
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

BeardedLuckDragon #dunning-kruger #crackpot #kinkshaming #sexist #wingnut deviantart.com

Too much anger leads to stress, which leads to stress relief mechanisms, which lead to habit forming behavior such as alcohol, which leads to murder and rape. I heard a statistic once which indicated 50% of the time you are murdered, and 50% of the time you murder someone else, one or both parties were under the influence of alcohol. I'm sure rape has similar stats, cause date rape and stuff, beer and roofies we're looking at you! Up until the 1920's in America, women didn't even go to bars and other male spaces, whilst men didn't go to baby showers and other female spaces. Maybe we had better boundaries with one another back then, but old is bad for some reason no matter what, go progress!

Too much sex leads to energy drain, disease, unwanted or poorly timed children, abortions, sex addiction, which leads to unwanted encounters and/or forced sex, which leads to sex burnout, which leads to something more powerful than sex, murder. This is a paraphrase from an online YouTuber, "I'm not getting my fix from fake violence in video games, we need to go back to gladiatorial combat." Yup, murder on national television, or Interwebs, and we've already have been there, Rome.

Henry Makow PhD #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia #transphobia henrymakow.com

I was struck by how MASCULINE the Russian game plan is.

The Russians perceived a threat to home and hearth from corrupt Nazi-ridden Ukraine and acted decisively. This is what real men do.

They were ready to confront reality rather than lie about it, as Cabalists do in the West.
Ukraine had crossed their Red Line. Back off or face invasion.

They presented this ultimatum to the West.

Like a hot chick at a night club, the West brushed Putin off.

In masculine fashion, Putin proceeded to wipe out the Ukrainian air force, navy and military, using an armed force less than half of Ukraine's.

Scott Ritter said Russia used sophisticated planning to win battles of a magnitude not seen since the Second World War.

Russia Vs. the West is very much healthy heterosexual males versus sexual misfits: pedophiles, homosexuals and transvestites.

Look at the Western leaders.

Biden is a pedophile. Fidelito and Macron are homosexuals.

In contrast, Putin has banned the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism.

Sexual dysphoria is an aspect of Satanism. It is anti-nature and anti-God.

(I have compassion for homosexuals. It's a developmental disorder. They are victims. As children, they had too much mommy and not enough daddy.)

The West has acted like a woman spurned: Stealing Russia's financial reserves. Blocking trade. Demonizing Putin & Russia.

The Western media pretends Ukraine is winning the war and concocts war crime atrocities.

They have denied illegal bio-weapon research was being performed in Ukraine.

Homosexuals, like Cabalist Jews, have trouble facing reality and telling the truth.

They think they can redefine reality according to their perversions.

A man decides he wants to be a woman? Sure no problem. This is insanity. But overruling nature, and Reality itself is what these psychopaths are all about.

Russians who still have a firm grasp on reality versus the delusional, sexually dysfunctional West.

This war is a Reality Check.

Russia's victory is a decisive victory for humanity.

Maggots on a Train v2 #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.net

I know this probably isn't the right thread for this, but has anyone noticed the influx of MtF Youtubers as of late? Kuledud3, gomotion, Nyx and etc. Next thing you know, the Nostalgia Critic will announce that he's a trans woman and prefer to be called Dana Walker.

Every time a thumbnail with some young teenager-ish bimbo shows up in my recommendation, she's always in some kind of anti-terf or "trans women are women" shirt.

I don't know if all teenage girls are cowed into submission by trannycock these days, or if YouTube is just heavily promoting these idiots for some reason.

Incels Wiki #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist incels.wiki


A Slavcel is a subset of the ethnicel, meaning he is someone of Slavic descent who is also involuntarily celibate.

Descent countries

There are a lot of countries where Slavcels appears, but most of them are from Russia, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria or even Estonia or Finland. Many Slavcels are migrating to USA, UK, Scandinavia or Germany for work. They want to do this work for big money (for west it is low money, but it is worthly in Slavic Countries). There are some "sub-species" of Slavcel, for example: Lecsocel (Hungary), Finncel (Finno-Uralic lands), Romcel (Romania) or Baltcel (Baltic States). Slavcels are mostly living at the countryside, sometimes in little town. They mostly come from two models of family. First one is: alcoholic father and agressive mother. Second (mostly seen in Poland, Hungary, Finland and Czech Republic) is the model where mother is workaholic and she forgets she has a son and his father who must to do all housejobs.


Not like Currycels or Arabcels, they don't write to western women for their "bobs and vagene". They avoid western social media, but sometimes browses slavic ones. Their food is mainly food made by their "babushka", frozen food, kvass, beer and ocassionaly vodka and kebab. There are some example of Slavcels that are also Gymcels or Gamercels. Nearby 3,621% of Slavcels are alcoholics or smoking cigarettes. Slavcels are mostly good educated, but they have a low-educated jobs, which they want to change.

foundring #conspiracy #sexist #transphobia youtube.com

You Will Never Be a Woman - Original Song

In the ancient Greek tragedies the women were all played by a man
I guess that ain't hard to understand, it was a different time in a distant land
But nowadays it's one big gay parade and no one seems to bat an eye
when kids can pick if they're a gal or a guy

You will never be a woman, cuz a woman has a womb not a man
You can never be a woman, that's tough for some folks to understand

You will never be a woman
Try as you might, you look like Cher not Snow White
And while they take our rights away you're up at night deciding if you're queer, bi or gay
Or maybe, hey! Go seize the day and throw those balls away

You will never be a woman
Don't be mad you're a lad, you're Adam, not madam
Is it that bad being a guy?
I don't mean to be rude but you're still a dude

Pa pa pa pa pa

You'll never be a man
Your hips don't lie cause you weren't born a guy
You can never be a man if even Wikipedia tells me you're still Ellen, not Elliot

You'll never be a man
Give it a rest get that fur off your chest
The feminine is magical
Don't change it cuz they told you that it's fashionable
You'd have to be fanatical to throw your boobs away

You will never be a man
You're Eve, you're not Steve, please call the woke police
Does that make you feel more like a man?
You can call me a pig and a prick, But you're still a chick

Pa pa pa pa pa

You'll never be a woman, cuz the world needs more men acting like men
You will never be a woman, we need fathers and fighters to lead us and guide us
You'll never be a woman, no one's impressed Richard, take off that dress

The masculine is powerful, but they tell us that it's toxic and intolerable
They want us meek and malleable, so no one stands in their way

It's okay, you're not a woman
It's great you're a mate and it's swell you're a gal, and it's lovely being alive,
for the surface doesn't show what's deep inside
We were all born perfect souls, there's no need to hide

speculareffect #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy speculareffect.org

Will Smith’s Behavior Labeled ‘Toxic Masculinity’?

This I cannot disagree with this. It is toxic masculinity to play “captain save a hoe” and be violent on behalf of some slag that has cuckolded you for decades.

It is very toxic to be in servitude of and obeisant to any woman, especially whores.

It very expected, yet extremely toxic, for any man to resort to violence in the name of “defending her honor”. Of course I am addressing this from the perspective of it not being scripted.


Contrary to what the gynotopia and retarded, gynocentric, simp ass faggots like Will Smith tell you, honor isn’t an attribute that is inveterate to women. It isn’t a characteristic that is the default part of a woman’s makeup. It is a title that is earned, just as how being trustworthy and being worthy of respect are earned. Yet, gynocentric men — men raised and emasculated by women — especially women — believe and would force you and I to believe that having honor is an intrinsic characteristic of women. TSecondly, just because a woman has kids for you, does not mean she is honorable.

Again, the gynotopia has duped men into believing that any woman who has children is some kind of immaculate Madonna figure. This blatant lie is too pervasive a sentiment. Society is destroyed, because of women and because of this lie that sees unearned veneration awarded to these stupid cunts — mothers who have been sanctioned by the state and gynocentric men to do whatever the fuck they want, whenever they want, because of how they “feel”. This includes removing the father from the home and substituting him for Daddy Government and the woman believing that working for some company, or agency is more rewarding than working for her family.
While blacks are indeed prone to hair trigger violence and possess touchy prides, this reaction by Will Smith is very common among all races!

Here is a much needed Red Pill: All races are gynocentric! Men of all races are gynocentric.

fschmidt #god-complex #sexist arkian.net

Consider how male peacocks got their bright feathers. These bright feathers have no benefit for survival. In fact they are harmful for survival, being heavy and easy for predators to see. So let's start by imagining peacocks before they had big bright feathers. Since females can only have a limited number of children, females tend to be selective about which males they mate with. They should prefer healthy "good-looking" males since their children will inherit the male's genes. Those males with dull feathers may well have been poorly nourished and unhealthy. Bright feathers were probably a good indication of a healthy male. So females evolved to prefer males with bright feathers. But now it becomes in the male's interest to have bright feathers because if he doesn't, females will reject him and he won't be able to reproduce. So males evolved to have bigger and brighter feathers, not for survival, but for the sexual advantage that allowed males to have more children. At some point these bigger brighter feathers were no longer an indication of good health. So why didn't the females stop preferring such males? This is explained by the sexy son hypothesis. If the female mates with a male who is popular with other females, then her sons will likely inherit the male's traits that made the father popular and so her sons will also be popular and will have many children with many females. This will spread not only the father's genes but also the mother's genes. So those females who are attracted to popular males have an advantage. At this point in the story, male peacocks with big bright feathers are popular with females, so it is to each female's advantage to mate with males with big bright feathers. This is Fisherian runaway selection, a story of evolution gone wild, of evolution not doing what is in the best interest of the specie

allyah #psycho #sexist ifunny.co

(NOTE: Those are screenshots from a now-deleted Twitter account.)

I'm pregnant! having a scan soon to find out if it's a girl or an abortion #killallmen

I don't have the stomach to read all these negative comments. Here's your update. Some people have convinced me to look into raising my child as a girl even if it is a boy, and trying to get treatment as early as seven years old. I've been reading a lot about that.

Afghanistan Taliban #fundie #sexist theguardian.com

The Taliban are facing international condemnation after they announced on Wednesday that girls would not be allowed to attend secondary school, despite their previous assurances[…]
The surprise announcement came late on Tuesday night. Many teachers and pupils found out only on Wednesday morning, the first day of the school year in Afghanistan, as girls prepared to return to class after a six-month break caused by the turmoil in the country

“Lots of excited girls were already waiting outside the school. They were here hours before their classes started. They were very happy and excited. Then we told them about the new order,” a schoolteacher in Kabul said. “Many of them started arguing. I had nothing to tell them. I left an hour ago. I cried.” By the end of the school day, the teacher said, some of the girls were still standing outside the building, unable to “to move their legs to go back home”

Girls have been banned from education beyond middle school in most of the country since the Taliban returned to power in mid-August 2021. Most universities opened up earlier this year but Taliban edicts on education have been erratic and, while a handful of provinces continued to provide education to all, most closed institutions for girls and women[…]
The U-turn is seen as a concession to the rural and deeply tribal backbone of the hardline Taliban that, in many parts of the countryside, are reluctant to send their daughters to school

“The leadership hasn’t decided when or how they will allow girls to return to school,” said Waheedullah Hashmi, external relations and donor representative with the Taliban-led administration. While he accepted that urban centres are mostly supportive of girls’ education, he said much of rural Afghanistan was opposed to it, particularly tribal Pashtun regions

Various posters #sexist #psycho debate.org

Ok so basically. . . Why the fuck aren't you in the kitchen Karen. God damnit Karen give me back the kids and make me a fucking sandwich. You stole all my shit. Fuck you Karen. God damnit Karen ur my property you dumb bitch. I swear to fucking buddhism that I will beat you again
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Woman Are Fucking Property These things have multiple uses. It can cook, Clean and fuck. There should be a woman property market. FemaleRealEstate. Com is what I suggest. This multipurpose tool could revolutionise the future if we put them on sale instead of being free. Woman slavery is the way of the future. These objects are valuable.
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Women are slaves of men and should be raped to death if they are not following commands of their masters Women are slaves to men. If men want to beat women, Women should happily let him best her. She should give him all his sexual desires and should put her life on the risk to save him. Men should get the best of everything and women should get raped if they don’t listen to his every command.

Napoleon de Geso #sexist ncu.su

How about consensus between incels and ugly/average females?

Me, or any other based incel, does not really bothered on it's own that ugly females have easy sexual lives and can do fucky even with chads. What really bothers, its that it reminds that even if ugly femorloids (who we don't want) can get access to chad and reject average and below men, than pretty females (who we do want) will do it too, and also pisses off that uggofoids have easy sexual lifes while incels suffer sexual starvation. Thats it. But ugly femoids with chads on its own is not really problem. So here could be done consensus: ugly females keep their equal rights and proceed doing sex with chads, but pretty females are taken their rights away and enforced into prostitution for being used by incels

Or not only ugly females, but also average beckies, so only top tier foids, stacies, are ridden of rights and forced into sex with average and below men. Keep your chads, but gives us stacies, and so have even more chads, as stacies are removed as competition. How bout dah?


This Sounds like some Internal Dysgenic Fetish.

Let everything burn. Give me sex with hot thots

pornoddio & diacylglycerol82 #sexist blackpill.club

Old incels are just repeating my old ideology of 3 years ago

My old ideology was about questioning patriarchy theory. I was the one that started this thing of calling it "patriarchy theory" and I started to ask for proof and a bulk of theory to discuss.

Good. But the incels are still quoting my ideas without developing anything new.

What a scam. I want people to create new ideologies, not to cope with ideologies of others, that's the point.


not to cope with ideologies of others,

But most of us either dont have the time or are too lazy to read multiple volumes of chicklit.

I dont disagree with the idea of patriarchy as male leadership, but its male leadership for serving and sacrificing for foids, so really it is matriarchy just the men are proud to be servants.

It is like the old working class who thought hard manual labor made them better than the rich and educated classes, it is a cope to justify your low position in society.

So masculinity is cope that femoids are superior and if we questioned this framework they would just abort us or abandon us after birth.

All male opposition to matriarchy is defeated by guys desperate for pussy or other guys defending women becuase they are currently getting pussy.

Michael Byron #sexist #racist dailystormer.name

SuperJew Spielberg Claims That Indiana Jones Should be Played by a Woman

The earlier Indiana Jones films already featured several strong female characters, such as that insufferable bitch in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Including characters like her in secondary roles is a much more effective and subtle way to promote the feminist agenda than going full Ghostbusters.

But Jews can’t do subtle any more. Decades of constant winning has dulled their cautiousness, and now it’s “all in or nothing” for them.

Their genetics accept nothing less than the destruction of all that is good in the world.

Ghost of Eskimo & AnalAndro #sexist ncu.su

RE: Based koreancels continue to not disappoint

(Ghost of Eskimo)
We need authoritarianism for women only. Only men deserve rights.

The korean protest is actually highIQ, western media puppets of twitter try to frame them as just stupid right wingers that care about muh they terk err jerbs!, but the reality is different. Korean dudes care about the unfair commiesocialist practice of giving hiring advantages for femoids only, the worse commiesocialist thing in the world: state allocation of jobs.

advent_Chaos #sexist blackpill.club

What IS a Women After All ?

Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space. pass the time. You're a chick.

You're bored,tweeting about your fucking hair and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other women. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, and boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting Reddit stories about people who made interesting Halloween hats for their kids or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your legs that guarantees you'll at least never have to get up and move around and work to support yourself.

And then you see men, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found purpose in a purposeless universe.

And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid cunt.

So you get up, you walk over there, and you fucking ruin everything. Just ruin the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying it.

Because you're a woman.

beyondRepair&4everBroken , Lonely Poorcel & advent_Chaos #sexist blackpill.club

I can probably get a girlfriend but I just find it pleasurable to hate all women now

I hate them for demanding (as the price of making it "easy" for a person like me to get them in bed) to be the sort of person who dominates them. At the same time I am taught by society to worship them as angels. Men whose spirits are crushed by these contradictory demands can resolve it in hating women.

(Lonely Poorcel)
I hate all women because I can't get them.

They will exploit your good side, and take away all your liberty in the sake of the relationshit.
Never sell yourself to a women.

They are the ones who have to make a proper deal, to compensate for all the nagging and yelling that is coming.

Reality sucks my man.

There´s no perfect girlfriend either.
It´s a delusional fantasy, that can only live in a dude´s nut room.

Allie Beth Stuckey #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Heard this 15267 times. It’s an irrelevant question, because it doesn’t parallel what happens in an abortion. Abortion (in 99% of cases) isn’t choosing between the life of the mother & the life of the baby. It’s choosing between the mom’s convenience & the life of the baby.

Ali A. Rizvi

For pro-lifers:

There is a fire at a fertility clinic. In one corner, there is a terrified five-year-old child. In the other, there is a container with 1000 viable embryos. You can only save one.

Which do you save?

(Credit to Patrick Tomlinson)

Various Incels #racist #sexist rareddit.com


Hot take: high cheekbones look especially good on women, and a strong jaw looks especially good on men

Slavs usually have higher cheekbones but smaller jaws. Women win, men lose.

Western people are pretty averaged.

This is unscientific af, just my observation.

It’s a situation that is common in many countries. In Australia, it’s the reverse. The men are almost always incredibly good looking, but the women are almost universally ugly.

As a ricecel I wouldnt even say asian women are attractive aside from a very small percentage. The best thing they have going for them is that the vast majority of them are thin but thats something women of every race has control over.

The stereotype that asian women are petite, feminine and trad boosts their SMV. While this same stereotype tanks the smv of asian males.

Since many males desire feminine and petite women they go for asian women, but women generally wants masculine guys so asian men suffer.

slav women are ugly af ,russian women are truly beautiful

Bro, Russian are Slavs.

Not really. Russians are very intermixed with finno-ugrics and tatars. If you compare bulgarians,serbs,croatians,polish people to russians you will see a big difference in how they look.

Even Ukrainians look somewhat distinct.

Slavs are white trash whom no one desires.

Slavs have pretty rich culture and history. Also Slavs won WW2 but Muricans stole the credit.

A win that we still regret.

卐 ангел смерти 卐 #wingnut #sexist #psycho blackpill.club

National-Rodgerist manifesto
(submitters note: continued from https://fstdt.com/5WBLGF9.Y6.T )

Part two: post revolution

So lets say we manage to achieve our glorious National-Rodgerist incel revolution. How will we manage to stabilize our new government after a completely destabilized broken country? Well, we could learn from the Taliban.

You see, the Talichads relied on trading with china for food and resources. If we want to grow our country, we must find another country willing to trade with us. We must create resources to trade with them, and hopefully we can do that.

Or, if we don’t happen to be as lucky as the Talichads, then we will have to do things the North Korean way: And replant food. All the animals will be extinct from the nuclear attack, so we cannot rely on meat. However, we can find a way to replant the trees, and grow fruit. That will be enough to feed the incel folk.

Part three: Ideology

So you might be thinking, what exactly is National-Rodgerism and what are it’s policies?

Well, let’s start with economics.

National-Rodgerism supports an economy that puts men’s interests first, and women’s interests last.

Men collectively will own all the factories, businesses, etc. they will be in charge of the economy. The females will be wage-slaves, and work as slaves for long hours and little payment, and if they revolt men will be permitted to **** them and brutally torture them (in GTA V of course)

What form of system does National-Rodgerism support? National-Rodgerists support a totalitarian, one-party state.

It is totalitarian and strict against women, but gives men more freedom and is more libertarian to men. National-Rodgerism is totally against democracy, National-Rodgerists believe that an incel dictatorship with no elections is the best way to prevent another ideology from taking over. We don’t want National-Rodgerism to be voted out, so we must fight for our place in power.

National-Rodgerists believe that women should be slaves, and exist only to serve incels and our needs. Thus, we are only against r@pe against men, but r@pe against women would not be a crime under a National-Rodgerist government.

National-Rodgerism is basically National Socialism, but we replace the racial hierarchy with a gender hierarchy.

卐 ангел смерти 卐 #wingnut #psycho #sexist blackpill.club

National-Rodgerist manifesto


National-Rodgerism is the ideology of the Incel. It is a tool for the incel to take what he is owed, through political means. In this book, I will not only cover the ideology of National-Rodgerism, but I will present my theory on how to achieve a National-Rodgerist revolution. This is the political ideology of Moonman, so it may also be referred to as “Moonman thought”.

Part 1: revolution

National-Rodgerism does not seek to thrive through democratic means. No, National-Rodgerism is completely revolutionary. By this, I mean that if we vote for a president or prime minister, it’s not because we actually support his or her’s policies, but because we want to elect a president or prime minister that will accelerate the collapse of the nation as soon as possible so that a National-Rodgerist uprising is possible, and eventually a National-Rodgerist revolution. It is not possible to elect a National-Rodgerist president or prime minister through democratic means, mostly because the females and cuckolds will show total resistance, even Men’s Rights Activists will oppose our “radical” party. We must strive for societal collapse, and systematic collapse.

We, as National-Rodgerists, must strive to accelerate a nuclear war. When a nuclear war happens, when the ZOG capitalist nations destroy each other, we as National-Rodgerists intend to Survive the nuclear war. We are not retarded like normies, we shall not stay in big cities or other valuable targets for nuclear strikes, we must hide out in small villages, far away as possible from big cities, government infrastructure, and other valuable targets for nuclear warheads. We, as National-Rodgerists, must arm ourselves at all times, and resist any attempt to take away our firearms. We need the firearms for a revolution, after the nuclear war, when the system is weak from being nuked, we shall strike at the system and finish it off! The system will be weaker from the nuclear war, so then we might have a better chance at overthrowing them and starting a revolution. Ideally, we will conquer the United States after being nuked, and then start a new country. However, this might not be the case, because there might be other revolutionaries, such as communists and antifa who wish to take the throne and start the revolution instead. […]

bschu #sexist #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

This is completely absurd.

1 - Treating men like dogs... is the reason why men behave like dogs.

2 - Women are powerful and they make their own rules. Period. The Victorian era has LONG SINCE PASSED.

This is the type of "feminism" which gives feminism a bad name. It has gone far beyond "protecting women" and moved on into "hurting men". And always with some ridiculous justification.

Here's an idea. Since women are guilty of destroying men's lives and taking all their money - maybe we should put a cap on how much money women are allowed to have? If women do that then men will agree to the curfew.

Deal? No. I didn't think so.

BeardedLuckDragon #sexist #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt deviantart.com

Colonel, women don't need to make sense, they need to feel safe. Men better make sense, and it doesn't matter if we feel safe, or we'll get our asses kicked out in the parking lot. I don't think women have to be unaccountable, but alpha chads like to get laid, and one poorly timed argument betwixt an delta/omega/gamma thinker and an delta/omega/gamma feeler can ruin the night as the alpha's lady friend eats their ears off over some blunt comment. In essence, as long as men need pussy more than honesty, and as long as women get to think in cycles with their emotions, it's mens' fault.

Frosty-Gate-8094 #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: My boss (F27) said something interesting today.

"Thank god men aren't being oppressed, because if y'all were, I doubt anyone would speak up about it"

Is she wrong tho

Edit: perhaps you all misunderstood me, men are oppressed but how often do you see them standing up for themselves?

She isn't..
Unlike others, I'll agree that both her statements are true.

Men aren't oppressed.
But neither are women..

There are unequal laws only against men..which comes pretty close to oppression, if oppression exists in 21st century at all.

But I ll agree that nobody is oppressed in modern times. Not even in backward countries like Afghanistan.

Men are treated more unfairly than women, but to be fair, women are also treated unfairly in some situations.

But to say anybody is oppressed is taking it to the extreme.

That's why feminism is the biggest problem humanity faces today.
It operates on the oppressor-victim dynamics.
Feminism needs an 'oppressor' for its existence. It doesn't have any one today, so it starts blaming hypothetical things like 'patriarchy' and 'toxic masculinity'.

These entities are impossible to define, and can mean anything to anybody.
But one thing they have in common-- 'they are negative qualities associated with one specific gender'.

For a movement that emphasises on gender-neutral language, don't you find it hypocritical that it coins new terms that are sexist towards men?

Ln1G7O9z #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist boards.4chan.org


I swear more white guys are getting all the girls lately than they were a few years back.
Has the constant evil white men propaganda backfired?
Girls do like the bad boys after all.
Previous taboo dangerous black guys might have worked better than having them all crying like faggots in the attempt to make people feel sorry for them.

And by all the girls I mean - most of the white ones, and most of the asian ones and lots of the hispanic ones. Like even more so than usual.

>shill for race mixing in every piece of media
>cast white guys as le evil supervillain mastermind
>surprised when non-white women racemix with whites
Once again the Jews have somehow played themselves without anyone lifting a single finger

Napoleon de Geso #psycho #sexist #wingnut blackpill.club

Want to see lithuanian tinderwhores squashed under tracks of russian tanks. Fuck ukraine

Today made two last number for fulfilling third page in notebook about lithuanian tinderwhores, but will count and make statistics tomorrow, as it is simbolical, with tomorrow being disgraceful, day of modern lithuanian independence, for it to become puppet of USA. Thats disgusting. Lithuanian foids disgusting. Fuck ukraine

BettERtoreigninhell #psycho #sexist blackpill.club

I am confidence incarnate, still no pussy but at least I got the money

Just be confident bro, show your frame bro. Jfl few months ago I all alone held an entire postal office hostage for 30 minutes before the cops arrived. And when the cops arrived I stood in the entrance holding a bar and told them : no one enters or exits before I get my card, so you better remove safety from your guns as I will resist with all my forces. The director of the office had to held and submit and now I have my card since January and can retrieve money from ATM. The faggot knew I meant business as 10 minutes he earlier tried to escape and I pulled him back in the office with a single hand (he was at least 4 inches shorter than me tho and half my weight ). But there were other men too inside and didn't dare to defy me. Maybe it was cause I threatened everyone that if they tried something heroic I'd search where their children and grandchildren go to school.

The part when ,after one hour of them being unable to help me (they were lying as finally they found a way after the cops arrived ridiculing themselves by having caused panic for their laziness and I think it's the sole reason I'm not in jail) I threw my jacket on the ground and shouted "from this moment, this office is under my control, no one exits, no one enters" was the most badass thing I did in my life jfl.

There were girls, women and three of the employees were foids under 30 (that had my mail and number for formal reasons) who surely never assisted to a so commanding and threatening display of masculinity. Guess who of them tried to approach me in the hour I was outside the office while the cops were doing their papers stuff?


Zero shit given. To them all of that was just a cringy episode of insanity of a mentally ill weirdo. There's literally nothing you can do to fascinate a foid when you're ugly. You could conquer an entire nation using a Swiss knife and still you're just a crazy cringy subhuman who deserves the asylum.

Well at least I obtained what I wanted. That's what matters but if the dark triad confidence alpha macho crap was real I'd be having a harem of sloots sucking my uglybastard smelly dick now. But nope, I'm here posting granny porn to Indians.

There's no dark triad for evidently uneven cheekbones.

Theodore Roosevelt Malloch #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #sexist #transphobia #homophobia amgreatness.com

In the final, revelatory book of the Bible, we are told to beware the “mark of the beast”—that is, the mark of the devil or Satan himself. The number 666 denotes it.
Today, we have a new, modern beastly mark to beware, and I would argue that it is anything and everything, with the prefix “multi.”

Let me explain.

Multi borrows from the Latin word “multus” (much, many), which in turn was derived from a Greek word meaning “very.” For our current purposes, it’s a shortened form of the word multiple but it can often spell pure evil and the opposite of the good or godly..


Multicultural constitutes several cultural or ethnic groups within a given society. <...> More recently in the United States, it has been embodied in critical race theory and racial hatred of white people and the larger culture, especially the American founding, and the institutions and Constitution it originated. In corporations, this trend is found in diversity, inclusion, and equity initiatives that end meritocracy and all objective measures of performance and evaluation.

In international relations, multilateral refers to alliances and détente among many countries pursuing a common goal or set of policies. This is in contrast to bilateral relations between two established sovereign countries. It is anti-sovereign in orientation and ultimately concludes in a movement to one world government and supranationalism.


Multifunctionalism has led to the diminution of responsibility, complexity of life, and in social thought to the bureaucratization of policy in the administrative state.


The multisexual spectrum, also known as “M-spec,” bisexual umbrella, or plurisexual, is a sexuality term consisting of any and all labels that represent the sexual attraction to more than one gender. Multisexuality and transsexuality are the latest sinful turning away from God’s norms for human life and toward ungodly acts of idolatry and selfish hedonism.

BeardedLuckDragon #racist #sexist #elitist #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

[In response to several articles being approving of a female British politician’s “not […] entirely serious suggestion” that a cufew should be placed upon men in response to a missing person case where the police had advised women to not go out at night.]

Why a curfew for men wouldn't work is economic, since most dangerous jobs and night shifts are performed by men, and night shifts are much more dangerous than day shifts. Since it's probably a man to come play captain save a ho, the less men on the streets means women have less protectors and witnesses to keep the community safe at night. You don't think gangster bitches wouldn't blast your ass and take your wallet? Honey the thieves guild has been an equal opportunity employer as far back as I can remember. If all the female bandits know half the population is bound by a curfew, that would give them incentive to commit more crime on solo targets, not less. Laziness comes to mind too, cause now you'll have to get everything for yourself, or have it delivered for more money, and there will be no more, "Could you go get me xyz?" at 12am. Men comprise roughly 69% of the work force, so that means a lot less night time delivery drivers and increased delivery times. If half of society is under a curfew, that means the bars and night life will economically and socially collapse too, so be careful.

"Perhaps that seems unfair, a punishment inflicted on all men just for their gender, for the actions of a few. But women have been living with that exact restriction, an infantilising ban on venturing out alone, for our whole lives." First off modern women of 2022, NO YOU HAVEN'T BEEN BANNED FROM GOING OUT ALONE. You've been encouraged not to go out alone at night, just like men, but we can't hold you accountable for what you do. Actually that does seem unfair punishing half the species for what someone else did, and it especially bothers me that the majority of male inmates, 80% that is, come from single mother households. A lot of these rapes in Australia are being committed by foreigners that don't share the same values as Western men, but that makes people seem racist for pointing the finger at the sub category of men that are committing these awful crimes.

BeardedLuckDragon #homophobia #dunning-kruger #wingnut #sexist deviantart.com

[In response to several articles being approving of a female British politician’s “not […] entirely serious suggestion” that a cufew should be placed upon men in response to a missing person case where the police had advised women to not go out at night.]

Being a man you would think that being raped and kidnaped isn't an issue, but have you ever had a gay buddy of yours jokingly say they're going to rape you? I can't jokingly say I'll rape my female buddies. Even my brother openly said he wouldn't want to work at a gay bar because of the potential stalkers. If you were in jail back in the 1980's, and if you were a man your botty was for sell no matter how big you were, but now it's not too much of an issue, and honestly you're more likely to play Dungeons and Dragons then be raped. That being said, more men get rapped than women, usually in prison, by deranged criminals and stuff, not normal men.

Stalking and assault is an issue for all solo targets, including myself. Do you think I like it when a random stranger, man or woman, walks up oddly behind me at 3am? No buddy, and that's when I start to thumb my switch blade or get prepared to run, LIKE ALL ANIMALS ON PLANET EARTH! Heck a random coyote/large dog started running down the street towards me and I noped out because I wasn't in the mood to throw down, I'm getting older. Perhaps we should put a curfew on wild animals to make the world a safer place?

pornoddio #sexist #psycho blackpill.club

RE: Are ricecels our last hope?

I have a great admiration for rice antifeminism. I don't know what they will accomplish, I don't know what they can do against institutional feminism. I will simply support their highIQ asian antifeminism. You have to remember that asians on average are highIQ and they love math and porn, basically like me, so I consider myself culturally asian too. I hope they will appreciate the fact I always fap their porns and I love their based ideas to keep foids in cages.

Always remember that china achieved the highest rate of femoids suicide in the entire world, this is literally the highest achievement of humankind. Civilizations are measured on the metric of how many foids k1ll themselves every year. And up until now, china has the highest score. Saint yogacel smiles with pride and saint Lepine is proud of the asiacels. Cho is their patron saint. Let's wish them best luck.

Roosh V #fundie #sexist rooshv.com

[From "4 Reasons Why Lifting In Gyms Is A Bad Idea"]

For nearly two decades of my life, I would go to the gym[…]While I never had huge muscles, my body was athletic and toned[…]I want to claim that I went to the gym to be “healthy,” but my true intention was to be attractive to the opposite sex for the purpose of fornication. When I repented of my sins before God[…]I decided not to go to the gym anymore[…]
1. The music is filthy
The vehemently secular music that all gyms play is painful to my hymn-loving ears. I don’t want to hear songs about sex, seduction, getting rich, dancing all night in the club, driving expensive cars, and becoming a big boss. Thankfully, I can hardly understand the “English” being sung in most modern songs[…]the Satanically-engineered melody will find a way to worm its way into my brain[…]
I strive to listen to no secular music at all[…]because of how it corrupts my nous (spiritual eyes of the soul). One of the reasons I like shopping at Walmart is because they are one of the only supermarkets I know that don’t usually play music
2. The women are almost naked
There seems to be a competition among gym-going women to see who can display the most skin without technically being naked according to local ordinances. The arrival of “sports bras”[…]confirmed to me that the gym has become like an antechamber to the brothel bedroom
3. There are too many mirrors[…]
Since all gyms coat the walls in mirrors, my time in them exercised my pride as much as my body[…]
4. Desire to get bigger and bigger muscles for no practical reason[…]
Pride ignites within you to be even bigger and stronger[…]
solely to lift heavier things within the construct of the gym itself to make you think that your body, given to you by God, is an achievement of your own

Incels Wiki #crackpot #sexist incels.wiki

The 21st century is a time period that started on 1 January 2001 and will end on December 31, 2100.

This century is the first in human history wherein penopaused men have a more active sex life than young healthy virile men, due to the teleiophilic delay. It is also the first in human history wherein layless genetic dead ends are not sanctioned through incelicide nor the alternatives, such as being matchmaked with a looksmatch, but are instead given the alternative of slothing. It is also a century of increased sexual immorality, such as the rise of incestuals.

Rot&Repeat #sexist incels.is

[Serious] I hate cucks who complain about being "molested" by older women

Imagine being a 12 year old boy and youe hormones are probably nearing peak levels and you get to sex a teacher milf or qt teen babysitter then claim you got molested lol. I would kill for that to happen. At age 12 youre already stronger than most women either way so not like theyre brute forcing it and its not a problem if theyre not sodomizing you. A blowjob, handjob, or assfucking a teacher milf at age 12 sounds like heaven and cucks have to pretend it damaged them or something to get sympathy. I wouldnt be damaged now if i atleast had sex that way

Black To The Bone , bettER_CHOices & StephenK #sexist #homophobia blackpill.club

RE: Female biologist writes scientifically peer reviewed book confirming the Blackpill:

(Black To The Bone)

Females are parasites and need to be exterminated

Women themselves are a living paradox when you think about it, any advancement in civilization or patriarchal societies are immediately destroyed once females get the upper hand (take the Roman Empire, Bloody Mary, Marie Antoinette, the 19th amendment, sexual revolution and so on). The only way to end it is ether replace them completely or reprogram them, I’m not sure of a concrete solution myself.


What’s wrong with fags? Isn’t it just less competition?

Homos are degenerates, AIDS spreaders, they are mentally ill.
I'm working with two fags and I want to rent a van daily.
My best friend got hardcore bullied by his lgbt Co workers. You can't even retaliate in 2021 because the law is pro homo on his area.

Sexual Apocalypse is upon us, some will go to whores and consume pornography or any other alternative that brings them intimacy and tries to replace the actual partner experience

Some others won’t handle the pressure of their biological needs and eventually will take suicide because of frustration.

Others will become monks and will turn away from the foid form because they realized that females were made only to leech them Physically, Mentally, Economically.

In this feminist society foids were indoctrinated to chain you to misery and pain draining you till you’re not useful for them anymore and then replace you with somebody else even Chad eventually will get eventually replaced by another Chad..

Various Commenters #racist #conspiracy #sexist blackpill.club

RE: Incel revolution in Korea

This would never happen in the west, the jew media would slander and ruin his reputation and the jew run CIA would assassinate him if he actually won. There is no poliical solution in the west anymore, since jews control democracy.

This would never happen in the west solely because of those puss-skinned cucks. They always gotta worship "muh huaite angel kweenz".


This would never happen in the west, the jew media would slander and ruin his reputation and the jew run CIA would assassinate him if he actually won. There is no poliical solution in the west anymore, since jews control democracy.

No, it would never happen because westerners are cucked by default and the candidate would be vilified by simps before da joos could ever get to him. Just accept that non-western men have more self-respect than you, even soy-slurping ricecels who are all skin and bones have higher T-levels than the average western man.

Misogynistic Man = Nigger In 2020’s
These femtards are the ones who are bigots. They can’t see life from our point of view.


Misogynistic Man = Nigger In 2020’s
These femtards are the ones who are bigots. They can’t see life from our point of view.

misogynists are oppressed

Metropolitan Police Service #sexist #racist theguardian.com

Racism cited as factor in police strip search of girl, 15, at London school
Black child’s ordeal, which involved exposure of intimate body parts, took place without parental consent, review finds

A black child was subjected by police to a strip search at her London school that involved exposure of intimate body parts, according to an official investigation which found racism was likely to have been an “influencing factor” in the officers’ actions.

No appropriate adult was present during the 15-year-old girl’s ordeal, described by a senior local authority figure as “humiliating, traumatising and utterly shocking” and which took place without parental consent and in the knowledge that she was menstruating.

Details of her treatment in her secondary school’s medical room have emerged in a child safeguarding review initiated by Hackney council after the incident in December 2020.

The child was made to bend over, spread her legs and use her hands to spread her buttocks while coughing, and she is now in therapy and self-harming, according to family members’ statements to the inquiry.

The damning report said: “Having considered the context of the incident, the views of those engaged in the review and the impact felt by Child Q and her family, racism (whether deliberate or not) was likely to have been an influencing factor in the decision to undertake a strip search.”

The report emphasised the importance of the question of whether the child was treated differently because she was black, adding this line of inquiry had been starkly reflected in several events that took place around the same time.

“Significantly, some six months prior, George Floyd was tragically killed in the USA and there were repercussions around the globe, including in the UK,” it said.

Police were called by teachers who told the review that they believed she was smelling strongly of cannabis and suspected she was carrying drugs, but none were found during the subsequent search.

The school was visited by four officers including two women who carried out the search of the girl – referred to in the report as ‘Child Q’ – while teachers remained outside the room and her mother was not contacted.

Unnamed Male Vigilantes #magick #psycho #sexist theguardian.com

(NOTE: This is from April of 2021)

Two women tortured in latest sorcery-related attack in Papua New Guinea

Two women have been brutally attacked in Port Moresby by up to 20 men after being accused of witchcraft, in the latest instance of sorcery-related violence in Papua New Guinea.

The women were tortured and burnt with hot irons for hours on Sunday in a settlement at 5 Mile in the capital.

One woman managed to escape and ran down a hill before she was rescued by police. She said she was being interrogated by the male perpetrators and pressured to admit to the killing of another woman who died earlier in the week.

Police found the second woman badly wounded and bound with ropes, lying in a garden. Both had very severe injuries.

National Capital District (NCD) Metropolitan Supt Gideon Ikumu said up to 20 men fled before police arrived at the scene, but that the identities of the men were known to them.

“I strongly condemn these crimes and request the families and relatives of the two victims to come forward and provide their statements,” he said.

Sorcery violence – known as Sorcery Accusation Related Violence, or SARV – is persistent in PNG. This latest attack prompted outrage among senior police officers and politicians.

“People must change their mindset as we are living in a modern growing city. Police will ensure those responsible are brought to justice,” said Anthony Wagambie Jr, divisional commander NCD and central assistant commissioner.

NCD governor, Powes Parkop said: “I am totally disgusted and disappointed by the actions of the men who tortured the two women in the nation’s capital. I am appalled that men continue to believe and practice such barbaric practices in this day and age. The fact that it could still happen in the capital city shows we are a long way away from ending gender-based violence, and sorcery accusatory violence in particular.”

XY Crew #sexist regardingmen.com

A Problem for Modern Man

At XY Crew, we understand that modern man’s default relationship with the world he inhabits is abusive and exploitive. The very society that now paints him as a toxic threat nonetheless expects, no, demands that he surrender blood and treasure for even its most selfish whims. And should he falter or refuse to serve under the weight of that inequity, he is ridiculed and rejected.

This dysfunctional relationship contributes to male suicide and a host of other problems, all of which are met with depraved indifference by the world at large, including the mental health industry as we know it. We live in an age of codified hatred of men and boys.

Our approach to this social sickness is simple. The antidote to misandry is to respect and honor men. That’s the philosophy at XY CREW, and it’s the final word on why we’re here.

If you’re down for that, you’re welcome to JOIN US.

Alighieri & HikikunDeformis #sexist #psycho blackpill.club

Ukrainian foids have entered the fight

Reality or simply Ukrainian propaganda? I wish I was a Russian soldier right now. Imagine having your way with captured femoids. Does this mean Russian incels get to ascend? The bastards, how I envy them.

Propaganda to rally up the soys in a frenzy where they will risk their lives.

Reality is that Ukraine has more than enough male fighters but not enough gear. Adding a bunch of useless women to the mix who can't even do the shittiest grunt work well like shoot a firearm on a competent level is moronic. Women are just going to hold you back.

These whores might actually serve though but they will be kept way in the back 50 100 km away from any frontline fighting. And if by chance fight comes to them they will surrender and flop like a flaccid penis

Greek Anon #elitist #homophobia #pratt #sexist #wingnut boards.4chan.org


>economy going down the drain
>blackpill evolution leaves men virgins
>women are sociopathic whores, men are weak narcissists
>war and instability everywhere
>jews, trannies, faggots everywhere
>you can only get a job if you graduate top of your class in STEM - suck the "education" system's dick, gulp down propaganda 24/7 and thank them for it, blow thousands, deal with insufferable normie subhumans daily
>curricula becoming more and more demanding
>maybe if you have connections, but even this is being sidelined
>normies are becoming more volatile and backstabbing than ever
>you VILL go to war, you VILL die a virgin, you VILL die poor, and you VILL die alone
>if you return, it's the same shit all over again

I sincerely hope the nukes fly and irradiate this shithole forever. If we're lucky, the rulers of this world will also get caught in the crossfire too.

>inb4 obligatory retards that will call me a demoralizing shill

It's over. Bros, it's been an honor serving with you - but everything of value has been destroyed and pissed on.

卐 ангел смерти 卐 #racist #wingnut #sexist blackpill.club

Whites have always been the most creative, and most intelligent race

We are the superior race. The Roman Empire, Germania, the Russian Empire, the British Empire, ancient Greece, United States of America, etc were all created by white males. White males have created so much just to see it be destroyed by jews, shitskins, and women. @Slap made a white pride thread on here before, and it turned into a real controversial thread so lets hope that doesn’t happen here.

WHITE POWER!!! 1488 卍


If it was destroyed by Jews, shit skins and women then you were never superior to begin with. This makes no sense. Power is absolute and inmutable, boy.

It does make sense. Jews and Women were jealous of the accomplishments of Straight White Males, so they had to destory our creations and civilizations.

Louis Alexandre Berthier , Iblis & nazgul #sexist blackpill.club

(Louis Alexandre Berthier)
Alt-right tradcucks and white-women worship.


I have repeatedly mocked alt-righters and their white-women worship, but I got a good laugh after I saw this on a tradcuck forum. These idiots believe that white women will support their movement for sake of the "aryan race" and "muh traditions". When will they realize that white women are the kind of a creature that will walk over their dead bodies in the first chance they get? These alt-rightcels are angry because they are lonely and take their anger out of unfortunate ethics. They think all this is due to blacks/mexicans instead of women and their hypergamy. Pathetic!

They think that white foids are forced by Jews to be degenerate whores and that they secretly all desire to be the trad housewives of some truecel. :laughagr:

Yes white femoids are racists. Yes white femoids can be on your side. Yes white femoids are nazis. Yes white foids are privileged and have power.

But, nazism is a dead end, traditionalism is a psyop, conservatism is a CIA planned operation. White femoids don't lose time with white losers, they prefer to associate with people with influence and power, like they always did. They are just assets for those that have money. White foids will never descend and help homeless whites, they simply assume the homeless are unworthy pieces of shit. White foids can see you while you d1e, they don't utter a word, they just let you perish and suffer.

Napoleon de Geso #sexist #psycho ncu.su

Now is best time to swipe foids in Tinder, by doing it in ukrainia

Because now you know that all those disgusting thots who not fit your taste, of swipe you into left, are living in danger of being ***** and shot by russian soldiers, and so much higher chances of happening what we want so much with dumb foid who rejects us to happen - that she stops wasting oxygen, or atleast her ejaculational hole will be used by some ugly bastards without her permission

My new tinder world quest after few days, but in older search of ukrianian foids 18-22yo results were:


Tfu on ukrop whores, ugly russian soldiers are their perfect non-consensual match

pornoddio #crackpot #sexist blackpill.club

Selling out your incel brothers does get you pussy

Yes if you sell out an incel, you do get pussy. Some foids do this game to see how strong is our incel will. They pollute and taint many incels, once they get the pussy they know the incel covenant is broken and they don't come back and they also cannot receive the pussy again because the deal they made was a scam.


Just repeat step 1 if it works.

Maybe you don't know how normies work. They betray you for 10 euros. The normies betray you for the prospect of pussy, even when they know they cannot get that pussy.

If a normie has 1/1000 chances to get pussy he betrays his own family.

When a normie receives pussy in exchange for his services, not only his soul is destroyed he's also rejected by the enemy, he becomes more pariah than me.

pornoddio #crackpot #sexist blackpill.club

When you discuss with a normie, you discover that the one that cannot cope with inceldom is he

I mean, they are the ones that always have to find a foid and live with foids and need muh meditation and muh gurus to teach them the most basilar things in life, they are the retards that have to be guided like children and cannot stay alone for 1 minute.

I don't care if a normie is 40 or 50 or 60, he is a child. And the normie is the weak one, the one that cannot cope with anything. Normies are the ones that do 99.999% of the killings, they are the ones that initiate violence for the stupidest reasons like "muh my girlfriend left me", or other irrelevant things that any incel can cope with just fine.

oenz #psycho #sexist ncu.su

RE: A Harbinger of things to come
(submitters note: in reaction to a newspaper article titled "Russian troops accused of raping ‘numerous’ women as they rampage through Ukrainian cities")

So Sexy. Rape is intriguing to me cause the Idea of a Logical thinking human being becoming so Animalistic is hot.

Yoon Suk-yeol and Kim Kun-hee #sexist #elitist #racist #wingnut france24.com

South Korea's new president-elect is a political novice who shot to public attention as a prosecutor for his uncompromising investigations into some of the country's most high-profile corruption scandals

But conservative Yoon Suk-yeol's hawkish stance on North Korea has drawn some controversy, while his misogynistic pledges and his insensitive remarks on issues ranging from poverty and the Ukraine crisis have been widely criticised
Born in Seoul in 1960, Yoon studied law and went on to play a key role in convicting the former president Park Geun-hye for abuse of power

As the country's top prosecutor in 2019, he also indicted a top aide of outgoing President Moon Jae-in over fraud and bribery, in a case that tarnished the Moon administration's upstanding image
Despite his role in Park's ousting, Yoon fired up support among disgruntled conservative voters by offering a chance at "revenge" against Moon -- even going so far as to threaten to investigate Moon for unspecified "irregularities"

Even Yoon's wife [Kim Kun-hee] claimed his critics would be prosecuted if her husband won because that's "the nature of power", according to taped comments released after a court battle
As an avowed anti-feminist he has pledged to abolish the ministry for gender equality, claiming South Korean women do not suffer systemic discrimination -- despite voluminous evidence to the contrary

On North Korea, Yoon has threatened a pre-emptive strike on the South's nuclear-armed neighbour if needed, a claim that analysts have pointed out is wildly unrealistic
So far, Yoon's camp "looked as though they were simply copying and pasting foreign policy phrases from the US Republican presidents' speeches," she added

He also made a string of gaffes on the campaign trail, from praising one of the country's former dictators, to belittling manual labour and Africans

Mehtea #crackpot #sexist blackpill.club

If I was a president I would ban weddings

1) I am never invited in spite of me being the best person always
2)I am jealous
3) normies are awful because they announce to everyone else that they will be having sex the same night. Can you imagine how awful that is. Fucking egoistic bitches. They could spend this money on welfare or education but they spend it on extravagant and extra ceremonies

Wedding should be equaled to public indecency and become a criminal offense. Just go to your local administrative centre and sign your marriage contract. No one else needs to suffer negative externalities from you

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