
God says you have to do everything I tell you to!

Jay Bartlett #fundie #magick #mammon ifreedomfighter.com

Freedom Fighter World Class Training

The Freedom Fighter Global Training program consists of three training levels: Understanding the Basics, Investigating the Miracles and then our advanced level --Exploring the Mysteries of the Faith. New content will be released forthcoming.

We are also offering our special "Third Heaven Teaching" series. See below for more information on how to purchase.

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Freedom Fighter Training Subjects & Mysteries

* Exploration of Basic Christian Doctrine

* Understanding Authority & Power in Christ

* Mysteries of Deeper Deliverance

* How to Raise the Dead

* How to Cast Out Evil Spirits

* How to Expel Soul Invaders

* How to Evangelize

* How to Heal Broken Hearts

* How to Minister to Ancestral Dissociation

* How to Drive Out Diseases

* How to Utilize Holy Angels

* How to Perform Extraordinary Miracles

* How to Combat Witchcraft

* How to Overcome Satanic Plots

* How to Escape Death & Devices of Devils

‘ How to Master the Miraculous

* How to Perform Signs & Wonders

* Utilizing Supernatural Weapons

* Strengthening One's Spiritual Immunity

* Understanding the Power of Holy Communion

* Guiding Souls to the Heavenly Realms

* Deeper Mysteries of the Third Heaven

pepelivesmatter #wingnut #fundie #racist #conspiracy pepelivesmatter.substack.com

It was around 2017 that I first had an experience with God where I witnessed something spectacular, an extraordinary happening in my life. I saw that Babylon was falling/would fall. I did not yet understand exactly what that meant in its entirety and likely do not even to this day but the more I began to peer into the political world, the greater the scope of my understanding began to enlarge. I realized that America and almost every nation in the world had been captured and put under subjection by what can be described as a shadow cabal of leaders, and priests of Babylon, in a very real sense. <...>The shadow cabal’s power derived from Satanic forces, yes, but they always thrived off the people’s ignorance. This is why I have said for years that Apocalypse actually derives from the word ‘Unveiling.’ A revelation of reality. A truth has been exposed to millions and millions for those with eyes to see. The veil has continually been lifted over our time together. When people tell me that it’s only going to get worse, I challenge that. Because the world was truly horrific for thousands of years. The rich elite, the Rothschilds, the ‘families’ all lived off the backs of the peasants and laughed at our ignorance. The trafficking of children, the secret occult ruling class, and crimes against humanity were always the norm. We just didn’t know it was happening. They called us sheep because we were clueless.
I believe that Babylon is falling.

I believe that the humble in heart will inherit the earth, just as Christ said.

I believe Trump is a wrecking ball, a modern-day Cyrus who is playing a major part in paving the way for something even more incredible that God is planning to do.

I cannot say exactly what will happen during this election season. <...>It has made us all stronger. We have grown drastically in both knowledge and character. Whatever may come, I know and I can truly say without hesitation that I believe the best is yet to come.

Phithx #racist #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy jameshfetzer.org

The Ashkenazi Khazarians are a brutal warlike nation who lived in Khazaria, and between the 8th and 9th centuries AD the entire nation converted to Talmudic Judaism, under orders from their king Bulan.

They were so troublesome to the surrounding nations, and particularly to the Christian Russian people, that the Russians finally had enough of them, and drove them out of their homeland Khazaria, which included the territory now called Ukraine.

Thus began the Ashkenazi hatred of the Russians and their determination to destroy the Russians, using the Ashkenazi Bolshevik revolution, the satanic/atheist communist Red Peril, starting in October 1917, during which tens of millions of Russian Christians were tortured and slaughtered, financed by the Ashkenazi banksters in the USA, Britain and Germany.
They backed Napoleon Bonaparte’s invasion, using their usual deceptive tactics*: that of using Christians to fight and kill other Christians, that the Russians defeated, followed by the German invasion that was also defeated. During the fighting between the Christian Germans and the Christian Russians many millions of Christians were slaughtered, whilst enriching the Ashkenazi banksters and their Military Industrial Oil Complex.
So now they are trying again using the Ashkenazi Ukrainian regime; led by AshkeNAZI Volodomir Zelensky, backed by the AshkeNAZI Azov battalion; that is trying to do the same thing, sacrificing all of the Ukrainian Christians as canon-fodder, being force-fed into the Russian meat-grinder, backed and financed by the Ashkenazi leaders installed in the NATO countries by the Ashkenazi banksters, and again they are being defeated.

As Ukraine is losing the war against Russia, the Ashkenazis are trying to get the USA and UK to fight the Russians for them. Again using gullible Christian Zionists to kill other Christians, ALL of whom they despise.

Mark Murillo and Lance Wallnau #fundie #racist #sexist #wingnut peoplefor.org

"We were attacked, folks. We really were," [Mark] Murillo complained during last week's "Fire Power" program. "We're all over the place. You can look on Google and see that 'Fire Power' was attacked by the Huffington Post, by the New York Times, by CNN, and by the Washington Post."

"All of them, and it's totally ridiculous," Murillo asserted. "It's a foolish attack, folks."

"What happened was we had Lance Wallnau on the show—who's going to be with us in a moment—and we were talking about witchcraft and Kamala Harris," Murillo explained. "She was called a witch and they lost their minds. Now, I want you to consider this: How many Pentecostal preachers do you think there are in the United States and then ask them how many of them believe that witchcraft is involved with this woman. There are tens of thousands of us that really question the role of demonic power and the supernatural in this woman's campaign."

"It's not a crazy idea," Murillo insisted. "And for you to wonder if we've lost our mind is totally unacceptable."

John C. Wright #fundie #crackpot scifiwright.com

The fact of the matter is that SJWs cannot tell stories. We saw this same thing in the science fiction field among the Hugo nominees: the more SJW was in a story, the less drama. The reasons for this are complicated, but the basic problem is that SJWs have a worldview that is false to facts about nearly every aspect of human nature and human morality, and instead have a fake, flat, one-dimensional view which contains neither heroism nor personal responsibility.

You cannot have drama in a situation where no one is responsible for his own actions, and no one can change any outcomes.

If society or skin color is to blame for everything, and explains everything, individual action, that thing which makes drama dramatic, means nothing.

A victim who can never win, and merely whining, is not drama. An oppressor with no redeeming characteristics, who can never repent, likewise has no drama. And yet the SJW worldview allows for no other type of people: everyone is either an utterly helpless victim or an utterly irredeemable oppressor.

You cannot have any drama in a story where no one is responsible for his actions for the same reason you cannot have an exciting debate between two people who neither use reason nor have any ability to explain or defend their positions. Without reason, without an objective rational standard, the debate cannot be an attempt to find the truth by means of an adversarial exchange. There is no movement away from error toward truth.

Likewise, without personal responsibility, without morality, there is no drama. No one is fighting the evil impulses in himself, or the evil men menacing the peace, and no one is crusading to defend and uphold the good, if there is no such thing as good and evil. No moral standard means no drama.

SJWs are parasites who cannot create, only destroy. They are naturally attracted to longstanding characters, as in Star Trek or comic superheroes, who have years and years of franchise material behind them, because such characters automatically bring a weight of influence and gravity to them.

Inventing a new character does them no good, because it destroys nothing, and tweak no one’s nose. The SJW does not want to tell a story about a Viking warrior goddess. He want to blot out Thor. And Iron Man. And Wasp. And Captain America and Captain Marvel. And Spidey. And Hulk. And Iceman.

Devvy Kidd #wingnut #fundie #racist #elitist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Slowly and with great sacrifice of time and energy – especially after Al Gore(bechev) gifted us with the Internet, we, the truth tellers have been able to dig deep and expose the vile corruption and plans to destroy these united States of America. The created decided they are more powerful than the Creator for great wealth and influence. Personally, I believe most of them do not believe in the one, true God of the Universe.

Many of the puppets who sold their soul to Satan are familiar to the American people. Hussein Obama is not and can never be constitutionally eligible to be president as clearly written in the U.S. Constitution. Comrade Obama got away with it because of cowards in the Republican Party, judges and foolish herds of Caucasians suffering from “white guilt”. Those dullards forgot Obama is half white and half black.

Marxist Comrade Obama said once elected he would begin the complete “transformation of America”. He sure did by deliberately encouraging race baiting; number one on his list. Racism, the good old stand-by. Divide Americans based on propaganda and lies.

However, things didn’t go the way the Destroyers thought their grand schemes would could be shoved down our throats using the Internet. At least as far as timing is concerned. Americans were waking up, getting informed and educated and began to fight back. And still today, there are millions and millions of Americans I call the Unreachables. Fools.
Those who doubt the awesome but evil power of secret societies are in denial because denial is a much more comfortable place to exist. It’s much easier to accept all the lies, all the time. To acknowledge the level of deceit and betrayal by almost every president for more than a century, as well as ‘revered’ business magnates and members of the Outlaw Congress is simply too much for trusting Americans. So many millions who truly do not understand how brutal and ugly “the game” is and how it’s been affecting their lives.

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #fundie #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy catholicamericanthinker.com

So Kamala "Commula" Harris is the Marxist Machine's pick to run instead of "Criminal" Joe Biden. The Machine has spoken. And her chosen running mate is "Tampon" Timmy Walz, who worships at the altar of homo-transsexualism weirdness and who, as a total surprise and without notice, bugged-out of his military unit just before deployment.

If you wonder why these life-long communist American politicians are so anti-life, anti-property, anti-liberty, anti-speech, anti-press, anti-gun, anti-bourgeois middle-class, anti-Christian, anti-male, anti-family, antisemitic, anti-capitalism, anti-American borders, anti-law and order, anti-normalcy and anti-American constitution, look no farther than the Communist manifesto:
That's why they oppose everything that is; every established thing, every "normal" thing, every ordered and orderly thing, every human institution, from corporations to religions to governments, from sexual relationships to families, from schools, to even any sense of individual property ownership, independence or liberty.

At its core, that's what communism is.
Just look at who they associate the closest with. It's a veritable freak-show of perverts, misfits and malcontents, from BLM and Antifa to Drag Queens, prancing faggots, transvestites and freshly released criminal illegal aliens giving the finger to the news cameras.
It doesn't get any more Islamo-Commie-Homo than the Commula and Timmy show. They stand with Islam because Islam stands against America, and all religions other than Islam. Of course they stand with Communism against constitutional America, because they are communist. And they stand with homosexual and all other forms of sexual impropriety because they are hedonist to the bone.
As long as Iran chants "death to America" the Machine, including Traitor John Kerry, Comrade Obama peace be upon him, the Soros family, the WEF, the UN, the EU and COMINTERN will be supporting Iran and opposing Israel, and all Jews everywhere.

Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters #fundie #wingnut thehill.com

[Title: Oklahoma defends Bibles-in-schools proposal after report that only Trump’s might qualify. Date: 2024-10-04]

Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters’s (R) office is defending the process for how the state will select newly mandated Bibles in classrooms after a report was released that the criteria is so narrow that essentially no Bibles qualify — besides ones endorsed by former President Trump.

The Oklahoman reported on Friday that few editions match the specific parameters the superintendent calls for in his request for proposal (RFP): a Bible that is bound by leather or material like leather, has the Pledge of Allegiance, Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and is the New King James version of the Old and New Testament.
Walters had released a mandate for schools earlier this year ordering them to incorporate the Bible into public lesson plans. The guidance requires a Bible in every classroom and lessons regarding the Christian text that should highlight its historical context, literary significance and artistic and musical influence.

Walters said schools “will comply, and I will use every means to make sure of it,”

Bob Schlenker #fundie #homophobia #magick #conspiracy theopenscroll.blogspot.com

Two kinds of acts are in the news with increasingly frequency; cannibalism and sodomy. This is behavior characteristic of the ancient gods and those who worship them. When you've heard of such perverse and hellish activity you may have found yourself wondering where it comes from. It is the nature of the beast, literally, because it's the family character of hybrid beasts to fulfill their lusts in such ways. Sodom, a city famously destroyed in a fire and brimstone judgment was a Canaanite city, a region populated by giant cannibals. Sodomites are proliferating and today's news bears witness. Recognizing the trend is helpful but understanding why, what's being accomplished, is more helpful still.
I've addressed these topics not long ago while writing about Cain's paternity. I'll assume you're already very familiar with that work and what's presented as a foundation for this one. Sodomy with mankind was first practiced in the Garden of Eden, introduced by the serpent tree. Of this, I have no doubt because it was revealed to me by the Lord Himself, quite memorably. The root of cannibalism (fellatio) was also practiced in that place and time, with the curses subsequently pronounced upon the serpent and the man declaring in an esoteric manner how cannibalism would endure through to the end of the age.
Those who sincerely worship the sun god are sodomizers. Consider the ancient Greeks and Romans, whose practices have been well documented. Consider the Romish church priesthood. Busted. Consider those who worship athletic ability and sport, like the ancient Greeks. Have you paid attention to the continual scandals involving high ranking public and military officials? What is it about men and their little boy toys? It's not natural. It goes back to Nero (who married a man named Sporus in a very public ceremony), to Alexander the Great, to Sodom, to the days of Noah, to the Garden of Eden. It goes forward on the timeline, too, for yet a short season.

Mike Adams the Health Ranger/Kevin Hughes #quack #fundie #conspiracy #dunning-kruger naturalnews.com

The Health Ranger Mike Adams explained why it is important to detoxify using God's molecules and how to do it on his 22nd sermon on the "Health Ranger Report."

He said God's molecules are present on Earth through Mother Nature – particularly in the form of superfoods like plants, herbs and foods that possess amazing and miraculous nutrients. These molecules, he added, form what he calls the "Molecular Armor of God" as elaborated in the Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians which protects people against Satan's molecules.

Mainstream science acknowledges the protective properties of these molecules – with some of them being neuroprotective (shielding the brain and the rest of the nervous system), hepatoprotective (protecting the liver) and cardioprotective (protecting the heart and the circulatory system).

"Many of them have antioxidant function. For example, they're called antioxidants, all kinds of alkaloids, all kinds of amazing nutrients," the Bible nutrition educator said.

"So all of God's molecules protect and support healthy biological function – whether that's at the cellular level, the organ level or the organ system level. They protect, support and enhance your biological function."

In contrast, Adams explained that Satan's molecules are exactly the opposite of God's molecules. Examples of these satanic molecules that are mostly synthesized by mankind include synthetic pesticides or herbicides like glyphosate and atrazine.
One way to detoxify the body from Satan's molecules is through water, a chemical solvent ubiquitous on Earth. According to the Health Ranger, water can be absorbed and put into solutions that wash away toxic chemicals.

The founder of Natural News and Brighteon.com stated that the act of bathing washes away toxins off the surface of the human body. Sweating, meanwhile, pushes the toxins in the skin toward the surface. Thus, sweating followed by bathing serves as a kind of baptism that removes the "sin" of Satan's molecules.

Mark Fish #fundie jpost.com

[From “Is Lebanon part of Israel’s promised territory?”]

Archived here

The Torah verses convey profound messages that we can insightfully extract for our daily lives. Rabbi Shay Tahan, the Rosh Kollel of Shaarei Ezra in Brooklyn, NY, graciously opens the gates to understand them

The recent conflict in Lebanon raises the age-old question regarding the northern borders of biblical Eretz Yisrael. Where exactly did Hashem define the boundaries, and are we obligated to conquer those areas?[…]
At the blessing at the end of Parshat Ekev, Hashem tells us that we are granted every land we will conquer within the borders mentioned. In the north, the Torah states: "Every place where the sole of your foot will tread shall be yours—from the wilderness and the Lebanon, from the river—the Euphrates River—until the western sea shall be your boundary." This promise from the Creator clearly places the land of Lebanon within the Promised Land of Israel[…]
Expanding Israel’s borders would mean extending the requirement to observe these mitzvot in the newly included territories[…]
Inhabitants and Settlement: According to some opinions, living in the biblical boundaries of Eretz Yisrael may be considered a mitzvah. Expanding Israel’s borders could extend the obligation for Jews to settle and inhabit those areas[…]
War and Conquest: The concept of milchemet mitzvah (a commanded war) includes conquering certain territories that were promised in the Torah. If new land is identified as part of the biblical borders, there may be halachic discussions about the obligation to conquer and settle it[…]
If one looks at a map, they will be astounded by how far north this river extends and how vast the Land of Israel truly is. While we may not be able to reclaim all of it in our time, Hashem will surely return it to us soon

Bishop Alan DiDio/Rick Renner #fundie #magick #ufo #conspiracy charismanews.com

In a riveting interview between Bishop Alan DiDio and Rick Renner, the two delve into the chilling realities of the end times, spiritual warfare and the return of fallen angels and Nephilim. Renner, a respected author and Bible scholar, shares insights from his decades of study on prophecy, warning that history is on the verge of repeating itself, just as in the days of Noah.

Renner emphasizes that strange occurrences seen before the biblical flood are beginning to happen again. He cites the rise of genetic manipulation and transhumanism as modern examples of what was once considered impossible. He notes that hybrid beings, a hallmark of ancient corruption, are poised to return: “These were aberrations, these were hybrid creatures, and through those beings, corruption and violence began to fill the earth.”

According to Renner, the Antichrist himself may be part of this hybrid resurgence. He refers to Daniel 2:43, which describes a time when “they will mingle themselves with the seed of men.” Renner interprets this as a prophetic hint that the Antichrist could be a transhuman or even a hybrid being, combining human and celestial elements. He warns that, just like before the flood, we are again living in a time when science is pushing boundaries that should not be crossed.

DiDio prompts Renner to expand on his views, asking, “Do you believe that this alien propaganda… will be utilized by the government to create a great deception in the end?” Renner responds cautiously, suggesting that some form of disclosure may be imminent. “Something nefarious is going to happen at the end of the age,” he says, “but when you know what Jesus said, you will not be surprised.”

Renner also shares a personal experience about visiting the supposed remains of Noah’s Ark in the Mountains of Ararat. “When I got there and saw it with my own eyes, all skepticism left.” Ground-penetrating radar has revealed the structure of what Renner believes is Noah’s Ark, complete with three decks and rooms.

Happy Science #fundie happy-science.org

From time to time, this massive body of energy called El Cantare sent parts of His consciousness into this world.

The energy body of El Cantare is so enormous that it is impossible for His entire energy to descend to earth, so He sent parts of His consciousness to earth to take on a human form and express His thoughts and parts of His religious characters.

Every individual spirit is El Cantare Himself, but each spirit expresses only one aspect of El Cantare, not His entirety. El Cantare is like a cut diamond, which has many facets.

Kaisar #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie hiddendominion.com

[From “The Continual Degeneration Of The Human Species”]

One theory that has always been of major interest to me from a philosophical standpoint is the ‘theory of continual degeneration’

This theory posits that, rather than evolving or improving overtime, humanity is instead gradually declining in physical, intellectual, and spiritual capacities[…]
This theory spits in the face of evolution, which largely hypothesizes the exact opposite. Or at least evolution used to do so until they realized they were clearly wrong in many circumstances. Now they’ve taken a more ambiguous route with calling much of it “random”[…]
The competing theory of continual degeneration has stayed the course. This concept has been around a lot longer than evolution, and has been debated by the ancient historians, philosophers, biologists, anthropologists, and even enlightenment thinkers[…]
If you actually take time to read the Bible, you’ll also notice continual degeneration as a trend throughout it. Just look at the length of life for a clear example. The oldest patriarchs lived 10 times the length that we live now[…]
The same degeneration belief is found in other religious thought. The Hindu’s four cycles gradually decline until utter abomination. Look up the four epochs or yugas[…]
Even the ancient Greek and Romans used to believe in a “golden age of humanity”[…]
Max Nordau wrote in his book “Degeneration” in 1892 that modern society, particularly its culture, brought about degeneration. He strongly argued that things like the industrial revolution and culture were the driving force of continual degeneration

I think all of these guys are right in their own way[…]
Hell, we even have random diseases, affecting us now that never used to exist. Look at modern things like allergies, autism, obesity, and other such degenerative conditions[…]
Each supposed “advancement” that humans can name is actually just a correction for a prior degeneration. With very few exceptions

Christain Pundit #fundie #conspiracy christianpundit.wordpress.com

The Very Progressive State Where Child Marriage is LEGAL – and Local ACLU Chapter Claims It Would Be ‘Discriminatory’ to Ban It

I’m a conservative. I periodically see left wing feminists on X (formerly Twitter) bash fringe evangelical or fundamentalist Christian sects for supporting grown men marrying very young teen girls.

I agree that is disgusting, and I don’t deny it happens – I’ve not seen any studies on it, but I don’t think it’s super common. I don’t think most Christians would endorse grown men marrying or dating someone under age 18.

Putting that aside, people on the left – the secular left, and some progressive Christians – have problems with the same topic, where, when they aren’t busy sexualizing children by allowing grown men in thongs to “twerk” in drag make-up in front of children, they are busy turning a blind eye to grown Muslim men “marrying” nine year old girls and so on.

If a grown man rapes a 13 year old and gets her pregnant, he will take her to Planned Parenthood, who will NOT ask how she got pregnant but just give her an abortion – so liberals and progressive have their own acceptance of “child marriage” and child rape – it’s wrong of them to pin this ONLY on some types of Christians or Republicans when people in their own group do the same thing.

Coach Dave Daubenmire #fundie #racist #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

The War on White Christian Men
The war in our nation is not political. It is not Republican/Democrat, black/white, old/young. rich/poor, or any other phony “war” they have mustered up.

No, my friends, the war is as old as time itself. It is a battle of the “seed of the serpent” and the “seed of the woman” …between “his” seed and “her” seed. Read Psalm 2. It is no more complicated than that.

The battle in America, and the world, is between two seeds. The term “Seed” represents offspring. Despite what you may have been taught in your church not all people are children of God. In fact, Jesus pointed that out “You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do.”

Did you know that? Has your Pastor taught you that the Devil has ACTUAL children? Perhaps that is why Christianity is in such a mess in America. We can’t even recognize who the real enemy is.

“The children of the Devil” hate Christianity. They hate those who were created in HIS image. They hate those who wish to “do the will of the They hate the “children of God” who have been called to expand the Kingdom of God.

There is no neutral ground in this battle. You either serve Jesus or you serve the Devil. There is no de-militarized zone.

Christians have been hood-winked. Because of the misunderstood statement that the Church and the State are to be “separate” the Body of Christ has been taught that the Body of Christ is subservient to the government of men. Christianity isn’t a CHURCH; it is a BODY. Jesus is the HEAD of all things, in all things, and through all things. That is what the Bible teaches.

What happens to a BODY if you separate it from the head? It is called decapitation. America has been decapitated. Christ is the head of all things…except the government. The head has been removed from the body. The results of the willful decapitation is playing out in the lives of innocent Christian men all across this nation.

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #sexist familyfriendlygaming.com

The issues families can have with Mulan are violence, false gods, spirits, praying to ancestors, cross dressing and more. Mulan is a woman that dresses like a man to serve in the military in the place of her disabled father. Male characters dress and act like females in Mulan later in the movie. Is this movie part of the reason for the massive societal increases in gender dysphoria?

Mulan does have some humorous moments. The scene with the match maker is one that had me rolling. That cricket was not always lucky. Or maybe it used all its luck keeping the grandmother safe walking across the street. Mulan could also be considered part of the war on men. Mulan shows women being oppressed and smarter than men. Men are consistently attacked in Mulan. No wonder I did not want to watch it back in the day.

Mulan is based in China, and she is shown as saving the emperor from the Hun Army. A few of the Huns make it out of the avalanche and Mulan comes and saves the day again. At this point the men follow her as she helps defeat the ruler. Mulan does not look or even feel very realistic to me. I know Disney keeps pushing their radical agenda on families. Even as far back as this movie.

Christian Gomez #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie #pratt thenewamerican.com

[From “Make America STATES Again”]

Ominous storm clouds loom over our sovereign states. But unlike most storms that move from west to east due to the jet stream, this one emerges from the east — just over the Potomac River[…]
•The U.S. Department of Education and its use of federal funds to promote disastrous one-size-fits-all indoctrination schemes (e.g., evolution, sex education, No Child Left Behind, Common Core, and critical race theory)[…]
•Required jabs of “emergency authorized” mRNA gene-therapy-based products and “vaccines”[…]
Voters have repeatedly heard calls to “Make America Great Again,” “Make America Wealthy Again,” and “Make America Healthy Again,” but one you might not have heard is “Make America STATES Again”[…]
Madison so strongly believed that the people and state governments would never tolerate federal encroachments on their state’s authority and sovereignty that he predicted all the states would rise up to confront the federal tyrant[…]
State governments no longer have any representation in Congress, and their direct influence in the federal government is therefore neutralized. A full repeal of the 17th Amendment and a return to state legislatures electing their states’ U.S. senators[…]is vital
Upholding the natural right to keep and bear arms, as protected by the Second Amendment, is paramount to making America states again and preventing a federal standing army from becoming tyrannical[…]
An armed citizenry is a bulwark against any standing army. All federal gun and arms-control laws curtailing an individual’s natural right to possess weapons are unconstitutional, because such “laws” violate and interfere with the states’ ability to maintain their militias[…]
This widespread belief stems from a misunderstanding of Article VI and what has long been erroneously called the “Supremacy Clause”[…]
Nullification is deeply rooted in U.S. history — particularly of the American people expressing their collective interest as states

Christine Gavin #fundie #racist #wingnut #conspiracy stormypatriotjoe.substack.com

If only the USA would repent of its idolatry of Israel/Palestine & remember who Jesus was referring to when he said he did not come to those who were about to kill him, but to the 10 lost tribes of Israel. Then they would see that the USA is Zion & Israel, the country brought back from war & now a place of ‘unwalled villages’ is the believing remnant as numberless as the stars of heaven. God asks the question ‘are you he’ because as in all rhetorical questions, the answer is no! The Fake Ashkenazi/Khar Zarian Jewish mafia Cabal have been using those scriptures, fulfilling them themselves to justify every atrocity they have ever committed! And USA like King David has so much blood guilt they are disqualified from building the Temple, because they still interpret the scriptures through these liars!

So while it is commendable that you are finally recognising Russia cannot be Gog or Magog, not until you interpret Rev 9 & 20 for yourselves & correctly will you see these same liars have convinced you the return of Christ/God’s avenging Angel—Abaddon/Apollyon is the Anti-Christ, when he is obviously Trump, & like Putin/Russia & Isaiah 18;7 predicts them as saviours of the world. ( Yet Solomon was able to build the temple & as shown on page’264 of ‘Apollyon Rising, where 2 ‘messiahs’ are predicted, Jesus & Apollo, both represented by the number 888, which added together number 1776. The year of the ‘great work’ & also the establishment of the Illuminati. he has done it through your Founding Father’s the faithful Masons who rightly interpreted the scriptures which wolves like Horne have corrupted, inverting the ‘truth in plain sight’ to accommodate & establish the Babylon Whore Church which has fed them all so well for so long.

Robin Main #fundie #magick #conspiracy sapphirethroneministries.wordpress.com

Many Christians believe that they are connecting to the true Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) during Christmas, but historical proof as well as Scriptural evidence reveals a different eternal reality.

First, always remember that Yeshua celebrated Hanukkah, not Christmas. He has shown us the way of life during the winter one-dear-land season; but more than that He has virtually shown us the eternal reality of the One New Man in the Messiah, which in its 100-percent fullness is called the righteous Metatron. This is the no difference – undifferentiated – state of our glorious and holy Messiah.

It’s not a coincidence that Messiah Yeshua in His fullness is called Metatron. Let’s unlock the Metatron Mithra piece first. The demonic control of space-time is literally connected to the False Messiah – Metatron Mithra.<...> Metatron Messiah is the keeper of space-time.
The worship of Metatron Mithra is literally the root of Christmas Day. Mithra was the Persian form of the pagan sun god. The birthday of all sun gods throughout all cultures was celebrated on the ancient winter solstice December 25th before the Roman shift in time. This is a major anchor for tethering God’s people to the illusion of the corrupted reality of space-time.
Which bring us to our topic at hand – being tethered in an unholy way to space-time. The worship of Saturn has been anciently connected to the Black Cube. The Black Cube is the antithesis of the Golden Cube of the New Jerusalem. The Black Cube represents the “god of this world” control of time and space.

Christmas Day and the Christmas Season is a double tether to anchor humanity to the false illusion of space-time, which is a false reality that the “god of this world” offers to those who choose to be under his dominion. It’s time to take the red pill or the blue!

Choose this day the Golden Cube or the Black Cube. Choose this day the True Messiah Metatron Yeshua or the False Messiah Metatron Mithra.

Brian Niemeier #fundie #wingnut brianniemeier.com

Being a Christianity-profaning cult, the Left needs a devil figure for their self-affirming Narrative. Since they deny the existence of both God and Satan, they've seized upon Hitler as the ultimate symbol of evil. They accuse transgressors against their creed Nazis much as Puritans made accusations of witchcraft. Except the Puritans were right.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Did you know that creationists and evolutionists have the same facts? Christians and non-Christians have the same facts? The facts are not what people argue/debate over. It’s the interpretation of the facts that people argue about. And one’s interpretation depends on one’s worldview. And one’s worldview depends on the presuppositions they have. Ultimately, there are only two foundations our worldviews, God’s Word or man’s word.

That’s why at the debate I had with Bill Nye in 2014 at the
@CreationMuseum, it was important for me to help people understand that no matter what “facts” I threw at Bill Nye, he would just reinterpret them within his worldview based on his foundation of man’s word. Many people commented how this approach (which is a big emphasis of the @AiG ministry) really helped them understand the true nature of the creation/evolution debate—it’s a debate about different worldviews based on different foundations (presuppositions).

One could see this battle of worldviews even more clearly in what we call the "Second Debate" with Bill Nye when we spent 2 hours discussing "facts" and worldviews as we walked through the @ArkEncounter.
8:03 PM · Sep 27, 2024 · 5,045 Views
44 Reposts 3 Quotes 154 Likes 4 Bookmarks

pmarreck #pratt #fundie news.ycombinator.com

You're right. Materialism IS the null hypothesis. And yet I know in my heart that its explanatory power is limited unless you want to write off all value, preference, feeling and meaning as “illusion,” which amounts to gaslighting.

What if the reverse is true? The only real thing is actually irrationality, and all the rational materialism is simply a catalyst for experiencing things?

The answer to this great question has massive implications, not just in this realm, btw. For example, crime and punishment. Why are we torturing prisoners in prison who were just following their programming?

Christian Pundit #pratt #fundie #homophobia christianpundit.wordpress.com

If a grown man rapes a 13 year old and gets her pregnant, he will take her to Planned Parenthood, who will NOT ask how she got pregnant but just give her an abortion – so liberals and progressive have their own acceptance of “child marriage” and child rape – it’s wrong of them to pin this ONLY on some types of Christians or Republicans when people in their own group do the same thing.

Francis M #racist #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Please, please give me a break with JF Kennedy and Lincoln in particular and with America more generally.

America NEVER was conquered or taken over by Jews who might have betrayed her destiny.

America was founded, like USSR would be later in history, as a rootless artificial state draped in ideology (like the pretence to usher in new virtues or principles of liberty, equality... : this is blasphemy, it is not given to mere mortals to incarnate cardinal or theology virtues in the political realm) to be used in the purpose of destroying Christian civilization by replacing it with pure utilitarianism, and both the money and the brains at the very start of the enterprise were Jewish. Jewish authority over Christians so as to enslave and gradually end with the latter manifested through free Masonry as for the higher elite, and through rabid anti-Catholic pro-Jewish Calvinist fundamentalism as for the lower ranks of the middle class. America's soul was sick and pervert right from the start.

Right from Day One, America was Satanic and Jewish, like USSR later. Actually, USSR would have not existed without America, without America's Jewry, and without America's interest to prevent Russia by all means to supersede her as the main grain-exporting power it threatened to become.

America was not freer from Jewish intrusion at some earlier and happier time of her history. It just still was favoured and cajoled as their best and dumbest client by Jewish lenders, the only thing new is that now the time has come to pay back more and more interests for all the previous prosperity that was borrowed, not earned.

There was NO good American president at any point in her history, they have all been selected to play roles that were foreseen right from the beginning.

Dusty Deevers #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #forced-birth rightwingwatch.org

Oklahoma state Sen. Dusty Deevers is a far-right pastor and unabashed Christian nationalist who wants to abolish abortion, ban no-fault divorce, outlaw pornography, and literally see this nation taken back to the 1600s.

Earlier this month, Deevers joined fellow Christian nationalist and former Trump administration official William Wolfe on the latter’s Center for Baptist Leadership podcast to discuss the presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump.

During the discussion, Deevers asserted that Harris would never support any restrictions or limitations on reproductive choice because those who vote for her are “wicked, murderous people” who are “demon possessed.”

“They have rabid, wicked, murderous people who are voting for them and who are the loudest supporters that if they claimed even 30 weeks, 24 weeks, 15 weeks, they are going to be vicious against them and the demons are going to come out,” Deevers said. “I’m not saying that those people are demons; I’m saying that a lot of them are demon possessed.”

“The demons who want their child sacrifice, who want this land being covered in blood … that’s what the demons want,” Deevers declared. “Now, whether they theologically understand that, the demons know it that are advising them,” Deevers declared.

In 2023, Deevers and Wolfe were among the contributors to a document called “The Statement on Christian Nationalism and the Gospel,” which declared that the United States must formally “acknowledge the Lordship of Christ” in all its laws, “abolish abortion,” outlaw marriage equality, and “recapture our national sovereignty from godless, global entities who present a grave threat to civilization.” Wolfe is also a colleague of Project 2025 co-author Russ Vought, whose Center for Renewing America hopes to infuse Christian nationalism throughout a second Trump administration.

Eric Hovind #fundie twitter.com

The "Big Bang Theory" began with Belgian astronomer, Georges Lemaitre (1894-1966). He said the mass that exploded was no more than a few light years in diameter (2 light years is about 12 trillion miles). By 1965 that was reduced to 275 million miles. By 1972, it was reduced again to 71 million miles. By 1974 it was reduced again to 54 thousand miles, and by 1983 to a "trillionth of a proton", and now to nothing at all, which they call a "singularity".

Is the "Big Bang" Science? Nope!

On the other had "In the beginning God..." makes a lot more sense!
2:17 AM · Sep 25, 2024 · 1,943 Views
7 Reposts 2 Quotes 50 Likes 7 Bookmarks

Michael Voris #conspiracy #fundie #psycho youtube.com

(Taken from a Youtube video transcript, hence the lack of punctuation. Also shortened.)

When people think of Hell fire is the first image that generally comes to mind indeed it should be the first because that's what our Lord presented to us of all the pains on earth that a man can undergo nothing is worse than burning so our Lord is telling us that the pains of hell are to be compared with the greatest pain you can experience on Earth but there is an even more sobering reality about Hell and that is the capacity for pain actually increases in the next life and to to be fair so does our capacity for joy for those who are saved this is owing to the fact that in our current temporal reality being confined to time and space there are limits on us extreme pain would cause us to pass out or die but in the next life there are no limits the soul is catapulted into the realm where the limits of the temporal world no longer hold any power earthly existence with all its inherent limitations will have come to an end you will never sleep again for example after you die because the soul doesn't need sleep and when our bodies are reunited to our souls after the Last Judgement they also will not need rest or sleep the manner the very manner of how we will exist will be something completely foreign to our time here in temporal reality we will be in the realm of the everlasting the immortal and for the Damned it will be hell literally so the pains of Hell the actual fires of hell have no comparable reality to the fire
here on earth they will be flames which do not give off light they will burn in through and around the Damned but they
will not consume them.

Mike Johnson #fundie #wingnut #racist rightwingwatch.org

Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson joined Donald Trump adviser Paula White on a call last night hosted by the National Faith Advisory Board, an operation White set up after Trump left office to continue the work she did as a White House aide to keep religious-right leaders solidly in the MAGA camp. The call was streamed by Intercessors for America, a group of pro-Trump prayer warriors whose leader Dave Kubal is closely associate with White and helped her set up her One Voice Prayer Movement during Trump’s first term.

Johnson called himself an “ambassador of hope,” telling the MAGA faithful, “I am absolutely convinced that we are going to keep and grow the House majority, we’re going to win a Republican majority in the Senate, and President Donald J. Trump is going to go back to the White House.”

“This is a real inflection point, a civilizational moment, a turning point for our country,” he said, calling this “the most important election of our lifetimes, arguably one of the most important in the history of our nation.”

Johnson said he spent almost three hours with Trump at Mar-a-Lago just after the Secret Service disrupted a second assassination attempt. Johnson said he told Trump that “it seems apparent to us that God has chosen him to do this, to lead the greatest nation in the history of the world for a second time.”

White prayed for Johnson, and asked God to “raise up this army of millions that you’ve called to bombard Heaven [with prayers]” and secure Johnson’s anointing.

Johnson was followed on the call by Rabbi Yaakov Menken of the Trump-inspired right-wing Coalition for Jewish Values. “This is a fight for biblical values,” Menken said. He claimed that “Intersectionality is a union of people who hate values.”

Next up was Father Calvin Robinson, a right-wing Anglo-Catholic priest who recently moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan, from the United Kingdom. He said what is happening in England is evidence that “nanny statism is demonic” because “there is no liberty without Christ.”

“I believe that America will become the last stand for Christendom, which we now call the West,” he said, calling the upcoming election “kind of the make or break for the West, really, where we get to say, ‘Do we believe in Christ or not, collectively.’”

JE Aggas #crackpot #magick #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy decodingsatan.blogspot.com

You have to look at the gematria of the things they do. For instance the reason Roe v Wade was passed on 1/22/73 was because of the gematria
"abortion" = 122 (Reverse Ordinal)
1973 = 73
"child sacrifice" = 73 (Full Reduction)
"sacrifice" = 73 (English Ordinal)
"children" = 73 (English Ordinal)
The abortion till birth bill passes in 2019 the year of covid 19 to force a vaccine
"Temple of Bel" = 666 (English Sumerian)
"Mark of Beast" = 666 (English Sumerian)
"vaccination" = 666 (English Sumerian)

1+22+7+3=33 (abortion legalized)
1+22+1+9=33 (infanticide legalized)
"woman" = 66 (English Ordinal)
"homicide" = 66 (English Ordinal)
"family" = 66 (English Ordinal)
"mankind" = 66 (English Ordinal)

There are are 23 chromosomes
"woman" = 23 (Chaldean)
"male" = 23 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"life" = 23 (Full Reduction)
"murder" = 23 (Chaldean)

In humans, each cell normally contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, for a total of 46. ...
"sacrifice" = 46 (Full Reduction)
"children" = 46 (Full Reduction)

122 is the sexual sin number. That's why San Francisco was picked to be Sodom. It's sits on the 122nd meridian
"San Francisco" = 122 (Ordinal)
"Sodom and Gomorrah" = 180 (English Ordinal)
"golden gate" = 180 (Reverse Ordinal)
"august eleventh" = 180 (English Ordinal) (SF Mayors birthday)
Sodom and Gomorrah
"סדום ועמורה" = 50 (Hebrew Reduction)
Date Golden gate bridge opened
"י״ז בְּסִיוָן תרצ״ז" = 50 (Hebrew Reduction)
"San Francisco" = 50 (Full Reduction)

10/22=1022 = 122
Closet Homosexual in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1022
Androgyny in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1022
All these go together....
"Temple of Bel" = 666 (English Sumerian)
"Mark of Beast" = 666 (English Sumerian)
"vaccination" = 666 (English Sumerian)
Other cities on the 122 meridian are Portland and Seattle
Both big sin cities....

They are using the number 122 as a sexual sin number.

Ray Comfort #fundie twitter.com

God and Natural Disasters

The world is offended by the thought that God would send natural disasters. Yet, their God allows 40,000 children to die of starvation every 24 hours. He also lets thousands die in earthquakes and hurricanes. The truth is, the concept that a loving God would never allow such things to happen, is a figment of the worlds imagination. The true God warns, "Because you disdained all my counsel, and would have none of my rebuke, I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your terror comes, when your terror comes like a storm, and your destruction comes like a whirlwind, when distress and anguish come upon you. Then they will call on me, but I will not answer; They will seek me diligently, but they will not find me."(Proverbs 1:25-28) It is wise for us to therefore fear God, and listen to His counsel.

There goes another minute. Gone forever. Go share your faith while you still have time.
1:41 AM · Sep 22, 2024 · 5,277 Views
38 Reposts 4 Quotes 107 Likes 10 Bookmarks

Dave Blount #transphobia #homophobia #fundie moonbattery.com

[From “Transsexual Ushers Us Into Anteroom to Hell”]

Transgenderism is an unholy ideology intended to pervert God’s order at the most fundamental level. Those who succumb to it are by definition psychotic, believing themselves to be members of the opposite sex. Unsurprisingly, they are often less than wholesome:

A trans-identified male property manager from Oklahoma, who began transitioning to a woman in prison, admitted to having previously decapitated a friend while still living in Oklahoma. Alex Ray Scott, 28, was in a New York court Monday to plead guilty to the murder of Kenneth Savinski, 64

Scott ran from Oklahoma in 2019 after being accused of molesting a five-year-old boy – but before leaving, he dismembered Robin Skocdopole, 63, with a chainsaw

As the fundamental transformation of America unfolds, we find ourselves living in a horror movie. It will get darker with every day liberals drag us closer to their destination hell

Gay dating apps may not be the wisest place to make friends:

Savinsky met Scott on a dating site and got more than he bargained for when Scott left him with a slashed throat and cuts to the head after their first encounter

Authorities obligingly put Scott in with the women at Rikers Island

Please welcome Alex Ray Scott to the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors

E. Michael Jones #wingnut #fundie #racist #sexist #conspiracy fidelitypress.org

The story of the Israelis broadcasting pornography over Palestinian TV stations is not in the first edition of Libido Dominandi because it occurred four years after its publication, proving after the fact that my thesis was correct. Sexual liberation, by which I mean everything from pornography to abortion to gay marriage to transgenderism, is the most sophisticated form of social control in human history, and the march of events since the publication of the first edition continues to substantiate my thesis.
The second edition of Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control, containing 300 pages of new material, is now available at fidelitypress.org. Why is the second edition necessary? Because it deals with the Internet in a way that I could not have done in the 1990s or in the first years of this century. If you ever wondered why you or someone you know doesn’t have a life, pornography may be the answer. Pornography is the social disease that has turned a whole generation into sex addicted recluses who can’t get married and can’t form the families that would make them productive members of society. That’s the bad news. The good news is that Libido Dominandi is the cure for that disease.

“You’re E. Michael Jones, aren’t you?” said one young man as I pulled up to the local supermarket on my bicycle. After I pleaded guilty as charged, he said, “I stopped watching porn because of you.”

For more than 20 years now, I have received unsolicited testimonies from people who have been liberated from pornography simply by understanding that its purpose is to turn you into a docile sex robot who can be controlled by the manipulation of your passions. No matter how crazy and counter-intuitive the claim that sexual liberation was a form of control sounded when I first made it, it has been proven true by the course of events, which showed, as St. Augustine said, “A man has as many masters as he has vices.”

Todd Friel #fundie twitter.com

The odds of one man fulfilling forty-eight prophecies is 1 chance in 10,157 (a statistical impossibility). Jesus fulfilled over three hundred prophecies. Case closed.
4:05 AM · Sep 20, 2024 · 1,819 Views
11 Reposts 60 Likes 7 Bookmarks

Joel Webbon #fundie #elitist #forced-birth #psycho #sexist rightwingwatch.org

Texas pastor Joel Webbon is a radical Christian nationalist who believes that the American people are too degenerate, stupid, and cowardly to abide by the Constitution and must therefore be governed by a Christian dictator. This dictator, Webbon believes, must “rule with an iron fist” and force everyone to, at the very least, “pretend to be Christian.”

Under his preferred form of Christian nationalist theocracy, Webbon wants to see the Apostles’ Creed added to the Constitution; abortion, pornography, no-fault divorce, in vitro fertilization, and birth control outlawed; non-Christians kept out of his neighborhood; and every non-Protestant Christian reduced to second-class citizenship.

Webbon, of course, is also a misogynist who wants to see women banned from voting, so naturally he is deeply alarmed by the prospect of Vice President Kamala Harris winning the election in November, as he made clear during a recent podcast.

“I believe it’s Isaiah that says that one of God’s judgments and curses on a nation is that they will be ruled by children and women,” Webbon said, citing Isaiah 3.”It’s not like if we get Kamala, then we’re going to have sinful policies and then we’ll be judged by God. That’s true, but it’s not just that Kamala will invoke judgment by wicked policies; Kamala is the judgment because of all the wickedness that we’ve already accrued.”

“We have been a wicked, rebellious, apostate nation for decades and decades and decades,” he continued. “Kamala is not the sin that will result in judgment; Kamala is the judgment that is the result for all of our past. The judgment is being ruled by women.”

“Why is that a judgment?” he asked, rhetorically. “Because the Bible said so. That’s why.”

“Women are not fit for that role,” Webbon asserted.

In 2023, Webbon was among the contributors to a document called “The Statement on Christian Nationalism and the Gospel.” Drafted by Christian nationalists like Oklahoma state Sen. Dusty Deevers, former Trump administration official William Wolfe, and others, the document declared that the United States must formally “acknowledge the Lordship of Christ” in all its laws, “abolish abortion,” outlaw marriage equality, and “recapture our national sovereignty from godless, global entities who present a grave threat to civilization.”

William Henry #ufo #fundie #magick #conspiracy #mammon amazon.com

Since 1996, William Henry has been courageously establishing and documenting his revolutionary connection between the original Christianity, stargates and the ascension of humanity into beings of light. His goal has been to recover the authentic teaching of Jesus about how we can transform ourselves into beings of pure light (and love), open a stargate and beam ourselves home.

The Secret of Sion represents the culmination of William’s unique search in Gnostic literature and sacred art that maps the path, called the Way of Light, that leads to the gate of heaven. His quest led him ‘through the worm hole’ where he peered into the promised land of Sion, a place at the center of our galaxy that is inhabited by ascended humans. His journey is presented as an invitation to follow his path in the form of the greatest collection of third eye opening and soul rising ascension art ever assembled, one that illuminates the esoteric mysteries of the greatest cosmic story ever told.

The Secret of Sion reveals:

* Jesus is an avatar of a race or tribe of advanced and wise humans, called Perfect Light Humans, who dwell at the center of our galaxy and travel via wormhole to and from this cosmic center.

* Jesus will return the same way he left…via stargate.

* Members of the race of Perfect Light Humans have remained on earth for thousands of years. They are the most ancient of aliens.

* The Magi are representatives of the Perfect Light Humans.

* Encoded within ascension art is a Stargate technology called ‘the Kit’. It includes the Star Crown (of Rose Thorns), a mysterious anointing oil and a robe of light called the Beaming Garment.

* The Kit is periodically reassembled in preparation for the return of the Avatars of Sion.

* Sion is rising and with it a new, new world order.

* The connection between the Mayan image of the serpent rope from the center of the galaxy and Christian Last Judgement art that shows a serpent linking earth and the Throne of God.

Joshua Haymes #fundie #psycho twitter.com

Every Christian must be pro-death penalty. The Bible is not ambiguous on this point. God has given the civil magistrate the sword to punish evildoers (Romans 13:4).

But should all Christians be pro-public execution?

Adam Terrell makes a compelling case that public stoning was not just God’s design for ancient Israel, but God’s design for capital punishment in all times and all places.

Our modern sensibilities may chafe at God’s law on this matter. We may think it’s brutal or barbaric. This is because we think we are wiser than God.

His Law is not only good.
His law is effective.

Public execution, swiftly carried out, would drastically reduce capital offense crimes.
Fear is a truly effective deterrent. I would argue that death by a public firing squad wherein the accuser and witnesses partake in the firing, could be a modern equivalent.

Chad Ripperger #fundie #racist wherepeteris.com

[Excerpts from a lecture by an exorcist]

There was a woman who brought me her child. The child was 10 months old. Little girl, cute little thing.

And it was one of the most beautiful little placid kids you’d met until the demon manifested. And then my nickname for it became Chucky the Doll. Literally, you couldn’t hold the thing. Because it would try and gouge your eyes out. It’s only 10 months old. It can’t even hardly move. I mean, it has no control of its motor function hardly. And yet, it’s trying to gouge your eyes out.

Okay. What we discovered, we think, through that process, is that through the father — who was a very good moral man. Actually, I think he was rather saintly. But we think it was passed to him, and then from him to the daughter, and then it skipped the daughter in the generations, but then it did end up in her daughter as a result of this.


Another one that we’ve seen is in relationship to Hispanics. Doesn’t say a thing about any Hispanic, because sometimes generational spirits actually skip a generation. … So, in the relationship with Hispanics, if there’s a connection to any type of Aztec or Mayan family lineage, in the sense of if there was something in which the, uh, The particular spirituality was kept alive within that lineage, even if it stops and the people become Catholic, that spirit can sometimes continue on.

Unnamed Haredim in Jerusalem #fundie jpost.com

One morning in early August, members of the Yaar Ramot Community in Jerusalem woke up to find fliers with the words 'Do not be silent!' hung in the area surrounding their synagogue, Kehilat Yaar Ramot

These posters, addressed directly to Haredi members of the neighborhood, call for protests against the establishment of a conservative synagogue[…]These protesters are banding together to remove a ‘threat’ from the neighborhood, saying that the Haredi community must do everything possible to ‘dissuade them from this path’

“A few years ago, there was some noise that eventually died down.” Gadi Perl, who has been leading the community in this struggle, told[…]Gadi recalled a conflict between the two communities during the COVID-19 pandemic when a group of Haredis attempted to claim that the synagogue was their own because it wasn’t in use

“Because, unlike them, we followed the rules”

According to Gadi, these fliers were put up early in August, along with their daily ‘protest prayers’[…]though he noted that they initially could barely make a minyan most days

“On Sunday, it seems they realized they needed to make some noise, and they invaded the synagogue courtyard.” Gadi went on. “On Monday, they invaded again, and it escalated into a confrontation, leading to the police being called”

On Tuesday, the community set up a lock in an attempt to prevent further escalation, but when Haredis broke it with a cutter, police stood by and allowed them to enter

“On Wednesday, there was already a police presence, and we put on a serious lock. So, they prayed outside. But after the police left, we caught a man on the security cameras pouring contact adhesive on our lock”

By this point[…]the two groups went to court

“They stood in court this morning and told a bunch of lies.” one member said, “We call them Teflon because they've got protection in the area”[…]
“They’re saying we're, you know, treif, and god knows what else,” a member posted in[…]Whatsapp group

Ellen Weaver; PragerU #wingnut #dunning-kruger #fundie wistv.com

South Carolina Superintendent Ellen Weaver announced Monday afternoon that the Palmetto State has adopted PragerU as an educational partner.

[…]PragerU is well-known for their short videos for social media and YouTube with titles like “What Radical Islam and the Woke Have in Common”, “Make Men Masculine Again”, and “Would You Rather Be Colonized by Aztecs or Christians?”

[…]The South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) said various content streams from Prager U have been approved for usage in state schools, including PragerU Kids content, age-appropriate “5-Minute Videos” and the Cash Course series.

The department said PragerU’s resources are optional but will be supported by the state should teachers wish to use them.

“As we celebrate Constitution Day, the South Carolina Department of Education reaffirms its commitment to providing an exceptional education for every child,” said Superintendent Weaver. “We are thrilled to announce the addition of supplemental materials for South Carolina schools through this partnership. These optional educational materials, aligned with South Carolina’s K-12 standards, will provide a wide range of essential topics like civics and financial literacy.”

South Carolina is one of several states that have joined the PragerU in Schools initiative, including Florida, Oklahoma, Montana, New Hampshire, Arizona, Louisiana and more.

E.W. Jackson #fundie #wingnut #transphobia rightwingwatch.org

Among the speakers during the first session on Thursday night was far-right pastor and perennial failed political candidate E.W. Jackson, who fired up those in the crowd by assuring them that God will not allow Vice President Kamala Harris to become president.

“I’m also here to declare in the name of Jesus that we are not going to allow a bunch of Marxists and socialists and communists and a bunch of sexual perverts and a bunch of political power-grabbers [to] take our country and lead it in a direction that is not pleasing to Almighty God!” Jackson declared. “America is going to remain one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

“I’ve been praying this prayer,” Jackson continued. “‘Lord God, speak confusion into their ranks. Make it so they turn on each other, so they can’t get it straight, so they fumble over their every word, so they mess up their every strategy, so that things collapse in on them. Lord God, work your will on behalf of those who are seeking to represent you and cause those who are against you to fall flat on their faces.’ So, I don’t care how well Kamala Harris did in the debate. I’ve got news for her: She doesn’t have a strategy that can outsmart God! God is the one who is going to bring about the result that you and I are praying for. I believe that we’ve got victory that is coming on the first Tuesday in November, by the will of Almighty God.”

Rev. Joel Webbon #fundie #racist angrywhitemen.org

Joel Webbon declared that Christians will be shocked to find that Robert E. Lee and “Stonewall” Jackson are in Heaven, while civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. is in Hell. Webbon also claimed that “the abolitionists were not the good guys”

Webbon, who founded Right Response Ministries, made the remarks during an interview with Confederate apologist Jon Harris for Webbon’s YouTube show Theology Applied

During the show, titled “Slavery, Abolitionists, & The Civil War,” Webbon defended notorious slave owners like George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards as “good, Christian men.” He also stated that “a lot of people are gonna be surprised” when they find themselves in Heaven with slave owners and Confederate generals

“Like I think a lot of people are gonna be surprised,” he said. “You know, when you get to Heaven and, you know, you’re spending eternity worshipping Christ next to ‘Stonewall’ Jackson and Robert E. Lee and Jonathan Edwards, you know, and, you know, George Whitefield, and Martin Luther King Jr.’s in Hell”

Jon Harris interrupted Webbon to add that “most of the abolitionists,” especially the “prominent ones,” are “not going to be in Heaven.” Harris explained that this is because they “denied things like the Trinity and the inspiration of scripture and that kind of thing.” Webbon agreed, saying the abolitionists “weren’t the good guys”

Rev. Apollo Quiboloy and unnamed officials of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ church #fundie npr.org

He’s a famous pastor, with longstanding ties to the highest circles of power in the Philippines. But for the past two weeks, he’s also been a fugitive, and on Sunday he was arrested. Pastor Apollo Carreon Quiboloy faces numerous allegations of trafficking and child abuse. He’s also on the FBI’s Most Wanted List[…]
The weeks-long standoff transfixed Filipinos, reminiscent of the way Americans viewed the Branch Davidian[…]In a key distinction, Quiboloy is far from a fringe figure: he’s a high-profile ally and confidante of[…]Rodrigo Duterte[…]
From 2002 to at least 2018, the U.S. indictment states, leaders of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ selected girls and young women between the ages of 12 and 25 to be “pastorals” --[…]assistants to Quiboloy who were also coerced into sex[…]
The pastorals’ duties included preparing the pastor’s meals and cleaning his homes. According to a superseding indictment from a federal grand jury in California, the girls also “gave him massages using lotion, and traveled with him on trips throughout the world”[…]
“Pastorals engaged in sex with defendant Quiboloy on a schedule” that assigned them “night duty”[…]
Some pastorals were minors, the indictment states. It accuses Quiboloy and church administrators of telling the girls and young women that sex with the pastor was God’s will, threatening them with physical and verbal abuse “and eternal damnation”[…]
Church leaders instructed the girls to write “commitment letters” pledging to devote their lives and bodies to Quiboloy as “The Appointed Son of God,” the indictment states[…]
The church’s full name is Kingdom of Jesus Christ The Name Above Every Name. To its followers, Quiboloy is known as the “appointed son of God.” His church is based in Davao City[…]
One of the church’s key teachings is repentance and the “spirit of obedience to the Father’s Will,” according to its website. Its reach is extensive, describing a “Kingdom Nation” run by administrators who serve “Kingdom citizens”

Edwin Benson #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy returntoorder.org

The postmodern university is fascinated with magic, and this is a most curious coupling—one with ominous social overtones.

Until the mid-twentieth century, serious academics regarded any mention of magic as the ravings of the stupid or insane. They followed the scientific method of empiricism, emphasizing verifiable evidence in acquiring knowledge and forming ideas.

What is Magic, Anyway?

The “Occult Art, Occultism” entry in the Catholic Encyclopedia defines magic as “an interference with the usual course of physical nature.” The practitioner accomplishes it by “recitation of formularies, gestures, mixing of incongruous elements, and other mysterious actions.” The effort is an “attempt to work miracles not by the power of God…but by the use of hidden forces beyond man’s control. Its advocates…seek the desired result by evoking powers ordinarily reserved to the Deity.” Magic “is a corruption of religion.”

The Encyclopedia makes another highly pertinent point. Magic, it says, “appears as an accompaniment of decadent rather than of rising civilization.”

The new-found interest in magic seems strange in a world that has long been dominated by materialism and rigid use of the scientific method.
It is tempting to make fun of the attempts at erudite sophistication with which these colleges cloak these imitation academic offerings. However, their adolescent attempts to shock and amaze the students mask a deadly seriousness. As mentioned before, magic is a sign of a society’s degeneration. Even more than that, these naïve students and their professors are playing with the very substance of evil itself, which has massive and unforeseeable consequences. That is especially true for those who play with a Devil in whom they do not believe.

Lance Wallnau #fundie #magick joemygod.com

“When I say ‘witchcraft’ I am talking about what happened tonight. Occult empowered deception, manipulation and domination.

“That’s what ABC pulled off as moderators, and Kamala’s script handlers set up the kill box. One sided questions and fact checking sealed the box. Witchcraft.

“It’s not over yet, but something supernatural needs to disrupt this counterfeit momentum because the same public that voted in Obama is voting again and her deception is advancing.” – Pastor Lance “Bad Wig” Wallnau.

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