RE: Harris on TIM Prisoners and Gender Affirming Care
( overanddone )
I disagree vehemently with Democrats on this issue. I will continue to fight after the election for Democrats (people in general really) to end the trans cult stranglehold on instituitons and laws.
I will send my donations to WoLF, because they are fighting this insanity in the courts and by working with lawmakers to make progress removing men from women's spaces, no matter who wins the election.
But I will vote for her and hold my nose. The alternative is terrifying,.
( LizardQ )
I feel like there is a creepy aspect of using inmates for experimental surgeries/medical practices too. Sure, these guys want it, but they're also insane. It's not ethical to do that, and them being prisoners makes it even less ethical (before we get to the idea of taxes paying for it even). I think this has potential to be a disturbing slippery slope. It's not like it'd be the first time incarcerated people would be medically experimented on.
( StrawberryCough )
The only bright spot in this is, if Harris wins, I think Team Blue could possibly be pushed into stepping back on Trans, if we get enough weight behind it, and maybe some money.
( Biologia )
I mean, this is the closest to legalized permanent sterilization of sex offenders that we can reach before it impacts freedom. I think we should cover bottom surgery on males for this reason. It also allows us to do research and improve surgical techniques on a larger scale. I say line them up- and maybe argue to have a separate prison dedicated to this.
Just my opinion.
( DoomedSibyl )
Doesn’t matter, most TIMs don’t want SRS. Depending on where you read, either 94% or 96% of trans identified males are fully intact and intend to stay that way. They want the other surgeries (bolt ons, body contouring, facial feminization surgery) to feed their fetish. TIMs definitely don’t want to lose the sexual function.
There’s a possibility that the American taxpayer will be paying for cosmetic surgeries for trans criminals, including the higher percentage of rapists in the TIM population. What’s next? TERFs will be forced to send them affirming care packages?