Various commenters #wingnut

Found this crazy person... (I reported her middle comment for hate. Will keep you updated)

Abortion saves lives! Except for the 60 million+ deaths since Roe, but who’s counting?

You want to keep ALL HUMANS ALIVE?!!! You’re worse than those soldiers who carried out genocide!

By that logic, Anti-Nazis are THE DEVIL. Worse than Nazis. Who's going to take care of all the sick and starving Jews and other prisoners who you're forcing to live?

If your child was going to die in a few years, wouldn't you want as much time with the child as possible? Killing them earlier isn't going to make anything better.

The nazis would probably be heavily pro choice because millions of black babies aren't born due to abortions, the nazis would love that

The founder of planned parenthood wasnt a Nazi, but she was a racist eugenicist who believed exactly that


Pro lifers are THE DEVIL. Worse than Nazis.

Look, I'm no fan of treating the National Socialists as the definition of pure evil incarnate, but they are by no means morally better than the pro-life movement.

Also, Satan is pro-abortion.

Actually, the Notorious German Socialists only exterminated about six million Jews and six million Poles for a total of 12 million. Compare that to 60 million American children murdered by their own mothers.... The Stylish Goose Steppers are possibly our moral superiors


Compare that to 60 million American children murdered by their own mothers....

I agree. I said that the National Socialists are not morally better than the pro-life movement: us, who seeks to end the barbaric practice of abortion. They are definitely less bad than the pro-abortion movement.

The Argorians via Lev #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger

No matter what is happening on Earth now, no matter what everyday problems earthlings are concerned about, intensive processing of the planet with 5D energies continues 24/7.
Co-Creators, Galactic Committee and Argorians are constantly changing the mode and configuration of quantum flows directed to Earth. They instantly adjust them depending on the current situation and the state of the majority of the world’s population.

On 17th July 2022, near Barbury Castle, Nr Wroughton, Wiltshire, a crop circle appeared, showing that the finished 5D plasma actively fills the entire Earth’s space. At the same time, from it, 6D (the hexagon in the center) terminates the removal of the 3D Hologram, its matter and energy (triangles inside the sphere).
To change the environment and transform the aura of the planet, Argorians fill it with bright yellow SFIRO energy, neutralizing side effects, and blue and silver BLISKO energy, which loads into the planetary Hologram the soft of intellectual development and thought process (spheres above the image of Earth).

The down-flowing streams of spheres of different dirty shades are low-vibrational 3D plasma, removed from Earth.

On the protective screen of the vacuum ring above the equator, new species materialize.

To create the necessary environment for them, Argorians, with the help of an ultrasonic transducer, accumulate energy in the 5D ring by concentrated radiation.

With a five-dimensional Time spin, they form a new information field of Earth, and saturate it with 5D Intelligence plasma.
This channel receives energy that stabilizes sound vibrations and rebuilds the nucleic acid sequence encoding a transporter protein.

The new genetic structure receives transformative radiation through purification of the lower layers of the atmosphere with partial openings of the ozone layer.

William and Clare Henry #fundie #ufo #magick #conspiracy #mammon

William and Clare Henry invite you to join them on October 1-2, 2022 in Nashville, TN for a transformational gathering/reunion of souls and a weekend of renewal, regeneration, and revelation for the next steps in our passage.

These are awesome and powerful times of prophecy.

We are living in a new spiritual era based on contact with higher beings and lighter worlds, but also direct challenges from dark entities, predatory Big Tech, and soul-less tyrannical governments who seek to transhumanize your body, mind and soul to merge us with a ‘fake’ reality or matrix.

These prophecies tell of an advanced or ascended race of angelic ‘just humans made perfect’ or ‘perfect light humans’ (as the Essenes and Gnostics called them) who intervene on our behalf. Jesus spoke of these illuminated whole, holy and compassionate beings in his final teaching and promised they would return with him. Who are they? Where do they come from? How can we connect with them? The Gnostic gospels have the answers.

Join William Henry, for this empowering and revelatory weekend of breakthrough light body gnosis of the perfect light humans that will help you become more than human and help heal our world.

The human body as a sacred temple and how to activate the light body within it.
The Gnostic secret of baptism and healing with the Oil of Joy.
The lost sacrament.
John’s view of Jesus as coming from a higher world.
Discussions on multiple universes and the divine beings who dwell there.
Understand, and unlock, the power of our light body, our angelic body.
The correspondence between John’s vision of the origins of creation and simulated reality theories.
The antidote to Artificial Intelligence is the activation of the divine image within (our angelic intelligence).
Techniques to dispel the Archons, who John called the rulers of the matrix.
The role of ET Disclosure in our Ascension.
Powerful meditations for raising the Christos and activating the light body.

$322 per person

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #enbyphobia #homophobia

Brad Pitt going from being the ultimate macho man in ‘Fight Club’ to sashaying down the red carpet wearing a woman’s skirt is a long, long way to fall, and that’s exactly what’s happening to America right now.

The Roman Empire once ruled the world, till they openly embraced the LGBTQIA+ Movement of their day, and fell to the ground with a deafening thud. Same for the Greek empire that also ruled the world, right up to the moment that society openly embraced what God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for. Today in 2022, America rules the world stage with the greatest military, the strongest economy, and we are now embracing what brought down the Romans and the Greeks. Will we survive? Not if the Bible is true. Welcome to Brad Pitt wearing a skirt on the red carpet.

“Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.” Zechariah 8:23 (KJB)

I understand that in the Old Testament days, clothing styles were different, and your King James Bible has a number of verses about men wearing skirts, but guess what? They weren’t wearing women’s skirts, they were wearing men’s skirts, like a kilt if you’re Scottish. But that’s not what Brad Pitt was wearing, he was dressed in women’s clothing from head to toe, and he looked ridiculous. I am glad I fled Hollywood and the acting world shortly after I got saved, and there is nothing that could entice me to go back. So thank you, Brad Pitt in a dress, for reminding why I left, I will pray your soul gets saved before your time on this planet is through. You won’t like what comes next.

Jerry Derecha/AlphaDraconianOrionCaduceusAdrenochromeHarvesting #magick #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy

The Hoover damn(misspelled on purpose) seems to be some kind of a portal or gateway leading to the/a Saturn Cube Quantum Supercomputer. It’s got all sorts of Fallen Angel symbology affixed to it and was used in one of the Transformers movies as the home of a gigantic Saturn cube(the Allspark Cube) and was even just recently featured in the season 4 premiere of Westworld as a private Mexican Cartel-owned facility that houses a giant hydroelectric-powered Quantum supercomputer which holds all of the world’s data, including all of the biometric data recorded from all the guests of the park. The trailer for season 4 of Westworld insinuates the dam is another portal to “the sublime”, or an artificial world created for the synthetic hosts. They plaster the truth right in our face per the usual protocol. The soft disclosure message in both the Transformers movie and in Westworld is pretty darn consistent.
The Hoover Dam is clearly a very important place to both the EL-ites and the various interdimensional entities that they serve and they don’t appear to be shy about hiding this from the public.

I should also note that there have been a lot of prophetic theories relating to the Hoover Dam bursting or failing and creating some kind of natural disaster. Reptoid YT deceiver Jonathan Klek used to talk about this a lot.
E.B.E. = Extraterrestrial Biological Entity = N.B.E. = Nonterrestrial Biological Entity | Terrestrial = From this crater/dome(Earth). Nonterrestrial = From another crater/dome on one of Saturn’s moon.

Nomad = The Space Man = Satan = The White Rabbit = Donnie Darko = The Purple Reignman = The Progenitor of the Demiurge

Satan is trying to assimilate you with A.I. via the Quantum computer. The Saturn Cube is one of these computers.

The Signal = The frequency = The Saturn Cube

Allie Beth Stuckey #wingnut

You wouldn’t see what leftists call right wing “extremism” (defending traditional marriage, banning all abortion) show up as loudly as it is today without the legitimate extremism from the left. They’ve pushed so far on things like abortion & gender/sex & this is the backlash.

wwwarea #sexist

(An article about said VIGILANTES are just as bad as offending pedophiles)

The USA is a third world uncivilized society, mainly thanks to its rotting disgusting backwards sorry excuse for a main society that is in it.
Just the other day I found a post on Twitter with that said something like "repost if you support beating up pedophiles" and it later gained over 15000 hearts, and it was filled with degenerates who were defending vigilante violence out of their own perverted beliefs. Mark my words, if the purge ever became legal, it would be real. These people prove it... Anyway, I tried to report it but came back as if it didn't violate the rules. I got so pissed off after the email, that I actually sent an email to the CEO of twitter due to how f*cking pissed I was. I thought Twitter doesn't allow glorification of sh** like this? Disclaimer 2: Though it is ... Twitter. Disclaimer 2 done.

if you support unlawful violence toward any person, offending or not, then you are just as bad as a child rapist. You're a f*cking criminal and you deserve (yeah, I'm proud to say this) to be labeled worse than most child sexual abusers. Why 'worse'? Because not every abuser has ruined a victim's life as many of them were able to still move on.

Roosh V #fundie #sexist #racist

[From "Why Do You Consume Secular Content?"]

At risk of reproaching fellow Christians, I am continually surprised by how much secular content they consume. From Facebook to TikTok, from Hollywood movies to pop music, I suspect the average Christian is bombarding his soul with several hours of secular content per week. Do they not know that this consumption may be separating them from God and weakening their faith?

When I first returned to God in the spring of 2019, I was wholly immersed in secular culture. I made several Twitter posts a day (usually about politics or the misbehavior of women), listened to popular music, watched movies, consumed all manner of YouTube videos, and read self-help books[…]
It is three years going and I’m still tapering myself off secular content—that’s how entwined it was into my life[…]
First I quit the modern music, rationalizing that “oldies” was okay, but an examination of their woman-idolizing lyrics revealed that oldies wasn’t safe either[…]
May I ask you why you consume the creations of non-Christians, of those who don’t live by Christ, of those who don’t glorify Him?[…]Why do you watch movies produced and directed by Jews who hate Lord Jesus Christ and view abortion as a sacrament?[…]
I’ve since become highly averse to reading, watching, or listening to anything that is produced by someone who does not have a knowable or visible Christian faith. If I get weak and think such content will edify me, perhaps because the non-Christian is “intelligent,” I ask myself how intelligent are they really if they don’t worship their very own Creator in the Church that He built[…]
It’s a mistake to believe that Orthodox Christianity is merely a lifestyle add-on that has a slot in your life alongside many other lifestyles. Orthodoxy is the lifestyle

Matt Gaetz #sexist

Have you watched these pro-abortion, pro-murder rallies? The people are just disgusting. Why is it that the women with the least likelihood of getting pregnant are the ones most worried about having abortions? Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb. These people are odious from the inside out. They’re like 5′2″, 350 pounds, and they’re like, “Give me my abortions or I’ll get up and march and protest.”

I’m thinking, “March? You look like you’ve got ankles weaker than the legal reasoning behind Roe vs. Wade!”

A few of them need to get up and march — they need to get up and march for like an hour a day. Swing those arms, get the blood pumpin’, maybe mix in a salad.

Fertile Dating #psycho

(the news article talks about a 40 year old woman sexually abusing a 13 year old boy for nine months in a daily basis to prove he isn't gay)
She got 7.5 years for victimless sex and the misogyny is unrecognized due to supernatural belief in the badness of sex which is the state religion. Facts of seduction get distorted into "abuse" which literally replaces the truth for a brainwashed populace.
How much longer are we going to let this witchcraft pass as facts? How many more lives must be ruined before we can face the truth that consensual underage sex does not lead to trauma, so the justification for locking up these women is gibberish?
Why can't we have evidence-based laws? How can a connection with no scientific evidence that the "victim" group is any worse off than the control group pass as 100% certainly caused by the thing criminalized in our justice system? Isn't that spectacularly bizarre and unjust?
In order for crimes of supposedly traumatic abuse to make sense there should be evidence that victims have more trauma than a random control group. For CSA this evidence is comparable to witchcraft and for male "victims" of women, the evidence says BETTER outcomes than controls.
The boy in the above story claims sex made him traumatized and suicidal, but why can't people see this is no proof? The MECHANISM must also make sense or else it might as well be an accusation of murder by Voodoo. That is exactly how backwards the justice system is on sex crimes!

Christians for Justice #conspiracy

Let's talk covid-19/ let's talk monkeypox- Both of these diseases are controlled by man. They can turn it on and off at will -Through the air- The Legionnaire's Disease/ The poison was put in the ventilators or the air conditioners. This one controlled in the air. Vaccines deadly

John C. Wright #racist #fundie #pratt

Note that Moorlockery, Social Justice, Postmodernism, Postrationalism, Self-Important Holier-Than-Thou Jabberwocky, Cultural Marxism, Coprophagy, or whatever you want to call this moral and mental disease that has corrupted our society not only destroys comic books (Female Thor, Negro Johnny Storm and Jimmy Olsen, Islamic Batman and Ms Marvel) and science fiction (If You Were an Ancillary Pronoun Wereseal, My Love) and politics (CNN, MSNBC) but indeed render the Morlock incapable of any work or act requiring even a modicum of honesty and integrity.

Likewise for George Carlin, Mort Sahl, the TV show All in the Family, and the likes of Janeane Garofalo and Dick Cavett – indeed, his favorite adjective at this point became “subversive,” and like most of his ilk he remained incredibly blind to the fact that he and those who think like him are now very much the establishment and that a true “subversive” nowadays is a Christian conservative. Even as they are closing down bakers for sticking to their Christian convictions, they imagine themselves “subverting” all that they hate.

Of course, you are clear on what they hate – the Church, America, all forms of public decency. Lenny Bruce is hailed as a hero for mocking all of these things and inspiring others to follow in his footsteps.

And on and on it went, and I felt tremendously badly about it, firstly because my wife had given me this as a gift, and it would be rude indeed to express distaste; but also because, without the left-wing poison, the book would actually be quite good, because when he didn’t indulge in lefty preaching, it was actually engaging and interesting. But he just couldn’t help himself. Political mockery of conservatives by liberals was shaming the powerful with the truth; but Dennis Miller’s conversion to conservatism after 9/11 was bigotry. Conservatives have a “pathological hatred” of Obama, but the pathological hatred heaped on George W. Bush was liberation. Shockingly, even Bob Hope was raked over the coals for daring to go to Vietnam and entertain troops that were facing death to protect self- indulgent drug addicts like Lenny Bruce or George Carlin.

Various Commenters #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut

RE: Mass Immigration was Blair’s Attack on Britain

(The ice pick that killed Trotsky)
Blair was the worst thing to happen to Britain post-war and that says a lot.

(Kyr Man)
Tory economic policy - higher taxes, more debt. No economic conservatism.
Tory foreign policy - liberal interventionist, no national conservatism
Tory immigration policy - hyper promiscuous borders - certainly no native or national conservatism
Tory housing policy - destroy Britain ancestral greenlands to build migrants homes - no native conservatism

Which part of the the Tory party is right wing exactly?

(Peter Field)
Jeez, as a born and bred Londoner, English parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc it's a tragedy what's happened. I was born in 1967, the changes in my lifetime are catastrophic , for my mum who died 2016 even worse.

(T G)
My entire teens and adult life so far has been plagued by the nightmare of mass immigration. It will only get worse...

(Tim the Enchanter)
I'm always amused by the "muti-culturalism" argument. As an American, I live in a place that was designed to be multi-cultural, but isn't really. Although it is often wistfully described as a "melting pot," what it really is, is just a very large place peppered with little pockets of varying culture. People come to America -- not to be Americans -- but to live in America with other people just like them.

There’s nothing wrong with treating invaders as enemy combatants.

(Kevin H)
So they admitted to colonising Britain? Wasn't colonisation bad when we did it though?

If you know anything about Roman history in Britain, allowing and paying sea faring barbarians to settle is always a recipe for disaster

(unopened envelope)
I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what these so called "benefits" are for mass immigration..

Xanax Bar & I_need1cm_chinToWin #sexist #racist

(Xanax Bar)
There's a reason women were treated as property up until 150 years ago.

There's a reason women were treated as a property up until around 150 years ago. They're not exactly children in terms of emotional intelligence, but they're the next closest thing and they never grow out of it. Women will quite literally throw tantrums and act like children on purpose to see your reaction, because they want to see how you'd react if she had a child with you.

There are deep evolutionary reasons women act the way they do. Women only want the top 20% of men. Why? Because she only has so many eggs, and childbirth is a potentially dangerous process, so she only wants to do this with the best man she can get. Women only go after tall men with strong jawlines and broad shoulders. Why? Because those things are indicative of high testosterone and stronger bone structure, which means more muscle mass/upper body strength, which means he'll be a better protector. Ect, ect, ect.

Women are biologically driven to let thier emotions and instincts guide thier actions. That's just reality. Giving them the same power as a man especially in politics has been a massive mistake. They are just more emotionally driven and more apt to let feelings cloud rational judgment. There is simply no place for emotions when it comes to determining the fate of society. Men of the past realized this, and that's a big reason why for pretty much all of human history (with some exceptions), women were barred from making important political decisions.

yes man theyre retarded, but i don't think they're fair detectors of good genetics,they only see something aesthetic like a chad or sometimes go for normie brad lanklets but they can have diabetes,bad eye sight,bald in their 30s idk you name it. Sometimes they go after whatever media tells them, like slav foids with negroes whose more ugly than a monkey

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

Hey, White people,

The entire non-white world is unifying and organizing against you.

They're preparing to take action against you. What are you doing to prepare for it?

I'm not positive but it looks like they want a #racewar.

@Nature_and_Race Even with just a small percentage of our wolves awake, against that, I like our chances.

@MoIonLabe @Nature_and_Race we have God on our side us White Wolves just one of us is worth more then countless goyim niggers out there

@MoIonLabe @Nature_and_Race

I hope everyone here realizes It's not just blacks though.

I live in the Midwest and EVERY non-White from hispanics to indian pajeets is now OPENLY racist against Whites.

Even in small "cow towns", they don't even try to hide it anymore, and the LGBTQP+ and Lefty Whites are working with them.

The irony is that the gays and Lefty's are so mentally-ill, cowardly and weak they're going to be a big liability for the poc and jew armies when this war starts.

Plus most of the Lefty's got the clot shot and/or allowed themselves to be infected/inoculated with God knows what when they were ((( tested for COVID ))) via the nasal swab, so it's only a matter of time before that takes them out and they start dropping like flies.

We have IQ on our side so when this race war breaks out. We may not have the numbers but we can easily outmaneuver and outsmart the jews and their poc proxy armies.

@Nature_and_Race yeah good for us really, we will collectivize.

besides niggers cant win wars they are not even useful as slaves.
Its already spreading like a wildfire, we are unavoidable.

@Nature_and_Race There's no integrating these Negros. Ship them to Liberia

@Nature_and_Race death to niggers

Might be black Israelite supremacist idiots… they do the purple costume with a menorah. With typical “we wuz kangs” logic, they figure themselves one of the lost tribes of Israel. There isn’t 75 IQ points in the whole black conga line.

@Nature_and_Race how did they find that many black men out of jail, all at the same time?

Various commenters #wingnut

Then you're not a Republican.

I am a Republican woman who believes in the right to choose, the right to
same-sex marriage, and banning assault weapons.
There are millions of women like me ready to elect pro-democracy
candidates in November.

@SomeBitchIKnow she Meant I’m a commie

@SomeBitchIKnow We are not a Democracy, we are a Republic. That lady is a Demonrat.

Rina Shah isn't an American , either .

@SomeBitchIKnow This is a huge problem with the useful idiots on the right. It stems from the old jive about being "socially liberal, but fiscally conservative". It starts out as a technique for normalizing behavior by giving people an out, a way of saying they're conservative in some ways or that some behavior is acceptable because it's not the really important stuff.

To be fair, you can believe in those things and still be on the right. The problem is that those people are so incredibly centrist that they can't be relied upon because there aren't any things they hold dear enough to fight for. These are the people who will betray you in a heartbeat because they are fence-sitters, and the moment you do anything that makes them uncomfortable.... they'd rat you out. And it doesn't have to be anything illegal. Just make them uncomfortable or go against the way they think it should be done. They'll drop the dime in an instant and think themselves great for doing it.

@SomeBitchIKnow Dear Rina if that's even a real name. Your 100% NOT a republican what you just said is leftist radical talk. Don't take the republican name and talk like a commie.

@SomeBitchIKnow Absolutely she is just another left wing communist that does not live by the US Constitution. Also, we need to get past the Dem and Rep labels and the question should be are you a Patriot or not. Patriots stand for the country and what is right, not for socialism and communism.

What a smelly 3rd world rat iq whore.


various commenters #wingnut

Why is the pro choice stand always something with emotions, drama and cries and pro lifers more often go with morality and biology?

Because when you advocate for evil, you have to either admit it's evil or manipulate people into believing it's good.

So manipulation is one of the three branches of pro-choice arguments

I think it depends upon the people. On Facebook I encounter more prolifers who are emotional or make poor arguments (what if that baby cures cancer?)

But overall I would say, you’ve got to work with what you’ve got, and pro choice can only spin out into unscientific arguments that devolve into bad philosophy and muh feelings.

Prolife can be all those things, but our best arguments incorporate sound logic, science, and hopefully some empathy.

Also pro lifers appear more calm

Well you see prochoicers gotta make unrealistic arguments about why eugenics and killing babies is alright its a lotta pressure. Also if there isno abortions than it may expose them cheating on their spouses.

They value their own convenience and happiness in life over life itself.

I think it's partially because they don't see a need to actually defend their beliefs. I think a lot of pro-choicers consider their view on abortion to be "common sense", or that pro-choice is the position any well-adjusted person would take. Therefore they don't have to entertain arguments from the other side, because they must be in bad faith by default. A majority of the public and the media appear to be on their side, and it feels like an easy solution to a lot of difficult problems. Mothers in poverty no longer have to be mothers, teen pregnancies can just be whisked away, the list goes on. Not to mention there is a heavy anti-child sentiment among the public, so abortion is a shockingly easy thing to support for a lot of people.


various commenters #wingnut

"No uterus no opinion" but I can still make fun of her if she doesn't think babies should be murdered

"I am the post-roe generation" is now literally true.

The whole thread is people saying they want her raped, think about that? Everyone who is pro-choice: Your ideology is so twisted, so disgustingly warped and you are so evil that you are part of a group that would rape a woman for being pro-life.

Every single one of you pro-aborts are disgusting, all of you. You are just the same as every other pro-abort.

All they know is depravity. That’s why the only things they want for people who don’t think like them, or people they don’t like, are rape and death

If you’re a woman who is pro-life your opinion DOES NOT count and if you’re a pro-choice man your opinion DOES count.

It’s actually just about agreement.

Sometimes I like to have fun by responding with a photo of the all men Supreme Court at the time of the Roe ruling.

Kinda like when a straight white male is trans his opinion suddenly outweighs any biological female


Same with black people but in the reverse I guess. When they have a slightly non leftist opinion their blackness gets taken away by you guessed it. White liberals 🤦🏻‍♂️

Every time I point out a more conservative black voice there’s always the same response; “token black voice for conservatives” and it’s always from a white person.

They’re truly unaware of how racist it is…

You know she’s conservative because she’s attractive and well groomed.

So she's being attacked now by the green haired, morbidly obese "feminists" who only have fantasies that someday a man might touch them willingly. They're pschyotic over any woman who isn't repulsive from the inside out, like them.

They're similarly two-faced when it comes to men. "No uterus, no voice" is shrieked at pro-life men, but pro-abortion men (even those who aren't trying to be women) are welcome to join their rallies.

Bracken County Republican Party #racist #conspiracy #wingnut

When Steve Dettelbach was confirmed last week as the director of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, he became the beleaguered bureau’s first head to pass a Senate confirmation in eight years. For some, the confirmation offered hope of a changing tide in America’s sea of mass shootings

But a county Republican group in Kentucky saw a different story: that Dettelbach is part of a “Jewish junta” that “is getting stronger and more aggressive”

The Bracken County Republican Party, representing a rural county with a population of around 8,400 along the Ohio River near Cincinnati, made the comment Friday on its official Facebook page, two days after Dettelbach’s July 12 confirmation

In calling Dettelbach “a Jewish anti-gun activist,” the county GOP group attacked the two Republican senators, Susan Collins of Maine and Rob Portman of Ohio, who voted for his appointment. It also attacked two Republican Senators, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and James Risich of Idaho, who were not present for the vote, saying, “It’s obvious they want to move on from having to defend rural gun owners”

The group deleted the comment from its Facebook page later that day, after being contacted by the Louisville Courier-Journal. The county’s GOP chair, Karin Kirkendol, did not respond to the paper’s questions about the post, but later signed a Facebook post from the group disavowing it

Heterosepartist #homophobia #transphobia #fundie

Here's the truth; if you were born with a penis, you're male. If you were born with a vagina, you're female. There are people that will rebel against the truth, and there are people that will obey the commandments of Jesus Christ.

This is why those who know the truth fought against the redefinition of marriage, and against the propaganda of the glbt community.

Now, because of the propaganda of the glbt community, it is legal for a man to walk naked in the women's section of a spa, and expose his penis to underage girls.

Sasha Alex Lessin, Ph. D. #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Our ancestors recorded the history, scientific words and concepts the gods taught them. What gods called “MEs” we call computer programs. Our cultures added descriptions, metaphors, similes and analogies to the words the gods gave us. We can now decode our ancestors’ metaphors for the gods and their technology instead of dismissing the weapons, vehicles and personalities of gods as superstitious myths.

Unless ETs intervene to save us or the weight of Sumerian evidence convinces Muslims, Jews and Christians to give up their fear gods, their compulsions to unquestioningly obey governmental and religious authorities, their impulse to crush others and the mental programs with which the genocidal Anunnaki imposed on us to keep us divided and conquered, we’ll keep warring.

We are one family and we’ve all been duped by the Anunnaki and their half breed successor-line of murderous manipulators. We must recover our oneness as a species. As we face new ET demands for our allegiance and gold, we can negotiate for life extension, medicine, free energy, space transport, and other ET technologies. We and they can support each other and face our common challenges–environmental, social and psychological.

The truth of our genetics frees us from the master-slave, god-devotee, boss-worker, lord-tenant model the ETs imposed on us. We can end physical and economic slavery, hierarchic obsession, derogation of women, gold lust, antagonistic religions and nations the gods and the hybrid elite they created dictated.

Free of short, desperate lives, we’ll create our future. We’ll activate our latent Nibiran genes, better our genome and join galactic civilization.

Tobias Langdon #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut

I can only conclude that the Jewish families turned up, saw the hideous whiteness of the fascists at the park, and fled for their lives. Jews “love diversity,” remember. They “just feel comfortable” amid a “kaleidoscope of skin colours.” So while the fascist fun-day was a sea of hideous whiteness, the Family Fun-Day organized by Jewish Care would have been a kaleidoscope of color.

Well, sarcasm over. Jewish Care didn’t invite Muslims and Blacks to join the festivities, of course. The photographs aren’t of a Fascist Fun-Day but of a genuine Jewish Family Fun-Day. That’s why the photos are “hideously white.” Ashkenazi Jews flocked to Hertfordshire to enjoy what they assiduously deny to White British goyim: the exclusive company of their own kind. Jewish Care’s Family Fun-Day wasn’t enriched with Blacks or Muslims, which is why it wasn’t enriched with crime or obnoxious behavior either. While working tirelessly to turn Britain and other Western countries into Third-World swamps, Jews are careful to maintain ethnocentric islands amid the chaos and crime. If those islands are ever threatened with submersion by vibrancy, Jews have a secure place to flee: the ethnocentric enclave of Israel, where that age-old Jewish injunction to “Welcome the Stranger” is completely ignored. Israel doesn’t welcome black and brown strangers: it keeps them out with high-tech fences.


But what’s good for Jews — ethnocentrism and exclusion — isn’t good for goyim. Or rather, it is good for goyim, but that’s precisely why Jews want to deny it to goyim. Jews don’t want what’s best for Whites: they want what’s worst for Whites. That’s why both America and Britain have open borders and endless ethnic enrichment. Jews are in control of politics on both sides of the Atlantic, so governments pursue what’s worst for Whites, not what’s best. But I think Jews should remember a warning from their own Bible: “Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.” (Proverbs 26:27)

Matt Walsh #conspiracy #wingnut

This anti-depressant study is huge. Big Pharma has made billions prescribing wonder drugs to treat depression but there was never any solid scientific evidence that the drugs would work. Now we know that the whole thing was built on a myth. Big Pharma's greatest scam of all time.

Darren Starwynn O.M.D. #quack #magick #ufo #mammon

A Sophisticated and Accessible Lightworker’s Guidebook for Healing and Spiritual Awakening

An Avatar is Divine consciousness expressing itself as a human being. Awakening the Avatar Within offers a practical roadmap for deeply healing yourself and living an awakened, actualized life as an Avatar. You will learn many transformational practices for raising your level of consciousness and upgrading the health and functioning of your body through the cutting-edge science of epigenetics. From this place, you can become a vital part of the movement to heal and uplift the human race.

Author Dr. Darren Starwynn has had a long career as an acupuncturist, inventor, writer, healer and teacher, integrating therapeutic systems from around the world. He has written four groundbreaking books, led hundreds of workshops and seminars, invented several vibrational devices used worldwide and helped develop advanced mind-body healing systems.

The information and energy transmissions of this book can empower you to:

Identify and express your superpowers
Become a powerful catalyst of healing for yourself and others on the Quantum level
Increase your inner peace and clarity of mind through awareness of the Fifth Dimension and the Quantum Field
Identify your “job description” as a Lightworker
Create a fulfilling daily practice of meditation and self-development
Activate your Light Body (Merkaba)
Augment your self-love and come to peace with your shadow self
Be a planetary healer, and join with other Avatars in uplifting the human race

Awakening the Avatar Within is more than a book—it is a living transmission that will support you in building your energy circuitry and increasing the embodiment of higher light in your physical body. Order your copy today.

Icaros #conspiracy #wingnut

More than a provocation, the coronacircus is an initiation ritual. A crowning ceremony; a rite of passage. The initiate, humanity, is being introduced into a new age; such rites always involve isolation (we got lockdowns), humiliation (we got masks), and evolution (we will get a manufactured awakening: stay tuned).

The silver lining is a set of barbaric, medieval eschatological superstitions. The central planners have been working to bring about “the end of this age”, to “fulfill prophecy”. In order to see it, one needs to be familiar with the rituals, words, numbers and symbols they prefer; and even if one does, it is impossible to completely reverse engineer their superstitions; it is also useless to try; it’s enough to be aware of the phenomenon, and to look at it from a healthy distance.
Do you see the silver lining? New world order, new age, great awakening, great reset, global warming, age of Aquarius, aeon of Horus, rapture, Moschiach, Mahdi, Maitreya, aliens, fourth turning. The story is always the same:

A big crisis is coming
The crisis will be followed/accompanied by tyranny
There will be an awakening and we will be saved

It’s also because we understand this script that we’re able to predict what’s coming next:

Calling the coronacircus a fiasco will be mainstream
The incompetence of government/experts will be obvious to all
Civil unrest, economic calamity and famines are coming
War may be coming, involving China, Russia, and Islam
Politicians will be thrown to the wolves; guillotines on the agenda
There will be a (false) awakening and humanity will rejoice

To be sure, these events will be fully scripted. The goal is to fulfill an old, obscurantist promise. It’s also because we understand this script that we know it will ultimately and undoubtedly fail.

Marjorie Taylor Greene & Allum Bokhari #wingnut #transphobia

‘Child Abuse:’ Marjorie Taylor Greene Slams Trans Kids Agenda After Twitter Censors Her

Twitter has censored the official congressional account of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) after she criticized transgender Biden administration official “Rachel” Levine for supporting what he calls “gender affirmation treatment” for youths. Greene told Breitbart News that, “Corporate communism is destroying America. Who’s going to suffer in the end? Right now, corporations are shoving their political ideas and policies down their employees’ and their customers’ throats, and people are getting sick and tired of it. That is what Big Tech has led the charge on. They have been the leaders in corporate communism, and Twitter has been one the biggest abusers.”

“We must do everything we can to prevent Dr. Dick Levine’s pre-tween #WeenieChop” said Rep. Greene on Twitter, in a tweet that was later censored by the far-left platform.

In a follow-up tweet, Rep. Greene said “Now that I think about it. As Dr. Dick Levine advocates for ‘gender affirming care’ for minors, has he undergone the #WeenieChop himself? Or is he just pushing this on children?”

Users who wish to access either tweet must now click past a warning message saying it violated the platform’s rules on “hateful conduct.”

In a comment to Breitbart News, Rep. Greene said she would continue to defend kids from the genital mutilation involved in what Dr. Levine calls “gender-affirming care.”

“That is not me being hateful,” said Greene. “I am a mom. I’m going to defend kids. If that’s the hill I have to die on, fine, I will die on that hill.”

“These kids are being brainwashed. It is grooming. They don’t like that word, but it is grooming, and it is child abuse.”

“Surgery that removes a preteen boy’s penis is not ‘gender-affirming care,’ it is genital mutilation, it is child abuse. Most of these kids are having an identity crisis and they will change their mind later in life if they’re left alone.”

“It’s going to be too late for these kids. They’re going to realize what happened to them, they’re going to regret it so much, and they are going to be devastated and changed forever — physically mutilated and changed forever.”


Various commenters #wingnut #racist

Ilhan Omar Uses Her One Phone Call From Jail To Call Both Her Husband And Her Brother


@TheBabylonBee jihadist lying slut...strikes again.
BTW...lying is a sacrament in islam.

@TheBabylonBee Remember, the only good terrorist is one speaking to the Pedophile, Child Rapist and Pig Fucker Mohammad and Allah the bitches of the Cult of Filth called Islam.

@TheBabylonBee They should have put these demratz in jail next to the Jan 6th that's funny😏

@TheBabylonBee Omar is a disgusting p.o.s. who should be immediately returned to Somalia, WHERE SHE BELONGS!

@TheBabylonBee Muslim Whore, Pig, Cunt and Brother Fucker and Shit out the Ass of Mohammad the Pedophile Breeder.

@TheBabylonBee Send that slut back to whatever Muslim shit hole she crawled out of.

@TheBabylonBee Muslim Pig Bred Whore and Brother Fucker and Breeder Terrorist Scum…..OMAR.

@TheBabylonBee Ilhan Omar is a ho. And a heretic. And a blasphemer, and a woman, and a black, and a foreigner...

@TheBabylonBee Hey jews we see you raping our children and murdering replacing us and stealing our country
Millions and millions and millions and millions our eyes across every white nation

Secrets out
Does this comfort you

Various commenters #wingnut #racist

America was at its strongest when it was overwhelmingly WHITE, and when WHITE MEN held all positions of power and influence.

You want a strong America? Stop getting in the way of racially aware White men who are striving for power and influence.

(Donald J Trump)

@Nature_and_Race Make America White Again!

@Nature_and_Race WHITE men that had one goal in mind. To preserve our country to remain WHITE. The white men in office of the past were all corrupted even before 1900’s when the seeds of Jews was being planted

@Red_Bearded_Heathen @Nature_and_Race That's a fact make America non Jewish and you will have your Homeland back, that's your only hope.

@Nature_and_Race if America being white is what it takes to not have black fools detaining me and seeking to scam me of my money then i hope America becomes white again.

@Nature_and_Race He meant keep America (((Strong))) so that the (((fam))) can rake in another $518 million.


Do you think Trump is a jew?

I asked on another post of yours but I am guessing you missed it.

@Kriger1488 -- No, I don't think he's Jewish. But he's a billionaire and a Zionist, so he's a spiritual Jew.

mangoorangejuice18 , HippyDippyCommieGuy & FakeElectionMaker #wingnut

RE: I had an anxiety attack due to an argument over abortion in a discord server.
I’m sorry you went through that, anxiety attacks can be so mentally, emotionally, and physically draining.

I don’t know the exact arguments they used but as far as the rape exception not being consistent with Prolife (which you’re correct) I’ll leave some breadcrumbs I might have throw out there;

How should we treat innocent members of the human family who happen to remind us of traumatic events?

If the right to life means anything it means the right to not be killed. If that right can be taken away from an innocent human based on the violent actions of a third party that occurred before that innocent human being even came into existence, then the right to life starting at conception stands on no solid ground.


I couldn't refute the view that being against abortion while supporting an exception for underage rape victims was consistent. And someone else said it's better to be aborted than to suffer.

You could make the argument that since the woman didn’t consent to the act of sex during rape, the pregnancy would be a violation of her right to bodily autonomy; where as consensual sex leading to pregnancy is not.

As far as the second comment, that says more about that person than it does anything else.

If they think they’re life is meaningless, and they would’ve been better off aborted, then that’s sad, but it only applies to them.

It isn’t a fact, it’s an asinine opinion; and honestly, I don’t think there’s any reason to take it seriously

That person had asked if we wanted to punish women for their choices. Pro-choicers believe this argument implies women should be punished for having sex, as to them, we see children as a consequence

They purposely mistake responsibility with punishment.

The real punishment is dismembering the child for the crimes of the father and calling it justice.

various commenters #wingnut

This woman is deranged.

“Fool people” from the side that opposed mandatory sonograms because roughly 80% of women change their minds when they see what their “clump of cells” actually looks like.

Totally unlike the completely neutral and non-manipulative tactics of planned parenthood where they dress up a liberal arts major in a white lab coat, clipboard, and call their abortion salesman a ‘counselor.’

PP will tell her they hold the solution to her burdensome problem.

The pregnancy center will show and remind her that she doesn’t have a problem, she has a new family member and they will join her in support and celebration of that, because no one should have to go through pregnancy alone.

The crazed, demented eyes of one who loves the murder of children.

Totalitarian reflexes cause the urge to shut down everything we disagree with.

I was concerned that RvW being overturned would result in a blue wave of enormous proportions. But the wild inhumanity on full display, attacking crisis pregnancy centers, may end up having the opposite effect at the polls. I think it's a fairly small subset of self-described pro-choice people who think women hoping for a path to keep a child should be denied that choice via shutting down the places there to help them.

That's because she wan children to be killed in the womb (anti-natalism) she is not actually in favor of bodily autonomy. She want to push women to have abortions, more is better in her mind.

it's curious how they NEVER speak about what an actual abortion is. so many speaking points all so disconnected from the actual act that is killing an unborn child, because there are no speaking points to counter that.

Earliest delivery so far is 21 weeks, that kid is out there living his life. In my country abortion is legal for any reason upto 24 weeks, beyond that, just say you're depressed about being pregnant, doctor shop until one says okay, terminate.

Crisis pregnancy centers are a distraction, it all is from the above.

Dr. Schavi M. Ali #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger

In the early morning hours of Wednesday, July 20, 2022, solar winds are traveling just slightly above normalcy at 411.5 km/s, and the magnetosphere is yet again enveloped in electromagnetic plasma particles that are strongly pressing into our planetary domain.
Solar flares with their CMEs deliver stirrings to our planet’s tectonic plates as well as to “Her” outer fields which can result in quakes as well as potent weather patterns such as thunder or snow storms, torrential rains, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.

Of course, humans and animals feel these events physically, emotionally, and mentally as organs, glands, muscles, tissues, cells, molecules, atoms, etc. are shifted and transformed to come into alignment with the always mentioned—SOURCE FREQUENCY.

What is also very amazing is something that has previously been addressed but which is worth repeating—the LIGHT that is surging from the black hole in the center of our galaxy situated at approximately 28 degrees of Sagittarius—the sign of HIGHER KNOWLEDGE, EXPANSION OF IDEALS OF JUSTICE, PHILOSOPHY, and SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS.

The typical black hole—the result of a super nova which is an exploded star— behaves like a vacuum cleaner that sucks up energy around it which can include entire galaxies.

However, this black hole is bursting forth with LIGHT.
There will be three warnings to befall mankind called “pre-cataclysms”:

There will be the disruption of global communications systems ( This is already happening).

A seismic event will occur involving the west coast of Peru and also the USA from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes.

The final event, if the “Consciousness-Correction” is not made is complete global cataclysm, the method of which has not been revealed, but many Spiritual Scientists studying the scientific information is ancient holy texts say that it will be a splitting of the entire planet such that those who have indeed made the “Consciousness-Correction” will be in a “New Golden Age” forever.

Etienne Charland, Emergence Guardian #crackpot #magick #ufo #homophobia #kinkshaming

Yesterday, we did really huge progress, and that may very well be the nail in the coffin for Dark Sophia. There is still a lot of work to do, so I’m putting the information out there and am calling for all the support.

Dark Sophia is only a very tiny fraction of a very tiny fraction of what it used to be. Still — that very tiny fraction remains very dangerous. What’s feeding her? 80% of all pornography, 83% of LGBTQ+, 83% of all family dramas, 75% of victimhood, 83% of love/unlovable drama, among other things.
As we looked for the most difficult part of that, we found Sophia’s core. There were generators taking all those useful energies and feeding it into her core. 16 layers upon layers to refine the energy. Nothing that goes in goes back out, so we had to blast the doors open permanently.

3rd layer was full of the most toxic venom and clouds I had ever seen. I wanted to skip that one but nobody else volunteered to take care of it… so I had to do it without touching it.

2nd layer was full of gunpowder. Each tiny grain has the energy of a sun. With CERN that they tried to activate a few days ago, they tried to open a portal to a pan-galactic demon. I identified 18 such pan-galactic demon. That gun-powder was enough to completely incinerate 6 pan-galactic demons and at least 25 major strongholds without a fight.

1st layer was full of ashes and fumes of pure corruption. It can corrupt absolutely anything. That core seems 80% responsible for all the energetic infections and corruptions we’ve been dealing with? 48% of all Shapeshifters are born here, made of pure corruption ashes. Clearing this will only weaken the shapeshifters by 15% though.

So, we need to finish clearing up what remains of that core, and any means of regeneration, or any hidden pockets, and clear up porn and LGBTQ+ that’s feeding it.

The core wound is “nobody loves me”, and that feeds everything else.

Padraig Martin #racist #wingnut #fundie #dunning-kruger

[From "In Defense of Slavery"]

The United States has tried desperately to impose a collective guilt upon the South for the “peculiar institution” of slavery. Like most Yankee mythologies, their arguments are grounded in partial truths and revisionist history[…]Southerners have been forced to make a choice: support their historic icons and monuments which are now equated to a support for slavery or reject them[…]
Well before the South was created, humans have taken other humans and impressed them into service[…]
That which made the African slave trade unique was its predatory fraternal nature. In Africa, a superior tribe would defeat an inferior tribe, enslave them[…]
That which made African slaves so appealing were multifold. To begin, the climate of Dixie was unlike the Anglo-Celtic islands from which early Southerners derived. The fair skinned Anglos were not built to work in the overwhelming heat of Virginia or the Carolinas in the 1600s[…]
The fact that the United States[…]was neither unique globally nor inconsistent with Christian norms. Slavery was a biblical institution[…]Slaves were treated much like valuable livestock[…]They were certainly treated better than their captors treated them in Africa

With the exception of a handful of slave owners in the United States who mistreated their slaves, Africans and later blacks enjoyed parallel societies that would eventually become the basis of self-imposed segregated communities in Dixie[…]
Did the South need slaves? Absolutely the South needed slaves. The United States needed slaves. Southerners have nothing for which to be ashamed. They enjoyed the benefits of a timeless institution, endorsed by God Himself, and built a powerful nation-state through the use of human labor[…]
Was slavery wrong? No, it was not wrong. The only thing that was wrong was ending the institution without a viable plan to return them to Africa

unnamed patient #quack #pratt

A young adult in New York has become the first US resident in nearly a decade to contract polio, state health officials say.

The unnamed patient in Rockland County is said no longer to be contagious, but has developed paralysis from the virus.

Officials say the person was unvaccinated, and was probably exposed to an individual who received a vaccine that contains the weakened live virus.

The last known US case of the highly contagious virus was recorded in 2013.

Once feared across the nation, the disease was largely eradicated by a national vaccination campaign that began in 1955.

Annual cases quickly fell from fewer than 100 in the 1960s to fewer than 10 in the 1970s - and the US was declared polio-free by 1979.

Disciple AJ #fundie

Great content as always Chris! 👍🏻

Everyone reading this, you need to wake up to how the world REALLY works. The fact is that humanity has always been spiritual for a reason and it's because the spiritual world is just as real as our flesh and blood. The western world still understood this until the 1960's when secularism started to take over and atheism began to catch on - that was only after millions and millions of people here in the UK (of the old world....) were culled in not one but two world wars. The occult always practice an 'order out of chaos' mentality and the two world wars served their purpose to kill off millions of Judeo-Christian's throughout Europe, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand - the nations of which are the primary Gospel sharing nations. That had to be severely interrupted by the people who worship the devil to get the world turning in their direction.

People need to wake up and stop pretending (or being wilfully ignorant) that this stuff isn't real and that there is no God or the devil - they are both very real and you have been lied to for generations by useful idiots to dumb down the population.

Think about it - if the majority of those with all he power and wealth in the world worship the devil in one form or another - why would that be? Why is that theme always so consistent? It's because they KNOW it's real and they have made their choices in the world.

Anyone who sides with the devil is already on the losing side. Those who do not have the Lord Jesus Christ will perish as He is going to bring this to an end...we are already seeing the start of the new world order in our time and this new world order will give all its authority over to the antichrist and everyone who has not sealed themselves with Jesus Christ will take the mark of the beast.

All of this stuff is real and it's going on. Everyone has to chose their side: God (eternal life) or satan (perish with him with eternal death and separation from God), there is no middle ground on this at all. Choose wisely, repent as the Kingdom of God is at hand. I know where I'm going and I plead with people to take Jesus whilst there is still time.

Maranatha ✝️📜. Amen.

Mike King #fundie #dunning-kruger

You see, boys and girls, Modern Art -- just like much of Modern Music, Modern Literature, Modern Science etc. -- distorts and perverts the appreciation and understanding of the good, the true and the beautiful. Convince the notoriously vain "intelligentsia" in any given society that up is down, black is white, crap is gold, gold is crap, men are women, women are men, etc, and soon you can sell these "educated" chumps anything. From there, the madness will eventually flow downhill to "the masses." There is no right and wrong for truth, like Einstein's "curved universe" (rolling eyes) and his "time warps" (rolling eyes) is all about "relativity."

[Moral Relativism is not the same as physics]

The essence of "modernism" is to suppress one's own God-given instincts, and then choose to believe in nothing, unless the "powers that be" (cough cough) instruct and authorize you to believe in something, that is. Ever notice how most of the main characters of modern literature and film are usually not heroes like those of yesteryear? The protagonist these days is typically a mentally conflicted hybrid weirdo -- neither good nor bad. Likewise, the modernist painter or sculptor is not at all concerned with beauty and truth. To the modernist, truth is only a point-of-view which aimlessly drifts with the polluted tide of "popular opinion" ™ -- that manufactured dogma which is nothing but a mass psychosis engineered by the usual suspects. In literature and art, and even "theoretical science," there is now a complete rejection of truth and beauty. Heck! Even the Poop Francis of the "modern Vatican" refuses to call sin by its rightful name. Although the Argentinean ass-clown did indeed pass very strong judgements against Global Warming ™ and xenophobia ™, but we digress.

In the final analysis, a people that can no longer distinguish truth and beauty from falsehood and ugliness, is a people that is ripe for all manner of political deception, oppression and enslavement.

mysteryca #crackpot #magick

Change and Sunshine

My tulpa and I have finally gotten married.

Because the spectacle didn’t really matter and we didn’t have anyone to invite the ceremony was casual. We really just looked for the first person willing to officiate who seemed credible.

That happened to be an older man on some planet on the astral plane that I had visited before. Right before we were supposed to have the ceremony he ran off and grabbed the local ruling deity to perform the ceremony for him. She was an extremely obvious fake. We never asked because we didn’t want to spend an hour discussing pointless stuff but I think she was supposed to be the equivalent of an Elvis impersonator.

Meanwhile, the woman whose wedding I attempted to escape is still here. I run into her a lot when I astral project, almost as though she’s waiting for me. She likes to cook, which isn’t something I’d expect from a spiritual being, and some of her most ambitious dishes are imitations of stuff from earth.

This person who would describe herself as my first wife likes to take me to various places on the astral plane.

Two of the more interesting places were a city apparently built as a tourist attraction by vampires (according to the brochure) and what looked a lot like a group roleplay session themed on ancient Greece. When we don’t go somewhere exciting, we usually sit and talk. She seems quite old even in astral terms and knows a lot about the history of the astral plane because she’s spent a lot of time traveling. It’s a bit of a strange relationship, but she’s only treated me well and I wouldn’t tell her to stay away.

Lilith continues to take a back seat in my occult endeavors while I work with other entities. She’s still watching and sometimes I can feel her attention. One time she dropped in on an astral projection session to see how I was progressing. Like a Pokemon rival, she felt that was best done through battle. Precisely what she wants is still a mystery, but she seems content being confusing for now.

Samuel Hathaway & Noah #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist #wingnut

RE: Mom Shot at by Tekle Sundberg Expresses Outrage

(Samuel Hathaway)

Cindy and Mark Sundberg adopted Tekle from Ethiopia when he was just four years old.

Introducing Cindy and Mark Sundberg, the "adoptive parents" of Tekle Sundberg from Ethiopia.

More evidence that Minnesota whites are a seriously defective branch of the White race, actually believing that it's their job as whites to patronize third-world blacks, pamper, and spoil them to no end.

The Sundbergs are among the biggest racists you'll ever meet -- for patronzing blacks and always taking their side, and also for preaching, sermonizing, moralizing and guilt-tripping whites.

pathological altruism is epidemic among the Swedes

Minnesota is filled with those whose ancestry is Swedish. Obviously a serious neurological, retarded defect in the brain somewhere -- in Sweden and here in the U.S. The parallels of pathological altruism are too stark to ignore.

Adopting Ethiopians is about as dumb as adopting a wild animal from Africa, turning them loose on society and expecting civil behavior as a result.


I look forward to some black saying the Sundbergs are racist for adopting the black kid from Ethiopia and he is now dead because of that. That will be irony times hundred for these two fools who wasted time and money adopting him and raising him here.

They will call them colonizers like they did Amy Coney Barrett.

The irony is that Ethiopians aren’t “black,” they’re Cushitic and they’re one of the major slave traders, along with Somalis, of black Bantu slaves to Arabs. They’ve done this for millennia, until Europeans made them stop.

Their cruelty makes them a people that don’t deserve pity.

In Europe, the Nordic countries were the furthest from foreign invasion. They’re not like mainland and Central European people who’ve seen a who’s who of history’s bastards come marching through their land.

A Swede never saw so much as a marauding Avar, but Hungarians and Poles did, as well as Huns, Mongols, Turks, Soviets and Nazis, to name a few. Swedes have no real concept of outside danger or the inherent danger present in outsiders in either the old world or the new.

Judy Byington/White Hat Intel #wingnut #conspiracy #ufo #mammon

The announcement of GESARA will now affect the Republic along with the rest of the world amounting to a total of 206 sovereign nations.
The IMF will announce the “global gold-standard monetary system” once GESARA is announced. All remaining fiat currencies will be cashed in for gold-standard currency.
Paper money will eventually be phased out and all currencies will be digital under the new financial system.
Notably, the wealth proliferation aspect is actually very stabilizing. People who have new found wealth in extremis are far more likely to feel able to help their relatives, their close friends, their fellow citizens. They are more likely to engage in humanitarian efforts. This is wealth building.
The Cabal is on the ropes and some of the new – suppressed – technologies that are being released date back 70 years or more. Suppressed technology is ‘New’ to us, but in reality, it is very ‘Old’. Some go back millions of years.
For example; the purified waters of Antarctica will be used to ‘turn the deserts green’ and ‘restore mineral life’ to all plants and living things. The future will be unbelievably complete with Cards for our own Personal Credit.
The application of ‘Replicators’ that can produce everything. And surely most importantly, ‘a new awareness’ of the ‘power of our mind’ in order to ‘display’ our needs. And soon also available ‘real health care’ to make people healthy instead of sick, to regrow limbs or organs, or to reduce our age by 30 years.
The greatest short-term affect will be that the RV will create a large surge in consumers over time. Corporations that responsibly produce things that people really need will see a huge surge in business and profits for many years to come. This is wealth-producing. Because a huge aspect of GESARA is the elimination of the national debt of every nation on earth, taxes will be adjusted to be lower for citizens and corporations. Only a flat sales tax of about 15% on new items will be applied.

Russ Winter #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia #elitist

The Method Against Social Justice Warriors

No. 1: Drop all social graces with them. That may be hard, but remember Social Justice Warriors take advantage of good manners and put no value on them anyway. Our objective is to trigger them via harsh criticism and ridicule — not threats or violence, in case that’s unclear. For example, the ultimate insult or trigger to a female Social Justice Warrior third- or fourth-wave feminist is the word “cunt.” That’s a bit over the top for me, so I’m mostly going with “bitch.” Absolutely refuse to engage in sex with Social Justice Warriors or Pervert Justice Warriors.

For non-cucked men, never ever trash talk femininity, but rather defend heterosexual women passionately. Winter Watch addressed this in our old Milo Yiannopoulos article. (((Milo))) was a problem because he as a homosexual trashed women generally. Keeping such women out of harm’s way is the mark of manhood. Also, do not use racial slurs. This is about individual behaviors and culture wars only. The term “dindu” is only descriptive of behavior and thus appropriate.

No. 2: Show no sensitivity toward Social Justice Warriors. Insult them matter of factly. If they show marginal or metro-sexual gender identification, insult their appearance (“there is a new thing going around, it’s called soap”). If they are over-the-top Social Justice Warrior homosexuals or transgenders, never use the contrived newspeak term “gay” or LGBT. In fact, avoid their shadow language. Let them know that you are armor proof to their accusations.
No.4: Knock the Social Justice Warriors unearned trophies and “specialness” badges off the shelf by telling them they have little of value or intelligence to offer anyone.

No. 5: Demonstrate thumbs up, support and accolades to the anti-Social Justice Warrior movement. Older generations need to wake up and get engaged. So do decent folks in the black community. Offer carrots and sticks and encouragement to repressed normies. Godspeed.

Indian in the Machine #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie

Okay this post should go far to settle once and for all, that Romana Didulo is not queen of Canada. She has to win the hearts and minds in order to become Queen, and she has not done that.

1. She’s not queen as of yet… she’s on a quest to become queen!

2. Romana Didulo is not in control of government. Some people are finding out the hard way, as they mistakenly thought her ‘royal decrees’ are legit, then realize they are not enforced, nor enforceable, as no one in any official capacity, recognizes them as such.

3. Romana Didulo should have stated right from the beginning, that she’s not queen, and that she’s only trying to be queen. This would have given her a fighting chance to win the hearts and minds of Canadians… but she didn’t choose to use honestly to do that. So they thought she’d win the hearts and minds through deception? Clearly a delusion… I mean, it’s worked before, but that strategy doesn’t work with an awakened populace.
Okay… so according to what David Carlson and the Peoples Quest For Truth News… Romana Didulo not queen.



Closing the Romana Didulo as queen of Canada timeline, now, with the assistance of the Company of Heaven, Prime Creator, and the hearts and minds of Canadians, that will know our true leadership when they treat us with kindness, openness, respect, wisdom, shared power and infinite love.

Canada has MAJOR PROBLEMS, still. But we know we cannot replace colonial communism, with dictatorial deception RIGHT?!!

The Babylon Bee #wingnut #racist

Ilhan Omar Uses Her One Phone Call From Jail To Call Both Her Husband And Her Brother

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Ilhan Omar was arrested by Capitol Police at an abortion rally yesterday. According to sources, she has used her prison phone call to contact both her husband and her brother.

"Hey Ahmed! Come bail me out, brother!" said Omar to her husband. "They got me locked up in D.C. jail with invisible handcuffs just because of my bravery at the Supreme Court protest! How long will it take you to get here?"

Sources close to the couple say Ahmed is distraught that his wife has been arrested, but is also laughing at how his sister keeps getting herself into trouble. "Ha ha! Ilhan you dork! Got yourself arrested again, huh?" Ahmed laughed before breaking down in sobs. "I'm on my way to get you out, my love!"

AP photographers are reportedly on site, ready to capture the powerful moment the police unlock Omar's invisible jail cell after her husband-brother Ahmed bails her out with invisible money to await her invisible trial.

At publishing time, Omar's husband showed up to post bail but her brother mysteriously disappeared.

Various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #racist

again, why are we supposed to hate Russia?

because they fight against the Pedo Groomers?

@JohnRivers Exactly. Normiecons are itching for us to put troops in Russia. Why??? The enemy of judeo-globohomo is my friend.

@JohnRivers Over the past 20 years Russia and the US seem to have swapped.
We are now the communist shithole.

@JohnRivers I like Russia more and more each day. If they would nuke israel off the map I would have to learn Russian and move there


Also the Chinese

@JohnRivers This reason alone is worth backing them. Lets not forget they castrate pedophiles before imprisoning them.

I really hope JewSA keeps poking them towards world war 3 then loses to them.

It will be wonderful.

I welcome my LGBT banning overlords.

Wow. I'm on Russia's side.

@JohnRivers I might have to become Russian at this rate

@JohnRivers Compared to our government today, Communism don't seem so bad especially if it rids communities from 'those' people! LGBTQ+

@JohnRivers I'm liking Russia more all the time. It would be great if we had politicians in this country brave enough to stand up to these sick bastards. We need to send all of these sick bastards to an island like they did the lepers. Disease would kill all of them off in no time.

Russias looking a more attractive place to go live every day.
Unfortunately I cant really speak Russian.
Maybe theyll start a fast track immigration system for people who want to go there to get away from western degeneracy....

@JohnRivers "Guys, why are we supposed to hate Russia? As far as I know, the only thing Russia has ever done, literally, is be against homosexuality. Literally!"

@JohnRivers I have noticed the Russians do not have a negro problem with crime ... DUH ! I wonder why ?

Various commenters #wingnut

BREAKING: The Supreme Court has issued an order allowing Indiana to enforce its pro-life law requiring parental consent on abortions.

@LifeNews A kid can't go to the dentist without parental consent but in a libtard world it's just fine for them to get an abortion. If nothing else proves how mental they truly are this should remove any doubt.

Not good enough, ban them outright

@KappaMikeyGroyper Patience. Gain potitical power locally, normalize restrictions, then ban it outright, play the left's game. The unborn children will be avenged.

@LifeNews well, the one who will want the abortion are the parents... Not a very effective law

@LifeNews We need to make it 100% illegal in Indiana and in all states for that matter. Our governor is a RINO so our congress will have to do it.


Father God I pray and ask that you yourself judge and punish directly each and every single individual person who supports abortion murder and especially the women who willingly and deliberately and knowingly commit First Degree Capitol Murder abortion murder because your Holy Laws require, "A life for a life," and I ask you Father God who is the Holy, Just and Righteous God to directly judge and punish each and every single individual person who is involved with abortion murder, in Jesus Christ's mighty name, amen 🙏.

Father God I pray and ask that you abundantly bless each and every single individual person who fights the good fight of faith and who actually takes actions to preserve the lives of all of the unborn babies in their mother's womb, in Jesus Christ's mighty name, amen 🙏❤🙌.

@LifeNews well, the one who will want the abortion are the parents... Not a very effective law

@LifeNews We need to make it 100% illegal in Indiana and in all states for that matter. Our governor is a RINO so our congress will have to do it.

bcjh , BiryaniEater10 & LivingKick #wingnut

There’s no such thing as women’s rights in this subject, it’s about children’s rights.

If you tell any pro-choicer “well what about the child’s rights?” after they tell you that “it’s a woman’s choice” their next attack will always start the core of the argument that it’s “not a child…”

“It doesn’t have consciousness”

“It doesn’t have memories or sentience”

“It’s not breathing”

All of these arguments can be dismantled by any snappy Ben-Shapiro-esque argument about how sentience doesn’t matter and science. So I just felt like ranting and people hate it when I call it children’s rights or say “but doesn’t the child have constitutional rights!?”

Wait why doesn’t sentience matter though? I’d agree that you can’t use the fetus not being alive as a stand-alone since it has potential consciousness anyways but sentience can’t be irrelevant.

Because drawing the line at sentience could be construed as ableism and discrimination based on developmental stage (age) which, for reasons related to Godwin's law and eugenics as a whole, should be avoided as possible grounds for what might be dehumanisation. Furthermore, if sentience is the defining characteristic, then that means that those who are comatose, brain dead or unconscious would, for that time, lack personhood which should be avoided on the basis that stripping personhood is never a good thing as it is now open to do unimaginable and harmful things to them as they have no personhood protection.

It just makes more sense to have the line be at the most inclusive and reasonable point possible out of an abundance of caution to avoid possible dehumanisation, which is why many PLers would view sentience as irrelevant as being a whole human organism, alive and having that capacity or potential for consciousness/sentience alone is enough.

otiac1 #wingnut

Abortion isn't a religious issue, and your example is a poorly constructed false equivalence.

The failure with the violinist argument, and others like it (such as your "blood donation" example), is that it not only fails to account for the false equivalence it presents (e.g., a right to life is not the same as a right not to die, the relationship between parents and child differs from the relationship between stranger and stranger, the womb does not represent extraordinary means but is designed to support gestation), the consequentialist thinking necessary to employ it where if 'the ends are the same all means are equivalent' is refused in virtually all other cases except abortion to justify abortion, which truly is a case of an individual building an argument from which logically follows X, Y, and Z, but refusing Y and Z for no other reason than they don't like them. If a person needed a blood transfusion, their cause of death would not be "failure to receive blood transfusion," but "injury." If a person is aborted, their cause of death would not be "failure to adapt to their environment," but "<dismemberment, chemical scalding, or any of the other absolutely barbaric means by which children are killed>."

This is beside whether comparing sex to cars colliding is appropriate (it is not; use of the sexual faculties between man and woman has, as a primary purpose, pregnancy. This isn't a case of an otherwise difficult to forecast or easily avoidable "accident" of the type "car collision" might represent).

If you think it is acceptable, im going to start treating your lot alot more differently. If you force me to live be your religious doctrine, you are my enemy.

This is hilarious, because whenever you decide to vote, you attempt to force others to live by whatever doctrine you embrace. It's you against the world, pal!

Taliban officials of the Afghan Ministry of Finance #fundie #sexist

The Taliban have asked women working at Afghanistan’s finance ministry to send a male relative to do their job a year after female public-sector workers were barred from government work and told to stay at home

Women who worked in government positions were sent home from their jobs shortly after the Taliban took power in August 2021, and have been paid heavily reduced salaries to do nothing

But several women told the Guardian they had received similar calls from Taliban officials requesting they recommend male relatives in their place, because the “workload in the office has increased and they need to hire a man instead of us”, according to one woman who did not wish her identity to be revealed

Sima Bahous, executive director of UN Women, said in May: “Current restrictions on women’s employment have been estimated to result in an immediate economic loss of up to $1bn – or up to 5% of Afghanistan’s GDP[…]
Maryam*, 37, received a call from the HR department of the Afghan ministry of finance, where she had worked for more than 15 years. She said: “I was asked to introduce a male family member to replace me at the ministry, so I could be dismissed from the job”[…]
“Since they came [to power], the Taliban have demoted me, and reduced my salary from 60,000 Afghanis [£575] to AFN12,000. I cannot even afford my son’s school fees. When I questioned this, an official rudely told me to get out of his office and said that my demotion was not negotiable”[…]
Maryam and her colleagues are mobilising to protest against Taliban policy. “We do not accept their order and we will try to get them to change it,” she said

christian #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia

Why are they determined to codify 'Same Sex Marriage now? Might it have something to do with the Marriage of the LAMB?

The Church is betrothed to Christ much the same way as the wise virgin in the parable. All Christians should be watching and waiting for the appearance of the Bridegroom the Lord Jesus (2 Timothy 4:8).

The second phase picture, when Christ comes to claim His bride and take the Church to the Father’s house. The Marriage Supper follows as the third and final step and is a glorious celebration of all who are in Christ Jesus.

Bride Hitchhikes to Her Own Wedding-Her name is ANATASIA

[Embedded video: “Bride Hitchhikes to Her Own Wedding”]

ANATASIA means Resurrection...

Jul 20, 2022 ‘I’m late for church’ — After three ride shares canceled on her, this bride was finally able to hitch a ride to her own wedding with a kind stranger...

Anatasia invited some to her wedding but they refused as they had other plans or were to busy...

Matthew 22:3

He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.

dasho #wingnut #homophobia #enbyphobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger

[Mr. Freeze]
LOL m8 I hate to tell you this but one half of the USA's political spectrum is explicitly anti-democracy and pro-censorship against anyone not sharing their views. Handing control over Twitter/Facebook et al to the GOP every few election cycles would be an absolute disaster. You think it's hard for LGBT folks to exist on social media now? Try having Trump/DeSantis/Abbott at the executive helm and outright striking those pages/accounts from existence out of some faux concern for "the children" or "treating mental illness."

This has to be one of the most absurd statements in this thread. I would argue that this is the easiest time in the history of social media for LGBT folks to exist.

EDIT: If you need to experiment, make a Twitter account, post something like "gender is immutable", and see what happens.

dasho #wingnut #psycho

[Context: Melissa Lucio was a case of an innocent going to get the death penalty unfairly. There was a campaign to save her, and dasho was very adamant about not wanting to donate]

This is a really serious and pressing issue, so if you are not going to help spreading the word or do anything to help, then I would kindly ask of you to stop derailing this thread with cynical hot takes.

I was correcting your inaccurate assertion, which is not "a hot take", and neither is making sure that people are aware of who they might be giving their money to. For instance, they may believe Melissa is innocent but also in the death penalty as a just punishment. These are not cynical statements, and if you could step outside of whatever emotional attachment you have to this issue you'd realize it as well. As long as you don't try to continue to mischaracterize what I've said, I am not going to fuel this any further.

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