Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut

With few exceptions, when blacks kill whites, it’s random murder. When whites faced blacks, such as George Floyd, Michael Brown, or Ahmaud Arbery, the cases became racial battles with national significance. Whites’ individualism and naïve belief in the “rule of law” make them behave like Eloi, victims to be slaughtered unavenged.

Two black men killed Elijah Dewitt, a young white man. His father has already forgiven the killers, though I’ve seen no evidence they asked him to. “We don’t need hate in our house,” he said, which is fine, but now he doesn’t have his son either.

DeWitt’s girlfriend also forgave the killers. After all, we don’t “know their situations.”

Pople who cannot even resent their victimizers are not victims. They're sort of like cattle. They are like FOOD for predators.

I’m reminded of the murder of Mollie Tibbetts. She was a young woman who seemed to be ashamed of being white. After an illegal immigrant killed her, her father took care to defend the “Hispanic community,” especially its cooking. When blacks killed anti-apartheid activist Amy Biehl, her parents forgave and hugged her killers.

Our national battered wife syndrome never shows itself more than when some white son or daughter, father or mother, is brutally murdered by a black guy and almost the very first move made by the victim’s family is to assure Channel 5 News, bleary-eyed, that they weren’t racist..

These are spiritually broken people, who don’t even feel justified in being angry when their children are murdered. “Christian” forgiveness seems to be selective. Erick Erickson, one of the original cuckservatives, praised Elijah Dewitt’s father and said forgiving evil is the essence of Christianity.

This kid’s body isn’t even cold yet, and the parents and girlfriend are already falling all over themselves to forgive the murderers and move on? No righteous anger? What a pathetic, broken culture this is.

I think it’s the epitome of Christianity to forgive even someone who kills your loved one.

He thought differently about protesters at the January 6, 2021 riot on Capitol Hill.


Various Commenters #racist #wingnut

RE: It’s Simple, The Woke Are Racist

(Cool PapaJMagik)
It really is despicable that so many so-called “conservatives” condemn good people who focus on stopping anti-huwite attacks. It’s like most are okay bringing up the fact that we’re the only group you can joke about and dis cri min ate against, but any good man of courage that comes out and says “we must protect ourselves and look out for our group” ends up being denounced and called all sorts of names by their own team. We huwite people need to open our eyes. No anger or fear, just don’t let people abuse you for your color without at least having to hear from you about it. Don’t go crazy, but we have to speak up before we can’t anymore

(Minion Daechir)
Funnily enough, this reminds me of a twitter poll (I think by some leftist) asking if racists or the LGBT are more accepting.

The racists won handily with 69% of the vote (true meme magic), citing that all racists can unite over their love of being racist and as such have a banter-filled camaraderie, in comparison to the LGBT who have been cited as to "not tolerate even a single case of wrong think."

Though, I do want to separate the dishonest woke racists talked about in the video from the twitter banter racists represented in the poll.

(Gallen Dugall)
This is what you get when you keep telling the Black community, the most commonly racist people in the US, that their racism is good.

(Dante Banducci)
No, there IS a community that’s WAY worse but they are so powerful and utterly evil I can barely name them on YouTube…

Community? LOL packs of hyenas have more nuanced societies

We are at the point being for the rights of white people isn't being a white supremacist it's just wanting some form of equality.

Every other race is allowed to be mindful of their collective interests but not huwites in their own indigenous countries. Strange that.

Ammon Bundy & Various commenters #wingnut

( Ammon Bundy )
Liberals say that if I am elected, they'll leave the state. Well, when I am elected Governor, Idaho will help pay for their moving costs! #LeaveIdaho #HelpThemMove 👈 Click here to help them move!

( @WyattPryde )
@realammonbundy piss on that. Government needs to stop paying for shit. Close down all unnecessary government bullshit

( @Boomer88 )
@realammonbundy well done sir !! Good luck from Michigan 👍👍

( @PontiusGlauw )
@Boomer88 @realammonbundy MI needs to strike back too, please jeebus.
I'm ready to recross the border permanently. NW IN is being infested by Nigs and IL scum running from their own shit storm of stupid.

( @9TF )
@realammonbundy Don’t give them any money…just celebrate their departure.

( @Herodotus )
@9TF @realammonbundy Make them pay an exit tax on leaving make it cheaper than taxing them for staying.....

( @Ricorowe )
@realammonbundy liberals won't do a thing remember when they were all leaving for Canada when Trump won in 2020

( @GlobalistScumbag )
@realammonbundy Do it and Im moving to Idaho. Bundy is Presidential material......after you fix Idaho of course.

Various Incels #racist #sexist

Black AfricanCell invades poland making Hiltler Look like a kindergarten bed wetter . Moggs all polishCells. #MokebeEffect

His name is Kenny Louis, small kenyan blackcell musiciancell based in Poland 27 years old . Married but still Expanding his genetic pool. You can search some of his popular songs on YouTube and Spotify.




He looks like a monkey.

Slav foids love em.


I think Slav women get off on the novelty. There's hardly any blacks that go to Eastern Europe unless it's to study.


Black people are commonly despised by Polish incels. On there is special tag #Mokebe when some inccels discuss about "stealing foids" by non-white nations, especially black people

There is a common conviction amongst our slavcels that Slav women dislike, if not hate Slav men and prefer Curries, Rices, BBC and South-European Latinos, even Arabs and Nordic +6'1 Chads

I went on that site, seems like some cuck shit from what I gather from the translator NGL.

So I came to, because even #przegryw became very cucked with many simps and other brainless foid worshippers. BTW is was ostracized by other "incels" for having Russian flag on avi (I had it very long before Ukr-Rus war), especially for Ukrainian foid worshippers

PolishCells are so soft ans nice as compared to other slavcels

Blacks are all fakecels, just fashion max retardss

This one just got lucky, majority of us are suffering in hell

ye, blackcels are fakecels, they can just come to Eastern Europe and slay left and right -- it's also way more safe than SEAmaxx
even in the West they can just guilttrip libtard foids into reparation sex

slav women hate slavs in general

if I wasnt a slav I would slavmaxx instead of seamaxx

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #pratt #racist #wingnut

Asians in NYC are the among the poorest and least socioeconomically and politically advantaged.

Their academic success and achievement has been an ideological embarrassment and a source of identitarian embarrassment, so they must be punished and opportunities taken away.

Contemporary intersectionality-based progressivism is the whitest whiteness of all the historical iterations of whiteness to ever whiten the whiteness of the white.

*the terms 'white' & 'whiteness' are safe words we don't have to worry might bring scrutiny of twitter moderators.

Socialism benefits inherited wealth over earned wealth. A group of migrants whose children start performing on par, it's clear they earned that success which blows up the entire socialist ideal system. So the playing field gets reset to ensure inherited wealth is advantaged.

I don't see how people AREN'T redpilled by specialized schools full of poor Asian kids being blamed on white supremacy. The level of reality denial is just beyond belief.

But people (including woke Asians) twist themselves into knots to rationalize it by saying Asians are succeeding by "participating in whiteness" or something (doesn't exactly explain how they're doing BETTER than white people, but whatever)

Is it all Asians, or a specific ethnicity that is doing so well?

I mean I know if you disaggregate Asians into subgroups, you have some doing better and worse than others. But the same is true of subgroups of white people or black people, which are also broad categories -- don't think it really changes my point.

This drives me nuts. "By saying Asians are successful you're perpetuating a 'model minority myth' because not every Asian individual or subgroup is successful!" Ok now do white people

speculareffect #sexist #racist #wingnut #homophobia #conspiracy

Socialism/Communism are Feminine constructs based on Feminine values. Women and their cult of Safety has dominated much of human existence. This means, my dear sweet summer child, that goal of Communism is not a recent phenomenon of the industrial revolution. It has always been with humans.

This is something most people do not understand and it is why they take it all for granted and cannot get a firm grasp on how Socialism/Communism always appeals to the masses. Again, Socialism/Communism have ALWAYS been around. They are not recent “inventions” and iterations of history, by some ]ew with a scraggly beard in London with a faggot for a friend and sugar daddy (Engels).

Socialism/Communism are FEMININE constructs that predate ]ews. I know most of you don’t want to hear, nor accept this, but it is an inescapable fact. ]ews simply use Socialism/Communism as tools of division and destruction, just as they use their favorite morons—women—to bring about destruction.
Socialism/Communism are FEMININE ideations that seek to fix that which CANNOT be fixed. It is literally the hubris of the Feminine that believes itself to be the cure and answers to all the world’s ills and the belief that that answer is woven into the fabric of the Feminine being.

Breathe, brainless! Relax and comprehend what I’m saying. Most of people are too retarded and fucking dumb, or too shallow to comprehend that the power of the ]ew lies in WOMEN and the goyim’s gynocentric tendencies and nature. ]ews CANNOT be successful, were it not for women. The snake is powerless without the woman.

]ews are extremely Feminine, too. The entire ]ewish religion and experience is Feminine. The way they interact with the outside world is Feminine and the only reason why they are successful in their interactions. They behave like women on the political stage and receive the responses women receive from gynocentric men in politics.

Stefan from Germany #wingnut #conspiracy #quack #magick

I won’t bore you with news from Germany. Everything is the same. Only that more and more people are walking around with masks again. The only country in the world where “C” still exists, it seems to me. And only because millions keep it alive through their fear and consumption of the MSM. Through their testing for “C” and inability to recognize that it was and still is a huge scam. Even those who witness relatives and acquaintances die or get damage from vaccination completely dismiss a connection. Indoctrination? In Germany a complete success for the cabal. It is quite grotesque to me, with the knowledge of today, how media narratives are still carried along by so many fellow human beings and how ignorantly all signs that they are lies are consistently disregarded. If indoctrination and brainwashing ever worked perfectly, it certainly did in Germany. Even those who call themselves awakening keep falling back into impatience, lamentation and disappointment.
In the meantime, I’ m also convinced that the alliance has taken over many swindlers and charlatans and also many who pretended to us all to be on the good side, but had a different agenda, namely making money with their half-truths. Since Germany is lagging behind somewhat, as with so many things, it is not yet so here, all continue unhindered with their business models.
I certainly don’t want to denigrate or badmouth anything here, I just want to use examples to show that we are actually not prepared for much. We are prepared to go to a better world or to rebuild a deliberately destroyed world. We may also be prepared to experience our own leaving the third dimension, getting a higher consciousness.
Let’s just be ready for the new world, ready for prosperity and abundance, ready for a nature that we have all rarely experienced and ready to learn everything necessary when the right time comes. The new communities need unity, cohesion, tolerance and WE instead of ME.

WWG1WGA!!! Mani wastete yo!

Right of Atilla #wingnut #conspiracy

[From "Between a Sandy Hook and a Hard Place"]

In April of this year, silky voiced crooner and defamation lawsuit defendant Alex Jones was ordered by a jury to pay 4.1 million in compensatory damages to the parents of a child who was killed in Sandy Hook[…]Punitive damage is not designed to make the plaintiff(s) whole, but to punish the defendant. Such a massive award was meant to send a message that the jury found Jones’ peddling of “conspiracy theories” very mean and hurtful, and they wanted to not only hurt him, but to send a message to other people with bad opinions[…]There is a law on the books in the Lone Star State that limits punitive damages. Like all laws, a black robed wizard with a gavel can decide those limits don’t apply “because reasons”
Jones was sued for not apologizing hard enough again, this time in Yankee Connecticut[…]
What dissidents, and anyone to the right of whatever the “center” is this week, need to understand is what these verdicts mean to them[…]Civil courts can much more easily ignore inconvenient precedents and laws in order to get the decision desired by the regime[…]
The legal theory of “innocent until proven guilty,” tort laws, precedent and the basic tenants of Western civilization dictate that the plaintiff prove their complaint against the defendant. Of course, this is no longer how it works. In the deranged, accursed modern legal system under which we suffer, the burden of proof is a sliding scale. What is consistent is that the White/conservative is the one who must prove the case[…]
It will be interesting to see which of our niche internet celebrities and more mainstream members of the Right cool their language versus those who continue being bombastic and making accusations largely free of evidence. The latter are controlled opposition. They’re the ones who set an example that will get others into legal trouble, while mysteriously avoiding such troubles themselves

El necrofilo #ableist #psycho

So 60s? The hell are you on about, having a disabled member of the family is already a chore. You can't blame people not wanting a disabled live partner. Some people already have it rough by themselves, it's just common sense, it a disgusting truth but you can't judge someone for something like that

Joshua Conner Moon #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #transphobia

Hello! You might notice the site is down. This is because Zayo, the ISP that I have been trying to get online since December, was serving requests for less than 12 hours before succumbing to a few angry emails.

Simply getting the Kiwi Farms back online is not my main concern though.

Zayo is an Internet service provider. They are a big company with presence across the world. If Zayo is arbitrarily blocking entire networks because of individual sites, and they are doing so with no recourse, the Internet is doomed. We are watching in real time as the very foundations of our interconnected world buckle and fold.

The reality of a Tier 1 provider like Zayo censoring the Internet is very dire and I hope you will pay attention.

Without them, should you manage to peer, you are not on the Internet if you cannot handle DDoS attacks yourself. DDoS mitigation has never been made a core part of the Internet, and I believe that weakness is deliberately encouraged by governments, as the US government routinely utilizes DDoS attacks to censor networks like Tor.

I do like my website, and after spending time on other communities I know that nothing will ever replace it if the circus of sex pests and psychologically disturbed slacktivists have their way.

I also am very sad to see these state of affairs. Without breaking the law, without piracy, and without incident (like Tarrant and Jan 6 with 8chan), we have been censored at some of the highest reaches of the Internet. A handful of very mentally ill people sending nasty emails, threatening the families of datacenter employees, and calling in favors with friends in high places have very effectively snapped the neck of the interconnected world.

Every year the diversity of websites online shrinks, and the centralization of services grow. Those who should want to fight a tech oligarchy instead cheer it on and help consolidate its power. I am helplessly watching the Internet, and the freedom it has brought our entire species, die a slow death. It hurts. The Internet is being murdered by shortsighted parasites, and they will never realize how big a mistake it is until there's no going back.

Aleksei Pavlov #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #magick #psycho #racist #wingnut

Aleksei Pavlov, an assistant secretary on the Security Council of Russia, has called for the “desatanization” of Ukraine.

“I believe that with the continuation of the special military operation, it becomes more and more urgent to carry out the de-Satanization of Ukraine,” Pavlov said.

Pavlov said he didn’t know how many covens of satanists there were in Ukraine but that he expected it to be in the hundreds. “Some of them were created ‘having been sharpened in advance for a specific purpose and flock’, others ‘simply existed as branches of richer patrons,’ others— ‘and did in the form of a kind of closed joint-stock company with a couple of hundred small-town adepts,’” the TASS story said, quoting Pavlov. He also highlighted the fact that the Church of Satan is an officially recognized religion in the U.S. and that its influence has been spreading in Ukraine since the 1990s.

On the Russia-1 television channel, satanism has come up repeatedly. “Who is the Ukrainian God? It’s the devil, basically,” a guest on one of Russia-1’s shows said, according to a translation by Russian Media Monitor’s Julia Davis. “And when we’re surprised at the cruelty of these people, there’s nothing to be surprised at. That’s paganism. It demands human sacrifices. It demands blood.”

Samuel Alito #wingnut #elitist #god-complex

Speaking at a Heritage Foundation event, Alito said the release of his draft opinion made the justices presumed to be in the majority “targets for assassination because it gave people a rational reason to think they could prevent that from happening by killing one of us.”

The draft from Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization was published by POLITICO on May 2.

“It was a grave betrayal of trust by somebody,” Alito, who authored both the draft and the final majority opinion, told the Heritage Foundation’s John G. Malcolm.

The draft proved substantially similar to the final majority opinion that was issued in June. That ruling overturned the Supreme Court’s 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade, which had established a right to abortion throughout the country.

“It certainly changed the atmosphere at the court,” Alito said of the unauthorized disclosure of the draft.

Babylon Bee #wingnut #transphobia

Man Pretending To Be Woman Visits Man Pretending To Be President

WASHINGTON, D.C. — History was made last week as Dylan Mulvaney, a pretend woman, sat down in a one-hour Now This News special with Joe Biden, a pretend president.

"OMG OMG OMG Mr. President, how aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrree you? EEEEEEEEEE!" said pretend woman Mulvaney in a perfect impression of a totally normal woman. "I'm so, so, so, so, so, so excited to talk to you about important issues concerning very, very young little girls just like me!"

"That's right," replied Biden. "I'm not even being facetious here. Not a joke. For real. Annie Oakley."

Aides then poked the pretend president with their handy cattle prod, as he was pretending to be awake.

The pair then talked at length about the issues most important to everyday American voters, such as letting biological men use girls' bathrooms, offering unrestricted and free abortions for pregnant men, and outlawing guns.

At publishing time, Mulvaney had told reporters he was happy to interview the President but was extremely disappointed Biden never leaned in to sniff his little girl hair.

Various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #quack

Here's a redpill:

Covid was released in part to kill off enough elderly, so that they wouldn't have to pay them social security benefits.

@NeonRevolt another red pill: it wasn’t the covid that killed them

@NeonRevolt And they keep pushing boosters on the elderly/medically fragile which means more of them dying.

@NeonRevolt Yes to kill off elderly then to transfer those S.S. payments to the replacements coming across the border.

@NeonRevolt We knew that from day one, when it started. They already also kill elderly as much as they can get away with, in hospitals, and with Rx drugs.

@NeonRevolt The elderly were not their target. Life expectancy in the US dropped 2.7 years from 2019 to 2021. You don't get a dip like that from the deaths of old people. Excess mortality incresed by 78% in 25-34yo demo alone, and 100% in 35-44 demo.
That's one billion years of human life that pharma and social security no longer have to worry about now.

@NeonRevolt I was arguing that since the beginning. Old and sick. All burdens for the insurance and SS. You had to be blind not to see it.

@NeonRevolt and the Chinese got rid of a lot of old non productive people too. Win win for them

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Affirmative Action is and has been enormously destructive to America, affecting nearly every aspect of our lives. Discriminating against Whites or Asians is wrong, as is any form of racial discrimination. It violates our laws, our Constitution and our sense of decency. Affirmative Action as a practice is un-American and should be abolished.

@DrPaulGosar Why have you not mentioned once about the black mass shooter in Memphis that livestreamed himself on Facebook targeting and shooting White people?

@The_Nose @DrPaulGosar And he never will, cause he's your typical nigger worshipping Israeli loving cuckservative.

One day, Whites will realize they are wasting their time on these grifters.

@The_Nose @DrPaulGosar everyone is scared to be called racist.even tho it's very obvious this nigger targeted whites.i don't think a single politician gives a fuck about whites.its up to us.the ones that care to figure out how to handle things gotta speak lightly.dont want them zog fuckers knocking on my door yet.

@DrPaulGosar Affirmative action is antiwhitism. And there are a number of antiwhite laws like it in this country.

Whites are not a "Protected Race" under the law, so discrimination laws do not protect Whites.

Whites can legally be discriminated against based upon their race as the laws stand.

Now, do judges sometimes make their own rulings more in the spirit of fair play, and rule in favor of Whites being discriminated against?


But that does not change the law and the 2nd class citizen status of Whites, officially, in the United States

@DrPaulGosar Been dealing with the Affirmative Action and Diversity Bullshit my entire adult life. Now I am Just the Old Pissed Off Whiteboy Boomer !!! We only have a few more years left so DO NOT FUCK WITH US ! YOU WILL LOOSE !!!!!!!!!!!!

Affirmative Action is just another word for anti white.

@DrPaulGosar Affirmative action is literally racism. It is deciding who gets to do what based on the color of their skin.

woodchip #wingnut #quack #conspiracy

(Topic is titled “the lies of the left”)

So you all think that by getting the covid vaccination, you are helping stop the spread of the virus. Let me point out this little gem:

"The New York state Supreme Court has reinstated all employees who were fired for not being vaccinated, ordering back pay and saying their rights had been violated.

The court found Monday that "being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting COVID-19."

So continue believing Dr Faucci or your fav opinion commentator on MSNBC But when the facts were presented in a court of law it all was found to be just so much BS used to control you.

The Great Work #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy


• 1. Self-Preservation: This includes the preservation of one’s agenda and one’s group above all. This is in direct opposition to conscience, compassion, and love.

• 2. Moral Relativism: This denial of the objective difference between right and wrong allows psychopaths to falsely justify their violence and aggression against others.

• 3. Social Darwinism: This concept of a social version of “survival of the fittest” leads psychopaths to believe that they are the most socially evolved people in society. They actually believe that their lack of compassion and their ruthlessness are evolutionarily superior traits.

• 4. Eugenics: Since they consider themselves superior, they believe they have the right to decide who lives and who dies.

Corey Goode #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The SSP Alliance and the Global Galactic League of Nations (GGLN) received a pretty major briefing from Emmi (Eyosian/Zulu ET Race) several months ago about the upcoming timeline of the liberation of our Solar System. This briefing was delivered on the behalf of the New Guardians who until now had been the most mysterious of the Guardians.
The GGLN, the SSP Alliance, and our ET Allies are currently clearing the damage done by the Orion Group and its allies, including the Dark Fleet – who has given humanity a very bad name in much of our Galaxy. The GGLN-led armada is working its way from the outer rim of our Galaxy to Earth, undoing as much of the damage the Orion Group and the Dark Fleet have caused. In some cases, Dark Fleet personnel have been delivered to star systems to be tried for crimes against that civilization. It apparently takes the GGLN-led armada until the year 2025 – in our timeframe – to work their way back to begin liberating their own Solar System.
The battle on the surface of the Earth and a positive timeline is still ours to win or lose, it is a battle that will be fought all the way until the solar micro-nova occurs in 2033/34. The micro-nova is not an Extinction Level Event as some are reporting, though there will be significant upheavals and natural disasters that occur. Strange Mandela effects pick up as we get closer to the solar event causing further confusion in an already chaotic environment.
When the micro-nova occurs it locks in the timeline that Humanity has chosen. Even though all of the transhumanist technologies will be destroyed in the solar event, the intent of the mass consciousness will have chosen a positive or not-so-positive timeline as we move into the next solar cycle – one that is now of a 4th density vibration. We were told that even if Humanity chose a negative timeline once again, it would be the last one possible due to the energetic changes of our Sun and this region of the Galaxy.

Blue Angels (and Seraphim) via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy

"We are the Blue Angels. We like to think of ourselves as the Special Ops Angels, and we have been called in to lend our talent, service and abilities. The time, humans and starseeds, wayshowers, beloved ones, the time is very close. (I am seeing diamonds and prism light). You are becoming living diamonds. Your world is no longer what it once was and will be unrecognizable when all is completed. We obey fervently the wishes of the ever-loving Divine flow that guides our hearts and directs our decisions. We are tactical in our love, in our power. We are not to be trifled with. The time of games is ended for this realm. The Almighty has spoken.

(I am seeing massive blue angels that glow electric blue, with unbelievable body physiques dressed in full battle gear. They are very, very big. And very intimidating.)
We are in charge of your ultimate safety and deliverance into the new realm. No harm. No fear.

We are the Blue Angels. The time approaches. Your battle gear is your faith, your tenacity. (I am seeing them surround Earth, and some of them are the size of the Earth. They are forming a grid of blue light around her. Good grief, they look like Thor.)"
We are the Blue Angels. We are the right and left hands of the Almighty. We do the divine bidding of the Eternal One. (Their eyes are pure fire. I have never seen angels like this. It is unbelievable. I am about an inch tall to them. Holy smokes! They are laughing at my reaction.) And this is why we do not casually stroll to your planet, galaxygirl. We are large in size, and our presence is impactful. Impact, and grounding of this new grid of our over-lighting blue light is our gift today, to you, to Gaia. We are now here in service until this is full completed and fully operational. We thank you for your service as well, and for your tenacity, faith and perseverance. Many obstacles and curves in your path you have had to endure, and yet, here you are. Humanity, we salute you, this day.

Ian Thompson #crackpot #fundie

The causal closure of the physical world is assumed everywhere in physics but has little empirical support within living organisms. For the spiritual to have effects in nature, and make a difference there, the laws of physical nature would have to be modified or extended. I propose that the renormalized parameters of quantum field theory (masses and charges) are available to be varied locally in order to achieve ends in nature. This is not adding extra forces to nature but rescaling the forces which already exist. We separate metric time in 4 dimensions from process time as the order of actualization of potentialities. This is to allow iterative forward and reverse steps in metric time to influence intermediate variations in the vacuum permittivities to move charged bodies towards achieve specific targets at a later time. Then mental or spiritual influx could have effects in nature, and these should be measurable in biophysics experiments. With this proposal, we see after some centuries how ‘final causes’ could once again be seen active in nature.

Ali Alexander #wingnut

“Stop the Steal” leader Ali Alexander appeared Tuesday on a [url=[/url] hosted by far-right streamer Anthime “Tim” Gionet[…]
Alexander, who recently openly advocated for Christian fascism[…]said that the next three months are likely going to be among the top five most important moments in American history

“It’s all about willpower,” Alexander said. “Are you willing to set yourself on fire for what you want? To win? And our side has got to be a higher concentration of ‘yes.’ Right now, [Democrats are] willing to break the Constitution, break the law, imprison prison political prisoners, act like Soviet punks, and do all of that. We have to plus-one that. We have to jail Democrats. We have to censor their asses. We have to make them beg for a peace treaty with us, for an understanding. There’s no point in coming to an understanding before we have buy-in from them, so we’ve got to make them hurt”

Gionet, who goes by the moniker Baked Alaska[…]readily agreed

“That’s right,” Gionet responded. “You said that so well. We have literally gone through hell in these last few years. The political persecution; how the Jan. 6 people have been treated like absolute terrorists—I mean, they literally call us terrorists. Wow, I mean, I’m just looking forward to when I get my bag right, suing the fuck out of CNN and all those pieces of shit, dude. It’s terrible what they’ve done to us, all the income we’ve lost from being banned from social media, all the relationships. Like, I am ready to go ham on them, but you know, I gotta get my money right, got to finish my legal shit and all that”

marektypes , EmeraldTechno & AndromedaPrometheum #wingnut


spoilerDIY abortion is perfectly
legal in all 50 states.
You can't end genocide by telling
women, "you're forbidden to hire
someone to murderyour preborn,
but it's okay if you do it yourself."

Yup. This is the great failure of the pro-life political movement. You can't end abortion by specifically giving women special murder privileges. The pro-life movement fought to DECRIMINALIZE and remove strong language from previous pre-Roe abortion laws in places such as OK, AR, and WS, there is blood on the hands of lobbyist groups such as SFL action, NRTL, and SBA llst.

For those wondering what I am talking about... take Indiana's new ban for example that just went into effect. Within the code, there is a created legal immunity for abortion. By definition, mothers who kill their babies necessarily can never face any sort of legal problems whatsoever. The woman who decides to order pills online with malice and forethought can take them in front of the statehouse and kill her child with no problems. This is the fruit of the pro-life establishment - they legalized DIY abortion all while votig 'no' on equal protections for these same children over the last 6 years.

What if abortion pills were also outlawed?

Dude you cannot end abortion on one swift move. We can go after DYI abortions after we eliminate the third parties easier because part of the reason abortion is normalized is because abortionists make money. Once that vein dries up we can go after the ones but is a stepping up process try to ban it all and it ends up backfiring.

I never said you could end it with one swift move. Trust me - I know this very well. This is going to be a long, drawn-out battle, in which we need to, over time, change the culture.

But you certainly aren't getting closer to the goal of 'ending it' by categorically writing protections and special murder privileges into rule and law for those persons who kill their child.
In fact, it's worse than that - these laws which protect the preborn were literally amended to remove some of those protections. If you don't believe me, let's have a zoom call and let me share my screen as I walk you through the code and bills in the aforementioned states.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Various commenters #wingnut

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)
American tax dollars should not be sent to protect foreign borders when Joe Biden and Democrats in Washington, D.C. refuse to defend our own.


@RealMarjorieGreene Any politician sending tax dollars out of our country should be arrested and executed.

@RealMarjorieGreene Hey! Why don't you tell that to AIPAC and the Jewish/Israel lobby? Oh yeah, you want to keep your job!

@RealMarjorieGreene Short quiz here for you MGT: Who was responsible for 911? Who attacked the USS Liberty? Who Runs Hollywood? Who owns Black Rock?

Donald J Trump & Various commenters #wingnut

(Donald J Trump)
The fired FBI Agent who was walked out of the FBI Headquarters Building two weeks ago, and who said, falsely, to Facebook and the Media that the Laptop from Hell was Russian Disinformation, has been a greater source in convincing people that the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged than even the tapes of millions of ballots being stuffed into the voting machines - “2000 Mules.”So they spy on my campaign, Rigged & Stole the Election, and go after me for doing nothing wrong. Only in America!!!

@realdonaldtrump XI. Now listen to Obama himself saying: "I was not born in Hawaii. I wasn't born in United States. I come from Kenya." Then call people he is able to fool as naive. He also told his audience how easy it is to lie to people and/or to be dishonest. Video is credited to whoever posted it on the internet.

@Joannjgpwwg1wga @realdonaldtrump Never forget Americans => Gay black Muslim Soros' puppet, Kenya-born 💩 🐍 Obama (aka: Barry Soetoro and Harrison J. Bounel) was never really the President. Soros, Jarrett (aka: Obama's Handler), Hillary Clinton, Biden, Brennan, Rice, Pelosi, "tranny" Michael Obama, CIA, FBI, and the NWO/Globalists/WEF were the acting Presidents during fraud Obama's illegitimate 8-year term. Obama is/was a fraud, fake, phony, and 💩 parasite. All of Barry Obama's fake background and records need to be unsealed now. @USA @DeSantis2024 @RealMarjorieGreene @LaurenBoebert @DrPaulGosar @wendyrogersaz @RandPaul @tedcruz @_JimJordan @TeamTucker

@realdonaldtrump Fuck you Mr Warp Speed. You're a piece of shit. You poisoned the world in warp speed. Locked American down while called them un-essential. While you funneled billion to the governor and hospital to expand the medical tyranny murdering Americans with fauci's covid protocols.
You continue to whine about the "stolen election" which you allowed to happen under your emergency declaration! Anyone who believe any of this happened by accident is a complete fool. You're a deep-state conman, a globalist shill. FUCK YOU!

Indracel #sexist #dunning-kruger

I find it amusing how foids say that they "fuck(ed) someone". It's like someone saying "my car drove me" instead of "I drove my car". You stupid toilet, you were fucked. You were the object that was being acted upon.

Being fucked isn't a bidirectional thing. One person fucks the other, and the other person is the slut who takes in all the fucking. Foids fall under the latter category: when they open their legs and let men stick their dicks down their rancid meatholes, foids are are the ones being fucked senselessly like filthy, depraved whores. A foid isn't "fucking" a man when she deepthroats and chokes on his cock, she's acting as a biological cum dumpster who only exists to pleasure him and get him to cum so she can swallow all his sperm up like the disgusting semen receptacle all toilets are :lul::lul::lul: It's why a foid's roasted beef flaps are so disgusting: us men were never meant to put our mouths near that scrunched up pile of fish meat, we were supposed to fuck that thing senselessly from a distance.

Ultimately, foids cannot fuck people. They fundamentally play the role of sex toys that get fucked, used, and thrown to the side by other men. They will never be anything more than sex slaves who are anatomically and behaviorally designed to pleasure their male masters during sex. Hell, the only way whores can gain any upper hand in sex is by mimicking the body parts of their male overlords with plastic strapons, but even then they won't truly feel anything or gain the kind of pleasure they crave when they take their proper roles as submissive sluts and get spitroasted by chads.

It's one of the reasons why no one is impressed when a foid has been fucked by hundreds of men: because like all other meat, she has an expiration date. Toilets need to thus refrain from laughably suggesting that they are in any way our equals in sex and that they "fuck" other guys. Because they can't fuck other guys, they can only pleasure them before they toss her aside.

Sidney Secular #racist #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

We are a stateless people with no political representation whatsoever. Non-whites have 535 politicians in Washington, DC representing them. Whites have none, zero, nada! As a result, white genocide continues apace because there is no real resistance to its implementation.

White genocide is well underway on another front - a matter that the insightful have seen happening for many decades but to which the decadent, deluded and mostly decrepit politicians and clueless citizens are oblivious or uncaring. The frightful constellation of movers and shakers that manipulate the zeitgeist ever leftwards, lurching towards the abyss, include the “legacy media” that is leaving us with a legacy of their treachery, NGOs, “reformed” religious organizations, big corporations, tech tyrants and the increasingly traitorous US Government, that is purposefully and happily engaged in ethnic cleansing of the White race from the face of the earth. The legacy is much more than that of such matters as increased crime, wage depression, economic displacement and destroyed social trust and cultural continuity – although it does involve all of these things.
There are many ways to fight and possibly win without directly confronting the system. Good people must find a Christian church that’s not yet of the devil – they do exist! – and become active in it in order to form a coalition of church members in the society to help create the required groups for an established Christian society
In these dangerous days in which the Deep State is able to see and know everything, it is wise avoid cocktail chatter over the insanities of the present system including national debt, balanced budgets and etc. because these are beyond anything the average person can influence. Furthermore, they encourage the interest of Big Brother! Rather, we should discuss the issues that individuals and small groups can influence and especially issues pertaining to the war on whites and how we can survive it.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

During the first week of October, we entered the next stages of dark matter planetary initiation of the Starry Night Dark Firmament, which is the Emerald Guardian’s mission upgrade specific to the planetary restoration of the coronasphere, which includes reclaiming the Holy Mother Sophia’s Maji Grail Queen architecture and reclaiming her Triple Solar Sophianic body parts. Successful events building during the recent weeks that included the confrontation in Malta, the extraction of Black Dragon Queen satanic architecture overlaid in the United Kingdom, and the subsequent relocation of the 5D Vatican stargate that was placed directly under Cosmic Christos Emerald Founder control, has made this starry night dark matter activation possible.

The authentic Cosmic Mother Dragon is birthing forth the divine fire-water into celestial skyscapes of Starry Night Dark Firmament which form the outer rings of coronasphere spanning into the vastness of the stairway to heaven and bringing with her the heavenly void suns and re-encrypted liquid light black subtle forces into the quantum spaces in the planet. The refined sophianic sound infusions of her krystal waters and star fires are pouring throughout the dark matter realm and earth mantel through the copper-rose-gold braided ouroboros rings, suddenly shifting and extracting out previous ancient timelines and resetting them and the black subtle forces back into organic alignment with the God source. The corrupted black subtle forces running Dark Mother inversions of black flowering that were used to pervert the divine feminine sophianic grail principle, are being systematically extracted and are being alchemically transformed into the abundantly rich elements that create fertile earth matter that is connected to the authentic body parts of Holy Mother Sophia.

Peter B. Meyer #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #racist #magick #ableist

Who controls the world?

People will be astonished when the truth is revealed in the time to come. The Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church changed history and hid the rest of it by making up fairy tales about the true history of the earth.

One such lie was about Mary Magdalene, who was in reality Jesus’ wife, giving him two sons named Jesus II Justus and Joseph, along with a daughter named Tamar. This knowledge was suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church.
Major changes are now taking place, to restore our status, and teach people what has been done to us by the Crime Cabal, which includes Draco Reptiles, Greys, and other entities from the universe, which have been deliberately hidden from us by these dark powers.

Pope Francis is a Jesuit and preaches that his god is Lucifer, implying that the pope worships Satan.

Lightworkers have since restored much of the truth, rectifying the 300 AD Treaty of Sangreal, which proclaims that all people on earth are sovereign, and should be treated as such. This will mark the end of the Phony El-ites and their Slave-Scam, which they have conducted for many centuries to the detriment of people on Earth.
The Roman Catholic Pope and all his war criminals, some of whom pretend to be Jews, who in reality are Khazarian mafioso, as well as all European royalty, are Nazis and paedophiles. They are real Satanists, holding positions in the Vatican, the City of London, Washington DC – the United Nations. This information was received from an insider, who wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons:

All those in positions of absolute power such as the Queen now King of England, the entire royal family of Queen Beatrix in the Netherlands, the Rothschilds, Bushes, Clintons, Rockefellers, Pope Francis, belong to the hidden Jesuit Hierarchy. They are all one big happy Archon bloodline family. I.e. cousins, nieces, uncles and cousins of each other. Some of these people are personally known to this insider, so don’t be fooled!

Matt Keefer #wingnut

A local school board candidate in a suburb of Indianapolis is drawing criticism for insisting that “not all Nazis were bad” and that teaching that they were would represent “indoctrination”

Matt Keefer, an anesthesiologist who is running for school board in Zionsville, Indiana, initially made the comment in response to a Facebook user who pressed him for specifics about his platform, which starts with the statement, “Empower teachers to educate, not indoctrinate.” The user asked: Would teaching students that all Nazis are bad cross the line?

Keefer said it would. “All Nazis weren’t ‘bad’ as you specify. They did horrible things. They were in a group frenzy,” he wrote, adding, “Who is to say if we were both there in the same place and time, that we wouldn’t have done the same thing”

Keefer doubled down Thursday night as reports of his comments, first collected by a local Twitter account and first reported by an Indianapolis TV station on Thursday, burst into public view. “A few days ago I made the comment ‘not all Nazis were bad’ in my response to a question posed to me on Facebook. I am correct,” Keefer wrote in a lengthy statement on Facebook. But he added, “To be clear: I never was, am not now, and never will be a Nazi sympathizer”[…]
Keefer entered politics, he has said, because he was upset about pandemic restrictions and vaccine requirements, which he said one day might be perceived in hindsight as equally objectionable to Nazism

Indian in the Machine #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

We have some footage, of which it’s authenticity cannot be verified… but as you may know… the truth comes BEFORE the facts and is in fact DISCERNED WITH THE HEART, NOT THE MIND.

With that stated… I can’t help but FEEL that this footage best illustrates the beam of light that may come during the planetary evacuation, should that event come to pass… and its looking more likely.

I say this because you and I both know:

1. The earth changes continue to increase. VERIFIED BY SCIENCE.
2. The earth continues to wobble. VERIFIED BY SCIENCE.
3. The tectonic plates continue to be knocked around. VERIFIED BY SCIENCE.

I say this because I know and you may or may not know:

2. Sananda, Creator God Aton and others, continue to say that planetary evacuation is imminent.
3. Mother earth WANTS to cleanse her surface of all 3D.
4. Earth’s rotation is slowing down. VERIFIED BY SCIENCE.
5. Earth’s magnetic field is dissolving. VERIFIED BY SCIENCE.

You may not know:

1. Most humans are NOT vibrating at the harmonic of the universe 169443.
2.Humans need to vibrate at 169443 to harmonize with the planetary evacuation beam of light.
3. There may not be much time left, in this realm as we know it today.
For those who choose the beam of light… they will finish their upgrades on the spaceships, into higher expressions of themselves… some will return to earth when it is restored, and others will go throughout the universe, as teachers and ambassadors of earth.

This is what I have come to know, and I’m open to the story changing, but it’s not really likely.

I urge you to take break from the earthly DELUSIONS and make room for a REALITY CHECK… 3D EARTH IS ILLUSION, AND IF YOU CHOOSE TO REMAIN LOST IN IT, THEN SO IT SHALL BE.

Henry Makow PhD #wingnut #racist #sexist #conspiracy

I left Canada for Mexico in December 2020 just before the unvaccinated were denied their freedom to travel by plane.

I returned in June 2022 planning to sell my house and return to Mexico permanently.

I quickly realized that, although brain-dead, (politics, media, schools-universities, churches) the country was still alive and kicking. Free enterprise is resilient.

During the dark days of the COVID hoax, I had given up on my homeland but on returning I realized the meaning of home. This is my home. I have lived here practically all of my 72 years. I have always been a Canadian nationalist and did my PHD in Canadian literature. I belong here.

I am not going to let a Communist dictator, Fidel Castro's son, steal my country from me. I belong here. He doesn't.

I was here before him. I reported his birth on the front page of the Ottawa Journal Dec 26, 1971.

I have fought for this country all of my life, and I intend to go down fighting.

I am an assimilated Jew. That means I put the human race, and my country first.

I am a fish out of water in Mexico.
The things I don't like are obvious. I feel unwelcome as a white person. (Yes, I identify as white.) Throughout the West, globalist Jews are replacing people of European origin. I hate that the globalists are flooding the West with single young male migrants who one day could constitute a military occupation force.

Whites are already missing from TV, TV commercials and political power. I resent that the mass media has abandoned its responsibility to uphold the public interest and report the facts objectively. It has gone over to spewing propaganda. I hate that Canadian docilely accepted all the woke bullshit and feminism but the tide is turning. The globalists are going to be defeated and I am going to celebrate the victory for nationalism.

@AussiegirlAnna #conspiracy #crackpot #magick

This is what they are indoctrinating your kids with. This is the low vibrational 3D energy that they want to keep the world in as long as possible.

They want you to be godless, sexless, genderless, childless, depressed, anxious, afraid, fat, drug addicted, lonely, physically weak, mentally weak, in debt, isolated, living in a pod, eating bugs, and dependent on the state for everything.

Truth is the first step to freeing ourselves from the hologram reality, raising the collective consciousness of humanity so that we could move into the new 5D Earth.

Once humanity can identify the evil, we can surely get rid of it.

All my love to you good people,


Join @awakenedspecies

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Nearly 5 million illegal immigrants have crossed our southern border since Biden took office.

This country desperately needs an immigration moratorium, along with deportations on a massive scale.

@DrPaulGosar 35-40 million need to be deported.



@DrPaulGosar The majority of this country agrees with you, so what's stopping it?

@ScreamThyLast @DrPaulGosar the (((you know what)))


@DrPaulGosar Communist invasion.

@MichaelHudson @DrPaulGosar they're not 'communist'. They're brown people.

@bjornagain @DrPaulGosar Borders where opened by the Israeli Communist lobby, the most power lobby in the United States Government.

@MichaelHudson @DrPaulGosar borders were opened by commies, to bring in brown people. The invaders aren't 'commies'. They're just brown people

@MichaelHudson @DrPaulGosar Shit-skin invasion

@DrPaulGosar what it needs is thousands of real American patriots on the border, with weapons, doing the job the incompetent, government shills won't do. the same incompetent, government shills who would lock said American patriots up in a heartbeat.

( @Patriot_777 )
@DrPaulGosar How long will it take to remove all of them? Years? Decades? It never should have happened in the first place.

( @LurkingTachyon )
@Patriot_777 @DrPaulGosar Look up Operation Wetback. Use the national guard and militia to go from the north to the south. We can have the entire country cleaned up in less than a year. Suddenly taxes will fall, affordable housing will be available, and most states will instantly turn red.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The U.S. already gives out more money in foreign aid than any other country in the world - but neocons and war mongers keep adding to the total, even when Americans are hurting at home.

We need a Foreign Aid Moratorium.

We need to put America First.

@DrPaulGosar Maybe Israel could send some money to us for a change.

@getalonghome @DrPaulGosar what's they're major export? Faggotry?

@DrPaulGosar The private central bank should stop printing money to send for foreign aid. Let those countries borrow the money themselves. If the US is stupid enough to borrow money (with interest) for foreign military conquests, then they are obviously not smart enough to properly handle a budget. End the FED, cut congress' purse strings. If any of us ran a household budget like Congress, we'd have already been jailed for fraud and racketeering.

@DrPaulGosar But when Democrats like Biden, Pelosi and others are getting money laundered and kicked back to them, you;re fighting a losing battle. That's why they are hanging on so tight to the Ukraine Funds and Chinese Frauds.

@DrPaulGosar quit calling it aid. It's money laundering. None of it aids anyone except the elite of the country it goes to, and the kickbacks funneled directly into democratic AND rhino Republicans pocketbooks.

Rep. Mike Johnson and 32 other Republican Congresmen #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia

A national 'Don't Say Gay' law? Republicans introduce bill to restrict LGBTQ-related programs

The bill’s definition of “sexually-oriented material” includes anything that relates to sexual orientation or gender identity.

Congressional Republicans introduced what some are calling a national version of Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill — or what critics have dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill.

Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana and 32 other Republican members of Congress on Tuesday introduced the Stop the Sexualization of Children Act of 2022, which would prohibit the use of federal funds “to develop, implement, facilitate, or fund any sexually-oriented program, event, or literature for children under the age of 10, and for other purposes.”

The bill defines “sexually-oriented material” as “any depiction, description, or simulation of sexual activity, any lewd or lascivious depiction or description of human genitals, or any topic involving gender identity, gender dysphoria, transgenderism, sexual orientation, or related subjects.”

The sweeping legislation would affect all federally funded facilities and programs, which would include public libraries, federally funded schools, military bases and hospitals. It would prohibit schools, for example, from providing sex education or library books that include LGBTQ topics to children under 10. It would also bar public libraries from using funds to host Drag Story Hour events — a national program started in 2015 in which drag performers read children’s books to kids.

Johnson described the bill as “commonsense.”

“The Democrat Party and their cultural allies are on a misguided crusade to immerse young children in sexual imagery and radical gender ideology,” he said in a statement. “No federal tax dollars should go to any federal, state, or local government agencies, or private organizations that intentionally expose children under 10 years of age to sexually explicit material.”

Some critics on social media have called the bill a version of Florida’s recently enacted Parental Rights in Education law “on steroids.”


PPEcel #dunning-kruger #psycho

An open letter to the families of the victims and survivors of the Parkland school shooting

Dear Normies,

Four years ago, as poor Nicky Cruz here was being arraigned, he offered you a deal. He would plead guilty to 17 counts of first-degree murder and another 17 counts of attempted first-degree murder right then and there if you didn't pursue the death penalty.

You said no.

Now you want to stage press conferences and say that the "jury failed you" and that you're "disgusted by the jury"? Now you're mad "at the system" and think that the verdict was "insane" and that "justice wasn't served today"?

Sweaty, that's an entitled mindset. So I humbly present to you the following advice:

Be less entitled and selfish.

Yes, it may have been upsetting to hear graphic testimony describing how your sons and daughters were ruthlessly shredded by a semi-automatic rifle. But as I said, you are not entitled to a death sentence.

Demonstrate empathy.

Nicky Cruz also deserves empathy. Imagine the torment and bullying that he must have experienced for there to be enough hatred within him to make the fateful decision to slaughter your sons and daughters at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Thankfully, three jurors showed him the empathy he deserved, even though you showed none.

Accept that life isn't fair.

Because it isn't. Your offspring are dead. Nicky Cruz will be placed in protective custody and he will receive three hot meals a day, showers, and mail from his fans and admirers. He may even be allowed a tablet, radio, and TV in his cell with good behavior.

Acknowledge your privilege.

The fact that you were even able to reproduce accords a level of genetic privilege that many others do not have. Some of you can always create a replacement child, right?

Be grateful for what you have (left).

Repeat after me:

“Someone somewhere has it much worse than you, so don’t complain.”
“Learn to be happy with yourself. Don’t make your well-being dependent on your (lack of) children.”
“Having non-dead children won’t solve all your problems.”
“People with living children have problems too, you know? The grass is always greener on the other side of the cemetery fence.”

Matt Walsh et al. #conspiracy #pratt #transphobia #wingnut

(NOTE: Those are the quotes of various speakers from "Rally To End Child Mutilation", reposted by the DW account.)

@MattWalshBlog confronts Antifa protesters: "They don't want you to hear what we have to say because they're cowards. They can't engage in the argument. All they could try to do is shut us down and silence us. But it's not going to work...We're not going anywhere."

"There is...a conspiracy to target and indoctrinate our children into the cult of gender ideology. [It] fosters delusion, intentionally creates an identity crisis in young, impressionable kids...It's a path to confusion and despair."

"I'm not going to leave it to my kids to fight this fight...We stand up and we fight...And we're not just fighting to protect our kids from mutilation in the name of gender transition. We're fighting that but an even deeper level. We are fighting for truth."

@LandonStarbuck: "We are so grateful to the...survivors of radical gender ideology that devastates families, that decimates children's bodies and does not protect them or give them the health care they need and deserve. That is why we're here today."

to counter-protesters: "We're so sorry that you've been lied to, exploited...We hope that one day you'll join us and you'll have compassion for that. Vulnerable compassion for the children who have been maimed and abused."

@TulsiGabbard: "Today, though, is those in power denying the existence of women. They are seeking to erase us as an entire category of people. There are no boundaries in our society...Who is suffering as a consequence of these actions? It is the most vulnerable...our children. Our kids need us now."

De-transitioner @ChoooCole: "Some say that transition regret is incredibly rare and...almost always due to external factors such as social pressures or low income. This could not be any more false. A new de-transitioner often a minor reaches out to me on nearly a daily basis."

Scott Newgent: "Within this debate, a bigot today is a hero tomorrow...Are you willing to take the heat today to be a hero tomorrow to save a generation of children?"

The Grinch #sexist

Male feminists are traitors and cuckolds

Imagine engaging in the war against masculinity as a male, you must really hate yourself and every other male on this earth.

Of course, a man who says shit like: "Women Are better than men" is just doing virtue signaling and trying to gain "good boy points“ in society and probably get some Pussy as a reward, like: Look at me, i am such a good boy, i don’t care about personal benefit, i only care about the benefit of women, i support women, even though they don’t support me, i am so selfless and a good boy.

At least, that’s what i hope, because otherwise it would mean, he hates his own gender, which automatically means, he hates himself.
They are like white cucks who suck the cocks of blacks, because they feel guilty.

I‘m not saying, men should support each other, what i am saying is, that male feminists simply despise themselves and because by fighting against the male gender, they are fighting against themselves like self hating cuckolds, the brainwashing is working on them very well.

I hate nothing more than male feminists

Lila Rose #fundie #sexist #wingnut

Really tired of the media‘s outright LIE that all American women were so upset when Roe was overturned. Absolutely not. Millions of women celebrated. We still do. And now we are fighting our hardest to make sure laws protect all children. Abortion is sick & evil & we will end it.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut

RE: A More Diverse America Turns Against Racial Preferences


When Proposition 16 was put on the ballot, Californians voted it down by a 14-point margin. Even a state that voted nearly 2 to 1 for Joe Biden affirmed its opposition to racial preferences.

Even more surprising, 68% of Hispanics, 63% of Asians and 59% of blacks also opposed it.

Do you suppose they understood the question?

Bingo. Blacks and much of the Latinx (ironic) believe the media propaganda that Blacks and the Latinex are the victims of "racism." They honestly have no idea that these "preferences" help them.

(ilya muromets)
They might have understood the implications of having incompetent personal that got admitted in colleges by virtue of their race alone?

Maybe they have just enough intellect to understand those implications?

(Marc Zuckurburg)
In related fake news, kids have stopped liking ice cream.

I can believe Asians are against racial preferences but I highly doubt that many Blacks and Hispanics are against it.

(Darien X)
No way, it’s probably a red herring to throw everyone off the scent.

I honestly don't think most Black/Hispanics understood the realty of the situation that they benefit immensely from said racial preferences in college admissions and assumed it benefitted Whites...

They can do all the polls they want but there is no real world indication that blacks oppose preferential treatment for jobs, education, or anything else that benefits them. None. Zero. Nada.

(Darien X)
Absolutely not. Like you said, they probably didn’t understand the question. All other indicators like blacks voting over 90% Democrat say otherwise. Since when did they refuse freebees?

(Jay Alexander)
I think they probably misunderstood the question. When they saw "racial preferences" they probably thought it meant racial preference and privilege in favor of Whites. If the question made it explicit that they were using preferences to boost black and brown representation and to increase "equitable outcomes" then I suspect the responses would have been precisely the opposite.

They obviously don’t understand that it’s for them and their colorful allies.

PPEcel #sexist #transphobia #wingnut

Hypocrisy Mentally ill faggot screams into megaphone directly at an elderly foid's face during protest


“F— you, you f—king white cracker. F— you, you ugly piece of sh—!”

A male far-left militant screams a racist slur over a bullhorn in the face of a woman. Far-left radicals have descended on the state capitol in Nashville to try & shut down @MattWalshBlog.

The video says it all, really.

Here's my question: How much of a meltdown would Reddit have if an incel did the same thing to a woman holding a sign during a feminist rally? Methinks they would start ranting about harassment. So why is it that the soycucks are OK with this type of behavior from faggots?

You can tell there's something cuckoo about SJWs in general. No sane person behaves like that in public.

why does """he""" look like a literal woman

It's a man that's pumped full of all sorts of chemicals so he can LARP as a femoid. A goddamned freak.

Gregcyber #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #fundie #psycho #racist #sexist

Re: Taylor Swift Will Release Midnights Teaser During Prime Video's Thursday Night Football

from a previous Taylor Swift video:


Long ago she would be burned in a fire till death for mating and or promoting sex with the African Apes and African Dogs or any Bestiality.
It was in the bible long ago to kill these animals that mate outside of their own race, when the white race was pure.

But somehow, religion promotes Bestiality now.

Exodus 22:19

19 “Whoever lies with an animal shall be put to death.

As sperm from mammals is the smallest cell in the mammal's body and sperm is programed to invade cells and release its DNA Package into the living cell. Kind of like a virus.

This has to do with Males DNA being sharded with the other man or beast.
Aids is a DNA Package that finds compatible cells to host the DNA.
DNA and sperm are smart cells and when sperm finds a male-on-male cell, the DNA, by nature tries to kill the Male on Male.

Africans have a corrupted blood cell, Sickle Cell Disease and think, black tight curly hair follicles that are not found on any other mammal.

The African she lays with is her lust for sex pleasure, and she created the life forum just for sex.
What she did not know, is the power of nature, taking in the male's sperm of a beast (serpent) would change her DNA into a beast.
Females have more pleasure nerves in the reproductive glands / organ then male mammals, and the sperm from the male mammal is like the tree of knowledge.

If the female takes in enough male sperm, by drinking by mouth and using her Birth Canal to take in male sperm, where the eggs (fruit) are, and repletely over one time or many times, depending on how foreign the two life forums are, the male's sperm will slowly program the female's DNA to conceive and reproduce life, that's the power of nature.

Males and Females are God like; they create life in their own image, like a female can create corrupted life forums and then share it with the males.
The Great redeemer hides the sins of man and beast.

If a female seeks pleasure any way she can, the female is the slave master and will enslave her man, sons, father and brothers for she lusts of comforts.

r/shiftingrealities #crackpot #magick

What is shifting?

Shifting is the act of sending your consciousness to a different reality. You can go to any reality you want, whether it be 2D or 3D, from a movie/book/show/anime, or a past memory of your life. It can be a future version of your CR that you'd like to experience, an alternate version of your CR where you have wings, or an alternate CR where you live in a different country. It can even be a dream or a world you created entirely on your own in your head.

How is shifting even possible?

There are different explanations for how this is possible, such as the multiverse theory and the idea that shifting is a transliminal experience. However, the core belief in why shifting works the way it does is rooted in the multiverse theory.

Good multiverse theory sources: (1) (2) (3)


Isn't shifting just a dream / lucid dreaming / astral projecting?

No. Let me better explain by clearly distinguishing the differences:

Dream - Hazy, uncontrolled, bizarre things can happen. You're not aware it's a dream as you dream. Reality checks may fail. You either wake up or are awoken somehow eventually.


Shifting - You gain consciousness in your desired reality, a reality you have subconsciously specified you want to go to. […]

Is shifting linked to mental illness?

There has not currently been a scientific link made between shifting and any mental illnesses.

Is shifting just daydreaming / my imagination?

No. Read the above Is shifting just a dream / lucid dreaming / astral projecting? for a more in-depth answer.

Is shifting immoral / against religion / a sin?

The short answer is no, it is not. If you're curious about the longer answers, this and this are helpful reads.

Is this all some big inside joke? Are you all just kids/teens doing this for attention?

Believe it or not, the shifting community gets this question all the time. No, this is not an inside joke. No, plenty of the shifting community is 18+. There are countless success stories, and many of the mods here have had personal experiences shifting. You can read other success stories under the "Success!" or "Mini-Shift" flairs.

hiscosmicgoldfish/Ishraqiyun/Xpistis sopheiaX #fundie #magick #conspiracy

Am I correct in thinking that the god Yahweh of the exodus etc. was a creation of the archons, and that Jesus was on a mission to expose this jealous, angry Yahweh? What are archons? Of late I have been thinking that this murderous psychopath, Yahweh, cannot be God, but was an imposter.

Yeah, YHWH - Yaldabaoth was the father and chief of the archons. The archons are beings of ignorance, sleep, and psychological disorder that seem to be ruled by unconscious drives for power and domination. Out of their ignorance evil often arises. They are jealous of humanity because of our divine spark and they try to keep us hypnotized and asleep so that we do not correct our mistakes and so that we come to lack a high level of awareness. They are beings of a psychic rather than spiritual nature. They may have strong powers of logical thought but lack imagination or inspiration. They are often described as reptilian in nature, or locust like, and in more modern times as robotic machine beings. They are alien inorganic forms of life that often have a parasitic relation to man. The grey aliens of UFO lore are good example.

<Xpistis sopheiaX>

Yes, YHWH is basically the first archon.

Part of Christ's mission was to free us from the control of the archons, as it is our duty now.

From the time I was 10 years old I could tell a serious difference between YHWH and Christ, and was always baffled by how they could possibly be so different. I was always told that there "is no difference" which is obviously a lie. It came as no shock to me to find that some of the earliest Christians felt the same way.

However, I don't know how literally you want to consider YHWH as an actual entity. I'm more of the opinion that YHWH is simply a false image of God. He doesn't actually exist outside of people's minds and Bibles.

Unnamed Bratislava gunman #wingnut #psycho #homophobia #racist #conspiracy #transphobia

On October 12, a 19-year-old man opened fire in front of an LGBTQ+ bar in Bratislava, Slovakia, killing two people and injuring a third before he was found dead the following morning[…]
The ADL Center on Extremism’s investigation also revealed that for over a year the shooter had been posting violent and hateful content publicly on Twitter[…]
His targeting of an LGBTQ+ venue was not a coincidence: his manifesto regularly references his hatred of the LGBTQ+ community and his belief that they are responsible for perceived “cultural degeneracy.” Throughout his screed, he routinely refers to the LGBTQ+ community using various slurs and asserts that they are responsible for “grooming” children[…]
Perpetrator’s worldview was poisoned by antisemitism. On the very first page of his manifesto, the attacker blames Jews for a host of global problems, asserting that Jewish people control the media and financial system and accusing Jews of being responsible for perceived societal degeneracy, namely by supporting the LGBTQ+ community. The shooter alleges that Jewish people are implementing a plan for global domination that will ultimately result in the destruction of the white race unless white people stand up and fight

Within the manifesto, the shooter references the “14 words”[…]
The Bratislava shooter subscribed to accelerationism[…]He cites prominent white supremacist William Pierce’s call to take actions to destroy ZOG as soon as possible[…]
Among his tweets were racist slurs, white supremacist 4chan screenshots, posts glorifying other mass shooters and Nazi war criminals as heroes, and several images of the Nazi sonnenrad[…]
Gunman also scoped out the bar he eventually attacked and shared photos of himself outside the venue in August[…]
Already, violent extremists have begun lauding the Bratislava shooter as a “saint,” equating him to earlier white supremacist terrorists—the very ones that he had admired

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