
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

Socrates #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

Worthless Brown Potatoes, Shut Up

Seen on the web:

“It’s quite interesting to witness the development of a new right that only applies to non-whites and that is the right to not be offended. Basically, it’s alright to offend white people with bigoted terms like “white privilege” and “racist” but it’s a crime against humanity for white people to use the n word or to criticize people because they happen to be non-white.”

Whites invented the world, so if non-Whites don’t like Whites, they can go pound sand. We’ll take the world back, and then where will the worthless, non-productive Brown potatoes be? No electricity, no A/C, no cars, no clocks, no airplanes, no computers, no TV, no radio, etc. The worthless Brown potatoes would be back in the dark ages without Whites. The Brown potatoes better shut up and show some respect. We made the world. We gave you Brown potatoes democracy and what did you do with it? You can’t even run a country. Mexico?? A turd in a punch bowl. Central America? Ditto. Africa?? An entire continent run by hopeless retards. And you call Whites “trouble”?? You’re all a shit smear on the underwear of humanity.

Literal Grammar Nazi Award

Bill Vallicella #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #quack #racist #wingnut maverickphilosopher.typepad.com

Is Grammar Racist?

It has to be. Whatever blacks and other 'people of color' are not good at is racist; blacks and other 'people of color' are not good at grammar; ergo, etc. This also explains why logic, mathematics, natural science, chess, self-control, self-reliance, deferral of gratification, pulling up your pants, etc. are all racist.

It is also clear that in this Age of Pan-Racism, when everything is racist, grammar, etc. is racist. Racism is itself racist!

Seriously, the Rutgers English Department is in dire need of 'cancellation' or at least fumigation. Here:

In short, the Rutgers English Department wants to make sure that students who come to Rutgers with a poor grasp of standard written English not only remain in that state, but come to believe that learning standard English is a concession to racism. I remember when keeping "people of color" ignorant was considered part of white supremacy.

Bill Vallicella #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #racist maverickphilosopher.typepad.com

[From “'Systemic Racism' is a Vicious, Hate-America, Leftist Myth”]

The Democrat Party is a party of race-hustlers. Clear proof of this is their endlessly repeated lie about 'systemic' or 'structural' or 'institutional' racism. David Horowitz, Big Agenda (Humanix, 2017), p. 51:

While institutional or systemic racism has been illegal in America for 50 years, the 2016 Democratic Party platform promises that "Democrats will fight to end institutional and systemic racism in our society." There is no evidence that such racism actually exists. It is asserted in a sleight of hand that attributes every statistical disparity affecting allegedly "oppressed" groups to prejudice against them because of their identity. This "prejudice," however, is a progressive myth. This is not to say that there aren't individuals who are prejudiced. But there is no systemic racism in America's institutions, and if there is, it is already illegal and easily remedied.

The Dem's race-obsession is an amazing thing to behold. With every passing day it becomes more insane. An Asian man becomes the focus of a controversy because his surname 'Lee,' which is a mere sound-preserving transliteration of some Asian characters, reminds some idiots of Robert E. Lee. Soon thereafter, a banana peel ignites a controversy at Ole Miss. One can only hope that the Dems keep it up and destroy themselves. They have found that playing the race card has gotten them what they want in many cases. But they need to think twice about transforming every card in the deck into a race card. For while the leaders of the party are extremists, many of the rank and file retain a modicum of common sense.

Prussian Society of America #racist #wingnut prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "The New Prussia must become Intolerant and view the Outside World as “Alien” and “Barbarian” In contrast to Prussia – Germany"]

Prussia, having basically been the inheritor and rival of the former Greco-Roman World, has formerly risen to its place of being the Primary Defender and Spirit of Europe
While the Greeks and Romans have previously established the designations of Non-Greeks and Non-Romans respectively as “Barbarian Peoples / Nations”, the German Nation has not as rapidly adopted this designation
Some of this, is likely in part to our former pride of “Tolerance”
While all other Nations may be considered “Barbarian” in our worldview, it does not necessarily mean that we specifically treat them across the board as “Barbarian”

But, a Barbarian Nation is legally defined and also a spiritual platform of which we identify ourselves over Nations we consider, at least inferior in some respect or another
The Modern World no longer accepts the usage of these terms, such as “Barbarian”[…]Modern Europe might be too Modern for its own good to be adaptive as much as we like to our Old Ways
With the return of Prussia, means the great legacy of the world we once had will come back, including all the great forms of ways we used to speak which have been long lost after the 1800’s had passed
A Barbarian Nation must know and respect its place in the World Pecking Order. And the Barbarian Nation must recognize that a Happy Germany is also the means for a Happiness of their Nation

The French know this, the English know this, even the Polish know it
Modern Germans who refuse to accept these measures[…]need to get out of our way at once

Only_Women_Are_Women #moonbat #racist #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Totally not a social contagion. 10% of all kids in the school district are trans/nb.

I presumed it to be upper middle class white kids. Well, these figures alarm me:

The prevalence was over 14% among Hispanic teens, and 10% among Black students, ompared with 7% of their white peers.

Why is this spreading among Hispanics? They are the most conservative of all. 10% of Black students? And here I thought Black women were not having this insanity.

It makes sense that an ideology with deep roots in traditional gender roles would get popular among youth raised in a culture that already reinforces traditional gender roles. For gay kids in those communities, they might be coping with homophobia by trying to change sex.

All the more important to have solid LGB resources and outreach. LGB. Not T.

Latching their T onto LGB has been nothing but harmful.

At my previous site, I didn't see the black girls or asian girls or the white girls doing anything quite like this. I asked my colleagues about it - pre-TRA craziness - and there was some speculation about a response to sexual abuse.

Wow, that was shocking and sad. I've often heard there is a lot of violence and sexual violence in many Hispanic homes. There is everywhere, not just Hispanic homes, but if the area is majority Hispanic, then the victims will also be majority Hispanic.

A huge investigation needs to be launched into this. Is a rise in sexual abuse behind the TIF craze? It has to be. Of course, this abuse has always gone on, but clearly the Gender Lobby is preying on the victims now.

88 forever & Anonymous Posters #racist #sexist #wingnut 88infinity.bdsmlr.com

Kissed my student, no regrets~

The following day after my first ask this week, i joked about inviting him to my house and joked about how I could trust him to visit more than his darker classmates, it took him a minute, but I'm sure he realised what I was saying ♥️♥️

Then I did the same thing - break. I asked him to stay behind. Praised him a little with some idle chatter to loosen him up, and then stole his lips before sending him out~

he'll be on vacation for summer break soon. I want him to be able to say he had his teacher as a booty call before that.

just a kiss? i'm a bit let down... still a good first step!

any chance you could DM me, anonymous slutty teacher?

My liberal, teenage half Asian daughter was complaining last week about white boys at her school and white supremacy in general. I'm her Asian mom, 40's, and her dad is white. She and I have both been liberals our whole lives, but I took the opportunity to educate her in the common sense of sex. I told her that I was only attracted to white men and deep down I know she was too; and that it was natural for the best of men to believe in their superiority. We both blushed and I told her I'd rather her date a right wing, racist white boy who calls us slurs than a pathetic Asian boy; and she gigglingly agreed. Then we hugged and I went back to my bedroom to rub my clit to your blog.

adorable. asian women and girls love white supremacy. anon, you're a good mom 😉👌

Gregcyber #crackpot #racist stormfront.org

Asians peoples are mostly under 5 feet tall.

I saw a document that claimed the Asians were slaves and any Asian Slave that was taller then the marked height was killed. Makes them people mostly physically harmless, like little kids, but good in home slaves to cook and clean.

Also seems the South American population that was breed with African 4000 BC, was subject to the same height restrictions.

Egyptians have a rich history of breeding animals, like cats and dogs, I be sure it expanded to human traits also.

Like in the bible, they talk about giants, A king thought the bigger the human the better a warrior.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Black and Hispanic Americans See Their Origins as Central to Who They Are

(jim mack)
This is the coming perfect storm of Whites being too comfortable, soft and squishy
Along with 'minorities' constantly pushing the envelope in their ever-expanding scam
While our liberal whites have indoctrinated our children for decades

It should be interesting but ruinous

Actually being black is not central to black people's identity as you kind of alluded to. It's scamming people and keeping everyone else on their heels, so as not to question their behavior, and penchant for crime. Who donates their money to those hellholes of Africa? Mostly whites. Blacks could care less about anything African - most want to live in white neighborhoods, go to mostly whites schools, and complain about it at the same time.

The Great Replacement has many veiled attacks, this being one of them.

Third world people who have accomplished nothing think more of their races than the whites that built civilization think of theirs. Decades of self hating brainwashing through Hollywood, the media and academia did its job.


What else are blacks and Hispanics going to talk about?

Their inventions, wonderful neighborhoods, idyllic families, ad nauseam?

Notices they left Asians out of this. While Asians are aware of their background, they don't dwell on it and are usually too busy accomplishing things to bother with it.

(Lawrence Drake)
Attacks on whites will increase white racial consciousness along with the indefensible double standard that in-group preferences must be encouraged for non-whites but suppressed for whites. The truth about race differences is a way of defending the white race against blood libel.

Wasp #dunning-kruger #racist amren.com

This is 100% true and I wish we did the same, but in fact we do not. Actually, it is those of us who are of "Anglo" heritage who are the least likely to be into these issues, unfortunately. Italians are strongly also identified with their origin, as are Greeks. We do not. Interesting thing about hispanics: Spaniards themselves are very UNLIKELY to feel proud of their heritage too. In places like Argentina, there are areas known as the "Italian" neighborhood or zone, but you never hear of a "Spaniard" neighborhood in Latin America. Here in the US, you get places like Little Italy, or Little Greece and you never really get "Little Spain" and that may be due to the fact that many Spaniards identify more with their region than with their "state". So in that sense they are similar to the British.

Speaking personally, I am a rarity because to me racial origins are also CENTRAL to who I am and how I perceive myself. I strongly believe in rationalism and a strong dose of racial determinism. No, I do not believe race determines your morals or how you act in every single situation, but to deny the reality of genetics is absolutely insulting. A horse is a horse, whether it is born in China or the Patagonia. Our "tics", habits, and instincts when it comes to certain cultural aspects are handed down by family, which is the result of genes. No man is an island. We are born into a family, we have genes and, we have a race. The lucky among us can identify with ONE race or origin, we are not "all mixed" as some clowns today say. And we are not "All immigrants" as so many stupid and ignorant people claim.

Yukon Jack #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #ufo #wingnut #psycho the-problem-with-christians.blogspot.com

Jesus sells in Amerika - the most Christian believing and warmongering nation of all time. Jesus brings hope to the masses caught up in endless war propaganda. Jesus is going to save your soul you are told over and over, but that is just unproved myth. A better next life is a ruse since your soul is quarantined on earth, it gets caught, stripped of it's memory, and sent back here. Hope sells, reality doesn't. Who wants to hear the truth that their soul is trapped in hell? Not me, not you, no one!
What can we see coming down the Albert Pike freeway to hell? War is coming, nuclear war. What else? Robots. Millions of robots. What else? World Jewish control. Mass death as the chosen holy ones off the Goy on a Biblical scale. Look at the ongoing Apocalypse in the Middle East to see the trend caused by Zionism. The Apocalypse is now, not in the future, but right now and it is caused by the Evangelical Christian marriage to Zionist Israel. Do you want to hear the horrible truth? The Aliens empowered the Jews to rule us like cattle (BTW that's why Jews call us Goyim), and they gave their advanced spiritual knowledge to the destroyer tribe. Now that isn't good news is it? To deceive us, Aliens control us with a holy book that sells us hope of a better future with the promise of heaven. The church leaders, who are in contact with the aliens, tell us that the Gospel is "Good News" but in the same breath deny the aliens.

Vox Day #racist #psycho #dunning-kruger #psycho voxday.blogspot.com

[From "The political answer"]

It's been 100 years since the Emergency Quota Act transformed the USA into the most powerful nation on Earth by limiting immigration and restricting it to compatible nations:

The Emergency Quota Act restricted the number of immigrants admitted from any country annually to 3% of the number of residents from that same country living in the United States as of the U.S. Census of 1910. This meant that people from northern European countries had a higher quota and were more likely to be admitted to the U.S. than people from eastern Europe, southern Europe, or other, non-European countries[…]

100 years later, it is clear that if the USA is going to survive another decade or two intact - which it almost certainly isn't - a new Emergency Quota Act is required, albeit one that restores the 1910 demographics. Since this is a political solution, and since four years of the Trump administration didn't even manage to seriously slow the invasive flow from around the world, we can safely discount any chance of this proven measure being adopted in any meaningful timeframe

The much more likely alternative is that those demographics are more or less restored in a rump state after a considerable amount of war and ethnic cleansing over the territory of the former empire. Unless, of course, China manages to establish a Chung Kuo-like hegemony over North America, which at this point is probably more likely that the sensible solution

Vijay Prozak #racist #homophobia #wingnut anus.com

[From “Surviving Multiculturalism”]

Diversity means having different groups coexisting; however, in order for them to remain different groups, they can't merge (our media and institutes of higher learning seem to have forgotten this part). As I once put it to a homosexual gentleman, diversity means that I don't think much about what you do in your bedroom, but it also means that you don't begrudge me the right to make gay jokes and be repelled by sodomy, because to a heterosexual, such behavior would be a disastrous submission and loss of masculinity. I respect his "difference," but he has to respect mine. The same applies to different ethnic groups. To acknowledge their difference is to recognize that participation in that group is limited to members of that group, and now matter how "authentic African art" we buy at Wal-Mart, we're still members of our own.

Maggie #racist #conspiracy #magick #god-complex bewusstseinsreise.net

Germany was set to die - but the Curse of Death was erased!

I currently have just this one piece of evidence for camps, but there are certainly more - feel free to tell me in the comments. Dresden and the Rhine Meadows* are the actions that document the plans of the Cabals well, but also the migration pact with the goal of ethnic replacement.

[Two links to videos, calling Nazi Germany’s capitulation the “Day of Enslavement” and titled “SHOCKING! WHAT DOES THE DENVER AIRPORT HAVE TO DO WITH THE EXTERMINATION OF THE GERMANS?”, respectively)

But not only Germany was to destroyed, but, well, the GERMAN PEOPLE with it no matter where it resides! - and, in general, WHITE HUMANITY!


But yesterday, we managed to end this total destruction, for we discovered not only a DEATH CURSE for the GERMANS and a DEATH CURSE for the WHITE POPULATION, but were also able to completely erase the fundamental PRIMORDIAL CREATOR IMPLANT CURSES, which allowed a curse in human biosystems in the first place. Because, by the origins of humanity, it is impossible to curse us, but these invaders came up with a way long ago, which only became apparent to us when the SOURCE itself came into our 3-D world as a human and found out about it. […]

The curse upon the German people exists since ca. 120 years ago and was erased on 18.5.2021 “by the power of our divine consciousness” - a historical event! The same with the death curse upon the white population! From now on, things are going upwards!

* Translator’s note: Location of the main Western Allied PoW camps at the end of WWII.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

There is trouble in the progressive ranks. The woke are increasingly angry with President Biden because of Israel and Palestine.

The split within the Democratic Party over Israel will be more important than the supposed division within the Republican Party over the January 6 protests. The Coalition of the Fringes could fracture over whether Israelis are white.

Neither the GOP nor the Democratic party care much about America’s national interests. Both sides seem far more passionate about who wins a tribal war in the Middle East than they do about America First.

Here’s a sighting of the American paradox. Was America built around white nationalism or racial equality?


Apartheid states aren’t democracies.


The voices like @AOC truly represent America and the foundation of the country and the values which were once part of it.

The position here is that America was built on egalitarianism. However, didn’t racist Anglo-Saxons create America and her institutions?

This tweet is from a member of Congress.


There's a Black maternal health crisis going on in our country, Ted. We die at 3X the rate of white people during childbirth. Our children die more often during childbirth.

There’s no real evidence that “racism” kills black infants. White infants die more often than Hispanic infants, in what the Huffington Post caused the “Latino Health Paradox.” Race realists know there is no paradox. Races are different and this has consequences. However, since we can’t admit this, we get absurd theories about white racism.

Various Commenters #elitist #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Nearly One Year After George Floyd’s Murder, Black and White Americans Have Very Different Views on Race


61% of Black Americans reported often or sometimes experiencing discrimination, while 84% of white respondents said they had rarely or never experienced it.

The difference is blacks wallow in victimhood and White people are getting sick, tired and fed up with it.

I wish you were right. But many Whites feel guilty.

Let us be blunt. Both Blacks, Whites, different factions, all their views on race is wrong. Totally crazy wrong like Biden and the SJW, or somewhat wrong on Fox. And we are the only ones that are right, let us say that openly. We respect science and statistics. Only us. All others are busy solving imaginary problems, falsifying crime statistics, misinforming the public, etc


more than half of respondents predicted that race relations would be better for future generations than they are now

That must be the white-nationalist cohort confidently expecting the establishment of separate ethnostates.

(Matthew D. Cragg)
On what basis would they believe race relations will improve in the future?

Blacks need more "gibs me dat" and lots of high paying jobs to sit in front of a computer all day long, not doing actual work, but looking at porn.

I was referring to whites. On what basis could they believe race relations will improve. I'm guessing perpetual naiveté, white savior complex, pathological altruism, etc.

How about ignorance and self-loathing.

Hence my interest in eugenics. If we could incentivize breeding patterns that will run these traits out of the pool we would seemingly build better societies.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and his fellow Satanists staged a human sacrifice on the temple mount in a desperate bid to retain power and avoid war crimes tribunals, according to Mossad sources.

MI6 sources say there was “some kind of massacre at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount. We have a suggestion this is all purely Khazarian Mafia with some CIA thrown in.”

We have previously reported the original Netanyahu is long gone and so, according to Mossad, the figure now presiding over the massacre of Palestinians is “Bibi the clone.”

MI6 adds the “Jala Tower in Gaza was attacked to destroy servers with incriminating evidence relating to the mass murder of Palestinians.”
Personally, as a genetic Jew, I find it deeply shameful to watch religious Jews who have been ritually castrated (circumcised) worshipping at the wall of a Roman fort in a mistaken tribute to their enslavers. If it is to be built, the third temple needs to be built elsewhere.

In any case, P3 Freemasons and others say their patience has run out and action will be taken against Israel. Pentagon sources say the nuclear devices used by Israel to blackmail the rest of the world with their “Sampson option,” have now been neutralized. That means the people of Israel will be forced to choose between the destruction of Jerusalem or the removal from power of the Satanists who use Netanyahu as their avatar.

There is another reason for the desperate massacres going on in Israel and that is developments in Switzerland involving the Priory of Sion, the Knights of Malta, the Dragon family, and many other powerful groups. These groups are on the verge of reaching an agreement that will change human history

Andrew Anglin #fundie #conspiracy #racist #sexist #homophobia dailystormer.name

[From "My Nation Blessed Israel and All I Got Was a Mulatto Tranny Grandchild"]

When I was a child in the 1990s, evangelical preachers and televangelists were claiming that God would “bless” a nation that “blesses” the genocidal Jew state of Israel

Yet, here were are, 30 years later, and America has consistently “blessed” Israel. We have given them hundreds of billions of dollars over the last decades, and we have spent trillions fighting wars for them
Once a religion that condemned the Jews as the murderers and rejecters of Christ, American Christianity has continued a process of being restructured to set Israel and the Jews at the center of it[…]American Christians accepted the reclassification of Christianity as “Judeo-Christianity”
The deal was sealed in 1992 when Pat Buchanan lost the Republican primary to George H.W. Bush
At the same time that we blessed Israel, we also endorsed homosexualism, feminism/abortion, mass immigration and race-mixing, and someone could argue that this is why we are doomed. What I think evangelicals would claim now is that the blessing from blessing Israel couldn’t overpower the curses of endorsing every form of immorality. However, it was the Jews behind all of these corrosive agendas
The Moslems tended to get along much better with the Jews
According to the bizarre evangelical doctrine, during the entire Middle Ages, God was on the side of the Moslems against Christians
The evangelicals mocked the concept of a blessing from God by associating it with blood-drinking Jewish murderers and sex perverts

icanteven #moonbat #psycho #racist #sexist twitter.com

White parents, why are you producing so many young white male terrorists? What is going on in your households? How involved are you with your sons? Are you missing signs their racism is filtering out of commonplace household racism into "I want to murder strangers" racism?

Mom of two white boys here. Getting them to see on a daily basis how entitled they are -- all the breaks they get, that other kids don't, because of how they look or where they are from -- is a struggle. I honestly feel some days like it's a genetic defect.

They aren't angry, thank god. But they do sometimes come home and have the audacity to start out with 'Its not fair...X, Y, Z.' it makes my blood boil. They seem predisposed to believing it's some grand conspiracy to keep them down when in reality, the opposite is true.

My college roommate when on to get her PhD and did her dissertation on how the fragile white male ego is responsible for all the world's ills, and with each passing day I think she's more and more a genius

None #crackpot #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

Black people when they are annoyed, riot.

White people, when we are annoyed form sniper kill squads and make it clear no such thing as a "police officer" is allowed to exist and if they show up, they get pfft, pffft, and no one saw nothing.

If we are REALLY annoyed, trucks full of chemicals start blowing up.

Notice Antifa. No one of any merit in Antifa is other than White. These are the people locking police in their headquarters and then setting fire to it. They haven't quite perfected what they are doing, but I'd like to point out that this was not happening until White people got involved.

Biden better rethink what he is doing or he is likely to just take his medication and discover his White doctor is a patriot.

Notice how frantic they were to try and reframe some hijinks by a few pissed off Trump supporters as high treason and how this did not in any way work.

They were terrified. As well they should be.

White cannot be replaced by anyone, especially blacks. What happens when this reaches a critical threshold is collapse.

After it happens, all things will revert to local politics ONLY. No one will be allowed to move. Blacks will be shot on sight while anyone with high IQ or skills might be welcomed.

A post collapse America, is our near future, not a "democracy" run by non-whites to their benefit only.

Most cities are going to burn and be barricaded to prevent refugees. If you want to live there, like all opportunities, whites excel. Be a warlord. Show the local blacks you can lead them to slaughter and cannibalize their neighbors and you will be king of the trasheap. Understand, once upon a time, white people did do this occassionally....especially once non-whites got a taste for drugs.

Various Commenters #pratt #racist #wingnut reddit.com

Interesting Observation

No one calls out black ballerinas for appropriating European/white culture. Ballet is a huge part of Russian culture with performances like swan lake. That’s the cream of Russian culture, up there with Yevgeniy Onengin and Dostoevsky’s crime and punishment. r/BALLET’s top of all time is filled with black dancers, BLM, and soyboy Reddit users sucking their dicks. When will THEY be held accountable for stealing and appropriating MY culture?

I don't think garbage rap music with stereotypical bling bling, cars, hoes and weed counts for much.

Black culture is to African culture as Chicano culture is to Hispanic culture.

Russian Ballet is the original one and only one. It is the only remnant of the old french one

We DOMINATE. It is our culture and no one else’s. Especially those who do not respect us or our ancestry.

It's the good ol' double standard. But can you blame them? Most things were made by white folk so if we were being just like them they would be approving white culture by wearing a t-shirt

All drug addicts, prostitutes, single mothers, and criminals are appropriating black culture

Why are you even trying to argue with these people? They even attacked Samoans for playing a Croatian song. Only black Americans and muslims are protected class. They happily harass Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and even Africans.

Eastern Europeans and Slavs are an easy target, because we are "white". They think all Europeans benefited from colonization. That's why they think it's okay to take things from European cultures.

That being said, I don't care if a black person decides to dress in Sorbian clothing or sing Sorbian songs.

Vijay Prozak #racist #wingnut anus.com

… while I agree with White Nationalists that the Indo-European race is under assault and will soon be bred out of existence by hordes of invading immigrants, I see this problem as a symptom of general degeneracy in modern society. We've come to trust our technology and believe that newer is better, and to follow centralized commands instead of our internal voices, and we're products of bureaucratic, cosmopolitan living who are steadily lapsing in the ability to have independent thought. On this front, Malcolm X and Adolf Hitler, Rabbi Meir Kahane and Cesar Chavez, Moses and Chuck D are all in agreement.

So if you're looking for a witch hunt, which is what the crusade against "racism" is, take your little hateful plans and bail out. I recognize you for the broken, low-self-esteem cowards that you are, and I don't see you as any "better" than the neo-Nazis you despise. If you've ever joined an Antifa group, you did it because you want to consider yourself better than other people because you believe in something that raises your self-esteem by making you feel like you're gifting the world with tolerance. Forget it. You're crazy and I'd have you shot.

Vijay Prozak #racist #wingnut anus.com

I don't like democracy. I don't believe everyone has equal aptitude for the kind of decisions required to run a nation or even a town, and thus I believe most voices should be silenced on those issues. Every person has some area where their judgment alone is supreme, and only reality judges whether they succeed or fail (for some, such as bomb defusers, the judgment is swift and absolute). I don't believe all "whites" should somhow be lauded just for having a certain amount of heritage; that's democracy. If we breed the best of each white tribe and throw out the rest, we increase the aptitude of those who remain.

People act like politics is rocket science, and that it's a raison d'etre for their individual lives as "activists" or "compassionate, forward-thinking people," but really that's a hoax. Politics has never changed. The crowd always wants power, and with that power, they'll destroy any who rise above the lowest common denominator. Each people (nation) needs its own place, because without it, their unique culture and contribution to learning is lost. I would grant each its own space, and send the mixed race people to the Middle East, as traditionally has occurred. There, they will produce their own society, one that will undoubtedly resemble Judaism, itself a product of cultural and racial and caste-mixing.

Vijay Prozak #racist anus.com

[From “Why I am not a White Nationalist or neo-Nazi”]

Sounding a bit like a cheesy liberal here, I like diversity. I like that you can go to another country and have it be completely friggin' different in every way possible, even down to genetics. Go to Bosnia and there's a certain look, behavior and feel to the people; go to Nigeria, and it's another. That's true diversity. No culture survives interbreeding, because the genetic histories of the newcomers and the natives are merged, resulting in a chaos which settles on the lowest common denominator. This is why mixed societies inevitably turn into trading centers and mercantile republics.

It's worth adding here that I'm proud to have friends with other races and, while I will never breed with them or assimilate or be assimilated by their culture, I don't "hate" them or their races. The mixing of races I might "hate," were I prone to emotional outbursts, but I don't hate them. That they are here, and that our society is collapsing, are symptoms of the same cause: modernity, and its bureaucratic attitudes. They have as much to lose as we do. Thus I refuse to indulge in mindless bigotry against them when I care about them, and view them as allies for the eventual quest of Nationalism to overtake the world.

Prussian Society of America #racist #elitist #dunning-kruger prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Only 2% of Americans have value, and about 8-15% of Europeans have value, Depending on the Country"]

As I’ve stated repeatedly, after true assessments of these Western Nations, the United States has some of the most worthless people in the world, and that Europe does not fare a whole lot better

These numbers are based on critical analysis of the population based on all kinds of factors and what is known about the quality of such populations including their DNA and genetic quality, assuming they are still of good racial stock

These factors do not account for anything to do with personal net worth or basing quality on the basis of poverty

In Germany, it’s roughly 11%
Before WW1, Germany had well over 50% value in the population, and while I cannot assess this information accurately, about 80-90% of the German population may have had value and viability

This should show you just how rapidly the West has decayed from the onset of the last century, between the arrival of Bolshevism and Two World Wars, and all kinds of technological advances
In America, there still exists well over 60 Million White Inhabitants who never have been born, due to Abortions

Unlike European countries, however, America has never had a majority of valuable population even from the earliest Colonial Days

As time presses on and the West deteriorates further, I believe that more and more people will take this message seriously and come to recognize just how real and wide the implications and reality of it are

The easiest way to detect if someone is worthless without even knowing them, is they constantly lick their lips for no reason as a nervous tic

None #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com

You should wake up about some facts about the birds and the beads. First of all, all women prefer a relationship where they are kept on a leash like a pet.

All women are batshit insane, which is one of the reasons why they prefer to be kept as pets rather than try to do things like men and just fail.

Most women are miserable because they are NOT being kept on leashes.

A few deluded men with power have passed laws that make it dangerous to play out this dynamic, hence it has largely vanished. Thanks men. You will hang for in a few months as the nation collapses.

90% of the world has no such laws and women and men freely interact this way. If we stabilize enough that post Covid travel is possible, go practice. After a dozen or more hot women for less than $100, you will get this. Men always pay. But we set the price and its always low. The going rate in the world btw is $20 on average but if you are going to partake, go premium. You are White after all.

Post collapse America, women will be only too happy to be your pet to the extent you can take care of them.

Or they will die.

We are on the road to fascism. The only question is whether it will be a Latino dictatorship, like Venezuela, or an African one, like Zimbabwe.

Don't be absurd. Spanish speaking people slaughter black people wherever we go.

Soon, you will be told what to do. Which is nothing more than you should have done 200 years ago.

The problem here is you White people want Communism. You might want to examine how Spanish speaking countries that are not Venezuela deal with that.

The part that should really frighten you is our blue eyes and blond hair. You left something behind and now you need it back.

None #crackpot #psycho #racist amren.com

The Asians will take over, use Hispanics as labor and they will be not nice to blacks nor do they care about American Indian Tribes.

There is no such thing as an "asian". You probably mean Chinese. Yeah there is no such thing as a "Chinese".

You see you think China is like the US where you go anywhere and people are largely the same. In China, a person from one part does not even speak the same language and is hardly discriminated against by other parts. At best they get to be used as slave labor. But most are just taking up space and starving. China was literally starving until Nixon decided to make them our pets.

Which is happening again. Without international trade, they are doomed.

This is something Whites do not get. No matter how bad things are here, they are severely mitigated by White superiority. Everywhere else, they are starving to death.

So called hispanics btw, should frighten you. You have been lead into a delusion where you thing Spanish speaking means those scum who cross the border to pick apples. Spanish speaking countries have Whites, Blacks and Indians and none of them get along. The White people are the same in all ways to your average white person except for one thing.

We are ultranationalists. If we were in charge, we would kill every black person in the US within weeks. And here is something to keep you up late at night. You can't tell who we are. Many of the current generation do not even speak Spanish.

In my opinion, we've been holding your backbones for you for the day you want them back.

Osipovark #dunning-kruger #homophobia #racist #transphobia #wingnut reddit.com

can't be a black man without them making chim noise

You are delusional. We may be racist (meaning not that we are bloodthirsty barbarians who want to genocide/enslave africans, but we just don't want to have a lot of them here and do not want them to assimilate in our society) but we are not that dumb. I live in Moscow and when i go out i sometimes see 1-3 black people a day (sometimes even 5 a day). No one just randomly makes chimp noises at them.

Im not against blacks learning here and then returning home to improve things there. Although there must be boundaries, like dating local girls must be the taboo.

Why tho?

A lot of reasons:

Why would we let foreign races dilute our gene pool? Makes no sense.

Mixed children have some serious identity issues. Just imagine that you are living in society where no one looks like you.

Much higher risk father will fuck off back to homeland as soon as a child is born. May be earlier.

Most people of color will kill you for being gay in countries I don’t want to mention, because of one specific religion.

What happened in western society is that some people are okay with your error. They say to you that you can become one with same gender physically, emotionally and socially. They say that gender is irrelevant. You can have stolen valor and pretend that you are another gender.

Why the fuck do you even want to prove it to him that we are actually ok with gays and transgenders? It's not a bad thing we hav few of them and they don't feel confident enough to spread their ideology.

Desh282 & Osipovark #racist #wingnut reddit.com


I think it's because of Colonialism that made Africans think that way and be more Homophobic. Because look at Afro Countries that were controlled by the French and they don't kill you for being gay.

Some people of color need to love their own people more.

You guys sold and captured your people for guns, gold and alcohol.

Slavs conquered all the people who kept taking them into slavery. (Besides turkey, great powers intervened on their behalf)

Inner cities in america have people of color kill each other at record numbers. When was the last time you heard Slavs in america shoot and kill at least 4 people.

The word n**** is prevalently used by people of color. You guys can’t stop calling each other derogatory word. Imagine if Slavs called each other’s derogatory term in every sentence they say?


That's due to socio economic circumstances. I really don't know how to explain it.

There are some piss-poor eastern european countries with levels of violence much lower than US. Blacks may be poor in US, but eastern europeans are often even worse off, lol.

Nigerian immigrants are top performing in United States. There could be a whole argument about nature versus nurture but Nigerian immigrants prove that America is not racist.


But the Jim Crow Laws man. Redlining. Housing Segregation, Drug Laws

Why do "POC" believe that access to european communities is something they are entitled to? The reason huge suburbs even exist is desegregation of cities that soon caused white flight. White people just don't want to live with black people, even liberals.

Edward in PA #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Tensions Among Democrats Grow Over Israel as the Left Defends Palestinians

"If you support Black Lives Matter, it was not a difficult leap to saying Palestinian lives matter, too."

This could be all the impetus needed for Jewish voters to kiss the Democratic party goodbye.

I doubt it. The Jewish left is too powerful (and generally atheistic) and the majority Reform element tends to be lib wishy washy.

Most Jews see the writing on the wall. The Democratic Party has been infested to the point of plague with legions of radical leftist/anarchists who hate America, hate Israel, hates Jews, hate the idea of a traditional White, European country in the Western Tradition. And the non-White, White hating component of the "woke" wing is growing all the time.

More and more Jewish people have been giving serious consideration to and appreciation of the right side of the political spectrum -- where they belong. They realize that all their boo-hooing over the plight of Blacks and others has resulted in nothing but contempt and treachery. And that for all the effort expended, the Black man is still firmly entrenched at the bottom of the pile.

We don't have to love our enemies.

My whole life I've never viewed myself as any thing other than a White man. When, later in life, I heard Jew haters with their cockamamie histories and paranoia and their bizarre racial fantasies and concoctions classify us as some lower form of life, I was somewhat taken aback.

I'm half jewish. Blacks and other non-whites always bullied me for being "whites", never the jewish part.

Take heart. In my experience, Blacks are the most hate filled, racist people I've ever met. Their anti-White race hatred is endemic.

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR)/MissionaryJapan #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick #ufo #quack #racist #dunning-kruger humanracesurvivalresistance.wordpress.com

Satan Lucifer and his Illuminati NWO Nazi eugenics 5th Reich Pleiadian alien Watcher fallen angels’ Atlantis 6,000 year old Umbrella company is using 5G electromagnetic radiation to damage the human cell DNA and membrane, to allow the Asian ethnic race eugenics targeting biochemical weapon Sars-CoV13 (the coronavirus causing SARS against the ally Asian dragon families’ soldiers) and Sars-CoV-2 (the coronavirus causing COVID-19 against everyone to depopulate 99% of the earth’s population, including their own betrayed people, too) to penetrate the human cell membrane. 5G deployment maps show its correlation with COVID-19 outbreaks, such as the Wuhan 5G test and Lombardy Italy and the cruise ship. During the COVID-19 home lockdown globally, they are putting up as many 5G antennas as possible for the great massacre genocide terrorism extermination of God’s human homo-sapiens specie populace. The hybrid nephilim chimera alien incarnate avatar Elon Musk and his witch wife is sending up 42,000 satellites to create an electromagnetic field that will control the humans’ minds with their fallen angel devils fathers’ demon-possessed neurolink Skynet quantum AI network control linked to the 5G system The astronomers cannot see the stars now. They are creating an artificial electromagnetic holographic world quantum demon realm linked matrix reality of the fallen angels on the earth for the humans.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist occidentaldissent.com

[From "The Garden of True American Heroes"]

Donald Trump’s “National Guardian of American Heroes” was cringe
Who are the great Americans who you would honor in a based version of the National Guardian of American Heroes?
Here are some suggestions:

John Wilkes Booth (the Southern patriot who assassinated the tyrant Abraham Lincoln)
George Wallace
Eugene “Bull” Connor
Sen. Richard Russell
Theodore Bilbo
James K. Vardaman
“Pitchfork” Ben Tillman
Wade Hampton III
John C. Calhoun
Roger Taney
William Walker
Robert E. Lee
Nathan Bedford Forrest
William Quantrill
Madison Grant
Pat Buchanan

Makedon-Slav37 #conspiracy #racist #wingnut reddit.com

My opinion about Albanians

Albanians are the same as Jews. They promote and support leftism for Macedonian, Serbs and Montenegrins but they segregate themselves out of the same laws and politics they voted for. They are literally the worst minority u could have in your country, in every city-area they are above 4% of the population that land becomes politically unstable.

The only positive thing i could say about Albanians is that they are socially right wing. They are against lgbt, against ethnic mixing and they have modesty that was left from the Turks. Other than this stuff they are literally cancer of an ethnicity, they always play the victim complex even if they obviously did something bad. Example for victim complex is the monstrosity mass murder of Macedonians teens in Smilkovci. When u visit and read forums or youtube comments u will be surprised by how much conspiracy theories they will say before they admit some Albanians really did genocide.

And don't get me started by visiting Albanian TV channels, they openly talk about fulfilling their own ethnic radical ideologies. Now u can't find much in English but if u know a little Albanian u will be surprised how much radicalism they openly speak.

But u know i can't get that angry at Albanians as much as i get angry at my own ethnicity, Serbs and Montenegrins. Macedonians would rather get AIDS than to admit they share same Slavic history and tribes with Bulgarians.

My only goal is to find a good wife that will bear me 4 kids. I will teach em to be as greedy as Jews, as loyal as Japanese samurais and religious as Arabs.

Various Comenters #dunning-kruger #homophobia #psycho #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Europeans Were Asked If They’d Feel Comfortable “If Their Child Was In A Relationship With ___?” And Here’s The Result


For Montenegro I guarantee it’s in the negatives. We are:

Racist Homophobic Hate albanians & Bosnians (NOt white) Hate kosovars (albania likes them and they aren’t white) Hate greek & turky (darkskinned and gay) Hate macedonia (aren’t white) they’re monkeys Hate Romania (dark gypsys steal and rape)

We’re a small poor country with big mountains and we don’t care what westerners think

We’re still poor because less people want to tour here because they’re affended by the name - blame niggrs for that Because they’re the only ones that get mad and caused other people to get mad at the word BLACK (so we hate fucking them)

And we are based like Serbs (we ally with them) but just more sleepy sometimes

Do Czechs and Slovaks not give a fuck about political correctness? Because I think in reality the numbers in every country are far lower than declared here, but people tend to virtue signal in these kind of polls.

(Forward_Problem9242 (Czech))
We don’t, publicly. I personally don’t care if some dudes have homosex or someone racemix in their private homes, but I care when they take it out and normalize push it.

"A selected amount of people in big european cities has been asked" is what the titles should have been.

I'm certain that many of these maps aren't fully correct. I live in Spain and there's no way it's as liberal as some of these put it. They replied with the "correct" answers, not with how they would really feel.

Social-desirability bias. It's even worse when such interviews happen in person

(Bryndzove-pirohy (Slovak))
Based us

whitehouse90310 & Ruthless #conspiracy #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: Biden's restaurant bailout limited to only Black and Hispanic businesses

What restaurant businesses do U.S.A Negroes / non-immigrant Blacks / descendants of antebellum slavery own?

The only 'Black' food businesses I have ever seen in the States were owned by Haitians and Jamaicans in south Florida. I know there are African and Caribbean immigrant businesses in Washington DC too. So is it these Black immigrant restaurants that are the bailout beneficiaries?

Restaurants are mostly owned by Asians (south Asians such as Bangladeshis / Bengalis, Indians, as well as East Asians from China, Vietnam etc), and Mestizos from Mexico, Central America etc. There are also many Turkish, Arab, central Asian etc restaurant businesses.

The argument here should focus on the fact Whites are excluded from receiving our own Tax money back as a business 'bailout'.

Proof the scamdemic was planned. jews brought the entire planet to a screeching halt just to screw over whitey. Lockdowns didn't effect jew owned corporations or non-whites on welfare. It screwed over the White working class while making jews and generational welfare recipients richer. The bailouts are all backdoor reparations to put out of business whatever Whites were still able to hold onto and give negroes a lift up. It's like the Holodomor and Zimbabwe tactics combined.

SFR #crackpot #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut stormfront.org

RE: Georgia: Mudshark gets beat up by her boyfriend's baby mama in a pizzeria. Caught on video.

Its very common to see black women attacking White women because of this.

As is often the case.

And those husky sheboons are built for combat; strong, broad shouldered, aggressive, cunning, deceptive, quick to anger, with vile dispositions, akin to a not-so-gentle version of the endangered mountain gorilla.

Now you know why those poor mountain gorillas are truly endangered, because their neighbors in the wild are African NEGROES.

I’ve been in my fair amount of fist fights, and never was one to beat a person that severely. That must be the primal monkey coming out in them. Have really no sympathy for the race traitor.

Blacks do seem to emulate chimpanzees when they attack. They are extremely vicious and give no quarter. This is why it is wise for Whites to avoid being in close proximity to these horrible, unpredictably violent beasts. And they should always maintain a high degree of SA when this sage advice isn't possible.

And if there is no alternative then Whites need to grow a spine and fight back, harder, smarter, and more viciously till victorious, or the threat subsides, or they can safely exit. Sometimes you just have to fight so when you do, inflict more damage than you take.

Some whites are just feeble and pitiful. Not even loyal to her own men and gets her ass whooped by a black woman. No wonder blacks see whites as weak.

Hence the saying, 'when the shoe fits, wear it'. Some Whites are disgusting, have made stupid choices, and now win stupid prizes. These Whites should be sterilized.

Varg Vikernes #crackpot #racist #wingnut thuleanperspective.com

The three groups that modern Europeans descend from are listed by the geneticists as the Western Hunter Gatherers (WHG), the Early European Farmers (EEF) and the Western Steppe Herders (WSH).

They do their best to give us the impression that we are very mixed, of course in an attempt to make us accept their “anti-racist” agenda; more mass immigration to Europe and more admixture.

One thing I find puzzling is how many relate to this info as if the WHG lived in that part of Europe, the EEF in another, and the WSH came from today’s Ukraine and spread out. As if they just poppet out of the ground there. In the background looms the “Out of Africa” theory, suggesting that Africans migrated to Europe during the height of the last Ice Age and out-competed the Neanderthals already living there – a theory so utterly ludicrous it is only worth mentioning, because so many believe in it. But no, we already have evidence of mankind being present in Europe before, in today’s Bulgaria, and there are no evidence suggesting the Neanderthals came from Africa – or that their forebears, the Heidelbergensis, came from Africa. Any such claims are purely speculative. Remember that.

Varg Vikernes #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut thuleanperspective.com

The amount of non-Neanderthal admixture in a European population can be measured using simply by looking at them: how many non-Nordic features do they have? If they for generation after generation have a purely Nordic look, then we can assume that they have no admixture at all. If they look like Middle Easterners, we can assume that they have much admixture. If they look overwhelmingly Nordic, but have a few non-Nordic features, we can assume that they are overwhelmingly Nordic, but have some (almost no) admixture.

We don’t need the politicized “science” of genetics to understand this.

Finally, yes, today we don’t look exactly like the ancient Neanderthals did, but…. of course we don’t. We have changed with time, with changing climates, with agriculture, with civilization: with auto-domestication. We are still Neanderthals though, only modern ones. And yes, the Nordic looking modern Neanderthals have close to no or even no non-Neanderthal admixture.

MK Itamar Ben Gvir #wingnut #racist #fundie timesofisrael.com

The chairman of the extremist Otzma Yehudit party Itamar Ben Gvir used his first-ever plenum address as a member of Knesset on Monday to insist that the media had carried out a “character assassination” against his late mentor, the radical rabbi Meir Kahane

“They carried out character assassination. Yes, Rabbi Kahane, whom [the media] loves to hate. Rabbi Kahane who immigrated from the United States after fighting to combat anti-Semitism there. Rabbi Kahane who gave his life for Soviet Jewry, and did so out of great love for Israel,” said Ben Gvir
The freshman lawmaker said he would work to reform the legal system, particularly by giving the Knesset more power over the appointment of judges, by passing legislation to allow the Knesset to override High Court of Justice rulings and by dividing some of the powers of the attorney general among other officials in the Justice Ministry

Ben Gvir also vowed to fight against the legitimizing of the Reform movement in Israel; on behalf of IDF soldiers charged with using excessive force against Palestinians; on behalf residents of the south who he said have long suffered due to Bedouin crime, Hamas rocket fire and government neglect; on behalf of the Haredi minority, which he said has become a societal punching bag; on behalf of Jews seeking to pray at the Temple Mount, where the practice is currently outlawed; and on behalf of Israeli residents of South Tel Aviv, who he said have suffered due to the influx of African asylum seekers

CTON #crackpot #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: ‘Anti-White Watch’ Is the Racist Answer to Surging Hate Crimes

Can't have White Americans being pro white and actively and aggressively fighting against their genocide, can we?

Because hate crimes against Whites are not really hate crimes. Let the gaslighting of genocide roll on!

I had a liberal laugh at the idea of white genocide, but then told me he was glad South African Whites were getting killed. I said, "Wait, you just denied whites were being genocided, but now you're glorifying it?" God, I test white liberals with a passion!

What, the left thought that white people wouldn't respond in kind? Every action has consequences, and it's time for people of color to realize that. They're not the only ones utilizing 'social justice wars.'

I wish White Americans would respond as they did to the Tulsa Riots or the Zoot Suit Riots or how we dealt with our Indian problem 100 years ago.

I live in the Tulsa region. It is incessant coverage leading up to the one hundred year anniversary of the riot (now everyone must say Tulsa Race Massacre.) It is insufferable.

Background: A black man was accused of raping a white woman. When white and black men met outside the courthouse to protest, the blacks came with guns and one of them opened fire on the white guys. THAT is what set off the riot. The white guys really didn't give a rip if the blacks were wealthy or not. If whites were so oppressive, even back then, why would they even allow blacks to get wealthy? Furthermore, it shows that blacks actually did better UNDER segregation (they had businesses, schools, 2-parent families, etc) Their neighborhoods weren't perfect, there was crime there, yes, but not nearly as bad as today.

88 forever & Anonymous Posters #psycho #racist #sexist 88infinity.bdsmlr.com

I'm a high school counselor. I'm a middle aged white woman. I've done many questionable things to defend my favorite white male students. I've pressured little girls to retract rape accusations. I've dismissed accusations of cheating and bullying. Most recently, I made a young female Asian student abandon an attempt to slander a group of white senior boys for ripping her clothes off of her body at a school event. They literally left her naked with nothing to cover herself with. I don't ever want to stop.

(88 forever)
wow. you're a hero

My students came back to classes full time two weeks ago. Classes end in two more weeks. I feel like I've gotten blatant about showing off for them and letting them know that I know my place as a Chinese woman in a white world. My skirts are getting shorter, my blouses less buttoned; I'm touching shoulders and backs more as I talk to them, I'm wearing bright red lipstick and resting pens on my lips more. I'm blatantly staring at chests and crotches for the boys and the girls and I'm thinking about not wearing panties at all the last week. It's so wrong, but something about being online most of the year and being home with my husband (also Chinese) has me craving these white teens so very much in ways I hadn't before and I need to tell someone.

(88 forever)
no panties is a good idea, no panties AND no bra is a great idea!

Lurker-Bee et al. #crackpot #psycho #racist #sexist lurker-bee.bdsmlr.com

If a follower was super stubborn about all your evil, racist, sexist posts being "just fantasy" how satisfying would it be to make her/him admit the truth? :3

This happens a lot. I think when people realize I'm surprisingly nice. Most of my examples are of leftie white lesbians. I suppose it is some sort of denial. "she couldn't possibly be a white supremacist, she is so kind and sweet."

Well, eventually they realize. They squirm in discomfort and excitement. This phase is truly adorable.

Whether they are returning in shame or not. They are broken, just enough for me to put back together and make sure bits stay broken. That is the satisfying part of their realization. I get to reshape their mind. Now, they know they love getting off to white supremacy, they love talking to a white nationalist, they love their skin and their heritage (or their new place in the hierarchy). Some still publicly hide their new life (you know who you are), others embrace it. I love being part of people's political and sexual journeys.

Obviously we need to increase white numbers or risk genocide worldwide. Do you support family love and inbreeding to grow large clans?

I adore family love! It obviously has its downsides but I think white biologists should focus on softening or eliminating them. White girls bred by their daddies and brothers should be common!

Do you think all minorities should go extinct?

Of course not! White diversity is sufficient, but I am not heartless. We should keep the races separate and not equal. Should a white man be denied an asian woman pet provided he wants one? I don't think so. Separate but still subservient.

Gic Serry #racist #wingnut #fundie faithandheritage.com

[From “The Russian Government Discourages Interracial Sex During the World Cup”]

A senior member of Russia’s parliament, and head of the committee for family and children, warned Russian women on the eve of the World Cup, not to sleep with foreign tourists.

Tamara Pletneva said in a radio interview yesterday that Russian women who fornicate with foreigners during the World Cup risk becoming single mothers to mixed-race children:

We should be giving birth to our own children. . . . It’s the children who suffer . . . and have suffered since the Soviet era. It’s lucky if they’re the same race (as the mother) but if they’re of another race, it’s worse.

It is encouraging to see Russian officials beginning to publicly speak about racial issues with common sense and against the prevailing cultural Marxist sentiments that have become almost untouchable in the public domain in most Western (especially Western European) countries.

Speaking of Western European countries, I won’t be rooting for my motherland, Germany, during the competition, and I would discourage all Christian nationalists from supporting the teams from England and France. Why root for multiracial teams advocating their government’s anti-Christian agenda, when you can root for Christian national (i.e. völkisch) teams like Poland, whose captain, Bundesliga superstar Robert Lewandowski, openly declares his faith in Christ?

Yogev Nitzan #racist i.redd.it

Thank you for resolutely standing with 🇮🇱 and supporting our right to self defense against terrorist attacks.

India also supporting sir🇮🇳

We Israelis don't need support of some dung bath scums and urine drinkers. Go worship your cows and please stop lifting our balls... FFS! STOP Ruining image of our country by putting your country's flag with Israel 🇮🇱

"I'm not racist, but..." Award

Vijay Prozak #racist anus.com

[From “The Internet”]

I do not hate Slavs. I do not hate Negroes. I do not hate Jews. I do not hate the Irish. I do not hate Italians. But, I am a realist. I know that Slavs are what's left of an ancient branch of Europeans who hybridized themselves with Mongols and Semites; I know that Negroes are an earlier evolutionary branch of humanity who are as a whole one standard deviation of intelligence away from Asians and whites. I know that Judaism is a religion of self-interest, condescendion and ego-drama, and that Jews are a cultureless people who for aeons have bred themselves to be soulless and parasitic. I recognize the fundamentally mixed racial nature of the Irish and most Scots, and many English, and all but a few Italians. I don't hate them, but I refuse to let my feelings blind me to reality.

I also don't hate women, but I recognize their limitations. Further, I don't hate men, but I'm aware of where they fall short as well. I'm even aware of where I fall short, and where I am in the system of things, which isn't as some God-figure above it all but somewhere closer to dead in the middle. I realize that not all of my friends are as smart as I am, and I realize there are smarter people than myself. I can care for someone, and be a friend to them, even if their abilities do not match my own. Or if their race doesn't. Yet I am a realist: I'd deport them in an instant, because that is the right cosmic order and should always be upheld.

_Moon_ #moonbat #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia saidit.net

Muslim migrant males need to start being shot on sight. I don't care anymore. I immediately clocked them. They're all the same.

I fucking hate them. My experiences with them have been terrible. They're savages who need to die.

When it comes to street harassment and violence, black and brown men are the fucking worst. I don't think this is the fault of Islam. "Westernized" black and brown men are pretty much the same. Even their vernacular is increasingly woke and American. I saw some Arabs use the woke American term "cultural appropriation" to describe a regional supermarket selling kebab ingredients, lol!

Sometimes Islam feels less like a religion to me and more like some sort of ethnocultural bubblegum, keeping 1001 ethnicities (Chechens, Turks, Tunisians, Algerians, Morrocons, etc.) together.

And they all have this weird relationship with white women: on the one hand, they are sexually obsessed with us, on the other hand, they hate us. And non-white women have the same relationship with white men, this love/hate Daddy-issue relationship with white men where they spend all day on Twitter shitting on white men and all night fantasizing about being ravaged by one: https://i.imgur.com/BLtBuGJ.png PNG

Of course, this doesn't mean that white and Asian men are necessarily "better." Usually, they just have more impulse control and higher IQs than black and brown men, so the more complex systems and structures of misogyny (e.g. the international porn industry, transgenderism, economic systems resulting in black and brown men being imported to the West to drive down wages for the working-class, etc.) are filled with more white and Asian men.

Prussian Society of America #fundie #racist #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

Q: Are you a Christian Order or Religious Organization?

A: We are NOT Christian and our Entire Society is also Not Christian. We are a Pagan Fraternal Order and do not believe in organized forms of Worship, such as the Abrahamic Faiths do. In our view, Christianity is an aberration of Spirit. A foreign influence that has encapsulated Europeans in general, but our focus on its destruction lay more on the effects it has brought people of Germany and Baltic Nations. We encourage our Volk to return to their Pagan roots in accordance with Nature’s Demand, away from Manmade Belief systems which have unnatural philosophies and with fake morals and fake hearts which teach philosophies which can only be innate in an individual, but never learned. Return to our Pagan Spirituality is the natural course of Evolution and Renaissance of our Volk.

Q: Does the PSA Promote Odin [WOTAN] or other Norse Religions?

A: Our Society does not Promote Odin Worship, Asatru, or any of these Norse Religions.

Norse Belief systems are at odds with our Practices and Beliefs, because they promote Equality with Women, and sometimes, the Women having a higher status over the Man.

Q: Are you Atheists?

A: No, we are not Atheists, as we do believe in God. However the God-Force and Concept of God in general that we believe in is completely different than Abrahamic Religions, as well as the Buddhists and any Manmade Religion.

Q: Can Atheists join your Organization?

A: Atheists are not welcome into our Society. We view Atheists to also be a religious cult in and of itself, and that they have a worldly agenda of their own, especially in their aim to promote World Communism. Our Society does not promote religious dogma to our Members.

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