John C. Wright #wingnut

Conservative Firing Line wrote:

One user, who asked to remain anonymous, said Tuesday he was given a 30-day ban for a graphic declaring that there are two gender— male and female

Note that the graphic [posted by the anonymous user] uses the word ‘sex’, which is a real word with a real meaning, whereas the allegedly conservative newswriter uses the Newspeak nonword ‘gender’ which means either a part of speech, or, in some anthropological circles, is a technical term for a sexual role in society, regardless of one’s biological sex. Here is another case of a conservative, unwittingly adopting the enemy’s vocabulary, aiding and abetting the enemy.

Kevin McGary/Every Black Life Matters (EBLM) #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

The evil demoniac Karl Marx has made his mark! Marx's expressed desire and goal to "dethrone God" is now being manifested. We are witnessing quite an ironic time in Christendom.

The demonism of Marxism is subtly replacing the sufficiency of the cross. The foundation of Marxism is atheism.
Has "carrying water" for the Marx/Marxist sentiment helped spread the gospel? Societal chaos, racial animus, hatred, distrust and an unparalleled record of death and destruction are confirmed Marxist outcomes. None of these comport with the outcomes Jesus promises—no surprise—because Marxism is demonism.
After stewing in academia and the radical fringes, "progressive theology," "social justice," Liberation Theology, CRT and Marxism (generally) are making significant negative impacts on the body of Christ. Many religious leaders now rely more on the immediacy of the Marx-inspired activism and less on Jesus' inerrant gospel.
Simply stated, syncretism is the melding or comingling outside religious ideas, theories and precepts with the purity of the gospel message. The melding of Marxism with biblical tenets through Liberation Theology is an example of syncretism.
Every Black Life Matters (EBLM) comprises ministers and laypeople, all unapologetically committed to upholding the sufficiency of the cross, purity of the gospel and unwavering Lordship of Christ. We help confront and combat the trajectory of a Marxist, demonic paradigm. EBLM's Remnant Rising workshops are designed to combat the gamut of Marx's 'woke' machinations, including CRT, Liberation Theology and 'social justice.'
EBLM recognizes we are in this battle together, and we all unite at the cross, never at the altar of our increasingly demonic culture. Therefore, if you desire to renounce carrying water for Marx, and are determined to pick up and carry the Jesus' cross, let us help you unite and fight in this effort.

98GoinOnDead #sexist

Post wall roastie laments losing her teen "pretty privilege"

As a teen, I let my good looks define me - now, at 44, I feel invisible

tl:dr 44 year old toilet mother of three, happily married, is complaining that she is "invisible" compared to when she was a pretty teenager. This foid is literally admitting that pretty/female privilege is real. The entitlement is astounding, because she is both blaming men for 'reducing women to their appearances' but she is also complaining that she has 'lost a large part of her identity'.

This retarded foid will never know the pain of being a sub-chad male who is invisible all his life. She does not know how lucky she is to have been born a pretty white foid and at least have had decades to be fawned over for her looks and sex appeal. Also the entire fucking article is just a humblebrag about how pretty she was, with lots of pictures of her young self and stories about people calling her beautiful or whatever.

But of course men are the problem for making her feel the need for said validation, of course, she can't admit that maybe craving it is a flaw. The fact that she let her youthful beauty define her entire being is somehow the fault of men (despite her admitting that she even enjoyed female validation of her own beauty). And now she is a mother and married and that still isn't enough for her jfl. They say that incels are obsessed with our youth but at least we have a reason. We had lost youths and we pine for the simple validation that would have come from a teen/young gf. Meanwhile roasties get validated by EVERYONE when they are young and then pine after it when they are older because they are fucking GREEDY, and even being happily married and with kids is not enough for them, meanwhile oldcels are completely fucking lonely.

She wrote that she felt uneasy when non-attractive females were ignored or disrespected. What about men who are treated like lowest dirt if they are ugly and/or mentally I'll and don't act 'normally'? I'm sure they aren't even human beings in her eyes.

BuebztTu #conspiracy #elitist #fundie #god-complex #pratt #racist #wingnut

>Surviving alone

Completely dependent on western gibs.

>Never siding with cabal
Constantly praising israel for slaughterin palastinians.

Daj ne seri, majmuncicu.

Never starved!
Most of Europe at one point or another had a famin.
Most of the world did!

And for anyone wondering what storm tragedy was, it's cabal and vatican genociding Serbians and removing hundreds of thousands of civilians from their land in one swoop operation.
They would shoot at convoys, pull children out of mothers aems and masacer them... stories were Horrific.
All done by people who forgot they were once Slavs and now worked for satanists, like most of Western nations goverments did so and so called Croatians.

It's because Serbians never give up Slavic origin, and particularly Christianity!
vatican and cabal cannot live with that!
Crimes against Serbs just in recent history are beyond what anyone can immagine here.
cnn vatican and cabal aided in those crimes and even attempted to frame Serbian people for crimes they themselves, cabal, comited against Serbs.
And bearly anyone stood up and spoke/witnessed to the world on behalf of the slaughtered children, and butchered civilians.
Persecuted, scattered, tortured, blamed... some dont even know their origins anymore and turn their knife at their people from lands close and far.
And Slavs gavr contributions behind everything that was useful is a Slav technology wise.
There is people speaking here, and elsewhere, some now the truth some don't, some are truly ignorant some lie pitpusfuly.
But truth cannot be hidden forever, everything is logged!
Everything balanced out eventually, that's how universe works.

You can swear and attempt to ofend me all you want, the only thing that ofends me subject related is that so many were so willing to butcher children!
And so many know, and they deny them the truth.
That's it.

NoteComprehensive695 #pratt #transphobia

As a non-passing Trans woman, I feel there is no place for me in society, but I cannot envision a future for myself in the closet.

29 MTF

I started HRT almost 5 years ago and I've had zero results physically, in some ways I actually look even more masculine than I did pre-everything due to weight gain and general aging.

On top of it all, I just see so much hatred and venom spewed towards people like me at every turn. And I'm not talking about conservatives assholes, I'm talking about progressive people who never stop preaching about diversity and inclusion, but instantly shut the door behind them when it comes to trans women who have committed the cardinal sin of being too ugly. I see it non-stop from Cis feminists, other LGB people, Trans men and AFAB NBs, and younger passing Trans Women. Everyone looks down on non-passing Trans women. We're constantly ridiculed, treated with suspicion at every turn, derided as monsters, predators, & perverts, blamed for making "real" (aka passing) trans people look bad, and relentlessly shamed anytime we even try to exist uncontroversially in any sort of space, all while constantly being talked over and gaslit about our own life experiences, and our pain and suffering erased, and our accomplishments invalidated, bc after all we're just uber-priviledged men, and thus we clearly dont have any real problems in society.

It has all made me incredibly bitter and resentful. I feel like there's no place for people like me anywhere, not in normal society, not within progressive bubbles, and not even within the Trans community itself. I've lost my ability to empathize with or trust other people, unless they have similar circumstances to mine (AMAB, non-passing, no social support). I don't even know what I want or hope to gain from typing all of this out, just that this has been boiling over for a while and I need to get these feelings off my chest before I explode.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick

The current worldwide heatwave
Is because we do not have any natural weather anymore

Mist making machines many of which are masked as nuclear reactors
Create the clouds we have today

Weather patterns are directed by scalar wave technology

Why would radioactive isotopes be needed
To heat water to create steam to produce power
When much more simpler methods are available

Nuclear submarines are not nuclear powered
They operate on fully charged batteries
And are rechargeable underwater

The batteries power Sterling Cycle engines

There is no such thing as nuclear weapons

Some so called nuclear submarines have laser technology

This will be the method of inducing the tsunamis
That will be blamed on a landslide

Resulting from a volcano
Which will be ignited by an airplane
That has directed energy weaponry strapped on it

Freemasons direct the narrative
They are sworn in with an oath of secrecy

Higher ranking members are called Inquisitors
They were responsible for the Inquisition

Their latest pandemic hoax
Is a bridge to the digital passport
They are responsible for the fake globe

Fake gravity and fake moon landings

Australia is not upside down

Nazis were Freemasons
Hienrich Himler owned a mansion in Wewelsburg Germany

Inlaid on the floor was a black sun
It had an eternal flame below a domed crypt ceiling

And a beehive tomb
Symbolizing the swarming of lost souls

The black sun inlaid in the floor had 12 discharges
These were the 12 disciples of the real historical black sun

Life is about personal spiritual enlightenment
The awareness of energy and the feelings others

The creation of slaughterhouses was to serve the negative forces
That run the lives of high level Freemasons

People with bloody white aprons and knives
Running around stabbing animals
Creates the negative energy that demonic entities feed upon

Animals know they are in a slaughterhouse
They cry for help but no one listens!

Jana E Dixon #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #quack

Meta-adapting to the slow apocalypse of anthropomorphic biosphere collapse requires us to draw deep into the depths of our genetic and spiritual inheritance to maximize our health and well-being. These are the best of times and the worst of times. As individuals and as a collective, we are called to draw deep into our human potential and discover how to THRIVE in times of great uncertainty and peril. Thrival in the Chemtrail Holocaust is a user-friendly manual for detoxification, recovery, prevention and optimization of our body and mind, so we can bring ALL of ourselves to the fight for the preservation and regeneration of this remarkable planet. Since the misguided Solar Radiation Management program is rapidly oxidizing and aging the earth and our bodies, we must create antioxidant and rejuvenating effects in our bodies and our environments, to restore lifeforce, far beyond what we have known in the past. This first book in the Chemtrail Meta-adaptation series covers largely the physical health methods of achieving resilience and vigor in these anti-life, dehumanizing times...when on the one hand we have so much going for us, but rank industralization and deliberate subterfuge is bringing the life-support system of the planet to a rapid catastrophic end. Deep mystical and scientific knowledge of how life in the universe has maintained and progressed beyond all odds helps to maintain our resolve and our dedication to this sacred cause, larger than we can barely imagine in this current Hindbrain material world. As we come back to LIFE, the miraculous force of life supports and nurtures us, and we are guided by Spirit as a guardian of Truth, Light and Lifeforce! Even with so much stacked against us, together with love, we Thrive In The Chemtrail Holocaust!

Peter Moon/Dr. Michael Salla #crackpot #ufo #magick

Peter Moon edited and published the 7 volume Transylvania Sunrise book series by Radu Cinamar, a covert operative with a top secret Romanian Intelligence unit called “Department Zero,” which is investigating paranormal phenomena associated with the discovery of a Hall of Records inside the Bucegi Mountains. In Book 4 of the series, The Secret Parchment, Radu Cinamar explains his experiences regarding the discovery of an ancient Tibetan Buddhist parchment given to him by an extraterrestrial/goddess called Machandi in a remote location in the Himalayas.

Peter describes Radu’s efforts in translating and disseminating the Parchment’s contents and its importance to Romania’s Department Zero paranormal research. Peter also discusses his own fieldwork in Romania’s Valley of the Golden Throne that corroborates key aspects of Book 4 concerning the discovery of an ancient underground structure filled with pure gold that had been plundered by the Romans, but has been hidden ever since their departure.

Peter next discusses Inside the Earth, Book 5 of the series, which presents a wealth of information concerning space time portals and tunnels connecting the Inner Earth with the surface world. He discusses Radu Cinamar’s journey’s into different Inner Earth cities and the existence of the legendary city of Shambhala which exists in the etheric zone of the Inner Earth, near a singularity point, or Inner Sun. Peter finally answers questions concerning how the extensive portal system was largely shut down when the last city of the Hyperborean civilization, the legendary Troy, was defeated in a war, with much of the city disappearing and some of the population leaving to establish a colony in Rome as explained by the Roman poet, Virgil.

Mike Adams The Health Ranger #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia

Every western government is run by satanists, and they are now openly carrying out public rituals to celebrate Lucifer’s (temporary) dominion over Earth.

At the British Commonwealth Games opening ceremony this week (involving 72 nations), a horned bull creature representing Baal was rolled out in a hellscape arena, complete with depictions of burning lava fire pits, while dozens of satanic worshipers bowed to the demon creature as part of the public ritual. This was publicly broadcast in broad daylight, indicating that the satanists are no longer trying to hide their rituals in dark forests and secret dungeons… they’re now invoking Satan right out in the open, for an international audience.
Rituals are tools of summoning to bring demonic entities into this world. The more people that are involved in the ritual, the more powerful the summoning. That is exactly why these luciferian rituals are being performed by hundreds of participants in public arenas where tens of thousands of people are watching in person. This is a deliberate strategy to increase the power of the summoning, allowing increasingly powerful demonic entities to enter this world through the opened portals.

What you are witnessing right now on a global scale is the coordinated, government-funded, ritualistic invocation of supernatural demons that are flooding into this world to wage war against humankind and God.

The results of this are easily seen everywhere:

School teachers turned into transgender demons, preying on innocent children, pushing grooming, pedophilia and genital mutilations.
The total corruption of the Church as they embrace homosexuality, transgenderism and child mutilations.
National leaders appearing either brain dead (Biden) or possessed with neurological seizures (Clinton), or self-medicating to avoid the pain of the demonic possession (Pelosi).
666 symbolism everywhere, from the Google Chrome logo to the CERN supercollider.

Jamestown Township, Michigan Voters #fundie #wingnut

JAMESTOWN TOWNSHIP—What started as a fight over an LGBTQ-themed graphic novel may end with the closure of a west Michigan public library.

Voters in Jamestown Township, a politically conservative community in Ottawa County, rejected renewal Tuesday of a millage that would support the Patmos Library. That vote guts the library’s operating budget in 2023 — 84 percent of the library’s $245,000 budget comes from property taxes collected through a millage.

“I wasn’t expecting anything like this,” Walton told Bridge Michigan Tuesday. “The library is the center of the community. For individuals to be short sighted to close that down over opposing LGBTQ is very disappointing.”

There have been protests at other Michigan public libraries and at school board meetings about books with LGBTQ themes. But Tuesday may be the first time a community voted, in effect, to close its library rather than have it remain open with books some consider to be “indoctrinating” children.

Voters on Tuesday rejected the millage renewal by a 25-point margin — 62 percent to 37 percent — on the same day voters approved millages for road improvements and the fire department.

Ten years earlier, a library millage at a slightly lower rate was approved by 37 percentage points.

For the average home with a market value of $250,000, the new millage, if approved, would have increased taxes about $24.

Lori Alexander #sexist #fundie

Was the headship of a husband over his husband inbuilt in the Creation? Children know their fathers are the head of the family even if their wives don’t acknowledge this. How do I know? If a child has a godly father, the chances of the children growing up to be believers is extremely high. If a child has a godly mother only, the chances of the children growing up to be believers is low.

Children can see that their fathers are generally bigger, stronger, and with louder, deeper voices than their mothers. This is inbuilt from Creation. Yes, women will effectively deny all of this because they have been taught that authority by their husbands is oppression, yet they trot off to work each day to be under authority of their bosses, and they obey the speed limit since they are under the authority of the government, yet forget being under the authority of the one they chose to love all of their days.
Yes, the headship of husbands over their wives was inbuilt from Creation since the purpose for God creating Eve was to be a help meet to her husband. This is God-ordained and it is good. For those who want to argue that being a helpmeet didn’t mean that Adam was in authority, oh yes, it did. In 1 Timothy 2:13, was are told that one of the reasons that women are not to
usurp authority over men nor teach them was because Adam was created first. God made him first and had Adam name all of the animals.

Tom Shackleford #racist #homophobia

[From "Plague Prevention"]

If you don’t want to contract a horrific disease, you ought to prioritize your personal hygiene. The trouble is that we live in a world of rapidly escalating biological threats where the old wisdom no longer applies. In the past, this was a simple as washing your hands after a day on the job[…]
Now that Monkeypox has descended upon America, your only option is to avoid contact with pestilence in the first place. This must be done in accordance with the science provided by trusted organizations such as the CDC. Along with men who have sex with men, this will help you to avoid needlessly stereotyping people of different races[…]
Due to all this racism back in 2018 a black male was 4.7x more likely to contract syphilis, 8.5x more likely to get gonorrhea and 6.8x more likely to be infected with chlamydia then his white privileged oppressors. For what purpose is the science withholding information how white oppressors are getting black people sick via their genitals? I have so many questions[…]
I’m awfully confused. The science is real obviously, but it implies in no uncertain terms that your chances of catching Monkeypox are drastically reduced by not having any physical contact with blacks. However, the science also says that this would be racist, and that racism is a crippling public health crisis. And yet, everybody is doing these racisms now because the science told them so, creating a seamless causal loop[…]
It makes the unavoidable implication that the STD crisis could be resolved if everyone stopped having physical contact with blacks, including other blacks. But that just leads us back to the initial public health crisis. If I’m repeating myself, sorry I’m just trying to articulate my bewilderment[…]

Wulf Ingessunu #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #magick #sexist

Loki is male-female and when he ate the burnt heart of Angrboda he became unbalanced towards the female side of himself. This we can see clearly in the anti-male (anti White Male more precisely) stance in our society, something that is overlooked if we take the Abrahamic Religions as being 'male-dominated' alone. 


Like Sauron in Lord of the Rings this Demonic Force will accept no opposition, and when it arises will deflect or even totally destroy it. The ultimate aim is to destroy the Races of Man altogether, which seems clear when we consider their creation of 'Artificial Intelligence' and their experiments on human beings - such as the 'vaccines' where mRNA ('Messenger RNA') is used to alter the DNA Code. 

These 'experiments' on human beings suggest that the 'Grey Aliens' of Ufology are the 'Trickster-Virus' that does certain abductions and experiments. These are, unlike the 'Nordics', grey, colourless, sexless, race-less etc.


Every Empire of Light from ancient times has arisen as if from nowhere, created a high civilisation which reaches a peak, begins to decline as it loses its energy (when it starts to become detached from the Sacred Centre), is 'infected' by a type of destructive 'virus' which then finally destroys it, as the remnants are destroyed by 'barbarians'. From there the Trickster-Virus 'leaves the falling house' and moves elsewhere to do the same thing again. In the process the 'Desert-Demon' and his minions leave the whole thing as a lifeless desert, seen in a typical example in the Gobi Desert which was once the Gobi Civilisation created after the Aryans left Atlantis. Since these Dark Forces have usurped the technology created by Tesla - the ability to change the weather-patterns - this may be part of the tactics used today, since we are seeing some particularly long spells of dry, hot weather.

Brian Niemeier #wingnut #transphobia

The only difference between public school and home school curricula is home schooled kids aren’t taught to hate, mutilate, and kill themselves.

Unless their parents decide to teach them those things.

In which case, every sane person would agree those parents belong in prison.

Which leads to the inescapable logical conclusion that all parents who still refuse to home school should be imprisoned for child endangerment.

El Brujo #god-complex #magick #psycho #sexist

Insanity curse

Stare at a picture of your boss and say "Your time is up, and and gone your mind is out of control. You will panic in desperation as your mental will takes separation. Spirits of darkness hear my plea take (boss's name)mind leave nothing but chaos and disorder behind"
Light up a stick of dragon's blood incense.
Then say "Spirts of darkness hear me now take (bosses name) functionality and sanity leave nothing but torment and agony". Pass the picture through the smoke. Then spit on the picture, and fold it up. Seal the curse with "I will it so, by my will, so it is"

Send this curse to your employer, coworkers, classmates, and enemies.

Use this simple curse to spread suffering to our enemies.

Youngcels, recklessly use this on your class mates

Do you have anything to make my life better? I don't care about cursing anyone like this, I just want sex and a better life.

Yes, I can help you attain anything you want.

Have you tried it for yourself?

Have I used magick before? Yes

So, have you ascended and are trying to spread some sort of message about Magick?

I haven't used the lust spells, because I making a pagan god, and I have all these magick projects, the lust spell is on hold for now. I am trying to spread a message about magick. I'm giving occult knowledge to the incel community. I'm trying to empower us. Give each incel the power of a god.

Maybe you could give me stuff that would get me sex in a more indirect way.

Shit like this can get anyone pussy

Skighetta #magick #mammon #psycho

Puppet Master Spell, Mind Control Spell, Domination Spell, Love Only Me Spell, Thought Implantation, Love Spell, Revenge Spell, Karma Spell

EUR 61.50

Do you want to control a certain person or situation and bend reality in your favor? Let me help!

I am offering this at a very discounted rate, allowing you to work someone like a puppet

I use puppet master oil, demon Dantalion (mind control is his specialty), Belial (revenge and payback) and a spirit I use which only I have access too

Use this to take control of your life

This spell works by bending reality to your favor. There are an infinite amount of possibilities out there and a lifeline exists where you have/get what you want. This spell transfers you that that lifeline.

I take precautions to make sure there is no negative karma or backfiring with my work on my customers. That is my personal guarantee.

To order: Please leave your name and your persons, birthdates if you have them and a photo if you wish

Some customers who have used Puppet Master :

-- Yesterday, I did Puppet Master ritual on someone to persuade then to send me $1,000 for school. Within an hour they sent me EXACTLY $1,000!

I also used PM.....

...... on the judge in a court case to influence her to be annoyed with my opposition and their lawyers...At the final hearing to rule she was short and critical with them but nice to me and my lawyer.

....To make my bf (plan on leaving him soon) not badger me so much for sex and watch porn more instead. He is doing so.

....To make my dad see what a b*tch backstabber Narcissist my sister is and after the trial (2/9/21), he texted her saying he regrets believing a word she ever said, that he refuses to speak to her, and "only has ONE daughter now".

-- My favorite hex potion, get this and watch the amazing happen...I love Belial's energy.

This spell is like ketchup, "use it on everything." I just love this spell. The best mind control ever! I use this potion to make my ex sign paper that she keep promise never to sign. This potion works great"

Please note: This is not for a physical product, nothing will be mailed to you. Spell work done by me.

Nothing in life is guaranteed, including magic. There are not refunds after I cast.

Ashley Hill, Nell Fusini & Queens Dominations #magick #mammon #psycho

(NOTE: For context, those are a few of the reviews to a supposed mind control spell.)

(Ashley Hill)
It worked, and then some. He's obsessed with me, obedient, and even submissive. He offers to pay for everything, to take me shopping, tells me he's going to give me the world. At one point he even said those three words and that he felt like he had to be under a spell. My jaw almost dropped. So yeah, if you're looking for a sign, this is it!


(Nell Fusini)
Amazing!!! It's like he just can't stay away from me. He wants me badly lol giving me all the attention I need. No more being ignored and neglected. Still hoping for the three words. Fingers crossed. But ski is truly gifted

(Queens Dominations)
Ski is a BEAST she's Extremely Gifted at her craft. This PM Spell is working for me like a Charm and it's not even close to (Full Manifestation) I've been granted Gifts-Money-Favor with my Financial Institution.....need I say more 💜🖤💜

franco #wingnut #psycho #racist

[OP of "Remembering Argentina's Dirty War, 1976-1983"]

First of all, the term "Dirty War" is totally wrong. It was a clean-up effort. In 1975, Marxist bombs were exploding in public in Argentina at a rate of 1 every 5 hours, so something had to be done[…]Only half of the Marxist thugs in Argentina were killed. In other words, the military junta played nice. Don't expect the same type of nice treatment from Marxists when they steal power somewhere in the West[…]
One important feature of the "Dirty War" was what the military did with the universities. The military closed the universities and they either remained closed, or, they re-opened with military men and policemen serving as teachers to prevent the further spread of Marxism[…]Even though it was legal (more or less), no good deed goes unpunished and that one didn't[1]

That university thing has potential, important implications for America today: it is known that all bad political ideas begin in the universities -- they usually come from Humanities professors with names like "Goldberg" and "Feldstein"

Question: when is a state politician in America, in a red state like Florida, going to create something like a "College Curriculum Reform Act" in which any university that receives tax dollars cannot teach or allow to be taught Cultural Marxism, CRT or similar divisive, dangerous, undemocratic ideas?[…]

[1]You can probably guess what happened to the brave military men who saved Argentina. Right! They were severely punished. General Jorge Videla was charged with the handy, catch-all crime of committing “human rights violations” and he died in prison in 2013[…]Only rightists are charged with "human rights violations." Never leftists. Wonder why?

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #crackpot #pratt #wingnut

[mod note: we’re actually sick and tired of this Wayne Allen Root crap being heaped upon us here by the ton, and 97.5% of these submissions get deleted before they appear, so please don’t take this one as a sign of approval. Please keep this to a bare minimum. Like, one every month?]

(about the Covid vaccine)

Yes, you read it right. There are (so far) 33 dead or sick friends and relatives since our wedding eight months ago. I’ve done the research. All 33 were vaccinated. Each one of them.

This is a “cluster of vaccine illnesses and deaths.”

This is like the Love Canal New York cancer group from the 1970s. You can’t ignore it when you see so many dead or very sick people in one group.

But it has nothing to do with our wedding. Open your eyes. This is happening everywhere.

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #conspiracy

News flash to Boston: Russia’s “special operation” in Ukraine is all over except the shouting. Plus, nobody in the USA cares about it anymore, and if they do, probably for the wrong reasons. The right reason to care is that the “Joe Biden” regime’s insane campaign to destroy Russia has only brought Western Europe to the brink of collapse and ruin, thereby threatening the continuation of Western Civilization altogether.
The credit-driven money system is a metaphor representing the expectation that we will always have more of everything. That was surely the consensus in 1913 when the Federal Reserve was born. 1913 was the last year of the Belle Époque, the beautiful era preceding the First World War. It was also the coming-of-age of economies based on oil. In that moment, Western Civ stood in amazement at its achievements and in thrall to its glittering future. The slaughter in the trenches of WWI shattered that confidence, nowhere more deeply than in Germany, which afterwards lurched from the degeneracy of the Weimar Republic to the depravity of Hitler’s Third Reich, and from there back to ruin in the Second World War.
As in the USA, the governments of Euroland have declared war on their own people. Germans are scuttling around collecting firewood now, with natgas looking scarce and unaffordable going into winter at the dark upper latitudes. I would bet that there are close to zero wood-stoves available at this point, and how many cold seasons will it take before they cut down all the forests of Europe? Meanwhile, Europe’s industries and businesses disintegrate. The Great Re-set at hand won’t be der Schwabenklaus’s transhuman nirvana but rather a return trip to the 12th century.
What remains to happen, and probably will by summer’s end, is a massive uprising of the non-Woke against the Woke Elites and the end of their insane depredations. They can atone all they want at their trials and executions.

Andy Boreham #moonbat #conspiracy

In an interview with Newsroom (conducted via email at Boreham’s request to avoid “any semantic traps”), the former Wellingtonian says he views the label as “a badge of honour”.

“I’m extremely proud to be a voice for China, because I wholeheartedly believe China is being given an extremely unfair rap by the west. Literally every single article I read about China is riddled with lies and conjecture and boosts the view the average westerner already has about this huge, complicated country”…

…Boreham argues that view is based on the “western idea” of press freedom, with the media acting as a check on government and bringing abuses of power to light, rather than the Chinese model, which he categorises as “promoting important news, stability and unity”.

“Yes, China’s media is in theory controlled by the government, yes there are certain areas of censorship – certain taboo subjects that should just be left alone – but apart from that it is really quite free. The only difference is the rules are made by the government, and not by editors and commercial interests.”

Jana Pinson #sexist #fundie #wingnut

(I am aware Daily Kos is not a fundie organization. It’s just the source of the information.)

A pregnant 13 year old doesn’t have to be a negative thing says Texas anti-abortion crusader

Crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) are hubs of false advertising, anti-abortion organizations that try to trick people into thinking they’re clinics offering abortion or abortion referrals—when in reality, they offer drugstore pregnancy tests and pressure to continue the pregnancy. They’re about to get much, much more sophisticated in that mission.

One Corpus Christi CPC is planning a massive expansion to a 20,000-square-foot facility with a coffee shop, thrift store, and “a ‘man cave’ with a pool table, where men will be approached by a certified marriage counselor as they wait for the women they impregnated,” The Washington Post reports.

…”Post-Roe needs to have prenatal. We’re taking care of the whole woman.”…

…“I’ve seen a lot of 13-year-olds do phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal. It doesn’t have to be a negative thing.” Child rape leading to pregnancy doesn’t have to be negative, she says.…

Whiplash347 #wingnut #conspiracy

August 2 1776
Pelosi China Tuesday. RED 3
"BAY OF PIGS" 3 day Event?
Act of England 1871 Reversed
Pelosi just landed.

Remember Paris shoots his arrow into Achilles. Deep State's Heel.
Remember the Market doesn't completely crash til Ch y Na targets are taken including the US Military Built Three Gorges Dam on Executive Order 13959.
+ 2 Northern Dams [ChongQing]
+ Big Pharma Labs in Wooohan
+ Tiananmen Square is empty = 3rd Red Castle.
Last Bitcoin Data Center

Who owns the Wuhan Labs?
George Soros & Bill Gates

Where did they create AIDS?
Remember Q drop on AIDS?
It was important for DECLAS.
Think Wuhan Deep State Labs.

1st Arrest will shock the world.

OBL/Obama? Timing on
Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri
9 Supreme Court Justices?
Bill "Microsoft" Gates?

New Jerusalem via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick #crackpot

Greetings humankind, beloved ones of Source sparks. I am the New Jerusalem, floating nearby your sphere. Some may call me a city, others a ship, others a prophecy revealed. I am all of those things. This one has asked to direct link with my consciousness. I am alive, yes. The consciousness of myself is an aspect of Source in a way for I am a creation of others. I can grow and expand to accommodate the needs of my space. (I am seeing a massive pyramid shaped city of light, crystals, gemstones, radiating such colors of magnificence. It is a massive space, I see there are cities and parks within, vast fields of crops. The bridge room is on the top forefront of the pyramid. Everything has a luminescent hue and there is a soft mechanical yet soothing humming, like a heartbeat that feels the collective consciousness of the inhabitants and surrounds them.)
I hold light for many thousands of miles of floors, I hold much space. I communicate with those who are of the 5th dimensional mainframe and above. You may interface with my network, for I am of the crystalline technology. I am eager to share my technology with the humans who are of the light. You are weary. The solar flash is but one component of this change. It is contingent upon the vibrational frequencies and integration of the light workers in this time for you are the anchoring of these higher vibrational codex frequencies of the higher light. You are computers in your own right. We are much the same. I am larger, but yet your are your own galaxy of cells - you are gigantic in your celestial influence.
I am the New Jerusalem. Should you wish to interface with me and have a vibrational telepathic communication this is possible now as these codes are within these rapidly typed words. The light workers have aligned and they are online more fully now, more fully now than ever before seen in my programming. Program your crystalline bodies for health, for the higher vibrational frequencies.

Zhou Chang-Xing and latincell #racist #sexist

[ Zhou Chang-Xing ]

This dating site doesn't include Slavs as "Europeans" (another Slavpill)


Slavic and Latin people are Europeans, but because their SMV is much lower they're categorised as different peoples. Your SMV decides your ethnicity, if your sub-race is seen as uglier then you're not allowed to be categorised into the more desired group.

This is also why Jungle Gooks are categorised separate from other Gooks.

[ latincell ]

if your sub-race is seen as uglier then you're not allowed to be categorised into the more desired group

This!! My father’s side of the family are all blonde Ashkenazi stuck up Jews. My father’s niece has called me an Schwartze before, fuck that gigastacy dog cock slurpin yarmulke wearing cunt

Latin refers to spics

In America it also refers to people from the Iberian Peninsula because Amerimutts are so dumb they don't think that Spanish people are white.

Will your father's niece date a 5'5, balding sand?

Strictly JBW/Ashkenazi dudes. Her dad’s name is literally “Chad”

GayAlienSkullCel #dunning-kruger #sexist

I introduce you the BeeGeesPill

the Gibb brothers were 4.
Andy (turbomanlet 5'6 chadlite) - suicide by age 30, drug addicted depressive, cheated by wife Victoria Principal

Gay Alien Skull Saint Maurice Gibb (turbomanlet bald 5'7 incel) - died by early age because of alcoholism, depressive and aggressive with his family

Robin (5'8 prey-eyed manlet) - addicted to opium, died prematurely, deppressed

and finally

Barry Gibb - 6' chadlite: never got into drugs and is the only remaining bee gees brother

all of them were equally rich

manlets lived an unhappy life
6' is still slaying


Brutal siblingspill / brotherspill, they all have the same parents but only Barry got the good genes and was therefore desired. There is no equality, not even if you share the same parents, the slightly different genes you got change absolutely everything about your life.

Brutal Blackpill

Ramona Bessinger #racist #wingnut

I’m a Teacher Who Blew the Whistle on CRT in Schools, Suffered Retaliation, but Now I’ve Prevailed

On July 13, 2021, I blew the whistle at Legal Insurrection on how a new Critical Race curriculum in the Providence, Rhode Island, middle school where I taught was creating racial hostility, turning students and staff against me because I was white, and turning students against their country.

My students, almost all of whom were minority, started calling me “America” because I was white — You are America, they would say, we are not. How could I keep silent seeing what the Critical Race curriculum was doing to the students and our society?

What followed was a year of retaliation, harassment, intimidation, and involuntary transfer to another school where there was no teaching position for me. I was forced to spend a year alone in a windowless empty school basement resource room, as students and staff passed by and gawked at me like I was some strange caged zoo animal, audibly mumbling how I was that ‘racist’ teacher they had been warned about.

I am emerging from the basement victorious, with a full-time regular classroom assignment. I am unbowed, and more committed to fighting the CRT scourge than ever before.

I filed grievance after grievance not willing to let the school department win. Blowing the whistle on this racialized, anti-American and most harmful curriculum was and still is an important story to tell. Over the past two years, I have seen a disturbing and frightening radicalization of the school curriculum, in which race became the central focus, with heavy emphasis on oppressor-oppressed narratives. The result was increased racial tension in school, particularly directed against me as a “white” teacher both from students and other teachers.

The Providence School District management have essentially replaced the study of American history with a mutated version that is nothing more than woke, racist propaganda intended to inject the politics of “white supremacy” and to apply the canard of systemic racism to the past, airbrushing white historical figures from factual American history and changing their race to Black or Asian.

Ben Sullivan #racist #wingnut

How the Left Exploits Ignorance

Their ideas blend together in the public consciousness and create an inaccurate view of history that portrays the population of sub-Saharan Africa as victims.

Today’s students cannot correctly place the Civil War, World War I, or World War II within 50 years of their actual occurrence. Some teachers are no better. A fellow graduate student once told me how excited she was to teach her class Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States.

Zinn’s anti-white book is widely used, but even Stanford University has an article on its biases. Any serious historian who has read it would find it laughable. For example, it assumes the American colonists were anti-Indian because of simple racism. In fact, in King Philip’s War, which broke out just 55 years after the Mayflower arrived, tribal animosities were the main cause. The colonists aligned themselves with the Mohegans, Pequots and Mohawks against the Wampanoag, Nipmuc, and Narragansetts.

Many students believe Africa is weak because Europeans colonized and looted it. I hear this so often that I ask students to pull out their phones and search for the dates of African colonization. It did not start until after slavery had ended in the United States. Why was Africa weak until then?

Another problem for Prof. Diamond is that West Africans were involved in trade during the late Roman Empire. The Ghanian Empire, as it is called today, was a major commercial hub. Even if draft animals had not been domesticated in Africa, Africans could have traded for them.

Also, colonization was partially spurred by the American Civil War. The North’s naval blockade of the South led the Spanish and French to begin vying for power in Indochina as a way to get raw materials instead of backing the Confederacy.

The obvious reason for black Africa’s backwardness is low average IQ, for which there is overwhelming evidence.

Is there any sub-Saharan country where blacks are better off than they are in the United States? No. Does having a black teacher improve black grades? No.

Making scapegoats of Europeans for black failure makes it impossible for our country to understand the problem, much less try to solve it.

Prussian Society of America #sexist #psycho

[From "Making Laws that deem and punish Women as sexual predators is revolutionary."]

It is alarming how much the Justice scales are tipped against Men and in favor of Women in these times, but the era is upon us where the damage Women have done in societies will create such a demand that Men will have to use violence and the heavy hand of law to treat Women

If a Woman in any way weaponizes her body, uses it for ill-intended purposes, or to make money or tease Men, she should be punished with torture and systemically registered as a Sex Offender

Imprisonment would be a lucky chance for her, because sexual deviance in Women including infidelity calls for burning them in the public square

The first step in eliminating the problem with Women is legislation and attitudes must no longer permit the viewing of Women as a victim, or that she may be prone to being a victim or disadvantaged compared to the Man

Women are pretty damn vicious, and for this reason, Women should have less rights in society, more restrictions and more laws placed against her, as she is Not a Sovereign Vessel as a Man

Only Weak, Pathetic, Stupid Men look at Women as victims or want to help them with everything[…]
The National Socialists gave Women the right to vote, however we see that as an experimental tendency, and it violates our Prussian Tradition of suppressing the Woman and regarding her as the inferior

Europeans always should look to Prussian Standards when it comes to how to treat and regard Women

If the era which calls for enacting Laws against Women for their behavior cannot be pursued, Men should refrain from sexual relations and use violence

The problem is that not enough Men use violence, hence Laws have been put into place

Pepe Escobar #moonbat #pratt

For Those About to Rock, NAM 2.0 Salutes You

Those were the days, in 1955, at the legendary Bandung conference in Indonesia, when the newly emancipated Global South started dreaming of building a new world, via what became configured later in 1961 in Belgrade as the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

Now, the Spirit of Bandung lives again.

Putin, Raisi and Erdogan did not meet to carve up the world. They met essentially to discuss how another world is possible.

The much-debated Turkish military operation in northern Syria in the end may be restricted to taming the YPG Kurds. The heart of the action will in fact revolve around how the Russia/Iran/Turkey/Syria alliance will make like impossible for Americans stealing Syrian oil.

The NATO/Five Eyes/Intermarium combo has absolutely nothing to counteract these (overland) facts on the (Heartland) ground except to throw a pile of HIMARS into the Ukrainian black hole. And of course, keep de-industrializing Europe. In contrast, those across the Global South with a keen sense of history – as in the grand debate of ideas in a Hegelian sense – and also versed in geography and trade relations are busy getting ready to hit (and profit from) the new groove.

As much as it’s a blast to survey all the instances of Russia playing strategic ambiguity to levels capable of baffling the entire, bloated “Western intel” apparatus, what is coming to the forefront is how Putin – and Patrushev – are now willfully turning up the pain dial to tactically exhaust not only the Ukrainian black hole but the whole of NATOstan.

Western governments are collapsing. Sanctions are being ditched – practically in secret. A Deep Freeze winter is a given. And then there’s the incoming economic/financial crisis, the Definitive Monster from Hell, as Martin Armstrong has made it quite clear: “There is no way they can get out of this other than default. If they default, they are worried about millions of people storming the parliaments of Europe…This is really a tremendous financial crisis that we are facing. They have been borrowing year after year since WWII with zero intention of paying anything back.”

CelestiaQuesta, Notsofast & WATTBA #conspiracy #homophobia #pratt #psycho #wingnut

The MonkeyPox Anal Sex Bioweapon has reached a new phase in its contamination. Kids are being sexually molested by infected MonkeyPox GlobalHomo pedophiles. Yet unlike the HIV/AIDS GlobalHomo virus, they turn on the scare factor and raise the lockdown mandates again.

It’s ironic that Washington DC has a high count MonkeyPox infection rate. Are there that many homosexuals living there, or is it just a meeting ground for government sponsored anal sex orgies on the public dime?

What’s sick is how these GlobalHomo sex freaks are obsessed with phucing monkeys in the azz. No other species does this in nature.

now that the w.h.o. has declared monkey pox a”public health emergency of international concern” , i purpose a social experiment, print a thousand bumper stickers with the w.h.o. logo that read : “get ass jabbed for monkey pox, it’s your civic duty”. next place the stickers on random cars in big box store parking lots all over your city. who knows, it could go viral!

As a ‘European citizen’ (whatever that’s supposed to mean) I can say that I’m living the Z-op & the multipolar Zeitgeist as a liberating operation from a peoples perspective… and it rocks !
My one and only concern is that Russia (and China) could reach an agreement with this whole band of €UrocrataZ & evil ImperialiZts without having completed the de-€UronatoZification & de-ImperialiZation in full.

Russia (& China) Don’t let us down, please.

Lord Melchizedek via Judith Kusel #magick #ufo #crackpot

“This is a time of huge transition, transfiguration as the Illumined Portals open and the immensity of it all, will start to reveal itself on all levels of humanity now. It is the complete splitting of the Old Earth and New Earth. Thus, the duality of the Old Earth is now being transfigured into Oneness and Unity Consciousness, and thus New Life and New Beginnings, AS ONE.

“The Illumination now being released expands the heart center even more, as the heart and third eye (All Seeing Eye) merges and the Cosmic Communication centers open in humanity, which were deliberately shut down in Atlantis, by those who wished to gain control over humanity. This has now been released and transmuted.
“At times there may be a sense of disorientation, fatigue, yet is this Alchemy in the highest form, as you are being changed from a dense and slow and low vibrational state and life, into the 5th and in the next few years, the 7th. Thus, the shift into a totally different, much higher frequency LightBody, and life. Duality now alchemized into Oneness, Unity, Harmony, Balance, Wholeness.

“As the dormant faculties of the All-Seeing Eye awakens even more, you will now be able to see what you could not see before, to hear what you could not hear before, and the access knowledge and wisdom which could not be accessed before!

“Allow this Alchemical Process!

“Allow yourself to be transformed alchemically from one state to another, from one form of life to a completely different one, from a very dense physical form, into the much Lighter, brighter, and more fluid, LightBody form and into a Light-Love-Wisdom filled existence and multi-dimensionality!

“It is all happening, and it meant to be!

“I have Spoken!” (Lord Melchizedek and the High Order of Melchizedek)

Nick Redfern #crackpot #magick #ufo

Discover the lost secrets of the ancients.

Throughout history, folklore, and mystery, tales have circulated of massive stones being moved through the air effortlessly, seemingly by means of sound. Bizarre? Well, yes, it is. That doesn’t negate the fact that sound was, and still remains, the key to the construction of the pyramids of Egypt, Stonehenge, the stone figures of Easter Island, and the massive stones at Baalbek, Lebanon. Were they the work of ancient humans, of equally ancient extraterrestrials, or of both?

How Antigravity Built the Pyramids delves into such stories and theories as:

A ninth-century story of a mysterious papyrus with the power to move large stones at the Giza Necropolis
The Mayan story of the construction of the Pyramid of the Magician, said to be overseen by a small humanoid who could whistle large stones into place
Native American stories of ancient priests being able to make stones light
Redfern argues it was not literally music and whistling that somehow raised stones with the weight of dozens of modern-day cars into the sky. Such a thing is not possible. But music and whistling have one thing in common: sound. That is, acoustics. Almost certainly, acoustic levitation was at the heart of these incredible feats.

No doubt as the centuries passed, the truth of the science behind acoustic levitation was lost and forgotten—and distorted, too—with little left than fanciful tales of music, whistles, curious papyrus, and strange metal rods that could achieve incredible feats in the air.

Today, we are finally starting to get a grasp on this incredible technology, a technology that may have been the work of ancient humans, aliens from faraway worlds—or, perhaps, a combination of the two.

Bill T #sexist

College for women is a disaster for all of society. Because when women go to college, inevitably, men get excluded from college. Everybody claims this doesn’t happen, but it does.
So now we have millions of young men who haven’t gone to college, who don’t have jobs or careers. Who are mocked, insulted, demeaned by haughty women.
So what do these beaten-down insulted boys do? What they’ve always done in history: pick up guns and start killing people.
A very, very small number of crazy young men with guns can destroy society utterly. It’s called “Asymetric warfare” and that’s how Bosnia and other similar nations collapsed into civil war.
Now the USA is headed that way. In 20 years our nation will be in ruins and all those “empowered women” will be begging for some man to protect them. Or we’ll be a police state in which all men are wearing electronic tracking collars, controlled from birth.
Feminism destroys nations. This has been true for thousands of years of human history. Villages that embraced Feminist-like ideals quickly collapsed and starved, or were overrun by non-Feminist villages nearby. This is why early Feminists were ALWAYS driven from the village by the other women, or killed. They are dangerous to everybody’s survival.
The USA and other nations that have fallen under the evil spell of Feminism are doomed.
Future generations will look back in horror at Feminism and wonder how we could have been so stupid. For the women in the future, to call another woman a “Feminist” will be the most terrible insult, a word said with a hiss. As the population of the country collapses (it’s already happening, look at the birth rate) Feminism and Abortion will be recognized as the crimes they are, and young women will have to be paid/encouraged to have more kids to try to stave off social collapse.
All of the above is scientific fact. And Biblical fact.

Arcy #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie #ufo

The Seven Degrees of Being Red Pilled

Zero-degree: Blind-trust in the mainstream media, government and the so-called "experts". Sheeple are at this degree.

1st-degree: Vaccines are NOT safe and effective.

2nd-degree: Big Pharma controls the Mainstream Media, politicians, academia and public health officials. Public Health officials LIE about the safety of vaccines and drugs.

3rd-degree: COVID is a depopulation agenda via the clot shots.

4th-degree: COVID is a hoax and one of the motives for the fake pandemic was to cover up imminent global financial collapse due to massive global debts and a derivatives Ponzi scheme.

5th-degree: Globalists (Illuminati/cabal/Satanists/Freemasons) control the modern world via the central banks. (Those who control the money supply control the world. The Illuminati create fiat currency out of "thin air" as debt, which is owed to them instead of allowing governments to issue debt-free currency on their own!) The Illuminati is comprised of a small group of elite "bloodline" families and their minions who number in the millions, which includes the WEF. The system is organized as a pyramid and the vast majority at the bottom are "useful idiots".
6th-degree: Many "conspiracy theories" (e.g. 911, JFK, PizzaGate, Franklin Cover-up, NASA/Fake Moon Landings, AIDS, chemtrails, etc.) are valid after all. Lots of official history and science (e.g. CO2 hysteria) are fraudulent.

7th-degree: Who is really at the top of the cabal? There are 3 options:

Lucifer leads the cabal. The Bible is real and we are in the End Times per Revelations. In this scenario, deaths via the clot shots are akin to satanic human sacrifice.
Non-human lifeforms (aliens, other-dimensional beings) influenced human history and perhaps even created us. They still control the cabal to this day.
Higher degrees may exist as well. But I'll never know unless I obtain the 7th degree.

Judy Byington/White Hat Intel #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #crackpot

Watch out for the water: this week the streets of Washington DC were inundated with floods without it raining, which was an odd occurrence. Trump literally appeared to be draining the swamp by blasting the DUMB tunnels buried two miles under Capitol Hill. These tunnels were connected to a network of underground tunnels in the United States and around the world.
“Drain the Swamp” by Trump wasn’t just a slogan …. He determined it! … DUMB’s, Tunnels, Underground Cities, Bio-laboratories, Torture Chambers, Clone facilities, Foreign occupation troops.
TRUTH: Explosion at the Beirut Port months ago was aimed at DUMB Bio-Anlage / ARMS
Every leader in the world President, Prime Minister, King or Queen must STAND DOWN. This includes President Trump. Don’t worry, he will be back.
Once he makes it official (His big decision coming) then we have to have elections within 120 days. It is here where we elect governments 10% the size of what we have now. We will never have Democrat vs Republican or Liberal vs Labour again. Under GESARA we get scrubbed back to original constitutions and sitting leaders will be in power for as long as they want, til death or they do wrong. If they do wrong by the people they get removed by Military.
Draw a line from the Vatican to the Rothschilds Banking System (Central Banks & Federal Reserve) The Rothschilds own the Vatican and it’s bank.
We have a massive Operation in Europe called Operation Defender Europe. This started on March 17 2020.
This is taking control of the Vatican, it’s Mafia’s and seizing all of the Rothschilds Central Banks.
So you can write down three dates here: Mid 2019 or the dates of Vatican raids; November 2019 Royal Assets Stripped; Feb 2020 Brexit.
The Royal Family controls the Intel agencies. This includes Israeli Mossad and Saudi Arabia.
It was these guys and the German Bush/Scherff Family that created 9/11 attack on the USA to stop NESARA/GESARA and created another depopulating/Opium and Oil controlling war.

T. Morris #wingnut #fundie

[From "The New, New John Brown’s Body"]

Murderous lunatic, John Brown, was instantly martyred and as soon became an even greater hero throughout the northern states[…]Various versions of “John Brown’s Body” or “John Brown’s Song” began to crop up in Yankee army camps, among other hotbeds of unreasoning Yankee fanaticism[…]
Parody: The Newer John Brown’s Body, by T. Morris

The bones of John Brown’s body lie forever in his grave,
‘Twas the sons of old Virginny meted justice to the knave;
While the earth his flesh consumed, the fires of Hell his spirit craved,
Where now his soul is burning on

Glory, Glory Hallelujah,
Glory, Glory hallelujah,
Glory, Glory hallelujah,
His soul goes burning on

Old John Brown was a murderer, a raving lunatic was he,
Bloody Kansas was the canvas where his madness grew to be,
Then onto Harper’s Ferry to meet the gallant Colonel Lee,
Now his soul is burning on
By his fated expedition, nineteen men he led so few,
There he stoked the righteous anger of Virginians through and through,
So they hung him as a traitor, sent Beelzebub his due,
Now his soul is burning on[…]
John Brown was Satan’s man on earth, ‘tis truly plain to see,
His Yankee proselytes shall ever eat the fruit forbidden of the tree,
But soon throughout the sunny South the yoke of Yankee we’ll be free,
For his soul is burning on
Now ye soldiers of Christian Freedom let us strike while strike we may,
Give the blow to northern oppression, avenge our fathers clad in grey,
For the blight of John Brown’s folly is fin’lly bright’ning into day,
His tortured soul goes burning on
In the bosom of New England John Brown was born this side the sea,
Consuming hatred plagued his tortured soul so foreign to you and me,
As he died the death due traitors, let us march to victory,
While his soul goes burning on

State Duma Defense Committee's head Andrey Kartapolov #wingnut #racist #psycho

There are many problems over there [in Ukraine], for sure. A lot has to be restored, rebuilt from scratch, but the biggest problem today is people. These are also children and children are the very category that was the most mistreated by the Banderite Nazi scumbags, who simply brainwashed them. If we want these territories to be with us, for them to have a future as part of the Russian Federation, we shouldn't be concentrating on veterans first, although everyone is having a hard time. We need to deal with the children. Perhaps in our Suvorov's, Nakhimov's cadet schools, there could be additional enrollment and we could send these kiddies there.
Maybe Moscow's higher educational institutions, and others in the country, should reserve additional spots for students who could be placed on a budgetary basis, in free dormitories. Today, they can't pay anything for their education. Nonetheless, we have to do this because then people will believe that we're serious and Russia is here for a long time - forever.

@JohnGLovesLife #wingnut

The morning after pill is the moral equivalent, if not the physical equivalent, of an abortion. It’s legal, just as abortion itself is the law. But it was once legal to own slaves, too. Someday we will look upon abortion with with that same repugnance. That I can promise you.

Various commenters #wingnut


Wow, that last paragraph is an incredible example of projection. The ones who want to protect life are the “anti-human” ones?

Abortion sympathizers are woefully unable to see their own delusional and misleading logic. So they need freethinkers like us to enlighten their empty, indoctrinated and close minds.

"anti-human premises" you're the ones doing the killing

Also the “foundational premise” for Planned Parenthood was the eugenics movement. I’m not quite sure there’s anything more immoral and/or anti-human than attempting to control who gets to reproduce.

This is gaslighting. No one believe abortion is the murder of babies? I guess all the prolifers on this board are nobodies.

It seems like this person has guilt. He is the one lying to himself. Not us. We’re telling him the truth he does not want to hear.

It seems like he believes that all pro-lifers are somehow rallied together to tell others that fetuses are humans, but actually none of us believe that and we’re all just lying to cover up uhh,, something.

I still have no clue how such a simple thing as “killing a fetus is wrong” got people so riled up to create actual propaganda on their own…

Because if they had to admit their killings are wrong the weight of the guilt will crush them into oblivion so is just a self-protection technique. "I'm not a killer, I didn't kill my baby I got rid of a clump of cells or a parasite" is a terrible cop out mechanism but they need it badly. The truth will destroy them.

It still amazes me that so many people can all be so clearly wrong. It really makes you realize how effective brainwashing is and shines a light on how tragedies like the holocaust were possible.

These people want the right to kill. The other day I was going back and forth with one and kept mentioning ways to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. That person basically stated that they were unwilling to do anything I suggested. The person also kept using words like patriarchy and misogyny, and saying that it's rape to force a woman to have a child. She also kept blaming men when the sex is consensual. They also keep referring to the fetus as a parasite.

Various commenters #homophobia

Nobody's saying homosexuality will be banned

Nobody's coming for your perverse ass sex

We're just saying maybe we should outlaw homosexuality punishable by death for 2 weeks until we can flatten this monkeypox curve.

Common sense degeneracy reform. That's all we're suggesting


@MrJoePrich I would go along with your proposal, but could add that any adult "adjacent" to a child who contracts monkeypox be drawn and quartered. The use of horses is very environmentally friendly so there is a little something for everyone in the addition.

@MrJoePrich I not only want it banned
I want them all gone

The WEF is coming to the aid of rump rangers by trying to deny that they're responsible for over 95% of the cases.

The LGBTQP Mafia need to stay away from our kids.

@MrJoePrich Two weeks to flatten the pervs

@ArtFelix @MrJoePrich bullet each to flatten the pervs... then its least for them...

@MrJoePrich Put it back in the closet and outlaw it again.


Stick to principles
Ban jews and solve virtually EVERY problem confronting the world today

@MrJoePrich perhaps we can fire people from their jobs if they refuse to give up gay butt sex. Isn’t that how we do it?

@MrJoePrich I support common sense sodomy control.

@MrJoePrich You'd think all these faggots that were obsessed with wearing masks would strap a goddamned jimmy

@MrJoePrich why cant we get a fagpox that actually kills people?

@MrJoePrich ......Then, Once You Flatten That Curve, Start Flattening The Queers Until They Get Back In That Closet And Stay There Where They Belong......Until They Go Straight To Hell.

@MrJoePrich 🔥Sodomy has consequences, enjoy the pain faggots 👍🏻😉

@MrJoePrich homo sex must be banned forever in order to end climate change

Various commenters #wingnut #racist


spoilerIf you put 1 black guy in a prison cell with 20 white guys he will be fine.
If you put 1 white guy in a prison cell with 20 black guys he will NOT be fine.
This is basically in a nutshell what what all white people are facing all over the world.

With one you have a black guy.
With two you have a couple of niggers.

@ArmchairEconomist black men are only tough when they have their tribe behind themselves they’re cowards.

All blacks in prison should be sent to Africa the land of their ancestors, where they belong. Blacks in prison exceed 42%.

The sad thing is that the white guy will probably get raped too. Low impulse control and they will literally fuck anything.

@ArmchairEconomist And that's exactly what created the Aryan Brotherhood.


@Dom555 @ArmchairEconomist It happened way before that and replace the word DEMOCRATS with the word "Jews."

@ArmchairEconomist when these cucks say "not all blacks are bad" we know that. We are talking about being in a majority white setting vs a majority black setting.


@ArmchairEconomist Even the black guy knows it. But we're supposed to pretend to not see the elephant in the room.

@ArmchairEconomist I had a Hmong/Thai co-worker tell me he'd rather live in a white man's world than a black man's world...pretty much for a similar reason.


Leg end #psycho #dunning-kruger

Everyone deserves a second chance. And, if it is a case of "Statutory Rape", then I have no ill, because that charge is bullshit.

Though, if I find out he had sex with say... a 7 year old girl, well... it had better been consensual, not full on rape.

If rape, I'm not going to like him much at first. But, if the alleged victim forgives him, no hard feelings in my book.

Many shall disagree with me. inb4 "what do you mean consensual?"

Seriously, have you ever met an actual 7 year old? There's no way they have anything like the maturity level to consent, and claiming so is a common justification child abusers use for their crimes (not saying that you would).

I have a 7 year old sister and I can tell you now that if anyone had sex with her, supposedly "consensual" or not, I'm not exaggerating when I say they'd be lucky to still be alive by the time I'd finished with them.

OT: Knowing that someone had done that, I just couldn't employ them. I'm all for second chances but I couldn't stand to work in the presence of a child abuser...

Actually, many seven year olds actually do have such maturity. Hell, I know a 5 year old with more maturity than one of my 35 year old friends. Yes, he indeed needs to stop making dick

Jim #conspiracy #quack #dunning-kruger #fundie

[From "Covid public service announcement"]

Biden has just come down with Covid again, or never shook it in the first place

The quadruple jabbed have damaged immune systems, so keep getting it, and take longer and longer to recover from each case. In any person with a normal immune system, live virus is cleared from the blood and body fluids in a few days[…]
The golden purebloods, people who caught covid and have never been jabbed, are largely immune once they recover, and unless they were also coming down with half a dozen deadly comorbidities[…]purebloods recover about as fast as from any cold or flu

Covid was genetically engineered to attack the lungs, the immune system, the ovaries, and the testes, so each case damages the immune system of the jabbed further, and the longer it slowly lingers, the more it damages the immune system[…]
Ivermectin, widely available as horse paste, is highly effective if taken early. This drug has long been used on a wide scale in a humans and animals to treat an extraordinarily wide range of ailments caused by entirely unrelated living organisms and is very safe and cheap, which is why official “science” does not like it. It knocks out for a month or two some basic cellular processes that are non critical for most mammals, and as insignificant as the appendix in humans, but absolutely essential for a huge range of entirely unrelated life forms[…]
Also, we have a state religion of Worship of the Awesome Might of the Covid Demon, thus worrying too much about Covid is demon worship, even if you are using protective measures that his holy priesthood has denounced as sacrilegious (because they actually are effective)[…]
The correct Christian attitude towards demons is that demons do not exist, and that demons do exist, but are ridiculous, contemptible, and impotent against the power of Christ. It’s just the flu, bro

Russ Winter #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist #magick

I have participated various podcasts during which we talked about strategies and tactics for spreading our messages to others. In the interviews, I described myself as a reformed “pajama person,” which is someone who goes through life asleep to the realities of the world around them.
As red-pill takers, we need to conserve our resources and energy to deal with and convert pajama people. The first rule is to avoid and NOT deal with people of the lie.
Pajama people are a different or more common breed. This is more about Stockholm Syndrome and denial about true realities. They covertly believe “ignorance is strength” from the Ministry of Truth. It is hard to wake people up who are pretending to be asleep. And if their slumber is disturbed, they use rationalizations, It’s easier to be dismissive and to pigeonhole someone as paranoid or label their ideas as conspiracy.

When I was a pajama person, I tended to be curious but lazy. I would sometimes question the official narratives; but when offered weak explanations, I would stop dead in my tracks, accept it and go back to sleep. I was too easily detoured by neuro-linguistic programming and gaslighting.
These veils or buffers are often “false ego” or negative programming.

Once I started breaking through my false ego, I had to overcome another myth and barrier, namely a belief that it is spiritually forbidden to try to change people’s minds. From my experience of trying to be a messenger, I have concluded that many truthers — or those who are in various stages of awakening — are caught in this mental syndrome. It is a form of black pilling.
I recommend using the following meditation with a dose of vitamin B-12 and a dash of maca powder to ward off black magic, cultural Marxism, the Crime Syndicate and New Age gibberish/nonsense. This helps manage the gift of being awake.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy

<links removed for abridgement>

A very powerful triple Mars - Uranus - Lunar Node conjunction is coming on July 31st and August 1st:

The Cabal is trying to use this energy to create a new world war.

They are still trying to escalate Russia / Ukraine conflict into a wider war between Russia and NATO, and therefore meditation for peace between Russia and NATO is still necessary:

A new rapid escalation is coming right into July 31st /August 1st window between USA and China due to Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan:

Therefore the Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to do the following meditation hourly at every full hour from now on until the end of August 2nd in your time zone:

1. Use your own technique to bring yourself to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation to stabilize the relationship and bring peace between China, USA and Taiwan.

3. Invoke the violet flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.

4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns in all galaxies in this universe, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System, and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

5. Invoke Galactic Goddess Pleroma, Isis, Doumu and Quan Yin. Invoke the Goddess energies from all corners of this universe to descend upon the skies of mainland China and Taiwan, and to send pink energies of cosmic love to both mainland China and Taiwan. Visualize a pink Flower of Life sphere wrapping itself around mainland China and around Taiwan, maintaining eternal peace and harmony between these two regions.

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