
All about the Gay Agenda

Bill Maher #conspiracy #homophobia pjmedia.com

"Contrary to current progressive dogma, children aren't miniature adults wise beyond their years. They're morons," he pointed. out. "They're gullible morons who will believe anything and just want to please grown-ups, and they don't have any frame of reference, so they normalize whatever is happening. That's why endlessly talking about gender to six-year-olds isn't just inappropriate."

For example, after 9/11, there were several cases of overzealous federal agents leading sad losers into terrorist plots like the undercover FBI agent who got seven out-of-work dudes in Liberty City, FL, to sign onto a plot to bomb the Sears Tower in Chicago. Oh please, these guys didn't even have a gun, but when someone said, "Wouldn't it be cool if we taught the man a lesson and blew something up?" They said, "Yeah, that would be kind of cool!"

Entrapment, suggesting someone into something they wouldn't otherwise do. And if you think some of that isn't going on with gender in schools, you're not watching enough TikTok videos.

There's a certain kind of activist these days who wants to take heterosexuality, old school, old fashioned, boring, minding its own business heterosexuality, and lump it in with patriarchy and sexism and racism and tell kids, "Wouldn't it be cool if you were anything but that?" It also seems to be the theme of kind of a lot of kids' books these days. I never used the phrase "gay agenda" because I thought it was mostly nonsense, and it is, mostly.

If something about the human race is changing at a previously unprecedented rate, we have to at least discuss it. Broken down over time, the LGBT population of America seems to be roughly doubling every generation.” He then cited a Gallup poll that showed that less than 1% of Americans born before 1946 identify as LGBT, 2.6% of Boomers, 4.2% of Generation X, 10.5% of Millennials, and 20.8% of Gen Z.

“If we follow this trajectory, we will all be gay in 2054,”

khazul #fundie #homophobia bbs.payableondeath.com

There is no such thing as Christian Homophobia. Yes homosexual lifestyles can tear a family apart, especially if some members disagree with it and don't voice there opinions in Godly love. It is more likely in Christian house holds as we as Christians are not to support sin. Yes some people on this forum have shown hate for homosexuals; it doesn't mean it's a uniform Christian belief. I've seen more non-Christian "Homophobics" than Christian.

Sambo83 #homophobia blizzforums.com

I agree that just like any demographic, there are good and bad homos. However, no one would argue that a retard should be able to adopt a child. The same logic applies. The only reason homosexuals want to adopt children is to use it as an issue; it isn't that they really care about the children. Once homosexuals adopting becomes an accepted practice, they will argue "since we can adopt like a married couple, why can't we get married?" That's the REAL issue.

Lady Checkmate #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

Lady Checkmate's headline: "UPDATE: HIV Positive, Homosexual former teacher's aide gets 105 years on child porn charges"

(NOTE: The cut-and-pasted Fox News article Lady Checkmate took this from indicates nowhere that the subject was homosexual, nor can this information be found elsewhere. Fox News link here: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/03/27/former-teachers-aide-gets-105-years-on-child-porn-charges.html

Lady Checkmate:

Stephen Green #fundie #homophobia christianvoice.org.uk

Uganda is not ‘persecuting’ ‘people of differing beliefs or sexual orientation.’

Uganda is seeking to prevent well-funded Western homosexuals from corrupting their youth and their society.

Make no mistake, there would be no pro-sodomy movement in Uganda or anywhere in Africa were it not funded from America and Europe.

[slightly further down the comments]

Let’s just get one thing clear. The only homosexual killed recently in Uganda was activist David Kato. So was he put to death by the state? No. Was he perchance assassinated by a homophobic mob? No. He was murdered by his rent-boy lover in a row about fees for sexual services.

So if you are a political leader who wants to save ‘gay people’s lives’, the best thing you can do is crack down on acts of sodomy and all the gay subculture, whilst encouraging the Church to preach Jesus Christ and the saving and healing power of his precious blood. And that power is available to you, too, Chris.

Forgiven_and_Redeemed #fundie #homophobia christianforums.com

I understand, but then again if your friend wasn't a homosexual, that would never have happened. I appreciate how homosexuals may get a little bit bothered by a miniscule minority of 'Christians' (whose hearts are probably in the right place!) but that doesn't mean the rest of us should back off and let gays get married/ have civil unions/ domestic partnerships.

Dale Partridge #dunning-kruger #elitist #enbyphobia #fundie #interphobia #homophobia #sexist #transphobia amazon.com

Jesus and My Gender: Affirming Your Child's God-Given Gender


In this rhyming book for children ages 3-10, pastor Dale Partridge masterfully lays out a cohesive theological presentation of biblical gender. The content of each page is supported by Scripture references and, at the end of the book, is a 5-question biblical catechism to instill these truths in the minds of young people.


Before the creation of the world, God designed boys and girls.


God said boys and girls are equal, before their lord in soul, but they were made uniquely, with completely different roles.


The crown of girls is quickly seen when people start comparing - a special privilege given them: the blessing of childbearing. The female body is extraordinary, the boys cannot relate. The girls can carry babies amd nurture those they make.


He built his boys for rough and play, just how they ought to be. They’d pounce and battle for the day, and even jump from trees! He made them strong to guard their friends, to protect the weak, and make amends.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia sinfest.xyz

[From “April 5, 2024: White People”]


Panel 1: Slick is passing in front of a depicting a 1950s-style white man smoking a pipe, a mayo jar and a flour sack while voices are saying “White supremacy”, “White rage” and “White fragility”
Panel 2: The screen show a Neo Nazi, a Klansman, Pepe the Frog and a Christian cross while a voice is saying “deplorable”, “hateful” and “toxic”
Panel 3: The voice says to Slick “But wait” and “There is a way white people can gain mainstream acceptance”
Panel 4: A pink-haired person is riding on a rocket under the slogan “Sodomy”, while a rainbow and a bearded man wearing pigtails are in the background

Greg Carr #fundie #homophobia groups.google.com

No believer in Yu’shua or who claims to follow the Bible can be a homosexual or a supporter of them. The Cdn govt should change the laws of this country so that homosexuality and incest and rape and bestiality are death penalty crimes and that warlocks and witches are put to death.

xFamily #fundie #homophobia xfamily.org

The "Loving Jesus revelation" calls on Family members to do three things:

1. They are to visualise their sexual activity as happening with Jesus.

2. They are called on to masturbate to Jesus.

3. They are told to say "love words," or talk dirty, to Jesus as they are having sex.
Karen Zerby has published a list of sexually explicit expressions that her followers could use during sex with Jesus.
In order to avoid a homosexual relationship with Jesus (male homosexuality is an excommunicable offense within the cult), men are instructed to visualise themselves as women "in the spirit" during these activities.

Michael Savage #fundie #homophobia mediamatters.org

And I want to tell you something, and I'm going to say it to you loud and clear. The radical homosexual agenda will not stop until religion is outlawed in this country. Make no mistake about it. They're all not nice decorators. You better get it through your head before it's too late. They threaten your very survival. They went after the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is now caving into the homosexual mafia. They will not stop until they force their agenda down your throats. Gay marriage is just the tip of the iceberg. They want full and total subjugation of this society to their agenda. Now, if you want that and if you don't think it's a threat -- believe me, that is what's going to occur in this country.

RejectedDreams #homophobia comments.deviantart.com

No scientific study has positively discovered and isolated the so-called "gay gene". But even if a genetic predisposition toward homosexuality were found, the choice to act on those urges would still reside with the individual. That's why rapists and pedophiles are not relieved of responsibility for their actions merely because they, along with all humans, are genetically determined to be sexual creatures, whether heterosexual or homosexual.

Arcy #fundie #homophobia freerepublic.com

[About a play depicting Jesus as gay.]

This play and the people who support represent in seed-form the reasons why al-queada and other muslim-extremists want to attack America!
The culture of the middle east is VERY conservative. Unfortunately, America - as viewed through middle eastern eyes - is a country of people who live unbridled lives of adultery, accept overt sexual promiscuity in their media and accept extreme immoral behavior such as homosexuality. Can you imagine homosexual weddings in ANY middle eastern country? Hell no!

This is why they hate us. They see us as a threat to their own culture. They see us exporting our immoral lifestyles and influencing their younger generations. They recognize it for the poison that it is.

Unfortunately, our Republican and Conservative leaders have failed miserably at explaining how liberal ideologies have caused and even invited the hatred of America by those in the middle east and that liberal thought and behavior endanger our very existence!

Republicans and Conservatives could gain support from millions of Muslims in this country by joining forces to combat the promotion of immorality, which is fostered in our nation's schools and taught in all too many liberal universities. Combating liberals could literally save our country from Islamic radicals who want to destroy us because of the ideologies promoted by liberal democrats.

Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #homophobia #conspiracy realjewnews.com

“It fits what’s happening today,” said Henry Ford Sr.

He was talking about “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.”

And he saw it unfolding right before his very eyes.

As Jewish kids we were forbidden to read it.

But kids find ways to break what’s forbidden just to find out why.

The book with so many layers of intrigue was too much for me as a kid.

But today, like Henry Ford, “it fits.”

What crystalizes in my mind about the Protocols, are the stages of world domination that World Jewry is pursuing.

The book with so many layers of intrigue was too much for me as a kid.

But today, like Henry Ford, “it fits.”

What crystalizes in my mind about the Protocols, are the stages of world domination that World Jewry is pursuing.

Stage 1

Control Of Money

Private Jewish banks in Germany, France, England, Sweden, Switzerland, and last, America with the Federal Reserve—The FED—have set up Central Banks which counterfeit money…legally.
Stage 2

Control Of Politicians

This stage has a double module, ‘media’ and ‘campaign coffer.’
Stage 3

Destruction Of The Church

This is a three-pronged attack.

First attack the mores of The Church by subverting honorable marriage and instead promote sexual perversion.

Rachel Levine is the visual meme, the Jewish power gleans.

That it’s okay to distort one’s sexual identity and physical attributes.

Second, attack the youth through the schools, especially to hate their race, the White Race, which historically has opposed Jewish dominance.

Third, infiltrate The Church with evangelical Israel lovers—an anti-Christ state—and with partisans of homosexuality.

Pull the stages together:

Control Of Money,
Control of Politicians,
Control Of The Church,
and you got a recipe for World Domination.

The demographics are there.

World Jewry runs a tight trading, economic, religious, jurisprudence, and academic network globally.

It’s not too late to put the brakes on Jewish World Domination.

I think the noticing has already begun.

Alison D #transphobia #homophobia grahamlinehan.substack.com

There’s a very well followed Twitter account dedicated to The Muppets that I used to enjoy, as an adult who likes a bit of nostalgia. Just recently, the guy who runs it has started tweeting more about his own life/beliefs and all sorts of bizarre, sexualised interpretations of these characters, which are FOR CHILDREN, eg:

- The Fraggles are asexual/nonbinary (clip of one scene where a character is referred to as “they”).
- A puppet cow who has a posh/camp voice is secret code for drag queens.
- How he and his wife are both bi and queer and how all their other genderqueer pals are their “tribe”.
- Photos of him and said wife getting married in their kiddie cartoon clobber/visiting Disneyland etc. I hardly need to add that they don’t have any children themselves.

I’ve unfollowed it because it is setting off all my alarm bells.

Glory in Print #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

[Re: Help with a Bisexual Friend]

When ever I have debated homosexuals I just plain ask them is being gay natural, or unnatural?....They always say its natural then I say why cant two homosexuals have children together? Then I tell them because its not natural, then I tell them look at a man and a woman they can have children together because its natural...They usually don't want to argue anymore after I bring up those examples.

massdak #fundie #homophobia baptistboard.com

those who think they are defending poor homosexuals from mean ole Christians are condoning and affirming and accepting it as a good lifestyle or worst. if you have that position you may want to ask the moderator if you should even be posting here. you do not do any homosexual any favor by placing their exceedingly sinful lifestyle as any less then the abomination it is.

Relic #homophobia #quack christianforums.net

[Relic thinks he's found the cure for homosexuality]

Everyone knows the Physical can be treated by doctors that aren't type who are nothing but butchers or money hungry vultures. Nothing like a good dose of testosterone when it is lacking or, in the case of women estrogen. If it is not physical, it is a mental condition. Both can be treated properly, And, Christ Jeus teaches the healing and overcoming of any malady. Even to those who are physically disabled in other ways.

If a person is depressed do we advocate for them to stay in the depressed state of being? NO. So then, why do you advocate for the person who has a chemical imbalance to stay in the homosexual state of being if what is out of balance in their bodies are their testosterone or estrogen levels?

Gary Bryson #homophobia #fundie christianpost.com

I cannot imagine anything worse than learning that your child is homosexual. I would MUCH prefer they had never been born than that they should turn out to be that. I understand why parents are ashamed. Anyone with any morality or decency would be. And what makes it worse is that there is no hope. Christian parents want their children to be in Heaven with them, and homosexuality makes that impossible. What an enormous tragedy for any family.

TED #wingnut #racist #fundie #homophobia moonbattery.com

Difference Between Liberals and Conservatives

If a Conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one. If a Liberal doesn't like guns, they believe no one should have one.

If a Conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat his enemy. A Liberal wonders how to surrender gracefully and still look good.

If a Conservative is homosexual, he quietly enjoys life. If a Liberal is homosexual, they loudly demand legislated respect.

If a Conservative is a minority , he sees himself as independently successful. Their Liberal counterparts see themselves as victims in need of government protection.

If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation. A Liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A Liberal wants all churches to be silenced.

If a Conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it. A Liberal demands that his neighbors pay for his.

If a Conservative disagrees with a Liberal president, he is called a racist. When a Liberal disagrees with a Conservative president, it's patriotic dissent.

Richard C Klueg #fundie #homophobia christianitytoday.com

I think the point of this caricature, Elegance, is that any attempt to repeat what the Scripture says about the sinfulness of homosexuality is "unloving." We are supposed to act as though there is nothing wrong with it ("because that's what Jesus would do") and then they will come to the Lord and someday, somewhere down the road they somehow discover (without us telling them) that homosexuality is a sin; and, the theory goes, they will stop committing the acts which Holy Scripture calls abominable. It's a plan. It's not the kind of plan we see followed by the prophets, apostles, or our Lord Jesus, but it is a plan. I'm not so sure it actually works, but it is a plan. The one positive thing we can say about this plan is that it frees one from the discomfort of offending people with the truth and suffering the backlash that accompanies such honesty.

christdependent #fundie #homophobia christiandiscussionforums.org

(1)portraying fundamentalist Christianity as sinister, dangerous, and antiquated, while (2) picking on those poor little homosexuals and trying to establish a theocracy to impose their moral values, like the Nazis, etc.

Just another appeal to emotions, the psychological strategy being to pit one emotion (fear) against the other (hatred), labelling those who oppose the homosexual agenda as the latter, who are actually to be feared. Middle-of-the-road Christians are the target of these appeals, as these activists have properly identified those who refuse to budge from WHAT IS WRITTEN as being beyond their sway.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

[Re. Dumbledore]

All across Europe, America, and across the world, schoolroom children are now being sold on homosexuality through their beloved Harry Potter infatuation. Whereas normal children would shun the idea of homosexual sex, they're now forced to seriously reconsider, since one of the beloved Harry Potter' characters is gay.

Lady Checkmate #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

Sexually abused as a child, a satan worshiper finds Jesus, through the prayers of a stranger!!


A desperate man who had been beaten and sexually abused by his closeted homosexual father and raped by a homosexual male friend of his family as a child, struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts. He tried to escape the pain through drug addiction and pimping. Feeling lost and abandoned, he began rebelling, big time, against God, by getting deeply involved in satan worship, as a means to get back at God, but he finds Jesus, and becomes Born Again! Keep praying. There is deliverance in Jesus Christ!!

Michael Voris #homophobia #fundie x.com

The issue is not clericalism. The issue is HOMOSEXUAL clericalism. The homoheretic cardinals like Cupich are spinning that PR line about clericalism. We don’t need procedures to properly address the issue of sodomite clerics raping people. We need a policy of getting rid of them.

AFA Auto-correct #wingnut #homophobia thecarpetbaggerreport.com

Auto-correct can be a very helpful feature of any word-processing program. But when conservatives use it, they run the risk of embarrassing themselves.

... the American Family Association’s OneNewsNow website takes the phenomenon one step further with its AP articles. The far-right fundamentalist group replaces the word “gay” in the articles with the word “homosexual.” I’m not entirely sure why, but it seems to make the AFA happy.

...My friend Kyle reported this morning that sprinter Tyson Gay won the 100 meters at the U.S. Olympic track and field trials over the weekend. The AFA ran the story, but only after the auto-correct had “fixed” the article.

That means — you guessed it — the track star was renamed “Tyson Homosexual.” The headline on the piece read, “Homosexual eases into 100 final at Olympic trials.”

Houseman #fundie #homophobia patheos.com

(=A respone to a homosexual interpretation of the centurion and his servant=)

he account takes all the things stated by the comments into account, but all forget one thing..Jesus! Jesus knew what he was doing, not snookered by the elders or the centurion. He knew the Mosaic law about homosexuality he knew the authority behind it, his Father. so if what is being said he healed a gay man, this is incorrect. In each example during his 3 and a half year ministry Jesus never once was in accomplice in ones sins but told never to do it again. forgave them and directed them toward another path. Never to keep something sinful going. Jesus knew the heart of the centurion and if what is being said, Jesus would not have healed the 'pais', it would have been against everything he stood for, even the love his own Father is. Ones want love to continue to cover all sins, even while we keep doing them, but the time will come when God will not cover us with mercy and love but remove evil, wickedness and sin from this earth. That is love, not keep picking us up, but truly teaching us how to walk without falling. Not feeding us crumbs, but teaching us how to feed ourselves fully. This is true love!

Slappi #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

(Discussing homosexuality)

[Originally Posted by trisection
Lastly, I don't think Christians are as unanimous on this issue as you claim.]

Then they aren't Christians since it isn't open for debate. If someone claims to be a Christian and says homosexuality is OK with God then that person should be put on ignore, banned or whatever else the mods decide should be done. They are only causing a disruption.

garhill67 #homophobia youtube.com

It does not take a broad mind to accept homosexuality. It takes a sick mind. Have you ever been to a gay parade. These people have a screw loose. The day a man can get a man pregnant or a woman can get a woman pregnant is the day that homosexuality becomes normal. There are no gay animals. Animals do not have sex for pleasure. We happen to be the only mammals capable of that.

Sarah's parents & Heartlight Ministries #fundie #homophobia dailymail.co.uk

'Save Sarah!': Supergirl star makes public plea to free his cousin, 17, from controversial 'pray the gay away' camp after she was locked up there by 'her parents because she took a girl to prom'

• Jeremy Jordan, star of TV and Broadway, says his cousin Sarah was forced into a religious boarding facility by her parents

• Jordan is publicizing her plight on a GoFundMe page, which says that the Christian facility is teaching her that homosexuality is 'a sin and abnormal'

• Sarah, 17, was apparently whisked off to the state-licensed residential facility called Heartlight Ministries after attending prom with her girlfriend

• Legally, she will have to stay there for a YEAR until she's 18, says the page

A teen is allegedly being held against her will at a 'pray away the gay' religious facility in Texas and her famous cousin is trying to free her.

Jeremy Jordan, who stars in CBS's 'Supergirl,' has started a social media campaign to bring attention to his cousin Sarah, 17, who he says was forced by her parents into to go to a Christian boarding facility in a remote, rural area outside of Austin after she brought her girlfriend to prom.

It's unclear when she was sent there, but proms are usually held in warmer months before school closes for the summer.

'My amazing friends & fans, PLEASE help us save my sweet gay cousin Sarah who’s trapped at a boarding facility in TX,' Jordan tweeted on June 4.

The Supergirl actor, who plays Winn Schott on the CBS show, further added on Facebook: 'I can't believe beautiful, smart, incredible kids like my cousin Sarah are still being told that being gay is wrong. But it's worse than that for Sarah... She's been placed at a remote boarding facility to help "pray away the gay" for a year with no communication to the outside world.

'She may not be able to see it now, but please show her how much she matters and take a stand to help us free this wonderful young woman and welcome her back to a world of love and acceptance.'

In another post he adds: 'My cousin Sarah, like any other teenager, loves a shameless selfie... Its just sometimes hers includes another girl... You can't see it, but the caption of the photo on the left reads "Merry Christmas from two kids in love." It BREAKS MY HEART this sweet young girl who's only "issue" is loving another girl has been sent to a facility for "troubled teens." News flash, folks, there's nothing wrong with her.'

Sarah is at a state-licensed residential facility called Heartlight Ministries.

Julie Moody, a spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, told the New York Daily News that she could not discuss whether the agency is investigating the situation but confirmed that the girl was at the facility.

According to the facility's website it says: 'For 25 years, we’ve provided a safe haven for positive change. Our residential setting offers struggling teens an atmosphere to develop healthier patterns during the most troubling times.'

It adds that it serves 56 kids, on 150 acres, with more than 40 staff members.

According to the GoFundMe page, Sarah's parents sent her to the camp after she and her girlfriend went to prom together. The page describes it as 'Bible-based therapy' for her 'disease'.

'Sarah’s parents, who believe that homosexuality is a sin and abnormal, sent Sarah away against her will to an East Texas Christian boarding facility for troubled teens to “pray away the gay,'' says the GoFundMe page which aims to raise funds for Sarah's legal expenses.

The page has raised over $48,000 in four days, almost half of its $100,000 goal. The page says that legal bills have already totaled $20,000. Anything left over will go to Sarah's college fund.

Christine Andresen, a lawyer who specializes in LGBT issues has been hired to try to free Sarah.

The New York daily News also reported that Andresen said: 'I can't comment on pending litigation, other than to authenticate that to the best of my knowledge, the background information on the GoFundMe shared by Sarah's cousin is truthful.'

In Texas, a teen who is not yet 18 can be remanded to a residential boarding facility against their will, says the page's administrator, Joey Jordan, also a cousin of Sarah's.

The page also says that Sarah tried to escape but was brought back to the facility and 'punished' and that friends tried to rescue her but were threatened with arrest by local police.

Sarah is described as an excellent student who was at the top ten percent of her class, on the debate team, and in the National Honor Society, and had been applying to colleges.

Her parents swooped in and bundled her off to the 'pray away the gay' camp. The GoFundMe page describes it as 'Bible-based therapy' for her 'disease'.

Sarah, whose surname was not immediately clear, is described as being cut off from her friends and family with no email, phone, or visitors allowed.

'Not only does this type of 'therapy' not work, mental health professionals from organizations like the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics have found it to be psychologically damaging, especially for minors,' the page administrator and Jeremy's cousin, Joey Jordan, wrote.

Navaros #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth forum.dune2k.com

[Note the dialogue of Euthypho and Socrates: conclusion that what is pious is not because of the quality that it is loved by a god, but for a reason inherent in it, and that the god loves it because it is good.]

Socrates is in Hell right now, burning as we speak. He knew nothing of God, or what is good. So you picked a very bad example to quote from about this subject.

Humans do not have minds capable of knowing what is "good" better than God does. For example, you see many people on this site promoting and/or defending evil causes such as "homosexuality" (one reason why Socrates is now in Hell, by the way) and genocide against human children. They have no basis for saying these things are "good", yet they do. These things are in fact very evil. Many men who society considers "wise" are actually fools. So says God, and God is correct.

God knows what is good and what is not good. His opinion is the one that counts. Not the petty, evil opinion of man. Christ has said that mankind will naturally promote wickedness and evil instead of doing good. That is why you see things like "Gay Pride Parades" and genocide against children. Because the foolishness of man says that "these things are good!" It does not matter how many say that evil things are good - evil things will *NEVER* be good.

It is true that Atheists have no morality. Because a man in his natural state will almost always automatically promote and defend evildoings. Like Akriku and ACElethal and other Atheists promoting "homosexuality", for example. To be moral requires a man to leave his natural state and allow himself to become righteous. Atheists almost never have a reason to do this since they do not obey God's commands, and hence most Atheists have no morality

jerome #fundie #homophobia blog.myspace.com

Lindsay is a homosexual who is not in a state of grace, objectively speaking. As far as the bible goes, if you don't belive it, or in God, then where did life come from. Anyone who knows anything about science knows that something, in this case, life, can't come from nothing. Pray for Lindsay, and don't vote for the Marxist, baby-killer Obama. P.S. Obama wants to create a civilian police force equal to the U.S. military in power ala the Nazi's brownshirt gestapo. Do your research. Also, if you know history, you know that every civilization that has embraced homosexuality has died out. See Rome, Greece, etc. Read some books, then open your mouth. Also, the correct translation is Condemn not, lest you be Condemned. It is not our place to say who is damned to hell for all eternity, but we must make objective judgments every day about right and wrong based on the Word of God. Jesus also said, "the wages of sin is death." He meant spiritual death, which is eternal. P.S. the New Testament originated through oral tradition, not scripture.

yogi3939 #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

There is a lot about homosexuality that the gay commuinity does not want you to hear. First of all, most of them consider themselves to be in a "committed" relationship if they still go to the "bathhouses" and have sex with anybody they want to and as many as they want to but return home to their "partner" after all the fooling around with many other gay men.

And it is that very promiscuity that made AIDS a gay disease in this country. If the heterosexual population were as loose with their morals AIDS would be rampant in them as well. In fact, there is a higher incidence of all STD's in the gay population than in the straights. So they are sinners on two counts, being gay in the first place and being "adulterers" (if you can really use that heterosexual term for gays) and fornicators.

Yup, if I were writing the laws homosexuality would be a misdemeaner, and a felony for a third offense. Just the public health aspect of it alone demands such laws.

TimeWarpWife #fundie #homophobia rr-bb.com

[On the Supreme Court issuing its decision on same-sex marriage in a few days.]

Personally, I believe the spiritual tipping point and the beginning of the end of the United States started in 1963 when the Supreme Court banned school prayer. What we're seeing now, with the same court most likely supporting homosexual "marriage" or kicking it back to the States, which most have already overridden the will of the voters who rejected it, is the death knell of this country. Truthfully, this nation deserves Barack Obama as its leader because as a whole it has been shaking its fist at God for the last 52 years. I believe God has reached His breaking point and the acceptance of homosexuality as "normal" in this country, instead of it being seen as what the bible says it is - perversion - is going to be the last nail in this once great country's coffin. Turn off the lights, it's time to go home, the fat lady has sung. It happened to the Greeks and Romans and now it's happening to this country.

MidNightRider2001 #homophobia uk.youtube.com

On Earth right now, over 40,000,000 people have AIDS/HIV. These 40 million, sure to be dead, were all killed by homosexuals, who spread this disease. Homosexuals, who can't control their sex drives, have unleashed a greater holocaust upon the world than Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Gays are sick, violent maniac killers.

DC Larson #fundie #homophobia americanthinker.com

First, they urged same-sex marriages to be legally recognized. Never mind that some 2,000 years of world cultural norms, not to mention the morality as declared in Scripture, were arrayed against such abominations.

In an April 3 Des Moines Register essay, former Polk County District Court Judge Robert B. Hanson (who had ruled in favor of same-sex Iowa marriages in 2007), tellingly characterized legalizing such deviant unions as being but a step on “the road to progress.”

The obvious implication: “progress” is an as-yet-unreached destination, meaning additional ambitions are desired.

marktwain #fundie #homophobia freerepublic.com

Sin is normal. All are born in sin. Sin is not Godly. Avoiding sin is an ongoing and difficult task. The pagans regularly practiced homosexual “sex”. You only need read Roman, Greek, or other ancient texts to know that. It was considered a preference instead of an innate characteristic.

Those who do not want any self control or norms for sex want it both ways, both as an innate, born with preference and as a choice. They simply want to invalidate any legal or moral restraint on sex with anything or anyone. Avoiding homosexual “sex” and upholding self-restraint in sex has been a central point in the building of Western Civilization.

It moved us past the Romans and Greeks. Greek Philosophy, Christian Morality, Jewish business practices combined to create the rule of law and Western Civilization.

Lady Checkmate #fundie #homophobia disqus.com

(Commenting on story "No to Starbucks: Lady Gaga and Starbucks invest in promoting homosexuality amongst youth", story here: http://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/2017/06/13/lady-gaga-and-starbucks-collaborate-on-2-new-drinks-for-charity.html)

Make no mistake: Gaga and Starbucks are taking 25 cent from each dollar you spend at Starbucks and putting it toward indoctrinating children and spreading a fake doctrine that homosexuality is normal...it's not. It's an abomination and God is not pleased with it.


*Disclaimer: I don't support suicide nor bullying, but I also don't support lying to anyone and causing them to sin and rebel against God.

Bryan Fischer #fundie #homophobia motherjones.com

The pressure Big Gay has put on Indiana is proof they are not about "marriage equality" but "homosexual supremacy."

Indiana will soon find it is impossible to satisfy the homosexual lobby. They will immediately be back for more. And more.

Indiana to Christian wedding vendors: in any conflict between you and Big Gay, we're coming down on the side of Big Gay.

Vox Day #fundie #homophobia wnd.com

Advocates of homogamy often ask how government recognition of homosexual relationships will have any impact on normal marriages. Setting aside the specific answer, which is that the recognition of homogamy has already led to the elimination of the legal terms “husband,” “wife,” “father” and “mother” in some jurisdictions, the more problematic aspect is the way a modified form of Gresham’s law can be observed to apply to modern society.

Call it Dalrock’s law. When a government officially overvalues one type of relationship and undervalues another, the undervalued relationship will decline and become less societally influential, while the overvalued relationship will become more common and more influential.

The government overvaluation of homosexuality is why 4.4 percent of the characters on U.S. television are now sexually abnormal, more than double their actual percentage of the general population. The government devaluation of marital relationships is why marriage rates have been methodically declining across the West, why birth rates have fallen to sub-replacement levels, why the economic growth rates of the 1950s are, at present, demographically impossible and why social programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are mathematically doomed.

The Romans did their best to halt both monetary and marital debasement. The Lex Iulia de Adulteriis Coercendis and the Lex Papia Poppaea laws introduced by the Emperor Augustus were both intended to strengthen marriage and raise the birthrate, and Rome survived in the West for another 467 years. Unfortunately for the West in general, and the U.S. in particular, our leaders appear determined to continue to debase marriage and reduce the birthrate, which will only speed up the ongoing process of societal decline and fall.

jessicakayyy #fundie #homophobia answers.yahoo.com

(On the question "Christians, when did you choose your sexual orientation?")

Humans are made to be straight by nature, obviously for reasons such as reproduction.

I do think that homosexuals choose their orientation, but I think alot of it has to do with convincing from the devil. This is my opinion, but I think he starts with people as children and just attacks them and makes them feel that they are different somehow and with constant reinforcement...they are led into a homosexual lifestyle.