Various commenters #homophobia #wingnut


spoilerimage description: an U-Haul truck with a banner reading "Homosexuals can not reproduce so they must recruit"


Phobia is a buzzword, that does indeed need to be quashed.

The banner is correct.

Being disgusted by deviant behavior, (and the mentally deficient) is not equal to being "in fear of".

@Projection Look out for any multinational companies who “support” these freaks and boycott accordingly. They’ll soon learn.

@Projection I thought men could get pregnant now???


Sad that homos are infiltrating the GOP, telling the lie that they are conservative.


@Projection so far they have recruited AIDS and monkey pox

@Projection All of these fags and dykes must die.

@Projection Heterosexuals... preventing mass extinction for millennia...

@Projection Exactly. They should not be allowed to adopt especially 2 men. Babies need a straight mother whether biological or adoptive. They need a mother and father who will do right by them.

@Projection. Shouldn't there be a tee shirt

Sexual Deviancy "Gay is nothing to be prideful of"

I'm not sure if they need to recruit... I think there is sexual deviation in all of us (as well as greed and a propensity for violence). Unfortunately, the current climate encourages us to act on our sinful thoughts. Not sure if that bus is the best counter-measure. But I don't have a better solution set yet.

@Projection 2022 and we have living homosexuals instead of flying cars

Various commenters #homophobia #fundie

You think the police will beat and arrest gays going to bath houses and glory hole bars to flatten the monkeypox curve the way they did with Christians going to church and gyms?

@CosmonautKatyusha No, because they are also big gay

@CosmonautKatyusha no, they will flatten the monkeypox curve by beating Christians going to church and gyms


Who do you think is on the glory side of that hole?

More like the cops are going to join in bunch of fucking fagots!

@CosmonautKatyusha they shoupd gas them

No because police are all fags.

@CosmonautKatyusha The police are the henchmen of the Synagogue of Satan – they just don't know it because most are too stupid.

@CosmonautKatyusha no. Instead the gays will get billions in funding for vaccines and research, just like they did with aids. Can’t ask the gays to stop their promiscuous sex, that would be homophobic.

Let them sodomize themselves to death...who cares

@CosmonautKatyusha Actually, let's hope not. It will become a self-correcting problem. Monkeypox=Aids 2.0


Oy Vey! Not in the least as the satanic pedophiles enjoy butt blasting!

@CosmonautKatyusha lol fuck no they won't, that'd be filed as a gate crime against them and the degenerates would easily win that multimillion dollar class action case.

@CosmonautKatyusha queers are a protected class and Christian’s are an open season no bag limit

@CosmonautKatyusha I think they need to make it mandatory fo rthem to have their assholes stitched shut and give them colostomy bags since they clearly has no idea what an asshole is for. They have given the world HIV/AIDS and now MonkeyPox, i believe all of them need to be rounded up and placed in re-education camps. They are a threat to global health and the well being of the entire global population.

BiggerTrees #wingnut

Obviously not all prochoicers, but a significant amount, suffer from tokophobia; therefore they describe pregnancy as this awful body horror, that will end in ripped genitals or abdominal mutilation every time without the beautiful "way out" that is abortion. Therefore they will find a way to excuse anything, as long as it saves them from their worst nightmare... Well, anything besides not enjoying vaginal intercourse with partners who can impregnate, apparently.

Tell these people that they are free not to buy tickets for the lottery where the big prize is literally their worst effing nightmare. Forcing anyone to play is illegal already. So it's indeed a choice. You think pregnancy is a blessing..? Cool, we're all free to act accordingly. You think pregnancy is literal torture / punishment / your worst nightmare...? Cool, we're all free to act accordingly. Just maybe, your unfortunate phobia is a personal problem, and the solution shouldn't be "what if we ALL agreed that unborn human life is just utterly worthless.. unless someone happens to want it there.? 'Cos that'd be better for me, thanks." But then, I suppose that living in a reality that doesn't exist primarily to cater to their own self interests regarding what they personally like and do not like is "torture" too.

MTKintsugi #wingnut

RE: Why fetus is considered woman's body if it is created by fusion of man's sperm and woman's egg and it only feeds off woman? I would understand if fetus was only womans egg, but its also man's cell. Born kids are also feed off woman yet nobody says they are woman's body.

The unborn are not the woman’s body. The woman simply claims ownership due to location. It’s basically slavery.

Ho- How is that slavery? Im putting the organs in my body to work with no pay. Is that slavery? No, It's not. Just like the mother calling the fetus her's, it's not slavery! It has no thought, no life to be killed. Its a possiblity, that's it. But if that "child" is saved lets say, they miss behave then what are you gonna do? Say " I brought you into this world and I can take you out." God dammit.

Deciding that another person is your property is slavery.

And thats not a person, its a possiblity.

There was a time where the US Supreme Court said that slaves were not fully human. They did this to deny them their humanity and to excuse their mistreatment so that they would continue to be treated less than human.

The Dred-Scott decision was wrong and was later reversed because it was wrong.

Denying the humanity of the unborn is no less egregious and just as wrong as denying other human beings their humanity.

Your argument is a losing one.

Oh real rich coming from the same side as the people who wish to deny the humanity of trans people and just queer people as a whole, seeing us as mentally ill and pedophiles, groomers and the like. So I could say the same about your argument.

The topic of trans rights is separate from this. This is the topic. Stick to the topic. Trans rights and mental Illness are another discussion.

However, I don’t see anyone actively denying the right to life of trans people.

Gilles Mansillon #crackpot #ufo #magick

What crystals are:

- Crystals are living entities and not objects.

They exist in two states:

closed (dormant)

open (active)

They are commended open by the mind or a series of sound vibrations. They hold a lot of information about our own crystal line form (the human body). And this information leads to a better connection to the soul and the spirit.

- There are two forms of crystals:

organic (those we have available at this time)

genetic (those we will use in the future or those found in the time chamber of the AA site)

Their importance, and how can they be used:

- The organic crystals are programmed to lead toward understanding on how to create, grow or import genetic ones.

- Crystals respond to mental command (telepathic communication) and also to sound vibrations, such as Tibetan bowls and other toning devises. They are very receptive to certain frequencies, more specially the frequency of love unconditional.

- Genetic crystals are designed, grown or created for specific functions, such as: data processing, energy broadcast, energy fields, propulsion systems, healing, scanning and sensing devises... Cooper is very conducive for such energy in its technological aspects.

Such technologically engineered crystals were what was used once on Atlantis and we will at some point in time find again a way to use them, so that we may stop polluting the Earth and better the quality of life. We can access through them or tap into an unlimited and abundant source of intelligent energy (photon energy), which is already present, but not harvested.
I was introduced to such technology by a friend and personal guide of mine from the planet Chiron.

I was curious to interact with extraterrestrials and upon my request, he explained to me that i have many friends in other dimensions and it is easier for a human being to visit another civilized planet or dimension, then for extra terrestrial to visit us here, because human beings are not so receptive and most human are not very welcoming of them.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

When I got this email Monday, I was slightly unnerved. It was a reminder that banks can wipe you out any time they want.

They weren't going to post my balance any more. But rest assured, the money is still there and they will continue to charge fees.

What was the purpose of this? I didn't ask. I closed the account.

While waiting to pick up my bank draft, I browsed through the three brochures on display.

One showed a black guy. Another an inter-racial marriage, and a third showed a mixed race family.

Banks are Rothschild franchises, much like McDonald restaurants are McDonald franchises. McDonald's product is a hamburger. The banks' product is Cabalist fairy dust, produced out of thin air and charged to our national credit cards, finagled by the world central banking cartel.

We know the Rothschilds' plans for humanity. That's why banks promote migration, miscegenation and gender dysphoria.

The Rothschilds' WEF is also behind the COVID hoax, vaccine passports and toxic gene therapy disguised as "vaccines."

Yes, we trust our "money" to people who want to eliminate our personal freedom, health, property and destroy our sexual, racial and national identity.


Blacks make up 3.5% of the Canadian population but are grossly over represented in all bank and other advertising.

First the Masonic Jewish bankers replace whites in advertising, then in the country at large.

Whites can be forgiven for thinking that, as customers, they are not welcome.

I don't blame Blacks or any other people for wanting to make a better life for themselves. My parents came to Canada in 1950 for that reason.

I do blame Rothschild shills for using these people to undermine racial cohesion in order to destroy national identity and divide and conquer.

Steve Beckow #conspiracy #ufo #magick #wingnut

My understanding is that what climate change there is is due to one or more of six factors:

(A) To provide an exit route for those who had it in their soul contract, for whatever reason, to leave at this time;

(B) To balance karma for those intending to ascend who still had considerable karma;

(C) To help Gaia make adjustments needed to break free of humanity’s negativity as stored in her body, the Earth;

(D) As a result of changes in our Sun; (3)

(E) As a result of Gaia’s movement into higher consciousness, resulting in turbulent change followed by a more moderate climate worldwide ; and/or

(F) As a result of weather warfare as practiced by the deep state and masked by the media as “natural disasters.”

There’s nothing we can do about (A) – (E). We’re told the galactics are watching over and mitigating the weather process generally. (4)

The Earth Alliance are probably shutting down (F) as we speak. If you consider flooding a vast worldwide network of deep underground military bunkers (DUMBs) to be “weather warfare,” then the Alliance is fighting back.
The Earth Alliance are probably shutting down (F) as we speak. If you consider flooding a vast worldwide network of deep underground military bunkers (DUMBs) to be “weather warfare,” then the Alliance is fighting back.
The cabal appear to be jumping from crisis to crisis, with the assistance of the controlled press. We’ve had a pandemic that seems to have passed, leaving incalculable vaccine death and damage in its wake, and two more pandemics-in-waiting, that don’t appear to have gotten off the launch pad.

We’ve had numerous shootings and a constitutional circus on Capitol Hill to deflect attention. An unopposed open border, leaving the Taliban $80 plus billion worth of military equipment, selling needed oil abroad, disarming the citizenry, closing down active farmland. How many dots make a picture?

This is the twilight of the gods and the gods are not leaving quietly.

scalliano #wingnut #pratt

But no, like all fascistic movements, Gamergate missed the mark from the start, blamed everything on marginalized people with little actual power and allowed itself to be used as the watchdogs of an oppressive industry that was more than happy to sit back and enjoy the show - because at the end of the day those self-proclaimed crusaders for "ethics in video game journalism" would give the industry their money anyway.

Really? I must have been reading about an entirely different GamerGate. You know, the one that #NotYourShield became a big part of after all those hitpieces dropped at exactly the same time?

Internet shitfights are not fascism. I live in a country with an actual far right contingent, and GG ain't it.

This is why you can't cite Wikipedia in academic studies.

Spider #ableist #dunning-kruger #sexist #racist

I dunno about a beta uprising, but -something- is going to happen within our lifetime.

Autism Statistics You Need To Know in 2022

Let's not be retarded here, autism doesn't exist. Anyone here could get an autism diagnosis if they really wanted to. Autism is just what the normies say we have because they can't comprehend that someone has the capability to be so socially retarded without there being something physically wrong inside your head. The fact that men are 4x as likely to get diagnosed is proof of this.

Supposedly we're on track to over half of kids being diagnosed by 2025 and only increase from there. Literally by definition it's not a disorder at that point, it's the norm. Here's another fun stat; only 5% of diagnosed autists ever find love and get married, despite the overwhelming majority wanting to have a relationship.

Combine those two and jesus fucking christ bros, we're on a runaway train towards critical mass here. I only used stats that are easy to prove, who the hell knows how many outliers like us there are.

Realistically I expect nothing to happen until the autistic generation who were raised by smartphones get to be voting age. Socially stunted losers aren't exactly going to cause a fuss and foids will be more than happy to keep fucking the top 20%. But honestly who knows, maybe the alt right will own the government and start killing jews and kikes again by that point.

retards don't produce offspring.

u right, good thing abortion is gone so all those staceys will be forced to birth autistic kids

Andrew Anglin #racist #psycho #fundie

[From "Anal Pope Fraudulently Claims White People Did “Evil” to Whale-Killing Eskimo Scum"]

Eskimo people are what’s evil. What they did to white people was evil. The only thing indigenous people did that was even remotely worthwhile was try to exterminate whales

The whales had it coming. But white Canadians were just trying to teach these ice niggers not to act like a bunch of goofy twerps

These fake Indian mass graves, and the implication that every Indian who ever died was like, beaten to death by a Catholic priest, is Greta Thunberg/Anthony Fauci tier

Frankly, Anthony Fauci should inseminate Greta Thunberg and then their child should be the new Pope


Pope Francis said on Sunday his trip to Canada next week will be a “pilgrimage of penance” that he hopes can help heal the wrongs done to indigenous people by Roman Catholic priests and nuns who ran abusive residential schools[…]

The Pope is evil

How do Catholics explain this?

I agree with basically all Catholic doctrin[…]But the issue is – I don’t understand how there can be an evil Pope[…]
I want to convert to Catholicism[…]but I do kind of feel like the Russians are right. Russian Catholicism is just Roman Catholicism without the Pope[…]
There is no tradition of Russian Catholicism in America, whereas all of our ancestors were Roman Catholics[…]Calvinism is the only real protestantism, and I fundamentally disagree with it. But if you’re a protestant and not a Calvinist, then you might as well believe in some kind of Seventh Day Adventist negro jive[…]
My only regret is that more Eskimos were not beaten to death, and that these lazy little rats couldn’t even manage to genocide whales

@ImWatson91 #transphobia

"why are you so obsessed with gender issues!?"

Because it's harming children.

Because it's harming women, like me

Because it's homophobic.

Because it's complete and utter bullshit that no sane person takes seriously.

Because you were never taught to respect 'NO.'

Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Marjorie Taylor Greene)

spoilerToday, and every day, PRAY to end abortion in America

@RealMarjorieGreene Pray for a congressperson who stands up for white people and white racial interests.

Hey @SanctusCrusader,

It looks like @REDPILLPORTAL and @Seeingclearly have common interests...

They're both faggots.

@RealMarjorieGreene Ending abortion means 4-5 times as many niggers being born, which means bigger versions of the Floyd summer, and faster racial replacement. But I'm not surprised that you would support this, you love Israel.

@RealMarjorieGreene Every Sunday it seems you post the same thing to pray for! Can we pray for something else. How about those J6ers, I bet they could use our prayers! Abortion has almost been eliminated by red states and all the praying in the world won't get the blue states to change. Can we just move on!

Surprised that you say that ,bc..." abortion is a jew right " , and you are ISRAEL FIRST

@Mikemiami76 @RealMarjorieGreene Abortion is only Jewish if it's white babies getting aborted, besides that abortion is actually great lol you anti semites are not fooling me 🤡

@RealMarjorieGreene I effing hate all you anti abortion idiots it was the only way to keep the nigger population under control, you have killed us MJT you effing dummy. Good job pushing the globohomo agenda of ending Whites you will be remembered as a traitor to your race and when the war starts you are on the list to be hung!!

@RealMarjorieGreene Abortiion is more necessary than ever to avoid such idiots like this one -- she did not "pray" to get money but makes good deals with shares of NWO corportations while letting you "pray" and starve -- and produce not aborted 70 % more unwanted negroes who will kill, rape, shoot YOU and not her in her Millionaires home

@WeirdRat @RealMarjorieGreene Pro abortion and racism go hand in hand, the founder of planned Parenthood knew that.

Various commenters #wingnut #magick #conspiracy #quack #fundie


spoilerCycle: "I meet someone" -> "we talk" -> "I mention the Satanists at CERN trying to open a portal to hell" -> "they leave"

Shit! I can’t even tell someone who just lost a loved one to blood clots and myocarditis that the experimental vaccine has these side effects ,and to quit taking boosters. People have become irrational and shut down when facts that make them think are presented. I’ve lost faith in humanity. They’re too stupid.

@NeonRevolt They are scientists trying to communicate with aliens from another dimension. Yes they are actually demons.

Synagogues are already portals to hell, seems wasteful to make a new one.

I had met someone that was talking about a show they watched and. We talked about the good stuff in it . Conversation was going wonderful and peaceful . I asked what they didn’t like about it and I understood why . Then I mention the part I didn’t like about it like two little girls making out for a kids show is just horrible and sick . The conversation between us went down hill and they called me fascist and nazi . I was like how am I a nazi or fascist for stating that ? They said I was sick for looking at it that way . I said you are sick for thinking these things are acceptable and that is the top reason we have problems to this day is because of people that support same gender little kids making out for a pg show that kids watch . They did not want anything to do with me after stating the truth . Shame how these sick minded humans are accepting and supporting things that only a devil would approve .

Don't feel bad. Same thing happens to me at the bar when I get buzzed and start ranting about one world government.

@NeonRevolt Can they actually open a portal to hell? I wouldn't think God would allow that. Still, I would say there are Satanists involved.

@NeonRevolt Man is NOT God and needs to stop trying to emulate being one. Using people with mental illness as guinea pigs in their attempts to unsuccessfully "transform" them into a different sex is one example. Whether or not they're trying to open a porthole to aliens or demons it is still very deeply conCERNing.

various commenters #wingnut

RE: Why can’t a rape victim get an abortion?

1.because the child did nothing wrong and no amount of personal suffering justifies you killing someone who has done nothing to you

2. around 32k women get pregnant due to rape in the US every year, killing 32k non rapist isnt going to bring that number down

3. the US has about 600k abortions every year around 1% of those are due to rape, that is around 6 k, lets just to prove a point say say that that 1% is in fact 2% (but some don't want to admit it for some reason, and lets ignore the fact that that would mean the 32k number is much bigger)that puts the number at 12k... that is still less than half of the women who get pregnant from rape, in other words even most rape victims don't resort to killing their child just because something unfortunate happened to them

Why are you pro-life, and how are those reasons affected by whether the person seeking to kill the unborn human being is a rape victim?

If a rape victim wants to kill her baby who has been born (say, because she was extremely traumatised and this was the first opportunity she had to safely do so), would that be wrong? What, if anything, is different when the baby is unborn?

Here's my take:

1. An innocent life should not EVER have to be murdered for the sins of the father.

2. The exception would swallow the rule. Everyone would start claiming rape to get out of an unwanted pregnancy post-Dobbs. Meanwhile no one has the stones to require women to make formal police reports, submit to a rape kit test, or prosecute the rapist criminally to qualify for this exception. Hate to tell you, but women have been known to lie sometimes about occurrences of rape and sexual assault. See, e.g., Julie Swetnick, the Duke Lacrosse team, "Mattress Girl" at Columbia U., and that frat at UVA/Rolling Stone.

Circumstances surrounding the conception of a life don't lessen the value of a life.

The child shouldn’t die for a crime it did not commit

various commenters #wingnut


How should abortions be punished
Assuming we are not talking of a situation where an abortion is needed to save the mothers life, what do you all think about how planned and performed abortions should be punished?

They should go after the doctors and facilities that perform them. Charge doctors with murder, and any nurses, secretaries, or higher ups helping out as accomplices. Immediately shut down any facility that hosts it.

Prison is the appropriate punishment imo. For everyone involved.

Death penalty

We The People News #wingnut #conspiracy #quack

Shall we play a new game tonight.
Will it be truth filled with new light.
Or are we going down another dark hole
To see how many of us can be bought and sold.
To the highest bidder of more deception.
Have you all forgotten your last life lesson.
When you were told it’s just a month.
Now going on two years and still not debunked.
Only the Patriots seeking the truth out.
Know this is all BS, without a doubt.
No pandemic or virus for us to contract
No free and fair elections for them to hack.
No people dying day in and day out.
No children being vaccinated or medicated
So the cabal can continue to rule and eliminate.
Tell me the real truth, is some where out there.
The day that we can all say Freedom without fear.
To all who are really doing your part.
To give us a world out of the dark.
You are the hero’s that we all need.
So all of you keep your head on a swivel and believe.
They are there in some space unseen.
So shine the light on them if you still want us to believe.
That the news you bring is the way it truly is to be.
Stop deceiving the people you claim deserve redemption.
And give us all much needed attention.

#SaveTheChildren….every last one….they are the key for this to be over and done.

©H.I.R.M. J.M. Sovereign: Godsent™ #crackpot #moonbat #conspiracy #mammon

Are you sick and tired of the government interfering with your life? Have you had enough of being railroaded by the system? Have you ever wondered if there really is a way to protect your freedom and your privacy from predatory public servants? Well there is!!! TITLE 4 FLAG SAYS YOU'RE SCHWAG! The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook is the ultimate legal self-defense strategy guide! If you are looking for the peaceful solution to "the government problem", your quest is complete. If you want to know how to prove your case in court without going to law school, this book will show you how!! If you are serious and really want to know how to cut "the government" out of your life forever, this book is the essential sovereignty checklist!!! So fire your public pretender and get the latest and greatest version of TITLE 4 FLAG SAYS YOU'RE SCHWAG! The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook!!! Dispelling the mystery of law and the legal process.
©H.I.R.M. J.M. Sovereign: Godsent™ A prince on the 9 Sacred paths of Catholic, Buddha Rasta, Tao, Maya, Jain, Shivaite, Vaishnava, and Eckankar, he has traveled the world in search of priceless wisdom, humor, melody and artifacts. He has learned the most confidential knowledge and has been given the keys to the Kingdom of God, by the enlightened masters, which he gives entrance to you here, in this book. He has never owned a weapon in his life. Shown the path of ahimsa(non-violence) at an early age, he is a lover of music and art, who has traveled the world to dance with friends at over 400 Grateful Dead shows in 5 countries. Surviving repeated attacks at shows and on the streets, by public employees, and noting the patterns of abuse and the damage done, he concluded that the World needed a treatise on Sovereignty and Reservation of Sovereign Rights. With the Investment of 24 years of field research and litigation along with 8 years of networking and writing, Godsent has turned the nation on its ear.

Vox Day #homophobia #transphobia #fundie

Monkeypox Joe is pro-sodomy, pro-falsehood, and pro-ritual satanic prenatal murder. He’s not one of the good guys. He’s NEVER been one of the good guys; he’s a Hellmouth denizen and a ticket-taker par excellence.

FFS, stop falling for these gatekeeping charades. They’re not only worse than you think, they’re usually worse than you imagine.

kiwi777 kiwi #fundie

May I share a true story with you all. I have spent my life nursing and have held many a hand of the dying, 2 men in my ward, Both were masonic atheists, Both men as they lay dying were screaming and kicking yelling "Help me the Devils are coming" I am not kidding. These poor men died in pure terror. I mean pure utter terror. I managed to get another nurse to pray over one man with me. But it was to late:( ...My precious beautiful Nana as she was dying looked straight through me and said "Jesus" in amazement and then she put out her hand's and said " kingdom come" that was beautiful. But those men I can never forget ever, please take heed death comes to us all.

N9avpcDM #sexist

Foreign wifes, are they the solution to the incel problem that we have today in the United States. As evidenced by the recent spree of killings, inceldom has proven to be detrimental to the safey and tranquility of the US. Can foreign wifes solve the problem?

Have to ask yourself why are marriage rates and birthrate down all over the westernized world? Because the men in their countries do not want their women. There is this general misconception that the white man is going to go to Korea or Japan and get himself a little yellow queen to bring back. This is not going to go the way you think. If these women are so great, why do their own men not want them? Why are government's like Korea getting involved with dating? Now as a white man, you'll get laid. And if you decide to marry them, then do not bring them back to the US. Once they get here and realize they have options, you're divorced raped in 6 months. Hojabi's are the same.

Unfortunately nothing will really fix this problem of "female empowerment" nonsense. The only thing that will is a devastating world war. Were talking where the likes of men become the real commodity with a massive population reduction for the nuclear strikes. The balance must be reset and the only time in history where the balance is reset is when there is massive amounts of life lost due to war.

Until that point anons, keep your money, keep your sanity, smash and move on. The modern woman is not worth it. And not just by her attitude and materialistic nature, but she may not even be able to have kids thanks to all these shots that have been pushed into them.

Viktor Orban #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

“We [Hungarians] are not a mixed race, and we do not want to become a mixed race either” – this is what Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said during his address in Tusnádfürdo (Baile Tusnad), in Central Romania today

Beforehand, he slammed Western European countries and politicians for encouraging illegal migration and mixing their population. He said that Western-European cities were lost to the non-European population. Orbán argued that the West moved to Central Europe, suggesting that this region would be Europe’s future

He added that 2030 would be a turning point in Europe and the USA because that is when the EU and Washington will have to address the conflicts escalating in the 2020s

Addressing the Bálványos Summer University in Baile Tusnad (Tusnádfürdo), Romania, on Saturday, Orbán said the West was fighting against central Europe together with Brussels and financier George Soros’s “troops” to “force migrants on us”[…]
“Our situation has improved but there is still no turnaround, and without a turnaround, Hungary and the Carpathian basin will sooner or later be “repopulated” away from us,” he said. Migration has divided Europe, he said. “The West is split in two”, with one half comprising countries where European and non-European peoples live together. “Those countries are no longer nations”[…]
“In a spiritual sense, the West has moved to central Europe,” he said. The two halves of Europe are locked in a battle, he said. The West has rejected central Europe’s desire to allow each nation to live as they like“

David Chase Taylor #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut

OPERATION ELECTION SABOTAGE: CIA PLOTTING JULY 26, 2022, ASSASSINATIONS, ARSON ATTACKS, BOMBINGS, HOSTAGE CRISIS, KIDNAPPINGS, MASS SHOOTINGS, MOLOTOV COCKTAIL ATACKS, SUICIDE BOMBINGS, TERROR EVENTS, TRUCK BOMBINGS AND/OR VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER RAMMINGS ATTACKS TARGETING: A) DEMOCRATIC PARTY-RELATED CANDIDATES, POLITICIANS AND/OR POLITICAL-REALTED ENTITIES AND/OR B) ELECTION IN NORTH CAROLINA, POSSIBLY ALEX JONES, ANTI-SEMITIC, AMERICAN NAZI PARTY (ANP), AMERICAN SEPERATIST,  ARYAN BROTHERHOOD, ASOV BATTALION, BLACK WATER, BUNDY MILITIA, CONFEDERATE, DARK MAGA, DOMESTIC VIOLENT EXTREMISM, HELLS ANGELS, KU KLUX KLAN , MAGA, NATIONALIST, NEO-NAZI, NRA, OATH KEEPER, PATRIOT FRONT, POW-MIA, PROUD BOYS, REPUBLICAN, RIGHT-WING EXTREMIST, SOVEREIGN CITIZEN, STORMFRONT, THE BASE, US MILITARY, US MILITIA, WHITE SUPREMECIST, EX-ARMY RANGERS AND/OR EX-NAVY SEALS IN NATURE (JULY 25, 2022): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland is Plotting False-Flag Attacks, Bombings and/or Terror Events in America on July 26, 2022, Exactly 316-Days After CIA Staged Arrest of Pro-Trump Terrorist Armed with Bayonet & Machete While Sitting in Truck in Front of Democratic National Committee (DNC) Headquarters in Washington, DC, Back on September 13, 2021, Exactly 552-Days After Joe Biden Became President of the United States Back on January 20, 2021, Exactly 565-Days After 2 Pipe Bombs & 11 Molotov Cocktails Were Allegedly Discovered Near the US Capitol Building Back on January 6, 2021, Exactly 565-Days After CIA Staged Pro-Trump Attack Targeting the US Capitol Building in Washington, DC. Back on January 5, 2021, Exactly 899-Days After CIA Operative Drove His Van Through Red Tent Housing Republican Volunteers Registering People to Vote at Shopping Center in Jacksonville, Florida Back on February 8, 2020, Exactly 1,364-Days After CIA Staged Series of 16 Mail-Based Pipe Bomb-Related Attacks Targeting CNN, Democratic Party Politicians & Prominent Trump Critics

James Howard Kunstler #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia #homophobia

In keeping with the principles of mass formation psychosis, the maliciously insane people in charge of our nation’s affairs will expect you to swallow ever-greater absurdities to maintain their control. But we’re way beyond the “women-with-penises” stage of the mind-fuckery program. Nobody with a functioning brain believes that bullshit anymore — except the people who run the California prison system. Next up, apparently, is a hot little war with Russia or China, a useful distraction from the systematic self-dismantling of Western Civ.
Of course, we have no real strategic national interest in Ukraine. We had no quarrel all the years that the Russian Soviets owned and operated it. We set in motion the current conflict by cooking up the 2014 color revolution. I doubt that a plurality of Americans will fall for another such stupid Hate Russia ploy. We’ve had enough pointless and costly foreign misadventures. This would be a war exceeding the unpopularity of Vietnam and could easily unleash widespread street protests. Only this time the Left will be pro-war and the Party of Chaos will send out its ragtag army of Antifa trannies to make the street protests bloodier. It will be seen for what it is: the ruling regime’s war on its own people. And it will be overcome.
Vying in the absurdity Olympics, the World Health Organization (WHO) just declared Monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) — but only after the outfit’s chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, overruled a WHO committee that voted against such a move. Monkeypox, you understand, is a disease spread almost exclusively among the gay population, that is, men having sex with men, exchanging bodily fluids. Outbreaks have been keyed to gay orgies, especially during the recent June “Pride Month” festivities. Do you think it might be more appropriate for the WHO to issue an advisory against gay orgies?

Timothy Vorgenss #racist #wingnut

Progressives Don’t Stand for Progress

We should not accept the idea that we are conservative. We promote progress. We cannot be satisfied with delaying the victories of the so-called progressive left. This is not our mission.

To the extent that we are conservative, it is only in the service of progress. It is necessary to eliminate useless innovations that compete with useful ones. If I am undergoing surgery, I don’t want a strawberry-flavored anesthetic. I want an effective one.

Ethno-differentiation promotes security, social trust, and therefore productivity. This leads, among many other things, to better medical research, longer life expectancy, quality of life, quality of childhood, artistic achievements . . . . In fact, listing the benefits of separation could become an academic specialty.

Our discourse could become more effective if it were to change in ways we may not have considered. I’m not talking about being right. We are already right. I’m talking about winning the ideas game, of making competing ideas irrelevant.

Our opponents are the champions of broken promises. Why offer progress rather than a return to the past? Let us oppose liberals with a right-wing vision of progress. Perhaps a slogan like this: “Rich or poor, who would not prefer the crime rate of Tokyo rather than Chicago? No more broken progressive promises.”

We must invent identity progressivism. Our arguments might look like this: “We were making such progress. Women were just beginning to enjoy their rights, and now immigrants torment them. Why did you spoil it? Do you hate women? And why force LGBT people to suffer among groups that hate them?” The key is to say such things without irony or sarcasm.

This may not change the outcome of a particular conversation, but it is important to stop always condemning the future and holding up the past as a solution. In the popular mind, white advocacy must evoke words like “solution,” “future,” “progress,” “inevitable.”

Constant repetition establishes a center of gravity, a centripetal dynamic, and anchors a belief in people’s minds. Anchoring the correct beliefs in people’s minds is what we do.

C #sexist #fundie

There needs to be an intervention effort to help girls see the truth before they decide at a young age to be the next CEO. There are hardly any resources or role models that show homemakers as happy, fulfilled and valued. Young women do not even consider it as an option after all the brainwashing in school that teaches them they must work to ‘be somebody important’ and ‘make something of your life’ and to ‘not waste your talent’. Even the young men expect their future wife to ‘contribute to the family’ and to ‘not be a leach’. How backwards! Feminism has essentially taken the feminine out of being a woman. By working like a man you neglect your spouse, resent your time away from your children, wish your children would leave you alone so you can rest up for the next work day and then become lonely with no friends, just co-workers, and no strong family bonds (push that off on daycare, elder care). And we wonder why the divorce rate is so high, children are making bad choices, our health has declined and the depression rate is astronomical.

Burlyman #fundie #conspiracy

I'd be careful with that word 'fool' if I were you. Jesus said that if a man says 'you fool' he deserves to be punished with hellfire.

See, LightWolf is an example of a person who didn't give an immature response. I'll watch the video and explain why the maker of the video is wrong and I'll talk a little bit about "hyperliteralism."

Okay so number 1, flat earthers don't believe in globebuster's model of the sun. The sun can't move faster on some days and slower on other days making some seasons less sunny. It just doesn't make sense. I believe that the model in the book of Enoch is the true model where the sun moves on invisible tracks in the sky and is not affected by gravity.

I haven't checked but I think Globe busters might be a group of shills.

Number 2: The water vapor in the air acts as a convex lens and the suns light doesn't make it across because it is refracted downwards to where it reaches the night sky. There's also a daylight that doesn't come from the sun but it's shut off and is now known as the quantum vacuum.

Globe busters made a big mistake in showing the graphic with the sun opposite the moon all the time like yin and yang, but the moon moves like the sun just slower.

an eclipse happens because the sun and the moon are the same size (about 32 miles wide) and a solar eclipse is when the moon passes over the sun, a lunar eclipse didn't exist in the beginning but there's an invisible object that passes over the moon. The sun does get hotter if you fly towards it but nobody does this, so this guy is right. It's nice how this guy is pleasant when presenting this. The axial tilt of a ball earth doesn't even make sense when you think about it. An area on the ground is still hit with the same radiation. Why would it be cooler?

I think it's safe to say that Globebusters doesn't represent the flat earth community (and neither does the flat earth society). Number 3 proves that they don't know what they're talking about or, more likely, they want to give a nonsensical model of flat earth that just stirs up confusion and dissent.

(It continues like this)

@AthenasWrench & @MaudeYoung #transphobia

Message to India Willoughby, Katy Montgomerie and every man who pretends he is not a man :

"If you want to avoid being classified as a predator, campaign for and achieve your own third and separate spaces and services.

"STOP violating our boundaries against our consent."

(@AthenasWrench )
Message to every deranged cosplaying woman hating loon. The answer is NO! Make your own spaces and get lost out of ours

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

I couldn't give a flying fuck who was where before who.

We're here NOW.

OUR ancestors, WHITE PEOPLE, fought for this land and won it in blood, sweat, and tears. OUR PEOPLE forged the world's greatest superpower from a hostile wilderness that was previously inhabited by primitive subhuman savages who were still stuck in the stone age.

@Nature_and_Race mexicans were here before us.

@Nature_and_Race - Our ancestors settled this rugged landscape and built America from nothing. We are indigenous to the nation, Mexicans aren't.

@Valhalla_calling @Nature_and_Race I've always hated this entire concept that Americans have that we aren't "native" to our own country.

No matter your belief system, I don't think anyone believes that humans just spontaneously spawned all over the world simultaneously, so we all came from somewhere else at some point in history. Obviously most people use the metric of a "native" being a child of the race that built the nation and established its culture, not tracing genealogy all the back to Adam & Eve or some caveman.

If you are White and were born in America, then you are a native American. Those red people are just aborigines, simply the relic of a conquered race of people, and they did not built this country, they lost it to their superiors who did.

@foreverzer0 @Valhalla_calling @Nature_and_Race I think leaving any of the redskins alive was a mistake. Now they're just a broken shell and miserable reminder of what it looks like to be splintered into a thousand pieces.

@foreverzer0 @Valhalla_calling @Nature_and_Race Right. Ex-Siberian mongoloids that walked across the Bering Landbridge before it flooded out. They got dumber as they moved South, eating the megafauna into extinction. Too dumb to tame the horse that evolved here, they are them all.

@Nature_and_Race It never ceases to amaze me how people don't understand America as an entity did not exist until White people built it.

@Nature_and_Race there were no mexicans when Europeans arrived on the North American continent.
That’s how powerful Europeans are. We created a completely new species of human.
Our power is sometimes a curse

@NSSAP , @ThePrimer & @Lord_Solar_Macharius #wingnut

卐 Adolf Hitler is the greatest man to have ever lived. If you actually care about the advancement, and survival of your country, and racial group (regardless of what group it may be) and if you actually care about fighting cultural degeneracy, sexual perversion, and international Jewry, you should become a national socialist (Nazi) we are not the bad guys that the media keeps telling you about. The Holocaust is fake. Check the documentary on my bio for more details. 卐
(note by submitter: profile reads "卐 Atheist Syrian National Socialist (Nazi) Born a Catholic Maronite. Supports the SSNP, but ONLY in its original National Socialist form. To discover the censored truth, watch Europa: The Last Battle -")

@NSSAP I'm of Northern Indian decent (Aryan-Indian part of India), and I see Adolf Hitler as the greatest leader humanity has had since humans have recorded history. All races who take his teachings on and put their people first will benefit. This is why people from Albania, Australia, Armenia, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, China, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Georgia, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iceland, Ireland, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Korea, Latvia, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Lebanon, Netherlands, North Africa, South Africa, Norway, Poland, Palestine, Portugal, Roumania, Serbia-Montenegro, Slovakia, Syria, Slovenia, Spain, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Turkey, and USA fought on the side of the NSDAP.

@NSSAP We are socialists, the only people who get triggered by it are libertarian goofballs and dipshit conservatives who don't know the difference between communism and national socialism.

Neither one is worth taking seriously.

Various commenters #wingnut

Legal Consequences of Abortion
I am very pro-life and I want abortion both illegal and unwanted. However, what exactly does that look like? For something to be illegal, there must be a punishment. Would it be good if the woman went to jail along with the "doctor?" I believe that it is fair because she chose to have her own child killed but then again, the "doctor" is the one who actually did it.

What do y'all think?

I think that at least at first, punishment for women would be too much of a 180 from the current popular position. I think first banning performing abortions with strict punishment, then once it's both illegal to perform abortions and the concept of abortion is seen as around the same level as murder in the public eye, then we can illegalise procurement.

We need to take things slowly. Black Americans didn't get the right to vote right after being freed from slavery. I believe anyone that can be prosecuted for after birth murders should be also be prosecuted for pre birth murders. These include, getaway drivers, the person who wants to kill someone, the hitman, etc.....

However, that is simply not feasible to start with. Unfortunately history has shown that it will take time for these things to pass.

both women and doctor go to jail

I'm also Pro Life and I disagree with you on this. The so called doctors should absolutely be brought to justice for making a career out of killing innocent human beings and encouraging women to get an abortion.

But alot of women don't actually understand what exactly goes on when an abortion takes place, whether it's a pill or a procedure. When we decide who's innocent and who's guilty we always look at whether or not a person has the mens rea. So shouldn't that apply here? If a "doctor" tells a woman it's just taking out a ball of tissue I think alot of them probably believe that's all it is.

Various commenters #wingnut


Pro-choicers and incels claim to hate eachother, but both think sex is a right and will kill people in order to exercise it.

People don’t think about it as “a right to sex.” Nobody ain’t got a right to have sex. Sexual freedom? No freedom without responsibility, folks, and the responsibility of sex is CHILDREN. Y’all skipped biology by thinking sex is meant for anything other than reproduction. I’d say we’re pretty lucky we enjoy it and happen to do it for fun and pleasure, the rest of the animal kingdom only has sex when fertile and if you watch the females, doesn’t look too fun!

How can you constantly take shit from people who continuously telling you "no uterus, no opinion" and then blindly agree with them? Like they keep telling you your opinion doesn't matter, they don't even give a shit about men when they are PC.

Can't wait to see how the "sex strike" goes! 😂

Lmao yes, they act as though women are animals in heat and have no control over when or how they have sex.

Femcels and pc women have unsafe sex, and then are shocked when they become pregnant or get Pozzed or another sexual disease.

Commander Hatonn via Patrick Bellringer via Anne Bellringer #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy

I wanted to let you know that Mother Earth turning on her axis and graduating to a higher dimension does not just happen, or that a solid date is set for Mother Earth to turn upon her Axis. It takes years of preparation for a planet to graduate.
To what do I refer? First of all, there had to be some 3D souls that grew in soul stature to ask us for help to clean up Mother Earth. That finally happened in this last most evil civilization that has EVER happened on Earth, and across the ENTIRE Cosmos! These ones are Sananda Flock.

Secondly, the line-up of the Apsu planets just occurred which added to the gravitational pull to help Mother Earth turn on her axis.

Thirdly, the entire Apsu Solar System has moved into the Pleiades System in order to avoid annihilation when the Sun explodes, Yes, your sun has been around some 1500 billion years and has served well to give you light and warmth. The sun shall soon explode, and that is why the Apsu Solar system has to find a “new home” to survive.
Further revelation! Nibiru is again approaching on his orbit, taking her between Pluto and Neptune. Check out the distance between these two.

Sananda said Nibiru shall appear as a big star the northeast SOON! He is coming! By “He” I mean Nibiru, for it is a male planet with a deep booming voice.

What disaster awaits by Nibiru’s gravitational pull? Why is Uranus tipped on her side? I do know at THIS time the gravitation pull of Nibiru will help tip Earth!

Your controllers put out lie after lie that “Nibiru is a mystery called Planet X, and does it even exist?“ You believe this utter nonsense? Wake up, people! THINK!

Nibiru has returned!

Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

Just like Jeremy Bentham, who we discussed previously, Karl Marx (1818 -1883) was yet another promoted, made man and lifetime actor. Like Bentham, there is no other way to analyze him other than personality, actions and personal life history, which appears Sabbatean and/or Luciferian.

The Marx persona was convoluted, twisted and chameleon-like, as if someone wrote a script and tried to bury any aspects that didn’t fit the contrived narrative. Incredibly, Marx is held in relatively high esteem around the world. Why?

His ideological socialist rival, Mikhail Bakunin, got the big picture about Marx in spades. Once again, we see the familiar pattern of an elite group putting forth pseudo-philosophies designed to enslave the general population so that they can be lorded over and looted bywhat some call “oligarchs.” We call them “kleptocrats” or the Crime Syndicate.
So Marx’s role was to use workers as “useful idiots” and blind tools, which they hoped to be able to manipulate. To carry on with their conspiracy in the name of the working class, they had to cultivate and shape all sorts of communist and socialist utopias. Marx hoped to exploit the jealousy of the stupid proletariat to enforce a hell on earth in which fear, suffering, terror and treason ruled supreme.
“The Communist Manifesto” published in London was probably largely ghost-written. It was a hodgepodge of previous thinking. Marx only further developed the ideas of Illuminist leaders Adam Weishaupt and Clinton Roosevelt. He cut and pasted the words of Utopian communist and Illuminati Francois Noel Babeuf (1760-1797) to show the way to the socialist (Illuminist) revolution.

For the record, I now believe the Illuminists were defacto Sabbeatean Frankists. Although the term “Illuminati” is useful, it’s a bit of a deflection.

Judy Byington/White Hat Intel #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #fundie #magick

White Hat Intel:

The war between Dark and Light is the war between Satan and God, between the reptilian bloodline of Satan and the human bloodline of Jesus.
The revelation of the hijacking of scripture by Satan centuries ago. The light on this planet was dimmed by the false light of darkness. The snake entered the Garden of Eden and went undercover in the snake pit. The head of the snake was the Vatican, the body of the snake formed the Silk Road leading to Wuhan where it spread out it’s venom – hiding in the Snake pit in Israel, where Satanism hijacked parts of scripture and became the false light that fooled humanity in evil frequencies of fear, shame and guilt. Separated from God and the Love we all are. Separated by a small group who benefited from the controlling of the energies and the people. This small group the Satanic Elite, the Illuminati, the Cabal.
All the ROYAL families of Europe and the Baltic and Russian countries claim their ancestor as WOTAN or ODIN. WOTAN or ODIN was a PENDRAGON – SERPENT – SNAKE – REPTILIAN. 13 ROYAL families are REPTILIAN hybrids who are shape-shifters posing as HUMANS.
In 1855 ISIS was formed by Kings of Morocco & Libya [HASSAN Family] together with the Royal British family. They signed in the Mohameddi Law which was to Kill The Bloodlines of Jesus Christ [DRUZE]
Six years later they merged with Skull n Bones: Rothschilds, Schiff, Rockefellers, Scherff aka Bush, Kissingers, etc. Skull n Bones_ISIS Assassinated JFK.
1855 – ISIS Formed by Sanussi Family linked too UK Royals (Khazarians)
1861 – Merged with 322 Skull n Bones(Khazarians)
1870 – 1930 BIG PHARMA (Khazarian)
1871 Act of England(Secret Constitution placed by Secret Societies) Khazarians
1912 Titanic/Olympic Sinking (Who was onboard, what really happened)
1913 Federal Reserve
1917 – 1923 Bolshevic Revolution
1945 – 1959 Operation Paperclip/Mockingbird.
1948 – Israel Formed (Khazarian/Bolshevic Govt)
1949 – Mossad = CIA Formed

David Guyll #dunning-kruger #sexist #transphobia

Going off the Twitter thread, it looks like Ernie simply expressed a desire to make a normal game for normal people, as opposed to various ham-fisted, inconsistent, irrational ideological dogmas pulped together under the thin veneer of an incomplete or recycled game. Smart move.

It also sounds like he's not going to bend the knee, paying whatever lip service the SJWs want in the vain hope that they will, God forbid, leave him alone. Also smart, as SJWs never forgive. No apology is sufficient, not that trying to get you to repent is their goal. Rather it is to get you to admit to committing what they consider to be a crime, a sin, so they can hold it over you forever. Then they just make more and more demands of you, while trying finding other so-called crimes to convict you of.

And they are scam artists and racists:

First off, Lunar Archivist is correct: SJWs are trying to destroy traditional masculinity and femininity. You've seen this already, going back years, in tabletop games, video games, movies, and comics. I myself have dealt with it on several occasions, where hypocrites demand I cover up women, reduce tit-size, whilst simultaneously posting essentially nude men. There are some good examples in the Twitter thread, but here are some more:


Not only is Dungeons & Delvers a game created by players that actually game and prioritize fun, it also features attractive women in the art: image

Professor Timothy Farage #homophobia #dunning-kruger #quack

The University of Texas at Dallas announced Monday that it is investigating complaints that a professor's tweets were homophobic and spread misinformation

Timothy P. Farage, a professor in UTD’s computer science department, prompted the backlash with his string of controversial tweets

In a post about a monkeypox outbreak in New York, he suggested trying to “find a cure for homosexuality.” (Twitter later removed the tweet for violating the site's rules.) Farage attempted to clarify his position the following day after facing pushback

“I don’t think homosexuality is wrong,” he tweeted Saturday. “I think it is a medical disorder”[…]
Farage continued that he doesn’t care about students’ sexuality or religion. He also pushed back on critics’ claims that he is bigoted or homophobic. “I am none of these things, and nothing I have written shows that I am,” he said

Replying to UT Dallas’ The Mercury student paper, Farage said he was “being compassionate” by inquiring about a “cure” to homosexuality. He also claimed to have several gay friends who wished they were straight


When we arrived in the center of the Earth, I saw thousands and countless of souls in a queue before a gate, upon which it was written, “The Gate of Hell.”

I saw that these numerous souls were holding in their hands something that looked like a computer disc (CD). And before the gates of Hell, there was a demon in the name of Nickel; he is the destroyer Apollyon. This demon was holding a huge book with the names of the lost souls standing before him in the queue.

The demon was seated on a throne and calling the names of the dead. I saw that these people who had died and landed before the gates of Hell were overwhelmed. They were stunned, dumbfounded, and in terror; they were restless and complaining, they could not accept that they had died and had fallen into this place. These people that were surprised by death could remember their loved ones and families, their homes and children, and life on the Earth. They could not accept that they had died and separated from their loved ones.

Brother, in Hell you will remember your wife and husband, your family and friends. I saw that whenever this demon called the name of a soul in the queue, the disc was taken from his hand and his whole life was projected on a huge screen.

The Lord said, “This CD you see in the hand of the deceased souls is called a testament of existence before the birth of men on the Earth. God gives souls of men this testament of existence and He instructs all the souls coming to Earth to keep His law for all their deeds will be written and recorded in a testament of existence. It is this testament of existence that allows the world of Satan to broadcast peoples’ lives and actions on the screen.”

Beloved, among the people in the queue. I saw a child of nine years old. He was crying and saying, “I am a child, I should not be here.” The child was crying the names of his parents. Quickly the demon took the disk from his hand and the life of the child was projected. I watched on the screen his life on the Earth. I saw a scene where his mother instructed him to clean the place. He had finished eating, but the child refused to do so and went to play. It is when he went to pee after playing that he slipped in the bathroom and fell. He was hospitalized and he died in the hospital. The Lord could not receive his soul in Heaven and he fell to this place. After this demon had broadcast the life of this child on screen, he threw his soul in Hell.

Anatoly Karlin #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #racist #wingnut

The Idiocy of the Average - and Why It Matters

Reasonably intelligent people (for instance, the readers of this blog) tend to overestimate how smart everyone else is. About half of Americans are unable to correctly read a table and do a simple addition/subtraction calculation. Such is the banal reality of the American high-90s average IQ, which is still a dozen points above the world average.

You might have a good general appreciation of the different average IQs of the world’s major regions and appreciate that national wealth depends largely on a population’s intelligence, but putting the two together is quite tricky.

PISA website has sample math questions from the 2012 assessment, with six different levels of difficulty. Hopefully, this will give us a better perspective on what average national IQ means in practice. And why seemingly minor differences between them are important and explain the vast bulk of international differences in GDP per capita and general socio-economic success.




Level 6


I suspect that many of you can do it in your heads within a minute. But a majority of all the tested teens begged to differ.

OECD average: 3% (!!). Korea: 12%, Japan: 8%, Germany: 5%. The US, Italy, Sweden, and Russia were all at 2%; the Mediterranean was at 1%.

Some countries where a big fat 100% (rounded up) were unable to do this problem: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Qatar, Tunisia, Uruguay.

The number of people at this level, the highest measured by PISA, is dwindling away into insignificance in Latin America and the Middle East.

According to Kremer/Jones, it is the relative strength of the O-Ring sector in the developed world which explains why a hairdresser earns five times as much in Belgium as in Brazil. Why is this O-Ring stronger in Belgium than in Brazil? Because in Brazil, only a tiny fraction of high school students can do anything much more complex than a simple, single-step arithmetic operation.

James Thompson #elitist #pratt #racist

World IQ 82


David Becker has released a new version of the World’s IQ. Each country has a score showing the cognitive abilities of their citizens, this being a blend of genetics and the environment of each country, particularly as regards education and health. The world’s global score is 82. This is 12th percentile rank on the Greenwich Mean Intelligence benchmark of IQ 100.

What does IQ 82 mean in practical terms?


There has been a lot of animus against country intelligence scores. As explained before, data quality varies between countries. You already knew that, because if countries really differ in intelligence, that will show in the way they conduct themselves. Some countries will do forward planning, and others will do less. Some will conduct regular censuses and surveys, and others won’t. Some countries may have people who are more willing to cheat than other countries.


Naturally, country level data may obscure regional differences, and caste, tribe, class and religious differences. These are matters of granularity. Some countries are homogenous as regards talent (China may be in this category) others are not (India).

Country IQs may explain how that country conducts its affairs. Intellectual assessments ought to have explanatory value, thus leading to greater wealth, and discrepancies need to be investigated and explained. Two main sources of economic discrepancy are tourism and natural resources: the presence of either can inflate economies which lack human capital.


This list is useful and you may find it worth printing out. It would fit nicely on the back of a door. Yes, it mixes environmental and genetic effects, but it gives you a rule of thumb as to what countries, on average, are capable of doing.

Charlie Kirk #conspiracy #wingnut

Jun 15—Assassination attempt against conservative SCOTUS Justice Brett Kavanaugh July 8—Fmr. Japanese PM & Trump-Ally Shinzo Abe Assassinated July 21—Assassination attempt against Republican Congressman & GOP Candidate for NY Gov Lee Zeldin It's dangerous to be a conservative.

Andrew Torba #fundie #wingnut

[Submitter’s Note: Andrew Torba is the CEO of Gab, and this is what he says about who is not welcome on his site]

On July 15, as Right Wing Watch documented, Torba responded in a video to criticism of him and Mastriano by singling out right-wing commentators Dave Rubin and Ben Shapiro as examples of people he doesn’t want in his movement. Rubin and Shapiro are both Jewish; Rubin is also gay.

Torba stated: “These people aren’t conservative. They’re not Christian, right? They don’t share our values. They have inverted values from us as Christians. So don’t fall for the bait, right? Don’t fall for the bait of Populism Inc. Don’t fall for the bait of this pseudo-conservatism, big tent nonsense. This is a Christian movement, and this movement needs to be centered on the gospel and truth of God’s word and of Jesus Christ, our lord and savior and king. That is the only way that this is going to work.”

Teddy Daniels #wingnut

The sissification of America

You know kids aren't allowed to fight at recess anymore? When I was a kid growing up, if you had a problem with somebody, even in elementary school, you handle it. High school, you handle it. I bet you 95% of millennial men out there today-and the number might even be higher-have never even been in a fistfight. Ever! Man, that's how you worked your way up back in the day. You know, if you talked shit, you'd get hit. But now, with social media, everyone's sissified. You can say what you want without getting punched in the teeth for it.
We've got a lot of problems, and we need to bring back true masculinity. You know, back in the early days of government, dueling was still legal. Maybe we need to bring dueling back. Maybe we need to let the alpha male rise to the top again, instead of being put down by sissy beta males.

@StellaDoves #transphobia

Women, children & LGB's have sex based rights. If, as is being asked we defer to gender, then these rights are removed. By removing sex based rights safeguarding of Women, children & LGB's are also removed. Simple! If you don't see this as a problem, YOU are part of the problem!

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

To help guide White people back to their sense of racial consciousness.

To help reconnect White people with what it means to be White.

To do as much as I possibly can, with what very little I have.

What's your higher purpose? What are you actually striving for?

@Nature_and_Race Hopefully you're making progress. It is ridiculous that all races are allowed racial consciousness, except for your people. It is hypocrisy at its finest.


@Nature_and_Race being irish or english or german means something so we need to go back to ethnicity - white really does mean nothing - just like black means nothing to africans. black means something to slaves - but for white to mean something we have to realize we are slaves to the rothschilds - then say "and we are better than blacks" - which are two things "whites" aren't likely to do until ethnicity comes into it...

The only purpose of white people is to point the entire world to Jesus Christ

@Nature_and_Race wake White people up to the evils of the jew and to make them racially aware and realize that diversity is our weakness not our strength

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

You can have civilization or you can have diversity.

But you can't have both.

Wherever they go, they must nigg ✊🏿

@Nature_and_Race They do this everywhere they go...stores, restaurants, airports, shopping malls, etc. There's a video on Fox News today of a bunch of them fighting at Disney World. Wanna have a good laugh? Look up "fast food freakouts" on YouTube...tell me which demographic you see the most of in those videos. There's NO WAY these animals have ever, or could ever, be equal to us.

@Nature_and_Race If only they had more economic opportunities. A civil rights act, affirmative action, government assistance, housing vouchers, college tuition assistance, the end of Jim Crow, desegregation, being able to sit on the front of the bus, the ability to vote, the ability to own property, etc. Then maybe they would just be equal...

Best thing hotels and restaurants can do is refuse to do business with them. They’ve ruined what used to be a paradise resort city, Miami Beach, like so many other places/things. The only way this can happen is for White people to stop trying to include them everywhere as if including them is some sort of virtuous act. Stop inviting black speakers to events. Stop inviting black musicians. Stop playing their disgraceful music at your venue. Just stop associating w anything black and stop allowing it in your home or place of business.

This must happen before we can ever successfully separate ourselves from this rotgut, lowbrow, hedonistic, retarded and violent race.

@Nature_and_Race By the force of things lower races do not have the level to access our civilization which exceeds them in every point.

Niggers will be niggers.

Makes me want to watch the end of Zulu watch the niggers get wrecked

JeromemeReplies #wingnut

Pro-Aborts' Great Desire to Sever Conception From Sex
Pro-Aborts, alleged stalwarts of sex education, have a very difficult time linking pregnancy to sex. Against all reason, they feel like they must fight for this severance or else the mother undoubtedly holds some responsibility and liability of causing a state of dependency on the unborn which obliterates any claim to bodily autonomy "self-defense".

If they sever this connection between sex and pregnancy, then every abortion case becomes as contentious as a rape case where the mother had no decision in her actions to get pregnant.

Which argument highlights the obvious connection between sex and pregnancy that everyone accepts without second thought? It's the duty of the father to support the child they helped create instead of abandon it. This argument is so powerful that it's banned from the abortion debate subreddit.

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