various commenters #transphobia

( keylime )
Sorry not sorry at all, but this is exactly why I refuse to befriend trans or anyone who is close with TiMs/TiFs. I would rather be completely isolated and friendless than have trans or handmaiden friends. They are too mentally ill, unstable, and untrustworthy. For such a small percentage of the general population, a huge percentage within their own have shown themselves to be violent, sadistic, psychopathic killers. This mentally ill demon of a woman did not just kill Nandhini, but deliberately planned to torture her and took pleasure in viewing her suffering. She should be condemned to a lake of fire.

However, I do not blame Nandhini (may her beautiful soul rest in peace) one bit for this tragic outcome. She is a victim of the brainwashing that so many women undergo. "Be nice to trans people! They are harmless and just want to live their authentic selves in peace!" NO. I will advocate for women to NOT be nice to these deranged people. Women are so often taught to ignore their gut instinct in favor of being nice and not hurting people's feelings. We must grey rock, isolate these people, and refuse to be nice and friendly with them, lest more women suffer the same fate.

( GreenBottle )
Congrats TIF, you did the most male thing imaginable, murdered and tortured a woman for saying no. Makes me wonder if she's on testosterone.

( Mignonette )
My thoughts exactly. She'll never be a man but unfortunately succeeded at acting like one when she refused to take no for an answer. I hope she's dealt with accordingly. Her poor victim must have suffered horrifically.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Why do TIFs always mimic the worst traits of men and never ones that are better to "pass"?

Men suck, yes, but they also have a history of encouraging things like chivalry, honor, intellectualism, etc. in each other. Where are the TIFs like that? Why are they always incredibly misogynistic and violent?

( momofreyrella )
Oh definitely

( GreenBottle )
Oh I know she is. Just wanted to point it out. I know technically these TIFs are women and "belong" in female sexed spaces but tbh I don't want them either if testosterone makes them as depraved and degenerate as the average scrote. The moment they take testosterone they should be banned from female sports obviously because that's doping, but idk if they belong in my locker room either.

Positron #transphobia #dunning-kruger

I won't be talking about Tom Serano's biology because it has been shown again and again, for example in the links in this post by @heathercho, that he knows fuckwit. My issue is with his metaphysical claims. Serano asserts that the "gender-sex distinction is rooted in Mind-Body Dualism", but this cannot be right because genders are social roles, and social roles (the expectation to do something in society) presupposes the existence of a body -- indeed, the existence of more than one bodies, for there can't be a society with a population of one.

Serano is right in that Mind-Body Dualism is unpopular in both Philosophy and Feminism (Science never had patience for it at all), but guess what, troons are the strongest believers of Mind-Body Dualism! Just ask a troon where is his "femaleness" located. It can't be in the body, because Biology is transphobic (not to mention that, by popular assent among troons, a troon is not any less trans because he doesn't take estrogen and has no plans to get a dickchop). It can't be in society, because society expect them to take up male roles. His only recourse is to admit that it is all in his mind (or in mental constructs such as language), and that his mind is independent from his body, each has its own identity.

Prove to me that Mind-Body Dualism is true and I might re-evaluate the assertion "trans women are women".

David Guyll #racist

Before we get into technical issues, let's address the hamfisted Didn't Earn It influences:
You have two blacks, two "evil paleskins" tucked in the back like it was slapped together for bizarro China, and the fifth is conveniently, completely covered up, probably so WokeC can pull a Gaymes Wokeshop and later pretend that their cheap Strongheart-in-name-only imitation was a woman the entire time. Molliver wasn't so lucky, having been both black-washed and sex-swapped into a mentally ill they/themming black chick, which makes it all the more hilarious that he's a thief.

Frankly, the only thing surprising about the cover, besides the lack of blue-skinned gay tieflings, is that they didn't give the red-head a similar treatment, opting to just wallop her a few times with the "realistic woman" stick, but the issues with this piece of, ahem, "art", go way beyond pandering to troons and hideous hobby tourists. But then, what else did you expect from Tyler Jacobson, a guy who attended a pair of west-coast colleges and works for a company that has long considered surface-level diversity a substitute for quality, creativity, talent and integrity?

Jim #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

[From “The Ukraine is not a nation”]

The Ukraine never has been a nation. It has always merely been a province of empire. Ukrainians oft got conscripted to fight in the wars of far away empires, but even when the empire ruled through local satraps, as it does now, the local minions of empire failed to act as if the Ukraine was a nation

Here are Ukrainians celebrating independence day. Notice the near total absence of anyone celebrating. Compare with the enormous turnout everywhere in Russia for victory day

And today the local minions of empire in the Ukraine are not acting as if the Ukraine is a nation[…]
Kiev, thanks to the mighty influx of American money, has more bars and nightclubs than it did before the war

According to CBS news, that it is party time in Kiev is a form of defiance of Russia. The young men in the CBS photos are evidently at no risk of being summoned to the front. The imperial minions in Kiev are acting like the war is a gold mine, and they have struck it rich[…]
If the Ukraine was a real nation, the local elite would not do this stuff, or if they did do it, would be more furtive about it. The local elite has no plans for making peace with Russia. They don’t care and it is not their decision to make anyway. They have plans for moving to the South of France[…]
As the time available to steal stuff grows shorter, and the prospect of long term employment as the empire’s satraps in the Ukraine grows more remote, the imperial minions naturally focus more on stealing whatever is not nailed down, and burning down what is nailed down so that they can steal the nails, and focus less on preserving imperial rule. Global American Empire rule over the Ukraine is collapsing. The battle field is merely a lagging indicator

Vox Day #crackpot #dunning-kruger

Biologists should not be the least bit reluctant to leave the useless theories of Neo-Darwinism behind or to abandon evolution by natural selection. To the contrary, we now have a growing body of scientific evidence that humanity is not, and never was, alone in the universe. And whoever, or whatever, the parties responsible may be, we know that they have at least a modicum of what appears to be beneficial interest in us, or they would not have manipulated our genes to enhance our cognition and self-awareness as they appear to have done.

On a philosophical note, I very much doubt it is a question of God or aliens. Because the answer, in all probability, will somehow involve both. We know that God works through men, even through the most unlikely of men. Logic therefore suggests that if aliens of any kind exist, God will work through them too.

Tomi Lahren #homophobia

The “Queer Planet” documentary is really something.

If animals were indeed gay, there would be no more animals. Just basic science there.

But I wonder if the gay animals get special and protected status in the animal kingdom or just in this circus we’ve allowed in the human world…
9:09 AM · May 18, 2024 · 57.8K Views
73 Reposts 4 Quotes 587 Likes 6 Bookmarks

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut

I know my old college classmate, better than anyone in the world. I know how he plays the game. I’ve correctly warned about and predicted every move he’s made since 2009.

If I were Obama, what would I do next?

Trump looks unbeatable at this point. The latest Rasmussen poll has him up 10 points over Biden. With third party candidates included, Trump is up 12 points.

The latest Gallop poll shows Biden is the least popular president in 70 years- lower than Nixon or Jimmy Carter.

The latest YouGov/Economist poll shows 68% of Americans believe the country is “out of control” under Biden.

The latest CNN poll shows Biden’s rating on the economy and inflation is among the lowest ever seen- 34% and 29%.

Read the tea leaves. It’s all over for Biden. He can’t beat Trump. There will be no 4th term of Obama. Trump will reverse everything Obama and Biden did. And he will put the bad guys in prison for treason. So, if I was Obama, I’d roll the dice…

I’d replace Biden at the Democrat convention in August with Michelle Obama.

Robert Spencer #transphobia #homophobia

Well, great. Maybe there are. But what, exactly, does that tell us about human behavior or human morality? Peacock wants us to think that it tells us a great deal. “This is a queer planet,” the trailer gleefully informs us, for “queerness has always existed.” You just haven’t realized this because you’re so, like, uptight, man: “It’s only in humans that we have such a stigma about it.” For actually, “Mother Nature is pretty open-minded.”

Here again, we see the incoherence of the left. “Mother Nature” is “open-minded,” eh? So there is a conscious being who created and governs the universe? Many, if not most, leftists, would sneer at that idea, for they have rejected the idea of a God who delineates the parameters of morality. The universe is blind and random, they insist, and that means that there really aren’t any parameters of morality at all, and anything goes.

That, however, would mean that these allegedly gay animals aren’t really examples for us to follow, but just random beings doing meaningless things. And so Peacock invents its own god, to whom it gives the venerable name of Mother Nature, and invests her with its own morality, which involves the dogmas that “sex is not just for reproduction” and that “nature is full of queer surprises.”

In saner times, mothers would tell their children not to behave like animals. The idea of emulating them as moral exemplars never occurred to anyone. After all, it’s a dangerous path to start traveling down. Once we justify “queer” practices on the basis of all these supposedly “queer” animals, why stop at that? There is plenty of other animal behavior we could emulate as well, such as chasing down others, ripping them apart with our bare hands, and eating them. PETA would get into a fine snit if Peacock ran a series hailing that kind of animal behavior, but of course, neither PETA nor Peacock, nor anyone else on the left ever worries overmuch about intellectual consistency. In fact, that’s one of the reasons why we’re in the fix we’re in.

Aschaper1 #homophobia

LGBT Activists Harass Torrance Mayor, Lie to Public About their Privileges/Entitlement
The LGBT hate groups are growing more brazen every day.

In Torrance, they insist on being celebrated, even though they claim that they were "born that way," and th

The way that they harassed Mayor Chen was quite disturbing.

Last year, he hosted a public forum to allow residents to hear about ongoing safety and business issues, but a number of LGBT activists insisted on harassing him because he would not approve a "pride" resolution.

The level of entitlement is quite disturbing.

LGBT activists insist on pushing this lie that they are "born that way." There is no evidence for this. And now they are crying and whining about how everyone should celebrate them, and if you don't want to go along with their coercive demands, they label you a hater, a bigot, a homophobe, etc.

This is true bullying, and it's quite ironic that one of the most abusive activists in the room, RG Wong, shamed Mayor Chen about his Asian-American heritage to justify their demands for a pride resolution.

Do these people really take themselves seriously at this point?

Also, does anyone notice the number of people who left the city council chambers while the LGBT activists were whining and complaining about a pride resolution.

The people of Torrance don't want this trash forced on them. They are tired of the woke, broke, joke of regressive leftism.

It's great to see Torrance, a Balanced City, is not interested in tipping the scale in favor of any one interest group.

MP George Galloway (Rochdale-WPB) #homophobia #transphobia #enbyphobia

In a clip from an interview with Novara Media, the Rochdale MP said: “I don’t want my children prematurely sexualised at all, I don’t want them taught that some things are normal when their parents don’t believe that they’re normal”

“Now there’s lots of things not normal, doesn’t mean you have to hate something that isn’t normal. But if my children are taught that there’s – whatever the current vogue number is – 76 or 97 or whatever the number of purported genders that exist, I don’t want my children taught that”

Galloway leads the Workers Party of Britain and became the MP for Rochdale in February[…]
Speaking to Novara, Galloway said he didn’t want children to be taught “that gay relationships are exactly the same and as normal as a mum, a dad and kids”

He added: “I want my children to be taught that the normal thing in Britain, in society across the world, is a mother, a father and a family”

“I want them to be taught that there are gay people in the world and that they must be treated with respect and affection as I treat my own gay friends and colleagues with respect and affection but I don’t want my children to be taught that these things are equal because I don’t believe them to be equal”

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

We all know. But no one in media will say it. Young 25 and 30 yr old bankers die in same week. The media blames “long work hours.” Really? Stop gaslighting us. Young bankers have worked 100 hour weeks for 50+ yrs. No one ever died. Never. 0. Not once in my lifetime. Until COVID vaccine mandates.

ZEROHEDGE.COM 25 Year Old BofA Analyst Dies Suddenly Of Cardiac Arrest While Playing Soccer At Industry Event

Robert Spencer #homophobia

Butker’s outrageous crime was that he gave a commencement speech at Benedictine College, and took aim at some of the most cherished idols of our age. He encouraged the graduates to take pride in themselves and their accomplishments: “Not the deadly sins sort of Pride that has an entire month dedicated to it, but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the holy ghost to glorify him.” As far as leftists are concerned, to criticize Pride Month would be akin to ripping up Betsy Ross’ American flag while standing in front of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, and Butker wasn’t finished.

SFCmac #transphobia #conspiracy

It’s illegal for minors (people under 18) to vote, get tattoos, purchase or drink alcohol, purchase cigarettes, enter adult strip clubs, or buy pornography, but Proglodytes want to chop off their genitalia or add fake ones. Hospitals and healthcare corporations push ‘gender affirming’ programs, hysterectomies, and transgender surgeries on kids who should be occupied with playing sports, hanging with their friends, having a crush, going to school dances and attending pep rallies. The medical community has turned into an industry of child mutilation for profit. The “First, do no harm” concept in the Hippocratic Oath has been eradicated for money.

Kids are being sexualized by perverted LGBTQ+ABCDEF (insert the rest of the acronyms here) and pedophiles who use their positions to push this shit. Children don’t have the capacity to understand the complexities of sex, gender, or the depraved projections of the Left.

“Gender identity” and all the insane concocted ‘pronouns’ did not originate with kids or mentally stable people. Kids don’t think of that shit on their own. It started with unhinged lunatics who pushed this abnormal behavior in the media and in schools. People are sick of it and they’re fighting back. What’s really funny is the hissy fit thrown by these freaks after their videos are exposed by LibsofTikTok and other sites. Simply posting their insanity for everyone to see is enough to bring a meltdown.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #quack #ufo #conspiracy

We are at the end game

The poisoning of the air and weather warfare operations
Has created climate change
And a civilization of disease

We watch clones with fluttering eyes
Interviewing cyborg reptilians with bulging necks on news broadcasts
But 99 percent of the population have no clue as to what is really transpiring

Cancer is now being treated with MRNA injections
Of programmable hydrogel and polymers
That puts GPS signals inside the host

Food is poisoned and there is not an uproar
Nurofen pain killers contain graphene oxide

Microwave pulsing hits us while we sleep
Similar to a microwave oven

Dental anesthetic injections are loaded with hydrogel graphene
And nano smart dust to connect us to the Cloud

Synthetic thoughts are sent to make people feel negative toward each other
And negative towards themselves

Satanic freemasonry governs us behind closed doors

Virus in Latin means poison
And Corona means crown

Corona virus means the elite oligarchy
Who are the highest ranking Freemasons
Are poisoning the commoners

All smart devices are transmitters
That send information to the Cloud

Cell phones and computers modify you through your eyes
Sending infrared technology into the body
Creating automatons

But the Father of All Perfection is here
His Spirit will ascend from the earth to the heavens
And then descend back down

All things superior and inferior will receive the life force
It will be the glory of the whole world and will penetrate everything

The Spirit of God will separate the wheat from the chaff
And life will begin anew

Valentina Gomez #homophobia #wingnut

Valentina Gomez is running for Missouri secretary of state, and she wants you to know one thing: Don’t be gay and weak

Gomez posted a video where she’s running in the middle of a street – inexplicably wearing a bulletproof vest and athletic shorts – and saying: “In America, you can be anything you want. So don’t be weak and gay. Stay f**king hard.” The video then shows a picture of her with guns

“‘Don’t be weak and gay’ August 6th is the day we take Missouri back from these corrupt politicians,” she wrote in sharing the video. Missouri’s primary is August 6

She posted the same video with the same message on other social media platforms

“I love her! She doesn’t [give a f**k] what libs think! I wish I could vote for her but I am in [New Mexico],” someone commented on Instagram

“She doesn’t mean sexual orientation, she means your character,” someone else said, trying to explain away Gomez’s clear message even though Gomez didn’t ask them to

“Will you marry me,” someone else wrote

This isn’t the first time she has used this expression

“Don’t be weak and gay. America First,” she wrote on X back in March

That same month, she posted a video of an interview with conservative pundit Tim Pool to Instagram where she said, “Countries that ban rifles, guns, or even flamethrowers are weak and gay. Because you should be ashamed of yourself if you cannot defend your family or your community or yourself”

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

Western Civilization has long been under attack by its own intellectuals and professors. Is there anything left of it?

I defend Western Civilization, but Is there any civilization left to defend when the leaders of Western governments endorse Genocide not only of the Palestinians but of their own white ethnicities and brand criticism of Palestinian Genocide as anti-semitism and criticism of white replacement as a hate crime? Even Donald Trump, whose own right to speak is being throttled, wants to deport those who protest Israel’s Palestinian Genocide. The question increasingly before me is: Is there anything left of the West to defend? How can we make America Great Again when there is nothing left with which to work? Even the leader who wants to make us great again opposes free speech. How can he possibly take the oath of office to defend the Constitution?
I defend Christianity. Yet, Christian evangelicals and Christian Zionists support genocide.

Western morality has been inverted. We now live in moral inversion. How can the indefensible be defended?
How is it that we can defend Israel but not our own whiteness? Why does Israel have a right to exist, but not white ethnic nations?

J.E. Aggas #crackpot #magick #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

King Charles releases "Charles in Hell" painting on Israel's 76th birthday or 666,216 hours

Is he sending secret messages? Remember the white horse that got loose with blood on it and the disapearence of Kate? Is something going on here?

King Charles releases "Charles in Hell" painting on Israel's 76th birthday or 666,216 hours

"Prophecy" = 666 (Latin)
6*6*6 = 216

From and including: Friday, May 14, 1948
To, but not including Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Result: 27,759 days
Or 76 years excluding the end date.
Or 912 months excluding the end date.
666,216 hours

"King Charles in Hell" = 375 (Latin)
"Mark of Beast" = 375 (Latin)

"Charles in Hell" = 309 (Latin)
"Help me please" = 309 (Latin)
"Dracula" = 309 (Latin)
"Epstein" = 309 (Latin)

"Bloody Charles" = 58 (Reduction)
"Third Temple" = 58 (Reduction)

And From his inauguration to Charles in Hell display is 375 days just like...

"King Charles in Hell" = 375 (Latin)
"Mark of Beast" = 375 (Latin)

From and including: Saturday, May 6, 2023
To and including: Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Result: 375 days

Strongs 375 Heb means "Where"
Strongs 375 Greek means "to send up"

Bloody white horse and painting dates
4 × 24 + 20 × 24 =576
5 × 14 + 20 × 24 = 550
576+550 = 1126

20 days between the bloody horse and the bloody painting
Wed Apr 24 2024 to Tue May 14 2024 is:
20 Days
"death" = 20 (Reduction)

It was commissioned back in 2020 to celebrate Charles’ 50 years as a member of the grant-giving body, The Drapers’ Company, in 2022, the palace said.
I don't know something's going on. Maybe they all are getting arrested! That would be soooo awesome! I don't think we're that lucky though!

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The Light Forces are removing the dark Atlantean network according to the plan. Nothing more can be said about that at this point for strategic and security reasons, but an intel update for the surface population about that topic is expected soon.

All negative entities have been removed from other Universes, and only a very small amount of subquantum anomaly is present there.

Now the full focus is on this Solar System, and on the final liberation of planet Earth. In the last few weeks, a huge amount of subquantum anomaly has been removed from the Solar System.

As a result of this, one part of the Pleiadian fleet is about to return to this Solar System and they will resume liberation operations. Details need to remain classified, but extremely powerful astrological configurations are supporting this move.

The main aspect is Sedna conjuncting Alcyone on May 25th. This aspect happens once every 20,000 years, and its astrological meaning is the return of Pleiadians to Earth at the completion of the cosmic cycle. This aspect will start exhibiting its full power one week before May 25th, and will remain in full force until one week after.

Light Forces have begun to decrease the activity of the multidimensional Dyson sphere around the Sun in order to allow more Solar activity to occur since the beginning of May, producing a huge solar storm last week:
At this volume, another multidimensional quantum technology of the Light Forces has been activated since May 1st, and it is called Gungnir:

Gungnir is an advanced planetary Ascension technology that is now directing immense amount of Electric fire towards this planet:

It channels huge energies from the top of the Tree of Life (Yggdrasil) to the surface of the planet:

These energies are being distributed by the Solar Logos (the cosmic being that is our Sun), utilizing the Rod of Initiation, effectively starting the process of Ascension of this planet into its fourth planetary initiation

Ben Garrison #wingnut

You are invited to join me on SubscribeStar- a Pateron alternative, for exclusive cartoons and behind the scenes look at GrrrGraphics, Click to Join!

Barack’s Vice President has flopped miserably. He has the lowest rating of any modern president. America is being invaded. Inflation is still high, and everyone aside from Baby Boomers cannot afford a house and can barely make ends meet. Biden is a war monger and a completely corrupt, hair-sniffing pedophile.

Kamala has a lower rating than Joe. She’s a joke and incompetent. A laughing hyena in high heels.

Gavin Newsom? Many Democrats want him to jump in and replace Biden, but he’s simply a younger version of Joe. Despite Gavin’s slick talking and slicked-back hairdo, he has destroyed California. They act like that’s an accomplishment, but Americans aren’t that stupid. Besides, he’s another white male.

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Therefore, don’t be surprised if they trot out Hillary once more during the Democrat Convention. They’ll say she’s the most experienced. She certainly is seasoned and she looks it, but she’s a year younger than Trump. Joe is on tilt and then can’t roll back his odometer…so don’t be surprised if Hillary is one again thrown into the breach. She wants so very badly to defeat Trump, and she will lose. Again!

Another Hillary loss will be glorious.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut

(About the Covid vaccine.)
The doctors know it’s bad but they’re just not allowed to tell you. Otherwise they lose their job. Their job is more important than your life.
7:23 AM · May 16, 2024 · 34.5K Views
787 Reposts 20 Quotes 1,949 Likes 87 Bookmarks

Neogrendizer #conspiracy #crackpot

So yeah, Trump held a rally in Jersey where he made a sarcastic remark about Hannibal Lecter, and as usual the typical media autists collectively shit their little diapers in unison as they wail to the heavens that "TrUmP eNdOrSeD a CaNnIbAl, sEe HoW eViL hE iS?!", and everyone who listened either laughed at them or told them to rightfully shut the hell up because no one cares! Everything that has been thrown at this man has failed! No, not just failed, spectacularly failed! His trial and mugshots ALONE have propelled his campaign far further than anything in 2016 and 2020 COMBINED, and the Leftoids are adding fuel to the growing shit-firestorm with their tantrums! At this point, Trump could drop the sacred N-word and every single African American would vote for him!

Bryan K Starr #fundie #pratt #dunning-kruger

I love the evolutionist stories lol, they're so funny because they're so dumb.

The shrinking pond theory, the hooved dog crocodile turning into a whale because it wanted to swim lol, the apes coming down from the trees because they wanted to walk upright, and the flightless birds that grew wings over millions of years rofl.

Great comedy.

Bryan K Starr #racist #psycho

You apparently assume that the Palestinians are somehow innocent in all of this.

They are far from innocent, they teach their children to hate and kill Jews, the women also fully support Hamas.

In earlier times any nation would've just wiped them all out.

That's why they should've thought about all this before attacking Israel, but they're stupid Muslims and as usual, are getting their asses kicked for being stupid.

Israel needs to just carpet bomb the whole area and be done with it.

Radionic Tech LLC/Dr. Thor #crackpot #magick #ufo #mammon





This is the most powerful Scalar Energy Unit ever made and will be for many years to come. Not only a powerful tool of influence and empowerment, it connects you to a strong royal hertiage of Justice & Success like nothing else. Buying this Unit includes initiation into the Order of The Dracul. It is the first serious step to extreme power and ascension by becoming Light Being! All great tools are connected to great Spiritual Forces that empower them. King Arthur had Excalibur, The Atlantis King had a Sadmar Tool, Thor had Mjolnir, now you have the Extreme Force Unit! This is not only a Tool it is a way life, a master tool of healing, ascension and success like nothing else! This is the ultimate tech for those that want to change their life and help the world while ascending to the next level. Ascension is NOT given it is earned through achieving high states of consciousness. Here is your 50th century Master Tech to save mankind and bring great success to yourself and family!!

Vic Biorseth #wingnut #racist #homophobia #conspiracy

With Comrade President JoBama O'Biden finally agreeing to debate President Trump, we thought it appropriate to remind readers of our recommended new Presidential debate procedure for what it's worth. We see no legitimate reason for any moderators or rules other than a microphone-controlling time-keeper, which could even be mechanical.

And this webpage is about various universally accepted falsehoods and where they came from, and how they came to be universally believed.

Marxism, Islam and Hedonism are all foreign ideologies or belief systems that are (1) foreign to America, and (2) openly hostile and antagonistic to America's ethos, morality, constitution, government and law. We have labeled this evil triumvirate the Islamo-Commie-Homo movement, and charged it with being rabidly anti-Christian and rabidly anti-American.

The UN's 1948 UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) is a classic example of socialistic foreign thinking that has seeped into American thought, is being taught as "law" in formal education, and is even pushed as if it were American law by American politicians, political parties, journalists, attorneys and courts of law.
No one "dictates" any law over the whole nation of America other than the sitting American government acting within the rules and constraints of the American constitution. The constitution is the supreme law of the land.

The UDHR seems innocent enough until you get past number 21; then it goes off the rails. Until you get to right number 22, it seems to be almost listing the American constitutional rights, and that's a good thing. But then, it goes all socialistic, insisting that the people of the world, including the people of the USA, have a "right" to have all their wants aned needs taken care of by the state, from the cradle to the grave.

Which is nonsense, in America. We were constituted to be a largely self-governing and self-sustaining citizenry; we take care of ourselves. That's what the right to liberty is all about.

Alexandra Bruce #wingnut #conspiracy

When the COVID PSYOP was deployed against the peoples of the world, few understood that we were witnessing the opening salvos of a long-planned “Final Solution” for the human species.

As we observe the controlled demolition of Western Civilization, with standing ovations in Canada for a former Nazi SS officer and hundreds of billions of dollars going to Nazi fighters in Ukraine, the hidden history of the past 80 years begins to reveal itself.

The United States did not win World War II; instead, occult Nazis founded the major postwar global organizations, including NATO, the United Nations, and its many evil agencies, like the IMF and the World Health Organization.

In the US, the Nazis founded the Central Intelligence Agency, the CDC, and NASA, while also infiltrating every agency and echelon of every other Western government.

The Cabal achieved this through a range of tactics, from bribery and extortion to the CIA’s MK-Ultra program, to the allure of sex, fame, money, power to Satanism.

‘Splintering Babylon: The Plan. Revelation. The Path to Freedom’ reveals this hidden history and that of the brave American presidents who warned us and who tried to thwart the Cabal’s evil agenda.

This film connects the dots of a global military alliance that designed a counterplan, set on a parallel track, and timed it to destroy the Babylon Beast system before humanity plunges into the abyss.

The Books of Daniel and Revelation uncannily prophesied this final battle — God’s law versus man-made Maritime Law, as foretold by the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse.

Muslim Interaktiv #fundie

Some 1,000 people gathered at Hamburg's popular street Steindamm late April, following a call to protests by an organization called Muslim Interactive (MI). Some demonstrators chanted "God is great," and held up signs that read "caliphate is the solution," and "Germany = a dictatorship of values"

Public outcry was quick to follow, with many calling for the organization to be banned. A second demonstration is this weekend

Necla Kelek is a sociologist and head of the Secular Islam Initiative[…]She[…]had been surprised by the sudden demonstration that MI organized. Her organization joined others in putting together a counter-protest

"This is a group that organizes itself through social media, such as TikTok," she told DW. "That makes it all the more dangerous. At least a mosque would give people a place to go and ask questions"

Germany's domestic intelligence authorities have been observing the MI group. Hamburg's security authorities have listed the organization in recent reports

Founded in 2020, authorities believe the group is affiliated with the Hizb ut-Tahrir (HuT)[…], which was banned in 2003 after promoting violence and the killing of Jewish people[…]
Security authorities classify MI as extremist. The group calls for a worldwide caliphate, which rejects the democratic order enshrined in Germany's Basic Law

"This is a genuinely political program being rolled out, based on Islam and Sharia law," Andreas Jacobs, head of the division for societal cohesion at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, told DW. "Put delicately, this is a revolutionary political movement pursuing a fundamental upheaval of the ruling order, not only in the Muslim world, but worldwide"

He added that, unlike other Islamist movements such as Salafism, MI places less focus on concrete rules of conduct[…]
Instead, the Middle East expert calls MI an "identitarian youth cult," which places it in line with similar identitarian movements such as that of the so-called Reichbürger

Nigel Kerner #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot

Exposes the agenda behind the bio-robotic grey aliens’ genetic manipulation of certain human races

• Reveals the Grey’s nature as sophisticated self-aware machines created by a long vanished extraterrestrial civilization

• Explains how their quest to capture human souls appears in the historical record from biblical times

• Explains how the phenomenon of racism is a by-product of their genetic tampering

In 1997 Nigel Kerner first introduced the notion of aliens known as Greys coming to Earth, explaining that Greys are sophisticated biological robots created by an extraterrestrial civilization they have long since outlived. In this new book Kerner reveals that the Greys are seeking to master death by obtaining something humans possess that they do not: souls. Through the manipulation of human DNA, these aliens hope to create their own souls and, thereby, escape the entropic grip of the material universe in favor of the timeless realm of spirit.

Kerner explains that genetic manipulation by the Greys has occurred since biblical times and has led to numerous negative qualities that plague humanity, such as violence, greed, and maliciousness. Racism, he contends, was developed by the aliens to prevent their genetic experiments from being compromised by breeding with others outside their influence. Examining historical records, Kerner shows that Jesus, who represented an uncorrupted genetic line, warned his disciples about the threat posed by these alien interlopers, while Hitler, a pure product of this alien intelligence, waged genocide in an attempt to rid Earth of all those untouched by this genetic tampering. Despite the powerful grip the Greys have on humanity, Kerner says that all hope is not lost. Greys exist wholly in the material world, so if we follow the spiritual laws of reincarnation and karma, aiming for enlightenment and rising above the material--a state the Greys are unable to reach--we can free ourselves from their grasp.

Buddha via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #crackpot

I am Buddha, and I am very happy to be back to share my wisdom with humankind. I was waiting for my opportunity to speak on the behalf of Ascended Masters.

We are overlooking your Ascension Process. Numerous messages by false prophets are praising everyone, on how amazing job you are doing on moving to 5D. If this is the truth, than why are you still here. They are just spreading not accurate information, which doesn’t help anyone in this important process of moving to a New Earth.
I personally spend thousands and thousands of hours on meditations to evolve from a physical being into an enlightened being. It’s not a simple task, it requires patience and daily dedication to do the required work. Humanity expects to be lifted into a higher dimension by the Light Beings. I can promise you, that is not going to happen. Your Collective Consciousness needs to reach a specific level of vibration for you to be able to move into 5D New Earth.

The fact that you are still fascinated by simple events such as Solar Flashes, Solar Flares, Magnetic Storms and etc., which have no effect at all on the Ascension Process, it tells me, that you need more time to be ready to ascend to 5D. All of these events are very common in the Cosmos and don’t help or speed up the evolutionary process of any civilization. Only silent meditations will bring harmony and peace into your life.
I am grateful for Divine leading me to receive my Nirvana. I wish the same for all of the humankind. You have an incredible opportunity to ascend with your bodies, so don’t miss out on this chance. The Advanced Souls can’t wait to leave this 3D reality, as they are tired of being here and waiting for everyone else to catch up.

Please remember, your Ascension is your responsibility. Ego needs to be let go off and be forgotten. Your soul’s responsibility is to lead you to a final destination on this planet of Ascension. Divine is working on your behalf, the same is expected from you.

Byl Holte #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut

If Trump has been convicted of committing rape, why isn't he behind bars?

If he tried to overthrow the election in 2021, why is he just being tried for it 3 years later.

If he stole top secret documents when he was president, why is it just becoming an issue 3 years later when he's running against Pedophile Joe Biden?

If he paid Smarmy Daniels hush money, how is that worse than what Clinton made his interns do?

All it takes is the right questions and you'll understand why we Christians love him.

We love him because his opponent is literally THE DEVIL.
11:00 PM · Apr 11, 2024 · 44.2K Views
327 Reposts 20 Quotes 1,859 Likes 14 Bookmarks

Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut

The Democrats stole the election through election fraud. Plain and simple. Pence did not support Trump during the crisis—he sided with the Deep State Swamp establishment, and now he’s not even voting for Trump, making his backstab complete.

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Trump was not a politician when he got elected for his first term. Perhaps it’s one of the reasons he was elected—he was definitely not part of the political establishment. Trump wanted to get the job done, but the politicians he chose to work with him were mostly all like Pence—conniving backstabbers who were part of the Swamp.

Let’s hope Trump has learned his lesson. His next VP had better be more loyal than the white-haired double-crosser.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut

I was going to suggest that they make a vaccine that will convince people not to take any more vaccines.

But then I realized, we just tried that and it didn’t work!!
imageDeclaration Of Memes
Mom what’s a conspiracy theorist?
someone making fairly obvious observations that the government doesn’t like
1:54 AM · May 14, 2024 · 48.6K Views
382 Reposts 12 Quotes 1,417 Likes 45 Bookmarks

The Peruvian Government #transphobia

Trans, non-binary, and intersex people in Peru are now classified as “mentally ill” following a decree from the government’s health ministry.

The decree, signed by Peruvian president Dina Boluarte, defines “transsexualism” and “gender identity disorder in children” as mental illnesses.

It also categorises “dual-role transvestitism,” “fetishistic transvestism,” and “other gender identity disorders” under the same bracket of mental illness.

The country’s health ministry reportedly claimed following the decree’s announcement that it was the only way it could “guarantee full coverage of medical attention for mental health.”

The decree will change language in the Essential Health Insurance Plan (PEAS) to reflect the view of trans and intersex people as a mental health disorder.

The health ministry stressed in a statement on Friday (11 May) that despite the decree, LGBTQ+ people should not be subjected to so-called “conversion therapies” and pointed to a 2021 resolution which protects against conversion therapy practises.

Selwyn Duke, Joseph Rose and Peter Frohwein #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #racist

[From “Putin’s Paradise? As Expats Flee a More Soviet America, Is Russia Now More Like 1950s U.S.?”]

Carlson has some company in his sentiments — American expats[…]
Joseph Rose, stated when asked about life in Russia, “I often say it feels like our positive vision of 1950s America”[…]
Peter Frohwein, 62, would like to start a new family but says that he “wouldn’t seriously consider” doing so in the U.S[…]
Rose, “I do think it was God leading me to where I needed to be[…]I would say that Russia is becoming a bastion of Christianity and that America is becoming the opposite”[…]
The expats did not take issue with President[…]Putin[…]Some[…]see Putin through rose-colored glasses[…]
Koffler points out while addressing the expat situation that Russia is no paradise, calling it “an authoritarian state”[…]Unfortunately, this increasingly describes the “Soviet” West[…]only with a different (rainbow?) flavor[…]
This apparently is what drove expat farmer Arend Feenstra and his wife Anneesa to flee Canada for Russia with their 10 children, as the sexual-devolutionary (“LGBTQ”) persecution in their native country just became too intense[…]
The irony here is that while America was founded by people fleeing religious persecution — people who’d been considered troublemakers in their native lands — now anti-woke “troublemakers” are sometimes fleeing to Russia seeking religious freedom

Of course, it’s tempting to, depending on one’s point of view, call these expats sage or stupid[…]
As for Putin, for all his faults, he has defended the family and Christianity and criticized “transgenderism,” homosexual propaganda, and the moral relativism permeating civilization[…]
What’s more, since demography is destiny, America’s continuous irrational, nation-rending (im)migration renders us an unstable land; in contrast, Russia’s demographic stability ensures that it will continue being Russia — even a century hence

Will the West still be the “West” when that time comes?

various commenters #transphobia

RE: what's more important trans issues or abortion?

( Thelnebriati )
The trans issue is more important to women's rights. Laws depend on accurate definitions.

Being able to define ourselves as members of a recognised class is fundamental to all of our other legal rights.

( pennygadget )
Agreed. What's the point of keeping abortion legal if we lose every other sex based right? The current progressive/democrat platform seems to be: "We might be setting women and girls up to be raped in bathrooms, homeless shelters, prison cells, etc. But at least we'll graciously allow them to get abortions when those rapes get them pregnant! We're feminists!!"

Also, if the democrats remain slaves to gender ideology, I don't trust them not to outlaw abortion one day simply because Dylan Mulvaney marched into the White House and screeched, "ABORTION IS TRANSPHOBIC BECAUSE I CAN'T HAVE ONE!! MAKE IT GO AWAY, JOE BIDEN!!!"

( MiMi2013 )
Trans issues make women "non people" ; abortion, while important, is not as vital. How many times a day does a woman need to shit or piss or adjust her clothing-? How many times a day does she need to get an abortion-? I fear trans beliefs even more than anti choice shibboleths.

( Persimmon64 )
Trans ideology is a bigger priority for me. With abortion, only women and girls who are fertile and of childbearing age who do not want children and would choose to have an abortion are affected. There are other options such as adoption, and most states make concessions for abortions due to health complications. Unless I'm raped, I at least have control of the situation in whether I choose to use birth control or not or choose to have sex or not, knowing it could result in a pregnancy.

"Trans ideology" affects every single woman and girl on the planet, from the age of 1 to 90. It affects gay and autistic children, boys and girls, who are being medically abused. It affects families that are being torn apart. Women no longer have any protection in the law. Under trans ideology, women lose the ability to even recognize themselves apart from men. How can we fight for any women's issues, including abortion, when we can't even recognize who women are?

various commenters #transphobia

( @doughnutnaps )
What the fuck is this @Target ?!?!
#TransWomenAreConMen #NoSuchThingAsTrans

( @doughnutnaps )
He’s everywhere! What the fuck @Target ?!

( @doughnutnaps )
Another one…and you can tell they edited the pic so his shoulders aren’t so pronounced or his collarbone. And the one where you can see his hands you can tell they did A LOT to make them “dainty” looking. But they can’t do a thing with that handsome squidward jaw.

( @Pterfodact86502 )
Who in the marketing department thinks women will run out and buy that lingerie modeled by a man? Really? This is regressive, not progressive.

#GoWokeGoBroke #Target

( @NoGenderBenderz )
Pls someone draw a penis

( @justsadie91 )
I saw this in my target and it pissed me off.

( @chuntasull )
I know, it's disgusting. Shame on anyone near a Target.

( @Festivalkyrie )
I didn't know that Michelle Obama had a younger brother. 😆

( @rabbitcover )
Trans propaganda is so effing creepy! I do not want to see this at Target.

( @mandurahmum )
Please don't tell me they allow men to try on women's panties or swimsuits. Just yuck

( @onedaymode )
Stopped going to Target a couple years ago when their sick practices were exposed. That company should be held legally liable for every woman assaulted by a man in a dress.

( @tailrotor )
The thing is...why are the advertisers not honest. The male model is posing bent forward so his penis doesn't bulge through the dress material. Let it, then the public can see EXACTLY what the advert is saying! And they won't like it!

( @Elizabe20613711 )
I saw this as well about a month ago. I find this offensive. Women have fought so hard in this country to exist. Men have no place taking a woman’s space. This is clearly just a man in a dress. I knew women, my great grandmothers who in their life time were not allowed to vote but eventually fought for and won their right to vote. It’s those women who are turning in their graves as male supremacy is making a comeback uglier than ever.

( @avril_britten )
just because

Wayne Allyn Root #transphobia #wingnut

Do you think illegal aliens should get free healthcare while you pay full price for everything? Democrats think so.

Do you want to be forced by government to rent a spare bedroom in your home to an illegal alien family? Democrats think so.

Do you want your children to be encouraged at school to change their gender, or to become cross-dressers? Democrats do.

Do you think children should be able to change their gender without parental consent, under the age of 18? Democrats think so.

Do you want your daughter alone in a bathroom, or locker-room with boys, or grown men pretending to be women? Democrats think it’s just fine.

Do you think your taxpayer dollars should be spent on sex change operations in the military, or in prisons? Democrats think so.

Savitri and Ravi Kumar #ableist #psycho

Police in south India have arrested a couple after the woman allegedly threw their deaf and nonverbal 6-year-old son into a crocodile infested canal, leading to the child's death.

The incident happened in the Dandeli rural area of Karnataka state on Saturday, according to police, who told CBS News that Savitri, 26, who uses only one name, threw her son into a local canal after an argument with her husband.


"We found the child's body from the canal on Sunday morning," Karnataka Police sub-inspector Krishna Arakeri, who is investigating the case, told CBS News. "There were several injury marks on the child's body and one hand was missing, which seems to have been eaten by a crocodile."

During preliminary questioning, Savitri told police that her husband, Ravi Kumar, 27, would often blame her for their son's disabilities and urge her to throw him into the river, Arakeri said.

Tatsuya Ishida #racist

[From “May 4, 2024: Jew Hatred 2”]


Panel 1: a bald man with large ears is singing “I can't make you love me” and “If you don't”
Panel 2: the same man is singing “You can't make your heart fell” and “Sometimes it won't” in front of "JEW" written on a wall with light bulbs
Panel 3: the same man is singing “Here in the dark in these final hours”, “I will lay down the law” and “And take over power”
Panel 4: the same man is concluding with “So I can jail you” and “Yes I will jail you” while sniffling. Below is the legend “Nosferatu - 'I Can't Make You Love Me So I'm Going To Jail You' - Talmud Records”

Lila Rose #forced-birth #wingnut


30-year-old pro-life activist Lauren Handy has just been sentenced to 57 months in federal prison for handing roses and resources to women at an abortion facility,

Meanwhile, abortionists who dismember and kill children walk free.

A grave injustice!
1:00 AM · May 15, 2024 · 334.6K Views
1,720 Reposts 204 Quotes 5,536 Likes 158 Bookmarks

State of the Nation Editor #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

The following exposé is as detailed as it gets where it concerns the concealed workings of the Black Nobility-run global power structure.
It also lays bare those who populate the peak of the pinnacle of the world power pyramid. The bloodlines of these Illuminati families go back to the Babylonian Banking Cartel, millennia before the coming of Jesus the Christ.
All of the mafia crime families described below are relatively low-level on the totem pole of real power and influence because we know their names. In other words, they’re merely mafia muscle for the extremely well concealed power-brokers who populate the ultra-secret upper echelons of the Khazarian Mafia. This ubiquitous international crime syndicate then answers to the even more clandestine and powerful Khazarian Cabal.
What becomes quite apparent from even a cursory scan of the list below is that many of the wealthiest mafia crime families come from the European Black Nobility, and especially from the Northern Italian Black Nobility. That’s because the Roman Empire model was utilized by the Khazarian Cabal to carve up the whole world into crime territories by which to rape, pillage and plunder the entire planetary civilization.
The original Khazarians were a very crude and coarse, crass and cruel people (think: Yiddish–their secret crime language). Being an amalgamation of Turkic, Mongolian and highly inbred Hebrew bloodlines they were also quite ugly, unhealthy and extremely boorish (think: hooked noses and beady eyes). Being exceedingly tribal in nature, the many centuries of practicing incest and multi-generational inbreeding only caused them to become more mentally deranged and emotionally unhinged causing all manner of psychiatric illnesses/psychological disorders. Hence, it ought to be no wonder that the Khazarian Cabal was so determined to intermarry with the highly cultured and refined Northern Italians who appeared to have it all.

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