sylviasmushrooms #transphobia

History will judge us on gender | Shonagh Dillon | The Critic Magazine

I’ve started calling things what they are, just to watch gender people squirm.

Trans woman = Man who pretends to be a woman.

Trans man = Woman who pretends to be a man

Gender = sex stereotypes

Puberty blockers = depriving children of the right to the natural process of physical and mental maturation

Gender affirmative care = approaching confused kids with the premeditated endgame that they are trans and require treatment.

Childhood transition = modern castrati

Top surgery = elective and medically unnecessary double mastectomy

Bottom surgery = flaying a penis and stuffing it into an artificial wound, or flaying skin from a thigh or forearm and grafting it onto a clitoris

Nonbinary = self-centered and aggressively average in every way except their ability to overestimate their capacity for original thought

“Be kind” = “shut up”

“Protect trans kids” = sterilize gay and autistic children with a smile

“Living your truth” = lying about everything you’ve ever authentically been

Egg cracking = “I am upset when we are not about me??”

Passing = LYING and sort of getting away with it

Gender euphoria = arousal

Trans lesbian = straight man

Preferred pronouns = compelled speech

Queer = ???????

Intersex = outdated term for people with an actual medical condition who have nothing to do with trans.

LGB = same-sex attracted individuals who have nothing to do with trans

Cis = mean-spirited, derisive moniker to label normal people without their consent

Woman = adult human female

Man = adult human male

Child = underage person who cannot consent to tattoos, piercings, sex, or sex changes

Kim Petras = castrato with octogenarian hips and no sex drive

Jazz Jennings = castrato with depression and obesity and no sex drive

Hormone treatment = intentionally creating a hormone imbalance

Trans rights = privileges the rest of us cannot access

It’s AMAZING how uncomfortable these so-called progressives are when you point out what they’re actually supporting, without the manipulative emotional music and hazy montages about “trans joy.”

Donald Trump #wingnut

Donald Trump said he believes the way judges and justices are treated by "the radical far left" is illegal and should be punishable by "serious fines and beyond that"

At a campaign rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, over the weekend, the Republican presidential nominee was discussing the criticism many of his Supreme Court appointees have faced recently

Multiple justices have been embroiled in controversies, including Samuel Alito, whose household flew flags associated with the "Stop the Steal" movement, and Clarence Thomas who did not disclose numerous luxurious gifts and trips funded by a wealthy Republican donor

Several of them have faced calls to recuse themselves from certain cases and even to be impeached

Trump was speaking about these types of reactions when he said: "I believe they are playing the ref, they are constantly criticizing some of our greatest judges and justices"

He said later: "I really think it's illegal what they do with the judges and justices"

"Remember the term, playing the ref with our judges and our justices should be punishable by very serious crimes and beyond that," Trump added toward the end of his speech

He explained that the term "playing the ref" was a reference to Indiana basketball coach Bobby Knight

Trump said: "You know the great Bobby Knight—he supported me—he used to fight the refs all the time, scream at them. Bobby, Bobby please don't do that, it's not going to work

"And he said: 'You're right, it's not going to work, it's going to work for the next one'

"And the next call, there would be a flagrant foul and they wouldn't call it, they didn't want to get screamed at

"The radical left harasses our judges and harasses our justices. They scream at them, they call them names, they say 'they're incompetent, they're horrible, they should be impeached'—they're constantly saying they should be impeached"

NeoGrendizer #racist

Leftoids Say Nazis Coming Back To Germany

Yeah, because you know, wanting to keep your family safe from violence caused by migrants, decent border control, and the restoration of law and order is just the HEIGHT of fascism, never mind what the OTHER side is doing when they found out just how tenuous their control is

SirEothered #transphobia

But it's NOT just one idiot on Twitter. These are not isolated experiences...there are educators and entire schools who bypass parents entirely and discuss transition surgery and have sexually explicit programs with small children. It's most prominent in California and Washington, but it's being discovered all over.

Social contagion is real; it is a proven psychological phenomenon. Audrey Hale did not make her decisions out of nothing.

When little children are murdered and people applaud and justify, others notice. When people are attacked by others who dress in paramilitary gear and carry long arms, others notice. When major retailers begin carrying clothing designed to cater to a tiny demographic such as trans children, others notice. All of these things add up to a rather specific message.

Catherine Salgado #fundie

How did America, the land of the free, reach the crisis point we now face today? The Father of Our Country would have an answer for us: “boundless ambition” and “corrupted morals.”

Child mutilation, baby murder, no consequences for violent crime, election fraud, money laundering, mainstream sexual perversion—this describes not some ancient tyranny or Communist banana republic but our current state in America, once a beacon of Judeo-Christian values and liberty. The tide can be reversed but only if we are honest about the root causes of this crisis and willing to heed George Washington's warning.

As Washington’s fellow founder, John Adams, noted, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” As we see our most sacred constitutional rights under attack from the very leaders who are supposed to protect them, we can see painfully and clearly how right Adams was.
Washington, in the undelivered address, reflected, “The blessed Religion revealed in the word of God will remain an eternal and awful monument to prove that the best Institutions may be abused by human depravity; and that they may even, in some instances be made subservient to the vilest of purposes.”

Now, even men and women who consider themselves Christians and/or conservatives justify the brutal murder of unborn babies. Donald Trump, while talking about his gratitude to God for miraculously protecting him from a deadly shooting, is compromising more than ever on abortion (even though most Americans believe in restricting abortion), and the main result is Trump’s own base taking offense.

Can we expect God to bless us when we have a multitude of excuses, in defiance of the natural and moral laws and ample scientific evidence—and in spite of abortion never being necessary to save a mother—as to why we should crush babies’ skulls and rip off their limbs? The Founding Fathers were pro-life, and they would have replied, “No.”

State of the Nation #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

History is quite instructive in order to properly understand the various Democrat-driven schemes being executed across America today. What these communist revolutionaries are really doing is executing the same three-punch stratagem that was used by the International Banking Crime Syndicate to conquer Russia in order to establish the Soviet Union and the Gulag Archipelago, which the banksters did with extraordinary success.
The 2024 POTUS election — November 5rd — serves as the climactic junction point when the US-based communists intend to initiate their Bolshevik Revolution—American-style. Of course, the race war begun by communist Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama was quite intentionally reignited by the George Soros-funded Left in 2020 in order to manufacture an environment where both terrorist organizations — Black Lives Matter and AntiFa — would be universally supported and thrive. BLM and AntiFa are the paramilitary and terrorist arms, respectively, of the Democrat Party which are analogous to the brutal bolsheviks of 1917.
After the violent phase of this communist rebellion begins in earnest, all of the liberals, progressives, socialists, marxists, left-wingers, anarchists, insurrectionists, communists, bolsheviks and other Democrats will be corralled into a pen of revolutionary compliance. They will eventually form a subversive nationwide insurgency much as the Red Army did during the Russian Revolution. Likewise, the Patriots, Nationalists, Conservatives, Christians, Libertarians, Independents, Tea Partiers, real Republicans and others on the Right will unite to defend the American Republic just as the White Army coalesced throughout the same Russian Civil War. The Left is already programmed and determined to used armed conflict in order to remove President Trump should he win the election. These neo-bolshevik mercenaries paid by the Democrat Party are also armed and ready to overthrow every state government.

Charlie Shamp #fundie #wingnut #homophobia

In today’s cultural landscape, “woke” ideology often promotes concepts that are at complete odds with biblical values. The Bible teaches absolute truths grounded in the character of God, emphasizing the sanctity of life, the importance of family and the moral order established by divine commandments. Here are key areas where biblical standards contrast with modern ideological trends:

1. Sanctity of life. The Bible affirms the sanctity of life from conception to natural death (Ps. 139:13-16). This stands against ideologies that promote abortion or euthanasia as acceptable practices.

2. Family and marriage. Biblical principles define marriage as a covenant between one man and one woman (Gen. 2:24, Matt. 19:4-6). This contrasts with ideologies that seek to redefine marriage and family structures.

3. Moral absolutes. The Bible teaches clear moral absolutes, distinguishing right from wrong based on God’s character and commandments (Ex. 20:1-17). In contrast, some modern ideologies promote moral relativism, where truth is subjective and individualistic.
Voting is a sacred responsibility and a powerful tool to influence the direction of the nation. Prophetic voices must emphasize the importance of voting righteously, ensuring that our political leaders and policies align with biblical values. This includes:

1. Supporting pro-life policies. Advocating for the sanctity of life from conception to natural death and opposing any legislation that promotes abortion or euthanasia.

2. Upholding traditional family values. Voting for policies that protect the biblical definition of marriage and family, and opposing any attempts to redefine these sacred institutions.

3. Defending religious liberty. Ensuring that laws protect the right to practice faith freely and oppose any form of censorship or cancel culture that seeks to silence religious expression.

NEIOH via Family of Taygeta #ufo #magick #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy

We Understand That This Message Will Not Be Received By Those With An Agenda To Destroy Humanity. We Communicate Truth And Will Meet You Where You Are In Understanding. It Doesn’t Matter Where You Live On Planet Earth As This Teaching Of A Dark Agenda Will Be Relevant To All Souls In Form. This Agenda Might Seem Political But In Truth It Is Spiritual Warfare. These Are The Last Days In Your Current Density.
The Agenda Of The Dark Forces Is Fueled By The Evil Intent Of Oppisheklio And Pidkozox. The Demonic Realm Is Real. If You Believe In Purity, Power And The Creative Force Of All That Is Good, Then Understand The Counterpart Is Real And Active. Scriptures Speak Of The Rapture, The Tribulation And Any Number Of Names Of God As Noted In All Parts Of The World. These Are The Dark Moments Of Prophecy. The Rapture Is A Picture Of The Grand Shift That Will Be.
The Cabal Reaches Far And Wide Among Nations. The Agenda Of Darkness Is A Web Of Deceit.
The Agenda Of Darkness Parades As Freedom And Yet This Liberal Agenda Is Destroying Lives. They Wish To Destroy Your Children By S*********g Them In Their Innocence. The Sacred Soul Chooses Their Gender And Many Precious Children Are Being Victimized With S****l Images, Videos And Suggestions That They Might Just Be The Opposite Gender. Parents Are Being Left Out Of Any Decisions As Laws Are Passed To Give Schools The Authority Over The Lives Of Children.
Immigrants Are Souls That Have Become Front And Center In Discussions And Conflict. Open Borders Have Caused Greater T*********g Of Humans And Drugs. These People Should Never Be Allowed To Enter Regions To Vote, Take Jobs And Housing From Citizens Or Sleep In The Streets. This Is Not To Say That They Are Not Worthy Of Assistance. But For Countries That Have Strived To Have Freedom And Make Decisions With Voting And Everyday Life, Illegal Immigration Is Wrong. It Has Never Been An Issue For Citizenship, But Chaos And Voting Is The Agenda At Hand.

Matthew Plese #fundie #wingnut #dunning-kruger

Ancient philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato came to understand that that there was something out there greater than the human person, a First Cause, that initiated everything. Thus, they knew there was a reason for existence, yet they were not able to discern Its personal identity. Jesus incarnated the First Cause into salvation history. Through Christ we know the First Cause’s Name and purpose. Catholic Philosophers such as Saints Augustine and Thomas Aquinas used this knowledge of the final end of man (Heaven) as they developed the tradition of Christian philosophy.

Martin Luther persuasively infected the world with his heresy of separating the interpretation of Sacred Scripture from the authority of Christ and His Church, and of divorcing the individual believer from the Body of Christ. This diabolic rupture was a catalyst for others to remove God – or any notion of a First Cause – from philosophy. Such thinking consequently became an underlying foundation of Modern Philosophy.

By understanding the consequences of the loss of proper philosophy, we can better defend the Catholic Faith. From a historical perspective, this also helps us identify the roots of our current societal collapse.
Rationalism is the natural continuation of Luther’s view of Sacred Scripture that each person can and should read and interpret the Sacred Page on his own. Yet this results in severely damaging man’s relationship to God. The relationship between God and man is no longer Father to child, but rather distant master to servant (slave). According to Rationalism, if the only communication from God is in written form (the Bible), then it is up to the reader to decide what exactly is meant.

As a result, Sacred Tradition must in turn be disregarded. This then alienates (isolates) contemporary man from those who came before him. Note, it is the devil who promotes isolation, whereas God supports the communion of saints within His Mystical Body.

Justin LaNasa and Dave Johnson #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia

TSR LLC is still moving forward with creating TTRPGs. The third incarnation of the tabletop company has recently released playtest material for the sci-fi RPG, Star Frontiers New Genesis[…]
The playtest material for Star Frontiers New Genesis was leaked by the twitter account NoHateInGaming. In a twitter thread, NoHateInGaming provided screenshots of various excerpts[…]
•Descriptions of the Ulfar character race. These include Negro, a Subrace described as, "tall, thick bodied, dark skinned even purple dark, brown-eyed race with large strength, average intelligence.", with a maximum intelligence of 9. This is in comparison to the Nordic Ulfar, described as a "Tall, blonde, blue-eyed race with exceptional attributes and powers", with a minimum stat anywhere of 13[…]
•In a section about roleplaying your character, it asks if you, "are a SJW warrior pushing your values on others"[…]
•Stating that "races in SFNG are not unlike races in the real world. Some are better at certain things than others, and some races are superior than others"[…]
•The Core Rules explaining Theology[…]describes "the practices of secret cults such as the Masons"[…]
•When explaining a character's Looks stat, it states that a character with a Looks stat of 0 is seen as unbearably hideous. It states, "a good example of this is would be large noses or narrow noses, large lips or thin lips, oval eyes. The player can have a lot of fun with this aspect. Be creative"[…]
•In player race options, Gender options are "Male/Female no bonuses, and no Trans." Furthermore, there is red text attributed to one of the writers asking, "should we make a trans type race? Maybe 'transbots?'"[…]
The lead writers of Star Frontiers New Genesis are TSR LLC's CEO Justin LaNasa and Dave Johnson

RuneOwl #transphobia #interphobia

RE: What is the ideal endgame for you concerning gender ideology?

1. Sex segregated spaces for women and girls (bathrooms, locker rooms, prisons, etc.) will be universally protected, with mandatory jail time and lifetime sex offender registration for men who are caught infiltrating. Repeat offenders will be either institutionalized or imprisoned for life


3. Total and complete ban on male inclusion in organized women’s athletic competitions on every level, from high school sports to the Olympics. Violating this rule is punished as a form of cheating that warrants a lifetime ban from all future competition, even in the men’s division. Zero exceptions. This applies not just to TIMs, but intersex men with a Y chromosome (you’re not a woman just because your balls are on the inside, Caster Semenya). Women’s sports will no longer be seen as a category that failed men can be lumped in with

4. Stringent free speech laws that protect people, especially GC women, from being deplatformed or discriminated against. We have the right to press hate crime charges against trans activists who attempt to use intimidation, threats, or slander to silence feminist critics. Under no circumstances is “misgendering” or “deadnaming” a punishable offense, and it is illegal to compel anyone to use special pronouns

5. Total ban on both medical transition and any manner of “gender-affirming therapy” for minors. Children will not be allowed to socially transition, either—schools will have to protect GNC minors, and genuinely distressed kids will receive counseling that is structured to help them accept themselves as they are. Any parents that try to coerce or enable a child under the age of 18 to medically transition, whether it’s buying black market hormones online or taking them overseas to get surgeries, can expect to face felony child abuse charges

6. Regarding adult transitions, the medical community will move away from the “affirmation” model and return to stricter gatekeeping than ever before. It will not be considered an option at all for anyone with a criminal background or certain severe psychological disorders. Years of mandatory therapy should be required before even hormones are made available. Gender dysphoria will be understood as the severe mental illness that it is and not a normal thing like sexual orientation

dragonheart , sensusquaeram & Ellexoh #transphobia

( dragonheart )
What is the ideal endgame for you concerning gender ideology?
Obviously, all of us here are against this ideology in one way or another but I wonder what would be the ideal outcome for all of us?

Personally speaking, the biggest one for me is seeing women's same-sex spaces and sports legally protected from men/TIMs period. No exceptions.

Women should also have a right to gather for whatever reason and legally be able to exclude TIMs.

If TIMs and pickmeisha's want to create their own spaces and sport leagues, they are welcome to it and I have nothing against it.

I also don't think that anyone under 18 should be able to medically transition - it's irreversible damage that can never be undone should they regret it - so that should also be illegal. They don't allow children to get tattoos so how is it they're allowed to be irreversibly mutilated under surgery?!

Consenting adults can do what they like with their bodies, even if I don't agree with it.

( sensusquaeram )
Everything already said here about women's sex-based protections and gender abolition.

I'd go further though -- all "trans" procedures should be abolished, with robust evidence-based medical and mental health care in place for those already "transed" as well as destransers/desistors.

Reasoning: affirmative psychological and medical procedures are not civil rights or liberties, they are dangerous experimental procedures. Challenges to the Dutch Protocol and emerging evidence reveal they do not improve mental health, physical health, or quality-of-life measures long term. (If they did reliably improve those measures long term, and if "gender dysphoria" were a discreet condition, we'd be seeing very different emerging evidence.)

It's a medical misadventure based on shaky evidence from a questionable discipline (sexology) with a fraught history and advanced by activism, not need. It's not treatment -- it's mistreatment. Medicine and psychology need to do better.

( Ellexoh )
The endgame for me personally would be getting my grandson (who thinks he's a girl) to speak with me again, to realise he lost a good thing when he prioritised an ideology over his family.

The endgame will never happen as a whole. The ideology has to be chipped away at by individuals, by parents, by sensible lawmakers, by strong women. Men can't be us.

The Telosians via Marie Josée Andichou #ufo #magick #conspiracy

We are happy to meet you again, dear children of planet Earth. As you know, there is currently a very powerful increase in Celestial Energies towards the Earth and its inhabitants.

These Energies are somewhat stirring up a large number of you, either through poor sleep, repeated fatigue or small, annoying physical problems. If all this is happening, it is important that your bodies adapt to the Crystalline Energies that are coming towards you, enveloping you but transforming your bodies.

Some of you are wondering if carbon bodies will still exist or if they will be replaced by crystalline bodies. We will tell you this: the energies of the third dimension that you are leaving, were of a heaviness due to the carbon included in your cells. But the human being growing in the understanding of True Life sees his cells, his DNA transmuted into Crystalline Energy.
The New Earth requires that the linear time that you live disappear in order to project you into the time of True Life, the time where everything is lived at the same time: past, present and future. This is difficult to understand for you who have lived for eons to the rhythm of hours, days and months. Of course, it is not tomorrow that you will live non-time but it is being strongly prepared and you have proof of it by the speed with which your days unfold.
Of course, as we have already said, this will come to you after the almost total dissolution of the embezzlement, manipulation and thoughtless lies that are continuously inflicted on you by those who still want to lead you into decadence. But, as you know, as we have already told you many times, the lives of all these humans, yet very… very few in number, will find themselves facing the end of their desires for power over you. We know that they are trying everything right now and for a few more months, but these are the surges of the hunted being who no longer knows how to get out of this imbroglio in which he has gotten himself lost.

Marshall Masters/Michael Decon #crackpot #magick #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy

After I told Michael Decon about the Construct Time Jumping technique, I explained it in my article How the Meek Inherit the Earth No. 13—Time Jumping for Freedom. He just said, “My audience will love this. Get your calendar out.”

This technique, which I developed for “diggers,” as I call them, got his attention. They dig for truth like hogs to truffles, and it could also help the whites create a bridge of consensus between the left and the right.

As I explained, Time Jumping is a 3-D technique based on fundamental Remote Viewing concepts. You could call it Remote Researching. But what surprised me is that once you begin doing it, your nagging anxiety over being blindsided becomes very manageable because propaganda is 2-D. When time jumping with my 3-D technique, you see through the elitest precision of language much more quickly.

Please feel free to listen in and enjoy this uplifting interview. Then you decide. Are you a time jumper? If you are a remote viewer, you already know the answer, so no spoilers.

Marshall Masters is a Planet X / Nibiru researcher, radio personality. He publishes Your Own World USA ( Marshall Masters joined Michael Decon to discuss his latest article, “Time Jumping for Freedom.” Marshall Masters discussed his experiences as a remote viewer and his educational journey under the guidance of Ed Dames. Marshall explains how a profound remote viewing session inspired him to author several books that prepare individuals for the impending apocalypse. You don’t want to miss this one.

The United Sabaeans Worldwide #crackpot #magick #ufo #racist #god-complex

We are The United Sabaeans Worldwide and we welcome you to our website. We Are A People And Government Of Retained Sovereigns. We have been serving communities far and wide in the upliftment of humanity, providing subject learning forums and classes on many and diverse subjects, to increase self awareness and to create a better life.
We, The United Sabaeans Worldwide, are a people of ancient ancestry, linking all the way back to ancient Antarctica (The Egg Island), Africa and beyond.
We Sabaeans link and practice our way of life, knowing that we have family-relatives from the stars, like many of the stories of old have proclaimed.
We, The United Sabaeans Worldwide, are devoted to the upliftment of humanity. We are animist as well as ontologists, aligning ourselves with the vibrations of nature, the earth and cosmos. We tie into our family and blood link by way of one of our great ancestral mothers; the Egyptian ruler; Queen of Sheba, also known as Makeda and Maa’at’ Kaa’ah’ Rayay. Her throne name was known as; Hatshepsut of Egypt, in which she ruled a vast empire. We, The United Sabaeans Worldwide, aim to raise the mentality of humans beyond this illusionary world, and our goal is to help transform earth’s polarity, from the pole of negativity to the pole of positivity, via the means and propagation of ONLY truth and facts.

For over 50 years, we have been uniquely taught and guided in our way of life; Wu-Sabat, by Paa Munbab (The Master): Bah’ Bah’ Yaanuwn, also known as H.E. Dr Malachi Z. K. York. Our culture and way of life is rich, entailing our very own ancient language; Misbatiya (Sabaic). Wu-Sabat is the science of the original creative forces, in which and with the universe was grown, the original forces of 9 ether of the African people in general. These forces gives you the power and authority within yourselves that are strong enough to help liberate you from adverse and deceptive forces and make our own people free and equal to each other.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #sexist #homophobia #conspiracy

The modern alienated anti-hero is the Luciferian JEW at war with God (the Moral Order) nature and society. "Modernism" is Jewish Satanism i.e. Cabalism, a solipsism where they redefine reality according to their perversions and self-interest. Sick is healthy.
"Audiences are more sophisticated," the writers tell us, "people want moral ambiguity." Really? Do we want it or does Satan?

We've reached the point where amoral and violent delinquents, misfits and weirdos are the norms. They have made the world conform to them.
Freaks and Geeks. Six Feet Under. Seinfeld. Glee. Arrested Development. The Office. Self-absorbed misfits, i.e. Jews and gays, are the "new normal."
In the 1950's, they had to rebuild, so the Illuminati gave us healthy values. "In 1950's television, the man of the house was king of his castle. Was it an illusion to begin with?" Father Knows Best. Ozzie and Harriet. Leave it to Beaver. My Three Sons.

Was it an illusion? I don't think so. Some things are hard-wired. Most men want to rule their own roost. That doesn't mean we want to lord it over anyone. But every successful organization is a hierarchy and that applies to families as well. Only a monster has two heads. The division of labor made a lot of sense. If you want a man to shoulder responsibility for a family, he has to lead it. It must be his creation.

There was no moral ambiguity in the 1950's Westerns. Good versus evil. Gunsmoke. The Lone Ranger. Have Gun Will Travel. Men were men. They put their lives on the line to build a just society. Women supported and loved them for it.
TV and movies initiate us into the satanic cult which is modern society. A satanic cult controls and exploits its members by making them sick. Because television and movies were my reference point, I was dysfunctional until almost 50. I didn't know how to be a man. There were no models of true masculinity. When dysfunctional sick people are your role models, you become dysfunctional.

Dr. Abby Johnson #fundie #wingnut

I rarely say that someone’s heart is evil. It’s just not something that I take lightly. I don’t throw the “evil” word around…probably because I was steeped in real, tangible evil for so long.

But read this. I believe that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have evil living deep in their hearts. I can feel it when they speak. I can see it in their faces. Something inside me literally rises up when I just look at their pictures and hear their voices. There is evil there.

Lord, have mercy on them and break the evil ties that bind them.

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut

Laura Loomer says top NYPD sources tell her National Guard setting up around courthouse where Trump is sentenced Sept 18th because communist traitor judge Marchan planning to send Trump straight to Rikers. If that happens I will urge truckers to stop all deliveries to NYC. Bring city to standstill. Starve NYC.

mathlover , VestalVirgin & TheChaliceIsMightier #transphobia

Utah bill would require inmates to be housed based on sex, creates transfer request system for transgender people - Deseret News

( mathlover )
This would be OK if it was acknowledged that 100% of the men who say they are women will be a threat to the safety of any/all women they would be incarcerated with. I think it is a waste of time and money to go through the motions. But OK, as long as there is only one outcome - people are imprisoned with others of the same biological sex.

( VestalVirgin )
Yeah, any man who wants to be imprisoned with women is a danger to women, because no decent man would demand that. Obviously.

And even a man who does not want to be imprisoned with women, because he isn't a rapist, would infringe on women's privacy if he were to be put in a women's prison, so ...

There is no kind of man who should be in a women's prison.

( TheChaliceIsMightier )
I think the statistic for how many female inmates have experienced sexual abuse of some kind is like 80% so yeah… none of them need the added trauma of having penises in their space.

Martin Armstrong #racist #conspiracy #wingnut

[From “Will the Migrant Crisis Cause the End of the United States?”]

When Donald Trump turned his head, perhaps by the hand of fate, it saved the United States from a civil war then and there—for now. Nevertheless, our model turns upward for civil war beginning September 4[…]
From my days in high school, perhaps in history class, I saw an invisible common thread that ran through history. Every empire, nation, and city-state had risen with such hope, believing they would last forever, only to fall to dust and be swept aside into a common grave. In recent years, I have grown steadily more concerned about the prospect of a complete democratic breakdown in America. I have studied how such grand empires, always founded for eternity, crumble, split, and then turn into revolutions spawned by civil unrest[…]The common source has always begun with this idea of a federal government that then seeks to impose its will upon the people in a one-size-fits-all approach[…]
We face the very same crisis in this mass migration of illegal aliens, and the purpose is the very same as I encountered in 1997 in Australia – yet the opposite. Biden opened the border with an Executive Order on the first day he entered office. The Democrats know that their Marxist Agenda, like Communist China and Russia, is losing[…]
Anyone who thinks that those on Capitol Hill really care about you or your future is a brainwashed fool. This is a game of party politics, a civil war on Capitol Hill. Rigging elections has been a pastime since the beginning. Andrew Jackson shut down the Bank of the United States because they lent money to his opponent. Every election is always rigged![…]
This video was taken down and then called fake news, but it showed an unprecedented line of people applying for a driver’s license[…]It is clear they are not 17-year-olds anxious to get their first driver’s license. What adult in our society does not have a driver’s license since we need a photo ID?

Robot Ready #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt

I can't believe how many people are into the global warming conspiracy due to human activities. These are the same people who believe that the earth is flat. Interesting fact from someone who has a degree in meteorology. Did you know that the gravity of the sun slightly pulls and tilts the earth's axis toward the sun. People have no concept how large the sun is and they don't understand the physics of how the earth spins. The earth wobbles as it spins!!!!! look it up and how it affects the earth's temperatures.

Candace Owens #conspiracy #transphobia

He investigated this story for 3 years, with threats from the secret service. Then he broke the biggest political scandal in human history.

Brigitte Macron was born a man.

Today on the show, I sit down with the brave journalist, Xavier Poussard. EXCLUSIVE: Meet the Journalist Who EXPOSED Brigitte Macron | Candace Ep 56 On today's show I speak with Xavier Poussard, the French Journalist who exposed the truth about Brigitte Macron to the world.
6:07 AM · Aug 31, 2024 · 929.2K Views
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Vox Day #racist #crackpot

[From “Immigration and the USA”]

A few of the smarter observers appear to finally be recognizing that not only is diversity not a strength, but that the immigration which was wrongly believed to have been responsible for the century of American greatness is actually assuring the inevitable fracturing of the US polity and the ongoing demise of the American empire[…]
Except they still don’t get it. They still subscribe to the ridiculous Melting Pot myth, and erroneously insist that the problem is a) Democrats and b) illegal immigration[…]
Biden isn’t the problem. Illegal aliens aren’t the problem. The cancer that will kill the USA dates back to 1965 and the Naturalization Act that ensured the demographic demolition of the USA. (Don’t be pedantic, one could also make credible cases for 1913 and 1865.) Unless a nationalist leader the quality of Xi or Putin comes to power and immediately begins a repatriation program of a scale that rivals the Chinese Great Leap Forward, the USA will likely collapse within ten years

And there is no such leader on the horizon. We know it isn’t Trump. We know it isn’t Vance. And so it will be collapse, which is why major powers like China and Russia, and lesser powers like Iran and Indonesia, no longer consider the USA to be a major limitation on their freedom of action[…]
The collapse of the USA isn’t the end of America. In fact, it may very well be good for Americans, since the US government observably isn’t. The patterns of History always play out in the end

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

The Phoenix has many counterparts

The Tartarian Griffin
The Egyptian winged disc Horus
The lion headed serpent Sphinx
The Macaw bird seated on a giant Nanka tree
The Thunderbird on his luminous tree
And Raven on the Totem Pole

A pinched plasma will break into a stack of toroids
Which are joined by a central bar

The toroids then flatten and curl up at the ends
Like the branches of a tree

When the aurora at the center of the world arises in full strength
It is accompanied by electrophonic sounds and ephemeral flashes

And becomes a luminous ethereal column of wind fire and water
And a visual celestial plasma current around which the circumpolar stars revolve

In the Pistis Sophia
The Venus goddess was deluded by the demiurge
Because of its resemblance to the true light of faith

The Tree of Life lingered in front of
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Lucifer originally was the beguiling serpent
Then later became the destructive aspect of Mars

He was pure fire and light
Sent out to stir the divine spirit

The enhanced high energy aurora materialized into visible light
From an influx of charged particles
Resulting in a giant atmospheric plasma tube

As planets magnetically drifted toward the center electrical column
They became the gods and goddesses of myth and religion
Interacting with the north polar axis

The very first verse of Genesis
Barit bar Elohim
Translates to In the beginning the gods created

Elohim is plural
It means gods or lords

Genesis 1:26 says
Let us make man in our own image
According to our own likeness

The use of plural pronouns
Implies Yahweh was not alone!

Timothy Green Beckley #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy



“We cannot take credit for our record advancements in certain scientific fields alone; we have been helped by the people of other worlds. . . We should think of the craft in the New Mexico desert as more of a time machine than a space craft.” Professor Hermann Oberth, Father of Rocketry

Here is evidence that Hitler had a top secret brigade of Nazi engineers working in deep underground laboratories – in conjunction with off world interstellar cosmonauts – to establish space flight and time travel years before the start of America’s rocketry program in which the U.S. sought the help of thousands of Nazi war criminals bought into this country under the auspicious of the tight lipped Project Paperclip.

Information recently obtained by the authors indicates that the UFO that crashed outside Roswell might have been part of this Nazi space/time travel program cleverly covered up by our military’ in order to look like the arrival of an out of control interplanetary vehicle. The top brass ultimately looking to cover their tracks which indicated that they were inappropriately working in tandem with non reconcilable war criminals who had been excused of all evil misdeeds and eventually extending citizenship to.

Die Glocke, or The Bell, may well have been used to bend both space and time and give the Nazis the unthinkable power to explore the past freely and even to CONTROL THE FUTURE.

Are we plummeting headlong toward a world under fascist domination – a nightmare in which sadistic, jackbooted thugs are waiting for us to “catch up” in time with our own predestined subjugation to open worldwide rule by the Nazis possible hiding out on the surface of the moon or at “secret cities” at the Poles? Do they lie in wait for us as the clock on our freedom runs down?

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #wingnut #racist #ufo #conspiracy

The autumn campaign in the secret battle for the planet earth has begun early with the execution of YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, the mysterious illnesses of Anthony Fauci and the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. A lot more is happening behind the scenes as well. This is heading for some sort of very dramatic climax in November, Secret Space Force sources promised at a white hat meeting on August 25th. For reasons of operational security, we cannot comment on what is expected in November other than to say it is about a lot more than the US Presidential Selection.

Let us start with Wojcicki. The official story is she died of lung cancer at the age of 56. However, CIA sources say she was executed for censoring the truth about vaccine mass murder on YouTube (your correspondent is among many who were banned for reporting the truth about the vaccines and Covid). Before execution she was questioned about the whereabouts of top Satanist and Google co-founder Sergey Brin, the sources say.
In any case, last night we got a call from an Asian secret society source who said Fauci “committed suicide” by stuffing toilet paper down his throat. We have not been able to independently confirm this information but, if true, it would represent poetic justice considering what has been coming out of his mouth. No official announcement of his death has been made.
The Russians also contacted French dissidents after Durov’s arrest to try use it as an excuse to mount an attempt to overthrow the French government “in the name of free speech.” The French warn that an “international group of actors will attack French infrastructure in the last week of August.”

The French also speculate that since President Emmanuelle Macron is a member of the French branch of the Rothschild family, “maybe they have no choice but to play ball with the Russians because they have lost so many of their members.” Here is a recent picture of him with his uncle who he pretends is his wife.

Thaddeus G. McCotter (Fmr US Congress-Repub) #wingnut #conspiracy

As the presidential campaign speeds past what was once its traditional kickoff date, Labor Day Weekend, many on the right continue to argue that engaging in the “Culture War” is either a distraction or that it is already lost. In both instances, waging the good fight to protect and promote a virtuous culture will ineluctably lead to the Right’s electoral defeat.

Instead, they aver, dispense with cultural issues, such as abortion, euthanasia, protecting parental rights, etc., and focus solely on the economy, immigration, and the weaponization of government. If these Republican Cassandras prevail upon the Trump campaign and GOP down-ticket campaigns to stand mute on critical cultural issues, what will victory in November accomplish for MAGA and conservative populists? The disintegration of our free republic by an erosion rather than an avalanche. And, in truth, the erosion would prove more painful by not only being slower but by being done by our own Republican hands.
The left is waging a culture war on America—indeed a war against the very concept of truth, itself—that aims to impose its collectivist, materialist, secularist ideology upon society; and subordinating and suppressing traditional culture and its adherence to moral truths. Since the left believes it is winning, if largely by default, and is hellbent on finishing its mission, in this Culture War the Republican Cassandras are laboring under the delusion they are seeking a Détente. What they are really calling for is unilateral disarmament on the path to unconditional surrender and serfdom.
Today, over thirty years, America is in a Culture War. Launched and waged by the left, it is a Culture War without quarter. Détente is not an option, and surrender is unconscionable, for it would mean the end of our free republic and all we have cherished for generations and hope to bequeath to future generations.

In brutal truth: we cannot make America great again unless we make America good again.

Brian Niemeier #fundie

"On August 29th, 1968, every single TV in America suddenly shut down and for 25 seconds, people have heard a voice, a murmur. No one seemed to understand what the issue really was and what the sound was from the TVs. Many people believe that it was the devil trying to convey some message but nobody really understood it. After 25 seconds, all the televisions turned back on and the daily scheduled programs resumed. To this day, no one exactly knows who caused it and why it happened but everyone believed it was the work of the devil."

The story above has been debunked as an urban legend by Snopess, for what that’s worth. But it does make another association in my mind with one of the more cryptic and chilling prophecies attributed to a saint.

Elizabeth Ann Seton was said to have had a vision of the future, in which every home in America had a black box that could let the Devil in.

Again, is the account of the Devil speaking through every TV in America for 25 seconds back in August of 68 literal fact? Maybe not. But if the events that have unfolded since that date are any indication, the urban legend is a 100 percent effective metaphor. So keep in mind, when you’re talking with someone who grew up in front of the television, to some extent, you’re talking with the Devil box.

MardyMcMare , littleowl12 & RusticTroglodyte #transphobia

RE: Rip Curl makes huge damage control move after outraged Aussies tried to cancel the iconic brand for using a trans woman to promote women's surfing | Daily Mail Online

( MardyMcMare )
Do advertising companies exist in some kind of vacuum? How can Rip Curl not have heard about other disastrous instances of using TIMs to advertise to women? Do they think they’re the first people to ever think of using men pretending to be women, rather than actual real women? Do they believe women will think “Gosh, how stunning and brave these men are, wish I could be like them, what are they selling, I want it NOW”?

Good on Australian women for kicking back.

( littleowl12 )
I don't feel sorry for companies that want to pay bottom dollar instead of top dollar for the most skilled, honest, marketing strategists. They want to hire temp noobs and get what they deserve.

I'll concede, though, that they don't have a very good pool of applicants. Most university grads only learn Woke and DEI propaganda. They don't actually believe that their job is to make your company money. No, no, that's just a cover- their REAL job in life is to spread the gospel of all things Woke. They'll happily collect a check from you, but they don't think they're honor bound to deliver what you wanted, which was a sales boost.

This is the problem with Woke thinking. There are no other values than Oppression Dungeons And Dragons. Work ethic is not a real thing. They moan about the plebians not having enough money, but don't connect that boosting sales means the company makes more money, and doesn't have to lay off workers.

( RusticTroglodyte )
Fuck YES, ladies! We can make a difference. They will never silence us. They can go on and on about how hateful we are but at the end of the day, the vast majority of sane, non-hateful ppl agree that men should not be competing against women in sport.

Men cannot become women. No amount of "testosterone suppression" can make men as a class on the same physical level as women as a class.

They can cry all day long, delete 80% of pro-women comments from reddit, call us all manner of horrifying names, threaten us with physical violence and sexual assault, and all that does is peak more people


C.T. and Joseph Walsh #racist #psycho

[From “4th of July”]

In 2015 I posted another entry with the same title where I quote Francis Parker Yockey. Along with another American racialist, Michael O’Meara, Yockey realised what his country was all about—unlike those on the contemporary racial right who still wave the American flag and feel safe to spout the words ‘Jew, Jew, Jew!’ as if that explained everything

Given that Joseph Walsh is now in a London jail because of thoughtcrime (remember: Yockey died in prison!), I would like to quote below what he said nine years ago in the comments section of the post linked above:

How appropriate that America will be the first white country where whites will become a minority (if you don’t count Rhodesia and South Africa). Whites are about 55% of America’s population now. They will eventually be 49%

Even if the whole of white America became racially aware and every white voted for an open National Socialist political party they would still not be able to beat the Democratic party which takes votes in the three crucial states of New York, California and Texas. So a political solution to the survival of white America is out of the question. As William Pierce used to say ‘White revolution is the only solution’. Even if a white revolution leads to a World War, it is the only way to secure white survival: Racial Holy Wars or extinction

There are about 600 million whites worldwide, yet I would say that not even 1% of the white race is racially conscious. Only about 2 million whites worldwide are. We are in trouble. What we do not have in quantity we must make up for in ruthlessness

But the blonde beast won’t rise until the collapse comes. Therefore— When will you throw your nukes at Hezbollah, Bibi?

Biblical Gender Roles #sexist #fundie

Why God Wants You to Stay in an Abusive Relationship
But when we read the Scriptures we see a very different view of how we should respond to abuse:
“18 Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. 19 For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully.20 For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God.
21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: 22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: 23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: 24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.”
I Peter 2:18-24 (KJV)
When we endure grief or suffer wrongly at the hands of others, in other words when we endure mistreatment which is abuse and take it patiently the Scriptures tell us “this is acceptable with God”.  God is not excusing the actions of the abusers.  But God is saying when we are on the receiving end of various kinds of abuse and we take it patiently that this is acceptable with God.
Such a thought is foreign to our thinking but the Scriptures tell us “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord” (Isaiah 55:8).
We often talk on this blog about how God likes to image or model things.  Man was created to image God and thereby bring him glory (I Corinthians 11:7) and woman and by extension marriage was created to help man fully image God as a husband and father (I Corinthians 11:9, Ephesians 5:22-33).  When it comes to this matter of suffering abuse – we, both men and women, actually model Christ when we suffer abuse from others taking it patiently as he did. And that is why God wants you to stay in an abusive relationship.

Andrea #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

My name is Andrea. Like many others, I have been on the spiritual path for DECADES.

Since then there have been constant prophecies, predictions and visions.

Then for months EBS, QFS etc. All well and good. But unfortunately nothing is happening. Yes, I know. Sooooooooooooo much is happening behind the scenes.

I also know about Project Looking Glass. Great ideas, everything is great. But here too, secrecy, collecting ideas, but 3D is still going strong. Instead of carrying out or allowing the SEPARATIONS announced ages ago between those who have no consciousness at all, little consciousness, and higher, very high consciousness, ……..3D is still going strong here…..
Too many have 3D consciousness – and don’t WANT to change.
There should finally be a spaceship landing where all the spaceship members introduce themselves and also give the opportunity to visit the interior of a spaceship

And those who have the consciousness and want to get away from this 3D planet should finally be given the opportunity to come on board and do a service.

Or, for all I care, a portal that opens and allows those who are full of light and have the corresponding consciousness to pass through. So that SEPARATIONS can finally TAKE PLACE instead of us, who have worked on ourselves, being confronted with 3D on a daily basis.

And now – although I for one have not watched or listened to mainstream news for ages – all the sleepers are waking up. And I STILL see what is going on here in 3D. You have to be afraid of where you go so that you don’t become a victim of these knife attacks. Even though you no longer go out in the evenings. Even though you might just pop into the supermarket. Even though you are careful where you go.

If I could create a portal, I would – and take those who want to come with me.

I want the separation between 3D people and those who want to develop spiritually to be completed!!! So that we can finally live in peace, freedom and harmony!

Alex Collier #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy #mammon

Alex hosted his 57th *LIVE* Question and Answer webinar on August 23rd, 2024. The webinar was just over two hours and 41 minutes in length. Hosted by James Harkin from and the former radio host for Wolf Spirit Radio JayPee.

In just over two hours and forty-one minutes, Alex answered 38 questions. Some of the questions had multiple parts, so Alex spent time answering these questions thoroughly. Due to character limits in the description, here are the top 15 questions that have been paraphrased and voted up by webinar attendees:

Do you know anything about what is happening at Quantum Healing Systems?
Are there any updates regarding the soul trap previously used on Earth?
Will flowers and other vegetation be affected by the new sun frequency?
Do you see a black swan event happening before the end of the year?
Have certain people been cut off from their spiritual connection to their higher self and soul connection?
Who is The Heritage Foundation that has influenced presidents, including President Donald J. Trump?
Are members of the English Royal Family of shape-shifting reptilian descent?
Why was the Brunson Supreme Court case report released after President Joe R. Biden dropped his reelection bid and not before?
What will happen in Ukraine and Israel if those countries allied with BRICS launch a new financial system?
Are there 6,000 US Marshals in Washington, DC?
What can you tell us about the new replicators being developed?
Is there any update to the Quantum Financial System and the revaluation of the world's currencies? Will there still be fraud and manipulation?
Has the US Patent Office been liberated to free the suppressed technologies?
Is AI malevolent or benevolent, and is the race towards artificial intelligence good for humanity?
Do you know why President Donald J. Trump looks so healthy and fit?
And many more!

<Only 6 dollars!>

Alfred Lambremont Webre/Dr. Raymond A. Keller #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

How Interdimensional Quantum Access Time Travel
Manipulates Human Events, Human History,
and the Interlife
Alfred Lambremont Webre
Author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe
and The Omniverse Trilogy
“The word ‘Chronogarchy’ is a neologism that signifies ‘Those Who Rule Through Time,’ or the manipulation of it. These are wizards standing behind curtains and directing the matrix system to which we all find ourselves subjected. The exopolitical expert describes the Chronogarchy as, ‘an interdimensional alliance dedicated to the oppression of the community of human souls, and includes factions in human institutions such as religions, governments, military-intelligence agencies, bloodline families, monarchies, media, medical-pharma, as well as Archonic Spiritual entities, including Fallen Angels, demonic entities, and exophenotypes hostile to the community of human souls such as the Draco Reptilians, Orion Greys, and sentient Artificial Intelligence (AI).’
“In The Chronogarchy, Alfred Lambremont Webre delves into the real nature of space, time and inter-dimensionality. He interviews many of the leading authorities and experiencers in these fields, thereby facilitating an awareness of the people, powers and organizations constituting the network of the Chronogarchy’s existence and helping us to formulate viable defense strategies in the coming years of increasing tribulations. We also learn of the “good guys” helping us from ‘behind the scenes,’ so to speak, thereby pointing to a light of hope at the end of a long, dark tunnel.”

In The Chronogarchy book, Alfred Lambremont Webre demonstrates through eye-witness evidence that U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Donald J. Trump, and Joseph Robinette Biden were pre-identified by the Chronogarchy secret Presidential Time Travel preidentification program.

Kaisar #racist #crackpot

[From “American Births Vs. The Illegal Alien Invasion”]

Now here is a chart that is as enlightening as it is terrifying:

spoilerGraph representing the number of birth among US citizens (blue) and the net entrances of foreign immigrants (orange) to the USA from October 2019 to June 2024

If trends continue at this rate, we will have more invaders entering in than we have American births. And this includes expulsions! Incredible

This is an unbelievable chart, something that I cannot even fathom. Right here you have clear-as-day end of empire data

[If you have not, I encourage you to read my anacyclosis articles, which detail these cycle of collapse events. Find those articles here: Compilation: Historical Texts On Anacyclosis]

This is the data that historians look back on centuries from now with disbelief, due to the sheer insanity of it all

This is not a sustainable condition. A nation—Hell, not even an empire—can preserve under such conditions for long

I know few can believe it, but Rome fell with even fewer barbarians at the gate

Ricardo Peterson Kuthumi(Indian in the Machine) #conspiracy #quack #ufo #moonbat #wingnut

In this lifetime, you get to experiment with many roles…


Boy… girl

You have an identity, sometimes you change it, sometimes you refuse to change it…

You have been a victim, or a colonialist…

You have gone natural, and you have lived a very artificial life…

As much as you are repelled by earth life you are also attracted to it…

You like the excitement of being in 3D and 4D.
You have a lifetime of being indoctrinated and the indoctrination started before you could talk.

You identify as ‘vaccinated’ or unvaccinated.

But there’s one thing you haven’t given your all yet…

You have yet to fully become a 100% loving human being.

This is what actually scares you.
Where’s your humanity.

You may have literally bent over and took it up the ass over the last scamdemic.

You said you did this because you cared too much.

You literally took a bioweapon and then said it was because you cared too much.


You watched a billion people die, and didn’t barely shed a tear.

The children had to be rescued by extraterrestrials while you pondered whether or not it is safe to pull your head out of your ass.

The darkside have been quite successful in turning you into an android.

Some of you think these words are gibberish and think you don’t have nanotechnology in you, but you never cared about the chemtrails that were spraying unknown technology on you for 40 years.
Go head… search the newsfeed for monkeypox, transhumanism… civilization is crashing down right now… will you remain lost, or will you find the real human you… the one who is designed to love, evolve, grow and who serves a Higher power?

You WILL have to pull your head out of your ass completely to survive this time… no exceptions.

It is my intention to help save another with these words.

Remember, they are coming after you, your children, your community and the world… AGAIN, because you didn’t even come close to stopping them last time.

Ken Ham #fundie

Clothing was invented not because we were cold, as evolutionists suggest, but because of sin and shame. Mankind was originally created naked and unashamed, but after their sin, they tried to cover over that sin and shame with fig leaves. But God himself made them clothes when he killed an animal—the first animal death in God’s “very good” creation. These clothes and the sacrifice and spilled blood of that animal (or animals) covered over their sin and shame.

God taught Adam and Eve that they couldn’t cover their sin. Only God could do that.

When God made clothes from coats of skins, he was setting up the sacrificial system. He killed animals and clothed Adam and Eve. The first blood sacrifice as a covering for their sin, a picture of what was to come in Jesus Christ, the lamb of God who came to take away the sin of the world.

A sinner can’t pay the penalty for sin. So God stepped into human history in the person of his Son, to be born of a virgin, the sinless perfect Son of God. He became a man as God, the God-man. He lived a sinless life and died on a cross. But he rose from the dead. That means he has ultimate power, the power over death. He suffered the penalty for our sin and paid our debt on that cross. He offers a free gift of salvation to those who will repent of the sin and receive this free gift.

Sin distorts nakedness. God has written the law (given us a conscience) on our hearts. Humans, whether they acknowledge it or not, (of course there are many who let their sin natures master over them in this matter), instinctively know they were clothes because of sin an shame.
9:20 PM · Aug 25, 2024 · 3,573 Views
44 Reposts 125 Likes 7 Bookmarks

JD Vance #conspiracy #crackpot #forced-birth #wingnut

I think our conservative idea is that parents and families should determine what children learn and what values they are brought up with. So many of the leaders of the left, I hate to be so personal about this, are people without kids trying to brainwash the minds of our children. That really disorients me and it really disturbs me. Randi Weingarten, who's the head of the most powerful teacher's union in the country, she doesn't have a single child. If she wants to brainwash and destroy the minds of children she should have some of her own and leave ours the hell alone.

Parents with inconvenient Truths about Trans #ableist #crackpot #elitist #transphobia

Trans is NOT Kind
People are beginning to see that the “trans” phenomenon is not kind…

Medical transition is not just doctors and drug companies being unkind to patients. Removing healthy breasts because of a “feeling” is unkind to cancer patients who have lost breasts. What does elective genital removal surgery say to a man who lost his penis when he stepped on a landmine or to a woman who was subjected to genital mutilation against her will? What does the elective removal of a healthy, functioning body part say to any person who had to have a limb amputated?

Thankfully most people do not know about a condition called interstitial cystitis. It inflames the lining of the bladder and causes the sufferer to feel like they have a painful UTI all the time. My mother suffered from it for over a year. At the time there was no cure. The suicide rate for these people was higher than the suicide rate among cancer patients. We know that vaginoplasty results in numerous UTI’s. The rate of UTIs is as high as 67%. Women have a 50% rate of urinary problems after genital surgery. Many of these patients have numerous UTI’s. The constant use of antibiotics to treat these UTI’s breeds antibiotic resistant bacteria. This increases the risk of having a long lasting or even incurable UTI for everyone. That is very unkind.

Whether it is puberty blockers, hormones, or antibiotics, all these drugs end up in our water supplies.

Think also of the people who suffer from MS or do not have healthy hearts and bones. Is it kind to voluntarily increase your chances of suffering these conditions because of a feeling?

Trans surgeries tie up operating rooms causing other people’s surgeries to be delayed. When the government pays for these procedures, it increases the national debt, and when insurance pays everyone’s rates increase.

I feel the greatest unkindness comes from those who promote the idea that attempting to change one’s sex is the only possible course of action for their suffering. Activists, therapist and doctors who will not first consider treating underlying mental health issues are being unkind, as is anyone who does not abide by “do no harm” and who fails to encourage using non-medical therapies for a person’s discomfort over drugs and surgeries.

Sometimes the kindest thing is to say “no” to a person who wants something that is not good for them.

#1103383 #crackpot

“Muhammad was a liar, thief, mass murderer, rapist and a pedophile."
“Eh, if we consider Mary to be about 14 when she was pregnant with Jesus, than God and Joseph fall under this same pedophile umbrella you just opened.”

That doesn’t make any sense. Unlike Aisha Mary was legally an adult at that time. Yes 12-14 isn’t the best age to get pregnant, but why bring Joseph into this? God I can get cause him being eternal=judge him by all time standards, but Joseph most likely wouldn’t be much older than Mary.Under Jewish law a girl was a maiden at 12+ puberty and was a mature woman after puberty (no less than 12.5). Ezekiel 16:8 seems to suggest that ancient Israelite women married after puberty (although probably still before 18-20). To the ancient Jews pedohiles and child marriage would’ve been under 12.5/13 years of age.

I have read enough sources that said some Jewish married after 20 in ancient times (which was atypical, so Mary being 17-19 isn’t really that unlikely. Palestinians Jewish women in first century married at 12-18, so Mary could’ve been 18. Another several sources say rabbinical literature talks about men in Palestine marrying at 30 to women around 15-20 years old.

Even if Mary was legally an adult at 12. Being pregnant at 12-14 isn’t safe. Giving birth at 12 is more risky than at 22. Mary never comes off as being immature as someone under 15/15, so she may have been 17-18 at that time.

Jewish girls married at 12-18: Judaism and Christianity in First Century Rome page 134

Ancient Palestinian men
typically married at 30 to women 15-20 years old: Jairus’s Daughter and the Female Body in Mark page 166

Some Jewish women Marie older than 20: Dictionary of New Testament Background page 684

Ps. Christians believe that Mary was a still a virgin. How did Mary get pregnant? My guess is IVF.

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