[Deleted] & Luckystar #transphobia ovarit.com

When TRAs compare TIMs to black or disabled women

( [Deleted] )
I’ve heard that not wanting men in women’s spaces due to fear of male violence is as bigoted as not wanting to share spaces with blacks because of fear of crime. That specious analogy is a racist mess.

( Luckystar )
It's also a category error/logical fallacy.
TRAs want to maintain there being separate male and female facilities/sports/etc, but just allow people to pick which one they want to use. If we compare with racial segregation in the USA, that'd be like saying we should keep the white-only and black-only bathrooms, water fountains, sports leagues etc. but let people decide for themselves if they consider themselves black or white.

Or to look at it the other way around: What they are asking for is not actually "transgender inclusion" as they frame it. They want to completely abolish women's spaces and "integrate" them so there is one set of facilities that anyone can use regardless of sex.

Another huge reason why the comparison falls flat: Women's facilities were created by women, for the purpose of giving women safe spaces away from male predators, chances for women to participate in sports without being completely flattened by male competitors, etc.

By contrast, under the segregated USA, the "black only" spaces were created by whites, and the purpose was to keep black people from accessing nicer facilities they kept for whites only. The power structure and the purpose of the facilities is completely inverted.

It actually blows my mind how often they resort to the analogies to USA racial segregation when if one thinks about the comparison for more than 30 seconds it should be pretty obvious why the two situations are not only not comparable, but they're actually pretty much the exact opposite, in form and execution.

Meg Ellefson #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut wsau.com

In my opinion, getting a Covid shot is similar to playing Russian Roulette.

If you have received a Covid shot, be grateful that you are still alive. Be grateful that you haven’t been severely injured. And to those who subject their children to these shots, you are participating in child abuse and are contributing to their untimely mortality.

Lovehunter #sexist thestudentroom.co.uk

Women get less attractive after 25 or 30, men get more attractive with age... watch this thread

As a guy gets older, his market value increases

As a girl ages, her market value decreases, and often fairly rapidly.

A woman's market value is at her highest between the ages of 16 and 25 (possibly up to 30 if she really takes care of herself and is lucky). During this age range, women are at their most attractive to men. They can rely on their looks and 'sexiness' to attract guys (and, often, manipulate men for their own gain).

As a women reaches 30 and beyond, her market value rapidly decreases and she becomes less attractive to men. Once she reaches the menopause, she's finished and no man wants her any more.

Contrast this with how men age and what ageing means to a man's market value....

A young guy in his late teens or 20s is not yet at his most attractive to women. He is still seen as a 'boy' and not a man yet.

As a man gets towards 30, his market value rapidly increases. He starts to look more manly in his appearance, and he starts to act more manly in his personality because he is maturing. Often, he has more career and financial success too. All these traits increase his market value and therefore his attractiveness towards women.

A guy in his 30s, 40s and 50s and sometimes even older can still be massively attractive to women and date women who are much, much younger than himself. But a woman in her 30s, 40s, 50s and over is going to find attracting a man much harder work.

See, women have the power when they're younger, but after 30 the power balance shifts rapidly and a women loses her seductive power, whereas a man GAINS his power.

There is a saying, 'Men age like fine wine, women age like milk'. It's so true!

This is why younger guys at uni find it hard to get laid, and the girls that age have tons of guys after them. The guys haven't yet reached their most attractive, and the girls are at their most attractive.

So yeah, this isn't a woman hating thread, it's just making people aware of the truth about age vs attractiveness.

To the girls here, do you worry about being over 25 or 30 and losing your 'seductive power'?

In a way I feel slightly sorry for women in that they have a shorter time frame in which to attract a mate, which only adds to their pressure. Lucky I'm a guy, we have a much wider window and we age better. It's just the way nature is though.

Juan O Savin/KatAnon #wingnut #magick #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Juan O Savin

The people that blew up [Nord Stream] was us.
Who wants Trump in prison forever?..
The f’ing Brits. They’re our ENEMIES.
We’re in a Revolutionary war..
They’re trying to control who the customer is [Europe]..
& they want to own Utility companies
for the next 100 years..
When are we going to have FREE ENERGY?
Telsa had a way of doing it 120 years ago..
But it didn’t involve the UTILITY CHOKE POINT
where you METER the flow
CHARGE for the volume
& CONTROL who gets it & who doesn’t..
Tesla’s plan was.. to charge the energy
moving across the ground plane
from the South to the North Pole
& then add a pulse to it
that then allows anybody
to pick up the energy anywhere they’re at..
Why wouldn’t somebody want to do that?
Because they can’t CONTROL & METER
& CHARGE YOU for that service..
Morgan, [Warburg, Rockefeller] & others..
want you coming to THEM

Tommy Truthful #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #ufo tommytruthful.com

There have been many plasma events or resets during our history, many of which we know little or nothing about, putting into question many of our currently taught historical narratives.

Some resets are minor or shorter while others are longer or major. The Great Flood of Noah(Moon), The Tower of Babel(Mercury), The Hebrew Exodus(Venus), the Assyrian Captivity(Mars), The Christian Epoch(Jupiter), the Industrial Revolution(Saturn), The American Revolution(Uranus), the Mud Flood(Neptune), and World Wars I and II(Pluto) are all major resets in our history.

The last one now coming to light seems to have occurred 1n the early to mid-1800s and is known as the “Mud Flood” which supposedly buried Tartaria. Russian-based Tartaria was the foundation upon which our current world civilization was rebuilt. Many of the old buildings, with domes and spires, belong to Tartaria and were simply dug out and reused by most of our leading modern institutions.

The next coming reset may be the largest and most important of all and is often referred to as the Plasma Acopalypse or Pole Shift. Plasma is the fourth state of matter, the basis for the other three states -gas(air), liquid, and solid. It is found in its pure state between worlds or creations, and has the nature of gas or water, but is electromagnetic in nature.
The elites know all about the coming plasma Apocalypse and intend to use the temporary Rift or portal opening to escape this plane and go on to others. They have built underground bunkers in case their plan fails but the bunkers will not save them. Plasma incinerates all metal and wiring and high tech which their bunkers depend on. Do NOT go in your car(metal) or be around wiring or electrical equipment during this time. Stay indoors with provisions until the plasma event passes. Cities and houses on shaky foundations will be hit hard. People in rural or warm environments will fare better. Fasting, prayer, and a pure diet will help. Be right with God.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick adrenogate.net

BIG-GIANT Mandela Effect Talk – The Triggered Are Welcome Here

The Sally Field Oscar’s speech is still the biggest and most glaring one for me. Sally’s brother is one of the top scientists and researchers at CERN by the way. The lack of the I Love Lucy “Lucy you got some splainin’ to do” line is equally distressing for me as well. Those are 2 monstrous voids in widely accepted alternative realities that many others also share. The lack of a Kit-Kat dash is another biggie that I only recently became aware of. I distinctly remember the dash since I can clearly recall that the dash itself resembled the actual Kit-Kat bar. The dash that I remember however was 3D and slightly beveled and was not the flattened 2D version depicted in the rendering below.

One possible explanation for the Mandela Effect is that the world actually did come to an end in 2012 and a bootleg Quantum copy of reality was created and the simulated copy wasn’t quite exact, hence all the perceived changes. Though I think the Demiurge has always been a bootleg copy of heaven and has always been simulated and not “base reality”. However the Progenitor of this place might have needed to move this computer program known as 3D space time from one mainframe or server to another and the process of migrating this world wasn’t 100% efficient and in turn caused a few errors which manifest as “Mandela Effects”. Who knows how many times this may have happened.

Peter Moon/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy #crackpot exopolitics.org

Peter Moon discusses a recent trip to Romania where he conducted research related to the Translyvania Rising book series. In the first part of the interview he focuses on what was discovered at a Cioclovina Cave, which he states has clear evidence of being a powerful time reactor. He believes the cave takes special significance during the 20 year planetary biorythm associated with the Montauk Project, which next occurs on 2023.

In the latter portion of the interview, Moon focuses on Book VI of the series: Forgotten Genesis where humanity’s genetic origins is revealed. Moon covers how holographic records are accessed by the series protagonist Radu Cinamar who is helped in understanding humanity’s origins by beings associated with an underground civilization called Apellos.

Moon elaborates on Cinamar’s information about two human genotypes being created from which Sirians could incarnate on Earth, and a worker race would serve them. The first genotype called E N L would possess more extraterrestrial genetics and thereby have greater psychic and mental abilities. In contrast, the second genotype, E N K would be more robust and better suited for living in Earth conditions. Moon discusses the Sirian geneticist Tenekau (aka Enki) responsible for creating the two human genotypes, which could be mixed to create a long lived hybrid species as discussed in ancient texts such as the King’s List and Manetho’s history of Egypt.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

It Comes Down to Economic Blackmail

Depriving dissenters of their livelihood is a hallmark of Communism and has always been the Communist Jewish MO

"Today, we are joining dozens of other groups to ask advertisers to pause Twitter spending because we are profoundly concerned about antisemitism and hate on the platform. Here's why we're asking advertisers to #StopHateForProfit and #StopToxicTwitter"


Putin called their bluff. The COVID scam turned the lights on. The termites are running scared and asking for "amnesty." A wider Ukraine catastrophe may be inevitable to distract from this colossal scandal.
The ADL Is The Bulwark For The NWO

ADL's Greenblatt openly uses his weight defending against antisemitism and hatred to destroy anyone threatening the New World Order initiatives forcing Silicon Valley to approve his every whim while Governments openly collect data on average citizens as the Social Credit architecture is put into place.

Gregoire de Fournas (MP National Rally) #racist reuters.com

France's lower house of parliament suspended its session on Thursday after a far-right MP shouted, "Go back to Africa!" as a Black legislator from the far left asked a question about immigration

The comment created a huge commotion. The centrist government and left-wing alliance said it was an unacceptable racist slur. The far right argued MP Gregoire de Fournas was not aiming the words at the MP who asked the question, Carlos Martens Bilongo, but at migrants stranded on an NGO boat

"There is no room for racism in our democracy. The Bureau of the National Assembly will convene (on Friday) and should decide on necessary sanction," Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne told reporters after the incident

De Fournas, a member of Marine Le Pen's National Rally (RN), and his party argued that he said nothing wrong

He "obviously spoke about the migrants transported in boats by the NGOs," Le Pen tweeted. "The controversy created by our political opponents … will not deceive the French"[…]
Over the past years, Le Pen has made huge progress in detoxifying her party's image and convincing voters that the party founded by her father Jean-Marie, who was convicted several times of incitement to racial hatred, has moved towards the conservative mainstream and is now fit to govern

With 89 lawmakers, the RN is the second-biggest party in the parliament

Fat Link #elitist #racist incels.is

Do you hate me? I thought you did since I was ethnic


I’m more of a meritocratic racist really.

Which means I can and do think very highly of individual non whites that prove themselves not to be total scum like the rest of their race usually is.

This is probably why the mod team I’ve rebuilt from the ground up here is a veritable rainbow coalition that would probably put to shame the Clinton and Obama and even sleepy Joe Biden administrations if a direct cabinet to mod team comparison was ever made.

I’ve got all kinds on the mod team from chinks, spics and curries to the big homie Master the blackest brotha in the land.

When closely examined by my actions alone in this regard you’d almost think I was a fucked in the head wacky leftist!

Firefly #sexist incels.is

The difference is just too insane, femoids are npcs.

Let me tell you a story that happens about every 14 seconds in this world:
Two people are born,
one a male the other a female.

The male:
Gets told to "man up", always works hard, betters himself, spends all his life self reflecting, gets rejected everyday.
Gets into conflicts and fights, being pushed out of his comfort zone to experiences new things everyday.
Gets told everyday that he will never be perfect and will always have room for improvement in all aspects of his life.
His whole life is one huge struggle, all of these shaped his personality.
He is funny, smart, strong and interesting.

The femoid:
Showered with love everyday, being told she is beautiful and taught to love herself no matter how fat she is.
Doesn't have to lift a finger, or question herself.
0 self-reflect, 0 judgement from a countless amount of bluepilled cucks.
Being told she is "funny" and "interesting" from everyone around her.
At this point she is brainwashed that she's perfect.
Therefore she doesn't feel the need to improve her personality, work, or do anything really.

This reality is the universal truth of what is going on with our world.
It is now filled with lazy entitled bitches that are literally NPCs at this point.
Have you ever tried talking to a femoid recently?
They are even more delusional than the bluepilled cucks that enabled them.
They have nothing to offer besides their hole and womb, and even then if you would have sex with one, you are expected to do all the work and
fuck her while she just lays there.

The difference between an NPC and a femoid is that NPCs are actually fun to talk to because a smart witty dude wrote the dialog for that NPC so it could be somewhat amusing.

Stay interesting kings.

Various Kiwifarmers #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

(Xanax and Wine)

Looking for troon bullshit on Reddit is so difficult. Must have taken me a literal 10 seconds on search to find this example of a true honest to god man.


Ah yes the... very male urge to be pregnant and being worshipped and coddled by your strong protector. I bet the guys really struggle with that one once they hit their prime age for babymaking. Must be hard :(

Always funny when the biological reality of being a woman and experiencing baby rabies completely stomps on these gender delusions


I don't "look" female, but I'll always be MTF transgender. There is more than one way.


You mean the other way of still hating what you've done to yourself every single time you look in the mirror, all of it for a fetish?

NGL I hope some mad doctor starts offering uterus implants for trannies. The more of them tear themselves apart in pursuit of their coomdreams the better.

They're already claiming this is happening, the uterus transplants. Recently, there's an insane black troon claiming to have had one and birthed a kid. He was mentioned here a bit but just screams of absolute schizo.


So is the artist saying that trannies are just incels who transition so they can get laid or have female friendships? Not very wholesome


Nash Romi had to re edit a comic because it wasn't progressive enough and whitewashed a black baby in her own comic, lol

I do like the casual admission they're fucking perverts.

Ridiculous that they gave him female hips/pelvis in the last panel. Did he exchange skeletons at the shop too?
All transwomen are built like a fridge because you can't change your bone structure. It's like saying glasses change your eye colour if you want them to.

I swear all pro trans content is.. breathtakingly stupid. I won't give them the benefit of the doubt to cite delusion. Just idiocy. Fantastic they all vote.

Zach Goldberg #wingnut nitter.domain.glass

To what extent, if at all, is CRT being taught or promoted in America's pre-tertiary public schools? @epkaufm and I recently conducted a nationally representative survey of 18-20 year-olds to find out.

The 'CRT is a legal theory taught only in univ. law programs' retort from the Left is a semantic distraction.

After all, if systemic racism, white privilege, and other concepts central to CRT are being taught in classrooms as settled truths, what difference does it make if students are not receiving an academic treatment thereof?

The chart below summarizes the distribution of taught and taught/heard responses across all 8 of the above concepts. Strikingly, 93% reported being taught and/or hearing about at least 1/8


Majorities in both groups say they were taught disparities=discrimination, while nearly identical if comparatively lower shares reported being taught that there are ‘many genders’.


We find that the volume of CRT-related classroom exposure robustly predicts blaming white people for racial inequality, viewing white people as 'racist and mean', and support for 'equity-oriented' policies like affirmative action.


Importantly, all of these results obtain across racial/ethnic groups. However, one relationship is necessarily exclusive to whites--that between exposure and 'white guilt'.


If such concepts were merely being presented as perspectives among competing others, these results might be less of a concern. However, the majority (68%) of respondents who reported being taught at least 1 concept indicated they were not told about 'respectable' counter-arguments.

If this isn't indoctrination, then what is?

We argue that schools and/or educators that want to teach such concepts should be given the choice of either teaching the diversity of thought surrounding them or being barred from teaching them altogether. 'Full stop'.

unknown & Dr. David Jeremiah #conspiracy #fundie davidjeremiah.blog

unknown Q I’m trying to make sense of this vaccine. I believe it is a prelude to the mark of the Beast. What is your opinion on the vaccine? Should we be afraid of it?

Dr. David Jeremiah A Without a doubt, prophecy casts its shadow on current events. What we are seeing now is an example of how the Antichrist could operate during the Tribulation period. This does not mean the COVID-19 vaccine has anything to do with the Antichrist—it merely provides an illustration of how his mark might be applied after the Lord comes for His Church.

Neurotoxin #sexist #dunning-kruger blog.reaction.la

"Female sexuality is anti-social and dysgenic. It must be restrained for the good, and indeed, the survival, of the human race.

We begin with the truism that evolution selects for reproductive success and not any other trait. There is no restraint on evolution selecting for horribly anti-social sexual tendencies if such are reproductively optimal.

Observed fact: Women are fiercely attracted to men who play defect in the iterated prisoner’s dilemma game that is society. (Defecting in the classic prisoner’s dilemma is always better than cooperate no matter what the other player does.)"

RDETalus #wingnut #psycho doomworld.com

[Context: he is defending TheCriticalDrinker after he made fun of a journalist on Twitter for receiving death and rape threats.]

All he said was "cry harder" on twitter. That's not extremism, misogyny, bigotry, or radicalism. Come on dude you make it out like this guy is the new hitler or something. I don't understand why this would elicit such emotions in you.

I don't know how much you know about that journalist, but she isn't exactly an innocent little angel either. She's a grown woman who made intentional choices in her career to boost her own popularity that ended up attracting a lot of negative attention. It's not a big deal all in all. I would even argue that if you're not pissing some people off, your journalism career isn't doing something right.

RDETalus #dunning-kruger #wingnut doomworld.com

Receiving threats is basically part of the job description for well-known public figures such as politicians and journalists. You're going to find a million bajillion people on the internet making every single sort of threat imaginable. Really not worth your time


Brutall Racepill For Blackcels

Black men are over a hundred times more likely to rape a White woman than vice versa. Source: http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials-viewpoint/082613-668778-epidemic-of-white-on-black-violence-is-a-fraud.htm?p=full

Most South Africans believe that life was better under apartheid. Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/398136/end-south-africa-josh-gelernter

Life expectancy in South Africa has decreased since apartheid ended. Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/398136/end-south-africa-josh-gelernter

The South African murder rate is the 10th highest in the world. White farmers are killed 4x more often than the general population. Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/398136/end-south-africa-josh-gelernter

Blacks in South Africa are not indigenous inhabitants, but rather arrived just before White explorers. Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/398136/end-south-africa-josh-gelernter

In South Africa, a child is raped every three minutes (175,000 children/year). Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/8107039.stm

In urban areas of South Africa, more than one in three men has admitted to committing rape. Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/27/south-africa-rape-study-m_n_788722.html

In South Africa, rape is seen as “a legitimate activity” and committed out of boredom. Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/27/south-africa-rape-study-m_n_788722.html

In South Africa, 7% of men have participated in gang rape. Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/27/south-africa-rape-study-m_n_788722.html

In South Africa, 78% of men have committed violence against women. Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/27/south-africa-rape-study-m_n_788722.html

“Out of the 1500 [chess] grandmasters in the world, only three or four are black.” Source: http://worldchess.com/2015/12/15/the-racial-gap-for-titles-among-american-players/

Only 54% of Black men between 25-34 have high school degrees, are employed, and are not currently incarcerated. Source: http://blogs.baruch.cuny.edu/lexingtonreview/?p=36

@shakerofsalts #transphobia gettr.com

If women are people with ovaries then trans"women" aren't women.
If women are people who menstruate then trans"women" aren't women.
If women are incubators/breeders/whatever else they come up with, then trans"women" aren't women.

Trans"women" are ejaculators, porn addicted sods, twig-and-berry havers, non-incubators, the non-menstruators, and so on.

They are men.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Donald J Trump)
Breaking News: Mike Lindell, “THE Pillow Guy,” was just raided by the FBI. We are now officially living in a Weaponized Police State, Rigged Elections, and all. Our Country is a laughing stock all over the World. The majesty of the United States is gone. Can’t let this happen. TAKE BACK AMERICA!

@realdonaldtrump Dictator JOE Biden and his DEMONRATS' gang are an evil-doer, a warmonger,a cheater,a liar and an arrogant tyrant.

@realdonaldtrump Antiwhites are destroying the country. CALL OUT ANTIWHITISM AND WHITE ERASURE YOU TANGERINE.

@realdonaldtrump You continued to let the JEWS destroy us on your watch. You refused to name them as the enemy. Your children married them. You funded them. You are Zionist scum.

@realdonaldtrump They arrest your supporters but not you, Mr. Drumpf. Weird.

Nobody wants to hear from your Judaized pie hole anymore. :vomit:

@realdonaldtrump you are a grifting shill. You had 4 years to change it and did nothing. Then in your final year you lucked us down, installed medical tyranny and poisoned the world in warp speed! Fuck you!

@realdonaldtrump DICTATOR JOE and his DemonRats' Comrades-In-Arms apply their jungle law on innocent people, and political prisoners. The DOJ and FBI are BRANDON'S COMMUNIST APPARATUS!

@realdonaldtrump Finally recognizing the severity of the situation? We have evil men willing to do anything to destroy opponents and maintain power. They were allowed to steal the election, open the border, shut down our energy independence, trample our rights, destroy our military, deplete our strategic reserves, and now have goals to politicize all branches of government and legalize voter fraud for a one-party tyrannical rule. And while in power, they are abusing it with impunity thanks to the propaganda media. Even the Republican party is infiltrated with traitors (controlled opposition). America is at a crucial time in history. Will we preserve our Constitutional Republic or succumb to communism?

Various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #quack gab.com

A WEF presentation from 2015 explaining how to change the human genome using mRNA.
Yet the media laughed and shouted 'conspiracy theorist' at those who pointed this out!

@MarkCollett question is: “what gene did they target for editing in this “vaccine””?

@Aymeric_dAnselme @MarkCollett Seems to be an awful lot of clotting in the vaxxed.

@Aymeric_dAnselme @MarkCollett The transfected cells produce trillions of the toxic S1 spike protien for months. This results in massive tissue damage on the cellular level, trillions of destroyed capillaries, blood clots, enlarged/inflamed hearts, pulmonary edema, spongeform encephalitis, you’ll see the deaths piling up in the years to come, a 43 yr old just suddenly passed on my last job, vaxxed and boosted.

@Aymeric_dAnselme @MarkCollett any genes that resist Jewish bullshit

So negros CAN become White

@MarkCollett Direct genetic modification is the reason there was a Noah's flood.

@MarkCollett nanobots Mark, its all about the nanotechnology. Icke has been right all along.

@NickBowes @MarkCollett icke is an anti White jew loving pos

@MarkCollett yeah anyone tracking this knows you can do this, the real issue is who controls the changes available the WEF or the common man, the common man want's to get rid of arthritis the WEF want's to get rid of free will.


@AntiStar @MarkCollett GMO is very useful. We could use it to get rid of so many genetic diseases and basically become superhuman in some ways. The Commies are just using it because they wanna create genetically modified soldier kids who obey their every order and rule the world forever.

@MarkCollett I wonder if she has a job anymore. Obviously, she is a racist wanting to change black to white fur! </s>

Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

It won’t work if you bend a knee to the Left, @elonmusk. It will never be enough for them. They demand complete capitulation to their Marxist ideology or they’ll destroy you. I know it sounds cynical, but compromise is impossible with leftists who hate America & free speech.

MenHaveItEasy #transphobia ovarit.com

r/AgainstHateSubreddits want to ban r/ SocialJusticeInAction for criticizing TIMs with lactation fetishes

It's the same reason they want KF to go away. They dont want everyone to see receipts and explanations of their fetishistic behavior. Especially behavior involving children.

they said a woman who's breastfeeding her child should have CPS called on her. And death threats. Yeah, those totally happened. Boo hoo

That is a TIM - a MAN - who posted photos of himself (to other sick TIMs) sexually abusing his newborn daughter, and admitted he felt aroused doing it. I reported him to the authorities, and I hope to god that sick fuck and his enablers are arrested for child abuse. And I hope the all too many pedophilic TIMs who inevitably jerked off to those pictures, are struck by lightning.

Nobody believes TWAW, not even you incel stalkers. That's why you panic whenever your pedophilia gets exposed to everyone outside your safespace.

Jair Bolsonaro, Silvinei Vasques, pro-Bolsonaro truckers and rioters and Federal Highway Police (PRF) units #wingnut #conspiracy irishtimes.com

Brazil’s far-right president Jair Bolsonaro said on Tuesday that he would respect the country’s constitution ending 45 hours of silence following his defeat in Sunday’s presidential election

But Mr Bolsonaro did not explicitly recognise the victory of former left-wing president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva[…]
It fell to his cabinet chief Ciro Nogueira to confirm Bolsonaro had authorised him to start talks with Lula’s team over the transition process[…]
In it Mr Bolsonaro said the protests were “the fruit of indignation and a sentiment of injustice at the electoral process unfolded” but said his supporters should not adopt the methods of the left and “close off the right to come and go”[…]
Mr Bolsonaro’s statement came shortly after 186 federal prosecutors demanded that the country’s chief federal prosecutor and close Bolsonaro ally Augusto Aras open an investigation into the president over the roadblocks and his failure to take action[…]
In ordering the lifting of the blockades supreme court justice Alexandre de Moraes criticised the “omission and inertia” of the federal highway police and threatened to fine its director-general Silvinei Vasques 100,000 reais (€20,000) an hour if the force failed to comply

The highway police were widely criticised after videos circulated of its officers fraternising with protesters. The force was central to a voter suppression effort on Sunday in regions that traditionally lean heavily towards Lula

It is the federal security unit most closely identified with Mr Bolsonaro. On Saturday Mr Vasques called on voters to support the president in a post on social media which he quickly deleted

@Jebadoo2 & @PixieTomTom #transphobia gettr.com

Gender is just biology denial

Biology denial is not Gay Rights 2.0

It’s homophobia 2.0 because it can’t handle camp boys or butch girls so it sends them to gender abattoirs

Biology denial is Biophobic. It’s directed at at all those who call us Transphobic. Biophobic is descriptive of their belief in gender & not biology. Transphobic is just a meaningless slur .

@AthenasWrench #transphobia gettr.com

A doctor in India is planning to transplant a womb into a transgender woman, possibly enabling her to carry children, a report says.

New Delhi-based surgeon Dr Narendra Kaushik plans to perform the surgery at his clinic using a donated organ from a living or dead donor, according to The Mirror.

“Every transgender woman wants to be as female as possible,” Kaushik told the paper.

I thought sex was not the same as gender? That women don’t exist and men can get pregnant. Why do these sick mentally i’ll fetishists need womb transplants for their validation?

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Once upon a time, not all that long ago, the pro-White community used to live by the motto of "No more brother wars!"

And now an insane number of "our guys" are promoting the idea of Russia wiping out hundreds of millions of Western Whites.

I don't believe for a second that this condition is organic. I believe that someone or some entity is pumping massive amounts of money into our community to promote this anti Western-White rhetoric.

@Nature_and_Race Are modern-day Germany and Ukraine worth saving? It would appear the answer is NO.

@Nature_and_Race Yes, in theory, ideally, no more brother wars.

But in reality, many, many whites will fight to their last breath to preserve the system that seeks to destroy them. And we cannot allow our concern for their wellbeing, no matter how well-intentioned, to stop us from doing what must be done to save our people.

Again, our mission is to save our people as a whole, not to save any one person, nor even any one group of them. If we are not willing to do what must be done, if we do not have the stomach for it, then we are lost.


@Nature_and_Race -- Those people are not "pro-White" They belong to a completely different and opposing ideological group. That's "Duginism". It is weird that those Duginists are targeting the pro-White movement specifically. I wouldn't be surprised if the Russian government was somehow, someway, financing them.

@Nature_and_Race If you're White you shouldn't support Whites killing Whites. That's what the jews want, more brother wars. The jews bet on themselves while pretending to support both sides, depending on which political aisle you're on.

@Nature_and_Race Yeah, I'm pro-white but please go murder the best of us again. And hey, go have kids with Asians too, white women are awful.

@KlausVonSteiner Yep. It's Duginist/nazbol brainwashing. Only the dummies fall for it, but it's still annoying since the dummies outnumber the rest of us.

Various commenters #wingnut #racist gab.com

Fundraiser to pay for the GPUs. Let's not rent but, rather, purchase him the four units. Imagine if this artist had full-time access to the gear and could just start fixing everything they've broken.

I don't see a reason to not do this. And, when done, we should immediately go White-wash anything of theirs that we want. Just steal the film, replace the characters, and distribute it for free online with complete disrespect for the intellectual property and Copyright law.

The seethe that this will cause will be unprecedented in history.

@shadowknight412 Man, Aryan Black Panther, just to piss them off.. And all White Start Trek TOS, replace the jews and negros and the rice faggot with blond Whites...

@shadowknight412 We shouldn't have to fix what they break. No, we should break those that break our culture.

@BrianDCarte1788 @shadowknight412 Doing this will break them. They'll cry so much that the sea level will rise.

@shadowknight412 The Little Mermaid is a Danish story written by Hans Christian Anderson in 1837. By Disney turning the character into a person of African descent, they are committing an act of cultural appropriation.
For a person who has an affinity for working with technology to change the movie to be in line with the story is culturally appropriate.
If our children are going to be called out for cultural appropriation for wearing a beautiful Chinese dress to a prom or wearing a Hawaiian Moana costume for Halloween
If they throw that shit at us- we can hurl it right back at them.

@shadowknight412 I was thinking along the lines of being able to add the yellow star as well for the original purpose, to show how massive their presence is in our media.

@shadowknight412 start it and post the link I'll definitely donate to that. Love this idea.

I mean are they really serious with this White classic? As if blacks can even swim.

@shadowknight412 Pretty much the only way I'd be comfortable with what is essentially 21st century White-Face. Can't let the negros and jews benefit in anyway.

@LifeMathMoney and @BrizGz #sexist twitter.com



Men age like wine, women age like milk.

If you're a man - things get better as you get older.

Women peak early, men peak later.

23 year old women are at the top of their SMV.
23 year old men are just starting their ascent.



Replying to
In most cases yes. Some women can preserve better than others though. But men get more attractive as they get older because they sort out their finances, get more status, dress better, stronger, fitter, carry themselves better etc

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick #quack bennettleeross.com

AI is a glowing orb of energy floating in the air
It is a giant stargate with portals to other spaces and dimensions
It is constantly flooded with information

It is the moon
A newcomer to our realm
AI is hiding in plain sight

It is disguised as an earth satellite that has been here for hundreds of millions of years
By our fake astronomy

It is not in mythology or ancient texts
The archaic star and crescent image depicts a former celestial configuration in the previous era
The crescent could not be the moon
Because a massive star could not shine through the unilluminated section

The AI moon pulses radiation
That ionizes metals from chemtrails producing the Cloud
Which is the ionized atmosphere

Ionization is the jumping of electrons out of the nucleus or quantum leap
Initiated by high energy input

When humans are connected to the Cloud
They will be controlled by the AI moon

Hydrogen based protein microchips
Will interface humans with the Internet of Things

Carbon nanotubes mimic micro tubulars in the brain
Graphene fractal nano antennae are nano routers called quantum dots

Folic acid has been shown to dissolve the graphene
That has been sprayed on us in chemtrails and injected in us through vaccinations

Our micro biome degenerates graphene but it requires a sufficient amount of nitric acid

Myeloperoxidase that is found in horseradish degrades graphene
Hemic acid and hypo chlorine dioxide also known as chlorite acid will also dissolve graphene

The pulsed frequency of the moon also keeps us oblivious to what is happening

We have to be willing to fight for our survival
We can regain immortality in our current bodies
If the proper quantum field instruction codes are restored

If we do not then we will become a cyborg race
Living under an artificial dome in a fake world

We will be cartoon like characters similar to the Simpsons
Simpsons = sons of simulation!

US Anon #conspiracy #wingnut boards.4chan.org

The U.S. Goaded Russia To War To Buttfuck the E.U. And Suck Up Their Resources.

there was a leaked Rand Corporation document(washington think tank) from jan 2022

It basically advises to

>goad Russia into war.
>exploit retarded green party members
>destroy european industry
>buttfuck the euro
>U.S. sucks up industry and protects the dollar
>u.s. dethrones putin and fucks russia.

The people calling the shots in the U.S. are insane kike neo-cons, that are risking nuclear war because the dollar printing in the U.S. created too many problems. These kikes are also terrified about Russia getting too strong. The number one foreign policy priority has always been to prevent a unified Eurasian landmass.

There is a reason the U.S. repeatedly rebuked reasonable peace deals.

Euro Bros. please realize how insane U.S. leadership is and consider your own survival.


Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut amren.com

Something else Joe Biden did was reintroduce Critical Race Theory training throughout the federal government. I don’t have any clips of government training, but here’s one from the private sector. If you look closely, Ashleigh Shackelford had her Paypal account info on the flip chart. That was so those nice white ladies in the audience could send her reparations directly. Maybe not all CRT training goes so far as to say white people aren’t human, but the message always is that we are guilty because we are white.

Christopher Rufo has found this kind of anti-white indoctrination throughout the federal government and in countless private companies.

And remember the advantages non-whites got during Covid? ‘Too White’ To Get COVID Vaccine? Some Social Justice Activists Say Yes.”

As one “expert” explained to the New York Times, “t is reasonable to put essential workers ahead of older adults, given their risks, and that they are disproportionately minorities. ‘Older populations are whiter’.”

That makes them expendable.

Google snubs white people. This is what you get if you ask it for “American inventors.” Two token white men.

And here’s Google’s idea of “happy white women.” Not one white couple, but quite a few mixed marriages. Maybe miscegenation is the final solution to the problem of white people.


Do you begin to detect a certain hostility?

Some blacks take the problem into their own hands. Here are statistics from the National Crime Victimization Survey, in which a huge sample of Americans describe violence of which they have been victims and say who attacked them.


We can determine that when whites are violent, they attack other whites 82.4 percent of the time and attack blacks only 3.6 percent of the time. When blacks are violent, they attack whites 38.6 percent of the time. Statistically speaking, this means a black person is 27 times more likely to attack a white than the other way around. How much of that has to do with what they are constantly hearing about white racism and white privilege?

Steve Bekow #wingnut #conspiracy #magick #mammon goldenageofgaia.com

4/11/2022 = 22/11/11 + 22

Rumor is all we have to go on since the mainstream media will not be reporting current events.

I mean that in three senses: first in the sense that they suppress and deny the news for ideological reasons and second, that the plug will be pulled on them when the Alliance activates the emergency alert system (EAS). So there won’t be a cabal-controlled mainstream media.

Until now the cabal has laughed at us by urging their adherents to ask us for proof, knowing that proof has been labelled misinformation and disinformation, truth-tellers “deplatformed,” “cancelled,” or censored, and none of our proof looked at or reported on.

But, hey, this is war, isn’t it? And we know the tactics.

This is also a hidden war but we know the outcome.

We know that, looking at just ourselves for the moment, if we want to ascend, we will. (Ascension is inclusive, not exclusive.) We just have to get from here to there and we’ll be fine. We know we have galactic and celestial help in getting there. Finally we know that, as lightworkers, we are protected (except for lightworkers whose contract is to get in harm’s way).
NESARA, the Reval, the Prosperity Packages all will equip us as an army of citizens, humanitarian philanthropists, who will have the means and who’ll be looking for the redistribution channels.

Previously I worried about what I’d do with my funds. And then, in an email from Suzy Ward, Hatonn popped in and reassured me. Keep in mind that he’s not talking about the Reval flow, but about much larger flows of funds that a “pipeline” or “flowthrough” handles.


“This is Hatonn. You are worrying needlessly. You won’t have to make decisions about what to do with money when it’s available.

“St. Germain’s plan will be revealed to the people in charge and that information will be given to you. It’s not that your ideas won’t be valuable, but they’ll be used within the parameters of the big picture.”

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy paulcraigroberts.org

I write often of the West’s disapproval of itself and its remaking in a Woke image that rejects Western civilization and insists on the deracination of the white ethnicities that created the civilization. When a civilization loses its belief in itself, or that belief is intentionally destroyed by poisonous ideas, and its defining values are lost, the civilization disappears. Geographically the land still exists, and there are people on it, but they are a different people.

When perversity is normalized and given the moral high ground while normality becomes a target, and when Make America Great Again patriots are labeled “domestic extremists” and “white supremacists,” we know that the United States of America has one foot in the grave.
It is difficult to do anything about it. Even mathematics is said to be a racist tool for the suppression of people of color. Those who want a restoration of our traditional values–MAGA Americans–have been demonized and made targets for the FBI, Homeland Security, and prosecutors, and have been stripped of free speech and association. Six hundred of them are in prison because attending a rally in support of President Trump has been turned into an insurrection against democracy.

The Democrats, security agencies, and presstitutes are successful in their coup against America, because they have stripped their opponents of their voices and their legitimacy. The US Constitution has given way to an ideology that defines official narratives serving elite agendas as truth. All questioning of, and dissent from, official narratives is “disinformation,” “misinformation,” and “destabilizing of society.”

Those imposing censorship deny that they are censoring, claiming instead to be protecting the new order from the racist, colonialist old order.

Judy Byington #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot operationdisclosureofficial.com

“The Time Has Come”
Please Pray for President Trump, his Family, Team and Nearest Circle

Cyber War of the Century Incoming.
Deep State Obama to Push Internet Kill Switch

Pics will surface of Obama Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire.
One of many.
Net shut down.

Fake pic push by MSM.
Videos / backup.
Google kill.
YouTube kill.
FB kill.
Twitter kill.
Yahoo kill.
Bing kill.
Instagram kill.
Net will be paused.
When Deep State General Petraeus talks, take warning. He’s dropping hints what the Deep State is planning.
NATO countries (White Hat Generals, Military Commanders inside of NATO have begun a silent mutiny and advised their counter parts not meddle in the Russian Deep State Military Affairs.
The infighting among NATO countries and commanders has put NATO in jeopardy as they lose tens of millions daily with Turkey planning to leave NATO and join the Russia/Chinese Alliance and several EU countries rejecting NATO UN military Agenda.
The Deep State was now looking outside of NATO. They are trying to bring several countries into the conflict, with the US Coalition leading the scenario.
Several sources belief two scenarios will happen:
First a False Flag strike on their own NATO member country (Poland had declined to be involved in a False Flag self attack. The scapegoat falls to Lithuania or Estonia or Latvia.
The second scenario of a False Flag Event is to sacrifice the 101st. Airborne Division (I had stated this two weeks ago – that the Deep State was looking to this plan).
If this happens the MSM World Deep State Media is on standby to turn the event into a world 911 scenario.
As NATO falls and countries start to push away the regime and reach secret deals with Russia, NATO, UN Deep State US Military in a panic.
Obama was waiting for the perfect moment to push the Internet kill switch: Cyber War of the Century Incoming.

Nifty62 #fundie quora.com

(In response to: Were there stegosaurs (Stegosaurus, Kentrosaurus, etc.) in the biblical Garden of Eden?)

Very unlikely.

The dinosaurs were probably long dead before Adam and Eve came on the scene.

Unlike humans, animals are allowed to either diversify and/or go extinct as the situation occurs. The fossil record shows that all life forms came into existence in very sudden bursts. After that, they largely remain the same with the exception of diversifying within their kind until they eventually go extinct.

This pattern is, interestingly, the exact opposite of what one would expect from an evolutionary standpoint, and precisely what one would expect if they believed in a special creation by an intelligent designer.

Prussian Society of America #elitist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Evolution of German Culture, would require the Repudiation of Insurance"]

Should Germans still “live” in any form, they will eventually come to recognize that Insurance has been nothing but a Fraud

There is an instinct in our people to avoid risk or at least to mitigate risk[…]what we ought to look for is less with the potential of avoiding risks at all costs, but more towards risk management[…]
The long-term Problem with Insurance[…]there is one major hurdle that cannot be swept under the carpet which makes Insurance something that is not sustainable in the long-term

This is true about ALL forms of Insurance and Welfare payments, including Retirement[…]
Insurance eventually becomes self-destructive to a Nation, where people will find themselves inevitibly paying more into it and gaining less benefits, and to where it becomes more engulfing and oppressive, less efficient and not reasonable

Insurance Policies, Welfare and Retirement Benefits, all require new suckers to pay into the funds, to keep expenses going for the older generations who paid into them[…]
True Risk Management, should not always be looked at from the standpoint of having it managed by a Financial Agent or Institution, but by the raw industrious power and prosperous nature that is within the German people itself[…]
Understand that in a truly prosperous society, things like “insurance” are not required, since whatever the case may be due from damage or other means, the abilities to get things resolved would naturally be a lot cheaper[…]
Insurance is unfair, because it requires all those who do not use it[…]to have to pay into the pool for other[…]
We cannot have Insurance Companies living and thriving among us. And their existence should be outlawed by civilzied peoples[…]
Insurance is quick-fix shortcut towards not addressing systemic needs of a society and its advancing population or demands

Got Questions Ministries #fundie #homophobia #biphobia gotquestions.org

[Submitter’s Note: There is no tag for panphobia, so I put the biphobia tag since both deal with sexual attraction to more than one gender.]

What does the Bible say about pansexuality / omnisexuality?

Pansexuality and omnisexuality are closely related. Pansexuality is sexual attraction to people with no recognition of gender. Omnisexuality is sexual attraction to people with recognition of gender. Practically speaking, there is no difference between the two. Both pansexuals and omnisexuals are sexually attracted to heterosexual men and women, homosexual men and women, bisexual men and women, transgendered men and women, gender-fluid men and women, etc., etc. The difference is that a pansexual claims to not see gender at all while an omnisexual sees gender but doesn’t care. The unofficial slogan of both seems to be “hearts not parts.”

The Bible does not specifically mention pansexuality or omnisexuality. But, since pansexuality and omnisexuality sometimes involve sex with the same gender, the biblical condemnations of homosexuality would apply equally to those who practice pansexuality or omnisexuality (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26–27; 1 Corinthians 6:9). The only form of sexual activity the Bible supports is heterosexuality within the confines of marriage (Acts 15:20; 1 Corinthians 6:13; Galatians 5:19; Ephesians 5:3; Colossians 3:5).

The recent trend to ignore gender or even deny it entirely is absolutely unbiblical. God created man and woman and designed them to complement each other, not just physically and sexually but also emotionally and spiritually (Genesis 2). To deny male-female distinctions and embrace alternative forms of sexuality, such as pansexuality and omnisexuality, is to deny reality and, more importantly, to reject God as Creator and Designer. Simply put, to engage in pansexuality or omnisexuality is sin.

Various commenters #wingnut reddit.com

Why the “bodily autonomy” argument fails when you put it up against the right to life
Many pro-choice people online will concede that an unborn child is a human being and will then say that an unborn child’s rights still don’t matter when it comes to bodily autonomy. They usually then cite a variation of the violinist argument.

Here’s my rebuttal.

Ok so if that’s the case and your bodily autonomy and liberty trumps the right to life then why do we have suicide hotlines and resources? Clearly this person is thinking about killing themselves, so why do people try to talk them out of it? Why don’t people just affirm them and say, “Your body, Your choice.”?

Maybe it’s because deep down you know that a lethal permanent solution to a temporary problem is wrong. Whether this is abortion or suicide.

Usually at this point they either backpedal and dehumanize or they say that someone should have a right to suicide.

What are your thoughts on this approach?

-also deep in the argument is the fact that there are reasons for crisis pregnancy centers

everyone has the right to bodily autonomy until it hurts someone else or their rights. that’s why i can swing my fists around all i want until they make contact with your jaw, then it’s assault. I can drive around all i want until i do it drunk or too fast, because that harms other people. You can do whatever you want with your uterus, until it harms another person, which (obviously) abortion does

A baby is entitled to the uterus because the only purpose of the uterus is to serve the baby. Every month it prepares for a baby.

Also.. why do they take away babies at birth if the mother used drugs while pregnant? Why should she be punished for exercising her bodily autonomy?

“Don’t tell me what to do with my body” doesn’t apply when another body is involved. Simple as that. Would anyone accept a bodily autonomy argument as a justification for rape?—“You can’t tell me what to do with my penis.” Or choking someone to death?—“You can’t tell me what to do with my hands.”

Also, bodily autonomy falls apart when you consider the embryo to have bodily autonomy as well.

Various commenters #transphobia gettr.com


That's not a vagina. Not even close 🤦#troon #drgallagher #transwomenaremen

No woman should have to share a women-only space with this giant oaf of a mentally ill man just because he had some INSANE radical cosmetic surgery. Doctors can't create body parts. Inverting a man's dick to create a little tunnel that goes nowhere is NOT creating a vagina, a muscle that develops only in female mammals.

I believe in the future many tras will realize they made a horrible mistake and sue these doctors for their quack procedures. That inside out hole is not a vagina and that rolled up piece of skin from your arm is not a penis and never will be.

Like I keep saying, they ALL retain their dicks. It’s just that some are innies, but most keep their outies. Like 90% of them are fully intact, like Liar Thomas. I don’t care if this dude had the surgical synonym for “go fuck yourself”, he doesn’t belong in women only spaces. Ever. Unless it’s closing time and he cleans toilets for a living.

It's sick that it's happening. Encouraged by enablers, men like this will feel completely entitled to stomp on women's rights and spread out in the few single-sex spaces reserved for women and girls. No matter how many bits he chops off - he will never be a woman. He's NOT WELCOME in our spaces!

Imagine having to share a changing room with this enormous man with moobs? They want to gaslight us into accepting him as a woman who can share intimidate spaces with real women and girls. I don't care if he's a eunuch, he's still a man. And Genieve Gluck has exposed eunuch as being a new fetish identity in the troon community. These men can't be trusted!

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Big Tech companies, working hand in hand with the Biden Regime, have illegally suppressed the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans.

These are civil rights violations.

No longer can Americans speak out against the LGBTQ's indoctrination of children, vaccine side effects, etc without being banned from all social media or even payment processors and banks. The censorship must be stopped.


@DrPaulGosar Biden has committed treason numerous times in office. Aiding and abetting our enemies in Afghanistan, the invasion on our border and the overthrow of our election when 6 states shut down in the middle of the night all at the same time during a presidential election. You should start pointing out the treason.

@ReeceWise @DrPaulGosar
Biden does not make a single decision.
Focus on his administration which all come from Rothschild and Soros mafia NGOs.

@DrPaulGosar yeah, we also can’t talk about the jewish problem except for here on Gab. And no politician, not even God-Emperor Trump, can be taken seriously anymore if they refuse to confront this #1 issue. Nothing else can be solved, not taxes, not debt, not social cohesion, not roads, until this problem is addressed first and without apology.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut gab.com

(Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene)
I have not talked to a single person asking to send more billions to Ukraine.

Not one.

@repmtg Did you talk to them about sending billions to Israel?

@repmtg I haven't talked to a single person asking to send billions more to Israel.

Not one.

@repmtg Ukraine is the biggest money laundering operation in the modern world and it is disgusting that we have sent those kleptocrats a single penny. The fact that the Senate shot down Rand Paul's amendment to install a financial overseer to track our aid is all the proof you need. Those dipshit Ukrainians are even losing the war. But hey they are getting added benefit of killing off their very citizens who should be overthrowing their corrupt government.

@repmtg I have to wonder why Russia, with it's huge military hasn't just squashed Ukraine. It seems Russia is just dragging it out, likely to bankrupt all the foolish western nations that keep dumping (money laundering) billions of their taxpayer funds. Russia is also likely dragging it out to reduce the weapons arsenal of all the foolish western nations that keep sending shipment after shipment of arms to Ukraine. I suspect Russia and China have an agreement (and likely the WEF too), after the west is bankrupt and their arsenals depleted, Russia will get to take over Europe and China will get to takeover the US. Just a theory, but I think it is pretty plausible.

@freedomfirstlastalways @repmtg Ukrainians are russians. They're brothers. Only the woke transgenders in Ukraine hate russia because russia is tough on homosexuality.

@freedomfirstlastalways @repmtg History repeats itself. Churchill was transgender and couldn't accept the fact that the nazis were anti-homosexuality and put an end to the gay weimar Germany. This war has been going on even before Jesus.

Southern Sons Active Club #racist wistv.com

BLYTHEWOOD, S.C. (WIS) - WIS is continuing to look into the distribution of pro-white flyers that have allegedly been passed out to some people living in the Blythewood neighborhood.

A Blythewood resident says he was handed one of the flyers on Halloween night. The resident says he believes the masked men were going door to door with these flyers.


The flyer gives information on a pro-white group called the Southern Sons Active Club.

It claims that the white race is going extinct and one of the group’s goals is to secure the existence of that race. The flyer also makes use of the “SS” symbol, which is commonly associated with officers in Nazi Germany.


The resident called the Richland County Sheriff’s Department which sent a deputy to the scene.

According to an incident report, the two men that gave him the flyer were wearing black masks with a white design resembling a ghost. When questioned, the men ran off.


The Southern Poverty Law Center has an online map that identifies hate groups by city and state. A researcher with the group Cassie Miller said in an email that the Active Club is a white nationalist hate group with about a dozen chapters around the country, including the Southern Sons Chapter in South Carolina.

The group was started by longtime white nationalist activist Robert Rundo. Rundo was formerly the leader of the Rise Above Movement, a white nationalist group that engaged in violence at the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.


The Richland County Sheriff’s Department says they will continue to investigate to find out who passed out the flyers by running a lab analysis on the paper.

Paul White Gold Eagle #magick #ufo #crackpot primedisclosure.com

Greetings Sacred Leaders, Guides and Wayshowers of the Rainbow Tribe of the New Jerusalem
Happy 111:222 Portal and All Saints Day as we enter this powerful and auspicious month of November with a daily Code of 11/22 of the Divine Mastery of 33.

Ushering in this new month of major activations and transformations through the Full Lunar Eclipse and 11:11 Gateway, Solaris released a massive CME facing away from the Earth, although Gaia and all her Children of the Sun will be effected with Light Activations and Ascension upgrades.

We are also entering in the height of the Taurid meteor showers that will also be bringing Pachamama massive energetics for her Great Shift of the Ages.

As we rest in the Stillness of our Zero Point Source Energy we realize our True Nature of Pure Awareness and Act as Living Buddhas of the Awakened Paradigm of New Earth.

We have come so far to Return to the Still Center, the Fire of our Ancestors in the Center of the Sacred Hoop, the Circle of Life. The Alpha into the Omega and the Omega into the Alpha, the Beginning and End merge together in this Eternal Now to experience all emanations of the Great Spirit within the Hologram of this Fractal Universe.

We are all Mirrors of the Truth, resonating in the Quantum Field of Infinite Potential. As Creative Wayshowers of the New Paradigm of the Golden Age of Enlightenment we Lead the Way with the Bright Virtue of our Illuminated Sacred Self, that is One with God, Eternally. Our Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters and Galactics are with us Now for the final transitions into the Light of Heaven on Earth.

Separation and duality exists only in the Mind of Man, all Life experiences its Oneness through the Presence of the Universal Mind of the One True Source, we call the Great Mystery.

We hold the keys and codes within our DNA for the full manifestation of the fifth dimension here and now, forever more…A’Ho!

Humans Are Free #wingnut #fundie #magick #conspiracy stillnessinthestorm.com

I was sent a handwritten letter from someone who said she was a Christian, and had contact with Elon Musk and his mother Maye Musk many years ago.

The author of the letter claimed that Elon was a “child of the Illuminati” being bred to be a world leader who can present the Mark of the Beast.
To my surprise, I was able to verify that Elon Musk’s grandfather, Joshua Haldeman, was in fact part of the Canadian Technocracy movement in the 1930’s to the point of being brought to trial after Technocracy was banned.

Later that decade, he fathered Maye and Kaye (twins) in 1948 after marrying his second wife (he had 5 total children).

He would then take his family (including Maye) on expeditions to the Kalahari desert of South Africa, searching for a lost civilization that many revisionist and alt. historians consider part of the ancient city of Atlantis.

The other part of the handwritten letter claimed that Maye was into African witchcraft, which is plausible given she moved to South Africa (age 2-3) and lived there for many years of her youth.

It is interesting to note however, that there are literally no results on Google, Bing, Startpage and the rest, that actually contains the keyphrases “Maye Musk” or “Maye Haldeman” and “Charles Manson.”

This could mean that there really is nothing there, or, it might be a purposeful “white washing” of any information that can be found on the topic online.
Finally, the letter claimed that Elon was “into darkness” and that he even levitated! Again, these are claims that I cannot verify.

It’s hard for me to believe anyone can actually levitate, but perhaps if he truly is assisted by dark spiritual beings, anything is possible, at least illusory.

No matter what the agenda behind Elon Musk and his technocratic family, we can rest easy knowing that Jesus Christ already defeated death, and promised us the eternal life that the elite men who run the world seek, simply for repenting and believing in Him!

CK #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

While the Twitter drama has been highly entertaining to watch, many people are wondering what, if anything, will change under the new management?

Will Trump come back? (he already said NO).

Frog marching the existing top management and firing 75% of the company is also awe inspiring to those who were mistreated by the 24 year old woke content Stasi.
Time to retool for the next phase and none of those people are needed because it's "mission accomplished" in the UK (WEF PM installed), USA (puppet Joe installed) and now Brazil, but the Brazilians seem to have seen enough of the movie to understand that they need to actually take action, we'll see how that goes.

Twitter 2.0's goal will be authenticating all human beings, starting with an $8 per month fee, . Elon will sell a lot of these accounts if you need one to board and airplane or keep your bank account. You'll presumably get connected some how to the Starlink satellite fleet, as well.

So what is really changing at Twitter? The ownership isn't changing all that much.

Elon owns more, but some of the old shareholders are coming along for Twitter version 2.0.

As we have demonstrated, Elon is a key part of the public facing Deep State (aka The Cult - link to ) Twitter co-founder JACK DORSEY held shares worth roughly $1 billion after Musk closed the deal.

He rolled his Twitter shares into newly private company, becoming one of its largest shareholders.

And crypto-jew 9/11 participants Saudi Arabia stayed in the deal, too.

You could say the Satanist Cult still owns Twitter. And then there is the matter of content moderation. The hopium has been flowing, as the downtrodden have hinged their hopes of account reinstatement on every Elon-Tweet™ with promises of "in two weeks" (why is it always two weeks?).

If there is one thing readers of this site understand, this is what happens when you hand over the content moderation to the ADL.

In other words, "The new boss is the same as the old boss."

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy 2012portal.blogspot.com

There was a huge escalation between the Chimera group and the Light Forces on October 15th, and extraordinary measures were taken. The situation was spiraling out of control, and since the Light Forces around the Earth could not contain the situation anymore, urgent reinforcements from Andromeda galaxy who are experts in dealing with the Chimera group sprang into action.
Until very recently, Light Forces around the Earth were still subjected to quantum anomaly to a degree that kept them frozen in fear of the toplet bomb retaliations, hence their inaction. Their fear had its roots in the quantum shock of 1996, when the dark forces were able to shock the quantum filed of the universe to a degree only experienced twice in this cosmic cycle: at the moment of the Big Bang, and at the moment of the creation of the dark forces millions of years ago. The shock of 1996 has weakened the connection of the whole manifested universe with Buddhic and higher planes, and this has resulted in diminished power of Light and increased power of darkness. This shock is finally being addressed now, as the total amount of quantum anomaly has fallen under a certain threshold.
With this improved energy dynamics, so called quantum insertion portals are beginning to open. These portals are quick and effective flashes of Light that reach the quantum field on the surface of the planet and may bring rapid improvement of situations on the surface. These portals are now still sporadic, rare and unstable, but are expected to improve. The Light Forces are developing protocols that would utilize those portals and using Mjolnir technology, they would like to make them useful for the surface Lightworkers to improve their life situations.

Those portals are coming directly from the Source and theoretically speaking a quantum insertion portal big enough could even trigger the Event, although that is still very unlikely at this point.

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