
These filthy peasants! They are revolting!

Robert Stacy McCain #dunning-kruger #pratt #elitist #fundie #homophobia #transphobia archive.ph

Kinda rainbow, you might say. Now, if you insensitive morons ever stop laughing long enough, you might want to read the rest of the story, which includes a rather delicate and ponderous discussion of gay-on-gay violence, a problem more widespread than the Poofter PR brigades in the MSM would like to admit.

Political correctness demands that gay people can only be betrayed in the news media as either (a) heroic role models, courageously living their lives on their own terms, or (b) martyred victims, suffering hateful abuse at the hands of cretinous homophobic Christofascist Republicans.

An examination of the circumstances surrounding the murder of Matthew Shepard doesn't support that reading. Shepard was a dweeby rich college kid rolled by a couple of petty hoodlums who almost certainly never heard of James Dobson. But if you try to argue with the MSM-approved "Martyrdom of Saint Matthew" narrative, it only proves that you're a cretinous homophobic Christofascist Republican. So most people don't bother to argue.

Even further unsubstantiated by evidence is the MSM-approved notion of the "gay community" as one big happy Sister Sledge "We Are Family" singalong, where the leather daddies and the flannel-shirted bulldykes and the glitter-encrusted drag queens all rejoice in celebration of their shared gayness. Complete hogwash.

When you've got a couple of gals so butch they're willing to inject testosterone and undergo mastectomies to pass as men, and yet they cannot visit a lesbian bar for fear they'll be beaten up -- well, in light of such an incident, I think the absurdity of "We Are Family" solidarity is adequately demonstrated.

And if you think these two F2Ms "transmen" got it bad, just imagine the riot that would have ensued if a couple of male-to-female trannygirls should try to pass themselves off as actual women in a lesbian bar.

So, just as we can sneer at the ideological nonsense of feminism (Equality Is For Ugly Losers), we can also chortle derisively at the homosupremacist propaganda that would have us believe gay people enjoy a monopoly on enlightened tolerance.

Congressman Paul Gosar & Various Commenters #wingnut #racist #quack #elitist #homophobia gab.com

( Congressman Paul Gosar)
:gab: ➡️ @DrPaulGosar

spoilerRoe vs. Wade is dead. Next up: affirmative Action

( @Tetragrammatron )
@DrPaulGosar White institutional racism cannot be demonstrated in a court of law, but institutional racism against whites is commonplace, encouraged, and REQUIRED by law.. This has to stop. Affirmative action is racism against whites, indicting us for the only crime of being white, to hell with the persons life story.
It paints the entire White race with a broad brush as privledged when that's a complete lie Most Americans have only the promise of the American dream to achieve success. Discriminating against any section of our population is repugnant to the interpretation the of the constitution. Affirmative action is diametrically opposed and in contradiction to the constitution and bill of rights and needs to not only be abolished, but prohibited by law.

( @tjbyrd )
@DrPaulGosar Its time to put a permanent stop on Obama's agenda to transform America. Send this Muslim back to Kenya or preferably GITMO for high treason against our beautiful country. OBAMA IS and ALWAYS HAS BEEN nothing but a huge skidmark on the underwear of America. Flush this piece of 🌰.

( @Mojave_MGTOW )
@DrPaulGosar How about if we fix the 2020 election by arresting the traitors, and close the border and arrest all illegals instead?

( @minap )
next up should be to stop injecting born children with 35 shots of 70 various vaccine doses in their first 5 years of life. the covid spikes is now being added to that mix. children are under attack with all these shots which were developed using aborted baby cell lines and tissue. it is immoral and injuring and debilitating the children the shots are forced on. stopping that is what matters most now for the living children.

( @whoohoo001 )
Other items of interest to be addressed next...
1)Abolish all hate laws (no such thing as hate crimes nor hate speech)
2)Abolish social welfare

( @NicoleCWagner )
@DrPaulGosar How about gay marriage? Get rid of it!

Paul Kersey #dunning-kruger #racist #elitist #pratt archive.ph

In a society that vilifies whiteness, anything too white must immediately be deemed illegitimate.

Regardless of the good it does for humanity, if the endeavor is too white, it is axiomatically wrong.

In its present form, citizen science is almost exclusively white, because almost exclusively white individuals collectively comprise the amateur scientists in their ranks.

Despite everything these white people do to advance science and our knowledge of the world, the lack of non-whites means their work is null and void.

Whiteness would seem to be the strength here, right?

How again is diversity our greatest strength, when in the absence of this mysterious, all-powerful force, so much is accomplished in citizen science due to whiteness?

[What is being accomplished by white citizen scientists? Has he considered even more could be accomlished?]

[From their link:

"Finally, a lack of diversity in citizen science could even compromise the quality of the research. For instance, one study found that volunteer water monitors – who were mostly well-educated and white – undersampled areas where environmental concerns disproportionately affected poor communities of color."]

[deleted account] #ableist #crackpot #elitist #psycho #sexist thepinkpill.co

Men's natural inferiority


1. Have 80°C less peripheral vision than women. Guess who’ll survive a stealth attack?

3. Have less accurate sense of smell and literally every wild animal marks territory through scent of their urine. Guess who must have led stone age human nomadic tribes?

9. Are more hive-minded. Guess whose better suited for innovation?

11. Experience less sexual pleasure. The clit alone contains around twice the amount of nerve endings as the entire penis…so you can guess.

12. Are less likely to be team players. They try to outdo and minimize others generally as opposed to women who lift each other up.

15. Are total disasters when it comes to sensory deprivation tests.

All this …and everything other commentators have said.

Men aren’t made to survive.

Men aren’t as essential for the survival of the species as women are. So mother nature didn’t bless her sons with the skills to survive.

The only thing women created that didn’t serve humanity are men.

Males are nothing more than their flesh. You die first, because you are disposable meat meant to be sacrificed for the worthier population. You are meant to live and die for us, instead of us. We will outlive you and perhaps even feed on you if necessary. Your existence is inherently less meaningful and necessary than any woman. We survive drought and hunger, we survive diseases, our genetics are mostly immune to the horrific abnormalities caused by the lack of a second X chromosome. You will see men with disgustingly mutated and broken beyond belief bodies at a much higher rate than women. The death of a woman is a loss great enough to pose a treat of extinction to the primal community. God was created from our image. Man is a walking dildo at best. You are taller and meatier than us because you have nothing else to contribute. Now go on, carry rocks with those strong arms. Run with your long legs but don’t complain when you need to be disposed of.

David Gyull #transphobia #enbyphobia #elitist archive.ph

Oh no, sex-obsessed, mentally ill, entitled narcissists that pretend to care about and participate in various hobbies solely for attention are upset because a book features a line of pre-existing information that they would have long since known about had they had any genuine interest in the hobby!

They at least pretend to want female Space Marines (and not, say, male Sisters of Battle), and are more than willing to outright ignore the aforementioned all female faction that are already very similar to Space Marines, and project their bigotry, intolerance, and ignorance onto everyone that dares point out how stupid and wrong they are.

Would you be surprised that RagnarokAngel (or is it Sword?) is a pronouning pretender? He's not the only one of course:

Of course a pretender is envious of women. Not even real women, but plastic minis. Why do these guys hate art so much? Assuming he's not talking stats, Sisters of Battle have penitent engines/mortifiers, mostly naked chicks wielding two-handed chainswords, a missile-launching tank organ, their tanks have more bling (and I like them more than the hovering primaris rehashes), and they have the Triumph of Saint Katherine.

I'm curious: why not just say that your marines are women? You already play pretend with your gender, so why not go the extra meter with your minis? Maybe you can win a few games, accusing anyone that disagrees with your delusions of being whatever you consider to be a transphobe? Might be a necessary handicap, especially if just under half your army ends up attempting to cancel themselves before the game starts.

Pronouner and a self-proclaimed infiltrator. Two reasons to dismiss his unoriginal opinions that he plagiarized from someone else.

No, of course not. Because it's not about being happy. It's about control, and pressuring a company into bending the knee. Of course that still won't make them happy. There's always something else to pretend to be upset about. Hopefully Games Workshop isn't dumb enough to fall for the grift (seriously, just ignore the whiners and they'll invariably get distracted by some other triviality).

Pepe Escobar #elitist #moonbat #pratt thecradle.co

In St. Petersburg, the world's new powers gather to upend the US-concocted “rules-based order” and reconnect the globe their way

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum has been for years essential to understand the evolving dynamics of Eurasia integration.

The one in 2022 is even more crucial. The coming of the “new G8” – four BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China), plus Iran, Indonesia, Turkey and Mexico, whose GDP per purchasing parity power (PPP) already dwarfs the old, western-dominated G8.

There was hardly any doubt President Putin would be the star, delivering a sharp, detailed speech to the plenary session.

Among the highlights, Putin smashed the illusions of the so-called ‘golden billion’ who live in the industrialized west (only 12 percent of the global population) and the “irresponsible macroeconomic policies of the G7 countries.”

It was up to Kazakh President Tokayev to deliver the punch line: Eurasia integration should progress hand in hand with China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Here it is, full circle.

One of the key targets of NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine is to interrupt BRI corridors across Russia. The Empire will go all out to interrupt not only BRI but also INSTC nodes. Afghanistan under US occupation was prevented from become a node for either BRI or INSTC.

With full access to the Sea of Azov – now a “Russian lake” – and arguably the whole Black Sea coastline further on down the road, Moscow will hugely increase its sea trading prospects (Putin: “The Black Sea was historically Russian territory”).

The contrast between the St. Petersburg debates on a possible re-wiring of our world – and the Three Stooges Taking a Train to Nowhere to tell a mediocre Ukrainian comedian to calm down and negotiate his surrender (as confirmed by German intelligence) – could not be starker.

Almost imperceptibly – just as it re-incorporated Crimea and entered the Syrian theater – Russia as a military-energy superpower now shows it is potentially capable of driving a great deal of the industrialized west back into the Stone Age. The western elites are just helpless. If only they could ride a corridor on the Eurasian high-speed train, they might learn something.

deleted member #wingnut #racist #elitist #god-complex doomer.boards.net

But, to clarify further, it is not black rights specifically that trigger me. It is the idea that a minority group needs special protection - anything that goes beyond laws that simply says "people must be treated regardless of their ethnicity, sex, etc." and instead describes a specific group and a protection, or compensatory rights package they deserve. And I view BLM as the most recent force pushing that idea further. I want there to be no special protection of minority groups, no money donations to "poor because of color or whatnot". I want people to make their own living, on equal terms with the "majority" without government giving them leg for being oppressed. Another idea that triggers me is the prosecution of people who deny holocaust - while retarded, I don't think these people deserve prosecution. Being retarded is not ground to be sent to jail - if people want to doubt history books, they should be free to go. Perhaps some facts in history books are indeed wrong and revisionism is justified. But regardless of that, no laws should ever be made with provision to defend a certain view on history. And the ones that exist need to be taken down. That is my hard stance - I am not tolerating the state of things, and I wish I could change it, and will still do something that, in my view, amount to some practical war against this state of things, in real life. A war that doesn't mean me killing people, of course, but breaking social ties between my enemies and giving intelligence on them to whatever party that has the powers to prosecute is a fair game. I am at war with the left - I will bring them fucking down.

Fr. Chad Ripperger #crackpot #elitist #fundie youtube.com

You have to get the permission from the bishop which gives you the authority of the Church to act upon them.

This is one of the reasons why even the Protestants know that there are certain cases that only Catholics can break. There was a case in New York, a guy was possessed, doing the levitation thing, you know, sticking to the ceiling, and the Protestants are like, well, let's just go in and liberate the individual.

They go in, they got beaten within an inch of their lifes. And while they were being beaten the demon said, you have no authority over me. Because certain kinds of possession require the authority of the Catholic Church. So they got the exorcist from the diocese to come in, he commands the thing by the power of Church to come down, the guy descends and then they cuff him.

Question, I don't know, you're probably gonna say I have a demon, but what if I, like, don't really believe in this. Or, like, it's just like way too
much, like what would you say to a person like me.

I would say I wish I had that luxury. No, I'm serious.

About 70 to 80% of the cases of possession the person changes shape. You know, this is not something that somebody can do. As I mentioned, I've seen levitation but it's extremely rare, hidden knowledge is a very common thing, them telling you things that there's absolutely no way they would know. Somebody who has never even heard a language, for example, I had a possession case where the demon told me his name in a form of Egyptian that hadn't been spoken for three thousand years, I had to go to a linguistic expert to find out what he said.

The Hanged Man #elitist #sexist incels.is

"Women have unlimited options"


Once in a while, the inferior gender, also known as women, will boast about their unlimited options by telling us that women have sex with who they want; men have sex with who they can.

While this is true, women will never be honest about it and admit that there is nothing inherently noble about being a whore.

Having unlimited options does not make you noble; the way you deal with them does. If I choose to consume an unlimited amount of food, does that make me noble? No, it makes me fat and sick.

Worse even: women had to do absolutely nothing for that amount of options. It is not like they deserve it.

So what's noble about a woman who has unlimited options? Committing to one man and starting a family. Again: there is nothing inherently noble about being a whore.

Eretzyisrael #elitist #fundie #racist tumblr.com

Description: an image with pictures and text, on the left are pictures of pillcam capsules, plants, solar panels and the logo of the gps-navigationsystem Waze, representing Israel. On the right are photos of burning and destroyed buildings and people burning an Israeli flag at a protest.



Kingston clan #fundie #racist #elitist #homophobia splcenter.org

Jessica Kingston[…]remembered[…]her Sunday school teacher coming into class with a bucket of water and a vial of black food coloring[…]
“The teacher was like, ‘You can never get that out, that is always there now’”[…]
Black people supposedly suffered from multiple scriptural curses, from the mark of Cain and Noah’s curse on Ham in the Old Testament to the racist tenets of early Mormonism[…]
Black blood was “the worst thing you can have,” Jessica said, particularly since the Kingstons consider themselves to be the whitest of the white, descended directly from Jesus Christ and King David[…]
Ex-Order members tell of a reputed church prophecy of an “End of the World War,” an apocalyptic vision that foresees a bloody race war with the Kingstons as the ultimate victors[…]
Kingstons command an estimated 6,000 adherents, boast a business empire reportedly worth as much as $1 billion[…]
A stern disciplinarian, who in later years looked and dressed like a mortician, [John] Ortell made incest a tenet of the clan’s faith, informed by his work breeding Holstein cows[…]
In order to maintain his family’s “superior bloodlines,” Ortell married and had children with two of his half-sisters and two nieces[…]
Control of The Order then passed to Ortell’s well-educated son Paul Kingston[…]
Another of Ortell’s teachings: Adolf Hitler had the right idea about creating a master race, but didn’t have the Lord’s help[…]
Being taught end-time prophecies, with a “cleansing” wherein the streets of Salt Lake City would run red with blood[…]
Another of the cult’s teachings was that soy can make you gay[…]
Don’t the infant deaths and tales of horrific deformities belie Ortell’s homespun eugenics?

Scott remembered that Ortell had an answer[…]
“Something along the lines of, to build a superhuman, if you have four or five defects to get the one good one, it’s worth it”

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy #elitist #racist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Europe to become a backwater and repeat mistakes dating back to even the 14th century"]

I would like to reiterate the fact that there has not ever been a single figure in European History ever known, who sought to disrupt the flow and channels of wealth, particularly ill-gotten wealth and the status quo, as to the level that Adolf Hitler had sought

This is why “Hitler Had To Be Stopped”™[…]
Europe’s conflicts will never be natural or out of true necessity[…]Only Adolf Hitler ever stood up to trying to eliminated thievery and advantageous scenarios that permanently allowed the Wealthy to ever gain and hold precedent on wealth[…]
The Nazi Economic policies were of the most harsh and brutal variety (as they should be) that any Authoritarian Regime has ever attempted in history. Behind shutting down union offices and confiscating their wealth, confiscating wealth from the Jews (rightfully so), and also using other excellent examples of punishment towards anyone with ill-gotten wealth or real estate holdings[…]
Most Baby Boomers are corrupt and immoral degenerates, the large majority of them are, and so are the children they had born which took on their ways

The consequences for the road of which things have led on will surely bring about the catastrophe of the Dark Age that took place for Europe in the Middle Ages[…]
Our Love and Support for Adolf Hitler is so great in his ambitions, that even if it meant that all of Europe had to face an even greater genocide and wealth confiscation program to secure the BEST populations to prosper and build a new future for Europe, we would be in total support for it[…]
Civil War is the only way

Sandman #conspiracy #elitist #enbyphobia #homophobia #sexist youtube.com

Demi Lovato Gets Sexier Everyday - MGTOW

Singers deciding to be fat non-binary clown world shows. This is what happens when you go woke at the same time you hit the wall. She's 30 now and the music industry is brutal for women. The audience moves on to more attractive women that are prettier, younger and more fertile.

30 year old guys no longer find them as attractive as they once did, so instead such musicians embrace their inner butch to get those bucks.

Her new number of subscribers is falling but the views just keep going up and up. That's suspicious and it makes me believe that she's part of some sort of woke agenda and that's why she's being pushed by big platforms, the idea is that very attractive women with high SMV should be willing to reduce it. Feminists like this because they see it as a way to punish men when women don't live up to so-called "patriarchal beauty standards", most of us don't care though, all we do is find younger female musicians to listen to that are still feminine. There's always women willing to exploit their tits for clicks.

I was going through my twitter feed the other day and there was a woman complaining that three of the girls in her daughter's class were actually transitioning and on male hormones, and that one kid was non-binary. This is part of the whole transhumanism agenda. In order to break down what it means to be human, our overlords need to first break down gender by saying that there are more genders than flavors of baskin robbins and then eventually the push would be to make all of us non-binary.

I believe Lovato is exploiting this for her own financial gain and probably doesn't understand the insidious nature of what's going on.

I'm in the process of reinventing myself in this "sigma sphere", a term I just coined. I'mm trying to covertly carry over MGTOW philosophy to the most productive and desirable men in our society and I'm coining phrases like "relationships and marriage are kryptonite for your mind" and "kryptonite for your grind." I believe in sigma because I realized I have had all the characteristics of it my entire life, so it's a natural fit for me, but to fully self-actualize as a sigma you need to embrace being single.

Magda Lewandowska #elitist #fundie #magick witia.squarespace.com

Hello, everyone! Sława Bogom!

While focusing on weeding out Judeo-Christian influences from Slavic tradition, we missed the pagan influences, which still contaminate and distort the culture, tradition and beliefs of the Slavs, or, more specifically – Rodnovers.

There is a lot of Rodnovers, followers of Slavic Native Faith, who do not speak a Slavic language. And, you know, it’s brilliant that Slavic native Faith or Slavic culture transcends the cultural and linguistic borders. The problem could be when these people decide that, while not having a lot of understanding of Slavic culture, they can teach about it.

Patricia Robin Woodroof lives in Northern America, never lived in a Slavic country, does not speak a Slavic language and has zero understanding of Slavic. well of Slavic soul, really. She does not know and does not understand how it is to be a Slav, what does it mean to be a Slav, what are the core values, ideas or concepts acquired while growing up or living among Slavs, within a Slavic culture, she assumed that Slavic native Faith is kind of like, I don’t know, Wicca with Slavic Gods added.

There are ways of looking at the world which one cannot experience through English language. One of these things is grammatical gender.

When you a Slav, let’s say from Poland and speaking Polish, and you sit down to have a cuppa, you brew herbata (female), you put your herbata at stół (male) and then you sit on krzesło (neutral). So, if you are Polish, the single act of having a cup of tea automatically puts you in a balanced state where all the male, female and neutral elements work together.

Slavic magic is grounded in words. Knowing a Slavic language gives one the ability to perceive and describe the word, the interactions within the word and even the very nature of the elements of the word – in a way pre-Christian Slavs perceived and talked about it. A Slavic language that is used properly is absolute necessity in Slavic magic.

Pat claims to be able to understand Slavic magic – magic based on language – without having the slightest idea about this language. What are people, who listen to her thinking? That one can talk in English to casts Slavic spells? Like, really?

Don Spectacularis #ufo #magick #elitist voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Folks, my premise here is surprisingly simple: The very fact that you know that you are all infinitely abundant, powerful, and eternal Creator Gods makes you like the 1% of the 1% of the 1% of the 1% of the 1% of humanity or something. In other words, you are THE elite. And being the elite, you are neither required nor expected to travel in some cattle class New Earth timeline.

Now, don’t get me wrong in here: I’m so NOT here to recreate some ‘Elite 1% versus Commoner 99%’ type division and separation based types of experiences in here. Instead, I am asking you – one and all in here – to come step up that ‘Reality Creation’ game of yours just a tad little bit. If you don’t show the rest of your fellow (asleep) humans as to just how beautiful timelines of the highest order are to be created, who even will?

You’re their only hope (and shot) at ever learning how all of this is even really done.

You’re the example that they’ll all follow.

You’re the teacher that they’ll all exemplify.

You’re the leader that they’ll all epitomize.

Please do not abandon them when they need you the most. Cheers!
Last but by no means the least: Invite ALL divine beings that you can possibly imagine here (be it Angels, Archangels, Galactics, Elementals, Soul Families, Deceased Loved Ones, Inner Earth Beings, Positive Extraterrestrials and Extradimensionals, Higher Souls, Future Selves, Twin Flames, Soul Mates, All Beings Of Heaven, Ascended Masters, and God etc.) to ASSIST YOU in infinitely amplifying your timeline intentions and energies, SUPPORTING THEM in every way, shape and form, and ASSISTING ALL BEINGS to bring these intentions through for the highest good of ALL in here as well. Please remember, this help is entirely FREE TO YOU, and can assist you BEYOND YOUR VERY WILDEST IMAGININGS. And all you need to do here even is JUST ASK THEM FOR IT, because by Divine Law, they ALL need your explicit FREE WILL PERMISSION to do so. And that is ALL that you even NEED to know about this, here!

5arge #ableist #elitist #pratt #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Autistic people are not illegal, but we don't pass special snowflake laws for them just because they are socially awkward. Pay for your own therapies, or hide in the basement.

All of the autistic people I grew up with got NO THERAPY and NO SPECIAL TREATMENT. When I was a kid, they were just called "retarded" as if that was ok to label another human. I never treated anyone poorly because of their developmental disabilities. They are people, just a little different, but still people. That being said, OP is a fucking leech. A human parasite. Looking for handouts because it's just easier to make society pay for your issues, it's their fault for not being understanding of your condition. I will always advocate for people to get the fuck off of Reddit and find a way to pay for their own shit. There are people in greater need, who can't even afford to surf the fucking internet, and those public funds should be reserved for those folks in greatest need. Socially awkward weirdo is not a fucking prognosis worth throwing money at...

Gotta love your virtue signaling though, you are a super awesome person with super great ideas... and you're totally going to change the world by whining on Reddit to strangers.

Oh, I get it, you're in the spectrum yourself. Grow the fuck up kid, it's a tough world out there for NTs too. You can't take offense anytime someone won't kiss your ass because you are special. There are people with deeper problems that are more difficult to overcome out there who are making their best go at it and we will never hear them bitching and complaining because they are too busy getting it done.

Ableism is a word that fucking cowards and weaklings use to shame people who have any success in life despite opposition.

I know enough about autism to know that YOU exemplify the worst kind of person in the spectrum. Selfish, bitter, and high functioning enough to cast judgement on others, but soooooooooooooooooo fucking disabled that everyone needs to provide for your well being, just because. You totally do want your ass kissed, it's pathetic. I'm not a bad person, I don't do bad things to people and you honestly have no clue what kind of husband and father I might be. I just have no problem telling anyone who's got enough going for them that they can hang out on Reddit, that they have enough and don't deserve a handout from the rest of society.

Al-3_x #crackpot #elitist #sexist wykop.pl

[ Note: Translated from Polish original via DeepL ]

@BigKahunaDick has made the greatest discovery of modern history. His thoughts on #dickpill are the most revolutionary since the rise of Christianity. People have wondered for centuries what makes outstanding people. Some have talked about the will to power. Others about high intellect, and still others about indomitable will. However, all these things are secondary to having a great member. Some might think that it is only about women. This is not true. A big penis is a guarantee of success in life and healthy relationships. People with small penises are usually insecure, submissive and mentally weak. Having a micro penis not only affects your mental condition, but also your character. Every great leader, scientist, artist or philosopher had at least 30 cm in his trousers. If you don't have at least a 24 centimetre penis you will be a loser in every field for the rest of your life. It's over for losers. If someone thinks I'm talking out of turn, they probably have a small one and have complexes themselves.

#filozofia #blackpill #dickpill #redpill #takaprawda #przegryw #incel

[ Original in Polish: ]

spoiler@BigKahunaDick dokonał największego odkrycia historii nowożytnej. Jego przemyślenia na temat #dickpill są najbardziej rewolucyjnymi od czasów powstania chrześcijaństwa. Ludzie od wieków się zastanawiali co czyni ludźmi wybitnymi. Niektórzy gadali coś o woli mocy. Inni o wysokim intelekcie, a jeszcze inni o niezłomnej woli. Wszystkie te rzeczy są jednak wtórne wobec posiadania wielkiego członka. Niektórzy mogliby myśleć, że chodzi wyłącznie o kobiety, ale to nie prawda. Wielki penis to gwarant sukcesów życiowych i zdrowych relacji z ludźmi. Ludzie z małymi penisami są zwykle mało pewni siebie, ulegli i mentalnie słabi. Posiadanie mikrusa nie tylko wpływa na twoją kondycję psychiczną, ale i charakter. Każdy wielki przywódca, naukowiec, artysta czy filozof miał przynajmniej 30 cm w spodniach. Dlatego jak nie masz przynajmniej 24 centymetrowego członka to będziesz przegrany w każdej dziedzinie do końca życia. It's over dla przegrywa. Jak ktoś natomiast uważa, że gadam od rzeczy to pewnie sam ma małego i ma kompleksy.

Some “losers” #ableist #elitist #sexist wykop.pl

[Note: Translated from Polish original via DeepL. Loser (przegryw) = incel, they know the term but prefer their own. Oskar = Chad and Julka = Stacy, though the second one isn't really needed there.]

( trike )

The extermination of Oskar commenters has begun.

The #przegryw tag has become a source of ego boosting for Oskars. They post pictures of themselves just to get comments that reinforce that they're not losers. I don't know what the fuck you guys are doing here, if your posts are all about crying for attention and bragging about how much better your lives are than ours, you're pissing me off, a while ago I didn't care, but now I'm blackballing every plastic bastard who wants to boost his self worth with our suffering. Out of the tag k**wy.

( Powiew_morskiej_bryzy )

There should be some kind of verification of who is a real loser. And then have the account verified and confirmed. Otherwise it will be over for the tag. #przegryw

( BrockLanders )

Everyone here thinks he is a real loser and judges by his own yardstick.

One earns 5k, has a car and lives for free with his parents, but has no one to go for a beer with and has never touched a girl and considers himself a loser.

Another earns the minimum wage in a 3-shift kolkhoz and rents a flat with Ukrainians in the district, because he had to move out because of his pathological parents, but the first one will tell him in advance to get the fuck out of the tag, because he had a girlfriend in high school.

And the third one recently split up after a 10-year relationship, hasn't moved in six months, realised that the market situation is fucked up and tags #przegryw xD

( dizzy126 )

- no sex (paid sex does not count)
- ugly face, but really ugly
- mental illness
- severe family problems
- obesity
- involuntary unemployment or kolkhoz with little prospect of improvement
- physical illnesses making it difficult to function normally (including mutilations etc.)
- under 180 cm tall
- social phobia

You need at least 3.

Henry de Lesquen #elitist #dunning-kruger lesquen.fr

[Translated from "Rétablir la vérité sur l’esclavage" - "Reestablish truth about slavery"]

1)Current discourse is anachronic. Slavery can't be abolished below a given economic development level
2)Nobody want to be enslaved. But starving to death is even less desirable. Cruel choice[…]
6)Abolition had catastrophic consequences for everyone when it was premature, like in Haiti
7)Both Church Fathers and Stoic philosophers sanctioned slavery by natural law. They held it as a lesser evil[…]
9)Black slaves brought to America generally lived better than if they had stayed in Africa
10)According to Fogel, Southern black slaves' living standards were better than Northern white workers'
Conclusion:Slavery used to be a necessity. It wasn't a crime. We shouldn't be ashamed of our ancestors

Here 10 paradoxal observations about slavery to complete my analysis
1)Slave descendents asking for reparations should ask them to Africans, whose ancestors sold theirs
2)Slave descendents asking for reparations generally are mixed-blood also descending from slavers
3)Slave descendents asking for reparations wouldn't be alive without slavery
4)It's evident exporting slaves was rentable for Black polities and helped African economy until colonialism[…]
6)The 4 major religions(Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianism and Islam) all sanctioned slavery[…]
8)Those attacking the Atlantic slave trade are mute about the White slave trade by Barbary corsairs[…]
10)Hired workers' fate have no importance to their employers. A slave have much importance for his owners[…]
Conclusion:The myth of the crime against humanity solely applied to the Atlantic slave trade is a weapon of the Cosmopolitan propaganda

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #elitist #racist #fundie #magick prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Discovering the reality that most people are indeed, worthless"]

I believe that more and more people[…]are coming around to recognizing just how much more worthless the majority of humankind is

There are many theories about Human Origins[…]and there are many people alive today who deny that the original Human Creation had been cut from Divine Fabric[…]
There are some topics I am reluctant to speak of in great depth outside of our inner circle relating to some religious matters and Human Genetics[…]
Christian Bible[…]is a watered down version of a story told about the Genetic Altering of the Original Humans, but without letting others know that Humans existed long before the alleged figures “Adam & Eve”

Adam & Eve, were actually metaphorical figures for an extraterrestrial invasion of Mankind, and it essentially was the downfall of Man[…]
Religions[…]diverts Divine Mankind from knowing that it had been subjugated by very vicious and horrifically oppressive entities and other altered Humanoid species, and that the takeover by these beings, including their inter-breeding into the Divine Population, is what caused Mankind to fall[…]
You will always hear about people claiming “prophecy is being fulfilled”, when in fact the Bible, similar to the Protocols of Zion, is just a blueprint to explain to you what the World Controllers are intending[…]
Mankind has been under subjugation by nefarious forces for Aeons, even during periods of Human history when times were relatively good[…]
Keeping Humans ignorant, including Divine Humans, has been an on-going project and one of necessity by those who control the World Order[…]
Egalitarian views have brainwashed most people to believe all people deserve rights or are equal or deserving of equity in this world[…]
If the ratio of worthless people begins to breach 20% of the population, your civilization is in trouble

The Magnificence #elitist kiwifarms.net

How are lesbians and gay men harmed by abortion bans? If only words still had meanings!

Ok, super late but here ya go: As a big ol' 'mo who works a high paying job that actually contributes to society, I already pay a shitton of taxes to support welfare babies. I have absofuckinglutely no interest in paying for all the "christian" rape babies an abortion ban is going to result in on top of it.

Anybody who wants to ban abortions should be made to pay for supporting all the resulting little drains on society it produces themselves.

Personally, I want to see more abortions, not less. Make that shit mandatory for people below a defined income level. Shit, make it mandatory for people below a defined IQ level while you're at it.

Various Incels #crackpot #elitist #pratt #racist #sexist incels.is



What’s the most incelish white phenotype?
Atlantid Votes: 0 0.0%
Nordid Votes: 3 7.1%
Keltic Votes: 2 4.8%
Alpine Votes: 3 7.1%
Baltic Votes: 0 0.0%
Slavic Votes: 29 69.0%
Med Votes: 0 0.0%
Other Votes: 5 11.9%
Total voters: 42


Wanted to choose alpine but in the end my vote goes to Slavic. Fuck my dad’s lineage.

I am slavic and we are subhumans

Slavpill poll results


Fuckin ragefuel when we live in Western Europe yet have Slavic genes


Why are Slavs less attractive?

Inferior mongol genes. Good genes getting killed off in 2 world wars+Communism.

Slavs by far. Even the leader of the slav world Putin has an incel face in comparison to the Chaddier ones of other countries. Which isn't a surprise, since modern democracy = Chad and more recently foid worship in which multiple aged Chads compete for pleb votes.

Jewish :reeeeee:
I look fucking inbred and deformed and my face is fucking asymmetrical as well as being 5’4
At least I have green eyes

If you Jews ever need "new blood" to diversify your gene pool, I'll be there.

Stick with your own race :reeeeee:

If I can’t get Jew foids neither should you. And we don’t need any fucking garbage goyim genetics

(Don Vito)
JFL at the niggas choose Slavic


Slavics are far from be the most incelish white phenotype


The most incelish phenotype are alpine


and baltic


by far

XY Crew #conspiracy #elitist #sexist #wingnut xycrew.net

A Better Way Forward for Men

In case you haven’t noticed, masculinity is under attack. Male space, a vital and healthy part of any functioning society, has dwindled to all but nothing. In today’s gynocentric world that space is shamed, attacked and coopted in the name of empowering women. All this leaves men isolated and their issues neglected. The mental health field only offers more of the same neglect, plus a hefty dose of shame from misandric practitioners whose bread and butter is peddling the toxic masculinity narrative to women.

This is destructive. This is unacceptable.

Fortunately, we have the people, the technology, and the will to put an end to the isolation, and an end to the neglect. XY CREW is male space; a peer-support platform that uses a combination of online video technology and real-world events to connect and provide service to men across the world. We’re building a community like no other.

We’ve discovered that when men connect away from the influence of women, great things happen. Many of our members are rebuilding and reshaping their lives after suffering years of chronic abuse in relationships, ruinous divorce decrees, parental alienation and false accusations. Others are moving on from the wreckage to improve their professional and business lives. Still others are improving their health and fitness. In a world that sees men merely as “human doings,” XY CREW is a place of friendship and support created by men who see you as an actual human being.

XY CREW provides peer support and service that is available around-the-clock, every day of the week, anywhere in the world. We host live online meetings that give men a place to share their lived experience, struggles and wisdom without interference, judgment or apology. In that environment, we see the lives of our members consistently, and often drastically, improve.

Every man reading this is just one click away from joining a community of brothers, a Crew that has your back in life. When was the last time you felt like you had that?

Thorsten J. Pattberg #elitist #homophobia #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut thesaker.is

The number of Japanese who study German has halved in just a decade. Part of this is the EU’s appalling woke propaganda.

If you study Italian or Hindi, you will literally study Italian or Hindu culture, history, arts and so on. In German studies, you will be lectured on Nazi guilt, analsex, feminists and the importance of staying childless, democracy, the rule of law, diversity and gang bangs.

It is a disgusting moral lecturing and brainwash that no totalitarian cult in the world matches, not even the old Soviet regime or North Korea.

The would-be-students in Tokyo are greeted with alarming brainwash and misinformation, images of brown and black “New Germans”, ridiculous lies about the biology of men and women, and utter pseudoscience such as political correctness and antisemitism.

Abortions, prostitution, childlessness are all good-to-go. Gay sex and genital mutilations and drugs and idiocy are now Western mainstream.

If you study English, you talk about the weather and family; and Spanish, about weather and food. In German, you talk about racism, guilt and holocaust. It is the most insane, unnecessary and mostly self-inflicted collapse of a society in all of human history, comparable only to farewell of the Ostrogoths and Aztecs.

The final blow to the former land of poets and thinkers was undoubtedly the politicization of German grammar. In the Germanic languages, we may take most verbs and turn them into persons by adding -er.

Grammatically speaking, that noun is then masculine. Semantically, however, we know it refers to both genders, thus is neutral. But not so the leftists who feel that a “doer” or a ‘swimmer’ are offensively male privileges. Therefore they insist on a grammatically unambiguous female ending -(er)ess, preceded by an asterisk *.

All major regime media, newspapers and journals, textbooks and magazines and even the radio in Germany must now use BOTH –masculine AND feminine– endings. Thus, a simple address “Pirates, distinguished swimmers!” becomes “Pirates and Pirat*esses, distinguished swimmers and swimmer*esses!” All German texts are thus deliberately made stupid and eyesore.

Japan needs to investigate this crap and close it all down, also to save Goethe and for Germany’s sake.

Napoleon de Geso #sexist #elitist ncu.su

Wouldn't be better for wellbeing of clients to amputate eyes of prostitutes and put artificial ones instead?

Clients of prostitutes may be not good looking men, and that may result in decrease of service quality by prostitutes doing her job worse (or even refusing at all), and ugly men feeling insecure and being insulted and receiving emotional damage, if see prostitute looking at them with disgust

US Anon #elitist #fundie #senpai_noticed_us #wingnut archive.4plebs.org

Why are Vaxxoids like this?


>Be Pureblood Christian
>searching for Christian stuff
>end up at a website worse than reddit
>see recent thread there (3 hours ago)
>read first comment in the thread
>commenter is filled with madness
>calls people "incels" and "assholes" for not getting vax juice
>Implies you shouldn't date unless you follow the narrative
>why are vaxxoids so angry?
>why are vaxxoids npcs?
>why are vaxxoids like this?
>feels tired anons
>link below
Anyone getting covid/vaxxoid fatigue yet?

Probably a boomer. Definitely not walking with Christ.

I don't think the people are Christian there. Seems to be a place to mock Christians and anyone who goes against the current zeitgeist.

Macedonian Anon #crackpot #elitist #racist #wingnut boards.4chan.org

Albanians, thanks to their Islamic culture and geographical isolation, are overwhelmingly inbred. They hence exhibit:

*Excessive repetition of surnames
*Ridiculous numbers of disabled offspring.
*Lower life spans.
*Cognitive & emotional issues

Albanians have far more genetic defects than any other ethnic group in the continent, and the number of disabled, psychotic and criminally predisposed Albanians is likewise exponentially higher than the continental average. Albania is unique in that it is the only nation with an abundance of missing parenthood records regarding the existence of paternal grandparents. This is due to the fact that the father and grandfather are often the same. The end result is a nation of mentally and physically degenerated freaks.

>Lowest iq in the white world (even lower than turks)
>Most inbred ethnicity in europe, easily recognizable from their deformed pan-like head shapes
>Islamic as, fanatically so in Kosovo
>Used to be arnauts in the middle ages (servants for turks who subdued christian uprisings)
>The Turkish word for Albanian literally means "those who march first" because they were used as cannon fodder against European armies
>Most criminal nationality in europe, involved in every type of crime in every corner of the continent
>Invading literally every advanced nation in existence. More of them live outside albania than inside, Even Finland had a mass shooting done by an Alboroach
>Aggressive and belligerent, have no self control and start fights all the time
>Can't build a country, there isn't a single city or area with an albanian majority that is 1st world
>Wiggers, arab-wannabes
>Ugly as fuck

Prussian Society of America #elitist #racist #conspiracy #wingnut prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Separate Website Exposing Subversive Frauds in Music Subcultures and Explaining Music History to be Launched"]

In witnessing a lot of divisions and breakdowns of society[…]I have decided that we will be launching a separate website to discuss matters relating to Music and Subcultures, along with Subversive themes along the lines of their history but especially with the themes that have overtaken them today and have distorted their original form

It will focus a lot on the subcultures related to Goth, Punk and Metalhead and related scenes

I want to keep this topic separate from this website, especially because it is also more based on American problems within these Subcultures and I cannot exactly vouch for any bleeding of the degeneracy that may be spilling over into either the German, UK or European Scene in general.

From what I understand in Germany, the scene is still thriving and generally good and I still find a lot of Great New Music acts and everything which come out of the Fatherland

But if any social issues which I report in the American Music scene exist in any form whatsoever in the European Countries, we would be so grateful to hear anyone’s feedback on this, but I will still always believe the American one is the worst[…]
The website we will launch will focus on history and other attributes behind the American Music Scene, especially in how the Jews and Ulster Scots completely have a monopoly on Rock ‘N’ Roll and its development[…]It will discuss how degeneracy has been even much more of a problem with the American scene compared to Europe and even the UK at that[…]
It also gets hard to discuss this topic without bringing up the Jewish Problem and even the reason why the Nazis suppressed Jazz [rightfully so][…]

Nick Fuentes #homophobia #crackpot #elitist lgbtqnation.com

Prominent white supremacist Nick Fuentes is claiming that men and women having sex with one another is gay, and that being celibate is the only way for a man to truly be straight.

“Think about it this way: What’s gayer than being like ‘I need cuddles. I need kisses… I need to spend time with a woman.’ That’s very sus,” Fuentes said in a December 2021 episode that resurfaced on social media. “‘I need to spend time with a woman!’ That’s a little sus.”

Earlier this year, Fuentes admitted to his followers that he kissed a girl when he was in high school, which made him lose incel credibility. He said that he never wanted to kiss a woman again, which only fanned the flames since that makes him a voluntary celibate pretty much by definition.

So on America First, he defended his identity as an incel.

“Gay people do date girls all the time,” he said. “All these gay people are coming out and saying, ‘I’ve had more girlfriends than Nick. I’ve had sex with more girls than Nick.’”

“That actually makes me really more heterosexual than anyone,” Fuentes said.

“If we’re really being honest, never having a girlfriend, never having sex with a woman really makes you more heterosexual, because honestly, dating women is gay, having sex with women is gay. And having sex with men is gay. Really it’s all gay.”

“The only really straight heterosexual position is to be an asexual incel,” he said, not using the term “asexual” correctly (asexual people aren’t attracted to any gender, whether or not they’re celibate). “That’s it. That’s all there is. Being a MGTOW [men going their own way, another word for the misogynist online subculture] incel is really the straightest position that you can have.”

“Having sex in itself is gay, I think. I think that it’s really a gay act,” he said. “I think, really, I’m like the straightest guy.”

several wingnut metalheads #wingnut #elitist #dunning-kruger #pratt reddit.com

(Context: wingnuts react to meme denouncing conservatives who listen to metal and punk.)

Metal isn't really about rebellion. Some artists intend to be rebellious with their music, and subgenres were born out of opposition to certain trends, but that's the extent of it. In general, metalheads only really care about music. Just because something is fringe or extreme doesn't mean it's a conscious rebellion against anything.

(deleted user)
People who think metal is about rebellion will always be posers

I’m old enough to remember when being punk was being anti establishment. Now it’s nothing but pro establishment hypocrisy

What an unnecessary and hateful post, and no I’m not a republican. OP, great job creating divide in a community while accomplishing nothing.

I’d say I’d look forward to your reply, but it seems you’re too scared to reply to most comments here

Bitching about shit on social media platforms is real rebellious!

I literally can't think of a more safe political stance to follow than modern leftism

That sub and this meme sucks, poser

(deleted user)
Punk is when you dont offend people

Yeah Nazis were big conservatives. It's not like they tried to burn the fucking planet down and rebuild it with shocking new ideas. They were all about conserving what was already there and maintaining the status quo.

Being for a socialist nanny state isn't exactly anti-establishment either.

Laissez fair!

Following the crowd and bashing a whole group of people just cause you have differing opinions? Sounds like a bootlicker to me

Your point? That was a staged event so you should probably try to do a bit of research & learn some truth.

Greg Norman #elitist espn.com

THE LIV GOLF Invitational Series has attempted to clarify CEO Greg Norman's comments that referred to the Saudi Arabian monarchy's alleged involvement in the death of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi as a "mistake," a remark that drew widespread criticism, including from Khashoggi's fiancée.

On Wednesday, during a news conference in London to promote LIV Golf's first event at Centurion Club, June 9-11, Norman was asked about Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's alleged complicity in the 2018 killing of Khashoggi, an American citizen. LIV Golf is being financed by Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund, which is controlled by bin Salman.

"From what I heard and what you guys reported, just take ownership of what it is," Norman told reporters. "Take ownership no matter what it is. Look, we've all made mistakes, and you just want to learn from those mistakes and how you can correct them going forward."

Khashoggi was killed inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October 2018. The Saudi crown prince has denied involvement in the killing.

TW, Exile and Dart #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist #racist occidentaldissent.com

[Comments under "Richard Spencer: The Case for Abortion"]

From TW:
Brad, in Alabama blacks get 62% of abortions, Hispanics 5% and Other 2% And I wonder many how many of the white women are aborting black spawn.Would you deny abortion to a white woman raped by a nigger? Should women who get abortions be charged with murder? If not, why not if you believe the fetus is a human?


Legalizing the murder of White children is a very stupid strategy for controlling the Black population.

Alabama’s Whites would not be bending the knee to any number of Blacks without the moral collapse manifested in abortion, addiction and materialism

From Dart:
Not really. Those are genetic liberal children. Killing them reduces the frequency of genetic liberalism within the White population. Blacks are pretty much politically irrelevant and aren’t the political enemy of Whites. White libtards are the enemy. Without White libtards, Blacks wouldn’t even be a problem at all. We could have mutually beneficial separation and everyone would be content with it. Only White libtards motivated by deranged utopian fantasies are driven to force everyone together. So it’s good when White libtards voluntarily kill themselves off, through whatever means available. Overly permissive Western breeding practices, originating in the papist idea of love marriage, allowed genetic liberals to grow to a dangerously high percentage of the population. Reducing their numbers is the only way Whites will survive

Anonymous/Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #wingnut #elitist projectcamelotportal.com

All future wars (if the Planet and our race survive this recent ongoing secret space war over Planet Earth and the human race’s survival that is) will be Quantum and Scalar wars with the following weaponry deployed:

Cyber wars based on advanced algorithm hacking with advanced morphing and substitution of bits to reframe anything and everything desire using scalar and quantum physics (Maxwell’s 4th Law), anti-personnel neutron devices detonated in the sky, special high altitude detonated EMP devices that do not harm the power grid or electronics but are neurotoxic (stopping all heart and brain/CNS activity), hived bots of all sizes, self-propelled, gliders (dumped in mass from high altitude by the hundreds), crawlers with facial and building recognition cameras (some can drill their own entry holes in glass or other materials and are microscopic sized or bug sized, very fast crawlers and slow crawlers too) with anti-personnel charges that can be remotely detonated, hived robots of all sizes, hived clones, hived androids, hived transhuman supersoldiers (part electronic and part mechanical because special hybrid computers now exist that are living tissue merged with strange new circuits)
Quantum time warps will be used through Josephson junctions and actual battles will become very strange and surrealistic, far beyond what most of the public can fathom. This is just about here and ready to be deployed if not already deployed in secret.
As you know secrecy is no longer needed because unless the mainstream monopoly media and News Cartel present the truth over and over again(which they probably never will do), this is all far too incredulous and spooky to the masses and if one was to try and tell them, they would laugh at you and call you a conspiracy theorist. Only a small %tage of truthers are able to grasp these truths.

Greg Abbott #elitist #fundie #racist #wingnut thehill.com

Abbott says Texas could challenge Supreme Court ruling that states educate all, including undocumented

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Wednesday said his administration may challenge a Supreme Court ruling that states must provide free public education to all children, including undocumented immigrants.

“Texas already long ago sued the federal government about having to incur the costs of the education program, in a case called Plyler versus Doe,” the governor said on “The Joe Pags Show.”

He added that “the Supreme Court ruled against us on the issue about denying, or let’s say Texas having to bear that burden.”
Plyler v. Doe is a 1982 Supreme Court case that rejected the denial of public education funding for children who are undocumented.

“I think we will resurrect that case and challenge this issue again, because the expenses are extraordinary and the times are different than when Plyler versus Doe was issued many decades ago,” Abbott said.

The Hill has reached out to Abbott for comment. 

Abbott has also been a leading opponent of the Biden administration’s decision to lift Title 42, a Trump-era public health rule that prevented migrants from seeking asylum to stem the spread of COVID-19. Abbott sent a bus full of immigrants to Washington, D.C., last month, in what the White House called a publicity stunt.

The Texas governor, who is running for reelection this year, also temporarily ramped up border inspections for trucks crossing into Texas, creating logjams that cleared only when Mexican governors pledged to increase security measures on their side of the border.

Abbott’s remarks follow the Monday night leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, the landmark case that established the right to an abortion in the U.S. 

That report has prompted some activists and advocates to question what other Supreme Court precedents on basic rights could be overruled in the future. 

Boskov01 #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt #elitist deviantart.com

what's funny is, even their beloved old crone RBG is on record as having called Roe a bad ruling. Does this mean she'd defy the left to overturn it? Probably not. But it's ironic nonetheless. Still, the old bat did one thing right. Her ego got in the way as she refused to retire and allow Barry to appoint a replacement all so she could "greet the first woman president" in Hilary. Instead she had to cling to life for a few more years to try and live beyond President Trump's four amazing years but instead did the world a favor and kicked the bucket, allowing President Trump to replace her with a constitutional originalist.

So once again, the most meaningful act that a Leftist has done for America, is that they died. Says quite a lot about the left in that they do more good by dying.

May RBG burn in hell.

Lex Greene #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy #ableist henrymakow.com

With great sadness, I have concluded, based on many years of beating my head against the wall with know-nothing know-it-alls, that the vast majority of American citizens are just too stupid to remain free today. Unlike our nations Founders, or our Greatest Generations, current U.S. generations are simply no longer suited for freedom and liberty.

I know, it's politically incorrect to use the term "stupid." But as I explained to my kids, ignorance is the absence of information and knowledge. Stupidity is when you know better but do it anyway!

This doesn't apply to everyone today, just most. But if the shoe fits, kick yourself with it! I won't waste time with the laundry list of examples readily available. If you can't figure this out with just a few key examples, then the shoe does indeed fit.
In a previous column, I discuss how every living American has lived under a steady diet of lies from their government, their entire lives. I referred to it as Death by a Thousand Lies. Because modern Americans have been raised and still live under a constant flood of lies their entire lives, the vast majority find it much easier to buy lies than to find truth, especially in a "cancel culture" where the truth is not allowed to see the light of day.

Fact is a vast majority of Americans have never even read the Charters of Freedom. In fact, most don't even know what the Charters of Freedom are. Most who have read these documents, can't even properly interpret the words that appear in our Charters of Freedom. If they could, they would know better than to fall for the Convention of States scam that has taken in huge sums of money to lead people to a different form of national suicide.
Inescapable Rule #1 for idiots - Nothing on earth is free, nothing!

Rule #2 - In the end, FREE stuff will cost you everything!

To be clear, any nation too stupid to be FREE, won't be!

blkpilled & Basic_Snow1 #elitist #sexist thepinkpill.co

Reason #127642 of why I don't have any real female friendships


Separatism from moids: 👍🏼

Separatism from moids AND male loving bitches: 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

I refuse friendships with men bc, well... it's an obvious answer. But I also find I just can't befriend women either. I've tried over and over again but all women are male lovers/panderers in one way or another. I hate them too and dread being around them. It's not even an exaggeration, just sit back and observe how much these dumb women talk about moids in conversations.

I relate. I have no friends because women my age are all married slaves to their fat worthless husbands. I can't relate to that shit and I sure don't want to!

Mitt Romney #elitist #mammon #wingnut businessinsider.com

Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah ripped into the White House on Wednesday for considering widespread student loan forgiveness. He argued it could amount to a slippery slope for other types of debt forgiveness.

"Desperate polls call for desperate measures: Dems consider forgiving trillions in student loans" the Utah Republican wrote on Twitter. "Other bribe suggestions: Forgive auto loans? Forgive credit card debt? Forgive mortgages? And put a wealth tax on the super-rich to pay for it all. What could possibly go wrong?"

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #elitist dailystormer.cn

[From "France: Macron Wins by Massive Margin"]

I said repeatedly, from the beginning, that there was no way Le Pen was going to win this election. Frankly, I didn’t even bother covering it very much, as the only interesting part were the Zemmour memes

But frankly, I had no idea that the gap was going to be this big. I thought it would look more like an American election, with a slim margin of victory for Macron[…]
The left keeps talking about how democracy has failed because their candidates don’t get elected. I would like to assert that democracy has failed because my candidates do not get elected[…]
Both right and left agree that democracy has failed, so we need to accept this reality[…]
This never made any sense, this universal suffrage idea[…]
How can you possibly believe that peasant rabble has the collective intelligence to guide the ship of state?[…]
The Founding Fathers spoke at length of the problems of democracy before it was ever even implemented at scale

This is why it is so frustrating to hear Tucker Carlson ramble on about how “real democracy has never been tried”[…]The 2020 election was hoaxed, but this was primarily a result of extreme Jewish neurosis – it’s not like Trump was ever going to actually do anything[…]
I believe strongly that Trump came in in 2016 thinking he was going to do something. Then it became clear that the Congress would refuse to go along[…]
Trump was trying to repeal Obamacare, and John McCain came in[…]
Trump’s election was a quirk, a glitch in the system, but the system was able to easily deal with that[…]
I think the initial American Republic idea was fine. This had voting, but only stakeholders – determined by land-ownership – were able to vote[…]
I would also not be opposed to any kind of new system that established some kind of tyrannical autocracy based on vulgar populism. An autocracy can actually be held accountable

gcochran9 #elitist #racist archive.ph

Guns, Germs, and Steel revisited

In particular, Diamond argues that people in PNG are significantly smarter. "in mental ability, New Guineans are probably genetically superior [my emphasis] to Westerners”: p21. This is sufficiently odd that readers of GGS often refuse to admit that Diamond ever said it.

In arguing that the last actually are first Diamond dismisses the entire field of psychometrics. It’s a ballsy approach – implying that the whole field is just crap not even worth discussing. It’s how I deal with astrology or gender studies. It’s how everybody should have dealt with Freudian analysis.

The problem is that aptitude tests actually work. A one-hour paper-and-pencil test gives a reasonable estimate of a student’s general problem-solving ability.

Regional scores on IQ tests and other educational tests ( PISA, etc) do track regional differences in S&T achievements. Not perfectly – northeast Asians have the highest scores but have not made the largest contributions to the development of modern technology – but pretty well. Populations that have low average scores on such tests have contributed very little to the development of modern science and technology.

Diamond acknowledges, “We see in our daily lives that some of the conquered peoples continue to form an underclass, centuries after the conquests or slave imports took place. The transistor leapt 8,000 miles to launch an electronics industry in Japan – but it did not make the shorter leap to found new industries in Zaire or Paraguay. The nations rising to new power are still ones that were incorporated thousands of years ago into the old centers of dominance. Prospects for world dominance of sub-Saharan Africans, Aboriginal Australians, and Native Americans remain dim.”

Why should that be so? If hunter-gatherers are ” probably more intelligent”, why doesn’t it show? Where’s their Paul Morphy, their Ramanujan, their George Green? If Aboriginals are so smart, why aren’t they rich? Why do they flunk algebra?

Estonian Anon #elitist #racist boards.4chan.org


I'm so sick of niggers eternal victim complex. Here you have a rich world-famous absolutely cushioned guy claiming that you can't suffer if you aren't black, to a people that probably suffered the most in Europe the last 500 years.

Makes me vomit. Fucking ingrate.

My people (100% pure white at the time, 100% of the population) abolished slavery years after it was abolished in USA for niggers.
Let me put this in words any american retard can understand.
My white ancestors were slaves for longer than niggers in...anywhere really.
Let that sink in and marinade before you start worshipping beasts.
And you know the funniest part of all this shit? We don't scream for sympathy, we don't ask for reparations, we don't murder, we don't steal because we are not beasts.

Tell an american negro that Estonians were enslaved by every neighbour for thousands of years, they won't believe you.
Estonians were literally legal slaves in the same years while negroes were roaming free in america.

You know, I'm already asking myself if even the most redneck racist slave owner treated them like shit if there was at least one competent worker under them. I mean we're talking about people that crippled themselves to avoid work.

They have no inner monologue, no concept of hard work and no concept of tomorrow or reaping what you sow. They run on "what am I feeling right now" instincts with no regard for the future, nor the past.
Once you put yourself in their position, it actually becomes quite easy to imagine cutting off your limbs to avoid work, what in reality is happening, is that the negro lives in the moment, so to not work at the moment, he will cripple himself at the moment, neither of these actions actually make any sense if you think in the sense of "tomorrow" or any longitude.

BeardedLuckDragon #psycho #wingnut #ableist #conspiracy #crackpot #elitist deviantart.com

(Submitter’s Note: Okay Ted Kaczynski, now surrender to the FBI)

Well the government says it wants to mind control the population and live forever, so I'm thinking the city life itself isn't helping the modern human. We're designed to be in nature, not buildings getting juiced up on industry products. All of our energies got out of wack when humans clustered into cities and autism boxes, maybe we should go back to cabins and tents out in the woods? Stardew Valley doesn't have to be a dream, it can be reality for about $1,000 - $100,000 depending on the amount of acreage and if you want a house installed first. Hunter gathers and agrarian societies tend to be a bit more stable since modern economics keeps inventing problems and products to keep citizens distracted from how depressed life got in the last 40 years.

Gary D. Barnett #conspiracy #wingnut #elitist garydbarnett.com

The CIA created and heavily marketed term, “conspiracy theorist,” a term invented to marginalize any questioning of the politically-plotted murder of JFK, is still heavily in use today. It is still used to stop any supported argument, any facts, or even any discussion concerning disagreement with the state sponsored narrative. Anyone who utters this ignorant, idiotic, and useless phrase as a way of ‘argument,’ should be immediately ignored as they have not the intelligence to speak to any critical thinking individual. In addition, those using this term deserve no respect or reply because they have already abandoned any possibility to listen or think.

We live in a country where everything coming from the state is based on lies and deceit meant to either support or cover-up government conspiracy. Remember that the definition of the word “conspiracy,” is a secret agreement between two or more to perform some harmful or illegal act. From the original Latin, it literally means, “to breathe together;” or to agree, unite, or plot. All government, especially the American government, is completely conspiratorial. The likelihood of any truth coming from the state, state bureaucracies, state minions in enforcement or the military, or from any mainstream media, is close to zero. If any facts are considered, everything being told to the masses can instantly be seen as harmful propaganda, and therefore conspiracy.
What if all of us who fully understand what is really going on are the only one’s prepared to resist and never comply? What if all of us who take personal responsibility for ourselves and our own are the only one’s willing to risk all to save our freedom? What if we fail to convince others to fight back? If we are defeated, what is to become of everyone else? There is but one answer to that question; all left will be slaves dependent on the very evil state that claims total ownership over their minds, bodies, and souls. That my fellow man, is hell!

Darien X, Karl Ramstrom & Jeff Coffey #dunning-kruger #elitist #psycho #racist amren.com

RE: Student ‘Feared for Life’ After Being Chased by Woke Mob Targeting Allen West

(Darien X)

I have never met a Black person in my life who wasn't Racist.

Almost 100% of even the “nice” ones are two faced, they put on a front when with whites. I’ve known some that act like us when one on one, but then like jive ghetto negroes once around them. Their true selves.

(Karl Ramstrom)
I have no sympathy for this - or any - white person (student or otherwise) attempting to use a "person of color" to shield them from charges of "racism". Neither negroes, border jumpers, or rice-eaters from Southeast Asia are our allies. If they were they'd pack up, sell their belongings, and leave our country on the next flight out. Pandering to some of them is not a good strategy because the end goal (at least from the standpoint of a white advocate like me) is to force even the "benevolent" ones (at gunpoint if necessary) onto the first jet flight out of here. And to do this for all one-hundred-million-plus of them until they are gone. Because when you start incorporating fried-chicken munchers, taco-crunchers, and dog-eaters as "necessary" in order to restore white America then all you're doing is coping. It is for this reason I cut Donald Trump loose for good after he lost in 2020 (legitimately or not) since he engaged in Warp 9 negro pandering toward the end. Because this is a white struggle, not a multiracial one.

(Jeff Coffey)
I agree. Playing the "allies" game is a dead end.

It's time to do away with that tripe once and for all. I have FAR more interest in hearing what fellow Whites have to say on any given matter, and I almost exclusively want to hear what they have to say on matters related to the future of our (that is: White) civilization.

Not to pick on miss Malkin (or mrs? I don't know), she is an intelligent person, but she is no more intelligent than millions of White people out there who are the ones that should be speaking on priority.

foundring #conspiracy #elitist #racist #wingnut youtube.com

No Russian Ever Called Me a Cracker - Original Song

when I was a lad I was head of every class
I asked my dad how long these good times would last
he said ‘hey son, they’ve never really begun
cuz you’re racist for being born Caucasian’
look around you and you will see
it’s a Clown World with NPCs
they will judge you begrudge you because you won’t conform
to the norm you’ve been warned


by the age of 18 my ADHD led me to the 88 keys
easier to make it as an Asian lady it seems
my dreams to bring these songs overseas grew wings
leaving me counting all these sheep
people still sleeping through this life
we need to keep speaking truth through the lies
I believe we’re all equal inside then why must I get in line to survive


spent most of my youth you know becoming best at piano
do you want proof I knew how to play Tatum when I turned 22
it’s true I’m underrated and I have the wrong hue
I might be the greatest someday they will see you for what’s inside
why keep stumbling through life in disguise
rise remember we’re born into light
don’t lose sight or be frightened it’s alright


ol’ daddy Vladimir said Nike no likey
kikes deleting the whites from airwaves
it was whack to be black way back in slavery days
don’t let the pendulum sway the other way
now that I’m older my songs are getting increasingly bolder
some friends are starting to give me cold shoulders
I thought I told ya that I’m playing the Joker until it’s over
when the world awakens and celebrates
states and nations of every race
they will bait us so we separate
but not this time every liar pays the price


ol’ daddy Vladimir said Nike no likey
kikes deleting the whites from airwaves
it was whack to be black way back in slavery days
don’t let the pendulum sway the other way
no Russian no no no Russian ever called me a cracker
no Russian ever called me a cracker
no Russian ever called me names

TitaniumDragon #elitist #dunning-kruger #psycho reddit.com

Kill/sterilize all the criminals for a few centuries and see how much the crime rate falls by, and also look at the effects on other things (rates of drug addiction, gambling addiction, IQ, etc.)

Studies suggest that criminality is roughly 50% heritable and has a high rate of comorbidity with impulse control disorders and negatively correlates with IQ, so we would predict a significant negative trend in crime, lesser negative trends in other impulse control disorders, and a positive trend in IQ. However, it wouldn't surprise me if there were some weird side effects.

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