And so it’s obvious, what we’re seeing right now the attack is directed against gender, as I said earlier. And so in the pre-modern times, gender was sacred. In other words, masculinity = closer to God, feminine = closer to the Earth. Modern put masculine and feminine on the same level. In other words, we’re equal. So postmodern affirms that equal rights cannot exist for men and women, male and female.
And in fact, again, we’re looking at the dialectic. Postmodern affirms that we have to eliminate gender because the existence of gender is already a pre-modern, a Patriarchal Model.
So according to them, the people behind all this pride, LGBT plus, plus, plus movements, gender has to be like a nation of individual choices, just like as human beings have the right to, for example, cross borders of different countries. People also have the right to change their sex. And not just once, but many, many, many, many times.
Again, I insist. This isn’t some wacky conspiracy theory. These people understand what they’re doing. We don’t understand, because we have no clue, because we’re being brainwashed into believing all this nonsense.
And everything that seemed absolutely unbreakable in the modern structure, that resulted from the process of liberation; from this transcendental verticality, all this, in turn in the Postmodern world is exposed to a deconstruction and change of meaning…And so, if the individual can represent a parliament of organs, then it is not an individual, it’s a “dividual”, not individual. In other words, the individual becomes a post-individual agglomerate.
So again, we’ve gone from humanity to trans-humanity. The next stage is post-humanity. We become a post-individual. And this has to do with the dispersion of personality…and so, instead of “me”, we have this Black Hole that makes itself known via this nebulosity, pulverization of these many different fragments.