
Racism, including ethnic hatred, nationalism and equating religion to race

BladingEagle #racist #sexist #transphobia #wingnut incels.is

JFL I am so unique and different

>I want open borders
>I want one mixed race world
>I want all firearms to be banned
>I want to ban "hate" speech
>I think POC are oppressed
>I think trannies are oppressed
>I think racism is mental illness but gender dysphoria isn't
>I think women should have abortions
>I think people should take vaccines
>I think nazis were the worst people
>I think blacks are being killed by police for being black
>I think white men have all the power
>I think women are oppressed
>I think Myanmar is evil for opppressing Rohingya people
>I think fascism is a real theat to humanity

But above all I dye my hair red and listen to alt rock. Aren't I the most unique free thinking person in the world with no one controlling my thought process?

This are all the points nearly every redditor will agree with especially our detractors. They are unable to hold a single unique opinion that goes against the popular narrative but at the same time they also consider themselves to be always right and the intellectuals of modern age.

BummerDrummer #racist #sexist #wingnut incels.is

A huge underlying problem is that k-pop spaces are ripe for political brainwashing. Idk why k-pop specifically but the fact that it’s average fan age is quite young and like you said, female, is going to be very consequential in future elections I think with radicalizing people to the far left.

I shit you not, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more progressive vitriolic anti white community than k-pop Twitter (I assume because of all the black foids there). They make black supremacists/Afro centrists look like a joke. I remember seeing an entire hashtag built around bullying this white kpop stan that posted their face (quote tweets full of ratios, white racial slurs etc.)

Its a community built by a core base of obese black females (who are undesired even, or atleast undesired by chads) who have nothing better to do and it’s turning thousands of people into weird monstrosities every day. Crazy shit, man.

starcrapoo #racist #sexist incels.is

Anyone who lives in SF, Seattle, or Portland knows that Asian men are the most privileged group out there.

We are not the "cool" guys. We have the lowest crime rates and are the highest earners. Socially conservative. Shuns divorces. Mind their own business. Works hard.

Foids don't get cool points for dating us. They get "cool" points for dating edgy white dudes with tattoos, piercings, and deals drugs. Hipster hispanic + black dudes.

Asian + Indian men = lowest of the low in the eyes of liberal foids.

You know what I see? Cambodian and Hmong and Filipino guys will be poor as shit and short, but they manage to thugmaxx and get women. If Chinese and Korean men were more low inhib they'd actually be doing much better.

Yea I notice exactly the same as a ricecel in my 30s. SEA males are objectively uglier, poorer, dumber, and shorter than east Asian males but they are more masculine in behavior and looks.

Therefore, they do significantly better with non-Asian foids or just foids in general.

Vijay Prozak #racist anus.com

[From “Racial Marxism”]

Racial Marxism would ... destroy our culture, thus giving us no reason to preserve ourselves against outsiders. At that point, nothing will unite us other than skin tone. We will have sacrificed what made us unique and distinctive for a political expediency that, despite appearances, will merge us all into one generic type of "white" human being. This is a common thread among class war revolutions, which wish to tear down hierarchies and replace them with equality on the presupposition that the human being educated in revolutionary ideology will be just as good as any other ("nurture"), while in reality, what happens is a decline in quality of humans and thus a collapse into infighting. Bad breeding plus class warfare creates massive downfalls.

The class war fanatics obliterated a healthy Eurasian nation in Russia and, after slaughtering as many of the elites as they could, bred its people into numb and dysfunctional individuals. Not surprisingly, despite emigrating to the United States and Canada, Russians have not shaken that outlook, because at this point, it is in their blood. Only genetic isolation and many generations of careful breeding will restore what they once were. The same is true of Italy, of Spain, or Ireland and of large parts of the USA where people have already become of mixed tribe and caste. One cannot undo a hybridization, so the only meaningful course of action left is to re-invoke natural selection and breed a highly refined version of that hybrid. Much as Nordics emerged from Negroes over thousands of highly selective generations, any tribe can breed itself back toward an aristocratic ideal, if it is patient enough. It may take more than another thousand years.

Vijay Prozak #racist anus.com

[From “Racial Marxism”]

Some would even suggest that caste-mixing is the source of origin of the Middle Eastern peoples, who are known worldwide for their cunning in salesmanship and devious business practices, but are nowhere held up as paragons of social design or ethical virtue.

Vijay Prozak #racist #crackpot anus.com

[From “Racial Marxism”]

It is important to remember that culture is something ingrained in heritage. Each individual carries within them a record of the decisions made by all of their ancestors, and in each generation, a branching occurs that creates a child specialized for a different way of tackling the world. Those that do not survive are no longer present in the bloodline, and therefore all future descendants specialize in a different direction. Germans prefer German culture not as much because they were brought up with it (the "nurture" hypothesis) but because it shaped their ancestors, and as a result, they have genetic tendencies to act in that manner (the "nature" hypothesis). Genetics do indeed rule our lives: identical twins, raised apart, live similar lives and pick similar mates. The children of genius parents are more likely to be genius. People raised in entirely alien cultures since birth revert to the behavior patterns in thought common to their original country. Genetics is our programming, and the programmer is natural selection, over many generations. When one mixes unrelated tribes or races or castes, one obliterates thousands of years of programming by forcing the recombination process to find compromises between many unrelated traits. This is why the sages of ancient Greece, Rome and India all cautioned against not only admitting foreigners (other races) but also warned against mixing castes; it produced people with the intellectual and physical abilities of the higher rank, but the "base" behavioral instincts of the lower, and thus most of those ended up being incredibly crafty criminals.

Vijay Prozak #racist anus.com

[From “Racial Marxism”]

While normal people will endorse ethnic separation, and those of all races might approve it if it appeared on a ballot tomorrow, it first needs to detach itself from racism. Ethnic separation says that we want to be free of other groups; racism implies that everyone of the favored race is magically better than all other races, and therefore, if it is of the favored race, it is automatically equal to all other members of that group. Racial pride is a natural and healthy thing, but trying to make everyone in the same race feel equal to one another is Marxism, and will ultimately accomplish what other races have been trying for years: by mixing in trace elements of Asian and Negroid genetics to the white population at large, it will turn it into a generic group which has lost its distinctiveness and genetic tendencies toward cultural values. The resulting lumpenproletariat have nothing in common, so will get their culture entirely from television.

dvintologi & mrbroman2 #dunning-kruger #moonbat #racist reddit.com

Why racemaxxing is good for society
There isn't any clear way to divide humans into races, any such attempt will be arbitrary and thus race is actually a social construct in the sense that we as a society have created arbitrary categories for it that.

Since race socially is defined largely by appearance changing your race is very possible and this may also improve your quality of life. People being able to change their race means that race itself becomes less meaningful since it's more of an identity/presentation and less about what you were born as.

Of course people into toxic identity politics may very much oppose transracialism since it goes against their toxic ideologies but society itself do benefit very much from judging people by their actual abilities rather than the color of their skin.

Changing the color of your skin is very common, all you need to do is go out in the sun and tan. The difference between tanning and transracialism is just a difference in degree.

Also race mixing is rooted in misogyny


It’s even rooted in imperialism

Are you referring to how the conquistadors raped the natives at a massive scale? (south america).


I am not sure why that would matter today regarding whether or not racemixing is good.

Mixing 2 races can result in a hybrid vigor


I can see why some people are into racial conservatism but i do not think it's viable, you are just trying to delay the inevitable.

Kamau Bobb #pratt #racist bbc.com

Google has removed its head of diversity over a 2007 blog post that said Jewish people had "an insatiable appetite for war and killing".

In a post about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that resurfaced this week, Kamau Bobb also claimed Jewish people had an "insensitivity" to suffering.

The post has now been deleted.

On Thursday, a spokesperson for Google told the BBC that Mr Bobb would "no longer be part of our diversity team going forward".

"We unequivocally condemn the past writings by a member of our diversity team that are causing deep offence and pain to members of our Jewish community," they said.

"These writings are unquestionably hurtful. The author acknowledges this and has apologised. He will no longer be part of our diversity team... and will focus on his Stem [science, technology, engineering and maths] work.

"This has come at at a time where we've seen an alarming increase in anti-Semitic attacks," the spokesperson added. "Anti-Semitism... has no place in society and we stand with our Jewish community in condemning it."

Mr Bobb - who joined Google in 2018 - has apologised to staff for the blog post.

NaturalNobility #crackpot #racist #ufo #conspiracy #fundie imperialgermans.com

Welcome to the Imperial Germans Information website. This site focuses on spreading the information of the existence of the Imperial Germans or Reichsdeutsche (RDs) in German. The Imperial Germans are the Germans that live in the Inner Earthen colony of New Swabia. The capital city of New Swabia is New Berlin.

The Imperial Germans are responsible for most UFO sightings on Earth. Not all UFO sightings are of Imperial German origin. According to Dr. Steven Greers’ Disclosure Project and now Sirius Disclosure there are several stellar civilizations visiting Earth.

It is the webmaster’s belief that the Imperial Germans are the so called Army of God that will intervene during the Zionist orchestrated World War 3. This army would be led by a messianic figure, the so called Jesus Christ figure or Third Sargon from the Sajahan Prophecies.

It is the purpose of this website to spread awareness of the truth about this Hidden Force that is out there. The Imperial Germans know the truth about what really happened during World War 2. That the Third Reich was a rebellion against global ZOG control and tyranny. The Imperial Germans stand in the light of truth and never wanted war. They will help end the endless wars instigated by the Satanic Elites that control us. The Imperial Germans and the Federation of Light want universal peace and understanding. Hopefully after finding out the truth you will see the Imperial Germans as your natural allies against Global Zionist Tyranny.

The Imperial Germans are here to help us out. They will save our brothers and sisters from white genocide. Their ships in the sky and in space are beacons of hope for our people. One day everybody will know the truth on the Imperial Germans.

Various Commenters & Unnamed Shopkeepers #conspiracy #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: "We do not serve Czechs" signs in shops in the vicinity of the Polish Turów mine after Czechia sued Poland due to negative effects of mining activities

Officially EU is acting on behalf of the Czechs. But aren’t the Czechs just useful idiots in Eu’s eco terrorism? Turów has been operating for decades. And it didn’t bother Czechs until EU started pushing it’s anti fossil fuels policies.

German mines are operating fine. It’s the East European countries that are constantly bullied about their emissions. A clever way to sabotage the energetic independence of smaller countries, sell more German wind and solar technology, and in general undermine the economies of countries like Poland rich in fossil fuel sources.

Im almost convicted this is the case. EU pressured us into 'agreement' to close our nuclear power plant. Except in the end we just didnt.

Now we are net exporter and also like 2nd most 'green' country on the planet, right after Korea.

This was initiated by some clerk in czech ministry. Probably over some bribe or side-profit.

Some random clerk can sue countries like that? What about the negotiations, where Poland was not cooperating at all? What about the people who have been protesting for years? 30 000 people are losing access to water sources and have to endure noise, dust and pollution. People should be angry at your authoritarian government, not the Czechs.

I would agree but why MY authoritarian goverment?

Instead of getting angry with random Czech people they should resist against the EU which did this and so many other bad things to them. The EU is not going to play fair because they are run by our enemies who want to destroy our people.

Gregory Hood #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

History doesn’t change to fit our wishes. We wish whites hadn’t imported blacks as slaves and had not changed immigration policy in 1965. However, in a multiracial society, history often isn’t about facts. It’s a weapon. A story about the past justifies current policy. When history doesn’t provide a suitably horrific example, invent one.

A white man tried to disarm a black man. A “shot rang out” and armed blacks and whites shot and killed each other. A white man may have been the initial aggressor, but it would be reasonable to assume that a black fired first.

Mr. Biden put it this way: “Seventy-five black men, including black veterans arrived to stand guard. Words were exchanged. Then a scuffle. Then a [sic] shots fired.”

Mr. Biden failed to mention that the blacks were armed, and note the passive language. Shots were “fired,” just as gunfire “erupts” in certain neighborhoods today.

If blacks had not showed up with guns and shots had not “been fired,” probably noting would have happened.

This was a pitched battle over territory, at the time called the “Tulsa Race War,” not a “massacre” of passive blacks.

Some kinds of hate don’t even have to hide. Just days before President Biden went to Tulsa, armed men and women wearing New Black Panther Party shirts marched through Tulsa’s streets on Saturday, vowing “justice. . . by any means necessary.”

Somehow the extremism expert missed this:

“We will kill everything White in sight.”

In today’s America, the racial double standard is the standard. There’s one official history. There’s one group anyone can attack without consequences. Yesterday’s event brought it all together. If you’re white, under this system, you’re not in the “protected category.”

Zico Zimpo #racist qr.ae

What did the Romans think about Egypt?
Romans were astonished by the black negroid women of ancient Egypt, they were seeing them as a model of ideal beauty. it was very surprising to see women perforating their lower lips and fitting big wooden drums into them. was fascinating seeing the black Egyptian women walking nacked and shaking their big butt cheeks while going to their farms.

on the other hand ancient Egyptian black negroid men walking completely nacked showing their private organs were seen as a model of super virility.

on the cultural level Romans were shocked and started to ask big questions about Egypt as the origin of civilization, how those idiots built these marvels how those scums could have any contribution to mankind's civilization!!!

since then the Romans decided to clean the land of Egypt from that rubbish, the Romans committed the biggest genocide in human history, 8 million black livestock were massacred in one night. and the Romans established the first gametocyte bank in history where they mixed sperms and ova from Romans, Greeks, Arabs, and Levantines and created the modified Egyptian nation. Since then life became more logical, history became more aligned with reason and planet earth became a better place to live in.

HT #pratt #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Why Reparations for Slavery Are a Crazy Idea

How can anyone argue for reparations for blacks when in reality, having slave ancestors and winding up in America, was the best thing that ever happened to blacks? Even most of the slaves themselves led better and longer lives than their African relatives. Blacks should be paying us or return to their "homeland".

I did a search on the internet for “percentage of black americans who support reparations.” The first article that showed up in my search results was a 2019 report from CNN that says 75% of black Americans want reparations for slavery.

What a bunch of lazy parasites. Even if they get their way and get paid a reparations check, they will continue blaming white people for their problems long after they run out of money and still want more gib-me-dats.

The Negro has gotten every type of handout and advantage possible for 50 years and yet today they complain more than ever about the life we have provided for them. Time to separate now because there is no other workable option.

Jared Taylor #crackpot #racist amren.com

When you were in school, I think you were probably in the early 70s. What percentage of your class was black?

I don’t know the exact percentage. But even in 1968, when I went to Yale, it was well known among whites that you’d be much better off if you were black. Even then, people were saying, “Well, gosh, if I pretended to be black, I’m more likely to be admitted.” In fact, the fellow who ran the admissions program at Yale, his name was Inslee Clark. He was famous for trying to get diversity, even then. And I suspect that I was admitted to Yale not because I was such an impressive student, but because I was applying from Japan. That was some kind of perhaps affirmative action for me that was not race-based, but it was part of this idea of getting people from the southside of Chicago, getting people from rural Texas, getting black people, getting Hispanics. I was probably a beneficiary of affirmative action, geographic distribution rather than racial.

It’s the first time I’ve heard that somebody said in the sixties [that it] was better off to be black,

Oh, gosh!

But I think I’ll take your word for it.

Believe me. High school people took that for granted. You’d be much better off if you’re applying for college if you’re black.

BH Times #moonbat #pratt #racist twitter.com

Isnt’real is falling apart as far-right coalitions unite to oust #Netanyahu after 4 elections yielded no elected leader over the country. This is all while the Indigenous #Palestinians continue resisting the yt jews colonizing and destroying their lands.


Y’all thought Isnt’real couldn’t get any worse? Isnt’real’s far-right forces are uniting to oust Netanyahu and ramp up their attacks against the #Indigenous Palestinians.

Makia Freeman #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #quack thefreedomarticles.com

It is crucial to be aware of the New World Order mindset
as we experience the intensification of its longstanding agenda. While each passing week seems to bring us more and more bizarre news in the unfolding of Operation Coronavirus, it is worthwhile taking a step back to look at the mentality which is orchestrating this scamdemic – this New World Order mindset. If we want to live free, we have to understand the nature of the force that is seeking to enslave us.
2. The PC Woke Movement and Virtue Signalling

The NWO mindset, being very far from a heart-based consciousness, clearly lacks kindness, compassion and empathy. In a world where such a distinct lack of empathy could render it ostracized, the NWO mindset has to make up for that by pretending to care. However since it is all a ruse, it has to go to great lengths to impress others and visibly demonstrate its (fake) kindness. This is the reason for the Hollywood-style obsession with superficialities and appearances. It’s all about image, baby.
7. Censorship and Cancel Culture: It Can’t Stand Shades of Grey or Opposing Views

Another clue that the NWO mindset is rigid, as well as inherently insecure and weak, is that it can’t stand shades of grey or opposing views. It gets very caught up in dogmatic black-and-white thinking. The explosion of censorship and cancel culture over the last few years is indicative of a vast insecurity. Censorship is a tacit admission by the censors that their arguments, theories or beliefs are very weak, because they can’t hold their own in the battlefield of open debate, where ideas are exchanged freely and analyzed critically.

The Armchair Covid Sleuth/State of the Nation #conspiracy #racist #wingnut stateofthenation.co

Perhaps the stupidest thing on the Internet today is that “China did it!”

Really, China deliberately released SARS-CoV-2 (it doesn’t even exist) from their Wuhan lab to start a worldwide pandemic?!?!

Why, to guarantee a Trump loss (even though he really won the 2020 POTUS election).

So, we’re expected to believe that China would trigger the worst pandemic (It’s really a hoax) since the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 to do what?

To be blamed for the most destructive (not deadly or disease-causing) pandemic in world history?

How stupid is that! Utterly STUPID!!!

And, “NO!”, the Chinese are not that stupid.

From all the available evidence, it’s quite clear that OPERATION COVID-19, is a fundamentally Zio-Anglo-American bioterrorist black operation and global psyop conducted primarily, but not exclusively, by Operation Gladio—the notorious terrorist arm of NATO (sometimes known as the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization).
KEY POINT: It was actually Tel Aviv conspiratorially working behind the scenes with Beijing that used the Wuhanese in an extremely risky 5G experiment throughout 2019. Netanyahu and Jinping have made secret agreements where it concerns the roll-out of 5G worldwide via global ICT companies like Huawei. Once that highly lucrative deal was agreed to by China (and blessed by the London banksters), they were vulnerable to being coerced into choreographing the unprecedented public health disaster in Wuhan, which was staged with Hollywood-level sensationalism so as to con the entire planetary civilization that a pandemic was in the making.

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut benjaminfulford.net

War has been declared against the Priory of Satan after they refused to agree to a campaign to save the planet, White Dragon Society sources say. However, a decision has been made to decline the Gnostic Illuminati’s offer to hit Lake Geneva, Nato Headquarters, and Jerusalem with 4th generation hydrogen nuclear weapons that don’t cause long-term radioactive pollution. Instead, Special Forces will be making pinpoint attacks to eliminate key individuals and institutions involved in the ongoing fake pandemic and related war crimes.

MI6 sources say an underground base in Switzerland has already been attacked and taken out of commission. This attack led to an emergency meeting being held at the Vatican, according to P3 Freemason sources. The meeting was called by the Rockefeller Foundation and meeting attendance revealed exactly who they still control. The answer is the World Bank, the IMF, the African Union (but not individual African states), Argentina, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain.

An emergency meeting held at the Vatican has also alerted the P3 to the fact that Pope Francis has been killed and replaced by an actor wearing a rubber mask who is openly calling for every single human being on earth to be killed with vaccinations.

Nobel Prize-winning virologist Dr. Luc Montagnier said last week “there is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have already been vaccinated,” after seeing the ingredients of the Covid gene treatments being used. What is happening basically is that the Khazarian Mafia is trying to murder its hostage slave peoples rather than give up power

Various Commenters #elitist #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: WA School District kicks Asian Students out of “Students of Color”, groups them with “White”


When we reviewed our disaggregated data it showed that our district is systemically meeting the instructional needs of both our Asian and White students and not meeting the instructional needs for our Black, Indigenous, Multi-racial, Pacific Islander and Latinx students.

The way this is phrased STILL makes it sound like Asian kids are getting privilege. "meeting the instructional needs". As though they are doing something to "meet the needs" of white and Asian kids and not doing those things for the real "people of color".

It's never framed as "Asian kids worked hard and succeeded", it's always "black and brown kids weren't given the same advantages and should be angry at those who received privilege".

Fuck these people for stirring the pot.

Why would any self respecting AsAm want to be grouped with Whites?

I get that Whites want to trade up to be Asian subconsciously. But did they asked any Asians if we want to be groups with them?

Gotta make those white numbers look better I guess

lmfaooooo we broke the white liberal worldview so hard that instead of coming up with new way to talk about these issues they make us white instead lol.

instead of race these ass fucks should just focus on income.

The whole POC label is designed to get us to sympathize and fight for Black people, which is not a bad thing, while we are continually fucked over by the system and are victims of hate crimes by Blacks.

hatWRKS #wingnut #racist theguardian.com

Stetson has said it will stop selling its products through a hat store in Nashville, Tennessee which advertised anti-vaccination patches in the style of a Star of David, the badge which Jewish people were made to wear by the Nazis…

A hatWRKS Instagram post that was deleted showed a smiling woman touching the front of her shirt, where a “Not Vaccinated” patch was affixed. The caption read: “Patches are here!! They turned out great.”

It said the patches cost $5 and had a “strong adhesive back”, and that the shop would be “offering trucker caps soon”.

A message posted to the store Instagram account, which has also promoted vaccine conspiracy theories and touted the chance to shop without wearing a mask, said “people are so outraged by my post” but asked: “Are you outraged with the tyranny the world is experiencing?”

Another post on the hatWRKS Instagram account said: “In NO WAY did I intend to trivialise the Star of David or disrespect what happened to millions of people. That is not who I am and what I stand for.

“My intent was not to exploit or to make a profit. My hope was to share my genuine concern and fear, and to do all that I can to make sure nothing like that ever happens again. I sincerely apologise for any insensitivity.”

Christopher Langan #crackpot #quack #racist facebook.com

"Koko was believed to have had an IQ of between 75 and 95 and could sign more than 1,000 words. The average IQ of a human is around 90 to 110. She also understood spoken English."

According to the "30 point rule" of psychometrics [as proposed by pioneering psychometrician Leta S. Hollingworth], Koko's elevated level of thought would have been all but incomprehensible to nearly half the population of Somalia (average IQ 68). Yet the nations of Europe and North America are being flooded with millions of unvetted Somalian refugees who are not (initially) kept in cages despite what appears to be the world's highest rate of violent crime.

Obviously, this raises a question: Why is Western Civilization not admitting gorillas? They too are from Africa, and probably have a group mean IQ at least equal to that of Somalia. In addition, they have peaceful and environmentally friendly cultures, commit far less violent crime than Somalians, and with minor modifications to Western education systems, can easily be taught to use language.

Why are these gentle creatures, who have been threatened with genocide for decades, not being taken in by Western nations as refugees despite the indisputable fact that they are teetering on the edge of extinction in their homelands?

Can this be called humane or compassionate? What on Earth is going on here?

[Some of you might wonder whether this is a joke. The truth is that I'm not quite sure..]

Prussian Society of America #racist #dunning-kruger #elitist prussianamericansociety.wordpress.com

[From "The Near Destruction of Europe / America and What’s to Come"]

The Average European and American person is completely oblivious and naive to their impending doom
This stupor means the inevitable total liquidation of many European Nations and Languages that are to occur
I believe that only several European Nations may survive, even as bad of a Nation as one of them is (Russia), it is legitimately positioning itself to outlive Europe[…]But Russia is only a half-European State, representative of a Eurasian Race, one which is not to the standards of Pure Europeans
I declare personally that the only future for White Europeans can be a new Prussian State, irrespective of where it exists, and maybe several other Caucasian Ethno-States that form as a result of the coming destruction that is inevitable at this time

However, Prussia must be positioned at the top of all affairs regarding both the European and Non-European world. Nothing less can be suffice
We are in a critical situation where literally over 4/5 of the population in virtually every Caucasian country is absolutely worthless, not viable as human beings, who have destructive malignancies and attributes (even down to their racial DNA) which means they should be eliminated from the population through the most brutal means, preferably by us rather than Invaders for obvious reasons
The majority of European Inhabitants today are the descendants of those who sided with the Communists and worked to destroy our Reich
We have to concern ourselves with the affairs of the European People and our Livingspace in all of our lands, no matter how few of us remain

Li Hongzhi #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #racist #wingnut en.falundafa.org

[Li Hongzhi is the founder and leader of Falun Gong.]

It’s a long story. They [alien beings] have been coming here full-scale since the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution in the West. They had come prior to that time, but they didn’t control people then. Their full-scale arrival began when Caucasian society entered the industrial age. They made full preparations and systematic arrangements for occupying this earth. It was they who created science for human beings. So this science was set up by aliens. Their purpose was to unify human beings and simplify their thoughts to the point of being as uniform as machines. And they unified knowledge to make it easy for them to later on control and replace human beings. Furthermore, they’ve chosen a few nationalities as the vanguards of their future, total control of humankind. Japan is the vanguard that drives technology. The United States is the vanguard in breaking away from all ancient cultures on earth. The cultures of even the most ancient and closed-off nations haven’t been able to escape. The whole world is being impacted by America’s modern culture. England was the vanguard in the manufacture of machinery during the early stages, and Spain was the vanguard for mixing the human races. The way alien beings get human beings to shake free of the gods is to mix the races, causing human beings to become rootless people, just like the plant hybrids people make nowadays. South Americans, Central Americans, Mexicans and some people in Southeast Asia—all of these races have been mixed. None of this can evade the gods’ eyes. Alien beings have made rather extensive preparations for overtaking human beings.

Chloe352 #elitist #racist #wingnut o9a.org

Racial Equity, per Critical Race Theory, is being implemented in schools across the country, where schools get financially punished by the Federal Government if Black and Mexican kids are punished more than White kids. Therefore, in schools right now, as we speak, if a Black kid and a White kid committed an offense in school, then the White kid is the one who should be punished, not the Black kid, because Black kids are suffering a lot at home and have suffered as a race for hundreds of years.

So now, these Black people think it’s unfair that specialized schools are giving exams/tests that are so hard that only Asians and Whites are passing the tests, not Black kids. The Woke Negros want their Black kids to be going to those special schools also.

The fucking Woke Negros will either force the Leftist government to make such exams easier, so dumb Black kids can pass them, or get rid of such exams altogether. Which in turn will lower the standards of such schools.

You guys are so fucking stupid, you can’t hang ten with us Asians, so you gotta have Mommy and Daddy Leftist Government get rid of the fucking exams for you, so you can go to those special schools too. You fucking piece-of-shits. You fucking Black people lower the property value of every place you move into, and now you are going to lower the intellectual standards and mental capacity of such schools.

In the fucking future, the near future, it will be considered “racism” if and when a White girl or Asian girl don’t want to have sex or marry one of you Black fuckers, to breed with you. In the end, you Negros will lower the fucking gene pool of the human race.

Chloe352 #racist #wingnut o9a.org

In the old days, “Equity,” as in “Class Equity,” did not mean “Class Equality.” It meant that because the Peasants were poor and did not have land or money, then you take land and money from the rich bourgeois class, and give it to the peasants.

Equity, as in Racial Equity, means that if you have a skinny White girl and a fat Black girl who were both hungry, and there was only one chocolate cake: you would give most of that cake to the fat Black bitch because: 1) she’s Black and Black people have suffered a lot, 2) the fat Black bitch eats more food than the White girl, & 3) therefore, it’s only fair and right to give the fat Black bitch more of the cake.

Chris White #racist #conspiracy #pratt odinia.org

Incidentally many today have suggested that the recent “chemtrails” phenomenon” (the inexplicable covert and secret dissemination of toxic nanoparticle and chemicals into our breathable atmosphere in massive quantities using airliners), is in fact a crazed Jewish conspiracy whereby a formula is produced calculating the estimated number of people who will die of cancer as a direct result of the chemtrailing, and that this estimate is used to some sort of sinister Jewish religious ritual as being representative of a number of Jewish human sacrifices.

Chemtrails may be a deliberate attempt to remotely instigate Jewish occultic homicidal rituals on the unsuspecting gentile population, thus avoiding the inevitable pogroms that resulted from more direct Jewish homicidal rituals in the past.

While there is no direct evidence to fully substantiate this, it remains a fact that chemtrails appear to be real and recent phenomenon. I once believed that the absurd officials about the cardinal Globalist hoaxes of 9/11, “climate change” and the so called “holocaust” were real. It therefore wouldn’t stretch my imagination too far to consider the above claim to be at the very least partly true.


Jews have of course been banned from entering or residing in England on pain of death since 1290, but where Jews have not been banned it is vital that they are forced to don bright yellow markers such as this pointy coned hat, so that the citizenry is able to more readily identify malicious scams and atrocious acts of sexual and/or homicidal mischief perpetrated against the public.

Gregory Hood #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

Few of us reflect on Constantinople. Both white advocates and our opponents too often assume that whites always win. We are always conquerors, never conquered. This justifies stark racial double standards. Christian Lander, author of Stuff White People Like, unwittingly put it best. “It is always OK to make fun of white people because no unhappy ending is possible.”

For Eastern Europe, the end of the Roman Empire meant centuries of political slavery under Ottoman oppression. For more than a million whites, losing the Mediterranean meant literal slavery.

The police in Germany said in 2017 that the largest “right-wing extremist” group in the country was the ultranationalist Turkish Grey Wolves. Like the empire in its final years, we are increasingly surrounded in what was once unquestionably our land.

White traitors, myopic elites, and wishful thinking; Constantinople fell because the West failed to act as one. There will always be fights among whites. However, they are not potentially fatal conflicts where the stakes are the continuation of a people and a culture — rather than just an exchange of territory.

Demographic trends ensure whites will be minorities within our own countries within this century, even in Europe. Globally, we confront the rising power of China and an African population boom. Few of “our” leaders fight for our race and civilization. “Our” rulers sometimes seem to be deliberately destroying us.

The fight that matters is the fight for our people. We see the cost of failure. We remember what has been lost in the Levant, northern Africa, Rhodesia, South Africa, and countless other beacons of civilization that have been snuffed out. Few torches remain. We will keep them lit and light new ones.

Ilana Mercer #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

Prior to being shot in the head this week, Sasha Johnson had big plans for whites. Johnson had been “calling for a ‘racial offenders register’ that would see those guilty of ‘microaggressions’ banned from living in multicultural communities and prevented from working in certain industries.”

“If you live in a majority-colored neighborhood you shouldn’t reside there because you’re a risk to those people – just like if a sex offender lived next to a school he would be a risk to those children,” she fulminated.

Johnson’s call for a “racial offenders register” for whites is a perfectly pragmatic application of the Critical Race Theory rot.

I’ve watched noisemakers on Fox News “argue” against the CRT agitprop in education. Their arguments against the CRT scourge are characterized by a white-out of whites.

Nobody will utter the words “anti-white,” or articulate the “anti-white” essence of Critical Race Theory. CRT is always euphemized as things other than a hatred of whites and a resolve to blacken them. Always. Quit intoning like automatons that CRT is about socialism. CRT is about and against whites.

White kids are CRT’s innocent targets in schools. Yet no one has stated the obvious, that while white kids are brow-beaten; black and brown kids are buoyed by CRT; they come up smelling like roses and punching like knock-out game champions.

Not one of them has said, “Whites. White kids”: The true victims of the critical race miseducation are white kids, as they are the sole repository of hate and aggression in this critical-race blitzkrieg.

Instead, it’s, "Kids are being reduced to their immutable characteristics. It violates the promise of America. It divides us. Martin Luther King, Jr. would’ve opposed it.” Blah. Blah.

SlavicPridea-count68 #crackpot #fundie #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: What's going on in Ukraine and Russia?


More sexual morals = less HIV

High IQ religious countries will have the lowest rates and low IQ countries with populations who are not religious or do not follow religion properly will have the most.

Czechia is like the most irreligious place in Europe and we are the greenest

Czechia is high IQ

Russia has significantly higher IQ than your bulgaria

Bulgarians are more socially conservative. Also it is not a normal bell curve in Bulgaria with IQ because Bulgarian ethnic average is 96 and gypsy ethnic average is 65 so low IQ problems will be isolated to just one small part of the population


Wdym cope? We are talking about why Bulgaria has lower HIV rates then Russia.

If you are just talking about IQ separately then yes ethnic Russians have higher IQ then ethnic Bulgarians on average, but both of our averages are dragged down by minorities. Russian ethnic IQ (98-100) is also higher then the average IQ of Russian citizens (96)

Poverty is the most reason of hiv and other diseases

You don’t get HIV from being poor.

but poor people get hiv more than other because of low standards of living

People who do drugs become poor. People who are low IQ and low impulse control become poor. Drug addicts and people with low impulse control are more likely to get HIV. A poor person with high IQ/impulse control is less likely to get HOV then a rich person with low IQ/low impulse control


Afghanistan is one of the most religious countries in the world

Bad education and culture not low IQ.

No, low IQ. IQ was proved to be genetic

Neutral_Fellow & Lolikaboss_oWn #fundie #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: What do you think?



France has never been based.

After the French revolution til Waterloo it was the most based political entity to exist on European soil since the Roman Empire.

It was good before XVIII century and french r*volution

this is your brain on bootlicking christcuckery

worshipping a carpenter Semite and a Jewish religion

submitting your mind to Semitic monotheism

like a good Slav boy for the sons of Abraham of Ur

Pretty much proved my point as to what Abrahamic monotheism does to people.

Mind rape.

obsessed and rent free

Yes, it troubles me greatly that my people and continent have been mind raped by a foreign, Semitic religion.

also imagine basing your religious beliefs on what nationality used to follow which religion, absolutely pathetic

yes, the failure of your ancestors of not adhering to the culture and beliefs of their forefathers and submitting to foreign poison is something one should definitely consider important, instead of blindly believing like a goyim puppy.


Slavicpride be like, "thanks, Satan".

Actualy no, im calling for support of africans in destroying the frenchies. Africa belongs to africans, just like Europe should to Europeans. The only way to live together is either via cooperation, or The Afroeurasian Empire. In short, either two different entities that only in crucial times ask one another for help, or just one large Empire.

Send in the troops. Our brothers need our help burning the frenchie flags

Meus & andinocel #racist #sexist incels.is

SuicideFuel Slavs get mogged by every race

East Asians are smarter and have older cultures.
Indians and Spics have better family values and Indians are in many high positions in the US too and Spics will literally replace whites in the US.
Western Europeans invented more shit and have cooler and more influential cultures
Scandinavians are better looking physically and also live in rich countries.
Muslims, again better family values but they are also like 2 billion and have much more influence.

Literally the only race that does not mog Slavs is niggers JFL and even they have heavily influenced music and sports and foids think they have big dicks.

The Slav pill is absolutely brutal. We are literally the most pathetic race on earth and only known for corruption, poverty and alcoholism. Even our fucking leaders hated us and tried to genocide us JFL. Never began.

There is no way spics mogs slavs - you guys are taller than us, for starters.

In terms of face, slavic guys aren't great looking but you guys can ogre max and are white (side note: it boggles my mind me how many white nationalists don't view slavs as white)

Spics do not necessarily have better family values --- single mothers are very common, and once hispanic foids move to the US they almost immediately pick up SJW woke buzzfeed type garbage

And finally, your culture may not be as old as East Asian or Indian culture, but your history goes back to at least the iron age -- on the other hand, we're basically mongrels descended from conquered savages that were forcibly converted

Josey Yahoo #conspiracy #racist summit.news

Sweden has gone from being one of the safest European countries 20 years ago in terms of gun crime to the second most dangerous.

Sweden is the only country on the continent where shootings have increased substantially since the start of the century.

After having been ranked 18th out of 22 countries for gun crime from 2000 to 2003, Sweden now ranks in second place, behind only Croatia.

Authorities refuse to even consider mass immigration as a factor.

It is insane to even entertain the thought that these people, who have fought different factions within their own religion, since the creation of Islam, would somehow come to a different country and just blend in with any other religion, that their Koran tells them to kill or enslave!
Oh, and they don't just stop with factions, you know, that Shiite vs. Sunni crap, they are also tribal, which would explain the numerous successive generations of inbreeding.
Fools, you should be glad they only rape and rob you, that is their form of being merciful!
You know how they say, "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!"? Well the same applies to, Import trouble, you get trouble!"
Well, at the risk of being called a "Conspiracy Theorist" (I think that ship may have sailed!) by those who couldn't spell it, I'm thinking these uncivilized mongrels are being brought into all free nations, in a deliberate attempt to destroy all that is good in this world, an effort to wreck havoc and chaos as a means to usher in the New World Order! Just saying!

Various Commenters #racist #sexist #wingnut summit.news

RE: Sweden Goes From Being One of the Safest Countries in Europe to the Second Most Dangerous

Sweden's citizens need to dump their idiotic, self-hating, feminist leadership and vote in people who have some balls (either men or women). Like the Dimocrats here in the States, these a-holes are hell bent on destroying their nation in order to remake it into their socialist, intersectional utopia.

(Joe Eliott)
I love when swedes say they are welcoming to immigrants so they can't understand why immigrants are not nice to them. Pathetic fools. Leftists basically have the intellect of children. They believe all these fantasy notions while reality is completely different. Keeping your head in the sand has never been a good strategy for success.

Wahmens have ZERO use as politicians.

(Robert Grant)
Once the muhumadums fully take over, the feminists gays alphabet soup androgynous creatures etc will be thrown off tall buildings, and Satan's children the muhumadums will rule until judgement day.

American Democrats... "Hey... this is working so good in Sweden... let's bring more "refugees" from the Middle East. MS-13 won't mind sharing the ghettos with them. And we better defund the police so that the "refugees" aren't profiled."

(Harry Truman)

Those women leaders in Sweden have done such a good job haven’t they? Sweden is so fxcked.

Women leaders of Sweden, don't count on us males to fight for you. Go protect yourselves from the evil you have allowed into your home.


It is sad to see the land of the Norsemen so emasculated.

Once a nation puts Leftists in power, it's only a matter of time until the only testicles to be found in that country are on women's jewelry.

Various Commenters #psycho #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: A Year After George Floyd’s Killing, White Support for Black Lives Matter Fades

(Scooby Doo)
I always believed Derek Chauvin should have a big statue of him right in the heart of Minneapolis! Floyd was a 100% thug and criminal who would have robbed raped or killed again had he lived! And probably a WHITE person!

Incredible cucked numbers not even seen in the third world,it is time for Murrka to leave the planet and stop embarassing everybody.

Americans have race fatigue. They're sick unto death of black marches, blocking traffic, riots, black criminality, complaining and blaming Whitey, maligning Western Civilization, and hating America.

I am exausted and don t even live in America.

(No Thanks)

I am constantly amazed the way blacks don’t care about the hundreds of black-on-blacks shootings that happen every week

But are still dwelling on the one accidental death of George Floyd a year later.

I’m amazed that naive Whites like you are amazed.

1. Blacks don’t care about others. They have no idea where their children are and what they are doing at 2:00am. They only care when a White cop is involved. So why on earth would they care about a stranger if there is nothing in it for them?

2. George Floyd is a money grab. They don’t give a care about him.


I have never heard any message of thanks or appreciation of "white allies" from black people. It's always more complaints and how they aren't doing it right and how they need to do more. Nothing is never enough.

Have they thanked us for the million white men that died during the Civil War or thanked the abolitionists? Have they apologized for the French they killed in Haiti in 1804?

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "What If…"]

…imagine that you had a time machine, but were told you could only use it once and could only go back exactly one year in time.

Today's your day.

Imagine how much worldwide strife could be avoided if on May 24th 2020 you went to the streets of Minneapolis, found some random street thug, pointed him at George Floyd and told him "that nigger over there fucked your girlfriend and she liked it".

George Floyd would still be dead but nobody would care.

Jerry Derecha/Adrenogate #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #racist adrenogate.net

The rumor that the real blue eyed Donald Trump died in a helicopter crash in 1988 further illustrates the totality of the scripted nature of the role he plays in our totally scripted reality.
Trump’s role was scripted decades ago. These so called leaders are not elected but selected. The blue and red lodge masons are put in place to keep the people divided and fighting each other. This country you call America is not a democracy and not a republic. It’s a corporation and you are it’s product. This whole worlds a stage and many are falling for the fiction they pump out 24/7/365. All roads lead to Rome and the Jesuit Fake Jew Freemason Knights Templar Pharaoh Babylonian Luciferians. It’s the children of light Lucifer vs. the children of darkness satan but both are of the same antichrist body. Slay the dragon save the princess is what they are doing now to roll out their one world government. They want to move their satanic headquarters to Jerusalem to crown their sun king where he will have a very short time. Yeshua Jesus is waiting at the end for the devil to make his final predicted moves, then checkmate satan into the pit with you and your minions. It’s time to choose a side. Yeshua Jesus Saves! Follow Him!

Various Commenters #crackpot #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut stormfront.org

(Northern lights)

Eastern Europe is simply poorer than Western Europe. Their style of government doesn't have much to do with it. There's less wealth to hand around. Whether inequality is higher there or not I can't say.

I compare those to Scandinavia and there is not question that inequality is higher Eastern Europe. And that is part of culture, not via political system or how poor those are. As no matter what the political system will be called, the system will always be mold to correspondence to local people and their cultures by those local humans. That is why corruption is bigger problem in some areas vs some another areas.

(Britannic Nationalist)
There is certainly a difference between European ethnic groups that manifests in behavioural and cultural differences. Slavs seem the least suited to 'democracy'.

We're seeing how hollow these 'protections' in the West really are. Looks at how many of these constitutional protections, rights and checks were breached against Trump, for example. How Snowden or Assange were treated. How the Capital Hill January 6th people have been treated in the US - some of them are still in solitary confinement for minor chargers like 'trespassing'.

The West was under autocracy for 2500 years and we built the best (and fairest) society ever. Yet we've had democracy for the last century and we've been declining ever since.

A few months ago Lukashenko was confirmed to be the Grand son of Stalin.

His policies worked whereas Ukraine is a cesspole of jewish Oligarchs who want to restore the old jewish possessions at the Black sea.

Jews destroyed the Russian Empire. Putin rebuilt id, basically from scrap.

I think both of them did an admirable job.

CTON & connorhus #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: A Windfall for Minority Farmers Divides Rural America


White farmer: “They’re not even thinking about the fact that they’re discriminating against us."

Why do so many white conservatives act like blacks and nonwhites and leftists "didn't mean to" do the bad things to them that they do? Why are they so naive? "Why, how does that help black lives matter???!!" or "Why, discrimating against whites only harms you in the end!" How can our people still not get it, or is it they don't want to get it?

Imagine the discrimination against whites should America become majority nonwhite.

Well we don't have to imagine it. We can see it in South Africa. It would be absolute and total discrimination.

It will be 'payback' time against whitey. Unfortunately, the 'payback' has already started and our minority status hasn't even began yet!

The fact is lots of whites, especially young whites, think we deserve it. These millennials and zoomers have such contempt and disdain for their own people.

It will never get to that because the entire world would be starving before farmers became majority non-White, just like in SA. Unlike SA though America and the world would not have White productivity to keep them fed while they pretend they are civilized. It's the final catch 22 of the Multi-Cult. Doomed even if they succeed in their mission.

Sclavius Scotus #dunning-kruger #racist #wingnut amren.com

My son has blue eyes, pale skin, and blond hair.

But, somewhere back in the family tree, we must have had some black or blood mixed in.

To give him a head start, should I start to create a record for him now as being "black" by consistently checking off his identity as black?

The left claims race is simply a social construct, without biological meaning. My social construct -- the boy is black. Now, give him stuff and let him cut to the front of every line.

How did that work for Rachel Dolezal?

It got her a job. Probably more.

I identify as Solutrean.
Pay me.

You are white. Race is real, except for white people, and when BIPOCs have their IQs measured. /s

Who does the US government actually represent and work for?

It actively works against the interests of my family and my peers.

If our government no longer represents our interests, it is no longer our government.

I said it -- the US government lacks legitimacy. It should be resisted and subverted.

Leda Fisher #moonbat #racist #sexist thedickinsonian.com

Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk?

When you ask a question at a lecture, is it secretly just your opinion ending with the phrase “do you agree?” If so, your name is something like Jake, or Chad, or Alex, and you were taught that your voice is the most important in every room.

American society tells men, especially white men, that their opinions have merit and that their voice is valuable, but after four years of listening to white boys in college, I am not so convinced. The list of what white boys think they are qualified to talk about is endless. Most often their opinions aren’t even original. White boys spout the narrative of dominant ideologies and pretend they’re hot takes instead of the same misleading garbage shoved down our throats by American institutions from birth.

I am so g****mned tired of listening to white boys. White men debate the pain of other people for fun and then take away their rights. You do not speak alone, you speak with the weight of every other white man who has spoken over a woman, erased the contributions of queer people from history, or denigrated “broken English” as unintelligent. You speak with the weight of policies and laws meant to forever define intelligence by how it measures up to the bros of America.

So, should white boys still be allowed to share their “opinions”? In honor of Black History Month, I’m gonna go with a hell no. Go find someone whose perspective has been buried or ignored and listen to them, raise up their voice. To all the Chrises, Ryans, Olivers, and Seans out there, I encourage you to critically examine where your viewpoints come from, read a text that challenges you without looking for reasons to dismiss it, and maybe try listening from now on.

Nigel Farage #conspiracy #pratt #racist #wingnut youtube.com

This has been a constant attempt for the left to tarnish us with this racism word and it just doesn't work anymore. The real racists are actually those behind Black Lives Matter, I really mean that. What's happening through BLM and elsewhere is, we are dividing people up into different groups dividing them up on the grounds of race ethnicity gender whatever else it may be, and that is disastrous, that is destructive, that is the real racism, and I loathe it, and i want to live in a country where everybody is treated exactly the same.

Whether it was my UKIP supporters, my Brexit party supporters, Trump supporters at the rallies, these are very, very good, decent people and the more mainstream media, you know, or Hillary Clinton point fingers at them, and call them deplorable, or ignorant, or stupid, the greater their resolve to fight back.

Within 24 hours of the death of george floyd there were riots in the streets of London, so don't tell me this was a spontaneous outpouring, this was all planned, they've been waiting for the opportunity and I was disgusted.

One of the things that has changed politics in the UK has been postal voting. We've seen it abused again and again, there is no country in which this is safe, and i was trying to warn america this time last year, that if you went down this route, you know the left will always win at this, because you see, if you think you're morally superior cheating is quite an easy thing to do.

i once saw a vote box in Oldham. Unbelievably, of the thousands of ballots that were in that box, the percentage that were voting for labour was 100. That is literally impossible so, you know, that is what is keeping Sadiq Khan holding on in London is the power of that postal vote.

Iceage #psycho #racist stormfront.org

RE: Mass shooting leaves 8 dead at Valley Transportation Authority rail yard in San Jose

Looks like he shot some Mexicans judging from the photos of the workers there, all Mexican, not a white person or groid in sight. Joe won't get his wish that some groids were shot by a white man.

Was this white guy the "diversity" hire in the all Mexican VTA, or was the VTA previously white and the whites wrongly treated, quit, and replaced with Mexicans?

This one may fall under Affirmative Action for past injustices.

This crime was committed with a handgun, but like clockwork the Democrats are calling for a ban on AR-15's - as if even confiscating every single AR-15 in the country would have had any effect whatsoever on this crime.

Is there a requirement in the Democrat party that you have to have an IQ of under 100 in order to join?

Joe better get on the VTA, no groid employees, some job openings for some negroes now, all those "disenfranchised and workplace discriminated folk, Joe better get on VTA and get some negroes in there, they"ll straighten out the Mexicans, ADL, NAACP, negroes will steamroll over the Mexicans, Joe needs to get on it.

Dems squawk gun control to cover for their negroes. City negroes are completely out of control. Negroes don't want Western Civilization, they need to be "Re-tribalized" and sent to Somalia, which is the culture they desire, and is the only way to solve it, send them to where they desire, is the humanitarian thing to do, is wrong to keep them in the States, they desire their tribal ways; therefore, sending them to Somalia is correct.

Every weekend in Chicago is Mogadishu, no further proof needed, re-tribalize them to Somalia.

Socrates & various commentators #racist #crackpot #wingnut vanguardnewsnetwork.com

White people invent & forget.
Yellow people copy & remember.
Black people do neither.

Even worse: Black people DESTROY.

Go look at the wonderful condition of that basketball hoop
Whitey gave the nigger for his playground in the ghetto.

[Tim McGreen]
White people invent & forget.
Yellow people copy & remember.
Black people do neither.
Jewish people make all the money yet they still whine.

[Franklin Ryckaert]
Right,but why do you call them Jewish PEOPLE?

Another old saying:
A White man finds a spring of water in a desert and builds an oasis; the Yellow man finds an oasis and carefully maintains it; the Black man finds an oasis and turns it back into a desert.

The jew cannot destroy by himself, he needs willing White traitors and Black/Brown foot soldiers.

Here’s a good one!

Give a White a hammer he will build a house and invent some new techniques.

Give a yellow a hammer and he will make millions of them and go on making them until a White tells him to make something else.

Give a brown a hammer and he will use it to beat his wife.

Give a black a hammer and he will use it to kill a White.

Give a jew a hammer and he will give it to a black.

Or… Give a white a hammer and hell hire a brown to use it.

Give a yellow a hammer and hell hire a brown to use it.

Give a brown a hammer and Hell use it to break into your car.

Give a black a hammer and hell try to rape it!

Give a jew a hammer and hell turn it into a multi million dollar scheme…

‘oy vey,dis vas da hammer dat vas used by the evil (insert current made up nazi here) who single handedly killed 666,666 jews with it. Oh g-d de atrocity,de humanity!!!

[Paul Kersey]
Black people??? Those two words are contradictory.

Vox Day #racist #psycho voxday.blogspot.com

[From "The decline and fall of Minneapolis"]

The epicenter of the George Floyd riots were a little less than one mile down Lake Street from my high school. Now Somalis are shooting it out two blocks away from where I first met Spacebunny:
Minnesota liberals are just about the most literally suicidal people on the planet. And having grown up among them, they deserve exactly what they are getting.

I don't understand the Scandinavian societal death wish, but for all of their once-formidable legacy, they appear to have somehow been transformed into the dodo birds of humanity. Perhaps it is because historically, they were always the invaders and never the invaded.

Saint Breivik, pray for us.

Mischiefclarity #elitist #god-complex #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia stormfront.org

Behavior guidelines for the modern White Woman

1. Be White before all else.
Remember that despite having our own wants and needs as women, we also have a duty to the white race first and foremost.

2. Be a mother and a teacher.
The number one thing we can do as women is to produce offsprimg for the next generation of white people to fight against the armies of jews and colored attackers. We need to teach white kids in schools to be proud of their heritage OVER those of the lesser children and make sure the other spawn KNOW where their place in thebworld is and more importantly, ISN'T.

3. Let men lead the way.
I know this may trigger the "feminists" in the group, but know that being a wife and mother and not crowding male spaces doesn't devalue us as humans. Our men don't try to get pregnant and carry babies they can't deliever, that is what the tranny freaks do. Just the same, we need to do our best in support roles and stay out of things like politics and management whenever possible.

4. Be appealing
We represent the most beautiful creatures on the planet. The white woman is the prettiest sex of the prettiest race, of the most dominant species. We are chosen by GOD to be the ideal object of our husband's desires. If he wants to enhance you with surgery, are you REALLY going to turn down the chance to look your hottest for a man willing to pay?

5. Be a "Karen!"
If there are a bunch of thugs moving into your neighborhood, you are well within your rights to inform the police and demand action be taken, yell at those bratty kids down the street, call the cops on the black guy hanging on the corner watching you like a horny dog, and absolutely demand to see the damn manager when some lazy liberal arts brat ****s up your order!

dosor1871 & westscottstots #racist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Reddit


I frankly dont give a shit that someone makes fun of me or my country, because I'm not black or jewish

I'm yet to see a Jewish person to be offended by someone making fun of them

criticize israel = jews flip out

Yeah, Israeli Jews tend to be quite easy to offend, but most others will make jokes about the Holocaust themselves

In eastern europe for sure. Ever been around western european or american jews? Especially academic ones. Fragile as shit

The west tends to do that to you it seems


Whenever I meet a foreigner in Serbia they are surprised by how hospotable we are. Apparently we are unironically painted as genocidal maniacs in their media. I literally can't think of a safer country

Eastern Europe is literally the last place on any w*sterners list of places to visit until they end up there and act all high and mighty for finding a “hidden gem”

C .T. #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger chechar.wordpress.com

[From "Derbyshire’s blindness"]

‘For the future of our civilisation’, John Derbyshire wrote in an article published yesterday, ‘I would like to see a task force—a Manhattan Project—of historians, psychiatrists, neurologists, behavioural geneticists, quantitative psychologists, sociologists, and anthropologists get to work explaining this strange, weird, suicidal phenomenon’ (white ethnosuicide).

Derbyshire is blind of course, inasmuch as he doesn’t want to see the elephant in the room. See what Robert Morgan answered him today: Christian ethics alone is the culprit. You don’t need a Manhattan Project of so-called ‘specialists’ to see the obvious!

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