Ben Shapiro #dunning-kruger #wingnut

Which is why the media have gone apoplectic about Trump's McDonald's visit. Trump's critics pointed out that the McDonald's was actually formally closed for his visit and claimed that the event was "staged" -- a peculiar critique given that Trump has been the victim of two assassination attempts, and presidential campaigns require places of business to be secured before candidates enter. The critics even went so far as to attack the local franchise for its health record years ago. The desperation comes from an obvious place: This was a Trump win.

And it was a Trump win because Trump wasn't pretending; he didn't don jeans and a T-shirt in order to cosplay as one of the boys, Tim Walz-style. Instead, he showed up in his traditional suit, put on an apron and started handing out fries and chit-chatting with the customers. It was a moment of authenticity, and it showed as such compared with the polyester joy presented by the Kamala campaign.

The Critical Drinker #sexist

[danisha carter]
if men’s mental health mattered (to men) they’d be creating safe spaces for themselves and each other, pursuing therapy, and creating community. instead, they perpetuate the very behaviors systems that have handicapped them in the first place, refuse to support or create community amongst each other, severely damage the women in their lives who try to care for them, and attack women online for not doing the work for them in replies to tweets like the one below lol.

[The Critical Drinker]
People like you made it literally impossible for men to have any spaces/hobbies/clubs/interests/groups or social spaces of their own. People like you mandated that women MUST be included in everything they think and do. And now people like you berate them for not having the very things they're prevented from having. People like you are the problem.

Hyades & MarthaMMC #transphobia

Republicans’ closing argument: an attack on transgender rights

( Hyades )
"Republicans closing argument: an attack on transgender rights fraudsters"

These fucking men/males already have their "rights" - the right to be in areas of undress (lockerooms, etc) around people of their own sex, the same as anyone else. They do NOT have the right to join womens' teams and inflict permanent, lifelong, and completely preventable injuries on women, or commit voyeurism by entering female-only spaces, just to "affirm" themselves. Just no.

It's worth echoing what some here on ovarit have said: Dems, stop giving Republicans talking points.

( MarthaMMC )
"Allred, a former linebacker for the Tennessee Titans, responded to the ads. “I’m a dad. I’m also a Christian. My faith has taught me that all kids are God’s kids. So let me be clear. I don’t want boys playing girls’ sports or any of this ridiculous stuff that Ted Cruz is saying,” Allred says to camera.

In a debate, Allred said again he doesn’t support “boys playing girls’ sports,” but he added, “What I think is that folks should not be discriminated against.”"

He is weaseling around a definite answer. If he thinks TWAW then he can claim trans girls are not boys so boys aren't playing in girls sports. When he says they shouldn't be discriminated against-does he mean TIMs should not be kept out of single sex female spaces because that would be discrimination?

And as far as "gender affirming" care in prison, how is it that this gets covered while pregnant women prisoners don't get proper prenatal care & in some places are chained to the bed during childbirth. Do other male or female prisoners get proper medical care? Do older females get hrt therapy after menopause if they are considered to need it?

The pushing of TRA is an Obama-Biden policy.

Narconon UK #fundie #quack

Narconon UK was ordered by the watchdog to address a “range of shortfalls” after an investigation identified breaches of charity law and issues with management

The charity, which runs a private rehab facility in rural East Sussex, must also be more transparent about its treatment approach and links to the Church of Scientology, the Charity Commission said

The regulatory action comes after a nine-month investigation by the Observer revealed how people seeking help for drug and alcohol issues at Narconon’s Heathfield facility were subjected to psychological drills akin to those used in Scientology’s “auditing” process. Some people would suffer extreme reactions – breakdowns, paranoia or going into “trance-like states” – according to ex-patients and staff, who were also expected to complete the programme. Independent experts said the drills were reminiscent of a military boot camp or “obedience training” and did not appear to be therapeutic

The Observer investigation uncovered evidence of the charity downplaying its links to Scientology[…]
Sheila Maclean, Narconon’s UK manager, said the issues the Charity Commission flagged had been “successfully resolved”, adding: “We appreciate and welcome their guidance and look forward to our continued relationship with the commission in the future”

She said Narconon was “proud of its record of transparency as to the source of its programme and the success of its methods” and that, while it was developed by Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard, “it does not require any religious belief and a person does not become a Scientologist by doing the programme”[…]
The exercises closely resemble ‘training routines’ used in ‘auditing’[…]
Prof Tim Millar, professor of substance use and addictions at Manchester University, said he was astonished by the allegations. During 30 years researching drug treatment in England he said he had never seen such techniques

Little Light Studios #fundie #conspiracy

Is Wild Robot just an another emotional feel good film, or is there something sinister about this new movie

now just think about this spiritually
right we were programmed to follow God
like that's kind of a slam on the
Creator right because if that person
programmed you then then what this movie
is calling for is you need to be
something greater than that so that's
kind of interesting did you notice the
words that they put on the screen though
they always do this in trailers they'll
put words up there that kind of give you
the like the sort of spirit of the film
if you would this one says discover your
true nature now now let's let's consider

Riley Gaines #forced-birth #wingnut

The 1916 Project premiers exclusively on X today.

Planned Parenthood is being exposed for what it really is: a dangerous, destructive, evil business model that declares bodies (and therefore humans) have no purpose or meaning.
8:13 AM · Oct 23, 2024 · 75K Views
628 Reposts 13 Quotes 2,237 Likes 121 Bookmarks

Elijah Schaffer #wingnut #racist

The modern right is so bad at combatting Marxism

We must look at who successfully defeated it in the past

Assuming that H***r is the worst person in history

He did successfully eradicate communism

So we should study at least how he did that and consider whether our current approach of losing could be reevaluated

Perhaps we should study history rather than hide it so that we can learn whatever good there is from the terrible things done in generations past

Is anything he did worse than communism? Certainly not. So it’s in our interest to at least learn from his successes rather than throw the baby out with the bath water on this issue

I mean, do you think James Lindsey and Chris Ruffo are stronger men who can defeat communism through their blogs and X posts? We need to expand our horizons

Who benefits the most from hiding the history of the man who eradicated communism in his country?

Andrew Anglin #racist #dunning-kruger

[From “A Third of Americans Believe Immigrants are “Poisoning the Blood” of America”]

Trump presumably meant this as a metaphor

The people answering the poll, however, are answering a question from people who don’t think it’s a metaphor

The Guardian

A new poll has revealed that more than one-third of Americans agree with Donald Trump’s warning that undocumented immigrants in the US are “poisoning the blood” of America[…]
“This is a truly alarming situation to find this kind of rhetoric, find this kind of support from one of our two major political parties,” said Robert Jones, president and founder of the PRRI, during a presentation of the poll’s findings. “That language is straight out of Mein Kampf. This kind of poisoning the blood, it’s Nazi rhetoric”[…]

It doesn’t matter what Trump thinks. What matters is that people are getting the message. These people are an invasive plague, and they are degrading our racial heritage, weakening us genetically

This happened in Egypt and in India, as well as many other places throughout history. It takes a long time for a race to become great, but the blood of lesser races can pollute it very quickly

There is no path to redemption for the white race other than through the admission that Hitler was right

About everything

NeoGrendizer #pratt #dunning-kruger

Friends, countrymen, fellow degenerate deplorables, the DNC have swapped Biden out for a repeat of the 2016 election on fucking steroids! By EVERY conceivable metric, Trump is spanking Harris's ass before the entire world, and we're applauding him for it! But we still need to go out and vote. I did, the first chance I got I went out and put my mark on the Trump/Vance ticket! But honestly, I'm calling it right now for Trump. And when he does, he's going to enter Washington like Aragorn taking his rightful place in Minas Tirith

various commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia

“A girl was involved in a bathroom fight and likely hit her head on the floor and now I’m afraid I’m going to be MURDERED TOO!!!”

( Edelgard )
I'm a broken record at this point, but I still don't understand why anyone is entertaining enby delusions.

TIMs and TIFs claim to be a type of human that exists. There have been laws prohibiting cross-dressing and violent murders of prostituted TIMs. I can understand why the average Joe would think they're persecuted for "who they are", regardless of my personal feelings on gender.

How could enbies be persecuted when no one, including themselves, know what a non-binary person is supposed to be ?

( hellamomzilla )
Or, every freaking human being alive is “non-binary” because while we all have a biological sex, none of us conforms absolutely to the sex stereotypes overlaid onto human sex.

What I’m saying is NBs are people attempting to make themselves special by being COMPLETELY ORDINARY AND RENAMING IT.

( grenadine )
It's interesting that they say LGBTQ when the perceived persecution TQs face is mostly not complete reverence from women and the LGB community.

Good luck with this very contradictory list, I guess.

( cranberrysalad )
A biology major, eh? What a mess for OP and her teachers.

“Sexuality studies minor” is why so many companies don’t even want college graduates anymore. Even a biology degree, which was a solidly employable STEM degree up until now has been corrupted by this fuckery.

( Riothamus )
It's sick that all sorts of people are telling mentally ill teenagers that they're in danger of murder or suicide based upon complete lies.

They're doing their best to manifest teen suicides.

( Eava )
It is a self fulfilling prophecy. They alienate children from their families, which pushes them into homelessness or other unsafe situations, they turn to prostitution to make money to survive, they get murdered and it is blamed on transphobia.

Or they tell the kids how everyone hates them and doesn't want them to exist, and they're in danger whenever they step out the door, and then when kids commit suicide, they blame transphobia. There is a Kentucky politician whose TIF daughter committed suicide because "it was too hard living with the hatred' or something like that. It was really sad.

Judy Byington/Various Telegram Accounts #wingnut #crackpot #mammon #conspiracy



…The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.)





TUES. 29 OCT. to FRI. 1 NOV.

· On Wed. 23 Oct. the White House will continue to be engulfed with green lights. Green seemed appropriate for this week with the anticipated BRICS announcement of a Global Currency Reset and activation of NESARA/GESARA for The People. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

· On Thurs. 24 Oct. 2024 the EBS Emergency Broadcast System was scheduled to activate in every country of the World, while President Trump and the Global Military Alliance executed the largest Sting Operation in history.

· Sat. 26 Oct. 2024 Med Bed treatments available in the US.

· Starting around Sun. 27 Oct, Mon. 28 Oct. or Tues. 29 Oct. the EBS will be broadcasting documentaries 24/7 on the state of the Global Military Alliance Mass Arrests.

· On Sun. 27 Oct. into Mon. 28 Oct. 2024 Project Sandman (US Dollar crash) was set to kick off.

· Mon. 28 Oct. 2024 Expected Black Monday Market Crash.

· Thurs. 31 Oct. 2024: Q Clock will strike the 00 Marker.

· Tues. 5 Nov. 2024: Three national security sources confirmed that intelligence agencies widely anticipated a nationwide 9/11-style Cyberattack against the U.S. around Election Day. …The General on Telegram

· On Wed. 20 Nov. 2024 Nuremberg Trials 2.0 to begin.

· Tues. 17 Dec. 2024 has been designated by the World Court as a very important date. World Court legal docs demanded that high up Government officials must immediately resign or face arrest. Lower level Government persons have until Sun. 1 Dec. 2024 to resign or face arrest.

W.HGrampa/TRUTHPUPS/BP #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy





What’s really happening behind the scenes and a MASSIVE PLAN

Guilded Military operations connected to Law enforcement, White hats in DOJ ( coming TRUMP administration) are going to reveal a Massive pedophilia network that is running the music industry. ettertainment industry that is all connect to Epstein. Diddy and more ARRESTs COMING and indictments. This massive operations is going to connect to the world drug trade from South America. Mexico to Florida to Canada.

There is a reason Trump. Military. Alliance is saving the EXPOSURE of EPSTEIN. CIA. Diddy top TOP MUSIC EXECUTIVES CEOs for last….. It’s GOING TO>.>UNITE THE COUNTRY ( after the near civil war events and near U.S.collapse )
When the truth is told about everything, it will be too much for a lot of Humans and nervous breakdowns will be common, unfortunately; and we don’t even want to think about the suicides.

Catherine Austin Fitts/Greg Hunter #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #mammon

Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), gives her take on gold, Trump, control, cash, murder and water. On gold’s rocket rise, CAF says, “Gold is very important. We divide gold into two positions: Your ‘core’ position and your ‘investment’ position. . . ."

Why the big move up now? CAF says, “Part of it is the incredible monetary policies and the monetary inflation coming from the central banks. The other is too many people are watching government implode in a variety of different ways, and people are saying I want a core position in gold. We are also seeing the BRICs move to put gold and silver in a position to be used as a currency.
On Trump, what is the first thing he should do if re-elected? CAF says, “He should stop the poisoning of the American people. This is one of the reasons we did this issue on water. The American people are being poisoned. . . . I travel a lot by car. I see deterioration in the air, in the water, in the food–they are being poisoned. And, of course, the big one is the CV19 vaccines. Vaccines are poisoning Americans. There was just a big ruling against putting fluoride poison being added to municipal water supplies. One of the things you can do is to march down to your city or county and tell them to stop wasting money on putting poison in your water. If you reverse that, it is one important action you can take.”

The Deep State and central bankers want total control of your money and your life. Fitts says this is why she started pushing the use of cash instead of digital transactions. She calls it “Make Cash Great Again.” . . . If we don’t fix the finances from an actuarial standpoint, they are going to continue to delay benefits or lower life expectancy, and that is what they are doing. They are balancing the books by lowering life expectancy.”

Rev. Joel Webbon #fundie

Joel Webbon declared that the world would be “better” if the “Christian crusaders had won” their battles. In a discussion with fellow Christian nationalist Andrew Isker, Webbon also claimed that the “modern state of Israel” will one day “belong to Christians”

Webbon, who leads the Covenant Baptist Church and recently called the number of Jews murdered in the Holocaust “exaggerated,” made the remarks on a video titled “Why Talmudic Judaism Is A Perversion Of The Old Testament”

Webbon explained to Andrew Isker that “Wherever the church gathers on the Lord’s day, whether it be in Asia, or whether it be in Russia, or whether it be here in these United States, that … in the truest, highest eternal sense, is Jerusalem.” However, he added that the actual city of Jerusalem nonetheless “belongs to Christ”

And he also defended the Crusades[…]
“And in a symbolic sense, in a historical sense, as a monument to God’s glory, and His faithfulness, and His — yeah we want to take Jerusalem,” Webbon said. “And also, even in an economic sense, in a foreign affairs peace sense, if the Crusaders, the Christian Crusaders, had won, the world would be different. It would be better

Webbon also said that while the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 was “one of the biggest mistakes that the West got involved and made happen,” it currently belongs to Israelis who have a “right to self-defense.” However, he added the caveat that the Israelis will one day “lose the land” to Christians

Webbon explained that Israelis have a right to the land, they “do not have an eternal, indefinite, divine right” to it

“It will belong to Christians,” Webbon predicted, “and it may belong to those particular people or their descendants who will become Christians and convert to Christ, because the knowledge of the glory of God will cover the whole Earth as the waters cover the sea”

“Amen,” Andrew Isker said in response

Lily Nova/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy

In 2020, Lily Nova took up a new hobby of astrophotography and soon found evidence of UFOs in the many photos and videos she was taking. She noticed some UFOs responded to her mental suggestions, and Nova also recorded golden orbs near her. She began seeing and communicating with one of the orb operators, who turned out to be a blue-skinned female from the Andromeda Constellation called Talia. Over the subsequent months, Talia trained Nova to develop her telepathic, remote viewing, and other psychic abilities. Nova also began communicating with other extraterrestrials traveling in UFOs, which she recorded using time-lapse photography.

More recently, in 2024, Nova traveled to an underground facility in Rock City, Illinois, where she remote viewed Arachnoid and Draco extraterrestrials, along with Illuminati officials and scientists operating in deeper levels of the base conducting abusive genetic experiments on human subjects. She found evidence of human trafficking involving children that was still happening at Rock City. She was told that the Andromedans are working with an Earth Alliance, which was soon to take military action to liberate Rock City and other Deep State underground installations.

various commenters #transphobia

( Lynch )
"People can't change who they are!" (why is this so constantly said when demanding acceptance of transgenderism?)
Reading and watching many discussions about transgenderism over and over I keep hearing some version of "people can't change who they are" coming from those in support of transgenderism and I wonder how they think this makes any sense. Also doesn't it basically begs the question assuming they are born in the wrong body and/or are not just mistaken about who or what they think they are?

( lesbiansherlock )
Because that’s what gay people used to say to try to make straight people understand it’s not a choice to be gay. They are just doing what they do, constantly stealing and lying.

I don’t think they care about making sense, nothing in their theology does. They’re just trying to play on people’s emotions.

( Tanana )
This. Just stealing from the lesbians and gays like usual. And yes logic is the least of their concern, otherwise they would realize that if people can't change who they are then "transition" isn't possible, they can't go from M to F if they can't change. Stupid as usual.

( notsofreshfeeling )
By adopting transgender terminology, you redefine everyone else to include members of the opposite sex in their identity. When you refer to a man as "she," you make the words I use for myself and other women meaningless. Why is okay for you to change who I am?

( VestalVirgin )
No idea what they want to say with this, either. No one demands that gender specials change their genderfeelz, after all. We aren't the ones persecuting thoughtcrime. We just refuse to play along.

I can't change who I am, and I happen to be able to tell the difference between women and men. Gender specials demand that I change this, so if anything, they are the ones demanding that people change who they are.

( AsterRising )
God, I hate this argument so much. Trans activists will say "people can't change who they are" but then admit their entire identity is based around cultural gender norms. I really wish someone would tell them you can't have it both ways - you can't claim to be "born this way," like gay people are, and then insist that your identity is culturally specific

various commenters #transphobia

The NHS says trans women should breastfeed babies. This is unforgivable | The Spectator

( Women1st )

I have some sympathy for these poor men. They’re driven mad by hormones and the mental strain of trying to believe they’re female.

No. Zero sympathy. These are child sexual predators. Their fixation is akin to a sociopath fixating on how to take a life.

( BondiBlue )

Their fixation is akin to a sociopath fixating on how to take a life.

Buffalo Boobs.

“It puts the moob juice on its skin or else it gets the hose again.”

( Women1st )
It’s child sexual abuse. Babies aren’t props or Guinea pigs. These men are predators.

( AsterRising )
Our society has genuinely gone beyond the pale when people are willing to sacrifice babies to the whims of this cult. It breaks my heart to think about the damage being done to children to appease men's twisted fetishes. I keep wondering where the moms are in this situation - what kind of women would allow this to be done to their kids?

( Dwarfjade )
These babies are going to grow up traumatized. I know I would be if I was breastfed by a male.

( klytaimestra )
No one knows what the mental and physical impact is. Extreme trauma, no doubt - but how will that manifest; and what are the physical effects?

I don't know if there's anything comparable from history where babies would have been subjected to sexual experimentation by the state at this scale. Horrifying.

( Dwarfjade )
You’re completely right. The more I think about it, the worse it gets… All so these men can find some sick satisfaction. Meanwhile, actual women still face harassment while breastfeeding in public.

Vasilisa #transphobia

Bill C-63 in Canada - a new tool to oppress women

This is a bill that purports to protect children from online exploitation (good! if only!) but sneaks in words that are absolutely shocking. Here is is, talking about “hate crimes”:

320.‍1001 (1) Everyone who commits an offence under this Act or any other Act of Parliament, if the commission of the offence is motivated by hatred based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for life.

And “hate” is defined as

hatred means the emotion that involves detestation or vilification and that is stronger than disdain or dislike; (haine)

This can be used to punish and harass women in so many ways. I feel I’m practically “back in the USSR”. What next? Siberia? Gulag?

I think we’ll have a jolly good time meeting one another in prison, dear Canadian Ovarites. Personally, I am well past the zone of mere “dislike”, and well into “detestation” …and I think many of you are, too. And how can you NOT detest the TIMs? Today as I was reading about the “chest feeding” I felt myself sinking into the very red zone of “vilification”.

It will not take long for this bill, if enacted in its current form, to start making victims. Imprisonment for life! Not for pedophiles, murderers, serial killers, but for detesting TIMs.

Hotgambler #transphobia

[Response to an essay by a transphobic mother expressing grief over her child transitioning]

Your son is autogynephilic. Heterosexual male, with a sexual obsession to be female. This is the only type of gender dysphoria that gets worse, more intense, with age.

Get him Helen Joyce’s book, “Trans,” as a primer.

Get him any of Walt Heyer’s self-published books on Amazon. Walt is an older Detrans guy.

You can watch his videos on YouTube.

You can only do so much with an AGP. Good luck.

Dr. Abby Johnson #forced-birth #wingnut

I’m a woman. A good economy, strong border, parent’s rights in the classroom, and safe neighborhoods are way more important to me than the right to kill a child in the womb. I’m not voting for baby murder.
8:11 AM · Oct 18, 2024 · 12.6K Views
155 Reposts 4 Quotes 974 Likes 5 Bookmarks

Darren Blair #wingnut #dunning-kruger

The term “Intellectual Dark Web” was created as a smear against a group of academics, pundits, and others who actively rejected “progressive” politics despite being in the exact fields where “progressive” politics tends to find the most fertile soil.

The idea was to scare people away from looking these individuals up or anything that they had to say, part of a larger effort on the part of a number of people who do practice “progressive” politics to try and prevent competing ideas from being heard.

Megasaurus , syntaxerror & delicate_silicate #transphobia

( Megasaurus )
So many AGPs are MRAs/incels/'former' neoNazis. They're the worst dudes.

( syntaxerror )
The incel to TIM pipeline is real. A lot of them even admit it

A common phrase you hear is “I couldn’t date the hot (goth/gamer/bimbo) girl I dreamed about, so I became her,” said without a trace of self reflection

( delicate_silicate )
There is a guide that has detailed instructions on how to do this. It's been passed around here a few times and it's quite a fascinating read. I think it's called "guide to transmaxing" or something like that.

LordDuckzz21 #sexist

Women are literally the most privileged people to have ever existed. Women literally spend their whole lives never having to work for anything. They don't need to get a job because daddy and their boyfriend/husband finances their whole life. The only reason they even go to college is to be a whore. Their never lonely because they have thousands of men and women willing to interact with them on a daily basis. Any woman, no matter what she looks or acts like, can go outside for less than 5 minutes and get a boyfriend and hundreds of friends instantly.

On top of all that, the entire world bends over backward for women. A woman could fall and scrap her knee and have hundreds of people checking on her and asking if she's okay. If I guy were to fall and scrap his knee, no one would notice or care. The only time women have any problems is not being able to choose which Chad they should spread their legs for tonight.

And having a bunch of people interested in you is absolutely a privilege. You will know what it's like to go years without someone's touch. You will never know what it's like to have an accomplishment and no one to share it with. You will never have nights crying yourself to sleep because you know one will care if you killed yourself tonight. Foods get to live their whole lives, knowing they're loves and care for without having to do anything to earn. Foids are handed perfect lives for just existing. So yes, you Foids are privileged.

Ga Ra and Za Ra #ufo #magick #elitist #mammon

Ancient Ones are Individualized Consciousnesses who made a free will decision to send Beyond Bliss Unconditional Love Energies to a planet in a distant solar system to save humanity from extinction 12,000 years ago. These advanced Individualized Consciousnesses were personally thanked by one of the Great Spirit’s highest level representatives.
This opportunity to rapidly expand Consciousness, excited over 100,000 advanced Individualized Consciousnesses who made a free will decision to descend from their Unity Consciousness levels in the heaven of Actuality down into the 3rd dimensional level of hell in Reality and incarnate on planet earth

Ancient Ones feel different from others, preferring relaxing in high level Love Energy activities. This is why we, Ga Ra and Za Ra, created Love Fests so Ancient Ones could gather each week and enjoy heightened levels of Unconditional Love Energies without leaving the comfort of their homes.

But, due to new age charlatans and the proliferation of wireless technological energies, people are no longer interested in expanding Consciousness using Unconditional Love Energies to help themselves and others. Therefore, we, Ga Ra and Za Ra, created a way for Ancient Ones to use Love Energy Techniques and gain, during one Love Fest, the equivalent of a year of all day meditations in a retreat
Love Fests use a free teleconferencing center so you may call the center directly using your home phone or connect using “Skype” on your computer. We begin each Love Fest with our free form Dance of Light to cleanse our physical bodies and Energy Bodies from all unpleasant energies directed at us by angry people and wireless technological energies.
Visiting the higher levels of heaven requires one to have at least a 1st and a 2nd level Energy Body. Thus, Love Fests are only open to those who have completed our weekend Activator Class.

Kerry Cassidy #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

MY COMMENTARY on Remote Viewing the future of humanity.

I took a look at two RV targets by the FUTURE FORECASTING GROUP and at the same time viewed the COURTNEY BROWN recent video called CRISIS: Farsight’s ET Board Meeting.
Meanwhile around this same time, Courtney Brown and his viewers are having conversations with ETs about an imminent CRISIS that according to the ETs they are communicating with, must happen in order to interfere with the grid/control structure which has already been erected. That control structure includes pervasive surveillance and an electromagnetic grid. This must be at least partially broken down through kinetic actions of the people now and in the next 3 months in order to take down the NWO Satanic Controllers.

If we look at Dick Allgire's recent viewing group target "Civil War" that outcome says yes we will have civil war. If you take Daz Smith's outcome of his target regarding which candidate will "win"... It would appear that conditions will be met when Kamala wins (through stealing) if the people recognize this, expose it and then rebel.

This would satisfy the ET necessary conditions for the complete changeover to happen on our planet and the resulting "catastrophic disclosure" needed to FREE our planet from the CONTROLLERS.. both negative ETs and their human counterparts the NWO/satanic cabal. So whereas having Kamala "win" is a bad thing the outcome for humanity will be ultimately be good if the people take things into their own hands and rebel. Through the chaos that ensues, the grid will, in theory be disabled long enough for the people to take back control.

This is seen by this group of ETs as possibly a once in a lifetime opportunity for our planet to break the chains of the controllers. It appears that the Q/white hat/Trump coalition reached this same conclusion. With the help of the military (Trump and the white hats) this may indeed be possible.

An Angry Patriot #wingnut #transphobia #racist #quack #conspiracy

And here’s why she’s so dangerous: Because Comrade Harris is all for:

• Cutting off the penises of young boys so they can’t make babies when they’re older, and can’t grow one back no matter how many penis enlargement surgeries they do.

• Slicing off the breasts of young girls so they can’t breast feed the babies they can’t make because they had their ovaries and uteruses taken out.
• Promoting Gender Dysphoria diagnoses like there’s no tomorrow so that the kids can be quickly put on puberty blockers and other powerful body- and mind-altering pharmaceutical drugs with extremely detrimental side effects.

• Putting tampon machines in the boys’ bathrooms and locker rooms so they can deal with their drug-induced menstruation.
• Pushing for the legalization of recreational marijuana in every state even after states like Oregon and Colorado have shown it to be an unmitigated disaster.

• Keeping the borders wide open so that waves of illegal alien invasions can unlawfully come in as they steal billions upon billions taxpayer dollars since they are criminals who have violated US Immigration Laws. Of course, many of the alien criminal gangs are stealing from US citizens 24/7 in all 50 states.
• Approving the hundreds of billions of dollars of aid given to the warmongering and unelected Ukraine president who is hellbent on genociding every last Christian Slavic Ukrainian male.
• Hard selling the extremely dangerous and weaponized Covid clotshots, cancershots and killshots, even for the administration of those lethal jabs for babies 6 months and older. Whether the intention was full-scale genocide or just an Extinction Level Event remains to be seen.
• Selecting a VPOTUS who is clearly a criminal pedophile in light of the bombshell testimony provided by two victimized high schoolers who have recently gone public. Harris has even expressed a very strong sympathy towards pedophilia going so far as to suggest it should not be classified a crime.

Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy

With one notable exception, nothing substantial is going to change when Donald Trump wins the presidential election in November.

And by substantial, I mean policy that affects our country's moral foundation. Policy that literally saves souls.

So let's start with the economy, because for the majority of brain-addled, selfish Americans, that's the only issue that counts.

The economy will improve under Trump. But so what? What can you buy with the extra money Trump is going to put into your pocket that you can't buy now?
Illegal immigration will decrease, but legal immigration, which is just as bad, will increase. The country will continue to be flooded with undesirables.
Look at the millions of fake Christians and sniveling cuckservatives who cheered the torture and murder of Palestinian children, and the brutal suppression and arrest of anyone who peacefully protested that torture and murder. That blood lust is not going away under Trump.

Look at the millions of low-IQ retards who want Trump to lose. They are the most annoying people to ever walk the face of the earth. Homos and pedophiles (the same thing), trannies, BLM, liberal White women . . . They push for pronouns, face diapers, and fake vaccines that cripple and kill. They promote abortion, racism, trannyism, open borders, gun confiscation, the sexual molestation and mutilation of children, the hatred and suppression of White men, the destruction of the Constitution, and more. They're not going to change when Trump resumes office. They're going to turn Trump Derangement Syndrome into the biggest mental health crisis in American history.

Women will continue to murder their own babies. Men will continue to jerk off to pornography. Libtards will continue to molest and sexually mutilate children. Cuckservatives and fake Christians will continue to crawl on their knees and pledge their obedience to Israel. None of those things are going to change.

Laura Wood #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger

[From “Kamala vs. Columbus”]

KAMALA Harris delivered the above statement yesterday in “honor” of “Indigenous People’s Day.” Of course, we’ve long known what it would mean when the name of this day was changed from Columbus Day and given this mouthful of a name. Communists love to change holidays and to eradicate the roots of the people they conquer — while maintaining their own. Still Kamala’s openly Marxist comments and undisguised contempt (notice her facial expressions) for America’s origins — on a day once devoted to patriotism — are shocking even for her. These are the words of a dangerous revolutionary. Furthermore, they are false, or at the very least highly slanted

Columbus Day used to be a day to love America. Now it’s a day to hate it. Again, look at the anger. She has all but said, “Get Whitey”

“We must not shy away” from the truth, Harris says

The truth is, no people have been more interested in the crimes of their ancestors than European-Americans[…]They do not “shy away” from admitting wrongs

The truth is, most white Americans have heard and indulged a great deal about the sins of their collective past. Now, they need to “not shy away” from what their forefathers did right in civilizing the often-violent native peoples, who were engaged in continual warfare with each other

Jeff Fyn-Paul in his book Not Stolen: The Truth About European Colonialism in the New World[…]is one author who does a fairly good job of debunking one myth of Columbus and genocidal Europeans:

[W]hile it is true that thousands of people died as a result of Spanish maladministration and forced labor (perhaps up to twenty-five thousand over the course of fifty years), the number of Indigenous people killed in military engagements or wanton violence probably numbered about two or three thousand[…]The great majority of those who died—easily over 90 percent—were victims of disease rather than cruelty[…]

Stephen Greene #dunning-kruger

As the entire world knows by now, Donald Trump spent a little time this weekend "working" at a McDonald's drive-thru in Feasterville-Trevose, Pennsylvania. It was a campaign event, so of course it was staged, but the Left's outrage — I'm not even sure it's feigned — told you everything you need to know about how effective it was to see a billionaire former/future POTUS appearing so cheerful and confident working the crowd and the fryer.

Remember: all presidential campaign events are staged. So the question isn't whether or not they're genuine; the question is whether or not they're effective. Somewhat paradoxically, if the candidate appears genuine, that goes a long way — probably all the way — to making the event effective.

various commenters #transphobia

And how, pray tell, can you be sexually attracted to a feeling in someone else’s head?

( istara )
Homosexual not homogender

( Unicorn )
Homogender lmao. I like it.

Let's start coining homogender and heterogender. If TIPs think gender is all that matters, while other people still live in reality where realize sexual beings are attracted to people with certain sexual organs, we can use words for them that better explain and delineate their sexist thinking.

Also I bet a lot of men nowadays are "heterogender" after decades of pornsickness and normalized misogyny. They're not attracted to female people, they're attracted to feminine ideals. Hence why there are men okay with HSTS partners who tend to rigidly perform femininity.

( MaryDyer )
I second this. I’ve started a rough draft of their new dictionary so they can stop stealing and twisting OUR words:

Gender: one’s internal sense of affinity for outdated sex-based stereotypes

Moman/birl: a male who identifies with the gender (sex-based stereotypes) historically associated with females

Wan/goy: a female who identifies with the gender (sex-based stereotypes) historically associated with males

Gender orientation: the gender that you are genderally attracted to

Genderal intercourse: also known as “having gender”; the joining together of two genders in a pleasurable union. See also: mind meld

Heterogenderal: attracted to the opposite gender

Homogenderal: attracted to the same gender

Mazerbae: a homogenderal moman

Wazerbae: a homogenderal wan

( istara )
Also, one can of course be both (effectively "super straight" - or "super gay" - that sounds fabulous, doesn't it?!)

( pennygadget )
"I wasn't initially attracted to that woman over there because I'm not a lesbian. But now that I see the 'he/him' pronoun badge, I suddenly see the inner man soul and want to ask him out!!" 😍

Sobchak Security LLC #wingnut

Proponents of Gun Control are in effect, complicit in the idea that the state should have a monopoly on violence. While this might comfort the Liberal concept that they know best and shall protect the meek, Walter is terrified by this notion. It goes without saying that Walter trusts individuals far more than he believes in governments and citizens in aggregate. Sure, one person can do something stupid, but for sheer idiocracy and tyranny, you need to get a few hundred people together. Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, but a disarmed population is far easier to bring into heal than an armed one. Oh hell, Walter's rambling again, on his soap box shouting to bowlers that largely agree with him. However, there’s a point to Walter’s rant; next time a bowler's at a family meal, a few white Russians or oat sodas deep, and feels gravity sucking you towards the urge to argue with a septum pierced, purple haired relative, remind them that by supporting gun control, they are assuring a monopoly on violent power to the very people they claim are corrupt, compromised, colonizing, racist, misogynistic or whatever woke bingo terms are in vogue that week. If that concept isn't grasped by their room temperature IQ, show them that you can meet them in the middle and tell them that, "Hell like you, I believe in gun control. USING BOTH HANDS!!!!"

Kevin Downey Jr. #transphobia #pratt #fundie

I've decided I will no longer "tolerate" people who believe I am Old Gooseberry himself because I think it's sick to ginsu a teen lad's genitals into Play-Doh.

The LGBT movement began by asking for “tolerance.” Then they wanted “acceptance.” Now they insist we straight men Drive Mr. Daisy or else the gaystapo will shriek “TRANSPHOBE!” at me as I walk by with my very real Puerto Rican fiancé.

As a former New York City liberal, I know the crushing pressure your screeching, man-bunned clown-in-law feels when it comes to obeisance to the narrative. In the world of the libs, thinking for oneself means complete ostracization. Zhe will no longer be invited to drink with Friday's after-work appletini posse. And forget about hooking up with that flocculent-nostrilled, fubsy Madison chick, who has insisted everyone call her "Mad" since she got that tattoo of George Floyd across her forehead.

I am over the days of "tolerating" a person whose political views include sending me to a gulag for walking the "wrong way" down the aisle at Kroger during a fictitious pandemic.

I haven't seen a Harris-Walz yard sign in my hood -- though I find new Trump flags every day -- but if I did see one I would know that the person who posted it plans to vote for open borders, more crime, inflation, the end of the 1st and 2nd Amendments, and perhaps the death of our Republic. How can I "tolerate" a communist? I can't.

Ben Bartee #transphobia

Every week, our neoliberal overlords exhort us to clap like seals at the latest stunning and brave “first” by some pioneering transgender.

In reality, what these feats usually amount to is a gentleman applying womanface and going what hundreds if not billions of front hole women have done before him — in this case, performing an affected and deeply unnatural walk in underwear for the gratification of strangers and weird fashion reporters.

Ben Bartee #transphobia

If we accept this framing, opposing “gender transitions” for elementary school children is de facto bullying, whereas trans “advocates” become the heroes.

In reality, the inverse is true; proponents of sane education policy understand that promoting transgenderism among first-graders – too young to conceptualize gender in any meaningful, informed way — is an egregious, reprehensible abuse of authority.

The promoters of the trans agenda who hide behind empathy shields do untold harm in reality, evident in the heartbreaking stories of regret from so-called “de-transitioners” – those individuals who were subjected to the transgender propaganda in their youth and, sadly, followed through, only to regret their ill-informed choices later in life

Dave Blount #wingnut #racist

[From “Moonbats and Columbus Day”]

On Columbus Day yesterday, countermoonbats honored one of the greatest men who ever lived for spreading European culture to the New World, where it displaced Stone Age barbarism. Democrats mark the day by expressing the hatred of civilization that is the cornerstone of their ideology:

On Monday, past comments made by Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris about Columbus Day recirculated the internet. Vice President Harris slammed the traditional annual honoring of Columbus for not telling the “whole story” and referred to America’s history as “shameful” in a 2021 statement. She also referred to the holiday by the controversial name “Indigenous People’s Day”[…]

Leftists give Columbus zero credit for radically improving the standard of living of the brutal savages who came to this hemisphere before Europeans. In their Manichean ideology, Columbus and “indigenous people” are polar opposites. They call Columbus Day “Indigenous People’s Day” for the same reason they might start calling Christmas “Satan Day”

Looks like Commiela wants to make the name change official at the federal level[…]
What part of “We hate America to its core and intend to destroy it” do people not understand?

@whatifalthist #wingnut

Wokeness is a greater threat to the survival of Western civilization than either the Marxists or Nazis ever were. Don't treat them as silly ivory tower fools who mean well. They're a nihilistic suicide cult that wants to destroy everything you love and they've gained control of all the levers of power. They're trying to shove 20 sleeping pills down right now and it's our duty to be their conscious and have a come to Jesus moment after the 4th Benadryl

various commenters #transphobia

Women voters pushed toward Trump over rising trend of transgender athletes in girls’ sports

( Leithriel )
We can fix abortion rights - but *only *if we can protect women as a sex class in law.

I do not trust the democrats to do so. Thus, I am voting for Trump.

( pennygadget )
This is a good point. How can we advocate for abortion and other women's issues if Democrats like Katanji Brown-Jackson tremble like frightened animals when asked to define what a woman is or which people get pregnant?

( Itzpapalotl )
Yeah. Women are sick of men pretending to be us. We’re sick of the blatant lies, sick of children being needlessly medicated, sick of men in female prisons, in female rape shelters, in female changing rooms, bathrooms and sports.

We are women, distinct from men. We deserve dignity, privacy and the right to say no to men and their BS misogynist ideology.

( overanddone )
how much of Dem political support for gender insanity is due to chasing money from large donors of the leftist variety and how much is due to "this is what I believe." ?

( CryingInYourInbox )
Any woman who thinks Trump and AGP Vance are gonna smother TRAs agency with the rabid fervor that they did with abortion rights has worms for brains

Vote for fucking Kamala or an AGP is going to turn you in to for having a miscarriage in the female bathroom and will probably receive a financial reward for doing so

Those are your options

( jelliknight )
This is one of the most important and stupidest elections in history

How are we going to explain to future high school students that everyone knew he was probably going to be a dictator with dementia, but we kinda had to elect him anyway because the other side kept insisting they didnt know what a woman was.

Imagine if Hitler got elected because the opposition were insisting that crayons are tasty and nutritious, and everyone should eat them 3x a day.

( Smartierthanthou )
I am a feminist. Never in my life did I think that the Democrat party would be forcing me to choose between my own bodily autonomy or sexual autonomy for women. I'm hopeful that there's a capacity for reflection and reform from the Democrats, but I am utterly disgusted with them as an institution.


Wayne Allyn Root #fundie #wingnut

I was reading the Bible this morning and I found the perfect verse that explains the success of Donald Trump…

Isiah 40:30-31

Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

It’s almost like God created this verse for Donald Trump and this moment in history.

Trump is our energy.

Trump renews our strength.

With Trump, we mount up with wings like eagles.

With Trump we run, we are not weary.

Trump inspires us. Trump gives us hope. Trump gives us confidence in victory. Trump gives us just a touch of arrogance. Maybe God understands that’s exactly what we need right at this last possible moment to save America.

This man is our warrior. This man is our miracle. This man is our “Chosen One.”

Ken Ham #fundie

After events like the recent devastating hurricane in North Carolina, many people wonder “why did God create a world with so much death and suffering?”

Well the short answer is, we can’t look at this broken, fallen creation to understand what the original perfect creation was like. We are living in this fallen world. We’ve never experienced a perfect one, only Adam and Eve did. But this world isn’t the one God made—it’s a broken version of God’s “very good” creation.

We need to look to God’s Word to understand why the present world is the way it is—and that means understanding the literal history in Genesis 1-11 concerning the perfect creation, marred by sin and being judged with death and the curse.

We now live in a groaning world (Romans 8:22) and it’s not God’s fault, it’s our fault as our sin in Adam caused these problems.
10:08 PM · Oct 18, 2024 · 4,249 Views
53 Reposts 162 Likes 3 Bookmarks

Brent Johnson #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy

Numerous Trump-aligned media figures have accused the Federal Emergency Management Agency and its officials of committing treason over its handling of Hurricane Helene[…]
SGT Report is a far-right show that promotes conspiracy theories, including QAnon. Trump administration officials Kash Patel, Peter Navarro, and Mike Flynn have appeared on the show

The show ran an episode that included the description: “Chaos, death and destruction brought to you by the criminal and treasonous Biden-Harris administration. The official tally of the dead from hurricane Helene currently stands at 227 but thousands of Americans are missing and presumed dead and FEMA under Biden-Harris is doing LESS THAN NOTHING, in fact, FEMA is standing in the way of search and recovery. Brent Johnson believes these corrupt politicians should be tried and hanged from the neck until dead for their treason. LISTEN!”

During the program, the host began by claiming: “It is treason. In fact, friends, it's worse than treason. I want you to think about this. If you planned a war against the people over which you rule using their own money and resources, isn't this just exactly how you would do it?”

Brent Johnson, a fringe commentator and author, said: “My solution, though, is considered to be a bit too radical. I would haul them all out. I would have the militia come in, pick them up, OK? Whisk them away someplace, try them, convict them and execute them, hang them by the necks till they're dead and let their dead bodies rot while people see what is done to treasonous government thugs. But, hey, that's just me, you know? And people would say, ‘I'm being outrageous. I'm being, I'm being too radical. I'm being, you know, I want war.’ I don't want war. I'm actually one of the most peace loving people around. But these people are vicious and evil.” He later added: “I believe it's way past time for an armed revolution”

Grayson Bakich #fundie

As Kamala is on stage fear mongering about abortion, someone shouts “Jesus is Lord!” To which she replies:

“Oh, I think you guys are at the wrong rally.”

Christians are not welcome in Kamala’s Democrat Party. Vote accordingly.

Everyone in the "crowd" was yukking it up and cheering for Harris's response. I normally live by Hanlon's Razor ("Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by stupidity"), but I cannot think of any feasible way that essentially saying, "You're not welcome here" in response to the phrase "Jesus is Lord" is anything other than intentional.

QuWave #magick #quack #ufo #mammon

With the new Schumann Pendant you can always be exposed to the Earth’s Natural Heartbeat and reap its many health benefits.
The Schumann Pendant generates the dominant 7.83Hz Earth’s Heartbeat Frequency as well as four additional harmonics. In addition the pendant also generates several Schumann Harmonic frequencies
Because we are constantly being exposed to external negative electronic influences and to electro pollution, we are no longer in sync with the Earth’s natural frequencies which can lead to all sorts of health issues. The lack of exposure to the natural Schumann Resonance is linked to many ill effects in human wellbeing and can also affect human consciousness. Built with the newest microprocessor technology, the Schumann Pendant is small and light and you can wear it on you all the time. Wherever you are, you can now relax and bask in the comfort of soothing and powerful healing vibrations. It generates a scalar field that delivers electrical frequencies to your body’s energy system. The Schumann Pendant has specifically tuned frequencies that act on the Bio-field of your body. It does not produce any sounds or vibration.
Select from 7 vibrations for the various Schumann harmonics, incl. a cycle mode that alternates frequencies to work each of the harmonic sequence.
7.83Hz Dominant Schumann Resonance Frequency
14.3Hz First Order Harmonic Schumann Frequency
20.8Hz Second Order Harmonic Schumann Frequency
27.3Hz Third Order Harmonic Schumann Frequency
33.8Hz Fourth Order Harmonic Schumann Frequency
38Hz Electro pollution healing Frequency
Cycle through all frequencies
We generate a powerful Scalar Wave with Mobius Coils and modulate it with lower frequency brain stimulating signals. The benefits of these frequencies are multiplied by hundreds of times over just listening to musical tones for a short period of time.

Lisa Renee #magick #ufo #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

Many people from all walks of life are sensing the urgency of the immense dark encroachment of the controllers in their desperation to implement planetary enslavement agendas through attempting to roll out yet more tyrannical authoritarian measures against the citizens. They are carrying out assorted nefarious agendas while hiding behind the façades of those deliberately spreading false narratives, incessantly parroted by the approved sources of the fully captured mainstream media.
This phase of the final conflict holds the emotional pain, the waves of incredible grief and sadness coming from the hidden histories of humanity’s true seeds of immense suffering, the Fall of Atlantis, during the Lohas historical timeline trigger event. The defeat at Lohas was the utter collapse and destruction of the Albion stargate network being protected by the remaining Celtic Maji Grail Kings holding the Rod and Staff arc tools in the 11th stargate for Universal Father’s Solar Logos emanation, King Arthur.
Additionally, the magnetic field was reversed, the hibernation zones of metatronic fields were inserted, the planet went into an Ice Age, the Celtic-Druid Kings protecting the stargates were killed or put in stasis, and the NAA and their fallen alliances began to implement the frequency fences for establishing a prison planet. This set forth the thousands of years of gradual infiltration that culminated in angelic humanity’s forced reincarnation, the introduction of the alien invaders hybridization programs along with a significantly shortened life span in the captured world deeply suffering from the hidden invasion histories. Capture of the Lohas 11th Stargate grid network contains the causal events of how our planet digressed into its current state of war-torn remnants filled with human enslavement, abject poverty and global human trafficking running in the inverted fragments of the once peaceful world we had shared together as one collective race.

Kabamur Taygeta #ufo #wingnut #magick #conspiracy

<Bashar is an extraterrestrial being who channeling on the 2024 Election predicted Kamala will lead to full alien disclosure and Trump to WW3. But not who will win.>

While I respect Bashar’s past teachings via Daryl Anka this latest message is very different and needs to be addressed.

We are all co-creating the future from the ‘now’ moment. There aren’t people living in the future or future time travelers.

Because of changing variables even higher beings like Pleiadians can only see a limited distance into the future with accuracy.

Bashar can’t see the future and has no connection to Earth or the Shift. When Bashar says “we’re normally not allowed to comment on such things” he means he’s not allowed by Galactic Federation, and that has never changed.

Channeling can be influenced by a person’s thoughts. We’re sharing telepathy from Pleiadians, not channeling. I believe Daryl Anka’s liberal views are the motivation behind this communication.

Don’t be confused, Kamala Harris is a puppet of warmongers who will do everything possible to destroy America and serve the interests of the s*****c cabal, and Donald Trump promotes peace and is protected by forces of light.

Trust yourself.

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