Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
:gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar


@DrPaulGosar repeal the 1965 immigration act

@DrPaulGosar stop welfare to lazy niggers and dirty white trash bums! there must be millions of the bastards in America

@DrPaulGosar I can’t wait for the day when we March everyone of those illegals back across the border. No plush buses or charter leave the same way you came...walk your ass out of my country.

The deportations need to be bowls they need to be fast and they need to be massive. When it begins we need to have courage and not worry about what’s being said in the news. Because it doesn’t matter. We are being browned to death

@DrPaulGosar If the GOP gets power and Trump is reelected he will have to purge this government of jews in powerful positions or nothing will change. And they won't, we all know that.

@DrPaulGosar Burn more coal! Cheap energy = prosperity! So called green energy = poverty and famine! No more foreign aid or entanglements!

@DrPaulGosar ‘Diversity’ is genocide by substitution. But hatred is the very effective name that replacist powers have chosen to give to any opposition to genocide by substitution, to any resistance to the Great Replacement, to the slightest objection to the change of people and civilization. Beware when people start to speak of your hatred: It usually means that they want to kill you, to marginalize you, or at the very least to silence you. Securing our elections and border is equivalent to securing our nation's sovereignty.

@DrPaulGosar Add in revoking the birthright citizenship, and stopping all immigration completely for at least 100 years

@DrPaulGosar America should should be for Whites only.

@DrPaulGosar Don't deport; execute! costs less!

Various Commenters #wingnut

When I’m told I need to become “Pro-Choice” in order to “support women”

If being pro choice is supporting women then I guess I hate women

I support women…and I don’t think encouraging them to kill their own child is support they need.

Ya but our version of supporting women doesn’t fit their narrative and thus we hate women.

Or that it’s more empowering for a woman to savagely kill her own offspring than show the world that she can both raise the kid and still work her way to success, or give them up for adoption because that’s the more loving path than killing them.

Pro-Choice movement is anti woman.

If I identify as a women, I'm allowed to be pro life. There for, I beat them at their own rule.

BiblicalChristianity & Duc_de_Magenta #wingnut #fundie


This is part of the effort to conflate Christianity and pro-life politics.

1. Frame all bible-following Christianity as oppression

2. Convince society oppressors should be abolished by violent revolutions

3. Consor oppositions

4. ... Eventually justify Christian persecution.

Marxism cycles itself.

I guess I’m oppressing myself by their logic. I turned to Christianity all on my own and I’ve (sadly) never been to church.

Welcome home sister! (Assuming based on your avatar lol)

I STRONGLY recommend finding a place of fellowship and worship, especially in times such as these. I have an inkling that the beast has been poked by the overturning and the world will start to become gradually more and more unkind to actual principled Christians who don’t support child sacrifice. It is so much easier to not be of this world when you are surrounded by your brothers and sisters in a community and in communion with the body of Christ. We are not only here for our own salvation but for the salvation of others! Of course I don’t know where you live but if you need help finding a good church, I’m more than happy to help make phone calls/Google searches/etc! You can send me a DM anytime!

I've noticed how much of the pro-bort argument really does rely on an implicit bias/bigotry against Christianity & often Catholicism in particular.

Almost never goes the opposite way, either. I'm Christian & anti-infanticide, sure, but I absolutely can & do argue the latter w/o invoking the former. I think they cannot b/c they know, fundamentally, if we spoke in plain terms... their position is indefensible. They have to frame is as "these fanatics pushing their faith onto you!" rather than the real question - "which kind of people deserve human rights?"

Massresistance #transphobia #homophobia #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #fundie

H1728 would effectively wipe out a community’s ability to monitor or control the sorts of activities going on “next door.” While communities or property owners can ban smoking, they will not be able to ban wild behaviors involving protected sexual perversions parading as “gender expression.” If a property is next to a school and tenants wish to rent who “express” their gender through “swinging parties,” whips and chains, sex for sale, or public nudity -- the landlord will not be able to say no. It will be up to the “transgender” individual to decide how he needs to express himself in his (even rented) home or commercial property.

Look at the ads for “she-male” prostitutes (in the Boston Phoenix) whose “gender expression” includes sequential, anonymous visitors to their apartments, and who often express their gender loudly and violently through BDSM practices. They can rent any place they choose if H1728 is passed. (The only exception in the law, Ch. 151B section 4, where an owner may discriminate is for “a single dwelling unit in a two family dwelling, the other occupancy unit of which is occupied by the owner as his residence.”)

“Adult” stores catering to transsexuals and cross-dressers will not be stoppable. Local zoning regulations, if attempting to block them, will surely be challenged as discriminatory. No exemptions are built into the proposed law, no matter who the surrounding owners, tenants, or users may be -- including schools, playgrounds, churches, family neighborhoods.

Section 19 even says that no one (not just realtors or property managers) may publicly object in any way to an individual’s right to buy or rent apartment/condo-type dwellings on the basis of their “gender identity or expression.” This would include a letter to a newspaper, or a posting on a web site or blog.

This new law would have a profound effect on the business climate in Massachusetts. Watch for a continuing exodus by businesses from the state if H1728 passes.

Bedtime for Zeon #wingnut #psycho #racist 6x7g7rr6fhdoszolkqkaittdr6qzgejjxoc42q4ceaph2xttmo5vgryd.onion


If you have any family members or friends who are police or military, or work for government in any way anywhere, bully them to quit. Any white men that willingly work for zog should be bullied, harassed and ostracized by family members. There are no good police or soldiers.

Had this chat a while back w/ a friend, he did that ‘oh come on, ALL the feds should be drawn and quartered? buddy, you’re lookin’ at one right now. You really think I deserv-“

“I know what I said.”

“Ah? Ah!”


Imagine betraying your race for a shitty pension.

he kinda has a point, he’s not really enforcement or anything, he’s more like a deputy because his job required someone with his skill set and they figured empowering professionals in his field was easier than training their own out of rank & file. Basically a CPA with a badge.

Still, it counts, he’s working for the system in some form or another. If we carve out a horse exemption for him, everyone’s gonna want one!

Judy Byington/WhiteHatIntel/Bruce #conspiracy #wingnut #mammon

Judy Note: With mass arrests going on around the world, the Earth was close to a Nuclear Standoff, there were major food shortages across the globe while it headed toward a financial market crash and with 130-140 countries that now have asset-backed currency, we were on the brink of a Global Currency Reset and return to a gold standard.

We’re coming close the Nuclear Event full standoff. …White Hat Intel
Wars were coming to the brink of a Near Death Civilization Event that would lead to exposure of the DS inside the Military commands.
It Starts in London: London Bridge Falling Down. Boris Johnson Just Resigned as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
RED ALERT London Has Fallen! First domino is down, Watch the water ripple effect. Georgia Guide Stones 1/4 stone down is the 1st on 4 pillars of the Financial Market. London fall and crash the 3 other as they are all connected and balance the global market. Black Swan Event Global Reset Market Crash started. V for Vendetta prophecy End Game is now. V for VENGEANCE! Project London Bridge activated.
Western Europe on Suicide Watch as Food, Energy Collapse Gets Worse!
Bruce: 80% of Private and commercial flights in the US have been grounded – the reason to prevent Deep State Cabal from traveling. They made those arrests. They resumed those flights on Thurs. 7 July in order for the Bond Holders and paymasters had to get into position in Miami and Reno.
The Chinese Elders have apologized for the delay in completing the Global Currency Reset saying, “The leadership just needed more time.”
On Tues. 28 June Russia announced the BRICS Countries were establishing a Global Currency Reset.

The Pleiadians via Christine Day #ufo #magick #quack

This is an essential time for you as an individual as you witness these changes taking place and to also understand the incredible potential that is now emerging within the energetic space through your own Heart. Bringing to you an appreciation of how you have always existed within the sacred design of the Universe and the how this unique imprint of you has always existed within your Heart cells.

This imprint is actively emerging energetically from within you. In truth there is a higher vibrational pulse that is emanating from within your Heart cells. This is the next phase of your awakening that has always been pre-destined to enable you to re-align into the frequency access code of your higher consciousness flow.
PROCESS: Remember your Heart is a multidimensional doorway, a vehicle for you to re-access the natural extension of your Higher Self. The focus is simple, to choose to emerge within the stillness of your Heart and just be. What is essential is not to rush the process of reconnection to your Heart. Your Ego mind will never understand any aspect of this journey.
Bring both palms to rest on your physical chest. Hold your awareness on where you feel see or sense the physical pressure of your palms, or warmth of your hands connecting to your chest.
Hold your awareness on this area as you take a Conscious breath, and place the outbreath, like a soft wind, where you see sense or feel the area where you are holding your palms.
Take another Conscious breath into the opening and simply choose to let go.
Place the sacred sound, ENDAHNNN… (pronounced endarn) within the space that you see sense or feel. Your sound creates a unique frequency that your heart cells recognize.
Place your sound again, ENDAHNNN… within the space of your heart that you sense, see or feel. Take a Conscious breath into the opening.

Edward Menez #conspiracy #wingnut #quack

Now that we know that is also a lie, as there are still chemtrails all over the western half of the US and yet there is the worst drought there in a millennium, it begins to be clear to us that chemtrails are being sprayed above us for a more, insidious reason.

Bill Gates now claims that we need to "block out the sun" to prevent Global Warming. Bill Gates also claimed the Covid-19 vaccines were used for immunity to that supposed flu-like disease. The truth is that Bill Gates is a liar: both Covid-19 vaccines and chemtrails are being used as slow-kill methods to depopulate the world. Both are poisons used to compromise your immune system.
A contrail from an airplane is water vapor and will disappear entirely within seconds. A chemtrail, however, will linger intact as a long white line for many minutes, and then very slowly form into a hazy cloud-like form which makes a blue sky suddenly grey.

I stated looking up at the sky wherever I went, and soon I could "predict" what the weather would be on any given day based on how many chemtrails I saw that day. I saw that chemtrails didn't make it rain at all--rather, I saw chemtrails dissolve an incoming storm, creating windy weather in its place.

This isn't just happening in the United States. It's happening almost everywhere in the world in a coordinated program of genocide, just like the Covid-19 worldwide collusion. I have been to about 90 countries in my life, at least 70 of them since 2001. In almost every country I traveled to, I intentionally scanned the sky for chemtrails.

In most African countries, there are fewer chemtrails than in heavily-chemtrailed Europe and the United States (What a coincidence! Just like the concentration of Covid vaccines), but there are chemtrails in Africa. They are moderately heavy in Asia (including China), and they exist in almost every country I've visited. There are only two countries where I tried to see chemtrails, but did not see them: Bhutan and North Korea.

Drew68, Adder, AZJeep, KamperKen, cuz1961 and Prince of Space #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger

[Comments under "Child abuse victim, 10, who was six weeks pregnant is forced to travel from Ohio to Indiana for an abortion after home state outlaws it under Roe v Wade ruling"]

This sounds a lot like all of those “if only I got vaccinated” deathbed stories we’ve heard endlessly over the past two years

Heavy on allegations, light on verifiable facts

Expect a lot more of this

So why did they wait?
For dramatic effect?
The decision was telegraphed weeks ago…but they missed it by just that much
More abuse, sounds like…

Arrest the man[…]
The leftist media try to make a rule out of extremely rare exception. Standard leftist strategy!
The left likes to suggest that these cases happen on daily basis, so Roe was dealing with similar situations mostly
Kind of like we are to be believed that every day hundreds of schools are attacked and so we need to take away guns from all people!
The truth is that almost all abortions are just killing babies for the convenience and stopping that practice is what the pro-life movement is all about!.

There’s strong possibility they’re leaving out that the father and impregnated ‘child’ are illegal aliens since this is far more prevalent in that demographic

Having a real difficult time believing a 10 year old can get pregnant

Progs lie so much about everything all the time now,

I.E. - males can get pregnant-

it’s easy to not beleive this is anything but pro-abort b.s..

Prince of Space
It’s from the Daily Mail UK. Why is no other outlet reporting it? According to the story, a “child abuse doctor” called the OB/GYN to inquire about the situation. She didn’t meet the kid or see her records AFAIK, so she likely doesn’t exist. This is pry just a PR exercise by NARAL to rile up abortion supporters

I just wonder where in the physician directory one would find a “child abuse doctor” because I’ve never seen one. ??

Damien Rieu #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut

Following the assassination of former Japanese president Shinzo Abe, a far-right French politician has seemingly confused the suspect with game developer Hideo Kojima.

Damien Rieu, a far-right politician and vocal supporter of the “identity movement” in France, then replied to the post writing “the far-left kills” alongside several images of Hideo Kojima.

Both the tweets have since been deleted but Autain has called out the racism behind Rieu’s reply. Sharing a screenshot of the exchange, Autain wrote: “Freewheeling Damien Rieu confuses an assassin with Hideo Kojima, world authority on video games. The extreme right in full racist delirium.”

At the time of publication, Kojima is yet to respond but Rieu has since apologised,

@Woman4W & @FionaKabuki #transphobia

"This adult male is allowed to see your underage daughter naked in a public shower facility because he says he's a woman - and if we don't let him he says he'll kill himself."

Say it out loud. Twice. Then consider that THIS is where we're at currently in Western society in 2020.

Up to him if he kills himself. That type of blackmail attempt is beneath contempt. I wouldn't dream of trying to stop him: he has a right to his decision.

Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist #fundie

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The left is pulling every trick in the book to stop me because they know I'm one of the most effective Republicans in congress and I unashamedly stand for America First. Please chip in if you are able to help me stop this radical leftist plot:

The left is so afraid of America First fighters like @DrPaulGosar they openly encourage democrats to switch parties for primaries.

Seen in Lake Havasu City, AZ newspaper.

@DrPaulGosar Why did you vote yes on the resolution condemning antisemitism?

Are you planning to introduce a resolution condemning anti-white hatred?

@Zaklog @DrPaulGosar, because your racism makes you scummy.

@Viceregent1969 @DrPaulGosar And your anti-racism makes you both stupid and evil.

Anti-racism kills. Anti-racism killed Joshua Ahren Dehart and Ryan Rogers. Take it straight back to Hell.

@DrPaulGosar You're don't unashamedly stand for America First; you're unashamedly for Israel First.

@DrPaulGosar Today's 'democrats' are traitors. No civil and sane person today would be able to vote for a democrat without violating their conscience.

@DrPaulGosar The left cheats, and cheats, and cheats - we need MAGA Republicans to shut them down, and prosecute them for their illegal and unethical behavior and acts.

@DrPaulGosar the globalist are trying to take JEHOVAH God the Great I AM that I AM out of everything. But, they will not be successful because you cannot take God JEHOVAH out of us!!! We win,,they will be destroyed and if they do not repent and accept Jesus as the Christ they will be judged at the Great White Thrown Judgement and thrown into different levels of hell where there is no escape. Once the Church is gone,,,then they will have their way for a while. Hallelujah Jesus! King of Kings and Lord of ALL!!!😁🙏✝️

@DrPaulGosar name the Jew then you coward or fuck off

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various Commenters #wingnut #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Securing our elections, our border, and deporting millions of illegals as soon and fast as possible needs to be the top priorities of every America First Republican.

@DrPaulGosar I love that word deport. I am sure I am not in the minority..

How about America becomes hostile to infiltrators? Make them want to leave. No rights, no protections, no jobs, etc. If you aren't a citizen, you have no rights here.

@DrPaulGosar No lawyers, no hearings. If you are here illegally, immediate deportation with no questions asked, if you want to fight it, fight it from your own country on your own dime. GTFO!

@DrPaulGosar Repeal of "Hate crimes" legislation comes first. The U.S. government doesn't care if they burn an American flag, but burn a pride flag: Felony! Hate crime! Burn a pride flag today

@DrPaulGosar don’t leave out trying treasonist politicians for conspiring to overthrow a president in a rigged election

@DrPaulGosar Amen but our goal right now should getting every deputized citizen we can on the border with firearms to shut the damn border down!!

@DrPaulGosar The jews are behind the gun control lobby. I wonder why???🤔🤔 It seems like I have heard of this very same methodology being used in Russia by the jewish Bolsheviks to institute the communist take over of that Nation.
#namethejew #endzog #secondamendmentrights
" We are not going to take this zionist occupied country anymore. It's time we push back."

Throwing jews into the nearest volcano is the most effective way to achieve this.


@DrPaulGosar you're gonna get killed by the same Zionists you keep cocksucking now with this based rhetoric Dr. Gosar! 😅😂

Anti-abortionist #wingnut #fundie

RE: “They’re coming after birth control next” —according to the fear-mongering abortion proponents. If you’re reading this, NO WE ARE NOT.
I seriously am against birth control. Im not catholic im Christian but BC has some serious effects no one talks about and there are no studies done on it even tho its been around for 60 years. Ignorance is bliss i guess. I do not take birth control and i warn women against its effects and how it is an abortifacient. Its not my next move obviously, but when we hold true to our stance that life begins at conception, some birth controls will need to be removed

firenati0n #wingnut

Harry potter is an excellent pro-lifer literature.
I always thought women should have control over her body, however, after reading Harry potter, my views changed for the better.

Imagine if Lily potter aborted Harry, who would have stopped the onslaught of voldemort? The child who stood up to voldemort would be no longer there. Voldemort would have committed a magical holocaust against us muggles.

The weasleys had so many kids, they could have easily offed a few of them to stop descending into poverty. However they chose not to and they ended up with some of the most lovable bastards on the series. Could you imagine if ron, fred or george was aborted (Percy dont count lol). Their potential would have gone without a trace in history.

Same thing can be said of Hagrid. He was the product of union between a man and a giant. Yet they did not abort the unholy creation. Why? Because they valued life and potential of that life (however little it may be).

JK Rowling did a fantastic job of creating characters that could have been aborted at birth, however through trials and tribulation they overcame their shortcoming and became heroes. Ms Rowling's work places a strong case for us pro-lifers

Tim Pool #wingnut

Far Left Threatens To Escalate TERROR Campaign, 14 Pro Life Centers Attacked, Dems FAN FLAMES

I can't believe this story! It certainly must be fake news.

"The leash is off: Abortion Activists Behind Attacks On Pro-Lifers Issue New Threats, Urge Others To Burn."

I just can't believe it the left being violent, it's the far right according to the January 6 committee and all of these Democrats keep telling me that the far right is the dangerous element we have to be scared about because they want civil war.

It's just absolutely insane, the story, about 17 anti-abortion centers getting firebombed. It shows you what their real intention is.

The Daily Caller reports a statement that appears to be from the violent pro-abortion group Jane's Revenge was posted online tuesday saying, "the leash is off!" I thought the leash was already off because 17 pregnancy centers had been attacked. Sure, the leash is off for attacks on pro-life operations and declaring violence until pro-life groups shut down.

"Kavanaugh Neighbor Describes Horrific Experience Dealing With Aggressive Pro-Choice Protesters."

They're not pro-choice, they're pro-abortion, call them pro-death, call them whatever you want. They're substantially more extreme than
the pro-choice ever was.

Fox News reports: A neighbor of supreme court justice Brett Kavanaugh says the pro-choice protesters who have marched multiple times a week down their street in the evening have shaken up residents homes and disrupted their lives as they detailed the alleged abuse received by neighbors from protesters, while saying authorities have done little to help them.

This is illegal. It's outright illegal and these people want to know why the law isn't being enforced. It's because you live in an anarcho tyranny. You are subject to a violent revolution that doesn't seek to uphold the law, because they seek to gain power and upholding the law subverts their

If right-wingers went to the homes of these federal authorities, they would be arrested on sight. They would be arrested instantly. Even with everything we're seeing, 17 anti-abortion centers have been firebombed since last month's leaked supreme court decision.

Various Commenters #racist #wingnut

RE: Portland Man Rages at Liberal White Woman Over Traffic Incident

"I hope you go back to Europe, you b**ch."

You better figure it out White IS about race.

(Michael Whalen)
Dear Mr. Native American, if it were not for us colonizers, you would not have possessed an automobile in the first place.

(John Holmes)
99% of "Native Americans" are really self hating whites with MAYBE a small percentage of Indian blood. He's probably another fake injin

(Marc Zuckurburg)
"It was then she found out that her liberalness didn't save her from her whiteness".

This is the epitome of the white female liberal mindset. He could have spat on her and she would have consoled him. He could have smacked her and she would have understood his pain. These women are beyond hope and will never change their world view.

(American Plague)
With the White birth rate being what it is, Darwinian natural selection SHOULD take care of them, although it may take a little while.

(M C)
I don't take "Colonizer!!!" as an insult. To the contrary, it's an admission that my ancestors were far more capable than those of any minority who would call me that.

You could remind him that he is the colonized/loser.

The young woman in the video seems to be confused. It is not Oregonians who are "f***ing nice" - it is white people who are "f***ing nice". The internet addled generation pretend to not notice little things like race, ethnicity or gender, but reality can be a cruel master. Another article in this series describes a young French woman who was raped by a "French" Iranian - it is likely that woman considers French people to be "f***ing nice".

ilovethiswebsite #dunning-kruger #sexist

Why do straight women hate lesbians so much?

Straight women percieve lesbians as predatory because they are attracted to women.

Straight women can only concieve of attraction to women through a male-lens, and they subconsciously know how dangerous men are. They rely on the social structures that separate men and women to provide them a certain level of safety. Because they equate lesbianism to male sexuality, a lesbian to them is the same as a hidden male lurking and waiting to assault them.

Interestingly, straight women are more horrified at relatively rare cases of a lesbian assaulting another woman, than they are at the millions of straight men who rape and molest millions of women and girls every day.

Meanwhile they have an odd sense of comfort with gay men, even though gay men are extremely misogynist toward them and created whole subcultures on the basis of mocking straight women's commitment to what straight men demand of them (ex. Drag) Straight women somehow forget that gay men are men, and they are more than willing to use their male strength to beat a woman when she steps out of line.

Heterosexuality really is a disease lol.

I don't, so I tried to think from the perspective of my homophobic mother. Here are my observations:

Women generally try to cope with how imbalanced reality actually is by trying to pretend that women can be dangerous as men

Often you'd see women decrying female on male 'rape' and 'abuse' more than do, unless the men in question are trying to push an agenda.

It's a coping mechanism. This weird sort of thing where they convince themselves that the sexes are equal and hence try to apply it in terms of threat too. Its also really an attempt to distract themselves from how utterly strong and dangerous men really are; "women can be just as bad too!"

Interesting. Women make themselves feel better by how much they submit to men by pretending men's actions aren't inherent/exclusive to them. This makes them feel less stupid about how they endanger themselves daily because they convince themselves that the risk would be the same with women.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #wingnut

Celebrities do not die
They just retire a character

All the information of a person
Is recorded on their cortical stack

It is downloaded onto a DHF or Digital Human Freight
And transferred into a sleeve

A sleeve is an organic clone made out of real human tissue
It does everything a normal person does

The consciousness is then transferred to the sleeve

No famous person is real anymore
All celebrities are AI generated

Most people who become famous are body snatched
They are cloned and the real person is killed

An entity occupies the clone
And assumes the identity of the person

People who idolize celebrities are called fans
Because they project their energy onto the entity
Who is in a cloned body of the real celebrity

The energy from fans feeds their auto vibration

The fake celebrity uses victim consciousness to gain sympathy
Which means more energy from their fans

Twinning is where an entity posing as a celebrity
Hangs out with a recently body snatched person
To guide them in their new environment

The world of sports is becoming an above ground version
Of below ground cloning wars

Because of their fame and idolization from fans
Athletes are an attractive target of entities

Human sacrifices and the eating of flesh and the drinking of blood
Is a common practice of all these individuals

In old Babylon sacrifices were hunted down for sport
Now they are trafficked underground

Hollywood is the new Babylon

Old Babylon has returned and crept in unawares as AIs

We live in a mixed reality
Where humans are stuck in 3D

Fake celebrities munch on a child sandwich
Then go out and receive energy to sustain their way of life
From their human hosts

Henry de Lesquen #fundie #wingnut #racist

[Translated from "Pourquoi il faut interdire l’avortement" - "Why Abortion Should Be Banned"]

Here's a 10-point analysis on the question of abortion. And a conclusion
1) The child is constitued since conception. He has a genotype. He has a soul[…]
3) The law shall allow abortion only in two cases:
-The woman had been raped;
-Pregnancy endengers the woman
4) Excepted in these two cases, abortion is premeditated murder: assassination. In utero infanticide
5) Back to the 1810 Penal Code: abortion held to be a felony and punished with prison
6) A woman who aborts is a mother who decided to kill her child. She is the first guilty[…]
9) Abortion is also a crime against the fatherland: 200,000 death by year, 8 millions in 40 years
10) With her law of 1975, Simone Veil is the first responsible of the choah of French children
Conclusion to win the battle of opinion, abortion shall be denounced as a felony

Several posters #crackpot #racist #wingnut

( l4s9gOsD )

What's the best Haplotype and why is it R1a?


( bVgxQHOA )

R1a is bunch of white niggers, only thing they were good for is letting us Jews to live on their clay when we were persecuted in western europe.

( q7YTeNDD )

The best is I1. It was nearly non existant around the time of nordic bronze age and around the fall of Rome.

33% of all Scandinavian men have it today. To go from 0,01% to 33% in that time of timespan without being part of a founder effect.

It means that its the most competitive male lineage in human history in terms of internal group competition.

It has replaced other haplogroups and increased in rate at a percent of thousands of percent compared to its competitior haplogroups.

If there is any haplogroup that is showing signs of being chad and geting all the ladies in peaceful Settings not war and rape its I1.

Probably the most succesful haplogroup in history to replace other haplogroups from peaceful selection.

( 5o1X0ESf )

R1b obviously
Germany, italy, britain, france, and spain. The five countries which conquered the world.
maority of america is r1b as well, the most powerful country.

( KP8mWhZV )

>I2a came back to the balkans with the slavic invasion

What is this dumb subhuman slavoid revision. I2a is highest in bosnia and the western balkans, you fucking subhuman.

Someone ought to put your subuman kin in a barn and burn them alive like the vikings and wehrmacht did. Slavic subhumanism as usual.

It literally says that another V13 subclade is found amongst Serbs on the next line. Kill yourself slavic scum invader. You are immigrants just like the celtoids are. Also im Bosnia and my family literally hails from mount dinara. KYS.

( 3BRSVkGu )

It’s no coincidence that 99% of the countries who actually contributed to humanity are R1B. R1B is literally the master race, end of discussion

( e7+uuxx1 )

Slovanoids have genes in eastern germany so it's r1a too. And Old italian venetians were Wends literally slovanoids and they even now use slavic words in their latinised venetian language like woga (slavic voda) = water etc. And Old Norse language had slavic words too like Lekar = doctor but they were germanized

PsalmSevenBooks #wingnut

Unsurprisingly, DA deleted the journal where I showed one of the threatening comments I got for being happy that the left can no longer murder children. Copy/pasted from a message I received from DA staff, with emphasis added: "A member of staff has reviewed a report concerning this deviation and has found that the work has no greater purpose other than as a personal attack against another deviant."

So... Evidently you can threaten the life of a conservative and that's fine, but the conservative better not screenshot it and show it to anyone or that's "attacking."

Sometimes I think I should thank the entire left for giving us no shortage of nonsense to laugh at. 😂 Y'all are wild.

To be fair, it looks like DA's policies actually did change at some point to prohibit posting screenshots of other users' posts in a journal, even if you blur out their screen name and profile picture so they can't be identified, which I did. I've been on this site for more than 10 years and that rule didn't used to exist. This is quite a step forward for DeviantArt, since they usually just make up Christophobic and anti-conservative rules as they go without ever posting them. Good job DA, you did something (kind of) right! :clap:


*coughITwasJUSTaCLUMPofWORDScough* 😉 😘

Various Commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

BREAKING: Last Abortion Business in Mississippi Will Close Down as New Abortion Ban Takes Effect

@LifeNews Interesting all these clinics that were for women's health close their doors when the abortions stop. No more fetal parts to sell. What about the concern for women's reproductive health? Guess when the abortion grant money dries up the clinics all blow away.

@LifeNews Get ready for the ignorant and violent, EBT-dependent negro population to EXPLODE.

@LifeNews 7 in 10 abortions are negroes ... so you can expect up to 40 Million new unwanted low IQ but highly aggressive criminal negroes within the next 2 or 3 decades - lets hope that you superstitious morons are the victims of those now coming criminals and not the innocent population which must not only protected from morons like you but now also from your killers !

@WeirdRat @LifeNews I'm not so sure abt that. Most black girls stock up on baby daddies then run to welfare with 3-5 toddlers. They just don't give a damn abt the father. Who's a low life too.

@LifeNews Good, now burn it so there are no reminders of the horrors that went on in there. Drench it in holy water after. Those facilities are disgusting and evil.

@LifeNews PRAISE GOD! It's starting folks. Do not get lazy. Call abortion murder. Make shame great again. Seriously babies will die

Doesn't Mississippi have the highest percentage of black population? Therefore this is horrible. Y'all need to Make Abortion Great Again.

@LifeNews bad news, this state is full of niggers

You mean last slaughter house.

@LifeNews just what Mississippi needs, another million niggers.

@LifeNews Think of how many children will have a chance at life now.

Alleluia. The way I see it. Since Abortion started in the 70s the cherishing of any human life has been steadily devalued. How long has it been since you've heard, no amount of money can buy a human life. Now life has been desensitized slowly over the years. Much like THE BOILING A FROG IN STARTING OUT IN WARM WATER.

@KollyKib #transphobia

I've had about as much as I can take, of seeing the "transphobia" bleating fanatics casting women as hateful villains for the having temerity to defend their hard-won rights. Transwomen are men, and if they need to do a poo, they can do one in the "gents" toilets.

BannableSlut #wingnut

What's funny is that this assertion of yours undermines the idea that abortion is a strict issue of bodily autonomy.

Now, in real life, anyone who bothered to know is well aware that there were abortions happening to fully "viable and healthy" fetuses in the late second/and early 3rd trimester. Doesn't really matter if it was rare, it should've been universally understood that anyone preforming them should've been in prison for life.

DiamondConfident1811 , wardamnbolts & SwordfishNo4689 #wingnut

RE: I got stuck on an elevator with a pro-choicer. They said all the typical things. Clump of cells, my body, my choice, straw man upon straw man.

The womb is like an elevator, the person on it is only meant to get out when they have arrived at their intended floor, not lethally ejected from the elevator when the property owner feels like it🙃

Yup dehumanize them so it’s okay to kill. Very old strategy.


I got stuck on an elevator with a pro-choicer

Sounds like the plot from a horror movie.

: UWS-DWF888 #conspiracy #wingnut

Why Biden & Harris?

Did you ever wonder how this evil bastard Biden and the cackling idiot Harris came to be the Democrat candidates?

They did it on purpose, to show that they could steal the election even with a totally senile, corrupt, pedophile candidate and the most hated, loathsome VP in history, a woman who didn’t get a sigle delegate in the Democrat primaries.

Then they bragged about their fraud in Time magazine, writing about how they “fortified the election”. The fact that people really hate Biden & Harris is part of the plan. The goal is to divide the US.

Infernal #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia

The thing is, Chris [McGee] seems to be just trying to avoid controversy and exist in the lgbt community and move on with his sad pathetic life, because most people have either forgotten or stopped caring about him long ago, even the twitter troons and fags who prided themselves in putting Chris on blast before, I guess because there are bigger accounts to cancel, there was never much return in terms of clout for going after a nobody like Chris, and performative "community safety" activism only exists to gain clout and prove they're the "acceptable" fags when in reality they're just as degenerate as Chris, they just are better about not getting outed like Chris's dumb ass. Despite efforts to inform people about his name change by some of the original callout people, the rebrand worked.

I think what may have helped Chris fly under the radar is he's so far kept his nose clean since the last major incident. (I certainly haven't seen anything about a new grooming attempt on a minor and not just regular old simping for fictional characters that even the lgbt weirdos who called him out are even guilty of themselves.) He hasn't talked about Harry at all, or even about the harassment he supposedly receives from people like us or "antis" other than extremely vague stuff that doesn't bring up the accusations. He just whines about being bad at competitive games, He's trying in vain to get enough average viewers to make affiliate on Twitch, and is now simping hard for this bad undertale-clone he's been playing. (I hate Undertale with a passion for the damage it's done to the gaming medium by onboarding a bunch of cringe lgbt bullshit into games, but this Omori game somehow manages to be worse from what little i've seen of it, It's WAY more pretentious than most of Toby Fox's shit, and I guess it clicked with Chris because it's total shota bait,)

He's just like any other twitter transtrander now. It's kinda silly how easy cancel culture let him off the hook so easily.

No_More_Astral_Deception #magick #ufo #conspiracy #quack #wingnut

What is the real purpose behind this downgrade?
In summary, to make this human energy farm far more efficient and addictive.
Psychopathic managers of this place were in the possession of the exotic technologies like “free” energy, anti-gravity, super computing, robotics, automation, etc. for a while now.
Volumes have been already written about the technocratic agenda and merger of humans with technology, I think it is important to know their plans.
One question arises though, why to keep professed 500 million around if almost virtually everything can be automated with the current technology?
It makes very little sense to bother with such a large population at the end if your goal is to “enjoy” this place to yourself. Perhaps the answer is that they are the managers after all and while they’ve been greatly benefiting from our misery while implementing the owner’s agendas, they cannot overstep their boundaries or else.
Enter the Loosh on Demand human farming construct.
Unfortunately at this point of integration with the technology the possibilities of mind manipulation & control are almost endless. I will leave it to your imagination just how much more of ai induced and manipulated thoughts and emotions Human 2.0 can “produce” on demand.
It is crucial to keep in mind that this is also carrot & stick system like the one we are currently in. That’s why some are already falling for it and the addiction to it would be impossible otherwise.
Perhaps even more important consequence of this construct is greatly extended lifespan leading to much longer enslavement than current average human lifetime.

What will it take for a Selfaware Being to free itself from this form of enslavement?
It is most disgusting and appalling publicly admitted, state sponsored technological mind rape to the young ones I witnessed to date. How much further will it go with nanotech if people consent to injections?


Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy

A prime convulsion of history erupted in 1918 with the completion of World War 1.

Four Christian Monarchies were crushed:

The Habsburgs of Austria; The Romanovs of Russia; The Hohenzollerns of Germany; and the Kingdom of Greece.

A consequent convulsion of history crystallized in 1945 at the end of World War 2.

Four major European nations came under American rule and continues today:

Germany, France, Italy, Spain.

And Great Britain lost its world hegemony conclusively.

A stunning convulsion of history occurred in 1991 with the fall of the Soviet Union.

Russia underwent “privatization auctions”—the seizure of state assets—sold at bargain prices that only International Jewry led by Harvard’s Jeffery Sachs could cook up.
Putin’s offer to wed Russia with Europe through trade, science, culture, and defense—offered by Putin on countless occasions up until February 24 2022, profoundly failed.

It could never succeed.

Jews who control the collective West would never allow it.

For with Jewry’s seething hatred of Russia—like the Jews Nudelman and Blinken—despising Russia’s Orthodox Christian civilizational vision, against the Slavic inability to coalesce with the unappetizing Jewish personality, Putin was up against a wall.

Ukraine breaks that wall and finalizes the collective West’s fall.
Pure ”drama” in the Yidishee theatre of make-believe so the goy can say:

“It must be true! I saw it on TV!”

The gold ban is senseless.

Gold will grow in demand while fiat money keeps hitting the trash can.

Russia will sell its gold to China and India, both will sell to Europe and Jewmerica, and at higher prices than Russia would offer.

The Jewish boomerang is in.
Jews pushed Russia into its current military op in Ukraine which completes a multi-polar world and the flop of the Jew-controlled West.

It’s a convulsion of history.

Every wound needs a suture.

Welcome to the future.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #mammon


Tim Tony Stark Rifat Mini-Biography

Born 1957. Libra star sign with Leo ascendant which makes me such a balance and Leonai character – I love cats. College educated. Former Lifeguard. Author. Multimillionaire and well rounded badass.

The world's leading expert on Psychic Warfare outside of Russsi, and a devotee of Yuri Andropov's Soviet Psychic Warfare program. Trained by MI6 Magus Colin Bloy in all the secrets of the Illuminati. An Ipsissumus magician who embodies the good traits of Aleister Crowley; so without the drug taking, penury, and misogynistic sex rituals. The successor of Don Juan and his shamanic legacy, which ended with Carlos Castaneda destroying the Warriors of Total Freedom, which brought in Tim Tony Stark Rifat's Warriors of Total Vengeance, the proletarian psychic peasants with pitchforks, who brought down the Illuminati elite with Soviet Psychic Warfare.
Noted for my malicious sense of humour, of which St. Nicholas is the foremost meme artist on the planet. If its out there, we take the piss out of it. Hence my fetish for Miley Cyrus, who's back history is so dementedly bizarre she peaks his interest. P.S. Just look at Miley with her enormous, humongous strap-on and look for any other A-Lister who even approaches her demented perfections.

Not noted for any ideology and since he was born in Brighton, the LGBTQ capital, he takes this behaviour as the norm and can't see why people are so upset about people just wanting to be people.

Devoted to using Psychic Warfare, not to change the world but his bank balance. Now building Psychic Warfare to control all aspects of sport, which is its normal purview, so that every sports endeavour on the planet will in the future be controlled by Tim Tony Stark Rifat and St. Nicholas' Rule of Sport organization.

OratorBlog Information Warrior #quack #conspiracy #crackpot


Since then, every Government Agency has done everything they can to suppress and hide the TRUTH

The Secret Weapon Against Viruses (Chlorine Dioxide) The Science and Story of Chlorine Dioxide

The science and story of Chlorine Dioxide. NASA proclaimed it a universal antidote in 1987. Since that time thousands have recovered from illness using this substance, and now many physicians and scientists are saying it is powerfully effective for many applications. The documentary explores the history, safety, and efficacy of the universal antidote and provides interviews with physicians and people who have used it. The Universal Antidote Documentary was released free to the public on February 1, 2021.
The Universal Antidote Lost Documentaries Series (Understanding MMS)

The powers that be have made multiple attempts to scrub documentaries about The Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide) from the web. This video series is made as an attempt to preserve this information for the historical record. The first documentary in this series is titled Understanding MMS and was produced in 2008 and contains original footage of Jim Humble, testimonials from physicians and patients, and some other interesting historical details.
Full Interview with Dave the Missionary from The Universal Antidote documentary. Dave has spent over 13 years in Africa doing missionary work in some of the poorest regions. He describes his use of chlorine dioxide (MMS) and the amazing results with Malaria, Typhoid, Skin Diseases, HIV, and more.

Over a decade ago Andreas Kalcker was cured of debilitating arthritis using The Universal Antidote (aka MMS/CDS/Chlorine Dioxide). Since that time, Andreas has dedicated his life and work to understanding chlorine dioxide and getting it out to the world. In this 1 hour interview, we talk about his own story of healing and much more.

Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #conspiracy

BREAKING….One of my top sources is saying Putin is putting troops in Kaliningrad and submarines in the waters north of the UK planning to threaten to explode some munitions or bombs in the middle of the Atlantic to trigger a tidal wave that would inundate England specifically aimed at flooding the City of London Financial center of the order to take it down. The allies US/UK/France are amassing subs off coast of Scotland ….presumably to prevent this move. My source suggests this may be a real possibility….DEVELOPING STORY

This sounds like another Putin/White Hats move…. Where Putin plays the aggressor bad guy to achieve a White Hat end.
Statements in the FOLLOWING LINKED video from Phil are saying…. SUPREME COURT HAS OVERTURNED THE ELECTION. TRUMP IS NOW OFFICIALLY PRESIDENT! JUSTICES IN HIDING…. However, Juan O Savin (arguably the main spokesperson for the White Hats/Trump/ Q team says that is BS…..this is again one of those things where …like the rescue of children from underground bases and arrests and trials…. we get 2 contradictory stories coming from people who are supposedly connected to the white hats…

Are the white hats playing with disinfo…to mislead the masses and the enemy for a future purpose or exercise to find out how people react and whether they go crazy or handle it? This is a dark side tactic. Trying to play both sides.

So unless Phil is simply being misled by a high level source using him to disinfo the Trump/Q platform…. One would imagine Phil would have no vested interest in misleading people. As a broadcaster if he is found to be wrong he will lose his audience and credibility…. so logic says he would not risk that…..So who is using him to put this out and is it true or false?

Or is this an OP on the people to see how they react and whether they go crazy…or consider the reality of a Trump return without losing it…..For whichever purposes…. Except those on the alternative and mainly republican Q side….

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #wingnut #sexist #quack

[From "@bruceskelhorne - Can we keep murderous women out of secure airport areas?"]



Some Canadians are crying right now over Americans' right to abort their children. These are the same psychopaths who are taking away our medical freedom and forcing vaccines and boosters on everyone to get on an aircraft or train. Pick a lane

Im not forcing or was forced to get a vaccine but a womens body or a persons body is their fundamental right. Nobody should have any say
6:31PM·3 mai 2022

Now that Roe vs. Wade got the final verdict that even Bader-Ginsburg predicted would happen we're seeing even more people who claimed mandating vaccinations (a medical process) were okay because of the unproven contention that not getting vaccinated caused other people harm, while abortions (a murder) are okay[…]
Why can't we setup our society the way the Viro Fascists did over the past year?[…]
Women who have had abortions (remember, public healthcare means we will always know) however cannot work for the federally regulated industries, [url= board airplanes or trains[/url], and are forbidden to enter bars and restaurants [the looser thighs that caused the abortion to begin with are less likely without access to nightclubs, a handy additional consequence! -ed]

If you have an abortion outside of Canada you must be quarantined until you're no longer a threat to more babies (ie. until you're sterile by either your own choice or by the ravishes of time)

Nobody is preventing you from having an abortion. However since you're acknowledged as an unrepentant murderer for safety reasons we have to limit your role in society

Kerrie and Jason Struhs, and The Saints #fundie #psycho

Twelve members of a religious group in Toowoomba have been arrested after the death of an eight-year-old girl, who Queensland police say was allegedly denied life-saving medication in the belief she would be healed by God.

Elizabeth Rose Struhs had type 1 diabetes and died in her family’s Rangeville home, west of Brisbane, on 7 January. Police allege her parents, who have previously been charged with murder, began withholding insulin six days earlier.

Police allege paramedics were not called to the scene until 5.30pm the next day, with the Courier Mail reporting members of the church group believed she would be resurrected.

The girl’s parents, Kerrie Elizabeth Struhs and Jason Richard Struhs, were charged with murder and torture offences earlier this year. They have not yet entered pleas, and will remain in custody until their next hearing at the Toowoomba magistrates court, due later this month. They are also charged with failing to provide the necessities of life.
Police allege others bear culpability in Elizabeth’s death.

Tuesday’s arrests were of other members of their small and tightly-knit religious group who were allegedly present when the eight-year-old died, reportedly singing and praying to God to heal her.

Detective Acting Supt Garry Watts alleged all 12 were aware of Elizabeth’s condition, were present during the course of those fateful six days and did not take any steps to provide medical assistance. He said the religious group comprised three families and that those arrested included seven women and five men.

Two were in their 60s, a man and a woman, one was a 19-year-old man and the rest were in their 20s and 30s. All were arrested in a Harristown home.

​​Elizabeth’s sister Jayde Struhs, the eldest of eight siblings, told Nine’s A Current Affair earlier this year that the group referred to themselves as The Saints.

Struhs, 23, said the group formed as a breakaway from a more mainstream church which they believed to be corrupt and had become stricter over the years.

They did not celebrate Christmas, rejected medical intervention and believed their one purpose was to serve God.

“They’re extreme. They’re small. Controlled,” she said.

felicia rembrandt #crackpot #transphobia

Trans Vision: Through a glass dark and distorted

American male billionaires are planning to jump ship.

When the planet explodes in fire and flood largely due to alpha males’ careless avarice, their presumed right to acquire whatever their ever- expanding appetites desire, they’ll be sealed up in capsules heading for green pastures in an unknown elsewhere.

The major obstacle is the human body, that relic from pre-digital times, that passé flesh bag that needs constant nutrients and fluids, that excretes inconvenient waste, that wears out over time – so BCE! so first millennium! – which is why new Canadian Martine Rothblatt, sci fi fan, virtual reality gamer and “person” who confessed he changes his gender as often as he changes his hair, has been busily developing “mindcloning” tech and associated sales propaganda.

In 2014 the father of both transgenderism and transhumanism outlined the future for humanity in his book, Virtually Human – The Promise and the Peril of Digital Immortality. The title is overlong, as there is no real peril in this vision of a new world where humans in flesh bodies, in digital form in the cloud, and in robot bodies all coexist. A new human trinity. If “God” can be father, son and holy spirit, then so can men created in his image.

“If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it probably is a duck –” this commonplace is meant to be a lesson in reality. If a duck should pretend to be something other than a duck, we can have recourse to our senses for a reality check. Rothblatt would use it to validate illusion: if you dress up a machine (or a fox) in duck feathers, bill and feet and teach it to quack, then it is a duck. To plausibly appear to be a duck is to be a duck. And, ultimately, it doesn’t matter – as he explains in the section entitled “There are Doubles, but no Duplicates” (74).

This is also the “philosophy” of gender ideology. Dress a man up in “woman-costume” and give him walk and talk lessons, and he becomes a women. All that matters (or did in 2014) is that he “pass” as a woman. The reality that he is male-sexed in every cell of his body, and that his personality has been created under the powerful influence of the kind of social conditioning brought to bear on male people only, is irrelevant.


various commenters #wingnut #sexist


@HUNTER-II Bet you they are the pro-abortion beta soyboys showing their support. No big loss.

@HUNTER-II Their wasting there money! Guarantee you they are all vaccinated which makes you sterile anyway!

@HUNTER-II if they had done that in the first place there wouldn't be so many sluts wanting abortions, plus it's great that they're not breeding

@HUNTER-II Well, if women won't take responsibility for their own bodies and use some method of birth control, it's good to see men step up. Yes, this sounds sexist, but if I were a woman who wanted to have sex but no children, I certainly would be using some form of birth control other than abortion. I wouldn't be bitching about the Supreme Court's decision. I know. Insisting on people taking responsibility for their actions is SOOO old fashioned.

@HUNTER-II This proves my theory that abortion was promoted by men to avoid the consequences of their behavior, and was never meant to "liberate" women.

@HUNTER-II the best way for liberal/leftist men to sterilize themselves is suicide. It is really the only 100% guaranteed method.

They are afraid they may have to take responsibility for their children since the hoes they lay down with can’t murder them and are too stupid to take birth control.

Gives me hope as well that these slap-jawwed faggots won't be raising boys and teaching them how to be girls.

Take THAT all you ugly women boycotting sex with men!

@HUNTER-II Just as well that insures the future of America does not land in the hands of idiot liberals who think men have periods n can become pregnant. Phew we escaped that one!

@HUNTER-II the nuclear family is the greatest threat to the NWO/LWO. The NEA is established to indoctrinate children to the Marxist mindset, the NEA must be dissolved and all traces of Marxist teachings eradicated, the difficult task is finding teachers not fully indoctrinated themselves after the last 50 years of training good comrades... Anything that creates fewer liberals is a good thing

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The State of Arizona being sued by Biden's DOJ over Voter ID Laws is yet another reason why we need mass deportations of illegals.

How many of these criminals plan on voting?

@DrPaulGosar Perfect, let the SOBs go to court. The Constitution is clear, states control their own federal elections. Let this sail right on up to SCOTUS and we'll have Voter ID laws the same as many other Western countries. Funny really, Trump couldn't get the FBI / DOJ to do much of anything, but if the NWO wants something, the useful idiots with badges hop to destroy their own freedom and prosperity.

@DrPaulGosar Let's have mass deportation of socialists politicians

@DrPaulGosar since very little is ever (if at all) discussed about the Eisenhower administration successful deportation operation maybe we need to have "Operation Wetback part deux?"

@DrPaulGosar Voting or not they are White erasing this country. The attempt to White erase every country that Westernkind has created will not be allowed to continue. Good folks of all backgrounds are taking a stance against this.

@DrPaulGosar The pedocrat murder cartel doesn't even need all the illegals to actually vote, as long as they can register them as voters they will handle to the rest, all these soros voting rights groups and pedocrat voting/communist activism orgs get access into the voting role systems and they manufacture all the mail in and drop box votes they need to win everytime

Due_Lion3875 #wingnut

RE: I'm an atheist, but I'm glad Roe was overturned

I agree with you, maybe my only tangent would be with “fetal life still experiences pain and suffering”

I think the creature experiencing pain or not is irrelevant, many pro baby killing arguments say a fetus can be aborted before it’s physically able to feel pain, that’d be the same as saying someone who’s unconscious can just be killed because they don’t want to continue providing for them and they’re not experiencing pain anyways.

Beyond inflicting suffering or pain the sanctity of human life should be preserved over anything, everybody has the right to experience life and do whatever they want with it.

SwordfishNo4689 #wingnut

RE: I don’t get why people are so passionate about abortions…
We live in a dumb and sex-crazed society without morality.

Everyone wants to have fun, meaning sex, without consequences. Most people believe they need sex like they need to eat, drink or sleep otherwise they die. Only few seem to understand that sex means procreation.

Maybe a lot of PC are on purpose totally blind for reality. They know abortion is evil but don‘t want to admit it, because then they also have to admit promoting genocide. And who wants to be accused of that?

Scott Hong #fundie #dunning-kruger #elitist

Today I will play the role of an atheist who subscribes to humanism and the relative nature of morality.


1) I believe that certain nonproductive members of society – i.e. the terminally and painfully sick, unemployed and alcohol-addicted street vagrants, serial criminals, and those too old to contribute anything meaningful – should be euthanized for the greater of good of society and mankind.

Resources that they consume can find much better use in advancing civilization and the happiness of other (and more) people. The good and survival of the human species takes precedence over selfish and petty individual needs.

2) I believe that bestiality as a sexual choice should be given the same legal rights and social respect as heterosexual and homosexual human-human relationships.

I am a practising zoophile who regularly engages in group sex with my fully-mature rottweilers (both male and female) who willingly and often actively reciprocate the intimate eroticity.

We all enjoy it immensely, so what’s wrong with it? For some reason, most people – even the supposedly enlightened individuals at PFLAG – think my sexual choice is disgusting, morally repugnant and unnatural. To me it’s incomprehensible and inexplicable why.


Now please tell me why my stand is MORALLY WRONG from a atheistic, humanist point of view.

Quotes from the Bible or other holy scriptures will not be accepted. Arguments that some god or another forbids it will similarly be ignored. As a atheist, I WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY RELIGION OR PHILOSOPHY BASED ARGUMENTS.

I welcome and eagerly await comments which attempt to persuade me that somehow, my beliefs and practices are fundamentally wrong from a relativistic, humanist, liberal and pluralistic point of view.

Convince me.

Conservapedia #conspiracy #racist

The Boogaloo Boys is an alleged right-wing paramilitary unit and death squad owing allegiance to the Clinton-Bush Crime Family to serve the interests of the Deep State and NeverTrump movement. Ideologically it is a de-centralized libertarian pro-gun anti-racist movement aligned with Black Lives Matter. The movement is based on the idea that increasing political polarization and instability will inevitably lead to a domestic armed conflict, which they refer to as Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo. The movement draws its name from the 1984 movie, Electric Boogaloo.

Reason magazine describes the Boogaloo Boys as "Gen Z Second Amendment activism. Its members forgo the patriotic symbolism of traditional militia movements for flowered apparel, bright patches, and colorful memes. Their approach to organizing resembles Hong Kong's decentralized, privacy-conscious, and social media-heavy protest movement. They are digitally native activists, raised on Instagram and TikTok, who understand that in the world of online feedback loops, actions are often less important than the way they're presented."

[Fun fact, they want a race war:]

Matt Walsh #homophobia #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt

But I mention this today because

1) The messages/emails were particularly vitriolic and venomous, even by modern standards, and prompted by an extraordinarily uncontroversial statement and

2) I want secularists and left wingers to stop hiding from the fact that the real bigots and prejudiced dirtbags are on their side. There is something in your worldview that produces this, neo-liberals, and it’s time for you to own up to it.

My faith is not just an opinion. An opinion is “the Godfather is a good movie”. It’s not just my personal “taste”. Taste is “I like hot sauce with every meal”. It’s not just a “belief”. A belief is “I think there are microbes on Mars”. My faith is my identity. It’s who I am. I’d die before I’d give it up. I wouldn’t die for hot sauce or my De Niro DVD collection. I don’t identify myself by my belief in space creatures. But my faith is my IDENTITY. Do you get it? If I called it my “lifestyle” would you afford it the same respect you afford sexual proclivities? What if someone posted on Facebook discussing their homosexuality and a bunch of people messaged him saying they’d “lost all respect” for him, and now found him to be “disgusting” and “stupid”? I imagine those people would be liable for hate crime prosecution, and you’d be the first one at their door with your pitchfork and your hangin’ rope.

Look, if you hate me or insult me because of my Christianity, you are a bigot, an intolerant neanderthal, and a hypocrite. But go for it. And, please, if that’s your attitude, stop reading what I write and listening to what I say. Go away. Do me that favor. But while you hide in that nice little bubble, at least face yourself. See yourself for who you are. You’re too scared to confront conflicting ideas, but are you man enough to confront yourself? You’re hateful, prejudiced and bigoted. That’s you. Time to own it.

Philip Gunn #fundie

Mississippi House Speaker Philip Gunn says abortion should be illegal even for a 12-year-old rape victim carrying her father or uncle’s child. He made the remark to reporters in the hours after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, allowing state abortion bans to take effect

“What about the case of a 12-year-old girl who was molested by her father or uncle?” Associated Press reporter Emily Wagster Pettus asked the Republican speaker on the Mississippi House floor on Friday, June 24

Gunn said he did not know “what the Legislature’s appetite” would be for ensuring child rape and incest victims could obtain abortions. The state’s 15-week abortion ban does not include rape exceptions, but a 2007 Roe v. Wade trigger law that could become effective soon would allow rape exceptions early in a pregnancy only if the rape was reported to law enforcement—which does not happen in most incest cases

“No, (the law) does not include an exception for incest,” Gunn said. “I don’t know that that will be changed”

“Do you think the Legislature should revisit that?” Pettus asked

“Personally, no. I do not,” Gunn said. “I believe life begins at conception. Every life is valuable. And those are my personal beliefs” (Child pregnancies carry significantly higher health risks than adult pregnancies)
Daily Journal reporter Taylor Vance pressed Gunn further

“So that 12-year-old child molested by her family members should carry that pregnancy to term?” he asked

“That is my personal belief. I believe life begins at conception,” Gunn said

John C. Wright #homophobia

My daughter has thoroughly read and enjoyed most of my issues of comics and wondered why I stopped. I didn’t tell her why but simply went out and bought a pile of new a d semi new comics for her to read. Without explaining my positions on anything, she tried to read them.

Constantly, I would hear her exclaim, “WTF? What is this garbage?” or “Since when is so-and-so character bisexual? That’s just F’jng stupid.” or “”WTH, this story has no plot. They aren’t doing anything except talking. This is F’ing garbage.”

We have had long discussions about them since and her conclusion? Exactly the same as mine.

Comics are lost.

Story lines and plot no longer exist. Comics have become a platform on which to ONLY virtue signal.

BTW, she is 23, is working on a college degree in psychology, and should, by virtue of her sexuality, age, and education, fit in with the woke crowd, but she (mostly) detests it.

She has asked the same questions in our discussions, again without me leading or promoting her. Why then characters gay or bisexual, or why focus on race and skin color, and segregate groups the way they do.

Did I mention she is also half First Nations (indigenous for those not in the know) her questions are, “Why turn a character gay if it doesn’t advance the plot line, give them a weakness to exploit, give them a new power to utilize against a villain, introduce new characters, or otherwise, in any way, significantly affect the story?

Magomed “Lord” Daudov #fundie #wingnut

Chechen parliament speaker Magomed Daudov says that first and foremost, Chechen battalions in Ukraine are fighting a jihad to defend Islam.

Daudov says that unless Putin stops them, they will keep going until they reach Berlin.

{translated from Russian:}

“Inshallah, there should be no doubt that we will take the Donetsk People's Republic, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Odessa. If Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin does not stop us, inshallah, we will go to Berlin. We will win, no doubt about it. Akhmad is the power!* Allahu Akbar!

President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, today, Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov. Our brothers are defending Islam, first and foremost. They’re defending values. They’re defending the greatness of the Almighty. Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov, the head of Chechen Republic, is playing a big part in this jihad, as are all of our commanders under him.

Above all, this is about faith in the Almighty. It’s about our spiritual values and our language.“

*Submitter’s note: ”Akhmad is the power!” (“Ahmat sila!”) is a warcry that glorifies Ramzan Kadyrov’s dead father and former Chechen war leader, Akhmad Kadyrov.

Vyacheslav Volodin #crackpot #god-complex #psycho #wingnut

Vyacheslav Volodin, Head of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, has said that the USA should remember that Alaska was Russian and the Russian Federation can start "reclaiming" it.

Source: Pro-Kremlin publication "RBC"

Quote: "Let America always remember: there is a part of its (Russia's – ed.) territory there – Alaska. So when they start trying to dispose of our resources abroad, before doing so, they should think about the fact that we have something to reclaim too...

Olga Skabeyeva and other Russian news Panelists #crackpot #dunning-kruger #god-complex #psycho #wingnut

It was a piece of news so obscure and implausible that I missed it when it first surfaced last month. The news was that the Russians are going to put hypersonic nuclear missiles into Nicaragua and terrify the Americans into backing down over Ukraine. Or kill them all if they don’t.

“If American missile systems can nearly reach Moscow from Ukrainian territory, it’s time for Russia to roll out something powerful closer to the American ‘city on a hill’,” said Olga Skabeyeva on the news show on “Rossiya-1,” the most popular Russian TV channel.

The usual crew of panellists hugged themselves with delight at the idea of American cities being blown away. “Objects like the City of New York, a good city, but it would be gone. Completely gone with one rocket,” said one.

Then they rambled on about how the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 had brought the Americans to their senses (bet you didn’t know that the U.S. lost), and how Russian missiles in Nicaragua might bring Americans to their senses again.

Nicaragua has not said it will host Russian nuclear weapons, or indeed Russian weapons of any sort.

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega published a decree last month authorizing small numbers of troops from Russia, the United States or other Central American countries to deploy to his country for a limited time “for purposes of training, law enforcement or emergency response.”

LatAmIsHell , ATF & Amsterdammaxxing #sexist #homophobia #wingnut

Were the nazis cucked?
The Wehrmacht popularized the march "Erika", which without contest I'm sure it would be cheerished by simps. It talks about a faithful women (which is as false as the likelyhood of the reich surviving after the war on itself.) and uses it to motivate german troops. This kind of cope only could be used by an extreme bluepiller. Hell, even the high ranks which in theory were beyond antifeminist allowed power to some of the women in their circles, namely Magda Goebbels (which also it's worth mentioning wasn't a virgin at her second marriage with Goebbels, even though he cuckqueaned her thrice-twice which can be interpreted as Goebbels just marrying not to be seen as an inferior, which says a lot about nazi german society)

This doesn't end here. The reich awarded not one, not even two but three women with the fucking iron cross; the highest honor in the nazi regime. The propaganda machine censored anti-fakeup campaings in the late 30s, which is clearly the nazis simping for women while a literal fucking world war was happening and being lost. By 1937 17% of the members of the nazi party were literal foids.

Hell, I might even assume the soviets were more based since they raped the living shit out of the german foids once they defeated their feminist reich.

The Nazis were not that cucked by default compared to Europe throughout history; however, they ended up getting cucked when they failed their war (which they started all by themselves), many of their men were killed, all their women were raped and the remaining men submitted. All thanks to the Nazis, Germans still continue to submit, as we can see with the German culture of shame (oppressing their own people but welcoming every foreigner) and more recently with the war in Ukraine where they're reluctant to oppose their "masters" (and biological fathers), Russia.

Can't get any more cucked than the Nazis in 1944 and 1945. Not even modern society compares.

Ernst Röhm was leader of the Sturmabteilung and was a minister chosen by Hitler, who knew that Röhm was gay but didn't give a shit. Most probably too much of a truecel to get women so gaymaxxed like a lot of young men do nowadays.

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