". To address the latter: the first Helldivers game had you choose male or female. Helldivers 2 changed to body types, as did numerous other, more recent games, entirely by coincidence I'm sure. So, my question is:

How is this shift to remove the very mention of male and female not woke? If it's not to push an agenda, to socially engineer change in what is normal, to stigmatize beauty and celebrate ugliness, to "coerce behavior" as a certain company pouring fucktons of money into DEI/ESG put it, then what is the motivation behind it?

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