
These filthy peasants! They are revolting!

Forward Synthesis #elitist #wingnut datasecretslox.com

[Universal franchise] made things worse. Abolishing the vote for most of both blacks and whites would be preferred, but I'm not a believer in absolute equality to begin with, so I don't care if we get there by bits and pieces. You're getting into the danger zone as soon as the voters don't comprise a small aristocracy of people who all know each other and have a vested interest in upholding a foundational constitution. Every little step away from ideal is bad, so yes, letting blacks vote more easily was worse for long term societal outcomes.

Dairugger #dunning-kruger #elitist #wingnut archive.ph

Omar's daughter decries 'hypocrisy,' says anti-Israel students are '100% targeted' after suspension and arrest

Yeah... when you make an ass out of yourself and break a whole slew of laws you are targeted and punished. In other words Fuck Around and Find Out!

Here's the real kicker she going on mommy's talking point of being subjected to a chemical attack... somehow getting a snoot full of a novelty crap spray you can get off Amazon for $10 pales in comparison to Chorine Gas, Mustard Gas, VX Nerve gas, Agent Orange, or Zyklon B!

Dale Partridge #dunning-kruger #elitist #enbyphobia #fundie #interphobia #homophobia #sexist #transphobia amazon.com

Jesus and My Gender: Affirming Your Child's God-Given Gender


In this rhyming book for children ages 3-10, pastor Dale Partridge masterfully lays out a cohesive theological presentation of biblical gender. The content of each page is supported by Scripture references and, at the end of the book, is a 5-question biblical catechism to instill these truths in the minds of young people.


Before the creation of the world, God designed boys and girls.


God said boys and girls are equal, before their lord in soul, but they were made uniquely, with completely different roles.


The crown of girls is quickly seen when people start comparing - a special privilege given them: the blessing of childbearing. The female body is extraordinary, the boys cannot relate. The girls can carry babies amd nurture those they make.


He built his boys for rough and play, just how they ought to be. They’d pounce and battle for the day, and even jump from trees! He made them strong to guard their friends, to protect the weak, and make amends.

Global_Meet_375 #elitist #sexist reddit.com

Most homeless men are r*pist

Alot of homeless men can't maintain a job or even get one because they can't control there sexual desire. They would stare at women on the street they would grope women and even r*pe women yet women are expected to feel sympathy for them and were expected to donate money to them. Most people who donate to charities are women yet were blamed for male homelessness and male homelessness statistics are used to gaslight women and keep us quite about our issues.

70% of homeless people are male meaning that most of my tax money goes to men. Most of my money goes to funding rapist on the street but I'm considered a greedy bitch if I don't think pads and tampons should be tax.

Jesse Watters #dunning-kruger #elitist #mammon yahoo.com

Fox News’ Jesse Watters said he thought getting paid $20/hr was around six figures annually.

In a PBD podcast episode that aired on Saturday, Watters and host Patrick Bet-David discussed California recently raising the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20/hr in the state. Bet-David asked Watters for his view on the law. The Fox News host responded by asking Bet-David to work out the math.

“If you're making $20 an hour to work at a fast-food restaurant, is that six figures?” Watters asked.“No, 40 grand … Just two-x it and add a few zeros,” Bet-David replied. “$40k a year, full-time.”

“Okay, 40k a year. So and then if your husband or wife is also there you're making a hundred thousand dollars as a family … both working at McDonald's,” Watters said.

“80 grand,” Bet-David replied.

“That is crazy,” Watters said. “Because that job really doesn't require much so it's inflating the entire labor sector.”

Sally Wald and Larry Cook #ableist #crackpot #elitist #quack #wingnut twitter.com

Sally Wald

“By 2035 at our current rate 1 in 2 children will have autism. Are You ok with that? It will be the demise of the United States. We won’t be able to mount an army. You will either have autism or being caring for someone critically ill.”

Larry Cook

“If we dissolve the vaccine industry we dissolve 99% of new autism cases.

Which do you choose?


Pastor Matt Baker #ableist #elitist #fundie wptv.com

The Private School Trinity Christian Academy cancels Autism Awareness Week after Lead Pastor calls it Demonic.

"The word 'Christian' means 'Like Christ,' and it was given to the followers of Christ because they acted just like Jesus. Remember those bracelets from the 2000s that asked, 'WWJD?' If Jesus Christ led Trinity, would HE have an Autism Awareness Week? Of course not! Why? Because anything that exalts itself above the name of Christ should be brought down. Also, anything that teaches our children to have their identity in anything other than Christ is idolatry and demonic. Let me repeat myself just so I am not quoted out of context: any philosophy, teaching, or program that teaches our precious children that their identity is found in anything other than Christ is idolatry and demonic. Period. The world, in its rejection and hatred of Christ, often devises programs such as 'Autism Awareness' (and cultural figures like the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause, etc.) to get the benefits of His teachings (compassion, kindness, feeling love, and self-worth) without acknowledging Jesus as the ultimate authority and the source of all life. These initiatives imply that Jesus alone is insufficient, and we fail to recognize just how deeply they have permeated into our daily lives as Christians. As a result, we have 'a form of godliness but deny its power (2 Timothy 3:5).'"

Thomas Dalton #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #elitist unz.com

[From “Democracy Is an Ideal Government for Jewish Influence”]

Joe Biden referred to “democracy” nearly a dozen times. Democracy, he said, was currently “under assault” and “under attack”[…]
Our polyracial vice president speaks in a similar vein. Regarding Donald Trump, Kamala Harris informs us that “we must recognize the profound threat he poses…to our democracy”[…]
Mainstream media is no better. The constant banter, on both the left and the right, is that democracy is all, democracy is under threat (by candidate X), and democracy must be protected and defended, no matter the cost[…]
There are several assumptions here[…]
These are:
•We actually have democracy
•Democracy is a good thing
•The only alternative to democracy is authoritarianism
•“Democracy” is a clear and obvious concept
Again, all four of these are false[…](1) Our current systems of government in the US, Canada, and Europe resemble true democracy in name only[…]
(2) Democracy is good for those who profit directly from it: the elite, the rich, celebrities, pop stars. But for the vast majority of people in the so-called democratic nations, the cost to their well-being is extraordinarily high[…]
(3) There are in fact several alternatives to democracy, most of which are superior to it—at least, if we believe our wisest thinkers on this matter. Even on the face of it, democracy, as a “rule by the people,” is actually mass-rule, or mob-rule[…]
(4) Throughout history, there have been many variants on the democratic model, so to speak of ‘democracy’ as a single, clear idea is ridiculous[…]
But the central point here is that, above all, democracy is a means by which a small, invasive minority—the Jews—have proven able to assume power, to acquire vast wealth, and to largely impose their will on a non-Jewish majority, all while keeping these facts largely hidden from view. “Democracy,” or rule by the people, is now a codeword for “Judeocracy,” or rule by the Jews

okko1001 #ableist #elitist reddit.com

so let the immune deficient ppl stay home instead of everybody. y drag the rest down with u because ur disabled?? thats like cutting off everyone elses legs just cuz ur in a wheelchair. the lockdown was for literal years and applied to everyone not just the sick. also most cant afford to say home when sick thats an Extreme luxury. I dont have problems with vaccinations I have problems with forced coerced and pressured vaccinations.
I would LOVE to stay home when Im sick but I cant afford it usually.
its not my problem some ppl are immunocompromised so they should stop trying to make it everyones problem that they are. most of those ppl are also that way by their own fault ie obese or theyre just super old in which case they already had their good run.

C.T. #elitist #racist #conspiracy westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Canaille!”]


Il y a une autre canaille à laquelle on sacrifie tout, et cette canaille est le peuple

In my recent articles, and on this site in general, I have expressed myself in a very derogatory way about the masses (and the System that empowers them: democracy), whom I have called as Voltaire called them, canaille, and I have also called them in a much worse way

After years of not seeing it, I have just watched one more time the 1995 film Indictment: The McMartin Trial, starring James Woods: one of the very few films I can recommend in this dark hour for our civilisation

The daycare sex abuse hysteria was a moral panic that occurred mainly during the 1980s and early 1990s and brought charges against completely innocent daycare providers accused of committing various forms of child abuse, including satanic ritual abuse[…]
Since the mid-1990s, the phenomenon has been discredited to such a degree that criminalists and law enforcement authorities have recognised it for what it was: a witch hunt that led to imprisonment and ruined the lives of many innocent adults. The film Indictment: The McMartin trial masterfully shows how a moral panic psychotised the masses in the decade I lived in California

In its heyday in the 1980s and early 1990s, similar in some ways to the Salem trial of 1692, such allegations reached grotesque extremes. Using invasive adult techniques in the interrogation of kindergartners, therapists elicited confessions riddled with fantasies[…]
Indictment is the best example of how the masses—yes: the canaille—react when they are in a moral panic: they simply trust the Jew-controlled media. The film vindicates why I speak so disparagingly of the masses or rabble and why I can only love the dissident individual

lifeisgreat521 #elitist #psycho foxnews.com

Very simple, efficient, cost-effective, quick and humane solution for San Francisco and all cities with a homeless, drug problem.
1. Cities enter into a contract with crematoriums.
2. The homeless (except vets) are given a dose of lethal injection.
3. Bodies are cremated.
4. Cities are fumigated.
Homeless vets are provided with food, clothing, and shelter.
It's a win-win. Cities are saving money. Crematoriums are making money. Our cities are cleaner and safer.

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #fundie #elitist #conspiracy pepelivesmatter.substack.com

It's been difficult at times to feel super jazzed about reporting on the news lately except when the narrative boom comes along like with the Putin interview and the Epstein documents. In between the huge moments has been a dull: Oh look they are sending more of our money to Ukraine or more disheartening news about the border or Trump's legal persecutions.
Your money was being siphoned by the military-industrial complex underneath your nose for generations. The foreign wars we fought were shams.

This was clear to conspiracy theorists before but now this truth has become so blatant that many are joining our intellectual side. I mean they are now giving billion to an unwinnable war to literal nazis in Ukraine while Biden can barely complete a coherent sentence. Us conspiracy theorists told you President's were puppets but Biden has manifested this reality like no one thought possible. You can practically see the strings attached to the corpse of what used to resemble an idiotic person.

When you detach from the everyday happenings though, you find it almost miraculous that we have come this far. The country has inexplicably not imploded despite all that she's been put through. America still stands.

And so do anons.
2020 was years ago. It's 2024.

And the election is right around the corner. And God knows what else.

I take solace in the breadcrumbs that God leaves along the way.

Like the fall of Roe v Wade, the prophetic event of the Georgia Guidestones blowing to smithereens, and the massive awakening occurring around the world.
Don't let the draining news of today rob you of the ability to extract joy. Just think of how far you've come. We've all had transformational experiences along the way. God is using these hellscapes, these trials and He's creating a path forward. A proverbial parting of the waters. Onwards to an Exodus. A fall of Babylon. A great jubilee with hardened and tried and tested people.

We will make it.

Bernard Lane #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #homophobia #kinkshaming #sexist #transphobia twitter.com

Excerpts from a guy explaining why fan fiction turns girls Trans

“And ‘gay ships’ online, gay erotica, can provide a vector for the girl to explore relationships and sexuality with the male objects of her infatuation — without confronting all that resentment, insecurity, hatred and self-doubt that is triggered by female love interest and male-female relationships.

“When it's two men it can be very seductive, because these girls love men, and they don't want to see the women — and it's like this weird, perfect storm for them.”

“The fandom community is going to have that hierarchy — if you are a cis-het white person, you're evil, you're terrible, you're horrible, you're disgusting, you're an oppressor. But if you're trans, if you're gay, if you're not white, then you are amazing. And everybody needs to be super nice to you.

“The LGBT spectrum is really elevated in these fandom communities, partly because of that love of the male-male pairings where these girls are obsessed with the very idea of gay men. They almost think they're being pro-LGBT by sharing gay fan fiction.

“They're developing an aversion to male-female relationships. They can start to over-identify with the ‘gay ships’, in this [online 24/7] environment where there are no checks and balances on the fantasy. It's all these young girls identifying as trans together, ‘shipping the ships’ together. It's so easy to have your identity lines blurred, to start to over-identify with being a gay trans boy. And then gender ideology comes along and says, this is all a sign that deep down, you really want to be a boy.”

DryRecognition_6671 #sexist #elitist #pratt reddit.com

It’s getting harder and harder to find a high quality woman in America. I’m leaving…

It seems their expectations and standards have only risen in the past few years. The 6/10 women (6s, 7s, 8s) who ALSO have a decent personality accumulate for less than 5% of the overall American female population. That’s millions of men competing for the top 5% of women. America lacks quality control and I’m not sure if things will ever change. Time to leave ✈️

Fschmidt #elitist saidit.net

I just watched the Putin interview. I wonder who Putin thought he was speaking to. Putin doesn't seem to realize that the American people are retarded. All of the American elite, Tucker included, speak publicly with a clear understanding that they are speaking to retards. So the interview was just very strange with Tucker asking questions appropriate for retards and Putin giving intelligent answers. It is a reminder that Putin is truly human while all modern Americans are subhuman

Henry Okello Oryem #elitist bbc.com

Many have deemed Henry Okello Oryem's comments tone-deaf

In 2022, more than 2,200 people died of starvation and related illnesses in north-east Uganda, a report by an official human rights body said

But Mr Oryem argued that given Uganda's favourable climate and fertile land, people should be able to grow food for themselves

"It's only an idiot, a real idiot, that can die of hunger in Uganda," the state minister for foreign affairs told the NTV Uganda television channel

"If you work hard, there is land in Uganda. The climate is right in spite [of] climate change. If you make a double effort to make sure that you go out in the morning, you till your land, you plant the seeds, you maintain your plantation, surely, how do you fail then to get food?"

As well as killing many people, the food shortage in the north-east left nearly half-a-million people in "acute hunger", said the report by the Uganda Human Rights Commission, which was established by the constitution

The minister's comments have sparked outrage

Moses Aleper, a legislator for Chekwii county, which is part of the affected Karamoja region, told the BBC that Mr Oryem's views were "not right" and "unfortunate coming from a minister who knows what goes on in this country"

"I'm from one of the most productive parts of Karamoja where there is adequate rain and we produce food. But in situations where weather fails us, the weather vagaries set in, we definitely fail to get food. And normally people definitely get famine and eventually hunger strikes"

Mr Aleper also said that hunger in the region is often caused by "other issues beyond even human control"

Pleiadian Message from Akasha via Jen Freer #ufo #magick #conspiracy #elitist freerspirit.com

Greetings Precious Ones!

We want to congratulate those of you who put in the admirable work to raise your vibration and expand your consciousness and awareness high enough to anchor yourselves into the higher 5D timeline of the Earth Matrix Simulation. Welcome!

We know many of you are still feeling a bit groggy, perhaps wobbly, and a bit stiff and sore with continued ascension symptoms such as headaches, joint and muscle pain, and tinnitus. It will still be important for you to eat natural foods and stay hydrated, as you are in the very early stages of continued healing, DNA repair and a variety of crystalline upgrades to your once carbon-based bodies. You are in a transformation process, so please be gentle with yourselves physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Some of you are wondering why you’re still interacting (or interfacing, if you will) with individuals who are still exhibiting 3D/4D fear-based vibrations. This is because you’re still in the Earth Matrix Simulation, but, because of your ascension to the higher timeline, you now have the upper hand, and those lower-timeline beings can no longer abuse, hurt or harm you in any way. They have been sealed off into the lower timeline. The issues that may surface between you and lower-timeline beings now are for the purpose of observation and elimination, so that you may heal from the trauma(s) and continue on your ascension process.
Once you are healed, your next task on the higher timeline is leadership training. You have been handpicked to serve as leaders on the new 5D Ascended Earth Plane(t). Some of you like to refer to your physical home as a “plane,” while others prefer “planet.” Both are correct. You will notice there are no words such as “matrix” or “simulation” when we refer to 5D Ascended Earth. That is because there will be no duality/polarity games or “rules of engagement,” and this is why full 5D healing is required before you can move to your new plane(t).

Christopher Calvin Reed #elitist #fundie twitter.com

That's not how Christianity works
.. we can't really condone religions that we know lead people into eternity apart from God.... it's cruel to not give them the truth because at least if we tell the truth of the gospel they may repent and be forgiven.... but if we say nothing to those we know headed down the wrong track.... is it because we care about them or because we care about ourselves? Being confrontational is uncomfortable but so is an eternity away from God. Always love people enough to share the truth with them.

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist pepelivesmatter.substack.com

"Why can't we go back to the status quo? At least, we had comfort. Trump is too chaotic and wild. A man of war."

My response:

The previous status quo was nothing but war, hidden slavery, murder, the military industrial complex thumb on a world and people tell me that was a great time.

No, you simply felt comfortable because no one was challenging their power in a substantial way.

When Trump decided to push back against the globalist cult, he pushed for a real war. A war that actually meant something meaningful and good.

If you don't believe me, read the Georgia Guidestones, which now lies in rubble.

We are talking about a seismic shift. A pivotal moment in history. We were born to live in this special moment.

So, no, thank you.

I don't want to return to that status quo. I'd rather fight and believe to cross into that promised land than sit like a slave and reject the destiny that lay before. Not me or the many anons longing for a better world.

I choose real freedom.
Anon character has grown beyond what people can measure. Our patience is tremendous. We've been through a fire. Both personal and collective trials have hit us like rain drops pouring from the heavens.

Yet here we are. Still standing. Still believing.

Look how far we've all come.

We are an enigma.

History will look fondly upon the anons.

We've endured the precipice with knowledge the normie simply refuses to accept. That burden has made us tough as nails. Be proud, anons.

There's one way now and it's through. Whatever may come, that day draws near.
You came by the tens of million to become part of a historic movement the likes of which they have never seen before.

We are the only ones who can stop them.

They aren't coming after me, they're coming after you.

I'm standing in their way.
We are going to see this battle through to ultimate victory.

Trump is going to finish what he started.

I'm proud to be MAGA.

Proud to be a digital warrior for the bravest man I've ever seen.

We the People.


Mauricio #wingnut #magick #psycho #elitist westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Before I die”]

How I wish to witness this Malthusian disaster [energy devolution] first hand

I practically live for this reckoning, this Final Solution to the Christian Problem. Everything else is a distraction

The oil wells eventually dry up. Industry and commerce slow to a crawl. Mass unemployment. Skyrocketing inflation until money becomes worthless. Poverty, crime, riots. Anarchy rises

The System becomes increasingly draconian. Border conflicts erupting everywhere. Infrastructure is gradually destroyed. Mass starvation follows. Mercenary armies murderously repress rebellions. Armies turn rogue and create small enclaves. Then the nukes drop. Cities evaporated. Huge clouds of radioactive dust. All that useless human trash starving and rotting

Kalki’s age indeed. I must see it before I die

Nick Fuentes and Vincent James #elitist #pratt #wingnut #racist rightwingwatch.org

Vincent James and Nick Fuentes: The Rosa Parks And Martin Luther King Jr. Of White Nationalists

James: “We’ve reached millions of people. There’s a big benefit to that but it’s something—I’m not saying that I regret it, I’m just saying that it’s not easy. It’s not for the weak, that’s for sure. To go through the things that we [have]—journalists stalking us and shit like that—it’s not for the weak.”

“The fact that we have sort of paved the way and made it easier for people to talk about these things, you’re kind of jealous. It’s like, ‘What the fuck man?’ It’s like, ‘Dude, I lost my job, all these things happened to me, I lost my bank account to say these things.’ It’s kind of like, almost, you know, Martin Luther King in a way, kind of, or Rosa Parks.”

Fuentes: Yeah, We’re the first ones. We’re the ones getting beaten down and firehosed.”

James: “Yeah, it’s kind of like that, It’s almost exactly like how those Blacks were hit with fire hoses.”

roman_mir #elitist #wingnut slashdot.org

Except this is completely backwards in a true Orwellian fashion. It is not the wealthiest, who are gaining most from society, it is society, who is gaining most from the wealthiest.

What is society gaining from all of the bums living on the dole or all of the homeless?

How much is society gaining from one single billionaire?

Of course the society turns it upside down and sideways, insisting that the billionaires are not paying some magic fair share, the reality is that if all billionaires were to disappear today, tomorrow this society would descent into poverty that hasn't been seen for hundreds of years.

vpn #elitist themotte.org

I haven't egged, paintballed, or beaten any homeless and don't intend to start, but I firmly believe that any city will be worse off if a "compassionate" genie magically conjured up 100 homeless people to live its streets; no comment on whether I think a city should welcome a "cruel" genie who's able and willing to magically poof away the same. I also understand second order effects and believe people respond to incentives. It seems to me, then, that every compassionate Times reader equals something like 0.0001 compassionate genies, and every cruel Kalispell resident 0.01 cruel genies. Mechanics and process aside, the end result is a San Fran full of growing compassion and ever more unhoused, and a Kalispell with a cruel lid on the homeless, and maybe even a reduction down the line.

The part I struggle with is, how does a society argue against compassion? Even if the rational counterarguments are themselves obvious, it seems like a fundamentally losing messaging game. We raise our children to be compassionate and we look for spouses who are compassionate. Trying to shout from the rooftops that compassion is actually bad when it comes to the homeless feels akin to telling the world that generosity is bad when it comes to tipping. Which is why I'm resigned that no matter how many articles are written about the tipping culture being out of control, it will creep up to more industries and circumstances and higher preset amounts. Similarly, I'm resigned that more tax and charity dollars will go to the homeless and the homeless industrial complex ad infinitum, because you can't argue against compassion, at least not outside of the ratsphere and among the voting masses.

MedleyChimera #elitist #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Oh fuck off with this bullshit, most homeless people choose to be homeless because they don't want to follow the basic rules of society, like be clean, and sober. And before anyone comes at me with that "but but they're mentally ill" bullshit excuse, believe it or not but a majority of homeless aren't naturally psychotic/suffer from psychosis, its rampant drug and alcohol use that has ruined them. Legit I have been homeless before not by choice but by act of nature, the amount of people in the street because they refused to follow the basic rules of the shelter is fucking astounding. I know anecdotal blah blah but I have literally lived that, and my lived experience is not invalid.

Ask anyone who has been legitimately homeless and has had to be in a shelter, a lot of them will vouch that a majority portion of homeless aren't "sad, down on their luck, poor unfortunate souls" but instead drug addicted assholes who accost you and just piss and shit all over the place with no moral human decency left in them.

Those who attempt or even succeed at getting out of homelessness and move on with life are those worth helping and saving, those who try are worth it. The filthy scum who lay in their own waste expecting handouts and the world to give them what they want because they are homeless are the scourge of the Earth and deserve nothing.

Oh and if the homeless are so fucking good why aren't all these self righteous assholes opening up their own homes or stoops for them? Oh yeah that's right its because they know how bad it really is. As long as its not their personal space they don't care who these people harass or impede.

various commenters #wingnut #elitist #racist #sexist gab.com

( @Halp )
People on welfare shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

( @CrossThePotomac )
@Halp Also all non-whites and women

( @ZimmerHandcrafted )
@Halp I'd go farther than that: if you are a net tax drain on the country over the course of your lifetime you should not be allowed to vote.

This would not inherently repeal the 19th amendment, but it effectively would...but that is merely a happy coincidence.

( @USMCHOG8393 )
@Halp If you are on any government assistance u should not be allowed to vote.
If u don’t own property u shouldn’t be able to vote on property tax issues. Also if you are a politician today, you should be either shot at dawn, or hanged. Sounds good though

( @DeplorableFredTN )
@Halp Only land owners should be allowed to vote. No skin in the game, no voice in governance

( @JohnnyHooker )
@Halp only white landowners should be allowed to vote.

( @Legend_of_Wiker )
@Halp wrong. Welfare shouldn't exist to begin with

( @Coolio )
@Halp To be allowed to vote you should have to pay taxes or bear arms is what Abe Lincoln wrote. Also apparently wanted to send the "free slaves" back to Africa. Bullet in the head instead before the plan got off the ground.

( @mothersmurfer )
@Halp Nor reproduce.

( @thetruthnotdoctrine )
@Halp If you got rid of Jews and their USURY!!! there wouldn't be anyone on welfare, apart from the genuine deserving sick and disabled!

( @wohl1917 )
@Halp I'll do you a couple better than that: If you are not a veteran OR own property OR have a job OR support a family and pay taxes for it all AND CAN PROVE IT, you shouldn't be allowed to vote!

( @Dannygeetar )
@Halp Neither should non property owners

( @Bilo32 )
@Halp People that don’t own land shouldn’t be able to vote.

( @Old_time_gal )
@Halp Our founding fathers only wanted landowners to vote, since they were the only ones who "had skin in the game".

( @mjdigspigs )
@Halp Women shouldn't be allowed to vote, either.

( @StevenEMichaels )
@Halp Don’t forget women. Also, remove all women from congress and government.

( @Cupcake70 )
@Halp Only property owners should vote

Gabriel Guedea גדאה SIONISTA #racist #wingnut #elitist twitter.com

It's funny that they use Hitler and the devil as heroes, with esteem and admiration, of course it was to be expected from animals. I'm sorry, PALESTINIANS, this type of response when you are on fire because you are losing everything. On television they show commercials about using creams for burns. although that is not the point, although that cream may be useful to you, due to your low IQ, but taking advantage of that, you are very unoriginal and have already used Hitler a lot also unfortunately due to your low, low and disappointing judgment... the point is that there have been greater murderers in the modern world, like Joseph Stalin who murdered more than 15 million Russians and 5 million Ukrainians, but Mao Zedong still beat him with 60 million, in reality Hitler saw himself as an amateur, so as You can see that you Palestinian sissies are mediocre in every sense of the word, because you have only demonstrated your total evil in babies, please, do me the favor, in what stupid head does it fit, so much evil, so much mediocrity and so much stupidity In reality, no matter how much someone wants to help you, you are nothing more than mentally retarded with weapons, you are a danger to yourselves, you are not even on a par with Idi Amin and he won the raffle, this one He has been the most stupid dictator in all of history, the Hebrews rescued over 100 hostages that the Palestinians had captured and in their own beards, they killed the Palestinians, they rescued all, all, all of the hostages, just to tell you that still my Father can't stop laughing, since that happened... use what you want, Vespasian did more evil than Hitler, you have nothing in your brain beyond hatred, you have no culture, no imagination to even insult besides having mediocre heroes. of course like you.

James Gilliland #ufo #magick #elitist #conspiracy goldenageofgaia.com

You can see this great reveal in politics, UFO disclosure, business and basic everyday interactions. In disclosure the shills, planned opposition, those who are morally and integrity challenged, the narcissists, opportunists along with the bat _hit crazies are all being revealed. Fits right into contact with spiritually and technologically benevolent beings, NOT.
Wait till the people find out the majority of the UFO community is a controlled narrative and has been suppressing the benevolent high-level contacts. The depths of the false disclosure, the affiliations with the global elite, alphabet agencies and military by the top people in the field will shock most in the UFO community.
As we move closer to the big switch realize it’s going to get crazy. Especially if you’re with family these holidays, they seem to know right where to go to push your buttons. Just say yes and smile to the woke, don’t let them bait you into an argument. If they haven’t figured it out by now, they don’t want too. You cannot instill want into another being. <..> Don’t forget the only power anyone has over you is because you want something from them. Love, acceptance, agreement, this Christmas give yourself the present of finding it within. There is nothing worth joy so don’t give it up. We also might add try looking around and being grateful for what we do have, the opportunities to help others, serve, and don’t let friends, family or this dis-functional planet get you down. You didn’t come to be a part of the disfunction or fit in. Get plenty of popcorn, it is going to be quite a show. Always remember there is an unstoppable force behind the planetary liberation, the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth. Human means God/Man/Woman and the Creator in its most unlimited understanding is pure unconditional love, joy and bliss. It is the spark waiting to ignite into the full flame. Light it up.

Francis Magister (pseudonym) #fundie #homophobia #elitist crisismagazine.com

Assuming, as I do, that there is an influential number of homosexuals, or those sympathetic to homosexuality, in the priesthood, I want to ask not so much how this has come to be but, more importantly, why it continues to be so. In other words, why would a young homosexual man today choose the priesthood?

Let me posit another possibility. It is admittedly conjectural and anecdotal, but does, I believe, have some basis. After giving it, I shall qualify it, so bear with me. It has to do with how we have come to view the priesthood and priests in the time since Vatican II. It may be that before Vatican II we viewed priests as almost demigods. A priest was a mysterious figure in a cassock and baretta, aloof from the life of others.
My argument, therefore, is that many homosexual men are drawn to the priesthood because with the Novus Ordo Mass it offers a safe, frequent, and immediate gratification of this need for attention and affirmation. In extreme cases, it can be a craving for adulation.
Having said this, let me state clearly what I am not saying. I am not saying that all priests who prefer the Novus Ordo are homosexual. I am not saying the Novus Ordo was designed with the homosexual in mind. The origins of the Novus Ordo are troublesome enough without putting that on the plate. There have been problems with homosexuality among clergy celebrating the Latin Mass.
Again, I’m not saying the Novus Ordo was made for this but only that this is possible in the Novus Ordo while it is impossible in the Traditional Mass.

So, get rid of the Novus Ordo and we won’t have homosexuals in the priesthood? This is clearly not the case. Again, there are many chaste, self-sacrificing, wonderful priests who celebrate the Novus Ordo, and the traditional community has had its scandals. The Latin Mass, however, offers—one could say requires—an idea of the priesthood that is self-abnegating and self-effacing.

Mike Johnson #crackpot #elitist #fundie #god-complex newsweek.com

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is receiving a fresh wave of backlash for his alleged ties to Christian nationalism after a video was shared online of the Republican leader comparing himself to biblical figure Moses.

A segment of Johnson's speech has since circulated online, during which he compared his path to speakership as a "Red Sea moment."

"The Lord told me very clearly to prepare. 'You ready?' 'Be ready for what?'" Johnson told the crowd, according to a clip shared to X, formerly Twitter, by the project Right Wing Watch Wednesday afternoon. "'We're coming to a Red Sea moment.' 'What does that mean?'"

Johnson said during his speech that the House speaker's race, which took three weeks, was the "Red Sea moment" that God told him to prepare for. He also said that he assumed "at the time" that God was going to "choose a new Moses" and that he would act as "Aaron," Moses' brother and a priest in the Old Testament.

"And so I work to get Steve Scalise elected speaker, that didn't happen," Johnson said. "And then Jim Jordan, who is like another big brother of mine. No, that didn't happen."

"Ultimately, 13 people ran for the vote," he said. "And the Lord had told me to wait, wait, wait. So I waited and waited and then, at the end, when it came to the end, the Lord said, 'Now, step forward.'"

SilverBeastLaguz #elitist #crackpot deviantart.com

Teacher speaks out against Liberal Parenting

And single motherhood, too. Both of these are bad for children, because they tend not to incorporate discipline into the children's lives and make them respect everyone around them. With no discipline, children grow up to be criminals and other kinds of bad people who harm everyone around them in various ways. When you're a bad person, you might get your life snuffed out by a cop, a vigilante, or someone else defending themselves and/or their loved ones.

Here's a study showing why conservative parenting is better than liberal parenting.

Where I found it at (MSN, a leftwing website, had it): https://archive.ph/MDYMa

The very page itself with sources in some of the links to back it up: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/community-family/children-liberal-parents-suffer-mental-health-issues

C.T. #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy #racist westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Hitler, 5”]

Christianity fried the Aryan’s brains with the doctrine that ‘all are equal in the eyes of God’ (the New Testament message of the rabbis who wrote it for us Gentiles). Yesterday, when talking about some films and the subject of the French Revolution came up […]it reminded me that the secularisation of that Christian doctrine aggravated the matter. I mean that after the French Revolution, the psyche of the Aryan went from all are equal in the eyes of God to all are equal before the law[…]
Following this secularised principle originally inspired by Christianity, France was the first European country to grant civil equality to Jews. Indeed, the legal position of Jews in France was widely envied by Jews in other countries. As a result of the so-called Jewish emancipation, and because of the high IQ of the Jew compared to the common Gentile, the first thing Jewry did, courtesy of Napoleon, was to take over the media[…]
The Christian Question (CQ) is not to be underestimated. Before modernity, when the Inquisition ruled and 16th-century Spain was wiser about the Jewish Question (JQ) than 19th-century Europe, Iberian whites committed ethno-suicide in the Americas by intermarrying with Amerinds. This historical fact is nothing less than a ‘checkmate’ to the Judeo-reductionism of the typical white nationalist[…]Christianity is responsible for the empowerment of Jewry

For example, many pan-Germanists were imprisoned in the late 1880s and early 1890s, and the League Against Anti-Semitism was founded in 1891[…]
As devout Christians, Bertha von Suttner and her husband Arthur founded the League in response to the growing ‘anti-Semitism’ across Europe (cf. Otto Glagau’s quote above). So this cancellation of the healthy mind represented by 19th-century pan-Germanism also came from Christians and their Christian principles of equality

Evil Is Petty Award

JonFreeman #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist deviantart.com

Point of advice for those who are not politically anchored:

The era of "peace dividends" are rapidly drawing to close. WWIII is going to be a conventional war (ukraine as proven as such), and already everyone is putting off the obvious military spending increase as it will cut into vote-winning social programs.

It will happen, however.

So, if you're not politically anchored: start marketing to crowds who are not anchored to social programs for their income. Those social welfare funds are going to get slashed as defense spending gets an uptick in this new war climate ... meaning the woke demographics will have even less disposable income.

Gaedhal #elitist #racist #sexist #psycho westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Catechetical lunacy”]

According to Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992), paragraph 1935:

The equality of men rests essentially on their dignity as persons and the rights that flow from it: ‘Every form of social or cultural discrimination in fundamental personal rights on the grounds of sex, race, color, social conditions, language, or religion must be curbed and eradicated as incompatible with God’s design’

The above statement is as woke and as DIE [Diversity Equity and Inclusion] as one can get. Absent the talk concerning a mythical Jewish god, the above statement could easily be stated by Joe Biden, Alexandria Occasio Cortez, Michelle Obama or Kamala Harris

The above statement does not merely seek to ‘eradicate’ inequalities in opportunity, but also inequalities in outcome[…]
Depopulation and eugenics are a path, eventually, to all humans having prosperous and peaceful social conditions

It is Christian axiology that renders so much of Western Society so crime-ridden and so needlessly miserable. Christianity is a sect of ‘the least of these’, and so it is anti-eugenic i.e. dysgenic[…]
An absolute equality in social conditions? That is madness. That is Bolshevism. And the funny thing is that the above statement[…]was written in 1992 by the ‘conservatives’ Ratzinger—later Benedict XVI—Schönborn and Saint John Paul II. One of the reasons why I converted to traditionalist Catholicism is because I quickly found out that there was really no such thing as conservative post-conciliar Catholicism. They were all sell-outs and lunatics[…]
The virus with shoes that is destroying the planet, and swiftly rendering it uninhabitable is of ‘infinite value’[…]And it is not just humanity in sum that has infinite value, but each individual also! You can’t get depopulation done with beliefs like that![…]Christian axiology—which carries over into many forms of atheism—is the number one existential threat that humanity faces

Luis Miguel #wingnut #elitist #forced-birth thenewamerican.com

[From “Ohio Pro-abortion Victories Show the Pitfalls of Democracy”]

The results of this week’s off-year elections in various states throughout the country have been fodder for much political analysis in the mainstream media, and the overwhelming consensus among Establishment pundits is that Republicans are losing nationwide primarily because of their defense of the unborn[…]
Is it really logical that only a few years after Republicans achieved a trifecta of federal government control[…]based on the promise that they would appoint Supreme Court justices who would reverse Roe v. Wade, the nation is suddenly overwhelmingly in favor of abortion?[…]
What the recent elections[…]really prove is the problem with democracy[…]
The Founders and the Framers of the U.S. Constitution were distrustful of democracy[…]studied the way in which ancient democracies tended to devolve into tyranny, including the dissolution of property rights and the erosion of public morality[…]
Created a system with so many layers of checks on the popular will. The president was not directly elected by the people; neither were senators or Supreme Court justices. There was no universal suffrage — many states had property requirements and religious tests in order for a man to be able to vote, and the Constitution did not forbid these practices

These ballot initiatives[…]are the main mechanism being used to advance abortion in the post-Roe era. And they have also been used to successfully enact leftist policies even in red states where such programs would never make it through the legislature

In Florida, for example, medical marijuana and the $15 minimum wage would never have been passed by the Republican majorities in the state Legislature or signed by the Republican governor[…]
This unfiltered majoritarianism is precisely what the Framers wanted to prevent. We are now reaping the fruits of democracy in America. A return to a constitutional republic is needed to stem the social decay

Padraig Martin #wingnut #racist #elitist identitydixie.com

[From “High Noon Approaches”]

When the Baby Boom Generation passes away (that is increasing due to age), the political world will really become fascism versus communism. In many ways, it already is. But the Boomer Generation has held things in place largely because of their relative size and political activism. The generation was also raised to hate both fascism and communism, while embracing soft-Marxist ideals. Almost all of them are soft Marxists[…]
Marxism at, its core, shares two underriding principles. The first is economic[…]Everything is an outgrowth of economics, not cultural or genetic[…]
Marxism “explains” that criminality is due to poverty, not a genetic propensity toward crime. Financial well-being ameliorates revolutionary desires[…]
The second element is democracy. Marxism advocates more democratic participation[…]The Trojan Horse of Marxism has always been the perception of greater freedom hiding the tyranny of the masses within the belly of the policy. The fact is, democracy can only work in genetically homogenous societies and even then, it fails. Thus, your Founding Fathers were opposed to it[…]
An emerging break is occurring, led mostly by GenX influencers and fought amongst Millennials and GenZers. They know that economics does not explain everything, and democracy may not be a good thing. They see, and more importantly live, within the racial realities that break the Marxist paradigm

The future fight, therefore, will be one that pits non-White Marxists, who are on the verge of conquering the West and taking what they want from their previous White overlords, versus Whites who galvanize (bundle) together to form fascist coalitions, even if the term is not specifically used[…]
Either way, the system is falling apart, and Boomers are desperately holding on to power[…]in an attempt to make their soft Marxist vision a permanent reality. The only reality is the fact that it is over. A new racial dawn is rapidly approaching high noon

Lala #fundie #wingnut #elitist lalaism.substack.com

Trad is on the rise and everybody’s becoming either catholic or statist.

This is the cope of our age, it’s the way that we objectify ourselves in order to shield our psyche from the ailments of the contemporary condition.

In the vein of LARPing, we are made object, fictional caricatures of ourselves. Despondent - we time travel to a period when history has not ended and the possibility of phallic actualization is readily at hand, whether through blood or glory or the exaltation of god.

The transmutation of the structures of objective violence that marked the end of the society of discipline, means we cannot make use of these structures as a way to sublimate the emotional distress caused of a violence that is anyway present - meaning there’s nobody left to blame but us, if our predicament has turned to shit - meaning I attribute mental illness, to the unavailability of meaningfully sublimating sex drive.
However, now that there is a lack of the oppressive edifice that we have come to recognize as the Father, or for our intents and purposes, the ethno-state; we are governed by the archetype of the permissive mother, who is latently punitive, and whose punishment is of the symbolic order.
This is why every gen Z-er is embracing tradness, because it’s a more lucrative model of subjective economy that allows them to manufacture a reality of their own, through a maneuvering of language of expression.

Trad aspires to bring back a violence which can be seen and dealt with accordingly, it’s a recession towards traditional values - because in itself it’s a nostalgia of futures that didn’t and will not happen.

In itself, tradness is a way to introduce a sacred element into contemporary life.

Sacredness is always of sacrificial utility, it is a sacrifice that generates value beyond the economic by rendering an object inaccessible, therefore sublime.

Tradness aspires to make contact with sublimity in an age where even the sacred has been book-kept.

ChattyGremlin #sexist #elitist #psycho ovarit.com

In my silly utopia-dream, all men are castrated at birth! If they would like to have their testicles back, they have to have a minimum of a college degree, a six-figure job, no criminal background, a driver's license, a perfect grade on a year-long parenting course, and the consent of a psychotherapist who has seen them for at least two years, the consent of their mother, and the consent of a female partner who the man has been with consistently for at least four years. Paradise!

Neo #fundie #homophobia #elitist descentbb.net

Your church taught the wrong thing so you wouldn't want any spiritual gifts. See Joel 2 and 3

Christianity isn't "gay" bashing. People hate us because they hated Jesus too. I don't care about being banned. You just don't want to hear what you don't agree with. If love is love, why are you so rude to Christians?

Paul Blair #fundie #elitist rightwingwatch.org

Founded by religious-right activists Dan Fisher and Paul Blair, Liberty Pastors hosts multi-day retreats around the nation where local pastors and their spouses are instructed[…]on how to become members of a modern-day “Black Robe Regiment”[…]
Last month, Blair appeared on a Truth & Liberty Coalition broadcast where he revealed that these gatherings are financed largely by religious-right activist Art Ally, founder of the Christian investment firm The Timothy Plan, and explained their purpose

The gatherings are limited to 100 pastors so that attendees have an opportunity to interact with the speakers personally “and that really helps with this transformation of their ministry,” Blair said. “Over three days at a luxury hotel, we have 20 hours of their time where we literally teach them biblical principles of civil government”

Liberty Pastors held an event in Texas in August that was dedicated entirely to the issue of economics, at which Blair asserted that according to the Bible, the government should have no role in creating a federal welfare system[…]
“2 Thessalonians, chapter 2 said, ‘We commanded you that if any man is just lazy and refuses to work, then don’t let him eat,'” Blair said. “You know, there’s a proper place for charity, but if somebody is just a slug—as [Benjamin] Franklin said, ‘Hunger is a great motivator'”

“Here’s God’s design,” Blair continued. “It wasn’t for a federal welfare system; the family is supposed to care for the family. Parents raise their children and provide for them as they’re young, and then as parents get older, their kids are to honor their parents, which means to provide for their needs as they get old. Throughout Scripture, slothfulness and laziness is condemned as sin. As I said a moment ago, [the Apostle] Paul agreed to Ben Franklin or Ben Franklin agreed with Paul: If a man doesn’t work, don’t feed him”

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #elitist #racist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Worthless corrupt cops turn out to get funding after all"]

Years after municipal governments started living by the principles of #NiggerLivesMoreImportantThanSocietyMotherfuckas, the resulting wave in crime and disorderly vagrants plaguing every corner of the metropolis have resulted in even an extreme leftist Edmonton City Council choosing to fund the police[…]
While the public is getting ever sicker of homeless bums causing vandalism and violence and societal decay in their wake, EPS is notoriously not interested in doing anything[…]
Precious leftwing governments in Ottawa have been responsible for the biggest cause of violence on the streets of Edmonton: worthless scumbags from shithole countries who should have been pelted with bullets when they tried to cross the border[…]
Back to Gerein and his "root causes", his reference to social workers of course doesn't talk about darkies in gangs shooting each other on our streets[…]
Homelessness[…]filling an ecological niche of sorts. Homeless will collect and spawn in accordance with the amount of food available, and the degree of predators to ween them out and/or scare them away. So has the City of Edmonton taken steps to cause the benefit to being homeless to increase?[…]
That's before we look at how the Red Indians who make up the vast majority of the homeless are constantly being thrown buckets of money which, thanks to the loss of the excellent Residential School system, they don't have the education (and never had the IQ) to spend it on anything but the kind of stuff that requires first responders to carry naloxone[…]
We could solve the homeless population pretty quickly, and that's before you sign onto my excellent poisoned pizza idea. We could stop supporting them[…]
In the meantime, we give them something to lose. Their life. And we shouldn't be feeling too bad about it, they are basically trying to commit suicide daily and we keep stopping them

Gary 'Z' McGee #moonbat #magick #elitist bibliotecapleyades.net

The task of finding reality is easier said than done.

It requires seeing how everything is connected to everything else.

It requires sacrificing both dependence and independence to interdependence.

It requires seeing past cultural conditioning, religious indoctrination, and societal brainwashing.

In short:

it requires doing as Miyamoto Musashi suggested, "Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world"...

The cosmos created the star that exploded to create the carbon that created the earth that evolved to create life which evolved to create you. It's all connected...

The acorn's task is to fulfill its purpose and become a tree. The caterpillar's task is to fulfill its purpose and become a butterfly. The eaglet's task is to fulfill its purpose and become an eagle.

Likewise, the immature (egocentric, uninitiated, unenlightened) human's task is to fulfill its purpose by becoming a mature (soul-centric, initiated, enlightened) human.

Human maturity requires seeing reality the way it is. The reality is that nature made you a human.

And becoming a mature human requires living up to your fullest, most virtuous potential.
This kind of character creates an anti-fragile spirit despite an otherwise fragile and spiritless world.

With a character such as this, you can stand tall, strong, sincere, and fierce. You are a true force of nature to be reckoned with. A dynamo amidst dominoes. A lion amongst men.

With the sharpness of your mettle, you're able to cut through all 'golden calves', superficial hierarchies, and delusions of grandeur.

You're able to cut through all so-called 'authorities'...


the only authority is "to cut."

The only answer is to question.

Everything is a building block.

Everything is a whetstone.

The only sin is unfulfilled potential.

It is the darkest place you can sink.

It's the only thing worthy of fear.

The only true failure is to abdicate the responsibility of fulfilling your potential...


you abdicate to no one.

No authority.

No State.

No God.

Not even Death…

woodchip #wingnut #racist #elitist #conspiracy descentbb.net

Goodhue is what is wrong with America. Burger flippers needed to make 15.00 an hour yet a policeman only make 22.00. Who wants the responsibility of life and death for 22.00? Coupled with the facts Mayors and D.A.'s want to release criminals as soon as they are arrested, can you wonder why their moral is so low. If we are not a country of laws, what are we? Just look at the smash and grab looting taking place. See any convictions taking place? What happens when the stores, including food stores, move out and you have to travel 60 mile. What do you think the ghetto-bangers are going to do. Public transportation don't go that far. Maybe you could offer to give them a ride in your shiny new ev. I'd advise against as I used to drive a school bus for the city projects middle schooler's and I know what they can do. Have fun telling me how your utopia is working out.

Indian in the Machine #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy #elitist ournewearthnews.com

What about the genetic modification of humanity? We don’t know how far it’s progressed, and if it’s including everyone or most now… on top of it… few are interested… and the children are going sterile…. all of western civilization is contaminated. We’re talking a major extinction underway, and the silence is absolutely astoundingly deafening.

I bring this not as ‘bad news’ but as good news… it’s good that I’m even sharing it with you from my heart.


Geez… if someone stolen a purse in the subway, there’s be a ruckus… but if someone steals the ENTIRE GENOME of EVERY LIVING BEING… there’s SILENCE.
The final battle of the light and dark are to turn humanity away from God… PERMANENTLY… and for the genetic modification of humanity, to turn everyone in to cyborgs… including Homo Christos!!


Another BIG PROBLEM for humanity, is that people do not go LOOKING FOR CHRIST… as if Christ is supposed to come to your door someday, only to be judged as not be worthy… by you of course… yes, the dead part of you judges Christ as being unworthy of your attention, focus, or support.
If me bringing up the extinction of humanity is perceived as BAD NEWS… then good buddies… I have to say… it’s actually GOOD NEWS… because I might be a saviour of any survivors… while, I’m being judged by…. maybe… YOU!!

For me it’s GOOD NEWS, that people realize they need to SNAP OUT OF THEIR DEAD ZONE… and be given the choice to be a human who helps… or a zombie standing by the wayside, looking for another brain to eat, or a cyborg frozen in it’s tracks because it had a system crash.

I love you, even if you do actually turn cyborg or zombie…

woodchip #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist descentbb.net

Weaponizing like setting a false narrative like Trump colluded with the Russians and kept the Newsies from reporting on Hunter (still think that's old news fernman?) I don't see Bidens houses being raided (his stolen classified documents were taken while he was vice pres...not President). I get that you're smug but the pendulum is swinging the other way. Don't complain if Trump or De Santis gets inn Any questions just read my tag line. But then you prolly don't understand it anyway.

Fschmidt #elitist reddit.com

Western culture peaked in the Enlightenment, in the 1600s and 1700s. The serious decline began in the 1920s. But technology only started declining around 2000.

I grew up in the New York City area, not a small town. America was still quite good then. I am not speaking globally, I am talking about Western culture.

Americans today are so much worse than a few decades ago that anyone with any sense who lived through these times can see it. Americans used to be decent people, and now they are the scum of the Earth.

Modern culture is relevant to coding because modern culture hates good code and only produces bad code. Modern culture is also hostile to all decent people, meaning anyone who has the potential to write good code.

Megha #wingnut #homophobia #sexist #elitist fxtwitter.com

(She’s responding to a whimsical finish to a man’s wedding announcement.)

“No take backsies!!” 😵‍💫

Many modern men are gay, even when they’re straight. This is a serious issue. If men cannot be serious, society cannot accomplish serious things. Proper standards of dignity must be enforced via judgement.

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