
The woman-haters, man-haters, and non-binary-haters

Ghost of Eskimo #transphobia #sexist ncu.su

Hate to say it but trannies have allegedly existed in most ethnic groups. A book I read claims animals have a gender spectrum. For example: some fish like seahorses the males will take care of the offspring. The females lay thousands of eggs and the males developed a pouch to protect them. It easier for female fish to cuck the males biology because they can swim off.

Female Mammals ween the babies on the tit so it's hard to turn fathers into mothers. But primate societies have created a social culture that allows for the child to be raised by non-related parents. Most primates go through a sexual cycle that allows a male to know he's the father of his offspring.

But human males are getting cucked if they can't control the female for months at a time. I believe nature cucks many males physically. Most Gorilla males never breed. They're physically powerless.

Trannies represent the ultimate cucked male. Any healthy society will have a surplus of males. The tranny is revolting because it represents the leftist ideal. A compliant feminine male that subjugates itself to matriarchy.

Anonymous Coward #79574643 #conspiracy #racist #sexist godlikeproductions.com

Some of you dont know shit. If Biden steps down, kamala becomes president and pelosi becomes vp

Which was the plan from the beginning for the left. It was a very obvious trojan horse plan. Steeling the election with biden was more believable than steeling the election with kamala who had zero chance

They are forcing a black female president on us that we dont fucking want and whos not smart enough or qualified to do the job.

Ika-Sama #ableist #sexist incels.is

[SuicideFuel] Even the crippled girl at my school has a boyfriend. Wtf??

There's a female that attends my High school and one of the main things about her is that she has a condition that leaves her immobile, so she's only regulated to her wheelchair. The way that she communicates is through an app on her tablet (Think: Stephen Hawking). Later today me and my brother were walking home from school, and he told me that one of his friends was dating a girl in a wheelchair and I said: "What?" and my brother said: "Yes the girl in the wheelchair, one of my friends is dating her". I even made my brother clarify who she was, I couldn't fucking believe it that a crippled girl, A DISABLED FOID got in a relationship before I ever did. At the time I didn't know whether to cry or laugh, I felt so behind from my peers, like I was subhuman.

Then my brother kept on mentioning how he was cheating on her and how she kept taking him back, and at the time I didn't really care because my mind was so fixated on what he told me earlier, only to realize what he just said was a Blackpill in it of itself. He cheated on her multiple times with other foids and she didn't care (Thinking back on it, she must have been pretty desperate not to breakup with him). I eventually said what I was thinking to my brother, that she got into a relationship before we did. And he here's what my naive brother said: "I don't why I don't have a girlfriend, I'm not even that ugly". My brother is basically an Incel but he just doesn't know it (Short Height, Nasal Voice, Glasses, Boyish Face, Small Frame. He's a Junior in Highschool and I'm a Senior)

BettERtoreigninhell #sexist blackpill.club

Tinder is the ultimate AWALT bullet proof.

If not all women are like that among the millions of tinder foids there should be a % no matter how small that finds Chad to be ugly as sin and 47 years old 3'11 balding Burmese janitor so hot she has palpitations just looking at his badly taken selfies with typical kidnapper predator lighting sitting in his squalid kitchen that would fit more Silent Hill than a normal dining room.

"B..b..but Tinder are for hook ups!!"


If NAWALT is true there should be a % no matter how small of horny foids who want have just a night of animalian passion with that Burmese stallion.

So to any bluepilled cuck lurking or any ief you who still has c-hope : put tinder on worldwide mode or brow the fuck is called and arrange a real life meeting using the pic of this dude for 3 months. Then come back with NAWALT my ass.

Nour Alhakk #fundie #sexist medium.com

Men to Stay and Fight, Women to Flee. Are Men Equal To Women?
How the Ukraine war debunks feminism and reveals the wisdom of Islam

Ukraine has banned all male citizens, aged 18 to 60, from leaving the country.
They have to stay behind as soldiers and fight the Russian invasion. But women are allowed to flee to safety.
But can’t women do everything men can do, even better?!
That is what we have been hearing from feminists over the last two hundred years. Today we see them silent.
Feminists say that “the future is female,” but when the war comes, the future is male, whether they like it or not.
Have you heard any feminists raging and calling this Ukranian decision misogyny?
No. Some have even outright admitted that their feminism doesn’t extend to war times. In war, feminist ideologies melt away, and we see the wisdom of Islam.
The Quran commands men to be leaders. They are commanded to protect and spend on women. They don’t have the luxury of choice. Allah, the creator of both, says that men have a degree of authority over women.

Men are the caretakers of women, as men have been provisioned by Allah over women and tasked with supporting them financially. Quran (4:34)

Unfortunately for feminists, Allah is not male or female, so they cannot claim that these commands come from a male God. Allah created them both, the man and woman, and identified the roles of each party based on their needs and capabilities.

When you’re brainwashed into believing that the human race came from monkeys (evolution), then this is where problems start.
The myth of gender equality doesn’t bring justice to men or women because it’s not based on understanding the capabilities and needs of each party and dealing with them accordingly.
Men are physically and psychologically different from women. Therefore their capabilities and needs are also different.
Men have additional responsibilities that women are not burdened with, like protecting and spending on the family and fighting at wars. They have the capabilities to do so.
Islam recognizes these inherent differences between men and women and gives everyone suitable responsibilities.

Kyle Hunt #racist #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy renegadetribune.com

Haakon Sigurdsson was a real historical figure. He was the ruler of Norway from 975 to 995, and he was most certainly Nordic. However, in the Netflix series Vikings: Valhalla, Haakon Sigurdsson has been turned into a black woman. This is as ludicrous as Chris Hemsworth portraying a Zulu king in a show about African warriors.

The original Vikings series came out in 2013 and many White people latched onto it, as it was a show featuring a White cast, portraying White culture. As many of us know, the version Norsemen shown in Vikings was not historically accurate and actually made White people look bad, but still it was something of a breath of fresh air for the average White person, who was drowning in a semitic sea of mulitcultural media. The original Vikings series would eventually throw in a little diversity, with Ragnar race-mixing with an Asian slave before eventually killing her for getting him hooked on drugs, but still it seemed historically plausible.

The original History Channel show had lots of fans, so of course when the show came to an end, it needed to be rebooted, this time on Netflix. The new Vikings: Valhalla show takes place some time after the events of the original series, and involves Leif Erikson and other notable figures from our real history. This show, however, has no regard for actual history when casting its characters, with black vikings becoming a thing.
Yes, vikings went around the world, and we can find DNA evidence of that. What he have zero evidence of, however, is that they were a multiracial group, with black queens ruling over them in their homelands.

I think we have a pretty good idea what vikings looked like, as we can see still find their descendants in the Nordic countries, where their culture is being displaced and their people being genocided by the mass invasion of brown and black migrants.

Various Commenters #racist #sexist i.ibb.co

(Note: Those are comments under a picture of a black girl with a white guy.)


She go with a White Guy lol

Candace Owens vibes

She got a type

yep. You know EXACTLY what her type is. Candace Owens vibes.

This little bedwenchv..dating for acceptance...

Gotta question all these blk dudes on here glorifying this bedwinch. Brothas gassing up BLK hos that are not even checking for BLK men. You're nothing more than a like button and avenue that boosts her to the next white dik sponsor. Look at these Brothas gassing this bedwinc

She loves them MAYOnated people

seems like its always like that with the hot mixed ladies....

poor you

You love them white crazy smh

Oh you a Stacey Dash, Candace Owen's type broad...smh..„ #UnfoIIowing

Oh she don't like her steak well done.

Finna go get Dr.Umar

she been lost bruh

Why am I not surprised that you're a disgusting little bedwench

Torchy Blane #transphobia #homophobia #sexist #wingnut #conspiracy winterwatch.net

During the feminist movement in the ’70s, women moved into the professional workplace dressed in masculine suits because they were told that in order to succeed and be taken seriously, they would have to masc it up, or dress more like men. Smart women soon realized that there was power in beauty and femininity but to never rely up on it.

By the mid ’90s, women began bringing sexy to the boardroom for a competitive edge. Meanwhile, men began dressing down. Thanks to Silicon Valley’s tech titans, CEOs aren’t “cool” anymore unless they slouch around in jeans, tennis shoes and faded t-shirts.

Flash forward 25 years and almost nobody dresses up for work anymore. Non-binary neutrality is the norm. Don’t stand out, just fit in. And increasingly it’s about gender neutrality – which depending on a given retailer could mean anything from everyday frumpwear (sweats, jeans and T-shirts) to men fem’ing it up.

How is this not putting gender identity pressure on a little boy?

According to the usual suspects (aka the Lugenpresse), Millennials are to blame – gay, straight and trans. They don’t just want gender-neutral clothing for themselves but for their kids, too. They apparently don’t want to put any gender or sexual-identity pressure on their children.
The not-so-new non-gender uniform also brings to mind prison garb. Meanwhile, local police are getting new garb, too. Ah, life in ‘merika.

The transgender “non-gender” fashion is equally disturbing. These victim-card-carrying, gender-bending guys and gals are encouraged to flaunt a flamboyant style that screams, “Your rights end where my feelings begin!” I wonder if a SJW membership is included with purchase.

Lean in a little closer, Millennials [aka media], I have a secret for you: They’re not called “non-binary people,” they’re called androgynous — or as Gen-Xers called ’em, “Pats,” back when people had a sense of humor.

pornoddio #crackpot #sexist blackpill.club

It's not that chads "get away with things". They are demanded to do such things.

I listen and read to people that describe behavior of Chads, not understanding that Chads are being asked to behave that way.

For example there is an incel that told me about one chad that was burping, he met a foid that way, they had sex. Instead he coped thinking that "chad get away with things". It's irrational to believe that Chads "get away with things".

Not true. Chads are behaving like foids think a Chad should behave. Why are you asked to behave differently? Because you are not Chad.

Foids want all men to follow the rules of civilized behavior, with the exception of Chads. The code of conduct and rules of respectable behavior are just the incel morality. The Chad morality system is another one.

Think of the issue in this way, it's like you are born a slave and trained to be a slave. Instead Chad is trained in another way and he has a totally different moralset. Chad gets away with nothing, even he has duties. It's just that the system needs the existence of both Chads and Incels, because both are framed in a specific way.

Chad is supposed to own all the pussies and you are supposed to behave in a civilized manner.

BettERtoreigninhell #sexist blackpill.club

"You hate women only because they find you ugly"

"Only"? Jfl isn't being considered an undeserving of love biological waste and a monster to be wiped out from the genetic pool enough of a reason?And yet incels are almost ashamed to bring it as a perfectly valid motive and have to elaborate complex socio-economic theories throwing in Jews, feminism, social media, tinder, morals, intelligence and so on. By doing this you are descending on the same level of the people you claim to hate. You enter a discussion to justify and explain your rage and disappointment.

Fuck all this. I throw this shield in the mud and face the opponent with only a giant cursed sword. With me you can't discuss, with me you can't object. Foid is my natural enemy and that is for biological reasons alone. You hate my face? The sole idea of kissing me repulses you? Do you get wet at the idea of sucking the cocks of men I deem inferior but you have the guts to worship while letting me fit alone? Then I fucking HATE YOU. That's the core of my hatred. I don't give a shit if it's your biology. I look only at the result.

My hatred is not an ideology, it is not an idea, it is not an opinion to be "unpacked" by some inferior being on reddit. My hate is passion ,it's fire, it's a venomous and spiteful gut feeling that makes me boil with resentment and vengeful frenzy.

And at the same time it is a cold empty void of despair, an open wound unable to heal. I was forced in this horrible face and cursed with an irreversible destiny were all the love and kindness I could shave give were spat on, humiliated, ridiculed. And it's the same love, not hatred, that turned to the most terrifying form of all hateful feelings : biological misogyny. Yes, from now on we should call it this way to differentiate those who feel how I feel from "ideological" misogynists.

Various Commenters #racist #sexist #wingnut breitbart.com

(John Truman)

California’s state panel on “reparations” for slavery postponed a decision on who should qualify for compensation — whether only the descendants of slaves, or all people of color, based on the idea that the United States suffers from “systemic racism.”

Would they accept reparations with Full Accounting?

Full accounting means subtracting these from the total:

Cost of Civil War and death benefit calculation for Union losses

The cost of Liberia. An entire country we bought for them.

Taxpayer-funded housing, education, healthcare, etc.

All black wealth including tv stars, musicians, and athletes.

Royalty deduction for basketball, tennis, and football.

Royalty deduction for use of the English language.

Bill for property damage to places like Baltimore and Chicago, 2020 rioting, looting, and vandalism.

Restitution for other violent crime, rape, theft, etc.

As for "white privilege", I used to be a hiring manager at a Fortune 100 company, so I know better and I also know for a fact there is "black privilege", "gay privilege" and "female privilege".

I refuse to hire women. No way will I give them the opportunity to falsely accuse me with zero accountability.

yup. Can't argue with that. I once got accused for merely asking if she recovered from her sickness. Nothing came of it, of course, but the mark was made. She was a fat ugly hog too, have no idea where she came up with the notion someone was hitting on her.

We are all walking on egg shells as white males. It's not as bad as in the 1990s in that we have more process, investigation & occasional pushback.

In much of the 1990s, accused meant they just walked you out the door.

Of course now, we are learning to keep communications very formal, unemotional & as minimal as possible. Generally require witnesses in dealing with opposite sex/minorities

Sparrow's Song #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist incels.is

Sicilians Were, And Still Are, The Most Hated People In America. [Feminists And Rich Chads Want To Keep Sicilian And Black Men As Low As Possible]

Around the world Sicilians are characterized as monkeys and compared to blacks.
The "Sicilian People" were forcefully racemixxed by the Romans, since we were brought from all over and treated as livestock.
The very origin of our ethnicity is a bunch of slaves from various lands who bred with each other in cold dark dungeons.
They were poor when the Romans put them in chains, they have been poor throughout history and are still poor today.
All of the massive buildings in America were built by Sicilian wageslaves who worked to death for crumb money forced to build monuments for the Freemasons who put them in chains.
Foids are absolutely disgusted by Sicilians... they hate our manletism, body hair, Semitic appearance, and low social status. We are the currycels of The West.
There is an active agenda in the United States to keep Sicilian men in poverty and to kill or incarcerate them so they cannot breed, just like how they have an industry for doing that to non-tyrone black men.

Where is #SicilianLivesMatter?

Where is the public outrage when a Germanic barbarian pig murders a Sicilian slave or beats him severely?

Where is the demand for slavery reparations? We were enslaved longer than pretty much anyone.

For these reasons, I have a strong fondness for black people because they are the closest thing to Sicilians today. Only black people in America have a history that even comes close to the injustice and brutality Sicilians have faced from the same enemy.

Also, if you are any combination of ugly, manlet, and poor, you are an honorary Sicilian by default. I think we should change the forum name to Sicilians.co to better represent what we are as a people.

When The Uprising happens, blacks and Sicilians will be fighting side by side as brothers against the barbarians.

BettERtoreigninhell #sexist #dunning-kruger blackpill.club

Nature has a very good reason to not allow NAWALT

When I was still a human being (more or less...) my wish was not being the Chad or receive the validation of every hole. I wanted to be the cursed hideous tragic hero who somewhere in his journey found that motherly and rescuing figure capable to dismantle my cloth of hatred by being the 0,001% that for some kind of innate mental-biological predisposition would find my face and my whole being perfect while being horrified by Chads and human males in general. At that point I couldn't care less if the rest of the universe was disgusted by me. All I ever asked was something mine and mine alone where humanity had no business. Was that too much of a request? That in the entire universe I could find a sanctuary where to build my world? A house in the woods, some animals, the unicorn foid. Stop.

Yes it was too much. My request ,while appearing humble in the surface, would actually imply to rewrite the whole human nature, the geometry of beauty and the idea of happiness and companionship itself of which I am the nemesis. The order upon which the universe is built cannot allow exceptions nor has any reason to do so. If anything even allowing the smallest of "liberties" such has the existence of 0,1% non Chad only women could lead to disasters.

Because nature knows well that by allowing that 0,1% of foids to have its own criterias of mate selection little by little the subhumans would abuse that tiny little glitch until our earth becomes the planet of the mutants.

For what exactly? Since when the coldness of cosmos took consideration of the happiness of the single entity when manifestating Its order? It would be pointless and, as I explained, threatening to the health of a specie in the long run. That's why I will never talk to a woman again. It's a lost battle against forces completely beyond our conceptual horizon that existed since the birth of time and maybe beyond. It would be like fighting against the most basic principles of physics. It's like throwing an apple from a tower and then another and another hoping sooner or later instead of going down it will stand still.


Che #sexist blackpill.club

RE: Just realized it’s women’s history month

"Women's history month"?

I mean what have they ever did in history beside chasing chad and rejecting incels?
Or having sex with invaders when there country gets invaded and a lot of other shitty things women do.

I mean what they are gonna celebrate for bro? Celebrating the day miscarriage was created so they can freely **** there children or what?

Clown World boyos, we need incel history month too at this point

Lila Rose #fundie #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

Yesterday, senior White House officials met to strategize with those who commit & promote the killing of preborn children: Tampa Bay Abortion Fund A Woman's Choice Abortion Facility Presidential Women's Center Abortion Facility Planned Parenthood of Florida & a dozen more

DestroyDe & Napoleon de Geso #racist #sexist blackpill.club

If you are not a White nationalist, you and your opinions are irrelevant.

The only meaningful debate in the modern world is the debate on whether White people should be punished and exterminated for our alleged """racism""" or that we deserve to survive and control our own destiny.
Literally no one cares about your fringe economic ideas. The System is not capitalist or communist. The elites do not give a shit whether they rule through money or state power. But all of them agree that White people, particularly the working class rednecks, must be dehumanized, humiliated, and ultimately replaced by spics and Africans.

If you agree with this policy, then your opinion is not entirely irrelevant. But you are merely an NPC parroting the lines of the elite and thus, you may as well be an inanimate propaganda machine.
If you stupidly think that you are principled for not "taking a side" in the only discussion of importance, then you are no different than the Russians who "didn't take a side" in the Russian civil war and ended up being subsumed by the actual political struggle that was going on.

(Napoleon de Geso)
White females need be punished and exterminated

wristlet2 #psycho #sexist blackpill.club

What would you do to women if there could be no repercussions?

Imagine if you could take a foid home, lock her up, and do whatever you wanted to her with no consequences. For example in a remote house or something.

Beside the obvious r4pe, I'd definitely hold them accountable for everything they make us go through. Women play the victim because the media and tech companies say they're oppressed, but they literally can't be oppressed if the system is defending them. The system (media, government and corporations) can't oppress and defend them at the same time. We're the ones whom society actually treats like garbage, and, obviously, by definition, no one cares and we're also gaslighted about it.

I'd start with a feminist foid from my job, who is the cousin of a manager, and I get bullied and blamed for things that are her fault while she is praised :honk: as well as my neighbor, who lives with a chad, and I've wanted to r4pe for a while now :thumbsup:

I'd of course start with those two and hold them accountable for the way incels are treated in soyciety. I'd torture the former with all the torture methods I've been reading about in some books on negro slavery I found online, and r4pe the latter over and over, trying to make both of them suffer as much as possible. Then go for random foids and do the same to them :gulag:

Women are naturally evil, they feel nothing for average/short/ethnic men but absolute contempt, and deserve to get r4ped, as they're not entitled to having control over their bodies.

All this in minecraft btw :cia:

oenz #sexist #psycho blackpill.club

Grape is Not Punishment.

Some Cucks may say grape is Traumatizing for the female. No. Its Traumatizing for her over socialized brainwashed rock of a brain.
But While she gets graped she releases Tons of Dopamine and other Chemicals she enjoys while doing BDSM with Chad. But then After she gets graped she Virtue signals to all her friends and gets so much attention she is addicted to.

grape is a Prize for Females.

A Proper way to Make females feel pain is by Cutting off their clit in a Dungeon. And shoving a Rat Up Her Vagina and then Ejaculating all over her body and Then Cut off her Fingers she uses to text but Keep the Thumb so She Can eat the Slop you Serve her in the Dungeon.

And Knife a Symbol on to her Ass to symbolize she is a Worthless Being.

US Anon #pratt #psycho #sexist boards.4chan.org

1 in 3 men report zero sexual activity in the past year


What’s going on?




Sesostris , sojourner_truth_ & sapphicafemme #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

Teacher has a 'transition closet' for kids to change in

He has a closet so that kids can come to school in 'parent-approved' clothes and then get changed into their 'true self' clothes at school.

Twitter link: https://twitter.com/Teacher_Exposed/status/1493418406468468745

This is pretty freaking unbelievable, and if I were a parent, I'd be furious.

(sojourner_truth_ )
There's no way this teacher hasn't hidden a camera in that changing booth. The school bathrooms are right there, and he could even make a big show of sending TIM students to the girl's bathroom for even more woke points. But he has a booth instead so he can plant like 6 cameras in there.

( sapphicafemme )
They just need to stop letting men teach or be around children. They don’t know how to act. When I was a kid and went to a uniform school, I’d change to wear something else I liked. I went to that bathroom to change. I can’t even fathom what’s going through this man’s head that made him think putting up a “transition closet” was a better choice than just changing in the bathroom. Either there’s a camera in there or he desperately wants to be in the same room as a child changing their clothes. There’s no way. There’s no way there isn’t something weird going on here. If men don’t want to figure it out and fix it, they need to be taken out of the classroom

oenz #sexist blackpill.club

Why I am Lolipilled

The Lolipill is Basically the Ideology of 99.9% of Females that Pass the age of 16 are Degenerate sluts that have been Brainwashed by Feminist Propaganda and Some Contain Dark Triad traits.

And Due to 99.9% of females above the age of 16 are that Rotten and then you see the 16 year olds younger sister that is Between ages 8-11 is a Virgin, Cares about Playing outside Over Social Media, Does not Have a Phone, Never heard of sex, Never heard of Feminism.

This is Why I am Lolipilled. Foids above the age of 16 are just so Rotten and Over socialized.

John C. Wright. #sexist scifiwright.com

{from 2017}

I cannot list them all, but here is a choice few: Thor is gone, upstaged and replaced by Lady Thor, who is actually Jane Foster.


Foster was once a nurse, the love interest of Don Blake, and she did things like help sick children. Now she coldcocks evildoers with a honking big hammer, and says she never feels truly alive save when shedding enemy blood in battle a la Conan the Barbarian.

Gal Thor is not an original character, like Sif or Valkyrie, but merely an attempt to blot out male Thor at a time when the Chris Hemsley movies are blockbusters.

And, by the bye, no one else who ever picked up the hammer of Thor, not Beta Ray Bill, not Throg the Frog, even took on the name of Thor, or gained his skill, memory, or personality. But this insolent insult to the continuity hinders not the onward rush of social justice. Logic and good storytelling are flung out the window by these Philistines.

Spiderman has been blotted out by Miles Morales, a half-hispanic half-black with no particular personality. The writers seem not to want to give him any personality, for fear of giving his troubles and woes, which in turn might open them to the witchhunter accusation of being racist.

Hawkeye has been blotted out by female Hawkeye. He has an interesting backstory, and some dramatic personal problems. She is a nonentity who suddenly is the best archer in the Marvel Universe for no particular reason.

Iron Man has been blotted out by Riri Williams, a teen-aged black girl who steals things and accidentally conquers eastern European nations. Instead of having problems like shrapnel lodged near the heart as Iron Man does, the girl version of Iron Man is both utterly incompetent, and utterly flattered, praised, and supported by one and all.

Wasp has been blotted out by Wasp, a girl who never puts on her wasp suit, never shrinks down and never fights crime.

Croatian Anon #elitist #racist #sexist boards.4channel.org

Thank god the slav genes are dominant. Even mutts can be saved, Italians are a piece of cake compared to that task

they all look like malnourished sminems

Italians are the ones who are malnourished. Pic related. Croat and Italian soldiers, considered by some to be the greatest mogging in human history


Damn I see why cutey POC ita girls love us. 1.85 im barely average here and a greek god in italy lmao.


Help us Croatia install superior semen in our women

Only if I see an entire Italian family, her mother and her father beg, give me compliments for my blond, handsome, light eyed and tall Croatian looks, then I will marry your sister.



I am 1.95 m and light eyed and that's something so average in my family and a 1 in 100 in your country



Still going despite your swarthy women fetishizing us en masse publicly.

1.5 million Italian women come to Croatia every year. Half of Croatians are above 50 yo. Count all the kids too, we are about 800k and rare as pure gold. Italian women are fucking feasting on us white boys

the cope of the gypsy man, come to Trieste and see how many balkan women are happily married to locals here compared to the opposite.

kek imagine trying to change my mind with facebook screenshots of some roastie who went to Dubrovnik once when I live literally next to you and I see you coming here begging for a decent pay to put some raggedy turk bread in your mouths every single day, truly delusional balkan monkeys.​

That's rich coming from a chud who's coping for an hour now due to his women ignoring his manlet ass because of a croatian chad

Mister Spice #sexist #racist blackpill.club

Foids hate slavs and find them disgusting

I have noticed lately that a lot of foids have some sort of disgust against slavs (mainly Poles) am i the only one seeing this for some reason?

Its fucking great that just because of my ethnicity alone, im being treated like shit and being seen as a joke not to mention that foids find me disgusting while their pussy gets wet over some Anglo colonizer

I could prove that i have German ancestry to these western cucks but they will just laugh at it, i would even get bullied for my ethnicity or hear these stupid stereotypes often JFL i fucking hate this shit

As for slavic foids themselves, they also prefer the Anglo colonizer dick because why else do you see so many Anglo cucks with slavic foids? I can show you countless examples which shows that this isn't even about Just Be White at this point, its more like Just Be A West cuck

I suppose the reasons for this is because many slavs are just ugly and foids just think they are less status, well the whole western world thinks that way not to mention i have seen a tiktok video of a foid making fun of slavs getting murdered by the nazi's, this is how i am viewed as by foids

Napoleon de Geso #sexist #psycho #racist ncu.su

Fuck ukraine and ukrainian femoids

OCD sucks, it can result in minor shit giving more emotional impact than serious events. And so happened those last days, with smother saying some shit, and it became emotionally more important, when long awaited war of Putin against that disgusting degenerate shithole of ukraine. What she said, was nothing really serious and important, and not really negative, just simple casual stuff, but thanks to OCD, even minor shit can trigger intrusive feelings and thoughts, and overthinking of seeing and searching signs and meaning everywhere, and with more possible negative outcomes, like some grand scheme of world to ruin my life. This time it was easier than in teen years, when often spent whole days just thinking about some triggering shit, now tried not to sink in overthinking, but still could not get rid of being pissed off and disgusted, and that feeling overshadowed joy of wonderfull event I was waiting for - Putin finally going to punish ukrainians for their degeneracy. But even corrupted by ocd, I am here to say, that I support Putin and enjoy ukraine being invaded, and hope many ukrainian whores will be ***** and ****** in process

Disgusting thot, spreading those for chad only, or richfag?


Too bad now you gonna spread for poor ugly russian mongoloids without your entitled sluts's permission ("consent")


womenshealthnurse & proudcatlady #transphobia #sexist ovarit.com

RE: Being a TRA as Male Privilege

( womenshealthnurse )
I'm married to a man and I do find it endlessly interesting how different our experiences of the world are. His world is so much less scary than mine and has been that way for his whole life.

I've also become more aware recently of how differently I feel when I'm out in public with him vs when I'm out in public alone. I am more vigilant and aware when I'm alone than when we are together.

Interesting to tie this in with the aggressive nature of TIM's attacks on women and treating us as though we are histrionic for not wanting men in our private spaces. It does track that they would not have awareness of how vulnerable we can feel when men are present in those spaces.


(proudcatlady )
I think some of this is down to men not valuing life the way we do. Not even their own. It reminds me of how my parents would make me save up to buy something they could just afford to buy me because they wanted me to learn the value of money so I’d take care of my things better. Men don’t do anything to create life so of course they don’t value it at all.

wgm24 #sexist blackpill.club

Im a proud incel

The modern woman is so degenerate I'm glad it can't effect me up close. I've seen first hand with my mother how demonic they inherently are. They deserve to be eternally oppressed for the good of humanity. In the words of king elliot I HATE THEM

Scilence #crackpot #sexist #dunning-kruger #psycho incels.is

lolis are better than real women scientifically

Mathematically speaking the average loli is much more intricately designed. Whereas fully grown women have long forms which are full of empty generic detail, Lolis are compact and can be absorbed completely as a whole. Instead of being a mishmash of organs and body parts, lolis are perceived as a biological entity with a functioning nervous system, leading to less autism. Well designed lolis are uniquely enjoyable to look at and as a result, increase the visual processing and problem solving skills of observers. Real women who look stupid in unique costumes are all the same and thus no longer become real instances of humans, but rather symbols that destroy visual comprehension.

Lolis are pleasant to interact with and encourage higher thought. Their large expressive facial features validate one's efforts to produce scientific advancements. Meanwhile, the blank expressions of adult women cause mental illness and fear, destroying the brain cells of observers. Lolis do not enrage men by abusing female privilege, usually acting in an asexual, tomboyish manner, reducing sexual frustration due to inactivity of the rape gene. Lolis are also at maximum future fertility allowing for a long-term relationship with existentially fulfilling bonding whereas near-wall foids are purely materialistic and depressing. Depression will lead to cardiovascular diseases and the inability of people to make good decisions, and lowers a man's productive capabilities. Lolis' behavior also lowers mental illness.

Lolis can be naive and show weakness, which allows men in their interactions to develop realistic problem-solving skills rather than degeneracy based on displays of dominance. Adult women will leave you as soon as you show weakness and thus your creativity and decision-making are hindered. Grown women can also kill you and this causes needless stress and GPU power. Every time you look at a woman you will be partially in fight or flight mode. If you are not, you will develop cognitive dissonance. Women have an illusionary ability to provide support if they are aligned with you, which leads to male dependence and causality confusion. Did my actions lead to this good result, or was that a tribe members' action? This uncertainty reduces learning speed. Being around a dependent loli will teach a man to provide for others at full brain power due to biological full control of the environment.

Lolis will either adapt to their protectors or be nonconfrontational. If you are second generation immigrant, you will never have to deal with rants in a second language or expressed mental problems like drug abuse.

All of these advantages can be noticed within 16 milliseconds

Andrew Anglin #sexist #psycho #mammon dailystormer.name

[From "Russia Should Sell Ukrainian Women to American Incels"]

The ruble is officially at the lowest level ever. Russia is definitely going to have other problems


The Central Bank of Russia suspended trading in the foreign-exchange markets on Thursday. The ruble plunged to a record low after President Vladimir Putin ordered his country’s military to conduct a special operation in the Donbass region[…]

Russians already have their own thin sluts, so there is no reason they shouldn’t go ahead and sell Ukrainian women to American incels

The United Nations is talking about 5 million refugees. That’s millions of young women that Americans would be willing to pay at least $2,000 each for. Teenagers could go for as much as $3,500

[Gallery of pictures of young women]

NOTE: Most of the updates on this war are in the MEGA POST LIVE WAR THREAD

MariaTenebre #crackpot #sexist deviantart.com

Yes men and women should be sexualized in porn and outside of porn. Porn is just explicit sex but men and women should be sexualized in all media as that is normal, natural and what people want and if it causes no harm in porn which is actually hypersexualized then it cause no harm in any other media. So I am to take it you would ban all sexualized women everywhere but porn. I swear it is no wonder so many of you feminists become Muslims extremists you have the same views in wanting to ban sexualized women from society and media. Of course you MAPS would be able to get your own Aisha too.

bettER_CHOices #psycho #sexist blackpill.club

Life fuel!

I hope we can all profit. Maybe get a Ukrainian refugee teen, burn her passport and lock her in a basement. Imagine if she has a young sister, you tell them you have food. Then you just handcuff those whores, feed them your sausage.

Want a drink cyka blyat? Let me pee in your mouth or you die of dehydration

Various commenters #transphobia #sexist ncu.su

(Kevin Logan)

I miss the old /r9k/

Before posting in incels forums, I usually posted at /r9k/. It's was good to have a place to talk with others social rejects, but nowadays that boards is infested with trannies, cucks, guys with incest fetish and normies. I know that there is others /r9k/ in others imageboards, but is still sad to see something that you like get destroyed by outsiders. Trannies also tried to infiltrate wizardchan, but I think they all got banned from there.

Geez, what could possibly be lower-status than an MtF tranny. Even feminists reject them.

(Kevin Logan)

Geez, what could possibly be lower-status than an MtF tranny. Even feminists reject them.

Believe or not, I've heard many cases where women had sex with transvestites, but only trannies that resemble more a woman. Trannies that are too masculine are undesired by everyone.


Geez, what could possibly be lower-status than an MtF tranny. Even feminists reject them.

yeah but don't desperate thirsty dudes go for them?


yeah but don't desperate thirsty dudes go for them?

They'd have to be gay thirsty dudes, wouldn't they?


They'd have to be gay thirsty dudes, wouldn't they?

there are dudes who woud fuck MtF trannies but wouldn't fuck cisgender males

(Kevin Logan)

They'd have to be gay thirsty dudes, wouldn't they?

there are dudes who woud fuck MtF trannies but wouldn't fuck cisgender males

It's a fetish

(Meremy Jeeks)

there are dudes who woud fuck MtF trannies but wouldn't fuck cisgender males

Some men are very very desperate. Understandable considering how bad the situation is for non chad males. Have to add I would never do that but unfortunately lots of men would

Pedro de Alvarado #racist #sexist #elitist #dunning-kruger vdare.com

On the other hand, blacks didn’t much care for whites either [RIOTS AND RACIAL DISTURBANCES, p. 59, US Army Ground Forces Study No. 36: The Training of Negro Troops, by Major Bell I. Wiley, 1946].

“The army stinks,” one wrote, and “is filled up with a lot of ‘Crackers’ who don’t know that the Civil War is over and from all indications never will!”

After the war there will be riots after Riots because we are tired of the so-called white Supremacy as they call it…We just want the right to live, work and advance as normal people do. The right to fight & die as true Americans should…You can’t keep us down, try as you

Of course, white GIs were men of their times. Note that whites from the South and North felt the same way, and in nearly equal numbers. They unapologetically believed in preserving America's white European character and maintaining segregation and traditional roles for women.

Those views, of course, are “racist” and “sexist,” and if openly expressed today would absolutely exclude those men from military service.

While Ruane’s piece maintains a facade of neutrality, note how it began: with a white soldier’s advocating “white supremacy,” not with the black soldier’s calling whites “crackers.” Whites, you see, are always the villains.

Besides that, though, consider this: the story continues the larger effort to diminish the dominant, heroic role white Americans’ played in winning World II, and to retcon the war to help erase white history altogether.

After all, the white soldier’s remarks Ruane featured in his lede were one of the “uncensored results of dozens of surveys the service administered to soldiers during the war.”

Message: we may have won the war, but the important thing to remember is that whites were racists!

Peter Hitchens #sexist #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut henrymakow.com

Last Tuesday the British Army halted 'all non-essential and non-operational activity' for the six hours between 10am and 4pm.

This was 'to consider and reflect on the British Army's current culture and approach to inclusion and to set out how it will seek to improve both'.

I have not yet been able to get much information on how this went, though I am told that a fair few serving solders of the more old-fashioned type were more than a little embarrassed.

Likewise, you may have thought of Nato, as I once did, as a stern conservative military alliance, guarding the world against armed Communism.

Did you know that Nato now has an 'Office of the Gender Advisor', just as MI6 flies the Rainbow Flag (above) of the LGBTQ movement?

Nato is, in fact, the army of the sexual revolution, as it showed in its failed mission in Afghanistan. (Above, German soldiers march with Nato's flag on February 9)
So it was, and I recall very well the bleak barracks and bases on the German plain which kept us safe from the USSR.

But did you know that Nato now has an 'Office of the Gender Advisor', just as MI6 flies the Rainbow Flag of the LGBTQ movement?

Current efforts to get us all to like Ukraine (in reality a fiercely nationalist country with a macho culture not unlike Russia's) involve staged pictures of female soldiers in snowy trenches.

Nato is, in fact, the army of the sexual revolution, as it showed in its failed mission in Afghanistan.

Ever since the Blair creature ushered a fake crowd into Downing Street in 1997, Labour activists waving Union Jacks they despised, people have been manipulating genuine patriots into accepting or even supporting changes they would once have loathed. The amazing thing is that it has worked.

Almost nothing is now what you think it is, or what it used to be.

The school to which you happily send your children is in many cases a propaganda college, in which they are taught the new creed of equality and diversity.

Prussian Society of America #sexist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "“Tales Of Barbarian Women” to become a New Feature of our Website"]

We will be featuring a New Series line called “Tales of Barbarian Women” which will show stories and also YouTube Channels of the Ridiculous Specimens that exist in this world

The page will illustrate just how much Feminism has Damaged the West and what Men ought to really know about what you are dealing with when it comes to Western Women, and just how ridiculous Men go out of their way to cater everything towards them to the most unnatural degree

We promise you all will greatly love this new section, and we will also accept any contributions from viewers who wish to submit any material!

It will shortly be added with its own Dedicated Page Section

Various Blackpillers #sexist #psycho #racist blackpill.club

Were is the Ukrainian Feminism?

Were is the Ukrainian Feminism now? They hide in Romania, Polonia jfl at feminism.... and they want equality pathetic....

Look at these parasites


Yes where are they?

they are waiting to see who wins he war.. mark my words.. they will suck dick of any russian who wins the war..

Now is the perfect time for Ukrainiancels to go ER on these foids since Ukraine is now basically a lawless anarchy a battlezone.May Putin destroy the filthy whoreland of Ukraine for good!

(Mister Spice)
JFL at these copers who think slavic foids are ''innocent'' and ''different'' from west foids

They are the most sluttiest and disgusting out of all foids, the only people that like slavic foids are these retarded stormfront cucks because muhh whitey raceee

Slavic foids= Angry mongrel dykes

DominicanDancecel91 , Prepare4Jihad & BettERtoreigninhell #conspiracy #psycho #sexist blackpill.club

WW3 designed on purpose to balance out gender ratio and inceldom within men?

So I've discussed many times on this site on how more males are naturally born than females due to the male role in nature of sacrificing himself to protect the females and the offspring, thus an unaltered human race is a SAUSAGE-FEST.

We also know that many wars were intentionally started by the Elite Oligarchy to balance out the gender ratio and keep men happy as males are the ones who do 95% of the dirty work to keep the planet alive (men work industrial, labor intensive, essential jobs, and ecological jobs that most women can't/won't do).

It seems that the labor shortage crisis is hitting the economy and the ecology/world environment is taking a tremendous hit due to men dropping out of the labor force due to loneliness and inceldom. Without men willing to work the most essential jobs on Earth, the world is falling apart in many different areas.

By WW3 being started on purpose and the US getting involved (definately planned on purpose), lots of men will get drafted and die, causing the remaining men to have an easier time getting a woman and thus incentivizing them more to get back to work. The proof is shown in how our boomer fathers benefited from easily finding a woman, buying cheap houses due to a low world population (after many men died) and making it easier in life than Millenials & Zoomers.

We're gonna see lots of men being sacrificed for the good of humanity. It's a shame that things have to go to shit in order for us to be happy in life but we have nothing to blame but fucked up female nature and liberation of these foidaloid whores from Monogamy.

Hopefully WW3 becomes nuclear, and a bunch of normies and foids die.

I really hope it goes nuclear but I am just coping. They both have counteracting mechanisms that would just destroy each others as soon as the first nuclear missile is sent. It's over for dystopiancels.

Paul Kersey #sexist #racist vdare.com


This Woke, Sexless CAPTAIN MARVEL The Beginning Of The End For Legendary MCU Franchise

As in all comic book movies, Captain Marvel’s plot is basically interchangeable: Larson's character (Carol Danvers, who not once in the movie exudes the type of aggressive voluptuousness and sex appeal her character embodies in the comic) is an Air Force pilot whose mentor turns out to be an alien. Though Danvers was barred from flying fighter jets at the time (the movie is set in the 1990s), she was a test-pilot of a plane shot down by aliens who are after the special energy propelling it. After an accident, she absorbs the energy, giving her powers rivaling any character in the MCU.

Though Danvers loses her memory in the incident and becomes an inter-galactic warrior for the aliens who shot down her plane, she still is able to have flashbacks of a past where a white male fighter (who looks straight out of Top Gun casting) chastises her, saying, "You do know why they call it the cockpit?"

Misogyny? Disney makes sure Captain Marvel misses no chance to preach that gender has no bearing on what makes an exceptional pilot.

Needless to say, Captain Zoe Kotnik, an actual F-16 pilot, was recently dubbed "a real-life Captain Marvel" when she was named the F-16 Viper Demo Team's first-ever female commander and the Air Force's first female single-ship tactical commander. [This record-breaking F-16 pilot is a real-life version of Captain Marvel: "In that instant...she knew she could fly higher, further and faster than anyone else.", FirstCoastNews.com, by Casey Feindt, February 5, 2019]

But Captain Kotnik lasted just two weeks before she was relieved of command. [Air Force’s first female Viper pilot relieved of duty after two weeks, by Brett Gubitosi, New York Post, February 12, 2019]

Indeed, despite the military's best efforts, only 6.5 percent of pilots are female [What it Was Like to Be One of the First Female Fighter Pilots, by Kelly Kennedy, New York Times, March 2, 2018] and the elite Air Force Thunderbirds are still “too male, too white”. [Air Force Thunderbirds too male, too white, top general warns, by Rowan Scarborough, Washington Times, March 3, 2016]

Enough with the real world, back to the scripted MCU world...

BettERtoreigninhell #psycho #sexist blackpill.club

What's the blackpill in this scenario?

In the last 4-5 years I truly morphed in the monstrous version of my already facially deformed self. (38 yesrs old)Losing all hair, reaching the abominable weight of 286 lbs for only 5'9", most facial collagen of my 20s gone, long messy Taliban bushbeard, non shaven horseshoe head and last time I had a shower being literally October I became the real world incarnation of the hentai uglybastard*

NOW imagine this situation. While I walk alone at night a normie betacuck half of my size and his Becky gf (both half of my age too) have the disgrace to cross my path in a very isolated zone. As I completely stop in front of them smiling with the typical fake psycho smile of the hentai uglybastard they look at each other and realize something bad is gonna happen.

In this minecraft scenario they were right. For first thing I break all the bones of the cuckold in front of her. Now he can't escape or call for help. While the poor dude lays on the ground crying and begging me to not hurt his gf I kick his teeth witht my taloon so he stops bothering me and then I go straight to the Becky with the aforementioned creepy uglybastard smirk.

As I unzip my pants the air is filled with a deep fragrance of ammonia that not even Captain Nemo faced when fighting the colossal squid.

The next 15 minutes or so is spent with me using her mouth, butthole and vagina in ways her boyfriend was never permitted. As the cuck still lays on the ground whimpering like a wimp I finally coom on her face and holding her body with a hand by her neck I shake her in front of him in mockery saying "oohhh poor foiderino she wasn't really into facials sweety but guess what? I didn't give a shit!"

As I leave laughing the two of them are left facing the aftermath of what I did.

Now there are 2 hypothesis and logically only one can be the truth/blackpilled reality


Kevin Logan & oenz #psycho #sexist ncu.su

(Kevin Logan)
In-Prom, or Involuntary Promiscuity, is the status of foids who have been gang raped by Jihadcels and other worthless rapecel diddlers. When you’re diddle’d by an obtuse loony, it appears the moralfags try to stick up for you, but u know they don’t care. U always know they don’t.


In-Prom, or Involuntary Promiscuity, is the status of foids who have been gang raped by Jihadcels and other worthless rapecel diddlers. When you’re diddle’d by an obtuse loony, it appears the moralfags try to stick up for you, but u know they don’t care. U always know they don’t.

Rape is Funny and intriguing Knowing a Logical Living breathing human being Turns on his animalistic Mode to and then the female does also!

What's the blackpill in this scenario? In the last 4-5 years I truly morphed in the monstrous version of my already facially deformed self. (38 yesrs old)Losing all hair, reaching the abominable weight of 286 lbs for only 5'9", most facial collagen of my 20s gone, long messy Taliban bushbeard, non shaven horseshoe head and last time I had a shower being literally October I became the real world incarnation of the hentai uglybastard* […]

Read this if you find rape funny.

Mike King #transphobia #sexist realhistorychan.com

A Godless world gone mad! Rugby player Verity Smith (UK) barrels over "her" female opponents. (What the heck are young "ladies" doing playing such a rough sport anyway? They should be figure skating or something like that --- or maybe learning how to cook, bake, sew etc.)

St. Sugar: Not as rare as you think, Boobuss. Venuss and Sserena Gorilliamss, Casster Ssemenya, Andrea Petkovic! Look em' up!

Editor: All trannies who have "excelled" at their sports.

Napoleon de Geso #sexist ncu.su

Good evening I hate women and I need therapy

I hate females because they fail to met my standards of good waifu, and they, decently young and good-looking ones, also fail to give me easy free sex. Solution here is trying to find those very rare unique good girls with waifu potential, and for that also trying to play my “white card”, and search for asian girls who may have some level of “white fewer”, with asian girls being more interesting also for more reasons, for their religions and spiritualities, who are more compatible with my worldview, unlike abrahamics, and for their higher levels of neoteny, so I, chronologically older man, could find waifu who is not only barely legal, but also visually looks like illegal ones . That requires travelling to distant places, and now here I have problems like social anxiety and sedentary upbringing - fields where I need help of psychotherapy. And as for ordinary females - they are to be forgotten and avoided, and why therapist should care about it? Unless he trying to push on me some ideological agendas, so I become feminist and voter of pro-feminist political parties
Just help me to do piligrimage of searching special good waifu, or even for plan B - going for loose females or prostitutes for easy and free or atleast cheap sex, but for that again - distant lands are best for white man, particulary Southeast Asia. Respecting ordinary females, lowering my standards, or going for females “my age” are no goals and no acceptable options

Henry Makow PhD #sexist #racist #wingnut #conspiracy henrymakow.com

Makow- Will Femininity Make a Comeback?

Femininity is based on a woman making husband, children and home her first priority.

Her self-sacrifice is the way that love comes into the world. We love people who love us.

Heterosexuality is based on the female surrender of worldly power in exchange for male power expressed as love.

So the Satanists taught women to seek power instead of love.

They taught women their value lies in their sex appeal. They are porn stars instead of wives and mothers.

They squander their most fertile years, when they are irresistible, pursuing careers instead of families only to be left high-and-dry later.

Men have been brainwashed by sex and are incapable of seeing women realistically as human beings.

Will the Cabalists responsible for sabotaging Western society be made to pay?

These are the same people behind the covid scam. Everything they do is destroy all that is wholesome healthy and good.
Feminism's Marxist principles of "equality" do not apply to loving heterosexual relationships and are in fact toxic. Heterosexual marriage is based on the exchange of female worldly power for male power expressed as love. Equal power neuters both sexes.

Our leaders are accomplices to this monstrous hoax. Behind them are the private central bankers who print our currency in the form of a debt to them. They need a world government so no country can default on it. They need a dictatorship so the people cannot end this scam. They need to stunt our natural development by fostering gender confusion so we can be controlled.

Feminism was organized by the US Communist Party, the CIA and the elite media, all instruments of the central bankers. It is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. The purpose is to undermine society and deliver it to Communism.

Prussian Society of America #racist #sexist #elitist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "Why Prussian Pride and Chauvinism, not Chivalry, are the way of the Future for Germans and Europeans"]

During Prussian Supremacy, even the Muslims recognized us as their superior

Without this Superiority Element over the Arab World, the Arab world then looks upon Europe as their potential “Caliphate”
Aside from the eras of the Greeks and Romans, that only the Prussians had made a staunch effort in the promotion of Chastity among Women so as to keep the society strong and retain Men’s Freedoms

The majority of Germanic people and many Europeans today seem to take issue with the idea of owning Women as “Property” and feel that Women should have the right towards sexual liberation
During the Prussian Reign of power, the inferior elements in Germany and Europe and any other Barbarian we encounter, when in our presence, keeps their mouth shut, and stands back in their place where they belong

The disruption of Prussian Legacy has brought us a world now where Inferiors are the rulers and ones in charge, and where Inferiors feel rights and entitlements over the Superiors
Germany’s Future relies on having a Leader who can simultaneously dismantle both Christianity and Chivalry, who can be freely offensive and brash without burdens of repercussions or disapproval, all of which must run off like rain water over his leather trench coat
Without Prussian Dominance over Germans, the average German is lost, and it is why the Modern Germans worry about things like the Environment, Green Energy, Vegan Diets, Plastic Bags and Insurance Policies
Educated German Women represented a major liability and disgrace to the legacy of German Culture and Prosperity for its future
During an era of German Greatness, Barbarians stay in their domain, they do not challenge or argue with the Prussian

Anonymous #fundie #sexist christiantruthcenter.com

How does this demon make a woman a man?

1. Makes women leaders/the head/authority

The head of a woman is a man (1 Cor 11:3)

See a woman must not lead

2. Makes a woman feel equal to a man

See a woman is not equal to a man

3. Disrespects and submits not to a man

Because this demons has made a woman equal to a man, a woman will not respect and submit to a man – a wife will not respect and submit to her husband.

4. Takes women to war fronts

God does not take women to war front but this demon does

Reason you see women fighting for authority, position, leadership, fighting men, etc.

This are the wives who fight, argue, quarrel and control their husbands.

This demon is abusive too

5. Makes women want other women for sex

Because this demon is a man in a woman, it will go after women for sex – to exchange the natural with the unnatural.

This is the demon in every homosexual woman.

6. Changes women body

This demon has the power to change the body of a woman to that of man – reason you see women with bodies of men.

Women start speaking like men, walking like men, becoming masculine not tender, etc – this is the demon in them manipulating their bodies.

This is the reason you find women with male sex organs and vise-versa.

This demon changes the behavior of a woman to a man. It makes a woman a man.

Every woman who wears man’s clothing has a demon of a man – she is a man in a woman body. Men I tell you, flee from this women if you do not want to marry a fellow man in a woman’s body.

They are an abomination to God, let them be an abomination to you too men

How does the demon make a man a woman?

A man starts being controlled and ruled by a woman. He is no longer the head be it in his family
A man becomes emotional
A man starts feeling like a woman thus becomes homosexual – starts lusting after men and looking for men for sex
A man starts walking, talking and behaving like a woman
A man starts beautifying himself
Manipulates bodies of men to look like of a woman
Makes a man a woman
Godly women, if you do not want to be married by a fellow woman in a man’s body, flee from this men.

Men rise to authority, to leadership, be the head to your woman and family – it is a God given role.

h1LfqWfM #elitist #racist #sexist boards.4chan.org

All Ukrainian women are built for BPC (Big Polish Cock). They’re all gonna get POLED by THE POLISH HVNK. We’re gonna IMPALE them all. (Why do you think they call us Poles?)

Some Germans accepted the superior culture of Poland and Polonized. My maternal grandmother had a German last name.

There will be no war once we satiate the Russians and Westoids with BIG WEST SLAVIC COCK (BWSC). The Russians and the Westoids need their supply of the BWSC. So they always invade, hoping to either cause a mass migration, have the West Slavs fight for them as mercenaries and spread their superior West Slavic seed, or steal their children like Germany did during WWII.

Brother West Slavs (that includes Slovenes and Croatians). Westoid women need their supply of the BIG WEST SLAVIC COCK (BWSC). Look how strong our seed is. When we race-mix, we produce lawyer, high IQ hottie Miss USA winners (You’re welcome America.)

Drop off your hotties in Madagascar. We WEST SLAV HVNKS will be there to breed them shortly.

Whatever land produced such fine human specimens as us is to be blessed and made a holy site.

Look how the Russian woman lusts after the BIG POLISH COCK:


Polish YouTube channel promoting Polish-Russian relations goes out on the streets and asks Russians, “What do Poles do well?”

One woman responds, “Love-making. They’re good at love-making.”

West Slavs = Best Slavs.

>But they loved our girls, who went weak at the knees in return and flocked to these handsome, brave, glamorous young men, refugees from defeated Poland who had come to Britain to join the fight against Hitler’s hordes — encamped on the other side of the Channel in France and threatening to over-run these shores, too.

>The newcomers from Eastern Europe were so romantic and attentive, bowing from the waist and clicking their heels when introduced, sending flowers after the first date, whispering sweet nothings in a moody foreign language . . . and legendary for their prowess in bed.

Caesercel, Pepsicel & Philistine #sexist incels.is

RE: So I fucked a psychologist last night


Apparently, that's her day job. Being an escort is her side gig, so to speak. She likes money.

I wonder how many of her patients are incels. You never know.

Holy shit that's hilarious. Imagine her clients, coming to her in time of need, revealing to her all their darkest secrets, thinking she could solve their depression and other life problems, give them the right counsell.

Only to find out she fucked motherfucking PPEcell that very night absorbing his chink cum in all her holes

Interesting. I fucked an escort that was lawyer at day long time ago.


Is incredible how the escort you fucked helps more incels by offering her body than being a psichologist.

I made a post about this exactly. I'm talking to doctors, therapists and psychiatrists weekly. All of them are blonde/brunette women and quite pretty. I imagine them living up to mountain levels of hedon once they leave work.

Never trust anybody.

Unknown #sexist reddit.com

CMV: If you're a single mother, you don't deserve a good man

Our grandfathers wouldn't even be having this discussion a few decades ago. They wouldn't have even given it a response. Just in a few short decades, we've gone from "my wife must be a virgin" to "can you not have X amount of sexual partners before marriage" to "can you please not have babies by other men?" and even then, women still fail.

A baby is supposed to be a special connection between man and wife. It is something that should be experienced together. Something that bonds you forever. Something that strengthens your connection to one another. It should be "OMG, we're having a baby" as you bounce around the house going crazy, enjoying all the newly shared first-time experiences as parents. Instead single mothers are "been there, done that", denying their future husbands that special bonding moment because you had some loser's kid already. This doesn't even account for the fact that you're taking care of another man's child, always second in the relationship and most likely taking care of a woman that rode the CC HARD and had some Alpha's crotchfruit. Disgusting. Nah.

The worst part of it all is this woman expects for you to marry her and make her your wife when she's already given away the most precious thing she could ever give a man to someone else. That's how much she cared for her future husband. Your wife will always be tethered to another man. Your wife gave her womb to another man. Your wife birthed a child for another man. It's fucking gross and highly disrespectful for a woman to even expect any sort of quality man to put up with that.

(This obviously doesn't include divorcees and widows. They should date other single parents, divorcees and widowers).

Single mothers don't deserve good men. They deserve whoever is stupid enough to sign up to such a shitty deal.

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