Vasily Nebenzya #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut

Vasily Nebenzya, the Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN, has said that the Russian occupiers allegedly discovered drones in Ukraine that can "spread mosquitoes infected with dangerous viruses." [in his] speech at a session of the UN Security Council.

the Russian diplomat claimed that in March, Russian troops who were stationed in Kherson Oblast discovered "three drones equipped with 30-litre containers that can be used to spray biologically active substances".

He said that the United States had patented a drone capable of spreading mosquitoes infected with dangerous viruses.

"According to the description, such a drone transports a container with a large number of mosquitoes, the carriers of infections, to a targeted area and releases them.

While biting, mosquitoes infect people with pathogens of particularly dangerous diseases. The explanation directly emphasises that an infected serviceman will be unable to perform the tasks assigned to him, to conclude "the disease can be a more valuable military tool than the most modern weapons and military equipment."

It is noted that "such an infection among enemy servicemen would have a significant military effect".

Matt Walsh #transphobia #wingnut

Guarantee that all trans activists will flee Twitter now they we’re allowed to acknowledge biological reality. They cannot engage on a platform that allows an open exchange of ideas. They rely totally on being able to suppress the opposing argument. Goodbye and good riddance.

Rogerdale Place Homeowners #elitist #crackpot

Some 160 property owners have signed a petition opposing this Rogerdale Place stop, claiming it would destroy their quality of life. They assert that a bus stop would draw strangers into their close-knit community who would then park illegally, litter their roads, create hazardous conditions for their children and pets, and lower their property values. What is making them really angry and frustrated, they've said, is that the the county transit and commuter services division is moving forward with their plan to keep this stop without considering the feelings or the input of the affected neighborhood. They say a county survey carried out in 2019 was flawed and should be redone. That survey elicited 56 responses for a bus stop of which two explicitly called for a bus stop outside the community, that got positive responses for a bus stop asked whether a bus stop should be located within or without a community.

That message was delivered forcefully and vociferously at an Oct. 26 community meeting that Supervisor Matthew Letourneau, R-Dulles, called to assuage their concerns. His explanations were largely drowned, and met with disdain and jeers, especially when he said "We are at this point where we can't undo [the service]."

Letourneau's explanation that the bus service would get more cars off the road and alleviate congestion also were ignored. His assertion that some residents told him that they were pressured to sign out of fear of angering their neighbors was greeted with booing.

The Dulles district supervisor, who also sits of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (Metro), was joined by Scott Gross, manager of Loudoun County government's commuter and transit services division, whose explanations and rationale for why this bus stop would not pose safety concerns to the community also were shouted down.

Shouts of "skip the stop" and "we don't want a bus stop in our community" peppered the hour-long meeting that at times seemed more like a market brawl. Calls for holding another survey of the residents were turned down by Letourneau who said "we can't redo every survey for every community. That's not how it is done."

Florida Board of Medicine #transphobia

Panel OKs restricting gender-affirming treatment for Florida teens

TALLAHASSEE - A key medical panel on Friday signed off on a draft rule, pushed by Gov. Ron DeSantis' administration, that would restrict Florida doctors from providing treatments to transgender people under age 18, setting up a final decision next week that likely will lead to a legal challenge.

A joint committee of the Florida Board of Medicine and the Florida Board of Osteopathic Medicine heard five hours of at-times raucous testimony from experts, parents and the public --- including transgender men and women and people who have "detransitioned" --- before approving the draft rule.

The proposal, slated for a Nov. 4 final vote by the full medical boards, would prohibit doctors from prescribing puberty-blocking, hormone and hormone "antagonist" treatments for patients under age 18. The plan also would ban surgical treatments for minors, which experts have said is rare.

Friday's action came after the Florida Department of Health in July filed a petition seeking a rule-making process on the contentious issue of treatment for gender dysphoria.

The petition proposed prohibiting doctors from using medical interventions such as surgery or medications to treat minors diagnosed with gender dysphoria, which the federal government defines clinically as "significant distress that a person may feel when sex or gender assigned at birth is not the same as their identity."

The proposal given preliminary approval Friday would be prospective, meaning children already receiving hormone therapy or puberty blockers would be allowed to continue the treatment. The committee discussed requiring parents to sign a consent form for such treatments to continue but did not finalize guidelines.

The committee also added a provision that would allow minors to begin receiving treatments such as puberty blockers if they participate in a federally approved clinical trial at a university-affiliated center. No such trials are underway in Florida, according to an initial review.

Chloe Cole, an 18-year-old from California, was among the detransitioners who told of worsening mental-health problems, complications after surgery and lax medical care during or following treatment.


@GodlyPatriot #wingnut #fundie #homophobia

Rejoice ☦️ biden's #lgbtqpedo spokesperson said disinformation czar was cancelled because of #disinformation 🤣👏 Great when political power losses cause even the #bidencrimefamily to publicly attack their own ⚡ Thank God for the blessing 😇

#tuckercarlson #cancelculture #ministryoftruth #censorship #wokeculture

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Is this the White Supremacist or MAGA Republican violence the Biden Regime keeps telling us about?

Why don't we see this in Idaho, Vermont, or Montana?

It's a mystery!

@DrPaulGosar nice to see that you seem to be finally acknowledging the anti-white hate in this country. When will you start acknowledging that it's not just blacks that are anti-white, but also jews? Israel is completely corrupt and completely anti-white. They hate us and want us destroyed. They are not, and have never been, "our greatest ally".

@DrPaulGosar It’s simple. We don’t have a gun problem in this country. We have a black problem. 13% of the population commits north of 50% of all violent crime. Never relax when your around blacks.

@DrPaulGosar They 👏are 👏Black👏

@DrPaulGosar Antiwhitism and white erasure caused this. Demographics is destiny.

@DrPaulGosar Policies devised and driven by the jews and their complicit cronies are the reason for this madness.

IT'S THE jews!

@DrPaulGosar the Whitest states in the union don't seem to suffer from n¡gger problems. What a mystery indeed.

@DrPaulGosar Idaho, Vermont and Montana don’t have enough Niggers yet for this to be as common as in Nigger-plagued Memphis but black criminality is going to impact everyone eventually.

@DrPaulGosar How is killing white people because they were born white not "RACIST"? Who's racist now?

@m00c @DrPaulGosar DEY BE DEM racist now, Jew ko no’s wot I be sayin

@m00c @DrPaulGosar I don't know why anyone gives a crap when they are called racist, or any of the other terns made up by communists. When they call you one of them, just say, "Thank you very much." and watch their tiny heads spin.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The Biden Administration has totally dropped the pretense of governing all Americans.

The Regime is lashing out against Conservatives and Christians for daring to oppose them.

We must Dismantle and Eliminate the FBI.

@DrPaulGosar No, they're lashing out at WHITE PEOPLE. They are antiwhites.

@14W @DrPaulGosar it's Christians. Not whites. The Devil is a deceiver.

@BikingForJesus @DrPaulGosar Wrong. The antiwhites are not targeting nonwhite Christians.

@14W @DrPaulGosar the Devil uses deception. They will. It's a way of life they are trying to destroy.

@BikingForJesus @DrPaulGosar Antiwhitism is demonic, and they have slanted western civilization for complete destruction. They target no others.

@14W @DrPaulGosar it's not whites. It's that whites are overwhelmingly Christian. That's why whites have succeeded. They were rewarded for following the rules God set forth. It's to show others that it works. Even though most don't actually believe. They are at least trying.

@BikingForJesus I don't trust you at all given that you're lying. Leftists are antiwhites, they only target white people - and nonwhites who they perceive as heretical to antiwhitism.

@DrPaulGosar the FBI are enemy combatants and must be prosecuted to the FULLEST extent of the law!

@DrPaulGosar you do understand how wars work, right? We are already at war with our government but our government tells you it is illegal to fight back. They won't stop. They will force our hands and blame us for fighting back against them. We don't need to fight the government. We need to eliminate the top 1%. Jail or death. Their choice. They will force you to do it then tell you it is illegal to fight them.

@DrPaulGosar They are calling anyone that believes the election was stolen an insurrectionist. The insurrection was the treasonous Democrats stealing the election and installing Biden as an illegitimate president.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Fish swim by an oscillating movement
Their gill structure makes waves that creates a small electrical current
That enable them to swim upstream and up waterfalls

In the same way as birds flap their wings
They create a counter circulating updraft
Which induces a small current in the natural frequencies of the air

High tech spacecraft and UFOs utilize the same method
They use air as a spiral vortex for energy
Having a positive charged copper periphery
And a negatively charged central flow

We have the capability to ride around like the Jetsons
But are forced to suck oil out of the ground like madmen

The fabric of our existence is embedded in the universe
Multiple conduits are presented to us

We are naturally compassionate
Kirlian photography lets us see our aura
Which is our literal connection to outside sources

Love is a positive charge exchange
The universe is filled with free energy and natural frequencies

Armageddon preparedness is to relocate you to the artificial 5D parallel realm

Multidimensional expansion of the heart mind and soul
Will lead you through the raging storm
Which is filled with deliberate coercion tactics

If this simulation is overtaken it will be game over
Your life will flash through your mind in seconds

You will go where you have put your energy!

dasho #wingnut

[Context: they are talking about the purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk]

Outstanding, I don't use Twitter at all but this pisses off the kind of people that I get amused by seeing pissed off. I also posted that in the first thread, but it's even more true now that it's come to fruition.

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #ufo #racist #magick #wingnut #conspiracy

As we come up on the date for the destruction (closing) of the GIANT PORTAL IN UKRAINE, the real purpose behind the NATO INCURSION AND STAND OFF with PUTIN can be revealed. THE KHAZARS ARE BLOOD DRINKING REPTILIAN HORDES under command of the Draco-Reptilian-Grey alliance also known as the Luciferian Rebellion. The Khazars are linked to this age old sacrificial cult going back to the beginning of human occupation of Earth.
Our military has been using nukes under cover of fires in places like PARADISE CALIFORNIA and other sites to close portals where various alien-ET races have been entering our dimension and causing havoc as well as preying upon unsuspecting humans for many years. More recently, according to Project Camelot key disclosure witness Captain Mark Richards we were given technology from the Pleiadians to close portals without the messy use of nukes. However for some reason in Ukraine either because the PORTAL there is too large or because the U.S. military does not want to share this tech with the Russians… they have elected to, with Putin’s help CLOSE THE PORTAL USING A NUKE.
As the playing field is revealed and cleared of these invaders the frequency of humans on the planet will rise correspondingly.

A side note along this road. As consciousness rises our Creator-given human powers come to the fore:

Our Chief Operating System in charge of our body (higher mind linked to soul) can override all the effects of Vaxes or anything else (any dis-ease or unbalance in your body/mind complex).

What this means is that the reality is that we do not need the help of alternative or mainstream medicine once we learn to access our tremendous powers granted by the Creator and spoken about and demonstrated by the avatar known as Jesus.

You get into the zone you can deflect bullets, change the frequency of everything around you…from negative to a positive healing force. It is all in you… in all of us.

Dennis Nappi II #magick #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy

Through this work, you will find that you are not alone in your experiences – as the author delivers validation to your most fearful spiritual encounters. Food for the Archons brings to light the collective vulnerability of the human condition. However, you will come to find that when you peel back the veil, what was once your greatest weakness is actually the source of your long-forgotten power, and a beacon of hope for yourself and all mankind.
Through research, experience, and intuition, the author explores the following:

1, We live in a simulated reality that exists within multiple layers of simulations

2. We are all connected to this universe via an electromagnetic field that allows for psychic communication.

3. Due to our ignorance of this connection, we are being manipulated through this field to produce suffering, which serves as a source of energetic nourishment for an unseen parasite.

4. Knowledge of this field and our connection to it can lead us to liberation and a reduction of suffering on this planet.

This book explores the potential of human consciousness to access information beyond the 5-senses via an electromagnetic field generated by the human heart. It is through our ignorance of this field, however, that mankind's thoughts, behaviors, and emotions are being heavily influenced and manipulated. We live in a simulated reality that exists within multiple layers of simulations.

We are all connected to this universe via an electromagnetic field that allows for psychic communication, healing, and the acquisition of knowledge. Due to our ignorance of this connection, we are being manipulated through this field to produce suffering, which serves as a source of energetic nourishment for an unseen parasite. Knowledge of this field and our connection to it can lead us to liberation and a reduction of suffering on this planet.

Everett Ammon #ufo #magick #conspiracy

They have been with us for countless ages, an interdimensional race many times older and more powerful than our own. The part they have played in shaping and manipulating our culture is hinted at in every mythology, in tales of dragons and talking serpents. They are the reptilians, the secret masters of earth. Only recently have researchers stepped forward to talk about the threat they represent, and only now has one been brave enough to speak the truth about the serpent folk’s most diabolical agenda: the use of sexuality as a tool for enslavement. Here are four remarkable case studies of young people who fell prey to reptilian sexual manipulation. An aspiring rap star finds her “manager” is more than he appears. A new hire at a powerful company realizes that the “dragon lady” CEO represents an obscene threat. A lovesick girl begins to harbor unspeakable suspicions about her new boyfriend. Finally, a young man must battle a mysterious and utterly heartless foe, one whom everyone around him believes to be a war hero of unimpeachable virtue. These are strange, startling stories, narratives that will open your mind to the dangers that surround us every day.

Everett Ammon is a writer and paranormal researcher who has devoted much of his career to studying and fighting the reptilian menace. The Reptilian Sex Agenda is his first book.

Nichole Morgan/JC/Rob #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

The most dangerous people in the world today are not easy to recognize. We don’t have to be accepting or tolerant of today’s evil people. If you are tolerant or accepting of evil and sin then you are not part of God. These people disguise themselves as doctors, teachers, police officers, mayors, governors, politicians, judges, scholars, church leaders, lawyers and on and on. They hold positions of so called “authority” over us.

That does not make them good. A position in life, a title or a degree from a school does not infer goodness on an individual.

These people hide their evil behind titles, badges, degrees, social media platforms and more. They are the double minded from the bible. They go to church on Sunday, go home, toss the bible on the shelf and go back to their evil lives until the next Sunday.

Not even knowing that Sunday is the first day of the week, not the seventh. They hunt Easter eggs, put up Christmas Trees and give out candy on Halloween. They lurk in the shadows and blur the lines between good and evil. Can you see them? I can.

They are as much a threat to you and your family as someone breaking into your home, they are just harder to identify.

Whats more you want these people to be good so you overlook what they really do and in many cases you enable them or outright work on their behalf while they do more evil and disguise it as good. You are afraid to speak out or are afraid of what other’s will think of you if you do. It does not matter what others think, it is what God knows about you that will count in the long run – JC

From Rob: We are seeing violence, theft, and murder starting to be the normal all across this nation.These people have no remorse! They are indifferent to Murder, rape, theft, and torture of people and animals. They are deceptive and have shallow emotions, and cannot feel the way we do.

DePape, Greene, various Republicans #wingnut

[Article title: Attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband follows years of GOP demonizing her. ... yelled "Where is Nancy?" before assaulting Paul Pelosi with a hammer ...]

“Fire Pelosi” project [...] #FIREPELOSI hashtag and images of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) engulfed in Hades-style flames
Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) joked that if he becomes the next leader of the House, “it will be hard not to hit” Pelosi with the speaker’s gavel.
blog written under DePape’s name and filled with deeply racist and antisemitic writings — as well as pro-Trump and anti-Democratic posts — belonged to the suspect. In a single day earlier this month, the blog had seven new posts. The titles included: “Balcks Nda jEwS,” “Were the Germans so Stupid?” “Who FINANCED Hitler’s rise to Power” and “Gas chamber doors.”
“Sadly this attack was inevitable. Political violence is on the rise,” Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), said. “And instead of GOP leaders condemning it, they condone it with silence or, even worse, glorification.”
Among far-right extremist groups, the anti-Pelosi memes are often cruder and more violent, but the demonization of the Democratic House leader is no fringe phenomenon. Her face — sometimes adorned with devil’s horns or a swastika — was plastered on signs at all the national rallies that led up to the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol. [...] insurrectionists did when roaming the halls of the Capitol searching for her while yelling: “Where are you, Nancy?”
Greene liked a Facebook comment that said “a bullet to the head would be quicker” as a way of removing Pelosi as speaker
Mark Kelly released a Western-themed ad that featured himself dressed as a sheriff shooting at actors playing President Biden, Kelly and Pelosi.
Paul A. Gosar [...] tweeting an anime video depicting him killing Ocasio-Cortez, a move Pelosi instigated to demonstrate that advocating political violence would not be tolerated.
“... you have political leaders who have personalized this and their rhetoric is hot and inflammatory — it’s not contextualized — so when Donald Trump back during the 2016 campaign talks about beating the hell out of someone, he meant that literally and people took it literally,” Steele said.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #wingnut #psycho #racist

[From "@k_govers no it doesn't (and this isn't one of them anyways)"]



Order in this sense means 'peasants should know their place'. Liberty includes freedom of speech. For all

Canadians have freedom of expression. And it has, by it’s very nature, limitations. If you don’t understand that you create anarchy
12:37AM·Aug 28,2022

A couple months ago worthless cunt Christina Freeland was accosted by an angry man in Grande Prairie

That's it. That's all

He didn't lay a hand on her even though he'd be justified in beating her to death with a lead pipe

He didn't say he would physically harm her even though he'd be justified in beating her to death with a lead pipe

He just yelled at her[…]He left out the lead pipe bit, but nobody's perfect[…]
After years of gleefully participating in a government which denies its citizens fundamental human rights, one guy gets in Freeland's grill and suddenly it doesn't fall within freedom of expression? This is exactly what freedom of expression was created for. These "limitations" Kees thinks he's creating are to stop citizens who have to endure the impact of Freeland's public policy nonsense from speaking out against it. That's tyranny and we want no part in it: that's why he was mad at her in the first place!

(It's worth noting of course this was all theatre: it turns out Govers is okay with actual violence when "the cause" is just. Well that guy in GP's cause is far superior in every way to the #NiggerLivesMoreImportantThanSocietyMotherFucker movement and therefore those same tactics times 1000000000 are all on the table)

Brian Niemeier #ufo #fundie #wingnut #mammon

One consequence of Death Cult projection is the phenomenon of everyone else having the Cultists’ number, while the Cultists maintain delusions about normal people that are 180 degrees from reality.


Death Cultists care more about aliens than their own kids. And, as frequent readers of this blog know, aliens are just demons. So the map makes all kinds of sense.

Now do you understand why these people always try to seize the moral high ground? On the inside, they know they’re guilty of sin – as we all are. But then they get up on the social media soapbox and say, “This sin is actually a great moral good, so I’m good, and anyone who disagrees with me is evil.” It’s a diabolical inversion. And letting those inversions stand serves no one but Satan.

But the sad fact is that normal people have been too paralyzed by our besetting sin of cowardice. We’ve let the Cultists claim the moral high ground so many times, they’ve succeeded at inverting public morals. That’s why we can’t let these inversions go unchallenged.

At the same time, we have to be careful. As a commenter said recently, the Cult only has to win once to degrade civilization. Well, they’ve won countless times. So they wield a lot of power. Arguing online to oWn tHe LiBz just gives them a villain in their perpetual morality play to throw tomatoes at. Don’t don the devil horns. Instead, undermine a Cultist’s attempt to hijack and subvert Christian morality – and it’s always Christian morality – by calling her bluff.

The Witch Test has been a spiritual battle-tested and proven method of pulling the rug out from under Death Cultists for years. Familiarize yourself with it. Learn to apply it correctly. And use it on every valid subject you come across.

You’ll find more detailed instructions in my #1 best selling book.

Various commenters #transphobia

delusion, homophobia, misogyny

( GCRadFem )
Thank you sir but no. Get real.

TW do not have “the exact same bodies” as women and never will.

( Ptarmagant )
Um, if they had the exact same body, they would be, well, women.

( SakuraBlossoms )
Yeah what is the "trans" supposed to mean?

( spaghettiforhair )
That a male body can be surgically mutilated to the point of becoming a female body, which is false. Doctors are neither gods nor forces of nature.

( femlez34 )
Yeah, even if the genital surgeries were able to successfully imitate the real thing, I'm still not attracted to these dudes. They make it seem like everyone is fooled until we learn what's in their pants, lol. None of them look, sound, or smell remotely like women in person, and more importantly, none of them act like women! I've never had a woman react to me politely turning down a date by threatening to rape or murder me. A friend of mine was stalked by a TIM who would wait on the sidewalk outside her apartment. This entitlement to sexual access is not female behavior.

Schwabmunchen #racist #wingnut

Re: UAE blockades 19 African countries from entry

The United Arab Emirates has reportedly banned nationals of some 20 African countries from entering its capital city, Dubai.

"Any applications from the above-mentioned countries will be sent back or canceled." According to reports.

Africanews | UAE slams visa ban on all citizens of Nigeria, Ghana, 17 other African countries

As Whites become more and more irrelevant due to multiculturalism, we will see acts like this more. Whites are the least racist group of all races, the Arabs and Asians are openly racist, this is what the globalist want.

The west does not to stop all immigration and start deportations, Dubai is protecting what they have. The west is handing it all away to invaders, leaving nothing for their own children.

[deleted account] & Pinkpillisacope #sexist

RE: Father/daughter incest happens 1/20 families and yet it's still so hard to believe : TwoXChromosomes

([deleted account])

Look at the comments.

Father/daughter incest happens 1/20 families and yet it's still so hard to believe

Daddy's girls are the worst and the most entitled women-hating crazies. Married men with daughters are the creepiest and have the least shame. Even if physical incest isn't happening there is almost always something weird going on. In many mamal species the mother chases the male away from the babies, suddenly animals don't look so irrational.

Here we go again with the handmaiden delusion of "raising boys better". Every generation of women gets assaulted by males but women always seem to think that they can mould their sons into better men. How is this a solution if every girl has been assaulted at some point in their life? Instead of saying it like it is; do not give birth to males, do not have sex with them, marry or date them or associate with them unless it is necessary. Why are women so myopic about their safety?

“We need to raise boys better” implies they’re the only ones that have ever tried & that women are responsible for what men do… because let’s be honest “we need to raise” is not about males, besides if the grown man already grew up in misogyny he won’t be able to teach anything better.. so again everything males do, was caused by mothers apparently, not y’know their biological need to be a menace to society

It has always been that women need to be the morally upright gender responsible for the upbringing of both males and females while clearly, all the men hold all the power. Deep down, males know that they are broken so they put the responsibility of making them right on women. The secret is out that's why they are running around like headless chickens desperate to revert us back to ignorance.

TruNews/Richard D Wiles/Robert F. Kennedy Jr et al. #conspiracy #fundie #quack #crackpot #dunning-kruger #mammon

The Greatest News
Beast Rising

This TruNews documentary was produced to keep truth alive in a world of propaganda. People like you donated to TruNews to help produce the film. Please join them by giving something today for future projects.

The Movie
Executive Producer:
Richard D Wiles

Prince Charles, now King Charles III, told the opening session of a World Economic Forum virtual meeting on June 3, 2020, that world leaders had “a golden opportunity to seize something good” from the coronavirus pandemic. The future King of England saw Covid-19 as the way to “reset” human civilization and to recognize “the interdependence of all living things.” Reuters reported that Prince Charles’ speech was “part of a launch event for ‘The Great Reset’, a project involving the WEF and the Prince of Wales’s Sustainable Markets Initiative, aimed at rebuilding the economic and social system to be more sustainable.”
One month later, World Economic Forum founder and president Klaus Schwab published his book Covid-19: The Great Reset. It was a manifesto for a radical restructuring of human civilization. Indeed, the world dramatically changed in 2020 and 2021. The globalists told us that mask mandates, mRNA gene-therapy vaccines, vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, school closings, social distancing, working from our homes, and online censorship of criticism of these things were part of the “new normal.”
The Greatest Reset: Beast Rising is a Christian response to the World Economic Forum’s globalists who think they were born to rule the world. Hopefully, this is the first film in a series of documentaries about the Greatest Reset – which is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the full manifestation of His kingdom. Christ is coming, but the Antichrist must come first.

Order your copy of the greatest reset dvd, shipping Winter 2022.

various Blacvkpillers #transphobia

( UncleSpertz)
Isnt it funny how ftm foids think theyll be chads once they transition???
But the reality is that they end up looking worse than the average incel like this, kinda funny how they would probably envy our looks

They ruined their life because they're too stupid to just ignore jew/LGBT propaganda, dumb bitches, living life as a woman is being born on tutorial difficulty.

They go from easy mode to hardcore difficulty. Many try to revert back. Some already cut their tits, look like bearded soyboys etc.
They can still join the 43%

Foids can at least oofy maxx, as presumably they understand foid psychology.

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
This is an invasion of our Country!

@realdonaldtrump They need to back to where they came from. America for Americans. Africa for Africans. Europe for Europeans. Asia for Asians. Stand tall and fight back!

@realdonaldtrump -- Remember who's allowing this invasion!

@realdonaldtrump Our country has been invaded for at least 20 years. We have to deport them all!! and their anchor babies!!

@TrueDepth @realdonaldtrump longer than that. The real invasion started in 1965 with the Hart-Cellar Act created by Jews to make America more diverse. As far as the souther border, both Republicans and Democrats have contributed. Particularly Reagan giving amnesty to 3 million illegals in 1986 that contributed to several million more later. And Trump signing in a law that protects asylum seekers, coyotes, and family/roommates of the mentioned.

@realdonaldtrump Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Don. You were Commander in Chief of all forces for 4 fucking years and did nothing. It was your duty to stop the invasion completely. You failed miserably! I won't even go into the vaccine bullshit that you spewed. You are one of them, and we all know it.

@realdonaldtrump treason. Pure and simple, and if Republicans do nothing or little to stop and reverse this, they are treasonous too.

@realdonaldtrump The government (leaders) need to be jailed and on trial for treason at this point. They are looking out for the well being or illegals over taxpaying Americans. It's a matter of national security.

various commenters #wingnut #racist

If you aren't fed up of the control, the tactics, & the crooked finger pointing of those who hate your existence.... Perhaps you should be.

@ElfReich all this after we spent the last 30 years fundraising to help poor countries. The fucking gall of these "people"

@VeiledVictim @ElfReich I know some White people who will talk helping starving children in Africa as if white people are responsible for helping future white hating negroids to litter the planet

@Tozen @VeiledVictim @ElfReich just ask them why they murdered all the damn white farmers if they were so hungry. They don’t piss and moan anymore to you about it.

@ElfReich. The indoctrination is very deep. One of my neighbors who are White was saying racial slurs to my White children and other White kids who were playing basketball in my yard.

I taught my son to be tough and not be weakened by words. My son turned around and said, "Why are you saying racial slurs at me, you're White too!".

The kids laughed and continued playing.

I watched all of this from the side of my yard while I did some yard work and I intervened. I told my White neighbors not to come near my kids, the other kids and my property.

Grown people bullying children. We all need to understand that there are weak minded, insecure people out there and they will try to bully us and our children. Don't let them push us around.

@ElfReich oh crap more white people moved into the neighborhood there goes the neighborhood something that you'll never hear in your life but they want you to believe it's true welcome to the plantation

@ElfReich after losing my job and being targeted by my local police for naming jews I’m at the point where naming jews may have to be my new full time job. Once you make a dent in your local community, Jews will do everything in their power to make your daily life so miserable for questioning them it’s now just a daily battle of keeping my sanity in check. Now I’m just wondering how bad it will be once the doxxing starts.

Muhammad Naeem Chattha Qadri #fundie #racist #psycho

A YouTube video is circulating on social media with a speech by Muhammad Naeem Chattha Qadri, a senior cleric of Tehreek-e- Labbaik Pakistan (TLP). In the video, Qadri calls on his supporters to carry out attacks against pregnant Ahmadi mothers to “make sure that no new Ahmadis are born.” In a crescendo of hate, the preacher insisted that “there is but one punishment for blasphemers, decapitation.” He also said that, should the attacks on Ahmadi pregnant women not be successful, “those babies who are being born, should be killed.”

Qadri also threatened the police, should they attempt to interfere with TLP’s religious cleansing of the Ahmadis. “Those of you who are from the Police agencies, he said, or if there is any D.P.O (District Police Officer) or D.C (Deputy Commissioner) or S.H.O. (Police Station house officer) must understand that we cannot be stopped.”

Jonathan Shelley #fundie #racist #psycho

We need to be warned of this serpent seed of the devil. These Jews that are out there. Because they want to destroy everything that’s holy, and everything that’s righteous, and, in our culture, it is not acceptable to say anything negative about them.

[Imitating a critic] Haven’t you heard about the Holocaust, Pastor Shelley?

Yeah. Why do I care?

I mean, if someone walks into a homo bar and shoots them all-shoots a bunch of homos and kills all of them-you know how many tears I shed for that? Zero.

And you know what? People that worship the devil, I don’t care how many of them die. I don’t care. You say, “Well, Adolf Hitler was evil!” Absolutely! That guy was full of the devil, okay? That guy was an antichrist figure. Absolutely. You know what? If an Antichrist kills another Antichrist, I don’t cry even one second.

Well, did they kill six million?

I doubt it. Only if we were lucky.

This sermon is not nice!

It’s not. How many lawsuits can I get? I don’t know.
But let me tell you something: If you’re gonna be like Jesus, you have to do something. You have to preach against the Jews. And it’s not popular. No one likes it. You’re gonna get a lot of heat for it. But you know what? I’d rather preach the truth on this issue and get all the heat for it, than to be a coward and try to worship the Jew, like most Baptists.

We will not worship that Jew.
And we need to be the loudest voice out here, explaining how the Jews are wicked, evil, Satanic people that hate the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am not Judeo-Christian. Our country should not be Judeo-Christian. Texas should not support these wicked people.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy

Thrown in your face:

Force-fed wars, anal sex, drag queens, degeneracy, and mutilation of children’s testicles and genitals.

This is the kind of dreck coming out of DC, and neither Trump nor DeSantis can fix it.

Both are “Israel Firsters.”

That means whatever’s good for the Jews is good for Trump and DeSantis.
Here’s their schwartza shill, Lloyd Austin, rapt in adoration of his Ukrainian counterpart, the Yid, Oleksii Reznikov.

Oh, it makes the Yids all over de vorld, just vanna shimmy, do the Kizomba-Kompa jungle mumba, seeing this schwartza baboon woo and spoon this vittle little yiddle who’s been given a gold-plated key to the US Treasury.
We are being played.

It’s being built into our monthly national cycle:

‘Pride Month of June’ is nothing less than celebrating for thirty dirty days:

Anal sex between men, dildo sex between women, gender confusion, and child genital mutilation.
Last time I checked, shoving a penis up another man’s feces, is ignoble, ugly, unworthy of one’s manhood.

The very act of anal penetration sends a man to hell where demons stick their scorpion-tipped tails up the practitioner’s arse.
Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed for less.

DC is the enemy of Jesus Christ.

If you love God you must hate DC.

You cannot serve God and Mammon.

Not only religious and moral issues are at stake, but practical and economic ones, too.

Under DC, your children face mandatory health-endangering ‘vaccines’ required to be educated.

Under DC, your children will learn to hate their skin color and their White Christian heritage.

Under DC, your borders are ravaged, drugs come pouring in, human trafficking explodes, and your demographics are altered forever.

Under DC, your property taxes increase, tied to escalating inflation, and home-ownership becomes a thing of the past.

Under DC, Third World illiterates are re-settled in Middle America, and your culture and racial unity are dismantled forever.

Under DC, firearms are eliminated and all you’re left with is squirt guns.

Lisette Verdi #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #enbyphobia

The trend toward trans-humanism has really come to the forefront of the Luciferian global agenda in the past few years. If Luciferians have their way, they will have you believing wholeheartedly that the next necessary step for humanity is the transcendence to a brand new species: The Übermensche, the Overman, the Homo Superior.

The root of the transhumanism movement is found in Luciferians and Satanists who disguised themselves as atheists such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Charles Darwin, Julian Bruxley, Aleistair Crowely to name a few. All of these men share membership in high degree Freemasonry which does not bring any surprise considering the long-standing agenda that Freemasons have held for centuries. For Freemasons, the ultimate goal, by any means necessary, is to facilitate the removal of God completely from humanity while Satan slithers into His place.
What’s important to know…

In order to grasp these deeply Satanic messages in this type of programming, one must consider a few ideas:

There is a counterfeit messiah on the rise that scripture tells us is the Antichrist.

He will attempt to mimic and surpass God, mimic Christ as the savior of mankind, the “better” idea for mankind.

He will offer to heal the sick, give sight to the blind, and heal the planet.

He will offer eternal life without Christ.

He will mock God’s creation in every way possible (erasing gender roles and gender identity, muting male and female in combination with machine into one symbolized by the Baphomet.

Agendas that include removing natural human procreation and the natural family from society (abortion, homosexuality, the “family” is facing extinction)

Humans become their own god with godlike abilities. No death, no hell, self-will to godlike status.

To normalize this idea in film and programming so that the younger generation desensitizes to the idea.

David Chase Taylor #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut

OPERATION ROAD KILL: TAYLOR SWIFT: CIA PLOTTING OCTOBER 28, 2022, VEHICULR-RELATED ACCIDENT, ATTACK, CAR JACKING, CRASH, EXPLOSION, FIRE AND/OR DISAPPEARANCE TARGETING TAYLOR SWIFT WHILE ABROAD IN ENGLAND (LIKELY VIA ON-STAR HIJACK) SPECIFICALLY SO SHE CAN BE MURDERED IN RITUALISTIC BLOOD SACRIFICE, LIKELY UNDER GUISE OF: A) BRIDGE COLLAPSE; B) BRAKE MALFUNCTION; C) DAMAGED ROAD; D) DISTRACTED DRIVER (E.G., CELL PHONE, EATING, ECT.); E) DRIVER ERROR; F) DRUNK DRIVER; G) DRUGGED DRIVER; H) FALLING ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL; I) FLOODING; J) FORCE MAJEURE; K) GERIATRIC DRIVER; L) HURRICANE; M) ICEY ROADS; N) ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT DRIVER; O) LIGHTNING STRIKE AND/OR THUNDERSTORM; P) MEDICATED DRIVER; Q) RAINSTORM AND/OR WINDSTORM; R) SINKHOLE; S) SPEEDING; T) TEENAGE DRIVER; U) TIRE BLOWOUT; V) TORNADO; W) TREEFALL; X) ROAD CONSTRUCTION; Y) VEHICLE MALFUNCTION; AND/OR Z) WILDLIFE ACCIDENT (OCTOBER 27, 2022) CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plotting Vehicle-Related Terror Event Targeting Taylor Swift on October 28, 2022, Exactly 84-Days After CIA Staged On-Star Hijack of Actress Anne Heche’s Car Resulting in Crash (After Which Ritualistic Blood Sacrifice of Heche was Executed by CIA While in Hospital Resulting in Her Declared Death 6-Days Later on August 11th) in Los Angeles, California Back on August 5, 2022, Exactly 86-Days After CIA Assassinated Indiana Congresswoman Jackie Walorski Under the Guise of Vehicle-Related Accident in Nappanee, Indiana Back August 3, 2022, Exactly 9,189-Days After CIA Assassinated Princess Diana Under Guise of Accidental Vehicular-Related Crash in Paris, France Back on August 31, 1997, & Exactly 12,007-Days After Taylor Swift was Born in Reading, Pennsylvania Back on December 13, 1989

Corey Goode #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The Operation to Liberate the Solar System 2025-2033/34:

Sentinel LOS (Lunar Operation Station) to be liberated in 2025 – Way station that monitors traffic and activity from a super gate (Galactic Portal) outside of our Solar System

The battle to liberate Mars occurs at the end of the year 2025. The ZULU/Eyosians transport the Wandering Star and a small fleet of GGLN and SSP Alliance Ground Forces to Mars as the larger GGLN-led fleet enters the solar system to confront the armada of Orion Group and Galactic Federation of Worlds vessels who have gathered around Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. A fierce battle ensues between these space armadas from 2025-2032 as the allies root out every vessel and breach every base that the Orion Group and their allies have inhabited for tens of thousands of years. Most of the ET bases exist within dimensional pockets that have to be invaded and ‘collapsed’ one by one.

Ceres Station, the ICC mining operation, and their automated defense system in the ‘Asteroid Belt’ are liberated in 2026 allowing the GGLN and SSP Alliance fleet to push further into the solar system and face Orion Group and Galactic Federation of Words fleets that are left in the inner solar system.

The GGLN-led forces invade the Moon to liberate the LOC base complex and to remove all negative alien bases in the year 2027. Liberating the Moon finally ends the increasing Alien Abductions of millions of people on the surface of the planet carried out by the Orion Group – Grey Alien Biodroids.

In 2028, after the battle to liberate the Moon and the LOC, the GGLN had the intel they needed to invade the ICC Space Port in Antarctica and then fight their way down through the Space Port and then miles down into the Earth’s crust as they follow the tunnel networks that lead from the Space Port to dozens of ICC and Orion Group DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases). This battle then leads down to the vast Inner Earth realms and lasts until 2032.

John Daniel Davidson #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #sexist

[From "We Need To Stop Calling Ourselves Conservatives"]

Conservative project has largely failed, and it is time for a new approach. Conservatives have long defined their politics in terms of what they wish to conserve[…]In America, conservatives and classical liberals alike rightly believe an ascendent left wants to dismantle our constitutional system and transform America into a woke dystopia[…]
They have lost much: marriage as it has been understood for thousands of years, the First Amendment, any semblance of control over our borders, a fundamental distinction between men and women[…]
Western civilization is dying. The traditions and practices that conservatives champion are, at best, being preserved only in an ever-shrinking private sphere[…]
What kind of politics should conservatives today[…]adopt?[…]They should stop thinking of themselves as conservatives[…]start thinking of themselves as radicals, restorationists, and counterrevolutionaries[…]
Willingness to embrace government power has been a topic of fruitful debate on the “New Right”[…]
If conservatives want to save the country they are going to have to rebuild and in a sense re-found it, and that means getting used to the idea of wielding power[…]Accommodation or compromise with the left is impossible[…]
To stop universities from spreading poisonous ideologies will require state legislatures to starve them of public funds. To stop the disintegration of the family might require reversing the travesty of no-fault divorce[…]
Wielding government power will mean a dramatic expansion of the criminal code. It will not be enough[…]to reach an accommodation with the abortion regime[…]
Conservatives need to get comfortable saying in reply to people like French that Drag Queen Story Hour should be outlawed; that parents who take their kids to drag shows should be arrested and charged with child abuse

Various commenters #transphobia

( littleowl12 )
"Transactvism erases lesbians" Jammidodger: nuh-UNH

Here's Jammidodger again. Lesbians are like, so TODALLY RONG about twanz people erasing their community.

1. Nuh-UNH that is so not true!
2. Besides, not all trans guys identified as lesbians before transition. (We know that, Jamie. We call them Gaydens).
3. And anyway, many many many many many MANY trans women are proud lesbians, but terfs just IGNORE THAT!
4. Terfs think that trans men are women who have been brainwashed into trying to get male privilege while trans women are men trying to invade women's spaces BUT
5. That doesn't track because TWAW and TMAM.
Jammi doesn't wonder why many many many many MANY TIMs view themselves as lesbians. Nor does she wonder why she doesn't.

She just knows that lesbians are WRONG and MEAN! because of her circular logic. In her other videos she hints that she just might be a bisexual man, btw. In theory. This is interesting because she's not the first lesbian TIF on youtube to eventually identify as a gay man. Finn did this, too.

Her poor girlfriend really needs to run for the hills.

Jammi has a sponsorship from a language app and she's currently learning Creole. She bragged that she can finally work out a little bit of what her girlfriend's family are saying. They must find this annoying. I can only imagine Jammi is hearing words like "ridiculous" and "white" and "girl" and "thinks" and "she's" and "a" and "man."

Jammi is coming across as angrier and angrier and honestly a little desperate. She's skipping the good-natured, patient, condescending "educator" act. Now she's cross and has simply had it with our nonsense. She's a British Rom Com heart throb, god dammit! So seriously, fuck all you! You, and you, and especially YOU!

( ALesbian )
#3. It's impossible to ignore "trans lesbians." They're everywhere, threatening real lesbians with "corrective" rape and throwing temper mantrums.

( hmimperialtortie )

she's currently learning Creole

Sounds like she’d be better off learning English first.

( butchplease )
What trans activism gives us: men who call themselves lesbians and try to rape actual lesbians

What trans activism takes away from us: actual lesbians

Two Anons #crackpot #magick #mammon

(First Anon)
This is what I see- The last saturn-pluto conjunction (astrological event) occured between January 2019 - December 2020. Saturn-pluto conjunctions are historically followed by an unusually volatile 16% - 40% correction, typically closer to 16% than 40%. Once the post-conjunction correction is over, the stock market has always entered a powerful bullrun for 15 - 20 years until a saturn-pluto opposition occurs and causes a massive crash or extended period of sideways price action. Saturn-pluto oppositions have signaled in all major bearish market events in recent history, including the great depression, the sideways price action from ~1965 - 1980, as well as the dot com bubble and the following great recession. The next saturn-pluto opposition will occur between 2034 - 2036, that's when we should expect the next major market crash, not now, it doesn't make sense based on the markets macro cycles.

(Second Anon)
People who reject Astrology haven't spend any time learning how to actually use it and discovering how shockingly powerful and useful it is, are never going to make it.

As well as the Tarot, I should mention. Particularly the "Major Arcana" (the first 22 cards). Which should always be used together with Astrology. The two are very tightly connected. One very crucial the vast majority of people make is that they think the Tarot cards themselves have magical powers and should be played around with and "drawn" for "readings" so they "tell" you things. Not the case at all.

If you truly understand them and know their meanings etc and know what you're doing (in other words you use the card's meanings to analyze your own mind and and look at your life situation from the card's "perspective"), then sure you can use them that way they might be helpful, but engaging in that sort of stuff isn't necessary for the cards to be practically useful and enlightening.

More important is to know that the cards are a MAP of sorts, a map of non-physical things.

The cards have meanings and tell a story and most importantly represent various aspects of human life and human psychology. It's much the same with the astrological signs by the way.

woodchip #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho

Listening to all the chicken little liberal bemoaning the take over of Twitter by Musk, the world is facing a worse crisis than Putin's threat to use nukes in the Ukraine. Oh the tears! Listen up my liberal friends, you have more to worry about than Elon buying up a social media platform, You have a midterm election coming up and the real bloodbath will be there as the republicans sweep the dems from power. The pendulum is swinging the other way and I hope we don't go to the extreme that they set up another House Un-american activities committee as I remember from the fifties.
If you enjoyed all the crap the left has caused, all I can say is "You ain't seen nothing yet"

@GodlyPatriot #fundie #homophobia #transphobia

77% of customers unite against hatred and targeted destruction of our children in United States ☦️ Causes Coinbase to keep politics out of #lgbtqpedo pubic policy promoters. 95% of Republicans, 50%of democrat party members and 85% of independent voters are also uniting at the polls , turning even blue states red and red states with election integrity protection laws and poll watchers, even more prochild and pro-family and pro faith ⚡ 😇
Now even #netflix is rethinking its horrifying strategy to only openly allow sacrifice children to the demonic #lgbtqpedo shows. They're starting to allow comedians to call out trans indoctrination censorship but not enough rebranding to fool customers 🤔👏

@GodlyPatriot #fundie #homophobia

God calls us to Worship Him in Spirit and Truth, Orthodox Christian filled with Power of The Holy Spirit transforming us from Grace unto Grace ☦️🕊️🔥

Stand up to Nero like antichrist forces like these faithful heroes of our One Holy Orthodox Christian faith ⚡

Spread the Light of God as Photini the woman at the well and her faithful family members🕯️🎉 don't bow to government forces allied with demonic #lgbtqpedo but grow in God's Power now and forever ♾️😇

#christisrisen #photini #orthodoxchristian #thegospelofjesuschrist

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

So the queen has died. There was a time when this would have bothered me, but not now, I don’t feel anything anymore.

The main reason is that when she took over England was basically 100% White, now all our big towns and cities are like 3rd world cesspools, and we’ve had more migrants arrive here under her watch than the previous 1,000 years combined.

The rape and murder of her citizens is off the scale at the hands of all these imported savages, and she’s never said a single word about it.

@Corvid1984 She did more damage to England than any other person in it's history.

@Corvid1984 diversity, multiculturalism and globalism are cancers on the face of humanity. The happiest societies are those most homogeneous. People with similar genetics, IQ's, histories and educations are universally more successful, united and happy. There is no possible argument that can be made to counter this fact. Only hopeless Liberals bent on destroying their countries might take exception.

@sailboat22 @Corvid1984 Nationhood or Death!
Secession Now!

@Corvid1984 I recall reading that the only time she intervened in politics was to hasten the demise of Rhodesia and South Africa.

@Corvid1984 This wasn't her fault or responsibility...the monarchy was stripped of power and the democracy system has run Britain all this time. If the monarchy stayed in power it may have protected Britain from the onslaught of globohomo.

@Corvid1984 Charles will be much worse. He is a WEF bonafide globalist.

@Corvid1984 People of Great Brittan need to get together, take over the government and deport all those animals. Its exactly what we have to do here is USA.

@lmw77 @Corvid1984 Deport them on a big barge into the ocean!

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

“Black Twitter” is trending on Twitter right now from so many black people celebrating the Queen of England dying because to them it symbolizes a blow to Whiteness. Of course no media outlets will cover such vile antiwhiteism which has been boiling over in America and Europe in recent years.

@MarkDice most blacks are racist

@howiebnice @MarkDice

And it seems Communists

@howiebnice @MarkDice especially black leftists

@howiebnice @MarkDice Racism is the highest of virtues.

@howiebnice @MarkDice ALL blacks are racist

@MarkDice I wish the Queen had been a defender of Whiteness. Instead she allowed England to be flooded by non-Whites without seeming to care enough to even say a single word about it.

@AnglosinAmerica @MarkDice precisely. She did more to harm whites than any black oerson ever has. And she took their side over her own



@MarkDice The queen presided over England, as her country's demographics rapidly began to resemble Black Twitter. What she supervised, might never be undone.

@Eleutheria3 @MarkDice Silver lining is this is return of a King. It’s ridiculous to expect a women to defend her country. It was insane she wasn’t forced to make her husband King. Anyone who blames a female for biting the apple needs to read a certain book…. This isn’t the end of Whiteness it’s the end of feminist centered Britain. A man in power will always be better, whether for acceleration or imposition of values. I don’t believe Charles will do well but the social sentiment will change for the better. Weak societies force men to be strong.

Thinking that the death of that corrupt globalist hag is a blow to Whiteness further demonstrates how retarded niggers are.

Anti-Sex League Award

ilovethiswebsite & Pinkpillisacope #dunning-kruger #kinkshaming #pratt #sexist

Normalization of sex normalizes rape, sexual abuse etc. Agree or disagee and why?


Its an interesting point though I can't completely follow the argument.

Agreed. Unfortunately for us, morality is an abstract which gives too much leeway for moids to do whatever they want and to label it however they want. The moment people become "sex positive" then the lines between what is wrong and right are blurred. Moids who are using kinks as borderline abuse to kinkmaidens who are too oblivious to see.

Recently things that used to be adult movie plots are being used as an excuse to "spice up" the bedroom. Moids began demanding anal as a joke which turned into a meme about eating ass and now we are too deep into the cult because everyone drank the kool-aid of being hip. I mean I have seen it as a movie trope but people with a rape fetish have websites they can go to and book "surprise sex". We crossed the line a long time ago, not to be a prude but I think the only solution is celibacy, abstinence and staying the fuck away from men.

People think sexual desire is fun and normal when they got 99% of their sexual interests from an industry that wanted to harm women (and also produce as much as possible)

Not shaving was popular during the 70s. Then, as the porn industry got big, they realized it was more of a hassle to clean the various body fluids off of the actors hair when filming scenes. It could also obstruct the view of the ~action~ so porn girls started shaving everything, and other women followed suit. Same thing with blowjobs, they were used to humiliate the porn actress, now most women willingly humiliate themselves.

One thing women should remember is that porn didn't make men, but men made the porn.

Ron Johnson #fundie #transphobia #kinkshaming

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is the latest Republican politician to insist that kids are using litter boxes in schools as part of a rant attacking transgender youth.

During a recent tele-town hall event, Johnson was questioned by a caller who claimed that his niece told him that her school had provided litter boxes for students who believe they are cats. The caller, who identified himself as a former Democrat, wanted to know whether the senator had heard about things like that happening and whether Johnson would support a federal law similar to Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law.

One of the things that COVID did was that parents were looking over their kids’ shoulders and they became aware of the indoctrination of our children by radical leftists within our education system,” he said.

He went on to claim that he’d heard “on a radio talk show” that England’s National Health Service (NHS) has declared that “transgenderism” is “just a phase for children” and that we shouldn’t “accommodate the phase.” Johnson continued his misinformed rant saying that children should not be given “gender-blocking drugs” or receive “sex change operations.” In reality, gender-affirming genital surgeries are not performed on minors.

Johnson concluded by claiming that teachers are “pushing this stuff on our kids.”

Ken Ham #fundie #wingnut

The moral issues before us, Gay "marriage", Racism, Abortion etc., are all symptoms of the one problem--people building their thinking on the wrong foundation of man's word. The solution has always been for people to believe the truth of God's Word & the saving gospel and...

build their thinking on God's Word. Out of God's Word comes a worldview of moral absolutes because God's Word is the absolute authority. “Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that...

very day his plans perish. Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God, who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, who keeps faith forever;” (Psalm 146:3–6)

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut

With few exceptions, when blacks kill whites, it’s random murder. When whites faced blacks, such as George Floyd, Michael Brown, or Ahmaud Arbery, the cases became racial battles with national significance. Whites’ individualism and naïve belief in the “rule of law” make them behave like Eloi, victims to be slaughtered unavenged.

Two black men killed Elijah Dewitt, a young white man. His father has already forgiven the killers, though I’ve seen no evidence they asked him to. “We don’t need hate in our house,” he said, which is fine, but now he doesn’t have his son either.

DeWitt’s girlfriend also forgave the killers. After all, we don’t “know their situations.”

Pople who cannot even resent their victimizers are not victims. They're sort of like cattle. They are like FOOD for predators.

I’m reminded of the murder of Mollie Tibbetts. She was a young woman who seemed to be ashamed of being white. After an illegal immigrant killed her, her father took care to defend the “Hispanic community,” especially its cooking. When blacks killed anti-apartheid activist Amy Biehl, her parents forgave and hugged her killers.

Our national battered wife syndrome never shows itself more than when some white son or daughter, father or mother, is brutally murdered by a black guy and almost the very first move made by the victim’s family is to assure Channel 5 News, bleary-eyed, that they weren’t racist..

These are spiritually broken people, who don’t even feel justified in being angry when their children are murdered. “Christian” forgiveness seems to be selective. Erick Erickson, one of the original cuckservatives, praised Elijah Dewitt’s father and said forgiving evil is the essence of Christianity.

This kid’s body isn’t even cold yet, and the parents and girlfriend are already falling all over themselves to forgive the murderers and move on? No righteous anger? What a pathetic, broken culture this is.

I think it’s the epitome of Christianity to forgive even someone who kills your loved one.

He thought differently about protesters at the January 6, 2021 riot on Capitol Hill.


Various Commenters #racist #wingnut

RE: It’s Simple, The Woke Are Racist

(Cool PapaJMagik)
It really is despicable that so many so-called “conservatives” condemn good people who focus on stopping anti-huwite attacks. It’s like most are okay bringing up the fact that we’re the only group you can joke about and dis cri min ate against, but any good man of courage that comes out and says “we must protect ourselves and look out for our group” ends up being denounced and called all sorts of names by their own team. We huwite people need to open our eyes. No anger or fear, just don’t let people abuse you for your color without at least having to hear from you about it. Don’t go crazy, but we have to speak up before we can’t anymore

(Minion Daechir)
Funnily enough, this reminds me of a twitter poll (I think by some leftist) asking if racists or the LGBT are more accepting.

The racists won handily with 69% of the vote (true meme magic), citing that all racists can unite over their love of being racist and as such have a banter-filled camaraderie, in comparison to the LGBT who have been cited as to "not tolerate even a single case of wrong think."

Though, I do want to separate the dishonest woke racists talked about in the video from the twitter banter racists represented in the poll.

(Gallen Dugall)
This is what you get when you keep telling the Black community, the most commonly racist people in the US, that their racism is good.

(Dante Banducci)
No, there IS a community that’s WAY worse but they are so powerful and utterly evil I can barely name them on YouTube…

Community? LOL packs of hyenas have more nuanced societies

We are at the point being for the rights of white people isn't being a white supremacist it's just wanting some form of equality.

Every other race is allowed to be mindful of their collective interests but not huwites in their own indigenous countries. Strange that.

Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #conspiracy

[From "The Robber Council Turns Sixty"]

Although the sixtieth anniversary of the opening of the “Second” Vatican Council on October 11, 1962, has come and gone, it is important to remember that October 28, 1958, marked the beginning of the robber council’s preparation when Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII stepped out on the balcony of the Basilica of Saint Peter after much confusion during the conclave that settled upon him rather than Pope Pius XII’s natural successor, Giuseppe Cardinal Siri[…]
The real engineer of the rupture presented by the “Second” Vatican Council was none other Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini/Paul VI, who got votes in the 1958 conclave[…]even though he[…]was not even a member of the College of Cardinals[…]
Jorge Mario Bergoglio has taken the “new ecclesiology” to mean that all “believers”[…]are saved as long as they “do good," and he has built on the foundation of the attack upon the monarchical nature of the papacy that is "episcopal collegiality"[…]
The “Second” Vatican Council proclaimed the heresy of “religious liberty and the conciliar “popes” have consistently praised nonexistent ability of false religions to "contribute" to the "betterment"[…]
The entire fabric of the counterfeit church of conciliarism’s teaching on the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, including its endorsement of the falsehood that is "natural family planning"[…]
Everything that the conciliar “popes” have done in the past sixty four years has pointed to a very well thought-out plan to change the entire nature of how the conciliar “Petrine ministry” is exercised[…]
While we hope and pray that this will help a few Catholics to leave the conciliar structures and to reject the Gallican heresies of the Society of Saint Pius X[…]to embrace the true state of the Church Militant in this time of apostasy and betrayal, we must pray to Our Lady to persevere in the true Catholic Faith

Julián Yo #sexist

We value youth and beauty. That means that you have fertile eggs. We are not interested in your mind or your money. That's irrelevant. And if you have a high sausage count, that lowers your value a lot.

You are high value between the ages from 18 to 25. From 25 on, you start losing value because your looks start to fade and your eggs start to dry. Sheng nu. We don't want 30 year old broads. Especially if they have children and a high body count. There's no such thing as a 30-40 year old high value woman.

HikikunDeformis #sexist #racist

(Note by submitter: regarding the Amouranth abuse case)

RE: Lifefuel for Chinkcels

Her chink husband is gigabased

Most likely they started dating as normal people. He was a rich betabuxxxing Chink and she was a white whore. She probably cheated on him and did a lot of bad things. There is no way a woman of her looks remained loyal to that chink for 5-7 years.

Once she started earning money she became independent. He realized that he needed to control her cash flow to control her and so he did. When the time for her to leave him came he exposed the fact that he is in control of most of her cash making her cry on the internet.

Make no mistake. She does not care about him. He only came out on top because he was blackpilled and had a giga high IQ of 150 to play that bitch

South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) - Two of the men vying to lead South Carolina for the next four years outlined their visions for the state’s future Wednesday, with one pitching for South Carolina to stay its current course and the other arguing his opponent is pulling the state back to the past.

Republican Gov. Henry McMaster, seeking re-election for a second term, and former Democratic Congressman Joe Cunningham met Wednesday in Columbia for their first and only currently scheduled debate ahead of the Nov. 8 election.


“I think it was fine the way it was before under Roe v. Wade,” Cunningham said. “…If an abortion ban comes to Gov. McMaster’s desk with no exceptions, he’ll sign it, and I’ll veto it.”

Prior to Roe’s overturn, McMaster had indicated his support for a ban from conception without exceptions, but he has since said he finds the exceptions included in the state’s currently-blocked six-week ban — for the life and health of the mother, sexual assault victims, and fatal fetal anomalies — as reasonable.

South Carolina’s Republican-dominated legislature has been attempting since the summer to further restrict abortions, but lawmakers have not been able to come to an agreement on a final bill.


Questioning later turned to what would happen if the Supreme Court overturned another precedent, protecting same-sex marriage nationwide.

McMaster said he would follow a current state law that bans it. While that law is still on the books, it has been unenforceable following the court’s 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision to require states recognize same-sex marriages.

“Maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I think marriage ought to be between a man and a woman, just like I think that boys ought to play in boys’ sports and girls ought to play in girls’ sports,” McMaster said.

Cunningham, seemingly caught by surprise by McMaster’s response, responded the governor was taking the state backwards.

“Gov. McMaster has been leading South Carolina into the 1950s since the 1980s,” Cunningham said.

@GodlyPatriot #fundie #homophobia

#lgbtqpedo is dangerous to humanity ☦️ #homosexualpox now called #monkeypox reminds us of the time when #gaycancer or #grid (gay related immuno deficient) was changed to #aids , because the science confirming that homosexual Acts leading to global disease on mankind, would be too devastating to the demonic agenda to promote evil as good 🤔‼️

#orthodoxchristian #homosexualityisanabomination

LORD Jesus Christ move hearts to humbly repent of evil and wickedness before more suffer unnecessarily now and forever 😢😢♾️☦️🕊️ Save us LORD but you do not desire anyone to perish but became man to save us ☦️restore our call to become like God🛐😇🔥

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Stanleymitchell90 )
Jews: Why is it people don’t like us?

Us: How about because you push for open borders in White countries but not Israel?

Jews: No, that’s not it, it’s just a mystery. Must be something wrong with White people.

Us: How about because you run 24-7 anti-White, and anti-Christian propaganda in the media and Hollywood?

Jews: No that’s not it, maybe it’s because we’re so smart, we just can’t help being so smart.

Us: But you can stop promoting sexual degeneracy, tranny kids, and homosexuality. Stuff that people say they don’t like?

Jews: No, we won’t stop any of those things, instead we will declare everyone crazy, and censor or imprison them. It’s just weird because there’s NO explanation for why people don’t like us. If only someone would tell us!

spoilerI'm 71, born and always lived in Canada. Most of my life
was active in the Jewish community. It is obvious to me
that the repeating pattern of blame the Jews whenever
there are serious problems in the world will never go
away. I wish someone could explain the root cause.

( @OdinTheAllFather )
@Stanleymitchell90 just another example of them crying out in pain as they strike you

( @Spahnranch1969 )
@Stanleymitchell90 I've never heard any jews ask why the world dislikes them so much. I think it's because they already know.

( @GreatArtiste45 )

( @americandissent )
@Stanleymitchell90 The nature of a parasite

( @GalaxyBrained )
@Stanleymitchell90 don't forget usury, the effective enslavement of the world in bondage to the bankers

( @Pratgioln )
@Stanleymitchell90 "born and always lived in Canada" but won't say he's a Canadian because his loyalty is to his jewish community.

( @BBBlasterfire )
@Stanleymitchell90 They are being judged by the masses by the fruits of their labor. Notice how it is antisemitic to point out any truths about Jews. Even truths without any hate, is considered antisemitic if it draws attention to that they are in many positions of power and some of those in power have dual citizenship. Why is wrong to say they run Hollywood?

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