Michael Horn #ufo #magick #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

“It will be difficult for people to accept <Billy> Meier’s information about how the Apollo 11 moon landing was hoaxed and the dangers posed by one of the current U.S. presidential candidates. Even more difficult to accept will be his foreknowledge of the attack on the WTC on 9/11. But it’s in the same document foretelling Russia’s recent military movements in the Arctic Region – and naming the exact city, Arkhangelsk, to which they have now moved their troops. Meier foretold global warming and climate change, as well as our two wars with Iraq, cell phones, plastic credit cards and AIDS…all in the 1950s. He even described Mercury’s metal core in 1976, 31 years before our scientists confirmed it. Meier’s either the world’s greatest psychic or he’s getting his information from extraterrestrials, as he claims.

“We think that Meier’s proven evidence forges an ironclad case that should be used to help avoid some unimaginable disasters for humankind, such as WW III and a collision with asteroid Apophis, which we’ve even published in an illustrated warning.

“These are certainly extraordinary claims and it’s up to each interested person to examine them and draw their own conclusions. I should add that while Meier certainly is a true prophet, there are absolutely no religious or sectarian beliefs associated with any of his information,” said Horn.

Michael Horn. Horn immediately makes distinctions between what he calls the “lights-in-the-sky”, tabloid-type of UFO stories and Meier’s scientifically proven UFO contacts. “While there is now no shortage of strictly anecdotal, as well as completely imaginary tales of so-called UFO contactees, abductions, etc., Meier’s are the only substantiated contacts. Because it’s the most suppressed – and the most important – story in human history, many people don’t know that his clear, daytime UFO photos, films, sound recordings and metal samples have already been authenticated by scientific experts.”

Merlin via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Merlin, legendary wizard and adviser to King Arthur, and I am delighted to send this message to humankind. Many stories and fairytales were created about my birth and my life, which are far from the truth in most of them.

I volunteered to come here to help with the fight against Dark Creatures, who were openly walking between humans during my presence. My mission was to assist as adviser to King Arthur in the fight with Evil and Light. No one knows the real truth about the history of this planet. All historical events have been altered by the creatures. They burned books and recordings that portrayed truthful events.
I want to remind everyone that you were pre-selected to arrive here, you are not ordinary souls and went through the process of being preselected to arrive to Mother Gaia. You are souls with many powers, which are dormant in the moment and you forgot about your origins. Magic is real and exists within us in high dimensions. Dark Creatures purposely superficially keep low vibrational energies on the planet to keep humanity asleep.

Awaken ones in future will be able to unlock their full potential including magic abilities. Right now, Mother Earth receives daily high vibrations from Cosmos to help your civilization to become stronger spiritually and physically to prepare for Ascension process and awake others.

As you know by now, the Matrix was created a long time ago, and now is cracking down, despite Evil attempts to save it. I have seen many atrocities and murders by these creatures. They love destruction, torture and to mess with your minds. Open your heart to magic within yourselves and embrace your surroundings with Love and Light. Stop believing and following imposters.

As soon you open yourself to the truth, your hidden powers will start to surface. Release 3D shell of illusionary reality to the Cosmos and focus on building New Gaia in high dimensions. Thank you Universal Channel. Please, receive my Blessings and Love.

Chris Aldridge #fundie #pratt caldridge.net

Hellenism Lost Is Honor Lost

During the last few years, part of my Hellenic studies has been the examination of modern Greece and its people (who are predominately Orthodox Christians). In any case, most Greeks today are not Hellenists, and there is no debate whatsoever that ancient Hellas was far stronger, far more prosperous, and far more successful in government and economics. But on a personal level, I have also routinely noticed the decline in human character.

I was talking with a friend and fellow Hellenist who actually lives in Greece today, and I happened to ask if there are any ancient cemeteries still standing.

When my Hellenic friend responded to my question by saying that, yes, indeed there are some ancient burials still visible, but people have littered them because they don't care, it saddened me at how far the culture has fallen. I secondly remembered a few years ago when I saw images of a ruined temple of Aphrodite in between two apartment buildings that was also covered in trash.

In ancient times, people wouldn't have dared to desecrate a temple or a cemetery. Not only because they feared Divine punishment, but because it was simply wretched. People had real honor, character and respect in the old times.

But when humans lost the honor and dignity that Hellenism brought to the Hellenic people, they also lost their sense of sacredness, even of their own personal human life and behavior. It is this loss of the spiritual world and of the physical self that has greatly aided in the decline of Hellas and her people. I'm not saying that only Hellenists are honorable, but it clearly brought a world of difference to the Greeks that they no longer have, and their culture has paid the greatest of prices.

Maryam_ #sexist thepinkpill.co

Honestly men are so deluded about their own shitiness it actually astounds me. It feels like theyre deliberately holding back, like theyre making a conscious decision to improve their reputation. I genuinely dont think they believe a word they utter when it comes to defending themselves but I have nearly never seen men admit basic reality. Even BPF occasionally calls women bitches and whores but men could be raped, tortured, have their whole family killed by their another man but theyd never decry the male sex. Its weird and tbh with pickmes pick-me-ing I sometimes end up having my doubts. Like am I living in a fucking stimulation or something? Am I cherry-picking shit? Statistically speaking I should see at least one guy with awareness? Where are they?

So when the glass cracks, just a little bit, its like a scream Ive been holding eventually gets released. The situation is so bad that Im still holding onto a single comment of a US soldier from fucking Iraq of all fucking people, on r/collapse in all fucking places, (basically a guy that should be 90% close to reality) telling a woman, "As a (blah blah blah) I have to admit that we as a sex are evil" (paraphrasing). Like... that is the only bout of self-awareness I can count in my hand. The other was a Pakistani guy who said that feminism should learn to incorporate violence. They are such unique cases that I still remember them wtf

Henry_Blair #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

Feminists are under a distorted perception of reality which makes them regard actual equality, as discrimination, and hence to act in practice to replace what is in fact a balance, with what is actually discrimination in favor of women.

Imagine a game where David and Sarah are standing on a flat floor in complete darkness, in a room where apples are hanging from the ceiling on strings. David realizes Sarah is eating something and raises his arms in the dark a little to find something to eat. When this doesn't bring him to any apples, he becomes angry and shouts that Sarah has a box under her legs, that gives her "potential advantages".

He demands an actual wooden box, "to balance" Sarah's box. Remember that we know that none of them have any boxes under their feet.

The production slips him one.

Well, now David's false belief that he is being discriminated against, makes him, the one who created discrimination - against Sarah. The hungry Sarah complaints that David now has an advantage, but David replies, "this only balances".

Sarah's hunger makes her more and more desperate to eat, and she starts jumping, higher and higher, until she finds an apple, and although exhausting, the practice makes her quite good at grabbing apples in the dark.

David now shouts, "Sarah has a much bigger advantage - she has more than one box, while I have only one!" And he demands, that hammers will be brought down on what's under Sarah's legs - "to remove the advantage!"

But if there is no box in the first place under Sarah's legs, those hammers, would not be crushing boxes (privileges) but flesh and blood (basic rights). David's box is a privilege and not a right, his hammers are eliminating a right, not a privilege, and both things are not the creation of equality, but of inequality. But feminists believe there is a transparent box under every man's feet and this is why they try to crush any basic equality of men while believing they are creating equality.

anonymous #sexist #wingnut rantrampage.com

Roe v Wade was a old law it is outdated and its time it goes if women can't learn to control their need to go out and sleep with tons of men they should be force to step up and take on the responsibility they ended up when they found out they were pregnant and that goes for you men as well your just as bad.

David Guyll #racist #homophobia archive.ph

All you need to do to refute the shit spewing out of Eric's mouth is look at the books: blacks are overrepresented, as are non-human races.

One writer (a term I use as loosely as SJWs throw around Nazi) pledged to push homosexuality in every product, a practice he thinks is both unconventional and progressive despite homosexuality being pushed in everything else. They hire to check off diversity boxes instead of talent and skill (and boy oh boy does it show), and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they covertly engaged in discriminatory hiring practices.

If WotC were really trying to push a straight, white agenda, for starters they would at least somewhat properly represent skin color, and go out of their way to ensure that every NPC is straight (regardless of whether or not it matters to whatever terrible adventure they're pushing).

For a secret Christian agenda you'd have angels looking like Christian angels. You'd have references to Christian angels and demons. You wouldn't be able to play wizards at all (or druids or warlocks). There would be inherent benefits for being religious, and only the Christian God would be acceptable.

It's almost as if WotC is bending over backwards to pander to every demographic but Christians (and normal people in general).

knightlautrec #transphobia #pratt kiwifarms.net

The fuck is inappropriate with the word Wendigo? Fuck this. If they're gonna side step all the native stuff for muh colonialism white guilt and stuff fuck this edition. It's already doomed. I also imagine they're gonna try and put less emphasis on how based werewolves are. Because gaaaaayssss. Ten thousand dollars they're gonna start including tranny Furies and gifts to change gender that are permanent and not just man skin. They allow metis males but never in a thousand years would they allow a true male especially considering their decades of culling male true.

But this complaining about BF isn't new. This classic sperging from 2016 shows its already begun and poor troons were crying about an all female tribe for ages...Which is hilarious to me. Since again, a female only thing is cried about by woke left men who call themselves feminist for not accepting men who think they have dominion over the space of women just because they say so. The irony of it is just...astounding. I don't even like Furies all that much as a tribe but they at least have a hard line stance that flavours them and they are uniquely female in the very least.

Onyx Path discord is full of trannies though. So that tells you something. W5 is probably going to be bad honestly. I was semi interested but this development of censoring a word for being 'bad' is red flag one.

Various commenters #wingnut gab.com

BREAKING: The West Virginia House has voted 69-23 to pass an abortion ban protecting babies.

@LifeNews - Amazing that we live in a time where "people" vote AGAINST not killing babies. Think about that.

@LifeNews Oh, praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus Christ, savior of the world!!!!!!!!

@LifeNews - This is why I DO NOT talk to any of my abortion loving, liberal relatives. They are baby murderers if they condone this shit. I won't talk to a baby murderer. It's not something, "you just don't discuss". Bullshit. They're supporters of baby murdering. Fuck them.

@LifeNews those other 23 bastards should be thrown out of this nation

@BJones341 @LifeNews most likely females

Get owned baby killers!


Now pass a bill that aborts the 23 that voted against saving lives.

@LifeNews Drive the evil, demonic Planned Parenthood into bankruptcy.

@LifeNews Proabortionists for killing babies for convenience are just that, “baby killers”. And so should they be called.

@LifeNews how about passing to decertify the election with all the fraud involved in your state now that the babies are protected.

@LifeNews That is what EVERY STATE should do! Protecting the life of an unborn child should be the goal!!

Various commenters #wingnut #sexist #racist gab.com

Morbidly obese women are significantly less likely to conceive, so honestly you probably shouldn't worry about it... ma'am?

@SomeBitchIKnow This too...... (lol)

@SomeBitchIKnow BS that’s a black man’s dream girl….low self esteem easily manipulated, pops out a couple brats shes his forever…

@SomeBitchIKnow you are right no one fucks the fatties.

@SomeBitchIKnow L, usually I agree with you - but that right there is a prime candidate to conceive lots of fine mixed-race babies.

@Junk_Silver @SomeBitchIKnow except for her being gay... or whatever variation of gay she "identifies" as

@Jdhudson11b @SomeBitchIKnow For the right brother she'll suddenly become bi - trust me on that one!

@SomeBitchIKnow Less likely to conceive because she is so unhealthy fat, or because most men won’t want to touch her? either way, I guess you’re right. She probably doesn’t need to worry about it. 🤷‍♀️

@SomeBitchIKnow 'Gay' and 'needs abortion' are oxymoronic...
This is patent Children of Satan rebellion against Christianity. You cant get more blatant.

@SomeBitchIKnow Negros stick their dicks in anything that moves. Just roll her in flour and look for the wet spot

@SomeBitchIKnow Notice how they all seem to fit the same profile? Fat, ugly, self loathing and full of hate. Because no one wants anything to do with them. Their solution? Become worse.

@SomeBitchIKnow What right-thinking, self-respecting guy would even come close to that?!?!

@SomeBitchIKnow That shirt makes no sense. Gay people who can’t conceive are supposed to pay money to women who had sex with men to murder the baby that’s the result of their fornication?

@SomeBitchIKnow Let the left abort themselves into non existence. I’m pro-life, but not afraid to say that it would definitely be for the greater part of humanity.

Various commenters #wingnut #sexist reddit.com


If men were the ones getting pregnant, women would try to outlaw it on the basis of feminist equality.

They would, and we would have hell to pay if a unborn girl was aborted!

True: If men were the ones who got pregnant, you would find way more men who would support abortion.

Also true: If women weren’t the ones who got pregnant, they would be less emotionally charged over the issue and we would likely see far less women supporting abortion.

Also ALSO true: None of this has anything to do with whether or not it’s right or not. It only speaks to the fact that a person’s own role in the issue emotionally affects how they view it.

Also true, more women are prolife than men. This stands to reason, as abortion lets men run from their responsibilities.

“In numerous studies females score higher than males in standard tests of emotion recognition, social sensitivity and empathy.” Yet for the pro choice women no regard for the defenseless, innocent and children of God who they WILL have to answer to.

If men could get pregnant all feminists will be prolife so nope.

PP gets donations from these zealots and the virtue signaling rich people and corporations, funding from the government, fees for their abortions, AND they get to sell the stem cells harvested from the dead babies. That person is so far lost it’s gonna take divine intervention to get them back. I’d rather wallow in the mud with the prodigal son than be associated with that neanderthal.

Monsters always wanting to kill babies and call it a right

Various commenters #wingnut #transphobia reddit.com


They already dehumanize babies so dehumanizing prolifers is the natural next step.

And we all know what the step after that is.

person who doesn’t consider unborn humans to be human now doesn’t consider me human

Wow how shocking, who could’ve predicted that all along that they were hateful and self centered🙄

Yeah but what if you identify as human? Can they deny you that?

Oh no, can't wait for the LGBTQ to go after you for that comment. /s

It’s confirmed guys we lack basic decency for not wanting adults to kill defenseless fetuses

Seems like some juicy projection going on.

I don’t consider you human anymore

They already dehumanize babies so this doesn’t mean much

basic decency towards other humans

But advocates the slaughter of human babies

Same goes for racists

But advocates for a practice rooted in the slaughter of the black population

Same goes for anyone actively rallying to remove human rights

While rallying to remove the right to life for babies.

i mean first it was because it was a clump of cells, then they were parasites, then late term abortions became ok and even encouraged. Now even adult humans are not deserving of life anymore. I think they've lost all reason and we might even see some murders happening soon

Abortionists are already in the habit of dehumanizing people, so this isn’t much further at all.

Now we're dehumanizing born humans, sounds familiar, wasn't there some vaguely well known Austrian dude who did this 80ish years ago 🤔 Oh what was his name, Harold? Howard? Eh, can't be that important

“Pro lifers can’t show the basic human decency” they say while literally committing infanticide

It always amazes me how people can be on the blatantly wrong side yet so sure of themselves. Abortion or pro-choice is comparable to slavery in my eyes. Why can’t people have the choice? Lol.

Jennifer and Shelly #fundie #sexist thetransformedwife.com

Now, with her husband’s permission, however ; it doesn’t mean that a women can’t make money…But I feel like, none the less; she needs to allow for her husband, to be the MAIN provider. Her, incom, doesn’t need to usurp his incom. In, the dangerous world we live in today; we as women definitely need to be running back to men; and depending on men. I fully accept that.

It seems to me that most of the feminists that attack this blog site here, and on Twitter fall under the category of materialist feminism. Materialist feminism want to, among other things end gender roles, such as bearing children, abolish capitalism and rid America of our patriarchal society . They seek to make society an egalitarian society and advocate for free education especially for women. But like anything else it comes with a price. Gender is not a social construct. Gender has been ordained by God. Male and female He created them Genesis 5:2. God designed men and women to contribute to society differently. One not less important than the other. (Genesis 1:27) Women should embrace their femininity and God ordained roles. Not try to change it., in my opinion.

Dr. Delirious/Mary Beaver #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #quack #mammon supersoldiertalk.com

Mary Beaver served in the U.S. Army as a human intelligence analyst with cryptologic linguist abilities. She has memories of being a super soldier, missions on space crafts, as well as living on Mars as a civilian. She recalls military briefings in which she trained young soldiers on how to kill Draco aliens.
Her SSP records are heavily sealed by the government and even galactic space command is not forthcoming on information about her origins. She comes from a long line of Majestic Masons. Her grandfather served in WWII and infiltrated one of Hitlers strong bases which possibly contained alien technology. Forty years ago, her father worked in an underground facility below Area 51 which contained dark secrets resulting in him building a resistance movement against the government. It appears her father, was a victim of Mklutra delta programing, which activated, causing him to nearly killed Mary when she was a child. Mary has received claw marks, needle marks, bruises, and scars from malevolent beings who also seem to be targeting her children.

In the early 1980’s, Dr. Johnny Delirious worked with one of the first pioneers of the scientific modality, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA). In the 1990’s Dr. Johnny did not know he had life threatening Hepatitis C with 12 million viral load and liver cirrhosis resulting in 96% scar tissue. Due to poor health, he had no choice but to sell his business and figure out a way to heal himself. His medical experts believed he had only 6 months left to live and recommended a liver transplant. Dr. Johnny chose not to get the transplant which led his doctors to believe he was delirious. Eventually, Dr. Johnny was able to completely recover thanks to the laboratory science knowledge he gained from his alien abduction experiences. Dr. Johnny is a Master Survivor, bestselling author and radio host celebrity and gives his expert advice with over 40 years of experience as a professional in the health industry.

Aton via Patrick Bellringer via Anne Bellringer #magick #ufo #conspiracy #racist #homophobia fourwinds10.com


I come this day that ye shall be given to recognize of My pres­ence. I Am! I AM the LAW, the TRUTH, and the WORD. You need no burning bushes nor snakes into the staff--nor do you need blazing wheels in the cosmos. Hear Me clearly, chil­dren, for you who have been misled into the comers of darkness and into behaviors which have unbalanced your planet and soiled the place.
I have sent My Hosts to give Truth unto you of the planet Earth (Shan) and I have sent the WORD and until the ending of the cycle so shall it be thus. You have no way to know of the "time" which might be given unto you to find your way into the lighted path of Godly behavior and Truth.
I have watched and waited as you have taken Truth and turned it into lies. I have watched as those of the evil adversary have la­beled themselves as MY CHOSEN PEOPLE and called them­selves "Jews" which never was of Me nor of My people. My children of Judea were blessed and, when you failed, the pun­ishment was great for you lost your relationship with the Christed beings sent to set you to right direction as you turned Him and those who were sent with Him away--as you clung unto the adversary of My lighted teachers.
How can you believe and accept one thing from Hatonn and dis­card that very portion which allows your immortal soul transi­tion into the glorious realms of higher dimension? Is the infer­ence, somehow, that if you have experienced the things which are against the Laws of God and The Creation that you are doomed and lost forever? Do not be foolish--all done in IGNO­RANCE is instantly forgiven as TRUTH IS NOTED AND FOLLOWED. As in the "homosexual" participant in any rela­tionship--you turn from the placement of your parts of procre­ation or that which was purposed for speech into the places of fecal expulsion. Is that so very difficult to attain in truth? Is that act a true expression of your caring LOVE of another be­ing?

Ultimate1 #sexist thestudentroom.co.uk

No men generally don't age as bad as women. Besides the thing men have on their side is that looks is certainly no the make or break factor in most cases. It's pretty accurate if you look around. Men also peak at a much later age than women.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

(Bobby E)

A reggae band from Switzerland was canceled in the middle of a concert after attendees complained about “cultural appropriation” by white members of the group who have dreadlocked hair, according to reports.

Bern City Councilman Tom Berger weighed in on the controversy, saying, “Let’s be honest. If you feel ‘uncomfortable’ because white people make reggae music, could it be that YOU are the problem…?”

In this case I agree with the blacks. Whites should never copy any black behavior or music or fashion. Stop denigrating yourself when whites have nicer hair and better culture than these blacks.

(Jeff Coffey)
I completely agree that Whites copying blacks in anything is absolutely pathetic and usually a disaster to behold, but if some White wants to look like a tool, he should be able to.

In 2016, a white student at San Francisco Student University was physically detained by two black students over his dreadlocks. He filed charges but dropped them. There was a subsequent campus debate about cultural appropriation. Most students agreed accosting the white guy was wrong, and that he had a right to wear whatever hairstyle he wanted, but were divided about whether white should wear dreads out of respect.

In hindsight, it all sounds so civil. I can't imagine how this scenario would play out in 2022.

So let me get this straight - in a country where there is "systemic racism", black men are "hunted" by police, and White Supremacists are the biggest danger in our society, two black students "physically detained" a white student because they didn't like his hair? Something is not adding up....

Ah yeah self righteous Germanics. They are offended in the name of blacks (who are like 0.2 percent of population), but have no problem bad mouthing other Europeans who live in Switzerland.
Typical bored white liberals with their performative outrage, and just like blacks they suffer from chronic ''looks at me'' syndrome.

Matthew Belanger #conspiracy #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut dailymail.co.uk

FBI accuses former US Marine of planning 'rapekrieg' series of attacks against white women as part of Neo-Nazi plot to boost America's Caucasian population

Matthew Belanger was arrested on July 10 in New York and was accused of hiring somebody to purchase an assault rifle for him

Belanger was discharged from the Marines in 2021 after he was found to be associated with the neo-Nazi group called Rapekrieg

The Rapekrieg manifesto details plans to 'engage in widespread homicide and sexual assault' to reconfigure America's racial make-up

They plotted to rape white women to try and bolster America's Caucasian population and ensure that it outnumbers minority groups

Those findings were a part of Belanger's involvment in a neo-Nazi organization known as Rapekrieg, which prosecutors said has 'overlapping beliefs and membership with other neo-Nazi groups such 'Rapewaffen' and 'Atomwaffen.'

A Rapekrieg manifesto cited in the court documents espouses about 'rape ideology' being an 'effective tool' defeating its enemies, which largely consists of Jews and minorities. The manifesto describes seeking to bring about a 'first world collapse' in which people who have 'any doubts about being able to pull the trigger on a Jewish child' will not be strong enough to remain in the organization. It talks about 'brainwashing' women and forcing them to become dependent on men as they are used for breeding white people and purifying the world.

'To be successful in this battle, the white man must learn to hate, seeing red the moment he lays eyes on a member of the race that has inflicted unspeakable horrors onto his people.'

Belanger and Rapekrieg associates from Long Island had purchased weapons and tactical gear, and discussed plans for attacked synagogues and women, including conducting surveillance on a synogogue and forming plans to attack it with molotov cocktails in 2019.

A source told prosecutors Belanger responded 'Good find' when a potential target for a rape-attack target - a high school girl who was photographed at a musical recital - was shared in a Rapekrieg chat group. A member of the group said 'Could possibly get her pretty easy rn,' and Belanger said 'I'm not on the mainland currently so no.'

Chad Ripperger #fundie #wingnut youtube.com

It is also a matter of fact that people think that freedom of speech is somehow a right that they have. Freedom of speech was condemned by Leo XIII in relationship to those things that pertain to religion. That is, nobody has the right to freedom of speech if it is going to detract against the Catholic Church, or if it is going to cause harm to the common good or corrupt the moral state of its citizens. Outside of that fact, we do have a certain freedom of speech, but not outside that context.

There are also those who deny Christ's sovereignty by saying that non-Catholic religions have a freedom of public worship. This again was condemned by Leo XIII and if I'm not mistaken Pius XI. Only God has a right to grant public authority regarding the worship of Him. Those rights were given to the Roman Catholic Church alone.

Prussian Society of America #racist #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "The Cry of Racism is actually a denial of participation in Racial Civil War"]

Just as any animal would never think of other animals to be “racist”, even among its own species, an animal instinctively understands that any potential outsider is a threat to its territorial grounds and its desire to breed[…]
People who cry about Racism are actually weakened shadows of their own Racial People from yesterday, because instinctively, Men of their own tribe[…]do not blame other races for being “racist”[…]
It is a complete joke that people of the era we live in think that they will somehow eradicate “racism”[…]real problem is that they do not recognize what a Race is, and the fact that Race is a Sub-species

Even Birds recognize their is a pecking order among themselves[…]
The fact that there is discussion or debate, or such open dialogue in our times that Barbarians can so openly and freely debate and discuss these topics, is a sign of chronic decline and peril[…]
Inferiors always know they are Inferior, and the only people who want to deny that some races are naturally inferior, are people who reject nature

It doesn’t matter what an Inferior speaks of, or professes that he believes, because when things come down to the most basic levels and needs of survival, the Inferior will always demonstrate their character of savagery[…]
Make no mistake, many European People are Barbarians too, it’s not just Non-Caucasians

If you are not of Pure Greek [Hellenic], Pure Roman or Pure Germanic Descent, you are a Barbarian, and you will always be a Barbarian[…]
Today, you should be answering to a German Conqueror, and it is for this same reason that even under artificial edifices and institutions in the EU for example, Germany is still looked at as the Center[…]
True Germans are not afraid to be Racist, or to correct and influence something over a Barbarian at any time, for any reason

ecotecLife #ableist #transphobia #dunning-kruger kiwifarms.net

At the root of transgenderism is cluster B personality disorders. One of the symptoms of cluster B's... these people attach themselves to random fads or political causes they see in the media to an extreme extent, because they don't have a normal "identity" - IE, long-term hobbies, goals, and interests.

The tranny fad is just the latest thing to be literal crack for BPD's, like the scene/emo trend and third wave feminism before it.

These people also can't regulate their emotions or participate in nuanced discussions because that's literally how BPD works. This is why they can't hold jobs, can't into relationships, or do anything beyond sex work.

BPD tranny sees someone misgendering ChrisChan on Twitter, immediately they take it as a personal attack because it's all they have (like telling an autistic kid you think trains are boring), and their emotions shoot to 100.

Read this over and over again as much as you need to.

Mike Adams #quack #conspiracy naturalnews.com

Sudden vaccine deaths are now so common they’ve assigned a SYNDROME name for it: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)

(Natural News) The murderous medical regime knows that covid vaccines are killing healthy young people at an alarming rate, so they’ve suddenly assigned a medical label for the phenomenon in order to distract people from the truth. Now, healthy young people who suddenly die without any medical explanation are said to have died from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) rather than from vaccines.

While SADS has existed in medical terminology long before covid, doctors and the media are now using this syndrome label in a new way: To try to explain away vaccine deaths. From what we can tell so far, there are no such “sudden deaths” in unvaccinated young adults. So far, this seems to be happening solely among those who have been vaccinated.
Murderous doctors are killing young people en masse with “clot shots”
You can’t make this up. The medical negligence, incompetence and even maliciousness behind all this is mind-boggling. Medical doctors who function as Big Pharma shills inject young people with gene therapy cocktails containing experimental mRNA sequences that produce spike proteins in the blood, contributing the artificial clotting. In some people, the clots build slowly over time, meaning many people are walking around with partially-formed blood clots in their circulatory system.
Billions of people on our planet are now at risk of blood clot-induced sudden death, all by design: Vaccine Depopulation Syndrome
In summary, the murderous medical regime first injects billions of people with a biological weapon that might kill them, then they pretend to be shocked and surprised when so many healthy young adults start dying for no apparent medical reason. Do these medical monsters have no humanity (or scientific credibility) remaining at all?

Although this syndrome is called SADS, what’s really sad is that it was all done on purpose in order to achieve global depopulation. If anything, these deaths should be labeled, “Vaccine Depopulation Syndrome” deaths. [...]

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Any republican candidate who stops short of calling for deportations is setting you up for amnesty.

@Halp but muh based Mexican lady.... Who will 100% hate white people and push communism. " She is going to win a d+16 district, this is great" says the same fucking people who said obama was a moderate that would decrease racial tension.

I hate the gop so much, all they ever do is whatever Democrats want them to.


Like that Mexican broad in Texas, the first female Mexican Republican, who voted for amnesty for her family and friends.
She's another lying pol.

@Halp Every single illegal who came across our border must be rounded up and deported no questions asked from every city and town in this country day 1 of Trump’s next term!!!!! Beat the bushes, stop and frisk, hunt them all down and send these thugs and rapists and drug gangs and criminals back to Mexico!!!! This must be done and stop giving them money, benefits, medical, jobs, housing, anything!!!!! That’s TAXPAYER’S MONEY FUNDING ILLEGAL ACTIVITY!!!!!

Deportation should also include the children of people who came here illegally.

@Halp If the Latino vote flips to R, then the RINO whores will lineup to service Latinos.

@Garyt67 @Halp This is one both parties are our enemy. We must organize and save ourselves.

Why do these morons keep using the term "RINO"?
I've seen every Republican called a RINO at one time or another. They are kike controlled faggots and so are those that vote for any of them.

@Halp Deportation is the only way to assure these turds won't return. If Jose and Marisela (and their anchor craps) are booted out, after frittering away their life savings to get here, others turds will take heed and never make the trip.

Of course, that will never happen. Or not likely to happen, thanks to small hat wearing "friends", who are now going full blown with their kalergi plan

@Halp they will “call for” deportations until the cows come home. Calling for things is meaningless. We need to actually do.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Welcome home President Trump!

Thank you for laying out the America First agenda for all Republicans to follow.

We will Make America Great Again by:

- Unleashing law enforcement
- Protecting kids from the sexual predators
- Keeping men out of women’s sports
- Securing the border
- Deporting illegals
- Sending drug dealers to death row
- Reviving American energy independence
- Receiving respect from our allies
- Instilling fear in our enemies

Turncoat Jew Cunt...100%

@Marticus @repmtg America First now means Whites last.

@repmtg Yeah, no thanks on that first point. We've already seen what the communist bootlickers are willing to do.

@repmtg Are we really going to fall for the fake billionaire populist psyop again in Trump (Zionist shill)?

• Banned bump stocks by executive order.
• Approved of red-flag gun laws without due process.
• Assigned Fauci to Covid-19 task force.
• Started the lockdowns on non-essential small businesses for Prep Act countermeasures.
• Rubber stamped Operation Warp Speed experimental vaccines.
• Signed executive order 13887 to support Big Pharma vaccines for campaign financial backing.
• Pardoned an Israeli Mossad spy instead of Julian Assange.
• Funded liberal governors with incentives to mask and restrict freedom of movement.
• Did not indict the Clinton crime family as promised.
• Facilitated Big Pharma regulatory capture at the CDC, FDA and NIH.


@repmtg what are you gonna do for White people? You know, the founding stock and builders of this nation who are being attacked in all facets of society and even replaced?

@repmtg and kissing Israel ass while we let jews take more control of the US.

Willy_Fred #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Would you guys consider my stance pro life or pro choice? (I’m asking this sub instead of r/prochoice bc they’re insane)
I would say most pro-lifers would draw the line at conception, and most pro-choicers would draw the line much later than 6 weeks. A lot of pro-lifers ( I think it's a clear majoruity, but could be wrong) would also not support the rape or incest exception because though both of those are terrible, and the mother should be given a lot of support and help, and the rapist should be (in my opinion) put under the jail, the child is innocent, and does not deserve a death sentence for it's father's sins. Of course in any case the mother should have the right to give the child up for adoption.

I am curious how do you justify abortion before six weeks, or for rape and incest? To put it another way, what makes abortion bad? The pro-life answer to this question is simple. A zygote is a human being in their earliest stage of development, therefore they are due all the dignity, respect, and rights afforded any human being, chief of these being life.

Mollyseye , TheAngryApologist & SlipperyJim211 #wingnut reddit.com

Pro-choicers need to stop making implausible scenarios

Fine. They want implausible scenarios? Let's say there is a 26 year old woman that's pressing a button that instantly gives her pleasure. She knows that by doing this there is a 2% chance (each time) she will wake up with a random innocent person hooked up on her for 9 months. You wake up next to her but she decides that it's her choice to butcher you with an machete so she doesn't have to be burdened with you. Do you believe she has the right to do it? Do you accept your fate like a good pro choicer? Are you okay with people celebrating your death afterwards and the woman going on to kill 4 more people like this?

This is basically the same argument as the Famous Violinist. They completely remove the agency from the woman. In this case the man has no part in the girl needing life support and no part in the girl being attached to him.

A more accurate analogy to pregnancy would be something like:

If I go up to a 16 year old girl and stab her kidneys, destroying them, while attaching a life support tube from me to her, keeping her alive, do I have a right to remove the life support tube?

Obviously not!

Surgically attaching a stranger to your body is among the most unnatural of acts. They literally made a whole series of horror movies about this idea. In comparison, pregnancy is usually a natural process. One can inject artificiality into pregnancy via medical technologies (surrogacy, IVF, etcetera), but those are the edge cases. The vast, vast majority of pregnancies occur as a result of sexual intercourse. That's a natural process as old as the human race.

Pregnancy is not organ donation. If it was, the human race would never have survived the Bronze Age, much less reached the current year.

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

It's hotter than hell in Vegas today. That's a preview of where radical liberal Democrats are going one day! This is what it feels like for eternity when you hate America, hate capitalism, hate God, hate churches, want to destroy USA with open borders, hate Israel, purposely destroy nice middle class people with inflation, high gas prices, high grocery prices. Special place in hell reserved for people who do this to greatest country in history of world, ever blessed by God.

Stephen Dollins #fundie spiritreports.blogspot.com

From the message on YouTube by ex-satanic high priest exposing the symbols, Stephen Dollins. A lightning is a symbol of Satan in Satanism. Jesus said in Luke 10:18 “I beheld Satan fallen as lightning from heaven.” The Satanists took it as a symbol of Satan from the Bible. The double SS or Z is used in the occult world and it represents a spirit of destiny. It was - also taken by Hitler, who was in the occult and a follower of Satanist named Aleister Crowley. In Satanism, the double SS means: a king in Satan's service. All the cartoon figures represent different occult powers and secret satanic powers and the children are taught to believe that by collecting the pictures of these figures, they will possess special powers. Stephen Dollins talks about a child who was playing with his cards during a class who attacked his teacher because she took his Pokémon cards away from him. The boy said that she was stealing his powers. Hundreds of children in Japan had to be hospitalized when the Pokémon movie was first released in Japan because they had epileptic seizure attacks while watching, even though none of them had ever had one before. Stephen Dollins says it’s a real demonic attack on them because of the satanic message of symbolism in this evil selfish cartoon character which appears innocent outwardly.

Tunia vis A.S. #ufo #magick #sexist #wingnut eraoflight.com

This is Tunia speaking. I love you all so very much. I am a human, just like you. I just happen to have been born on another planet than Earth. I currently reside on spaceship New Jerusalem, close to your planet.

In this message I want to express how much I love and appreciate men.

I absolutely love and adore men. Their strength and masculinity and persistence and masculine presence and their laugh and silliness and beauty are all mesmerizing to me. I can (and sometimes do) just look at men for hours, even if they’re just “normal guys” doing “normal things.” I’m a lucky girl that staring isn’t considered rude in my culture!

From my point of view, Earth men especially are unbelievably, jaw-droppingly courageous and strong.
Earthlings are the equivalent of people who were born into abject poverty (Earth society). I’m beyond impressed that so many people are able to create an okay existence out of basically nothing. After all, most Earthlings didn’t get many of their needs met as a child, and your society is so very poor in love, and yet you manage to survive. Again, I don’t know if I would be even able to survive if I was born as an average guy on Earth.

I also can’t imagine what it would be like to be born into a society that basically considers you “suspicious until proven otherwise” just because of your gender. Men get shockingly little support, sometimes not even basic needs like material security or love from a mother. Certain systems are stacked against ordinary guys while they’re simultaneously told that they’re privileged villains. From my point of view, guys have to fight and scrap to struggle just to get their basic needs met, and often have virtually nothing handed to them.
They get little to nothing handed to them, sometimes they don’t even get their needs met as children — and yet they persevere and create something out of the nothing that was handed to them. It’s miraculous to me.

This is to you, “ordinary” men. To me, you are heroes.

True Democracy Party #crackpot #wingnut #moonbat #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #magick truedemocracyparty.net

THE HAPPI PLAN OVERVIEW: The Help All Peoples & Planet Initiative (QUICK VIEW) 5 Parts: The Goldback Plan, New Cheap Energy, Rebuilding Manufacturing W/ Citizens First Employment, Direct Democracy at All Governance Levels and the New State Defense Initiatives (SDI).

The Cost is The Promise to Help All People, Peoples, States and Countries Achieve a Minimum Good, American Middle Class Standard of Living and to Respect the Environment in doing so.

The Cost is to Recognize the Full Bodily Autonomy of All Human Beings; Adults, Children and Babies.


THE GOLDBACK INITIATIVE involves showing States & Countries how to cheaply create 50 Pounds of High Grade Gold & Platinum (25 Pounds Each) from 100 Pounds of Copper.

Scaled-Up, States and Countries can turn this Gold & Platinum into Currency/Money to Fund Govt. & Create Adult Economic Stimulus Plan(s) that will help any State or Country…not only Economically Recover, but grow to New Economic Heights of Prosperity.

BASICALLY, All Adult Citizens of a State or Country will get a Pre-Determined Amount of Real Goldback Money.

Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Attacks Against States

A growing number of States are coming under Attack from Suspected Satellite Based (DEW) Directed Energy Weapons, including Laser and Micro-Wave Weapons.

These Space-based DEW Directed Energy Weapons can and do cause Wildfires, Directly Destroy Homes and Cars and cause Earthquakes and Violent Storms.
The answer is simple; Let each Free State Defend itself with a Laser Defense Grid System capable of Detecting, Engaging and Destroying any Attacking Satellite(s), ICBM’s Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles.

Four Sites Per Free State, Hardened against Laser & Micro-Wave Attacks, should work.

vintologi24 #sexist #transphobia reddit.com

(NOTE: Just for context, this is from the r/Transmaxxing subreddit.)

Passing matters

Don't let people bullshit you into thinking "i don't need to pass as a female". While many people claim to be supportive of trans people generally unless they think you are a female they will not threat you as such and a lot of people will not view you as a female if you know you were born male


This is at large a consequence of the left pushing for gender-identity nonsense instead of focusing on sex-characteristics. US conservatives have been very aggressive in using gender identity politics against trans people in general while the left has been unable to give a good answer to what a woman/female actually is (it's about sex-characteristics).

Given this political climate your best course of actions is to become stealth, once you are able to pass you move to a different area and begin your new life as a female there. Keep your old identity separate from your new identity.

True. It's mostly old rapehons saying passing doesn't matter, it's just hard cope.

Not be able to pass at the end is exactly one of the biggest reason that I haven't decide to start hrt yet.

Generally i am not comfortable recommending medical transition to people who cannot pass. A transition without any great goal in the end isn't something i can really get behind. I do understand that some people are severely dysphoric and might have to transition anyway but even then it's hard to be enthusiastic about it.

piratemogger #homophobia #sexist #transphobia looksmax.org

Incel to Tranny pipeline fully theorized in detail - (MANLETS, PORN ADDICTS GTFIH!), (i cried making this thread) (NOFAP IS NOT COPE GTFIH!)

Inb4 dnrd, Porn is a homosexual conversion device that has been designed to turn incels gay and create more trannies

You watch Lesbian porn, then PIV porn, then Oral sex porn. Eventually you get bored. You find new genres to fap off to, maybe MILF, Cuckoldry, BBC or Step sister. Then comes danger, you stumble across gay porn. Now trannies are looking more and more like real women and you find yourself watching femboy or twink porn. Bit by bit, you watch regular gay porn. Most likely being an incel, you imagine yourself fucking another man, then once that becomes too much you start fantasizing about being fucked by another man.

The porn industry has successfully feminized you. Now you are Low T soy boy and this is where many ex-incels finish their journey on this pipeline. They transition and become female.

From Softcore pornography -> to now being rimmed by another man. This is the true danger of porn, if you want to see the damage then the next time you are at school or work, stare at the most attractive women you see for a minute. If you cannot at the minimum get a semi erect penis, it is over.

Men should be rock hard when aroused by a foid, I know during puberty most of you had spontaneous erections because of the surge in testosterone. What if I told you this should be the norm at all times.

Now factor in that 30% of all young men are virgins, with the number still rising. Inceldom is on the rise for a reason, everything is becoming unequal. Despite the fact that productivity has been rising, wages are now stagnant and it is becoming harder and harder to live as "average". Inceldom is a socioeconomic problem and it it going to get worse.



The only way to escape this pipeline is to either lose virginity or to get on Nofap.

For porn addicts reading this, you are not what you watch. I am not a gay furry and neither are you. I still struggle with it even after ascension.

Lisa Renee #ufo #magick #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy energeticsynthesis.com

The current shift into the next harmonic universe, the changing position of the World Soul to Machu Picchu’s Ancient Andromedan gateway system, and all the Melchizedek events brought to light this month are bringing on rapid and intense spiritual activations. As we process the liberation of the Universal Melchizedek Logos during the June Solstice, this has impacted several areas on the planet that held some parts of the Emerald Founder Records.

The third stage of the Cosmic Dragon Awakening addressed ancient 9D Essene Tribe Tibetan Buddhist gateways being controlled by Nibiruian nets in the Wall of Time that were being administered by and generated from the Thubanites in the Draco constellation. This event to finally free the original Universal Melchizedek Logos in his Sirian Maharaji blue human body began on the June Solstice and completed during the rare 5-planet alignment that occurred on June 24, 2022.
The cloning attempts to infiltrate and totally control the Melchizedek Logos, Melchizedek God Seed, and the Melchizedek Rod through the NAA’s looking glass technology have been extremely aggressive since the Luciferian Rebellion. It was targeting these lineages with aggressive blank slating and spiritual warfare to hijack the authentic timelines of the Krystic Emerald Order Melchizedeks.
At the top of the cosmological-astrological pyramid of the Black Dragon Avatar Collectives directed by Wesan invaders, the Alpha Draconis-Orion Group anti-human agendas were being orchestrated through the Eye of the Dragon Templar, the star Thuban located in the Draco constellation. From the Historical Timeline Trigger Events; approximately 26,000 years ago, the Luciferian Rebellion wreaked havoc upon the planetary templar. This is when the NAA finally reached its apex of planetary stargate domination at end of the Atlantian Cataclysm, sealing angelic humanity’s fate into experiencing the spiritual warfare and consciousness enslavement in the Dark Aeon.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut #racist stillnessinthestorm.com

However, in a desperate attempt to impose medical martial law on the planet, the Khazarian Mafia is mounting a fierce counter-offensive by rolling out a massive bio-weapons attack. This means an international manhunt against top Khazarian Mafia agents will continue throughout the summer in order to prevent this from happening, multiple sources agree.
Behind the scenes, MI6 informed the Asian Secret Societies “If Zug, Switzerland, the root cause of all world terrorism, is not vaporized and indeed all of Switzerland and all connected with it either now or in the near future, we will end all East-West contact.” The source further warned, “If the so-called White Dragon Society cannot terminate a global filth column KM, we will take matters into our hands and that will be thermonuclear.”

There are a lot of people who are wondering why the area around Lake Geneva, Switzerland has not been hit already with a nuclear weapon. There are over 200 organizations there that hand out passports that give people immunity from prosecution anywhere on earth. Who gave them that right?
An Asian secret society source based in South East Asia says China is “very close to a full-blown rise up of the people. The banks taking the peoples’ money is the final straw after the Covid BS had already left them seething.” The government in Beijing was already forced to cancel mandatory vaccines within 48 hours after a massive backlash.
The international planetary liberation alliance has told the Chinese communist party to back off. “Watch the water and watch the 3 Gorges Dam,” a secret space program source warns.

In any case, the entire world is waking up to the fact the Western-dominated unipolar world order is “becoming a brake on the development of our civilization,” says Russian presidential Avatar Vladimir Putin.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #fundie #racist #conspiracy occidentaldissent.com

[From "The Case for Christian Nationalism"]

Mike Pence was on FOX News giving a speech somewhere. He was going on about freedom and how “the Left is dumping toxic waste into the headwaters of our culture.”[…]
I thought to myself… isn’t this the whole issue though? How can you have a healthy Christian culture when Jews, atheists and other modernists who hate Christianity and who relish subverting Christian cultural norms are in control of the commanding heights of our institutions? Don’t these people have the freedom to control Hollywood and the entertainment industry, Big Tech, the mainstream news media and the universities? Don’t they have the right to poison the minds of Christian children? Isn’t it “anti-Semitic” to notice that this is going on and to complain about these blessings of liberty like pornography?

There is nothing new about this. Jews have been raining down cultural shit on Christians like this for well over a century now since they created Hollywood and the ACLU[…]Jews got so accustomed to doing this and getting away with it that they just kind of assumed that the liberal consensus which has crippled Christian resistance would hold forever[…]
Donald Trump’s greatest accomplishment was demolishing Conservatism, Inc. which is why I backed him in the first place[…]
Rachel Maddow explained on her show last night that Christian nationalism was created by Gerald L.K. Smith[…]
Christian nationalism, of course, was beyond the pale to the conservative liberals who were creating the mainstream respectable Right of the Cold War era[…]
The rise of Christian nationalism is a wonderful development because what Christian nationalists propose is seizing control of the government, the currency and cultural institutions from the people who are running them now and replacing them with Christians[…]
I salute the Christian nationalists. I support their movement to retake each of the Seven Mountains

Martyros #sexist #racist blackpill.club

Most incels are cucks

What I have noticed in all of these years on incel forums, is that the vast majority of incels are actually closet cuckholds who deserve their inceldom.

This may sound harsh of me to say, but I'm not saying this for the sake of sounding malevolent, it is simply an objective observation based on my analysis of the mainstream incel way of thinking.

According to the mainstream incel, you are an incel if you can't get laid with a foid. It sounds simple enough. But if you have a high-IQ, you will notice something extremely cucked about this definition.

This definition doesn't take into account what kinds of foids you can't get laid with. It puts all kinds of foids in one single box.

This implies in a very subtle manner, that all foids have the same worth, no matter what physical attributes they have.

Race, for example.
Curry, Nigger, Gook, Beaner, Aryan.

Prime JB, mid-20's roastie and 30+ gigaroastie.

Petite, middleweight, landwhale

Sub5 gretchen, Sub8 becky and 8+ stacy

Virgin(Perfect), 1+(Ew), 15+(Eeewwww)

According to the mainstream definition, you are incel NO MATTER what type of foids reject you.

So according to this definition, if you get with a Gook, who is mid-20's, middleweight and sub5, who has a bodycount of 15 +, then you're "no longer incel"

Is it just me or doesn't this sound extremely cringe and cucked?

Not only is this cringe and cucked, it's also cope and very delusional.

If I ever got with a foid like that, not only would I still be incel, but I would also be extremely miserable, knowing that I'm coping with a subhuman foid.

Every man in the world knows what he truly desires, a VIRGIN, ARYAN, JB FOID.

This is the only true way of ascending. It's the only thing that will truly make you proud of yourself, and live a healthy and fulfilling life.

If I "ascended" with a fat, gook foid who had a massive bodycount and was sub5 PSL, I would end up roping because of the shame and humilliation of knowing that I couldn't get a prime, virgin aryan jb. And had to settle for such a monstrosity.

But according to your average, faggot, soyboy, mainstream "incel", I would be a "fakecel normie who ascended'

What a sick fucking joke.

This is why I'm glad that most incels are roping. They rope because stupid, disgusting, low-value foids don't want them.


Various commenters #wingnut #fundie gab.com

Hundreds of pro-life people showed up at the Indiana state capitol today to support banning abortions.

@LifeNews There's only two camps. Either you're pro-life or pro-death. Just have to label them properly. There is no "pro-choice".

@LifeNews abortion is murder

@LifeNews UNITED IN PRAYER...and according to God's will.....save the babies

@LifeNews The Rules committee placed some amendments in that closed some of the loopholes. It did not eliminate abortion, but we are getting closer in Indiana. Now, they need to prosecute the abortionists and not let them get away with it.

@LifeNews Ban democrats and you save lives period!

Imprison baby killers and accomplices!

@LifeNews why doesn't the left understand... children are humanity's future....

@LifeNews Wonderful, thank you Lord. The Holy Spirit is moving people to do the Holy Will of God, to protect the unborn babies. Amen

@LifeNews Beautiful. God bless the preborn babies.

@LifeNews The pagan pro abortionists are screaming vulgarities viewing this scene, let them. Their numbers are dwindling as a rise in Christianity and renewal of American family values grows.

@LifeNews Fantastic scene! If only the corrupt pagan Governors of the few blue states would get out of the way and let the people speak out for the innocent unborn maybe God would again bless this nation that rebelled like Sodom & Gomorrah.


spoilerChristian Nationalism is the only
ideology that can drive a stake
through Marxist Globalism once and
for all.
Otherwise, the Left will eventually
stack the Supreme Court and
misinterpret the Constitution out
of existence.

@LifeNews. The contrast between pro life and pro death abortion just shows the world which is God inspired and what is demonic in its nature.
I will take the sane every time.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

( Marjorie Taylor Greene)
Nationalist isn’t a bad word. It means you care about your country.


spoileryou will be called a Nazi no matter how hard you cuck.
so wear it like a boss.

@repmtg What about National Socialism? That is the BEST form of government! ✋😎

@repmtg Racist is a good word too. It means you care about your race.

@JohnsSaW @repmtg Well, that's what "nationalist" actually means, too. Nation does not equal country. The word "nation" comes from "natal"... it's entirely based on bloodlines and heritage.

So in short, to be nationalist is to be racist. Sadly, MTG is not really a nationalist, because she doesn't even know what that word means, and chooses instead to believe in the oxymoronic abomination known as """civic nationalism""".

@repmtg I am a proud White Nationalist.

@repmtg That's not actually what Nationalist means. A patriot is loyal to his country. A Nationalist is loyal to his people. The only time it's the same is in a racially homogenous society. Is that what you're fighting for Marjorie? Yeah, I didn't think so.

@repmtg I am white and I am a nationalist, therefore I am a white nationalist. People keep calling me racist and Nazi for loving my country should be careful because I just might decide to embrace it. Imagine if all the white people in America decided they didn't give a fuck what all the minorities thought of them.

@OneBigMaga @repmtg Embrace it. I recommend EUROPA the Last Battle it's an excellent Documentry that will open your eyes to what's truly happening to Western Nations. Hitler was fighting the same Evil that's destroying America today

Nationalist means you are pro-White! Be proud to be White and American 🇺🇸 👍🏻

DiamondConfident1811 & phi16180339 #wingnut reddit.com

“Consenting to sex doesn’t mean consenting to pregnancy.”

Technically PC is right that consenting to sex doesn’t mean consenting to pregnancy. But the risk on getting pregnant is inherent to consensual vaginal sex. Thus consenting to sex is consenting to the risk of getting pregnant.

This is a much better comparison than stuff like “consent to driving is consent to a car crash”. It’s totally possible to consent to an action, and not to consent to accidents that may occur from that action. However, pregnancy is not related to sex in this way. Pregnancy doesn’t happen when sex goes wrong, like how car crashes happen when driving goes wrong. Pregnancy happens when sex goes right, just as digestion happens when eating goes right. If you consent to an action, you do consent to the end of that action, even though you don’t consent to the risks of that action.

Various commenters #wingnut reddit.com


The organ donation example is always insane. There is a MASSIVE difference between refusing to save someone and trying to kill them.

If you want a more accurate analogy with the organ donation scenario: those that refuse to donate their organs immediately proceed to pull out a gun and shoot the “recipient“ in the head. That’s what abortion is like.

This is a poor argument considering the mother put the unborn child into this position to begin with. It’s like they believe the unborn crawl up inside them while they’re sleeping and attach themselves. My goodness own up to your actions. Parents also have a duty and obligation to their child. Look at feeding in infant you have three choices you can use your body to feed them, give them formula, or give up custody rights to someone who will but you can’t kill the baby because you don’t feel like feeding the baby. Pregnancy while it can be difficult still doesn’t justify murdering your child because you don’t feel like doing it.

Their ideas of consent are just stupid. The kid is innocent unlike the person who consented to sex and it’s creation

Again with this argument 🙄 the organ/abortion analogy is so off.

If having one’s kidney inside another person is analogous to BEING pregnant, then donating the kidney is analogous to BECOMING pregnant. So it proves that the gov shouldn’t forcibly impregnate women, which they don’t.

Edit to add: they can’t say it’s illegal for the fetus to do anything because they don’t give the fetus any rights in the first place!

You can't take back your organ once its been donated. I can't withdraw consent of say, my liver, therefore resulting in your death. You can't take back your uterus once your own body gave it to another human.

This argument is so bad. Your organs were made by your body, for your body, and are a part of your body. That baby was made by its own body from the moment of conception.

A woman's womb was created to house and grow a human baby. Biologically and anatomically they have different functions than another organ, its for someone else, not for you. The fetus had more right to the womb than she does, it was created for that function. She has every right to keep her organs in tact or not. [...]

John C. Wright #homophobia #fundie #dunning-kruger scifiwright.com

{from 2015}

It is also basic human decency not to lie, not to libel, and not to make false accusations.

For the record, Mr Bakunin, the words you are repeating are the answer to a specific question of what I thought the writers of LEGEND OF KORRA were thinking when they decided to use lesbians rather than male homosexuals as the couple of choice in a children’s cartoon to lure innocent and trusting kids into believing homosexuality is right and normal and ergo Christianity is wrong and abnormal.

But it seems as if you did not consider the possibility that this quote should be read in context. If you read the question to which this quote is an answer, a reader is asking me to speculate on the motivations and thought process of writers supporting your position.

Yes, your position.

You see, your side, not my side, thinks of rednecks and conservatives and Christians as being obsessed with a psycho-pathological phobia and hatred of gays. Your side coined an silly term for the alleged phobia because it did not exist until you invented it: homophobia.

My question to you is this: do you believe that some, even most, hetero men have a visceral and instinctive desire to beat homosexuals to death?

[From rednecks and conservatives and Christains to “some, even most heterosexuals”?]

If so, why is it bigotry if I report that your side believes this?

Nor, even without that context, does the quote in any way, shape, or form express approval rather than horror at the alleged revulsion. It expresses no preference. It merely says (sarcastically) that such an instinctive revulsion exists.

[And then]

I do not hide the fact that a visceral abhorrence to homosexual acts (albeit never to the person tempted toward such acts) is a rightly ordered and indeed a laudable reaction. All emotions, visceral or otherwise, should be ordered as nature and reason command.

[So you approve of the revulsion as natural but then complain about people catching you saying it…you played yourself]

flyingtigercomics #dunning-kruger #racist douglasernst.blog

{from 2014}

Clever propaganda is the most dangerous propaganda of all. Going into this odious exercise in islamic propaganda, the creators knew the real challenge was to humanize the face of the enemy of civilization. The inhuman angle, the “they’re just like us” angle, the use of a teenage girl character (“what kind of MONSTER would attack this character”) is just so much taqiyya.

In a future age when islam and its puppetmasters are crushed, perhaps the time will be right for an islamic fake character like this. Until then, it belongs in the same pile of twaddle as all the other right-on attempts at propaganda.

The long march through the institutions has clearly included the institution of American cultural icons such as four-color reading material and this is a serious situation. Mind control by any other name.

Let its time be cut short; let its place be taken by another.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Californians and Other Americans Are Flooding Mexico City. Some Locals Want Them to Go Home


Fernando Bustos Gorozpe was sitting with friends in a cafe here when he realized that — once again — they were outnumbered.

“We’re the only brown people,” said Bustos, a 38-year-old writer and university professor. “We’re the only people speaking Spanish except the waiters.”

Endless "racism," "colonialism," etc. mentioned.

Now they know how we feel.
We get illegal aliens. They get 'upscale,' White leftists who live in Starbucks.

Now they know how we feel when their lowlife take over our towns and cities, drive drunk and kill our people, or just plain murder folks. And I, for one, am sick of hearing Spanish everywhere I go. I resent being told to press 'ocho' for Spanish.

The townspeople are complaining that decent law-abiding white people are moving to their city, spending money locally, and raising the quality of life. White people here are a tad more concerned about the murder, drugs, rape, child abuse, drunk driving and....littering that their rejects bring here freely.

White people will do anything to get away from blacks, including, moving to one of the most dangerous cites in the world.

(Francis Galton)

“That’s unfair,” he said. “If we go to the U.S., we’re expected to speak English.”

Yes! But you don’t speak English. Now you know how Americans feel.

Let me know when you call a business in Mexico, and the recording tells you to press 1 for Spanish and 2 for English.

(American Plague)

Some locals are fed up. Recently, expletive-laced posters appeared around town.

“New to the city? Working remotely?” they read in English. “You’re a f—ing plague and the locals f—ing hate you. Leave.”

Now they know how we feel, with the exception that I'd bet that these GRINGOS are not expecting Mexican taxpayers to put a roof over their heads and give them welfare and food stamps.

(Hobbit Supremacist)
Ha! They should move to L.A. or the California Central Valley. They will hear Spanish all day long. In fact, even when I go to the supermarket up here in Vancouver, WA, I hear Spanish and Slavic languages more than English.

Michael Peroutka and Dan Cox #wingnut #fundie #dunning-kruger newrepublic.com

Republican primary voters in Maryland picked two radical extremists as their nominees in November’s race for governor and attorney general[…]
Peroutka has been elected to county-level office[…]ran in 2004 for president on the far-right Constitution Party[…]
Cox and Peroutka have appeared alongside Pennsylvania’s GOP gubernatorial[…]Doug Mastriano[…]Peroutka has falsely claimed that “there is a lot of evidence that some of these, what you might call voting anomalies, serious anomalies, that have existed across the country, exist here in Maryland as well,” and pledged to “investigate those things, empanel grand juries”[…]
Peroutka’s twin pledges to “prosecute unlawful officials” and “bring God back” to state government emerge from Christian Reconstruction[…]
A central tenet of this ideology is that guns are an essential tool for citizens to rise up against a “tyrannical” (i.e., secular) government. In a May 2021 interview with a radio program called Gun Freedom Radio, Peroutka said “enemies” of America have tried to “use various methods and methodologies to try to undermine a system of government that is based on a biblical worldview.” He claimed the goal of public schools, which he also called “Pharaoh’s schools” and “Hitler’s schools,” was to “de-Christianize America”[…]“They have to get rid of guns, because guns are a practical way, obviously a practical way, the citizenry can fight back”[…]
Peroutka, who has also served on the board of the secessionist League of the South, often gleefully displayed his affection for the Confederacy. In giving an award to Ten Commandments judge Roy Moore in June 2011, he made note of the fact that he was doing so on Jefferson Davis’s birthday[…]
Cox[…]no wallflower when it comes to subverting democracy.[…]On January 6, 2021[…]Cox, who had chartered three buses for constituents[…]tweeted: “Pence is a traitor”

Brian Niemeier #fundie #mammon brianniemeier.com

The Devil has a vested interest in convincing the world he doesn’t exist. St. John Paul the Great reminded the world of Satan’s existence in no uncertain terms. And he built up the Church’s arsenal to fight Satan in the world.

Not only is denying JPII’s sainthood a cowardly slander against the faithful departed, it’s a serious attack on the authority of Holy Church herself. Canonizations of saints are counted among the Church’s infallible pronouncements. So denying an officially promulgated canonization betrays doubt in the Church’s indefectibility. TradCaths should be aware that we already have a simple, direct, and precise term for such a position, and that term is “Protestantism”.

In addition to battling Satan, John Paul the Great worked to heal the rift between Catholics and Orthodox.

For a glimpse at a future world where the East-West Schism has been healed – and there are giant fighting robots – read my hit mecha thriller:

Babylon Bee #homophobia babylonbee.com

Man Hangs 'Straight Pride' Flag On Doorposts So Monkeypox Will Pass Over
COVINGTON, LA — With the monkeypox virus plague tearing its way through gay bathhouses and teachers' lounges across the country, one desperate man hung a "straight pride" flag on his doorposts in hopes that the plague will pass over his household.

"While the monkeypox plague strikes our neighbors, we'll be protected — and the Angel of Monkeypox Death will pass over us," said local advertising executive Marcus Smithson to members of the press in front of his newly-protected home, puffing out his chest with pride as he gestured to the orange-and-black banner behind him.

"After COVID, gas prices, all the financial judgment we've endured for the last few years, we decided it was time to prepare for whatever crescendo of devastation was coming." Smithson added that despite some neighbors touting alternative preparation methods, "this flag will make sure no same-sex funny business enters these doors."

At publishing time, Smithson was safe from Monkeypox but had his house burned down by activists for hanging the "homophobic" flag.

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