JD Vance #racist politico.com

Vice presidential candidate JD Vance is standing by his position that ethnic neighborhoods are a source of crime — basing his conclusion on a 2002 Martin Scorsese movie

Vance was asked at a campaign appearance Friday about previous remarks he made about waves of early immigration in the U.S. and how they relate to issues of crime and ethnic enclaves, and he raised the movie “Gangs of New York” about New York City in the 19th century in his response

“Has anybody seen the movie ‘Gangs of New York,’” Vance said in an appearance at the Milwaukee Police Association. “That is what I’m talking about, with these ethnic enclaves in our country, it can lead to higher crime rates”

It was an effort by the Ohio senator to defend former President Donald Trump’s call for large-scale deportations to remove non-citizens from the country, a central element of his presidential campaign

Vance was asked by a reporter if mass deportations would address crime, apparently referencing remarks he made about “ethnic enclaves” in a 2021 interview

“You had this massive wave of Italian, Irish, and German immigration right? And that had its problems, its consequences,” Vance said in an interview in 2021 when he was running for Senate. “You had higher crime rates, you had these ethnic enclaves, you had inter-ethnic conflict”

When asked for comment, Vance campaign spokesperson William Martin pivoted to criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris and stated that Vance “will do everything he can to assist President Trump in reversing these weak, failed and dangerously liberal border policies”

At the Milwaukee event, he returned to that theme, citing the 2002 film about an Irish man who returns to New York to kill his father’s killer, the leader of a gang that believes America should belong to native-born Americans and opposes immigration

“What happens when you have massive amounts of illegal immigration,” Vance said. “It actually starts to create ethnic conflict”

Authoritarian Aggression Award

Ray Comfort #fundie twitter.com

Slam Him Against the Wall

It's important to take a person professing to be an atheist through the Moral Law before you mention God. When you ask him if he has kept the Ten Commandments, you are not asking about his belief in God, or whether or not he thinks Hell exists. So initially, the subject of his beliefs probably won't arise. As you use the Law, you will be encouraged when you see what a powerful weapon God has given you. Every now and then, an unrelenting Law will slam a hardened rebel against the wall, frisk him for secret sins, and then point their ten great cannons at his face. You will see an actual change in his face as he feels the cold steel of the pistol of his own conscience. His mouth is stopped by the Law, and that prepares his heart to listen to his only hope of salvation.

There goes another minute. Gone forever. Go share your faith while you still have time.
3:09 AM · Aug 19, 2024 · 8,853 Views
40 Reposts 6 Quotes 216 Likes 27 Bookmarks

Silke Wetz #fundie #magick youtube.com

[As always, errors are intentional as translations of bad original German.]

To REMEMBER, who WE are, for that use “your little Earth life” Herein we support the MASTERS and TEACHERS of the divine, impersonal SELF, those who have already remembered the ONE EXISTENCE like Jesus, Mary Magdalene and e.g. Ramana Maharshi. The call for us to do as they did and for that they teach us the way of truth through forgiveness & salvation of the illusory appearance of a separate Self that hast lost the way home because it identifies with the Finite, Temporary, Weak and Perishable, with the body and the World of Forms. The veil of forgetting would be lighted through by a new EXPERIENCE of EXISTENCE, herein the non-dual lore Jesus of “A Course In Miracles” and the art of longevity and of blissed living through the harmonisation of Live’s Flow with the Japanese healing streäm (Jin Shin Jyutsu).
In this video, I want to remind You of the “simply” just EXISTING that is the key to eternal peace and bliss and share with you what in this helps me again and again

Original GermanSich zu ERINNERN, was WIR sind, dafür nutze "dein kleines Erdenleben" Hierin unterstützen uns die MEISTER und LEHRER des göttlichen, unpersönliches SELBST, die sich bereits erinnert haben an das EINE SEIN wie Jesus, Maria Magdalena und z.B. Ramana Maharshi. Sie rufen uns auf, es ihnen gleich zu tun und dafür lehren sie uns den Weg der Wahrheit durch Vergebung & Erlösung der illusionären Erscheinung eines getrennten Selbst, das den Weg nach Hause verloren hat, weil es sich mit dem Endlichen, Zeitlichen, Sterblichen, Schwachen und Verweslichen, mit dem Körper und der Welt der Formen identifiziert. Der Schleier des Vergessens wird durch eine neue ERFAHRUNG des SEINS durchlichtet, hierin unterstützen uns die nonduale Lehre Jesus von "Ein Kurs in Wundern" und die Kunst der Langlebigkeit und des Glücklichseins durch das Harmonisieren des Lebensflusses mit dem Japanischen Heilströmen (Jin Shin Jyutsu).
In diesem Video möchte ich Euch an das "einfach" nur so SEIN erinnern, das der Schlüssel zum ewigen Frieden und Glückseligkeit ist und mit Euch teilen, was mir darin immer wieder hilft

Joseph Z #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #wingnut rightwingwatch.org

Monday night’s edition of the FlashPoint program on televangelist Kenneth Copeland’s Victory Channel focused on the selection of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as the Democratic candidate for vice president.

Guest Rick Green, an associate of Christian nationalist historian David Barton, declared Walz a “power-hungry tyrant” who is “perfect for the Communist Democrats.” If Green was hoping that would be the program’s most memorable attack line, he would soon be sorely disappointed.

That honor goes to “prophet” Joseph Z. Here’s part of his answer to his first question from host Gene Bailey, who asked if Z was encouraged or discouraged by what’s going on the country right now:

“I believe very clearly the spirit of the Lord is making a way for the body of Christ to go through in this time. And you know even when we bring up guys like Tim Walz and look at what’s going on, people say he’s you know midwestern folksy, I have another word for him, being from Minnesota myself, and it’s weird. The guy’s just weird. You see the way he hugs his wife. You see the way he does everything. I believe the Spirit of the Lord is letting them overextend their reach. I believe he’s giving them a sense of confidence that’s actually going to be a surprise silver lining turnaround in this whole narrative. I believe the spirit of the Lord is going to bring victory and breakthrough. And you know it’s interesting how the spirit of antichrist just loves to pick these people that fit right in with the wicked overlord lizard mafia that is really driven by their goblin masters, and when you’re looking at this, I believe that’s exactly what we’re facing right now—a spirit of antichrist that wants to have its way.”

ase2000 #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #conspiracy #fundie #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Recently one of my memes was taken down by Deviantart for being "hate speech".

Now this is of course ridiculous, as the content of said meme is actually comprised of direct quotes from Karl Marx, and five other communist dictators about their opinions on LGBTlmnopxyz... The idea being that it would expose the communist dictators, and their actual opinions on the subject. So, if that is "hate speech", then according to Deviantart's own policy, any pro-communist rhetoric, and specifically pro-Marxist, rhetoric should be taken down for the same reason.

This is also against the values of the first amendment of the United States, because believe it or not, "hate speech" is protected by it (which as pointed out earlier the meme isn't even hateful).

Anyway, in complete defiance of the anti-1a policy here is the meme


Bonus Comment


Thank you for this! I got censored on Youtube for stating that Trans people need therapy and counseling for mental illness, not affirmation and mandates. DA like so many other sites and organisations don't want to "be cancelled" so they just bow. Well don for standing up against this evil

Soul:Ask #crackpot #magick #conspiracy soulask.com

On August 8, 2024, at 07:42 UTC, Japan experienced an earthquake exceeding magnitude 7 on the Richter scale.

Recently, the first conspiracy theorists have withdrawn from the discussion, notably The End Times Forecaster, also known as William Frederick, M. DIV. He published a piece a few days ago that was not so much an article but rather a compendium of historical retrospectives – a series of articles he had previously written about the peculiar number 4420.

William Frederick initially highlighted this number in the movie “2012”:

Conspiracy theorists claim to have discovered a code that predicts when one must evacuate cities 2
The number appears repeatedly throughout the film, either explicitly or implicitly. For instance, in the scene where the escaping protagonists board a chartered plane, the clock reads 7:22.

Conspiracy theorists claim to have discovered a code that predicts when one must evacuate cities 3
Seven hours and twenty-two minutes equal 60 times 7 plus 22, which is 442 minutes.

The discovery led William Frederick to review the film in reverse, paying close attention to specific phrases at pivotal moments. For instance, at the 44:20 mark, the line “California goes into the ocean…” is spoken.
Conspiracy theorists claim to have discovered a code that predicts when one must evacuate cities 4
At first glance, this appears to be speculation from Mr. William Frederick. The number 4420 is indeed peculiar and warrants attention. However, why should we add 4420 days to the date of December 21, 2012? Perhaps there’s no need to add it at all – maybe it’s meant to be interpreted differently?
Thus, it is suggested that William Frederick possesses some numerological prowess. Although he did not disclose all the Illuminati’s secrets, the number 4420 is shrouded in ambiguity and has become the focus of certain rituals. It is even conjectured that the so-called ‘Mother of All Earthquakes’ might occur on January 28, 2025.

Nunya Bizness and Mike De Bruxelles #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot newsweek.com

(Nunya Bizness)

Meanwhile your ilk are pushing price controls, installing a candidate no one voted for, and using the law to go after opponents.

Prove me wrong on that last comment, what crime was Trump convicted of specifically. Hush money isn't the crime, that's a misdemeanor.

Meanwhile democrats are literally sacrificing children at the DNC thanks to planned parenthood. Can't make this stuff up. Evil.

(Mike De Bruxelles)

All heroes are joining Russia.

HealingTools4You #magick #ufo #sexist #mammon etsy.com

Speak Venusian ( Understand Womens Language 100%)

Women have their own language for quite along time , also women are more socially intelligent then men , most women at least. I came across an mp3 that let’s you think like a woman , but it was created with the intention for transgenderism. I want too still be myself , but speak Venusian with perfection.
26 Audio Spells:

Extreme attraction – – this has similar power output to 700ct but it’s for attraction, the extreme attraction, and main goal is: sex. It can be something insane, (of course set for attracting/manifesting women for love/sex relationships).
gain favors
learn fast
learn languages
fun in learning
boost intelligence
power erotic male
boost sexual arousal
a new love
excellent communication skills
quick correct response
gain important evidence
Programmed with these chi energy suggestions:
I am now a master of communication with the opposite sex
I now speak Venusian naturally with clarity
I now manifest the ability to understand women and their secret language now and always
I now understand the secret meaning behind women’s language
I now know what women want
I now manifest the ability to know what women want just like Mel Gibson in the movie what women want
I now manifest the ability to know what women want on deeper subconscious and conscious levels
I now the develop the ability to read women’s mind with clarity
I now use my ability to read women’s mind for the highest good
I now manifest the ability to read women’s mind emotions thoughts and body language in all dimensions perfectly
I now manifest the ability to hear what women think
In AT3 (Audio Talisman) there are two trance engines, quite heavy ones, and another pretty strong one based on Silent4D Image Mp3s. Dynamic music.
In mp3s for listening via headphones, there is light trance engine and one light Silent4D Image Mp3s engine. More ambient, so it is applicable to listen while doing other things.

Padraig Martin #racist #conspiracy identitydixie.com

[From “A History of Revolution: The British”]

I can think of no greater traitor to his people than the outrageously silent King Charles, who has said nothing while his nation is destroyed at every angle. The British police not only allow, but tacitly contribute to the kidnapping, rape, and murder of young, White British children. The government protects the freedoms of ultra-violent imams to declare statements of anti-White and anti-Christian hatred, while imprisoning White Christian Britons. The collective war against Anglo-Saxons by the British government is nothing short of demonic

Great Britain, however, enjoys a robust revolutionary history. In fact, the American Revolution was not a unique event in British history. It was the culmination of a British struggle for rights and national identity that began well before 1066[…]
By nature, Anglo-Saxons are revolutionaries with a deeply wedded cultural belief in God given rights. Yet today, the British government is at war with the British nation. I do not mean the political boundaries or physical population of Britain. I mean the very racial, ethnic, and cultural construct that made Great Britain a unique contributor to world history

Last week, some pathetic traitor who leads the London police threatened my American right to not only support a British revolution that returns the rights and native ownership of Great Britain to the British nation, but he also protects and defends Islamist rape gangs. He is, by definition, vile, subhuman scum. I dare him to come after those of us who unequivocally support every car overturned… every rock thrown… every building burned… as the British Nationalists reclaim their revolutionary heritage and stamp out the traitors who call themselves’ “government”

May God bless EVERY British Nationalist who reclaims his God given right to a government that represents him – not some other tribe(s)

Roger Kimball #wingnut #conspiracy amgreatness.com

Don’t cry for me, Argentina.

Cry for Kamala the Kamunist.

It took them a while, it’s true, but at least Argentina has someone with a rudimentary knowledge of economics in charge.

Indeed, Javier Milei, one of my favorite leaders on the world stage today (along with Viktor Orbán, Benjamin Netanyahu, Georgia Meloni, and Nayib Bukele) is a Trump-like dynamo. If I had a more developed entrepreneurial bent, I would try marketing a line of Milei chainsaws in the United States. Just as he took a chainsaw (sometimes literally) to excessive spending, regulation, and bureaucracy in Argentina, so my Milei Chainsaws could be employed against waste, fraud, and abuse here across the fruited plain. Milei’s robust policies have put Argentina on the runway to economic success. They have slashed inflation—some 200% when he took office—and his abolition of rent control—surprise, surprise—has sparked a 195% rise in available housing stock.

Meanwhile, the socialists funneling ideas to Harris have put together an economic plan redolent of Venezuela or, indeed, the Soviet Union. Its centerpiece revolves around centrally promulgated and enforced wage and price controls—a recipe for shortages and inflation.
As I have noted ever since Kamala was plucked out of the bin marked “ridiculous” and dusted off as the mannequin’s understudy, the intoxicating paroxysms of glee that convulsed the left-leaning media pundits was but a sugar-high. I thought it would probably linger through the DNC convention next week, but the manic phase is already passing the stupor consequent on the sudden drop in energy has set in.
What’s coming will not be pretty. But I predict that it will be cathartic. It’s hard to know just how much of a hose Trump’s victory will be for the rank Augean stables of Democrat incumbency. Doubtless, many clumps of ordure will remain. Many, however, will be flushed into the impatient, rushing currents of change. I am looking forward to it.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #racist #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

An amazing future is real and already underway. Expect free energy, natural remedies for healing, interstellar travel, time travel, a gold-backed monetary system, the end of fraud and chronic disease, to name but a few.

Less than 500 years ago, Tartaria was the Goliath of technologically superior beings living on planet Earth. Before our generations deliberately simplified our souls by turning off all but two strands of our DNA.

The “Great Mudflow” was responsible for wiping out brilliant architectures of imposing structures on our planet to bury them under a gigantic layer of mud, of which only remnants remained visible here and there. The technological innovations used then are now phantoms on the horizon. Compare old buildings such as Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris or the Dom Tower in Utrecht with today’s glass, steel and concrete hulks. This is clear evidence of the decline of our present culture and civilisation!

The Khazars are purely evil in character. Originally descended from the Anunnaki, they came from the planet Nibiru and landed in summer, from where they migrated northwards. They have always been a strange race of thieves, cheats and murderers, characterised by extraordinary cruelty and sexual perversion.

They never obeyed laws or rules. They were masters of deception. Six non-existent centuries were added to history, by the German-Nordic Institute, which invented the whole fake history.

Soon after this institute was founded in the second half of the 19th century, the German-Nordic Institute had established over 700 colleges and universities in Europe alone, and another 100 all over the world, not only for the purpose of falsifying the entire history, but also for creating new languages, new quasi-sciences, and everything else in the curriculum of schools and universities.

This number of colleges and universities grew exponentially over the years, plus an unknown number of colleges in the world today, all run by the German-Nordic Institute in disguise.

CodezVII #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy telegram.org

////////// This MOON //////////

of YOURS was used until very recently by the NIBIRUAN ANUNNAKI and their DARK ANCHARA Alliance Allies as an ORBITING Base to observe and control what was happening on the surface of MOTHER EARTH /

The MOON was now disguised as a LIFELESS orbiting BODY / but underneath HER surface / the INTERIOR Base had been completely modernised and organized as a MOTHERSHIP controlling a large / hidden FLEET / The remnants of its former luxuriant ECO- System were mined for the minerals and ores needed for the constant renovation of the Base and it/s FLEET of SPACECRAFT /

Then in the early 1970S / the GALACTIC FEDERATION of LIGHT annexed a section of this INNER-MOON Base / which then served as our primary HEADQUARTERS here until the early ////////// 1990’s

Jon Del Arroz #fundie #wingnut #homophobia substack.com

[Context: Heather Antos edits Star Trek comics]

Heather Antos pushed harder into the LGBTQ+ community, including contributing to a pro-child grooming anthology titled “When I Was Young,” which was marketed as stories about corrupting youth into sexualized situations. The anthology is a poignant example of fueling speculation as to whether this was an offering of child sacrifice to the Devil.

On top of this, Antos posted a viral video mocking Christians again by replacing the Bible with the book “The Jedi Path”, showing a deep commitment to known satanic institutions like Disney Star Wars, which are now pushing messages that evil is good and good is evil through their shows like The Acolyte.

Now, Heather Antos created further uproar this weekend by wearing a t-shirt at the Chicago Fan Expo, which clearly reads “Hail Satan.” With such a past of having toyed with devil worship, it seems like her intention is clear with comics.

If she has indeed sold her soul to the devil, it explains why she’s risen to such prominence in the industry despite demonstrated incompetence which has led to Valiant Comics shutting down and outsourcing their entire line to a different publisher via licensing, as well as IDW Publishing delisting from the stock exchange and laying off a substantial part of their workforce because of massive reported losses since Heather Antos has been editing at the company.

As comic book fans, we can only pray that Heather Antos will accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and get herself off this dark path.

Wayne Allyn Root #wingnut facebook.com

Today’s Democrat party: Inside the convention will be America’s largest collection of radical America haters, Jew haters, communists, traitors & nut jobs. Outside protesting will be even MORE radical & even MORE extreme America haters, Jew haters, communists, traitors & nut jobs- who hate the Democrats inside convention because they’re not crazy & extreme enough!

FOXNEWS.COM Anti-Israel protesters expected to gather in Chicago by the thousands during DNC

various commenters #interphobia #transphobia ovarit.com

( Dusty )
Does anyone else feel like they're the only sane person in the asylum?
I was watching Khelif's latest interview, in this one he's wearing makeup and acting very demure and "feminine", unlike every other time we've seen him flexing his muscles and every other video or picture of him where he's barefaced and strutting around and posing like a "cool guy".

So now, you'd expect anyone with eyes to see that he's putting on a performance, right? No, suddenly it's "See! She was a woman all along. Look how feminine she is here!"

I mean, this a joke, surely? Are people really buying this bullshit? It's like watching the world's worst confidence man dressing up as a woman to scam idiot aristocrats in a 60s screwball comedy. To the audience, it's obvious the conman is a man dressed as a woman, and we all laugh as the dumb aristocrat fawns over them and calls them a beautiful woman. I mean, as a society, we used to understand the joke, we used to see this for what it was. What's happened?

( NoName )
They know he's a man. They're just enjoying gaslighting people.

As far as being sane, this is the only forum I can go to where this can be discussed without being shut down.

Actually, I can barely even call men out for violence against women. That gets me called a "misandrist" and people pretend just as many women beat up men as the other way around. It's nuts.

I feel sane here. Y'all are sane.

( Dwarfjade )
I feel crazy too. No one irl wants to hear me complain about two people with Y chromosomes winning women’s Olympic boxing. Oh well

( Chronicity )
Watch how people call him a “cis woman” and act like it’s ludicrous that anyone would clock him as a man. We are supposed to believe there are legions of women out there who look just like this man.

But these same people accept without question that TIMs will experience life-threatening gender dysphoria if they can’t look like women do. You know, like the complete opposite of Khelif.

( CrimsonSoleil )
That’s a great point. If women can look like this boxer, why have any surgeries at all?

Bro. JD #fundie simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

The Textus Receptus or Received Text is the correct Greek manuscript of the Bible based on later, correct revisions. Modern "scholars" rely on corrupted earlier versions which early Christians did not use due to those manuscripts being less worn, showing that they survived because Christians knew them to be defective and therefore did not use them. Good manuscripts would be used and copied more and would therefore wear out more quickly, and this is proof that the Textus Receptus is the only valid set of manuscripts that the King James Version of the Bible is based on.

Ben Bartree #transphobia archive.ph

(Isn’t it a weird indictment of American politics that, knowing what one thinks about the alleged pandemic and the vaccines that weren’t really vaccines, one can almost with 100% accuracy guess what their views on transgenderism are?)
Here is Tyson explaining that, in fact, XX and XY chromosomes are “insufficient” as markers of sex because psychologically afflicted individuals with male genitalia might decide to slip on a fresh set of panties, put on “I Feel Like a Woman,” and dance the night away with their boyfriend before indulging in a bit of prison action.
So, that would be the XX chromosome incarnation of said individual.
Then, the next day, when they don the muscle shirt, they’re back to XY chromosomal masculinity just like that.
This is clearly how The Science™ works. Please clap.
A classic blunder — like starting a land war in Asia. What is on display here is a very sad and transparent bit of sophistry in which Tyson conflates biological sex and gender, a social designation, and hopes the audience of retarded zoomers who lap it up are too dumb to ever notice, or too far gone to care.
Biological men can dress up in the prettiest pink pastels and blacken their eyes with the hottest Kardashian-sponsored mascara on the market to their effeminate hearts’ content; their DNA does not change. And until The Science™ figures out how to accomplish that — and let’s not put it past them — no amount of dress-up will remedy the sex prison that transgenders imagine for themselves.

SpaceGeneral #pratt kotakuinaction2.win

The Right is suffering from a particularly dangerous delusion. In this fantasy, they are finally given the opportunity to be on a massive stage in front of the whole country if not world, with hundreds of millions of rational, decent, intelligent, calm, pragmatic, moral, and long thinking audience members. The Right finally gets a chance to bring all their charts and graphs and facts and proof and is able to put on such a show that is so compelling, so moving, so utterly convincing, while their leftist opponent just stands there and sputters with rage, that a new era of traditional conservatism sweeps the land and reigns for generations. The Right is constantly looking for this stage like Cortez and El Dorado. Every time their arguments are totally ignored, ever time the left laughs in their face, every time their accurate date is immediately drowns out like a fart in a hurricane by millions of screaming college kids on tiktok, they tell themselves something was missing. They didn't have the right stage or right audience, they didn't have the time or chance fully explain.

Imagine an old white guy in a Tweed suit standing at the lectern in a college lecture hall pointing at a chalkboard. The entire lecture hall is empty except for three or four people listening raptly. Outside the lecture hall a riot is taking place and thousands of rioters are pouring gasoline on the lecture hall getting ready to burn it down.

That is the real position the Right is in. They'll be spluttering about rules and decorum and how it's not fair to the very end. You want a picture of the future, imagine the stolen Nike clad foot of a sassy overweight black angry lesbian stomping on your face, forever. You will never, ever, when these people over with arguments, data, or facts. Anyone who even tries is a fool who deserves to be defeated. They need to be destroyed, not convinced. The vast majority of the right will never actually do it though, because they're still waiting for that rhetorical victory to end all victories. Like all the leftists are going to throw down their signs and bricks, take a shower, cut their hair, and then lift the right leaning speaker up on their shoulders with cheers of "now we finally understand!". It's never going to happen.

Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie twitter.com

Part 3 of 3

God’s Word in Genesis tells us that God created distinct kinds of animals “according to their kind.” The implication is that each kind produces its own kind and cannot change into a totally different kind.

We now know that the “kind” in most instances is at the family level of classification (from documented evidence showing which can breed with which). So the dog family always produces dogs. Although different species of dogs have formed because of the genetic diversity God created in the DNA of the dog kind, dogs will only ever produce dogs.

The science of genetics confirms biblical kinds and does not confirm evolutionary beliefs that claim one kind can change into a totally different kind over millions of years.

That’s why evolutionists must insist on millions/billions of years. Afterall, how do they try to convince people that an impossible process (life from non-life--molecules to man evolution) happened? They have to have an incomprehensible amount of time (billions of years) to claim that given enough time anything can happen.

C.T. #racist #psycho westsdarkesthour.com

[From “UK riots”]

In this post, I would like to clarify why I haven’t talked much about the riots that have been taking place in the UK

I’ve said it before: unlike other racialist sites, this blog doesn’t cover news

In fact, in times past I have been wrong to talk about things I thought would happen soon, such as the collapse of the dollar. I even erred when, for a while, I thought COVID was going to be as deadly as the Spanish Flu; or when more recently I thought the Israeli or Ukrainian wars were going to get much hotter than what is happening

Had I known, I wouldn’t have even mentioned those wars![…]
The riots in the UK are not the subject of this site for one simple reason. As I have been saying for a long time, the only way to save whites is to go from ‘happy mode’ to ‘killing mode’. And for that, there are two intermediate stages to cross: ‘angry mode’ (what the English are just beginning to feel) and ‘combat mode’ (something like arming yourself to protect your family inside your house from possible chimps out)

But the killing mode is already a revolutionary stage, and we could visualise it with that famous scene in the film Civil War[…]in which a blond American says to a mestizo ‘What kind of American are you?’ before and after killing a couple of Gooks

Until thousands of white men reach that mental stage during a racial revolution à la The Turner Diaries, there is no point in commenting on the petty news these days. I repeat: I regret talking about the collapse of the dollar (when will it happen?), COVID and even the wars in Palestine and Ukraine because they are not apocalyptic—yet. I might even die of old age in the future and the Revolution hasn’t started![…]
The aim of The West’s Darkest Hour is not to comment on the news but to understand why whites are committing ethnic suicide. And why seems clear to me: Christians and atheists alike have let the New Testament morality of loving every human infect their hearts

Donald Trump #transphobia #conspiracy #pratt apnews.com

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former President Donald Trump on Saturday again decried two gold medalist Olympic athletes, falsely labeling the female boxers as men.

Trump made the comments while speaking at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania and pledging to “keep men out of women’s sports,” turned his attention to the recently concluded Olympic Games and the case of two athletes who became the subject of international scrutiny regarding misconceptions about their gender.

Trump has long criticized transgender people as part of his rallies and focused specifically on transgender athletes, using language about gender identity that LGBTQ+ advocates say is wrong and harmful.

In the case of the two boxers, both Imane Khelif of Algeria and Li Yu-ting of Taiwan have faced misconceptions about their gender created by the fallout from the Olympic-banished International Boxing Association’s decision last year to disqualify both fighters from the world championships for allegedly failing an eligibility test.

Trump did not mention the athletes by name but remarked that “in the Olympics, they had two transitioned.”

“They were men. They transitioned to women, and they were in the boxing,” Trump said.

Despite being born and raised as women, Khelif and Lin found themselves in the crosshairs of Western debates about gender, sex and sports after failing the unspecified and untransparent eligibility tests for women’s competition from the now-banned International Boxing Association.

Trump and other prominent figures have complained about Khelif being allowed to compete and Trump has previously referred to Khelif as a man.

On Saturday, he did so again and in describing both athletes competing in the games as “crazy” and said, “It’s so demeaning to women.”

JonFreeman #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

A fundamental flaw of woke is "right makes might".

It's an attitude of "i an doing the right thing, therefore i will succeed, therefore anyone who doesn't believe me must be wrong and must be actively a threat"

This belief of the right to succeed supercedes hard work and attention to detail ... which leads to failure.

Hence: go woke go broke

Stephen Miller #conspiracy newrepublic.com

Stephen Miller tried to invent a new, outrageous attack against President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, calling them the “number one traffickers” of “girls into sex slavery on planet Earth” on MSNBC Wednesday night

On The Beat With Ari Melber, the former White House adviser and Trump campaign surrogate went into a rant after Melber questioned Miller about the January 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection

“A lot of innocent people have been persecuted by a corrupt system!” Miller shouted. “What kind of corrupt system throws Republican lawyers in jail for offering good, sound legal advice but does nothing with secretaries of state who plainly violate their own state laws and constitutions? How many people are in jail right now?

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the number one traffickers of children—girls into sex slavery on planet Earth! How many people are in jail for that?” Miller added, before Melber stepped in to cut him off

“We’ve gone this far—we’ve gone. We’ve gone this far in an exchange, we’re not doing just anything you want to rip off the internet that’s false. And we’re not doing defamation here!” Melber replied

various commenters #interphobia #transphobia ovarit.com

Women come in all shapes and sizes

( RusticTroglodyte )
the pic with his obvious bulge showing totally kills me

( spacykate )
Also the pic of him sparring with a crotch guard. Come on.

( Jehane )
Male aggression, right there. No wonder the Italian boxer gave up after 40 seconds or so. Any woman in her right mind would be scared shitless if a man came at her looking like that.

( MaryDyer )
Yep. That pose and expression are 100% male. I’ve seen some angry women before but I’ve never seen one in such a male-typical rage-posture.

( DoomedSibyl )
It’s astounding that so many people are still insisting that he’s a fully normal woman. He’s frightening and so very, very male in every picture I’ve seen of him. People are so vulnerable to suggestion and what is essentially mind-controlled marketing and advertising. For years now I’ve wondered what things I believe that are completely false.

( KageThornback )
Not so astounding when supposedly trusted major media is running the narrative that he's female. I was having dinner with a few friends and one friend brought him up unprompted and she had a little rant about the injustice of it all. This was a pleasant surprise as I usually have to bite my tongue and consciously try not to talk about trans bullshit around these friends because they are 'normies' and I can tell they are getting bored of my rants. Sadly, as a much less pleasant surprise, the next time I met with this friend for a coffee a few days later she started telling me about how she was wrong about everything and owed 'her' an apology because she read a BBC article about how imane is just a really special woman after all.

( Sonnet )
Female people pointing out that many TIMs have recognizably-masculine features = SEXISMMMMMM! Against gender non-conforming women of course, this has nothing to do with male feelings.

Male people obsessing about their next breast augmentation or facial-feminization surgery = Well if I can’t be a woman who looks like a porn star I might as well be dead, you know?

various commenters #interphobia #transphobia ovarit.com

( faerieclaire )
Finally got banned from 2x for…
….saying you shouldn’t be in women’s sports if you have XY chromosomes LMAO

“2 x chromosomes” my ass, they couldn’t care less about women over there. I shared the articles from Khelif’s trainer and coach, saying he had a “chromosome/hormone problem” and that it was unfair for him to be against women etc, and even WITH the evidence, people are saying I’m lying/wrong! Yet they have no evidence of their own to share…. 🙄🙄🙄 Even that one picture with his dick clearly visible in his shorts, people are like “oh well you THINK you see a dick on her” WTF else would it be!? 💀

Hope this is the right place to post something like this, I’m just annoyed with the state of the world in general and wanted to vent for a minute

( Hex )
TwoX is males central. Creepy men who scare women in real life have a place where they can be faceless wolves in women's clothing and get all the attention and validation they want. It's always funny when you clock a TIM just from the male reek of their comments, and lo and behold, they post in TwoX or MtF subs, with a dash of weird porn subs.

( KateAmanak )
I think I just had an insight. Men are particularly drawn to the most female possible spaces specifically and profusely. So XX and lesbian subs. They end up taking over them without noticing others do exactly the same.

Sorry I know this sounds obvious but I used to think they generally took over reddit because they're just chronically online incels taking over the site generally. Now I realize there's a fetish / ego component of specifically taking that space exactly because they shouldn't. And they all equally do that by individual fetishistic reasoning without realizing that they're doing it collectively.


( RappaccinisDaughter )
It is kind of hilarious that they all think they're the only man there.

( syntaxerror )
It reminds me of that funny comic where three men are standing by themselves, naked, in a women’s locker room with horrible makeup and wigs with the caption “Well this fucking sucks.”

Or that one where a couple of wolves stand up in a flock of sheep and take off their sheep costumes once they realize that literally the whole flock of “sheep” is all wolves in sheep costumes.

( VirginiaWolfberry )
Yes, they get violation thrills. It is a feature, not a bug.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Part 2 of 3

The Bible reveals that God created life. This means one would expect that life should show evidence of being created by an intelligence and that it could not have arisen from matter by natural processes.

Scientists know that life is built on the molecule of hereditary called DNA. The more DNA has been studied, the more we understand it is like a library of books filled with information. That information is read by a code system. We also know that information and code systems cannot arise from matter by natural processes. Information and codes can only come from an intelligence. Thus, DNA can only be explained by an intelligent designer. This does not prove it was the God of the Bible, but it does confirm what the Bible declares:

“For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him” (Colossians 1:16).

The bible also makes clear that if people do not believe in creation by the Creator God they are “without excuse” (Romans 1:20). Atheists have no excuse for their willful ignorance of God as Creator.

Part 3 tomorrow
7:55 PM · Aug 15, 2024 · 4,170 Views
45 Reposts 2 Quotes 143 Likes 8 Bookmarks

Bro. JD #fundie #conspiracy simplychristian.shoutwiki.com

The King James Version of the Bible is the true inerrant Word of God in English, in all 66 books of the proper canon. This is the only true English Textus Receptus based version of the Bible in English, and is pure and uncorrupted from modern "scholarship" which plagues the New "King James Version" which is a trojan horse to get Bible believing Baptists to accept modern innovations and heresies.

Denise Balbaneda and Gerald Gonzales #dunning-kruger #quack #psycho wistv.com

A 12-year-old girl in Texas died after her parents didn’t seek medical attention after she suffered life-threatening injuries. Instead, they gave her smoothies and vitamins, according to authorities.

Deputies said Miranda Sipps, a cheerleader at Jourdanton Junior High School, suffered unknown life-threatening injuries for about four days before she tragically died Monday, WKRC reported.

Before her death, her parents, 36-year-old Denise Balbaneda and 40-year-old Gerald Gonzales, allegedly tried to treat her injuries through smoothies and vitamins.

“They were trying to give her smoothies, but somebody who is unconscious is not able to swallow,” Soward noted.

[…]“She was not talking. She basically could flutter her eyes and move her hands a little bit over a four-day period,” said Atascosa County Sheriff David Soward. “And they had her laying on a pallet in the house.”

The 12-year-old girl was pronounced dead in the emergency room.

[…]Investigators believed the couple avoided seeking medical attention to prevent law enforcement from coming to their home.

Even after calling 911, Balbaneda left their house and met emergency responders on the road.

Laura Hollis #wingnut #fundie #racist #conspiracy wnd.com

Newly elected British Prime Minister Keir Starmer called the protests "far-right thuggery," and virtually every single media outlet has smeared all protesters as "far-right" bigots and racists. This ignores legitimate concerns of the native British population. Ever-larger percentages of Great Britain's residents are not native-born. Forty percent of London's population was not born in Great Britain, and 54% have parents who were born elsewhere. Sixty-three percent of immigrants to Great Britain now come from non-EU countries, and many arrive from countries with religious beliefs and cultural practices that are not only different from those of Great Britain but actively hostile to them. <...> It should not shock anyone that Western civilization is under attack. Christianity – one of the pillars of Western civilization – has been attacked for decades, its role in contemporary Western society continually eroded. This is societal suicide. There is no Western civilization without Christianity. <...> Too many of those who read the Bible do not distinguish between punishment and consequence. God advises us to do X and to avoid Y, and we ignore His admonitions at our peril; not because He will "punish" us if we disregard His precepts, but because He is warning us that we will destroy ourselves or leave ourselves vulnerable to being destroyed. The laws of human behavior and societal flourishing are as immutable as gravity. You can tell yourself you're God and throw yourself off a building, but you will still go splat when you hit the ground. <...> Those pushing to further reduce Christianity's influence on Western civilization – or eliminate Western civilization itself – will soon find that what takes its place is not a secular utopia of multicultural respect and scientific rationality but a bloody morass of sectarian conflict, widespread ignorance, routine violence and subjugation of the weak by those in power. In other words, the status quo before Christianity.

Michael Knowles #racist #conspiracy mediamatters.org

Citation From the August 12, 2024, edition of The Daily Wire's The Michael Knowles Show

There was a gal who won. She won the bronze medal, this Romanian gal. And her name is, Voinea, Sabrina Voinea. And so her score was up there, you know, and she won the bronze and she did a good job in gymnastics. And then they just changed her score. She's already so excited that she won. They changed her score, and they gave it to – and this is important for the context, she's an extremely white girl – and they gave it to a Black girl, Chiles – something Chiles. And so – Jordan Chiles. So Jordan Chiles, Black, ends up keeping her same score. Sabrina Voinea loses a tenth of a point or something like that, for allegedly stepping out[…]
I'm not saying it didn't come close, but it was fine. They took that point away for no reason whatsoever. But the reason that the races matter here is this was the podium that was hailed by all the Olympics, you know, PR flacks as the all-Black podium. It was so historic. So, of course, they had to take it away from the white girl and they had to give it to the Black girl[…]
Now affirmative action is not just in schools, it's not just in places of employment, affirmative action is now in sports, affirmative action is now in the Olympics. That's amazing. You get however many extra points on your SAT if you check the right racial box. And now I guess you get an extra tenth of a point, quarter of a point, half a point, who knows, in Olympics gymnastics

Sherry T #crackpot #wingnut #racist #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Confirmed DROPS<

On June 26 i gave CABLES>] : That the U S. Military was training Mexicans and sending them back to Mexico through Maglev trains under ground tunnels systems from Cheyenne mountain with weapons
(U.S citizens in Colorado near Cheyenne mountain have been in Panic over seeing so much Mexicans in the area and word spread that the cartels had taken over Cheyenne mountains<<< this is far from the truth)///

>WHAT’S HAPPENING BEHIND THE SCENES]; With USSF and military contract agency STARLINK ( MUSK is a military contractor placed by Ezra, Patel Trump White HATS)/// > have all been helping operations against the Cartels along the border and the Mexican army> operations that have silently started TRUMPS MILITARY OPERATIONS AGAINST THE CARTELS ( inside CIA operations/who created the drug and trade and facilitated world wide drug cartel ops.). With the help of the U.S. military training Mexican nationals the past 3 years and now have been sent back ( continuing ) to fight the Mexican corruption

NOW MAJOR ARRESTS are happening in Mexico and a long the border.
Trumps Military operations have already gone after the cartels ( operation increasing)
. In 2025_26 it’s being PLANned that cartel leaders WILL give full deposition on Mexican cartels controlling parts of the DNC and blackmailing DNC & RINOS in several states as Arizona. New Mexico. Texas. California . NYC. Chicago. Florida and much more.
The soldiers being trained in the U.S. near Cheyenne mnt. Are going to move the Mexican nationality to a massive MASSIVE REVOLUTION…. And the people of Mexico WILL Unite to take down the FULL MEXICAN CARTEL OPERATIONS AND RID THEIR COUNTRY OF CIA CONTROL AND CCP CORRUPTION

Trump will leave no choice for Mexico, but to clean their country of all corruption… And they must do this in order to join the United States new financial system

Various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy deviantart.com


it isn’t odd if you know the end game they have behind it people get mad cause I’m voting TRUMP but don’t want to see the ugly side of what the so called progressive Tolerant left wants to do.we are the carbon they want to reduce(when I say that I mean depopulation ) if you look at what globalists are plotting destroying America is just the first step in they’re evil bid to control the planet)


I SWEAR DeviantArt brings out the ugly in people. Just look at this guy over here!

I know I’m just awful to want to keep what I work for and be left alone

Father Dabney #racist #psycho #fundie identitydixie.com

[From “The Beginnings, English Awakening”]

Many of our readers are of English stock. As for myself, I have deep connections in the British Isles. One of my grandfathers was a man of great importance in Bath, England, and his son was at one time the commander of the British Army in India. My bloodlines are also deeply connected to Wales, Ireland, and Scotland, as is the case for most of us born in Dixie[…]
Elizabeth II precipitated the dissolution of the once mighty British Empire, an empire on which the sun never set[…]Her government allowed many of her subjects from various non-European colonies to immigrate into the United Kingdom, completely obliterating the social cohesion of her realm[…]
Neither of these populations need to be on our island, nor on the Celtic island to the west. They have brought nothing but ill upon the native inhabitants, and though the very polite English have endured much up till now, all with a stiff upper lip, their patience is at an end[…]
The English have watched as foreigners have displaced them in employment, government benefits, and the preference of their own leaders[…]The English have seen their daughters groomed and raped, sons murdered, even watched as a little girl was beheaded in front of her parents. Recently, three little girls were stabbed to death[…]
And that’s when it happened, that is when the English began to hate!

Our brothers are finally pushing back against the hordes of Orcish folk treacherously imported by leaders on both sides of the political spectrum[…]Some of the protests have been violent, and completely legitimate as a means of self-defense. As expected, they have been met with resistance by both the Islamists and a corrupt security state[…]
My hope is that a truly Christian king will once again sit upon the throne, casting out those wishing to conquer Fortress Britannia. Until that time, let me help you recall one of the most prescient poems for our time
["The Beginnings", Kipling]

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy substack.com

Social media operates off of fear in many ways. Politics uses fear as a weapon against the opposing side. For those seasoned in the great meme wars of 2016-2024, you know this all too well.

Peace and tranquility are not monikers you’d give to political gamesmanship or 5G narrative warfare. It’s quite the opposite actually. Waking up the populace is more akin to guerilla warfare.
The enemy knows no peace. This is their weak point.

This is what hurts them the most.

The fact that we have made it this far despite all situations that could have caused our faith to waver is outstanding. We lifted each other when things got as rough as they did. When morale needed boosting, we found a way. And think about how close this next election is at this point. We are staring down the barrel of a potentially combustible situation in nearly every facet of this country but guess what? I personally have zero fear.

I know that mystery Babylon is falling.

I know that God is guiding us through this peril. This needs to be our anchor.


We need to be elevating our faith. We don't have time to wallow in self-pity or always focus on the pathetic schemes of the enemy. We need to meet this flood of resistance and tower above it like never before with a vision coming from God. The enemy is attempting to scare us when we all know that chaos is always part of the plan. Chaos ensues when Babylon falls. The very system itself quakes before God because it knows its time is short. This is nothing to be afraid of.
If you haven’t become more spiritual, closer to God, and hungry to see revival in this world after witnessing the COVID pandemic, the stolen election, Satanists and pedophiles embedded within our government, globalists scheming to create a new world order, the looming threat of war, and the reality of evil in this world being exposed at unprecedented levels then you are truly blind.

God is shaking people awake.

We're on the winning team.

Nothing can stop it.

Brad #fundie quora.com

Yashua, Jesus Christ, Gabriel, Athena, Apollo, Aphrodite and Zeus.
Artemis confessed. She is a fallen Angel. The Queen of Heaven is with Satan.
Abaddon confessed. He is a fallen Angel. Abaddon is with Satan. Isn’t he supposed to imprison Satan?
Like in that prophecy stuff no human knows how to read but thinks they do?
Oh they are named in scripture. What a coincidence.
Now I know what you’re thinking.
Could Death’s appearance be the reason I drew these 3 years ago after God made me a prophet 6 years ago when I was 33?
Nobody believed me then, and you still don’t.
Could Deaths appearance to me and then again at the Olympics be fulfillment of this prophecy?
Could a giant Red Star gone supernova in the Orion constellation be interpreted as a Red Dragon in prophecy?
Or just not retarded?
Let’s see who can riddle this out.
To say those are Angels, Christ has returned before the end of the world and that’s Heaven’s Army would be crazy talk right?
Now what you’re thinking.
“Burn da witch!”
Anubis Rides with me.
We used sorcery to join souls like Amun and Ra.
Amun Ra is No Second. Amun Ra is second to No One.
Yashua is the No.1 supreme being of the universe.
Jesus Christ has forgiven me for this, it’s sort of how we met, God and Heaven’s Army did not smite me for using sorcery to combine souls with the Grande Vizier of Death.
Neither will you.
We’ll be ones raining down wrath and plagues all over Earth.
I suggest you believe this, and repent.
Or don’t.
Your choice.
Life begins after you die.
Asia needs told again.
Thy will be done in Earth as it is done in Heaven.
I am The Son of Man.
And ya.
The cloud said so that’s why.

Devvy Kidd #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Progressives are full blown Marxists. Oh, they might huff and puff and say that’s not true but well-crafted Soviet style brain washing indoctrination methods were slowly inculcated using America’s schools even before I was born. By the time impressionable (and sometimes rebellious) young Americans got out of high school or colleges, they believe America is a democracy which it is not. That capitalism is evil and stomps on the down trodden. Socialism is heaven for everyone!

Over the past three decades I’ve educated myself on what I either wasn’t taught in civics classes or have simply forgotten being I’m now 75. One thing that has never wavered in my mind is the miracle of the birthing of this constitutional republic, capitalism and while I didn’t know all the finer intricacies of brain washing, I’ve always known socialism and communism are a deadly poison.
The birthing of the massive hoax, Global Warming now known as Climate Change” began after the 1928 convention in Moscow. It’s now a cult-religion and key tool of the Communist International Party as they believed it to be one of the biggest sledgehammers to destroy capitalism – especially in the U.S.

Communism is EVIL and it must be crushed in this country. Jeri explains exactly how the Communist International intend to take over the world. How to create the “new Soviet Man” and when the push started: “In 1928 Communists formally adopted “The Program” for building a new global communitarian social order composed of the ruling elite (the masters) and subjugated masses (the slaves).’
It’s us up to us to call these traitors out (non-violently, of course) and parents around this country to continue fighting back against the lies and propaganda being pounded into their child’s head every day. Their innocence is being stolen and they’re being deliberately dumbed down to be little better than oxen under the yoke.

Ramona Lappin #magick #ufo #conspiracy eraoflight.com

rected and reborn fully anew, and with it, all of reality shifts for the quantum leap of The One Consciousness completes our hero’s journey all as One!


Now we delete the old version of us and reality at large, and how all was, and start anew with a New Beginner’s Mind. As if seeing everything anew through all-new crystalline clear vision and lenses of perception to return all of reality to its original Innocence and state of consciousness, which is pure Love.

This is how we are now fully quantum merging with our true authentic future God-Self already living on New Ascension Earth, already fully healed and ascended, which is how all is shape-shifting in our realities from the inside out!
We came to HOLD THE LINE!


HOLD THE VISION OF NEW ASCENSION EARTH & ALL ASCENDED out of the false prison Matrix simulation





As we see Source animating all and everything, it’s what we return and what heals all back to it’s original Divine Organic Blueprints!
Imagine Heaven on Earth fully ignited and all new free worlds and limitless quantum realities and possibilities available to us now!

For its all about to become fully manifest and blend into view for real!



Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Over the next three days, we’ll consider a few items from Genesis 1–11, as this is the history in geology, biology, astronomy, and anthropology which is the key to building the right worldview and thus correctly understanding the present. This history is also the foundation for the rest of the Bible, for all doctrine, for a biblical worldview, and in fact, everything.

The Bible reveals that the earth has undergone a global flood (Genesis 6–9). If such a flood occurred in the past, we would expect to find evidence of it. What would we expect to find? Well, even local floods in the present lay down many feet of layers quickly. So looking at the present can give us some indication of what catastrophic processes can do. In other words, we are using observational science to understand processes.

As I often say, if there really was a worldwide (global) flood, you would expect to find billions of dead things (fossils) buried in rock layers, laid down by water, all over the earth. And that’s exactly what we find in the present. And the more this has been investigated by creation scientists, the more we understand that these fossil-bearing sedimentary layers over the earth had to be laid down quickly, not slowly.

What the Bible reveals concerning a global flood is the key to understanding the present regarding most of the fossil layers. Yes, observational science confirms the bible’s history in geology.
7:41 PM · Aug 14, 2024 · 4,590 Views
54 Reposts 1 Quote 172 Likes 10 Bookmarks

@Simone.in.Norway #sexist youtube.com

Men are physically stronger than women. It's not rocket science. An that's the reason why they have been in the position where they have been throughout history, including the position of being expended for the sake of women and children. But eventually, In the comfort of this modern world, physical strength has lost much of its value, and consequently the traditional position of men in society has been put into question.

In the softness of this modern digital era, most people have been relieved from hard physical work, and they have forgotten how hard life was for both men and women throughout history. And it's this very same comfort that grants people the privilege to dwell in their existential resentment and vent all their frustrations against the "patriarchy", "toxic masculinity" and other "social constructs" ... ending up incarnating the very problem that they claim to fight against. Pure projection.

Maria de Lurdes Rodrigues #moonbat #wingnut #dunning-kruger jn.pt

The Left is not woke.[…] Susan Neiman, in her book published this year by Presença, presents us with a manifesto against tribalism and identity-based particularism in political struggle. She believes that woke thinking and behaviour are traps that distance the Left from the values ​​enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that kill hope and obscure alternatives for change.

“Is it possible to define woke?” he asks. And he answers: it begins with concern for marginalized people and ends with the reduction of each person to the prism of their marginalization. It is this reduction that is at the root of identity politics and tribalism. The Left’s attraction to identity politics is particularly tragic, because it makes it abandon the terrain of human rights and universalism where its origin and strength lie. “Tribalism is a dangerous game, as the Right realized very early on: if the demands of minorities are not seen as human rights, but as the rights of specific groups, what prevents a majority from insisting on its own rights?”

This is, we could say, a book of political philosophy applied to the analysis of the current situation of much of the Left. The author seeks to reach many of those who want to understand and help solve the problems we face in contemporary societies. Starting from the classics of the Enlightenment, she recovers the basic ideas of universalism - solidarity, justice, progress and commitment to doubt -, demonstrating their relevance to the formulation of Left-wing policies.

At the same time, it shakes up the darkest views on progress and the modern world, considering that, although they are in many cases valid and legitimate analytical exercises, they suffer from two problems. They focus human experience on traumatic and negative dimensions, anchoring us in the past, obscuring or even ignoring all other dimensions. In doing so, they undermine the future and the hope for change.

Because the steps taken towards progress have sometimes had terrible consequences, we have lost hope in progress. Disappointments are real and sometimes devastating. But woke theories, instead of pointing to solutions, place disbelief at the center of human experience, “creating a semblance of suspicion that constitutes the background music of contemporary Western culture.”

YouTube comments #sexist youtube.com


Comment section of that video highlighting once again why women historically had no rights at all.



They still don't because rights are in your head.


Yea that whole womens rights movement caused a lot of trouble

I wonder who caused it ⚡


"In my time, it was acceptable to own slaves"

- you, probably


@_synchrophasotron Way to take a statement out of context. He’s saying historically it is a good example on the reasoning behind why they didn’t have rights. He’s not saying he condones slavery. Sensitive.

SfcMac #racist #crackpot #conspiracy sfcmac.com

The outrage happened after the latest attack carried out by a 17 year old muzzie ‘immigrant’ who stabbed three innocent children to death and severely injured several more at a concert.

British citizens are sick of the muzzie invaders who murder, rape, and destroy their neighborhoods. They’re fighting back.

The Dhimmification of Europe started years ago when their governments began a policy of pandering to a violent theocracy.

Britain allows violent terrorist muzzie pigs onto its soil and the ensuing carnage is condoned by gutless law enforcement. They murder, rape, and commit acts of terrorism with impunity while citizens who speak out against it are censored, harassed, and prosecuted.

various commenters #interphobia #transphobia ovarit.com


( RusticTroglodyte )
Literally nobody is saying Imane is trans. We're saying he's a man...bc he is

( a_shrub )
Why would homophobia have anything to do with sending a man that you're pretending is a woman to beat the shit out actual women? Nobody's said anything about his sexual orientation.

( overanddone )
He's not trans, sir, he's just a man. Cheating for profit and fame, who likes to hit women.

He has said he's not trans. That part we believe. He's just a poser.

( BiblikliAkyeretTerf7 )
Why do so many of these freaking idiots believe Islam is transphobic??? Why are they so sure of this "fact" when it's easily proven false?! There's a reason there are more countries in the world that accept transgenderism and have legally sanctioned it compared to countries that have accepted/sanctioned homosexuality, and the reason is: ISLAMIC COUNTRIES.

So even if the man is "trans" (which is auch a nebulous, ill-defined term as to be meaningless anyway), the fact that he is from a country that was invaded, raped, and conquered by Arab muslims would not negate that about him. AT ALL. Islam is, for the most part, fine with transgenderism. Many muslims see transgenderism as an alternative solution to homosexuality (that is, an alternative to exterminating homosexuals).

( RusticTroglodyte )
I'm pretty sure trans bullshit is outlawed in Algeria, but I could be wrong

Dawn Roebuck #racist #wingnut msn.com

It does make me sick to be constantly being told I'm racist because I'm white. I'm sick of being told I'm privileged. I'm sick of being made to feel like I personally did anything wrong to someone because of their race. Liberals need to jump off the racism band wagon. There just trying to make us all hate one another.

Hunter Wallace #wingnut occidentaldissent.com

[From “The Case for Trump 2024: Secessionists for Trump”]

In the 2016 election[…]I was swept up in the Alt-Right wave and I voted for Donald Trump[…]
In 2024, I am still a Southern Nationalist. I still do not believe the system is capable of being reformed. I would happily vote to secede tomorrow. I do not believe that Donald Trump is going to Make America Again. Then as now, I have never believed this[…]
In 2016, I think my analysis was spot on. The country wasn’t ready for secession, but it was entering a deep national crisis. Donald Trump would prove to be a deeply polarizing figure. He wouldn’t succeed in Making America Great Again, but he would delegitimize institutions, widen cultural divisions and erode taboos[…]
In 2024, over half of Southern Republicans and Independents are now open to the dissolution of the Union[…]These people are also voting for Trump[…]Civil War and National Divorce have gone from unthinkable to mainstream in the Trump era. If Thomas Matthew Crooks had been a slightly better shot, you have to wonder where we would be today

In 2016, the SPLC thought it was bizarre that I was “Stumping For Trump.” I’m an Alabamian and have always been an admirer of Alabama senator William Lowndes Yancey. Yancey did not forsake mainstream politics. He participated in the Democratic Party of his day in order to stoke and inflame national divisions over issues like squatter sovereignty and reopening the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Yancey’s insight in the 1850s was essentially that the only way to destroy the system was to throw sand in its gears and drive up polarization[…]
I am ready to get to the other side of this, which is 2028 when Trump is constitutionally barred from running for the presidency. The divisive Trump era will finally be over. Institutions will be in shambles. America will be no closer to greatness than it was in 2016. Hopefully, a victorious Trump will have succeeded in taking out his various enemies though

Paul Craig Roberts #wingnut #racist #conspiracy paulcraigroberts.org

Does anyone remember the 2020 presidential campaign? Trump campaigned widely and had massive audiences. Enthusiasm was everywhere. Biden ventured out of the basement a few times and no one attended his campaign rallies. Trump got more votes in the 2020 election than he got in the 2016 election, but Biden got more votes than any president in history. Somehow the people elected an invisible candidate.

In the swing states vote counting was stopped in the middle of the night while truck loads of boxes arrived, some from out of state, in Democrat controlled vote counting centers. The votes were almost entirely for Biden, and when counting resumed, Trump’s lead disappeared.
Just as Republicans and the American people accepted the thefts of the 2020 and 2022 elections, they will accept the theft of the 2024 election. There will be no civil war or anything of the kind. The American people will have been taught that there is nothing they can do to regain their control over government.

Neither will they resist when Kamala ignores the Supreme Court, which has no army, and takes away their guns. If Americans won’t resist stolen elections, they will no more resist the cancellation of the Second Amendment than they resisted the destruction of the First Amendment.
My advice to young white heterosexual males is to get out of America while you still can. A holocaust is coming your way. You are demonized and reduced to second class citizenship. You can be discriminated against in university admissions, employment and promotion. You are not allowed to defend your self from racist charges, because white self-defense is considered racist, as proof of racism. The position of a white gentile heterosexual male American today is the same as that of a Jew in Nazi Germany and a Palestinian in Gaza.

There is always hope, but hope requires warriors. Does America have warriors, or only submissive wimps?

April and Jay Matta #magick #ufo #mammon 5deconomy.com

We are April and Jay Matta 5D Mystics, and the visionaries behind SpirituallyRAW, the GnosticTV Network, and accomplished ASEA Double Diamond Executives.

This period, rich in achievements, was undeniably rewarding, yet it beckoned us towards a realization - it was not the ultimate calling of our higher purpose. So, we sold the business and embarked on the SpirituallyRAW journey with no prior experience in broadcasting, no mentors, and no knowledge of social media. It was all trial and error.
SpirituallyRAW became a spark for change and forever altered the course of our lives. Fast forward to April 2020. The Universe planted the broadcasting seed again, and the show was an instant hit.

As of December 2023, we’ve interviewed over 2500 way-showers and messengers from around the globe, delving into the mysteries of life, the universe, and our reality. Despite facing immense censorship, and the loss of multiple YouTube channels, and deleted social media pages and groups, we stood resolute in our mission. Overcoming these challenges, we founded the GnosticTV Network, created the 5D Economy Academy, and became ASEA Double Diamond Executives in twelve months, a record-breaking time!

We are authors of The 12 Universal Laws Decoded: How to Apply Ancient Wisdom for Modern Success and "Abundance Alchemy: Quick" Positive Life Changes for Manifestation Mastery. These two transformative eBooks encapsulate the profound understanding of universal principles and their application for achieving success and abundance in the modern world.

Our journey has led us to a profound understanding: we are neither psychics nor mediums, and we do not rely on tarot cards, pendulums, crystal balls, or other divination tools for insights. Instead, we gain clarity and guidance by channeling our Infinite Higher Self and placing unwavering trust in our Sacred Inner-Being. This approach has not only been our guiding light but also a cornerstone in our path of spiritual and personal evolution.

DanlBoon #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

Can 11 Sept. 2024 be the Anniversary that the real NESARA Announcement is to be made ‘public’ as it was to be in 2001, now 23 years later?

The days can be figured out with it coming with the EBS to begin on 1 Sept. and ending ten days later. In 2001 the 11th was on a Tuesday and now the 11th will be on a Wednesday.

If we do not see the RV, NESARA, QFS and EBS coming by the end of August then maybe it is set to be on the Anniversary and the EBS comes first.

There was not to be an EBS while Bush Jr. was in office, as why would they reveal the wrongdoings of the cabal when it was Bush Sr. that was the head of the CIA in 1963 when JFK was assassinated, and there is a photo of Oswald and Bush Sr. on the outside of the warehouse possibly within a minute of JFK being shot.

The supposed plan is few banks open on Sat. 31 Aug. and the EBS begins on Sun. 1 Sept., then 10 days later the EBS ends on Wed. 11 Sept. and NESARA is officially announced at 10 AM EDT while people are still assumed waiting for the EBS to end.

We have been waiting for the truth to come out, yet they end up being more delays or just more lies.

Maybe this will not happen at all as Trump really wants to go through with this USA, INC. election on 5 Nov. and get more people taken down and more Americans against Trump when we are to be Sovereign and a true Republic.

Will Trump go so far as to take down every Sovereign people involved in the ‘Republic for the united States of America’ and claim they are dissidents or terrorists as Trump’s Republic is the only true Republic? These Sovereign people never voted Trump in as their 19th Republic President. He is the Commander-in-Chief and has control of the US Military, but following Unconstitutional Orders is treasonous no matter who you are.

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